#Gideon Gleeful
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ihadtohaveone-blog · 16 hours ago
I have ideas...
Ok. So you don't want a magic fix all... Then lets make some permanent damage.
You know that desease that makes you body attacks itself? Make it like that. Maybe the reason vampires need blood is that they need new cells. Otherwise their body starts to attack the dead tissue.
Stage one is When it start to affect your brain. Cockamy schemes to injure people. More violent tendencies. Anything to make people hurt. Some use a knife in an alley, others use giant robots and summon eldritch monsters
Stage two is appearance. your eyes start to sink in. You start to lose weight. Your fangs start to be more pronounced. Your hair starts to fall out. Your skin and hair loss pigmentation. Gideons already white as milk so at least there's be something familiar.
Stage three is when you really start to deteriorate. Your organs to liquify. Your heart isnt pumping anymore. Its hard to breath your lungs arent able to inflate. Most find it impossible to move. But if your able? You attack anything that has a heartbeat.
Stage four is the point of no return. No fat or muscle on the body. Brain riddled with enough holes You cant reason with them anymore. That person you knew is gone. If there is any hope of getting them back to normal it hasnt been found yet. Its best to kill them when there like this.
Gideons in early stage two. His brain wasnt completely beyond reason yet so his actions were still his own. He still likes mabel but its not as intense. Its like he had head cold. Like looking at mirror that only slightly warped. You know something is wrong but you cant tell what, and if you dont know whats wrong how can you fix it?
But here's the thing. Before Gideon found the vampire coven? He didn't have any back up cells in his body. He couldnt count on a surplus to keep him stable. So those first two stages? Both at once.
When its over? His dody is different. Eyes slightly sunk in. Teeth a bit sharper. Hair not as thick.
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These are a couple doodles from yesterday, Gideon as a younger teen, before the growth spurt, maybe 14? He's discovered he's a vampire, and has a lot of recovery to do, since he's severely blood deficient.
I'm gonna let myself explode about my vampire gideon ideas, under construction, under the cut: (I don't write fanfiction, I just throw up my ideas on a tumblr post, apparently :'D)
This is what I love about tumblr - it's a place where I can throw the doodles (something that isn't finished *artwork*), and let myself be really delusional about fictional characters. So I'm gonna take a moment to ramble about the ideas I have for Gideon as a vampire.
If you're a fellow Gideon Head, HI THERE... anyway, here's my thought process on a potential vampire-gideon backstory???
I've always liked the idea of gideon being a vampire, and also becoming a much better person when he's older. And that got me thinking, maybe those two things are linked. Maybe the vampire thing is somehow tied into his reformation.
But I tend to lean towards building my ideas off canon (as opposed to making an AU). And if gideon was a vampire, and knew this during the events of the show, it would have come to light at some point. So, either he doesn't know he's a vampire, or he becomes one later. Becoming one later works narratively, but he's already so vampiric, with the white hair, pale skin, sunscreen, evil, etc. So I'm like, let's go with that.
So, gideon has gone his whole life without knowing he's a vampire, and without drinking blood. I'm thinking that being a vampire in this case (my gravity falls fan version of what a vampire would be) wouldn't adhere to typical vampire conventions. You don't NEED to drink blood to survive.
Here's the idea I got yesterday: after the events of weirdmageddon, gideons experience motivated him to become a better person. It was the awakening, basically. But in the subsequent years, he's still a little shit. Maybe he's in juvenile detention, or prison again. But now, he has the self awareness to know that what he's doing is wrong. This is where my ideas get a little fuzzy, so bear with me. Bud has his suspicions, and as a last resort, puts gideon on some sort of mission trip type of cross country trip, when he's in his teens. And along the way, maybe at the end, there's this secret group of vampires that open gideons eyes to what he really is.
Basically??? Without blood, gideon is very evil. He's an evil little shit. This may not be how it is for every vampire. Maybe some grow very sickly without blood, just get hungry, etc. The effects of blood deficiency vary from vampire to vampire. But Gideon becomes very unhinged. And he'd essentially been Blood Hangry for his whole life. That being said, some of it was just his personality that he needed to work through, but drinking some blood helped a LOT. Blood isn't food for him, it's more like his medication.
Once he has that discovery, he spends a long while, I'm thinking maybe even a year, just recovering from the deficiency. He's almost always drinking blood to keep up his levels, and he's very rarely seen in public to keep the vampire thing a secret. That's what these drawings were supposed to be, him in his pseudo bedridden state. This period in his life would be one big blur; mostly spent binge watching soap operas and being all cozy. In contrast to his usual suit + tie, he's dressing for max comfort: sweatpants, sweatshirt, a knit hat over his ridiculously big hair, and always wrapped in a blanket. Not sure if somehow he feels cold when drinking blood?? But for some reason, I feel like he'd always be wearing like 10 layers and laying under a heated blanket or something.
Eventually, he'd only need to drink blood about once a month for maintenance.
Character development wise - even as an adult, Gideon isn't sure if he's truly a good person. Is the blood deficient version of himself the true gideon? Or is this well adjusted man who he truly is? And there's an issue of the chicken and the egg, too. Gideon was born a vampire. Did these genes activate because he was predisposed to being evil? Or did the vampire thing happen by coincidence? Does being a vampire make him evil, or is it the other way around? He doesn't know, and he never will.
The one thing I'm not sure I like about this idea: i'm worried that I'd be writing off his villainous personality as an illness that can be cured with a thing. Obviously, it would be better if he faced that head on, and figured out how to be better. So I'm still grappling with that. But for now, this is an idea I'm entertaining. Of course, I think it would be interesting if there was a plot point where his usual source of ethically sourced human blood was compromised for a time, and he had to grapple with his personality going topsy turvy.
It's actually embarrassing how much I just wrote???? If you've made it this far, wow, I applaud you. I guess this was just my idea of having a good sunday night, writing down my silly thoughts on gideon gosh darn gleeful. Let me know your thoughts too!!!! I'd love to know if you have any ideas, or questions, or ways to strengthen this potential backstory.
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artisiumstudios · 2 days ago
Lol like Robbie having beef with a 12 yr old
Ford has beef with a- i forgot how old, gideon is, butyeah, he has beef with a kid- who also technically tried to court his great niece, so he feels a bit more protective cause of it
Honestly I don't think i've heard many people talk about the possible dynamic between Ford and Robbie, but these two characters who have almost nothing in common having beef with KIDS is so funny to me.
Although between dipper and robbie i do think that their rivalry finally simmered down both because dipper understands that wendy is just a friend and robbie has tammy. They're not friends but theyre also not NOT friends.
Meanwhile with ford and Gideon, yeah this 60 year old man absolutely HATES this little 8 (I believe he's 8-10 around there) and he (don't ask how) year old, and makes sure to know when that little creep is anywhere near Mabel, gideon mysteriously starts to black out.
Like yes he did help the kids get Mabel out of her bubble, HOWEVER HE WAS THE ONE GUARDING IT AND THE ONE WHO BILL GAVE THE KEY TO BECAUSE HE THOUGHT THAT WOULD HELP HIM BE WITH MABEL. Not to mention the amount of times he tried to kill the kids. That alone is enough for Ford to go a little "overprotective with the forces of evil"
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Relativity Falls Concepts and doodles
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ft transmasc dipper and gideon's mom in his place
Gideon and his daughter (we don't know her first name, so i'm just going to refer to her as Gleeful, at least for now)
Gideon is still the one behind everything- he wants the books, he wants the Shack, he wants the power that they seem to promise.
He's probably Mabel's ex
Gideon notices that Ford has a journal, and tries to use his daughter Gleeful to get closer to him, and maybe even date him. Ford doesn't really want to date her but he feels pressured to say yes
Ford: She asked me out again and I didn't know how to say no! Stan: Like this: No!
Later, out of anger and desperation, Gleeful does end up attacking Stan and Ford
She's lowkey terrified of Gideon
Transmasc Dipper
He didn't come out to many people, which wasn't a problem since he rarely left his house/lab
He did come out to Mabel when he was young, and Pacifica when they were roommates in college
Mabel took his legal name at the time, which was Maisie, and Ford and Stan refer to her as "Grauntie May" and she usually just goes by May
individual doodles under cut
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heideez · 3 days ago
Do you think Ford knows that Gideon was the one who found Journal 2 and used it to try and win Mabel over and get rid of Dipper?
No. I think someone would have to stop him from murdering a child when he finds out lol. most likely mabel 😭😭
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brrdhouse · 19 hours ago
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also i don't usually hc him as a smoker... my main idea for post-canon gideon is that he's still kind of dying because of the amulet and doesn't like smoking because he's trying to live his life as best he can before he croaks, but i also love having pacifica as his best friend and SHE would be a smoker BIG TIME.
dadford gideon tho?? he'd have a fancy little case for his smokes and everything, he's a dignified smoker
silly au from twitter:
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+context lol
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angelofdumpsterfires · 6 months ago
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presented without comment
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skipppppy · 6 months ago
Since we’ve all been rewatching Gravity Falls bc of the Book of Bill I decided to compile my favourite joke of each episode in the show. Here’s season 1. Enjoy
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target-core · 5 months ago
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ok cuz why did ford get a LOVE ANGLE
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marlshroom · 6 months ago
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gideon is so strange to me.
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vanilla-extracter · 7 months ago
finished the lineup !! zoom ins after the cut!
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audieaudieaudie · 4 months ago
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queer-here-and-in-fear · 6 months ago
thinking Such Insane Thoughts about gravity falls and parental love and liking your kids like. idk.
filbrick might love his kids in some way but he doesnt really like them. caryn loves her boys but doesnt care for them enough.
soos's dad might have liked the idea of a kid. but he never really loved him. abuelita had to take his place.
dipper and mabels parents probably love their kids, sure, but they fuck dipper up because of their issues.
wendys dad loves her as much as he can but she misses her mom so so much.
gideon and pacificas parents dont really love them. gideons parents fear him and pacifica fears her parents.
bills parents loved him so fucking much. it wasnt enough.
fiddlefords parents loved him enough to let him leave. but they left him with a bone deep fear of the "outside" in his bones.
but.. ford and stan. they arent even the twins parents but oh my GOD they love them. deep in their crazy old man bones they LOVE these kids.
fords angry and resentful but he sees them and he goes SOFT. he watches dippers every move and sees himself. he pats mabels fluffy hair "you're a good person, mabel."
stan loves these kids so much goddamnit. everything he does is for this family. you can see in every inch of him he just wants these kids to be ok. even when hes picking on dipper he wants to help so bad. he dies for them.
they are the best parents in the series and they save the world.
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puck777 · 4 months ago
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Strawpage doodle requests from twitterrr rahhhhhhhh
(Please ignore how I kept messing up the mole placement I gave them. I drew the last two at like 2 am LMAO)
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cup-o-stars · 4 months ago
Part three of my unfinished GF sketch dump
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My Relativity Falls Mabel + Stans dynamic
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comedicjustice · 6 months ago
I can’t get this AU out of my head. I’ll make proper refs and clean these up later. Or maybe I won’t. The sketchy style is growing on me… should I make it more messy??
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I don’t even think this is Relativity falls anymore. I think I just made up a whole new au?? Or maybe I didn’t and I just wanna be special.
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strawberryjamsara · 6 months ago
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Jesus Christ…
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