#or could this be a possible hc
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c0rl3on1s · 6 months ago
do we know the month reggie went into the cave or when he got his dark mark?????
edit: so according to google ai overview he died april 13 soooo idk what to think anymore
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heich0e · 7 months ago
tobio doesn't drink much, so when he does he tends to get pretty tipsy. rosy cheeked. bleary eyed. but the worst (best) part is that he starts asking for kisses. demanding them even. just to get him into the car to go home. to get him out of the car. to take his shoes off at the door. then his coat. then anything else. he'll get through one basic task, look at you with those big blue eyes and a pout on his lips, and go "kiss?"
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accirax · 19 days ago
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💙❤️Blind Date or Die Episode 2, Starring Eden, Kai, David, Ingrid, Hu, Wenona, Arei, and Desmond!💙❤️
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artuurle · 1 month ago
Waitwaitwait if Grujaja somehow metamorphed how big would he be
Id imagine hed be like, absolutely massive cause hes already super tall
He would be VERY tall, but he wouldn't have a growth spurt as drastic as a normal drainfolk, who will usually almost double in size from the 3 -4 foot range to 6 + feet tall. he would most likely be capped in the 8 foot range which is still INCREDIBLY LARGE.
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Despite the supernatural influence from the drain, drainfolk bodies are like the normal human body in the sense if they get too large, their heart wouldn't be able to handle the workload to keep them alive. Grujaja is a major outlier on the Drainfolk height scale (most likely from Hyperthyroidism) That if he ended up going through Metamorphosis his body would have to stop growing at the same rate as a normal drain folk because it would begin to struggle keeping itself functioning. However no need to worry about that or other health complications because he's banned from ever getting taller ever by decree of the Ex- god of leadership, hope this helps /silly
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waywardlampcookieturkey · 2 months ago
The one thing I still haven't seen anyone talking about when mentioning Xie Lian's gigantic statue that Hua Cheng carved when he was inside the kiln is that... Well, He Xuan also went into the kiln... years after Hua Cheng came out I'm pretty sure... Do you see where I'm going with this????
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months ago
the image of Chara calling killer out on things he’s too unself-aware to notice about himself is hilarious to me
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vyunok-obyknovenniy · 1 year ago
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Really happy with how she turned out! I decided to give her some naiad features, inspired by this post and it was really fun! I hc that she can breathe underwater (even though she doesn't have gills. Do naiads have gills?), although I am not sure if she can do it freely or for a limited amount of time 🤔
The fabric piece covering her chest was loosely inspired by 18th century neckerchiefs, because I wasn't sure how the Mycenaean open chest fashion would fly with the censorship here or on other platforms ¯⁠\⁠_(•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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kingly-court · 5 months ago
I’m legitimately gonna explode if I don’t find someone else who understand the background tragedy of the Gleeful Family in Gravity falls.
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kiwibongos · 8 months ago
honestly i definitely think it wasn't *just* teruteru who dabbled in tasting human flesh while in despair and i dont see anyone talking about that
like i really think akane, gundham, mikan and perhaps ibuki, definitely got into that stuff
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year ago
Do you think Sans have tears. On that topic, what would make him cry?
i think he can, after all payrus seems to be able to cry just fine (post asriel battle when he thought frisk was dead), sans just. doesn't. ever, lol. i think he's much more likely to shut down and go aloof—if not completely unresponsive—than to outwardly show his emotions in situations of extreme stress.
however! i also like to think that his dialogue dropping his font and shaking during the lost SOULs battle meant that he was crying. it's not just a matter of that segment making the characters confront their deepest regrets/problems/faults, it's the fact that they're all very clearly not lucid as it happens. one of sans' distinctive character attributes is the iron grip he has over himself. it's what makes him desperately slamming you against the walls of the battle box at the end of his fight hit so hard. sans doesn't lose it. that's just not what he does. and you have to push him to the edge of his powers, to the edge of his energy resources, at the brink of exhaustion, with his back pressed against the wall and universal annihilation as an alternative, before his grip actually falters.
so. uh. other than that and having his consciousness overtaken by the power of a literal god?
a really bad high probably. wouldn't count on it tho
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 5 months ago
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(topic: how many and what configuration of kids do they give off vibes of having (either at present or in the future)(partner is irrelevant in most cases, some could be single parents for all i care))
#the blue tier should be 'two or more' my bad#all tiers make no difference between adopted and biological kids with the obvious exception of the ones exclusively abt adopted kids#basically all of the tiers above could be adopted too it doesn't matter#the ones in the young category don't necesarily all give off vibes of having no kids#more that i can't picture it but it's not bc of personality. it literally is just bc they look too young#like obv most characters on the younger side outside of that tier are under the assumption that the kid appears in the future#but the young tier is just i am incapable of deciding bc i can't look at their face and my perceived age of them and reach a decision#hu tao is the exception i just cannot see her having kids#this is also assuming they'd all be decent parents. doesn't mean those in the no kids tier are there bc they'd be bad parents tho#heizou lovers feel free to give your hc i just don't know who your man is lmao#yall get done so dirty by the game#like tbh i'd put him in the no kids tier but i am aware i know very little of him so. erring on the side of caution here#honestly alhaitham could be in the one girl category also now that i think about it. nb kid for that man specifically#there are some characters y'all won't be able to convince me otherwise but like. i'm curious anyway#the parentheses are the reasoning for the choice not necesarily their actual kid obviously#the natlan gang is up in the air. kinda confident abt the mualani choice but kinich? not so much#realistically i could see plenty of them not having any kids but decided to keep the no kids tier as empty as possible in the interest of#y'know actually thinking about it. the ones there are bc i simply couldn't see it. ganyu and sethos are on thin ice tho
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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i love your hua cheng design so dearly
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calmlb · 8 months ago
one of my favorite headcanons is that Dazai defected right around Chuuya’s birthday
we don’t know exactly when he left, but we do know it was after october 26 & before june 19, & according to clues in dark era it sounded like it was around springtime in yokohama
idk enough about yokohama weather to know exactly what month it was but imagine…
Chuuya had been sent on a mission in the west for 6 weeks. he returned late in the afternoon on April 28th– just in time to ring in his 19th birthday with his shitty partner.
because why not? he’s got nothing better to do.
he’s even got a bottle of 1989 Petrus waiting to be popped open.
he reports to Mori for debriefing & all he can think about is how beating the mackerel in that racing game they’ve been playing while he was away would be the perfect way to start off his 19th year.
but when he turns to leave, the Boss stops him, telling him there’s something that he should know…
Dazai disappeared 2 weeks ago, & has now been declared a traitor to the mafia.
Chuuya’s blood runs cold. he doesn’t know how he made it back to his apartment— head muddled by hurt. shock. confusion. exhaustion.
he tosses his coat on the back of the couch & the first thing he sees is the bottle of vintage Petrus— still waiting for the celebration.
and celebrate he did.
Chuuya celebrated his liberation from that waste of bandages he called a partner.
he celebrated the success of the solo mission he’d just returned from.
he celebrated the end of the reign of the infamous double black.
he celebrated the fact that he’d survived 4 years of partnership with that shitty Dazai.
he celebrated Dazai’s freedom, which would likely save his life… the freedom Chuuya hadn’t been able to attain. he’d been left behind in the darkness by the one person who got it.
the one who believed in & fought for Chuuya’s humanity when no one else did.
Chuuya celebrated his 19th birthday. alone. again.
(he hadn’t even said goodbye— hadn’t asked Chuuya to come with hi-)
Chuuya shook away those thoughts. he needed to clear his head. he wiped the back of his hand across his eyes & stumbled drunkenly across the room to grab his keys.
he made his way to the garage where his car was parked, clicking the button to unlock it as he approac-
Chuuya was thrown backwards onto his ass, barely able to catch himself in his drunken stupor. he blinked through bleary vision at the flames that were engulfing his car.
and wasn’t that just par for the course? the icing on his nonexistent birthday cake.
so much for that drive.
Chuuya watched the flames burn, & maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it felt almost symbolic— like closing this chapter of his life. all he could do now was move forward. just like he always did.
but not tonight.
tonight he would stumble back to his apartment & collapse into bed.
(in his inebriation, he hadn’t even noticed the black fabric burning up right along with his car)
he woke up the next morning, freshly 19 with a killer hangover, a smoldering car, & a missing ex-partner.
when he found the nearly empty wine bottle, he was kind of glad he hadn’t taken that drive…though his memory from last night was a bit fuzzy— what the hell had happened to his car?
his phone chimed with a text from Kouyou.
happy birthday, lad. don’t do anything stupid.
Chuuya couldn’t help the twitch of his lips. there were still people here who cared about him.
not long after this, he would be promoted to executive & decide that the Port Mafia was his family.
but for today, he would nurse his hangover & curse a certain mackerel’s name as he beat every high score between them in that stupid racing game.
happy freaking birthday to him.
the car bombing was inspired by this post bc it’s canon to me <3
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tainebot01 · 4 months ago
List of reasons for why Eustace Winner wears those white gloves
(with varying degrees of canon possibility):
To not leave fingerprints at the crime scene (possibly canon according to an interview with the devs)
To hide injuries caused by Ex*lsius (heavily implied but not outright confirmed)
To hide injuries caused by general clumsiness combined with blood/skin conditions (again not confirmed but still probable. Happens to me a lot due to VWD.)
They were a gift from Verity along with the baton (no canon hints iirc I just think this would be cute)
To stop skin picking / nail biting due to stress (maybe I should do this)
Hypersensitivity or touch aversion (and only takes them off around people they completely trust)
To avoid the Bad Textures (again maybe I should do this)
Mysophobia (I almost wrote this as misophonia. Am I just irl Stacey.)
To prevent accidental atroquinine poisoning (Kristoph stop leaving your ariadoney lying around this is becoming a problem)
Sonic wears them, so they gotta be cool (silly.)
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flickeringquip · 12 days ago
(1) You've always been a little wary of the Magnate.
(pt. 1 | feat. @thedolmainblog's Aiden — I promise this will go somewhere more exciting in the next part askfhbaf)
From the moment you'd been close enough to actually watch them interact with others, something had pinged in your hind-brain, warning you away.
Then, it had been easy to listen to. Your work for Landry didn't really necessitate you interacting with them much at all, beyond a nod or two in passing. You weren't much for meetings — for all that you played a large part in intel-gathering, you left the more administrative work to your other co-workers.
You could do it in a pinch, but why would you with more capable hands there and at the ready?
(1) Now, however. . .
Things are more complicated, now that you're dating Blythe. The good kind of complicated, obviously, but definitely an adjustment.
Like right now, for example.
You'd mentioned off-hand watching a movie that it'd be fun to bring him lunch some time, and the way his entire countenance had brightened had had you silently committing to the idea even as he assured you that you didn't have to bother.
For all that he's your boyfriend, you don't always understand Blythe — for someone so willing to re-arrange his entire living room overnight because of a furniture piece you'd admired in passing, he struggled to fathom you might wanna do nice things for him too.
(1) Mostly, this just made you want to do more nice things for him. Like you could somehow out-spoil his attempts to spoil you.
And so you find yourself in the lobby of the town's biggest office building, lunch*-turned-care-package in hand and trying not to feel wildly out of place in your jeans and long-sleeved crop-top.
(*Bought, and not made, because you'd tried that once and discovered hours later that you'd given Blythe what was definitely food poisoning, despite how he tried to convince you otherwise. You would just lie if he asked.)
It takes a little bit before you can grab the receptionist's attention because you'd inadvertently seemed to come at a bit of a rush, sequestering yourself off to the side more out of habit than necessity — people seemed to very, very rarely bump into you these days, but old habits and all that.
(1) You do end up coming up a bit short when they ask you what your business is.
You'd been pretty sure Blythe had mentioned being around the office today, but it dawns on you only then that maybe you should've texted him before you came for some sort of confirmation — but it's not much of surprise if he knows you're coming, now is it?
But you also don't think he has an office to speak of, for the same reason you've never needed one at the Bar.
(1) So you. . . Improvise?
"Can you tell me which floor I can find Aiden's office?" You lift the paper bag in your hand by way of explanation, "I brought lunch."
The man's face twists like he's bitten into a lemon as he stares between you and the bag like either of you could explode at any moment.
"Do you have an appointment?"
"Oh, no, but I'm not here to—"
"The CEO is a very business individual; you need an appointment, even for. . . social calls."
Rude. No need to say it like that.
"I mean, yeah, of course they are? But if you'd just listen, I'm actually here to see B—"
(1) A sharp ding from the receptionist's computer steals both of your attention, and you watch the man's face contort even further in confusion as he steals yet more glances between you and your carefully-selected lunch.
"You. . . can go ahead," You think you should maybe be a little offended by their blatant shock at this turn of events, but mostly you're still a little baffled, "Top floor, just go straight— and behave yourself!"
Did jeans really make you look like some kind of ruffian, or have your years of criminal work started to affect your countenance?
You continue mulling over that thought all the way up, a little fascinated that you're not stopped even once along the way despite how many floors you pass.
You arrive, greeted by a set of double doors at the end of a short hallway — and spectacular views to either side of you, glass replacing much of the walls for a bird's eye view of most of the city. You admire the sights for only a moment before turning to the doors, hovering for a moment as you're once again reminded that you don't actually know if Blythe is even in the building at the moment.
(1) You. . knock?
You rap your knuckles against the solid wood, and wait just long enough to start second guessing yourself before you hear an electronic lock open, and take that as your cue to open the door.
The first thing you notice is that the space is immaculate — straight out of some rookie secretary's dream office, or at least what you imagine someone's dream office to look like.
The next is Aiden — obviously, this was their office (building) — smiling at you from their desk as they give a little wave of their fingers.
And, last but certainly not least— No Blythe.
(1) . . .Well, shit.
"Aster, what a pleasant surprise."
Tension snakes up your spine before you shove it back down, determined to at least seem at ease with your boyfriend's boss as you turn your attention to them. It's strange to hear them say your name, though you suppose it's not that weird for them to know it, between your connection to Blythe and length of time you've been working for Landry.
"Hi Aiden," You cringe a little at your own informality, but give them a tentative half-smile and lift the paper bag in your hand, their gaze brightening in understanding, "Is Blythe around?"
"He was, but I just sent him on a bit of errand — I'm afraid he won't be back for a couple of hours."
You nod but don't ask any questions — you're still pretty twitchy about potential conflicts of interest. It's about the only thing in your relationship that still gives you anxiety, not that you've breathed a word of it to Blythe. With all that he does for you already, you really don't want to put anything more on his plate.
You don't know what you'd do if Landry asked you to steal Intel from Aiden, but so far you're really just banking on your boss not deciding to give you what is basically a suicide mission any time soon.
(1) You give a hum in response, lips twisting as you glance down at the bag. You'd sooner surprise him with dinner and do lunch another day than give him old leftovers, but you're not really hungry yourself—
You glance back up at Aiden, who is still watching you with the same genial smile they've always given you, halo glittering above their head. Something about them still unnerves you, but the feeling weakens the longer you study them.
. . . The worst thing they could say is no, right?
"Are you hungry?" You venture closer to the desk, still feeling a little skittish but committed to offering, "No sense letting it go to waste."
For a half-second, you think maybe you've surprised them — and then they're smiling again, expression a little bit warmer, halo a little brighter.
"I suppose I could squeeze in a break," They stand, and for once you find the usual alarm bells silent as they feature to a small seating area near the windows, "—If you'll join me for tea in exchange?"
And, well.
Maybe you'd put a little too much stock into what was just an assumption? Wouldn't it be nice if you got along with Blythe's boss? Maybe it'd even help with some of your lingering anxiety?
Maybe you were just being paranoid?
(1) And thus began the beginning of the end your friendship(?) with Aiden.
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ouaw-facts-i-just-made-up · 4 months ago
Frost and Kremy are metamours
Don’t ask me who’s dating who to make that happen but the one thing that is certain is that they are *not* dating each other
This is a true fact.
With my personal home-baked lore it's probably Gideon. Kremy doesnt seem like a guy who can stand dating that many people. Frost and Gideon have canonically slept together. Gideon has two hands and for some reason he chose the gator and the cat.
Frost and Kremy don't have a rivalry about it but it's more like they are so far from each others type that it's comical. But they are otherwise good friends who happen to share Big Fire Man
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