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scholarship098 · 10 months ago
🌍 Explore the World with Scholarships! 📚
"Discover a world of opportunity with scholarships! Whether you dream of studying in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, China, Germany, Japan, Canada, Sweden, or Africa, there's a scholarship waiting for you. From fully-funded programs to opportunities for future leaders and innovators, these scholarships offer a chance to explore new cultures, pursue academic excellence, and shape your future without financial barriers. Don't miss out on the chance to turn your dreams into reality – apply for scholarships today!"APPLY NOWhttps://ln.run/kSiE4
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ed-recoverry · 2 months ago
Learning about theater is important! Learning about art is important! Learning about sociology is important! Learning about history is important! Learning about anthropology is important! Learning about philosophy important! Learning about music is important! Learning about English is important! Learning about dance is important! Learning about photography is important! Learning about art history is important! Learning about ethnic studies is important! Learning about theology is important! Learning about performing arts is important!
Usefulness does not equal high income!
All education is important!
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un-pearable · 1 year ago
ngl one of the most useful things i’ve internalized from doing art online is never tell people what to criticize. don’t preemptively apologize for things or point out where you think you fumbled, it’s just priming people to notice minor issues that might not actually matter and hit you where you’re sensitive and throw you off your game. don’t tell people your weak points. if it’s a genuine problem they’ll point it out
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cryiling · 3 months ago
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current mood
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flossthecryptid · 4 months ago
Seriously hating how much of Grian’s comment section is just “it’s been so long since the last HC episode” and “when is the next HC episode”.
I think because of how constantly popular his HC videos in particular are his viewers are less understanding about him not posting which sucks.
I get that it’s generally a joke and people aren’t serious about it, but saying that kind of thing is as bad as hate comments; repetitive, unnecessary, and discouraging.
It also just fills the comments with the same thing again and again, instead of saying something relevant and interesting to the conversation.
I don’t know if Grian actually cares, but I think this type of community should be more positive instead of down putting. He even explained that his sever tour he was planning to do ended up taking more time than he thought and that’s why this episode took a while.
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anneapocalypse · 3 months ago
I've made a longer post on this before but I'm too lazy to go find it again so I'll just say this as a reminder: there are a lot of extremely valid reasons why a queer creator might not be publicly out and why they might not consider it safe or comfortable to come out, from "it's literally illegal to be gay or trans in my country" up to and including "it's no one's fucking business." You have to learn to judge queer art and media with queer characters on its own merits without falling back on the creator's identity to decide whether it's "okay." You have to get comfortable with the idea that you don't get to know everything about a creator. You have to be okay with the fact that you might like something made by a straight or cis person because you don't get to demand a stranger's identity no matter how invested you are in their art. You need to be okay saying "I just didn't like it" about something that may very well have been made by a queer creator, and accept that their work is allowed to exist and you are allowed to just not like it without joining a harassment campaign toward that creator. But most of all, I cannot stress this enough, you need to be able to read and analyze and judge a work on its own merits without demanding personal information about the creator that you aren't entitled to. I'm sorry if you don't like that. You gotta learn to do it anyway. The only alternative is forcibly outing people and I shouldn't have to explain why that is not acceptable.
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chongoblog · 4 months ago
if it's alright, could you elaborate on how Gravity Falls helped you meet Penny?
Sure thing! Basically, after being really into Gravity Falls throughout its tenure, I found a fan project for it which was looking for voice actors. Penny and I both joined the project, and that's where we first met!
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so-many-ocs · 3 months ago
"i wish i were easy to love" NOBODY is easy to love. people are complex and multifaceted, not two-dimensional concepts made up of three or four of their most palatable traits. loving someone (really, genuinely loving them) requires conscious effort and sometimes even a conscious decision, because if love was easy it wouldn't mean anything. you are not unlovable because you feel like you are difficult to love
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direquail · 11 months ago
One of the many things I find funny and irritating is the slant of a lot of interpretations of Alecto's name (that it's about feminine rage)--on this here wlw internet in the year of our lord 2024, it's easily made to figure as rage against God, or rage against patriarchy, or religious oppression, and therefore an allusion to the idea that she's going to get her vengeance on John for betraying and oppressing her somehow, but like
John is the one who named her Alecto. He's the one who named her that. So, naming her "Alecto" is alluding to the embodiment of John's rage--their rage, since they are joined inseparably (John even explicitly says that when he first perceives her: "You wouldn't stop screaming. You were so scared. You were so goddamn mad").
He says of Alecto to Harrow, "In a very real way, you are [Alecto's] children". At a very surface level, Alecto is (depending on the text or tradition), one of the Furies--famously, in several surviving Greek tragedies, who punish Orestes for the crime of killing his mother. In fact, in Aeschylus' Oresteia, they declare that they are specifically bound to avenge matricide.
So the name "Alecto" alludes to the nature of John's mission and how he sees it.
It also implies that his divine rage, the rage that gives him power, the power that makes him divine, that he either represents or wants to represent, is feminine rage. He was chosen by Earth (which, Furies are sometimes the daughters of Gaia); he is her champion, however he's managed to fuck that up. Once the truth of that comes out, it becomes clear that all of his power comes from her.
And that's why you get statements from Tamsyn Muir like:
“[T]he God of the Locked Tomb IS a man; he IS the Father and the Teacher; it’s an inherently masc role played by someone who has an uneasy relationship himself to playing a Biblical patriarch. John falls back on hierarchies and roles because they’re familiar even when he’s struggling not to. Even he identifies himself as the God who became man and the man who became God. But the divine in the Locked Tomb is essentially feminine on multiple axes – I think Nona will illuminate that a little bit more."
So yes, he plays the role of Emperor and God and Teacher, with all of the things that implies. And I don't think it should be discounted. But he also is (and partly sees himself as) the chosen champion of a goddess, or what is for all intents & purposes for a human like him a goddess. He is her avenger, and while she sleeps, her avatar.
And I don't think we're meant to read him purely as a parasite who's taking advantage of her to gain power for himself, either. Or an oppressive, Kronos-like figure. Especially if you consider Palamedes' theory of the Grand Lysis, even if he was purely motivated by desire for power before (which I really doubt), there are parts of each in the other, now. What was clear and separate before is uncertain and interpenetrated. Is his rage his own, or hers? Is his mission of revenge his, or hers? If he wants power, is that his own selfishness, or her desire to survive?
And does it matter?
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brown-little-robin · 1 month ago
I just applied for a job, everyone clap and cheer!!!
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snipdoodle · 3 months ago
figuring out my gender and how i want to present myself when i am hit with the true understanding that im probably demiromantic and thats why i keep getting crushes on my friends and not doing anything about it bc im terrified of making it weird and now im too closeted to even want to date anyone because im not being upfront about who i am (figuring myself out to be) and also i am black presenting-as-male in the us of a
having a normal one
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knightmareaceblue · 1 year ago
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Cyberweek 2024 Day Five: Crossover
Pfft, I've been on an AvA kick recently, so I guess it's not too surprising that I chose this. On one hand, this crossover works well in theory. The stick figures are all fast, kinetic learners and really good at demonstrating their earned skills and knowledge.
On the other hand, the sheer tonal dissonance is hilarious.
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dangerdaysbigbang · 6 months ago
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Page Art and Writer Application HERE!
Merch Art Application HERE!
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lottieratworld · 1 year ago
its kind of pissing me off that more and more the internets punishment for being kind of cringe and annoying online is death threats, weird packages in the mail, making it impossible to show yourself online without being harassed by hundreds of both straight up bigots and online leftists who wanna start shit with anyone
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kevingorg · 2 months ago
any thoughts on will smith hockey potentially having/developing the delicious rpf hockey pretty boy complex? i see him with his curls growing back out and just think he’s prime for it
ohh yeah. well of course. as always i like to imagine multitudes of will smiths inside of my brain, but if i'm thinking specifically about how i'm characterizing him for my current fic, i'd say he's hyperaware of his looks and he fucking hates it. will's put all of this effort in to build up a reputation as kind of a masshole hockey boy, offering to fight q, chatting up foligno, saying he doesn't use conditioner (because presumably that would be gay?), acting a little too cool for school (i.e. for every shark except mack). and you're telling him that he just -- grew up too pretty? doesn't matter how he acts, he's always gonna have to hear it from guys on the ice because he got his mom's cheekbones? seriously?
one of the many reasons i also characterize him as fascinated by macklin's little mouth scar is like. there's physical evidence of what they do. that they're, like. hard. tough. if mack can take a puck to the face and get blood all over the ice and skate back out for the next period, that's a signifier of masculinity that will doesn't have quite yet. he hasn't been through that physical gamut, so he's still got that unblemished pretty boy face, and everyone around him knows it. that same video where he says he doesn't use conditioner (i think about this so frequently), he also gets real blase about facial injuries. gives a token 'wellll you don't want it to happen' before looking over at mack and getting into how you just kind of have to accept it, because it's part of the sport. and i think for him it would be some sort of complicated equation, like -- plays hockey + dickish + unhygienic + can take a puck to the face like a champ = masculine media image = straight media image.
my will is, above anything else, focused on how he's perceived. to the point sometimes of revealing himself because he craves control. like, that hot takes video where everyone else is just walking out onto the ice as they give their takes, but he clearly thought about it, came back, either had them redo the segment or just made them wait until after practice because he wanted to make sure the version of himself that got put out there was the right one. but in the actual video, it looks awkward and out of place -- in his quest to control his image, he reveals that quest for control, and how it sets him apart from his teammates. why does he want to be perceived a certain way so badly? is he just anxious about the spotlight? or maybe he has something to hide, and in trying to hide it he's given the game away.
it's this whole give and take he does with himself and the people around him and the wider world that would extend to his looks for sure. he's growing his hair out, yeah, but how many pictures of him have you seen recently with his curls actually dry and nice looking and NOT stuffed under a hat? i could probably count them on one hand. he does a lot of his interviews (hot takes video!!!) in his base layers -- why? to emphasize the masculinity of his body? to make sure that when people think of him, they think of how athletic he is before they ever think of how pretty he is? too bad, will, i can do both. but i see you.
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kindnessoverperfection · 7 months ago
I think a lot of discourse boils down to the idea that there's One Right Answer for everything. But the world, and individual people, are far too complex for that.
For example, a very common pattern of conflict I see is this-
"[blank] was very harmful to me, and set me back a lot." "But [blank] was what finally helped me understand and work through everything."
And instead of approaching the subject with curiosity and compassion, it becomes a fight over which is "correct".
A much more helpful conversation is, "How can we provide fuller information to help people figure out what's best for them?"
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