#ooooh athena
flaming-toads · 1 day
The weather is beautifully chaotic today.
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meggydolaon · 10 months
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Assorted Stray Gods sillies
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haunted-xander · 9 months
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buckleyskin · 9 days
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xskyll · 4 months
One thing I like about The Odyssey is how Odysseus seems to be a pretty normal-looking dude, but when Athena wants people to admire him, she sprinkles him with bishie dust.
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maburito · 5 months
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Ooh spooky, nice.
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joeburrcw · 1 year
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joeyb_9: Our baby girl arrived just in time for Mads’ first Mother’s Day. I feel like I won the lottery with these two. Thank you for making me a daddy, baby. She’s only a week old and you’re already the best mom in the world. I love the both of you so much. Happy Mother’s Day, my love. @madelyncline
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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arc-misadventures · 1 month
The Lady’s Next Door
The 'Milf next door' when she says she just going to say 'hi' to that cute blond boy your daughters friends with.
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Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to do that, Mom?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why are you dressed like that?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to talk to, Jaune?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Is it because he's a human?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: He’s just my friend, Mom, he is not another, Adam waiting to happen.
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Jaune: Hi, Blake. Oh, hi Ms. Belladonna!
Kali: I just want to fuck him.
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Blake: What?!
Yang: Hey, Mom, I’m sorry, but can you do me a favour?
Raven: I don’t wanna.
Yang: Mom! Come on! I just need you to watch over my friend till I get back.
Raven: Back, back from where?
Yang: Blake got…?!
Raven: No! Say no more, since it involves your ‘girlfriend’ I can assume it’s something illegal.
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend!
Raven: But, was it illegal?
Yang: …
Yang: Well…
Raven: Ha! Love the bad girls don’t you? Fine, I’ll watch over your friend. Who is it you want me to babysit; It better not be the, Schnee girl! I swear I’ll shoot her one of these days if she…?
Yang: No, it’s not, Weiss. It’s, Jaune. Jaune’s coming over.
Raven: J-Jaune…?
Yang: Yeah, we’ve got a school project we’re working on together, and Jaune wanted to get ahead of the game. So he asked if he could come over here so we could work on it. Is that okay?
Raven: Jaune coming over here…? T-That’s fine! I’m totally fine with that tasty snack…?! I mean! That fine young man coming over here. W-When is coming over…?
Yang: In… half an hour-ish?
Raven: Half an hour? That gives me plenty of time… Time for a shower, and time to put on something spicy~!
Yang: What was that?
Raven: Nothing! Go, and save your girlfriend!
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend, Mom!
Raven: And, I’m not about to get laid, now get going!
Yang: Alright! Alright! I’m going.
Yang: …
Yang: Wait, ‘Get laid?’
Ruby: Mom?
Summer: Yes, sweaty~?
Ruby: What are you wearing?
Summer: A bikini.
Ruby: Why?
Summer: Well, your friend, Jaune is coming over to help clean the pool, so I thought I’d give him a show~!
Ruby: A what?
Summer: I thought I’d get a suntan.
Ruby: Oh… Then why are you taking the sunscreen?
Summer: So I don’t get sunburned silly.
Ruby: Okay, do you want me to…?!
Summer: No! No, noo, no. I’ll ask, Jaune to put it on~! That way I get those big muscular hands all over me, feeling me up~! Oh gods~!
Ruby: What was that mom?
Summer: Nothing~!
(Ding dong~!)
Summer: Oh? That must be my boy toy~! Coming!
Ruby: Boy what…?
Jacques: Willow! Where are you! Blasted, where is that drunkard!
Willow: …
Jaune: …
Willow: Well, that was close…
Jaune: Yeah… too close.
Willow: Jacques would have thrown an absolute fit if he caught one of, Weiss’s friends snooping about the mansion.
Jaune: I wasn’t snooping, I was lost.
Willow: In a supply closet?
Jaune: I thought it was, Weiss’s room.
Willow: Not even close dear.
Jaune: Okay… but can you open the door, you shoved us in here to get away from, Jacques, and this broom closet is rather cramped.
Willow: No can do… my hands are stuck here… Feeling your broad chest~! Y-You’ll have to open the door yourself.
Jaune: Okay fine… where is the door knob…? Eh? What is this, a pillo…?!
Willow: Ohh~!
Jaune: Ahh?! S-S-S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to…?!
Willow: Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Y-Yeah…?!
Willow: Harder~!
Athena: So tell me, why are you in such a panic to clean up, our already clean house?
Pyrrha: Ooooh… My teammates are coming over, so I wanted to spruce the place up for their visit.
Athena: Your teammates…? Does that mean… Jaune is coming too…?
Pyrrha: Yeah, he’s coming too.
Athena: I see… Well, then I hope he’ll enjoy visiting us in our humble abode~!
Pyrrha: Uhh… Mom? Your top has come undone.
Athena: It’s a little hot here, I just want to cool off.
Pyrrha: It’s not hot in here at all?
Athena: Oh~? What makes you think that?
Pyrrha: Mom, your top has come undone again.
Athena: So it has.
Pyrrha: Mom, I can see you bra.
Athena: And?
Pyrrha: Mom, do up your blouse, unless you want my friends to stare at your breasts.
Athena: So long as it’s him, I don’t mind if he stares, or even copes a feel. I’ll be very happy by the end of it all~!
Pyrrha: C-Cope a feel? Who are you talking about?
Carla: So that’s the, ‘loser twerp’ you’ve been bullying?
Cardin: Yeah, his name is, Jaune Arc, complete loser.
Carla: Jaune Arc…? Jaune ArrrrrrrrrC~! Hmm… Rolls off the tongue.
Cardin: Pff! That’s part of the idiot’s stupid catch phrase.
Carla: What catch phrase?
Cardin: “The nAme’S JaUNe ArC; roLLLs of tHE tonGUE! LaDIEs Love it” Pff! How stupid can you be?
Carla: ‘Love’s it?’ So, he is the boy you are being forced to apologize to?
Cardin: Yeah, the teacher says they’ll end my two month long detention early if I apologize to him… I have no intention of apologizing to that loser.
Carla: I see… You know what, Cardin. How about I apologize on your behalf?
Cardin: You’ll do that?
Carla: Of course! He may not accept it, but he’ll at least get that apology he is owed.
Cardin: You’ll do that? Thanks, Mom. I probably would have decked him in the face if I went over there to apologize to the loser.
Carla: Then I best go over there. Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll make sure he accepts your apology. After all, what better apology can a boy get than fucking his bully’s own mother~?
Cardin: W-What was that…?
Ruby: Amethyst, honey? Why are you dressed so… slutty?
Amethyst: Oh… uhh… Parent teacher conference is tonight…
Ruby: I’m aware…
Amethyst: Yeah… so… Professor Arc is coming over to…?!
Ruby: Jaune?! J-Jaune’s coming over here?
Amethyst: Yeah, he told me so himself.
Ruby: So, you’re dressing like a slut to seduce him?
Amethyst: Yeah… That is the plan…
Ruby: Nonono! That won’t work at all honey! He won’t give you so much as a fleeting glance if you dress up like some common harlot!
Amethyst: He won’t?
Ruby: No! You need to dress in something more conservative, something that shows nothing, but something that emphasizes everything~!
Amethyst: Like what?
Ruby: I’ll show you after I’ve seduce him~!
Amethyst: What?! But, I want to sleep with him first!
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firewasabeast · 2 months
ooooh. A prompt. Maybe Tommy could use some TLC. Some hurt/comfort?
tags: mentions of past physical and verbal abuse, also first I love you's
Just take those old records off the shelf, I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself
It was a little bit jarring when he first heard it. He'd been coming to this bar for years now and this song had never played before.
Today's music ain't got the same soul, I like that old time rock 'n' roll
He could already feel a thin layer of sweat above his lip. His hands were clammy almost instantly. His heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest.
And he was stuck in the booth, wedged between Buck and Chimney. Everyone was there. Hen, Karen, Bobby, Athena, Maddie, Eddie, Ravi. They were all celebrating Bobby getting reinstated as captain of the 118.
Don't try to take me to a disco, you'll never even get me out on the floor
He needed to get up. It was too hot. Buck was right up against his side, hand on his thigh, and if he moved closer to Chimney they'd practically hit second base.
In ten minutes I'll be late for the door, I like that old time rock 'n' roll
“Need'a gotothe bathroom,” Tommy mumbled out in whisper to Buck. He wasn't drunk. They'd only been there half an hour and he had just finished his first beer. But the song was completely throwing him off.
Still like that old time rock 'n' roll, that kind of music just soothes the soul
Buck looked at him, confused, squeezed his thigh in a way that would usually be sweet but right now felt like too much. “What?” he asked, leaning in closer.
“Bathroom,” he repeated, clearer this time.
I reminisce about the days of old, with that old time rock 'n' roll
“Oh, okay.” Buck scooted out of the booth and Tommy managed to get out without banging his knees on the table. “You okay?” Buck asked, reaching down for his hand and giving it a squeeze. “You're pale.”
He felt like throwing up. Tommy unwrapped his hand from Buck far too quickly for him to not suspect anything, he knew that, but he couldn't help it right now. “Fine,” he managed with a forced smile.
Won't go to hear 'em play a tango, I'd rather hear some blues or funky old soul
He headed for the bathroom, but took a left instead of a right, opting to head outside instead.
Buck glanced back at everyone at the table, who all looked confused. Tommy's abrupt shift in mood was impossible not to notice.
“I'm guessing he knows he didn't just go to the bathroom?” Eddie questioned.
Buck sighed, tossed a few dollars on the table. “I'm gonna go check on him.”
When Buck got outside it took him a minute to spot Tommy. He was a few feet away from the door, swaying slightly from side to side with his hands in his pockets, staring out into the parking lot.
Buck walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, retracting it quickly when Tommy jumped at the touch.
“Sorry,” Buck said, startled.
Tommy closed his eyes once he saw it was Buck, letting out a deep breath. “No, Evan, I... Sorry, I was in my own world.”
“S'okay. Are you okay?”
Tommy let out a humorless laugh, his gaze falling down to his feet as he kicked at some rocks with his shoe. “Um, I'm a little embarrassed, actually,” he admitted.
“What for?”
“The song playing in there,” he said, turning back toward the bar, “it reminded me of a... a not so great memory.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
His eyes met Evan's and all he could see was concern. Tommy knew he wasn't asking because he felt like he had to, or because he thought it was what Tommy expected of him. He was asking because he was genuinely worried, and wanted to be there for him.
“You wanna go sit in the back of my truck?” Tommy asked. He could still hear a slight beat from music inside the bar and, while he was sure they weren't still playing that same song, it's the only thing he could think about when he heard any music at all.
Buck nodded. “Yeah, let's go.”
When they got to the truck, Tommy lowered the tailgate and they both hopped up, their legs dangling over the edge.
Buck stared up at the sky, stars a little more visible in their location than anywhere else in Los Angeles. He waited for Tommy to speak, not wanting to pressure him.
The feeling of Tommy's hand slipping into his brought his attention back to Tommy. Their fingers intertwined, but Buck didn't squeeze too hard. He didn't want to scare him again.
“I haven't really ever told you very much about my dad, have I?”
“Little pieces here and there,” Buck replied. “You said a few months back that he was a lot like Gerrard, and mentioned you haven't spoken to him in ten years.”
Tommy nodded. “Both things are true. He was... There was more to him than that though. He was not a good man, Evan. He'd go to church every time the doors were open, smile on his face, mom and me by his side. The perfect family. That's what everyone told us anyway.”
He scooted closer to Buck, placing their hands on his thigh. He took his free hand and rubbed it gently over Buck's knuckles, finding comfort in his boyfriend's touch. “Then we'd get home, and lunch or dinner wouldn't be ready on time, or the roast would be overcooked, or he saw me yawn during the service, or he thought mom smiled at the youth pastor for too long and-” Tommy's voice broke as he spoke. He cleared his throat, trying to keep it together.
All Buck wanted to do was wrap him up tight and make all his pain disappear.
“-and God, Evan, he'd get so angry. He'd get out his records and we knew, if he played one specific song, one of us was about to get it.”
It all clicked. “The song in the bar."
Tommy nodded. “The song in the bar.”
“Would he,” Buck paused, choosing his words carefully. “Did he hit you?”
“Not with his hands,” Tommy replied, “and never on the face. But he was a big believer in 'spare the rod, spoil the child'. He liked to use his belt.” He felt a phantom pain on his back, from lashes so painful he'd have to lean forward the whole time during the next church service. How it would hurt to sit down at school, often for days. How the belt would sometimes whack against his thigh and he'd have to wear pants for PE, even during the hottest months of the year, just so his shorts wouldn't ride up and someone see the marks. “It wasn't just physical stuff though,” Tommy added. “The things he'd say were worse, somehow. He'd call my mom every name in the book, shout slurs at me before I even thought I was gay. Tell us how worthless we were. Stuff like that. Then, by the next service, there were were, front and center. The perfect family.”
“Tommy, I- I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry you went through that.”
“I'm okay,” he said, then huffed out a laugh, “except when I hear that song, apparently.”
“Triggers are funny like that, aren't they?”
“Yeah,” he rolled his eyes, “a real hoot.”
Buck let go of Tommy's hand just long enough to wrap his arms around him, letting Tommy rest his head on his shoulder. Buck pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Why don't we go to my place?” he suggested. “Put on a movie, eat a pint of ice cream.”
“We're supposed to be celebrating tonight, Evan.”
“We will be celebrating,” Buck assured him. “We'll be celebrating survival. Celebrating us. Celebrating, I don't know,” he laughed, “we'll think of something.”
Tommy raised his head just enough to look into Buck's eyes. “Love?”
Buck stared back, a smile growing on his face. “Love. Yeah, that, um, that sounds perfect.”
“Okay,” Tommy relented easily. He didn't feel like going back inside anyway. “You sure you don't wanna go back in? You can get a ride home with Eddie.”
“Tommy, I want to be with you. Everyone in there will understand. I'll send Eddie a text, tell him we're headed out. You pick the movie.”
They untangled themselves from each other so Buck could get his phone.
Tommy thought for a moment. “The Notebook, maybe? I feel like crying.”
He'd never been in a relationship before where he could admit something like that. Admit that sometimes he wanted to cry, needed to cry, and a movie could help him with that.
Evan was different though. Evan was safety. Evan was a person Tommy could talk to about anything, and never feel judgement.
“The Notebook is perfect. I'll order ice cream to be delivered while we're on the way.”
They got off the back of the truck and Tommy raised the tailgate. Before Buck could head for the passenger seat, Tommy placed a hand on his hip, spinning Buck back in his direction.
“I really do love you, Evan,” he said, his thumbs stroking at Buck's hipbone.
Buck reached up and rested his hands at the nape of Tommy's neck, pulling him in for a kiss. “I really do love you too, Tommy.”
As they got into the truck, Buck made a mental note to contact the bar tomorrow and ask them to change their playlist.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 2 months
What are your top ten Greek Mythology headcanons?
Ooooh I have a lot of Greek mythology headcanons, so it took me a while to select the top ten 😅 But I've finally done it!
Here is the final list:
10. There is an Eurotas River "tradition" for all the couples in the Spartan royal family.
I like to think it's "tradition" for all members of the Spartan royal family to find the love of their lives at the Eurotas River (Lacedaemon & Sparta, Amyclas & Diomede, Hyacinthus & Apollo, Helen & Menelaus, etc.)
The idea came to me because of the role and presence of this river in Apollo and Hyacinthus' myth (Ovid's version) and Menelaus and Helen's story (Euripides' play). HyaPollo had frequent river dates and MeLen swore fidelity with one another by the same river, so it's fun to think that the other Spartan couples also meet and spend their time together here.
9. Persephone is everyone's childhood friend.
This is also true in the mythos! Persephone grew up with Athena and Artemis in Sicily, her domains overlapped with her other siblings, the Homeric hymn to Demeter has a list of her nymph friends, and every once in a while someone is said to be Persephone's playmate.
She's a true social butterfly lol
8. The second generation Olympians also share traits with their grandparents.
I love to think that the younger Olympians inherit something from their Titan grandparents, you know? Here are some of the ideas:
Ares is loving and protective over his children like Rhea.
Persephone is intimidating and wield her scythe like Kronos.
Hermes is crafty and cunning like his great-grandfather Iapetus.
Apollo has Coeus' deep, intelligent gaze and Artemis has Phoebe's radiant smile.
Athena is unconsciously attracted to the ocean, the kingdom of Oceanus and Tethys.
7. All of Zeus' children, mortal or immortal, inherit his fury.
They can be calm like Apollo or have anger issues like Heracles, but once a child of Zeus get really pissed off, their act of wrath can be as destructive as their father's.
This explains why Artemis shot down Coronis and her family and Persephone inflicted a plague on Thebes.
6. The second generation Olympians (plus Persephone and Aphrodite) love each other in their own ways.
I really dislike depictions of Olympian siblings always at each other's throat. Yes, their history is complicated and dynamics aren't perfect but that doesn't mean they only have bad tension! Where is the nuance in their relationship???
Artemis and Apollo have seen the worst of one another and ridiculed each other for that. But if someone were to talk crap about their twin, it's on sight.
Ares is torn between following his mother and accepting his illegitimate siblings. He had persecuted the twins before they were born but later joined them in the Trojan war.
Athena might be distant from others at times due to her personality and domains, but there are moments she enjoyed dancing and playing music with her siblings.
And Persephone's case is the worse. She might not be an Olympian and stays in Underworld for half a year, but she had never expressed hatred for her non-chthonic family. Let Persephone have good relationship with her upper world family, too!!!
5. Hyacinthus has purple eyes.
Or, in elaborative words, the eyes ever so gentle like flower petals drifting on a calm lake in early spring, hand-painted by the finest of brushes with a meticulous shade of softly vibrant purple that could not be easily sought out in the tapestry of nature.
Sorry for the sudden poetic wax XDDD
Basically, I want Hyacinthus to have pretty purple eyes as one of his signature traits. It makes him stand out from the crowd due to the "divinity" it brings to him (because of the forth headcanon)
4. Hyacinthus' mother is Clio, the Muse of History.
The second-popular parentage of Hyacinthus in the myths, but I have lots of ideas and interpretations with this mother and son relationship:
- The son of the history Muse dating the god of prophecy. Past and future intertwine!
- Their domain and attribute! We study history to learn from the past mistakes and avoid repeating them. The hyacinth flower represents forgiveness, and I like to think it includes self-forgiveness as well. So Clio being Hyacinthus' mother can symbolize accepting and learning from your mistakes to forgive yourself.
- Family angst! Clio knows every way something can go wrong and result in her son's tragic end. So throughout Hyacinthus' life, she will do her best to prevent all possible demises that can happen to him, only to still end up losing him.
- It will give Aphrodite another reason to aid Hyacinthus' resurrection. Since Aphrodite is the one cursing Clio to fall in love with a mortal man and have Hyacinthus, she might feel guilty later when Clio was grieving her son, so she decided to help the mother and son reunite as repentance.
3. Polyboea becomes a huntress of Artemis.
We actually don't have any clear indication that Polyboea became a huntress of Artemis in the myths, but hey, it's not a bad headcanon! Polyboea died a maiden, and Artemis was fond of her enough to help bring her back from death. So it wouldn't be a stretch of the goddess recruit her into the hunter pack.
I have a lot of ideas for a Polyboea-centric fic after she became a virgin huntress, just her journey in perfecting the art of archery, making friends with the other huntresses, and learning to be her own person than just "the youngest princess of Sparta".
2. Apollo and Hyacinthus raise children together.
This heacanon definitely didn't come to me after reading a certain fanfic series hehehe...
The title said all, I like to thing after Hyacinthus' deification, he and Apollo are happily "married" and raise a bunch of kids together, adopted or from another lover (and they may or may not have a child together). Those kids will have the best childhood!
1. Hyacinthus and Polyboea undergo many trials in the Underworld before being granted resurrection and immortality.
As much as I love Hyacinthus and want him to have a happy ending with his loved ones, he's a potential package for physiological and psychological torture :)
There isn't much that we know of about Hyacinthus' resurrection in the myths other than him and his sister, Polyboea, being taken to the Heavens by a parade of deities. But I don't think the Underworld will allow two of their residents to go easily, so Hades and Persephone must have given Hyacinthus and Polyboea a trial like they did to Orpheus and Eurydice, but it will be 1000x worse because love me some blood-choking angst :D
For what the Underworld trials are and how Hyacinthus and Polyboea overcome them, they are will remain for now as ideas and concepts in the making for my Hyapollo fanfic
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matan4il · 6 months
911 ep 703 first watch reactions
Ooooh, I love the Home Alone repeated nod, where this family keeps almost forgetting their youngest kid, but don't. And how it's played for humor, until they finally actually do forget him behind, right when it gets serious. Comedic build up, leading to serious tension. I love how they did this!
"Great, more water." I'm not entirely sure what these kids' problem with a cruise family vacation is, I was an immigrants' kid, we didn't have much, so I would have gone berserk with joy to get to go on one, but at least they're being funny while they're at it. XD
"Your husband is incredible." " He sure the hell is." I love Bathena. ^u^ I love that they get each other, I love it when they get to work together, but I also love it when they just get to watch and be reminded all over again of what an amazing person they fell in love with. I think that's the ultimate life partnership, not where you're necessarily in constant life threatening situations, but where you periodically get reminded of why you're with this person, that you honest to God think is so unbelievable, and you fall a tiny bit deeper in love.
"Wait, so who's missing, Bobby and Athena, or Hen?" "Yes." I feel like this is a good summary of the show's big disaster eps. XD Also, love how Chim talking to his wife means so are Buck and Eddie, sorta. It's a part of the family vibe...
Hen breaking into her own fire station to help Bobby and Athena. Trying to bullshit her way into a helicopter only to find Buck, Eddie and Chim already on it. I love this team. <3
"We're not dropping it! If I didn't do anything wrong, YOU didn't do anything wrong FIRST." This is why they're my comfort morons. lol
Nice way of wrapping things up from the previous ep, with the whole team that questioned Hen's call, risking their lives because at the end of the day, they do trust her hunch.
lol Poor Tommy. So frustrated with the family therapy hour when they're all flying into a hurricane. XD He's so valid for this.
"And bring yourself back to me." Then big kiss with literal sparks flying around them. I'm so sappy for Bathena!
This was a really good multi-ep disaster ep, the kind that make 911 so good, because it's just the right combo of suspense, comic touches, emotional moments, family love and being there for each other no matter what, vics we're invested in, and a happy ending. It's not even remotely close to believable, but it works for the same reason super hero movies work. Because sometimes we just need to let go of our disbelief, and trust in fictional characters, whose hearts are in the right place, and who end up doing the impossible.
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apt502-if · 1 year
Ooooh, could you make a poll about which elevator scene we got first? I'm personally very curious!! :DD No pressure though, of course!
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inspirationalucky · 9 days
of course, go ahead and change names/pronouns/etc as necessary to fit your muse or the situation! please do not add more lines/prompts to this post!
"It's just me, myself, and I stuck in my bedroom"
"I'm dreaming of all these monsters that I'll never get to fight!"
"I wish I could, so I could bring the world some light!"
"I'm stuck with your stories, but no clue who you are"
"If I fight those monsters, is it you I'll find?"
"I know life and fate are scary, but I wanna be legendary"
"They keep taking space, and there's not much longer we can stall."
"They're getting impatient. Dangerous, too."
"I would fight them if I was half as strong as you."
"Can I do whatever it takes to keep my mom safe?"
"It's been twenty years, and we still have no king."
"Give me a chance, a single opportunity, and I'll overcome these obstacles and scrutiny"
"Don't you dare call my mother a tramp!"
"I just did. Whatchu gonna do about it, champ?"
"If I fight this monster, is it you I'll find?"
Little Wolf
"Wanna entertain me?"
"Let's see how you take this."
"Wanna be a man? Then fight."
"You've made your worst mistake here. Might be your last one, too"
"You'll have run out of bones to break when you and I are through"
"I'll teach you all the lessons your daddy never could"
"This cruel world doesn't give out presents just for being good"
"Run away before you die"
"Is your plan to stand around? ‘Cause I suggest you fight back"
"Uppercut him. Now."
"Woah. How did I do that?”
"Is time now moving slow?"
"Woah, this is so sick!"
"Alright, now. Let’s try this again"
"I've no respect for bullies, those who impose their will"
"I've seen plenty enough to truly understand this kind of filth"
"Let's teach this dog a lesson in front of all his kind"
"One young wolf has a larger heart than all these men combined"
"Show them that you've got some bite"
"Take advantage now and strike."
"Don't go down without a fight!"
"Ooooh, maybe I pushed a bit too hard..."
"Go back and cry in your corner. Make sure your mother hears."
"Tell me, [ Athena ], why you came to my aid?"
We'll Be Fine
"I had a friend before and he was a lot like you"
"I helped him fight through war"
"He had his demons too"
"Then we grew apart, then his light went dark"
"Maybe if I'd made a different call, maybe he'd be fine"
"Maybe if I hadn't missed it all, maybe he'd be fine"
"Maybe if I helped another soul, I could sleep at night"
"I don't know who your friend is. I don't know what he's like."
"My time with you has been splendid. The best day of my life!"
"I got in a fight and I didn't die! I've never felt strong before!"
"You're my friend, I couldn't ask for more"
"Maybe it's time that you lend a hand. I don't think he'll mind"
"Maybe to fall is to learn one way"
"Maybe it's all gonna turn out great"
"I know we'll be fine"
"I know it's light you'll find."
"You're a good kid"
Love in Paradise
"Old friend, it's been ten years since I last saw you."
"Let's see where you've been."
"[ Odysseus ], where did you go?"
"Morning sleepyhead, you've been resting for a while"
"I swore that you were dead when you washed up on my isle"
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
"Anyways, I've got all you could want here & all you could need here."
"Hello no, I could kill you where you stand!"
"I'm no pet! I'm a married man!"
"You may try, but last I checked, goddesses can't die"
"You're adorable! Bow down, now, to the immortal [ Calypso ]"
"But fear not, I bring no pain"
"We've got all we could want here"
"Under my spell, we're stuck in paradise"
"No one can come or go, my island stays unknown"
"No, no! I don't belong here, there's something wrong here!"
"I won't be drawn to love in paradise!"
"Seven years she's kept you trapped out of your control... time can take a heavy toll."
"You don't know what I've gone through! You don't know what I've sacrificed"
"Every comrade I long knew, every friend... I saw them die, and all I hear are screams"
"It will be fine, dear. Come back inside"
"I know your life's been hard, I'll stay inside your heart"
"Life would be so much worse if you had died"
"Please, stay away from harm. Stay in my open arms"
"He needs my help."
God Games
"Father, rarely do I ask for favors..."
"Divine intervention? Is that what you seek?"
"You are playing with thunder for a man full of shame"
"But if he's worth the risk of going under, why not make it a game?"
"Convince each of them that he ought to be released, and I'll release him"
"You all know I'm a fan of catchy songs!"
“I think [ Ody’s ] in the wrong!”
"They were trying to do him worse, all he did was reimburse them!"
"Now they'll treat with caution first, to live another day and sing another verse"
"Trust is not given, it's forged."
"Why should I give him my support?"
"He sacrificed his own cohort"
"Did you forget they failed to listen?"
"He was betrayed and then imprisoned."
"If you make the right decision he can still build a future with those who miss him"
"Your little high and mighty [ Odysseus ] claims to love his mother, but let her die of a broken heart"
"Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot"
"Wait! Please, reconsider this"
"Really, [ Athena ]? These old tricks?"
"What kind of sick coward holds back his power while his friends get devoured?"
“He didn’t even try to kill her!”
"Hold your tongue now, his son's my friend!"
"Tell your lover that a broken heart can mend"
"You want more bloodshed? Then set him free"
"To get back to his homestead he'll make everybody bleed"
"So many heroes, so many tales! Give me one good reason why yours should prevail."
"He's got the mind of a genius"
“He’s pretty skilled with words”
“You can do better than that!”
"He's kinda funny!"
"Never once has he cheated on his wife"
"I've played your game and won. Release him."
"You dare to defy me? To make me feel shame?"
"No one beats me. No one wins my game!"
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Which Greek mythology character would you like to see talked about more?
OHoho. you all already know this.
It's Penelope.
And I am being so fucking serious about it. I'm also sleepy and angry and mother nature is stabbing my gut so I'm putting a lot of my emotions into this ask.
BUT her fangirling, angry, bitchy rant of mine, I will save for the end. (and I'll explain it more down there) Not gonna lie, I will probably be mean. Don't take it too personally. (Some folks I know genuinely love her and have stuff for her. Y'all are fine :D )
I have many other characters I wish would be seen more, but hers rant is ooooh. it's been boiling angrily for a long time and this is the perfect ask to let loose.
Take note: This is more about characters who I feel are either underrated and/or not really given love. It's a whole other can of worms about characters who ARE given a lot of attention but are either fandomized to the point of being unrecognizable or people just...really see them wrong.
A young princess who helped out Theseus to end the cycle of violence against the youth of Athens. Despite the fact that she was going against her family by helping Theseus she did. When he left her, for whatever reason, she was rescued by Dionysus. In which these two have a loving and healthy marriage. There is so much potential here and it makes me sad that she gets butchered and/or just ignored.
She was locked up by her father because of a prophecy that happened anyway. She is now pregnant with Zeus' child. She is then locked into a chest in which she is sent floating in the sea. She washes up on Seriphos. Her son is sent on an impossible quest in order to keep her from a forced marriage. Her story is inspiring and ugh sdkf j badass mama! ;~;
Got that right here :)
Fucking love this lil hotheaded cheerleader man. Go boy, go! He got yeeted by Athena from the chariot. Diomedes and him tell each other that they love each other. Tells off Agamemnon for mocking Diomedes' and his dad. He was a child soldier alongside Diomedes. I love this weird lil guy.
It makes me sad how people only see him as the "cuck" of Aphrodite and Ares. (no hate to them. do not hate either of them) He's badass in his own right! He does that bigass fire in the Iliad! And one of my favorite scenes in that epic, is him welcoming Thetis! I think he's neat :D
Ganymede isn't the only cupbearer on Olympus you know.
I love me a goofy wifeman...But if that's all you see him as, I'm sad. What about the sealy man? (aka him wrestling a god for a while and making him tell him answers) The exiled prince? The younger brother? The angry charioteer who yelled at Antilochus? The man who interfered with his brother's letter to his wife to warn to not bring their daughter? Being the sweet uncle figure for Telemachus? (he and Penelope get a lot of the same treatment in a way. with the whole "just the spouse" ;~; )
I think she's pretty popular, but shout out to her anyway :D Because I love her story a lot.
And last but absolutely not least,
Heads up once more, but I'm going to be so fucking mean right now. I'm very tired and runnin on 4 hours of sleep and my tummy hurts. This is all over the place and I'm sad.
I think some of you treat the fact that Odysseus is (rightfully) obsessed with her and adores her as if that's HER personality trait... as while it's adorable to see him simping over her as he does, she's not just there for him (and me) to simp for. In the same vein, I think some of y'all only see her for her love of Odysseus and nothing more. Some folks don't see her as anything more than what she is for Odysseus.
And yet, there is so much stuff with him about the other people in his life. The other Achaeans, Polites and Eurylochus, Athena, etc. You know Penelope has people in her life other than her husband and her son, right?
Even stuff that's just her, it's usually her weaving the shroud...That still ties back to Odysseus. If you wanna have her weave, maybe have her weave something happily. Maybe her chatting with Anticlea or Athena while she does! Or Helen! or her sister!
There's the saying of "the characters respect women but the author does not" and I'm noticing that a LOT in this fandom. I don't think it's intentional, but it's very telling with what people prioritize in their creations how they feel. (and no, I'm not talking about Homer. He wrote incredible women.)
I'm not saying you're not allowed to have favorites. But even if Odysseus IS your favorite, if you have Penelope so one note or with such weak characterization while having so much for Odysseus, FOR THE MEN WHO HE IS NEAR... It's just really telling.
I've even seen some shit with "Well, there's not much to do with her." as if y'all don't make OCs with less. I've seen people give Astyanax, an AU baby, more characterization than her. (Have him alive in your AUs but if you give him more character than Peenlope, I am side-eying you so hard.)
It genuinely pisses me off how overlooked she is. I hate how her tags are basically empty (honestly? I might start tagging my silliness for her correctly because it has so lil.)
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Hey, why do followers of the other tags show up but not for #penelope of ithaca? It's clearly because she has SO many followers/fans that she broke tumblr! Especially with the fact that you can scroll all the way to the bottom pretty quickly! /sarcasm
(btw, before you say something, I know there's no consistent tag for Penelope. I follow many of them. #penelope odyssey is kind of the best bet I believe. #penelope of sparta is mostly about that new show that's coming out and hyping about it. still not about HER. #penelope mostly has some bridgerton character. so yeah. Not much on tumblr)
(shoutout to the artists who got their art on front of the tag! That's exciting! I'm being a mean bitch right now but that's fun and exciting!)
I hate how people see her as so one-note. I hate how she's often just "Odysseus' wife". MOST CONTENT OF HER IS HIM SIMPING OVER HER. (that's something I'm guilty of too! I plan to fix that soon. I have so many wips and so lil time and too high of personal standards because since she has so little content of her, I WILL make it good. I'll TRY to make it good.)
Feelings about how fandom sees her are also summed up by this and this.
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...Do you see my problem? Just one of my problems?
So many people genuinely read the Odyssey and just see her as the "crying wife". People diminish her character and her intelligence all the fucking time. You wanna know something I've noticed? PEOPLE ONLY TALK ABOUT HER INTELLIGENCE WHEN ODYSSEUS IS THERE. Like with how she tricks him and how she tricks the suitors. Nobody talks about the moment when Athena appears as her sister in her dream and she is immediately like "hey, if you're some god, is my husband still alive?" she clocks her as Athena RIGHT AWAY.
People constantly forget her violent thoughts against the suitors! Or when she sasses Telemachus and Euryclea. When she scolds and threatens the maids. (she's not always nice y'all!) Do you really think Odysseus would be obsessed with someone who isn't on his level?
We all know that he loves her. BUT WHY?! "Because she's smart like him." Yeah, we know. WHAT ELSE?
They are Likeminded! Thinking and acting alike! You know how fun that is?!
Homer, you absolute mad lad genius. You made her a mystery to the narrator, Odysseus, and for some reason, people see that as her just being a straight up mystery. You wrote her so wonderfully and so complex with how she is so sneaky in her own way that people are literally tricked by her as readers as well!
Or sadly, more likely, people fucking blackout when she's in the scene and there's no Odysseus. 🙄
Look, even if you have Penelope be the "braincell" who keeps her husband in line, MAKE SURE SHE'S NOT ACTING LIKE ODYSSEUS' FUCKING MOM. They're both grown ass adults for fuck's sake!
Also...please...PLEASE have her be more than a prop for the men around her. I've read some things that could literally have her be replaced by Euryclea, as Penelope is sometimes just used as a sounding board.
I'll be even more bitchier. Even in the OT3 she's commonly in. It wasn't a NOTP until I noticed most creations of that ship was just "Odysseus and this person for 6000+ words... Oh, and Penelope making an appearance in the footnotes." If it's an OT3, they all love each other right? Where's the PenDio fics/art, cowards?
I have a weird theory about how people treat her that way. (other than fandom prioritizing men)
So there's "girlbossing" and "uwu sad victim" that fandom can never seem to leave. I think People do this with Helen and Clytemnestra and that's why THEY are "blorbo-able". (not saying they shouldn't be but they definitely get more love than Penelope)
Helen, despite not always being a victim in her story, has been through so much. Kidnapped and some people blame her for it (irl and some people in canon do blame the war on her). Very easy to cling to. I cling to her too! (she's on the "UwU always victim. tragic blorbo" end)
Clytemnestra, is a victim in the sense that she's a grieving and angry mother and wife. And so she killed Agamemnon. Her violence and anger is seen as "girlboss" despite all the horrible stuff she also did to her children. (she's more on the "girlboss" end)
Penelope, is not a victim to the same degree as Helen nor does she murder anyone (how could she? it was 108 people against her and the Odyssey shows that the suitors' parents were enraged. Even Odysseus was skeptical he could beat them.)
She's not on either end of the "scales" for people to find her "blorbo-able". She doesn't murder her husband or the suitors by herself or is a victim to them in the same way Helen is.
And that's just for people who know her husband didn't cheat. I think with people who think Odysseus did cheat, they hate her because "she let it slide". That she's "weakwilled" for knowing her husband went through literal hell and wanting him to be happy and safe.
Idk, It's a little lonely being one of the few "Penelope crazy" blogs.
I sometimes wonder if people kind of come to my blog in a "Hey, can you love her for me? Can you think about her for us?" as I have seen very little on her childhood for example. It's STILL mostly in relation to others.
It's not even the "sharing ideas" that bugs me. it's the feeling of people not wanting to come up with headcanons/ideas for her OUTSIDE of canon.
"She was in Helen's shadow." Okay, well, how did she feel about it? What did she do about it? Did she hide away? Did she internalize that? Did she find that freeing? To not be the center of attention?
Stuff like that. Dive DEEPER. PLEASE
It makes me happy that people love my Penelope as I love her too, clearly. But I really fucking hope you love the CANON Penelope too. If you think I made Penelope "better" or anything like that, then leave. She's already fantastic on her own.
I want to talk about her more. I want her to be seen more.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 5 months
What traditions do you think the Buckley Diaz family have
ooooh this is a really fun question bc it means i get to think of headcanons 🤭🤭🤭
i think they would do the opening one gift the night before Christmas… always something small and more meaningful and save the more “fun” gifts for day of…
i think buck goes with them to visit shannon’s grave, but he also allows eddie and chris both time alone with her while he waits for them
i think that buck cooks most of the time, but eddie and chris would always make him breakfast in bed on his birthday
i’ve always had the headcanon that when chris was old enough to drive, buck would pay to have the necessary modifications needed on the jeep to give it to chris… (i don’t know much about limitations in driving for people with CP but I have seen people discussing whether or not Chris could drive and i think consensus is that with certain vehicle modifications he can so im sticking w this headcanon bc i think it’s sweet)
i think that they spend christmas with the 118 family (chim, maddie, bobby, athena) but spend thanksgiving with eddie’s family (not ramon or helena, but pepa would fly isabel out to LA and they would have Carla over as well)
i think that buck and chris return to the pier on the anniversary of the tsunami each year to sit and talk about their emotions regarding the day- like buck w shannon’s grave, sometimes eddie will join, but he always makes sure to give the two of them space
i feel like after a few years, for closure, buck would want to visit daniel’s grave back in pennsylvania, and eventually he and eddie make it a tradition to go back for daniel’s birthday each year
thank you for the ask, anon 💕💕
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