#or the opposite where im not supposed to like any of the big 4 and got bothered bcus of it????
thoughts on the big 4?
Hmmm this uh, this feels like a risky question to answer just cause i dont really want ppl bothering me about ship stuff in general 😅
But uh, i like 2 of em well enough i guess, neutral on 1 and i dont like the remaining 1. You figure out which is which ✌
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ATPOAIM Ep 4- Still...at their very best
As promised, here comes my break-down/ interpretation of yesterday's episode. I'm not really sure if I'm on to anything here. Just thoughts. a discussion starter perhaps. also, I do talk about the criticisms or problems that I have with this episode towards the end.
yeah, let me know what y'all think!
The opening scene does a lot to set the tone of this episode and let us know, from the start, that it is in stark contrast to episodes 1, 2, and 3.
For one thing, it's in color as opposed to black and white. The style of filming is difference. we see the wide open space surrounding Matty on his mattress, instead of the camera moving along with him, or, focusing on him.
He doesn't acknowledge the camera in the way that he does in previous episodes. In fact, he spends the first 59 seconds of a, roughly, 8 minute video just getting out of bed and getting dressed. Might not seem like a lot of time, but in a short video like this, every second counts. So, the decision to focus so much on this opening moment is deliberate.
The MUSIC, lest we skip over that, is also a big deal. It does have an eerie-ness to it that suggests we should feel unsettled by what we're seeing, maybe?
Of course, the first things that happen in the mid of the audience are: wtf? why is he sleeping on the floor? why does he sleep like that? where/what is this?
Curiously, the first thing that he reaches for is the oxygen mask? I wonder if it's sort of the opposite of reaching for cigarettes (or maybe im projecting as someone who has recently quit smoking, lmao). In any case, it's not normal. That is, it's not the sort of thing one usually does when waking up in the morning. Is it to highlight the artificiality of the set up? Is it the David Lynch thing? I know he had an oxygen tank for ATVB, but I can't remember how consistently he used it. Wasn't at every show, was it? idk. Or maybe it is simply to remind us of the strangeness of the seemingly mundane things that we are about to watch him do?
His clothes are laid out for him on the cart, which, again, makes the perfectly normal act of getting dressed in the morning very strange. Perhaps also eliminates the choice. He doesn't need to make a decision about what to choose, cuz there are no options. Kind of like a uniform.
First thing he does when he's dressed and has made his "bed" is go up to the wall. I'm interested in these.
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Because, he is fixated on it, and because that's what we see later on.
The music and the tone of the moment changes when he moves on to making coffee (fuck, now im really craving a good cup of coffee).
The coffee-making scene is utilizing lab apparatus. Though, I will say, drip coffee does usually use a grinder, a scale, filter paper, etc. So, I suppose that process is, in itself, adjacent to working in a lab. It also requires exactitude, slow motion, a lot of waiting around for the coffee to finish brewing and dripping, etc. (side note: the coffee he makes is nowhere near as strong as he should be. What kinda color is that, Matty?!) So, is he dramatizing the process? exaggerating skills required for the task? or i he SO committed to his grass thing that he's taken to sleeping in his lab and this is legit just an obsessed scientist making coffee in his lab thats also his home.
Some of you have pointed out that the door he exits from and the door he enters through are two different doors to the same building. If that's the case, is he suggesting some sort of cyclical nature to this everyday routine (in contrast to the day in the life thing that we saw in episode 1? Two sides, one coin?
Now, he's in an entire different lab space! Here's everything we can see when he first enters.
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The greenery certainly stands out in the otherwise monochromatic setting, and we shortly see him make very exact moves to snip a "sample" of the plant, and then mist it. But not before he puts on his "Matty" coat and tosses away the "Truman Black" coat in the biohazard bin (more on that in a bit).
He moves on from his potted plant to his ??? patch of grass perhaps? which, remember, we saw a picture of in the first minute of the video. on his wall of sketches and images. One of the images was showing the layers underneath the grass. Meaning that what we see at the top in only the surface?
Briefly, we see a crack in his "character." In contrast to making deliberate and precise moves, he's suddenly stirring chaos. Trying to ride the cart, fucking with the drill, and watching stuff on his phone. You can toss the Truman Black lab coat into the biohazard bin but you can't take the Truman Black out of the Matty?? after all, the Matty dude is just a coat that he put on. He can take it back off at any moment. Is he saying that every version of himself is, ultimately, a performance of selfhood? even if he were to be "Matty"? is he saying you can't totally separate the two?
He writes "la poesie eat dans la rue" in his notebook. "The Poetry Is In The Street" BUT WHY? Nothing he's doing has anything to do with streets or poetry. Hint for the future, but what?
Next, he gets pretty tactile. "touching grass" as we joked yesterday, but maybe also testing it a bit? We get a visual trick that makes him go from hovering over the small patch of grass to laying in a much bigger one. Followed very quickly by him posing for the SATVB Tour poster.
which is the very first time that we feel there's someone maybe with him? who's taking the picture for the poster? is it pre-set? but we didn't see any signs of it in the room prior to the shot. Has more stuff happened in between, that is conveniently left out? has more time passed by? is that why the grass is larger?
He ends the video by shutting things down and pulling the lever, just like he used to do at the end of ATVB shows.
I'm not entirely sure what the "studying plant in lab" is alluding to or suggesting other than bringing the natural into an unnatural space? experimentation? exercise of control over natural being? construct building? I think that's the key to putting together the subject matter of the following tour.
NOW FOR HANG UPS I HAVE these might not be legit criticisms. It may be that once we get more info/ see more episodes, these things will become clear, but for now,
I'm not sure that this needed to be an episode of atpoaim. Like, couldn't the tour announcement have been its own thing? the series seems to have had a very specific goal that it was trying to achieve in a very specific way, and this was different. Didn't Matty say atpoaim was meant to get to color gradually as the series also got more theatrical and dramatic? kind of as a parallel to the 1975? this wasn't gradual. this went into color right away!
We also know that Matty filmed this in NJ a few weeks ago. MUCH after filming other stuff for future atpoaim episodes. Does this mean he's scrapped all previous footage and changed the whole plan? is this a brief interruption and we get back to normal next month with episode 5? is episode 5 gonna be totally new and different from an original episode 5 that maybe he'd planned before? This is why I say, if the tour announcement isn't intrinsic to where atpoaim is going, then it should've just been its own thing.
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bannanafanta · 1 year
tw: pr0ship mention, me being utterly confused bc of twitter, me probably overthinking a common issue in fandoms
ok so like....why is almost all of playfellowxxx on twitter specifically just pr0shippers?
Not trying to start anything here ive just been trying to avoid them and block like im supposed to and it just seems like im blocking 70% or more of the people in the tag bc they're pr0ship (plus the small percentage that were pr0ship AND who were apparently ped0s via proof of call out posts).
and like dont get me wrong here, im not trying to be hateful here im just not sure how to find out if someones pr0ship unless i dig (which im rather uncomfortable with doing). bc pr0shippers literally out here reblogging from ppl with "pr0ship dni" in their bios n everything and its like....confusing? and just to be clear i do not have a playfellowxxx centered account, i do not post any content on it.
Plus like there's the problem of antis mistakenly/maybe intentionally following pr0shippers accounts to the point where its in big letters "Antis stop following this account" so obviously im not the only one whos confused. I don't see how like blatant antis and pr0shippers end up like constantly reblogging from one another unless one of a few things are happening:
Ppl are blatantly disregarding the dnis to reblog bc of serious issues (like the callout posts w/ evidence of minors being preyed upon) which I'm a little iffy about bc like thats still a persons dni??? (which this doesn't cover any of the other instances where its just reblogs of art from antis and pr0ships on the opposites accounts) (plus this would be the rarest of occurrence)
2. Either side sees the art, doesn't read the bios/disregards bio so theyre unknowingly following the other (which is still iffy, for that large percentage of them that put it in their bio n pinned posts, you think it wouldn't be difficult to like...just know right?)
3. There are so little antis in the fandom that they are communicating w/ pr0ship n either claiming to be neutral/pr0ship themselves bc they don't have any mutuals and want their art to be boosted in the algorithm (which i don't believe is the case)
4. Theyre all pr0ship and just put "pr0ship dni" in their username bc of not liking the fandoms equivalent of character x themselves, or other stuff/don't want hate on their twitter posts or dms (which i know isn't right either bc theyve activity said about going on blocking sprees/getting extremely upset seeing that mutuals ended up being pr0ship?)
I mean there could be other reasons I'm just not aware of what it might be. It's honestly been something thats been bugging me for a lil while but I've been unable to speak about it freely due to not really having anyone to discuss it with.
I really don't expect a response here bc ppl have "tl:dr" in my comments before on my old account when i talked about serious stuff, but if you want to throw me a reason, go for it.
again this is a serious post, I'm trying to be respectful despite this being a rather big issue for others in the fandom. /serious
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
JJba characters witnessing you skinny dipping
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Summary: caught in 4k characters saw u skinny dipping in the 90s after ur friends left u lol. (Joestars x Fem!Reader) Inspiration:  This was inspired by a funny and innocent scene in Now & Then(1995) where the main characters decided to prank their bullies(who were skinny dipping) by stealing their clothes and running away Disclaimer: Perverted thoughts, skinny dipping reader, characters aged up! anything else under those categories, not nsfw just fluff I suppose(Though I call it soft spice)? Header photo: Koisuru Harinezumi
Joestars Witnessing you Skinny Dipping all alone
Jonathan Joestar
↝ He’ll accidentally see you and get flustered, he’s a gentleman so he’ll probably leave you on your own, afterall there was nothing really wrong with skinny dipping. ↝ Since he’ll walk away you’ll be the one who will notice him and you’ll get his attention, “Hey Jonathan!” and he’ll have no choice but to go towards you and he’ll try to be polite by not staring at your body since its offensive. ↝ You might invite him as a friendly thing to do but he’ll decline and explain that he didn’t wanna ruin your alone time and you respected his choice and you ask him if he could get the towel on your bike and he’ll do it for you. ↝ He gets easily embarrassed and flustered so he’ll leave after saying goodbye and he would just try not to think about it and yet he still does, especially he gets flustered everytime he remembers your question of joining him for skinny dipping Joseph Joestar ↝ Ah he’ll already hear about you going with your group to skinny dip so he’ll stalk you there, this creepy pervert would watch your friends leave you alone. ↝ He would usually cover your eyes from behind and ask you to guess but you would guess that it’s him and slap off his hands and he’ll act playfully hurt ↝ You wont be the one to ask him to skinny dip he’ll ask you if you could join but you’ll jokingly tell him to please at least wear something because you honestly don’t wanna skinny dip with this weirdo. ↝ But in the end you two had fun, you two splash water and chased each other and swam to different places and went back, you had a great time and the more time you spend with him the less his perverted flirts and jokes were told, he did tell them from time to time but not frequent, that’s why you didn’t mind hanging with him at all because you get to see he was honestly a fun and kind person to be with, a funny one as well. ↝ You guys will end up in the lake/beach/any body of water for a long time until the sunsets probably, both of your hands would be wrinkly but you two wouldn’t care and coninue to just talk while in the water ↝ You two will part ways and he’ll remember he doesn’t have a towel so you two shared a towel and dried out while you two are in a nearby park or log to sit on while you two shared the towel till you are warm, you part your ways and immediately fall asleep after all that long swimming, you’ll probably ask him to swim with you again. Jotaro Kujo (Part 3) ↝ He couldn’t care if he knew your group of friends were gonna skinny dip or anything, though he’ll probably take a route where he sees you accidentally, he’ll try to go back but he’ll hear you call out his name ↝ “Oh Jotaro!” You would say and he would probably be annoyed maybe he would mumble a “tch” while adjusting his hat. ↝ You’ll ask him if he can get your towel on your bike and he would comment, “How come you don’t bring your towel with you, woman.” He would still get it though as he explains and you would apologize and laugh it off. ↝ He’ll hand it to you and you’ll thank him and innocently offer him if he’d like to join you and he would disagree, though he would still stay by your side as you skinny dip some more. ↝ You’ll wonder why is he still there but you ignored it and instead chatted to him as he either stood up with hands on his pocket or sat down on a log while watching you as if he was babysitting a baby who was in a pool. ↝ He honestly doesn’t mind your company, and it hella good at not looking at your body whenever you accidentaly reveal it everytime you accidentally get up or something. ↝ He’ll be very unpredictable with what he thinks but nevertheless you like his company more than skinny dipping alone, he would also look away at the right times when you’re gonna get out of the water. ↝ You’ll dress up and he’ll walk you home safely as you continue speaking to him, always leading your conversation. He may look grumpy but you knew deep inside he was listening and interested with your topic Old Joseph Joestar (part 3) ↝ He’ll coincidentally see you skinny dipping and wouldn’t notice you were skinny dipping at first, he’ll think you were wearing something so he’ll come up to you and hold your shoulders to scare you and you’ll get startled but the sudden touch and once you get up he’ll basically look away and apologize “AHH IM SORRY!” He’ll look away and you’ll chuckle. ↝ He’s not much of a pervert as he was when he was younger so he’s more of a mature and gentle person so he did look away and wait for you to hid your body in the water once more, you would apologize as well for standing up but you’ll just laugh and make fun of him because of his face. ↝ He’ll constantly scratch the back of his neck and apologize once you’re back to the water and you’ll just continue makeing fun of his reaction and he’ll blush in embarrassement, you’ll often tease him that he better not tell anyone what he saw and he’ll sincerely yet nervously promised he won’t tell anyone what he saw, he’s too embarrassed to talk about it anyway. ↝ You gave him more of a optional choice on joining you by saying, “You can join me but please wear some clothes I don’t wannna witness anything traumatizing”, he’ll refuse of course and say he’ll be somewhere ↝ After small you tell him that you can accompany him to whereever he was going because you’re bored so you ask him to fetch your towel and you’ll walk with him even though you’re soaking wet out in the streets. Josuke Higashikata   ↝ He will encounter you because he’ll be looking for someone and he’ll see you swimming all alone and he’ll be curious and approach you, “Hey, Y/n what are you doing all alone?” he’ll ask then eventually notice that you were skinny dipping ↝ Like young joseph he would be embarrassed and look away and pretend like he didn’t see anything while you speak to him,  he’s really uncomfortable and embarrassed since he never noticed anyone skinny dip before and you’ll just chuckle at him and offer if he wanted to join ↝ He’ll stutter since he was originally looking for someone else and yet he didn’t want to seem rude. “I-i’m sorry Y/n I’m kind of looking for someone right now.” he’ll scratch the back of his head and you just simply nodded at the flustered Joestar and ask who was he looking for. ↝ He’ll tell you who he was looking for while trying his best not to look at weird areas of you and was literally sweating since this was super hard. He really didn’t want you to think of him as a pervert no way, he’ll never forgive himself because he doesn’t want one of his friends to think that about him. ↝ He’ll find ways to leave the conversation and area immediately so he wouldn’t do something that would make Y/n uncomfortable but you on the other hand would make the conversations long so the poor Higashikata had to wait till he’ll find an exit of that conversation as he tries his best to look away. ↝ It was honestly a funny scene for you since you knew what he was trying to do. Jotaro Kujo (part 4) ↝ “Oh Y/n” he’ll say after he hears you call him out to him, unlike his part 3 self where he accidentally encountered you, you were the one who encountered him and called him. ↝ At first he thought you were swimming with some clothes or something but as he got closer he realized and he adjusted his cap and look someplace else as you spoke to him. ↝ You’ll invite him to swim with you but he’ll decline and convince you it’s a bit dangerous for you to skinny dip at hours like this (which is like mornings) just so you could get back, honestly this guy doesn’t anyone to accidentally encountered you with no clothes that would be a nightmare to him so he convinces you honestly. ↝ He’ll try super hard to convince you and after he does he’ll help you get the towel immediately and gently give it to you and not throwing it (unlike part 3 Jotaro), he’ll look away as you put the towel on and help you walk home. ↝ He’ll watch until you get through the door of your house and that’s when he leaves. Giorno Giovanna ↝ He’ll be looking for you but he’ll hear sounds so he’ll crouch under a big log or a bush as he tries to hear whats going on, once it’s been silent for too long he’ll look up just to see you skinny dipping. ↝ He will be really flustered but his face says otherwise, he’ll just look at you because of the surprise and shock till you get scared of him and fall over in the water.
↝ “Y-y/n!” He’ll stand up and look for you under the water and lake, he was honestly gonna swim in to save you but you came out with soaked hair that drips droplets of water, he’ll calm himself down but breathing in and out faintly, “You scared me.” He’ll say in his normal tone and same expression on his face. ↝ “Sorry, you scared me as well.” You’ll chuckle and then you were about to stand up till you forgot you had nothing on so you quickly sat down, he didn’t see much honestly, but he’ll look at the opposite direction on where you were, “I’m sorry.” He’ll apologize and you’ll find it cute.  ↝ His inner Jonathan side gets revealed when he was around you honestly, you ask if he wanted to join and he’ll be surprised and flustered once again but you won’t hear it in his voice or  anythingm but he’ll politely decline as he waits for you to finish. ↝ At the same time he informs you on what he needed to say in the first place and you two start a conversation afterwards and just enjoyed his accompany as well. ↝ He’ll also walk you home as you two talk and he’ll watch you till you make it back, sweet guy honestly, he’ll also be having a hard time not looking at your body while you were in the pool
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Sorry folks im still only up to part 5 i’ll write the other joestars when i get to their part, im honestly in classes rn so i’ll edit later lmfaO
Check out my masterlist~
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lilysdaydreams · 4 years
Boyfriend-girlfriend feelings ~
Pairing: Corpse Husband X Reader
Genre: Fluffy stuff.
Warnings: Um none i think.
Summary: Request where fem!reader has like a husky voice and it’s not like super deep but deep compared to the other female streamers and she joins the lobby w corpse and stuff as a substitute and everyone is supposed about her voice and calls her the girl version of corpse bc she’s faceless too, except her personality isn’t bc she’s super optimistic and stuff. Anyways her and corpse bond and later admit separately on stream that they like the other, then fluff? Thank you!!!!
A/N: This is my first request and I went a bit overboard lol, this is nearly 3000 words so Anon I hope you enjoy lol, but yeah I did my best, I really really really  hope you like it :((
You yawned and took a sip of your bubble tea before turning back to chat.
“Hmmm, what should we do now, everyone? I think I might end stream now, it’s been like nearly 4 hours.” you mumbled glancing at the time.
It was only 10, so it wasn't that late, but you’d been on stream for 4 hours and you needed to finish your essay.
Your phone lit up with a notification and you glanced at it to see that it was from Sean.
Sean: hey wanna play among us? We need one more person.
“Uhhh or maybe not.” you said to everyone, smiling as you saw the chat light up with excitement.
Quickly typing out a “yessss, send me the link.”, you let your viewers know that you were gonna be playing among us and then quickly opened up the game.
Opening up discord, you joined the group and realised the only person you actually knew here was Sean.
“Shit” you said, biting your lip.
“Guysss,” you whined to your viewers. “The only person I know here is Sean. I’m so nervous now.”
The chat blew up with “you can do it!” and “we believe in you!” and other supportive messages.
You smiled seeing all of this. Your community may be small, but they were probably the best ones out there. They were sweet and kind and there was barely any toxicity in the group. You were only a small streamer, doing it as a hobby since you started college. You only knew Sean because he had messaged you himself, inviting you to a game of Phasmophobia because he'd liked your previous videos where you played it. You had been shocked then, barely being able to comprehend that Jackspecticeye decided to Twitter dm you, like what the actual fuck. That had only been a month ago, and you had played again a week ago with him, but your friendship was still new so even though his presence made you a bit comfortable, the anxiety was definitely overpowering it.
“Okay, okay I can do it” you mumbled under your breath trying to hype yourself up.
Quickly joining the call, your ears were filled with the noise of everyone yelling about the previous game. Sean quickly yelled at them to shut up once he noticed you'd joined.
"Everybody, I have our tenth player, this is Y/N, say hi everyone."
Valkyrae was the first one to yell out "Hi" with everyone else chiming in as well, and you had to breathe in deep to stop yourself from fangirling over Valkyrae.
You awkwardly smiled and said "Hey guys, I'm Y/N, Its nice to meet everyone."
There was silence for a second and you narrowed your eyes, wondering if you were muted or something.
"Wait what oh my god, you're Y/N from Y/C/N?" Valkyrae said her voice going quite high.
"Oh, that's where I know you from," said Sykkuno suddenly, leaving you staring shocked at the screen. Sykkuno and Valkyrae knew who you were? What the actual fuck?
"Uhhh," you said eyes flickering between the chat and the screen. "Yeah, that's me, I didn't even think you would know who I was, um oh my god."
"Oh right, now I remember, you did a cover of dreamy night, right?" chimed in Lily, and by this point, you were almost having a panic attack.
"Oh god, you saw that?" you questioned, whispering because you were worried that you were gonna wake up from this dream soon.
"Yeah!" exclaimed Lily, "Your voice is like total opposite of mine, so it was really cool to hear! Your  voice is really nice!"
"Awww, thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say," you said, wringing your hands, not really sure what to say. What the actual fuck, how were all you favourite streamers here and ALSO knew about you huh? You wondered if this was a dream.
"Yeah what the hell, your voice is so deep." said Poki.
"Right, when you said 'hi', I literally thought it was Corpse for a second," Dave replied, chuckling a bit.
You made yourself take big breaths, trying to make your heart calm down.
"She's not very much like Corpse though" Sean chimed in. "She's very sweet, and gets scared so easily."
You unmuted yourself and gasped exaggeratedly. "Excuse me Sean, but who was it who screamed so much in Phasmophobia and nearly made my ears bleed?
"That game is FUCKING scary okay?" He screamed back, making everyone laugh in the background.
"Hey guys, what did I miss?" a very deep voice came in suddenly, and you realised this was the 'Corpse' they were talking about. You had seen his popularity on Twitter and seen a few clips of him playing but god damn hearing his voice in your ears like that was fucking amazing. You squeaked, thankful you were on mute.
"Holy shit, his voice is deep," you said to the chat, immediately getting responses such as "We know!," and "SIMPPP" as a joke from others.
Giggling you unmuted yourself when Sean introduced you to Corpse, and nervously said "Hey", dragging it out at the end, "Its nice to meet you!"
"Oh yeah!" said Sean as if remembering something. "Y/N is faceless as well, so she kind of is like the  female version of Corpse."
"What?" "Oh my god." "Brooo, thats so cool"
You didn't have time to say anything back as Sean decided to start the game at right that second.
Everyone went quiet and you sighed in relief as "CREWMATE" flashed across your screen. You did not want to be an imposter right now, you wouldn't be able to stomach it.
Quickly hiding your chat, you moved to admin and started humming something to calm your heart down. This had been a crazy 5 minutes for you, and you really needed to calm down. Taking a sip of your drink, you talked to the viewers as you did the card swipe.
"I cant believe Valkyrae - oh I should just call her Rae, right? considering I'm playing with her right now, oh my god, ANYWAYS, I can't believe Rae and Sykkuno know me. Like Lily even saw my cover. Ahhh! I didn't even know she saw it, and now I'm just playing with them, im literally shaking," you rambled to the chat as you went towards electrical to do the tasks there.
You saw Poki there, and you both ran around each other and then you followed her as she started walking to reactor. Suddenly the lights went out, and you gasped as the report button went red, and you quickly pressed it.
"Okay okay," you said before anyone could speak. "Me and Poki met up in electrical, we went to reactor and I was doing the one two three four five six seven eight nine ten task, and she was doing the Simon says and then lights went out and I went off and then suddenly the report button was red. So the kill happened right now."
"Did you see anyone?" asked Toast?
"Nope, I saw no one."
"Well, it couldn't be Sykkuno, because we were both waking to electrical together," said Corpse,
"Yeah it couldn't be Corpse, we were together at the last moment," confirmed Sykkuno.
"I was in weapons," said Rae.
"Navigation." - Dave.
"I was already at Electrical with uh Lily I think," said Sean.
"Yeah, that was me." confirmed Lily.
"Toast where were you?" asked Rae.
"I was just going into navigation."
"Leslie?" you asked, noticing she hadn't spoken up.
"I was in weapons."
"Well one of you is lying." said Corpse softly making everyone laugh.
"Gee, I wonder what this game is about?" Sean replied, teasing him.
"Maybe it's a self report?" questioned Dave.
"No oh my god, it's not me," you said quickly defending yourself. "Poki and I were literally doing our tasks, I swear."
"I don't think it's Y/N, why would she report the body, there was no one around, and she could  have easily just vented somewhere."
"Are we skipping?" Leslie asked.
A chorus of "Yeah" came in so you quickly skipped. Going into weapons you did the shooting task there and then started towards navigation, letting out a gasp as you got killed suddenly.
"ITS SEAN?" You yelled, completely shocked. "How could he kill me like that, I just started playing with them, and he was the one who invited me as well!" you whined, brining the chat back in again.
Opening up the dead chat, you messaged ":(((((" and Poki did the same back. You talked to the chat for a bit, moving around until you got to electrical where Corpse was.
"Guys, it's Corpse, lets follow him," you said, smiling a little.
Just as he was leaving electrical, Toast came in and killed him. You let out a small gasp as he self-reported and pretended that he'd just stumbled onto the body.
"CORPSEEEE" you typed into the dead chat, laughing when Corpse responded with ":((((" just like you had done.
"Whose the other one?" he asked and you quickly typed in "Sean :((("
Corpse: "*GASP, he killed you after inviting you to the game?*"
You: "Ikr!"
Corpse: “that’s so rude, we should stick together next game so we don’t get killed easily."
You: "Yes let’s do that!”
You guys continued talking until the next round started.
"SEAN!" you yelled immediately. "How could you kill me like that, when you were the one who invited me?" you whined.
"Exactly Sean, that was so rude." Corpse chimed in, supporting you.
"Ah, uh, exc -" spluttered Sean, "Please, oh my god, I can't handle the both of you at the same time, it's too intimidating."
Everyone started laughing and you giggled as Corpse accused Sean of avoiding the question.
The next round started and you laughed when you both got double killed five minutes into the game. Seems like your strategy of staying together wasn’t that good.
You played a few more games with everyone, getting imposter with Poki once. Finally, you decided that you really should finish that essay that you had due.
Finishing your fourth game, you let everyone know, pouting when everyone groaned.
"It was really nice to meet you, Y/N" said Rae, "We should definitely play more!"
Everyone chimed in then and you said bye to everyone as you left the lobby. Just as you were leaving the voice call, you heard Corpse say "Bye Y/N" again, but you couldn't reply because you just left.
"Whoops," you mumbled, feeling a bit bad.
You quickly said bye to all the viewers and ended the stream.
Opening discord on your phone, you sent a friend request to Corpse, being shocked when he accepted in a second. Wasn't he playing still?
Typing out the message, you sent it before thinking about it too much.
"Hey, sorry, I heard you say bye at the end, but I left right then. Just wanted to let you know that I wasn't purposely ignoring you or something."
“Ahhh no worries,” he replied.
Then a second later; “I checked out your covers btw, you’re really good.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” you replied typing quickly. “Your songs are great as well. I have to admit they’re a bit too intense for me lol, as I normally only listen to ballads and stuff, but I loved agoraphobic with al my heart :((( literally listened to that non-stop for a week when it came out lol.”
Okay maybe I went a bit overboard, you thought staring at the message.
“Oh Thankyou, that means so much to me. And yeah, I know that not everyone likes this type of music, don’t worry about it. Actually, I was thinking of doing another Lo-fi type of song like Agoraphobic, but I’m still working on it.”
You settled into your chair, continuing on the conversation.
It was an hour later that you realised that you’d just been texting Corpse and not done the essay like you planned to.
“Sorry corpse, gtg,” you messaged, putting a string of crying emojis after.
Putting down your phone, you finally started working on your essay, ignoring the butterflies you’d had in your stomach for the past hour.
You guys kept talking. The next day he asked for your number, saying it’d be easier to text there than discord. You guys messaged for ages. Your conversations never ended because even if one of you had to go, you would just pick up the conversation from where you left. It was by far the easiest friendship you’d ever had, and if you were being completely honest, you’d kind of developed a small crush on him.
A few weeks later, you were streaming among us again, this time with another group. You died quickly in the first game, so you pulled up chat and started asking some questions.
“Corpse?” You asked reading one of the questions. “Ah I don’t know guys, I don’t think Corpse is coming to this game, he’s quite busy with his music and everything, and I don’t think he’s available today.”
“Do you like his music?"
"Yeah, his music is great. It’s sometimes intense for me,” you admitted giggling, “but I do love it. I actually really wanted to cover Agoraphobic or MISS YOU! They’re both my favourites and I’ve been wanting to... hmmm.. maybe I’ll do a poll on Twitter and see which one more people want?”
Suddenly a message caught your eye; “I kind of have a crush on corpse.”
You laughed out loud, saying the username and replying “Yah I think everyone who meets corpse ends up having a crush on him, like how could you not, he’s freaking perfect.”
When everyone started spamming chat though, you realized you might have said too much.
“Anyway guys look, I think Sykkuno might end up voting Rae, and oh he did it,” you laughed as the “defeat” screen came up and Rae started yelling at Sykkuno for not believing her.
The next day, Corpse was waiting as Rae asked people to join the lobby. Answering questions from his chat, he saw one about you and read it out.
“Is Y/N gonna play?”
“Ahhh, I don’t think so guys, I think she has an assignment or something. It’s been a bit since I played with her, it would have been nice to but yah I don’t think she’s available.”
Suddenly all the chat was talking about was you.
“Do you see the clip where she says she likes you?”
“Bhahah I think she has a crush on you lol”
“Did you see that clip?”
Corpse furrowed his eyebrows confused about what clip.
Another comment caught his eye.
“Do you like her?”
“Do I like her? Of course, I like her, it was amazing to meet her, her covers are great, she’s so nice, also she’s like the exact opposite of her voice, it’s so funny." He laughed remembering the photo you'd sent of all your plushies lined on the bed. "Yah no she’s really sweet, we’ve been talking a lot recently, it’s been fun.”
“Omg he actually likes her.”
“Oh don’t make her uncomfortable guys,” Corpse huffed as he saw the comments. “Yah I kinda like her, but y’all are too much” he muttered, before realising exactly what he’d said.
“Wait no, what.” he stuttered, “Um oh look Rae's found some more people.”
When you finally decided to look on your phone, you realised that your Twitter notifications were blowing UP. Quickly going into the app, you clicked on one of the mentions saying “CORPSE X Y/N, ITS REAL I CANT BELIEVE IT.”
Tapping the video underneath it, you listened as Corpse talked about you, blushing when you realised what it sounded like. But...he couldn’t actually have a crush on you... right?
He was probably kidding, you told your beating heart. Probably just wanted to go trending for something. A voice whispered in your mind that Corpse wasn’t like that but you didn’t wanna give yourself hope.
Just then your phone rung, making you jump and stare shocked at the screen when you saw Corpse with a yellow heart next to it. Corpse had never called you before.
Quickly picking up the call before it could go to voicemail, you shakily questioned “Hey corpse?”
“Uh hey,” he said, his voice sounding way too deep. “Sorry I normally wouldn’t call but like, I just got off-stream and saw the Twitter trends and everything. Um, I like - didn’t wanna, um make you uncomfortable with all that so I can tell them to back off if you want?”
“Um..” you said stalling, trying to process everything here. Deciding to oho full in, you just blurted it out, “Do you actually have feelings for me?”
“Like not just friend feelings", you continued, "but like the boyfriend-girlfriend feelings if you get what I mean.”
Immediately after saying that you wanted to slap yourself. Were you in 2nd grade? Like who the hell says boyfriend girlfriend feelings?
“Uhhh, I- I kinda do I guess, I like you but like it’s okay if you don-
“I do," you said cutting him off before he could finish.
“I um, I also like you.”
Should I do a pt 2?
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So how would a session go with a Witch of time (she/her) Heir of space (they/them) rogue of heart (all pronouns) Knight of void (he/him) a thief of mind (she/her) and a mage of light?
Im the rogue of heart and my sister is the Thief of mind and the relationship is a bit rocky and I’m friends with them all but my sister isn’t really close with any of them if that helps any
I’ve been pushed down the homestuck path again and i don’t think i can escape.
Thanks :))
Let's see.
Space and time players - check.
Even number of players - check (although.. I don't know if that really matters! That's just what we've seen in our 4 examples.)
No overlapping classes or aspects - check.
Let's go over the players' "jobs."
Attack - Witch of Time, Thief of Mind.
Defense - Knight of Void.
Guide - Mage of Light.
Support - Rogue of Heart.
Healer - No healing classes or Life players... I suppose the Witch of Time could definitely pop around making sure everyone is safe using her re-do powers.
The Witch of Time and Heir of Space are on frog and possibly Scratch duty. The Witch kind of has her hands full in this situation. I think the Heir and Rogue could help her out on the side.
The Witch of Time would be able to change the way time works, using time in ways you wouldn't usually think of, bending and breaking the rules of time's normal flow. Her challenge might be to keep control over herself when faced with two very powerful and active class/aspects. She might also be able to See Space at the beginning of the game, like Jade did with seeing through Time in the clouds on Prospit.
The Heir of Space would be easygoing, positive, bubbly, maybe try to get everyone to work together and have fun. They would maybe be able to shift space easily and even unexpectedly. By the end of the game, they will have done something to connect in a way fully with the concept and aspect of Space. This might look like how Bec teleports by BECOMING space and then manifesting back down to his small size by letting go of being all of space at once. Trippy.
The Rogue of Heart is really here to make sure everyone stays calm and collected, making sure emotions dont boil over and, alternatively, keeping everyone (especially the Thief) from becoming too cold and unfeeling or callous. Having a Thief of the opposite aspect is kind of a problem in this session, and, I'm guessing, really ANY session. The Rogue's job is to make sure the Heart levels are equally balanced among the players and the environment around them. The Thief's job is to steal all of the Mind from the session for herself, leaving an absence of it in anyone but her. This would kind of force the Rogue through their arc, maybe even before they're ready. The Rogue has to learn to accept their aspect for themselves. By having the Mind (absence of Heart) stolen from them, they could become overly emotional and unstable. Rogues are already uncomfortable with their aspect within themselves. Getting a ton of it by force shoved on them would be very uncomfortable. I could see the Rogue and the Thief getting into a big fight over it. It might end up like a game of Heart hot potato? Trying to give all of this emotion and impulse back and forth because neither of them want it. The Rogue sees all this Mind in one place and has all this Heart to give and so repels it like a magnet. The Thief just got RID of their Heart and doesn't want it back! Hopefully the other players, maybe the Knight, could keep them apart.
The Knight would protect Void. This means there is a lack of Void in the session. There's probably too much going on, there's no time for quiet reflection, collecting yourself, being calm, destimulating, etc. The Knight could cultivate this area where things are less hectic, like Calliope's spiral space. This Knight would also be good at banishing monsters to the shadow realm. However, that would prevent you from gaining XP or grist from killing them. I think this Knight would disappear for long periods of time. I hope he doesn't void out for too long. I think players and enemies in this session will sometimes need to go in the Void time-out for calm down time.
The Thief of Mind. Let's see. This classpect would be the accumulating of all surrounding decision, logic, thought, justice, pathways, etc. from everyone else in the session. This player would have justice and fairness always happen to them and never to anyone else. Other players will be treated unfairly by the game and fate itself, whether that be to their advantage or disadvantage. Other players would have a hard time thinking rationally for themselves, being unable to choose their next step, acting mostly on impulse and on what they FEEL would be the right thing to do, instead of the safest or smartest thing to do. There would be a lot of tension and hostility from everyone's emotions being raw and exposed. Thieves can make good leaders, especially if they steal an aspect that is a valuable tool for command. The Thief would try (and maybe fail) to get everyone to follow their rational plans. They would say, "I'm the one with all the brains/plans/decision making, everyone has to do what I say!" I doubt a bunch of players with an overload of Heart would appreciate that and one or more of them might try to overthrow her.
The Mage of Light would probably be frustrated with this setup. They would see what's actually going on over the whole game, and they would see where everyone's getting hung up over trivial things, and they would hate it. Since they're a Mage, they would have to find by trial and error the best way to make everyone pay attention to them before being able to instruct the team as a guide. Their method of seeing through the game's future would probably be manually thinking through every possibility for future paths and seeing which ones are dead ends, backtracking, and retracing a new path from where the old one went wrong. It would take longer for them to find the right choice this way, but the Mage's powers would grow stronger through experience. By the end of the game the Mage will know exactly what to do and when. And since they're a Light player, they would be able to get everyone's attention, unlike Sollux.
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castieltrash1 · 4 years
dangerous territory → clint b.
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summary → clint stays behind during a mission, leaving you alone with him in the avengers building. seeing him sprawled out on the comfy lounge room couch gives you some naughty ideas -- only adding to the tension your relationship already has.
word count → 6.7k (literally wtf)
warnings → i ignore the entirety of iw/endgame except for clint’s makeover, extreme sexual tension, smut; switch!fem!reader, switch!clint, couch sex, oral (both recieving), fingering, slight overstimulation, dirty talk, praise
a/n → literally idk if i should be ashamed or not but im Horny 4 Hawkeye!!! oopsie !! also there are like .3 smut fics for him on here and im determined to fix that
Quiet was not a word you’d use to describe the Avengers Facility.
In fact, with Steve’s loud orders, Bruce’s lab explosions, and Sam’s boisterous laughter -- not to mention the never-ending petty arguments that managed to revert the Avengers to 11th graders in their first debate club -- it was the farthest thing from quiet.
But, now, with zero disagreements and zero distractions, you’d been able to enjoy the building all to yourself. Almost. Of course, the one time you got to avoid a mission, you ended up falling into an even worse situation.
You’d covered for Wanda last mission, and she’d insisted on paying you back for the newest one. It wasn’t high stakes by any means, but the work itself had countless components and everyone who was nearby -- or at least on the planet -- had been called in to fill some role.  
Everyone, of course, except you. And Clint.
Suddenly the idea of being stuck in the Quinjet with everyone’s post-mission moodiness sounded very appealing. You could feel a headache growing as you wandered around the kitchen, doing anything and everything in your power to avoid him. He was not supposed to be here. Hell, he didn’t even like stepping foot in the place unless the world was in immediate danger.
Of course, you weren’t the only one to notice his odd attitude. Natasha gave him a confused look when he mentioned staying behind, but decidedly hadn’t commented, almost like she’d already pieced together the reason for Clint’s actions. Knowing her, she probably had. But, even Wanda shot a glance that worried you -- though you seemed to be the only one to catch her squinted green gaze before it disappeared. You weren’t sure you wanted to know what she saw in his mind.
Sure, you had a couple of ideas as to why he would choose to isolate himself with you, but you tried to not let those thoughts consume you. The others wouldn’t be back till midday tomorrow -- if all went well -- and you were not about to spend the next 36 hours soaking your panties with stupid fantasies.
Unfortunately, even when ignoring Clint, your mind was still focused on him. When you passed by the gym or shooting range, antsy to get your daily work in, one quick thought of seeing Clint’s arms -- tensed as he loaded his bow, muscles straining and eyes focused on his target -- was enough to have you quickly walking in the opposite direction.
But, now, as you make your way into the lounge to relax, you can’t find it in yourself to care. You have just as much of a right as Clint does to walk around whenever and wherever you please. In all honesty, you feel even more entitled considering you’re the one actually living in the tower (at least most of the time.)
He’s exactly where you expect him to be -- he may be fast and quiet on his feet, but you’ve been keeping tabs on him, for your own sake.
It’s a bit odd seeing a book instead of a bow in his hands, but you’re not entirely sure you should be focused on how his fingers wrap around the thin pages, thumbing the corners so gently--
“Done avoiding me, are you?”
Well, shit.
His gaze remains on his book -- though the very few pages he’s turned assures you he’s not paying attention to whatever riveting story Tony has stocked his shelves with.
“What are you talking about?” you ask. There’s a moment of temptation to take a seat next to him on the couch, as close as possible. To feel his strong arms around you, smell the raw masculine cologne he always wears a bit too much of -- heavy on his neck and sharp jaw that you know your lips could curl around so perfectly if given the chance.
You swallow heavily and take a seat in the chair across from him, sinking into the expensive fabric.
“Tony picks good furniture, right?” Clint sighs, book closing without so much as a dog-ear mark as he leans back.
It’s silent for a second, and you’re entirely sure you’ve missed a part of the conversation during your mini black-out, but Clint doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest, waiting patiently for your answer. You consider it a small win and accept the change in topic with an awkward laugh.
“Yeah. Didn’t think price made such a big difference.” There’s a firmness to the chair that keeps you from sinking, and mentally, you consider if it’d be strong enough for other activities. “How much you wanna bet he spent on each of these chairs?” you question, genuinely curious. “I gotta guess at least two grand.”
Clint’s cool eyes glint playfully. “Three,” he challenges with a smirk that sends a shiver down your spine. “Though, you should really try this couch. Definitely my favorite thing here.”
There’s just a hint of suggestion in his tone -- the kind that you’d miss if you weren’t trained in reading people. It’s not unexpected, though. You’d have to be a fool to not recognize the exact same longing stares, the same lingering touches that Clint offers you. But, that’s what makes it all more intimidating. It’s an unspoken thing, and at this point, that’s what feels most convenient -- even if your lonely nights spent moaning his name are growing far too common for comfort.
Still, you can’t exactly ignore him, and his eyes follow you closely as you make your way to the couch, falling into the comfy cushions with a huff.
“Wow.” You laugh. “No wonder you’ve been spending so much time down here.”
Clint raises an eyebrow. “So you have been paying me some attention. Interesting.”
If he notices you shift as far to the other end of the couch as possible, he doesn’t mention it.
“Don’t take it personally, Barton,” you huff. “I’m used to keeping an eye on everyone around here.” It’s not entirely a lie, but he manages to see right through the half-truth regardless.
“So you avoid everyone, then?” There’s no hurt or misunderstanding in his voice, not even confusion. He knows what you’re doing, knows why you can’t bear to look him in the eyes for more than a few seconds.
“Still don’t know what you’re talking about,” you deflect, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back onto the couch.
He just chuckles, a low sound that makes your stomach clench unconsciously. You expect him to keep pressing you, work you up until you spill your guts, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t even say a word as you hear the rustling of paper and feel the couch move slightly as he shifts.
You turn your head towards him and open one eye, then both as they go wide. Clint has taken on a whole new level of comfortable, feet perched on the coffee table and one arm resting on the back of the couch while his free hand flips through the same first few pages as before.
In all honesty, you suddenly find yourself happy that Steve and Tony are gone -- otherwise they’d be scolding Clint for his manners, and most definitely not ogling his firm legs in those tight, black jeans.
You drag your gaze back up his body, stopping near the hem of his shirt, where his new position has allowed for the fabric to ride up his stomach. It’s just a sliver of skin but the image is enough to make your heart race. There’s a faint dip in the muscled hip line leading to his jeans, and if you stare extra hard, you can see the light trail of thin hairs disappearing under the fabric.
Swallowing heavily, you quickly look back at Clint’s face, holding back a gasp as he stares back at you.
“So,” you fill the silence before he can, mentally thanking Natasha for her training on keeping your composure. “How’s that book of yours?”
Clint just grins for a second -- you both know he’s caught you. “It’s alright. Not the most interesting thing in the building right now, though.”
You gulp. “Yeah… The place is big. Lots to explore. I don’t think I’ve even seen every room--”
“I have a feeling you know that’s not what I mean,” Clint cuts you off with a chuckle, and you send him a challenging glare.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you scoff.
He hums, before his tongue peeks out to swipe across his bottom lip. “You’re sounding awfully like a broken record today.” His icy, pale eyes return to his book, and you watch as he lifts his thumb to his wet lips, tongue darting out the lick the tip. You can practically feel the action, and almost whine in disappointment when his hand returns to flip the page.
Clint is downright grinning at this point, and you know he’s taking in every breath, shift, and blink of yours. “But, I know you’re not actually confused,” he continues. “In fact, I’d argue you like this game of ours a bit more than you should.”
You know if you brush it off again, he’ll drop it. He’s too nice to make you uncomfortable, and his statement hangs in the air with a heavy weight.
“You know, Barton?” you shift from your spot on the couch, eliminating a good chunk of the space between you and him. “I think you’re smarter than most people give you credit for.” He raises a brow, and you would believe his undisturbed look if you didn’t see his fingers twitch against the spine of the forgotten book.
“Tell Nat that,” he jokes, and you grin. Seeing that little crack in his facade, the way he fills the conversation with a joke, the discreet but heavy swallow he tries to hide -- it’s all enough to power you to move closer, until there are mere centimeters between you two.
“Hmmm, I don’t think I’ll be telling Natasha anything from this conversation of ours.” Keeping your attention on the slight tense of his jaw, you push the book from his hands, and he immediately drops his feet from the table to discard it in their place.
You pause for a second, glancing at Clint’s lap then back at him, and he doesn’t hesitate to reach out and grab your hip.
“Get over here already,” he groans, both arms wrapping around your waist to situate you in his lap. His hands are warm and firm and everything you could have ever imagined, and you automatically roll your hips down onto him. There’s a pleased moan from you both, and his own hips jolt in a way that sends you even closer to him, until your chests are touching.
He immediately dives for your neck, scruff tickling the sensitive skin as he breathes you in deeply. “I gotta admit,” he murmurs, letting his lips graze the bottom of your jaw in the most sinful way, “you look so much better sitting here than standing around in the kitchen.”
You drag your fingers through the long hair on the back of his head, tugging it playfully. “You’ve been watching me, Barton?”
He hums, squeezing you just as teasingly. “I do a lot of staring when it comes to you, babe.”
You pull him from your neck by his hair, and he looks up at you with the most mischievous glint in his eyes. The nickname makes you undeniably flustered, but you force the embarrassment away.
“I don’t know about you, but I think that’s what you call creepy,” you mumble, leaning down so Clint can feel your words against his own lips. He immediately darts forward, but you pull back with a sly grin, watching his eyes darken at the action.
“I think,” he growls, catching you off guard as he pushes you back onto the couch, making you jostle as you try not to fall off the edge. He steadies you with a large hand, and you only jolt again when he uses his free hand to spread your legs, caging you in as his hips drop between your parted thighs. “You’d be a hypocrite for saying that.” He drops back to your neck, and you can feel his smile before his teeth sink into your skin lightly -- just enough to make you gasp.
He continues to litter your neck with kisses, and you watch in awe as his toned arm tenses by the side of your head -- the thick black lines of ink rolling as his muscles flex.
“And what are you gonna do about it?” you taunt, back arching as his tongue darts out to lick a stripe up to right below your chin. “You gonna fuck me?”
Clint bites the edge of your jaw in retaliation to your words, before he pulls back just enough to stare at you with a lustful gaze.
“Not yet, baby. Not that easily.” One of his hands trails up the front of your thigh, before it busies itself with the hem of your shirt. You try to hide your disappointment, but Clint notices it, of course, and just shakes his head. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on letting you leave this couch anytime soon. You’ve made me wait long enough for this… I’m gonna take my time with you.”
He finally presses his lips to yours, and you hungrily reach and tug until he’s as close as possible -- until you can feel the denim of his jeans scraping deliciously against your thighs as you tug his bottom lip between your teeth. It’s messy and entirely uncalculated, and your nails catch in the wrinkles of the back of his shirt while his own fingers tug impatiently at the bottom of yours.
You part from him for a second, and his own greedy mouth follows yours, only managing to press against the side of your lips. “You act like you’ve made this easy for me,” you retort, and his chest rumbles against yours as he chuckles.
“Oh honey, I think I’ve made it quite obvious I’ve wanted to fuck you since the day you walked in here.”
“Clearly, not obvious enough.”
Clint huffs, warm breath hitting your cheek. “What’d you want me to do? Huh?” He shifts so his words make their way directly to your ear, each syllable accentuated with a puff of hot air. With him this close, neck just below your nose, you can take in the heavy smell of that sharp cologne you love so much.
His calloused fingers dip beneath your shirt, but instead of the obvious trail up, his hand trails down to play with the hem of your shorts. “Tug these little things off in front of everyone? Show them all how worked up you get me wearing these? Is that what you want?”
Your hips lift in a silent plea, and you groan. “They’re comfortable.”
“Maybe for you, but I find myself very uncomfortable when you wear them.” He snickers, and if you weren’t so turned on, you’re sure you’d roll your eyes. Only Clint Barton could make a joke about untimely hard-ons during a time like this.
“Then why don’t you take them off?” you groan, and he shakes his head while muttering something about you being bossy.
Still, his words betray him as he tugs the fabric down your legs, as slowly as possible while his eyes drink in the new area of exposed skin. “What part about taking my time with you did you not understand?” The corner of his lips tug in that mischievous way of his, and you have a sneaking feeling his patience is as fleeting as your own.
Proving your point, Clint tosses your shorts over the back of the couch with a grin, then pushes you further up the cushions. You’re almost sitting, shoulder blades knocking the arm of the sofa while your legs bend at the knee to accompany Clint, who scoots back. It’s the perfect and most disastrous angle to be at as you have to both feel and watch his deft fingers trail up from your knee.
You’re a hundred percent sure the effects of your arousal are extremely obvious, but he doesn’t comment on the wet patch of your panties -- though you see his eyes focus on the area between your legs for a second too long before his gaze flickers back to your thighs.
His calloused fingers trail the edge of fabric around your legs, rough skin providing a type of friction you can’t begin to explain. His touch is fleeting and he changes the amount of pressure with every swipe of his thumb, always pushing just enough to let you know he’s holding you down. That you can’t escape him -- as if you’d even think of trying to do so.
“Your legs are so sexy, you know that?”
You let out some type of pleased whine, a sound that Clint relishes as he tightens his grip on your thighs. “Make the prettiest sounds, too,” he continues, and then his fingers are right there. One hand holds your left leg down, while the other covers your panty-covered core. His thumb rubs into your desperate, throbbing clit, and you use your little amount of freedom to push your hips up, wanting, needing more.
Clint immediately presses you back down, and you watch his tattoos shift just slightly as he adds more weight to his hand on your thigh.
“Please, please.” You revert to begging at your lack of movement, losing all shame in regard to your desire. It’s obvious you need Clint -- any excuses or lies from before long forgotten. You need his movements to speed up, the slow circles of his thumb providing barely enough friction.
He just chuckles, but relents a little and you downright purr as the thin fabric of your underwear drags against your tingling nerve endings. It’s impossible to move under Clint’s weight, but all the muscles in your lower half flex and twitch as they desperately search for release and relief.
“How about…” Clint trails off, fingers moving upward to grab the waistline of your panties, “we get these off?”
You’re sure if you nod any faster you might make yourself dizzy, and Clint just smirks in that knowing way. That way that lets you know he has you right where he wants you. Right where he’s been waiting to have you.
The article of clothing is soon flung behind his shoulder just like your forgotten shorts -- and you can only faintly remind yourself to make sure you grab everything before the others return. Though, at this point, you think anyone could walk in on Clint between your legs and you’d still be begging him to make you cum -- audience or not.
“Fucking Christ,” Clint groans, palms sliding between your thighs to spread them, giving him a full view of your glistening core. “I swear, you’re gonna kill me.” Seeing his flushed cheeks, mussed hair, and greedy fingers, you’re not sure you can reject that statement.
He removes his hands for just a second, but you don’t dare close your legs, and he has the audacity to wink. Before your mind can even process the action, though, he’s pulling his shirt off, arms crossing over his chest as they show off in their full glory. Hips, stomach, chest, arms -- they’re all exposed so quickly and your eyes drink in the features as fast as they can. Clint throws the shirt to the side -- you have a feeling he’s utilizing his perfect aim to create a clothing pile -- but you just stare at his shoulder, where the ink spreads to areas you’ve never had the chance to see before. The olive green accents contrast against his tanned skin, which has gained a light sheen from the sweat of his arousal.
As he leans back down, Ronin’s portrait stares you dead in the eyes -- quite literally. If you didn’t know the deeper meaning, you’re sure you could mistake the skull as a danger warning to the man pressing a kiss against the inside of your knee.
Short hairs chafe your legs as Clint makes himself comfortable, pressing his jaw against you. When his hot breath dances over your center you almost squeeze your thighs together, but he’s there to push them apart with a chuckle.
“No, no…” He pulls away barely, and you take in a deep breath to calm yourself. “You’re gonna give me what I want, ok?” His fingers are gentle, and so are his eyes when he glances up to you. He’s hopeful, pleading almost, but stays respectful. “If that’s ok, of course.”
You almost want to cry, because how could he think any differently, but you just nod. “Please Clint, touch me.”
He sends you a lopsided grin, and then he’s right there, pressing a kiss against your clit. The feeling is completely different from before, lips slick and soft unlike his rough thumb. All the air in your lungs leaves your body as you let out a sigh of relief, body finally relaxing as it gets the touch it needs.
You reach down and your nails scratch his scalp lightly before you grip his hair in a tight hold. He nuzzles against your hand and groans against you, and the feeling of control makes your blood run hot through your veins. One of the most powerful men on Earth is between your legs, sucking softly on your clit like it's the only thing he could ever want.
He traces circles on your thighs with his coarse fingers as he warms you up with gentle licks and the occasional curl of his lips around your most sensitive area. You let him have the satisfaction of your spread thighs, but you periodically tug on his tousled locks to remind him that he’s the one between your legs. It’s the perfect balance of dominance -- the type that makes your head spin and your eyes roll back into your head.
Clint presses another kiss to your clit before traveling lower and the intimacy of the action makes your skin flush. You can tell he’s not going to be holding back for much longer though, if the desperation of his descent is any indication. His fingers join his attack as he spreads your folds, tongue dragging the entirety of your core.
“So good, baby. So fucking good,” he mutters, mouth impatient as he covers as much skin as he can at once. It’s fast and downright dirty as he presses his tongue into you, eliciting a groan from your parted, panting lips. You’re dripping at this point, and he laps up the mix of saliva and arousal with a yearning thirst.
It’s all so overwhelming. His fingers are digging into your skin -- likely to leave faint marks -- and the scruff framing his jaw scrapes and leaves your skin burning, while the softer locks between your fingers are a comfort to steady you.
The heat building in your body is entirely unbelievable, and your back digs into the couch as you arch into Clint, desperate for all he’ll be willing to give you. You press him closer, and he moans at the power in your hands -- the control you have despite him hovering over you. It’s a mental trip for you both, your stomach and pelvic muscles clenching as they react to his generous, eager giving.
“God, Clint, gonna cum.” The words barely feel like they’re coming from your own body, jaw slack as you tremble in his hold. His index finger presses into you slowly, while his thumb replaces his tongue on your clit. The change of stimulation has you reeling, your grip on Clint loosening as you feel his warm words against you.
“Kinda the point, sweetheart.” Your eyes are squeezed shut, but you know Clint is smirking -- you can practically hear it in his voice.
His finger curls to press against your front wall, and he rubs it gently once, twice, before he lets the digit drag out, sinking in again even slower. The leisurely thrusts continue as his tongue returns to circle your clit, his cocky words from before silenced as he puts his mouth to work. Your breath grows heavier, heart rate increasing with every second. His middle finger joins the first with a steady push, and you clench desperately as they curl and press and rub and reduce you to nothing but putty.
You’re right there and Clint knows it -- somehow he knows it. His fingers move faster, harder, and his lips wrap around your clit with even greater determination. There’s a shift, fingertips grazing the perfect spot as he sucks desperately and it’s over. You’re crying out his name, thighs shaking and you clench and flutter around his never-ceasing fingers. There’s a moment where all senses leave you and all you can feel is Clint, and the spread of warmth between your legs. Your ears ring and your own moans become faint background sounds.
And then, you’re pulling his head back, his tongue still trying to work your sensitive clit. He fights your tug on his hair but you must be begging because he finally relents with a huff. You can hear his breathing, and you feel his shift as he leans back over you, fingers still working you through your high.
“Look at me,” he demands, and his free hand drags down your cheek. “C’mon, open your eyes.” He forcefully grabs your chin, and your eyes open too quickly for your mind to process. It’s all so bright and you have to blink away the splotches of color coating your vision. Clint takes up the entirety of your view, lips wet and eyes dark. “There you go, baby.” He’s grinning and panting and his fingers are still fucking moving.
You whimper and glance down -- as much as his grip on your jaw will allow -- and the view of his tattooed arm between your thighs, veins pulsing as he fingers you is imprinted in your mind permanently. It’s a never-ending high that goes on for a second too long before Clint finally, finally eases his fingers from you. They’re practically dripping with your release, and he wastes no time bringing them to his glossy mouth.
It’s hypnotic to watch as his lips close around his fingers, nostrils flaring as he sucks them eagerly. They come out clean, and his chest rumbles with a groan. “Can’t get enough of your taste. Fuck.”
It takes a second for you to catch your breath, chest heaving and shirt clinging to sweaty skin. But, there’s finally a moment where your legs feel somewhat solid, and you take advantage of the opportunity, bending your leg to put the bottom of your foot on Clint’s bare chest.
He shoots you a confused but intrigued look, and you respond with a lopsided grin as you push him backward, until he’s the one stumbling to find a spot against the arm of the couch. Faintly, you consider the move would be much sexier with a pair of heels digging into his skin, but this will have to suffice for now. Maybe next time -- if there is a next time, of course.
“Now, what are you up to, baby girl?” Clint is practically vibrating with excitement as you gather the strength to push yourself off the couch, ignoring the slight twitch of your exerted thighs.
“Take your pants off,” you say, with little shame. “Now.”
You’re not sure you’ve ever seen someone get undressed so quickly and the hastiness of Clint’s actions leave him with very little coordination. It takes him three tries to get his belt undone, and he pokes himself with the metal prong when his eyes return to glance at you.
Raising a brow, you put your hands on your hips, and he speeds up. The button and zipper take him twice as long, but the sound when he finally tosses his belt and jeans off to the side is well worth the wait.
He licks his lips, looking up at you -- waiting, watching. Your earlier thoughts regarding his legs are heightened tenfold as you take in his toned thighs and hard cock in-between. He’s thick, the bulge pressing against his boxer-briefs making your heart skip a beat. The mere idea of him stretching you open has you growing too impatient for what you have planned.
“Keep going.” You swallow and hope your voice doesn’t sound too shaky.
Clint’s quick fingers make work of the fabric, and you focus on finishing yourself off. You pull your shirt off and let it drop to your feet before your hands move to unhook your bra. You’re barely sliding the straps down your arms when you hear Clint huff, and you look back to him.
“I wanted to do that,” he almost whines, chest puffing.
You roll your eyes but laugh, and toss your bra to him. He catches it with a wink, before throwing it behind him. Immediately, his gaze drags over your chest, excruciatingly slow. You know he’s taking in every inch, every natural mark that decorates your torso. Normally, you’d feel odd being examined so closely while still being at a decent distance -- but Clint is observant and his eyes are hungry.
Finally, his dark eyes reconnect with yours. “You gonna come sit or should I just grab you?” His tone is playful and daring, but you hear the hint of arousal that suggests he wouldn’t be opposed to tugging you into his arms. You don’t have time for games anymore, though, so you stand between Clint’s legs, and he pats his thigh playfully.
“Hmm…” You bite your lip and shake your head, eyes glistening with mischief. “Not yet…”
You make your descent to your knees perfectly paced, fluttering your lashes as you look up to Clint from between his thighs. He cusses and his arms fall limply to his side as he resigns himself to the torture he knows you’ll be sure to deliver.
“I thought you wanted to take your time,” you tease, fingers sliding up his thigh. Your nails against his skin have him tensing, muscles quivering.
He groans, and tosses his head back. “That was before I made you cum. Just wanna fuck you now -- make you shake again.”
You pinch him. “Sweet-talking will get you nowhere, Barton. You should know that.” But, you still let your palm graze over his hard cock, twitching at your touch. He’s firm and warm, and when your fingers wrap around his length, you realize how deliciously thick he is, filling your grasp fully. The length is there too, just enough to not be intimidating, but the girth has your core throbbing.
“Fuck, Clint,” you groan, giving a slow jerk of your wrist. “You’ve been holding out on me.”
He’s pulsing in your hand, skin flushed and precum beginning to drip from the head of his cock. It coats your hand on the second stroke, easing the drag. Soon enough, he’s practically glistening, and your mouth waters. You have to taste him.
He calls your name, voice trembling, as your tongue darts out to flatten against his tip. “Oh God, please.” He’s flushed, from his cheeks to his tensing thighs, and you’d grin if you weren’t taking him deeper into your mouth. Another part of the burning, fervid desire deep in your veins lights up as your lips wrap around him -- tongue greedy for more as it laps everything it can reach. A growl reverberates through his entire body, and the sound makes your thighs clench.
You spare him a glance, and he looks destroyed. Sweat gathers on his forehead and the veins in his arm pulse as he grips the cushions to stay steady. Sane. Calm.
His knuckles are white and you relieve them by grabbing his left hand in your own, thumb rubbing over the back of his palm. He’s squeezing you like you’re his lifeline, and you reward him with your free hand around his base.
“Fuck fuck, I’ll cum too fast with you doing that,” Clint grunts, and you watch his chest heave as he tries to steady his breathing.
You pull off him with a line of spit, breaking it with your hand as you use the saliva to glide your fingers. He’s still throbbing, and you trace his underside vein with your wet thumb. “I thought that was the point, right?” You repeat his words from earlier with a grin, pressing a kiss against his thigh as your hand speeds up. He’s so close and he needs it so badly, but he finally pulls his hand from yours to grab your moving wrist.
“Not until I fuck you.” He pants, and begrudgingly removes your hold from his cock. “And a couple times, at the very least.”
Your heart races at the mere thought of as many rounds as you can handle, with Clint making you cum again and again. Still, you stand slowly, silently hoping he’ll push you back to your knees and cum down your throat.
But he doesn’t. He watches closely as you straighten out, and you quickly move to straddle him. “Fine, but you’ll let me ride you, understood?” Your thighs brush over him with the lightest touch, and with just one solid movement, you could have him sinking into you. But, you wait. You watch as he swallows heavily, eyes hooded.
Clint gives you a lopsided smile. “No complaints here, babe.” And with that, you reach down to hold his length, pressing the tip against your clenching, wet, core. He gasps, but you shift just slightly, until he bumps your clit. It’s too much and too little all at once, and you let out a soft cry as he jerks upward, precum coating the swollen nub. You reward yourself with one more drag down from your clit before letting the head of his cock push into you.
You’re immediately clenching around his length, and Clint’s calloused fingertips dig into your hips as he helps steady you. It only takes a couple breaths and a slow spread of your thighs to take him fully, arousal coating his cock quickly. He barely holds himself back from rutting into you right away, but you rock your hips and grip his shoulders regardless.
“Fuck,” he half-groans, half-whimpers. “You’re so fucking wet.”
Your nails dig into his skin as you roll again, letting out an incoherent babble of his name as your clit gains friction from his own warm body. You can feel your own wetness dripping down your thigh onto his, and it has you shuddering. It’s so dirty and your fingers move to Clint’s hair, desperately clinging at the long strands. His forehead presses to yours, and he smells like the most dangerous concoction of sweat, cologne, and mint toothpaste you’ve ever had the honor of inhaling.
You join in an almost-kiss that’s all teeth, but he brushes his tongue against your cupid’s bow in a much gentler way, and you know he can feel the shiver that runs down your spine in reaction. He squeezes your hip gently in reassurance, and then his grip on you tightens. It doesn’t hurt, but you can feel the years of arm workouts, and you know there’s no way to escape -- as if you’d ever want to.
Clint’s knee jerks and then he’s thrusting up into you with such force it leaves you breathless. He holds you down and all you can do is gasp and hold him tighter as he pushes into you harder and faster. Every shift provides a new angle and friction as his tip stimulates your sensitive walls.
Your thighs shake desperately and you can hear the wet slap each of his movements provide as you coat his cock in warm slick. He grins at the sight, one hand drifting from your hip until it reaches your throbbing clit.
“Look at you,” he coos and punctuates the words with a rough circle of his thumb.
Your chest heaves as you gasp, but the lack of Clint’s hold gives you a second to grind against him. He grunts as you do, and you chuckle breathlessly against his parted lips.
“And look at you.”
He retorts by way of another rub against your clit, and your laughter quickly turns to a drawn-out moan.
“You look so pretty when you’re about to cum.” He pants between every word, but he’s determined to deliver the compliment that makes your face too warm. You’re not sure how he knows you’re so close -- it must be way more embarrassingly obvious than you thought -- but you can’t find it in yourself to care. Not when he’s letting his cock drag inside you slowly, with a hard thrust every few seconds. Not when the pressure on your clit is changing so rapidly you can’t breathe.
When you do cum, with a broken cry and shaking torso, Clint doesn’t let up. He goes faster, harder. It’s a never-ending high that turns your brain to mush, and your body into even less. Your thighs burn and your toes curl but all you can feel is the delicious length buried deep inside you.
It’s only during the beginning of the cool down that you tug a little harder on Clint’s hair, and roll your hips a little more. “C’mon, Clint, please. Please fill me up.” His chest rumbles against yours with a throaty growl, and you continue to ride out your orgasm as he fucks into you with a few more desperate, shaky thrusts.
He cums in you thick and warm, with a groan of your name. It tumbles from his lips sinfully, and you commit the sound to memory. The rasp of his tone and the sight of his wet, swollen lips.
It’s not until he eases out of you slowly, and you feel the drip down your thigh that you’re grounded and reminded of exactly where you are. On a multi-thousand dollar couch. Owned by Tony Stark.
“Oh my god, Clint.”
His eyes are closed and you’re sure he’s about three seconds from sleeping for eighteen hours, but he manages a tired smirk. “I know. That was good.”
“No! I mean yes. But that’s not what I’m talking about.”
He half-opens one eye. “What?”
“I think we stained the couch.” A quick glance between Clint’s thighs all but confirms it, and you’re not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed by the very large wet spot staining the blended fabric.
“I can’t believe that’s what you’re thinking about right now. After everything that just happened.”
You playfully slap his shoulder as you roll onto the cushion next to him with a huff. He nudges you back with his arm before clearing his throat, and letting out a butchered impression of your voice. “Oh Clint! Your dick was just so amazing!-”
“Oh my god!” You cover your face but nothing stops the laughter that rumbles through your chest -- even if he’s got your tone completely wrong. He just chuckles and wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his side with a sigh.
“How much do you think we’ll owe Tony by the end of the day?” He looks down at you with a playful glint in his eyes.
“What do you mean?”
He rolls his eyes, but presses a chaste kiss to your hair. “C’mon, you don’t think I haven’t planned out every surface we still need to fuck on before they get back?”
“See, you keep screaming my name but for all the wrong reasons.” Now you can feel his grin against the top of your head, and it comes into view as he stands with you still in his grasp. You’re not sure how he maneuvers it, but he’s got you in his arms before you can even blink, and the look he sends you tells you not to complain or even question it. He’s not even out of breath -- all things considered -- and when you glance in the direction he’s heading, your eyes widen.
“You have got to be joking…” You squirm in his arms as he sets you down on the table used for almost every meeting, and the mere thought of defiling it forever makes you squeeze your legs together shyly.
But, Clint is quick to spread them, all with a cocky grin and a far too confident tone.
“I don’t know about you…” He begins, as his fingers trail up your thigh. “But I think we could reach ten thousand by midnight.”
If you distantly hear FRIDAY warn adamantly against it -- neither of you mention it.
“Better get started then, Barton.”
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rexaleph · 2 years
Havent said anything abt perfume in so long bc ive been uh unwell but im coming out of it again i think.
Im interested in getting into florals, sth i started thinking abt in late spring. I want a green, wet, vegetal flower. Ive been enjoying Sublime Balkiss by the different company, but idk that it isnt too expensive for what it is. Lasts very little and ultimately it is just kinda a friendly fruity floral. sometimes i think that i just need to make life easier for myself and look into womens designer scents, but then i look at the reviews for Sublime Balkiss and people are like sharp green unisex different. And im like ah ok lol. Really interested in exploring tom ford's Vert Boheme, and that whole vert series in general, tho maybe its discontinued? And also fucking tom ford lmao. Fwiw i have actually tried Vert de Fleur during my last attempt at getting into flowers, and its not really it for me, feels like a sun-dried late summer steppe weeds + lipstick, the opposite kinda flowers from what im looking for. Funnily enough a lot of the reviews are calling it dark, fresh and dewy, which just goes to show that none of these words mean anything to me. (Having washed some of it off and waited a couple hours its much less unpleasant but still not what im looking for. dry bouquet herbal soap vibes)
De Profundis remains the untouchable fantasy BUT Amouage Myths woman seems to go to a similar green-earthy-floral well, while Myths man also has chrysanthemum and is supposed to be smoky which is intriguing (tho apparently also features prominent iris and is generally resinous and leathery). So time to reconsider Amouage perhaps. I occasionally revisit the samples i have and still cant really get into them but they are quite different from each other and idk that its their intrinsic dna that i dont get along with. Also given where de profundis comes from ive decided to stop being such a bitch about serge lutens, and maybe look into them for florals.
When i last thought abt perfume a couple months back I was considering making some purchases this autumn as a reward for hopefully defeating work demons, but im actually gonna be spending money on a trip and some things to do w that, which is a lot more valuable than perfume. However now i also want perfume as well. And idk id like to maybe not accumulate a million samples so i ought to go through what i have and really think about the hows and whys of my perfume experience. When i was depressed just now i still wore perfume every day but really didnt engage w the variety i have access to. I dont think i want to be the single signature fragrance person just bc my one perfume would be vierges et toreros and i cant do that to people, certainly not in the middle of summer lmao. But maybe i can have like... 4. Maybe 9. Fwiw i think ive resolved my search around leathers and animalics and am not interested in trying any more after having found my beloved few, even though some are completely inaccessible to me. Maybe i could write sth up about them. What feels very unresolved to me is fruits, my first big unexpected interest in perfume. Ive tried so many and rn i think i dont like any of them! My fucking samples store shopping cart is full of figs aside from flowers but maybe i should really think about whats wrong w the ones i have. I was gonna do a post abt the fruits as well and was reminded of it just now having had a bad time trying to wear Fig Man.
Anyway i dont think ill buy anything for now regardless, thankfully im good at not spending money. But i will try to have my perfume thoughts.
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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4 times Johnny walkin in on someone +1 They walked in on Johnny
( Excuse my terribly writting )
1 .
At first he didnt understood Daniels annoyance of walking in on the kids making out or fooling around , They were kids once and by Johnny experience he had babes to makeout 24/7 . He told Daniel always announce to make your presence know .
Johnny didnt think it was necessary for the day he went to pickup his phone that he left behind at the dojo , there wasnt class that day but Daniel wanted to go over some stuff hence his missing phone .
He shouldve seen all the warnings signs but his brain was too tired to notice , it wasnt late but Johnny was tired maybe his age is catching up to him .
First sign was the car that was parked , the lights were on inside the dojo maybe Daniel stayed longer , the duffle bags and cellphones outside . He can blame that on his eyesight .
Sliding the door expecting Daniel inside going over some paperwork
" I left m-- oh God ! Diaz ! "
" Sensei ! What are you doing here ?! "
Why him ? Why , couldnt god just let Daniel suffer , he shouldve known his luck would finish now that he was dating that non stopping talking twink , that he dearly loved his mind supplied quickly .
He was outside waiting for the kids to step out outside to proceed to look for his phone . Diaz and little LaRusso shyly didntt catch his gaze , probably to embarrased getting caught fooling around by their sensei . He cant imagine getting caught making out with Daniel by Kreese , he supressed a shudder .
He tells them that he wont mention what happened if they kept their free time away from him , quickly agreeing little LaRusso hugs him quickly and dashes away with a sorry and Miguel in tow .
He goes back in quickly to find his phone to see if Daniel really had send that picture of him wearing his old Cobra Kai Jacket , wasnt a suprise that it fit him , he was still small .
2 .
The second time, he walks in on  Hawk and Demetri at the Larusso's . Him and Daniel decided to move in together with Sam and Robby , And they had spare room where anthony could sleep when he's isnt staying with Amanda .
When hes not , Daniel lets Demetri stay in the room sometimes when the pale kid mother isnt home . He didnt quite like the kid that much , too much of a nerd he thought but Robby, Sam and Daniel liked him . Later on he sees that the skinny kid isnt that bad after all .
He takes  back his comment soon .
Johnny was bringing in some boxes in , too concetrated on bringing in his stuff he didnt see the motorcycle nor the shoes in the doorway .
What he sees in the living room , he thanks God for saving him from needing to bleach his eye if he had came in few seconds late to see what Hawk was planning to do .
" What the fuck ! "
" shit , shit , shit . "
He quickly cover his eyes and shifts around quickly leaves the house , he hears Demetris sorrys while Hawk laughs  and he does plan to never revisit what had happen but he will make Hawk do 50 extra push ups just for making Johnnys eyes suffer .
..... ..... .....
3 .
He loves Robby , he likes that he isnt like every kid . Robby is smart and kind with a big heart something Johnny wasnt . Although Daniel likes to remind him that Robby gets it from him and he's a good dad . He tries to be , He wants to be a good dad .
He was happy that him being with Daniel wouldnt affect Robby , Johnny was worried he would get mad but once he told him it looked like he told the kid he was giving him 10,000 dollar check .
When Daniel and him talked to Sam and Robby of the idea moving in together , Robby joked about calling Larusso dad now since they would be a family . He could tell Daniel wanted to cry from how happy that he heard those words .
Everything was almost done , mostly all his belongings were at the new house he just needed to pack his last few remaing clothes and some documents .
He does quick look around  his crappy empty aparment that he will soon leave behind , opening his door to his room he hears a noise across the other room . He brushes it off thinking is from the neighbors next door but then he hears something like if someone knocked down a vase . He quickly rushes across the room to open the door to beat the crap out of the intruder , what he sees is the opposite what he was expecting of the other side of the door .
" Robby ?! "
There was his inoccent pup in the lap of a boy on his bed , both without a shirts . He wonders how many years would he get in jail and if Daniel would go visit him .
" Dad ! What are you doing here !? "
Robby flushes , he guess it wasnt ideal to get caught by your parents .
" Im here to pick up whats left , what are you doing here with this guy , Get off his lap will you . Listen kid you got ten seconds to get out of here before Robby has to go visit me in jail . "
Robby quickly slides off  but not before handing a pillow to the guy to put on his lap .
" Dad , he's my boyfriend Doug , he's in our class re-- "
" Rickenberger ! Ok , i want you two to dress up and to step outside , Now ! . "
He didnt get a good look at first but when Robby mentioned it was his boyfriend he recognized the face of the tall kid . He tried to be menacing to scare the boy off and threaten him if he ever thought about hurting Robby . But the kid took it as a champ and did showed up for sunday dinner , and if his son is happy then he guess he will have control not to be an asshole to Doug .
4 .
Carmen had told him Yaya needed his help in moving a furniture at the apartment , and even gave him a spare key because she wouldnt be around because of her shifts.
Johnny loved YaYa , she was like a grandmother he never had . She always looked out after him , he was worried he wouldnt see her often now that he was living with Daniel . But soon Amanda announced her and Carmen started dating , soon Carmen , Miguel and Yaya sometimes  would join sunday dinner .
It was saturday morning and he was so comfortable with Daniel in his arms , soft sheets , nice big pillow and did he mention Daniel . It was nice morning especially from having a good night , he thinks they should have sex everynight .
He wanted to sleep more But he was a man of his word ,  well sometime when he tried , so with all his willpower he got up and showered and headed off .
Using the spare key they had given him,  he opens the door and walks in on Amanda and Carmen having some fun time in the couch , if it was another life he wouldve thought it was hot , but all he can think of right now he could've of been sleeping with Daniel .
" Shit ! Im sorry i will come back another time . "
He quickly leaves , the laughter of the two women is left behind while Johnny rushes off to his car .
..... ..... .....
+ 1 .
Nobody was home .
Only him and Daniel , Amanda and Carmen decided to take shannon to the new mall that opened , the kids wanted to go as well . Johnny was thrilled but Daniel was trying to convinced the kids to let the adults go and next time he would take them .
This was his opportunity , so he took it . Now here he was with an empty house with his babe . Johnny waits for Daniel to come out of the restroom , but he was taking way too long and he got hungry waiting for the suprise .
He went downstairs to quickly to get something to eat , opening the fridge he decides to make a sandwich .
" Johnny  , i told you to wait in the room . "
" I know , i just didnt know i was suppose to wait a year for you to come ou-- "
Closing the fridge to look at Daniel , He wasnt expecting for him to look so hot that it made him without words . Ever since he first met Daniel , his eyes were the first thing to catch his eye then his soft plump lips . His eyes were so big that it resembled Bambi , and thats what johnny calls Daniel when their alone .
One day he told Daniel he would look hot in a skirt but this was way better . Daniel had black stockings with one of his shirts that just swallowed Daniels frame and to the final touch he had a headband with antlers . Fuck that sandwich he was hungry for something else .
" You like it ? "
" I think thats an understatement , How about you come sit on my lap and let me show you how much i love it , Bambi . "
" Anthony stop that,  Dont bring that in ! "
Amanda yells , getting the keys out of her purse while the kids wait for her to open the door . They had to cut their day early because Anthony's friend got sick , she offered for the rest to stay at the mall but they preferred to go home . And if she knew what she was going to walk in , she would've brought out her phone to take pictures . And she only felt a little bit bad for Daniel but this was blackmail worthy .
" Oh wow , Daniel . "
Covering her sons eyes and making sure the rest eyes are closed , Johnny turns his head at their direction .
" Your back  early . "
Sam , Robby , Miguel are asking for bleach while Hawk and Demetri are laughing , Doug helps Robby go to the backyard as everyone else rushes outside to let Daniel change . Johnny thinks it was time for payback for all times they had to suffer but unfortunately Daniel wont escape Amanda's teasing any time soon .
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stinkyelf · 4 years
You Like Head Pats
Sirius Black x Plus size Hufflepuff reader
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Plot Summary: A mysterious dog starts visiting y/n and she spills all her secrets
Warnings: bullying and body shaming. Mentions of insecurities.
Word Count: 2,923
The day was beautiful, and all I wanted to do was sit down with the sun in my face and Sirius Black holding my hand. But that wasn’t possible. I had been friends with the Marauders since Second year, but Sirius held a special place in my heart that only Remus, James and Lily knew about. I planned to keep it that way.
It was hard having 4 Gryffindor best friends, being a Hufflepuff I barely got to see any of them. Though I never complained because being able to see them, being able to see Sirius, always made my day much better. 
I was making my way outside towards the tree I usually study at. Halfway down the corridor I hear my name being yelled “Y/n, hey Y/nnn” I smile to myself knowing who the voice belongs to. Before I could turn around and greet my friends, some girls decided it would be funny to push into me. My books fall to the ground as I land on my hands to catch myself, “move out the way bitch” one girl says before walking away and laughing with her friends. 
“woah woah woah, Y/n are you okay” Remus asks running to me and helping me up while Sirius picks up my books for me. I nod straightening out my skirt “ Im fine, It’s okay. just a little scratch” I say looking at the marks on the palms of my hands. 
I look up at the boys, their faces filled with worry “what?” I ask confused going to grab my books from Sirius but he pulls them away “ are you sure you’re okay Y/n?” he asks me. I give him a smile “please, I am fine. Now if you don’t mind i have some studying to do and some sun to enjoy” I say grabbing my books from Sirius and walking off. 
I sit on the grass against the tree, I set my books down next to me and gaze across the grounds towards the Forbidden Forest. Truthfully I had only been in the forest once, out of curiosity, but nearly got caught so I had never tried to go near the trees again. I sat quietly admiring the view instead of studying, when something caught my eye. It was a dog, A big dog with black fur. I wasn’t sure if it saw me but I gave it a smile and a wave before it walked further into the forest. 
I sat for a while with my thoughts before I heard my name being called again “Y/n/n” I turned towards the sound and saw Lily running towards me. I stood up and hugged her “hey Lil” I say happily greeting her, “ we have dinner, are you coming?” I nod and pack up my books and follow her to the great hall. 
I sit down at the Gryffindor table in between Lily and Sirius, James and Remus were opposite us. “So how was studying?” James asks me, they all knew how much I loved the sun and how it calmed me down from a stressful day. I smile sheepishly taking a sip of the drink in front of me “well, I got a bit distracted actually, but other than that it was rather lovely. and I saw a dog” I said before eating 
Everyone looked confused and I shrugged my shoulders, “A black dog, I waved to it, but he walked away” I said like it was a normal occurrence. I turned to my right and started a conversation with Lily, what I didn’t see was the look Remus and James gave Sirius.
It was another beautiful day but this time I sat in the Gryffindor common room with Lily, actually Studying. It was mid afternoon before the boys decided to make an appearance. They came rushing over and Sirius sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.
“how is my pretty girl doing?” he says, I chuckled at his flirtatious behaviour. I know he would never go for a girl like me, I am not his type, He liked skinny girls and I was far from that. “Fine, thank you” I say subconsciously moving away from him and pulling my skirt down to cover my big thighs. 
he noticed, but before he could say anything Remus spoke up “Y/n are you going to sit in the sun again?” he asked smiling at me, I nod “yes, I’m happy for you all to join me, if you would like to” I say getting ready to leave. “ I would love to, dear. But I have detention” Sirius says bidding us farewell before leaving. Odd, I don’t remember him getting into trouble this week. 
We make our way to the study tree, as I like to call it. We spend our time laughing and gossiping “so when will you tell Sirius about your little crush?” Lily asks, making me blush and shake my head “never, he couldn’t possibly see me in that way” I state, laughing at the idea. they look confused and I carry on “come on guys. i’ve seen the girls he’s been with, and trust me I just don’t think I meet his standards. I’m fat, I know that and he just wouldn’t like me” I say truthfully. they all looked shocked and James speaks up “you must be crazy to not see the way he looks at you, the way he talks about you Y/n. Trust me, he’s in love with you” They all nod in agreement and I shake my head. 
we continue talking before they decide to leave, I stay, I need to be alone with my thoughts. 
In the midst of my thinking, I see the dog again. He is closer, I smile at the dog waving a hand and ushering him towards me. He hesitantly pads my way “hello” I say “my name is Y/n, my you are beautiful” I say looking into the dogs familiar grey eyes. Interesting.
The dog comes closer, I reach my hand out to pet it. He eagerly accepts my pats and sits next to me. The dog looks up at me, I sigh “well if you want me to talk, then you better be willing to listen” the dog nods and places a paw on my hand. I talk about anything and everything, keeping Sirius to the back of my mind. The dog yawns and lays down “i’m boring you” I say simply leaning my head against the tree “fine, you want something more exciting, let me tell you a secret” I say making the dog perk up a bit.
“so you can not tell anyone, not that you would be able to but, ugh. I have a crush on someone, I have for so long but I don’t know how to tell him. He’s so pretty and tall but he can’t possibly find me attractive. He’s such a flirt but I can’t bring myself to believe the words he says” I spill out. I sigh and hear my name being called out, the dog runs off before I could say goodbye. 
Remus and I walk together to dinner. I sit again at the Gryffindor table next to Lily. I look to my left and the seat is absent “where is Sirius?” I ask confused “you missing me already, love?” I hear from behind me before he sits next to me. “you wish” I say nudging his side, he laughs but in his eyes he looks detached and sad “Sirius, are you okay?” I ask sincerely, turning my full body to face him. He gives me a half smile “yes, just swell, thank you” he says slightly sarcastically before eating. I brush it off, he must be in a bad mood from detention.
I sigh and shrug my shoulders towards Remus, who looks confused at the interaction between Sirius and I. Dinner ends and we all go to our respected common rooms. That night I dreamt of the dog. 
He’s speaking to me but I can’t hear what he is saying. It comes out as whines and barks, I’m confused. As he continues the words become clearer “Y/n wake up” “hey wake up” I hear, someone is shaking me.
I jolt out of bed, it is still dark out but I can see Lily leaning over me “who, what, what are you doing in here?” I ask her rubbing my eyes awake “Sirius wants to meet you by the tree” she says, I look at her confused and she shrugs “its bloody 3am, what could he possibly want?” I say getting up and dressed “I have no clue” she says walking down to the Hufflepuff common room.
I met her downstairs “do you want me to come with you?” I shake my head “no, you should get some sleep” I say and she nods, we walk off into different directions. 
I sneakily make my way outside towards the tree, Sirius is nowhere to be seen “Sirius!?” I whisper yell “Sirius where are you?” I call out. There is no answer, I sigh and slump against the tree “stupid boy, waking me up at 3am and then doesn’t even show” I mumble angrily to myself on the verge of falling asleep.
I’m about to fall asleep when I feel something wet against my hand, I open my eyes and see the dog, he’s licked my hands “hello” I say, my tone tired. he nudges my hand and whines, I slightly wince at the contact “it’s okay, I just got pushed over the other day, not the first time it’s happened” I brush off, rubbing the marks on my hands. We sit in silence for a while before I speak up “have you seen a tall boy with brown hair?” I ask “i’m supposed to meet him, at least I think I am, unless this is some stupid prank. ugh my friend Lily woke me up telling me that Sirius had to talk to me, and he hasn’t even shown up. I guess I’ll have to speak with him later” I sigh
Silence again takes up the one sided conversation. “you know, I love him” I speak out of nowhere to the dog. His ears perk up and he looks at me “Sirius, I mean. I love him” I say pulling my sweater closer as a breeze brushes past “he is perfect, in my eyes. He’s nice to me and that doesn’t happen all the time, you know” “I love his smile and the sound of his laugh, when I make a stupid joke. I even love the flirtatious comments that don’t mean anything. He just” I sigh “he makes me feel included even though we aren’t in the same house, he NEVER leaves me out or makes me feel like a burden” I say turning to face the dog now.
“I haven’t told anyone this but i’ve been getting slightly bullied, not all the time, but I hear people make comments here and there about my weight. calling me fat and pig, i’ve gotten used to it, I just can’t bring myself to tell the marauders and Lily, I don’t want them to think that I’m a weak little Hufflepuff.” I finished wiping a tear away that I didn’t realise had fallen. “but it’s okay, because now i’ve told you and you can’t tell anyone and there is a weight off my shoulders” i ramble smiling to the dog.
The sun begins to rise and I bid my farewell to the creature “bye bye” I say waving as I go have breakfast
I sat with my Hufflepuff friends during breakfast, I hadn’t seen the marauders all day. Lily asked about my talk with Sirius and I told her he never showed up, she was just as confused as I was. 
I sat in the library with Remus, studying again. I was slowly getting an essay done. “how was your talk with Sirius?” Remus asked out of the blue, I looked at him confused “he didn’t show up” he looked confused this time “I need to teach that boy to not wake a girl up at 3am and not show” Remus and I laugh lightly before being shushed by Madam Pince.
“so he never showed up?” I nodded “yup, but I saw the dog, we had a chat, well I talked and he listened” I said. Remus smirked “looks like you’ve got yourself a pet Y/n” I snort loudly but quickly cover my mouth “very funny Remus” I say shaking my head.
We continue studying before it’s time to go to dinner again. I sit next to Sirius, he gives me a smile. I ignore him and start eating, he frowns at this. Throughout dinner he pokes me but I ignore him, all the way to the Gryffindor common room he tried to get my attention. I decide it’s time to give him a piece of my mind “Sirius, do you know how rude it is to get Lily to wake me up at 3am just to talk to me and then never show up?, If it was some stupid prank, can you just tell me now!” I let out my frustrations gaining the attention of our friends.
“i’m not sure what you mean y/n” he says with a smirk, I laugh “oh you aren’t sure what I mean, Sirius I talked to a dog at 3am cos I was waiting for you, do you know how crazy that sounds” James snorts and I glare at him, shutting him up.
Sirius puts his arm over the couch “Y/n, I was there” he says confidently “very funny Sirius, unless you can turn into a large black dog, you definitely were not there” I say crossing my arms against my chest. It goes silent for a bit and I look up confused “what?” I say turning towards Sirius “Y/n, you know I can turn into a large black dog” he says rubbing my shoulder. the colour drains from my face.
I quickly get up and walk out of the common room, my name being called from behind me, but I don’t want to listen.
He knows. I feel sick. He knows that I like him, I told him everything. I walk as fast as I can to the tree, I need air and I need to breathe. I hear footsteps behind me but I ignore them.
I sit against the tree and cry “how could I be so stupid, of course I knew he was an Animagus, how did I not connect the fucking dots” I say out of frustration with myself. “you aren’t stupid, love” I hear Sirius say, I wipe away my tears not wanting him to see me cry. He sits down and puts his arm around me but I quickly move away from him “I am stupid, I told you EVERYTHING and now it will ruin our friendship, and you won’t want to talk to me anymore. I told you about being bullied and now you will pity me!” I ramble frustrated as tears flow down my face.
He pulls me to his chest as I cry “how could you say those things love, I’m not going to pity you and you definitely have not ruined our friendship. I love you Y/n and I have for a long time” he says resting his chin on my head “you do?” i ask, he lifts my chin with his hand “of course, what is there not to love!?” before I could answer he gives me a stern look “I know how you see yourself, but you are so so fucking beautiful to me. You brighten my day every time I see you- and honestly those thighs, when I see them I just want to wr-” “Sirius!” I yell slapping his arm.
He lets out a chuckle “sorry, sorry. But you understand that I love you right? every part of you. I wish you told me about the bullying, I don’t want to see you hurting. I hate seeing you hurt Y/n” he says sincerely and I nod “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you Sirius, I didn’t think you guys would care” I say truthfully “of course we care Y/n, you are our best friend” he says.
We sit for a while gazing at the moon, he holds me close in his arms “Y/n” “yes?” I say turning towards him slightly “will you be my girlfriend?” he asks, a small blush coming onto his cheeks “I thought you would never ask” I smile up at him. he leans down and kisses me, it’s soft and sweet and it makes me fall in love even more. He pulls away and smirks “I can finally call you my pretty girl” he sighs contently.
Sirius and I make our way to the Gryffindor table hand in hand the next morning for breakfast. The boys and Lily all smile at us “I see that you guys sorted it out then?” James says and I nod shyly while sitting down. 
We continue conversation like any normal day and I giggle to myself “what?” Sirius asks “I was just thinking” I say “you like head pats” I say making Lily and the boys laugh. A blush forms onto his cheeks before he nudges me a big “oh shut up” he laughs along with us.
My life could never be better. 
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ac-liveblogs · 3 years
Tumblr is a functional site, which doesnt delete part 2 of a kokomi ask, then spit out pt 2 of a ba'al ask from weeks ago. What i meant to say is: Kokomi's gameplay role as a stall healer synergises with her narrative role as a guerilla resistance leader. In the analogy, your party is the resistance, and 2x mr maguu is the shogun. I respect the shift away from crit, and towards diverse playstyles and ludonarrative resonance. It inspired me to 10-roll for her. Once. She came in at 7. Actual 4*
The opposite of Kokomi would be bennett, a mega broken character who is supposed to be alone and pathetic within the story. Aside from his outright ludonarrative dissonance, most characters don't really have a gameplay role which references their narrative role, so Koko got me excited. A pity it was probably accidental and after her banner sales (lol) it will never happen again. Im surprised they tried to shift from crit in the first place considering they designed crit meta to sell BP.
Holy shit, I thought something was weird about that part 2. Tumblr, you're amazing!
Even setting aside that Kokomi doesn't fit with the meta Genshin already hammered itself into, she was going to be hard-presssed to make any decent sales anyway when a very good hydro catalyst healer was already available for free, is likely already built because most players got her in Mondstadt, has arguably a more useful Burst for her role... and got a cute costume recently too. It's not like Qiqi and Jean are bad healers either and Kokomi doesn't exactly out-heal Barbara the way Ayaka out-damages Kaeya.
I think Genshin is going to be struggling to sell straight-up healers in general because it's just hard to powercreep them, unless they decide to add a status effect system and include healers that can remove or bypass them or something. Characters only have so much HP to heal, and when the freebie can fully heal your party to 100% pretty easily where do you even go from there?
Unfortunately, unless Genshin changes things so that stall becomes more viable, we'll be stuck in Big Number Hell for awhile. I was wondering how they might do that - I considered multiple shields on an enemy, enemies that can remove ally buffs/apply debuffs, enemies with specific weakpoints that require the use of bows or specific timing, etc.
Haha, re; characters not having skillsets that match their narrative roles... that's twofold in that a lot of characters have jobs that are pretty mundane (Diona is a barkeep, Xiangling is a chef, Barbara and Rosaria are nuns the Qixing are politicians...) and that Genshin's combat system just doesn't allow for much variation. Seriously, you are: DPS, Healer, Shield, Damage Support, Recharge support, Reaction Support, Crowd Control or a mix of two, two or three types of unique attacks plus some elemental flavour, and that's it. There's not much space to shake things up, especially when you can’t even unlock a lot of new abilities for a character.
Typical RPGs just have more options because characters aren't generally so limited thanks to the turn-based structure (i.e. they don't need to react to things instantly and you have time to set up a longer move), and their much less limited movepools. Nuns would likely have a focus on holy magic, Strategist, Chef and Alchemist could be their own class, etc.
Unless Genshin shakes things up, I think they're going to run out of new things to add to characters except bigger stats very soon, which is a real shame.
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
Do you have any fan casts or strong takes/feelings on the foxes’ appearances? Fandom tends to use the same Pinterest models, which feels wrong to me.
i do in fact! i've actually been meaning to make a post about how i choose to write all of the foxes' ethnicities anyway
but yes i absolutely agree that the typical pinterest model types u generally see on edits is not how i see any of them. nor is reece king or froy gutierrez or lucky blue smith one of my FCs for anyone
for a lot of them i don't necessarily have a single specific FC so much as i have like,, a general impression of features that i will see on various different people, who all may look wildly different from each other or who may not even look how i see the character as a whole but do have a specific feature i associate with them. mostly it boils down to the Energy i get tbh and that's just a Feeling i cant even explain
fun fact im a tiny bit face blind so that might account for some of why i'm so all-over about this
may as well go chronologically. some of them i definitely have more thoughts on than others
1. Dan
ethnicity: Afro Native (Sioux)
features: medium dark skin. buzzcut, killer fade. she often styles it in waves. she's very butch, wears a lot of basketball and cargo shorts, tank tops and flannels and jerseys, hiking boots. skinny but muscular, with a very rectangular body shape. defined jaw. probably like 5'4 or 5'5
FC/Energy: sometimes i get some dan energy out of janelle monae but more butch. lotta dan energy out of samira wiley. lashana lynch
2. Kevin
ethnicity: a lot of things tbd, but he's pretty multi-ethnic. i like the idea of kayleigh being half- or a quarter-japanese in addition to irish because it gives her more of a reason to go to japan for her undergrad. wymack is from d.c. which is a majority black city for its actual residents, but i also like the idea of him being Pasifika/Hawaiian. HOWEVER - and this is pretty important to my read of kevin's character - he's white passing, and has been mostly treated as a white guy who tans his whole life, like occasionally asked if he's italian maybe. learning that his father was a Distinctly Not White Man was a big shock to him.
kristin kreuk, lindsay price, phoebe cates, and marie digby are all half-asian actresses i base kayleigh on
i suppose i base his story partially on broadway actress carol channing, who revealed publically that she was a quarter black when she was like 80 years old. though maybe wentworth miller, a biracial actor who knows his father is black but also doesn't know him, is more accurate to kevin's story. then keanu reeves is a white passing actor with asian ancestry
also none of these people look anything like how i picture kevin lol. kevin is just like,, a guy. handsome ig. but kind of in a CW character kind of way
kevin looks exactly like young jason momoa
3. Andrew
ethnicity: kayin/karen from myanmar
features: fat and muscular, very wide and heavy. this blog is basically all andrew body type refs. medium-olive skin, has a bit of a greyish tinge that makes him look a bit eerie or unhealthy. deep set, droopy eyes; looks so tired. flat face with a low-bridged nose. crooked teeth, especially his canines. natural hair black-ish but he bleaches it light blond. has the beginnings of martial artist punching callouses in his knuckles
FC/Energy: holy shit the characters i feel have Andrew Energy are all over the place. pedro pascal. babe ruth (yes fr). oddjob (harold sakata) from goldfinger. the jinn (mousa kraish) from american gods. gaear grimsrud (peter stormare) from fargo. takeshi kovacs (joel kinnaman) from altered carbon. and i wanna be clear, it's these characters specifically, and generally NOT the actors outside of that specific role. except pedro ❤️
4. Matt
ethnicity: cuban
appearance: matt has more of an Energy than specific features to me rn. that energy is Warm. he has that Warm bro jock dude energy. kind of a marvel hero build, hunky and muscular. very rectangular face. has this haircut:
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5. Aaron
i get to cut myself some slack and not go AS in depth about aaron because he and andrew are identical twins
ethnicity: kayin/karen from myanmar
appearance: similar build to andrew, less confident and casual posture and body language. less apathetically murderous and more emotive expressions. better teeth bc his mom took him to the dentist. yes also bleaches his hair
celebrities: probably a lot like the difference between the characters and the actors. andrew is the characters and aaron is how the actors actually look. idk ive never looked at someone and thought 'hey! looks like aaron!'
6. Seth
ethnicity: have been going with half-vietnamese. considering looking into various south asian possibilities like pakistani
appearance: string bean build. that's all i have to offer
7. Allison
ethnicity: allison's very up in the air for me. she and seth are the two foxes i feel fine with being white, but im committing to having no white foxes sooo. i would say i generally see her as either half-middle eastern or chinese
appearance: plus sized and hourglass shaped. heart shaped face. taller, like 5'8 or 5'9. she has a pretty fraught history with her appearance and her parents payed for/pressured her into getting a nose job to have a 'prettier' nose. she also bleaches her hair blonde. she gets it done at a salon tho the twinyards do it in their bathroom
FC/Energy: elle king and nadia aboulhosn are my main inspos for her, esp body type but nadia esp in Vibes
8. Nicky
ethnicity: multi-ethnic. his mother is southern mexican Indigenous, possibly oaxacan. his father is mixed white/kayin
appearance: definitely takes after his mother while his father is white passing. dark brown skin, warm undertones. slightly stocky build. tall ovular head and thin aquiline nose. he's kind of just,, the opposite of the twins ig, so like their facial features look very different, which is a big part of why people don't make the connection between him and the twins alongside the difference in their skin tones, heights, and builds. nicky's build and features are very vertically-oriented, with a tall head, narrow-set eyes, thin nose with a high bridge, etc. the twins are horizontally-orienged, with broad, flat faces, wide-set eyes, wide noses with a low bridge, etc.
FC/Energy: yalitza aparicio, not a guy but one of the few Mexican Indigenous stars in the film industry and i really like her features for nicky. she's oaxacan
9. Renee
ethnicity: Black. african american
appearance: plus sized, circular/apple body shape. round face. dark skin. microlocs to a bit past her chin, bleached white and dyed at the ends. she and allison go to the salon together. femme but plain style, a lot of blouses and long skirts, practical shoes. knuckle callouses. about 5'6
FC/Energy: dominique fishback. tracie thoms, esp in RENT. gabourey sidibe. nicole byer, but not in Energy. brandy, for some reason, probably bc i think she has very serene Energy and is a little bit otherworldly. like if brandy played arwen or galadriel from lotr it would make perfect sense to me, and that's the Renee Energy™️
10. Neil
ethnicity: mixed. Black/Jewish on both sides. his father is polish ashkenazi and afro-brazilian. his mother is Black British and algerian jewish
appearance: very... sharp. like sharp all over. does that make sense? sharp features, sharp face shape, sharp angles to his body. he's got what i vaguely think of as a 'basketball build' not meaning tall but meaning very rangy and angular and lean. all limbs. seth has a similar build. lighter brown skin. he has waardenburg syndrome which is actually where he gets he gets his eye color, and his eyes are very large and widely spaced as well. freckles freckles freckles. freckles everywhere. 4a hair but at least during canon it's not very healthy and thus the curls aren't well-defined. he grows it out long enough to tie back and starts taking better care of it in post-canon. wonky, slightly crooked teeth, with a gap between the fronts
FC/Energy: now neil i actually have a ton for. mostly models which im a lil ashamed of bc i do try to draw more from athletes. alton mason is a main body type ref. mugsy bogues is good to see what i mean about the basketball build without the height. here're the boys: cykeem white, luka sabbat, désiré mia, Leo Hoyte-Egan, dylan hasselbaink, this beautiful stock photo model i've never been able to track down
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i think about him every. goddamn. day.
in terms of like,, real ppl and not models: corbin bleu, especially during Jump In. figure skater elladj balde. rayan "ray ray" lopez from mindless behavior. A$AP Rocky a lil bit, maybe i just like his hairstyle idk
two more models i think are important: carissa pinkston and ralph souffrant
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burnbrightuni · 3 years
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? NO
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? NO
3. Have you taken someones virginity? NO. ABSOLUTELY NO.
4. Is trust a big issue for you? I deemed honesty as a important virtue in my friends--but so far, there ain't any big trust issues I am ecountering rn.
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Yes.
6. What are you excited for? Perhaps saturday night (gonna watch deh with my friends!) Physical school to reopen.
7. What happened tonight? Nothing much. Just me watching the politician series while doing my art hw.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? If not too wasted, then no.
9. Is confidence cute? Depends on the person, and not extreme confidence. Then its cute.
10. What is the last beverage you had? Water, had it a minute ago.
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Hmmm, I trust 4. But if you say "FULLY TRUST", then 2.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Nope
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Hangout with my friends.
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Never.( Even if I were to spend, its gonna be my mom's money) I would spend my money on very special occasions.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? I suppose this means kissing in the lips, so NO.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Maybe my knowledge will be more immense.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? My close friends, I guess.
18. The last time you felt broken? There were many times n I can't remember the last.
19. Have you had sex today? NO
20. Are you starting to realize anything? yes. 1. Theres only 1 thing gud about online learnign--being able to finish off my list of "must watch movies/series" (most with groff starring)
21. Are you in a good mood? Im not in the mood.
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Baby sharks, yes.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Don't remember, perhaps.
24. What do you want right this second? Pssshhh, a boy to confess their affection towards me lmao.
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Uh. "We shall end our relationship."
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Not sure-its a little brown and yellow, maybe due to chlorine from swimming pool?
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Yes. I don't mind, as long as he cares and loves me.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Jonathan groff in mindhunter.
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Yes.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Not at all. (I love him so much)
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Ok what do you mean by "feelings"? Affection? Or likeness towards them?
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Nope.
34. Listening to? The politician.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yes.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? If (on the lips) then no, never even done so.
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.
38. Who did you last call? My friend.
39. Who was the last person you danced with? My friends in a party.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? I kiss nobdy.
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? cupcake-hm so long ago. Cake, last saturday;)
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Eh, no.
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Yes.
44. Do you tan in the nude? Nope.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Kiss nobody.
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nope.
47. Who was the last person to call you? Rio;)
48. Do you sing in the shower? YeS
49. Do you dance in the car? No
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? NOpe
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Never got one.
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? NO, never. Musicals are the besssttt.
53. Is Christmas stressful? Never celebrated christmas:(
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Don't know what that is.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Durian pie.
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Doctor, till now still is;)))
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yep.
59. Take a vitamin daily? Nope
60. Wear slippers? Nope.- wait actually yes, I have a pair which I wear to go out lol.
61. Wear a bath robe? NOpe.
62. What do you wear to bed? A random t-shirt and pants (which r old and has holes in it)
63. First concert? K1.
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Idk.
65. Nike or Adidas? Idk.
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos (I assume its cheese, so gonna choose the cheezy one)
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts.
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? None.
69. Ever take dance lessons? Never
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Professional Doctor.
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes.
72. Ever won a spelling bee? I suppose, yes.
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes.
74. What is your favorite book? Wuthering heights.
75. Do you study better with or without music? Without.
76. Regularly burn incense? none
77. Ever been in love? No.
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Jonathan groff.
79. What was the last concert you saw? Virtually, the last concert I saw was Spring Awakening. (my friend got me a illegal recording from youtube lmao)
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Cold.
81. Tea or coffee? I don't drink coffee, so tea.
82. Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate/ durian flavoured cookie
83. Can you swim well? Yes, I swim every weekends.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes.
85. Are you patient? Yup.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Musical songs;)
87. Ever won a contest? Yes.
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No
89. Which are better black or green olives? I don't rmb the difference.
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Don't have sex before marriage.
91. Best room for a fireplace? My auntie's room.
92. Do you want to get married? Yes.
@geekyapollokid @nelly-wister
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yellow - ushijima wakatoshi
Do you know For you I'd bleed myself dry AN: im sad so heres an angst piece 
Warnings: sad , mentions of NSFW
Summary: you were purple and he was yellow. you were never meant to be so you had to let go.
Song: Yellow - Coldplay 
    Ushijima Wakatoshi was undoubtedly the most amazing volleyball player youve ever met. He was also the kindest most honest man you ever met. He was also a 3rd year and you were a 1st year manager. He never really spoke to you unless he was saying thank you for something. You had decided to admire from afar. 
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do
  He seemed like the type of guy to be hyperaware of his peers but he was quite the opposite. Semi had to point out how your stare would linger on him a little longer or how when he said a simple “thanks” you would get all flustered. Ushijima had now suddenly noticed everything you did. From the way you would pat Semis head when he would greet you at the door to how your toungue stuck out when you were focused.And oh my god the way your hips moved when you walked and how when you got excited you jumped on the balls of your feet causing your tits to bounce or your ass depending on which way you were facing. Damn were you hot for a 1st year.
Yeah, they were all yellow I came along I wrote a song for you And all the things you do And it was called, "Yellow" 
  Next thing you know he wants you to help him after everyone else left. All he had said was “he had a slight problem” so you being madly in love with the tall man you know literally nothing about said a simple yes. 
So then I took my turn Oh, what a thing to have done And it was all yellow
  Now here you were  walking from the gym. And with your luck you would run into Tendou. He noticed the slight limp and look of bliss plastered on your face. He didnt say anything though. He knows his place. But he knows his bestfriend even better. “poor f/n” he thought. He knew where this was going and he just hopes it was a one time thing. 
Your skin Oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful You know You know I love you so You know I love you so
  You “helping” Wakatoshi soon became a regular occurance much to Tendous dismay. He straight up told Ushijima to end things before someone got hurt to which the ace simply said “no.”
  You knew you should have kept agreeing, You knew he was bad for you. But he was Ushijima Wakatoshi one of the most caring and honest people youve ever met. So when he had told you he loved you , you believed him. This is what love is...right? You loved him and he loved you. But if he loved you why were you a secret? How come you couldnt hold hands in public or talk to him during practice? Why couldnt you go on dates? Oh! He said he didnt really want to deal with other people prying into his life. He has to worry about volleyball and hes constantly bombarded with questions and interviews. He also said he didnt want you to be stressed because of that stuff too. How sweet of him. 
I swam across I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow
 One day as you were leaving Ushijima and yours special “spot” you ran into Goshiki. He instantly started to bombard you with questions. “Why are you walking funny?” “Why does your voice sound so strained?” “Are you sick?” you felt overwhelmed. Until Ushijima walked out of your spot, “Thank god Toshi can explain we were “hanging out” That was until Ushijima froze and instantly asked what Goshiki was doing there. And when he tried to explain himself Ushijima cut him off by saying if he ever told anyone you were with him he would- He was cut off by your sniffling. You honestly hadnt even noticed you were crying until Toshi was at your side asking why you were crying. 
   I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh, what a thing to do And it was all yellow
  Why were you even crying? Toshi loved you and you loved him. Goshiki was your friend but Toshi did want nobody to know so he had to tell Goshiki to not tell any- “Are you embarassed of me Toshi? Am I not good enough? I dont care about what others will say. I love you and you love me. Thats all we need.” 
  Silence had surrounded the area. No one moved for 15 solid seconds that felt like 4 years. Until Ushijima had spoke up “I dont wish to be in a real relationship with you.” and suddenly that straight forwardness that you found so sweet was bitter. “what?” your voice was small. You guys loved eachother why wouldnt he want a relationship. You let him be your first kiss,first time,first boyfriend. But wait didnt he just say he didnt want to be in a relationship? So that means hes your...”fuckbuddy?” you whispered out. Goshiki was long gone by now, wanting to be as far away from here as possible.
Your skin Oh yeah your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful
  Ushijima had asked what you said and you only looked up at him with tears in your eyes and anger in your broken heart. 
“ Do you know for you I'd bleed myself dry?”  You had managed to say through all the emotions filling your body. 
“F/n....” he said trailing off towards the end. He felt guilty. He shouldve listened to Tendou. 
“ For you I'd bleed myself dry!” you had yelled out slamming your fist on his chest to which he stumbled backwards a bit. Every emotion spilling from you.
He saw the pain in your eyes and he knew he fucked up. He knew this was his fault. 
It's true Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine
“You Ushijima Wakatoshi are the worst man to ever walk on this planet. But oh my god,I cant help but love you. Whats wrong with me? I knew we wouldnt last. Youre meant to become a star Toshi. Youre meant for big things.” 
He heard the pain in your voice and he wanted to throw up from the guilt. How could you admit you still loved him after this? How could you say those nice things?
And with that you looked at him one last time with tears in your eyes and bowed saying “I will see you at practice tomorrow Ushijima-Senpai.” and left and he was there with everything that was supposed to be for the person who truly loved you. And he wished he could give it all back. 
1 year later 
As you looked over to the small TV in your dorm watching the volleyball game with your roommate you felt tears well in your eyes as you saw how well he was doing. You knew he was gonna be a star one day. 
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And all the things that you do
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 10
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count:1843
Warnings: Slow Start, Language.
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Annnddd I’m back! so I know it’s been a while since the last update and I just wanna thank you all for having patience with me while I finished up with college, just a warning this chapter may feel a little awkward to read due to me just getting back into my writing mind so apologises in advance for this one. Anyways I’ll quit blabbering, Enjoy everyone! :)
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This was my day of reckoning, my punishment for all the bad deeds I’d done over the past couple of years…I was finally being sent to school. Okay maybe that was a tad dramatic, but can you blame me? I mean who wants to be trapped in a building against their will for 7 hours straight learning about dead guys?! No sane person would willingly agree to that crap!
I’ve tried just about everything to avoid my approaching doom, hell I even went as far as hiding in the basement surrounded by cobwebs to try and get out of this, but as per usual neither Steve or Bucky took mercy on me, hence why in currently trapped between the two. “You are aware I’m perfectly capable of walkin’ by myself aren’t ya? The looping of the arms is not needed boys” I swear down these two are being more annoying than usual, and I didn’t think that was humanly possible cause these two are basically the living embodiment of annoyance. Steve turned and raised his eyebrows at me, shaking his head as he let out a small laugh, “Yeah there’s absolutely no way I’m fallin’ for that again, last time that happened it look me and Buck an hour to get you outta that tree”. Ah crap there goes that plan.
I’m pretty sure the noise I made wasn’t even human, it was a mix between a seal and a possessed monkey “I’m not gonna get outta this am I?” “Nope” and que another frustrated groan. “Is this payback for the time I placed that bucket of flour above your bedroom door and watched the both of you turn into ghosts? If it is then I want you to know I regret nothin’” both of them stopped and glared at me, for some reason they didn’t find that as funny as I did, and I have no idea why. Okay whatever you do y/n don’t laugh, even if Steve’s face looks like a slapped arse don’t laugh! A snicker slipped past my lips and a few seconds later I was full on laughin’.  Goddamn it.
Both of em just let out a bunch of sighs and started draggin’ my butt along the street, wait there’s somethin’ I haven’t tried yet…in hindsight this is completely stupid but screw it. “OH MY GOD LOOK A SPACESHIP!” I’m pretty sure poor Bucky jumped outta his skin, Steve ended up trippin’ up and falling down, I’ll admit that I felt bad about but hey may plan worked! So why am I still standin’ there?… maybe we try this thing called running y/n! I quickly pulled my arm away from Bucky and used my new-found freedom to run in the opposite direction of them, I could hear the shouts of protest from the both of them, so I decided to kindly ignore them and absolutely leg it.  “GODAMMN IT Y/N! THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME THIS MORNIN’!” when were the boys gonna catch on that I didn’t wanna go? Do I need to prepare a firework show and blast it in their faces or somethin’…probably.  
I know I probably shouldn’t be smiling, but the feeling of the wind flowing through my hair as my feet hit the ground made me feel free, after so many years I could finally begin acting my age and enjoy my childhood. I finally felt content with my life, which is probably the opposite of what I should be feeling at this moment in time, considering I was currently making my grand escape. And to completely honest I’ve got no bloody clue as to where I am. I glanced behind me to see where the hell those idiots were, to my surprise Steve was directly behind me, Buck was somewhere in the back holdin’ his knee and I’m guessing the daft sod decked it. Why am I not surprised? Okay maybe I should of kept my mouth shut cause literally a second later my foot tripped over a rock and, you guessed correctly, I landed on my ass for the thousandth time!
“Sh*t! Cr*p! B*lls! That f**king hurt!” and that ladies and gentlemen is my fine command of the queens English, a groan of pain made me loose my train of thought as I turned my head to Steve, to put it simply he was laid flat on his back with his eye closed. Well there’s the rush of guilt I’ve been waiting for, “Sh*t Steve I’m sorry, you okay down there tough guy?” I quickly offered him my hand to help him up, I mean it’s the least I could do. Steve’s hand grabbed mine, a not so quiet grunt of pain made me feel even worse, quick question why am I such an assh*le at times? “Yeah, I’m fine y/n, don’t worry about it you know for a fact I’ve had worse” a quiet sigh left my lips as I brought him in for a hug, which was a tiny bit awkward due to the height difference. Once we pulled away from each other, I couldn’t supress the need to check him for anymore injuries, much to Steve’s embarrassment and Bucky’s amusement, “Jesus I’m gonna have to start wrapping ya up in blankets and pillows, Steve how the hell did you manage to get a bruise on your ear?!”
The sudden gasp behind me pretty much answered the question for me, it’s safe to say barney boy is in trouble…for the first in my life Bucky looks pretty f**king terrified of me, perfect. Slowly I started inching towards him, the glare I was sending him would probably make a demon cry for his mum…so yeah imma go kill the boy. I didn’t even have to say anything, he just started runnin’, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT HE STOLE MY FR**KING PUDDIN’ AND THE PUNK KNOWS I LOVE MY PUDDIN!’” YEP DEFINITELY KILLIN’ HIM “HE IS A SMALL AND GENTLE BOY HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL CAN YOU EVEN THINK OF LAYIN’ A HAND ON ‘IM?!” god this sounds like a bleeding soap opera.
 At this point I wouldn’t be surprised of someone called the cops on us, all everyone woulda seen was a big lad runnin’ for his life as a small lass tried to murder him while a smaller lad ran after the pair yellin’ for em to quit it.  Now that I think about, that’s actually hilarious. Wait, where was I? ah yes the murdering of one James Barnes…okay that is not a normal sentence I am aware. “HE.STOLE.MY.PUDDIN’! THAT A CRIME WORTHY OF DEATH!” oh for f**ksake “HOW THE HELL DO YA KNOW IT WAS HIM?! DID YOU NOT THINK IT COULDA BE BECCA?!” I think he made a sudden realisation, cause the dumbass stopped running and BOOM I was on the freakin’ floor. Again. We both groaned, mine was mostly in annoyance more than anything, but seriously the bloody floor is quickly becoming me best mate! “…. It just dawned on me that that could be a possibility…” if my neck twisted any quicker I’m 100% sure that I’d end up doin’ that weird owl thing “Oh now you realise?! Ya gonna say sorry to Steve or not?” a few seconds of silence gave me my answer. “Don’t give me that look y/n! I ain’t doing s**t till I’ve got some evidence so he’s still under my list of suspects!” oh my Jesus Christ this is gonna be the day I get arrested for murder isn’t it?
“Barnaby…you have exactly five seconds to run for your life so I highly recommend you get your affairs in order and kiss ya ass goodbye” oh hey look at that I didn’t yell at him! Well done me I’m so proud! “could you two quit trying to kill each other for 5 minutes?! We’re already late enough as is it and I ain’t explainin’ to the teacher why Buck’s outta it on the floor!” my f**kin god Steve just yelled! At me! why do I never have a camera when this s**t happens?  “Jeez, alright I’ll murder him later, calm your damn t*ts Rogers” and cue the sound of barely contained frustration in 3,2,1….
“I’m beginning to get the feelin’ that you don’t like me y/n” oh really? I wonder what gave that away “wow you catch on quickly don’t ya Barnaby?” by the looks of things I’m really doing wonders for his ego, buck’s head looks like it’s gotten smaller so the risk of him turning into a hot air balloon’s gone down. The feeling of a pair of eyes glaring at the back of my head once again reminded me that the blonde boy was quickly getting tired of our crap, my worst fears were confirmed once I met Steve’s surprisingly intimidating glare…how he manages to be both adorable and beyond f**king terrifying is a mystery to me. “Okay I’m comin’ just stop staring at me like I just murdered your kitten!” and the little s**t has the nerve to smirk and look pleased with himself, ugh he’s been hanging ‘round me and Bucky too long that’s for sure.
“Ya know Buck and you are gonna be the death of me” right do I be offended or pleased with that statement? “actually, if anything it’s gonna be the pair of you that send me to an early grave cause god knows the both of ya don’t know how to stay outta trouble” two muffled sounds of protest came from my left and from behind me, “what’s that supposed to mean?!” once again the point has been missed “do you really wanna know the answer to that? I’ve got my report and presentation ready on how you two are a pair of numpties”.
Maybe that was a tad harsh…okay wait never mind it seems I’ve learned how to fly again with the assistance of one James Buchannan Barnes. “this is coming from the girl who can’t walk five feet without fallin’ over somethin’?” as much as I hate to admit it the walking embodiment of frustration and annoyance has a point “what you call fallin’ I call floor hugs, now how about you pUT ME DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” wait when did Steve walk off? See this is what happens when an overgrown ape demands attention. I don’t even have to look at Buck to know he’s givin’ me that look that says, “what the hell?” and “I’m not surprised by this” at the same time, “Nah I don’t think that’s gonna happen doll” the temptation to kick ‘im where the sun doesn’t shine is too much to bare for me at this point. “And you wonder why I love Steve more that you” Buck’s face kinda looked like someone just shoved a whole lemon in his mouth, I’m almost certain that he woulda dropped me on my ass if it wasn’t for the fact that Steve came over and dragged us both through the gates of hell.
This is gonna be so much fun!……said no-one ever.  
Okay…maybe it didn’t suck as much a thought it did, hopefully my skills as a writer will come back for the next couple of chapters XD Thanks for reading ! :)
Rose xxx
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What is your middle name? I don’t want to share that. What color is your mailbox? Gray. Are you single? Yep. Have you ever hit a deer? No, thankfully. Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? Nope.
What color is your room? Uhh, the walls are white if that’s what you mean. Do you have a small driveway? It fits two cars, but yeah it’s still not very big. Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you? I just have one of the ringtones that comes with the phone so yeah I’m sure. What do you do first in the morning? I check the time and take my medicine. What brand is your printer? I think we have a HP. Do you enjoy fighting with people? Nooo, definitely not. Is your hair naturally straight or curly? It’s naturally wavy. Who was your kindergarten teacher? Mrs. P. What is your ringtone? Like I said, it’s one that came with the phone. Are you taller than your mom? No. What curse word do you say the most when your pissed? I may drop some F-bombs. Are you God? No, absolutely not. God is God. Do you like someone? No.
Do you enjoy writing in colored pens? Yeah. Does anything hurt on your body right now? Of course. Do you often cry during a movie? Nah. It’s pretty rare, actually. Last phone call you received? My mom. Last text message? My brother. Do you hate your life? I’m very unhappy with a lot of things. Do you get mad easily? No, but I get frustrated and irritable easily. What is your biggest pet peeve? Eating sounds, people who walk slowly in front of me, people who stop abruptly in front of me, people who stand in the middle of the way, being told to “calm down” or “chill out”, being poked, someone putting their fingers in my face, ice hitting against a glass... Are you cold? No. It’s finally starting to cool down here, though, which I love. Do any of your friends have kids? -- Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now? I don’t think so. Who should pay on the first date? Whoever did the asking I suppose or offer to split it. How many years older than you are you willing to date? Ideally just a few years. Do you have any friends? No. Do you have any mean friends? -- What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion? Uhhh. Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate? Yes. Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously? Not seriously. Have you ever contemplated suicide? I’ve had thoughts, but never seriously considered or planned anything out. Do you scratch your ears? If they itch, yes? Who was the last person to hug you? My mom. What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now? I’m currently just wearing a t-shirt dress. How tall are you? About 5′4. What is the closest green object? There’s green on my shirt and socks. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you? I’ve been told Jesse was a possibility. Do you want to have kids? No. What is the brightest color you're wearing? The shade of green on my socks. Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have? -- Who do you hate the most right now? Myself. What kind of car do you want? *shrug* What is your favorite video game? Mario Bros and the Life is Strange series. Do you like your dad? Yes. Do you have any TV shows on DVD? Yeah, I have a few boxsets of I Love Lucy and one of The Dick Van Dyke Show. Are you wearing make-up? No. Do you have a tattoo? Nope. Have you ever broken a pinata? Yeah. What time is it right now? It’s 3:19AM. Do you know how to draw? Nope. Who loves orange soda? Kel. Who did you last IM? I last messaged a former friend on Facebook Messenger a couple months ago. Do you work a lot of hours? I don’t have a job. Where were you in the last 24 hours? I stayed in bed all day. Who was the last person that called you? My mom. Is there anything you regret? There’s a few things. Do you know where your family name originated from? Yes. Is there an animal that creeps you out? Killer whales and panda bears. What is your favorite color ON A CAR? I think red looks cool. 
Do you use digital or film cameras? Digital. Do you own an iPod? Yeah, but it’s been stored away, unused, since like 2012. Have you ever been on a charter bus? No. Do you like going to water parks? No.
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