#or maybe it’s the start of another pon farr
blanc-ci · 1 day
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To Kirk’s (welcome) surprise, Spock is sometimes even more handsy than he is
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Star Trek series rated by horniness (as rated by me, an asexual, so you know its objective):
Star Trek: The Original Series - what is there to say for the series that invented slashfic, fuck-or-die, and Thiess's theory of titillation in costuming? The universe is full of greased-up pecs and scantily clad women wondering what is this thing you call...love? It's easier to mention the episodes that *aren't* horny. 10/10, for how could it be otherwise?
Star Trek: The Animated Series - It's a Saturday morning cartoon series from the 70s, and yet... 3/10, for the surprising number of scantily clad muscular guys
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Oh, we *start* quite horny; Roddenberry is keen to let us know that the android has a penis in the second episode; but then Roddenberry dies, and by the final season even Troi is wearing a sensible duty uniform. 6/10 for Will Riker, though
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - We've got Quark's, where the women are scantily clad, the holosuites are for fucking, and the waiters give themselves ear infections from doing too much oo-mox on themselves. We've got Jadzia Dax, who has three hundred years worth of sexcapades in two genders and will tell you about them at the drop of a hat. We've got Bashir and his sad blue balls for the first two seasons. We've got Klingons breaking each other's clavicles to initiate coitus. And we've got an enemy power led by the perpetual mind-melting gangbang that canonically is the Great Link. 9/10
Star Trek: Voyager - Weirdly conservative in its sexual politics. I mean, it goes out of its way to stick poor Jeri Ryan in that body condom, and there's a whole episode about space whales wanting to fuck the ship, and another one about Janeway wanting to fuck an Irishman, and *two* episodes about Pon Farr...actually, you know what? 6/10.
Star Trek: Enterprise - You know what, let me tell you about this series; this series is like a 14-year-old asexual boy boasting about his supposed sexual conquests in the hopes that it will endear him to the cool kids. It doesn't work; there's nothing genuine about it and everyone knows it; no matter how many innuendos he throws in, it's clear that there's no joy in it for him and he'd be happier if he could just go off and read comic books. Secretly, he wishes his friends still wanted to play with action figures. -1/10
Star Trek: Discovery - The show presents us with wall-to-wall gays who just...never seem to shtup each other. Like, I of all people know that sex doesn't define queerness, but...really? I guess maybe they're afraid of being less than wholesome? Anyways, 2/10 for that time that the Emperor went off to fuck a couple of Orions in the middle of a dangerous secret mission on the Klingon homeworld.
Star Trek: Picard - A series so sexless that it can't even show its main canonical couple enjoying each other's company for more than 5 seconds each season. And yet the chaste Jurati/Borg Queen pairing manages to be the hottest thing ever in the history of fiction. Anyway, I guess they technically had Agnes sleep with Rios in the first season, so 1/10.
Star Trek: Lower Decks - Oooh boy, we're at the heavy hitter now, my god. Completely, unashamedly horny. Gene Roddenberry *wishes* he could have done that orgy scene that people on Twitter were freaking out about. 11/10
Star Trek: Prodigy- They're *kids*. 0/10
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Not really a lot, surprisingly given their TOS pastiche. Still, we get some stuff with Spock. 3/10.
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jennelikejennay · 23 days
Philon Awards nominations close in three days!
I have no idea how many people are even submitting nominations for these, but anybody can, and since a work only needs (I think) three nominations to make the shortlist, it's a chance to get fics you loved in front of more people. Here are the details.
I got mine in today and really struggled, to be honest. There has been a LOT of good k/s fic in the past year and I have read SO MUCH of it. So instead of telling y'all which ones I nominated, I'm going to share my whole shortlist...in the hopes that some of you nominate the ones I couldn't!
For the short (under 10k) fic category:
And Filled With Tomorrows, by AndroidAndAle: just a soft and sweet City on the Edge of Tomorrow fic.
Gonna Show Her Life on Earth Can Be Sweet, by thembonesthembones: very smutty with weird biology. You know me. Sweet Talk, by CampySpaceSlime: the invention of infodumping kink. Deny, Deny, Deny by Maelstrom: Spock pretends he doesn't like sex and Jim has to make him admit it Beyond repair, by spirkme: just them comforting each other after an away mission gone wrong leaves them both traumatized
I'm a big name in deep space (ask your mates) by cicak: this starts off the amazing series Where One Man Has Gone Before. I would rec them all, but probably easiest to start at the beginning.
Long fic (10k-50k)
When in Paradise, by flipthebits: infiltrating a cult has never been so accurate
Wanna be the one that you wanna see, by Affixjoy: sex pollen over and over again till they figure things out
Bells on a Hill, by flippyspoon: maybe the sweetest pon farr fic ever?
Way From Within, by gunstreet: the SNW timeloop story
Please don't take him just because you can, by spaceisgay: why yes it IS based on Jolene, and it's full of telepathy
Novel length (50k+)
I Shall Do Neither, by OnWhatCaptain: do you like crying? this story will torture you but it's so so good
Bodyguard by BurningAmber: an AU where Spock is Jim's bodyguard and there's a big telepathic cat thing
Anodyne by Lizzie0305: a really long and hot pon farr fic
Of Trees and Telepathy by StupidCat: weird aliens and telepathic trees, what's not to like Regulatory Relations by indeedcaptain: Kirk and Spock get married for convenience. Next thing you know things are getting incredibly deep and heavy.
Quell the Cosmic Tides, by Plus3Charisma: at the end of the second AOS movie, Jim suddenly travels back in time to his first day at the Academy. He's driven to do better this time around. Self Recs:
Here are a few I wrote in the past year that are eligible.
Short fic
The Sight of a Touch, or the Scent of a Sound: the "telepathy is like synesthesia" fic
Medium length
Another of Devotion's Casualties: probably my favorite fic I ever wrote; an examination of warrior bonds and devotion
Novel length
Personally I would recommend The Recitation of Names, which is a prequel to the TOS episode Obsession.
But a lot of people told me they liked The Exiles better, which is where I took the 2009 movie and made it so much worse. People find it emotionally cathartic and uplifting though? Whether you nominate or not, hopefully this provides some good reading for a while!
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unfriendlyamazon · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
i love this ask because a) i was just looking at your catalog of work and b) i reread my stuff all the time because i'm a genius
picking 5 was hard but here they are
The Final Countdown, originally written for JouKai week 2022, is a recent one and feels like a fully baked version of how I see KaiJou's relationship. Funnily enough I originally intended this as a chapter in one of the first (now deleted) fics I posted and kept it in my head for a long time. I think KaiJou kissing in front of fireworks with the whole world watching is peak, and I'm glad I found a way to put it onto paper.
Bite Hard isn't perfect, and I think if I'd intended it as a longer form story I'd probably slow burn it a little, but I love it enough that I started to retool it into original fiction (though the main characters are inescapably Buddies). This is vampire Joey in one of my favorite forms: a shitty little boy just turned who has to keep his worst instincts under control. Maybe I'll return to it some day.
The Folly of Reason is the original creation of my Star Trek AU that one day, maybe, I'll get back to, because I have such plans (don't you want to see Kaiba pon farr???). I reread it while scrolling through my work to see what five I love the most, and this is definitely one of them. It has such a vibe, and I get to play in a universe I love.
Ballroom Blitz is such peak teen comedy, a genre I really love, with an ot3 I'm only mildly obsessed with. I definitely enjoy writing polyamory in fiction (such interesting dynamics), and I think it's funny that Duke and Joey kind of hate each other. I definitely want to write these three more, they deserve it.
oof, it was so hard to pick the last one, because I had two more I really loved, but I have to give it to
Double Date, which I think is one of the funniest things I've written. Another story idea I've had since that original fic I've since deleted, compounded with a joke about Pegasus/Keith being mirror universe KaiJou. I'm obsessed with Pegasus attempting to be paternal at Kaiba, and it shows an established relationship I enjoy. I feel like I sparked a little Pegasus/Keith surge with this one too, so I hope y'all out there enjoy it.
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 2 years
@aurumacadicus i love ur rut idea and wanna raise you to a different fandom because i constantly have omegaverse Thoughts
Imagine spock, technically an omega but functionally... a vulcan, who have ever different sexes/genders than humans, and so has experienced one (mild) heat and many mild suppression shots, and jim, big (lol) bad (nah) alpha (this is true) of the ship (most people would actually say this is scotty) beginning a very sweet relationship. Spock ain't no blushing virgin but okay he's not super adventurous and maybe vulcan has different views of sex than earth and maybe he just enjoys how loved and sweet jim makes him feel when they engage coitous ("we make love spock, please") so maybe it slips his mind the finer points of human sexuality for awhile until jim starts getting weirdly aggressive and territorial.
Okay, this is fine, he can handle this!! A rut can't be that different than pon farr, and even a strong human like jim cant hurt him too badly without serious effort. He can totally handle this. :) (he is both scared and horny.) "Spock, buddy, I'm gonna have to lock you two in," Bones tells him, and he thinks haha, another funny human joke! ... right? Only Bones is dead serious, and normally maybe he wouldve laughed but he kinda wants spock to actually know what he's getting into.
"I can lock your door too, if you don't want him getting in there and scenting and destroying everything. Yknow, the one in the bathroom?" Spock isn't sure how to answer. Bones keeps going. "You might want access though, in case you need to nest. His rut might trigger your heat, yknow? It's HIGHLY unlikely, but you might want that safety net, if you don't mind some ripped pillows. We can move the breakables now if we're fast enough and he doesnt hear me with you."
Turns out Jim is one of those alphas who's kicking snarling growling grabbing breaking in a rut and Bones had to deal with his territorial bullshit all through the academy. Luckily Bones never keeps anything of value anyway. Spock thinks Bones expects him to be scared by this, but instead something ancient and unknown to him in his vulcan blood purrs and stretches at the thought that he should willingly be allowed to go in that territory and be part of it.
Spock learns A LOT of things about himself during Jim’s rut :)
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uss-genderprise · 1 year
I Read Still Another K/S Zine So You Don't Have To
But maybe you should, anyway.
You may remember that a while back I reviewed Alien Brothers, and said that if I got my hands on any other zines I would review them as well. Well, here we are! This is the first of eight zines I currently own physical copies of, and those reviews should come out over the rest of the year.
Still Another K/S Zine was published in July of 1984 and was the fourth issue of Another K/S Zine. First impressions are difficult, as my copy is a homemade reprint on green paper which was stapled together and has no cover. It's also almost 40 years old, so it has seen better days.
Despite all this, it is quite pretty. The fics all have different trim designs and most of the artwork is of flowers. It doesn't have any full page drawings, nor drawings of Kirk and/or Spock. The italics are all in cursive which is only slightly difficult to read and may or may not have been hand written. The rest of the text is standard typewriter font, which, by the thanks, has been typed by hand. I'm very glad that's no longer necessary.
Warnings: light discussion of sex, one mention of non-con, spoilers for the fics in this zine.
Disclaimer: everything written here is my interpretations and opinions of this zine and the works within it. None of it is meant to offend or diss any of the creators.
Apparently, fans didn't like the Search for Spock. Personally, I don't see why. There's a little comic that I find quite humourous.
by Vivian Gates
Very interesting concept. I never thought I would ship Spock and Finnegan, and to be fair, going exclusively by canon, I still don't. However, despite the changes that had to be made for this story to work, both Finnegan and Spock are still surprisingly in character. Vivian Gates seems to have a tendency to leave stories open ended, as she does it again with The Air is the Air two years later. It's a well written and constructed story, and I enjoyed it. 4.5/5
Protecting the Captain's ASSets, or, the Danger of Ignoring ScuttleBUTT.
by Sharon Fetter
This fic starts with the worst poem I have ever read and it's spectacular. A new yeoman on the Enterprise tries to use it to get Kirk to sleep with her but Spock catches her and she turns into one of many who got kicked off the Enterprise for this. I love the funny ones. 5/5
Altered Perceptions
by Shawn Masters
Boooooring. It's a pon farr fic but it has no smut in it, Spock tries to jump off a cliff and Jim is mad a lot and when he's not mad he's basically forcing himself onto Spock. Not the worst by far, but definitely a skip on my part. 3.5/5
Hold Me Till the Morning Comes
by Janus
What if Jim held on to Spock's katra instead? I wouldn't know, this story is barely a page and a half long, and it's technically listed as a poem in the table of contents. It's fine. 4/5
At this point everything stops for a bit to bring you: poems written after SFS! They aren't very good. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Once Upon a Night....
by Melanie Athene
Spock has a nightmare, wakes up his neighbours, one of which is Jim, of course. Then the lights cut out and it's plenty cold so you know what that means! Huddling for warmth in Spock's bed. Jim cries about his brother and then they have a tickle war which inevitably devolves into hot, steamy sex - which we aren't shown. Frankly, I'm becoming a little disappointed with the lack of smut in this zine, especially considering every fic so far (except for one) has been leading up to it. 5/5
On the Matters of Being Very Fat and Purple, and Enjoying It
by C.J. McNally
Now, here's the smut I've been waiting for! And while it wasn't overly detailed it was well worth the wait, with a little bit of Bones on the sidelines. This one was a lot of fun, and probably my second favourite fic in this zine. Also, gotta love that title. 5/5
by Devery Helm
I would never in a million years step into a bathtub made of velvet, no matter how water resistant it apparently is. It sounds like the worst sensory experience ever. However, Spock doesn't know what a rubber duck is and he's scared of bubbles, so at least there's that. A solid bit of light-hearted fun. 4/5
Old Friends
by Toni Cardinal-Price
There are a few cons of reading printed zines, and one of them is that when I read an absolutely spectacular fic and I want to share it with all my friends, I can't. This is one such fic.
It all starts when Jim's old friend from the Farragut gets assigned temporarily to the Enterprise and hugs Spock as soon as he comes on board, and Spock hugs him back! Turns out they roomed together at the Academy and may or may not have been lovers. So now they spend all their time together and Kirk gets increasingly jealous while this new guy does everything in his power to make Jim and Spock confess to each other. It's spectacular and I love it. This zine is worth getting if only for this fic. 5/5
Art and poetry
There isn't really a lot of art in this zine, and the art that is in there is fairly simple, though some is quite detailed. They compliment the works well, at least.
As for poetry, most of it wasn't to my taste, but there were a handful of good ones.
Final thoughts
This was nowhere near as bad as Alien Brothers, but to be fair that's because I specifically selected this zine out of 30-ish offered to me, based on the Fanlore page of each one, reading about the fics in them. I went into Alien Brothers knowing it was going to be bad, and I went into this one knowing I had selected it, but also knowing that someone was clearly quite willing to get rid of it, if the price tag was any indication (let's just say, I spent more on shipping). Still, I can't say it's a bad zine. It has plenty of fun stories, and even if I've read better ones for free online, the experience of actually holding a zine, a piece of history, was well worth it. Old Friends was on par with some of my favourite modern stories, and Being Very Fat and Purple had that classic charm I quite enjoy. All of these stories are somewhat products of their time, but none of them have aged poorly. I also read the whole thing in one day, as it's only 106 pages long. All in all, this was a very enjoyable zine.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
[Guy who is bonkers voice] Hey, do you want to hear my thoughts about Tuvok/T’Pel and the solitude of the Delta Quadrant vis a vis Tuvok’s identity? 
You’re a hero for actually clicking read more. So. I was thinking about marital bonds and how they’d like, definitely permanently affect your identity. 
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These are the vows Tuvok and holo T’Pel recite before starting their pon farr mating. They give to and receive from one another ‘All that they are’. A vulcan marriage is ideally two people becoming essentially one mind in two bodies - that’s how close they are and that’s how Tuvok existed for sixty seven years. And then the delta quadrant. And now he’s a singular person.
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I wonder how drastically changed he would feel. Off-balance. Would the world seem dull, shallow?  In my mind I pictured this: Janeway makes him a certain type of tea without even thinking about it and he accepts it in the same way, both of them continuing a conversation they were having. Then, strangely, Tuvok finds he doesn’t enjoy the tea. It’s...fine. It’s acceptable but not satisfying. Then he realizes that it must have been T’Pel who enjoyed the tea so much it gave him pleasure to drink it.  Because the person known as ‘Tuvok’ who existed for sixty seven years is half T’Pel. And vise versa. Does T’Pel in the alpha quadrant try to listen to a gardening show she used to like only to find it unbearably flat without Tuvok’s joy and interest there? And that doesn’t mean they aren’t separate people with their own desires, goals, and personalities - it just means that they were also inexorably (or so they believed) conjoined. Their experience of the world was always shared with each other after their marriage.  If Tuvok liked a color it didn’t mean T’Pel would like it too - but it meant T’Pel would be there to have an opinion which would inform Tuvok’s one way or another. His thoughts are half hers. Were. Now in the delta quadrant he’s truly alone. He has no familial bonds. It’s just him, one mind and one body. All the strings that connect him have been severed. 
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The experience of being married, having kids, having a family - is not just physical or emotional but like...ha, wow. Tuvok was so right “It can’t be described as an emotion, they are part of my identity.” Tuvok is Tuvok because he’s also kind of T’Pel and all his children. It’s literally an attachment, a web of love and connection through which identity is derived.
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And the tragedy of being Vulcan is that I’m sure there’s no way anyone aboard Voyager except him would be able to understand this great loss. In fact, if I want to scream, I’ll imagine Tuvok trying to explain all of this to Janeway and Janeway saying something about how this might be a new opportunity. A chance to discover who he really is. And instead of trying to explain that that was who he is - that human individuality is not something he strives for and is in fact something that has always seemed profoundly lonely to him (and which is now profoundly lonely to experience). Instead of explaining that his identity being linked to T’Pel and beyond did not make it any lesser, in fact made it richer, - he just says ‘Perhaps.’
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I wonder if some things are a slow decline into silence. I wonder if for the first few months aboard Voyager he would sometimes have thoughts which seemed out of place, ‘wrong’ somehow. Maybe he’d see a snail and think “Oh, how lovely.” and then it occurs to him that he’d never say that and doesn’t actually think it’s appealing at all - however, it’s something T’Pel would think. And then slowly over the course of those months those moments occur less and less frequently. Maybe near the end he tries to force it, tries very hard to remember what T’Pel thinks of this...what would she think of this? If she were here what would she say? Then eventually he realizes its not T’Pel. It’s just more of him. A dog chasing its own tail. He realizes he’s being childish, emotional, illogical. He stops. He lets the silence consume him. He’s one body now. One mind. One train of thought. A solitary, fractioned, identity floating in strange space, trying to make itself whole. (Or perhaps not? Maybe the lack is comforting, since it’s all he has of her now. Does he worry that if he becomes ‘whole’ there won’t be room for her? He’d tell himself not to, of course. Worry was an emotion.) It’s lonely. (And here he reasons that loneliness isn’t an emotion, not this loneliness. This loneliness is almost physical. It sits on his chest. It makes his body heavy.) But he will bear it.
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A list of WIPs and ideas that no one asked for or cares about:
Actual WIP: “Fairest of the Stars” the Romulan/Vulcan forbidden teenage lesbian romance that I post a chapter of every few days. About to move away from the fluff and into the sad part 😭
Definitely happening: “She Who Loves Roses.” Another installment in the “Children of Ceti Alpha V” series. In the last one, Maya (OC) started her relationship with Saavik. Now drama ensues when her Vulcan bondmate goes into Pon Farr and her human partner gets caught in the middle.
Maybe happening: whacky dept of temporal investigations called “unstuck in time”
More drabbles with Maya’s flashbacks
More drabbles in an AU where La’an was still on the Enterprise during the events of “Space Seed”
Stuff I wanna write but IDEK where to go;
-FF7 / Trek crossover where Khan gets to fight or kiss Sephiroth…or both
-finishing that Star Wars fic I haven’t touched since 2016
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qwanderer · 2 years
Thinking today about spirk, Clint/Coulson, and the intersection between aspec identities and tropes like sex pollen and omegaverse.
For a while I've been turning over in my mind the common aspect of the modern sex pollen trope where the only thing that's going to cure the condition is sexual contact with another person. The more I get familiar with my own aegosexuality, the more that seems like it must be a rule with exceptions in any realistically diverse world.
I mean I'd believe a story where the stuff just straight up kills some ace people rather than making them immune but I also think that version would come from a different place motivation-wise than most sex pollen stories, which tend to romanticize and exaggerate sexual desire - the "I feel like I will die if I don't get this" thing I've heard so much about.
And any fuck-or-die story that would keep the same mechanic for ace people as for allos, the idea just leaves an icky "corrective rape" feeling in my head.
Anyway I was contemplating the need for fuck-or-die stories with exceptions for ace people when I realized one of the archetypal fuck-or-die stories, Amok Time, literally shows the exception rather than the rule. And I started to wonder how that might relate to acespec identities.
Maybe asexuality is even less common among vulcans than humans, and one of the reasons Spock thinks he might escape the pon farr is that he thinks he might be ace. But perhaps it turns out that he's demisexual.
This is where Clint/Coulson comes in.
I'm pretty sure I've read more than one fic where one of these two is pretty sure they're never going to go into heat/rut/whatever the special intense sexual mode is for them in the au, but then they spend time with each other professionally and that close relationship awakens something in them and they get to experience the state after all, which to me is a sort of analog for demisexuality.
Anyway the thing that occurred to me was that Spock could be demisexual, and working closely with Jim might have been one of the reasons the pon farr actually happened to him despite not previously having shown any tendencies in that direction.
The other thing with Clint/Coulson that I associate with spirk in this context is the way their professional relationship shapes their emotional relationship and how attached they get to the professional dynamic as a result. Like, given their personalities basically the only way to get any of these people to connect with each other in a profound way like this is to make them work together, make them have to trust each other.
So that professional dynamic is both the inciting event for attraction and a thing that gets in the way of taking any action about it because they get attached to the status quo. What a great time for a fuck-or-die element to introduce itself!
And yet from canon, we could still consider Spock ace, maybe demiromantic ace, because there was no physical consummation in his story. There was a more emotion based resolution, one in which Spock was forced to confront how much he loves Jim and how much that shapes his life.
Anyway I think the point, if there is a point, is that as much as I love the smut that arises from similar fuck-or-die scenarios, I haven't seen much that matches the original for creative nonsexual solutions to the problem.
On the other hand, I know there's about sixty years worth of spirk fic out there and I've barely read any of it, so maybe someone's dealt with this already! I'd love to know if they have.
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alexshakestheworld · 4 years
Fics Rec
Below are some of my favorite fanfics of all times. Most of them would probably be from AO3 (Archive of Our Own ) but sometimes I scout for fics outside of AO3 as well, if I find something worth reading I would put it here too.
I do read fanfics from multiple fandoms but I would make sure to include a tag so that you can know if there is any fic about your OTP in my list.
❤️Spirk (Star Trek: Spock x Jim Kirk): my favorite pairing of all times, though I prefer the AOS version to the TOS. I have read these fanfics so long ago that I can’t remember the content (so I apologize for the lack of my own comment/review) but if I bookmarked them they must have been good enough lol
Once Upon a Time (A Fairy-Tale Love Story) (by littlebirdtold): 47,461 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In a universe with no Federation, where First COntact never happened, Jim Kirk is your average popular guy. On Christmas Eve, thanks to a series of strange events, Jim finds himself in a parallel universe where the Milky Way is under the control of an alien race and ends up as a servant in the residence of the Royal House of Vulcan. As he starts adapting to his new life, Jim’s curiosity fucks everything up - but hey, Vulcans shouldn’t have told him that he isn’t allowed to enter this wing of the palace; Jim has never been good at following rules. Or, this is the story of how Jim Kirk became a Princess (“Prince Consort, Bones!”) of the United Planets of Vulcan Kingdom.
Honestly, go read every single one of littlebirdtold’s fanfics. He/she/they are incredible and I’m still waiting for his/her/their comeback.
In the Shadows (by scifishipper): 25,202 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Accused of treason and stranded on Vulcan, Cadet Jim Kirk is offered a solution to his problems: bond with Ambassador Sarek’s son, someone he has never met. When he finally meets his betrothed at the ceremony, the Vulcan’s face is disfigured by cruel scars. Now, penniless and trapped, Jim finds himself committed to a reclusive stranger with a dark past. Has he sealed his fate forever or is there hope for the two of them to find love?
A sequence that you never learned (by annataylor): 64,624 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim’s humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen
Logical Erotics (by EntreNous): 63,458 words/12 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Just returned from a difficult space mission and about to begin teaching at Starfleet Academy, Spock chooses a logical way to relieve stress: a sexual encounter with someone he’ll never meet again. But when Spock discovers his partner of one night is Jim Kirk, a promising new cadet at Starfleet he’s torn between his rational decision to avoid intimate relationships and his increasing fascination with Jim. As Spcok’s normally orderly life starts to spin out of control, will his obsession with Jim prove his salvation or his undoing?
The Vulcan Heart (by obsidienne): 110,110 words/15 chapter  
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Where two halves make a whole...eventually. (Post-STID
I remembered that my friend recommended this fic to me and I was a bit hesitant at that time because I have never read anything this long. But it turned out to be such a great fic that I appreciated his recommendation every day.
Unexpected (by foreverandeveralone): 10,339 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Cadet Jim Kirk doesn’t understand why everyone who is not nice to him always has bad consequences. Basically, Jim doesn’t know he is dating the Vulcan version of Sylar, who never forgives anyone who does bad things to his human.
Interesting fic if you love both Star Trek and Heroes.
The Door (by Pouxin): 77,118 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock and Jim both have their doors. Jim wants his to be open. Spock wants his to be closed. An alternative STID things. With more literature. And esoteric faffing. And sex.
Kicked From Inside (by Stella_Notecor): 32,246 words/18 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Drugged by aliens with an aphrodisiac that impregnates males is NOT how Jim Kirk imagined falling into bed with his first mate. That’s exactly how it happens though, and dealing with the consequences - including an angry girlfriend, a pointy-eared baby, and a chief-medical-officer who’s against the whole thing - will force Jim and Spock together, whether they like it or not.
My Golden Sun/Kin-Kur Las’hark T’nash-Veh (by giddytf2): 123,262 words/30 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: When Jim feels thet first gush of slick soaking down the inner seam of his pants, he shuts his eyes and turns his face away from Spock towards the mottled-stone wall of their solitary cell. Spock is staring at him. Spock has no idea what’s just happened, what’s just begun. Spock has no idea that their situation is about to get so much worse. Fuck, Jim thinks, curling up into a ball of bruises and ragged gold, his arms quivering and clutching his bent legs. Fuck my life for being a goddamn Omega.
(Or, a Star Trek: AOS story post-Into Darkness in a universe where both Alpha/Beta/Omega gender dynamics and pon farr exist, with Jim being an Omega going into heat and Spock experiencing his first pon farr while trapped in a cell with Jim. Oh my.
Time of Need (by sunshine (sunshinepiveh)): 33, 669 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock’s pon farr comes early due to the destruction of Vulcan. Nyota is unable to cope with the stark brutality she finds as reality hits home. The captain will have to take necessary actions.  
Weekend Lover (by ValiantBarnes (Cimila)): 30,017 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The one night stand Jim Kirk has with the Vulcan passing through Riverside is a welcome break from the monotony. It’s good, very good, but so fucking weird Jim’s sure he’s never gonna forget it. He’s not quite expecting to run into Spock again in san Francisco. A second one night stand turns into a weekend, turns into a lot of weekends, turns into Bones joking that he’s living half his week at Spock’s apartment. But! But, and this is very important: they’re not dating. What also turns out to be important is Spock’s job, which Jim never bothered getting the details of. Starfleet Academy Instructor and cadet?... Less fine.
❤️HotchReid (Criminal Minds: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid): unpopular pairing but they are definitely in my top 5 pairings for sure
Don’t Ever Look Back (by kadeeleigh): 15,848 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a case in California, Hotch and Reid’s secret angers Morgan
This fic features a nice amount of case investigation content, an extremely protective and slightly irrational Morgan, and a remarkably sexy and confident Dr. Spencer Reid.
Arranged Marriage (by VincentMeoblinn): 18,196 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: When Reid decides to leave the BAU due to his painful crush on Hotchner, the man proposes an extreme way to avoid him leaving or them breaking the fraternization rules - by proposing
A marriage-before-romance fic. Slightly unconventional plot and relationship development (but it is fiction after all so no big deal) but generally cute.
Convergence (by Chestnut_NOLA): 33,232 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid, newest addition to the BAU has been dreaming of art and murder. In denial that his telepathy has returned, Spencer must work with his team and his boss Sentinel Aaron Hotchner to find the Unsub. Will love help Spencer control his gift or will the darkness in his mind destroy not only himself, but Aaron as well?
It is the second and my favorite fic in the Transference series. If you are into the fantasy genre, Sentinel/Guide bond to be specific, I highly recommend this one.  
Healing Touch (by Rivermoon 1970): 21,981 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Mpreg
Summary: Spencer has been watching his Alpha for a while and knows something is wrong. When Aaron collapses during a case the whole team worries. What they find out about his marriage to Haley will shock all of them and when Spencer is asked to help Aaron with his recovery how will their friendship change?
The abuse part is rather brief mentioned than thoroughly described, so do not worry too much (I can’t stand extreme angst). Nice relationship development. If you like Omegaverse, give this fic a try.
Take Me Home, Country Road (by wednesdays___child): 8,698 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Aaron gets a call that his mother is not well. She wants her eldest son to bring home the pretty young doctor he’s been dating. The problem is that Aaron has failed to tell his family that the pretty young doctor is a colleague...and male
A fluff fic at its core. Cute happy ending. My to-go fic when I want to read something short and light before bed.
Lightning Only Strikes Once...Maybe Twice (by Dazeventura6): 16,433 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a custodial interview Aaron and Spencer are stuck in a time loop. Can they break it? Or will they be stuck forever?
Set after the Hardwick incident. The content is something that I wish it happened in the series. A much needed fix-it fic.
Mine (by non_andare): 6,115 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hotch has never noticed Reid before; he’s an inconspicuous Omega who naturally submits and Hotch likes his Omegas to have fire. Then Spencer starts dating another Alpha and all Hotch can think is one word. Mine.
Reid/OC is briefly mentioned but the fic is mainly about Hotch/Reid. Fluff with a bit of angst but eventually happy ending. Jealous Hotch and shy Reid is a nice combo tbh.
Criminal Bonds (by VincentMeoblinn): 26,107 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Child Death
Summary: Reid was framed for embezzlement a year ago. Hotchner pleaded guilty to several murders. They meet in prison where reid is regularly abused by the stronger inmates until Hotch takes him under his wing
Alternate Universe where Reid is not a part of the BAU. Prison romance. Slight twist at the end but ultimately a happy ending (in my opinion)
Wolf Moon (by Ahmose_Inarus): 117,736 words/34 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Alpha Werewolf Aaron Hotchner is far from pleased when Spencer Reid joins the team...The presence of the young werewolf is not welcome...but when Hotch learns that Spencer Reid was raised by a human mother after being abandoned by his werewolf father, he takes him under his wing. And perhaps he has found more than a friend in the younger wolf...But there’s an Alpha Female in the territory who is far from please...she’s had her eyes on Aaron Hotchner for a long time, and won’t let anyone stand in her way
An Omegaverse story. A bit long but worth every minute. The relationship between Hotch and Reid is so cute that it can take my frustration (and anger) against the antagonist away.
The Librarian and the Dad (by DarkJediQueen): 9,039 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating; Explicit
Summary: It started out as a little crush. Then it became so much more.
Cute. Cute. Super cute. Part 12 of the A Universe of Meetings series, which include multiple Alternate Universe stories. Check out the whole series if you are into Alternate Universe.
Solace (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 4,701 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A Hotchner/Reid rewrite of The Angel Maker episode
Again, a fix-it fic I would like to actually happen.
Dr. Reid and Agent Hotchner (by E_Ng714): 21,013 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: The BAU has hit a rocky patch, and appears to be falling apart. There is something going on with Hotch, but no one can figure it out. Cruz orders all of them to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Dr. Reid’s presence isn’t welcome by Aaron, at least not at first.
Alternate Universe story. They are both slightly out-of-character but not too annoying. Hate to love. A bit of angst but eventually happy ending.
Forgive Me For All I Could Not Become (by DegrassiFanatic): 105,975 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (there’s sex scenes though lol)
Summary: In which Reid has always been good at hiding things. He hid his father’s departure and his mother’s illness from social services. He hid his addiction from his team. He hid his sexuality from the world. He hid his inappropriate feelings from his boss. That is until he’s bleeding out in Hotch’s arms, in an abandoned church, in Oklahoma. From there on out, Hotch and Reid learn to make a complete mess out of each other.
Definitely in my top 10 HotchReid fanfics. I didn’t expect much when I started because I usually don’t read over-100k-word-Teen and Up Audiences-fics but this one turned out to be perfect and it literally saved me from a rough week.
A Different Kind of Solitude (by kyrdwyn): 15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: NC-17/FRAO (For Adults Only)
Summary: When Aaron and Spencer are trapped together by an unsub, things change between them while the team searches for their lost friends.
It is said “trapped by an unsub” but honestly the situation is not that bad. I tend to think in a positive way that this is a chance for HotchReid to get together. Pretty cute and domestic fic actually.
Home you know (by jetplane): 14,030 words/11 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: When Reid is diagnosed with cancer, he finds himself relying on Hotch for care and support. But spending so much time together forces each man to confront the feelings he has for the other, and it’s only a matter of time before their friendship evolves into something more.  
Go Home, Omega (by goobzoop)
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, mean Hotch
Summary: Pretty much Hotch is bigoted about Omegas and Reid is let on the team cause he’s a genius, which Hotch hates, but then Reid learns to stand up for himself cause he’s super kickass and sweet and deserves the world
Oneiroi and Hephaestus (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 31,231 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What if Reid was one of the Yellow-eyed demon’s special children?
If you like both Supernatural and Criminal Minds, this crossover fic is one to go for.
Come Undone (by EloquentDossier): 77,180 words/22 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Spencer Reid forgot to take his suppressants two mornings in a row, it really shouldn’t have been a big deal. He had them in his bag at the hotel, and as long as he took one that evening, he’d be fine. What he couldn;t have prepared for, however, was the lab the latest victim worked at going into an at least twenty-four-hour-lockdown while he was in it. When Aaron Hotchner was asked to aid his subordinate through what would otherwise be an agonizing heat, he’d had several reservations, one of which had been the consent issue: Omegas couldn’t legally consent to sex during heat unless it was twenty-four hours in advance. With every concern rebutted logically (because of course the Bureau had an Agent Consent form in case of emergencies), he finally agreed. Of all the possible repercussions, however, neither man expected the one they received.
Or that time no one expected the Alpha to accidentally bond to the Omega while the Omega remained unaffected.
Cursed (by Black_Lotus): 60,254 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Centuries ago Vasile Stolojan, the bastard son of Vlad the impaler, was cursed to be a Vampire. Many years later he has a new name, Aaron Hotchner, and a curator job at a prestigious museum in America but the pain he feels for his lost love remains, until he meets the new Docent, Spencer Reid, who looks exactly like his lover. Is it possible that after six hundred years the man he loves has been reincarnated?
I LOVE this fic.
Yours (by NimueOfTheNorth): 17,232 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spencer knew what he wanted in a relationship, and after years it looked like he found everything he dreamed of in Aaron. Now; if only Aaron’s past experiences and guilt complex wouldn’t get in the way.
❤️Niam (One Direction: Liam Payne x Niall Horan): while everybody is going crazy for Stylinson and Ziam, here I am rooting for Niam lol
Break my fall (by niamcuddles): 147,428 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Being a police officer was never an easy job, Liam wouldn’t have imagined that it’d bring someone like Niall into his life and that they could ever grow so close under these circumstances. If they only would’ve known who the guy was that giving them so many sleepless nights.
With Your Love (by brainstorm): 57,448 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Liam’s life was nothing like a normal twenty-two year old guy. Raising a kid on his own was probably the hardest thing he’s ever had to face but he wouldn't change his little boy for the world. He never thought he’d find someone that was good for both him and his son, but that changed fast the day he met his son’s new teacher.
Closer (by niamcuddles): 209,765 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Niall’s pretty sure he doesn’t actually have a real crush on the rick and arrogant guy he’s been attempting to teach how to golf, but there’s something about him that just won’t allow Niall to say no. Not even when he gets made a very unexpected offer.
From the day that I met you (by niamcuddles): 272,394 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Partying and having a good time are probably two of Niall’s favorite things, he just wouldn’t have thought that a night out would end with him getting to know Liam, or that their paths would cross a lot more often than just this once. But somehow they happen to be more helpful to one another than expected.
Like the angel you are (by niamcuddles): 164,367 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: To be honest, Niall has already given up on his life ever getting any better, he’s used to being on his own and not being looked after, so maybe not even a way too caring stranger can help change that.
Too Much Too Soon (by brainstorm): 47,353 words/3 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Niall stands up for himself for the first time ever but things don’t turn out the way he wanted them to and he finds himself struggling between the way he’s always been or the way he wants to be. It’s a matter of time to know who’ll win, his mind or his heart. (sequel to “For You, My Love”)
Like the air I’m breathing (by niamcuddles): 81,307 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Niall is four years younger than Liam and he is sick of being the little brother, that is until Liam suddenly finds a girlfriend and cuts Niall out of his life completely.
Now we are (by niamcuddles): 143,082 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam’s kind of keeping a busy schedule right now, his whole life seems to basically only consist of work and studying, so what he really can’t need at this time are friends who constantly want to hang out, but above that, 19 year ole uni students who can’t take no as an answer.
For what it’s worth (by niamcuddles): 120,800 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam has trouble figuring out his life and what he really can’t stand are loud, talkative and clingy people, but he would’ve never thought that getting rid of Niall could be this hard.
Something I need (by niamcuddles): 87,735 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: 16 years is a very long time, but Niall still remembers all the things he and Liam have gone through together
❤️Gramander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Original Percival Graves x Newt Scamander): I honestly don’t remember how I stumbled into this couple fandom but they do have several great fics. For some reason I only bookmark this one though.
Here We Are (by Miss_Lv): 22,177 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg
Summary: Percival had long given up on the idea that he would find an omega mate, he ver seemed to fit what they were seeking in a husband, always too rough, not gentle enough. But then he meets Newt Scamander and the omega is utterly perfect to him, with his shy smiles and tendency to run headlong into danger. Catching vipers in his hands and keeping nifflers for company, Newt is nothing like the typical demure omega and Percival is lost before he can even think to resist.
❤️Jack O’Neill x Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): Like I don’t even know their ship name for real…
I Walk Alone...No More (by Joy): 17,955 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel finds love in another universe. Quantum Mirror Story.
Even though it was not original Daniel and original Jack ending up together, but in the end it was still Jack and Daniel, and I was happy with the ending.
Pulling Threads (by Joy): 13,241 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel’s place in the world seems to be going nowhere. After what happened with The Others, sending him back, he’s got some thinking to do about what happens next. Does he go to Atlantis, forget about Earth? Or stay at the SGC in a role he’s not entirely sure is his. Then Jack invites him to dinner and his future is changed forever.
Civilians (by LadyRa): 46,557 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: AU ending to Point of View. What if the AU Samantha hadn’t been willing to let go of Jack?
Instinct (by AuroraNova): 27,783 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel Jackson is an unconventional, career-focused omega. It’s going to take one special alpha to win him over. Jack O’Neill is determined to be that alpha.
Strange Interlude (by ELG): 228,960 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel discovers that in other universes not only the uniforms are different… Jack and Daniel’s friendship has been under strain for some time but when Daniel is kidnapped by an AU Teal’c very different from our own, it’s up to Jack to save him. An AU Jack, however, complicates the situation considerably. 
❤️Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (I ship Stucky so as a matter of fact, I ship the actors as well)
Sugar Daddy (by orphan_account): 91,139 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sebastian is a broke and abandoned college kid trying to scrape up enough money to pay for rent and tuition. When he meets Chris, an accomplished architect who takes him under his wing, he doesn’t understand what his friends keep calling him until he looks it up for himself.
❤️Harringrove (Stranger Things: Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)
Bite Your Tongue And Choke Yourself To Sleep (by trashcangimmick): 21,173 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve is going to grad school in Chicago. Life is comfortable. Life is stable. Steve is doing great and he really wishes everyone would stop asking.
Set the Record Straight (by MischiefManaged97): 35,054 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve was a little nervous about making things right with Billy after their fight. Steve just wants to apologize and relax, but Billy may have other ideas.
You’re the best I’ve ever had; you’re the worst I’ve ever had (and thet keeps fuckin’ with my head) (by determinedlove): 52,697 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg, Intersex
Summary: Steve Harrington loved his status in the world and his life. He had great friends and babysat two amazing kids (but don’t tell them he said that). So what if he couldn’t sleep in his room sometimes because the house was just too damn big and the quiet didn’t help keep the nightmares at bay. So what if the new guy at school was everything he had been warned away from? He could play the game just as well as he could. But then Will goes missing. And the new guy proves to be everything people warned him about and so much more when no one else is around.
❤️Namjin (BTS: Kim Namjoon (RM) x Kim Seokjin (Jin)): These two are just so adorable together.
Pack Mentality (by resonae): 9,452 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Namjoon is possessive.
The Professor’s Wife (by EquinoxSolstice): 12,163 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Everybody knew Professor Kim was already married. It was actually the first thing they asked the man during the first day of classes, with one brave student asking the question out loud for everyone to hear. The older man responded with deep dimples and a raised left hand, letting everyone see the plain, silver band glittering on his ring finger. But, as one Jeon Kungkook found out, they were all completely, terribly wrong. What? The Professor didn’t say he had a wife.
Why Three is Better Than Two (by lulublue1234): 35,298 words/23 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin is a bit of a stalker. Smitten with a Father-son duo. Where Yoongi is the most adorable child ever created.  
The Shaman and the Exorcist (by metastacia): 145,258 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin doesn’t believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he’s kind of a big deal at his university; he’s a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn’t remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money. Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there’s a certain honey shaman at his university who’s stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he’s not happy about it because haunted people pay good money. So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
Fate Led Me To You (Now Let me Love You) (by MinMinnieMin): 58,382 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin did not believe he’d ever have a happy ending. How many happy endings did you ever hear an unmated Omega with a child have? But fate is a funny thing. What’s meant to be will always find its way. And Kim Namjoon tries his best to get Seokjin to see that. Because of fate, they found each other.
❤️Broyo (Prodigal Son: Gil Arroyo x Malcolm Bright): I seem to have a soft spot for couples with noticeable age difference
To be Normal (by holyfudgemonkeys (erraticallyinspired)): 70,399 words/26 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: Malcolm has a terrible encounter while out trying to be ‘normal’ and get roofied. He doesn’t report it and tries to move on but winds up pregnant. He turns to Gil for support who is there with open arms. As they work through the choices Malcolm has to make and Gil is just there more and more their relationship evolves into something more intimate and romantic than either of them could ever have planned for.
❤️Hannor (Detroit: Become Human: Hank Anderson x Connor): Again, another couple with considerable age difference
Arrival (by coffee666): 83,075 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hank just wanted help around the house for Cole. He never expected such a goofy thing that laughed and hummed and protected Cole with all of his being. Connor is not like other androids - but neither of them truly know how deep those differences go.
The Opposite Life (by Speckeh): 38,612 words so far
Status: Incompleted (9/10 chapters)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: 17 years and 9 months ago, Connor decided to start his own family, alone. He falls in love with the voice sample of Donor 55719, as the mysterious man talks about a mundane life. It’s everything he wished for. After 17 years of loving the two minute voice sample that fathered his children, what will Connor do when that voice suddenly appears in his life?
By Default//By Design (by Make_It_Worse): 9,211 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Connor, an overworked clothing designer, who is also a huge brat. Hank, an HK800 android model, who isn’t having any of it.
❤️Hannigram (Hannibal: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham)
With a Crown of Stars (by thehoyden): 33,536 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When the call connects, Will says, “I know what kind of crazy I am, but I’m not this kind of crazy.”
“Will?” Dr. Lecter says.
“Yes, hi, sorry,” Will says. “It’s me. There’s a baby on my porch.”
Taken for Rubies (by emungere): 76,842 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Crossdressing, Feminization
Summary: Will invites Hannibal over for dinner. Hannibal brings him wine and flowers. A dissection of their pasts and the slow convergence of their domestic lives.
❤️Rinch (Person of Interest: John Reese x Harold Finch)
Pallas’s Rosefinch (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 55,536 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Summary: Harold needs John. John needs Harold. And that’s the way I like it!
Difficult To Name aka Titles Are Difficult (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 51,710 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John is a retired pro who comes back for a special client. For those who fear a BDSM themed story, please note that this is a tender love story.
Milk and Cream (by hallulawy): 33,388 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Out-of-character
Summary: Story between John (Alpha, 35, general practitioner) and Harold (Omega, 27-ish, entrepreneur, five-month-pregnant). They are not married (yet).
❤️Noah Reid x Dan Levy (They play Patrick and David in Schitt’s Creek if you don’t know)
Fries Before Guys (by wildxwired): 29,065 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Six weeks ago, Home (on a) Plate showed up in front of the MTV building in West Hollywood and started providing the locals with quite possibly the most amazing and inventive variations of grilled cheese sandwiches and cheese fries every Monday and Thursday, between the hours of 12 and 2. It wasn’t just the melt -in-the-mouth gooey goodness that had people clambering around the truck, or the insanely fair prices that were usually nowhere to be found on the rest of the street food in LA, but the fact that this was all served up by some hazel eyed specimen with the forearms of a god probably didn’t hurt either.
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
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Local Woman Made of Sunshine Makes Partner So Happy and Gay! More at 11 . . .
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Drives/rides shotgun: Ella told you relatively early on in your relationship about her past as a car thief. She didn’t seem ashamed of it, but she didn’t exactly state it as a source of pride, either. It was just simply something she felt you needed to know, for whatever reason. Probably to establish a connection by just being plain honest with you. And you appreciated that. However, it didn’t occur to you that maybe, at some point in her criminal career, she might’ve acquired a taste for driving like crazy. Make no mistake, Ella had become a model citizen since those days. But it would be a lie to say that the inner speed demon in her didn’t occasionally peak out. And even though it frightened you a bit, it also invigorated you. Ella was just all kinds of exciting for you, and being able to ride shotgun with her when she just wanted to blow off some steam from a long work week did just as much for you as it did her. Sometimes, the two of you will even pretend you’re in a getaway car scene for an action movie (well, as actiony as you can be while still technically observing the speed limit and acknowledging the proper signs and stop lights). Sure, people in other cars might look at the two of you funny for fake-yelling about “coppers on your tail” or for spouting corny action dialogue, but you’ve learn long ago to stop caring as much about what people think when you’re with Ella. And even without the addition of her tempting the speed limit, it just felt nice to take drives with her. Especially on summer evenings, out to the suburbs where the air felt a little breezier without the pollution of car horns honking and tourists babbling and music thudding out of clubs on either side . . . Was it borderline hetero nonsense to hold your girlfriend’s hand while she drove? Maybe. Would you give that up? Never.
Tries to start roleplaying in bed: Ella, to your delight, amusement, and slight horror. It was never any secret that between the two of you, Ella was the more forthcoming one. Far more Type B than A, for simpler phrasing. So when the both of you began to express an interest in taking things to a more intimate level, you were a bit hesitant as to where the limitations were. Ella, on the other hand, felt no need to mince words and dance around the subject. “Hey, so what do you think about, like, a sexy thing between a human and a Vulcan experiencing Pon Farr?” she asked you one day. If anyone had seen your reaction (your eyes widened, mouth parting, toast you’d just been nibbling on dropped) and taken it at face value, they would’ve assumed that you were horrified. They also would have assumed wrong. Really, a lot of the roleplays the two of you engage in tend to be sci-fi or fantasy-driven -- and you wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s something rather thrilling about imagining you’re a Rebel spy fucking an informant for secrets, or an intergalactic traveler being seduced via “sex pollen” by a gorgeous humanoid alien. . . . Okay, so yeah, it can get kind of weird. But it works for the both of you. For one it’s a sort of interaction that demands communication, something of which you and Ella especially need to take care of due to the slight baggage she entered the relationship with. But for another on a similar note, it means the both of you can be honest with each each other about what turns the two of you on respectively. Besides, it’s nice and relaxing when the two of you come together to discuss what kooky ideas you have for the next go-round. Additionally, in an odd but endearing way, it’s helped you to come out of your shell in a sense: After all, it’s hard to turn off the confidence of a Rebel spy once you’ve tasted it. And you’re willing to bet that Ella, in some way, was aware that this would happen . . .
Brings the other lunch at work: You do. Ella works long hours at the precinct, so it’s inevitable that she sometimes needs food brought over. Usually, she packs herself something to nosh on throughout the day, but once that runs dry, she has to reach out to ordering food. Before you came along, this meant pizza deliveries and UberEats and things of the sort. And while she holds nothing against those services, it’s always a bit cheaper to just text your significant other, ask them if they can pick something up for you, and just have them bring the food in themselves. Dating you has saved her enough for her to buy a Nintendo Switch without damaging her budget! The other plus with having you deliver her lunch to her is that it gives her the chance to see you -- as stated before, the lady works some hours, so her schedule can get a bit hectic. But it always brightens her day to see you walk through that door, accompanied by a bag of her favorite food truck tacos or a box of her favorite pizza. Or just some McDonald’s. And if you’re not pressed for time or have anything else going on that day? You know she’ll encourage you to stick around and join her for a bit of late lunch. Because you know that no matter what she has you pick up for her, she’s definitely made sure that her order was large enough to accommodate two people, he big sweetie.
Thanks for your ask and your patience!
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I really want a sterek scene stealer AU that’s the episode of Star Trek: Voyager, Blood Fever (Season 3 Episode 16). Derek would be B'Elanna – a half-Klingon who finds himself experiencing symptoms of the Pon farr (a point in a Vulcan’s life where their disciplined logic is overwhelmed by emotion and instinct as they’re driven to return to Vulcan and take a mate) after being mentally bound to a young Vulcan – Jennifer Blake – who’s undergoing it. Stiles would be Lieutenant Parris, a human who everyone thinks is cocky and a womanizer, but he’s been hiding his feelings for Derek for a long time.
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They make their way down to a planet to collect gallicite when the side effects of the Pon farr begin to take its toll on Derek; he becomes irritated and aggressive.
As the away team – Derek, Stiles and Scott – go rig up their gear and descend into the caverns and collapsed tunnels, Scott’s piton gives way and he falls. Derek and Stiles hurry down after him. Derek loses it, he starts shouting at Scott for being irresponsible but Stiles argues that Scott did nothing wrong; either the gear was faulty or the rock gave way. He says they should contact the ship, but Derek is determined to finish the mission – his anger growing – and when Stiles reaches out to stop him, Derek wheels around and bites Stiles’ cheek before taking off into the tunnels.
Stiles contacts the ship and tells them what happened.
“He’s either out of communications range or just not responding,” Stiles says. “His last known position was ten meters below our current position. I tried to stop him from leaving, Captain, but he got hostile and bit me.”
“He bit you?” Commander Parrish repeats, stunned.
“And he seemed to be enjoying it, in a Klingon kind of way.”
Boyd – another Vulcan on the ship – deduces what’s happened. He and Commander Parrish beam down to the planet to help get Scott medical treatment before going after Derek.
Boyd explains that the Pon farr can be fatal if the urges are not addressed, they set out after Derek—he’s after the gallicite, so they hope that following it will lead them to Derek.
Stiles is the first to find Derek, and when he does, he seems his normal self for a moment; not angry or irritated, but excited to have found the resources they came for.
“How are you feeling, Lieutenant?” Boyd asks, approaching Derek carefully.
“We need to get you back to the ship,” Commander Parrish says.
“You are experiencing a condition known as Pon farr,” Boyd explained.
“Pon what?”
“Your emotional balance has been disrupted. You may not be in control of your more aggressive instincts.”
“I lost my temper for a moment, that’s all,” Derek said. He glances between them noticing the urgency and worry in their eyes. “Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Please come back to the ship with us,” Boyd says, insistent. He takes a step forward.
“Just leave me alone!”
They freeze as members of an alien species step out of the shadows.
Parrish is able to calm them down, explaining they have no ill-intent, but the alien nods towards Derek. “He does.”
“He’s suffering from a chemical imbalance which is effecting his behaviour,” Parrish explains. “We’d be happy to take him and leave your territory.”
But before they can react, Derek lashes out, fighting off one of the aliens.
“Derek, stop!” Stiles says, grabbing Derek by the shoulder.
The two fall to the ground.
The cave walls rumble and the earth beneath them shakes.
Stiles looks up to see the ceiling crumbling.
“Derek!” he shouts, grabbing him and pulling him aside as the walls cave in and the ground falls from beneath them. When the dust settles, it’s just Stiles and Derek.
Stiles steadies Derek, checking on him. He has a cut on his arm and his head, but he’s conscious.
“We have to get back to the ship,” Stiles says.
“We can’t leave Boyd and Parrish down here,” Derek argues.
“The minerals in the walls inhibit the tricorders; we can’t scan for life signs or a way out. Out best chance is to get back to the ship and get some help, for them and for you.”
“Why does everybody keep saying there’s something wrong with me?”
Stiles does his best to explain what’s happening as they make their way through the tunnels, trying to get back to the surface.
“Boyd’s got to be wrong about this. It doesn’t make sense,” Derek argues.
“It does explain how you’ve been acting,” Stiles counters.
“I don’t see what’s so strange,” Derek says defensively.
“How about starting a fight with a group of armed aliens, shouting at Scott, giving me this—” He points at his cheek which is still bloodied from where Derek had bit him. “—and if I remember my Klingon customs correctly, biting someone on the face means—”
“I know what it means,” Derek cuts him off. 
It’s a way of a Klingon choosing a mate, he thinks. 
“Alright. Maybe I do feel something, some kind of instinct. What am I supposed to do about it?”
“When we get back to the ship, the doctor should be able to help,” Stiles reassures him.
Derek stops at a dead end, positioning the butt of the rifle into his shoulder and aiming at the rock.
“Whoa!” Stiles says, grabbing the end of the rifle and pointing it down—stopping Derek from firing. “We don't know how stable this tunnel is. An energy blast might bring the rest of it down on our heads.”
“Let go!” Derek growls, trying to pull the rifle out of Stiles’ grip, but Stiles resists him, taking the rifle.
“No. I think I should keep this.”
Derek tightens his grip on it, jerking it to the side and throwing Stiles back against the rocky wall, pinning him there.
“Never pick a fight with a Klingon, Stiles.”
“I'm not going to fight with you, Derek,” Stiles says, keeping his voice level and calm.
Derek’s voice is low, threatening; his eyes dark and filled with bloodlust. “Afraid I'll break your arm? You should be.”
“Derek, stop it! This isn't about the gun. This is about sex. But that's not gonna happen right now.”
A smirk turns up Derek’s lips as he leans in close and breathlessly says, “I think it is. See, I have picked up your scent, Stiles. I've tasted your blood.”
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“No,” Stiles says firmly. “I'm your friend, and I have to watch out for you when your judgement's been impaired. If you let these instincts take over now, you'll hate yourself, and me too for taking advantage of you. I won't do that.”
Derek pulls back. “Maybe we should split up.”
“You don't know how strong, how hard it is to fight this urge.”
“Are you telling me that I'm impossible to resist?” Stiles says teasingly.
Derek levels him with an unamused look. “I wouldn't go that far.”
“Good. Come on.”
They continue on down the tunnels. The walls start to rumble again.
Stiles pulls Derek into a small cavern, just as the tunnel caves in behind them, trapping them.
“We should use that weapon. It's worth the risk now,” Derek says.
“I might agree with you if I still had it. It's buried somewhere under all that,” Stiles says, nodding towards the caved in tunnel.
“Sorry. Try to stay calm. I know it's hard.”
“You don't know anything. I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin. I need to do something. I can't take this.”
He pushes Stiles to the ground, straddling him.
Stiles pushes him off, standing up.
“You've never been hard to get, Stiles,” Derek said, rising to his feet.
“Well, I'm making an exception. I can't let you do this.”
“Oh, I bet you wish you could. All those invitations to dinner. And on the holodeck, the way you would stare at me when you thought I wasn't looking, and get jealous when I'm with someone else. You can't tell me you're not interested in me.”
“You're right. I can't,” Stiles admits.
“Then don't push me away,” Derek whispers, stepping closer to Stiles.
“Oh, believe me, I'd like to, but I know this isn't really you. You've made it clear that you're not interested, and I have to accept that's how you feel, even now.”
“No,” Derek said quietly. “No, it isn't… I was just afraid to admit it… I've wanted this for so long.”
He leans forward, bringing their lips together.
“Just let it happen,” Derek whispers as he pulls back from the kiss slightly.
He tilts his head, deepening the kiss. Stiles walks him back until Derek’s back is pressed against the cavern wall. He slowly draws back from the kiss, his face still close to Derek’s and his voice barely more than a whisper as he says, “I hope someday you'll say that to me and mean it.”
Derek shoves him back, enraged. “You'd let me go insane rather than help me?”
“You know that's not true.”
“Just stay away from me,” Derek shouts, sinking down to the floor and curling up in the corner.
A little while later, Derek lifts his head, looking around. His voice is quiet, confused, as he asks, “Where are we?”
“Still stuck in the cave, I'm afraid,” Stiles tells him.
“The cave?” Derek tries to think. “The gallicite. Where's my tricorder?”
“We're not looking for the gallicite anymore. We're trying to get back to the ship, remember?” Stiles prompts, his voice soft and calming.
Derek looks even more confused. “No, I don't.”
There’s a loud crash as one of the large rocks falls away from the wall. Stiles steps away from Derek, helping whoever it is on the other side push aside the rocks.
Parrish’s face appears in the hole. “Are you two alright?”
“Derek needs help. We've got to get him out of here.”
Once they’re back on the surface, they try to contact the ship, but there’s no response.
“There must be some kind of communications problem. I'm sure they'll clear it up soon,” Parrish says.
Boyd looks at Derek. “It may not be soon enough. I am concerned about the rapid progression of his symptoms.” He looks at Stiles. “You must help him now, Mister Stilinski. If he does not resolve the Pon farr, he will die.”
Stiles lets out a sigh. Parrish and Boyd leave them alone. Stiles walks over to where Derek’s sitting, huddled near the entrance of the cave. He kneels before him.
“Derek, I know this is a pretty bizarre situation, probably not what either one of us had in mind, but it's too late to worry about that now.��
“Stiles,” Derek interrupts.
“Be quiet.”
Derek takes Stiles’ hand and leads him into the underbrush. In a small clearing, Derek pulls Stiles close, brushing his face against Stiles’ wrist to feel his pulse before nuzzling his face into Stiles’ neck.
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“Is this the part where you throw heavy objects at me?” Stiles says teasingly.
“Maybe later,” Derek mutters, his voice slurred as he loses himself in the moment.
“I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do,” Stiles admits, but when Derek doesn’t respond, he mirrors Derek’s actions, taking Derek’s hand in his and brushing his lips against his wrist before burying his face in the curve of Derek’s neck, letting out a low, animalistic growl.
Derek throws Stiles to the ground, straddling him and pinning his hands above his head.
Stiles doesn’t resist.
Derek looks confused. “What are you doing?”
“Enjoying myself?” Stiles replies.
“Then show it.”
Stiles smirks, flipping Derek on his back and pinning him to the ground. They roll around, struggling the way Klingons do when a branch snaps and a familiar voice shouts, “You are my mate, not his!”
“What are you doing here?” Derek shouts, glaring at Jennifer as he and Stiles rise to their feet. Stiles steadies Derek, the man weakened by the Pon farr.
“I've come to claim you, to fulfil our bond, and if necessary, to face my rival,” she says, glaring at Stiles.
Parrish and Boyd step into the clearing, following the sound of shouting.
“I declare Koon-ut-kal-if-fee,” Jennifer announces.
“The ritual challenge,” Boyd explains. “She intends to fight to win her mate.”
“You want a fight? You've got one,” Stiles challenged.
“Hold on, Stiles. There's not going to be any challenge,” Parrish says calmly, stepping between them. “Are you responsible for the ship being out of contact?” he asks Jennifer.
“It was necessary to disable the communications, transporters and shuttles,” she says. “No one will keep me from my mate.”
“I am not your mate!” Derek growls.
“We will soon decide that.”
“If anyone is going to smash your arrogant little face in, I will! I take your challenge myself.”
Parrish and Stiles look to Boyd.
“She has the right to choose her own defender, even herself,” he says. “Both must resolve their Pon farr before it kills them. I see no alternative but to follow Vulcan tradition.”
“Alright,” Parrish reluctantly agrees.
Derek and Jennifer fight. They’re evenly matched—throwing punches and kicks. The two fall to the ground, wrestling and struggling as they exchange blows until finally Jennifer collapses, unable to get up. Derek staggers back, completely disorientated. He falls into Stiles’ arms.
“Is it over?” Stiles asks, worried.
“The blood fever has been purged,” Boyd says. “It is over.”
   Later, once Derek has recovered, they return to their duties. Derek is in the turbolift as the doors open for Stiles.
Stiles steps into the turbolift, the awkward tension filling the air.
“Looks like you’re feeling better,” Stiles says, trying to break the awkward silence. “Back on duty?”
“I’m fine, thanks,” Derek says. “And yes. The warp coils should be good as new by the end of the week.
“Oh, good. Glad to hear it.” He pauses. “Computer, halt turbolift.”
The turbolift stops.
Stiles turns to Derek. “Look, this is ridiculous. We are going to be together on this ship for a long time.”
“You're right. We have to pretend that the whole thing didn't happen.”
“But something did happen, Derek.”
“Look, Stiles, I really appreciate what you did—what you were willing to do—for me. But as far as I'm concerned, I was under the influence of some weird Vulcan chemical imbalance, and, and whatever I did, whatever I said, it wasn't me.”
“Yeah, I know. You're afraid that your big, scary Klingon side might have been showing. Well, I saw it up close, and you know, it wasn't so terrible. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing it again someday.” He turns away, hiding his smirk as he says, “Computer, resume.”
The turbolift slows. The doors open and Derek steps out.
“Careful what you wish for, Lieutenant,” he says over his shoulder, leaving Stiles stunned as the turbolift doors close.
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captain-aralias · 4 years
fic writer interview
thanks @amphipodgirl :D this is perfect for a lazy start to the day.
name: you gave your real name here, so so will i! it’s katy. i don’t know why i’m sort of holding it back in carry on fandom (well, i’m not, but weirdly it feels like i am) - i literally uploaded it to the fanlore page i made for myself and have to update at some point. 
this fanlore article also reminds me that, as well as aralias, i went by ‘polkat’ for what was a comparatively brief number of years. i’ve been aralias for more than a decade. if you’ve heard my podfic you’ll know that inexplicably i pronouce it a-ril-ee-as. 
fandoms: i currently write for ‘carry on’ (but of course) and that’s mostly what i read too. i also still read a bit of blake and i sometimes read a bit of untamed. 
my big previous fandoms are blake’s 7, doctor who, and harry potter. star wars too, but before i knew about online fandom - i never wrote for it. 
where you post: i post here! sort of. and AO3. i love AO3 - like, a lot. i used to post to Livejournal and the Doctor Who specific archive Teaspoon and an Open Mind (which is a great title) and some of my works were on the Pyradonian, which was a D/M specific Who archive, but i didn’t put them there. 
took me ages to stop posting into LJ itself as I had such brand loyalty, but linking to AO3 is better in every way. 
most popular one-shot: we’re at the point, where i no longer need to check. it’s Sex and Blood by a long way.
most popular multi-chapter: another one that’s way out in front of the others. Keep Calm 
i went away to make some coffee after posting and remembered that S&B isn’t a one shot. it just feels like it is to me. which means i literally do not know the answer.... let’s find out.
most popular one shot: by hits and bookmarks it’s... seasonal fluff from Legally Blonde the Musical written for yuletide 2010 Shampoo & Conditioner (In One) - a disappointing top scorer as it is extremely bland. 
by kudos Coming up for air squeaks into the top spot! which is nice. maybe it’s here just because i don’t write many one-shots for carry on, which is a much more popular fandom than B7 or Who, but i like this fic - i’m glad people have read it.
most popular multi-chapter: why, look that. it’s Sex and Blood by a long way.
i literally had no idea people would like this fic so much when i thought ‘vampire pon farr - that sounds pretty funny. i’ll write that’.
fic you were nervous to post: i love feedback and generally am relatively confident my own writing, so i think whatever nervousness i might have felt about any fic i wrote would be overwhelmed by the need to get it into the public domain as quickly as possible. 
there are things that i was nervous about in my early ‘carry on’ fics - like, can i make the mage sympathetic, are people going to be ok with me putting sex here in the middle of this fic. 
actually, i remember i was nervous about posting Portions of the Soul of Man which is a pretty tame truth or dare Blake/Avon fic based off (probably the best) B7 big finish audio. this seems mad more than 7 years later, but the fandom was so small and i was weirdly anxious about saying ‘i mostly want to be writing shippy fic between these two characters’ because - and again, this will seem nuts because B/A is the juggernaut - i just thought people didn’t want it at that particular moment in time. 
how do you choose your titles: i noticed recently that ... they’re all quotes or idioms. again, seems obvious, but i was just happily doing exactly the same thing over and over and not noticing. my two exchange fics tipped me off - they’re both song titles, one of which also has a specific ‘carry on’ meaning. 
that’s nice about carry on fandom though - quotes and idioms are super important. 
do you outline: not really. for longer things, i’ll sometimes make notes of things i want to happen - but mostly it’s in my head. i have a bunch of notes for the role swap thing that i’m increasingly thinking i might never write. so, definitely no correlation between it being done and being helpful.
complete: on AO3, if you remove the tags for ‘meta’ and ‘podfic’ i have 173 remaining works dating back to 2002. (ugh - don’t read my work from 2002!) 
i’ve also uploaded my snowflake fic - although AO3 has hidden it from me extremely effectively. if anyone else has this problem, you can get it back by choosing to click ‘edit works’ from your works homepage, but (as far as i can see) through no other method.
do you take prompts: i’ve re-worded and moved this because i thought it was a bit of a naff ended.
i do take prompts. i love prompts - although i like them to be super specific and probably based on the canon universe.
in progress: two. one for COE - secret. started, need to pick it up again. still aiming for release on 25th, but probably unrealistic. one about simon and baz working on the coven.
coming soon: see above. my snowflake fic will definitely be posted on the 25th. after that, the fics that i mentioned. depending on the prompts i’ll probably sign up for carry on anon fest. i might write the roleswap. i’d like to write something with sharkmartini. 
there are also a few things that i prompted that, if no one writes them, i might end up doing it. i have historically - in both B7 and Who - written fills for things i prompted because, turns out i did know how to write them after all.
tagging some people to do this too if you like!
@unseeliebansidhe @bazzybelle @amywaterwings @vampire-named-gampire @palimpsessed @phoxphyre @sharkmartini @krisrix @annabellelux @fight-surrender @sourcherrymagiks @bunn1cula @thisbluespirit @scone-lover @rainshaded @otherworldsivelivedin @xivz
obviously i didn’t do six sentence sunday because it’s SECRET. (not long now though)
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ichayalovesyou · 4 years
My last Lyrical Fanfic was Pon Farr (An Amok Time Tribute) check it out Here.
Shame & Shores To Walk On:
Ship: Spirk (Spock/Kirk)
Episode: The Naked Time
Premise: Poorly timed soul baring, mutual and intense pining, angst, and very messy confessions brought on by sickness and a life or death situation.
I Am Sorry (Act One): Starts with Ugh, Spock having an emotional breakdown in the briefing room.
Bad Taste (Act Two): Starts with I Don’t Know What To Do With My Hands, Spock struggles to confess his feelings for Jim.
Better Off (Act Three): Starts with These Streets, Jim laments his love/hate relationship with the Enterprise and longs for a relationship, something real, something permanent.
The Risk Untaken (Act Four): Starts with After All, what was seen cannot be unseen, done undone, said unsaid, time warp or no time warp. Jim & Spock have seen things in one another that neither was ready to show, the question is what do they do about it?
Full fanfic below!
~Act One: I Am Sorry~
Ugh~by The Warning, from Queen Of The Murder Scene (Album) “I am in control of my emotions”
Spock is having a full blown panic attack, he’s enraged, embarrassed! He hasn’t had one since he was a child! What could have possibly brought this on? Was it the accidental meld with Christi- the disease. He cannot be seen like this! But, the Captain needs him. Spock is horrified to discover that he needs him too. Where had this need come from? Why did it insist on tightening his throat and setting his hands trembling? He cannot be seen like this!
“There’s so much more to this than that, suppress those feelings bite them back.”
The Sailor Song~by Autoheart, from Punch (Album) “I am an officer, an officer!”
Spock is absolutely irate with himself, this was horribly unprofessional, horribly Human. He is a starfleet officer and his Captain needs him, they’re all in grave danger and all he can do is sob?! And shudder?! The Vulcan in him wanted to run, hide, desperately. The Human half, more than anything else, wanted to seek Jim out. Neither could be satisfied, so here he would remain, and hope he would be found. Not just by anyone, but, by Jim…
“Your overbearing best friend, hoping, for some attention.”
Love Love Love~by Of Monsters & Men, from My Head Is An Animal (Album) “My duty- my duty is to- too late. Too late. I’m sorry.”
The shaking, the tears refused to stop, no Vulcan meditation or mathematical litany could get them to cease. Spock was suddenly overwhelmed with the pointlessness of it all. The effort to stop it, the effort to fight both halves of himself. He did not have the strength to fight the needing, wanting for James Kirk. The Captain, who did not have time for a First Officer who was now unfit for duty by his own carelessness. No, it was better that he was alone, he had failed.
“And those bright blue eyes, can only meet mine from across a room filled with people that are less important than you.”
Lazy Eye~by Silversun Pickups, from Carnavas (Album) “Where have you be-?! What happened?”
To say Captain Kirk was shocked to find his First Officer in such emotionally compromised straits would be a woeful understatement. Spock barely recognized that he’d arrived, whatever Jim was saying, it didn’t matter, not yet, perhaps never. There was a silver lining to this, madness, brought on by the disease, it was that Spock was free. He could speak his mind, his heart- If he could get these words out, then maybe the freedom would be permanent. He had to tell him.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment, all my life. But it’s not quite right.”
~Act Two: Bad Taste~
I Don’t Know What To Do With My Hands~by Minor Alps, from Get There (album) “Living on a planet where love, emotion, was in bad taste.”
Precision and coherence had left him with the carefully cultivated logic Spock so prized. He had been flung so violently against his human half in this moment, normally enduring a constant fight to come to the surface, was now running amuck. He felt like a freak of nature, he was, a freak of nature. But that didn’t matter, so long as he could talk to the Captain, Jim deserved to understand. Understand what has prevented him from speaking his heart all this time. If only he could reach him. Then everything else could matter.
“May be some kind of monster, maybe I just don’t know how to reach out, reach out.”
The Moon Will Sing~by The Crane Wives, from Coyote Stories (Album) “I respected my father, our customs, I was ashamed of my earth blood.”
Spock felt his resentment claw at his throat. The blow reminded him of childhood bullies. His father, though he’d never struck him, but wasn’t much better; Cold, seeking weakness, seeking emotions, that forbidden humanity. Why did he feel as though something had been kept from him? What had been stolen and could it be found again? This madness let him see it, but he could not touch it. Whatever it was, he wanted to give it to Jim, why couldn’t he understand?
“My heart knew the weight, ten years worth of dust and neglect, we made our peace with weariness and let it be.”
Runs In The Family~by Amanda Palmer, from Who Killed Amanda Palmer? (Album) “Jim.. When I feel friendship for you I’m ashamed!”
Spock quickly found his resentment mingle with rage. Why did his parents insist upon his being born of two worlds?! Could they not have afforded him the blessing of being from only one? There was no logic in being shamed for biological differences by his peers! It was illogical to feel shame over it! Why couldn’t Jim see what he was trying to tell him? Why wasn’t he listening?!
He grabbed Jim’s hand, perhaps they could both be certain then.
“We tend to bruise easily, bad in the blood, I’m telling you ‘cause I just want you to know me, know me and my family”
The One~by The Warning, from Queen of The Murder Scene (Album) “Understand Jim? I’ve spent a whole lifetime, learning to hide my feelings.”
Could the Captain really understand? He was Human after all, and there was no doubt Spock’s feelings, grotesque or not, were undeniably Human. Spock needed an explanation, he needed words, he needed them so that they could be given back. All he could receive from the Captain were feelings, feelings between to shouts that could not yet matter. The emotions that radiated from his touch were as painful and confusing as his own. More so than the feeble strikes that accompanied them.
“Can you explain to me what’s this feeling? Love it or hate it it’s never leaving. Want to believe, that you feel it too.”
~Act Three: Better Off~
These Streets~by Bastille, from All This Bad Blood (Album) “I’ve got it, the disease… Love. You’re better off without it and I’m better off without mine!”
This new, vulnerable Spock, Jim was ashamed to admit, scared him. And not just because he smacked him clear across the table! If Spock was trying to say what he thought he was, he couldn’t afford it! He couldn’t allow it, he wished he were more like Spock, able to just block the feelings bubbling up within him. Everyone he’s ever loved has left or gotten hurt, he couldn’t let that happen to Spock. The only thing that could not leave him was this ship, and he could not afford to lose her!
“These streets are yours you can keep them, in my mind it’s like you haunt them, and passing through I think I see you, in the shapes of other women.”
Various Storms & Saints~by Florence + The Machine, from How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Album) “You’re allowed to notice her, a captain’s not permitted-“ “Jim.”
Jim found himself thinking of Janice, he couldn’t touch her, not after what his other half had done. Besides, he shouldn’t, he didn’t deserve it- and Spock… He wanted him too, but the ship needs him more, it needed them both more. It hurt so much all the sudden, it was like he was drowning, anchored to the bottom of the ocean, if he could reach the surface for a moment- what made Spock think they could be together?! Have anything at all?!
“I know you’re bleeding but you’ll be okay, hold on to your heart you’ll keep it safe, hold on to your heart don’t give it away.”
Crimson Queen~by The Warning, from Queen of The Murder Scene (Album) “A beach to walk on, a few days no braid on my shoulder”
If they could just get out of this place, live to fight another day, then, maybe! But… even if the ocean would be gone and the anchor would still be there, there’s nowhere to go. Why did this scare him more than the immediate danger? More than any other feelings he’s felt for someone else? Was it just the disease… or something more?
“I know love shows in mysterious ways, still my screaming makes no sound, just silence at the roundabout.”
Hearts A Mess~by Gotye, from Like Drawing Blood (Album) “…no beach to walk on.”
“Sinner repent?” Ha, that much was true, it seemed to James Kirk that these, whatever these feelings were, were his repentance. He couldn’t reach out, couldn’t speak, and Jim didn’t want to, couldn’t afford to. The blood was still there, it could be wiped away. The ache? He could live with it for now, he’d live with it forever if he had to. As long as Spo- the Enterprise and its crew were safe.
“Your hearts a mess, you won’t admit to it, it makes no sense, but I’m desperate to connect, and you can’t live like this.”
~Act Four: The Risk Untaken~
After All~by The Altogether, from When We Were Kids (Album) “Are you alright Jim?”
Part of Spock looked forward to being cured, the other wanted to hold onto the madness, just a little longer. He thought of the three words he could not say even with the peculiar freedom the sickness brought, and certainly could not say on the bridge… “Let me help” would not work, the captain could not show weakness at this time, perhaps, this other verbal trinity would suffice, in place of “I love you”.
“To heal the hearts the world had broke, a song for every sacrifice.”
Three Little Birds~by Branches, from Three Little Birds (Album) “… are you?”
Neither of them answered, but the silence was more than enough, of course they weren’t alright. They had revealed to each other things neither were ready to share. Sure, they’d survived, thankfully no one had died. Jim was no longer drowning, the anchor was lighter than he had remembered, and Spock seemed, fine, back to normal, sort of. They weren’t alright, but maybe, they would be.
“Singing don’t worry, about a thing, ‘cause every little thing is gonna be alright.”
She~by dodie, from Human (Album) “We have three days to live over again.” “Ha…Not those last three days.”
Three days, all over again, perhaps they could pretend what happened… No of course they couldn’t, what is done cannot be undone, nor said unsaid. But, what was said? Did he know? did he understand? Does he feel the same? For now, he is content to let the answer lie hidden. Not daring hope that he was right, but… why was he still staring at him?
“Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong? When she’s just so nice to look at.”
Drive~by Incubus, from Make Yourself (Album) “We may risk it some day Mr. Spock.”
Fears and aches or not, Jim had learned a great deal about his First Officer today. It would only be a matter of time before the Vulcan in him took over again. If the anchor was light enough, maybe he could drag himself, little by little, close enough to reach him. Regardless of what may come, at least they knew each other now. If Jim could help it, he was going to learn more.
“Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there, with open arms and open eyes.”
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cwnannwn · 5 years
Short analyzes of human wedding traditions c. 23th century
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: T'Pring/Nyota Uhura Characters: T'Pring, Nyota Uhura Additional Tags: Alien Marriage Traditions, Friends and family being way too involved in the wedding, Wedding Fluff, Fluff Words: 1505   Summary: T'Pring's observations on her and Nyota's human wedding celebrations.
Written for the Just Married Exchange, it was a fun challenge to approach these two, since I hadn’t written for them yet.
What curious customs. That was the first, vague impression T'Pring had when Nyota explained what she wished to do for the human side of their wedding. Oaths to one another were perfectly logical, the presence of authority, even in the form of Captain Kirk's smiling face; was expected, friends and an abundance of food, these aspects were befitting of a wedding ritual. 
Crewmen T'Pring had never interacted with grinning at her and congratulating her as if they were family, or the excited discussions of how to best prepare the after-party, felt strange to her. The occasional pat on the shoulder or half hug was somewhat discomfiting. The tradition of neither bride seeing the other before the wedding, in particular, even if they were already bonded, felt utterly illogical to her
But Nyota had stood in the sands of Vulcan, with Captain Kirk and Spock at her side, only smiling as T'Pring hang the gong, as the elder of T'Pring's clan confirmed their bond. A mating bond had began forming months before, the result of late shift conversations and the insistent pull T'Pring had felt towards her human beloved from the moment she had stepped into the Enterprise. Well, beamed into the Enterprise would be more accurate. 
She had arrived as Spock's betrothed, there in part to strengthen their childhood bond, but both had know that would not happen. T'Pring resented that tenuous connection and what it had meant at the time, and how it could impact how seriously others took her assignment as the Enterprise's exo-biologist. Once on the starship, however, it had taken her seconds to realize Spock too had no desire to bond with her, his bond to their captain running so much deeper than any else could. 
Once their mutual lack of interest in mating had been made clear, T'Pring quickly grew to see Spock as a friend, and their thin bond was unmade with no harm to the other. And it was him who first nudged T'Pring into accepting those nascent, illogical, even somewhat terrifying feelings for Nyota. For that, they both owned him much. 
A light green blush spread over her cheeks, and T'Pring was glad to be alone for now, waiting for the commemoration to begin. Her pon farr had come far away from the sands of Vulcan, but she had yearned for Nyota, and her beloved had answered. The memories of that first physical union made T'Pring smile. 
There was a matching feeling coming from that silvery thread T'Pring imagined their bond to look like, Nyota's amusement a ray of light, her excitement shining through all else. They would see each other in moments, but they had not stopped sharing this, their true self known to none other, for a moment. 
In a gown of traditional Vulcan cut, hair high in twisted braids, T'Pring stepped through the doors to the common rest area, made into a makeshift isle. Crewmen lined the sides, her colleagues of the science department, all blue and a few gold who had interest in the area and often discussed matters with her to one side, a sea of red and more gold on the other. T'Pring could have taken a few observations over the possible anthropological reason for the divide, but her eyes landed on Nyota, and all else faded away. 
She stood at the altar, resplendent in a yellow shoulderless dress, the grin on her face bringing a matching smile to T'Pring's carefully stoic face. Their friends and colleagues hollered and cheered as T'Pring walked towards Nyota, stopping in front of her. Hello beautiful, Nyota's words whispered in her mind as soon as their hands touched, only a light brush against T'Pring's knuckles, her shining dark eyes brimming with tears T'Pring now knew were born of happiness. 
T'hy'la, that was all T'Pring could answer with, Vulcan composure almost failing her as her own and Nyota's feelings flooded her mind and heart. Captain Kirk, grinning much like a madman, took his post before them and called a beginning to the ceremony. 
His speech must have been impressive, there was laughter and tears not long into it, and Spock had told her he had been preparing the words carefully for weeks now, but T'Pring did not hear a word of it, lost in Nyota's gaze. 
There was a modification to the human tradition, as the ceremony neared its end and Kirk announced they may 'kiss the bride', Nyota raised her hand, extending two fingers. T'Pring did the same, touching her own to Nyota's. For a moment, that simple sign of affection was all there existed in T'Pring's world, their bond, their love all that she could feel. Then the room exploded in cheers again, almost making T'Pring jump. It was Nurse Chapel and Chief-Engineer Scott who cheered louder, or maybe they were just easier to distinguish. 
A sudden mischievous impulse came to T'Pring, maybe an impulse left from her pre-Surak ancestors. Whenever it came from, she let it flow to Nyota, waiting her agreement or disagreement to the idea. Her beloved's eyes widened, and her answer came in the form of their hands clasping together, just as T'Pring leaned forward and met Nyota's lips in a fierce kiss. Later, when asked, T'Pring would say it was only logical, Nyota had followed all of T'Pring's culture wedding traditions, thus T'Pring should do the same for Nyota's human marriage traditions. 
Vulcans did not lie, and that would not be a lie. Only not the whole reason for such a public display of intimacy, for the impulse that came over T'Pring in that moment had been to claim and be claimed, to show all present, in as clear a manner as possible, that she was Nyota's and Nyota was hers. Truly, it was no surprise her ancestors developed Koon-ut-kal-if-fee. Even outside her pon farr, in that moment, T'Pring was ready to fight any who would challenge their claim. 
Luckily, no combat would be necessary. Their kiss had only caused louder cheers, and what sounded suspiciously like bets getting settled, before the after-party began. It turned into what T'Pring could only describe as a revelry. 
The Enterprise had stopped at a Starbase to refuel not long ago, and it seemed their comrades had taken the opportunity to also stock up on enough alcohol to kill them all if needed. Chief-Engineer Scott had gathered a gaggle of younger engineers around him as he proclaimed the virtues of one kind of human beverage over all else. 
"What do you think of our weddings, now we've done both of them," Nyota draped herself over T'Pring, arm around the tall Vulcan's shoulders, pressing her face against T'Pring's neck. A pleasant shiver ran through T'Pring's spine, an arm coming up to wrap around Nyota's waist and help her stand. Her mate was quite affected by the alcohol, much like the entirety of their ship's crew. 
"I believe both ceremonies reflect well on our peoples' histories," T'Pring allowed a rare smirk to come over her features, knowing the effect it would have on Nyota, "but I dare say your human feast is closer to a barely controlled riot." There was a good chance, T'Pring was willing to bet, that either Doctor McCoy or Captain Kirk would soon lose at least their shirts. They were already drunkenly singing some form of sea shanty, badly adapted to the void of space instead of the ocean. 
Nyota snorted in a very undignified but endearing fashion, her lips brushing T'Pring's neck, first accidentally, then deliberately. Maybe the human revelry was getting to her too. Shame she could not blame the drinks for her reactions like their friends would. 
Nyota pulled away enough to see what the others were doing, her grin turning to full laughter. T'Pring hid her own smile against Nyota's black hair, emotion fit to burst inside her chest. She had half a mind to take her mate back to their quarters and consummate their bond for a third time in official capacity, but Nyota left her arms to join their Captain and Chief of Medicine on a truly horrendous rendition of Drunken Sailor. 
"They will regret the drinking in a few hours." Spock had appeared at her elbow, hands behind his back and posture stiff. Even so, there was a small upturn to his lips, a sense of contentedness to him that T'Pring recognized with a start was present in her too. 
A sense of comradeship was to be expected once one became part of a crew, but this? T'Pring could feel in the tips on her fingers how happy the entire ship was for her and Nyota, could feel every breath Nyota took like it came from her own chest. 
Allowing a similar quasi-smile to grace her features, T'Pring agreed with a nod. Soon, she would guide Nyota to their rooms, make sure she had enough water in her, and let her sleep the worst of the night's effects off. But for now, she was content to watch the ways humans celebrated their friends' happiness. 
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doctortreklock · 5 years
I’ll Sing While I Simmer - October 23, 2019
Part of my Resolution19. Read it on AO3.
Prompt: Asexual character (because it’s Asexual Awareness Week!)
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Title: “Me-Stew” by Shel Silverstein
Words: 2330
Content Warning: Dubcon (see end notes for details)
It turned out that when Spock had told Jim that Vulcans tended toward asexuality outside "mitigating factors," he'd been shifty-eyed for a reason.
"I am going to be generous right now and assume that there was a very good reason why you didn't tell me," Jim said, fighting to keep his voice steady.
And there were the shifty-eyes again, the only tell in Spock's otherwise perfectly Vulcan visage. "I can assure you--"
"Because to me," Jim continued, barreling on, "this seems like the kind of thing one might be expected to tell their partner."
"Oh yes, dear," Jim mimed, "I'm terribly sorry, but I forgot to mention that I have to have sex every seven years. Guess it just slipped my mind." And there went all his calm veneer.
Spock's eyes were dark and perhaps a touch sympathetic. Jim felt a pang in his chest and crossed his arms against the sensation.
Off to the side of the exam room, Bones cleared his throat roughly. "I'm about three weeks behind on paperwork, so if either of you need me, I'll be in my office." The good doctor didn't flee, but it was near to. Jim envied him his quick escape from the fallout that was sure to ensue.
The door slid shut behind Bones and Spock took advantage of the brief lull to explain.
"Jim." He paused. "T'hy'la." Jim tried not to show how much he was melting around the edges at the familiar endearment. "As you know, I am not wholly Vulcan. There are no previous human-Vulcan hybrids to use as an example, and so it was unknown if I would be afflicted. It was postulated that I would be spared, as my mother's genetics run stronger in some specific strands." Spock's mouth twisted slightly and Jim knew he was thinking of Nero. "However, since the destruction of Vulcan-That-Was, there have been reports from the colony of individuals entering their Time prematurely, and so it seems that regardless of predictions, my Time is now upon me."
Well, Jim would say one thing about Vulcans - they never lacked drama.
He lifted one hand to rub at the side of his face and made a face at the rough stubble he found there. Just another reminder of the hellishly long day he was in that had started with a slightly snappish Spock and was now ending with a piece of very unwelcome news.
"Give it to me straight, Spock," Jim said, tired of the conversation already. "What are our options?"
"Are you asking as my captain or my beloved?" Spock asked without flinching. "Because the answers are quite different."
That didn't sound good. "Both."
"As my captain," Spock prefaced, then he squared his shoulders. "Captain, it is my estimation that given my current rate of deterioration, I will reach an inexcusable level of efficiency by approximately ship's noon, three days from now. It is my recommendation, then, that I be deemed medically unfit for duty at the end of alpha shift tomorrow. I would further recommend that Lieutenant Sanchez be promoted to Interim Science Officer in my stead and that her promotion be permanently secured upon my death. My position as First Officer--"
"Wait, wait, wait," Jim interrupted. "Hang on, go back." There was a cold panic creeping up his spine. "Your death?"
"Yes." Spock paused. Jim didn't say anything, panic sending his stomach swooping like the universe's most terrifying roller coaster. Spock continued. "If the urge to...couple is not sated, the plak tow, the blood fever, will set in. Unless satisfied, the fever will eventually lead to total system shutdown and my death."
Jim's mouth was dry. "Were you not going to mention that?" he croaked.
"I was," Spock said, shifting his weight slightly. "If you'll recall, I did say there were two different ways I could answer your question."
He was being evasive. Jim thought they were past that. "Spock," he said softly.
Spock looked at him, gaze softening. "Jim," he echoed. "On a personal note, I have few options. You are my beloved. I shall leave it to you to decide which course to take."
Jim opened his mouth to protest that this was unfair, that he shouldn't have that much power, that Spock shouldn't give him the responsibility for such an important decisions, but Spock simply held out two fingers in the ozh'esta, a Vulcan kiss, and he subsided, pressing his own fingers to Spock's in silent response.
Spock nodded as if there had been a decision made and lifted his eyes from their joined fingers to look at Jim again. "As my beloved. Jim, when I was young I was placed in a bond with T'Pring. This you know." Jim nodded. T'Pring and Uhura had been the only exes of note that the pair had. "This bond was intended to draw us together during my Time. Then, we would join and our bond would deepen." Jim couldn't suppress a frown at the idea. "Following the loss of Vulcan-That-Was, our preliminary bond was broken. T'Pring did not perish, but concluded that a bond with a full Vulcan was necessary for the propagation of my species." Jim's frown deepened. "Her logic was sound," Spock chided softly. "As a hybrid, I am by necessity sterile. There was no logic in remaining tied to me when there were others more suited to her own needs, just as you are more suited to mine." Jim's frown faded into a wry smile at the gentle reminder, accompanied by the subtle reassurance of Spock's fingers against his own.
"With T'Pring now bonded to another, there is no one set aside for me, no one waiting for me. Jim, please," Spock said when Jim opened his mouth to protest the last point. "I would ask that you allow me the courtesy to complete my thoughts and lay out my arguments."
Jim pursed his lips, but nodded. "Fine. But I reserve the right to ask an obnoxious number of questions afterwards."
A slight smile graced Spock's lips. "I would expect no less of you, t'hy'la." He pressed his fingers against Jim's for one last moment before pulling away and clasping his hands behind his back. Jim's fingers felt cold afterwards. "As I said, there is none set aside for me among my own people or elsewhere. My remaining options are limited. Those few Vulcans adept at kolinahr have been known to successfully dissipate the blood fever through meditation, though this method knows success only after the purging of all emotions. There were once rumors that physical exertion could disrupt the fever, but I do not know the specifics, and I fear those knowledgeable have perished on Vulcan-That-Was." Spock paused, and his face was the most perfect Vulcan mask Jim had seen on him yet. "The final option is the simplest. I do nothing, and the plak tow consumes me as it has Vulcans before me."
"Now you're just being ridiculous," Jim burst out. "There's no way that's going to happen. Bones will find something that can help. He's worked wonders before."
"Millions of hours, figuratively countless hours, have been spent by those at the Vulcan Science Academy in pursuit of a cure or relief for the pon farr. None has yet been found after decades of research," Spock intoned evenly. "While Doctor McCoy's efforts are laudable, it is highly improbable he would meet with any different success."
"What about me?" Jim asked before he nerves could get the better of him. "Am I not Vulcan enough for you?" He swallowed roughly around the lump in his throat.
Spock looked at him, and this time he looked at him. Jim felt simultaneous waves of panic and terror with a small underlying layer of excitement that tingled up and down his spine. "My blood burns for you, beloved," Spock said simply, his voice thick. "But I wouldn't ask that of you."
Jim could hear his pulse beating loudly in his ears. It was a well-guarded secret - though perhaps a less-well-guarded one on the Enterprise - that Jim was asexual. He had never been sexually attracted to anyone and - in point of fact - was repulsed by the very notion of sex. When he was seventeen and had first decided to attempt the feat, he had nearly thrown up when the other man had touched him.
After a half-dozen false starts that - through bad luck and poor timing - somehow managed to secure Jim a reputation as a playboy, he had resigned himself to a life alone. Well, as alone as you could be with Bones and the entire crew of the Enterprise determined to be your family.
Spock had been a surprise. First, as a congenial colleague, then as a friend. Then, after the realization that Vulcans were mostly asexual as well - with apparently some very important caveats - as a partner. Jim told Spock about Iowa and his father, and Spock told Jim about Shi'Kahr and his mother. They played chess and talked ship's business and exchanged Vulcan kisses (because human kisses were often too much for Jim) and melded for hours, the steady press of Spock's fingers on his face all the grounding Jim needed.
But this...this changed everything. No matter what Jim decided - because Spock had put the decision solely in Jim's hands and doesn't he understand that now - everything would be different. Obviously, a small voice reminded him. Because either you'll sleep with him or he'll die. Jim shushed the voice, because it had to be a more complicated decision, didn't it? Because that choice only led to one answer.
The look on Spock's face was serene and his eyes were calm, as if he'd already accepted Jim's answer. But he couldn't have, because Jim hadn't made one yet. Or maybe he had.
"Ask me."
Spock blinked and his peaceful expression shattered. "What?"
Jim took a deep, shaky breath and double-checked himself. Yep. Still decided. "Ask me."
Spock was wide-eyed and his lips were trembling ever-so-slightly. "Jim," he rasped. "Will you knowingly and willingly consent to join with me, here, during my Time, as I pass through the mating fires?"
"Yes." Jim's voice was low, but sure.
"Will you--" Spock faltered. "Will you knowingly and willingly consent to bond with me during this, the first of my Times?"
"Yes," Jim repeated, his voice ringing with certainty this time.
Spock's voice dropped to a near-whisper. "Will you knowingly and willingly consent to stay with me, t'hy'la, binding your family to mine?"
"Yes," Jim agreed. Then he added, "Is this usually quite so much like a marriage proposal?"
Spock looked a little dazed from Jim's agreement. "Not traditionally. Generally speaking, bonding usually occurs when one is young and does not require a formal declaration of intent. The mingling of families is a separate event, usually performed at the behest of the higher ranking matriarch shortly after the bond has matured." Now Spock looked faintly guilty. "I could not bear to be parted from you by any ritual known to my people, beloved. If I acted in undue haste, please forgive me."
"Nothing to forgive, Spock," Jim told him fondly. The panic that had accompanied him since Spock's initial description of pon farr hadn't dissipated, but it had settled and Jim could work around it now. The thin frisson of excitement that had run through him at Spock's gaze had vanished, but Jim had hopes that it might pop up again. The overwhelming emotion Jim was feeling right now was love. Love for Spock, who could lay out any problem with cool aplomb, no matter how personal. Spock, who trusted Jim to know his own limits. Spock, who proposed and then apologized for it. Spock, who was so dear to Jim and so very much Spock, that Jim feared for the fate of any universe without him in it.
"Very well, then," Spock said, the slightest blush of green across his cheeks the only hint of his pleasure at the exchange. "I trust you will keep the doctor appraised of the situation?"
"Of course," Jim agreed. "We'll need to talk about things, lay in supplies, antiemetics, that sort of thing."
Spock nodded and straightened up, attempting to revert back to the professionalism that was so familiar to them both. "If you do not have any further need for me, Captain, I will be spending my remaining leisure time in meditation."
"Sounds good, Mr. Spock."
Just before he reached the door, Spock paused and turned around, extending his fingers towards Jim once more. Jim obliged him, feeling relieved that at least this hadn't changed.
Once Spock had gone, Jim took a moment to breath and reevaluate himself. He was still good? Yeah. His lips curled in a smile. It would be rough. The panic and terror were still lurking beneath the surface, but for the moment they had subsided. He and Spock could get through this; just another one of the obstacles that ended up being no match for the Enterprise's command crew. They had this.
Jim squared his shoulders and walked out of the room to find Bones.
It wasn't easy. Jim suspected it would never be easy. But it wasn't bad, not with Spock. Not when Jim was doing this because of Spock. Because it would save Spock's life and there had never been anything more precious to Jim than that. Not his ship, not anything.
And when it was over, when the fever had passed and Spock slept peacefully at last, Jim had curled around him and run his fingers gently through Spock's sweat-soaked hair. And when Spock woke up, the first thing on his lips had been Jim's name and the second had been an apology. And Jim had shushed him firmly and kissed his forehead softly and told him there was nothing to forgive.
So Spock just held Jim tightly with trembling arms and murmured his gratitude into Jim's neck while Jim stroked his hair and held him back just as tightly.
----------------------------- *A/N: I'll just be over here inventing Vulcan courtship practices. Don't mind me.
Content Note:
Warning: This fic contains mentions of a sex-repulsed character engaging in consensual sex. He wouldn't ordinarily choose it, but events conspire and he consents to sex in this specific set of circumstances. He is still sex-repulsed afterwards, but will likely consent to sex under similar parameters in the future.
I am also sex-indifferent myself, and as such have no experience with the kind of situations Jim finds himself in in this fic. I have attempted to portray his feelings realistically, but I may be rather off base. Apologies.
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