#on both wattpad and ao3
askhumanhtf · 1 year
shifty, spill the tea now. ☕😲
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Hi, are you okay I hope so, could you recommend me some Error × ink fics?
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
From Your Point of View by 0Sion0, TGK Translations (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
They say that to understand another person you should imagine yourself in their place. But what are you to do when you're pretty much forced into the body of your sworn enemy?
The Two Cockroaches by Mutatedbunnies (Mature, Incomplete)
In the aftermath of a messy breakup, Ink moves into the city to begin his life anew. After a fateful encounter with his neighbor, he falls head over heels for someone new. Error, a graduate student who’s hesitant when it comes to romance, is immediately swept up in Ink’s brilliance and vitality, unable to stop himself. While Ink and Error are consumed with one another, their friends and family fall into romantic affairs of their own. Cross, Error’s best friend, falls in love at first sight with Ink’s ex-boyfriend, who isn’t sure he’s ready for a new beau just yet. Geno, a promising young doctor, has an unfortunate tendency to be stalked by one of the hospital’s top forensic pathologists, Reaper.
I want your soul | Errorink / Errink by Yumikokun (General Audiences, Incomplete)
~ This story is inspired by another one...so if you stumble upon a story similar to this one, you know where I got the inspiration :) ~ . . . A story about a young prince who lives in a castle with his three older brothers. The oldest brother catches a mysterious flu that can not be healed with simple treatment. And thus, the kingdom is ruled by the second heir. The young prince, desperate to find salvation in healing his brother, travels in search of a wizard who might help him. Though, he stumbles upon more than he anticipated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Published: 2nd of June 2022 Ended: ?
Curiosity Killed the ErROr by ShandyCandy278 (Teen And Up, Complete)
After realizing that he knows next to nothing about how Ink came to be and that the guardian knows nothing as well, Error decides to start looking into it. The Creators are egging him on, and shenanigans from the other outcodes are proving to be quite the distraction; Ink just wants to be his friend (not happening), Dream is acting weird, and Nightmare can't believe his eye. The chances of Error learning everything are slim-to-none, but since when did that stop him?
Tangled Memories by honey_bubbletea33 (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
Ink is forgetful, sure, but he remembers basic, necessary things, most of the time. So when Error finds him clueless, unable to remember how he got there or any of the people he interacted with, it's nothing short of a good opportunity. Ink knows where the Omega Timeline is, so Error can just go there and destroy it, right...? Turns out, Ink's memory is still limited at best, which leads him and Error on a hunt for more clues about Ink's previous life in the Omega Timeline, revealing a side of Ink Error never knew about. ...All he needs is for Ink to never remember who they were to each other.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
Heyy are you on Wattpad? Because if you aren't then someone reposted a story from you on there. I think it was the biker ghost story I wasn't sure if that's you because the account goes by another name than halycone of the sea
I am on Wattpad (by that I mean I have an account because people have stolen my fics before and I have to report them there. I never use it/post anything on it).
But I'd love if you could tell me who uploaded it! Totally send me another ask or a dm because it was 100% not me and I never gave permission for anybody to do that!
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andresmounts2 · 2 months
I need more people to post their Fetchen fanfics on tumblr.
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squoony · 2 months
Both are going to be really angsty (and the optioned are supposed to be vague). The Chilaios fanfic is probably going to be longer than the Gen fanfic
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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[ 3tan10 ] updates and what to know!
new drop date: friday, june 9th🍊 even though i got a lot done, this will give me extra time to truly sit with it and edit without rushing, giving you a much better final result<3 for those of you enjoying his concert that day, this could be a nice dessert for after! not only am i more comfortable with this release date, the extra time also means extra words.
new word count estimate: 18-20k :’))
what to expect: a lot. like a lot. so if you’re the type that likes to be organized with commentary, this one is gonna be like forfeit so you may need to take notes while you go through it!
what else to expect: this might get hit with a Mature community label, so make sure you have your Community Label Settings set to Show instead of Hide (needs to be fixed on desktop, Account Settings.) if you have yours on the default settings, any posts labeled Mature won’t even exist for you.
💌 note: thank you for being understanding and patient while i get through the final stretch! i know it’s been a long time coming but i am fighting to make the wait worth it. consider this busted chapter a whole instead of one part, and another one i’m pouring myself into❤️‍🩹
thank you all and see you on (the new) drop day!!🥳
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itsbansheebitch · 6 months
Since this is becoming a relevant conversation again...
People are wondering why the ratio between mlm and wlw is so dramatic. This is reasonable question to ask, however, people's first explanation is misogyny. This is (mostly) incorrect.
if you watch Contrapoint's latest video (Twilight) she actually gets into the psychology of women reading mlm.
However, i think that she says it better than i do and you can watch her video to see her analysis. I'm hear to share my own experience.
I'm afab and I read more mlm than wlw. In fact, i barely read any wlw at all. That, to someone who's ready to scream "misogyny" wouldn't make sense to to ME liking women.
Here's the truth on why I read mlm more: I relate to male characters more. Now, you might suggest that this is because the male characters i read are better written, however, I disagree. I relate to male characters more because I was RAISED as a "boy." My father WAS misogynistic and was expecting a son. He got two daughters. Instead of changing his parenting style, I got raised with "men's issues."
Men's issues meaning, an expectation to not just be good, but be The Best(TM). An expectation to never share or show emotion. An expectation to treat ever hobby like it will be a job, contraetc
HOWEVER! I was also raised as a "girl" because of his misogyny. This made me have "women's issues."
Women's issues meaning, an expectation to settle for the bare minimum, an expectation to stay quiet & not speak up & not advocate for myself, an expectation to be a housewife and to focus on my looks above my self worth. etc
This means that when female characters complain about how "men don't know how to communicate, yadda yadda UUGGGHH MEN" I always cringe because I AM that person. I can't communicate like other girls (literally). I wasn't taught to communicate. I was taught to hide my feelings and bottle my emotions up. All I hear is characters berating each other for not communicating when the writers don't realize that it is NOT THAT EASY. Any communication skills I've learned is from reading & writing essays for school.
I just can't relate to girls that complain about that sort of thing because I have the issues they complain about. As someone who's afab, raised with the worst of both worlds, take it from me:
The Amount of Emotional Repression that Men Experience on a Daily Basis is Cruel and Inhumane.
If you won't listen to them tell you that, then you will listen to me.
Because of this, I find myself relating more to male characters. So yes, I will continue to read mlm more than wlw. Until people actually talk about men's issues in a kinder manner and write character accordingly, I will continue to read mlm. That's not misogyny. That's me looking for characters with similar life experience to me. I'm sure SOMEONE reads more mlm because of misogyny, but they are the MINORITY.
Put away your pitchforks and Mind. Your. Business.
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nearly-magic · 7 months
i decided to rewrite a part of one of my oumami fanfic chapters because it was LACKING!! but im not gonna update it because i wanna keep the chapters as close to how they were when published, so that my writing skills can be seen improving lol- ANYWAYS heres the small bit of the chapter :3
"Hahahaa! Wooow, what a cool trick that was, Kokichi! Dumbass, heh," Miu joked.
"It's not like you're any better! Here, try doing what I tried to do," Kokichi hands the phone over to Miu. Miu quickly restarts the level, and immediately begins fumbling around.
While Miu was attempting the trick, Kokichi's eyes drifted away from the phone screen. They drifted over to Rantaro, and he couldn't look away. His eyes followed individual strands of his hair over to his piercings. Did he always have those in? Does he not have other ones? Do they not hurt after a while?
Then, his eyes shifted to Rantaro's face. The sun hit his face just right, he was more than just 'pretty'. His eyes were the most charming green he'd ever seen, like shiny polished emeralds with how they sparkled.
His outfit was different from what he wore in the killing game. Well, everyone's was, he didn't know why he highlighted his specifically. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt, which had some kind of brand logo in the corner. He still had his necklace thing however. I wonder if that has any sort of importance to him.
Kaede told a joke, which Kokichi didn't hear, but he watched how Rantaro laughed. His laugh made Kokichi's heart feel like it could soar the skies and touch the clouds, but he was brought back down to Earth when Miu celebrated, excitedly shaking Kokichi.
"Did you see that? I fuckin' did it! I'm a genius! A gorgeous one at that!" Miu yelled, making him cover his ears due to the sheer volume.
"..Huh? Oh! Yeah, awesome! You go girl! Guess ya proved me wrong!" Kokichi faked paying attention because he was focused on something else, something he considered more eye-catching.
"Lemme try now!" He tried to grab Miu's phone, but she pulled away before his fingers could even touch it.
"Wait, dumbass! I'll give you my phone in a second! You're so impatient!" Miu said with a smile. Her phone beeped, indicating it was on low battery.
"Hah! My phone's on five percent! Ah, wait, that means I can't use it either.. Well, I'm a fuckin' winner, cuz I did the trick and you didn't," Miu puts her phone away in her bag and Kokichi complained a little, slumping in his seat.
Everyone had finished their meals already. Miu stands up to go to the bathroom, almost getting tripped by Kokichi. She turns to yell a couple more swear words, then runs off.
Kokichi watches her go away. 'Guess I'll have to talk to these bozos now,'  Kokichi thinks, putting his hands in his pockets. He then unexpectedly feels something in one of them.
He pulls that something out, and discovers it's a piece of wrinkled paper. From before the killing game, presumably.
He unfolded the paper and all it said was 'lol, gay '. He could feel his face get warmer slightly.
He felt called out because of earlier. Not his fault that Rantaro was just that pretty.
He put the paper back in his pocket once he saw Miu coming back. He tried his best to conceal his blushing face, but to no avail. He saw Miu's face turn into a smug one, meaning she thinks she knows what's up.
Before Miu could say anything, Kokichi trips her again, completely throwing Miu off as she starts throwing friendly insults at him again.
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maplesyruplover · 1 year
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I've 🤢 returned *dry heave* t-to Wattpad 🤢🤮
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guplia · 6 days
Oof guys idk what to write rn I have three options:
Continue You look like you've just seen a ghost
Write the next fic for Bad Things Happen Bingo (the next one will either be for "be careful what you wish for" or "deadly game"-- I have drafts for both of them)
Continue writing my Cole wip (it's just him physically suffering for like 1k words lol)
What should I write rn?
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Ya'll I just posted a new chapter of 'The Secret'
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mardytoast · 2 months
this is how me and my childhood friend who occasionally reads harry potter x oc fics on wattpad look at eachother
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chaoticneutraltor · 5 months
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wandixx · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about this one time I called my angsty fic "smut" because in my mother tongue sadness is "smutek" and it didn't even occur to me, that it can mean anything else. Just, you know, localized term for angst or somehitn
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rissynicole · 1 year
Random post, but because AO3 is still getting things worked out, I just want to remind folks that all my work can also be found on fanfiction.net and A Parade of Indignities is also on Wattpad. And if you ever want to read a specific fic of mine and can’t find it, contact me directly and I will be more than happy to give you a PDF copy.
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thiamblogger · 1 year
i'm hoping that posting a snippet it will actually force me to finish writing said chapter, which is currently at 1k
(which is also just the intro...)
but it's still me, so...
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