#or the set of manhunter for that matter lol
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power-chords · 1 month ago
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Wonder if Mann passed this one around the set of Heat like No Beast So Fierce.
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kerakeriza · 9 months ago
If someone you knew wanted to start reading Damian wayne where would you recommend for them to start? 🎤🎤
FIRST!!! you NEED to read batman: son of the demon (1987). this will give you the understanding you need of bruce, talia, their relationship, and also ra's. the fact it hasn't been canon since the 90s doesn't matter because it's still the best book about bruce and the ghul family you will ever read.
then... you may cautiously proceed to batman #656 (2006), while keeping in mind that talia is so wildly ooc that it makes me want to pluck my own eyeballs out of my skull. keep reading until #658, then you can stop because damian disappears for a while after that.
you can read batman #666 if you want to (it's set in an alternate future universe), but damian is bald in it. :( you should probably read it anyway though lol.
next, go on to batman annual #26 (2007). this is the start of the resurrection of ra's al ghul--the arc is good and all, but ra's is so unbelievably ooc that i again want to pluck out my own eyeballs. damian is adorable in it, though, so do read it. but he talks a lot more casually than he's supposed to, that's all you need to keep in mind. (at this point in his character development, he's still the epitome of "spoiled prince," and talks exactly how you'd expect a spoiled prince to talk.)
go through the rest of the resurrection of ra's al ghul after that -- robin annual #7, batman #670, robin #168, nightwing #138, detective comics #838, batman #671, robin #169, nightwing #139, detective comics #839. (please note that the nightwing issues specifically write damian the best, in my opinion. fabian nicieza is one of my FAVORITE damian writers! you know, besides morrison, since morrison created him and all. paul dini is also a huge favorite of mine btw.)
after that, you can go ahead and read batman #675, #680, and #681 (2008).
skip battle for the cowl because you won't really get anything good from reading that lol. long story short: everybody fights for no reason and dick becomes batman and damian becomes robin.
move onto batman and robin #1 (2009). just read it all of it! (the new earth universe finishes at #26 i believe, then new 52 starts.) it's all really good. i also recommend reading all of red robin (2009) and batgirl (2009), damian doesn't show up in every issue but he shows up quite a lot, and regardless, they're just really good books!
you also need to read batman: streets of gotham (2009). again, read all of it, INCLUDING the manhunter specials at the back of the book! damian shows up in those sometimes. :)
also... batman annual #27 (2009) and the other half of its story in detective comics annual #11 (2009).
then, read batman: li'l gotham for some fun fluff. :)
another must-read is supergirl #61 - #64 (2011).
also, teen titans #89 (2011). just read from #89 - #92, then come back around #99 - #100 for maximum damian. it's a pretty good series regardless though.
(one more thing: batman #700 and #703.)
as for new 52, you can keep reading the batman and robin series. but even more importantly, i think you should check out batman: the dark knight (2012) #10 - #15. it's one of my absolute favorite stories between bruce and damian.
besides that, i haven't read a lot of new52 comics, even though i should... or much at all beyond new52, either... but i did read super sons, and i can highly recommend that whole series!
gotham academy #6 and #7 are also super cute new52, sort of AU stories, damian features in those issues and he's adorable and well-written, if you ask me.
so that's where i'd tell you to start! there's way more that even i still need to read, but i'm so bitter about new52 and rebirth in general that it takes me a while to even want to pick up a book from the modern era.
edit: while you could read the batman/tmnt comics featuring damian, i actually recommend just watching the movie they made based on those comics. it's REALLY good.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years ago
Love how LBH bonded with all the Batkids. And being technologically illiterate. The protagonist halo is not helping for once XD! But it’s ok, he can always go to SQQ for help UWU. Also, yes, I would like to hear more about Batman! SQQ cross dressing for infiltration purposes 👀 👀.
All the protagonist halo in the world can't make you technologically literate lol.
*slams hands together* SO! I had this thought a couple days ago that there is a lot of things sqq would have mastered by living in an alternate pidw, archery and painting and music and horse riding and hair care and all sorts, but most importantly - wife plot/gay idiots hunt demons plot starters. A lot of fanfic and heist movies and adult 'coming of ages' and all sorts LOVE crossdressing as a trope, and I I do love me a good oblivious gender queer sqq!
He has 100% had to infiltrate a brothel or club or gathering or acted as demon bait at some point in his long life, and with his already lean and pretty figure, his own appearance perfectionist tendencies for the role of sqq, and his husband's refusal to let him out the house looking anything less than stunning, he's put a good effort and practice into it. Nanda parbat (or the other places he studied) is also well versed in disguise as a job. Canonically he uses stage makeup to create other identities, most famously matches malone. SO! By all logic batman would be EXCELLENT at disguising as a woman!
Also in this au I headcanon that cultivators are rarely super muscled, with agility and flexibility also being very important. Think more swimmers and barbarian and lumberjack builds - the muscle isn't for show at all, but some can lift more than the body builders twice their size! Unfortunately for sqq, system demands an imposing presence, and so he fills the bats suit out with fake padding and extra armour and tech. He tucks his long hair in the cowl. It helps emphasise the difference between Bruce Wayne and Batman, and the first time Jason saw him undress after patrol he thought batman was peeling his own skin off lol.
And what that means is he is completely unbothered when a pair of women are needed to infiltrate a club to gather information, and wonder woman is the only one free. She gamely volunteers to go herself, but is vetoed on grounds of safety and efficiency. So then the solution is Martian manhunter but he's off world.
So batman volunteers.
He's met with confusion and disbelief, and for good reason?? He's huge! Buff! Deep voice! Aloof! Batman is a very manly man!
But no, he can do it, are you doubting that he can't? It's fine.
Diana is very excited. Also very curious. Sure, there are amazonians bigger than him, but he is very much a guy and they're not going to a place known for inclusivity.
But despite their misgivings they set a time and place.
And as they're talking, waiting for batman to arrive, a bombshell of a woman walks past. Long dark hair, boobs peeking out of a window, glittery earrings, six inch heels, long and painted nails, big puffy jacket, trousers that flare at the knees, the whole works.
She walks past them again a minute later, and stops. Greets them with a low and sultry voice.
It's batman. Wtf.
Sqq rather thinks he's done a good job with the outfit. The trousers hide his calves, fake boobs are so much more realistic in the modern era, he took his voice changer out. Makeup changes his whole face. He's got contacts and brush through hair due so he doesn't look like Bruce Waynes sister. His voice probably sounds a bit funny but it's close enough! It'll pass!
The group of veteran heroes are choking on their tongues. Diana is delighted.
It's still early days for the league, they're still feeling each other out, seeing if they can trust each other with matters outside of heroism.
For Clark, it's the first of many existential crises.
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iheartchv · 1 year ago
hiiiiii I'm so excited you're doing mistletoe match ups! Okay so 🌿🍒 dc comics please
I'm female mid twenties and would prefer a male match up
Personality: introverted, recovered from ocd and depression but still have little remnants that I call the heebie jeebies, big believer in forgiveness and turning the other cheek kinda thing so I don't really write anyone off no matter what they do but unfortunately I am a little bit of a pushover, I choose to be optimistic and try hard to focus on the positives rather than the ever-present evermore swirling decay that is all around lol
Hobbies: reading, embroidery, volunteering, collecting vintage trinkets and clothing, endlessly rewatching b99 and Miss Marple and LOTR
Likes: the lovely November gloom in Ireland (recently went on holiday to a hot country for the first time and heck no don't like that super glad to be back in the rain), going to my fav cafe alone-it's so nice it's been there in the same family since the year 1900! Watching Jessica Kellgren-Fozard on YouTube-I love her hair and fashion videos, solitary evening walks, music of all kinds but the blues have a hold on me and if Mr. Sinatra ever tipped his hat at me I would drop dead
Dislikes: not having at least some things to do, being made redundant (it was my dream job I was a librarian 😢- I work in a bookshop now but vibes aren't the same 🙃), big social events, pets- don't come for me lol I get the appeal I really do and I appreciate the enormous value that pets can have for a person and that's beautiful but it cranks up my ocd heebie jeebies and yeah, people who don't have any time patience or compassion for others I fully believe that part of the whole point of existing is to be here for each other even people you don't necessarily get on with (within reason obvs), I strongly dislike that Agent Carter got cancelled
I really went on and on, I'm sorry and it is way way way too early to be saying this but Merry Christmas
// Merry Early Christmas to you too dearie😁
Decided to match you with someone from The Justice League (2001)
I match you with....
Martian Manhunter/ J'onn J'onzz
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MM would end up falling for you
While both of you are more introverted, you two were opposites in many/some ways
You were one of the ones who made him rethink about the humans he was fighting to help protect
Now that he met you, he was going to protect you... even if it cost him his life
You showed him your hobbies and some of the customs of Earth
You were excited when Christmas time came around
During all the hustle of trying to get everything ready ( you were busy with work, it left you behind on some decorations and some presents... and plans for the dinner ), you bumped into him pretty hard, about to fall on your back
Until he caught you, not paying attention to the box of Christmas decorations
He held you close, but not too close, to him
"Are you okay?"
Your heart raced and a light blush colored your cheeks
"Mhmm... I'm fine"
"...Do you need any help?" He asked
You thought of some ways he could help you and he set to work
When everything was done, you sat on the couch, feeling exhausted
He then sat beside you
The tension was crackling between you both
MM noticed your cheeks and wondered if you had overextended yourself or you were coming down with a cold
"No... I'm okay" you replied, hoping he'd change the subject
He then asked you what you wanted for a present
"Too be honest... having someone to share it with is enough"
Explaining more about the holiday to MM, he wanted to share it with you
Christmas Eve, he came to your place to share it with you... just like you wanted
Later on in your new relationship, for many Christmases and more, he showed you how much love and joy you've given him
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jess-total-mess · 1 year ago
i think my favourite manhunt is 4 hunters rematch. so angsty halfway through, great thinking by dream and an eventual pull-through win by him as well
esp this one part as dream starts to set up his nether plan after they have the enchanted armour and bad makes everyone stop and think and the hunters are just debating what to do because bad doesnt think its a good idea to go after him and sapnap thinks they need to go
and then they play hide and seek in the nether and sapnap is like “doesnt matter, follow the compass” like an exasperated parent to bad lol
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penny-anna · 3 years ago
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:10am
Attention all League members. We are currently limiting all non-essential travel too and from the Watchtower. There was an error during routine maintenance of the Zeta system and it is not calibrated correctly. It is functional but no longer registers clothing or any other non-living matter as part of the person to be transported. We will update you when the problem is resolved. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:11am
lol who broke it -FLASH
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:12am
This system is for emergency bulletins only, no chatter please. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:12am
it was hal wasnt it -FLASH
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:13am
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:13am
lol - FLASH
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:14am
Cut the chatter or I will set the system to administrators only. - BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:36am
Attention: I must re-emphasize, no non-essential travel to or from the Watchtower. Myself, Superman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are all up here and we have the situation under control. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:50am
Yes everyone aboard the Watchtower is currently naked. Please do NOT come up here just to gawk. It's neither helpful nor professional. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:52am
Bruce why would you tell the whole League that me and Diana are naked up here -SUPERMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:53am
Attention: I'd like to remind all League members to only use call signs or code names when sending emergency bulletins. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 09:54am
Stop avoiding the question -SUPERMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:01am
Attention: the next person who comes up here without a very good reason is getting some bones broken. -WONDERWOMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:02am
Attention: I'd like to remind all League members not to use the emergency bulletin system to threaten bodily harm. That said, Wonder Woman will be dealing with anyone who comes up here for non-essential purposes. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:32am
Attention: for those who were not already aware, yes Martian Manhunter's 'clothing' is created via his shapeshifting abilities and yes technically he is naked at all times. Please can everyone be professional about this. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:33am
lol j'onn's nakey -FLASH
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:33am
Batman's right can we please all try and be professional about the situation -CYBORG
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:34am
cranky because you're nakey too huh -FLASH
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:35am
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:36am
Hal don't you dare start you did this -SUPERMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:37am
cranky because we've all seen your dingdong are you -GREENLANTERN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:38am
Hal so help me I will come down there -SUPERMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 10:40am
Attention: the emergency bulletin system is now administrators only until further notice. If you have any essential information to convey please contact the Watchtower. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 11:08am
Attention: the Zeta system has been re-calibrated and is now functioning correctly. Normal transport to and from the Watchtower can resume. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 11:30am
Attention: I will return the emergency bulletin system to its usual settings when I trust you all to not act like children. -BATMAN
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 11:31am
Justice League Emergency Bulletin 02/08/22 11:32am
Most likely. -BATMAN
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celestialking · 3 years ago
First is the worst
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◇ NSFW 18+ only ◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI ◇ You will be blocked ◇
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Finished Writing: March 6, 2022
Pairing: CC!Dream , CC!Sapnap, AMAB!Reader
Warning: amab, manhunts spoilers, degrading, cucking(?), a spank, hairpulling, mentions of “sir”, “daddy”, let me know if i missed something.
A/n: and seconds the best. Anyways, i started this minutes after the manhunt ended and then just never finished it for some reason. rushed and lots of dialogue lol. while formatting i realized i dislike this
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And with that Manhunt was finally over. Not that the public would know for another week or two but that didn't matter. You and Sapnap wiggled over to Dreams room right after they had finished recording. 
"You did great, feel!” You grabbed Dream's hand, putting it up to your chest. "My heart is still beating," 
He chuckled before bringing you into a kiss. "Yeah I didn't come here to watch you guys make out," Sapnap interrupted. After every manhunt, win or lose, Dream would wreck you. It was just tradition. A tradition that made Sapnap leave the house for a while. 
"But don't I deserve a reward for winning?" Dream pouted at Sapnap. All to get a response from him. And a response he'd get. The Texan rolled his eyes before stalking over to you. 
"Yeah you can have a reward or whatever, but I think I deserve a consolation prize," Sapnap's chin set on your shoulder, hands gripping your waist, pulling you back away from the blonde. 
"What kind of- oh," a squeeze to your hips answered your question. 
You had talked about adding Sapnap before, and coincidently Dream was about to have a talk with the brunette right after manhunt, but you didn't think he'd be added like this. Dreams cheeks were dusted pink, he nodded, making Sapnap glance over at you. "How about it sweetheart?" Be railed stupid in front of your boyfriend?”
"Yes, please," one of his hands slithered up to your jaw, holding you firmly. 
"Ask him all pretty for me baby, tell him what you want," the hand on your hip slowly trailed down making it difficult to focus on your words. 
"Daddy-" you gasped as Sapnap cupped your clothed cock. "Can he fuck me please?" Dream watched you buck into Sapnap's hand. Wordlessly Dream nodded before sitting back down in his gamer chair. 
"You're just going to sit and watch like a good whore right?" Sapnap asked. You and Dream whined at that. Both of you had assumed that with how Sapnap was he would be a whiny sub for both of you to play with. He easily knocked both of you a few pegs down however. Sapnap gave a pleased hummed before pulling you over to the bed; your shirt already removed from your body and your pants didn't seem like they'd be too far behind. 
Dream's hand itched for his sweats, as you were pushed down against the mattress. He was about to watch his best friend fuck his boyfriend on his own bed. 
"No touching," Sapnap snapped. 
Dream huffed but pulled his hand back. Sapnap was not the happiest about losing. You could tell in his actions with you. He manhandled into the positions he wanted, pinning you there with a single stare. You grasped his shirt trying to pull it off. "Can't be the only one losing clothes," you pouted. He only chuckled and proceeded to pull off your pants. "Of course," Dream began to grow frustrated on the sideline. Not from his best friend fucking his boyfriend but from the lack of attention headed his way. He hadn't meant it but a frustrated noise left his lips. 
"I'm supposed to be enjoying my reward," Sapnap spoke slowly, he was now looking up at Dream through his lashes while his hand set a dizzly gentle pace stroking your cock. 
The look he gave made Dream gulp. "But I won-" 
"and you'll get a prize brat. Now sit there and watch me ruin your angel," Sapnap growled. 
Being called a brat had Dream snapping his mouth shut. You were about to be irritated from his slow movement when his hands let go of your cock completely. 
"Oh stop squirming, I know you like it rough baby," Sapnap teased when you whined at his harsh grip on your hips. Then his lips wrapped around just the tip. You attempted to buck up to make him take more but his hands kept you from doing so. Sapnap continued to suckle at the tip making you squirm in frustration. 
"Quit teasing me," you groaned, your hand barely grazed his head before a hand left your hip to pin it down. 
"If you want to cum tonight you'll leave your hands right where they are," he warned lowly. 
"Yes sir," you whispered embarrassed. 
"Mm I'm not sure I like 'sir'-" he glanced over at Dream who was struggling painfully with his pants and boxers. "I'm more of a 'Daddy' kind of guy," Sapnap grinned. Dream froze in his movements. 
"But that's Dreams-" 
"I'm Daddy tonight baby boy," Sapnap said. Then his mouth was back on you, teasing with his tongue. You desperately wanted to grab him by his curls and be able to thrust fully into his mouth but you didn't dare run the risk of not cumming. 
As Sapnap finally began taking you deeper into his throat you glanced over at Dream. His green eyes, shades darker than usual. He had halfway removed his boxers and sweats, just enough for his cock to be out. It looked painfully hard, the tip drooling and twitching everytime you made a sinful noise. 
"Daddy," you gasped. You were going to cum, and way too soon that is. "Need to- need to cum," and just like that your cock was left unstimulated throbbing from nothing. "Why did you stop," you pouted at him. 
Sapnap just smiled. "Don't worry there baby boy, you'll get to cum," his hand tapped your thigh. "Flip over," you moved over to your hands and knees. 
"You guys have any lube?" 
"Yeah," Dream tossed the container to Sapnap who scoffed. 
"At your desk? You really are a whore," he got enough before tossing it back. "Go ahead, Dream. But your sweetheart gets to cum first," 
Dream wrapped his hand around his cock just as Sapnaps fingers nudged into your hole. "Already stretched huh? I'm not surprised," Sapnap added a third finger to the two that were already slowly pushing in. 
"Was planning to get wrecked hm? Why don't you go ahead and tell me what you were going to do," his fingers searched around a bit. "Go on," he prompted pressing against your prostate. You stiffled a whimper jolting from his touch. 
"Was gonna get on my knees," 
Sapnap hummed in response. 
"Let him fuck m-my throat," 
"Mm what else?" 
"Then ride him," Sapnap pulled his fingers out readying his cock. "Be honest, you like it when he loses," The tip pressed up against you, tapping lightly. "I bet you do, huh? Cause then a pretty slut like you gets railed into the mattress," 
Slowly he pushed in, the stretch of his cock made your fingers dig into the sheets. 
"Get on with it," you whined attempting to push your hips back. 
A sudden slap made you whine pitifully. "I didn't know both of you were brats, can't keep him in line can you Dreamy?" 
Dream scoffed off to the side as Sapnap bottomed out. "He's no brat," 
"yes I am, " you pouted. "I am, I am, promise," 
Dream slowly stroked his cock. "He'll talk back a tiny bit and then shut the moment a hand grazes his throat, he's always a good boy," they continued talking about you, Sapnap settling into a harsher place. 
"Oh fuck you take it so good," He breathed out. His hands had settled on your hips dragging them back with his thrusts. 
"Please harder," 
"What was that?" 
"Harder Daddy! please fuck me harder," 
"well why didn't you just ask?" Sapnap chuckled. You didn't get a chance to respond as he shoved your head down against the mattress. His hips pistoned into you, each thrust making it difficult to breathe. The free hand gave your cock a few sharp jerks before moving back to your hips. You hoped he would leave marks. Knowing Dream he'd mark you twice as much possessively. A familiar pit of heat was building in your stomach. 
"Need to cum," you mumbled. 
"Go ahead and beg, nice and loud," 
Your beg was lost in the sheets of the bed and the sounds of your pleasure. 
"No," Sapnap grunted, yanking your head up by your hair. "Look at him, I want him to watch you beg me to cum," Sapnaps hand dug into your hip harsher. "Beg," 
"please let me cum," you cried. 
"Daddy please let me cum, 've been so good," he dropped your head letting you back down against the mattress. 
"Go on then, cum, let him know how much you love my cock," Sapnap didn't have to say anything else before your cock spurted cum. Your orgasm hit you hard making your brain all fuzzy and dizzy. 
"Go ahead, Dream," Sapnap said softly. He watched the taller tilt his hand back, desperately fucking up into his fist. His cum dripped down his hand as he moaned. Sapnap was the last to cum, continuing to slam into you, luckily he wasn't far behind; hips stilling as he came deep within you. 
"Next time I'm calling the shots," Dream mumbled from his chair. 
Sapnaps hands smoothed down your sides, comforting but confused. "Next time?" 
You hummed in response. You could tell the younger had many questions but those would just have to wait til after a nice hot bath and snacks.
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cutemeat · 2 years ago
i have small hope for macden because i feel like sunny writers room brains would go Wouldn’t it be funny if two of the characters who sucked absolute ass and have had terrible times of strain were actually healthier in a romantic relationship than the other people they hang out with… but i also believe they think it’s not as funny as fucking it up sooo bad, if they ever made it canon. this is the plight of A Sunny Loser
yeah i mean again i still think that since they went thru the trouble of bringing back the Cat In The Wall metaphor from Break Up in s15 and having Dennis' arc echo a lot of the same beats as Mac's storylines in HOHC, MFHP, Mac Day, etc. makes me think there's something being set up here... Which isn't even mentioning the more obvious Brokeback refs including Den breaking his fuckin back on a mountain at the very end and caring a little too much about a tattoo on Mac's body that he wouldn't be seein unless he's already seeing/planning on seeing Mac's upper thigh on a regular basis it's.. just... if they don't do shit in s16 i'll be fuckin confused. but i feel like the girls have said that since Foreverrrr so idk! I do agree i think rcg are def scared of botching the storyline cuz again if they didn't care about botching it they would've done something with it already, and they nearly did botch it with DDL.. and I remember while they were writing s15 last year Rob mentioned his desire but how difficult it was to specifically bring a gay man into the writer's room so I feel like part of the feet dragging is coming from a place of good intention since Rob has a whole 'i gotta do right by the gays' thing lmao. but that being said I feel like they have written Mac/Den well already, so they just need to have a little faith in themselves LOL. If they're just afraid of failure the whole time it'll come thru in the writing n it won't be good. They gotta have some confidence in what they're writing and that itself has a lot of pull.
I personally think that they should just go for it because it'd be a way to freshen up the dynamics (esp if they are really gonna keep going for a few more seasons or possibly indefinitely) while still keeping it consistent. A lot of people seem to think that Mac/Den getting together would 'ruin the show' or forsake the formula... But I feel like both the s14/s15 finales had a very 'fuck our original formula' subtext to 'em anyway. And also I personally miss Macden's dynamic being like it was in Manhunters/Frank's Pretty Woman/Dines Out... Eps like that show that just bc MacDen are happy together doesn't make them better people so it'd still fit with Sunny's overall 'this is a show about bad people' motto. And I think it wouldn't be THAT different if they were overtly out and in a relationship cuz they have been written to have romantic subtext n sexual tension right along anyway. It's just been a matter of rcg going back and forth on whether to have the characters themselves realize that and embrace it or not. Cuz we see even in eps like 'Jumper' and 'Big Mo' that rcg have concluded that always just playing it safe and sticking to the formula or "the algorithm" is less satisfying than writing to what feels more satisfying in a story. I believe MFHP was kinda a major turning point for them and also worked as a sorta "dry run" for how a MacDen storyline might play with audiences.
But again, who knows! It seems like they're having fun in the writer's room so far at least, and so we'll have to wait n see what that means for MacDen's stryline if anything when we get there LOLLLL.
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the-dragon-hearted · 4 years ago
I feel like we, as human beings should address the one overarching issue of not just the Dream smp fandom, but any place where people come together and discuss things they love. The issue: Debate. Discourse. Deliberation. Okay, that was three issues, but you get the picture. We, as a society (yes I'm throwing the 'S' word out there) need to get better at Debate. I get it, the four-year-olds on political stages have set a horrible example but I am here to give y'all a Tedd Talk on arguments, mostly pertaining to content creators but this can be used in any disagreement you ever hold. How to Properly Hold an Argument without being a Child in 4 Steps: Step 1: Never walk into a Debate expecting to change the other's mind This is a big one and it's one of the hardest to grasp. What? What do you mean? What's the purpose of argument if I don't convince the other they're wrong? The purpose of a debate is to offer your opinion and defend it against the world while you pick another's claim apart. Don't expect to change someone's mind. For your own benefit. If you see an opinion that is absolutely horrendus out there on social media, YouTube, Twitchchat, et cetera... and you click on it to refute it. You need to understand you're not refuting it to change that person's mind, but to display to the rest of your collegues why that opinion is, well... Bullshit. You live in a society where people are Ignorant, Misinformed, Sensationalists, or Trolls. Frankly, against certain people (namely trolls) you can't win. No matter what you say or how 'awesomely' constructed your argument is. You can not and will not win. All you can do is build up an opinion and post it and then suffer what 'deez nuts' jokes you get. Here, an example:
Troll: *insert terrible opinion here* Person A: No. That's wrong for reasons a, b, and c. You shouldn't believe that or spread it. Troll: lol, take a joke will you. You're so sensitive.
Naturally, this would upset you. I would be upset and it's okay if you are too. But you should not under any situation continue to feed the troll. Never expect to change someone's mind and never expect to win, especially against people like this. There is no winning in an argument, there's only hurt feelings and over-used claims. The best you can hope for is for your argument to sound and appear as the best option/opinion. Alright? Don't attack people and don't reply with pure emotion. Just breathe easier knowing you made a good argument, posted it, and the other is making a fool of themselves. Honestly, who's the fool? The informed person or the twelve year olds laughing about Bofa? Bofa what? Bofa deez - Aaand we're shutting it down there. So now you know what to walk in expecting in an argument. What do you do next? Step 2: Construct a solid Claim DON'T RUN! I SWEAT I'LL BE MORE CONCISE THAN THE ENGLISH TEACHERS OF HIGH SCHOOL! A claim is the core of your argument; the thing you're arguing about. It can be broad, it can be specific, but the most important part is that you stay on topic. Don't lose yourself to ranting. Always re-read what you type and delete any paragraphs that change the topic. For instance, if you're talking about the Dream speed-runs, you probably shouldn't go on a rant about the manhunts as they're two seperate catagegories and you'll look a bit confused. Step 3: Be mature, be concise, and do some research First things first: Don't deflect in an argument simply because you don't know something. Take your time, do research, form an opinion and come back to it. This will give you time to blow of steam AND stay informed. On the same note, absolutely do NOT use red herrings. Red herrings? Oh, that's when you deflect attention from the main topic with a shallow issue that's related. For instance, let's use discourse discusing a content creator's bias against... let's do something stupid like stuffed animals:
Person A: We need to talk about cc!So-and-So and they're Bias against stuffed animals. Person B: Sure, but there are so many children out there who are lacking connection and are never able to get stuffed animals due to strict parents. It feels wrong to only focus on one subject when there's a whole problem out there.
^^ This is a red herring. It's not always this obvious but for the love of all things good, don't do this. Second things second - this is SUPER important. Stop using Ad Hominem attacks in any and all debates. Ad Hominem attacks are the type that personally attacking your opponent instead of focusing on their position. I'm sure you can tell that politicians love that one - but it's actually an immature approach that cheapens your argument. To see it in practice:
Person A: I don't think it's a big deal that cc!So-and-So did blank and I don't see why everyone's making a big deal out of it. Person B: That's because you're a cc!So-and-So Stan. Person A: Well you're just a hater.
Right away you should be able to tell that there was no tangible argument against or for the content creator. Just a bunch of kids slinging mud on their opponents. Calling someone a 'hater' or a 'stan' shouldn't invalidate their opinion or bolster your own argument. Just because someone 'likes' or 'dislikes' something doesn't mean they can't talk about it, it just means they're likely to possess Implicit Bias or a subconcious bias towards something. Implicit Bias isn't a bad thing and it isn't something that invalidates an argument, it's something that should allow you to at least understand the reasoning for someone to hold a position. If you attack someone's personal standing instead of their opinion it only cheapens your argument because people now assume YOU have no idea what you're talking about and all you can do is hiss at your foe like a feral raccoon on drugs. No one wants to agree with a feral racoon on drugs, kind of how no one wants to agree with a politician. So, how can you better form an argument without mudslinging? It's a bit more complicated, but worth it. You research, you think before you type, you stay respectful, and... you listen to Step #4. Step 4: Sometimes. You have to accept that you were initially wrong. This one hurts. It hurts you and your confidence and all you can do is handle it best you can. I've taken debate and been in dozens or "professional arguments" (I hate that phrase) and I have been 'wrong' plenty of times. There's grace in that and it's an important lesson to learn. It is impossible to be right 100% of the time and it's impossible to be infallible. You have to accept that of yourself and those around you. If your opponent accepts they were wrong, do not continue to harp on them. That's cruel. Alternatively, if you realize you were wrong with your claim, you can admit you were mistaken and amend it. It takes a big person to do that and if your opponent has any decency, they'll recognize that. If they don't, congratulations, you've been arguing with a literal child. And now, you know everything about Debate. (That's a lie, but you know the basics and you can do a lot with the basics.) A good friend of mine once said that every opinion out there came from the mouth of both an asshole and an angel and we all have to be one of those things at some point in our lives. Debate, discourse, argument, all of that is hard and it can be straining or even toxic. Take a step back when necissary. Take a deep breath. Know that if you're feeling personally attacked, you're opponent is using immature methods to tear down your arguments. If you're argument is torn down and you don't know what to think, that's okay too. Take a breath, take a break, and allow yourself to mull it over. Forming your own opinion takes time and a clear mental space. You need both. So next time you see a troll, a jerk, an asshole, a hater, or a stan - don't let emotions get the better of you. Remember you are an intelligent person who is capable of forming your own opinions and NO ONE can take that away from you. Think, research, and then type.
TLDR: Don't expect to win every argument, don't expect to be always right, don't divert your opponents attention, don't personally attack your opponent, always be respectful, always do research, never do anything with pure emotion. Remember you're forming your own opinions and that takes time and space so give yourself that when you need it.
That's it! Best of luck Debating~
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dreamteamspace · 4 years ago
Dream in manhunts VS on the Dream SMP
Love how Dream’s character on the SMP reflects the way he is in manhunts, too.
Especially at the beginning, during a lot of cut away parts and when the hunters are trying to scare him from afar, his responses are absentminded, unsure, often either obviously lies, give no information, or even awkward. They ask him where he is, and he goes “I’m.... uhh.... nowhere”.
Sometimes he will already have a plan in mind as to how exactly he wants to trick them (In his analysis video he shows that he already made a plan in his head where he wanted them to think he went for the trees of a specific nearby forest, to trick them into approaching the pillager tower, and it worked), his response is surprisingly well acted and emotional. He knows when to say things and how.
He has a plan almost at all times. In his most recent analysis video he stops at one moment to say that he was terrified because this was one of the FEW times where he did not have a plan. Meaning he has a plan practically all other times, and it shows.
He sometimes does vaguely celebrate his small victories, small steps in his execution of the plan, making the hunters confusedly ask what it is, and he never says. Sometimes he stalls his plans until almost the very end, giving no mention of them and no indication that he has them at all.
And then, when the moment is nigh... The plan is executed.
His acting and baiting gets better the closer he gets, like when he was luring the hunters to go underneath the tree with the tnt minecart. He’s fully focused, even acting along well enough to fool them, to lure him right into his trap.
Then comes the execution, and then he explodes into emotion.
It’s really satisfying to see his plans work out, because we clearly saw him working on it step by step, saw him hide it and cover it and gather items and look around and scout the areas. But once he wins that part? He gets loud, and victorious, he yells and celebrates his victory that he worked so hard for and executed with precision, gaining him the upper hand or even winning him the game.
Another example is in one video where he went to the other stronghold because the hunters covered it in obsidian. He’s quiet up until he finds the last pearl, and when the portal activates, he’s YELLING about what he did, relieved and victorious about his plan working. I’m sure this is where some people may even not like his reactions, because they can seem cocky and overconfident (*cough cough* I think they’re actually really fun to watch because he DID just pull off some really good shit *cough*)
Cut to the Dream SMP.
All this makes him the PERFECT evil strategizing war leader.
We all joke about his acting, especially improv. He can sometimes stumble over his words and will almost always nervously fidget/move/do something, even when his roleplaying is better (see Dream moving back and forth while talking to Eret some time before dethroning him, telling him that only the sword and shield give him power).
When he has a plan however, like again, with Eret, his roleplaying greatly improves. We see that this is all heading somewhere, and that he has a plan in mind, and he knows how to nudge things in that direction, and the other person mostly just has to play along.
During the 16th, when 20 people in full enchanted netherite watch Schlatt die of a heart attack (lol), it feels... anticlimactic. Again, Dream kindof seems unsure of his roleplay. He says they surrender. He leads them to schlatt. He says Schlatt is an idiot, and that this is all he is. He shows them to him. And then...
While they’re dealing with the emotions, he and his allies quietly leave, without anybody from L’Manburg noticing.
He sits far at the back as the watches Tommy’s speech, and then Wilbur’s speech, and then Tubbo’s. When asked to comment, he just says he bows to nobody. He doesn’t seem very interested in what’s going on.
Wilbur excuses himself and leaves.
When the tnt blows up - and there’s a pretty good clip of it from tommys perspective that showcases it perfectly that Im sure Ive reblogged not too long ago - we hear him explode in the background.
We hear him laugh loudly and evilly, he yells “YEEES!” As L’Manburg blows to smithereens, and it all becomes perfectly clear: This was the plan all along.
Wilbur was the traitor. Wilbur would blow up L’Manburg no matter what happens. And Dream was waiting for this, biding his time, keeping his allies out of L’Manburg once they’d won, seeming desinterested. He was waiting, the entire time, and when the plan finally works, he celebrates as it all blows to smithereens.
Okay, sure, his acting could be better at times, even taking all this into account. But honestly, it’s good when it matters, and we all love the green blob anyway. (At least I very much do).
This was really well executed, and having such a long con plan is definitly right up Dream’s alley, which is why his character winning this way was a really good decision. Their characters on the Dream SMP are close to their real life counterparts, and it was just... it was beautiful. He planned this for weeks. He laid low. They laughed at his acting, but he got the last laugh in the end.
Another thing to add is how he can barely be betrayed because... he only mostly works alone. Sure, people like Punz are certainly close enough to know his plans, but how would a traitor arc even work when even character!Dream didn’t trust Sapnap with it?
Dream turned on Sapnap during one of the pet wars, to gain Tommy’s trust, to gain Wilbur’s trust, to set all of this up. He didn’t like it maybe, but he did it anyway. Even Sapnap, such a core member of the Dream SMP, wasn’t close enough to Dream.
Character!Dream, interestingly enough, acts similar to how he does in manhunts: Like he’s alone.
Like he’s the only person he can trust, and in order to win, he has to eliminate ALL of the competition. He has to have the upper hand over EVERYONE.
Maybe that’s why he’s not interested in becoming king, either. He doesn’t feel like a king.
He’s not the king on the chess board - he’s the person behind moving the pieces around.
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literaphobe · 3 years ago
Hi this in regards to the asks about the teaching Tina thing with ant, etc I'm a lil behind but I wanted to add -wasn't the stream where Sam taught dream about rsr LITERALLY ON TINAS STREAM?! she was there they both reviewed so much with her. Also like shouldn't ant know too that just because it wasn't streamed doesn't mean it didn't happen? Like idk maybe Tina would do better with punz or ant buuuut I think they both should know by now that's its not an education thing, it's Tina having a mental block in competitions and directions.
I love Tina and I've been following/subbed her for way over a year now and have seen her have similar performances in other games including the infamous league and among us lol
Tina is absolutely a great gamer like all you need to is watch her in speedrunners and tetris- she has great reaction time but her strongsuits seem to be more solo games. I think Tina's reaction times are just better when she's on her own? She def suffers from tunnel vision like so many others, dream (SG lol) and sylvee to name a couple haha for recency bias in one of the league games from last week someone was asking her to do something multiple times- it was said clearly in a calm nice manner over and over and she just straight up didn't here it, she was just so focused on her task, it was funny! She has also said that she has a hard time hearing/focusing on multiple stuff at once.
I think maybe just her learning to be confident and yoloing it would help? She did so good in this mcc and it sucks to see her be so down on herself. which again as we all agree is why the teams she has gotten have been so frustrating, theyve done morning to help her build confidence in her skills and lose focus.
She should prob work more on finding ways to minimize distractions and work on her settings too like what dream said in Tina's stream last night (I just watched the clipped part someone uploaded to YouTube lol it was so cute they're the sweetest) Tina just needs time and experience, dream has had a bunch of mccs to figure what overwhelms him the most and how to deal with it (muting or finding tricks to avoid other players) and it still gets to him. And of course years of practicing for speedruns and manhunts.
Tina and dream speedrun manhunt stream when?!
yeah exactly i’ve known tina for a long time too and she just isn’t very experienced in most games but she’s so good at speedrunners and tetris!!! like. again look i don’t wanna be the one to say it but over a lot of stories tina’s told on stream over the years i wouldn’t be surprised if she has adhd. and like… neurodivergent people tend to feel drawn towards other neurodivergent people so like it wouldn’t be a HUGE shock. anyway yeah. tina needs time. and she also needs stronger teammates so her stats aren’t so deflated. every time else is just a matter of time, additional vod reviews, and practice. honestly even if tina and dream don’t team next event he’d still help her practice if she asked. because that’s the kind of friend dream is. and the proof is in the pudding of dream helping tina train and practice even before they were teamed in mcc23
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chaolie · 3 years ago
Funtober Day 20 - Prince Fundy AU
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He might be a prince, but does that even matter now that he's leaving? Hoping to never hear that title again? I did come up with a bit of a backstory here, so you can find that under the cut :D
So, as you might notice, while he has fox features/white bits of hair in person, those aren't visible in the paintings he's passing by. That's because when he was younger, those features were easier to hide, and since he didn't want to stand out, he and his family continued to do so as he grew older.
The entire Royal Family isn't exactly what the public assumes it to be, Queen Sally is a powerful sorcerer in her free time, and uses her magic to help both her husband, Wilbur, and her son to hide their hybrid features. The King is, as mentioned, a hybrid as well, though he's much more used to hiding it, because he didn't always have his wife to help him with that, and she makes it much easier. Not to mention other members of the family, which most people assume to be dead or don't even know of their existence, but they're... there. Somewhere. Away from the castle, living their lives away from the public eye.
They're the ones Fundy sets out to find on the very night I decided to draw out here. He mostly hopes to find his "dead" grandfather, who is very much alive and keeps in touch with the rest of the family through letters, or his "nonexistent" uncle, whose hybrid features were much more obvious than Wilbur's, so he ended up being moved away from the castle before anyone knew the future king ever had a brother. Fundy assumes that whichever of them he finds, staying with them for at least some time will be much more comfortable than living in the castle.
The issue is, he didn't exactly tell his family where he's going, he only left a short letter that could've easily been fake, so Wilbur and Sally are obviously worried about him. And just as obviously, they want to find him. Just in case the letter was sincere, they don't go out and make it a nationwide manhunt, which would make Fundy easier to find for sure, but could end poorly that way. Instead, they send out a couple of their most trusted people who know the missing-and-possibly-kidnapped prince personally, people who they consider strong enough to possibly step in and save his life, but also kind enough to talk to him if no violence was needed. Some who don't exactly meet both of those requirements decide to join as well.
The question now is, what will happen sooner? Will the people find Fundy, or will he find his other family members? And how will he survive a tiring and dangerous journey after spending his entire life in the castle? Will he do that alone, or find himself some friends along the way?
If it wasn't clear yet, I really want to write this one as well lol. I should start keeping a list of all the prompts I want to expand on in the future I think!
Also if I wasn't clear about that enough either, the grandfather is Phil, and the uncle is Techno :]
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getgoodlol · 4 years ago
hermitcraft and dream team collabs i would KILL to see
- a dream vs grian build swap. please.
- mumbo and dream speedrunning collab. mumbo sets up his redstone contraption speedrunning thing, and each of them try and do it as fast as possible. then, they speedrun beating the game. or one of each happens at the same time, so mumbo speedruns redstone while dream speedruns the game, and then they switch.
- manhunt but it's a group of hermits hunting dream. i don't care which hermits, but grian, mumbo and iskall would be hilarious.
- mcc team with techno, dream and grian. the fourth person doesn't matter, but pearlescentmoon or iskall would work. (please do mcc again iskall i'm begging)
- mcc with the regular hermit team (ren, false & cub) but dream is the fourth member. LOLLLL
- dream, george, sapnap VS grian, mumbo, iskall ANY competition, maybe a hypixel minigame w a mix of build battle & pvp games
- dream vs grian elytra course race
- dream and grian team up to do a prank on their friends; inviting mumbo, sap, george, whoever else for a video, but ultimately end up trolling them with a texture pack or something with max volume
- dream teaches grian basics of speedrunning; grian teaches dream the basics of building
- OR same premise but it's mumbo instead and he teaches redstone
- false vs dream pvp match?? dream is op but i feel like falsie could hurt him a bit
- i've never seen the hermits play among us but like... dream team and hermits among us ??? iskall would be REALLY good at it i bet, maybe dream, gog, sap, punz, maybe tommy (LOL) and iskall, grian, impulse, tango, false or cleo?? (i think they'd enjoy among us the most out of the hermits)
- minecon. that's all i'm gonna say
what would u wanna see? :>
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beacon-lamp · 4 years ago
Do you think four is dreams limit?
honestly? no.  
i think 4 is the hunters’ limit, in that if they were to add more hunters, there wouldn’t be a noticeable increase in their efficacy.  the more people they add, the more Stuff they need, which takes Longer to get.  dream already can’t take a 1v4 against them without having some trap set up first so the extra manpower a person would add doesn’t really help.  so if dream can beat 4 people, there’s no reason why he can’t beat more.
of course, then it’s a question of Content Quality, which may not matter to people if they just Love watching dteam do these challenges.  but it matters in terms of career longevity and overall growth.
dream’s traps and tricks are all really cool, but where he really shines is his ability to adapt quickly to his situation and think on his feet.  but i think the hunters have played all of the cards in their deck. they could give the End Traps another go and the end crystal play was Phenomenal, but i don’t know what else they could do that they haven’t done before.  the Content depends on Both the speedrunner and hunters making insane plays for the video to be interesting to watch; this is why other people’s version of Minecraft Manhunt aren’t as interesting to watch, as the skill level disparity is too great.  the alternative is like 1v100, which has been done way too many times before and Definitely not dream’s style.
the other reason these video are So Popular (beside editing, soundtrack, etc.) are the people themselves.  i think he could swap out the hunters for other mcyters to make cameos.  illumina’s manhunt was Great.  fruitberries would be another good option.  plus different people bring novel ideas and their own 200IQ plays.  they could do videos with dreamSMP people and give the hunters some advantage.  techno and dream collab lol jk...unless?  
so what now?
idk but the possibilities are Endless if dream doesn’t pigeonhole himself.  he has a server full of Talented and Entertaining Creators.  he’s the Biggest Name on gaming youtube Right Now.  he could literally collab with Anyone and if it’s a good video idea, it’ll do Amazing.  the future is So Bright for him and his friends, he just has to know how to make the most of it.
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redhoodieone · 6 years ago
Don’t Tell Me Part 5
A/N: Okay, so here is part 5. Sorry this chapter is kind of short, but I felt like I needed to show how Bruce really feels about the whole situation with Jason, Y/N, and Tim. Now the question is: can Jason ever redeem himself? How you enjoy some angst and a lot of feelings! Lol! 
Warnings: Well, language and confessions, really. But the next chapter will not be this clean though.
Jason knew his world was over when he saw the video clip of Y/N, lying on the hospital bed passed out, injured horribly because of him. He was still feeling uneasy about watching the Joker eating those robin’s eggs just to prove his sick point, as well. Of all the ways Joker could have gotten to him, he just had to choose the way where Jason wants nothing more than to finally put the Joker down underground with his spine ripped out and his head full of lead.
The image in his mind made Jason feel almost helpful that he could find Y/N, and save her and their child. But he knew he had to remain focused. Oracle, Nightwing, and Robin were busy attempting to find Y/N, Tim, and the Joker on the Bat-computer, while Red Hood and Batman were on top of Ace Chemicals, just waiting for anything, any sign. The silence between them is worse than Bruce screaming at him, Jason believes. Jason couldn’t remember a time where Bruce was never disappointed in him. He couldn’t figure out which was worse: Bruce’s disappointment in him, or Bruce being at a loss for words. Jason suddenly wishes Bruce wasn’t there with him so he could rip apart every building and warehouse to find them himself. But no...Bruce believes in strategies, and to always be a hundred steps ahead of everyone and everything. Just like Tim Drake. “You’re disappointed in me.” Jason’s words slightly surprise Bruce, even if he doesn’t move a muscle or change his usual serious expression. Batman sighs and relaxes his tensed body. “Why would you think that?”
“Let’s see…you’ve been disappointed in me since the day you met me. Remember how you and Alfred would have ‘little’ meetings in the cave, when you both thought I was already asleep in my bed? Come on Bruce, I was a little shithead back then and I’m still one now. I’m not fucking stupid, and I know for a fact you both thought I was too angry and too stubborn to see when I was crossing the line when you and I would fight alongside as partners. Fuck Bruce…” Jason says, shaking his head at his past mistakes. If only Bruce could see how Jason feels. “I’m the biggest asshole in the world, and you know what? After everything I have done so far, I honestly think when I die again, well permanently die I should say, I’ll definitely go back to hell and stay there for…eternity, I guess. I’ll be assigned to work with the devil, or until I take over his job because let’s face it…I’ll never be able to redeem myself ever again.”
Bruce smirks beside him. Jason glances over with a questioning look. “Don’t you think you’re punishing yourself a little harsh right now?” he asks, seriously.
“You don’t get it, Bruce. I slept with Tim’s girlfriend. I fucked Y/N, and I got her pregnant. And to top it off…I…fucking love her. I’m in love with her, and-and I feel like it’s all my fault.”
“How would this entire problem be your fault?”
“Because I knew Tim loved her, and I still did what I did because I couldn’t help but give into my feelings,” Jason admits softly, before kicking an empty soda can off the edge. “Fuck feelings and fuck everything! If I didn’t feel anything, none of this would have happened!”
“Even if you didn’t have feelings, something bad would always happen. You can’t blame yourself for things happening, when they’re not in your control,” Bruce replies, as calmly as he can.
“Y/N changed me…and I wish she didn’t…” Jason confesses quietly. “I wish I was the same, selfish, asshole who only cared about himself and did things his way. Life seemed better and easier back then. Couldn’t life stay that way and-”
“But something tells me you don’t mean any of that,” Bruce interrupts. He faces his son, and he gives him the look that he’s done hearing guilt, pity, and complaints. “It’s okay to have feelings. Even if I…have my own set of issues with feelings, I’ve come to see feelings are what keeps people going. And I know Y/N changed you, I knew since the first time she became a part in our family. I saw the way you would light up by just seeing her or being close to her. It’s okay to feel that way because sometimes, life likes to give back to those who deserve to feel love and to be loved. Even when we do or don’t get to choose who we’re attached to, it’s always a pleasant feeling to know that you matter to them and they matter to you. And as for mistakes, you’re not the only one who has made terrible mistakes, Jason.”
Jason scoffs sarcastically. “As if you, the almighty Batman has fucked up once or twice in his life. You have practically lived your life as a good boy and a kind gentleman raised by Alfred.”
“No, no I never had a guilt-free or pure life, Jason. I…was an awful child after my parents died. I rebelled against Alfred many times. I partied at just fourteen-years-old, drank as much as I could, fucked many easy women who just wanted to fuck me because I was rich, and I wasted so much money on shit I never needed,” Bruce reveals, with a small smile. He must think back and laugh at his wild antics, because everyone who knows Bruce now wouldn’t believe any word he’s saying. “I actually lived up to the playboy reputation, which is something I still have to continue to protect my secrets and my family. I…have done some dirty, fucked up shit, Jason. I even tried to sleep with Lois Lane, just to get back at Superman for fucks sake. Hell, even I cheated on women, and I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but I have actually fucked half or…more women in the league, and do you know why? Because I can, and that power has stuck with me ever since. But let me tell you this, and please…please believe me when I say it. I know for a fact that you’re not the bad guy you make yourself out to be. I know you have never done anything awful or hurtful to women, and I respect you for that. I respect how you still care about Y/N, even when its clear sex wasn’t the only reason you stuck around. I know for a fact that Y/N means the world to you, and I admire that. While I can disagree and be angry with how she cheated on Tim, I have to confess that you loving someone other than yourself just shows how at the end of the day, you don’t disappoint me like you think you do.”
Jason exhales deeply and lowers his head down. He focuses on the passing cars, lit up signs and buildings, and the cloudy sky that shows it’s going to rain soon.
“But can’t you just agree with me when I say I can’t be a father? How can me, a fucking, angry zombie, be a father to a child who could or couldn’t be like me?” Jason breaks down. His voice breaks, and the tears fall. “If I can’t get my shit together, what makes you think I can raise someone better than me?”
Bruce, realizing Jason needs him more than ever, embraces him. Jason knew Bruce despised hugs while in his Batman costume, but the hug is what keeps Jason from breaking down anymore. “If anything, you’ll be the best father you can be, Jason. After everything that’s built you, destroyed you, and remade you to who you are, you’re destined to raise, protect, and love a child, and to love someone who loves you back. You’re going to be the best father you can be, because deep down, I believe all my sons, even Damian, want to be happy and have families. Believe me, Jason. After everything that’s happened to you, you deserve a happy ending more than anything,” Bruce discloses.
“Tim will never forgive me,” Jason whispers, the pain in his voice is clear to his father. He puts his helmet back on. “Now how am I supposed to live with myself knowing that?”
Bruce pats Jason’s shoulder. Jason tries to keep more tears in his eyes, so he won’t cry again. “You give yourself time. Tim gives you time. Time will heal you both and will make you better men.”
A gush of wind above them alerts them. Batman and Red Hood get into their fighting stances, until strong, heavy feet land before them. Red Hood looks up after he regains his focus, and sees Superman standing in front of them, with an angry scowl on his face.
“Martian Manhunter was found just outside of Gotham. He’s severely injured, and he has informed me that Joker and Scarecrow are working with Tim. They plan to keep Y/N there until she gives birth,” Superman notifies Batman.
“No…” Red Hood whispers. The fear, the rage, and determination to stop this is stronger than ever.
“Did he say where they’re located now?” Batman asks.
Superman nods his head. “You won’t believe me if I tell you, but they’re at Joker’s Playground,” he hesitates to admit.
“And why wouldn’t I believe that?” Batman asks.
“Because…they’re recreating the same mental and physical torture that Tim went through as Robin, and this time, it’s Y/N.”
“Tim was tortured for three weeks, so whatever damage that has happened Y/N can be cured, right?!” Red Hood demands at Batman.
Batman growls under his breath. While Superman and Red Hood wait for Batman to gather his thoughts together, he looks at them with dread in his eyes. “If Scarecrow’s involved with the Joker, then this situation has just worsened. If we don’t stop them now, we’ll lose Tim and Y/N…forever.”
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iphoenixrising · 8 years ago
Anything Angsty with Tim please. Recommendations, a fic anything, just feeling angsty .... (P.S doctor!tim is everything I've ever needed and looking forward to AOB part 5! You're amazing! Good luck with your day)
Hi babe. I’m sorry I kept this for so long, but I am def aware how much you love your pain (lol) and I had this idea spinning for a while, so… Yeah. But ah, I started thinking about this what-if from the Fracture Verse and it got really long and intense really fast>.Destroyed. Basically, the Titans take on theinvaders and most the JL mentors take their sidekicks for some R&R exceptfor Red Robin, who goes back to the Tower to take care of himself and Batmanjust kind of lets him go.Well, What-If B just wasn’t having any of that? What if shit started getting so real there and just ALL THE KNOWLEDGE DROP HAPPENS THERE INSTEAD OF A YEAR LATER O_O  Like, Tim has only been back from his little torture vacay and then the mind fuckery of the Insurgents and just!
So…here it is.
All-in-all, invading aliens are douche canoes.
Kon, Cassie, Bart, Rave, Gar, and Miguel are allin agreement with him on this one; especially after they were all trapped in anendless of loop of their worst moment, worst losses, worst failures while stuckin the alien’s most powerful weapon: the Mind Trap.
Sure, it had been his brilliant, last-ditch ideato jump ball to the wall into the trap, giving him the access to their neuralnet he needed to break the hive mentality and shut them down from the inside.
It doesn’t make anything, any of it, anybetter.
While he’s reliving Kon’s final moments, Raven’snear insanity at the hand of Trigon, Gar’s out-of-control power ripping hisbody apart, Cassie’s nearly fatal injuries, Bart’s last wishes while hecoughs up blood and bile, Miguel watching his beloved slip in a coma to hoveron the edge of death—
While he’s doing all of that, Cassie is gettinghit with a two week span of time he was tortured as Tim Drake, Kon is getting aload of life with a ruptured spleen bleeding out, Bart is feeling the contagiontaking hold to kill Batman’s sidekick, Gar is feeling the pain when he, Damian,and Dick are fighting it out after the Robin tunic was given away without hisconsent, and Miguel is feeling a whole lot of owfuck from that time theRed Hood tried giving him a second smile to worry about.
But what matters in the end? With Raven’s help,he’s able to keep part of his mind partitioned off from the alien device so hecan live through the atrocities of his team and hack the invader’s tech at thesame time—enough to put in his carefully recalibrated virus to take them thefuck down.
The trap faded around them once the virus his jackpotand breaks the neural-net connection, essentially making the invaders as potentas five-year olds throwing temper tantrums.
The following beat-down is enjoyableenough to make up for the hour spent reliving their worst moments and fears, inhaving those moments share with the rest of the team.
Well, not really.
But still, it’s a pretty sweet revenge fight.
As per usual, the JL appears out of the sky overSan Fran once the main body of fighting is pretty much over and done with.They’ve already started on clean-up with the local authorities when Superman,Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Zatanna, the Flash, Martian Manhunter, GreenArrow, and the Batman show up to take a look around at the nice pile of former mayhem.
It’s a surprise when Superman goes straight forSuperboy, eyes wide with concern, gripping the teen’s arms and asking quietlyif he’s been hurt, is he okay? Does he need to go to the fortress for somehealing time?
Wonder Woman is similarly concerned upon seeingWonder Girl wavering with some bloody patches on her elbows and ribs, but it’sthe younger hero’s eyes that really bother her. Without a word to therest of the Justice League, she takes one of her protégé’s arms around hershoulders and takes to the sky, intent on going to Paradise Island for theyounger to recuperate.
The Flash pretty much catches KF in anall-encompassing hug, blurting out how bad ass the younger speedster didon such terrible bad guys, how proud he is of what KF did here today,how they need to check him over before he collapses, and just let me feedand care for you, little bro.
Zatanna feels the sharp, aching throb of paincoming directly from Raven, the power radiating in shards of agony. As a fellow magic user, she has no qualms going directly to the youngerwoman and talking gently, almost begging her to come to New York and the quietroom set-up to negate magic and allow for healing.
Martian Manhunter, who’s known Gar for years,sees the strain, the trembling, flinching muscle, and just pulls theunresisting Beast Boy up in his arms with something spoken softly against themop of green hair, and flies off with a nod to the Bat.
Red Robin, beaten and abused, bloody andlimping, is glad the JL came for his team; the aftermath of this, the rawnessof it, the pain, would be a real bitch for them to deal with. They would needthe support and the time to come back from the slideshow of horrors they allexperienced.
He turns away from the members of his team beingtaken away by their mentors and friends, going up to Cyborg with a copy of thevirus he created to take the Insurgents down, and gave the JL membersome of the deets about the who, what, when, where, and why since, you know,invading aliens are usually part of the JL’s extensive repertoire ofass-kicking.
He finally puts the bo away now that clean-upcrews are underway and the invaders are being detained by A.R.G.U.S.  Withthe job over and done with, he pulls a grapple in one bloody hand, fires it atthe convenient rooftop to take to flight. Their part is done and AmandaWaller’s people can figure out what the fuck to do with the aliens.
At least from here, he’s close enough to theTower to get half-way there without doing more damage to his ribs and theterrible concussion—
—Vash the Stampede, hitting the back of hisbrain pan. He needs antibiotics and first-aid to stop the bleeding as well aspossible other bad shit, like septic shock, from setting in (since,really, it’s ass) before he starts up adding this little sitch to theTitan’s records. Then he needs to get back on the hunt for those curiouslywell-funded labs getting Black Market equipment, and—
The slight paf of another zip line shakeshim a little in mid-air.
The shadow of the Bat is coming right up behindhim, dark cape flaring out behind the older vigilante so Red can plainly seeB’s arm already out to grab him around the middle and pretty much pull himright the hell off his own zip line.
“What the f—!?”
But they’re moving through the air, his wordslost to the rushing wind while B’s line attaches to the Batplane flyingoverhead, retracting to bring them closer to the dark silhouette in the sky.
With his back pressed up against the yellow ovaland symbol on B’s chest (and once upon a fucking time this meantsomething, didn’t it?), and that arm like iron around him, Red’s lip curls upin a sneer, shouting over the Batplane’s engine making his hurting jaw achejust that much more.
“What the hell do you need?” The unsaid can’tthis wait? Is right there.
B leans in to talk against his ear while they’restill in mid-air, probably not at all aware of the ringing so loudanyway, “I don’t need anything. Hold on.”
But through the lightheadedness, the strikes ofvertigo, the nausea rising up, Red still clenches his aching jaw and focuses onhow the hold around his gut hurting this much proves he’s pulledsomething probably important.
“Then I don’t want a ride to the Tower. I’ve gotit” Because he does. He’s had to have his own back for the better partof two years, before and after he brought B back from being lost in time andleft the Bats to figure their own shit out. He’s stayed away from their familywhen he’s in Gotham, stayed back because, well, Replacement, right?
Even if he and Jason are on better terms than ‘letme show you the pointy end of this knife,’ he’s still not even fucking goingthere.
The exit door to the Batplane slides open rightunder the cockpit. “I’m not giving you a ride to Titan’s Tower.” Is B’srumbling reply as they close in.
“Not all of us can jump from one crisis to thenext. Give me 48 hours and then you can email me with whatever intel you’reafter.” But he’s blinking behind the whiteouts, feeling sick and fuzzy, theinjuries that apparently aren’t going to just wait a minute.
“I don’t need any intel, Tim,” B snapsout, seemingly angry at something.
Red is too far into the pain game to really givea fuck about more of this little back-and-forth with his former partner.“Then what the hell do you want?” He snaps back, gripping the armaround him at the wrist, pulling his secondary grapple for, you know, justin case.
(Well, it’s not like they’re on good termsor anything—B has a Robin, so what’s this all about?)
“Stop it. You’re going to fall,” the arms getstighter with his meddling, and Red gasps out a pained noise when somethingtender is squeezed right along with it. His upper body flops over B’s arm in anattempt to curl up against the pain.
He barely realizes they’re up through the doorand into the cockpit while the plane glides smoothly on auto-pilot. The minuteB’s arm falls away, he can brace himself on the control panel and try tobreathe without puking.
Gloved hands turning him makes him jerk back astep as far as he can in the small space, pulling away.
“Just…just get me to the damn Tower,” ishoarse, blood on the Batplane’s floor now. Great, he’s going to probably get a rightbitching in his voicemail from Alfred explaining what a pain in the assbloodstains are to get out, Sir.
“I’m not taking you to the Tower,” Bgrowls back.
And there it is again, Batman is gripping hisbicep, pulling him closer, the whiteouts dipped down and the free hand rovingover the torn places in his suit.
“Then why the fuck am I in here, and—and stopthat. Shit!” His knees wobble, his move to pull back aborted when agloved hand presses along his left side. Bile rushes up into his throat,swallowed back down by sheer fucking willpower.
“The Titans just took on invading aliens,Tim. You need medical attention and time to recuperate. Your suit stood up tomost of it, but you’re bleeding.”
Again. There it is. B saidhis name more times in the last ten minutes than he has in the last year. What.The. Ever. Loving. Fuck. Is. Happening?
“Then—” he stutters out between panting breaths,fighting the dizziness and pending gray edges to his vision, “let me go to the fuckingTower so I can patch myself up.”
B seems to finally get that something isrotten in Denmark, and lets Red pull out of the hold. With his vision failingand go time eminent, Red fumbles back at the control panel in an attemptto slam the button that will open the door back for him to jump out of and firehis extra grapple. Then he’s going to be hitting the Medical floor in like, sixminutes tops because much longer and he’s going to be in oh shit landjust like when the Triad—
He misses on the first shot because B knocks hishand away and the exit stays closed.
“Wh-What the hell are you—?”
And sometimes, B is just that guy becausethe corresponding blow to his worst injury is such a fucking dickmove.
But it has the intended effect, showing how weakhe apparently is because his knees knock together and go out on him. He wouldhave ended up on the floor if B hadn’t swept him up like some fainting lily andkicked the co-pilot’s chair around with one foot to set him down in it.
“You’re in no shape to go back to the Tower,” Bmakes it statement punctuated with the last hit.
“…asshole…” he faintly gasps while the painmakes him clench his jaw against a noise.
“We’re going to talk when I’m not worried aboutinternal bleeding and broken bones. Since when have you been taking care ofinjuries this extensive on your own? I’m fairly sure a stipulation to joiningthe Titans was that you keep me updated when you get hurt.” B fills in, handspausing when he realizes the Red Robin’s suit design is…different. Verydifferent. The design has changed, along with the security traps (and hewonders when it happened. He should have the current designs of allhis sons’ suits, including armor schematics and the necessary details).
His Bat sense is going off about everything,more so than when Clark first picked him up from Gotham to inform him theTitans are in the fight of their lives because invading aliens managedto bypass the Watchtower’s systems.
He’d set the Batplane for follow them, alreadyworried about how Red Robin would be holding up while Clark sped them as fastas possible to San Francisco, meeting up with the other JL members on the way.
None of them had to say how worried they were,it was evident, even if you weren’t the so-called World’s GreatestDetective.
But the nagging something tugging at hisinner sense when Red shot his grapple without even a word to him isgetting stronger, is making him worry a hell of a lot more than he was even anhour ago.
He feels out the obvious injuries, even withRed’s hand weakly shoving his away.
“No internal bleeding, nothing broken. Thisconcussion is the bee’s knees thanks. A stop at the Tower to drop me offwould be just—” and yes, B, that was one of their agreements.Back when he was still Robin, when someone actually gave a fuck. Healmost comes out with that, but stutters to a halt because Batman gives nofucks about anything but flicking out a razor-sharp batarang and cuttingthe tunic right up the center, pulling away the dented, broken armor to get tothe body suit and main bleeders underneath.
“Tim, I said I’m not taking you there. No one isgoing back for the moment, and you need medical treatment, these look serious.”B already has the gloves and gauntlets off, “Batcomputer,” he turns slightlyand gets the acknowledging boop, “full body scan of Red Robin. Send results toAgent A.”
“N-No, no, not—” but his arms flop uselessly andthe six-minute window has already passed him up. It’s fail timeapparently.
Behind the whiteouts, B’s eyes narrow with thisconsistent fight. There’s something very wrong here, something wrong when hisformer Robin is fighting him tooth and nail when he’s half-loopy on blood lossand exertion. “Yes. There is no way in hell I’m leaving you in the Towerby yourself like this. Not going to happen, Tim. I am not goingto let you bleed out all over your computers.”
And B shoves his cowl back to show thoseelectric blue eyes, narrowed stubbornly when there’s my way or no waygoing down.
“Why,” he stutters when black replaces gray andhis brain fuzzes more, starts shutting down because of the impending owfuck,“the hell does it matter? I’m not your fucking responsibility anymore, right?”
He tries to sneer, tries to move, tries to snarland snap about why not a little bit of fuck-off for your day, butnothing is responding to command. Before he blacks out, though, he gets to see thelook of utter shock on Batman’s face, and well, the small surge of satisfactionat getting the drop on the Dark Knight leads him to the way—
“Septic shock?” Dick gasps, utterly dumbfounded.
“Yes, Master Dick,” Alfred carefully works,aproned and gloved, cleaning the last of the ragged, raw injuries before hewould need to wrap them. The boy on the bed isn’t moving except for his chestrising and falling with slow, even breaths.
He does, however, press a button on the touchpadabove the bed in the Cave’s medical area to show the outline of a human bodywith a glaring red circle.
“It seems Master Timothy is no longer inpossession of the viscera necessary for fighting off infections.”
Bruce in only the body suit, Dick in sweats andt-shirt, and Damian without the domino all turn to Alfred.
And stare.
“You are saying he no longer has a spleen?” Damiverified, “and is thus more prone to illness?”
“That is precisely what the scans are showing,Master Damian, and I ran them several times to verify.”
The youngest Bat blinks once, blinks twice, andturns back to the unconscious form of Tim Drake lying still and silent. It wasbad enough the four of them received a nasty shock while peeling the RedRobin body suit off to reveal a mass of still-healing welts, burns, and brokenskin marring the span of Tim’s back (what the hell happened?) andthe other injuries in the process of healing, injuries that look suspiciouslylike torture on his upper body, arms, and hands; not to mention howAlfred huffs angrily at the visible curve of ribs standing out against paleskin, but finding out he also lost, you know, a semi-crucial body part sometimesince his last Bat-physical (hearing the date is the next shocker of thenight) is pretty much the last straw.
“I’m going to do some research. Let me know ifhe comes to, Alfred.” B turns away with a snarl, the muscles in his back andshoulders tight.
“I shall, Master Bruce. However, I have nointention of tying him down to the bed frame. Should I be detained with dinner,please refrain from using cuffs.”
“I’m not making any promises,” Bruce snaps back,already in his chair at the Batcomputer to start digging into the last sixmonths of Red Robin’s vigilante career and Tim Drake’s personal life.
Gingerly, Dick ruffles Damian’s hair and movesto sit on the medical bed by Tim’s hip, staring up at the closed eyes and slackfeatures. He doesn’t process Alfred taping gauze down on the current injuries,but picks up a bruised and battered hand to hold in both of his while lookingat a very obvious scar now that he knows some of what’s been going on inthe time since Tim has been back to the Manor after the Robin mantle went toDami.
(And Dick feels like a right bastardbecause he remembers coming up the stairs, thinking Tim might have been in hisold room after their thing with Ra’s people before B had been found—whenhe thought Tim might have come to his senses and come home to be RedRobin here with them…and found Tim’s room empty. His things moved out, theshelves missing his usual array of books and video games, no clothes in theclosets, no extra suits in the hidey holes, no shampoo in the shower ortoothpaste on the sink. The Flash shower curtain is gone, replaced by a genericone in most of the other guest rooms. And just turning in circles, the hardweight in his chest, the utter pain when he realized Tim never meant to comeback. He was already gone from the Cave where Alfred had patched him up,where Tim had told Dick specifically, “You’re my brother. I knew you’dcatch me.”)
He sighs, shoulders rising with the move. Hedoesn’t say anything as Alfred continues to dress the injuries and Tim sleepson.
It’s not very long before a sharp intake ofbreath from the computer draws their eyes, and B is typing furiously to getmore information. Hacking into the Tower’s mainframe is child’s play,especially when he has Vic doing the hard work.
Tim’s ghost drive, however, is yielding moreresults than he anticipated.
The video file labeled Triad makes hisstomach churn.
Dick leaves Tim to sleep off the drugs andantibiotics, for his fever to slowly come down under their ministrations. Hegrins a little at Damian asleep in the chair next to the medical bed and stepsover to the computer where Bruce is looking grim, fists clenched tight on thecontrol panel.
Dick almost asks, almost, until hecatches the video playing—
And watches Tim Drake take a whip to the backwhile their former Robin is screaming.
“Oh…Oh my God,” he blinks, chest tight,nausea rising up when the footage skips and the next scene is Tim being helddown by the arms and shoulders, the remains of his business suit ripped to givea span of bloody skin for the glowing hot iron bar to be set down.
He doesn’t know when he moved or when B got tohis feet while the two of them try very hard not to be sick as Tim screamedover and over on the security footage.
They stand together, silenced by horror as theslideshow continues, as Tim is tortured over and over, as one of their ownattempt to escape, gets to the control room and tries to get a communicationout to the outside world.
By the time they have the full picture of howthose marks got there and what Tim Drake had to go through, Bruce is deep inthe Bat, anger radiating from every pore.
Tim was abducted outside Wayne Enterprises ashis daytime persona, as Tim Drake, CEO, and none of them had known a damn thingabout it.
It’s almost forty-eight hours later.
The Bats are in from patrol and upstairs to dohuman things, like sleep and eat and bathe (because the sewers of Gotham are nastyno matter how many times you’ve been down there—the sitch never gets any better).B has scrubbed down and changed in the Cave, making sure he was free ofcontaminants before coming over to check on his still-sleeping Robin. Handsaccustomed to delivering pain are absurdly gentle when he lays a palm on theback of Tim’s neck, glad to see his temperature is finally getting back tonormal, and checking the IVs as well as the bandages on Tim’s healing back andnewer injuries on his side and knee. He ruffles the too-long hair gently beforegoing up to check quickly on Alfred and the boys before planning on coming backdown to stay close to Tim, hoping he might be stable enough to wake up and talkto them.
So the Cave is empty for the moment when themachines attached to the sensor clamped on Tim’s finger and the little stickypads on his chest start to pick up slightly. Not enough to trigger analert, just enough for him to blink open his bleary eyes riding the dredges ofpainkillers and sedatives.
It’s the Bat-cocktail of owfuck.
Really, he should have known better.
The fog is clearing out while his head flops onone side to look around and see where he’s—and what’s happ—how did—?
His head flops to the other side, eyes wideningwhen he realizes the big car is parked a little past the curtain, and on theother side of him, the Batcomputer looks the same, but there’s a few morethings on the control panel.
He gets the urge to violently hurl oncethe screeching overhead signals where he’s at just in case, you know, theremight be any doubt.
The air in his chest chokes off, leaving himcoughing hard for a few seconds, enough that the pulsox beeps once in warningand he struggles to get himself under control.
The haze of painkillers is still there, but nothingshort of death is going to stop him. Instead, he uses the lead to pull thelittle machine close to him and manages to pop the casing off. A few wires and boom,he takes the sensor off his finger and the monitor keeps going. It takesmaneuvering for him to sit up enough to reach the heart monitor and do prettymuch the same.
There’s cameras everywhere, but he’s sure no onewould be watching (because why would they?) as he stands on stiff,aching legs, manages to stumble a little before righting himself.
The knee isn’t going to get better anytime soon,so he’s good to be limping around because at least that means he’s onhis feet.
The Red Robin suit they must have taken off ofhim is folded neatly on a workstation table, easy to pick up.
He feels immensely better with the body suit on(even if the pressure on still-healing injuries is about a bitch, damn);boots, gloves and gauntlets, harness and utility belt. It’s enough to rock.
A domino goes on while he nabs his somewhatstitched back together cape, but the armored tunic is totes a lost cause.
With the machines beeping steadily behind him,Tim leaves the tunic, makes his way further down into the Cave, favoring theleg, moves as straight-backed as possible to keep the marks on his back frompulling and getting sore all over again, as been the pattern in the last monthsince he’s been back from a certain little vacay.
(And it’s fucked how B probably saw thosemarks isn’t it? Just another check in the who gives a shit category…but,the old memorial case with Jason’s Robin suit is still there where it’s alwaysbeen—and a double-take confirms it. His first Robin suit is in a new case nextto it. Mother. Fucker does it makes his chest hurt.)
The line of just in case vehicles is inthe same place it always was. A crappy beater for Matches Malone, a van forpick-ups, an Ambulance in case shit gets real. A covered car in the backcorner that is terribly, achingly familiar, and his eyes skitter away from it,just like he did with the memorial cases.
Instead, he goes to one of the four Ducati’sserviced and ready to rock, lifts up the seat while balancing on his good leg.Keys fall into his palm, so score.
His hip only hitches slightly when he throws thebad leg over the bike so the good one can steady it, and the bruises tomorroware going to be fucking beautiful.
But for the moment, all good. He’ssitting down at least, and flips the bike on, raises the bad leg to start theengine—
When Dami drops down from the ceiling vent andlands a few feet in front of him at a crouch.
No suit, no domino, but the pose is all Robin.
A Robin in his pjs, but then, well, there’sschool and shit in the morning isn’t there?
“Drake,” a low, almost-question.
“Nice to see you too,” he smirks with oldbitterness, just waiting for it.
Dami’s eyes go from the whiteouts to the bikeand back up. “This…is not a favorable course of action,” is said morecarefully than he can remember the Demon ever being.
“What now?” Because seriously, what now?
“You have been recovering from septic shock,”the youngest informs him, still in that crazy careful tone. “Among otherinjuries. It would be best if you stayed where you could be monitored shouldyou relapse.”
Now he thinks he might be more loopy on the I’mfucked up cocktail than initially assessed. Things just aren’t…aren’tmaking sense here.
“I’m in a multiverse aren’t I?” Is a stupid butkind of valid question.
Damian, however, is not amused.
“You are a fool. This is not surprising. However,as I have been informed, your team stopped an alien invasion. That if nothingelse would merit time, Drake.”
“Telepaths that want to take over our world are assholes.Haven’t you figured that out yet?” He comes back easily, “and I have a place torecoup. It would be nice to be on my way there right about now.”
The bad leg comes down, shooting a thrill ofpain up, but fuck it. Really. He needs to get out of here before JasonTodd comes around to give him a bro fist or something else just ascrazy.
The engine purrs to life against his thighs.
Again, it’s opposite day because thatlittle brat is leaning against the handlebars, scowling and talking over theengine instead of doing things like, you know, moving.
“I would not do this if I were you.”
He blinks behind the whiteouts. “I don’t knowwhat the fuck is going on here, but this is getting to creep-tasticsproportions.” He leans over the handlebars as much as he can without someserious owfuck hitting, “you wanted me gone, Demon. Riff raff,remember? That cut zip line? You think I need a written invitation toget the fuck out?”
Dami’s eye widen a fraction before narrowing,the little asshole leaning in as well like they’re going to fight it out forsome crazy reason because this is what they all wanted butwere too chicken-shit to tell him.
“Dick’s too nice to say it, but you think hereally has to after all this time?”
“Grayson—” Dami starts, voice raised to be heardover the purring engine.
“Never wanted me either. I guess you and JasonTodd were right all along. Want to gloat about it? How about you do it overSkype so I can get back to my life?”
Dami growls, baring his teeth in a snarl, “no,you fool. Grayson has missed you unbearably in the last twoyears. He has attempted to keep track of you while you searched for Father andthen later when you re-joined the Titans. He is the one that built the case foryour Robin suit.”
And just…what the ever-loving fuck?
“I am aware of how things were left whenI began my own time as Robin, Drake. I am aware of—”
“Get off.” Because now he’s blinking behind thewhiteout, his eyes getting hot and wet fast. “Get the fuck off.”
“No!” Damian snarls back, gripping thehandlebars tighter, like he has every intention of holding on. “I refuseto let you leave like this!”
And so, apparently it’s time to spell it out.“No one gives a shit if I’m here or not.” He shoves himselfstanding, old, buried pain rearing up from the terrible place in his brain panwhere he’d buried it all just so he could keep moving. “They let meinherit the cape because I was an asshole kid and found out theirsecret. They let me keep it because I did an alright job at keeping Bfrom fucking himself up like Robin is supposed to do. And he took me inbecause my fucking father was murdered when my identity was compromised.It’s ‘adopt an orphan syndrome,’ Damian. That’s it. I fucking Get.It. Now.”
Those eyes narrow, color rising to the youngervigilante’s face. But Tim leans down, blinking rapidly behind the whiteoutbecause he’s not going to give him or any of them that fuckingsatisfaction.
His voice is low, almost angry if it didn’tcrack, giving away more than he wants, especially to Damian. “Besides,why would they want the replacement when they’ve got the real son in thecape anyway, right? You said that, and you were right, weren’t you?”
“N-none of that—Drake…Timothy, youdon’t honestly,” and the twelve year old almost looks his age for once, “youdon’t honestly believe that.”
The corner of his mouth twitches up in a veryunfunny smirk, “I’m a detective, Damian. I don’t believe anything until I haveevidence.”
The younger Bat sputters a moment, looking oddlyshell-shocked, but he doesn’t let go, refuses to give up, “evidence? Openyour eyes, Drake. Father ordered the Justice League to attend your battleas soon as he knew, made Kent come to pick him up as he knew it would be thefastest way to get to you.”
“What part of aliens wasn’t clear? Thatis usually JL territory, we just happened to call dibs.”
Dami’s fists tighten around the handlebars, “Ihave been Robin for three years. Three years, Drake. If there isanything I have learned in that time, it is how Father would not leave any ofhis Robins behind. Not even you.”
Welp, that’s going to be a very hardeventual realization for the kid. But really, it isn’t any of his businessanymore. None of this is.
He sinks back down slowly, painfully becauseit’s time to go. “Get out of the way.”
The hair on the back of his neck, however, cutshim off, makes his straighten up again on the bike and rev up the engine. Damiisn’t moving, but is just staring at him looking like he might pull out thatwicked katanna for a little sliced n’ diced vigilante rather than dealwith his shenanigans. Not like it’s nothing new.
But the ghost sensation has drawn the brat’sattention as well, those eyes drawn over Tim’s left shoulder.
Without turning to look, he gives the standard,“thanks for the pick-up. Let me know when you need the next batch of intel.We’ll have a crime-fighting party with confetti and everything.”
The hand on his bicep is something he hadn’tanticipated, startling him to look up at Bruce’s bare face and angry eyes.
Oh shit. Batman’s not a happy camper. Time tohit the dirt.
From his other side, Dick comes out of nowhereand reaches around him to turn the bike off and take the key out of the ignition.
Oh, so that’s how it is? After all theyears he put into maintaining the bikes and cars just like everyone else—
“Like I said,” he deadpans, trying very, veryhard not to get pissed off at the snub, “thanks for the pick-up. I’ll gettogether whatever data you’re looking for when—”
“Get off the bike, Tim,” Bruce emphasizes theorder with a tug to his arm.
“Seriously?” Well, there goes the best ofintentions, “I’ll bring it back if this is a problem.”
“Not the point. Get the hell off the bike.”
He shoves himself to his feet, already planningon hitting up Kon in a quick text just to get a ride out of here as fast asfucking possible, itching to jerk his arm out of B’s hold (and dammit,he hates to do that now that Clark isn’t being an asshat extraordinaire). So helets it ride for the moment since, well, he pretty much shouldn’t be hereanyway, so the lecture is probably going to be fucking spectacular.
His hip hitches again when he swings his legback over the bike, but it’s only slightly painful this time around. Nope,there’s more pain elsewhere that has nothing to do with skin and soft,fleshy bits.
He in no way is prepared for Bruce pulling hisarm up and around those massive shoulders, bending down enough to be aboutTim’s height. The limp isn’t as bad with B supporting him with an arm aroundhis waist (under the worst of the older marks) and gripping the wrist, walkinghim right the fuck back into the depths of the Cave where Alfred is waitingwith hands properly folded behind him.
“Ah, the patient is awake,” Alfred is calm,cool, and collected as per usual. “Perhaps a stronger dose of painkillersshould have been in order.”
“Not necessary,” he fills in shortly, pullingaway from Bruce as soon as possible, a passing glance off the machines he’dreconfigured. “Thanks for patching me up, Alfred.”
The butler sighs through his nose and it’s sopainfully familiar. “Of course, Master Tim. If you would be sokind as to change clothing, the bandages will need to be checked again.”
He holds up a hand, “again, not necessary. I’mon my way out—”
Dick shoves sweats and a t-shirt in his chest,jaw clenched tight enough that a muscle is jumping there, and it’s fine,he gets it. Dick doesn’t want him there. He really doesn’t need this—
“I’m trying to be out of your hair,” hegrowls back at the former Batman and current Nightwing. “I didn’t ask tocome here. Not my bad.”
If anything, Dick’s expression gets even angrier.Angry enough that the hands holding the clothes are trembling finely until Timtakes them just to get the older vigilante to step back.
“Drake,” and it’s really saying something when Damianis the one stepping between them, trying to keep, well, whatever peacedistance can realistically bring. “This is difficult to believe, but there is agrave misunderstanding happening here.”
His eyebrows draw together, head tilted down tothe youngest, but he wisely remains silent because there’s volumes hecould say about that.
“Do you need assistance, Master Tim?” Alfredcuts in, trying to divert the brewing storm raging in Dick and Bruce’sexpressions, “I should say some of your injuries must be rather painful at thisjuncture. Your back, for example—”
“I’ve got it. Thank-you.”
“Very good, Sir. Once you have changed, I have adelightful pot of coffee and breakfast—”
But those words make his head snaparound, “coffee?”
Because yes. The answer is always yes.
Alfred hums knowingly, “indeed. I believe it isthe Sumatra brand you seem to favor?”
And dammit. Just, dammit Alfred.
In reply, he limps back to pull the curtainclosed in the sectioned-off medical area, flopping the sweats and t-shirt downon the gurney. Deep, cleansing breath, and he reverses order, taking off glovesand gauntlets, boots, utility belt and harness, cape and dom, leaving the bodysuit for last (since there’s the most owfuck of the day).
“Tim? You okay?” B’s voice is softer, floatingover the partition, his silhouette against the curtain.
“I’m fine,” he taps on his wrist computer withone arm through the t-shirt. Getting the sweats on is painful but it’s whateverreally, the knee isn’t going to get any better so no use whining about it.
Instead, he puts the wrist computer back on hisforearm and comes out a la civvies, his too-long hair probably wrecked,but with a KO of approximately two days?
He shoves the curtain back, cracking his neck,and starting to move to intercept Alfred’s approach. “Bandages are clean, soI’m good. Thanks.”
The butler tisks and gently simply steers MasterTim back to the gurney, “I will need to check your levels as well as theinjuries you are unable to see, Master Tim. You certainly cannot assessyour back unless you’ve taken to perform feats of magic?”
The others approach, watching with grave facesas the butler allows a cup and saucer inside the medical area, an excuse tokeep Tim’s hands busy so work can be done.
“My levels are f—” The smell hits like anaphrodisiac and his eyes fall half-mast just because coffee.
“Do not say ‘fine.’ For a young man without thenecessary organ to build up proper immunities, then I would dare to say yes.However, for a crime-fighting vigilante, your white cell count is woefully deficient.”
Oh. So that’s whatthis is about?
“I’ve had enough time to adjust.” Is all hebites out as the butler gloves up, winds a stethoscope around his neck.
When B’s hands plant on his hips like he iswinding up for the mother of all lectures, and Damian puts a hand toDick’s forearm to stop him from saying whatever might be ready to comeout of his mouth, Tim realizes how much of a thing this might be.
The butler, however, just frowns, “then I willpose the obvious question, Master Tim. How many episodes of septic shock haveyou experienced before now?”
His jaw clenches, eyes close briefly becausewhen he got off that fucking ship—
The pinch to his inner elbow jars him out of it(luckily) or he might still be smelling stagnant water and imagine the worldrocking under his feet.
“Twice,” and he leaves it at that, going morepale at the bits flashing through his brain pan.
Alfred removes the syringe, tapes a cotton ballto the small wound. “Twice, Sir?” is quiet, neutral.
Tim swallows, looking at the span of wallinstead of any of them, “yeah.”
“Once recently I’m afraid?” And Alfred sets theblood sample aside, easily moves a gloved hand to be under Master Tim’s stillholding the delicate saucer. The minute clattering stops when he does.
“Yeah,” hoarse, but fuck yes.
“Your back, Tim?” now Alfred’s tone is movinginto soothing, someone that can (used to be) be trusted.
Still staring at the wall, keeping himselftogether, Tim gives a short, pointed nod.
“What—” Dick steps a little closer to his side,not enough to set him off, but enough to reach out, slowly, easy, “who did thatto you, Timmy?”
His shoulders tense with the contact, and heblinks hard, shaking himself out of it, shaking himself the fuck back tothe present. He lifts the cup and takes a drink of utter heaven.
It helps to steady him, to keep his head outof the two weeks he spent being tortured as Tim Drake, CEO, and the more recentfight with dick bag aliens.
“I took care of it.”
“That doesn’t tell us anything,” Dick counters.“Timmy…you were tortured.”
And well, yes. Yes, he was.
“Yup,” is his soft admission, staring down intothe depths of his coffee while Alfred moves around behind him and the shirtinches up his spine, making his hackles rise just slightly. “I was.”
And he knows, he knows, Alfred was tryingto be careful, wasn’t trying to do anything, but the wounds, the memories, allof it was still so new and raw, that when the touch hits the wrong spot,reminds him of a burning iron bar pressed against his shoulders, he chokes andmoves without thinking.
The cup and saucer crash to the floor, and he isup, moving away, spinning in mid-air, landing at a crouch with his legand back screaming, his eyes wide, hand automatically poised in a nerve strike.And he can fight, he can fight, and he can win. He can save them thistime, save them all, and he can—
He can, he will.
Whizzing and moving, focused on not throwing up,focused on not stopping.
Bruce is gripping his face between those massivepalms from one blink to the next, and Tim realizes he must have been movingagain because they aren’t standing by the medical area anymore.
Instead, he’s pinned down on one of the big matsused for practice and training half-way across the Cave, the vinyl soft andworn-in under the arm Bruce has pinned at the wrist. His back is fucking agonybecause he’s laying down on the healing injuries. Worse, he’s shaking likefuck, the coffee in his stomach rolling with it.
“Tim! You need to stop. Just. Stop.”
But it’s just as bad because he can’t be helddown.
That…he’s not good with that, and hiships take over regardless of owfuck, bucking up enough to get Bruce offhim so he can turn over, land on all fours and gag.
He gets a million vigilante points for notthrowing up his coffee.
A. Million.
Plopping down on his ass to try getting air backinto his lungs, however, is seriously the best idea for the moment even if he’sshaky as fuck and probably embarrassed the shit out of himself.
(Regretting letting him back in now,aren’t you?)
Dick kneels in plain sight, ducking down tocatch Tim’s rapidly blinking eyes. “Hey, just me,” is meant to be soft andsoothing.
It’s not.
Instead, Tim closes his eyes again it and triesto calm himself but his brain is too fuzzy, still half-stuck on the ship, inthe mind trap, in his team’s memories—
“…something for me, Tim. Let me know you’rewith us.”
He doesn’t open his eyes so he can’t see whateverexpression is on those faces.
“Should have just…dropped me at the goddamnedTower,” he manages hoarsely, bringing his knees up to hold his heavy head.
Bruce, refusing to be diverted, gets closeenough to wrap his long fingers around Tim’s ankle slowly, carefully. “No,” heclaims slowly, mind working furiously at the flow of new and disturbinginformation, “no, Tim. I’m glad, very glad, I brought you home.”
The laugh coming out of Tim’s bent head ishalf-way to a sob (home? There hasn’t been a home in a while actually),and Bruce’s hand moves up to grip into a calf instead, sliding subtly closer onhis knees.
Dick paces right beside him, being absurdlycareful, recognizing the reactions, the instincts Bruce bred into all hisRobins to fight when you’re out of all other options. It’s knee-jerkreaction to any situation.
“You blanked out for a few minutes there, Timmy.It looked like,” he hesitates slightly from saying it even if he has plentyof experience dealing with this kind of thing, “you were having a flashback.”
“I don’t talk about it,” is the hoarse reply,the horrible panting sounds finally easing down.
“I think we’re going to try checking over yourinjuries again,” Dick gingerly touches a few fingers to Tim’s limp hand,“without trying to set you off, okay? We’ll…Timmy, we’ll be right here withyou.” His finger firm a little, squeeze Tim’s fingers before the hand jerks outof his hold, the leg moving away from Bruce.
Tim scrambles backwards on the mat, shoves tohis feet because ignoring pain is something he does like a boss, but pity?Oh, he gets all kinds of pissed off about it.
Just ask Kon. The impressive choke hold issomething the super is probably never going to forget.
“I don’t need checked over. I don’t needanything other than a way to get back to my damn Tower—” and the fuckaway from here is implied.
Because really. They can stop this moundof variable bullshit anytime now.
“I don’t need whatever in the hell this,” andhis hands flutter around for a second, “this shit is all of a sudden. I lead mydamn team, and it doesn’t effect how I work. How I’ve workedfor the last few years. I’m. Fucking. Good.”
Bruce’s mouth flattens into a grim line, staringat his third Robin, the son that took his name without qualm, the son he’d letget too far the fuck away because he felt like he didn’t belong in hisown home. And Dick might share the burden of that, the younger vigilantenearly radiating beside him facing Tim down, ready to stop him if he tries tobolt.
And Bruce doesn’t feel bad about Damian andAlfred slowly coming up behind Tim to box him in, takes a moment to beratehimself for thinking he was doing the right thing in giving Tim the spacehe thought the former Robin needed to heal. The same space Dick needed when hehad to move on from the Robin mantle.
But he’d inadvertently caused both hisformer Robins nothing but pain by giving them the space to throw their bodiesinto the Mission to try and escape the devastation, the loss.
It’s another black mark under his name, but ifanything, Bruce, the Bat, has no qualms rectifying his mistakes.
And he’s perfectly fine starting now.
“Tim,” interrupts the snarling commentary on howRed Robin isn’t fucking anything up (which is unnecessary because Brucealready knows it), and makes the injured bird abruptly pause. “Let meget this straight.”
The third Robin stops, seems to mentally re-set,like when they started up a new case and the personal lives had to be left inthe Cave before they got into the big car for the upcoming night. It’s enoughof the old Tim that Bruce takes a few cautions steps, holding up fingersto tick off so he’s got Tim’s attention on the visual.
“You were kidnapped as your daytime persona, asTim Drake, not Red Robin—”
Oh shit. Well, World’s GreatestDetective. Of course he’d find out. It happened in his city.
“—they tortured you on a ship in the middle ofthe ocean. You escaped, brought them down, and turned them in to severalbranches of authorities. Four days ago, you showed up as Red Robin when theInsurgents hit Earth’s atmosphere. You went into a fight with your team againsta psychic horde without calling for back-up. And you won. Allright so far?”
“Sounds…about right.”
Bruce hums, nods, “and…why do you thinkI would questioning how effective you are as a vigilante?”
Tim’s mouth works but nothing comes out because,well, point.
“I have no idea why you’re trying to convince mewhen I’m already well aware how incredible you are in the field. I don’tneed any other justifications. What I need to know,” and Bruce unfoldshis arms, hands loose at his sides, trying to look less intimidating so Tim’shackles won’t rise again, “is when your spleen was removed and what criminalcaused it. What I want to know is if you’ve seen anyone to help youthrough the trauma you went through on that ship. What I want to know is whyyou keep telling me you’re fine and you handle it when you are obviously notfine. No one, Tim, no one could be after all that.”
And the younger vigilante stares up at him,taller than the last time Bruce had a chance to really see him, withnarrow eyes that are already calculating his next moves. B knows it because hesees Tim’s eyes slide to Alfred and Damian, slide over to Dick before comingback to him. It’s saying something when the Bat is hovering at the fore of hismind, ready for another mad attack if Tim flips back into those flashbacks andstarts fighting by instinct.
“What I need to know is,” B counterssoftly, “why you didn’t come home when you needed to.”
When Tim stays silent, when his beaten, batteredbody gets as straight as it can, Bruce sees enough, knows enough.
He nods slowly, like he gets it, whateversilent message Tim is putting out, and returns that intense look, sees so muchhidden under the exterior that he should have picked up long before this verymoment.
“You three go upstairs. Have some downtime,” hewaves a shooing hand at Dick, Damian, and Alfred, “Tim didn’t get his coffee,and I honestly don’t need any more caffeine induced contingencies on my hands.”
“Bruce—” is Dick’s desperate attempt tostay because now he knows how much of this, how much of it isright on his head.
“Dick. Go have some downtime.”
Dami isn’t happy, is looking with his headtilted up, those dark eyes all for the scowl on Tim’s face, the sneer.
Alfred, however, steps between them, MasterTimothy and Master Bruce to break the stare down and lift a fresh cup andsaucer into the younger vigilante’s hand. It breaks the oldest man’s heart whenMaster Tim…hesitates.
But the hands are steady when the coffee istaken, and the young Master is looking carefully away from the butler, a musclein his jaw flickering.
“Thank-you,” is said softer than the rest.
“What else could I do, Master Tim? My life isdedicated to caring for my family, and that includes you.” A small pat to theyounger man’s head while the angry, defensive expression falls to wide-eyed andslack, like the younger Master is genuinely surprised. The saucer isheld tighter in busted fingers when Timothy’s spine snaps straighter and heblinks rapidly, trying to harden himself, pull his strength around him like acloak so none of them can see what abject pain he is in—how he obviouslywas very certain he no longer belonged here, with them all.
“Oh Tim,” the butler sighs sadly, gently, “thismay be untoward, so forgive me, but it is so nice to see you. As much as wehave missed, as much as you have suffered and succeeded, I am still so happy tohave you home.”
The reaction is those wide eyes, the true tellto Master Timothy’s thoughts returning to his face and immediately seeking outany deception on the butler’s part, any lies or placations, any shred ofevidence to support his previous theories.
Alfred smiles, just a small curve of his lowerlip, when the younger man’s shoulders lose a small bit of tension, just enoughto prove he found no lies here. When he can have just a hint of belief. It’sjust enough for Alfred to fit a hand on the younger man’s shoulder and squeezewith infinite gentleness before he’s herding two of his other charges up into theManor, casting a glance back at the long line of Master Bruce’s tense backbefore he and Master Dick exchange a very concerned look.
And they leave Tim and Bruce in the Cave withthe fluttering of bats, the gentle hum of working equipment, with damagedsuits, and healing bodies, with injuries and trauma.
It’s such a painful thing for Bruce, staring atTim and remembering a younger kid standing in the same place with the Rover his heart, the suit of his Robin and that crazy, wide grin in anticipationfor nightfall when they could move together.
When Tim’s team was Batman and Robin.
“None of this is necessary,” and it’s RedRobin’s voice, unshakeable and reliable. A leader. A vigilante.
And not the person Bruce wants to talk toright at this moment.
“I’m sorry,” Bruce cuts off that train ofthought, seeing past the denials and old pain, seeing past everythingTim is spitting out, the abject hurt, the theory that maybe, maybethey’d just been-been using him all this time. That he was just a kid ina cape or something just as ridiculous. “I’m sorry it got this far. I’m sorrynone of us, me or Dick or Alfred jumped in to remind you that you will alwayshave a home here, no matter what.  There’s no excuse for it, Tim,absolutely none.”
The younger vigilante frowns harder, his thoughtprocesses obvious to the World’s Greatest Detective.
“Once Damian and I could realistically worktogether, Dick left out of Gotham to trail the Titans and see if he could atleast talk to you, but the team was moving fast, so he wanted to waituntil you were in town again. But, regardless, we let this go on for toolong, letting you get further and further away without checking in, withoutcoming back.”
“I didn’t need to.” Tim interjects, firming hisjaw, still staying as far inside the mask as he possibly can, trying to protecthimself.
And Bruce finally sees it.
“And you don’t have to do this,” the youngervigilante puts the cup and saucer down immediately, eyes never losing that hardedge, “at all. It’s not necessary at this point. I’m still going to be theintel guy, the IT solution. I’ll still come when you call just like I’ve alwaysdone.”
“That’s not good enough.” Bruce insistsback, arms loose by his sides, “it was never supposed to be needed over wanted,and it isn’t like that. You won’t believe me until you have evidence, I knowalready, but Tim,” and Bruce comes up on him, not the stalk of the Bat or thestride of the daytime persona, it’s all Bruce Wayne—
He’s careful but firm, hands tilting his son’sface up a little, taking in the widening eyes of surprise, “Tim, you arealways, will always be one of my sons. Just like Dick and Jasonand Damian. That’s what you agreed to when you took on the mask. You becamemine and the Batman’s, our Robin, our partner, our son, and yes,yes this is necessary. It’s completely and totally necessary becausealong the way the important things got pushed to the wayside, and it’s so farfrom fine that I can’t even begin to list the problems here.”
And the younger vigilante has the most probablereaction Bruce can predict.
He fights.
“Bullshit,” is hoarse, angry when Tim shovesaway, steps back, “and I don’t need bullshit, Bruce. You think Idon’t get it? I was the kid that figured out your secret, you hadto keep me, to keep me quiet about it. So of fucking course you’d let mewear the R. What would I have done if you hadn’t? Just because I got goodat it doesn’t mean I don’t fucking recognize how it never should have been me.It should have been Jason and then Damian. It should have been blood,not some fucking kid you never wanted.”
And God it hurts, these things tearingout him like fucking poison, like rancid bile he can finally vomit up, to get outof him.
“And you did good. You did great, Bruce,dealing with me. You really did. You did the best you could under thecircumstances,” and fuck, yes, he means it because Bruce was there forhim when he was Robin, when Dad died, when his world was going to shittime and time again. Bruce put up with his crap more than anyone in his entire life—evenhis real Dad. “I appreciate it, all the shit from back then. You don’t—” andhis chest hitches, but he grinds his teeth, straightens his back for it, “youdon’t even know how much I needed you. How much I respect you, how muchI wanted to be your partner and friend, and you gave me that, Bruce. You didthat for me, but…but your real son has the cape now, just like italways should have been, and I understand that. This,” and his handswaffle back-and-forth while he looks away, tries to choke down the bitternessall these realizations still leave behind, “this is the way it should havehappened. This is—” not okay, never fine, not really, “how itshould be.”
But when he looks back, chances a glance, hejerks a little because Bruce’s expression is—
(Is there some fear toxin somewhere? What thehell?)
The hands at Bruce’s sides are clenching intotight fists, his forearms cording, muscles getting tight.
“How long have you felt like this?” Theoldest vigilante demands in a low, dangerous voice, “how long do youthink I’ve just been tolerating you? How could you even— Jesus,Tim.”
But really, he’s the detective, right? “Iforced my way in,” he deadpans, “you never chose me, Bruce.”
And even though he’s come a long way from thatRobin to now, he’s still not fast enough to dodge Batman.
Nope. That’s not happening.
Because Bruce is across the span separating themin a skiff of shadows, literally picking him up off his feet with an arm aroundhis waist below the healing whip marks, the other hand buried in the hair atthe back of his head, pushing his face into Bruce’s neck and shoulder (and he’sshaking, Bruce, Batman, the unstoppable, the indomitable, is shaking).
The move is so out of what he expected,so unpredictable, Tim’s eyes are wide, just blinking wetly, hands up toautomatically brace himself on Bruce’s biceps.
“In…in the beginning, I was terrifiedof you,” Bruce blinks back his own wet eyes against the side of Tim’s too-longhair, “I was so scared of getting another innocent kid hurt, and you were…youwere so smart and so brave. You were fearless, Tim. You were perfect forthe job, but if I got you hurt, if I got you killed, if this world losteverything you are because of me and my Mission… then there would be noredemption. And I—” and Bruce grips him tighter, breathes in slowly,presses the side of his face into Tim’s hair harder, “I couldn’t lose you too.I couldn’t lose you, Tim.”
And that. To hear that it wasn’t becauseof Jason Todd, to hear that he was valued back then for himself, has Tim’sheart give a painful throb in his chest, makes him hold on to Bruce like he wasstill that Robin.
“In the beginning, I didn’t want anotherkid in danger. I didn’t want another person’s life in my hands, I didn’twant anyone else to suffer because of my choice to do this, to be Batman, to bethe crime fighter Gotham needed. So…so you-you were partially right. Backthen, I didn’t want you involved. When you helped solve Dick’s caseand-and you gave me no choice, Tim. You proved to me you were everything Ineeded Robin to be, everything Dick was, everything Jason was, everythingDamian is learning to be. There was no way I could let you go.”
And God, to hear that, just to hearthat from Bruce.
It’s more than he ever expected.
“You’re more than just a kid in a cape.You always were. You were always the kid I needed, the kid that groundedme, the kid that was so much like me that you should have been a Waynefrom the get-go. Just like Dick and Jason. You taught me just as much as Itaught you, and even though I never wanted to overstep my boundaries, I neverwanted to try and take your Dad away from you because—” and Bruce has to pause,has to let his eyes spill over because back then? Back then when Jack was anass, was a damn terrible father, Bruce still couldn’t fight him because, “—becauseif mine had lived, even if he couldn’t understand me and what I grew into…Istill would have at least had him.”
And Tim bites down on his lip hard enough todraw blood, but it doesn’t stop his eyes from spilling over too, from his armsmoving to wrap around Bruce’s shoulders and hold the fuck on.
“But,” Bruce breathes in, rolls his eyes upwardto try and calm down, “but when you still lost him, I…There was no question,Tim. There never was. You were my son just as much as his, and there was nevera question as to where you belonged, that you have a home here. Not-nota room, not a cot in the Cave, not a locker for your gear. Your home,Tim. And I…I thought I was helping, letting you be the vigilante you needed tobe. When you brought me back and it was Damian in the R, I… I understood why,but I still missed you. I was still…upset with Dick, doing thatwithout telling you, without giving you an opportunity to have your say. I wastrying to give you time to stop hurting, to grow from it. I was trying not topush you too hard, to make it hurt worse.”
Gentle movement, Bruce walking carefully towardthe medical gurney still carrying Tim without even straining, still holding himclose, still so painfully angry at himself for how long these thingsmust have been buried in Tim’s psyche, how all of it must have pushed thisyoung man to his breaking point.
“And I…” Bruce closes his eyes briefly as ithitches, “and I failed you, Tim. I’m so sorry that I failed you as your Dad.I’m sorry you ever thought I only wanted to keep you from telling mysecret because it was never about that.”
But Tim, hanging there, limply, pain a dull redthrob in his brain pain, gripping Bruce around the shoulders tight,hides his face away from the realizations, from the things he never imagined.
Bruce folds himself down and rocks justslightly, comforting them both a little with the motion, “and you’re not goingto believe all this. Not for a while. I know you, young man, and you’regoing to need time to believe in me again, to believe in the family, andthat’s-that’s okay. That’s completely understandable. I’ll give you as muchtime as you need, but goddammit, Tim, I’m not letting you getthat far out of my sight again. I’m not ever going to let you go. Whether youlike it or not, you’re stuck with us, kid.”
He doesn’t laugh or chuckle, still in a state ofshock since he really didn’t imagine this in his future, or well ever.
After all this time, all the bad guys andterrible night, all the sacrifices and job well dones, he’d pretty much figuredit was really…over.
This is a whole lot of unexpected that his brainpan can’t handle all at once. He needs time to think about it, to review theevidence.
“Give me a chance, Tim,” is breathed gently againsthis ear, “don’t give up on me yet. Please, don’t give up on me.”
“You’re an idiot,” he finds himself saying backwith a scratchy throat, “I didn’t give up on you when the world thought youwere dead. Like I’m going to start now?”
And Bruce, B, the Batman, just breathesout in the quiet dim of the Cave, holds this almost nineteen-year-old on hislap like he used to do to Dick when the kid was on overload or he’s finallygotten Damian to just deal with it.
“When I really believe you mean that, I’ll let yougo back to Titan’s Tower.”
That does earn a snickerbecause really, Bruce?
“Can you just—” and the World’s GreatestDetective hesitates for a second, not sure how hard he wants to push whenthere’s been some progress made tonight.
“…you want to know about the spleen thing,don’t you?”
Bruce pats the uninjured leg a little and nodswith Tim’s head tucked under his chin.
Closing his eyes, Tim sighs out through hisnose. But, well, to start gathering evidence, this might just be the way tostart.
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