#ops all mars
caemidraws · 1 year
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(In)Justice (study)
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heavensmortuary · 5 months
who up thinking about The Planets by Gustav Holst
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wellwhatnowlove · 1 year
Lyria being referred to as a “member of the horn gang” and then subsequently an “agent” of the sovereign when she 100% was never in a gang nor sent on a mission by Virginia will send me every time.
The way people refer to her like she’s so menacing and official.. then you meet her and she’s just like “listen idk how I got here I’m just as confused as you are.”
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pthalomars · 1 year
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Teehee I'm getting top surgery next summer :]
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chibitorra · 1 year
“This is War/100 Suns” is such a great song for One Piece in general, but since I’m hyperfixated on Skypiea again, I like to imagine Noland being both “The liar,” and “The honest,” just from two different perspectives.
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tentacletournament · 2 years
Okay, so I just read up on The Rot (aka Daddy Long Legs) because it’s good to learn about an opponent in depth and that’s something Soundwave would do as a sentient being. (DLLs are not sentient.)
If the competition is about which character would kill the other first, Daddy Long Legs would win.
If the competition is about which character is more interesting, Soundwave wins.
It depends on the criteria. And seeing as the description says, “Submit and vote for your favourite tentacle characters”, it all comes down to which contender is more liked/popular OVERALL. Not which one is more powerful.
I rest my case.
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ohhh ig yeah from a tournament standpoint all tournaments are popularity contests but also if we're analysing the blog desc this is specifically about tentacles and soundwave is metal and the rot is some sort of god consuming disease. if tentacles in terms of like limbs or tendrils of invertebrates then realistically among all the semi finalists the octokittens would win HOWEVER they also don't have an official design last i checked theyre actually just text and the only official design they have is a semi (?) official merch meaning FUKAMI SHOULD BE HERE GUYS I CANT BELIEVE HE LOST
(all of this is a joke btw this is fun)
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dbfhines · 1 year
its so funny to me that on wings's london town poster its just pictures of paul, linda, and denny. like there are two pictures of jimmy&joe on there but its A. a far away shot of the boat so theyre hardly intelligible, B. their backs facing the camera. they were gaslighting us of their existence😭
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drop-dead-dropout · 5 months
🤿 squiblybeakers77 aug 25, 2014
how many times do I have to tell you guys octarians don't exist anymore. the army literally killed all of them in the great turf war you're not going to get a hot octoling gf they're fucking extinct
🍤 woomy-mother-fuckers aug 30, 2014
op your bio says you listen to turquoise october
🤿 squiblybeakers77 aug 30, 2014
yeah cause it's a bop. not made by octarians tho, it's a coverup to keep us from questioning it.
⭐ tetradualies-trash mar 8, 2024
guys I found this gem from like a decade ago. aged very well I think
🐡 OutFishing mar 16, 2024
is this person real... @squiblybeakers77 were you created in a lab I don't understand you
and here we have the legendary squibly, who fought valiantly against Big Octo's lies and also didn't bother to take the fifteen minute bus ride to mt nantai where you could've literally seen octolings patrolling the outside of octo canyon. truly a warrior of the people,
🔫 z3nz0nes mar 20, 2024
"turquoise october isn't actually octolings".... THE LYRICS ARE IN OCTARI??? A WHOLE ASS DIFFERENT LANGUAGE?????
zen you don't understand. obviously Big Octo created a fake language to keep us complacent
🌷 burst-bombs-are-gay mar 25, 2024
omg why didn't u guys tell me my wife went extinct in 2014 😔😔😔 @yokoandthegoldbisexuals I miss u already babe 💔
#also loving the implication that Big Government was like #"hey we need to fake some stuff for this octo thing" #and the best idea they could come up with was... leaving an unlabeled cd in a dumpster???? #granted the later ones had labels but like. that's absolutely insane what do you MEAN
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neighbourhoodtwo · 2 years
oh to bond with the local medic by letting him complain about his colleagues annoying habits and then telling him a story about a murder case you worked on where a woman whacked her husband over the head with a cheeseboard
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hymn-to-mercury · 8 months
✨🪐Astrology observations🪐✨
These observations are all based off my own personal experience and are mostly generic - don't take it to heart if you disagree <3
🪐 No one seems to fully understand how Aquarius Moons work, including Aquarius Moons themselves.
🪐 I love how heavy Mars influence shows up in people's physical appearance! I’ve always noticed that people with a lot of mars dominance in their chart have a big forehead and/or a widows peak, as well as rosy cheeks or a naturally reddish/pinkish undertone to their skin.
🪐 Undeveloped Virgo and Sagittarius placements absolutely do not give a fuck about your feelings. They can be extremely self centred I've noticed to almost a dangerous detriment.
🪐 A lot of people give Scorpio women the Mean Girl rep, but honestly I think that title should be lent to Virgo women too 😭 They tend to have this hangup about perfection, and I think when undeveloped it shows more as an aversion to anything 'weird' or against the status quo.
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🪐 Cardinal Mars signs (that's Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) reallyyyyy can't hide their dislike for things 😅 people, food, celebrities, whatever. If they don't announce it verbally then you can at least tell by their face lmao.
(I once had to put on my ~emergency socks~ when I was wearing heels on a night out, and every time someone came up to me to tell me how nice my outfit looked I would say thanks and then just not stop yapping about how the socks were not originally apart of the outfit 😭 I couldn't let people think I approved of socks and sandals alksjdgfsjdh)
🪐 Scorpio placements can dish it but can't take it. Cancer placements will sneakily dish it under the guise of a joke and then start crying if you try to dish it back.
🪐 People with Leo Moon tend to 'perform' their activism a lot. That's not to say that they don't practice what they preach, but I think when they do speak up their image has something to do with it
🪐 If you were born under a Mercury Retrograde it might feel like you were destined to be misunderstood no matter how well articulated you are 🙃 I don't think it's a problem with yourself as much as it is with the people you encounter through your life though. Your biggest 'ops' might be people who are very particular and specific about word choice - think Gemini and Virgo Placements (if you are a Gemini/Virgo yourself, this may manifest for you as harbouring some self-hatred or significant self-consciousness).
🪐 Pisces want very badly to be carefree, but a lot of the time they severely struggle getting over their need for outside validation. Being carefree is also a trait they might find attractive in other people.
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lilacstro · 4 months
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luxthestrange · 1 year
OP Incorrect quotes#1 Monkey & Dragon
Ok...But Imagen you are a dragon who grew up along with Luffy but when you came of age you wanted to explore the world and left the island...Foosha Village as the years pass...And suddenly on the cave where you were taking a rest found a group of humans...AND pirates no less...
Dragon!Y/n*Opens eyes as you rise up and growl at the straw hats*
Strawhats*Slowly turn around to see the GIANT dragon...who is VERY much displeased they came to their den(and Nami taking your loot)*AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!?!?
Dragon!Y/n*Opening your mouth to roast them*AAAARRRRRH!?-
Luffy*Also screaming but stops when he takes a better look at you, taking off his hat* AAAAH-...Y/n?
Dragon!Y/n*Stops and looks down at the small human and eyes widen seeing that signature scar on his face*...Luffy?..."Mijo!"
Luffy then latches in for a hug at the dragon's head as the dragon is happily nuzzling him and gives him kisses on his head...shocking the crew silent
Luffy"Que Paso Jefaaaa/Jefeee?~"
Dragon!Y/n*Grabbing him with your tail and setting him on top of your head as you walk off*"Como has estado mijo?~"
Luffy"Pues bien,tu haya chambeando en el mar!"
Dragon!Y/n"Platicame todo desde el principio!!!"
Luffy"Psssh- Te acuerdas que me pelie con mi jefe!-pues ya sabes como se puso el bien punk! PUES QUE ME LARGO JEFE NO MAS-YO NO PUEDO MAS CON ESTO-SERE EL REY DE LOS PIRATAS!!!"
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"Whats up boss?~
"How you been sonny?~"
"Pssh well been good,working my way in the sea"
"Tell me everything from the beginning!!!"
"Pssh-Well remember when I had a fight with the gramps, you know how he gets all punk,SO IM LEAVING I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE-I CANT DO THIS, IMMA BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES!!!"
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dofushiza · 2 months
Doflamingo and the Donquixote Pirates: Does he love them?
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Doflamingo and the Donquixote Pirates are one of the most complex dynamics in One Piece, and fans are often split on whether Doflamingo truly loves his family. My take? He does, but it’s incredibly complicated.
From a young age, Doflamingo was raised by people who drilled into him the idea that their lives were expendable for his ambitions.
All the Donquixote Pirates grew up starving on the streets, seeing Doflamingo as their savior. Their journey began as street urchins, struggling to survive in a harsh world. To get by, they turned to a life of crime, driven by desperation and hunger. This life was all they knew until they encountered Doflamingo, a boy with incredible power.
To these people, Doflamingo was a ticket out of their miserable existence. They saw in him a potential leader who could offer them protection, purpose, and a chance to rise above their circumstances. In their eyes, he was a savior who could change their fate.
In turn, they fed Doflamingo toxic ideologies, reinforcing his already warped sense of self-worth and destiny. They told him he was destined for greatness and that their lives were a small price to pay for his ascent to power. This constant reinforcement shaped Doflamingo's mindset, making him believe that true loyalty meant being willing to die for one's leader.
As they followed him, the bond between Doflamingo and his crew grew more complex and entangled. His followers' unwavering loyalty and willingness to sacrifice themselves bolstered his belief in his own superiority and right to rule. He saw their sacrifices as proof of their devotion, not realizing that he was perpetuating a cycle of manipulation and exploitation.
This twisted form of loyalty is evident in many ways, such as Monet willingly sacrificing herself for him to save Caesar. It’s clear that his crew’s dedication feeds into his toxic mindset.
Take Baby 5, for instance. Doflamingo killed her predatory fiancés, but he never had a heartfelt conversation about stranger danger with her . He’s too damaged to provide that kind of emotional guidance.
When Law held Giolla captive and Doflamingo hesitated in his attack on the Sunny, Giolla later expressed she’d happily die for him. This reinforced his skewed perception of loyalty.
He has moments that show genuine care, like getting angry when Law used his powers on Buffalo and Baby 5 or insisting that no one laugh at Pica’s voice. He compliments Diamante, likely to get him off his ass and do his job.
Doflamingo’s care for Caesar Clown is another intriguing aspect. Ensuring Caesar’s safety would keep him safe from Kaido’s wrath, but he also calls Caesar his “cute subordinate” in the original Japanese, indicating some level of affection.
The complexity deepens with Corazon. Doflamingo only hinted at wanting Corazon to use the Op-Op Fruit to grant him immortality after Corazon left and the Navy was conveniently off their tails. He suspected his brother of being a spy and may have wanted to hurt him out of betrayal. Though I might be grasping at straws with this one.
In his own twisted way, Doflamingo tries to “help” by taking kids off the street and giving them powers to fight against the oppressive society they were born into . However, this is a mirror of his own upbringing, where Trebol groomed him to be a criminal and surrounded him with people who would die for him. Intentionally or not, Doflamingo perpetuates this cycle with his subordinates.
Ultimately, Doflamingo’s love for his family is there, but it’s marred by a lifetime of manipulation, violence, and a deeply ingrained toxic mindset.
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toffee32 · 5 months
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normal exchange between Lanius and his liturgy assistant Clodia
some info of them and OC rambling below !!
Since I started thinking ab Lanius I remembered that one little fun fact that Lanius blinded all of his slaves so they wouldn't see his face. I instantly thought of Clodia, this priestess OC of mine, that I designed to be perpetually blindfolded (Introduced her here) She traces her lineage back to Arroyo, her family being one of the saved by Chosen One before the oil rig exploded. Out of the six priestesses working in Fortification Hill, she's their oracle, prophetess and overseer of sacrificial rites. She's basically perfect to be a companion for Lanius. I wonder what I can make out of her being blindfolded, if she's blind, if she can see and it's a deliberate choice, if her story with Lanius goes further back and maybe he's the one who taught her to wear it, or maybe blinded her himself, all to keep her serving him. That's a lot to think about, but anyways she'd be his trusted liturgy assistant aiding him to perform rituals and all that business, they'd benefit from each other a lot, since I imply Clodia could either be a psyker with mind-control and clairvoyance abilities OR actually not and just perpetually high on herb and chems which induce her delusions. The same way Lanius may actually believe that his sacrifices please Mars or he doesn't believe in all of that and just performs out of formality or for the love of bloodshed, they use each other to legitimize their labour and mission.
May be too OP of her, but I also like thinking that she's one (out of the two, the other being Caesar ofc) of the people who get to influence him. If you'd ask Caesar about this and their relationship, he'd get very nervous and go ''It's all LARP. I do not need someone to mind-control Lanius to keep him from going berserk and ruining my project by going on a mindless genocidal rampage through the west!''.
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dinozarr · 1 year
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⠀ “f-f-fuckk~ please fuck me harder.”
𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐒 . . . who was obsessed with you from the moment he saw you. the way you flaunted yourself to the rest of the class, impressing your professor from your sheer intelligence. he could never take his eyes off you, always stealing longing glances your way anytime you took the notion to sit next to him. he always found himself pushing his glasses up high, gripping his pencil tighter, and shifting in his seat whenever you were around. the affect you had on him was like no other.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀it didn’t help the fact that you were top of the class either, so he couldn’t use the stereotypical excuse of being your tutor in order to just talk to you. he had to go a different route. it wasn’t something he was proud of; dumbing himself down for the sake of one’s attention, yet he didn’t necessarily care since it was with you. he found himself purposely failing the quizzes and discussion boards your professor would post, expressing evident irritation at his forced grade.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀much to his dismay, after scrounging your socials, he discovered that you had your own “tutor sessions” up on a particular website called OnlyFans. he hadn’t a clue as to what it was, yet didn’t mind all of the sexual ads he continued to get when looking at your “tutor prices”. he was utterly oblivious to the fact it was a porn site, messaging you like some sort of professional customer. it was cute, you gave him that. his profile being himself with his adorable little black-framed wayfarer glasses.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀you thought he would’ve changed his mind the moment he stepped foot into your loft apartment, seeing your setup and alas realizing your tutor sessions weren’t what he was expecting at all. however, when revised of the terms he initially agreed you, giving him an op-out, he remained persistent and gave full consent; practically begging for the session to start. you were startled by his assertion, not expecting to see such a side of the quiet boy that sat in the back of your mathematics class.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀nor were you expecting for your viewers to absolutely adore him. they loved watching you ride his over-average erection that had your walls practically begging for mercy with how his veins raked along them, his tip kissing your cervix beautiful with every hip roll you gave. you were unaware of how large he was, bottom lip being crushed between the brim of your teeth as you adjusted to his enlarged size. just from being halfway down his dick you could feel your lower abdomen forming a heated knot, eyes squeezing shut instantly.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀his eyes were literally a sight for sore eyes with how cutely he sat beneath you, trembling hands not knowing where to go as they roamed you body freely. his glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, fog coating the frames with both of your breaths fanning against them. his face was on full display for everyone, thanks to the overhead camera you had. the likes and money continued to roll in the more you kept the camera on him, your viewers loving every second of it.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀you had your hands slightly resting on his shoulders, fistfuls of his shirt clenched in your grasp to guide you along him. it was adorable how his eyes were coaxed in tears, the dazed glint that swirled within his irises causing a snarky grin to mar your features. he looked utterly fucked out, lost in nothing but raw euphoria. his mouth was barely open ajar, whimpers and cries being the only noises to fill the wide-spread apartment. aside from the sounds of your squelches on his dick of course, your sopping cunt sucking him in farther with each thrust.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀it was no surprise that you were each on your third orgasm by the time it hit one hour into the session, you couldn’t get enough of it despite him being balls deep in you. and, to reward the man of such behavior, the minute he reached his climax you were already on your knees before him. he hadn’t a clue as to what you were doing until you shoved the entirety of his drenched erection into your mouth, gargling back your gag reflex with small eye rolls.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀your actions had the man melting into the chair, the feeling of your cold, silver-lined tongue piercing that dragged across his base sending bone-crushing chills down the man’s back. all he could do was cry out moans of pure ecstasy with his head thrown back against the top of the chairhead. the rest of what you couldn’t fit in your mouth, you kneaded with your hands; hollowing out your cheeks with your tongue gliding through the slit of his tip. saliva drooled from the sides of your mouth, coating his dick even more and causing even louder noises to extrude from the situation.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ “please let me cum, please o-oh fuck, ohmygod.”
⠀⠀⠀ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
ARMIN ARTLER. ARAN OJIRO. EREN JAEGER. suguru geto. aki hayakawa. connie springer. kento nanami. NORITOSHI KAMO. CHOSO KAMO. AOI TODO. sae itoshi. shidou ryusei. OLIVER AIKU. imamura yudai. SHOUEI BARO. kuon wataru.
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NOTEZ : was notttt expecting this to lead into a camgirl!reader but ay fuck it we ball
© TAKST4Z 2023 — all rights reserved. mature discretion. please do not plagiarize or steal any of my works or graphics.
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ope.. i got brainrot while driving into work again so here's a rockstar!eddie steddie blurb that goes with this song.
cw for possible refrences to suicidal ideation depending on how you interpret the lyrics (more literal or more metaphorical)
pairing: steddie | word count: 840 | rated: M
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The first time Eddie tells Steve he loves him, it’s while they’re awash in the afterglow; Eddie’s still half sprawled over Steve’s bare back with his finger tracing patterns idly over his skin.
“I could trace enough constellations on you to get from here to Mars.” he says as if voicing a thought rather than to Steve.
“Oh yeah?” He snorts.
“Mmhm. And I’d love you from here to there too.”
The steady movement of Steve’s back shudders to a stop, his breath faltering. “Oh yeah?”
A new featherlight touch grazes the skin between his shoulder blades. Eddie’s lips. “From here to Mars, sweetheart.”
Mars becomes a thing between them, and between them alone; “Love you to Mars, Stevie,”, “I love you all the way back home, Eds.” or after some bigot gives either of them grief over their relationship, “Let’s just run away.”, “To where?”, “Hmm. I dunno, maybe Mars?”
So when Eddie has enough of Hawkins, when he does run, and his note is devoid of any reference to their neighboring red planet, it’s crushing.
Steve finds out from Wayne that Eddie and the boys had gone to New York, a two album contract for their band too good of an opportunity to pass up.
He’s jaded and hurt for a long time. Well into Corroded Coffin’s rise to worldwide stardom, and the feeling lasts until a headline in the aisle of the grocery store catches his eye. It screams ‘CORRODED COFFIN’S NORTH AMERICAN TOUR CUT SHORT.”, but there are more: “Frontman Eddie Munson checks in”, and “Eddie Munson: More substance than substance?”.
He and Robin are in Chicago now, running a small bookstore/coffee shop, and Jeff gets in contact with him.
“He’s okay, he’s already doing better. I figured you’d want to know.”
Jeff says it’d been getting worse and worse until Chrissy (who had long been the Robin to Eddie’s Steve, and who’s now his manager) had had enough and sent him off to get help. “He’ll be back sooner than later, I’m sure.”
The next anyone besides Chrissy hears from Eddie, it’s on the radio. A new song from Corroded Coffin’s Eddie Munson that’s nothing like anyone had ever heard from him. 
Steve hears it first when he’s preparing to open one day, that’s part of the reason why it comes as such a surprise. He has never tuned the shop radio to anything other than the mainstream channels, not wanting this exact thing to happen and hear the voice of the man that broke his heart to pieces.
“Up next, a change of pace from the currently still elusive Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin fame,” the announcer says as the song starts in behind him. Steve freezes at the name. “You heard of this guy? He and that band of his had been making waves in the metal scene for years now; and he’s reportedly been checked out of rehab for a couple months without anyone hearing anything from him. Until now.”
The song starts for real now, the acoustic fading into the background as a voice so unmistakably Eddie, his real southern twang leftover from growing up in Tennessee shining through, breaks through it.
Steve’s so floored at hearing his voice again, that he doesn’t really register the lyrics until Eddie croons out “What if I run away to Mars?”
“Mars.” Steve breathes out.
Eddie is singing about Mars.
Steve had always assumed he was forgotten. That after the years of fame and years without him, that the memories Eddie had of him would be locked away just as tight as Steve’s of Eddie were.
He can’t even continue to think about it because Eddie keeps going, “Would you find me in the stars? Would you miss me in the end, if I run out of oxygen?”
Eddie’s singing on his own, it’s just him and his guitar and his own backup vocals and he sounds so horribly sad.
Eddie’s not okay. Eddie’s not okay! Where is he? Where did he go after getting out of rehab?
Steve whips his phone out of his pocket, leaning heavily on the front counter now for support, and searches frantically for Chrissy’s number.
He’s hoping she hadn’t changed it when Eddie’s voice comes back in over his guitar, “I can't tell which way is home, I've been gone for so long..It's an empty world up here“
Steve freezes again.
He listens to the entire rest of the song there. Phone in hand, thumb hovering over the call button, and heart however many miles away to where Eddie is.
“Three, two, one, I miss you..I'm sorry I got issues” Eddie sings.
Steve finds himself thinking ‘I miss you too’ and ‘It’s okay.’
Eventually, the song ends with Eddie’s voice only. No backup instrumentals, only his voice crooning harmonically with himself 
“Would you miss me in the end if I run out of oxygen? When I run away to Mars..”
He presses the button.
“Steve,” She says in a surprised greeting, “Hi!”
“Where is he?”
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star divider is from @saradika
short little part 2 here! | also on AO3
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