#or dorcas and peter
mary regrets not talking to james more, which she doesn't get.
they were never that close. they talked, they got along. they always got partnered in charms, always sat next to each other for seven years. she was always in the same friendship group him, mainly due to marlene. but then he started dating lily, and she just had to spend more time with him.
even before the war, mary never sought out james for one on one conversations. she never had the urge too. she never really considered him her friend, in her head he was always 'marlene's best mate' or 'lily's boyfriend'. never her friend.
it's not like she had any explicit problems with james, she did like him. much more in the later years than the earlier ones, but still. she always liked james. he stood up for the underdogs and fought the bigots the teachers never dealt with. she could, and always respected that. despite the childish pranks and larger than life attitudes, she never had a problem with james.
they were nothing but friendly.
she wasn't surprised when he joined the war. she wasn't surprised with how quickly he signed up, it was in his nature to protect the unprotected. she was surprised when he didn't have a problem when she didn't. in his words, 'just because i'm doing it, doesn't mean you have too... i understand the risks, and so do you,'.
he was one of the only people she ended on good terms when she parted with the wizarding world, looking for solace elsewhere away from the war. he sent a couple of letters, keeping her in the loop, some letters having small notes from other member of the order. telling about heists, missions, loss'. she found out through him about marlene... about dorcas. about harry and the wedding.
she grew to appreciate the letters, no matter how bad the news he was telling. despite the way things ended with the girls, she still worried about them. they haunt her nightmares and stalked her days. if the only way she was going to find out news about them was through the messager owl which was james potter, then hell she was going to write back.
she remembers his last letter. it was short and chilling. it wasn't a long one, it was quick, short. concise. it struck her so much, she remembers it word for word...
mary, september 2nd 1981
this will be my last letter. a lot has happened since i wrote in july. there's a prophecy, i still don't understand, i don't think lily does either. all i know is that it's about harry.
we have to go into hiding, no letters, no outside communication despite a few, no leaving. no nothing. all dumbledore's idea. if it keeps harry and lily safe, i'll do it.
i don't know if i'll send another letter.
stay safe, james.
he was right. he never did send another letter again.
she wasn't that worried in september, dumbledore was always known to be slightly paranoid. also any sort of 'prophecy' seemed like plain bullshit to her. obviously if both james and lily were taking it seriously, then maybe she should have been more worried sooner. there was no talk in the daily prophet about any drastic changes in the war, and there hadn't been any notable deaths.
by the beginning of october was when things changed for the worst for mary. there was huge talk in the daily prophet that the death eater's 'new focus' was on finding the 'hidden wizards'... which made mary weak in the knees, as she knew who those hidden wizards are. knowing that the split blood of james potter and lily evans had now become the no.1 task of the death eaters made her realise maybe dumbledore wasn't being paranoid. maybe he was right to lock them away, maybe he did a good enough job at hiding them.
maybe she was right in never joining the war. maybe marlene was right, maybe she did take the cowards way out.
it was weeks and weeks of new attacks and new attempts and no contact and sleepless nights and drunk days before halloween rolled around. the fateful halloween which followed with news of celebration that the war was finally over.
the war which ended with the brutal murder of james potter and lily evans.
mary wasn't surprised. she wished she was. she had finally talked to remus, after three years of nothing. she wished she was surprised that james died first, died willing to die if that meant lily and harry had a couple extra seconds to escape. but she wasn't. that's probably the most james potter thing she's ever heard. he would give up the last bit of oxygen he had if it meant someone else could breathe. she wasn't surprised that lily died too stubborn to move out of the way of her only child.
after halloween, it was pure and utter silence. peter was dead, sirius was locked up in azkaban and remus wasn't answering the phone.
and for days she read james' letters. she didn't know why, she just did. even in the darkest letters, in the darkest of times, he still managed to write with some form of optimism, even when it seemed impossible. all expect the last, when he basically wrote 'i don't think i'm going to survive'. the idea that james potter lost hope on his own life made her regret a lot.
who was she to decide she had no place in this war whilst james potter had basically given up by the end?
it made her wonder what james would say, it made her want to know what james thought, how he felt about it. and it was then when it dawned on her. she has no idea. someone she has known and spent seven years of her life with, someone whose always had some form of close connection to her... and she has no idea what he'd say about.
because she never bothered to learn. seven years, and she never bothered to have at least one personal conversation with him. she never thought to do it before, he always seemed a bit air headed to her. someone who couldn't be serious. the only times where she saw him be serious was playing quidditch and during a particularly hard time for him and his little group in fifth year.
it didn't take her long to be riddled with guilt about the time she wasted she now wanted. she wishes now she spent more time getting to know him, who he was really, not just the person he showed on the outside. knowing his fears, his wishes, his dreams, his quirks.
there are so much about james she only know is realising she doesn't know. his middle name, his birthday (she feels like it's april but she honestly couldn't tell you), his parents names, where he was born, his interests besides the obvious. it was almost embarrassing how little she knew about james. espically when she knows how much lily loved him. how much lily raved about him throughout seventh year.
her best friend loved him, and she never even tried to get to know him.
and now she'll never get the chance.
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the-original-gays · 3 months
James was the mum friend in a "wraps you in a soft blanket and makes you tea when you're not feeling well" way.
Sirius needed someone to love him.
Remus needed someone to accept him.
Peter needed someone to value him.
And James made sure each of them went to bed smiling.
Regulus was the mum friend in a "chasing you around the house screaming at you to not put forks in the plug sockets" way.
Evan had no regard for safety, his own or others.
Barty has no impulse control.
Pandora did dangerous experiments on a daily basis.
Dorcas would do just about anything if you paid her enough.
And Regulus was just trying to keep those fucking idiots alive.
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norry-yippee · 3 months
Sometimes I forget that people in the marauders fandom aren’t just silly teenage girls, like wdym your husband proof read this fic for you?!?!?!?!?
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rosieevan · 5 months
At Jily's wedding:
Church: If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Evan: LILY.
*Regulus and Dorcas trying to hold Evan back while Barty is laughing*
Lily: For the last time, Evan, I understand you want to be called Evan Evans. But that is not a valid reason to interrupt my wedding!!!
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*sirius and james having a discussion in the afterlife*
james: he named his kid albus severus, ALBUS FUCKING SEVERUS!!
sirius: you’re kidding.
james: i’m dead serious.
sirius: no…i’m dead sirius, you’re dead james.
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vroomvroomtothemoon · 2 months
How each character found out about jegulus!
Remus: saw them together on the map when they had just started sneaking around
Peter: went to his favourite greenhouse to water his plant babies and caught them snogging
Lily: james broke and told her because he NEEDED to say something and knew she could keep a secret
Mary: saw james reading a book so she snuck up behind him and read the annotations and saw it wasn’t his handwriting, he also broke and told her
Marlene: saw regulus sneaking into the Gryffindor changing room so she eavesdropped and heard regulus call James ‘baby’
Pandora: regulus told her as soon as he got back from seeing james because they kissed and he was ecstatic
Dorcas: Marlene told her because she cannot keep a secret for long, especially not from dorcas
Barty: let’s be honest, we all know he followed regulus and watched through the keyhole of the classroom door
Evan: was told as soon as barty got back because they needed to brainstorm how to drop the fact that they know
And finally, Sirius: walked in on James comforting regulus(hugging him and kissing the top of his head) while he cried and told james that he was sure Sirius hated him
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bartychaser · 5 months
Reg: ehm, James?
James: what is it, love?
Reg: what if I told you that Barty knows about us and told Evan who told Pandora who couldn't keep quiet and told Dorcas who has no secrets with Marlene so she told her and Mar is best friends with Mary and Lily so they know too and lily- well she is best buddies with Remus and Remus has no secrets with my brother, so-
James: you want to say they are happy for us? That’s- That’s good, innit?
James: what?
Reg: you got that part with Remus and my brother and no secr-
*door flies open*
James: oh… OH shit
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outromoony · 2 months
She's a 10 but she cries over dead gay wizards from the 70s.
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junkiepunkie · 2 months
Regulus: -oh shit
Sirius [storming in dragging James by the ear]: how the FUCK did James find out about me and the girl on the beach
Regulus [laughing hysterically]: what the one who asked if you wanted to go on a date and you threw a starfish at?!!
James [crying holding in laughter]: ….I messaged her…. She se- she sent him a howler
Regulus [straight cackling]: BRILLIANT!!!
Sirius [steam coming out ears]: WHY DID YOU TELL HIM!!?!?!
Regulus: what- I didn’t tell him!
Sirius: oh yeah? then who did?
[cut to a montage of the following]
Regulus: okay well, I told Remus
Remus: so naturally I had to tell lily
lily: oh come on Mary needed to know-
Mary: so I told Marlene
Marlene: and I tell Dorcas everything
Dorcas: I only told Pandora
Pandora: so that night I knew I had to tell Barty
Barty: I only told Evan
Evan: I swear to god Pete asked
Peter: ….shit was I not supposed to tell James
[cut to Sirius]
…..you bitches are so gonna die…
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courfee · 10 months
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christmas season at the wolfstar flat
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lunasky2491 · 8 months
James admiring Reggie:
Regulus: Potter what are your obnoxious eyes doing, keep your wild fixations to yourself.
James dreamy eyed: Just stargazing.
Regulus: you absolute imbecile you cannot possibly stargaze in the middle of the day.
James: well I can, and I’m admiring one now.
Barty snorting:
Sirius looking at the sky: um I can’t see anything James, where did you say it was?
3 days later:
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calc1fers · 4 months
went to a party full of gay people and one person started talking about the marauders and everyone in the vicinity turned around and gasped “YOU KNOW THE FUCKING MARAUDERS?”
it felt like a fever dream, everyone was like “ofc” and started yapping about fanfiction and their favourite characters
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
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literallyawritingmess · 3 months
Dorcas: What do boys even do when they’re dating? Do they measure to see who’s bigger when they’re bored?
Regulus, not paying attention: James is bigger.
Dorcas: Could’ve gone my whole life without knowing that.
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chrhnchynoodles · 5 months
New favorite headcanon that when Sirius became an animagus he slowly became red green colorblind bc dogs are red green colorblind so when James sat down for dinner wearing a loose green tie with deshevelled hair in the great hall and Peter spit out his drink, Remus’ jaw dropped, and all the girls were laughing hysterically making bets (Mary thought it was Barty Lily and Marlene guessed it was Regulus off the bat) Sirius was none the wiser and just thought he’d gotten back from quidditch practice or had shagged a random gryffindor. So when Marlene tried to point it out but Remus stomped on her foot to get her to shut the fuck up.
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siriusorionblackiii · 4 months
james and remus watching sirius and regulus fight because one stared at the other for a bit too long.
james: i don’t get why those two are so angry all the damn time.
remus: short people are closer to hell.
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