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philon-awards · 7 months ago
Philon Awards 2024 Shortlist
(in alphabetical order of the title; shortlist based on the results of the nominations phase)
Short fic (word count under 10K):
And Filled With Tomorrows by Android_And_Ale
A Perfect Fit by ThereBeWhalesHere
Cherubim by vanilla_extract
Engineering a Fantasy by CampySpaceSlime
Fly Over My Grave Again by gunstreet
Harrekh t'Harrekhi by CampySpaceSlime
How to Win Plants and Influence Lizards by indeedcaptain
Seeing, Unseeing by Jenna Hilary Sinclair (JennaHilary)
The Mess Hall Incident (or why Bones really wants to eat his salad alone, thank you) by discorporating
The Sight of a Touch, or the Scent of a Sound by Moreta1848
Long fic (word count 10K-50K):
All Things Fall and Are Built Again by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin)
DESK JOBS by WerewolvesAreReal
How Do I Know He's Mine by HDDrabble
Hurt by ThereBeWhalesHere
Please Don't Take Him Just Because You Can by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin)
Space age country girl, stone cold miracle by thembonesthembones
the fine print, and other things james t. kirk doesn't read by onlyafterhours
the yeomen of the garden (and laundry) by cicak
Way from Within by gunstreet
Novella/novel (word count over 50K):
Bodyguard by BurningAmber
Grief as a four-dimensional figure by Moreta1848
I Shall Do Neither by onwhatcaptain
It's Not An Illusion by Borealisblue
mol-kur by uhuraprime
Quell the Cosmic Tides by Plus3Charisma
Regulatory Relations by indeedcaptain
The Exiles by Moreta1848
The rebel and the nerd by Moreta1848
The recitation of names by Moreta1848
Blood Fever (written by T'Lara) by 1lostone
I must confess (written by USS_Queertastic) by 1lostone
milk and honey (written by spaceisgay) by foundbyjohndoe
milk and honey (written by spaceisgay) by cookiemom6067
The 1,000 Hour Sleep (written by spqr) by cookiemom6067
Traditional art:
Alright mr Spock by knezidon
kiss by vanilla-phantoms
Parading with Pride by Purple_Enma
Spock's Tattoo by SButler (Shelley Butler)
Tender Hands by Purple_Enma (Tumblr post)
The Ritual by Purple_Enma (Tumblr post)
Digital art:
(untitled Spock nude) by spirk-my-love (Florian Gray)
By the Fireplace by lorvee
Captains' Gambit (comic) by lorvee (Tumblr post)
Commission for BurningAmber's fic "Bodyguard" by asyncamestel
Harrekh t'Harrekhi by Purple_Enma (Tumblr post)
Mess by eldar_of_zemlya
Morning Sex by nightcrawler1
Vulcan's Forge by CelestialVoyeur (Tumblr post)
all of me, unguarded by indeedcaptain
blanket me by USS_Queertastic (BoldlyQueertastic)
Shared Space by CelestialVoyeur (poem is chapter 6 in a collection of poems)
The Curious Case of Captain Kirk by CelestialVoyeur (poem is chapter 5 in a collection of poems)
to have and to hold by CateAdams
KiScon 2023 Official Zine (editor: 1lostone) (download link)
Wild Heart – A NSFW AOS Spirk zine (editors: borbtrek, remylebae, nicbutnasty) (download link)
You can also see the shortlist on this Google spreadsheet. Make a copy to have your own spreadsheet to keep track of what you've already read and how you liked it.
Voting will open on 10 September 2024! Stay tuned for the announcement. You can also find this shortlist plus the rules and explanations concerning the voting process on the KiScon website.
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justveeing · 7 months ago
I'm nominated!!
Okay, so, two digital artworks of mine were nominated for a Philon Award! ( @philon-awards )
You can check out my two nominated pieces below:
My Strange New Worlds comic Captain's Gambit which you can read on AO3 or here on Tumblr! An AU of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, with a Spirk twist! It's short, but I have a longer (and nsfw) sequel in the works.
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And also my By The Fireplace piece, which you can see on AO3, on the original tumblr post, and below ⬇️🔥
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Finally, I want to make a honorable mention to Way From Within, written by the extremely talented and the best partner in crime, @gunstreet!
You can hardly blame me for being partial to this one! I got to read it while it was being made, and I got to put into a drawing some very dear scenes to me. The last chapter, especially (;
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You can see the entire Shortlist HERE, and vote for your favorites there! You will find artworks, both digital and traditional, as well as spirk fanfics of different categories. Many of my favorite authors and artists are there. Show them love ��
Okay that's it, thank you and have fun reading and staring at all the art!
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jennelikejennay · 7 months ago
Philon Awards nominations close in three days!
I have no idea how many people are even submitting nominations for these, but anybody can, and since a work only needs (I think) three nominations to make the shortlist, it's a chance to get fics you loved in front of more people. Here are the details.
I got mine in today and really struggled, to be honest. There has been a LOT of good k/s fic in the past year and I have read SO MUCH of it. So instead of telling y'all which ones I nominated, I'm going to share my whole shortlist...in the hopes that some of you nominate the ones I couldn't!
For the short (under 10k) fic category:
And Filled With Tomorrows, by AndroidAndAle: just a soft and sweet City on the Edge of Tomorrow fic.
Gonna Show Her Life on Earth Can Be Sweet, by thembonesthembones: very smutty with weird biology. You know me. Sweet Talk, by CampySpaceSlime: the invention of infodumping kink. Deny, Deny, Deny by Maelstrom: Spock pretends he doesn't like sex and Jim has to make him admit it Beyond repair, by spirkme: just them comforting each other after an away mission gone wrong leaves them both traumatized
I'm a big name in deep space (ask your mates) by cicak: this starts off the amazing series Where One Man Has Gone Before. I would rec them all, but probably easiest to start at the beginning.
Long fic (10k-50k)
When in Paradise, by flipthebits: infiltrating a cult has never been so accurate
Wanna be the one that you wanna see, by Affixjoy: sex pollen over and over again till they figure things out
Bells on a Hill, by flippyspoon: maybe the sweetest pon farr fic ever?
Way From Within, by gunstreet: the SNW timeloop story
Please don't take him just because you can, by spaceisgay: why yes it IS based on Jolene, and it's full of telepathy
Novel length (50k+)
I Shall Do Neither, by OnWhatCaptain: do you like crying? this story will torture you but it's so so good
Bodyguard by BurningAmber: an AU where Spock is Jim's bodyguard and there's a big telepathic cat thing
Anodyne by Lizzie0305: a really long and hot pon farr fic
Of Trees and Telepathy by StupidCat: weird aliens and telepathic trees, what's not to like Regulatory Relations by indeedcaptain: Kirk and Spock get married for convenience. Next thing you know things are getting incredibly deep and heavy.
Quell the Cosmic Tides, by Plus3Charisma: at the end of the second AOS movie, Jim suddenly travels back in time to his first day at the Academy. He's driven to do better this time around. Self Recs:
Here are a few I wrote in the past year that are eligible.
Short fic
The Sight of a Touch, or the Scent of a Sound: the "telepathy is like synesthesia" fic
Medium length
Another of Devotion's Casualties: probably my favorite fic I ever wrote; an examination of warrior bonds and devotion
Novel length
Personally I would recommend The Recitation of Names, which is a prequel to the TOS episode Obsession.
But a lot of people told me they liked The Exiles better, which is where I took the 2009 movie and made it so much worse. People find it emotionally cathartic and uplifting though? Whether you nominate or not, hopefully this provides some good reading for a while!
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celestialvoyeur · 7 months ago
I’m absolutely delighted to have been nominated for the awards this year! 😱😍
Two of my poems and one of my artworks have been included and I’d like to thank everyone who submitted them for nomination. 🥰
It’s going to be an amazing race this year as every category is packed with phenomenal creative creations.
Voting starts on September 10th; last day to vote is October 27th. The shortlist includes links to the nominated works and a ballot to vote.
Congratulations and good luck to all the other nominees! 💖
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kiscon · 8 months ago
 Philon Awards 2024
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After last year's successful relaunch of this beautiful celebration of fannish creativity, KiScon is honoured to once again host the Philon Awards. 
There are 8 categories: Short fic (word count under 10K) Long fic (word count 10K-50K) Novella/novel (word count over 50K) Podfic Traditional Art Digital Art Poetry Zines For each category the voters will determine a Gold (first place) and a Silver (second place) winner. Nominations for this year's Philon Awards are open now through August 31st.
You can nominate up to 3 works per category.
The work must focus on the pairing Kirk/Spock or Kirk & Spock. Slash (romantic and/or sexual relationship) and gen (friendship) are equally eligible. If a fic includes Kirk and/or Spock in relationships with other characters, be they canonical or original, this does not disqualify the work for the Philon Awards, as long as the focus is clearly on Kirk and Spock's relationship.
Art must feature Kirk or Spock or both of them; additional characters in the artwork are allowed, but no depiction of Kirk/Other or Spock/Other.
The work must have been created and published (print or online) after last year's nomination period. So everything from 1 September 2023 onwards until the end of the current nomination phase (31 August 2024) is eligible. Reprints or uploads of earlier works (e.g. a fic you wrote and published a few years ago and uploaded to the AO3 only recently) cannot take part in this contest. If a multi-chapter fic was started earlier, but the date of completion falls within the eligible range, then it can also be nominated.
You can find detailed information and all the rules here on the KiScon website.The nomination form is here: https://forms.gle/eMViYWZxvjGvNbeQ8 There were several events in the K/S fandom (and also fandom at large) that produced works that fall within the eligible period. A good opportunity to revisit your faves or find new delights from K/S Advent 2023, K/S Spring Fever 2024, Shore Leave! T'hy'la Reverse Bang, Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange 2024, Febuwhump, Spirktober (AO3 tag, Tumblr tag), Kinktober, KiScon Bingo, KiScon 2023 Zine, Wild Heart Zine, Mirror May,...There surely were other events and challenges, e.g. non-K/S-specific ones that still included some K/S works, so please be sure to check all the pertinent places (fortunately, most works end up on the AO3 or Tumblr, so a search by tags is the way to go). Always check whether a work conforms to the rules detailed for the Awards.
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mazarinememories · 7 months ago
Mazarine A.S.C.'s Philon Awards Nominations
For those of you who don't know, I'm active in the KiScon community. For each KiScon event, we nominate multiple different types of work pertaining to the Kirk/Spock ship and we cast our votes on September 10th. Winners are announced on the respective dates of the Cons.
For more information:
Philon Awards 2024
Philon Awards History
Mazzy's Nomination Picks:
Short Fic (Word Count <10k)
And Filled With Tomorrows by Android_And_Ale (@android-and-ale)
Sweet Style by RookSacrifice (@rooksacrifice)
Going Home (and Other Impossible Things) by LiraelClayr007
Long Fic (Word Count 10k - 50k)
Hurt by ThereBeWhalesHere
i like shiny things, but i'd marry you with paper rings by spaceisgay
Everything and Anything by masutra_vedik
Novella/Novel (Word Count: >50k)
I Shall Do Neither by onwhatcaptain (@onwhatcaptain)
The Way of Things by bersakhi23
The Cost of Caring by Orabla
milk and honey by spaceisgay (Voice: foundbyjohndoe)
Please Don't Touch the Vulcans by museaway (Voice: fifteen)
A Blue Without a Name by ForFucksSakeJim (@forfuckssakejim)
to have and to hold by CateAdams (@cate-adams)
Star-crossed Lovers by GunRoswell
Traditional Art
Mirrorverse Spirk by purpleenma (@purpleenma)
Tender Hands by purpleenma
One Color Palette by vanilla-phantoms (@vanilla-phantoms)
Digital Art
Sure About This? by spongynova (@spongynova)
Talking to Ghosts by emilinqa (@emilinqa)
Kirk/Spock Beach Episode by the--nightcrawler (@the--nightcrawler)
Wild Heart Zine
As soon as the voting period is over (October 27), I will be revealing my final picks. I congratulate all artists and writers who either made it or didn't make it to the final round. I love all of you regardless!
Live Long and Prosper,
Mazarine Alcine Severen-Cress
Ad Astra Per Aspera
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indeedcaptain · 6 months ago
For Your Consideration: Philon Awards 2024
Hello friends I hope you are having a good morning/afternoon/evening wherever in the world you are!
I'm deeply honored and very proud that three of my works from the past year (how has it only been a year, what the hell, I published my first fic on October 4, 2023) have been nominated for Philon awards, which are put on through KiScon.
In the short fic category:
How to Win Plants and Influence Lizards
In the Novel category:
Regulatory Relations
In the poetry category (what, how even):
all of me, unguarded
I would be very grateful if you would take a look at these words and consider voting for them on this form. Voting is open until midnight Pacific time on October 27th (just enough time to read my 180,000-word monster masterpiece!!!).
All of the works on the nomination list are amazing though - please go read them as well if you've got the time. Thank you for your attention!!
Live long and prosper 🖖🏻
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uhuraprime · 6 months ago
for your voting consideration...
My Spirk cat!fic, mol-kur, was recently nominated for a Philon Award! Thank you so very much to those who nominated me. If you're at all interested in voting for my fic (or any of the other wonderful ones included in this list), you can find the form here. Mol-kur is under the Novellas section.
I hope you will consider voting for me, or giving my work a read if you haven't!
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cicaklah · 7 months ago
UNSURE who to vote for in this year's Philon long fic category?
Yeomen Latenna and Greig are the stars of a THRILLING story of mystery, romance, gardening and laundry!
WHO is eating the fruit in the captain's garden??
WHO is rucking up the seedbeds with lovemaking?
WHO isn't separating their laundry correctly???
WHY are those tops always so torn??
The yeomen need YOU!
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wildheartzine · 7 months ago
Voting for the 2024 Philon Awards is Open!
Please consider voting for Wild Heart Zine here! <3
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discoonthegrass · 7 months ago
KiScon voting is happening right now! For those who don’t know, it’s a con celebrating the Kirk/Spock relationship. One of my fics, “The Mess Hall Incident (or why Bones really wants to eat his salad alone, thank you)”, was nominated in the short fic category!
You can see all the fics on the shortlist — there’s some really great works and it honestly serves as a really nice K/S fic rec list. And after you’ve read them, you can vote for your favorites here.
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philon-awards · 5 months ago
Philon Awards 2024 Winners
(officially announced on 3 Nov 2024, at KiScon) Short fic (word count under 10K):  🏆 Gold: A Perfect Fit by ThereBeWhalesHere 🏆 Silver: And Filled With Tomorrows by Android_And_Ale
Long fic (word count 10K-50K):  🏆 Gold: Hurt by ThereBeWhalesHere 🏆  Silver: Please Don't Take Him Just Because You Can by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin)
Novella/novel (word count over 50K): 🏆 Gold: Regulatory Relations by indeedcaptain 🏆 Silver: I Shall Do Neither by onwhatcaptain
Podfic: 🏆 Gold: The 1,000 Hour Sleep (written by spqr) by cookiemom6067 🏆  Silver: I must confess (written by USS_Queertastic) by 1lostone
Traditional art: 🏆 Gold: The Ritual by Purple_Enma (Tumblr post) 🏆 (ex aequo) 🏆 Gold: Alright mr Spock by knezidon 🏆 (ex aequo) Silver: Spock's Tattoo by SButler (Shelley Butler)
Digital art: 🏆 Gold: Captains' Gambit (comic) by lorvee (Tumblr post) 🏆 Silver: By the Fireplace by lorvee
Poetry: 🏆 Gold: all of me, unguarded by indeedcaptain 🏆 Silver: blanket me by USS_Queertastic (BoldlyQueertastic)
Zines: 🏆 KiScon 2023 Official Zine (editor: 1lostone) (download link)🏆 Silver: Wild Heart – A NSFW AOS Spirk zine (editors: borbtrek, remylebae, nicbutnasty) (download link)
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purpleenma · 7 months ago
The Philon Awards voting is on!
So I had the great honour to have not one but four of my artworks be nominated for a Philon Award ( @philon-awards ) and I'm still dazed about it 😳
For the category of Traditional art three of my pieces were nominated:
Parading with Pride
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Tender Hands
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The Ritual
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And, big surprise for me, in the Digital art category one of my works was also nominated:
Harrekh t'Harrekhi
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Of course I can't not mention that the fic by the same name by @ex--astris--scientia (Campyspaceslime) is also nominated, in the category of Short fic and I'm so so happy for that! A more than earned nomination that deserves your vote 💜 (it's for sure getting mine, no bias here xD).
If you like my art and want to vote for it the voting period started September 10th and it will end October 27th, 2024 (11:59 p.m. PDT). Either way I encourage all of you to go and vote for your favourite works, they all deserve it!
You will find the shortlist here with all the amazing Spirk works nominated for your enjoyment. It's ripe with awesome fics, art, poems and more 💜✨
I really have to thank everyone who nominated any of my works, your support means the world to me. And of course to the people that are making KiScon ( @kiscon ) and the awards possible, forever thankful to the work you do for the fandom 💜
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android-and-ale · 3 months ago
2024 Spirk Fic Year In Review
After a five year dry spell, I finally started writing again in late 2023. Creating fanfic has been a shock and a joy to me this year. It's incredible going into 2025 once more feeling confident in my ability to assemble words into sentences.
This year I added another 50K words to One Daily Shoulder Pat, posted 12 short stories (complete fics under 10K words), wrote my first Spirk poem, and created some very special pasta art.
It's interesting to look back and see trends in my own work. This has been a year of ridiculous Vulcan names, bemusingly wholesome dirty talk, and flipping the script on reliable tropes.
Here's a list of links to all of it. If you're following me for One Daily Shoulder Pat, I humbly invite you to take a peek at some of my short work to hold you over while waiting for new chapters.
Not in Front of the Klingons rated E, 6766 words
Old Married Spirk completely destroy a hotel room with middle aged sexual shenanigans. There are also Romulans and one very disgruntled Starfleet Admiral.
T'Ruth and Consequences rated T, 2354 words (no Spirk)
The bored teenage daughters of a Vulcan and Romulan diplomat decide to swap clothes for the night.
External Existence rated E, 2457 words
There are a lot of stories about Jim freaking out when he sees Spock's alien junk for the first time. In this fic, it's Spock's turn to be shocked by what Jim's packing.
Discounts at Starbase One rated M, 3654 words
My most popular fic this year! Y'all really like my zany take on an accidental bonding story!
And Filled With Tomorrows rated E, 5886 words (not fluff)
My "City on the Edge of Forever" fic won a silver at this year's Philon awards. It's a soft, gentle story in a cold, hard world. Plus, there's a bonus scavenger hunt for classic book titles embeded into the text!
The Herald of Surprise rated M, 5165 Words
This sequel to Replicator Roulette is full of S'chnanigans. Spock sends Michael Burnam a pic of her Spencer's Gift Troll level holiday present in action, setting off a sibling drama spiral.
Featuring art by @celestialvoyeur!
Lie Back and Think of Vulcan rated E, 8455 words
Part 3 of the "Panic at the Disco" fics. Fluffy relationship shenanigans ensue as Kirk visits Spock on the Enterprise. Reading the earlier ones adds some backstory, but this can be enjoyed entirely on its own.
Featuring art by @celestialvoyeur!
Formerly Pinky's Pleasure Planet rated T, 9956 words
Pre-Relationship Jim and Spock, two men unable to enjoy shore leave at the best of times, face off on a relaxing pleasure planet in an attempt to solve a mystery first. Meanwhile their respective crews are there for the cheap drinks and beach games.
Featuring art by @justveeing!
Sulu's Secret Stash rated T, 3547 words
With only three days left before a dreaded shipwide inspection by an admiral with a grudge, Kirk and Spock must face the ire of the crew in order to rid the Enterprise of its most popular contraband.
Space Sirens rated E, 5683 words
Kirk plays Odysseus among the Sirens in my Aliens Made Them Do It fic.
The Admiral's Toaster rated T, 6839 words
Instead of taking disabled Pike to Talos, they take him to Omicron Ceti III - better known as the Pollen Planet.
Featuring art by George Henry!
Illogical Consequences rated T, 2624 words
An illicit tabloid recording of Jim and Spock alone on shore leave lands them in front of Starfleet Command.
Imagine the Pastabilities
12 types of pasta 2 iconic Space Husbands 1 K/S Advent prompt
Numerological Fallacy
While Jim sleeps, Spock ponders what their future together will mean
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kiscon · 7 months ago
Last chance to submit something to the artshow/auction! 
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1. If you have not already signed up to attend this year's convention, now is the time!!
Online memberships are $25, in person memberships are $180. A full list of pricing for add-ons, such as dealer space or additional goodie bags, is available in the registration form. All registration for KiScon, both online and in-person, takes place through Conline. Register here: https://kiscon.conline.club/
Unfamiliar with Conline? Check out our helpful Conline How-To pdf (made for 2023, but the process is still the same).
2. Reminder: KiScon 2024 Program Survey will close on 15 September!
There is still time to respond to the program survey! Please see the newsletter or our website for the link!
3. BIG BIG BIG Reminder: Art Show & Auction Submission Deadline: 15 September 2024! Art Show Submissions:
Submissions must be your own art or you must have the artist's express permission to submit the art for display in the art show.
While we encourage folks to vary up which of their pieces they submit from year to year, the art does not have to be new art; it does not matter whether you made it yesterday or in 1973.
All art must be K, S, K&S, or K/S centric.
We do not accept AI-generated content.
A more thorough layout of the submission guidelines is available on our art page.
Auction: You can offer in the auction anything K/S or Trek-related that you have the ownership of.
Important: Even if you are bringing art or auction items in person to the con, you need to complete the submission form by September 15th! Please see the detailed information on our website, and please get in touch if you need assistance: [email protected].
Due to the hybrid character of this year's con, we cannot accept art or auction submissions at the doorstep. We put much love and effort into the artshow vid and into the auction catalogue, so that both in-person and online attendees can enjoy the art and take part in heated bidding. So if you want to submit something to the artshow, or to the auction, or to both, please let us know asap; the easiest way is by filling in this online form.
4. Philon Awards: Shortlist and Voting
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Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for the Philons!
You can find detailed information and all the rules also here on the KiScon website.
Voting is open from 10 September to 27 October, 2024 (11:59 p.m. PDT). You do not need to be a registered KiScon member in order to vote; voting is open to every K/S fan.
In each category there will be a Gold (first place) and a Silver (second place) winner.
The winners will be announced during KiScon 2024. Each winner will receive a certificate and a small prize; we will contact the winners after the convention weekend.
In each category you can pick one work.
You can directly access the voting sheet at this link. 
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boldlyqueertastic · 3 months ago
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At a NYE Party aboard the Enterprise, Spock is with Jim. As the clock counts down on NYE, Spock looks at Jim and is drawn to kiss him.
Companion piece to my 2024 silver Philon Award winning poem “I must confess”
Last January, I picked up digital art again. I had dabbled in it many years ago but the Star Trek brain worms demanded I create. Six months before that, I started writing poetry after a long hiatus. In a span of about a year, I created over 140 works.
To celebrate that and all the ways my life has transformed and changed for the better because of Star Trek, I made this piece for the Spirk Events NYE Kiss.
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