#open ended rp
Open RP (bc I’m bored)
Anyone can interact with this, pls do! Speaking will be in blue, narration will be in default
If someone were to ask Dick if he recommend vigilante work his immediate answer would be no. He would tell them to keep themselves safe and stay out of that sort of work. People didn’t listen though, and it seemed as if more then ever now vigilantes popped up everywhere.
It was a cold night in Blüdhaven, the September air chilled with the changing of seasons, the waves of the harbor separating their city from Gotham seemed rougher than usual that night.
The city had been going through a particularly rough string of murders lately. Which meant when he wasn’t working the case during the day, he was out as Nightwing in the darker parts of the city.
He was perched up on a rooftop (one of his favorites, not too high up, but too low to be seen) when he heard the sound of footsteps and shifting behind him
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voidmarkd · 20 days
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#voidmarkd; an indie, selective and fandomless portrayal of Atlas Fitzgerald, featuring themes as life in a coven, rebirth through death, marked by the void, necromancy, betrayal and abandonment, the blood and the burden, keeper of forgotten graves, [ . . . ] mutuals only. 21+. low activity. eng/ger. ♱ carrd ♱ memes ♱ open starters
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notlumenera · 2 years
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wet cat gains a cat
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shithowdy · 23 days
realized a drawing i'm doing rn is almost identically posed to one i did 8.5 years ago of a different oc, except the old drawing was instantly tainted by one of the players featured messaging me asking if i could take it down because their abusive, possessive rp partner saw it and got jealous of them "roleplaying behind their back" and i said "nah" and it became a whole Thing that i should have walked away from at that exact moment but didn't and the 6 months that followed contained some of the most truly condensed batshit i have ever witnessed in an rp community already well-known for its batshittery.
... anyway i love my friends. so happy to accidentally redeem the pose.
#idk if ill ever open up completely about that shitshow but#i think 8 years is past the statute of limitations to vaguepost about it#late tag addition but man now i'm thinking about it all at 4am#how did in the good goddamn did i witness that and still not only let them make me an officer#but also let them put me functionally in charge of their guild IC#while those two fucked off and erped in instanced zones or played overwatch#and i and my then-rp-partner took the heat for the meandering plotline#until my partner vented to the wrong person about the abuse#and it got back to them#and we got to experience the surreality of an honest to god guild coup#all to salvage the image of some egomaniac abuser#certified fucking wra moment#its been 8 years and thinking about how i was treated in the end makes me feel sick lol#they made a new guild discord and invited everyone but us#and when i noticed the channel had gone quiet i asked what was up#and was met with gaslighting about how i'm 'thinking too much' about the channel being a 'little slow'#and it took pushing to get an early admission of what was about to happen#so we logged on and quit ourselves#which fucked up the narrative they had constructed#and they lied in the new channel that WE were the ones doing a 'coup' and that we stole the members who left with us#i guess i am opening up after all#i had to play the fucking villain of that scenario for the past 8 years#all to protect the mental health of people who hurt me#why#if you were there and know what i'm referencing with all of this... there's the fucking story#the person in question is a massively popular artist#i just dont have it in me to fight that fight
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Questions to BW!
How are you usually spending your day?
Does your branches often get stuck in your cape?
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Also, I'd like to add I do not wear a cape; its a cloak..
[Day 3]
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songbirdreaped · 2 months
open starter for anybody ; set after lucy gray left the cabin <3 run. run. RUN. was all that could go through lucy gray's head as she sprinted away from the cabin through the trees. she was running as fast as her legs would carry her, everything in her telling her that she needed to get away from him if she wanted to survive. the words kept ringing in her head three's enough for me, he'd told her when she said they wouldn't have to kill anymore. three. she knew of two. bobbin and mayfair. all she'd asked for was the truth, yet she was met with a lie. my old self, coriolanus had told her as she demanded to know who the third was. lucy gray wasn't born yesterday, she could spot a lie from a mile away.
trust was the most important thing to her. trust outweighed love and yes, she had loved him. loved. now, all she could picture was those icy blue eyes gazing into her soul. would he kill her ? she didn't know, but she wasn't taking that chance. she couldn't take that chance. that was why she'd said she was going to pick katniss, her chance to escape and survive. lucy gray wished that she'd heeded dean highbottom's warning, wished that she hadn't let herself fall for the blond. any and all love she felt was gone, now all that was left was the need to flee.
as she kept running, the brunette felt her chest tightening, the crisp air filling her lungs, stinging as her heart raced in her chest. she needed to stop and catch her breath. ducking behind a tree, lucy gray took a moment, the breaths coming out more like gasps as she stayed there. the sound of coriolanus yelling for her caused her to panic more. she wasn't a fighter, he outpowered her anyway, but she could run. she could hide.
when she spotted the snake, lucy gray decided that she'd try to buy herself some time, dropping the scarf he'd given her to cover it up. she knew by looking at it that the snake wasn't venomous, it wouldn't hurt him too badly if he got bitten. it would just slow him down enough for her to get away. after the distraction was set, the brunette began to run again, hoping that the wind in the trees would cover up any noise that came from her feet on the ground.
it wasn't until she was hidden by a tree on the outer part of the woods that she'd realized her earring had fallen out in all of the chaos. she couldn't find it in herself to care anymore. the games weren't over when she'd returned home, these were still the games. her own survival was what mattered. lucy gray almost didn't notice the sound of footsteps coming toward her, but when she did it was too late to run. whoever it was had only been two paces from her now, and with how tired she was, they'd most likely be able to catch her if she ran. her eyes shut tightly as she braced herself for the figure to come closer, assuming it was coriolanus coming to kill her, to finish tying up the loose ends.
❝ just get it over with, ❞ the words came out more shaky than she'd intended. she wasn't usually one for giving up, but she knew that she had no more energy to keep running. if coriolanus had found her, then he won.
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bananasfosterparent · 2 months
I find it funny sometimes when people suggest lamenting on your consort Tav being depressed and mopey over what and who they could have been if only they hadn't done that darned ritual *shakes fist*
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But like... Efenity was... broke. Penniless. Homeless. Living on the streets in an abandoned house just outside the city that she shared with another criminal. She'd break into someone's house just to use the bathtub every other day. Agreeing to situationships with shady men who really only liked her for the dommy mommy vibes. Convincing herself that opening up and getting "official" with anyone was a mistake. That only leads to more grief, more pain, more loss.
Pre-game events, Efenity was working on a plan for stealing/skimming millions in gold over time from a charity organization run by a rich family. While she had high hopes to reach her goal of living in a mansion and living lavish (and alone) with her own criminal ring to support her... in reality she would have just gotten caught and arrested. Probably would just stew in her rage, angering the wrong people and winding up dead.. or defeated so much that she wishes she was.
Getting kidnapped and having a worm shoved in her eye was the single greatest thing that could have ever happened to her and there isn't a single thing in her journey that she regrets--except manipulating Shadowheart. But that's literally it.
If she's lamenting while sitting on a chaise with hand done embroidered demask designs and gold filigree backing, wearing her fluffy feathery robe while her Lord lays his head on her lap and she strokes his hair and ears about what "could have been" it ain't gonna be about something better.
While I totally understand the angst angle and would actually be comfortable checking out other people's versions of it, if I didn't associate it with such horrible negativity and discourse there's such a great power fantasy and positive dark romance here that gets ignored and poopooed by so many, without even the slightest consideration that maybe... just maybe... it's actually pretty darn valid and cathartic too, once you take off your Bias Goggles.
I wish more people were once again willing to let themselves explore their creativity in fiction enough to not care about the opinions of others not in your head, not developing your Tav, and not writing your story. YOUR Tav has their own unique story and it's ENTIRELY in your hands.
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noodlenumber · 2 years
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spiltichor · 1 year
Send 🛑 for my muse (receiver) to step in and protect your muse (sender) from someone. This could be for any reason! From them being bothered and not being left alone, an ambush attack, a fighting scene, whatever you want! You can also send ' 🛑 + reverse ' to change it so the sender protects the receiver!
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angelsdvsts · 2 months
…. i know i just got done with 100+ drafts… but give this a ♡ for 1/2 one line starter(s) 🫣
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graves-and-dirt · 5 months
Aspen stumbled down the road, swaying and drunkenly singing, her voice horribly off-key. "You always hurt the one you love, the one you shouldn't hurt at all."
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notyourastarion · 1 year
An open Baldur's Gate 3 rp invite
Embers glow in the centre of camp, the cool dark of night fell hours ago. The lake lapped gently at the shore and Withers, ever-present, watched the fates unwind without judgement. All was quiet, but it was far from still.
"You know, it's true what they say about vampires." Astarion warned the shadow in the darkness from the relative peace of his meditation. His fingers remained curled purposefully into their nightly pose, middle finger and thumb pressed together. "We don't sleep."
The elf rose to his feet before setting an intense gaze on his fellow night-owl. "So? Are you going to tell me why you're sneaking around in the night, or should I wake the others?" He shifted, one foot to another and back, a dark smile tugging softly at the corners of his lips.
"Then again, I might very well enjoy taking camp justice into my own hands. Your choice, of course."
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the-haunted-office · 9 months
There's a faint crackle and a hum as the overhead speakers come on, but neither Narrator's voice comes out like it normally would to address the residents of the comings and goings of the Office. There's silence, except for that crackle and hum, for nearly ten seconds.
And then...
Then there's a voice...
It's very quiet, like it's standing far away, at the other end of the room from where the microphone would be and the person might be soft spoken to boot. They're whispering, and it's difficult to tell if it might be masculine of feminine. Even more difficult is to tell what they're saying. Actually, it's so difficult you can't tell at all, especially with that piano music playing over them.
"Music" is putting it generously. It sounds like someone is just mashing piano keys at random. Either that or someone has rolled a piano down the stairs and this is the song of its descent you are hearing. In any case, its discord is making it impossible to hear what the voice is saying.
You do manage to catch one word. No, two.
"Help me..."
The crackle, hum, piano, and voice continue on for a couple more seconds before suddenly stopping, the sound disappearing into the silence of the Office.
The speakers come on again barely a second later, and this time Cyrus speaks.
"...Did you hear that?" he asks. He sounds confused, and on top of that, concerned. Frightened, even.
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serious-tabaxi · 1 year
-*a bunnygal*-
*you have been wandering through the forest a little, for your own reasons, when you come across a young man in a brown cloak, inspecting a familiar-looking flower.*
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caeruleums · 17 days
open to: all.
plot: almost a year into the zombie apocalypse, your muse and rose have been a part of the same 'group' but haven't gotten along because of her toxic optimism and somewhat judgmental views on life. your muse went on a solo run, and rose let her guard down.
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"how dare you scare us like that!" she snapped, grabbing them by the cuff of their jacket and uncharacteristically pushing them up against the fence. she was small, weaker than the others, but she had excelled in her first aid class and learned how to nourish the crew when desperate. but the two of them? they never crossed paths if she could help it. and yet, after they'd gone missing for the last few days? rose couldn't understand where this relief was coming from. so she fueled it into anger. "you could've been dead out there. do you understand me? dead. or... or worse. you could've been... one of them." she felt the tears in her eyes well up. "don't you ever do that again. you hear me? don't ever scare me like that again."
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boombambaby · 26 days
Heart this post if you’re interested in a short starter from everyone’s favorite Emperor!
Will be sent from the ‘It End’s With Us!’ Verse as that’s my main verse, unless you comment with a specific verse you would like!
If you’re a multi muse account please comment or shoot me a DM with which muse you want.
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