#oof this did get long
lovvecherrymotion · 6 months
Asks, you said? Lets go!
1. How do you imagine their wedding? Small and intimate or a bit bigger (approx. 100 guests)?
2. Show me the aesthetic of their wedding! Colors, their suits, wedding rings
3. Who’s gonna be their groomsmen?
4. Who from ESC 23 will be invited and who will eventually arrive?
5. How would JOcrew help with their wedding?
6. Any funny accident?
7. Where would they go on honeymoon?
(finally replying omg)
1. they aren't on the same page at first, but settle for a smaller wedding and a nicer venue. honestly, nace would do anything for jan, so if he'd rather have a small wedding, he'll be more than willing to compromise. jan does end up going with the venue nace liked the most 💜
2. i'll be putting the wedding moodboard under the cut because this will probably get long 😅
3. officially, jan's brother and kris are the wedding witnesses, but all of joker out are their groomsmen, because they could never pick between all of them.
4. surprising everyone - jere makes it! he knows where slovenia is! häärijä is also invited ofc and comes along. other guests from the 2023 class: teya and salena, gustaph (because of you is a jance song after all 🤭 and he gifts them a lovely live performance during their reception), alika, wild youth, mia, alessandra, luke, blanca paloma & mae - and they all make it!
5. the jo crew does NOT work during their wedding day. they want their friends to enjoy themselves and that includes not helping during the wedding. they do take mark and vita's suggestions of wedding photographers tho
6. it's a special day so of course not everything goes smoothly. jan is very late because he had to go back to get his shoes and at some point he's wearing bojan's socks and kris' tie because he can't keep going back home to get everything. nace is mildly annoyed because the flowers are not the ones they ordered but jan says he likes them better so he gets over it pretty quickly. the biggest accident is bojan crying after drinking way too much and just holding them and telling both of them how much he loves them - it's loud and everyone laughs but both jan and nace feel very loved.
7. tokyo, japan! i think jan would be okay with going anywhere but he knows how much nace wants to go there, so he's the one to make the suggestion - and when nace's eyes light up, he knows he's made the right choice. he buys nace all the gengar merch he can find 🥺
here's the jance wedding moodboard i made months ago. i'm claiming jan as a fellow space nerd so it's a little space themed (couldn't find a puppy that looked like ollie but... i had to include the pets ofc)
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dailypokemoncrochet · 8 months
Okay so we're at 623/1025 Pokemon done right now that's 60.78%, and did you know that each 1 (one) new unique crochet brings us .09% (NOT EVEN A /TENTH/ OF A PERCENT) closer to 100%. That's 402 more Pokemon to go (currently) (not including ones that have different variants/forms). That's so many. Whoa. Wow.
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crazymecjc · 1 year
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birthday kiss 💕
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lillotte17 · 17 days
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 months
Me: wow I’m looking forward to getting back to the main timeline and getting answers to some questions, including but not limited to whether Indeera recovers and her reunion with Bell, something that is explicitly discussed as something he hopes for and looks forward to in Fallen Star…
Phase III: who?
Like did I get that that wrong? Did I read Fallen Star that wrong? I don’t get it, I feel like I’m going a little crazy with this someone tell me I’m not insane
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Like I am not insane right? I did hallucinate this? You are all reading the same thing in the highlights? Did something happen between writing phase I and phase III? I vaguely know the comics sort of answers the recovery question but like what happened with the book authors? Why is the only mention of her name drops as if they’re strangers? This is a genuine question I am really puzzled (and kind of disappointed)
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ellameloetta · 11 months
Why don't you like Kaito?
*rubs hands together* ok LETS DISSECT! buckle up kids this is gonna be a long one-
i just generally think he’s a kind of unpleasant and kind of annoying character. usually i really like optimistic characters (see kaede🥰) but for kaito in many instances his optimism gets to the point where it’s problematic or overbearing and it makes me grit my teeth.
the two cases that stand out to me in particular are his treatment of shuichi in the fourth class trial and his general treatment of ryoma (ESPECIALLY the latter). him getting mad at shuichi in the fourth class trial for being willing to look through the evidence of gonta being the culprit just makes him come off as a massive hypocrite. you’ve been encouraging shuichi this whole time to always look for the truth, but NOW you’re suddenly not ok with it? girl bye
now i completely get not wanting to believe gonta’s the culprit. it’s clear that no one is happy about that, even shuichi. but if they don’t find the right culprit, they will all DIE. kaito and shuichi both know this, but seemingly shuichi’s the only one who understands it.
but you know what? that’s small potatoes ultimately to how he treats ryoma. (i’d like to highlight @gozo-ban for a sec here because she was the one who brought this to light for me with her posts.)
playing through/watching the game it’s clear that ryoma suffers from suicidal depression due to everything he’s gone through (losing his entire family and lover to the mafia, then being thrown in prison after daring to fight back) and how does kaito respond to ryoma’s depression? by calling him a “moron” and an “idiot”. even after his death.
regardless of whether you like kaito or not this aspect of his character is a genuinely problematic one. he’s talking down for ryoma for the “crime” (i say crime very loosely here) of being depressed and suicidal and no?? just no?? you don’t speak to anyone with mental illness that way. you just don’t. but i guess a lot of ppl don’t see it because ryoma’s one of the more underrated and overlooked characters in the game smh
and don’t even get me started on the sexist remarks he tends to make particularly in the japanese version ughhhh(and yes i’m aware tenko has this problem too but at least she’s enjoyable. to me at least)or how he punched shuichi near the end of chapter 1 for…grieving? idk that’s how i saw it
tldr: kaito is annoying character to me and some aspects of his character are legitimately problematic and should be addressed more
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huskymaine · 2 years
10 Foreshadowing of Kakashi (and Obito)’s story on Wave arc
Inspired by @professor-of-naruto ‘s tags on this post that I agreed so much and prompted me to make this rare Kishimoto appreciation post. I may have some beef with Kishimoto’s writing choice, but there is a reason why Naruto series is so well-liked. Kakashi is one of character who is very satisfying to rewatch because his whole story is unveiled little by little with some hints on the prior, and Kishimoto delivered it (quite) perfectly.
As Kakashi fan, reading Wave arc after knowing all Kakashi’s past story, feel so different and I noticed many details that would get callback on future chapters. I compiled 10 of them, but probably there are other hints that I miss, feel free to correct me anytime.
1. Heroes’ tale start with a bridge
Probably the most obvious similarities on this list, but still very noteworthy. Wave arc is practically the mission that started Naruto’s journey as hero. In the mission to protect the construction of a bridge, Naruto learned to empathized with Inari, learned about Haku’s philosophy and the reality of shinobi, to then he used his ultimate technique of “Talk-no-Jutsu” for the very first time, a.k.a Naruto’s ability to touch people’s hearts by his words and determined actions, that made him the Savior.
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While in the past, on a destruction of a bridge, unfolds a tale that shaped Kakashi’s journey as the formidable hero we all know and admire. Just like Naruto learned many things from Wave arc, Kakashi also got many things from Kakashi Gaiden arc, like his Sharingan, the first time he safely used Chidori, along with his prime philosophy “those who abandon one of their friend are worse than scum”. And in narrative standpoint, both arc and last monologue are treated as “the start of hero’s journey”.
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I personally like how Kishimoto drew hopeful atmosphere of Naruto with the finished bridge, 
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in contrast with bittersweet feeling of Kakashi panel along with the destroyed bridge.
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2. “Please understand him. He has his own side of the story”
There are many things that I feel disconnected with Naruto fandom regarding Kakashi’s character interpretation, but perhaps one of the most memorable whip-slash for me is how most Naruto fandom portray Kakashi as this rigid sadistic military teacher. For example, this video summarized fandom’s collective agreement that Minato is the soft nurturing teacher while Kakashi beats his students left and right during training. I was like, yeah Kakashi has his stern moment, but it was started and ended on Bell test. After that, he’s actually a very gentle teacher just like Minato, if not more. And we’ve shown this even since the early Wave arc, when his student Naruto scolded Inari harshly and Kakashi tried to explained Naruto’s circumstances to Inari. 
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Just like Minato explained the circumstances of Kakashi that made him utter such harsh words to Obito (the difference is in Wave arc Kakashi is the one who took the initiative).
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And then both of these gentle senseis tried to instill that, despite those harsh words, Kakashi and Naruto actually care for Obito and Inari in their own way.
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(seeing those two panel next to each other made my heart flutters, like boy you really grew up beautifully from a bitter boy to a gentle man)
3. Rule-breaker dads, their tragic death, and their changed sons
@panharmonium​ already made an outstanding meta about this (must read!), that Kaiza’s tale is eerily so similar with Sakumo’s tragic story, both violent and quite frankly dishonorable death in front of their sons as the result of “disrupted the order of the land”.
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And just like Inari ripped his dad’s photo from the family picture, Kakashi also never spoke about his father ever since his suicide. After those tragic deaths, memories of their dads must be so painful for both little Kakashi and Inari.
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It was not shown but very likely on that panel above little Kakashi had the exact same face as Inari when he watched Kaiza’s death.
4. “Hero is real, and does exist!”
Our MC Naruto, after hearing Kaiza’s story, felt motivated to train more and be a hero like Kaiza, similar with how Obito validated Sakumo’s heroic action to Kakashi after hearing Sakumo’s story.
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It’s up to interpretation, but I think Kakashi rose up a little from his chair when Naruto made his declaration. Considering how much Kakashi noted how similar Naruto with kid Obito on War arc, I wonder if he saw Naruto’s back and reminded him of Obito’s back on this scene
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5. Familiar Kyuubi chakra
On Naruto’s first Kyuubi awakening, non-Konoha shinobi like Zabuza and Haku were understandably had no clue about the nature of chakra that they felt. They just sensed that it was appalling and dangerous.
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But Kakashi immediately recognized the power, noting how foul and evil it is, how it’s familiar to him, with a little bit denial because it’s Kakashi we are talking about here.
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(sometimes I admire Kakashi’s “innocence”. After everything that happen to him, he still had in him to be surprised when the universe decided to throw some shits on him. Bijuu break-out on your first combative mission? Yeah after your friend turned into Bijuu bomb things like that might as well happen in your life, Kakashi)
400+ chapters later, we’ve shown why the chakra felt familiar to him, because Kakashi is one of people who sensed Kurama’s chakra even before the Kyuubi incident, the incident that took his Sensei’s life.
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6. Break the mask
Honestly my personal favorite parallel because how neat and detailed Kishimoto made them to the point that I squealed hard when I put these side by side. This one is actually more about premonition of what would happen in later story than parallel from revealed backstory, but the scene when Naruto Kyuubi-punched Haku to break his mask,
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has the exact same proposition with the scene of Tobito rasengan unmasking that happen like 583 chapters later, down to the angle, body gesture, even line separation between each panel. 
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After noticing this, I am like 99% sure that Kishimoto already planned Tobito plot-twist (and the major line of Kakashi’s past team story) on Wave arc.
7. “Who are you?”
Speaking about unmasking, there’s a nice little foreshadowing about Tobito plot twist on Wave arc. This cover is from the early chapter 16, the cover that mark the first Obito appearance on Naruto series. Obito who is one of 2 main Big Bad in War arc that happen like 600+ chapter later (I don’t count Kaguya and Black Zetsu is a background party who shamelessly took credit on the last minutes), but Obito is also the inspiration of Kakashi’s philosophy of valuing comrades, that he passed down to Team 7 on Bell Test. 
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The said chapter also the first time Haku’s face were shown behind his mask. Haku, who is one of 2 main antagonist on Wave arc, but also the one who gave Naruto his philosophy to be strong for the sake of protecting his important people.
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These last two points, along with the clues that Kishimoto threw ever since the introduction of Tobi, should made it obvious that Tobito plot twist was planned since the beginning. I think people who still thought that Tobito is a retcon till this day just can’t understand how clever Kishimoto’s storytelling works. 
9. Shinobi 25th rule
The damned rule that literally no one uphold except perhaps Kakashi (which is not healthy at all my man please cry more!) got mentioned first by Sakura on Wave arc.
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And it was talked again on Kakashi Gaiden by Kakashi, obviously. While the rule was treated like off-handed trivia on Wave arc, this no-crying rule is like, big deal on Kakashi Gaiden. They even had a chapter titled “Crybaby” to emphasis this point.
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The arc also shows that this 25th shinobi rule is apparently applied to all shinobis regardless of their nationality.
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(I don’t like this rule at all please tell me someone remove it in the end)
9. Willingly jump in front of Chidori
This point is the content of the post that inspire me, so yeah I add it for good measure, hehe. But seriously, Kishimoto made a very nice (not for Kakashi) parallel between the shocking way (pun not intended) of Haku’s death by throwing himself in front of Kakashi’s chidori,
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It’s so similar with the scene of Rin’s death, along with their last word being the name of someone they loved (platonically or romantically) and willing to die for.
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There’s also notable change of Kakashi’s attitude on the battle after Haku’s death, from being not really invested to the fight apart from his job and protecting his students,
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to take the fight personally and quite possessively, along with gentle treatment toward the deceased Haku.
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Haku’s death by his Chidori possibly reminded Kakashi of the devastation that he felt when Rin committed suicide on his hand. Both scenes also has panels focused on Kakashi’s bloodied hand after he did the deed unwillingly.
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10.”Do you really mean that?”
After Haku’s corpse got kicked by Gato, Zabuza who was still deep in shinobi mentality nonchalantly acted as if he valued Haku only for the service that the boy could provide to him.
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Just like Kakashi in Kakashi Gaiden diminished Rin’s earnest help as “her job”.
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Hearing that, Naruto and Obito understandably pissed off and yelled about how both Rin and Haku cared for Kakashi and Obito with their whole hearts, beyond their role as allied shinobi.
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Facing those cold words, Naruto also tried to ensure whether Zabuza truly meant for the cruel things he said.
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And Obito did the same to Kakashi 100+ chapters later.
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This segment also got a nice callback on War arc like 500+ chapters later, but this time from Naruto to Obito.
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Yum, me love some parallel, preferably with hundreds of chapter gaps. Just like @mabledonut​ said, I want to know how Kishimoto thought on how he crafted his story with such big chapter gaps and callbacks because it’s just fantastic.
Tl ; dr = I really wanna see Wave arc from Kakashi’s point of view. Because I can totally see after Team 7 came back to Konoha, Kakashi laid down on his shuriken bed, contemplation how the hell after he finally passed a team and accepted them as his responsibility, the first combative mission that they had turned into A rank mission that push the majority of his button trauma. Then after Kakashi realized that he was stuck with them for the next years and beyond, he was like,
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(unbeknownst to him, Team 7 shenanigans is the world’s way to give him a giant therapy program)
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tallbluelady · 9 months
OoO how's about "why can't I come with you ?"
"Oh, Elpis... it's been a minute since I've been there," Minthe said wistfully. "I can't believe I used to hate going."
"You're not coming," Hades snapped. Then he sighed, remembering what Hythlodaeus had told him. He changed his tone as he continued, "Fandaniel requested a modicum of secrecy as we interview the candidate."  
"Is that why you're taking Hythlodaeus with you then?" She was sprinkling herbs evenly across the bread dough. 
"Yes, in fact. Multiple Convocation members would cause a stir. Even in your case, enough people would assume it was about another Convocation member returning to the Star."
"Meanwhile, you and Hythlodaeus could just be taking a scenic little vacation." Minthe rolled the dough in a tight spiral. "He could even show you all the pretty little picnic spots dotted across the way."
Hades paused. "Is it truly that idyllic?"
Minthe nodded. "It is. Hermes' predecessors figured that if it was going to be so far from Amaurot, it may as well be a resort of sorts."
"And what does Hermes figure?"
She hummed, wiping the flour from her hands. "I can't say I know. He's not wont to have others review his creations. Which... I can't say I like."
"Maybe he's just skilled enough in conceptual creation to not need review."
"One man's skill does not absolve him of his biases."
Hades tilted his head at that. Minthe rarely sounded as serious as she was now. "Have you met him before?"
"Once. I had managed to peak at a concept he had made on a visit to Elpis. It... Hades, it looked like it would dissipate to the faintest breeze. Poor thing wouldn't survive 20 fulms without a minder, let alone on Etheirys proper."
"People make familiars to merely comfort themselves all the time. You've created private concepts to soothe yourself. Maybe Hermes just wanted something nice to look at while he worked."
"I sincerely hope that's the case. I shudder to think of something like that encountering the wider world as unprepared as it looked."
Thanks for the prompt!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Watching episode one of Voyager is like watching the first act of a horror movie
#also I completely forgot that Tom Paris was part of the Maquis - and that he was only IN it for like a week before getting caught#Tom saw Janeway action figure posing the second she met him and was like 'fuck I'm not gonna let her be cooler than me'#(she is - effortlessly)#they want him so badly to be a playboy bad guy but he's just...HEHEHE he's SO whatever#Quark what do you MEAN 'cash or credit' ???? do humans HAVE /cash/??? HEHEHEH#Tom saw Harry Kim and IMMEDIATELY is down so bad v_v#It's fun seeing some members of the original crew ~#'see you in a few weeks' OOF...........OOOOUUGHHHHH That hurts.......OOOUGH.#The Harry - Tom - Popular Guys subplot i s sooo highschool its crazy HEHEH#Tom thinks he's like the brooding bad boy but he's the nerdy girl who gets picked on until one day the popular guy says#'hey - leave Tom alone.' and smiles at him afterwards#'the ghost of those 3 dead officers came to me in the middle of the night and taught me the true meaning of christmas'#Harry (not well versed on by now ANCIENT childrens fables): ????what????#Tom Paris: It's a long story Harry and I'm tired of telling it.#Also Tom Paris two seconds later: IT ALL STARTED FRESHMAN YEAR.#I also forgot the Maquis ship went missing first and Starfleet was searching for debris...#how long has T'Pel thought her husband might be straight up dead?? How long has he been undercover? How long since they spoke???#(thinks about people whose loved ones died in episode one...thinks about them hearing that Voyager and some of its crew DID survive but#the person they loved did not - that there was never any chance of them returning)#Janeway's hair is so BRIGHT in this episode#'Harry - wait for me!' <- Tom in one line#I also love the creepy barn party 'don't look in there~! don't look in there~!' Voyager should have leaned way more into horror for REAL#Janeway's eyes widening when she sees Tuvok ~!! <3 she thought he could be dead!!! I wonder if she talked to T'Pel about it#Tuvok: (goes missing) Janeway: Don't worry T'Pel I'll bring him back to you if it's the last thing I d- (goes missing)#Caretaker after snatching up the Maquis: Starfleet has the chance to do something hilarious#Janeway (being stabbed): aa.. ..a!h...hh.. / Harry: (being stabbed) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#Chakotay looking to Tuvok like 'do we trust her?' and Tuvok being like absoluuuuuteeeely <3 go for it <3#Tuvok's voice is different~!!! It's quieter~!! Interesting~!! I love him <3#TUVOK YOU DID /NOT/ GET /CHANGED/ BEFORE MEETING THEM ON THE ARRAY HEHEHHEE#'She wanted to know if she had time to send it...I had to tell her no.' AAAAAAAAA.....AAAA
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chloelouygo · 4 months
I bought a linkin park cd today and my mum has already stolen it for her car-
#im cackling#i said she could borrow it but i wasnt expecting her to unwrap it on the same day i bought it and take it with for her evening exercise- 😅#to be fair i currently habe one of het LP cds in my car#sharing is caring (as long as it's linkin park CDs)-#she played lp on my way to my first day at school when i was 5 and i swear down they've been with me ever since#it was Crawling that pkayed when she dropped me off for ref-#ugh i fucking LOVE linkin park#i remember going to uni and having consumed a bottle of shitty wine i proceeded to burst into tears in the muddle of a club#because tyey pkayed Numb like 4 minths after chester's passing#and i was NOT READY#all my band posters have fallen off my walls pretty mych with the passage of time#bit I'll never not have a pucture of Chester within easy view#he's spent like 7 years next to my bathroom door lmao sprry my guy#if im ever brave enough to get a tattoo my first will for sure be lp related#either that or a star in each ankle for my beloved Dougie#dougie deserves a whole separe post tbh#I'd stick amd poke them myself but I've proven time and time again that i absolutely CANNOT draw stars lmaoo#i did stars on books at Christmas amd oof i fekt called out seeing how awful theh wer#npt simething to freehand#so ima gp sit dowm-#edit: clearly i cannot spell i am so sorru#I'm laughing at how autocorrect went '😬😬😬 yeahhhh i ain't getting involved in her dyslexia-' 😅#i can't spell at the best of times much less rn-
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strangefable · 1 year
i suspect i come off as cringe, try-hard, over-the-top, or even fake, but i assure you i am absolutely this effusive and excitable and it's entirely genuine. i've accepted that i'm just a weird old lady who overthinks and rambles too much, oversharing my thoughts, and heaping praises on people. some might think it's excessive, but it's just who i am, and i always mean it with a good, pure, and honest heart
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lith-myathar · 6 months
There's this shitty thing about having trained yourself not to have needs, which is that you become so good at hiding them that even when you think you're signaling that you're upset and need help, it's so outwardly subtle that nobody really notices or they read it as a signal to leave you alone.
(Which is so wrongheaded in and of itself, like one needs to ASK for help not wait in silent agony for someone to notice you're in pain.)
and that sucks because it makes you feel like no one notices when you're upset because no one actually cares about you enough to pay attention
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aeide-thea · 1 year
poll made by a minor so i'm not linking but it was like 'why do you have short nails? list of possible justifications' and i was just immediately like. i hate your framework already. why are you framing this as 'i assume long nails are Normal so if you have short nails what's your excuse.' why do you have long nails.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
( @aquaticsoul ; modern verse ) ->
There's just something about being done with the day that's all too pleasing to him.
Classes are nice and out of the way, his shift at the café is almost over with, and he can finally look forward to a hot shower to get all the stresses of the afternoon washed down the drain.
Whoever said that college was supposed to be the best four years of his life had certainly not been serious. Moving all the way out here away from everything he's ever known to a different timezone entirely is... rough, to say the least. He can barely even talk to his sister, and that's awful enough, but to make everything harder, he chose a major that's extremely demanding of him, picked up a job to pay rent at his apartment since his prior roommate situation had not worked out, and he still has to make time for himself somehow.
But tonight starts the weekend, and for once his weekend is free for him to just relax.
The bell chimes overhead, telling him there's at least one more person to serve before he can start closing - alone, damn his coworker - but...
Well, he can't be too angry with them. A kid shuffles in with an armful of books and a worn instrument case that looks pretty familiar given its odd green coloring.
Was this kid taking lessons with his friend?
Either way, the poor guy looks discouraged, and it's absolutely freezing outside anyway.
"Coming in to hide from the cold?" he asks. "I can make you a warm drink, if you want."
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Glancing back down at the card his father had given with the address that his father had gotten through when talking with a patient at his clinic and simply urged Timaeus to take a look, at the very least it would get him out of the house for a bit.
Not exactly what he'd expected from a place that'd teach music, nor did he recall there being a cafe there in the first place but he didn't often come this far into town and the name was right so this had to be it.
Not that he saw any reason to bother, why would this turn out any different then the last four? And he'd managed this long with what little self teaching he'd done, what was so wrong with that.
Timaeus didn't even blame them, most of them had been fairly nice and patient, trying their best to explain something as basic as reading scales but it never made sense to him. Trying to memorize all those dots and lines, what went where, it never made sense and was almost as frustrating as reading and did almost as badly as when he'd had to learn Amestrian in school.
So after the last teacher turned out to be to be a to strict ass that his father quickly put an end not more then a month in he hadn't gone to any since.
That had been several years ago, back when Alec was still around, before the accident. With it taking both his brother and the sight from his right eye. After that he all but closed off to people and had barely even tried playing, sometimes it helped other times it just hurt to much.
With a sigh he adjusted the guitar case slung over his left shoulder, shifting the books the freckled, olive skinned boy pushed the door entering, a dark mess of waves and curly bangs partially covering the right side of his face.
After a small jump in surprise not having even noticed the man at first he removed an earbud looking over in the direction of the speaker, noticing now something of an accent to their voice the second time he spoke. Though couldn't place from where it might be.
He was always a bit impressed whenever he heard some able to speak another language not their own so well, he could only barely flounder through Amestrian.
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"Um..." It seemed rude to turn him down but he didn't exactly have much on him at the moment, he gave a small shrug with a 'i don't know' sound "How..how much is it?"
Timaeus glanced around wondering if this really was the right place or if they were even working that day.
"I thought this was a music place,"
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figofswords · 2 years
man doing research for my steph essay is just continuously making me mad about her treatment in the writing. girl i’m sorry chuck dixon can’t write women i’m so glad becky cloonan has you now
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
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If there's one food Khare absolutely hates, it's porridge. Back at the facility, it was the only thing test subjects were given to eat which, while nutritious enough in the short term, was bland and tasteless since it was served plain. As she mutated, Khare stopped eating since she was able to stave off hunger as well as the effects of being drugged since it was slipped into their food, allowing her to maintain enough cognitive function to lay out a solid escape plan.
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