#once when i was 10 my dad walked in on me watching the episode where zoisite dies
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samdeancrimespree · 11 months ago
it’s time to overanalyze the impala destruction scene <3 with actual screencaps this time. my analysis of the shot will be Above the screencap. hopefully that makes sense
so sam tries once again to talk to dean about dad. dean yells at him again for suddenly wanting to do what dad would’ve wanted and sam opens up to him about feeling guilty. then sam says he’s dealing with dads death, but dean isn’t. dean doesn’t say anything, just looks at him like This.
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we don’t know yet, what john said to dean before he died. but it’s hanging over dean. i think sam’s reaction to dad’s death makes dean want to keep johns words a secret even more. if he tells sam that’s what dad wanted, sam might go along with it.
every time someone brings up john, dean hears his words again, and he feels even worse. he can’t deal with dads death because that means acknowledging what he said, and it’s just too much. he already lost dad, he can’t lose sam too.
sam says “i’ll leave you alone.” and walks away. we only hear a few steps, but that might just be for clarity. who knows. or he just. took a few steps then stopped.
either way, dean turns around and calmly picks up a crowbar. he smashes the window of a random car. takes a few breaths.
as he turns around, he looks up from the ground. looks at something in front of him. it seems for a second like he’s going to stop.
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then he looks down at the impala. he glances back up, just for a second. right where sam was standing before. it looks like he’s making sure sam is watching him. you want me to deal with it? fine.
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“next time someone asks me if i’m okay, i’m gonna start throwing punches.”
so he goes crazy on the impala. we all know that part.
he destroys the car right after he fixes it. specifically the trunk of the car, where they keep their hunting arsenal. maybe that was just the closest part, or maybe he’s had enough of his family dying because of hunting. he didn’t want to find the demon if it meant sam would die, but now sam might die anyway. no matter what he does, the car/his family will be destroyed. he can’t fix it, and it’s futile to even try. all his work, all the time and love he put into sam might have been worthless.
when he finally stops, he looks wrecked. this is the most emotion he’s allowed himself since dad died.
this is the last shot of the episode. him staring for a good 10 seconds, still on that same eyeline. he seems like he’s looking at something.
he lets himself look sad for a second, but he doesn’t turn away like he normally would. he wants sam to see. this was all for him. it’s like… there. i’m upset. was that enough? can you stop asking now?
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then his expression hardens, shutting down and covering his emotions again. it’s like he’s warning sam. dean can’t be sad, only angry. only destructive. this time, it’s the car. next time, it might be sam. the two things he’s supposed to look after, both ruined. and dad isn’t here to fix it. dean has to figure it out on his own.
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it looks like he’s asking sam to just leave it alone. don’t ask me about this. i can’t talk about it. and for now, sam believes it’s just about dad dying.
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and then the episode ends. i genuinely cannot tell if im supposed to think sam is there or not. but like its the same eyeline!!! and the shot is pushed in and to the right!! sam could be standing in the same spot for all we know !! also what else would he be having a silent convo with in bobby’s junkyard? the dog? his own reflection? the only thing that makes sense to me is that sam is there. that he’s doing this For sam. maybe this is something everyone noticed but me until rn but. im going insane
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simslegacy5083 · 5 months ago
Today's (10/11/2024) Episode: Celebrating With Friends
Skye had mastered his disappointment, but teleporting made him feel awful again. The warm humidity of Ohan’Ali island was worlds away from the dry cold air he had blamed this feeling on before, but once more Skye felt like he couldn’t catch his breath.
Noemi noticed his gasping this time and pulled her family aside, “Skye, what happened back there sweetheart?”
Luigi jumped in to answer for him “Hmm, breathing trouble right after a teleport again. It happened this afternoon at the exhibition center; we thought it was just the cold air. He was fine as soon as we got inside. How are you feeling now Skye?”
“My chest still hurts a little but it's getting better.” Skye assured them. “Can I go find Elyse and Bruce now?” His parents nodded, watching as he ran off before sharing a worried look. Whatever was going on with their boy was definitely something they wanted to get checked out.
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The couple sat their worries temporarily aside, joining their friends around the bonfire that had been erected in the center of the pavilion.
“Everything OK?” Isra asked as the Lawbourne's joined their friends in dancing to some tunes. At Noemi’s explanation she frowned “Huh, that’s a new one to me. Well good luck; hopefully its nothing serious.”
“Thanks” Noemi replied, turning the conversation to Isra’s family and how they’d spent their Winterfest holiday.
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A few yards away Skye had joined Elyse and Bruce in building some sandcastles, even though he didn’t like how sand was rough and irritating and got everywhere. A chance to be accepted by the older kids now that he had aged up himself was worth any discomfort to him.
“Ugh, its so HOT” Elyse complained, dumping another pail of sand onto her sculpture in the making. “At least it will be shady at school tomorrow.”
The warm breeze felt good to him after his cold holiday, but he just nodded along and asked: “Would it be OK to sit with you guys at lunch?“
“That will cost you 5 simoleons!” Bruce fired back instantly, “Oh” Skye replied in a small voice “I guess I could ask my dad…”
“Cut it out Bruce!” Elyse snapped. “Of course you can sit with us Skye.” He smiled gratefully, that was one less worry for his first day.
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“No can do” Bruce said when Skye asked to take their pictures a few minutes later. “Can’t risk it. Your thumb will probably be covering half my face.”
Elyse sighed “Ignore him, he’s just embarrassed by his subpar art skills. You can take my picture with that pretty blue camera!”
Skye happily snapped a couple images of his friend. “Come look! Can I put one of these on my sinstagram?” Elyse shuddered, reaching out and deleting the image on the screen before Skye could stop her. “No! I’m all sweaty and the lighting out here is terrible. You can’t put that online!”
Skye stared after her sadly as she walked away to where Bruce was celebrating the “awesomeness” of his shark. He thought he’d taken a good picture, but it seemed he’d been wrong. He didn’t know that Elyse had aged up with the same Gloomy trait as him. No picture would have been good enough.
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So, what did you think of your first day as a “big kid”? Noemi asked her baby as she got him tucked into bed that night.
Skye’s expression was halfway between a smile and a frown as he answered “It was fun, but is it OK if I’m kind of glad its over? I love my camera, and seeing everyone was nice, but Elyse hated her picture, and Father Winter was so MEAN!”
“Well, every day has its ups and downs. I’m sorry Father Winter wasn’t very nice. As for Elyse, I’m sure she didn’t hate the picture, but some people are very sensitive about being in photos. Try not to take it personally. Now get some rest, you have a big day ahead of you at school tomorrow!”
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Finding Luigi in the study Noemi settled beside him. “You ready to get to work on our game?” he asked her.
“As long as you’re feeling up to it” she replied.
“I did literally 0 computing today, I’m good.” he waved his mousing hand around for emphasis. “It was a nice day, wasn’t it? Skye loved his gift, and I had a great time seeing everyone. If only Father Winter hadn’t been a complete Plumhole to our boy…”
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“That’s what Skye said” Noemi agreed, her chuckle quickly turning into a frown. “I’m worried about him. His breathing issue, of course, but also his attitude. What happened at Denton’s was unfortunate, but all day it seemed like it didn’t take much to bring him down.”
“I noticed that too.” Luigi agreed, “I think we just keep an eye on his emotional state for now, but how about I get a doctors appointment scheduled for the other while you get started working on that multiplayer routing problem? I’ll give you a hand as soon as I’m finished.”
“Sounds good” she smiled, turning back to her new computer. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”
“Yes…” Luigi grinned “But I never get tired of hearing it. Love you too. Happy Winterfest”.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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travelingtwentysomething · 5 months ago
🧚 🪐 🎤
get to know me questions
🧚‍♀️ Favorite characters of all time?
I think, Eddie Munson is up there at the top now, Daryl Dixon (I guess I like the dirty boys, lil rough around the edges), (but then there's-) Peter Parker/Spiderman is top three for sure, and I have also had a massive unending crush on Riddick from Vin Diesel's Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick movies (so back to the dirty/rough boys lol).
🪐 Fave show / series of all time?
My favorite show for the last 10 years or whatever has been Stranger Things but before that it was The Walking Dead (for Daryl Dixon ofc). Before that Supernatural, but I was a purist, only the first 5 seasons really called to me🌝 Game of Thrones has a special place in my heart as well because it was the last show I watched as a family with my Dad before he passed away. And when he found out he was terminal he kept saying he just hoped he made it to the finale of Game of Thrones, and me and my grandma of all people were the ones to sit down and watch the premiere of the final episode with him a few months before he passed away.
🎤 Have you been to a concert?
My first ever concert I have a memory of was when I was six or seven, at Six Flags (theme park) where Brittany Spears opened up for N*SYNC and my mom snuck me down to the front row with her 😂 then I've seen One Direction in concert every year they returned to Dallas after their first ever time here at the Frisco Ruffriders baseball park, steadily moving their way up to the American Airlines Center Stadium lol, I've seen The 1975 at the House of Blues and then again at Southside Ballroom (small venues), and also most recently and best night of my life HARRY STYLES IN AUSTIN FOR LOVE ON TOUR FRONT ROW CENTER SEATS JUST ABOVE FLOOR TWO DAYS AFTER MY 30TH AND HE LOOKED AT ME AND CHECKED IN WITH A THUMBS UP AND MOUTHED "ARE YOU OKAY?" (embarrassingly because I was sweating, dehydrated, and looking a little sad girl because I had social anxiety kicking in a bit- but once I realized he was making eye contact with me and he wasn't going to move on til I acknowledged his thumbs up with my own confused looking around and then unsure 'I'm good' and a thumbs up back, I was in shock for a bit and then miraculously full of life again for the encore 😂)
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waitmyturtles · 2 years ago
(TW: family violence, fatphobia) (and spoilers)
Alright, as promised, thoughts on Double Savage, episodes 1 and 2!
First, cast thoughts:
Ohm Pawat: plays characters with names starting with P who have terrible fathers (although the pops in 10 Years Ticket was redeemed somewhat at the end, his historic FV towards his older son was unforgivable -- very similar to what we’re seeing here now towards Korn). 
Film Rachanun: always, ALWAYS spunky and fabulous. SHE SPARKLES.
Perth Tanapon: my first drama with him, but clearly a VERY strong actor.
These three in particular need to hold down the show and each other, because Ohm’s character, Pakorn/Korn, is the subject of abject abuse, psychological and physical, from his father, who is also the father of Perth’s character, Pawin/Win.  
You need a STRONG cast to decipher what the hell is going on with Korn and Win’s family. Korn, the older brother of the two, was born during a recession. Win was born during an economic upswing. Korn and Win’s father, a shopkeeper, blames Korn -- literally calls him a “jinx” to anyone who’s listening -- for any and all bad luck that comes to the family. Korn’s father abuses him incessantly. He kicks Korn out of the house, and Korn is shown sleeping on a bench outside the family house, often in the rain. One of his siblings will sneak him back into the house to sleep. Korn and Win’s older sister, Li, and their mother, are also shown. The mom, Li, and Win are barely able to lodge a protest to the father for his lifelong treatment of Korn. If Korn is abused, he tends to walk away, leaving his beloved mom/sister/brother in his wake. 
(Someone needs to seriously call Thailand’s version of DCFS/ACS on Korn’s dad, because WHAT. THE. FUCK.)
Before I get into Film’s character, I just want to say that I think this show is depicting interfamily trauma beautifully already (even though it’s beyond heartbreaking). The silence among the family members is deafening, and very real. I mean: Asian family patriarchy. If I were talking with a SE Asian therapist at this very moment, I wouldn’t need to go on to explain what we’re seeing. From how I watch the show from a SE Asian cultural lens: the father has had such an abusive stronghold on the ENTIRE family, that they’re all willed into silence, and are only able to show support for each other OUTSIDE of the grip and gaze of the father. I experienced this quite a bit in my childhood, and saw it in my cousins’ families where truth needed to be spoken outside of an assumed leader, and the emotional compensation that needed to take place later in our lives consumed us. 
I don’t know if this is exactly what @shortpplfedup was referring to when you said that you understood why Korn picked up the gun at the end of the episode...but to me, the lineage of this trauma leads me to understand why Korn did that. In the wake of yet another abusive episode with his father, Korn simply thought he was trying to help someone. (Poverty --> family abuse --> crime: a common pathway that is NEVER INTENTIONAL on the part of the children/offspring on the receiving end.)
So Film’s character, Rung, comes into the mix. Rung is a young woman attending Win’s school, who befriends Win and Korn. Rung asks questions about Win and Korn’s family. She calls bullshit on the superstitions surrounding Korn and his father. She states that her family doesn’t believe those stories.
I want to note that superstitions are common both by way of religion and culture across Asia. (For instance, I was advised once to not swim in the ocean during a particular time of the year, because it was a moment close to a festival regarding water spirits, and it was thought that there were ghosts in the ocean.)
We saw a tremendous amount of religious and cultural ritual in Moonlight Chicken. But superstitions, as we’re seeing here in Double Savage, affect groups/families/communities at the micro level. Parents can VERY EASILY write off children with these mechanisms. (Like I mentioned in my last DS post, I have family members that have written off their children at early ages for just about everything -- their looks, their luck, their birthdays, their supposed lack of intelligence, etc. These parents would literally call their children “fat” in front of me and apologize “for them.”) 
I see what Double Savage is doing here -- calling fucking bullshit on this practice, particularly when it’s used to judge, condemn, and abuse children. It’s common, it happens, and once more, with these amazing shows coming out of Thailand (where WERE THESE SHOWS when I was a kid), we’re seeing broad and public commentary about how negative and abusive these behaviors are.
We clearly haven’t gotten to the meat of the series yet -- the drama that will occur between Korn and Win, as Korn sinks further into a life of crime. But what I’m finding interesting right now is that between 10 Years Ticket and Double Savage — two shows starring Ohm that were directed by female directors — we’re seeing BROAD and VERY DIRECT commentary on patriarchy, and interfamily and community trauma. (This, to me, is much like how @respectthepetty​ noted that GMMTV’s Midnight Series earlier this year was constructed in part to offer critical political and social commentary.)
And at least in Double Savage, vis à vis Rung, we’re seeing VERY direct criticism of otherwise common cultural practices that ALLOW for these abusive behaviors not only to take place, but to take root and to proliferate across generations. And we’re only two episodes in! Good for you, GMMTV. [I mean -- why not throw Bad Buddy into this mix, too? Like I mentioned earlier: someone (P’Aof?) is recognizing that Ohm can really fucking handle this hardcore intergenerational material. This shit does NOT seem easy to portray, and in BBS/10YT/and now DS, he’s handling it deftly.]
Whew. Me likey. Fuck the patriarchy. Let’s see how this show continues to set up this plot.
One off-thought: the chemistry between Ohm and Perth, and Ohm/Perth/Film -- SPECTACULAR. WOW. Ohm and Perth are so clearly bros in real life. They’re clearly ad libbing a lot, and it’s a lot of fun to watch. (I wish Ohm had spent more time on camera with Off in 10YT — they could have had a similar vibe.)
Film’s character is sooooooo different from Neon in Dirty Laundry (and I can’t wait to see her in My Precious, where she’s paired again with Nanon), and she’s just so versatile and fun to watch. SWOON, I love her.
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toastess-with-the-mostess · 2 years ago
Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 6: The Right Arm of Voltron
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The episode title worries me a bit, what the hell did Lance start now
Castle looks super shiny, how many times did it flash the light in someone's eye lol now some of the Arusians have come by to live in the castle
Hunk reduced to a fat joke, as per usual unfortunately Pidge why did you have to flip to reach the button for the door, you could've just walked
Pidge once again being a cutie, his little arm flaps when he's walking through the pantry is adorable
Nothing good ever lasts, another attack on the castle, but now it's worse because people are living in it
Coran said he was activating the robot defenses so I'm sure that the people I saw manning the turrets outside the castle are supposed to be said robots but I think it's cool that the Arusians just arrived at the castle and some are already fighting for Arus again
Ah, that's why Coran said robots, because people literally die There's the princess taking over for the barely dead guy on the floor Now sporting her typical bun!
OH SHIT THEY'RE FORMING VOLTRON BEFORE FIGHTING A ROBEAST?? I mean there is no robeast yet but my point still stands
"Somehow they built a new castle, it's awesome!" I know awesome is an old word, but man is it weird to hear still
Ok so Allura does have some weird clairvoyant powers then, because Haggar mentions that she's the only other one that knows the secret to make Voltron, and it's because she talks to her dead dad
More discrepancies, Zarkon has been saying he wants Allura brought to him, but only now do we get a reason for it, and apparently he thought she was dead after they first attacked Arus
Oh god is this the episode where Haggar actually does something to stop the team? Not good
Planet Doom is apparently 10 mil light years away from Arus, interesting I do have the canon map of the universe, so I'll have to look at it again to actually see the distance
Damn it we're back at the Galaxy Garrison again, at lease the building looks cool IS THAT THE GUY WHO FUCKS OVER THE TEAM?? MOTHERFUCKER
Why does the Garrison believe that Zarkon was defeated, he has a whole kingdom at his disposal and has literally attacked multiple times before even after Voltron formed Oh ok so this was trying to show that the GG does shit even though they're absolutely useless at best and STILL can't do things for the team like giving them an early attack warning Like their frequencies are blocked because of meteor showers which is why they can't, but man was that scene unnecessary
Allura mans a food cart, more at 10
Hunk reduced to a fat joke again Also, a scene is reused where pidge and hunk try to get more Arusians to come by again
Pidge says he's seen Haggar's cat before, but I don't believe it Yeah, this is the episode I thought was playing last time
Aw cute Lance is protecting Pidge, Very much the second parent to Keith's first
Oh shit both Sven AND Lance run after the cat And now Lance is captured ONLY TO BE SAVED WITH SVEN BY A SWORD LETS GOO
Haggar pulls a hydra on Sven, no matter how many times he slices her she just doubles See you later my dude, don't worry it'll get better because you'll become a trophy husband
Man these fight scenes are weird Pidge Hunk and Allura fuck off to the castle
NO SVEN HE GOT FUCKING TAG TEAMED oh shit blood! That's not something you can easily censor
I like the symbolism from golion seeping into voltron, Sven's sword is still standing after being stuck in the ground, but after Sven begs for the hospital it drops Tears and sorrow, Keith and Lance are crying as they hold their close to death friend This makes for REALLY GOOD LANCE ANGST
Now the robeast attack is ACTUALLY happening, that must be horrifying, losing a friend and the ability to protect the planet I'M SORRY SVEN IS VOLTRONS RIGHT ARM?? BITCH I THINK YOU RIGHT LEG
I can't tell if Lance is being self-sacrificing because of his guilt for leaving Sven alone which got him mortally wounded or not He purposefully led the robeast to a lava pit, so the team would push both of them into it, but then red is immune to really high temps
Well they defeated the robeast by melting it in lava, lucky break They're still celebrating though which I think is weird after your friend has to be sent to a far off planet to get decent medical aid
Episode end! I'm excited to watch golion at the end of this entire thing, the themes just come through because of the animation, it'll probably give me more of what I want tbh
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bisexualbumblebee-writes · 2 years ago
The Insiders Chapter 17: Horse Riders- Sodapop Curtis x Charlie Ikeda
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Word Count: 2.4k
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July 10, 1965
Soda had just finished getting ready for the rodeo. For a moment he just stared at himself in the mirror and fixed his already perfect hair for what was probably the hundredth time since he’d styled it. He was nervous, he couldn’t lie. It felt like a dream when Ruth surprised him with Mickey Mouse two months ago and offered to sign him onto the barrel racing event. Ever since then he had been practicing as much as he could when he wasn’t working. 
And now that the day had finally arrived, everything became real to him. At the very least, he was happy that he was gonna have his siblings and Charlie there to support him. And speaking of Charlie, it was time for her to wake up. He walked back over to his bed and gently shook her awake. The girl groaned quietly, though she rolled to face him and her eyes fluttered open. 
“Five more minutes,” she requested groggily. Soda couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute she looked at that moment. 
“We’re leaving soon, I let you sleep as long as I could,” he muttered softly, earning another groan from the girl before she sat up. 
“Come on, we only got a couple minutes,” he informed her. With that, he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head one last time before walking out of the room. It thankfully didn’t take Charlie long to get dressed and she walked out to the living room, where Soda was waiting for her. As soon as his eyes landed on her a smile broke out on his face.
“Pretty as ever,” he complimented.
“Thank you, sleepy as ever, too,” she joked, earning a chuckle from her boyfriend.
“Alright well let’s go before Darry leaves us,” he said as he took her hand, leading her out. Soda helped her into the bed of the truck before climbing in himself and closing it afterwards. 
“Hey, you take that back,” Dally demanded Tuesday, making the couple look at him. 
“ Make me,” the younger Curtis retorted defiantly. 
“Now you’re in for it,” Soda laughed while wrapping an arm around Charlie’s shoulders. They watched as Dally poked her side, which made Tuesday squeal. 
“Her neck is her weakest point,” he informed Dally with a smirk. Tuesday shot him a glare, though it was quickly wiped away when Dally prodded at her neck. 
“You’re mean,” Charlie reprimanded, though there was no conviction in her voice. Instead, she looked amused.
“She deserves it,” he shrugged off with a smile. Charlie giggled quietly before leaning against him, a yawn interrupting her laugh. 
“I don’t know why I’m so tired,” she muttered. 
“Is everything okay at home?” He asked quietly enough for only her to hear as Darry pulled up to the fairgrounds. Charlie nodded. 
“Yeah it’s fine. My dad is starting to lose it a little,” she answered with a shrug that was just a little too casually considering what she just said. Soda’s eyes widened. 
“Wait, is he okay?” He questioned worriedly, earning another nod from his girlfriend. 
“It’s just another episode, he’ll be okay soon.” And with that she climbed out of the truck. Soda hesitated before following her, but ultimately figured that if she wanted to go further into detail then she would. So, he hopped out and moved to stand beside her as Ruth handed out neon blue bracelets to everyone. 
“Alright guys, rodeo starts right at 8:00. Dally and Soda, you need to be with the other competitors by 7:00 or 7:30 to prepare. Horse riding comes first then bulls immediately after. Until then you guys are okay to do whatever you want. Got it?” Soda and Charlie nodded, though Soda’s attention had quickly been diverted when he heard the sound of loud laughter and excited screams from the various rides in the carnival. 
“Alright losers, get lost.” Once again Soda grabbed Charlie’s hand and led her inside. 
“You excited?” The girl asked with a small smile. 
“More than,” Soda responded with an enthusiastic nod. Charlie couldn’t help but smile at how genuinely excited he was. 
“Good, I’m glad you got Micky back.”
“Me too,” the boy sighed happily, entangling their fingers. “What should we do first?” Charlie looked around thoughtfully. 
“Why don’t we go play a game or two?” Soda nodded again and led her to the first carney game he found. It was a ring toss. Soda always thought he had good aim, so he paid for a few rings.
“Aim for the ones on the right, the ones on the left look busted,” Charlie coached from beside him. The boy nodded, taking a deep breath as he began to toss the rings directly onto the bottle necks. Surprisingly, he actually managed to get just about every ring onto a bottle, more than enough for him to win something. Charlie jumped up excitedly and grabbed her boyfriend’s arm. 
“You’re the best! I told ya!” She exclaimed excitedly, making Soda laugh as he pulled her against his side with one arm. 
“Pick a prize, doll.” The girl wasted no time in grabbing a rather large brown teddy bear, holding it close to her chest as she pressed a kiss to her boyfriend’s cheek. 
“You’re the best ever,” she gushed as they walked away from the game to allow someone else to try their luck. Soda blushed at the praise then shrugged shyly. 
“Wasn’t nothin’. You gonna name it?” He asked, gesturing to the bear. 
“Erm- I’ll name it Charlie 2!” It was meant to be a joke, but both of them had a feeling that it would stick either way. 
“Stellar name choice,” Soda laughed. He stopped when she stopped mid step, then confusedly took Charlie 2 when she held it out. 
“Hold this for a second.” The boy had no time to question her as she stepped behind him, but he instantly understood what was going on when she suddenly jumped on his back. He couldn’t help but laugh as she took the bear back, and he held onto her legs so she didn’t fall. 
“Where to next, your majesty?” 
“To the goats!” She demanded, pointing in the direction of the petting zoo. 
“Alright!” He picked up his pace as he headed to the petting zoo, making her squeal with laughter. Once they arrived at the goat pens of the petting zoo he crouched down a bit so she could safely jump off. 
“Goats as the lady requested.” Charlie hopped off then immediately plopped down and sat in the hay, beginning to coo at the animals. Soda opted to stand, not wanting to dirty himself just yet, and watched as she pulled a baby goat into her lap before looking at him. 
“Look at this one!” She squeals. A small smile formed on the boy’s face as he crouched beside her. 
“He’s adorable,” he agreed. 
“We oughta get one, one day,” she decided with a wide smile, making him chuckle. 
“Maybe.” He and Charlie spent a few more minutes with the adorable animals before the girl’s gaze fell on a nearby clock. 
“Hey, your rodeo is coming up soon,” she realized, still holding the goat. Soda followed her gaze, confirming her claim for himself, before nodding. 
“Yeah, I should be getting in there soon. Let’s go find Dally and Tuesday so you won’t be alone. I doubt he’s paying attention to the time anyway.”
“He never does, especially with her,” she retorted as she set the kid down and stood. It didn’t take them long to find the couple once they left the petting zoo. They’d just gotten off a ride and were talking with each other. 
“Having fun you two?” Soda teased as they approached them. 
“Nah, this kid is boring, we oughta take her back,” Dally responded in the same teasing tone. Charlie rolled her eyes at the boys’ antics.
“I’ll be riding for you two if we don’t get a move on.” Tuesday’s brows furrowed and she glanced down at her watch. 
“Oh yeah, you guys need to be heading in,” she realized aloud, looking between Soda and Dally. “You guys need to get a move on.”
“Exactly, which is why I am leaving Charlie in your company,” Soda responded, kissing Charlie’s cheek before letting go of her. “C’mon Dal.” Dally chuckled and followed after him, though not before Tuesday managed to place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Hey, I don’t need babysitting!” Charlie shouted after them, placing her hand on her hip. 
“Yes you do!” Soda called back without missing a beat. He could practically feel Charlie rolling her eyes at them, which made him smile. As they made their way to the arena Dally looked at him. 
“You ready to get back into it?” He asked. “Been a while for you.” The boy exhaled deeply as he nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be fine. I’ve been training a lot these past few months.”
“Good. Mickey has been missing you too,” he chuckled. “That's one mean horse you have there.” 
“Once he’s used to you he’s a great horse,” the boy chuckled. “I missed him a lot.” 
“Good. He’ll give you a good ride tonight” Dally concluded as they finally approached the stables. He nodded with a wide smile and picked up his pace to reach Mickey Mouse. 
Only a few more minutes passed before the introduction to the rodeo began. First came the calf tying, then came the barrel racing. That was Soda’s event. He and Mickey Mouse moved to the pen and he tried to shake off his nerves as the host spoke up.
“And last but certainly not least in our lineup is Sodapop Curtis, a face we haven’t seen here in quite a while. Tonight he’s on his Thoroughbred horse Mickey Mouse” he said. A spotlight type light focused on Sodapop, who by that point was sitting on Mickey Mouse eagerly waiting for his race to start. He stood up as much as he could in the little foot holders and waves as the crowd cheered. His eyes met Charlie’s just a moment later and she stood to wave at him, a big smile on her face. That made Soda smile so widely at her and blow her a kiss before settling back into the horse saddle. 
After counting down from three the gun went off, signaling the pen to open. Sodapop was gone in a flash racing through the barrels like he belonged there. Once he finished maneuvering through them he rode back into the waiting pen in record time. Literally. 
“And with that Sodapop Curtis ends at 12.36 seconds, making it the new record!” The announcer exclaimed. For a moment Soda could barely process what he heard. He’d set a new record? 
Sodapop laughed a little in disbelief as he climbed out of the pen. Several people congratulated him or patted him on the back but he only had eyes for Charlie, who was on her feet cheering for him. In an instant he began heading towards her, trusting that the handlers would take Mickey Mouse back to the stables. Charlie jumped over a few seats and ran towards him, meeting him halfway as she jumped into his arms. 
“Look at you, cowboy!” She shouted over the excitement. The boy laughed boisterously and pulled her into a tight hug. 
“All for you, baby!” He responded once they pulled away. The girl laughed and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before her eyes drifted behind him. 
“Look who’s heading this way, Gee he looks proud,” she muttered, looking at Darry as he walked up to them. The boy couldn’t hide his smile as he let go of her and turned to face his older brother. 
“Hey Dar,” he greeted as casually as he could manage. Darry, meanwhile, couldn’t even begin to hide his proud smile. 
“Look at you!” He exclaimed, hugging him and ruffling up his hair. “A new record? Gosh, I don’t even know why I was worried, you crushed it out there, kid.” Soda laughed and returned the hug with all his might.
“Thanks Darry, it means a lot,” he responded. Darry smiled a genuine sort of smile and nodded as they pulled away. 
“I’m gonna go back to Ruth, but I’ll see you once the rodeo’s done,” he informed him, waiting for him to nod before he headed back up the stairs of the stadium. Soda watched as he took a seat beside Ruth and Ponyboy before finally sitting down with Charlie. 
Dally’s event was bull riding, which was actually the last event of the night. Thankfully everything else went by in a breeze. Once it was Dally’s turn he also surprised the crowd by setting a new record. Soda barely had time to cheer before Tuesday ran past him, jumping into Dally’s arms just like Charlie had done with him.
“Now ain’t that just cute?” He teased, glancing at Charlie. 
“No. It’s disgusting,” the girl answered without hesitation, a joking smile on her face. 
“Whatever you say,” Soda shook his head amusedly and pulled her closer to him. That, in turn, made Charlie giggle as she kissed his cheek. 
“And now to end this amazing night we’re gonna have all of our champions of tonight trot one victory lap. Champions, please find your horse and get ready for the lap please,” the announcer instructed over the speakers. Soda grinned then stood and held out his hand to his girlfriend. 
“Wanna take the victory lap with me?” 
“I thought you’d never ask,” she responded as she took his hand. They walked over to the pen hand in hand then Soda helped her onto Mickey Mouse. He climbed on and wrapped his arms around her with a soft smile. 
“You comfortable?” 
“Never been better,” Charlie said softly, resting her hands on his arms. He nodded and kissed her cheek before clicking at his horse. As they made their way around the ring the girl blinked, a little dazed by the lights and loud cheers. 
“All good?” Soda questioned loud enough for just her to hear as he followed the other champions until they reached the pen again. She only nodded, her eyes sparkling and a smile gracing her lips. 
“I think I heard Ruth say something about heading to the car,” the boy said as they hopped off the horse. “You ready to go?” 
“I sure am,” she nodded. No more words needed to be said as they headed out to the truck, which Ruth was driving this time. Dally and Tuesday were already there, so once Soda and Charlie were comfortably sitting in the bed of the truck, Ruth drove off. It had been a good night for everyone, but Soda felt like he was on top of the world.
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xtruss · 2 years ago
A Bullshit of Modern Relationships: ‘We Don’t Go a Day Without Touch’: Couples Reveal The Little Things That Make a Relationship Work
We asked Guardian writers and readers about the habits and rituals they have with their partners to keep things ticking over nicely. Here are 33 of our favourites
— March 17, 2023 | Guardian USA
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Illustration: Hit and Run/Début Art
1– “My boyfriend and I have a rule where we’re not allowed to wear tracksuits in front of each other. He once told me that seeing me in a tracksuit every day was not good for our sex life. So since then, we’ve worn ‘sexy’ loungewear in the house together. It has saved our relationship.”
2– “If we bicker we remember a friend’s advice on arguing – in the heat of the moment say, ‘Would you rather be right, or would you rather be closer?’ It can snap you out of point-scoring and into remembering you love each other and want to resolve things.”
3– “Say thank you. For everything. Keep vocalising your appreciation for what each of you do and it should stave off resentment.”
4– “We work out the one thing each of us needs to feel good about the week (a swim, a drink with friends) and strategise how to give each of us that thing.”
5– “We don’t go a day without some touch, even if it’s just a brief hug.”
6– “In the playground the other day, one of the dads was telling me about a couple who have a regime whereby every morning they give themselves a score between one and 10 to denote how they’re each feeling that day. They know their combined scores have to add up to 10 for them to manage with their kids. So it’s fine if one person is a three as long as the other is a seven. On days where they don’t add up, they have an emergency protocol to get through the day, which includes a ban on junk food, mandatory exercise and time to themselves.”
7– “When one of us is being off with the other we don’t address it. I just go to another room and give him space, so that he starts to miss me. Then he will come looking for me, and vice versa. It’s the opposite of what you are supposedly meant to do (talk things through), but it’s created years of harmony.”
8– “The only way to align our home time in the evenings is if we are both invested in the same box set at the same time. It gets sticky now and again. I love football but I draw the line at devoting 90 minutes to the early rounds of the Carabao Cup. My husband watched one episode of Emily in Paris and refused to carry on … so I cheat sometimes by saying I’m going up for an early night and watching it on my laptop.”
9– “We try to go for a walk after the nursery drop-off in the morning, just to talk about stuff other than work or the kid and get a coffee. It can only happen if we are both working from home, but I look forward to it.”
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Illustration: Hit and Run/Début Art
10– “Whoever gets back from work first prepares a snack plate. This helps us readjust to being home, prevents hunger-induced arguments, and stops us scrounging for unhealthy nibbles before our evening meal.”
11– “My partner has anxiety and I have ADHD: we function because we’re aware of how much the other has left in the tank on a given day and where the gaps are. So in social situations, we have a safe word that, if either of us use, means we leave. Whether it’s anxiety-related or one of us is getting overstimulated, we respect and trust each other.”
12– “My boyfriend turns the electric blanket on before he leaves for work at 6am so I wake up warm in bed. I’m never awake enough to say goodbye to him, so it’s a thankless task, but every day I wake up feeling cared for and loved
13– “We rarely do public displays of affection but at home, we always hold hands on the sofa while watching TV, or give each other a little cuddle when we’re passing in the kitchen. It keeps us connected.”
14– “I mostly work from home, but on my partner’s days off I use a shared office space so she has the freedom of doing whatever she wants without me around.”
15– “My partner writes me Post-it notes and puts them in special places. She put one in my passport saying she loved me. I saw it when I was giving the passport to the immigration officer, who also noticed and said, ‘What a lovely note!’”
16– “My husband is usually in bed before me, so he’ll lie on my side to warm it up.”
17– “Every time we part for work in the morning he tells me he loves me. It never feels automatic or perfunctory, nor is it overstated. The sincerity in his voice is the verbal equivalent of the warmest, longest embrace.”
18– “My partner makes me a ‘sleepy time’ tea each night before bed and helps me with my crossword. There’s nothing like it when he gets the last word of a puzzle I’ve been stuck on for ages.”
19– “We each remember to wring out the dishcloth after use. This is an absolute non-negotiable and if it’s not done breeds utter contempt.”
20– “I wake up earlier than I need to in order to help my husband get up and out of the house with his lunch, a cup of tea and having eaten something. He’s not so good in the mornings. I’m not so good in the evenings, so he does the last-minute sweep before bed – putting the dishwasher on, packaging leftovers in the fridge and checking the doors.”
21– “I find calling each other pet names during disagreements helps – it indicates to your partner that you really do love them.”
22– “If I have an event or important meeting my husband always irons a shirt for me – he knows I get flustered when I iron.”
23– “My wife and I have been together since we were 16. At 36 we moved in together when she became pregnant but remained in separate bedrooms. I never invite myself into my wife’s room. Some might say we cohabit like flatmates but we feel it helps maintain a degree of mystery – there is no complacency and the intimacy side of things is always fresh and exciting. I’m sure if we shared a room and bed we wouldn’t still be together.”
24– “My spouse and I joke that the other three little words are ‘You were right’. Ideally, this is said with joy and admiration, but rueful admission is fine”
25– “We take walks where we each talk about three good and three bad things that happened that day. This creates a space to debrief and reflect, but also to share how we’re feeling about a particular event or something one of us might have said or done. It’s helps foster open and honest communication.”
26– “I was working a late shift on Valentine’s Day when a colleague was telling everyone that her husband had bought her a bunch of flowers. My husband arrived in the pouring rain with a hot homemade meal to ‘keep me going through my shift’. I knew what I would rather have – and so did he.”
27– “A non-negotiable is our ‘we time’, usually on a Sunday evening, when we are partners and not parents. The main goal is to have quality time and sex together. So no TV, no phones – just us, candles, music, a fire and time to let the romance grow”
28– “I always forget to charge my toothbrush, but once every few weeks I come home to find it charging in the bathroom. My husband’s been doing it for nearly three years now but it still makes me smile.”
29– “My husband and I have three children under five so our home is full, alive, loud and a total mess. Every day, it looks like it has been raided, and every night we’re cleaning poo off a carpet or peeling stickers off a shoe. Once everyone is asleep, without saying a word or asking if I need it, my husband will open his arms wide and pull me in. For as long as I need. When the hug is over, I’ve been recharged.”
30– “When my partner senses I’m stressed or on edge, he massages that tension out of my shoulders. He is quite knowledgable about the human body, pressure points, where tension builds and how to release it; he has a strong yet gentle and effective touch. When someone devotes time and effort to try to help you, it gives you a feeling like no other.”
31– “My partner always asks me if I want a drink at 6pm, when I’m usually preparing a meal for the family. It doesn’t have to be alcoholic, but just for him to come in and ask is one of the best moments of my day.”
32– “I fold the end of the toilet paper in a triangle like they do in hotels. My girlfriend says it makes her feel incredibly loved and looked after.”
33– “My husband always defrosts my car and pumps up my bike tyres and oils my chain (not a euphemism). I recommend marrying a bike mechanic.”
0 notes
radiant-reid · 2 years ago
my cm skips and why
inspired by @steve-harringtons-slut post
season 1
fisher king pt1 it's my least favorite multiparter, i just don't love the plot and it's the start of elle's downfall which makes me sad
season 2
fisher king pt 2 for the same reason as above
aftermath i can watch the first bit but not after elle's undercover part because i don't like bad things happening to her
north mammon i used to like this one but it's hella sad, like one girl has to kill her best friend and the parents don't even really care and then it's all because they dissed the unsub 20 years ago !! like he's a sicko
distress boring af and also i hate watching sad spencer where no one does anything to help him
legacy also bores me and they should have used the 'unsub killing homeless people' once with the s4 finale
season 3
doubt boring and the ending sucked
In name and blood haley hotchner. i was a fan at the beginning and the end but she was cheating on him and i will never be persuaded otherwise. i hated her in this episode, also strauss too. and then spencer's sad at the end, nope nope nope
true night this one bores me, it's such a dumb plot, like a dude who writes comic books lmao
in heat i love JJ and Will and i think that's the only reason i occasionally put up with this episode because the rest of the time it sucks
season 4
normal i think this is a very boring one !! the road one where he ran over his victims >>
omnivore the first time i was cool watching this but now that i know what the start of it is, i save myself the emotional pain
season 5
nameless, faceless same reason as omnivore, i know what happens next and i hate seeing hotch sad. also the victim's kid, who is kind of the victim himself, i would not have cared if he died since he decided to go to school when he should have just stayed at home and been safe, like okay, risk the lives of everyone there
100 no no no no no, too sad
parasite i feel like they did a plot similar to this with the guy in charm and harm
solidarity man again, boring
our darkest hour plot is dumb af, and it's too similar to catching out with a homeless unsub breaking in and killing residents. also, I've always felt like it was meant to be based on Richard Ramirez and it's not scary enough for that
season 6
the longest hour obviously same reasons as above since it's the second part but also i really hate that the dad made Morgan promise to look after his daughter. i get it, he wanted someone good to be there for her, i just feel like that's a shitty thing to do to a near stranger
Devil's night nah, there's has to be a limited number of episodes about unsub's burning people and this one's the worst
what happens at home not a bad plot but ashley seaver ugh, she's the worst
Valhalla + Lauren it's not as sad as when haley dies because we know emily's still alive but i hate that she didn't tell the team and they're all sad
with friends like these not really a big fan of unsubs with hallucinated friends
season 7
heathridge manor sorry mgg, i just don't think this is scary or interesting
divining rod that whole wig thing creeps me out
season 8
god complex the plot is not good and i feel like the title doesn't fit at all
the good earth boring
magnificent light this is makes me laugh because it's so cringe
zugzwang too sad for spencer
season 9
the inspiration and the inspired okay maybe i have two least favorite multiparters because this one i also hate, like the praying mantises and random head in his fridge, nah
route 66 the hotch bit, i like, but the whole plot with the girl running away with her dad, i do not
200 i love JJ and i can't watch her in pain like that. also, i do not get why they went out to a bar right after her rescue like whos idea was that ?
what happens in mecklinburg boring and unrealistic because no woman is going to get out of her car and walk up to a massive truck when they can't see anything bffr
season 10
if the shoe fits makes me cringe so much
hashtag also makes me cringe
nelson's sparrow so unnecessary !!! like why would they kill gideon off when he's been gone for 7 seasons ?? and you're trying to tell me he just got killed by a random unsub, the jason gideon ?? that would have never happened
season 11
drive i hate the episode title and the plot, they should have called it something like execution
derek too sad, i want all the characters to always be happy
a beautiful disaster can the Morgans not catch a break ??
inner beauty plot makes me cringe hard
season 12
seek and destroy i feel like they kind of used this plot before and it felt like a lazy reattempt
(sometimes i skip every episode with spencer in prison but this is as if i'm not)
in the dark don't like the plot
true north an unsub making a sundial ? bffr
season 13
blue angel the plot is like pleasure is my business but with an unsub with a different relationship to the exclusive prostitute and it's way worse
dust and bones the unsub makes me cringe so hard
bad moon on the rise an unsub that thinks he's a werewolf bffr
miasma an unsub that thinks he's a plague doctor bffr
annihilator fuck you linda barnes
the capilanos an unsub that dresses like a clown bffr
the dance of love an unsub that kills based on song titles bffr
all you can eat like unsubs roasting their victims, there can only be a certain number of unsubs poisoning people and this one is the worst
season 14
innocence all because he's not related to his dad ?? shoulda just blackmailed his parents separately or run away
luke too sad, skip
night lights cringing
truth or dare jeid episode, no more needed
season 15
awakening nope jeid
ghost this just seemed unnecessary, like okay luke and matt worked together and caught someone, why would he then kidnap them and get arrested again ?? if you wanna be in the mob or diss the mob, you should know your fam will probably get killed
rusty be fr, i know people can be delusional and whatever but i just cannot with this one
family tree again, be fr, why did he cut the ears off and hang them up ? it's hilarious in an ironic way
face off + and in the end this is the way they chose to end the show ? nah
season 16
i don't even need to watch it to know it sucks, like a covid plotline bffr, that's the most cringe ever. it will never exist in my mind
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pale-silver-comb · 5 years ago
So I know absolutely nothing about Leverage except what I've been seeing you post lately and I have to admit you're making it look tempting to watch! Can I ask what are some of your favorite things about the show/reasons you would suggest people watch it? And is there really a poly relationship that is canon?
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I am going to do my best not to just “asdfghkjl” at you and answer coherently.
In a nutshell, Leverage is about 5 people. 4 are criminals (Parker, Hardison, Eliot and Sophie) with different and unique skill-sets and 1 is an ex-insurance investigator (Nate) who, at one point or another in his career, has tracked down (or at least attempted to) the other 4. The whole show is essentially: man reluctantly reforms 4 criminals to use their criminal powers for good and 4 criminals move into man’s life and stubbornly refuse to leave because, goddammit, now they have morals. 
I’ve got a lot of favourite things about the show but the main ones are as follows:
1. Found family. And I’m not talking about loners who come together to fight crime and happen to co-exist to the point where they realise they happen to have found themselves a family. I mean, Nate and Sophie are the Drunk Uncle and Wine Aunt who somehow become Mom and Dad to 3 beautiful criminal children. Mom and Dad love their criminal babies and the kids love them (as well as each other, but we’ll come to that in a moment). You get amazing family moments such as: Mom and Dad packing the kids lunch before sending them out to kick corporate greed’s ass; Mom and Dad giving the kids ridiculously expensive and personal Christmas presents causing their most Grumpy Kid to go very very quiet and soft as he runs off to gleefully play with his new murder toy; the kids interrupting Mom and Dad’s big Movie Style Kiss to ask if they can please keep their new underground layer and huffing and puffing when Dad tells them no.
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2. Found family: the OT3 edition. To answer your question, the OT3 is indeed canon, confirmed by the creator. Now, usually, “confirmed by the creator” infuriates me because most of the time it’s a way for a creator to be seen as “progressive” without doing anything to actually be progressive. That isn’t the case here. The OT3 are built up carefully and while it is obvious the creators didn’t originally intend for all 3 of them to become a relationship in the romantic sense, by mid-season 5 we are given a very clear picture of where Parker, Hardison and Eliot are heading in their relationship. There aren’t any kisses at the end to signal this but there are solid marriage vows in not only one but two episodes. (And by marriage vows I mean literal equivalents of marriage vows: “for better or worse” and “’til death do us part”. I’m not even exaggerating). The OT3 also doesn’t need explicit romantic narratives to convey how much they love each other. Their love is laced through the whole show, from the way they teach each other things to the way they respond to each other and work as a unit. The way they fiercely protect and admire each other. Like someone once said, if you need characters to kiss or say I love you to let the audience know they love each other, you are writing them wrong. 
Aside from that, each of the parings in the OT3 are just. Gah. They are so well done, with friendship being the solid basis for them all. The creators never expect the audience to assume anything about them or fill in the gaps. They give us their relationships on screen and reference many things off-screen to show us how these relationships continue to build in between episodes.
Hardison and Parker are a canon couple and date in the show: it’s approached slowly and they are so goddamned sweet. They are basically every fluffy slow-burn trope with a healthy dash of mutual pining in the mix. They are basically that quote “love is patient, love is kind”. (I would like to add their romance never becomes the focus of the show or overrides the importance of any other relationship they have with the other characters, especially Eliot.)
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Hardison and Eliot are the Old Married Couple and from day one are already bickering and looking at each other/making comments that are found in every UST fic ever (not to mention Hardison has a very good knack for making Eliot grin like a little kid, when usually he’s basically an Angry Little Chef Man). They argue, they play, and love each other plain as day. 
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Parker and Eliot are more subtle but every bit as wonderful. They have an unspoken connection and understand each other on a level no-one else can. Parker and Eliot are not good with giving themselves over to affection for different reasons (and Hardison plays a central role in helping them realise it’s okay to want it and have it- that boy has endless patience) but there is something so beautiful in the way the two of them come together on their own and develop their own special bond that works for them. Parker and Eliot are that trope where the characters don’t need to speak to understand each other perfectly. They just do. Their love language is a lot of the time non-verbal but speaks volumes. (Parker also likes to annoy the hell out of Eliot and Eliot....just.....lets...her. Because he’s soft. The softest, grumpiest boy.) 
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I could go into so much depth for each pairing and their dynamics as a 3 but that's for another post.
3. Subverting stereotypes. There is the occasional hiccup in the show regarding stereotypes but ultimately, Leverage gets an A+ when it comes to writing characters and making them 3 dimensional people who are not defined by certain characteristics or events. Nate could so easily fall into the White Man Pain trope where he uses the trauma of losing his kid as a reason as to why he is entitled to act like a dick. Nate is a dick but he doesn’t use his pain to excuse it and I appreciate that. Hardison is a black man who is soft and nurturing. Easily the most empathetic and patient of the group. He’s nerdy, an actual genius, and has the biggest heart of all the characters. Nate is maybe the glue but Hardison is definitely the heart. Media’s usual aggressive, amongst other, racist stereotypes can fuck right off. Parker is canonically autistic (I am sure this was confirmed by one of the creators) and she is not defined by it. It’s not written as some kind of singular personality trait. It’s part of what makes up Parker but it’s only one facet of who she is and not once is her actions, thoughts or feelings treated like a joke. Sometimes people don’t understand why she does and says the things she does but it’s met with patience and fondness over the course of the show. Equally, it’s not met with over-caution. Parker is just Parker. No-one tries to change her. The other nice thing is Hardison, who always makes sure Parker knows she’s amazing because of who she is and not in spite of it. Finally, Sophie is in her 40s. She’s not treated like she’s past her prime. Ever. She’s sexy, smart and never is she pitted against or compared to Parker (who is younger) for anything. Sophie is amazing and there’s never even a conversation of “I may be older but I am still *insert adjective typically associated with younger women here*”. Sophie is possibly the first female character I’ve ever seen who isn’t just unapologetic about her age but has never had to apologise for her age. It’s a non-issue and that’s that. The women on the show are written so well, right down to secondary characters and it’s beyond refreshing.  
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4.) It’s just fun. The show has a “monster of the week” type format. Except instead of a ghoul or a ghost, the monster is some corrupt wealthy and powerful individual or organisation. The show draws on real-life individuals to do this and therefore closely parallels real-life people and events. It addresses important political, economical, social and environmental issues while at the same time remaining fun and light-hearted. The characters constantly get the chance to play dress up and by GOD do they have fun with it. You get to watch Eliot beat up bad guys in the most delightful of ways, usually after a witty non-sequitur and with a weapon you’d never think could be a weapon. The dialogue and back and forth between the characters is everything. And finally - my favourite thing- the team can never resist striking a dramatic pose after they’ve taken down the bad guy, making sure the bad guy sees them. I mean, they COULD just walk away, satisfied they’ve taken the person down, but nope. They gotta be dramatic bitches 24/7 and pose like they are models for every single month of this year’s Criminal Calendar.  
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5.) Competence Porn. So. Much. Competence Porn.  
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Honestly, I could list a thousand reasons for why Leverage is amazing but to list them would to be spoiling so many amazing moments you’d get to discover for the first time on your own if you do choose to watch it. It’s the kind of show you can watch with an eagle-eye and sink your teeth into. But it’s also the kind of show if, you would prefer, put on in the background for something entertaining while you do something else. Each episode is about the job at hand but it’s made up of so many moments between the characters that show how much the creators and writers care about them. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll do whatever it is you do when something Soft and Wonderful happens that makes your heart melt. I am so beyond grateful for Leverage. It’s everything I always wanted in a show. Nearly every show I’ve watched in the past 10 years has disappointed me in some way, usually either because the writers run out of steam or characters who I love are treated poorly or given some kind of unnecessary “shock value” arc. Leverage doesn’t do that. Leverage is what it says on the bottle. Fandom isn’t something I joined because I needed canon fix-its. Fandom only enhances and celebrates an already excellent canon. 
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nakachuchu · 4 years ago
Chocolate Pocky | Fushiguro Toji
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SYNOPSIS: A day in your life with a freeloader.
READER: female
WORDS: 1209
WRITTEN: 04/10/2021
NOTES: Thank you for requesting from my event! "Let's get married." Okay, this was really fun to write and I'm tooting my own horn, but this is so cute and it's my fav. Sorry I couldn't mention chocolate pocky more. I got distracted lol
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You came from a rich family that didn't expect you to run the family business because you weren't the male firstborn.
All that was expected of you was to marry someone and have children, but you didn't like the idea of giving in to what your controlling family wanted.
Because of your upbringing, you connected with Toji. The two of you met in school and the first moment he saw you was when you were tilting back on your chair, eating chocolate pocky with a deadpan expression on your face.
After learning of each other's circumstances, you two naturally clicked with each other. And although you enjoyed how free-spirited he was, the fact that he was a freeloader was getting on your nerves.
You straddled his hips, smacking him repeatedly with a cushion from the couch he was laying on.
"Get a job!" you exclaimed.
He reached forward and engulfed your face with his large hand, pushing you away. Your arms flailed around, unable to reach him anymore.
"I do have a job."
"Freeloading is not a job!"
"You're rich," he retorted.
"That doesn't mean I like having you in my apartment all the time!"
You wrapped your hands around his wrist and pulled his hand off his face. You huffed and looked down at him as he picked his ear while watching television.
"You're literally so gross," you muttered.
In the past, Toji would come by from time to time, but he never stayed this long before. At first, you didn't mind but you would have appreciated if he at least did the chores if he was going to stay at your apartment for free, especially with his kids.
You knew about Tsumiki from his first lover and you had met her before, but when Toji suddenly showed up with not only Tsumiki but another child, you nearly strangled him.
"Let's get married," Toji suddenly said.
You stared at him. The man had the audacity to bring up marriage with you and wouldn't even look at you.
"Why not?"
"You just want to marry me because I'm rich," you retorted.
"Okay, and what's your point?"
You rolled your eyes. "Get on your knees and maybe I'll say yes."
Toji stopped picking his ear and turned to look at you, ignoring the romantic drama on the television.
"I'm not doing that," he said.
"If I give you fifty bucks, would you do it?"
"Hell yeah."
You snorted. "Always the gold digger, Toji."
You opened your mouth to respond but noticed Megumi peeking at you from behind the doorway. Even Tsumiki was right behind him.
"Are you two hungry?" you questioned. "I'll start dinner in a sec."
"I'll help," Tsumiki chimed.
"Thank you, sweetheart," you said. "Megumi?"
He said nothing, but you could see him shuffling around. You smiled at how cute and shy he was, and you swore he was your favorite 7-year-old you have ever encountered.
You climbed off Toji's lap and ignored the way he ogled your ass. He had done it so many times that you had gotten used to it.
Tsumiki followed you into the kitchen, leaving Megumi to shuffle out and sit on the couch with his father.
While you and Tsumiki prepared dinner, Toji was telling Megumi about the romantic drama he was watching.
"So the mother is cheating on the father with his brother and the daughter is dating her math teacher who also happens to be her older sister's fiancé."
Megumi blinked at the television screen.
"Toji, what the heck are you teaching your son?"
"The complications of family," he answered.
You sighed.
"I finished chopping the carrots," said Tsumiki.
"Thank you."
Once the two of you finished preparing dinner, you forced Toji to get off his ass to set the table. You even stood behind him, refusing to help as he set the table begrudgingly.
When he was finally done, the four of you sat down at the dining table to eat. Megumi was a bit of a messy eater, but he tried his best to create the littlest amount of messes possible.
You would often wipe his mouth with a napkin and tell him it was okay to be messy, then you would turn to Toji and say, "Stop being a slob."
For dessert, you allowed the children to have chocolate pocky since it was a bit late for ice cream and you knew any cold desserts always gave Megumi a brain-freeze.
"Hey, let's play the pocky game," Toji suggested.
"Get your gross face away from me," you retorted.
Once the four of you were full, you cleaned the table and stood next to Toji in front of the sink—you were forcing him to wash the dishes.
"Look, I'm just saying. You already cook for me and provide for me, so we should just get married," he said.
"I don't hear anything."
"Bad hearing must come with the age, huh?"
You glared at him. "You di—" You glanced at the children. "Delightful person."
Toji sent you an amused glance to which you rolled your eyes at. You slapped the towel you were holding against his ass before placing it on the counter.
"Where are you going?" he asked as you turned around.
"I need to poop," you said in an obvious tone. "Don't miss me too much, loser."
While you walked away into the bathroom, he was staring at you the whole time while absentmindedly washing the dishes. Once you were gone, Toji turned toward his children and noticed Tsumiki was looking at him with a grin on her face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're in love with her," she said.
He scoffed. "I'm not."
"Whatever you say, Dad."
He scoffed and finished washing the dishes and when you came back after your business, you tucked Megumi and Tsumiki into bed.
"Good night, Megumi. I love you," you said as you kissed his forehead. You walked over to Tsumiki who was in the next bed over. "Good night, Tsumiki. I love you," you said as you kissed her forehead.
You turned the lights off and left the room, quietly closing the door before walking back into the living room to see Toji watching his romantic drama again.
"Is the episode not finished?" you questioned as you sat next to him.
"Sweetheart, it has fourteen seasons," he retorted.
"And what season are you on?"
"I'm going to die before you finish this damn series," you retorted.
You said that yet you still sat next to him, side pressed against his while his arm splayed behind you on the back of the couch.
Eventually, you fell asleep in the middle of the third episode that had just started. Your head was resting on his shoulder. He stared at you and faintly smiled before picking you up to bring you to bed.
While walking to your room, he ran into Megumi who had woken up to use the bathroom. He was simply standing there silently with a stuffed dog in his hand.
He was looking at his father, blinking at the sight of you in his father's arms and all Toji said was, "I know what you're thinking and it's not like that, you brat.
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coolcattime · 2 years ago
3, 20, 22, 24!
Quick warning, this is probably gonna turn into a ramble about my hyperfixations! Question 22 is under the read more section and will contain spoilers for Telltale's The Walking Dead. Question 24 will also be under the read more, because I want to post some pictures with and and also this post is getting a little long 😅
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed
First! Your Turn to Die: Death Game By Majority. January 2022, my best friend came to my room and told me that we were going to play this together, a game at the time I had heard of but didn't really think was my thing, and I'm so glad they did because my god do I love this game so much. It's a horror adventure game where you play as Sara Chidouin who, alongside her best friend Joe and 9 strangers, finds herself in a death game where they will all be voting for who will die. I highly, highly reccomend this game if you find the concept interesting at all, especially because it's free. There's a Steam release coming soon (which I think is coming along with the last part of the game), but right now you can download and play for free or even play it in browser.
Second! The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles! I finally branched out from just the original Ace Attorney trilogy and I'm enjoying it! I'm currently on the 5th case of the 1st game and genuinely I missed playing Ace Attorney. Ryunosuke very quickly became another favourite messy... I would say lawyer but he isn't a lawyer for the first three cases so he became that slowly. But jokes aside, I love all the characters and also it was really fun to (by coincidence) read the Sherlock Holmes The Adventure of the Speckled Band a few days after playing the case inspired by it and retroactively realising they joke about the solution of the book in the game.
And third! The Dark Pictures: The Devil in Me! I love The Dark Pictures games and this one has my favourite type of character in it: mean lebsian! So clearly it's a 10/10 best game!
20. A boss you think is really cool
I don't play a lot of games with boss fights but I really like the Mr. Freeze boss fight from Batman: Arkham City! I think the concept of a boss literally adapting to what you do so it won't work on them anymore is awesome, even if it wouldn't work outside of the more stealth focused boss like this one. I don't actually remember if I've ever played this boss fight (gonna be honestly, I cannot remember the sequence of events in Arkham City, other than the Catwoman sections), but I have a distinct memory of watching my dad play this fight. He tried to do the same thing twice, and when it didn't work was genuinely shocked because he didn't think the game meant it. And honestly that memory stuck in my head.
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you
So I thought about this for a little while, because there's a couple of different game endings that I think about a lot but there's only one ending that legitimately made me nervous to replay a play with my bff and that is Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2. It made me turn Jane from a character that was kind of okay to one of, if not my most hated character from a video game; and god was I really scared to play season two with my friend for fear of them really loving Jane (note: they did not, they also do not like Jane).
To give a little context: I played Episode 5 when it went live, like 11pm at night, achievements still not unlockable. And I was excited. By the time of the finale of the episode, I had already cried once (damn beautiful Lee dream sequence) and was not ready for the baby to be dead. I was not ready for the fight between Kenny and Jane and like, gonna be fully honestly, the first time I played I shot Kenny. I shot my 4th favourite character from the series and cried and had a tearful goodbye. And then the baby started crying.
I think this is the biggest betrayal I'd ever felt in a video game. Like to this day, I really can't gel with the idea of leaving a baby in a car in a snowstorm in a zombie apocolaypse to prove a point. I think it's genuinely very messed up and could never really fathom the idea of staying with Jane after that.
I played through the Alone with AJ ending, though I liked both the Kenny endings a lot more and ended up getting an ending with him when I did my replay for achievements.
Being fully honest, I think this ending stuck with me not just because it made me just so angry with a fictional character but because it seems to come so out of nowhere for it to be Jane. Like I fully expected an ending fight with Kenny and Luke, but then it just isn't.
24. A game with a cool art style
Firstly! Darkest Dungeon! The first one, though I do also think the second one looks really cool, I just personally prefer 2d artstyles. I think this game is beautiful and frankly just looks how a game about gothic and cosmic horror should.
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And second! Your Turn to Die (again). I think it has a kind of rough start art wise (like there is some very ugly pixel art in the first half an hour), but once it gets going, it kind of feels like playing a manga. Like there's some screens I would love to show, but they are definitely spoilers and, as much as I really want to make a full post just rambling about this game, I don't really wanna spoil the game when I don't have to. ((Also all my saves for this game are on my friend's laptop and I'm not playing a couple hours for one screenshot))
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creativeashproductions · 4 years ago
What's a Knife Between Onscreen Family // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Filming an emotionally wrought scene on the set of your current role as a regular goes very wrong very fast. Expecting the scene to be the most taxing of the day you find yourself in the ER getting a transfusion. It’s all fun and games until someone’s holding a sharp knife incorrectly, guess it’s just something in common with co-star Jared Padalecki.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, fear, injuries, hospital, needles, angst, and fluff
Words: 3.5k (including lyrics)
A/N: I watched a part of a panel from a Supernatural con and found it hilarious that Jensen accidently stabbed Jared. So I had to write that for a Charlie Gillespie fic. Link to the video talking about the stabbing is right below this message.
Jensen Ackles Accidentally Stabbed Jared Padalecki during filming From 1:00-6:00
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It had to be one of the most emotionally taxing scenes in your entire career as an actress on a physically demanding show. The scene had been incredibly mentally draining the daughter of a Winchester. It had been once season recurring, one series regular and now filming the third season. As the teenage Winchester, it threw a wrench in all the plans and the reckless character gave no shits.
“Okay, this is our last scene for the day!” Robert Singer, the director of his episode, called out from off stage. Standing at the top of the stairs in the Bunker, you jumped in close with a scrunched nose at the squishy sound.
Over the railing, both Jared and Jensen nodded their support from the ground level with concerned expressions. Ever since you joined the cast in season 13, they had become fathers to you. The sight of you drenched in stage blood was enough to churn their stomachs.
“I gave you the barebones of the scene so work with it. Briar’s traumatized after fighting for her life and has been gone for a while.” Robert explained, “Cas couldn’t find her. I want this to be a tribute like Dean in season 10 episode 14: The Executioner’s Song.”
Taking a deep breath in your emotions channelled into a hurricane in your chest, clenching your fingers on the knife.
Pacing the floor plan of the Bunker is two brothers bonded by sorrow, pain, sacrifice and love. Each throwing out locations on where Briar could be, Jack and Cas had been little help. Sam’s heart clenched tight bypassing images straight to torture. The kind of torture he had endured over the years.
Dean’s mouth opened to suggest another place when the Bunker door creaked open. The red converse appeared before the soggy jeans as the teen slowly made her way down the steps. Briar Winchester shook like a leaf staring off in the distance as the blood congealed on her face and hands.
“Briar.” Dean slowly spoke, moving towards the girl. His green eyes lit up in fury as the seventeen-year-old flinched back. Dean’s hand gently took the stained knife from the young girl.
“I-I didn’t mean to do it.” The meek voice appeared so unlike the usual confidence Briar talked with. In exhaustion, Briar’s knees collapsed, sending the teen right into Dean’s arms.
The stoic man gripped the youngest Winchester as his waist bearing her weight against his while Sam circled to be behind Dean. The choked sob echoed by another escaped the family huddle; one from Briar and the other from Dean.
“Dad.” Briar choked clenching her arms around the green-eyed adult’s shoulders, craving the safety of her father.
Ever since Dean could remember he had had a strict rule of always practising safe sex, he didn’t want a kid. Not in a world that had it out for Winchesters and not one where he might hold his child’s dead body in his arms. That all changed when Cas delivered Dean to a county jail where Briar was held just for a minor assault charge on a wealthy bully.
Dean never let himself want a future with the picket fence and the dog in the backyard but when Briar changed that. Dean would do anything for his family no matter the cost. Example: Selling his soul for Sam.
“Sh.” Dean spoke kissing the crown of her hair he savoured having his child safe in his arms, “I’ll help you to the bathroom to get cleaned up. We’ll heat some soup and toast.”
On autopilot, Dean helped Briar down the hall to the bathroom where she would freshen up and later burn the unsalvageable clothing. As Dean returned to Sam’s side, Castiel came with a sombre expression and an explanation.
“Dean. Sam.” Cas greeted them, flicking his blue gaze between the two brothers. The faint sound of the shower only picked up by the trained heightened sense of hearing from years of watching over their backs.
“Cas what the hell happened?” Dean demanded, “Why the hell is my little girl bruised and coated in blood?”
“Cut!” Robert called out to the large room with a big smile on his face, “I’ll watch it back. See if we need more takes.”
Jared and Jensen wiped the tears that fell from their cheeks just thinking on how wrought that scene felt. As fathers seeing a young adult in such a state severely agonized them. The duo jogged to see your back against the cold wall—a pinched expression marring your young face.
“How are you feeling after that?” Jensen asked, coming closer to squeeze your shoulders unfazed by the sticky fake blood. It was already all over his clothes from hugging you in character.
“You shouldn’t be allowed to have sharp objects.” You spoke glancing down at your knee that had been punctured by the knife. The dark jeans soaked in stage blood now concealed the real blood.
 “Jensen, did you really stab another person.” Jared deadpanned his best friend referencing back a few years. Jared shoved one hand through his hair, receiving a nasty glare from the hairstylist on call.
The glare on Jensen’s face blistered the taller actor, “I didn’t stab you. You walked into the knife.”
The two bickered as they guided you back to the main stage where Robert had reached a final verdict. He had watched the replay twice along with his crew finding the raw emotion to be perfect. The little detail the three had added was well played. Dean unexpectedly consoling his daughter in tears; no threats to kill or push her to tell him what happened. The first time Briar referring to Dean as her father. Lastly, Sam’s unsure actions in consoling a young girl sucked into life like he was in his youth.
“We got a one-take winner!” Robert called out sending the entire crowd into loud applause and cheers. Jared taking most of your weight as you hobbled to the costume trailer.
The lovely costume designers helped remove the sticky shirt, jewellery and the red converse that had once been white. Only the jeans remained on your body to not mess with the wound. As much as you’d love to shower the blood off, it was near impossible, moving your knee stung and it was best to avoid aggravating it.
“Someone needs to ban Jensen from knives. Just wait till his wife finds out about this, she adores Y/N.” Martha chuckled from her sketches she designed on her breaks for a future in fashion design. Often in your free time, you would be her guinea pig with her designs using refurbished material.
Normally the banter would continue but not when your leg was bleeding, and Jared was taking you to the ER. To make time faster, Jared had scooped you into his arms to the black car their driver waited in.
“Towels are in place. Sorry, you got hurt, Kid.” Clif spoke, opening the door to the backseat where Jensen sat patiently. Unlike usual, he had seated himself in the front so you could stretch in the back.
A weak chuckle met air in the packed car from the blood loss that wasn’t overly bad but enough that Jared took the towel. His pressure on the wound caused a yelp that had Jensen flinching in guilt.
“The knife must have been sharp to cut a mouse in half,” Clif muttered turning towards the hospital close to set. Coincidently the drive took you passed the set your boyfriend currently filmed at.
“Might as well call me butter.” You retorted wincing at the throbbing pain, “You aren’t allowed any more sharp objects, Mr. Ackles.”
“Danneel already threatened to hide all the knives in the house.” The on-screen father laughed as the tension decreased in the small car. Despite the dizziness, it didn’t hide the guilt in Jensen’s green eyes.
Time flew by as you found yourself in a bed for observation and pictures for the knee. It came as a shock when the doctor requested one blood transfusion for the blood loss. The hope of being in and out had evaporated like water beads on a blistering summer day.
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Julie and the Phantoms Set
Charlie adored his life as an actor where he was free to visit places, he might not have had the opportunity to do. He made friends with everyone he spoke to and even met the love of his life as an actor as well.
That being said today had been the longest one with a full schedule and barely time for lunch or snacks. Even a nap was unachievable, and he desperately wanted one for being awake for hours by now.
“Charlie! Did you know you’ve got missed calls?” Jeremy inquired, staring at the phone that went black once more. Charlie’s eyebrows came together at the mention. His family had the rough outline of times he would be unavailable to talk.
Stepping back from the craft table’s supper options, he lifted the phone from the table, bringing it to life. His lock screen showing multiple missed calls and voicemails from you, his family and two unknown numbers.
His jaw dropped further when Meghan called for the first time out of the group, “Megs?”
“Finally! Where have you been?” Meghan demanded pacing in the studio she had been using when she got the call. The pretty and successful young woman had gotten terrified at learning about Y/N.
“Filming? It’s the longest day of filming the show. It’s on the family schedule.” Charlie spoke, settling into one of the empty tables. His eyes watching the people entering and exiting the tent set up for food.
“Jesus. Mom called me when you didn’t pick up. Y/N’s in the hospital.” Meghan revealed sending the Canadian actor into a stiff posture. His hazel eyes blow wide and panic flooding his entire system.
“What?!” Charlie didn’t mean to shout nor turn paler than a piece of white paper, but it happened. The volume contracting looks from everyone in the vicinity. Owen even dropped the donut back in the box by the volume.
“She got stabbed with a knife. I sent the address earlier, and I haven’t gotten a lot of info.” Meghan told her older brother, “I know she’s getting a blood transfusion, but nothing else was released.”
Charlie couldn’t tell you what happened between Meghan telling him and reaching the hospital frantically. Nor could he figure out how Owen was in the back of the Uber with him guiding him through exercises; all thanks to Owen’s therapist for his anxiety.
His sneakers squeaked on the polished white floor in his mission to the receptionist transferring information from a chart to digital. Charlie’s painting brought him attention from the kind nurse acknowledging his presence.
“Just let me finish this one sentence.” The nurse hummed saving the information before turning their full attention to the frazzled male, “How can I help you?”
“What room is Y/N Y/L/N in? She was stabbed and needed a transfusion.” Charlie demanded deflating as Owen placed a hand on his shoulder. The Canadian’s eyes bright with panic and a deep fear
The nurse’s eyes softened, “I can’t give out information on patients unless your immediate family members.”
“I’m here-“
“Husband! He’s her husband, they eloped so she hasn’t changed her last name or updated her information.” Owen blurted out, rubbing the pad of his index finger on the black jeans he had worn for his role. The two hadn’t even bothered changing into their street clothing.
The nurse nodded their head-turning back to the computer to enter the name for the patient for the information. It took seconds before the nurse wrote on the miscellaneous sticky note of the ward and room number.
“My name is Riley. If you need any help, you can come back here, and I’ll do my best to give you answers.” Nurse Riley informed the duo with a kind smile nodding in the direction of your hospital room.
Owen’s long legs ate up the distance Charlie made in his sprint to the stairwell, “Shouldn’t we take the elevator?”
“My girlfriend is in a hospital bed. I can’t wait for an elevator.” Charlie rebuked the suggestion on the second flight. Owen’s sigh was the last sound made as the duo slammed into the door to the floor level.
Charlie and Owen appeared in the doorway of your hospital room panting from the exertion meeting the gaze of two actors. Charlie’s heart stuttered at the sight of the high volume of blood in your clothing and your hair.
The sharp gasp brought your attention to the shaking Canadian actor solely focused on scanning for wounds. His eyes barely staying on the two adult males you had been starring with for a few years. Schedule conflicts often led to no introduction to each other’s co-stars.
“What the hell?” Charlie choked stumbling to the chair beside your hospital bed next to the pole holding a blood bag, “Did you get mugged? Are you okay?”
“Char, take a breath, man.” Owen’s blue eyes shadowed with the worry as Charlie’s breathing shuddered. Owen could barely look at you covered in blood.
“Whoa! Charlie. I’m fine. This is stage blood. We had an intense scene, and there was a minor accident.” Your voice soothed the man gently taking Charlie’s hand to comfort him, “I lost a bit of blood. The doctor decided to give me a blood transfusion to bring my levels back up a bit before stitching it up.”
“How do you get stabbed accidently?” Owen questioned glancing at the two men standing silently in the corner. Due to contracts on the Supernatural set details of scenes and storylines was off-limits.
“Well, during filming, I took a knife from her, and she walked into the blade?” Jensen trailed off, shoving his elbow into Jared’s side at the scoff. It happened every time it was brought up.
“I-“Charlie blinked, shaking his head as he took a deep sigh in pushing that to the back burner to focus solely on you. His hand rubbed his face while he settled on squeezing your one hand in both of his.
The touch of your skin grounding him back to earth with the shattering visions of walking into the world without you. It would be both ways, the second his calloused warm skin brushed your hands; it was like the pain faded. Only a sense of content settled in your weary bones.
“Okay Miss Y/L/N.” Dr. Clancy walked into the room only halting to grab a pair of medical gloves, “I see your entourage grew. I’m Doctor Jim Clancy, and you must be Miss Y/L/N’s husband.”
Three pairs of eyes widened at the doctor’s words aimed towards the brunette actor turning a blushing mess. The words mouthed by Charlie to go with it gave barely any insight, but you did it. The moment you had a free minute with Charlie, you would interrogate him in the new title you had.
“Yeah, my husband.” You spoke flicking an expression to Jensen and Jared that caught on from the years together. They had taken you under their wing on your first day on set, and then you became family with their immediate family.
“I can confirm that my initial observation is that the wound doesn’t have anything that shouldn’t be in there. We stopped the bleeding, the x-ray came clean, we’ll set you up with IV fluid, and tetanus shot to be safe.”
“Nurse Gellar here will cut the rest of the jeans off, get you in a gown for a few hours of observation. Just a precaution for blood transfusions. We’ll have some scrubs you can wear when you can leave.” Dr. Clancy motioned to the tall redhead with a quiet demeanour.
Charlie’s lips lingered on your temple at the fear that flared in your expressive eyes, he would give anything to take your place. He softly sang your couple song as a whimper fell from your lips as the jean tugged the dried blood from the wound. The painful pressure felt as you guessed it had started to bleed again, the feel of liquid rolling down your skin, confirming it.
“I’ll sing anything.” Charlie whispered going through his mental catalogue of songs on your shared playlist, “Oh!”
I’m booking myself a one-way flight
 I gotta see the color in your eyes
 And telling myself I’m gonna be alright
 Without you baby is a waste of time
The tears falling no longer came from the pain but the sheer amount of love you had for the man there. Eyes glittering with pure adoration as his voice came off absolutely heart-melting. So, lost in each other neither of you noticed Owen had been filming from the moment Charlie had said ‘oh’.
Yeah, our first date, girl, the seasons changed
 It got washed away in a summer rain
 You can’t undo a fall like this
 ’Cause love don’t know what distance is
 Yeah, I know it’s crazy
Charlie’s hand slowly slid up your arms to cup your tear-streaked tacky cheeks in his warm grip. The hospital faded as it became just you and Charlie. Completely oblivious at the audience in the room.
“He loves her,” Jensen whispered to Jared out of the camera frame that the blonde-haired kid’s phone. It was such a pure moment it felt disrespectful to see this exchange but also honoured to see it firsthand.
“I’ve only seen the look in your eyes for Danneel,” Jared replied, cupping his hands over his face listening to the near inaudible wet chuckle you gave.
“As I have between you and Gen. They have the real kind of love.” 
But I don’t want “good”, and I don’t want “good enough.”
 I want “can’t sleep, can’t breathe without your love”
 Front porch and one more kiss, it doesn’t make sense to anybody else
“Charlie.” You sobbed at the best part of your life serenading you in such a romantic moment at the odd setting—his hazel gaze greener in what would come to be a very dear memory to reminisce about.
The calloused thumb caressing your cheek wiping a teardrop away he continued to see as the doctor finished suturing the wound. 
Nothing mattered other than the couple currently in a bubble.
Who cares if you’re all I think about,
 I’ve searched the world and I know now,
 It ain’t right if you ain’t lost your mind.
 Yeah, I don’t want easy, I want crazy
 Are you with me baby? Let’s be crazy
Charlie’s voice faded with the rest of the song bringing you back to reality with the nurse cleaning up around the wound. That’s how the rest of the day went on waiting for the blood transfusion and IV fluids to finish. You stuffed the tetanus shot while Charlie sang between different genres.
“Thank you.” You softly spoke with Charlie being the only one left in the room with you.
Owen had headed back to their set to finish a scene while giving the updates on you while Jared and Jensen grabbed food. J2 had been very clear they would get Martha to grab some clothing for when they came back. Jensen was determined to deliver you to your home as the first action to make it up to you.
“For what?” Charlie questioned as your index and thumb picked at the cuticles of the opposite hand. Your eyes were hidden from your boyfriend’s gaze.
“For dropping everything to be here.” The words were quiet in the room only filled with breathing and the heart machine you had to be hooked up to.
“My girl-“
“Don’t you mean wife?” You teased brushing a lock of his hair from his forehead taking in the man you had the honor of loving. Of waking up next to in the apartment, you’d been renting ever since you landed the role on Supernatural; overtime Charlie’s things had just accumulated there.
“It was the only way they’d let me in.” Charlie spoke sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, “It’s a little early to call you, but I’m excited to make you my last girlfriend and then my only wife.”
The chuckle fell from your lips, “So, you want to marry me?”
“In front of all our family and friends. Tucked away from the media to celebrate the love we have for each other.” Charlie spoke, “There’s no one else I’d like by my side for the rest of my life.”
A new flood of tears welled at the sincerity in his voice and the warmth laden in his eyes of kaleidoscope colours. Sometimes, depending on his emotion or his clothing, his eyes would be greener, or when he was happy, they had a blue tinge in the green in sadness or your favourite; brown with the swirls of green.
“How did I get so lucky to have the absolute honour to fall in love with you?” Your words created a swell of emotion in the Canadian’s heart.
“The same way whatever deities there are took pity on a boy from Dieppe by bringing him an angel.” Charlie words preceded the kiss on your lips with a grin as you chased his lips after. With one last peck, he leaned back with a fond expression.
“Seriously how do you get stabbed accidently?” Charlie chortled with that gorgeous smile lighting up the room more than the white lights.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @merceret​ @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ @kcd15​ @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl​ @all-in-fangirl​ @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @badwolf00593​ @blowakissbabe​ @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @writerinlearning​ @aiofheavenandhell​ @sageellsworth05​ @link-102​
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just-some-random-blogger · 4 years ago
One Million In One Day | 10 (Final)
GOT7 SugarDaddy!Jackson Wang x Reader + Park Jinyoung x Reader | Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Characters: GOT7 Summary: His mother’s final wish is to see him be happy in a relationship, knowing that Jackson would be fine when she left him. But, damn, he didn’t have time for relationships, especially not since he was busy running his father’s billion dollar empire, thus the compromise: you. Word Count: <2k Warnings: Stalking, fighting, cursing, mentioning of illness, TYPOS, etc.
A/N: I literally said I was planning to finish this soon, but guess what HAHHAHAH THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. I-- Anyway, to @tia-m94, @aquietkerfuffle SKSKSKS here it is. Also maybe actually listen to the song reader begged to play in this chappie lol
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Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy was going to be playing in the club. Why? Because I crawled over to the DJ and wept, begging him to play it. Why I was emotional about it: yes. I was just- yes. Y'know?
It was why Nari, at that point, had disowned me. Also Mark, he disowned me too... although I don't actually remember if he was with us at this time.
I did remember where Jinyoung was though. I squint and looked out in the crowd for him.
I was wearing a sparkly violet dress and killer pumps, as in they were killing my feet. I was warned not to remove them though by the sour man watching me, over there with a sweater on and skinny jeans. Who wears sweaters in a dance club?
I mean it's fine, he was kinda cute. Like hecka cute. 10/10 cute you know. Would ask him out.
I finally spot him from where he sat in one of the tables by the bar. I wave at him. He sees me and waves back. I wipe the tears from my face and thank the DJ for promising to play the song for me and make my way to the cute man in a plain-ass lumpy sweater.
"What did the DJ say?" Jinyoung asks me, standing up from the stool and helping me sit.
"Well, first of all, I told him my boyfriend was really mean because he told me I couldn't take these uncomfortable shoes off."
Jinyoung sighs, "I told you to wear sneakers so we wouldn't have this conversation, but you insisted on 'looking hot.'"
I am offended by the air quotes he says.
"I so too am hot, you worthless piece of-" but my face is suddenly in his hands and my lips are being peppered by kisses. He lightly brushes his lips on mine and wipes he side of it, "Ye, ye, I didn't mean it like that, and you know it, pabo. You're absolutely stunning most of the time."
I blink, most-of-the-time doesn't sit right with me, but I'm not really sure why... "I feel like I should still fight with you."
Jinyoung chuckles then raises his brows and points, "Isn't that your song?"
I take a moment and listen. I then promptly freak out and nod. I instantly grab Jinyoung by the hand and drag him out. Once he's on his feet, he scolds, "up, up, up, up, up. What did we talk about earlier?"
I whine, "What is it this time?"
Jinyoung looks me in the eye, "after this song we...?"
I groan, "we go home! Ugh, what a party pooper."
"Just making sure we're on the same page, baby girl."
I make a face and poke Jinyoung's belly, "oooh, am I your baby girl?"
He chuckles and hums. He pulls his hand away from mine to place his arm around my shoulders, "More like shit-faced, childish adult."
I give him a look, "let's break up."
"Ah," he boops my nose, "when you're not under the influence, m'kay? For now, let's dance."
And so dance we did, if you think of flailing your arms and shaking your rump was dancing. But of course it is though.
Jinyoung, as exasperated as he was, actually enjoyed dancing with me, I think. I mean he seemed to be enjoying himself. He had his hands clenched and his arms folded, shaking as if he held two maracas. And I, when I wasn't head banging, I was lovingly looking at him.
"I'm glad that you're my boyfriend."
Jinyoung didn't seem to hear me because he just continues doing his dad-ish dancey-dance. I was about to say it again, but then his eyes catch something and he point at the direction, "Isn't that Jackson?"
"Jackson?" I scrunch my nose, "Jackson who?"
"Jackson Wang, babe. You're sugar daddy."
I take a moment to think about what he said. Jinyoung looks at me and raises a brow. He chuckles, "you're so shitfaced. Jackson's the one who bought us tickets to the Olympics? Got me a job in Seoul? Got you a job in Seoul?"
I wipe my nose, "Well, I know Michael Jackson."
Jinyoung sighs, "come on, let's say hi. Your song's almost over."
The next thing I know, Jinyoung's grabbing my hand and leading me off to the side.
Jackson, who had seen us, wasn't actually with anyone tonight. Bambam actually owned the club, and he had yet to show up. He found the dancing spectacle pretty amusing but there was a this thing in his chest, like something was biting his heart.
Oh fuck, they're coming over.
Jinyoung calls out. Jackson looks over and pulls on a smile, "Aye, Park Jinyoung." They do a bro shake.
I turn to the man in shade and wonder why he's wearing shades indoors, so I ask, "why are you wearing shades indoors?"
Jinyoung sighs. Jackson's lips part in thought, "they look cool?"
The sweater man shakes his head, "she's shitfaced. She cried over this song and doesn't remember who you are. You know know how she gets when she's drunk."
"I'm not drunk!"
Jackson clenches his fist, thinking, how do I still think she's cute when she doesn't remember me when she's drunk?
"Sure," Jinyoung says, turning to man sat alone in the booth, "you with anyone tonight, Seunie?"
I perk up, "Seunie's here?"
Jackson places his head in his hand and turns to Jinyoung, "I'm waiting for Bambam."
Jinyoung chuckles, "don't wait up."
Jackson laughs softly, "I'm giving him a few more minutes"
"That's what I said last time. Bam's excuse was so bad too."
"Stuck in traffic?"
"Stuck in traffic."
"Wait, where's Seunie?" I whine. Jinyoung looks at me and points, "there's your beloved Seunie."
Jackson freezes.
I turn to him and pout, "why are you wearing shades indoors?"
Jinyoung sighs. He takes my face in his hands and mouths slowly, "stay with Jackson. I need to pee."
"I don't need to pee though."
"Which is why you should stay with Jackson."
"But why?"
Jinyoung turns to Jackson and Jackson nods, "it's okay dude, I got it."
Jinyoung takes his leave.
Jackson moves closer, "so, Seunie?"
I turn to him and tilt my head, "Seunie?"
"He's your friend."
"He's my best friend. I love him."
Jackson clears his throat, "but you said you don't know who Jackson Wang is?"
"MmMmm, nope," I pop the p.
Jackson chuckles, "don't do that?"
"Do what?"
He takes a moment to respond. He mutters softly under his breath, "make me want to steal you away."
"Habudabibittiy-doo," I repeat his words.
Jackson sighs.
For a moment, I sit with shades guy in silence until he speaks up again, "He likes you a lot."
"Likes who?"
"Who likes me?"
"Jackson Wang."
I think for a moment, "Seunie?"
Jackson stills. He debates the consequences. He chuckles, knowing how bad these drunk episodes were. He clarifies the indifference in the question, "Yeah, I, Seunie, like you. So, so much."
"He said that?"
He nods, "he told me."
I blink and nod, "I like him too."
Jackson shakes his head. What a joke. He continues, "Jackson likes you in a way Jinyoung does, but sadder."
I pout my lips, "Sadder? I don't like it when Seunie is sad. He's sad because he misses his mom"
He pushes his shades up his forehead, "He's not sad about liking you like that. He's sad in a way he wants to be the one to bring you home when you're drunk and hold you when you sleep."
"He... felt like that?"
"He felt it when you went on dates, even though they were fake. He feels it until now."
I look at the man and see sadness in his eyes, "don't cry."
He gives a sad laugh, "I'm not sad, I'm happy for you. You glow when you're with him and he glows because of you. When we started hanging out with him, I thought he talked about you to grind my gears, but he just really loves you. I'm glad he does."
"Then why do you look like you're about to cry?"
"It still hurts."
"I'm back," Jinyoung suddenly said. He looks between us and says, "damn, you look like you're about to pass out, both of you."
Jackson clicks his tongue, "I'm tired of waiting from Bambam."
"Well, we're going home too. You need a ride?"
"Nah. I bought my car."
"Good. I really didn't feel like driving across the city for you."
Jackson rolls his eyes, chuckling, "same for you two."
"Not for her though, right? Anything for her," Jinyoung says, looking at Jackson with a smile, then to me, "come on, pabo." He turns around and gathers my arms. He bends down and pulls me up behind him.
"See you next week, Jackson," Jinyoung says. Jackson nods. They have a executive meeting tomorrow. Jinyoung was quickly rising above the ranks. As proud he felt, he felt a little jealous too. He really had not fault to him, huh?
He puts his shades back down and raises a glass, "I'll finish this one."
"Don't drink too much."
"Just the one."
He watches as Jinyoung walks away. He watches her nuzzle against him. He looks to his glass, "anything for her.
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mah-gah-lee · 4 years ago
What a weird family reunion Reggie x  Reader (xLuke)
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gif originally posted by @jatpsource​
Word Count: 3515 words
 Summary: You’re Reggie’s little sister. You were 3 when he died. You’re now a ghost for a decade. One night, you recognize your brother and jumped into him to an unexpected family reunion. How is it going to happen? Will Reggie believe you? In a mysterious way, that’s Luke who help you to convinced Reggie.
 Warnings: cuss (language), mention of death, mention of divorce, mention of drugs
 A/N: This is my first fic about jatp characters. Hope you’ll enjoy! keep in mind that french is my first language, so i’m so sorry if there’s some mistakes in my fic
 disclaimer: It takes place during episodes 6 and 7. I do not take into account the possibility of a Juke. The chemistry while they sing is there but no romantic feelings.
 Tagged: @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @standingtalllove​ 
Losing a child is the worst thing a parent could live, losing two is unimaginable. It’s seems being 17 years old was a new malediction in Peters family.
 You were 3 when your older brother, Reginald, died in a weird hot dog accident. At that point, your parents were literally a fight away from a divorce but never did it because of you. You were too young to be in a divided family, according to them. But Reggie's death separated them for good. Yet they really tried to support each other, to overcome that and give you all the attention you needed. But your mother overprotected you and made you live in the shadow of your late brother. Your dad couldn't stand it. And when they finally divorce, moving out from reggie’s childhood house, you went to live with your dad.
 Even though you were too young to form a strong bond with your brother, in a way you missed him. Your mother’s house was full of pictures of him, some of his clothes were still in a room, dedicated to him. When you visited your mother, you didn’t understand why you always found yourself in this room. You were drawn like a magnet to the comforting room. Reggie’s presence in this new house brought you such a sense of security that your mother had repeatedly found you asleep on a pile of your brother’s T-shirts.
 And then you died in 2009. Kanye West had interrupted Taylor Swift's speech at the VMAs, Miley Cyrus hadn't gone crazy yet and One Direction didn't exist yet. What an era! You didn't know why the great light didn't come looking for you but you were there, as a ghost in 2009. And the time has passed ... You've had your best concerts, the best parties. A forever teenager who couldn't eat, drink or sleep.
 And then 2020 came.
 You were tired of always doing the same thing for over a decade, but you couldn't help but go to every open scene that came up in your beautiful city. It was as if an inexplicable force was pushing you to go there.
 This evening was no exception to the rule and you were in a very hip little bar in the city center. You wore one of those sleeveless, gray crop tops with high waisted pants, your leather jacket draped over your shoulders. Your eyes were directly drawn to a group of girls in colorful costumes. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. It's been 10 years since you died and it seemed to you that these girls looked like the same plagues that ruined the lives of so many teenagers in your time. You put on an expression of disgust when they all took the stage, but when the music started you couldn't help but admit it was pretty catchy. However, you didn't expect a ghost to appear in the middle of the stage, improvising a choreography. Was that part of the show?
 But looking at the audience's non-reaction, you knew it wasn't. The ghost disappeared for the first time, and your gaze sought directly the distinctive light source of another apparition in the room. Your gaze lingered on a small group of three boys - the blond boy included - and two girls. You have wrinkled your eyes to better distinguish the teenagers, and your face expressed confusion.
 “Reggie? “
 You wanted to go see him so badly. You were pretty sure it was your brother but it all came too fast. The moment you decided to walk towards them, the organizer announced a new band.
 “Okay, looks like we're close the night out with one more group…Julie and the fat ones.”
 What was that for a name? Your attention had been diverted and when you looked back at the group, the boys had disappeared as one of the young girls took the stage. Your heart was beating so fast. You couldn't go wrong; you had seen so many pictures at your mother's house that it was impossible that this boy was not your brother. But you missed your chance…
 Julie started to sing and your eyes were captivated, as much as your ears were. This kid was so talented! When she sang a rather high note, the tension in the room charged into electricity. The next second, the young singer was joined by the group of boys you had seen in her company. Appearing distinctly as the ghosts did. On drums there was the blond boy you had seen dancing a few moments earlier, on the electric guitar, a boy with tousled brown hair who seemed slightly familiar to you ... and on bass, with a flannel shirt, there was your brother ... Reggie was there, identical to the photos you had admired so much.
 The bar was on fire as Julie and The Phantoms performed. What a sick name for a group made up of two-thirds of ghosts! The song was so catchy that your heart beat to the sound of the music. But your eyes did not leave your brother, you were unable to move, frozen in place. What should you do ? Will you introduce yourself after the performance? And, what would you say? "Hey hi Reggie, I'm your sister, I died ten years ago and you twenty-five years ago. Unbelievable, right?! Nice to see you again" And once again, before you knew it, the song was over and the boys were gone again, leaving Julie alone on stage in the bewilderment of the many people in the facility.
 “for God's sake, where are they?”
 You didn't want to miss it anymore. Even though the whole situation was strange, you wanted to see your brother again.
 Your eyes flew over the room before seeing the scene play out before your eyes. Julie seemed petrified in front of a man. The boys watched in amazement and as Julie left with what appeared to be her father, you rushed over to the group of three musicians before they disappeared again.
 “omg please don't poof out again.” You said almost out of breath
 The boys looked at you like you were crazy before the guitarist jumped off the bar counter, bursting with energy.
 "Wait, you can see us?"
 “as much as when mister "all eyes on me" made his performance”, you were pointing your head at the blond boy.
 The group looked at each other in puzzlement and Reggie finally spoke, his blue eyes full of mischief.
 “So…hi there cutie, how can we help you?”
 Your face expressed disgust and you stuck your tongue out mimicking vomiting.
Luke gave Alex an amused smile, seeing Reggie flirting and your spontaneous reaction. The bassist couldn't help but charm the pretty ladies.
 “Wow Reggie, that's gross ... you're my brother.”
  Reggie burst out laughing at your response, not noticing that you called him by his first name when he hadn't even introduced himself to you yet.
 “Yeah right, for sure. You just could tell me you weren’t interested. But I’m charming...”
 It was the first time he had been given such an excuse but you looked so serious that he stopped dead in his tracks as Luke and Alex watched you. They always knew Reggie had a sister. But the scene unfolding before their eyes seemed impossible. (Y / N) was so young when they died and now must have been around 28, something like that. But the girl in front of them was a teenager, their age. How was this possible?
 You didn't want to drop the information like that. It was worse than anything you could have imagined. But it had escaped you. Now he didn't take you seriously. Your eyes were wet with tears. It was scary to find you in front of your brother for the first time as a ghost teenager. Luke looked panicked when he noticed your eyes, squeezing Reggie's shoulder as you seemed to beg.
 “Can I ... can I meet you in a quieter time please, Reginald?”
 Your brother's eyes widened as Luke's hug on his shoulder tightened a bit. The eagerness and desperation in your voice had made both boys react, Alex was just looking at all of you like all of this wasn't real. The use of Reggie's name made him tense, surprised. Few called him Reginald. In fact, only his family, and the boys when they wanted to annoy him, called him that way. And although his nickname is obvious enough to deduce his
full first name, he deeply felt that you weren't just anyone.
  He seemed a little panicked and looked around for his friends to support him. As if the solution would fall by itself just by the presence of Luke and Alex.
 “Okay, but I want Luke and Alex’s there! What about tomorrow? I’ll give you the address!”
 Wow, that was quick.
 “hm, yeah, yeah sure, as you want”
 You nodded and Reggie silently slipped a note to the drummer. Alex took a pen, write something on a paper towel and gave it to you. You weren’t surprise, you also can make some tricks. And you just had the time to thanks them before they poofted again.
 The next day, you landed in front of Julie's garage. Lucky she's at school because you shouldn't be explaining your presence, so she managed to see you the way she saw boys.
 Before entering, you peeked out the window and frowned. There seemed to be only Luke so far. He was leaning over the piano, his head in a notebook. Your body went through part of the garage door and you cleared your throat.
 “hmm, hi ... i came to see Reggie ..”
 Luke instantly raised his head and you caught his attention.
 “oh uh, hi! He should be here soon, come in.….”
 Silence felt as Luke motioned for you to sit on the couch. It was a rather pleasant studio; the plants gave a warm atmosphere to the room and the music set sent you good vibes.
 "Does your girlfriend mind that I'm here? I mean, that seems to be your HQ"
 "The girl you sing with" I simply said.
 "Julie? Um, yeah, she's not my girlfriend. She-sh-she’s great and we have this powerful connection but…not, not in a romantic way. Music tied us. Music and friendship "
 Luke chuckled lightly as he scratched his head. You were surprised they weren't dating. Yesterday the tension was intense. He seemed authentic when he had continued his momentum. You let out a smile amused by so much overflow.
 “It's okay, I don't need to know your full relationship statute or your social security number.”
 The guitarist gave you a frank smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. For a ghost, his gaze was really alive.
 “ I’m Luke, by the way”
 "Y / N… Re .."
 "Reggie's little sister… I-I remember you a little."
 "You look familiar to me. Maybe I saw you in a few pictures with Reggie."
 Silence fell and you started to feel anxious. Maybe it was a bad idea? You had grown up since Reggie died ... were you still his little sister after all? Luke seemed to notice your dismay and put a comforting hand on your knee.
 “hey, is something bothering you?”
 “What if he doesn't believe me ... if he definitely thinks I'm not his sister.”
 “Let's be honest, it's a little hard to believe. The last time I saw you, you were three years old.”
 It was as if the memories flooded into your mind and let you carried away in your words.
 “Yeah, you gave me this teddy bear with a guitar and told Reggie you wanted to be my favorite.”
 Luke chuckled slightly before staring at you, speechless. He seemed dazed. This anecdote dates back to twenty-five years anyway. He himself had a hard time remembering it until you said it a few seconds earlier.
 “what was the smell of the stuffed animal?” he asked, confused about that funny fact
 “sorry, what?”
 “the plush, what did it smell like?”
 “hot waffle, why?”
 “okay ... maybe you are his sister ... tell me more about what you remember”
 You looked at him with a puzzled expression. Everything had been so natural before he stopped in all the movements. And now, it was hard to think about for the memories you had of Reggie on demand. The teddy bear given by Luke story had slipped out of your mind without you realizing it. As your brain seemed to boil, the fog of your thoughts cleared.
 “can I use your guitar?”
 “hell no ... why?” Luke exclaimed with far too much anticipation
 “I have this lullaby stuck inside of my head ... I think Reggie sang it to me when I was a child”
 Your pleading and desperate gaze fell on Luke who categorically refused to let you take his guitar. He ends up grabbing his six acoustic strings, terminated. There was something about you that made him weak.
 “Maybe you can teach me but ... my guitar is my guitar, nobody touches it.”
 You nodded and the lead singer moved closer to you. You were stunned by its smell, like a distant memory. Luke had definitely been a part of your life before he died, you were sure of that. You leaned over her shoulder, humming the lullaby that was left in your head. It didn't take long for him to find the right chords. Luke continued several times before you stopped singing, looking at him intently.
 “that's exactly it ... this lullaby”
 You both looked at each other, an indecipherable expression in your eyes. You both jumped at the sound of the garage door. Reggie appeared with Alex.
 "Ready to compose hellish songs! oh did I interrupt something?”
 "No, no I was there to see you. I guess you have a lot of questions."
 "hell yeah, can we start from the beginning?"
  You smiled to approve his request. The boys settled down on the sofa, while you sat down on one of the single armchairs. And the flow of questions began
  “When are you born?”
 “(your birthday date) 1992” you simply answered.
 “What’s your name?”
 (y/n) (y/m/n) Peters
 It’s seemed to convinced a little Reggie but doubt was all over his face.  It was information you could easily get on the internet nowadays.
 “What’s my favorite food?”
 “Pizza, mom said your favorite was the extra cheese with pepperoni”
 “And what was my favorite toy?”
 “I freaking don’t know, how can I suppose to known that?”
 “ah ah!” he pointed the finger at you, as if that answer was proof that you were lying. It broke your heart but you didn't show it.
Instead, you rolled your eyes and Reggie kept going to ask you some question. Of course, you would have liked to have answered his questions correctly. Your mother told you some anecdotes about him but not to the point of knowing all the details.
 “What’s the most terrible thing I said to my mom?”
 “Omg I don’t fucking know! I was 3 when you’re died, asshole!”
 Luke smiled when you exploded. Reggie was Reggie, as weird as possible. Now you were angry and desperate. Your brother didn’t believe you and he kept dragging you into this miserable feeling that you were never going to get your brother back. You had spent your short life living with a faint memory of him. Your blankie was one of his t-shirts, his voice reasoned in your head when you couldn’t sleep.
But then, in front of him, you were a stranger to him. Your heart was bruised from not being able to hug him and to finally meet this brother who had left far too soon.
 “Okay, okay… So, how can you proof me you’re really my sister?! “
 In the room’s corner, Luke looked at you, you looked desperate, about to cry again. He grabbed his guitar and cleared his throat. Reggie turned to him as the guitarist still had his eyes on you, a heartwarming smile hanging across his face. You had managed to convince him in a few minutes. He felt connected to you and the things you told him were disturbing. You could only be Reggie's sister; it was impossible otherwise.
 "Hey…What about the song you told me earlier." he said with a soft and comfort voice
 Your eyes caught his gaze, grateful for the initiative. You nodded and Luke started playing the few notes you had taught him a few minutes earlier. It was so different from all the songs the brunette could play before. It was a lullaby, such easy children's music with just a few notes.   Of course, the band wasn’t supposed to play when Julie wasn’t in the room but, Luke had thought it was the best thing to do to encourage you to keep going. He didn’t know why, but he wanted Reggie to believe you. Luke believed you, hard as nails. There only had to look at your eyes to understand this reality, and Luke had noticed that. You had the same blue eyes as your brother. How could Reggie still doubt that? You started to sing
 You're so sleepy
Very much sleepy
You want to go to the fairyland
You close your eyes
And jump into your dream.
When you'll wake up
I’ll still be on your team.
 The instant Reggie heard the first notes, he knew. But hearing you sing the lullaby he had invented for you when you didn't want to sleep as a child, was a magical moment. You were his baby sister. He gave you that sad little puppy face, so overwhelmed. Reggie opened his arms and you jumped into a hug, so glad he finally accepted the fact that you were his sister.
You felt oddly safe again, like taking a nap in Reggie's pile of old t-shirts. You were so happy to find your brother and to be able to live your non-life by his side. Nothing would be as boring as it used to be. Reggie pushed you away with a concerned look
 "but wait ... how did you die?"
 "Yeah ... I don't really know ... I was at a really, really good rock concert and I bought this drink ... and I think I got drugged up there and ... I guess I'm dead? tadaa " you tried to tell him in a light tone.
He had just learned that he had a little sister. He didn't have to know that she was sneaking out at rock concerts and drinking alcohol before she was old enough. Right? Alex looked at Luke and Reggie with his half amused half confused smile. As for Luke, he fidgeted from foot to foot at the discovery. Y / N was as much rock and roll as they all were. Rebellion had to be his middle name
You loosened Reggie's embrace and lowered your head, pursing your lips so as not to show your embarrassment. He asked if you wanted snacks and you nodded. There was a slight silence. You didn't notice the urgent look Luke gave Alex but the next moment the blond jumped up to accompany the bassist, leaving you alone in the garage with the lead singer.
 The silences were a little longer until Luke cautiously approached you. You could feel the awkwardness from miles away.
 “ Sooo, you made this.”
 “ yeah ...” you answered in a shy voice
 It was the moment you had to thank him but your words seemed frozen. You mustered all the courage to plant your gaze in Luke's eyes.
 “Thank you ... for helping me earlier.”
 “oh it was nothing”.
 “I ... yes, yes it was. You can't imagine how important seeing Reggie again is to me. Thanks for ... for helping me open his eyes.”
 A slight smile caught his lips and he reached for your cheek before stopping his gesture. Instead of stroking your skin, he simply put a section of your hair back behind your ear.
 “I would do anything for my best friends.”
 And Reggie was definitely one of Luke’s best friend. You hardly swallowed, your stomach contorting under the effect that the guitarist made you. Time had seemed to fly at an incredible speed as the moment was interrupted by Reggie and Alex coming back to you.
 You cleared your throat and stepped aside to pull yourself away from Luke as far as possible. Your gaze fell on your brother and you raised an eyebrow at the last remark. 3 years old, really? You were 3 years old twenty-five years ago ... now you were eternally a teenager
 “I’m seventeen.”
 “Listen, i'm your big brother, you’re three, end of discussion.”
 Your face wanted to laugh and you pursed your lips to keep from succumbing. But your eyes… Your eyes met Luke's in a complicity that slowly settled. Could you fall in love with your big brother's best friend? Definitely yes...
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infested-tea · 4 years ago
Bakusquad LGBT Headcanons
Whoops... haven’t posted in a while... whoops.
Anyway, for this I decided some Bakusquad gay hc. And maybe some shipping lmao. Now, BakuKiri is valid but I prefer TodoBaku. But both are great. For this imma go with TodoBaku and KiriDenki because preference. Also, if anyone starts fighting about ships in comments I’m coming for you toes.
Anyway, enjoy!
Katsuki Bakugo
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This boy....
Oh god this boy
Three syllables
Oh yeah he’s gay
Gay disaster
Very angrily a disaster
Bakugo strikes me as a tsundere. As he does for everybody
But combined with his... tendencies...
He becomes a walking balm of internalized gay anger
He fears being outed because homophobia is fun
But since all of Class 1-A knows, they just don’t say anything
Only openly out to the Bakusquad, and Todoroki
Like I said, dating Todoroki
Or Kirishima depending on how I feel
Either way, he is a clingy, angry tsundere with both
Will avidly defend his friends and himself or anyone from any kind of bigotry
Very... passionate... lgbt supporter
May or may not have cried the night he came out to the bakusquad. Both before and after. And may or may not have been happy tears.
Also the kind of person who screams at you to die while absolutely showering you in love and trying to make you feel like the most valid person ever. But does it in his usual Bakugo tsundere way.
He has hit everyone in the Bakusquad and his boyfriend with their respective flags while shouting vaguely threatening words of love and validation at them. This has happened to everyone at least once. Todoroki, Jirou, and Denki are the most common victims.
Also. Trans Bakugo deserves rights
When it comes to being trans, Bakugo has no issue with it
Neither do his parents
But like with him being a filthy gay degen- *gets exploded* OW!!
Anyway, like him with his homosmexualness, he’s scared to come out about it
Mind you, his parents are also avid supporters for the gay community
But he himself has seen and heard things and it scares him
As well as those morons in middle school who he came out too (not willingly) but teased him about it and made stupid comments, they didn’t hate him but were more so ignorant
Has experienced actual hatred before, especially middle school (maybe projected on Midoriya a little...)
But, this boy was so relieved when he came out to his friends and especially Todoroki
Maybe the human population isn’t so bad after all, huh you angry ball of rainbows and anger
Also. Ace bb
Eijirou Kirishima
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The resident sunshine shark puppy
He flips between functional and disaster depending on the day
Is extremely open about him being pan, since it’s the manliest thing to do
And he is the manliest
He is also avid supporter and defender of the lgbt
Since Kirishima is the other backbone of the Bakusquad, he’s great for when ya need some comfort
This baby boi just wants to be loved and will love you back tenfold
Best hugger in class 1-a fight me
Broken gaydar
Denki Kaminari
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(This was the first gif... y’all really horny huh?)
The biggest bi disaster
Also chaotic
Unintentionally chaotic
Like, he goes in with intentions of chaos, then somehow it ends up being worse then it should’ve been
Goddamnit Denki, is now Bakugo’s favorite phrase
Best gay friends with Sero and Mina
Absolutely falls hard
Sure, he’s a flirt, but that’s just Denki being Denki
He’s so much worse when he falls in love
Not a flirt. No no. Absolute blushing mess
Bf do be Kiri tho
(Why is he the person I have the most ships with like damn...)
His gaydar is absolutely fucking broken. Like my god you could be Aoyama levels of obvious and it’d go straight over his head
Gaydar is so bad he usually ends up flirting with lesbians or already taken people
He never touches a dude because he doesn’t want people thinking he’s already weirder than he is
Bad social anxiety, so he stayed quiet about being bi
Than Sero asked... he denied it
It failed
Now he’s out and semi-proud
Does have sad days where he feels anxious and albeit ashamed
But he’s with the two biggest cuddlers with Sero and Kiri so it’s fine
Or if you want to be saucy, soft boy Shinso or Ojiro
Hanta Sero
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This dumbass
Non-binary (he/they) demisexual biromantic boi
Since I hc as the most observant person (emotionally anyways) his gaydar is by far the strongest
He picked up on fucking Todoroki... that man looks straighter than his dad is sucks
Also the one who picks up the crushes before the people even do
Motherfucker could tell you who’s gonna end up with who before they even realize that they like each other
*cough* Bakugo and Todoroki *cough cough*
Poly relationship with Denki and Kiri. Fight me
Mina Ashido
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Best girl
Ace lesbian
Makes a great chaotic couple with Mei Hatsume
Chaotic lesbian and she knows it
She is also disaster
Bad kind of disaster
She uh... once tried to bake a pride cake for pride month and nearly burned down the entire dorm
Denki was also there... that didn’t help
Also the resident shipper of Bakusquad and Class 1-A (alongside Hagakure and Ochako)
She absolutely got 8/10 couples together in 1-A... and also 1-B
ShinoMa anyone?
Absolutely has tricked Denki multiple times to wear dresses
Doesn’t have to trick Sero, he just does it
Adores Mei and is soft about it
Kyouka Jirou
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Badass bi anyone?
Bisexual disaster
But very quietly dies unlike the other three on here
She can try and smooth it over and play it off
Doesn’t work all the time
Trans female
And I love her
Gay with Yaomomo
Hangs out with Sero and Bakugo a lot as trans squad and they end up laughing at the four other dumbasses they have sadly befriended
The head of the Bakusquad, especially at pride
Absolutely fucking listens to Against Me! and Jayne County and whatever other trans musician you can think of
Absolutely vibing with Sero while listen to Girl in Red, Cavetown, or the other two
And jams with Bakugo and Denki with those as well
On bad, dysphoric days, the squad bakes all her favorite foods, grab her girlfriend, and hang out and chill
Some general pride month headcanons
Like I’ve mentioned, vibing with Cavetown and Girl in Red
Also jamming with Jayne County and Laura Jayne Grace and whomever else Jirou found that week
At pride, Kirishima is at the bbq with Tetsutetsu (they have rainbow gay meat come on!)
Bakugo is trying to stop Todoroki from wondering off and getting lost, especially at first pride parade since it was his first time and Shoto is absolute dumbass
One year while still going to UA, Shoto and Denki picked up on an anxious Momo and sad Jirou and Sero just... announced how gay they were for each other.
Later that month, the two girls got together due to a party thrown just for them put together by Sero, Shoto, Denki, and Mina
It’s a tradition to watch whatever the gayest show out at the time is and finish it before the month is over as a group
SU is Denki and Kiri’s favorite.
Bakugo hates it cuz the diamonds piss him off
Soooooo, they have to stop halfway through the gay wedding episode
Todoroki joins in on the shows because he has nothing better to do (but really it’s because he’s lonely and craves affection... bb)
Also, when Bakugo came out. Sero won a bet with Mina. Not on him not being gay. But Mina thought he was bi.
Mina was wrong
And now it’s a tradition for Sero to make bets with the other squad members on who’s what shade of gay and then win because he’s right 100% of the time (and Bakugo just started betting WITH Sero because he got tired of losing. Denki and Mina do not give up however. And Kiri switches sides a lot.)
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half-bakedboy · 4 years ago
oh look, it’s my future (read on ao3)
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand Rated: General Summary: “I know that face,” Owen said, effectively breaking TK out of the Carlos-induced stupor he had found himself in for who knows how long.
“What face? I’m not making a face,” TK said defensively. He tried to take another bite of his ice cream but realized that while he was distracted, it had almost all melted to a puddle at the bottom of his dish.
“That’s the ‘oh look, it’s my future’ face,” Owen said easily.
A Season 2 Episode 10: A Little Help from My Friends Extended Scene
TK sat next to his father who was probably trying to tell him about how delicious his ice cream was or that throwing the party for the little boy was something he would never forget and they all should be so proud of themselves for making his dreams come true, but TK couldn’t focus on anything.
Well, anything besides his boyfriend.
Carlos was crouched down, ice cream cone in hand while a friendly neighbor girl leaned forward to take a few bites. She had her fingers in her ears and a worried look on her face, one that TK knew Carlos wouldn’t be able to resist. He had heard her say that everything was too loud, but she was okay with not having ice cream if it meant that Shaun was happy. Carlos had apparently decided that wouldn’t do and reminded her that every kid at the party deserved at least a little bit of sweetness. He brushed his finger over the tip of her nose and held the cone out for her much on.
TK could see the trail of vanilla trickling down the side, coating Carlos’ fingers, and smiled even wider. Carlos hated when his hands were sticky. Even when he was cooking his extravagant meals, he would run his hands under the warm water over and over against just to make sure they weren’t anything but sparkling clean. (Sometimes, TK would pull Carlos’ fingers into his mouth to make sure they were clear of any remnants of meal preparation before Carlos reminded him that the kitchen wasn’t the bedroom and ‘ Dammit, babe, your team is right there. ’)
Carlos knelt down as the little girl grinned, showing off her face covered in runaway ice cream that hadn’t quite made it past her lips. He smiled right back at her and TK thought his heart might have stopped for a moment. She pursed her lips as Carlos brought a towelette up them, scrunching her face in distaste when he cleaned the ice cream off of her. His laughter broke through all of the other bright noise and TK was grateful to have heard it.
Before she ran off, she hugged Carlos tightly, throwing her hands around his neck while his wrapped awkwardly around her waist. Even with the dirty towelette in one hand and a half-eaten ice cream cone in the other, he still hugged her back as tighter as he could, doing his best to avoid the pigtail protruding from the side of her head.
“I know that face,” Owen said, effectively breaking TK out of the Carlos-induced stupor he had found himself in for who knows how long.
“What face? I’m not making a face,” TK said defensively. He tried to take another bite of his ice cream but realized that while he was distracted, it had almost all melted to a puddle at the bottom of his dish.
“That’s the ‘oh look, it’s my future’ face,” Owen said easily, shrugging even as TK gaped at him.
“What are you—“
“Oh, stop with the panic, will you, kid?” Owen scoffed, pointing his spoon in Carlos’ direction. “Your future is over there entertaining every kid on this block with the dopiest smile on his face and you’re over here panic watching .” Carlos was leaning into the driver’s seat of the police cruiser, kids piled in the other side as the sirens went off and on wildly. A joyous and loud, ‘Happy Birthday, Shaun’ echoed through the air as the kids cheered into the megaphone attached to his cruiser.
“I’m not panicking , dad,” TK said quickly, stirring at the liquid in his cup and trying to break the chips that sank to the bottom with the edge of his spoon. It was busywork, but it meant he didn’t have to look his father in the eyes and admit that yeah, maybe he was panicking just a little.
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with looking at the man you love and dreaming of what your life could be like together,” Owen reassured, squeezing TK’s shoulder comfortingly. “About two months after I met your mom, I watched her help a little boy about Shaun’s age get a toy off of a top shelf and I thought ‘one day, that could be our kid’. And look at you now.” TK couldn’t help but laugh and glance over at his dad, a soft smile on his face.
“Yeah, I still can’t reach toys on the top shelf,” TK joked, grinning even wider as his dad shoved his shoulder playfully.
“Your ice cream melted!” TK looked up just as Carlos spoke, “Did you want me to get you—“
“No, I’m… I’m all set,” TK said, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth when sudden nerves bubbled up inside of him. Owen patted his shoulder again and stood, walking next to Carlos and holding out his hand for the half-eaten ice cream cone Carlos had pinched between two fingers. Carlos blushed and handed it over, immediately grabbing another towelette to wash off his hands.
“Thanks, Cap— Owen,” Carlos corrected. TK wasn’t sure if it was of his own recognition or if the raised eyebrows his dad shot at his boyfriend helped, but he was grateful Carlos finally nixed the professionalism. When Owen was out of earshot, Carlos sat down, draping an arm easily over TK’s shoulders. “I can’t decide if I’m scared of him or not,” Carlos contemplated, a pout forming on his lips. TK pushed forward just enough to press a gentle kiss to his mouth, letting his tongue trail along Carlos’ bottom lip to taste the flavor of chocolate on his skin.
He pulled back with a hum and muttered, “Tasty.” Carlos blushed as he glanced around as if to make sure none of the kids were watching and TK leaned back into his arm with a chuckle. “You were really good with her,” TK noted, hoping he wasn’t being too obvious that his heart had just stopped singing.
“I like kids,” Carlos replied, his eyes never leaving where the little girl was now dancing with Marjan and Paul. As cute as the kids were, TK was more relieved to see his team stress-free for what felt like the first time in weeks. “Plus, I couldn’t just let Arabella miss out on all the dessert, now could I?” Carlos asked.
“Of course not,” TK agreed, resting his hand on Carlos’ thigh and giving it a reassuring squeeze, “I was just reminded that no one can resist my boyfriend’s charms.”
Carlos rested his hand on top of TK’s as if on instant and they smiled over at each other, uncaring for the excitement around them once they had locked eyes. TK flipped his hand over so that their fingers could entangle and for a moment, he tried to figure out when the motion had become so easy - when things with Carlos had become so natural. He couldn’t figure out when he started looking at Carlos like his future instead of just his right now and he was sure that should have been scarier than it was.
“Officer Carlos!” A cheery voice yelled from a few feet away, effectively breaking both of them out of their lovestruck stares. TK glanced up to see Arabella with her hands over her ears again, beckoning Carlos over with a dramatic wiggle of her elbows. He couldn’t help but laugh as Carlos pushed himself up without a second thought and started walking over. As if he realized how immediately he fell to a child’s beck and call, he turned around and shrugged bashfully.
“Duty calls?” He explained and TK’s future flashed in his mind; Carlos getting up off the couch during movie nights to go cuddle their daughter to sleep after she wakes up from a nightmare, coddling her when she falls off her bike for the first time, teaching her how to prepare the incredible meals he always cooks and wiping flour off of her cheek as a right of passage, dropping everything for her in the same way he had always done for TK.
“Mind if I join?” TK asked, because if that was Carlos’ future, it was his, too.
But he could think about that later. He grabbed Carlos’ outstretched hand and held his own out to Arabella. As if she couldn’t resist, she pressed her ear into her shoulder to keep out the noise and grabbed TK’s hand solidly in her small one. It was a perfect moment by any definition as they laughed and danced together, him and Carlos swinging Arabella to the beat of the music blasting from one of the ice cream trucks. As much as TK looked forward to his future with Carlos, he wasn’t about to let the right now pass without savoring it, especially when it felt so right.
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