#omg I used the wrong dh one
dcafpaperback · 15 days
That's the thing, your original post was clearly saying Ginny was a Pick Me in the HBP book and states that "she's not a feminist icon as her fans claim her to be". I'm sure every Ginny fan has seen similar arguments just like yours to tear Ginny down. But as I said, a lot of Ginny fans (and hp fans in general) associate her with Choice feminism, which is in reality demeaning and low-key anti-feminist. Omg she chose to let go of her athletic career at her prime just to be Harry's baby machine and...this is celebrated? That's not feminist. But at least she has a career and is financially independent from Harry, that's awesome.
So sorry for being defensive, I was not attacking you, I was strongly disagreeing with you. But anyway, I still disagree about Ginny being a huge pick-me. A lot of her actions that are called Pick-me behavior are literally her just being a teenager. And the difference between Ginny and the male characters tore apart limb by limb is that Ginny does not appear as much. She was doomed by the narrative.
oh i passionately HATE the headcanon of her leaving her quidditch career behind just to raise her kids. i hated it since the beginning of my time here in this fandom, i still do. my headcanon is she played atleast a solid 22 years for Holyhead Harpies. And no this 'baby machine' notion is not at all celebrated in the hinny fandom, we all are pro quidditch player Ginny. I also don't mind the healer Ginny headcanon, i think she would be very professional in any job she opts for. And I didn't call her a pick me in a way to demean her no, I'm sorry if that's how it came off as. I tried to put it in a matter of fact tone since I know there is nothing wrong with having a pick me phase. I had one, my friends had one, we all grew out of it. That's what I said as a conclusion that I'm sure she becomes better. Overall I think JKR rushed her character portrait a lot in HBP to fit her into the 'Harry's love interest' narrative. She desperately tried to give Ginny the 'oh look i'm cool i'm a sassy girl who plays quidditch' vibes because that sort of mirrors Harry's personality of being a sassy jock. She deserved to have more to her character than quidditch and meanness in the initial chapters of the book. I liked her way more in OoTp and DH. Jkr used her as a vessel to channel her own internalized misogyny. But like I said, it is OK to accept flaws of characters, those make them unique. You stand by what you said, I stand by mine and still we can love Ginny for who she is together. If you wanna talk more, you are always welcome <3
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urtwice · 2 years
Irene: Dream for anyone who would like to answer~
Yeri: Masque for the bestie!!!
Wendy: Angel for the artist~
- @reve-rv
“how long do you sleep on average?”
DH. i always try to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night !
MM. people keep track of how long they sleep– ?
“what’s your skincare routine?”
NY. i’ll briefly run you through my most extensive one: after removing my makeup, i use a cream cleanser, then wash, oil cleanser, wash, foam cleanser, wash, then toner, ampoule, sheet mask, then night cream, and finally eye cream :D
“is there anyone you’d do anything for?”
CY. omg she didn’t call me brat– oh, that’s an easy one ! my family and the girls, of course !
TY. us ? really ? are you drunk ?
CY. is it so wrong for me to be affectionate with you guys– (ー ー;)
ask game
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b-ap · 7 years
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just look at their faces 😂
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vivithefolle · 4 years
I just wanna ask, and don’t get mad at me cause I’m genuinely curious, how do you stan Ron? Like, I like him, but he is definitely misogynistic (slut shaming Ginny, treating hermione like she owes him something and being mad that she kissed someone years before, always objectifying Fleur, and acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much). Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO
how do you stan Ron? 
Like this:
Ok and then.
he is definitely misogynistic 
No. And here’s why.
slut shaming Ginny 
Yes, that was wrong. And guess what, that’s also something he probably - scratch that, definitely - picked up from his mother. And also his brothers, recall how Fred and George too don’t like to see Ginny go around with boys. There’s also something to recall: Ron was there when Ginny was taken into the Chamber of Secrets and learned later that it was because she had trusted an older guy. You seriously wouldn’t be paranoid about who your sister dates after that? It was wrong. Yeah. And he more than learned his lesson when Ginny clapped back by virgin-shaming him and basically told him that he was childish because he hadn’t have a relationship yet. So would that make Ginny sexist too? Or is it just for Ron?
treating hermione like she owes him something 
..................... uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... when? When the fuck did anything like that happen?
He made a prat of himself at the Yule Ball, that much is obvious. But he didn’t tell her anything like “you should be with me” or didn’t insinuate anything of the sort. He was a jealous bitch but kept attacking Krum, not Hermione.
If you mean in sixth year when he treated her with “icy, sneering indifference” for the course of two weeks, yeah that was bad but that’s not “treating her like she owes him something”, the fuck?
being mad that she kissed someone years before 
Yeah. I know. And that was bad, ooooh you got me to admit Ron did bad stuff, that’s what you want to see, right? And I reckon he was also mad that she hid it from him, and that he had to learn it from his sister of all people. We see Ron handles what he considers betrayals terribly. I have some meta discussing the possibility that he has a form of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
always objectifying Fleur 
Um... no, he doesn’t. He makes a stupid comment about her once in GOF then stops. Let’s also fucking remember that Fleur is a Veela, she literally makes guys stare at her as part of her powers!! I’m not blaming her because she’s literally born that way, but you can’t blame someone who is under magical compulsion either.
acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much 
So tell me why he was friends with Hermione then?
Because Hermione wasn’t Emma Watson the super hawt sexy model goddess. Hermione was Mrs Generic. Until this once at the Yule Ball when she got the pretty princess perfect Mary Sue makeover but then stopped because she had to remain ~relatable uwu~.
Again. Ron made stupid sexist comments. But it’s actively shown that he doesn’t follow up on them. If he did indeed live by the motto “girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much”, explain to me why he wasn’t simping and drooling all over Padma Patil who is explicitly stated to be one of the prettiest girls at school when she was his date? Why exactly did he ignore her and was a miserable twat the whole evening instead of basking in the joy of having snagging a girl that was “worth it”? Well surprise, it’s because HE ACTUALLY ISN’T LIKE THAT AND WHAT HE SAYS IS MAYBE SHIT HIS “COOL OLDER BROTHERS” SAY AND HE THINKS THAT BY EXTENSION IT WOULD MAKE HIM COOL TO REPEAT IT. MIMETISM, THAT'S BASIC FUCKING HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY FOR FUCKING TODDLERS MY FUCKING GOD.
Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, 
so. so why. so why wouldn’t you. use that. as a reason. to stan him.
fuck all the “hurr durr ron weasley the boy who made it out of the friendzone!!!!” bullshit, let’s start going with “Ron Weasley, the Boy who became a Man, and not one of those 'uugghh im such an alpha male’ ones but one that’s got the balls to say ‘hey love, I’ve got an idea, what if you kept doing that job you love and feel passionate about while I support you and do the majority of the childcare while also working a smaller job on the side so we’re never short on money’“
Why you people gotta be “yeah I like Ron BUTT” when you know full-well this fucking awful fandom will rake him over hot coals over the slightest mistake he does - worse, will actively go out of their way to interpret his positive moments in the most negative way possible??? Fuck off with that bullshit. Ron dared to say bad stuff omygah big deal, he was forgiven for it all and you’re just all cowards looking to feel “pure” by telling yourself “oh yeah but he was problematic once uwu”. FUCK. THAT. NOISE.
but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO 
And IMO he’s not, funny how that works
I guess it’s impossible to stan Ron because he was problematic uwu.
Then I hereby decree that it’s impossible to stan Hermione Granger because:
“I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t given up Divination now, don’t you, Hermione?” asked Parvati, smirking. [...] “Not  really,”  said  Hermione  indifferently,  who  was  reading  the  Daily Prophet. “I’ve never really liked horses.” She turned a page of the newspaper, scanning its columns. “He’s not a horse, he’s a centaur!” said Lavender, sounding shocked. “A gorgeous centaur . . .” sighed Parvati. “Either  way,  he’s  still  got  four  legs,”  said  Hermione  coolly.  “Any-way, I thought you two were all upset that Trelawney had gone?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 27
wow casual use of a racial slur yay!!! A+
And it’s also forbidden to stan Harry Potter either since:
It was raining hard now, and she was nowhere to be seen. He simply did not understand what had happened; half an hour ago they had been getting along fine. “Women!”  he  muttered  angrily,  sloshing  down  the  rain-washed  street with his hands in his pockets. “What did she want to talk about Cedric  for  anyway?  Why  does  she  always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 25
“Harry! There you are, thank goodness! Hi, Luna!”  “What’s  happened  to  you?”  asked  Harry,  for  Hermione  looked  distinctly  disheveled,  rather  as  though she had just fought her way out of a thicket of Devil’s Snare.  “Oh,  I’ve  just  escaped  —  I  mean,  I’ve  just  left  Cormac,”  she  said.  “Under  the  mistletoe,”  she  added in explanation, as Harry continued to look questioningly at her.  “Serves you right for coming with him,” he told her severely.  “I thought he’d annoy Ron most,” said Hermione dispassionately. “I debated for a while about Zacharias Smith, but I thought, on the whole —”  “You considered Smith?” said Harry, revoked. - Half-Blood Prince
Victim-blaming! Nice Harry, nice. Always classy.
Ok, Ginny stanning is already cancelled because she virgin-shamed Ron, right, so who’s left, who’s left... ah yeah:
“There you go,” said Fred proudly. “Best range of love potions you’ll find anywhere.” - Half-Blood Prince
Selling date rape drugs proudly ouh là là. Bye Fred.
"Do they work?” she asked.  “Certainly they work, for up to twenty-four hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question...”  “...and the attractiveness of the girl,” said George, reappearing suddenly at their side. “But we’re not  selling  them  to  our  sister,”  he  added,  becoming  suddenly  stern,  “not  when  she’s  already  got  about five boys on the go from what we’ve...”  “Whatever you’ve heard from Ron is a big fat lie,” said Ginny calmly, leaning forward to take a small pink pot off the shelf.
Assuming that only girls use love potions, and only on boys. Men never rape in JKR’s world, only women do, you heard it from George Weasley here folks, I’m just passing on the message. Ah and I hope you’re also starting the Fred And George Hate Club given how he’s also slut-shaming Ginny.
“What’s this?”  “Guaranteed  ten-second  pimple  vanisher,”  said  Fred.  “Excellent  on  everything  from  boils  to  blackheads,  but  don’t  change  the  subject.  Are  you  or  are  you  not  currently  going  out  with  a  boy  called Dean Thomas?” “Yes, I am,” said Ginny. “And last time I looked, he was definitely one boy, not five. What are those?”  She  was  pointing  at  a  number  of  round  balls  of  fluff  in  shades  of  pink  and  purple,  all  rolling  around the bottom of a cage and emitting high-pitched squeaks.  “Pygmy  Puffs,”  said  George.  “Miniature  puffskeins,  we  can’t  breed  them  fast  enough.  So  what  about Michael Corner?”  “I  dumped  him,  he  was  a  bad  loser,”  said  Ginny,  putting  a  finger  through  the  bars  of  the  cage  and watching the Pygmy Puffs crowd around it. “They’re really cute!”  “They’re  fairly  cuddly,  yes,”  conceded  Fred.  “But  you’re  moving  through  boyfriends  a  bit  fast,  aren’t you?”  Ginny turned to look at him, her hands on her hips. There was such a Mrs. Weasley-ish glare on her face that Harry was surprised Fred didn’t recoil.  “It’s none of your business. And I’ll thank you” she added angrily to Ron, who had just appeared at George’s elbow, laden with merchandise, “not to tell tales about me to these two!”
Ah, good on you for defending yourself, Ginny, but remember, Ginny stanning is prohibited because she’s been problematic in the past and is gonna be problematic in the future and that’s baaaaaaad. Careful kids, don’t get ideas. It’s problematic to like people who’ve done problematic things.
So I guess nobody can like anything or anyone now. Sorry guys. Liking things is evil, what if the thing you liked had, OR USED TO HAVE, *gasp* flaws, can’t take that risk, ohmygah.
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chicchanooliner · 3 years
Glory or Dust : an opinionated summary.
Also speakers ratings
One word : 3D
Boy Ichiro can climb and run fast woa
Speakers can move????!!!
Ichiro’s are no longer on my top 10 I’m sorry sweetie but those speakers are gonna get a 5/10 and those points are for Ichi not the darn speakers.
Ooo Samatoki can wiggle! Is he trying to be a Sama-snake now?
6/10 for the creativity of his speakers, they even glow in the dark. 10/10 good for those who are scared of the dark.
Which brings us to another topic; do they glow bc Samatoki is scared of the dark?
Ooh look at Nagoya div <3
Nagoya Div my beloved <3<3
Setting looks like Naruto’s so it’s ok
Kuuko, my man, gets 10/10 bc I’m biased just like that also speakers have a dragon holding a speaker (?)
DH really be imitating Uchiha Itachi’s pose up there lol
Shoku repo (食レポ) Is what gave Sasara a 9.9/10. The 0.1 is bc I didn’t get the punchline in his joke there.
Sasara and his speakers are feline friends yes. They understand each other also the fact the speakers are a maneki neko dancing around makes everything even better.
Ramuda baby what the fuck are u guys doing up there??? What if u fall??
Ramuda my gremlin angel. Your speakers will get a 6/10 bc they look so weird also they kinda look like a croos over between Yu-gi-oh and fish eggs so.
MTNRO my beloveds, get your asses down pls, least one pf u trips and break your backs.
Jakurai really be looking like sailor moon up there with his speakers. 10/10 bc everything about Jakurai looks majestic.
Jiro, 3/10. I’m sorry sweetie but 10/10 for that one random girl that appeared. Who. Is she??? She really be chilling here
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TRASH PANDA (why u so mean Jyuto??)
Flowers. Thats all I see whenever I see Jyuto’s speakers so 5/10 bc they kinda pretty when I think of them as flowers but as sirens they will get 3/10.
Jyushi my beloved child, my angel UwU
100/10 bc he is Jyushi and deserves the world. Also I’m obsessed with how his speakers look like a haunted house that gives a nightmare before Christmas vibes.
Rosho really looking like a snack up there. The way he say “ 怖いお” makes me go UwU
However, Rosho, honey... thise speakers... 4/10 bc that table really looks like the box where my grandma used to store dates in when I was young.
I will not talk about how disappointed I’m with Gentaro’s outfit bc I thought they were elegant until I saw them here.
Those speakers better stay 6 feet away from me. They look like a yokai. So 7/10 for being creatively scary.
Speakers are simple but elegant so usually I’d go for a 2/10 bc I really don’t like yellow. But 101/10 bc you are Hifumi and that spin. THE SPIN IS BEAUTIFUL.
These two
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You might wanna tune down being mad and you guys can kiss later
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Saburo, my child, I really hoped for “Saburo Steelo” moment but guess this won’t happen for now
Saburo’s speakers get 9.6/10 bc I really really want to touch them. Grinch vibes tho.
Ichiro, you look like u got dumbed sitting there I’m sorry
Rio... now look i love this guy, I really do but those speakers will get 2/10.
Hitoya. One word. BIKE GOES BRRR
sweetie what is that??? 8/10 for the creativity and 9/10 for being funny
10/10 for Rei’s speakers. Suzaku being there is magnificent but final score is 0/10 bc they belong to Rei.
Dice looks like a vending machine more than a gambling machine so 1/10 for wrong vibes but final score will be 4/10 for the fact that he has his own fucking face on those speakers
Now star of the show, my spirit animal, my man, my child, Doppo will be getting 100/10 bc he deserves it. Creativity 10/10 and 10/10 for being simple and elegant.
No i am not screaming or crying...
KuuIchi are standing on the same side
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Now DH is surrounded by both Matenro and MTC so can they just really quickly gang up on Rei and beat some sense back to his head???
Hitoya near BBs. And Jakurai on their other side My life is now completed
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Samatoki can u just slap Rei a little bit? Since ur near and all??
Now, Fling Posse and MTC really walked there like they came out of mean girls
2 ft distance u guys omg.
Thought Kuko would pull Jakurai’s hair as to make Jakurai reach his height pftt-
SamaRamu continue flirting please.
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missymwac · 3 years
I lost our Roomba.
The kids gave it to us a few months ago as a gift, but it sat in its box until Christmas Day, when the darling son set it up. To be clear, it’s not that I COULDN’T set it up; I just didn’t want to bother with it during the holidays. I’m at that point in life where I see a new technological thing and think, “OMG. Something else to set up and program.” Also, "Hey you kids...GET OFF MY LAWN."
We named it “Buster,” not because we are ultra-precious and cutesy, but because the app requires you to name it.
Buster is pretty good at what he does. He’s gotten stuck a couple times under the chair and ate the shoelace on one of my roller skates, but other than that, he’s surprisingly efficient. He gives off a Star Wars vibe as he zips around the ground like one of those tiny robot things on the Death Star. I honestly didn’t think it would pick up a lot, but turns out, I was wrong. He leaves his docking station every day at 12pm and “vacuums” for about 90 minutes. The first few days of operation, he scared the crap out of me when he turned on.
I made the joke that I was worried Buster would become self-aware, and one day the DH and I would wake up to find Buster on the bed in between us where the dog should be, you know, if Buster hadn’t eaten her.
But now, Buster is lost. As in, I can’t find him. Anywhere.
Now, I don’t live in a ginormous house. We have four bedrooms but only two actually have beds in them. One sofa. One dining room table. Some chairs. There aren’t a lot of places where a Roomba can hide.
But Buster is crafty. He’s wedged himself somewhere and allowed his battery to die, so now, I must engage in a Search and Rescue mission for a Roomba.
How hard could it be to find him, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’ll let you know when he turns up.
I’m not entirely convinced the whole “he-became-self-aware” thing didn’t happen.
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Moriarty 5 - 7 | HypMic 10 - 11
Moriarty 5
Saito’s Moriarty and Gentaro voices are quite similar, now that I compare them.
“…he’s a good egg at heart.” – LOL, never thought I’d be reading subtitles that said that.
Oh, so that was Frida on the bridge?
I wonder, is Moriarty like Bon and nursing a weak leg with that cane? Or is the cane just a symbol of nobility?
Moriarty 6
The Titanic? Wasn’t there a Black Butler arc based on it?
LOL, these people in the foreground are CGI.
…is that the grapefruit guy? (Beats me, I haven’t watched this in weeks and am only returning to it because Scott keeps mentioning spoilers. The only thing I’m keeping up with properly is HypMic and my Kanon watch with #AniTwitWatches…and soon I’ll add the final episodes of Sailor Moon to it.)
Found him! Sherlock Holmes! I sort of triangulated from buzz around me that he appears in this episode.
What’s with the skull ring Holmes wears?
…ah, the golden ratio!
…Oh, this is gonna get interesting! You can tell this Holmes is adept in fighting due to his build, but…how did Moriarty figure out Holmes played the violin? Calluses on his hands?
Is this Holmes a womaniser…? I thought the guy was often characterised as an asexual, or at the very least aromantic. That’s part of what makes the guy so intriguing to me - because he still has Irene.
A colliery is a coal mine. It’s been a while since I heard that word.
Moriarty 7
The anime’s sense of colour is probably one of the most striking parts of this. Not just red, but blue and green where it counts too.
Not a fan of the 1st person cam…
That knife came out pretty clean for something so blood-stained.
I wanted to say “’Right,’ said Fred”…but Fred didn’t talk, so I can’t do that. (Dangit!)
I somehow found it slightly funny that France was ahead of Britain (America?) in forensic pathology, although I dunno what made it funny exactly.
I squealed (…just a little bit) when the iconic quote came up: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” I have it memorised from my Detective Conan days still, see?
Next time: A Study in S (according to stuff I read, the S stands for Sherlock this time).
HypMic 10
…I can’t believe it’s almost over already. I’ve basically been in a dream this entire season…but then what happens once the anime is over…? Waiting for the 2nd DRB to happen, I guess.
I didn’t even realise, but Jiro’s varsity jacket has an owl on the bottom of the logo.
…”[H]it the head”? Wassat mean? *checks up* Oh, so it means to go to the bathroom…Right. It’s US slang, which might explain a thing.
Notice Ramuda uses “Jakurai” and not “jijii” or something like that during his time with Ichijiku. Also, there’s a lot of his deep voice going around…
You can see MTR on the poster behind Ramuda at one point.
*anguished noises* Ramuda!!! Please don’t do this!!!
LOL, Sadamezuka and Kazuha.
Is “bum-rush” even an appropriate word for this situation…? US slang is weird…
…Doppo’s performance almost seems like a Rosho foreshadowing. Also, I love how Doppo’s screens disappear with his motivation.
…I saw a spoiler today on Twitter regarding Dice and meat…now I get it.
“detarame” – I know this word means “nonsense”, but for some reason I memorised it as meaning “s***” at one point due to the context of Scenario Liar. I find it interesting Hifumi used a word from Scenario Liar in the first place, even though it’s not necessarily meant to be taken in that context.
“the King of Normies” – For some reason, that made me laugh pretty hard. That is an accurate translation of “riajyuu no ousama” though.
Gentaro’s smile puts a smile on my face as well.
“colours you’ve dyed” – Note Shibuya is constantly referred to by colours, including how PCCS (in the Shibuya 1st DRB team song) apparently means “practical colour coordinate system”.
I find it interesting that Saburo was the one who mentioned holding hands as a sign of camaraderie first in the anime and then the Funi translation makes Ramuda use the same symbolism here. It may have been unintentional, though.
…the subbers keep using “OMG” and I’m like ????. Is OMG outdated slang in 2020?
…wow, that holy imagery…they really went all-in on Jakurai’s godliness there.
…even when knocked down, Jakurai’s hair is still 100% gorgeous.
I noticed one of the lyrics the translators cut out of Doppo’s rap was “borderline”.
Ahhhhhhhhhh! This anime just kicked me where it hurts! (<- As in, it used the trope I love so much – where the underdog causes a sudden turn-around in the battle and they’re not even aware of it!) This is why I love you, Doppo!
LOL, FP spent their countdown gossiping. That’s such a FP thing to do.
Hifumi seems to carry the beat in MTR’s Kizuna. Jakurai gets drowned out quite a bit, although Riou (who has a similar voice) was less drowned out.
“No pain, no gain.” – That’s a good saying.
HypMic 11
2 episodes until the end! (Yikes!)
I still take some issue with subbing the laughing. Well, then again I’ve been half-deaf lately with my ears being clogged (accidentally clogged my ear up again…), so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
If I’m hearing it right, Ramuda goes “nee-san” and not particularly anything to do with “Beauties” or “Beasts”, which seems to be exclusive to the subs.
Stone guardian? I guess this has to do with jizo in Japanese. Hifumi does go “namu” (short for “namu amida butsu”) towards Doppo at the end there.
That bed is…why is it so empty if it’s meant to be the room someone’s staying in?
Is Jyuto’s hair black or brown? I’ve been colouring it a deep brown because I think that looks nice, but it might actually be black…
I have a newfound respect for Komada ever since I found out his birthday is [secret censored – maybe if you follow the hints I leave behind, you might find out what I mean].
LOL, I spotted the fire extinguisher in one corner and was immediately reminded of how someone once translated “fire extinguisher” to “hand grenade”.
…how does Jakurai’s hair work from the back? There’s this coil of hair that seems to go places it shouldn’t be…
For some reason, the subbers keep translating “sensei” as “the good doctor”…or is that the first and only time it happened?
I think it’s appropriate they discuss bonds on the day Kizuna (the ED) goes out on streaming.
…*thinks about 2nd DRB, where BB vs. DH is going to happen next month* …Yeah, you better pay attention or your daddy’s gonna come spank you boys.
Jakurai summoning his mic is always freakin’ cool. Aspire to be like this elegant man.
The wolf hand sign again.
There’s a pun between kizukizu (wounds) and kizuna (bonds). Update: The phrase is actually gisugisusa (stiffness, unsociability, coldness [of atmosphere] etc.), but...there’s the same rhyming scheme, so it’s not wrong.
Doppo’s bit about Jakurai(-sensei) being a kasugai (hemostat) is, surprisingly, quite faithful, as you can tell from how those words rhyme. Hifumi’s verse mentions a monkey wrench, though.
…kasumitai ore ga yoi… - that translates to “…[Jakurai is] better than us, who are like scum…” It’s a very Doppo sort of line, noting that kasu literally means “residue”.
I didn’t realise this until now, but Riou has a piercing in one ear (his right). It’s just in an unconventional place in the upper curve, so I never spotted it.
Samatoki’s death aesthetic really contrasts against Jakurai’s healing one. I can see why people really liked the MTC vs. MTR fight now.
It seems the strategy to win in this series is to keep spamming your attacks. It seems hugely suitable for my pseudo-Pokemon AU, which emphasises attack over defence.
Oh! I never noticed the blue gem on Jakurai’s mic!
Note how Samatoki said “lightning rod” – Jakurai’s name means “lonely thunder”. It’s one reason why I fell head over heels for the guy – his stupidly awesome name.
“horse/rabbit/bush warbler” – These refer to MTC. Samatoki, Jyuto, Riou. On that note, ARB currently has an event where Ramuda hangs out with MTC and he calls Jyuto “usa-chan” as a pun. I find that so darn cute!
“And the winner is…Matenro!” - *cue the song, The Champion*
Notice how they put BB and FP before MTC and MTR in the ED…it’s foreshadowing!
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Omg you've seen a.c.e in concert??? I'm so jealous!!! I've only recently discovered them and I'm sort of in love with Jun. Who's your fave member? They're all such dorks!!! Have you see their new part change video where they're dressed in halloween costumes while they dance?
Hahaha I occasionally post about my cats on my Tumblr so revealing their names might give me away. 😉
I'm also very bad at picking favourites in The Untamed. There are just so many contenders!! But I think lwj and wwx might be at the very top for me. I think I relate a lot to lwj too! I'm usually silent and seem closed off and unemotional until people know me. When I was younger, people have called me expressionless or commented on how I never smiled. And I relate to having grown up with strict rules and struggling to figure out how to navigate the world when you realise that those rules don't work.
I do agree with you about how xue yang might have turned out if he'd had more sympathy and compassion shown to him as a child. I do pity xue yang's, jiggy's and su she's circumstances for the same reason although I could never forgive their actions.
What are your favourite tropes, situations and scenes to read fanfiction about? I really enjoy canon compliant getting together fics, and friends to lovers, and YEARNING (and a lot more but these are the ones I seem to end up reading most). Oh and anything where the female characters get to survive, kick ass and live happily ever after.
oh yeah we all went last year on my dad’s birthday, so it was almost a year ago exactly now, wow, time 🛫 they’re such good dancers and seem rly sweet too :(( i can totally see how you’d fall in love w/ jun; he kind of closed his fingers around everyone’s hands in the hi-touch for a moment instead of just doing a brisk high five 🤧
i decided to let myself double bias donghun and chan after the concert, bc there was this moment when we were standing in line for the hi-touch where i was rly sure DH looked right at me?? it’s possible he was looking at the ppl around me too, but like it felt like he was looking right at me. plus we share a bday so like omg fate?? but then chan’s such a qt pie and he literally covered “do you wanna build a snowman?” like how could i not love him?? but yeah all the members are great :’) i haven’t seen that vid yet but i’ll keep it in mind~!
ah, i see 👀
yes, exactly…! i think a lot of us can relate to him, including wyb, lol. i think even my family have trouble reading my emotions~ omg when it was picture day in preschool alskdf i said -_- when ppl actually comment about you not smiling tho, oh my god, that’s the worst !! as if you pointing that out is gonna make me smile, jfc 🙄(dude that scene in captain marvel where the guy tells her she’d look better if she smiled, and she not only doesn’t do so, but also steals his motorcycle... therapeutic)
yeah i’m not at all a forgiving or even trusting person when it comes to real life, but that’s part of the fun of immersing yourself in fiction, heh. mdzs rly is fascinating in how it explores morality~ for some reason jgy and ss don’t break my heart like xy does tho... like i see where they’re coming from, but i don’t feel for them as much? maybe bc they were like twice as old as him when the main bad shit happened to them, idk. xy just feels like a misguided kid who never grew up and learned right from wrong, whereas the others... they feel a bit less childlike and a bit more sinister i guess, lol. i would never condone xy’s behavior tho, as least not with any more seriousness than when whx does so, lmao. it’s low-key kinda fun to jokingly excuse it tho 🙃
so far i’ve only read soft xuexiao fics pls don’t judge me ahhh let me think, back when i used to read a lot of finnpoe fics… i think fluff, mutual pining, coffee shop aus, things like that? for mdzs, i’m just looking for fluff dude, pls, the canon has enough angst alskdf. give me fix-its and aus and reincarnation; i need it !!! while reading the novel, i’m also kind of wishing we got a twilight-style parallel book where it’s just mdzs from lwj’s perspective, so i might look into reading some things from his pov if the novel doesn’t satisfy my curiosity~ all the things you mentioned are rly good too!! i haven’t read any with the ladies yet; do you have any recs? 👉👈
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 18 - watching notes
I know I'm slagging a bit. So sorry, life in quarantine is - somehow - busy. I want to watch the untamed all the time, but I just can't right now :/
Last on "Sophie wstches the untamed": Wei Wuxian is a self-sacrificing idiot but what else is new
Wei Wuxian, third young master, just used his cultivation power to catch a chicken
And icon
And now she's his hunting companion. I fully support them :Dh no, one of the wangxian mirror is hurt 🥺
But I'm glad he's back. I've been anxious to find out what will happen to them
Completely random, but I've just realized that apparently "Shifu" (please pardon my spelling) is Chinese for "Master". I knew the word from avatar the last airbender, but never knew that its chinese 🙈 (I realised this because Song Lan is repeatedly calling "Shifu!")
There is just something incredibly disturbing about people crying tears of blood
So wait, Xue Yang blinded him with some kind of poisonous powder?
Ooohhhh! I never realised that this legendary Master of wwx's mother and Xao Xingchen is a woman? (Or I did and forgot again)
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(Sorry. The fact that there is such a disparity between the number of male and female significant characters on this show is maybe the only thing that's bothering me right now. I've seen worse on other shows though and the female characters that are there are great, so I'm not that bothered by it.)
Wen Qing is as much of a fangirl of the Baoshen Wanderer as I'd be :D
OMG they're going to look for her!!! Pleasepleaseplease let them find her! 😭
Also, the way wwx's whole face softens at the mention of some link to his parents 😢
Those needles going like 5 centimetres into Jiang Cheng's skull ... *shudders*
Turning serious for a second: I know Jiang Cheng is grieving right now, but even so, the fact that he can only see worth in either his live or his death if he is able to seek revenge is ... depressing. It says a lot about his source of self-worth, as well as how much he depends on some form of outside validation. Poor guy :(
Not done with my feminist bullshit yet: I don't quite know in what way it is significant, but I love the fact that in a setting where power is largely transfered from father to son or from (mostly) male masters to a largely male student body, our protagonist's powerful ancestors and grandmaster where women. His mother was a powerful cultivator, his father the servant. And his mother also learned from a female cultivator who seems to have acquired almost legendary status within this world. I can't help but think that this exemption to the rule is somehow linked to who Wwx is as a character. He's a trickster. He defies customs left and right and even though I don't know how yet, he will somehow go against the other clans in such a major way that his own sworn brother will find it justified to kill him. But he's still the protagonist. We're meant to root for him. I can't help but hope that in a setting so defined by rigid customs and traditions, including a patriarchal structure, this story will promote that those customs shouldn't simply be upheld for their own sake, that when they defy what is morally right, one should break and reform them. (Maybe I'm going too far with my analysis here, but that is both a feminist message and a very anti-authorotarian stance, the second of which is one hell of a statement in modern day china)
Why do I have a feeling that Wei Wuxian is promising too much? It would be way too easy if this worked :/
Jiang Cheng held his chopsticks the wrong way round 😭🥺
Jiang Cheng: "Tastes terrible"
Also Jiang Cheng:
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I live for Wen Qing's silent disapproval
Wei Wuxian ...
He's still going to sacrifice his own golden core, right?
And he's not telling Jiang Cheng...
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This is going to be one of those shows again where 90% of the conflict could have been avoided if people had just GODDAMN TALKED TO EACH OTHER, isn't it?
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
The way wwx and Shijie are remembering the home they have lost through food is so relatable, it breaks my heart 💔😔
AAaaawwwwww, oh my god!!!!
Little Wei Ying!!!! 😭😭😭
I did not expect this flashback but it makes me so happy!
I mean look at him!!!!
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(Sorry for the shitty pic of my laptop screen but LOOK AT HIM! 🥺)
Shijie! 😍
To be fair to little Jiang Cheng, a kid that she wouldn't understand why he suddenly can't have puppies anymore
My heart ... 💚💚💚
Shijie has just always been there for both of them and holding them together. I can't 😭
Also little Jiang Cheng's "I'm sorry"! He just wants to be loved. Then and now :'(
I don't know, I'm just weak for characters that bear their inner child's pain into adulthood ...
Can you not give me wwx / jc brotherhood feels when I know for a fact where this leads??? 😭😭😭
"You me and Cheng, the three of us, we must be together forever and never ..." "never be parted." - *they immediately part ways*
don't lie to them you idiot!!!
We'll see song lan again, won't we? Cause I still don't understand what exactly happened to him and why
Also, I want to know what he originally wanted them to tell Xiao Xingchen 🧐
"None of them cherishes his own life." Wen Qing knows my pain
That was a hard cut to a battle montage ...
LAN WANGJI!!! 😍😍😍 I've missed you so much!
I'm still about confused about wwx's plan here
Not the goal, just the execution
That mountain shot with the bells is awesome!
Okay, I'm not quite sure what's happening here. This person might be the true Baoshen Wanderer. But I don't think so. I think it's more likely she is either Wen Ning or Wei Wuxian in disguise (I'm sure they could also alter their voice) and Wei Wuxian has not given up his plan to exchange his core for Jiang Cheng's
Either way it's just unfair that this is where the episode ends 😅
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony (hope you guys are doing okay 💚)
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ftisland-russia · 6 years
Road to Ithaca ep.5 [eng trans]
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Hongki felt that the PD team was being petty on purpose, because the view kept raising so they were thinking of a way to cut their allowance. Hongki: If they're like this, I'm going to raise the views even more. I'm going to contact all of the famous idols that I know to help us promoting our videos. The other rockbros: Yes! I'm also going to do the same. Let's raise our video views even more! -> Rockbros with hongki as the marketing captain vs the PD team
The PD team really got frustrated, as due to the extra marketing efforts, the view was raising more than they expected. The PD team: Can't you guys stop here? Hongki: lolol what are you talking about?? 
Dohyun suddenly had a song inspiration, and hongki got inspired to write the lyrics for it. Watch the video for hongki's singing + guitar, accompanied by junhyun's belly drum
Rock Bros become 4! HW: We were super serious when it was just the 2 of us. We got brighter and energetic after Hongki came. Now we are all laughs and smiles.
HK: Hyung, can we eat something like this? DH: Like what? HK: Like this one       We are at a port city
HK: This is gonna be so good with bread (Price: 32 lira) HK: I heard mackerel is so good here DH: How much do we have left? HW: 214 lira HK: Can we eat this and practice the rest of the day? 
DH: I'll just order a coke. Eat whatever you want HW: I'll just have a glass of water JH: I'll go get some air
HK: Sea bass, yeah JH: I thought you wanted mackerel (고등어) HK: What is this? Sea bass? JH: That's sea bass (농어). Why is this sea bass HK: They are all sea bass
When HW asked for more water and DH worried water wasn't free... HK: It's free? Waiter: Yes, free HK: The English words we use the most here are "It's free?" and "discount"
HK's dramatic reading of JH's travel diary from 16 years ago - This journey is like the first. I must not be impatient. It's not a tour... It's a journey
HK's dramatic reading of JH's travel diary from 16 years ago - I'm far from ready but let's thoroughly plan tomorrow everyday! I'll have so many regrets... as always. Let's make one day at a time. D-2!
HK: OMG THE LAST PART!! (RESUMES DRAMATIC READING) Tomorrow I'll clean the house and read about the history and culture of Turkey Greece and Egypt. Wait for me, Sun! 
Rock Bros start practicing for 'Man is Ship, Woman is Port' by Shim Soo Bong. Baby Hongki struggles with it because he's not familiar with the song. It came out in 1987...
'Man is Ship, Woman is Port' by Shim Soo Bong - HK gets it wrong. HW gets it wrong DH tries 1 on 1 lesson with HK. HK: This is hard JH: It'd be weird for someone your age to do well HK: It was hard at the beginning…
HK & DH on-the-spot performance DH: HK: Should we try it again from the beginning? DH: I forgot 
HK's on-the-spot lyrics to DH's on-the-spot melody Title: Day Night I'll capture everything I pictured I'll capture all of them without worrying about others When I open my eyes to the quiet breeze, I smile I'll capture the passing by couples Now they become a movie
HK: I wrote it in kind of an abstract way.      All the couples I used to be jealous of have all become a movie. DH: Write it! Do whatever you want! 
HK: Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!      Doesn't Hyunwoo look like a sloth?!
HK: I like busking.      I don't have to get paid...      I just like sharing my music with people.      It felt good to perform in front of many people. DH: Let's go play HK: HYUNG!!! DH: HK: There's a bowling alley downtown! It's a pub so we can drink beer! HONGKI'S 1st DAY IN TURKEY HK: Do you know there are bowling alleys in Turkey?      There are.      Let's go later when we have some money to spare   HOW WOULD YOU EVALUATE YOUR BOWLING SKILL? HK: If I get the time to take the pro test this year, I think I have a 80% of passing it. It's self-conceit DH: Let's make teams HK: 2 VS 2 DH: The winning team gets 200 lira that they can use freely HK: Awesome DH: Let's go to a bowling alley HK: WOW~!!! JH: I have to team up with Hongki, I have to team up with Hongki! (RIGHT TO WIN = HONGKI) JH: If I end up with Hyunwoo, we are done! (NO WAY) Team Selection HW & JH HK & DH (100% CONFIDENT OF WINNING) (HONGKI'S TIME TO SHINE!) DH: Let's go Hongki! With a left hand?? (STRONG & SMOOTH SWING~) (STRIKE AS EXPECTED) JH: That was my first time seeing strike in real life HW & JH team gets advantage HW: Give us 50 points and don't do your steps. Just bowl. HK: Okay! I'll go first Why HK & DH lost #1 Dohyun tried to copy Hongki DH: It looks so cool how you throw your ball when the guard rail come down HK: I'm not supposed to do that Why HK & DH lost #2 Hongki couldn't aim without taking the steps NOOOOOOOOOO Loser's Excuse HK: I was too relaxed...I just did it for fun?      But I had my self-pride.      I was sure I could win!  Hyunwoo's Victory Dance HK: What's up with that dance???             Where did he learn that?         That dance was so annoying!!! Hongki's FINAL chance HK: I concentrated.      This was it.      It felt good. and yet... After spare fail (SOMETHING WENT WRONG...) (DENYING REALITY) -- My baby's face is so ticked off @skullhong WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE LOSS? Excuse 1: I used a house ball Excuse 2: My body wasn't warmed up enough Excuse 3: I have to play at least 3 rounds to warm up
cr.: @lusneverland @ChocopieK
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idreamofdraco · 6 years
Thanks for the recs! I would love more recs (including oneshots), esp ones set in HBP/DH. Going through the recs is it fair to say that the newer stories generally have more in-character Ginny and Draco than the older ones? Are there any older ones with a more confident/brash Ginny and without omg-so-cool Draco? (I don't necessarily mean redeemed. I love a morally conflicted Draco. I just can't see him as uber sexy or brave or badass. Sorry!) Thanks again!
I used my redeemed tag because those tend to be stories where we see the consequences of the war on Draco, so he’s not cool or confident, he’s usually lonely or isolated or angry, which I think brings out some of the more interesting character traits and relationship developments between Draco and Ginny.
I do think Ginny is portrayed better in newer stories, but, also, when I say “new,” I mean, like, stories written post-2007, after the Deathly Hallows book came out. You’ll see her in some fics a bit broken from the war, and I think that’s understandable, but she isn’t timid and quiet by nature, just because of trauma. Buuuut that’s probably not really new, hahaha. Draco is hit or miss though because people still like to read him and write him as cool and sexy. That hasn’t changed. I, personally, like to write Draco as very Uncool because there are so many stories where he is super suave (I love those stories, don’t get me wrong, but I also love Draco being super petty to hide how lonely and pathetic and inexperienced with women he is :))))).
I still stand by the recs I provided in my last answer, but here are some more, including one-shots:
The Return of the Singing Valentines by idreamofdracoAn Everlasting Tuesday by idreamofdracoThe Twelve Knights of Christmas by idreamofdracoDecode This by BoogumThe Good People by derryereSentenced to Sanctuary by Persephone33 and Mynuet
Takes place during HBP/DH or at Hogwarts the year after DH:
September First by idreamofdracoA Very Normal Christmas by idreamofdracoA Valentine Masque by idreamofdracoThe Black Alder Tree by falingskyesCharcoal and Paint by jessica k malfoy
I’ll have to come back and look for more; I’m heading out the door now! (And sorry over half of these are mine. I just obviously know my own stuff better than anything else.) I have a couple asks from someone with more recs that I will post when I get back later today!
And anyone else who wants to rec something, feel free to reply or reblog with your suggestions!!
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lauramkaye · 7 years
On Research And Fanfiction
When you hear someone talking about research for their fanfic, what do you think of? A historical AU, maybe? Or an AU where the characters are part of a different, very technical profession? It’s true that it’s important to research for those kinds of stories, but I’d like to make a case that making research a part of your normal writing process will lead to better stories.
I’m trying to think if there is any story I’ve written, at least in the last several years, where I didn’t research at least something, and honestly even the very short ones had some element of research to it. For example, for Problem To The Answer, I looked up the original news story that inspired the fic, as well as travel times between New York and DC. In Storage War I looked up information about storage units, not because it was specifically going into the story, but to give me a better mental image of the setting. 
Now, when I say “research,” I’m not always talking about the kind of research you’d do for school; a lot of times it’s as simple as a quick Google to check on something. For example, I’m currently working on a story that is set in May 2009. I wanted to include a throwaway line where a character makes a joke about the show Jersey Shore. So I looked it up, but discovered that Jersey Shore started airing in December 2009. So out the line went.
That’s not to say that everything has to be accurate; I change things for artistic reasons all the time. But I only do it on purpose, when I choose to, for things that are important to the fic.
For a longer example, I will take the story I finished most recently, my C/C Exchange fic, A Guy Like You Should Wear A Warning. On the face of it, you wouldn’t think that story would need that much research, right? It’s a soulmate story set on a cruise ship! It’s full of absurdity!
It’s also full of research. I researched the HELL out of that story. How, you ask? (Note: the following list will spoil some plot elements if you haven’t read the story yet). Behind the cut, a description of the stuff I researched while writing it:
Historical setting: whether I like to admit it or not, 2004 was 13 years ago and things were different then. I looked up things like fashion trends, makeup trends, hit songs, and most notably, the state of cell phones. 2004 was the year that the Motorola RAZR was the hot new phone, and smartphones just weren’t a thing yet. Some of this went into the story (for instance, Tyler’s clothing choices, Melinda’s pink lipgloss, that they all have flip or candy bar phones) and some were just to get the setting clear in my head while I wrote. I also consulted calendars for 1992 and 2004 to make sure I got dates and days of the week correct for the sections of the story set then. 
Story setting: The story action largely happens on the David Hasselhoff fan cruise. While the actual DH fan cruise occurred in November 2017, I relied extensively on the information available online about it when writing the story. Specifically, I moved it from early November 2017 to early November 2004. I also moved the meet and greet event from an afternoon event to a brunch for plot reasons. Everything else about the trip is accurate: the way that they would have traveled to the cruise from New York (I looked up flights), the way they would have gotten to Rome, the cruise schedule and stops. I also looked up maps and photographs of the cruise ship and referred to them extensively; I spent a lot of time on cruise vacationer forums while writing this story.
Phil’s studies: I looked up various colleges with good reputations in Phil’s field, and the sorts of classes he would take; I looked up actual classes at UMW; I looked up actual cryptography and cipher information. This is all current rather than historical, but I figure it’s close enough for these purposes. The point of the research isn’t to be completely 100% accurate in every respect, but more to make sure that nothing is obviously, jarringly wrong for most readers.
Events on shore: In the part of the story where Phil goes ashore in Rome, he goes to shops that really exist on the road that the story says he is on, and he goes to them in more or less geographic order, according to Google Maps. I also looked up actual products from those stores to describe. Now, these items are current (2017) rather than historical (since it wasn’t easy to find 2004 stuff online), but I still think it helps give these parts of the story verisimilitude. I also looked up the kinds of agriculture done in Catalonia for the big showdown at the end, and the actual area of Catalonia (so that when Phil says “this farm is fifty acres, I doubt that’s even one percent of Catalonia,” he is actually verifiably correct.)
Russian stuff: Since Clint’s soulmark is in Russian and Russian language is key to the story, I spent a lot of time working on the Russian parts of this story. For Clint’s soulmark, I posted a question on an online forum for Russian speakers to help me figure out something that would be appropriate. My first thought was to ask the translation for “Are you fucking kidding me?”, but as I engaged with the Russian speakers, I learned that it just wasn’t that simple. Profanity in Russian is very different than it is in English, and so much depends on the context and relationship between the speakers. The phrase we finally settled on, Еще чего не хватало, is literally translated something like “this is just the last thing I need,” but has a negative and somewhat sarcastic connotation, so that a good idiomatic equivalent in English is “I need this like I need a hole in the head.” For the other Russian, I depended on a really cool website that isn’t a dictionary but a translation search engine called Reverso Context. The great thing about this tool is that, unlike dictionaries, you can search entire sentences and phrases, and get an assortment of translated passages that match, so you can see the various ways the phrase might get used. It means you’ll get a better result than just typing something into Google Translate would give you. I use Reverso Context in combination with dictionaries and Google Translate in order to get the best idea possible of what I’m saying. It doesn’t substitute for a native speaker beta, but it’s a good fallback position. I also did a lot of research into Russian nomenclature and diminutive names, and into Russian profanity (which is SO INTERESTING, look up mat sometimes and read about it.)
David Hasselhoff: I looked up his albums released up to and including 2004. I listened to clips of his music (it is so bad you guys) and watched videos of his concert performances (OMG the LED jacket is really a thing). All the songs and medleys and such that I describe him doing are real things he’s really done. I also looked up his online merch (Melinda’s bedazzled Don’t Hassle The Hoff shirt is real) and watched the video he made promoting the cruise, to get an idea of his speech patterns for the few places when he speaks in the story.
There are a lot of other little miscellaneous things I looked up - how far ahead of getting married in NYC you need to get the license; a real place in South America that had a munitions depot explosion; grain silo explosions and how they happen; the average temperatures on the Mediterranean Sea in November; how much a suit costs at Brioni; the organizational structure of the FBI, etc. Even Barney Barton being in the FBI is rooted in canon - that’s something that Barney really has done in the comics.
This probably all sounds like WAY TOO MUCH WORK, but most of these things didn’t take a huge amount of time - it was more like “oh, wait, they didn’t have smartphones in 04, did they?” and then a quick Google, or scan of a wiki page. I spent my writing time with a lot of open tabs of maps, cruise ship layouts, etc., that I would refer to when I was trying to figure out where the characters were going. Because I have research baked in to my process, it happens mainly when I am outlining, with occasional quick Googles to double-check stuff I throw in when I’m writing.
Would the story be worse if I hadn’t done all this? I think it would. I think the research makes the story feel true, rooted in the real world, and that gives me a lot more latitude to go nuts with things like soulmates and Russian mob bros and throwing David Hasselhoff’s mimosa in someone’s face. Also, hopefully, if I have a reader who happens to know a lot about Russian, or Rome, or majoring in political science, or David Hasselhoff, that reader won’t be thrown out of the story by something obviously wrong. (also, open invitation: if you are reading a fic of mine and see something obviously wrong, I WELCOME THAT KNOWLEDGE and will fix it if I can without having to rewrite major bits of the story.)
I don’t expect everyone to be QUITE as intense about research as I am--I admit I’m pretty darn intense about research. But I would like to encourage other writers to make at least some research part of their process! It leads to better stories all around, and sometimes the things you find out help you make your stories better in cool new directions.
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helloyukimura · 7 years
Yongguk’s Route - Chapter 3
Hi everyone,
I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I've got myself a new e-reader and got addicted to reading. I would really recommend the Kingdom series written by Marie Hall. I love her books! Her writing is very interesting and fun. 
Hope you guys will like this chapter as well! 
Here are the links to chapter 1 & 2:
Are you guys excited about B.A.P’s next comeback? Because I am! 
Admin S
Today is the day for Yongguk to bring you home. You were sitting on your bed reading books about vampires. You were lost in the story when suddenly someone tapped your shoulder.
You: "Aaah!!"
YG: "What are you doing?"
You: "Ehm... reading a very interesting story."
YG: "Are you scared?"
Yongguk glances at you. He saw your hands shaking. Your eyes moving around quickly.
You: "No, but Yongguk oppa would you ever want to be human again?"
YG: "Of course I do. Living as a vampire is awful. You will face the death of your family and friends while you are immortal."
You imagined losing your friends and family one by one. You watched his expression. You never knew what he was thinking but something deep in his eyes made you can feel his sadness.
You: "I'm sorry for asking."
YG: "It's okay, you're just curious."
Yongguk pets your head smiling at you.
You: "I want to listen to your song."
YG: "It's not finished yet but I will let you hear a bit of it."
You listen to his music, it's filled with sadness and hatred but at the same time there was hope. You want to know more about him. What is it that makes you feel like this? He starts to rap with his deep and sexy voice. It made a shiver go down your spine. His voice so beautiful and strong. You feel attracted to him.
YG: "What do you think of it?"
His face full expectation waiting for your answer.
You: "I liked it very much! You really brought your feelings into this song. It makes me want to hear more of it. I'm sure it will be a hit song."
YG: "Thanks."
Yongguk smiles at you and you answered his happy smile. A second later Yongguk starts to distance himself with his back turned to you.
YG: "Today is the day."
You: "What do you mean?"
YG: "It's the day for me to send you away."
His words were painful to you. You know that there would be a day for you to leave him forever. You didn't realise you were attached to him before he told you these words. You want to stay by his side, but at the same time, you want to be home again.
You: "Ah... I guess it's time to go home."
YG: "You wouldn't like to stay here. Today is the perfect day to send you away. When it's full moon the other members are busy hunting and chasing the werewolves away. We can leave without them noticing us. I will guide you."
You: "Thank you Yongguk oppa. I will always be grateful to you."
You walk away with a hint of pain and sadness in your eyes. It's better this way you thought by yourself. When you left the room Yongguk starts talking to himself.
YG: "The faster you leave the better it is for the both of us. You should live the way you want (y/n)-ah."
You entered the garden, it was dark but you could see the roses in dim light. You stare at the white roses, totally not aware of your surroundings. Youngjae saw you standing there not moving. He keeps quiet leaving you alone. He could see you reach out for a white rose.
YJ: "Watch out!"
You: "Ah! It hurts!"
YJ: "Babo-yah! This is not the first time you cut yourself. Aish I will take care of it."
Youngjae stood in front of you with your hand in his. Just before Youngjae licks your fingers again Yongguk appears. He glares angrily at Youngjae.
YJ: "I want to help her nothing more."
YG: "I'm here already, you can leave now and tell the other members not to come here."
YJ: "Yes sir!"
Youngjae left and Yongguk ripped a piece of his sleeve to tie it around your hand. You could see his trembling hands, he was restraining himself from drinking your blood. The sweet scent making him dizzy. His eyes turning red. The red in his eye made you think that he was sexy. Compared to the first time you saw Daehyun's red eyes you were not scared. You trust Yongguk with your heart, you know he won't hurt you for blood.
YG: "Are you okay?"
You: "I feel sorry for ruining your white shirt."
YG: "My shirt is nothing."
You: "I think it stopped bleeding."
YG: "Let's go back inside."
You: "Okay."
In his room, you could feel the awkwardness between the two of you. Yongguk was walking around restless.
You: "Why don't you take a seat?"
YG: "No I feel restless if something happens to you and therefore I cannot leave you alone."
You: "Don't worry about me, I'm a grown-up woman. I can take care of myself."
YG: "You're fragile and mortal."
You: "If I die you can make me a vampire right?"
YG: "No, only the pureblood vampires can make you a vampire. I can only feed on you. But I will never drink from you even if I die."
You: "I'm saying careless things. Sorry for making you worried."
You backed away from him and crawl into your bed with the blankets over your head. You feel down and something was bothering you a lot. The fact that you felt rejected by Yongguk. Every time you thought that you were close to him he starts to push you away. You closed your eyes and remember his smile, his sexy smirks and the way he laughs when he is really happy. You won't be seeing this again after you've left the castle. Your eyes watery as one drop of tear left your eye. It's too late, you fell in love with him the moment you had to leave.
YG: "Yaaah wake up! It's full moon."
You: "Eh?"
You fell asleep without knowing. Yongguk pulled you up. We have to hurry, the others are outside they won't notice it if we go now. He swings you over his shoulder.
YG: "Let's go!"
You: "Aah! Yongguk wait!"
YG: "Sssst stay quiet and don't make sounds."
You: "But I can hear wolves howling."
YG: "Have you never heard of wolves howling at the full moon? They're howling to mark their territory."
You: "Huh? I thought that handsome guys will turn into their wolves form in full moon."
YG: "You watch too many movies."
You: "Maybe I did watch some Twilight movies, but I love watching TV."
YG: "I'm going to jump down from here."
You: "Wait! You seriously want to jump down from this window? Omg, I can't even see the end."
YG: "Would you want me to walk through the castle?"
You: "Yes please and if you don't mind can I mentally prepare myself before you're doing things without me knowing."
YG: "Whatever."
You: "It's our last night together. Can't you be a little bit more considerate?"
YG: "You have to leave tonight or you won't be able to go until the next full moon."
You: "I don't get it. Do you really hate me that much that you want to force me out?"
YG: "Yah what are you talking about?"
You: "Why do you keep your distance? You make me feel rejected all the time."
YG: "No I didn't."
You: "Yes you did."
YG: "Let's not fight about this. We don't have time to fight like an old couple."
You: "No it's too late!"
YG: "We still have time if we move now."
You: "I fell in love with you! You idiot! Why don't you know?"
You could feel the tears welling up and pushed Yongguk down. You broke free from his grip and ran away on the stairs. Yongguk was standing there.
YG: "Aish! I should have known at the moment she chose me! Ah, I'm frustrated!"
You cried and ran circles not knowing where to go anymore. You fell down and saw a pair of shoes. It was Yongguk holding his hand out to you.
You: "What do you want from me?"
Yongguk didn't talk, he grabs your hand and pulls you in for a hug.
YG: "I'm sorry."
You: "I know that I'm stupid to fall in love with you. I don't know how it started but my heart keeps beating for you."
Yongguk caress your hair and moved his face closer to you.
YG: "You fell in love with the wrong guy. I can never make you happy."
You put your hands on his shoulders pushing him hard.
You: "Take me home Yongguk. I'm done here."
Yongguk let his hand slid down to your wrist. He nodded, his eyes closed. He holds your hand and walks away with you. The only thing you remember was a lot of doors, doors and doors. The main door opens and a thick fog covers your eyes. Not that you could see with your tears running down your face. You keep drying them with your other hand. Why is love so complicated? Your heart sinks and you couldn't think anymore. The only thing you see was Yongguk's hand and some rustling a and howling sounds. You don't feel scared anymore as your feelings took over.
You: "Yongguk?"
YG: "Yeah?"
You: "Thank you for everything. I hope that we will never have to see each other again."
The moment you let go of his handmade you think that you would be able to see the world again. However, this was not what you see. You were surrounded by dead wolves all over the place while Yongguk's hand was covered in blood."
You: "Aaaah!!!"
YG: "It's not as bad as it looks like. Calm down and come hold my hand."
You blacked out the moment you saw all this blood. But the worst thing was how Yongguk's hand was covered in blood.
YG: "(y/n)-ah!!"
The moment you fell down Yongguk got distracted and a big wolf jumped on his back and bit him on his shoulder.
YG: "Argh! Get away from me! (Y/n)-ah!"
Wolves were surrounding Yongguk and you, growling and showing their wolf teeth.
HC: "Bbang! You okay?"
Himchan kicked away the wolf who had attacked Yongguk and used his power to make a protecting wall around you all.
HC: "Jongup and Zelo come help me fight these wolves! Youngjae and Daehyun take Yongguk and (y/n) back to the castle!"
JU & Zelo: "Yes Himchannie hyung!"
YJ & DH: "Let us take care of Yongguk hyung and (y/n)!"
The End of Yongguk's Route Chapter 3!
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ejmcmoon · 7 years
HP and the Birthday Weekend: HBP Reaction
So I’ve been doing reactions for Freeform’s HP marathon. Freeform is skipping OotP, so here’s HBP (stupid Freeform). If you don’t want spoilers, don’t read.
Poor Harry. He looks so sad while his picture’s being taken. Poor kid needs a break.
I’ve always found it weird that the Death Eaters can fly without brooms. In the books, only Voldy and Snape can do it. Here it seems like they just add it for flashy effects.
Lol Dumbles is like “Forget the pretty girl and take my arm.”
Slughorn is so damn Extra. He fucking destroyed the place so that it looks like he’s already attacked. What a drama queen.
“I do love knitting patterns” Dumbledore is the embodiment of gay stereotypes and I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
YASSS the twins’ joke shop!
“How much is this?” “Five galleons” “How much for me?” “Five galleons” “I’m your brother” “Ten galleons” I LOVE THESE TWo
When Fenrir Greyback almost saw the trio spying on the Malfoys in Borgin&Burkes, I got literal CHILLS
Honestly,  I don’t understand why Romione (especially Ron) don’t think Malfoy is a death eater. After all the animosity between them and Malfoy, I think they’d be a little suspicious Malfoy.
Lo Flitwick is being petty af 
Luna’s great. “No but I’ve done several toes. How different can they be, really?”
Hermione gets mad at Ron for eating while  Harry’s missing, but honestly I would be too. It’d be more like stress eating, but still.
Draco looks so depressed my poor bby
Minnie ain’t got time for that slacking off shit lmao. Also, I feel so bad for Ron. People always sideline him for Harry
Okay, but the potions lesson scene is the one time where Hermione’s hair is as frizzy as should be. Smh
Ugh, NO DUMBLES. Harmione is NOT a thing. It’s all about Hinny and Romione.
I really wish they’d shown more of Voldy’s memories. They were really important plot points.
Whose decision was it to make Draco consistently have a green apple? Not that it’s bad but I’d just like to know which department instigated the Drapple fandom.
“SHUT IT” The one part where Movie Ginny acted like she was SUPPOSED TO
Why you little snitch Ron. Harry’s relationship with his book is very intimate and personal (Jk I love Ron.)
Ron jfc. Ginny can snog whoever she wants to
“What if she saw you here snogging me? Would you expect her to get up and leave?” Hermione you sly mofo.
Aww look at Hermione wrapping her arms around her boys
“Why is it when something happens, it is always you three?”  Because they’re protagonists and shit must always hit the fan around them
“How grand it must be to be the chosen one” Would you like some fries with that salt, Sev?
“Hermione’s got nice skin” Lol they’re both WHIPPED
Belby devouring his desert like a caveman is my aesthetic and mood whenever ice cream is in the vicinity
Good job Harry just abruptly stand up and making A HUNDRED TIMES MORE AWKWARD
Ron why are you acting all condescending?! She low-key asked you to the dinner party!
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Luna’s lion hat?
Damn the Weasleys are on fire today
“You didn’t put it in. Ron only thought you did” Yes because Harry is slick af and also Slytherdor af.
“I think this room’s taken” Yes now gtfo. Also, I hate how Lavender was black but they made her white when she had any huge significance to the story
“But I am the chosen one” *slap* Come on Hermione let the boy have some confidence. Hitting him is a bit abusive
LOL when Cormac threw up on Snape’s shoes I was like, “Boi you’re fucked.”
Wow Lavender is so extra. She has good writing on foggy windows skills, tho. Mine usually turn out really ugly
I wish she’d (Ginny) fed him a canary cake and then he turned into a canary. And ugh Ron is such a cockblock.
Ugh they fucked up all of the ships in this movie? All of the Hinny scenes were awkward as hell and Ronks wasn’t even canon during that burrow scene.
Speaking of the Burrow scene, I think it’s cool, but they could’ve taken it out to include scenes like Voldy’s other memories, Hinny scenes that aren’t bullshit, tc.
Also, Ginny wouldn’t have just been STANDING there letting Harry defend her. She’d’ve hexed those Death Eaters into next week!
“Excuse me while I go and vomit” I’d wanna vomit too Mione
Oh gods here comes the scene where Harry is so unbelievably not smooth about asking Slughorn for the memory. Prepare for a massive cringe attavk.
“Is that what you told Tom Riddle, sir?” WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN IDIOT HARRY???? LIKE FUCK
“They [the cauldron cakes] were lying on your bed. I thought I’d try one.” Oh Ron your love for food is gonna be the death of you.
Rupert’s acting like he’s wasted is spot on. OMGS when he hugs Slughorn, tho!!!
Gods Slughorn is such an incompetent teacher. DON’T JUST STAND THERE DO SOMETHING GOSH DAMMIT
“And for the record, I’ve always found him interesting” We know Mione we know.
Ugh wonderful the Sectumsempra scene is close. Harry does so many things that give me second-hand embarrassment in this movie.
What I don’t get is how Lav is at a different table when she’s in Gryffindor. They could’ve had her sit at the Gryffindor table for the trio’s in sync judging stare
“Did you and Ginny do it then?” “What?” “Hide the book?” *wiggles eyebrows* They did more than that
Ugh why did he drink the whole damn bottle of liquid luck? He was supposed to save it for Ginny and the trio!
On the other hand, Harry being high and cocky af is the best thing!
“How on earth did you get out of the castle?” “Through the front door”
“Harry!” “Sir!”
Aww Hagrid bby don’t cry #ProtectHagrid2k17
Wow Slughorn and Hagrid are so fucking drunk.
Hey at least they included the fish story! That was super cute and feels destroying. Damn this scene tugs at my heart strings. 
WHY WOULD A FORBIDDEN SUBJECT BE FOR HYPOTHETICAL USE???? (I mean unless you’re writing a book, but that doesn’t apply here) I love Slughorn and think he’s an interesting character, but fuck he’s so dense
YES THEY ACTUALLY EXPLAINED THAT THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT ISN’T ON THE MAP. They should’ve included it on the DVD! This would’ve made Ron’s line about Mione saying that in DHpt2 make so much more sense. Ugh this movie has so many plot holes it physically hurts
“Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don’t want to do this anymore?” For once I agree with Snape. Dumbles is a manipulative asshole.
Okay, so in the books when Sumbles and Harry get to the cliff they swim across the sea or ocean or whatever to get to the cave. And I guess they skipped that part, but still had it happen? So how tf did they swim across it here? The water is way too strong? Apparition maybe?
THAT BOAT LOOKS HEAVY. Why make Harry pull it out all by himself?! You’re a wizard, Dumbledick! Use magic!
Dumbledore yelling that it’s his fault breaks my heart now that I know the context. Like, yeah, he’s an asshole, but poor guy. It’s so tragic.
“Don’t worry, sir. We’re almost there.”  “I’m not worried, Harry. I’m with you.” Oh the fucking irony.
The added choir scene is so haunting
The way Snape walked in gave me GOOSEBUMPS. And “Severus...please.” UGH MY HEART
Nooooo! Hagrid’s cabin! What about Fang?!
So Harry just walked in Dumbledore’s office and ARE THOSE LEMON DROPS ON DUMBLEDORE’S DESK??? FTW!
Ugh I hate how Ron’s in the background for most of the last scene. He’s a part of the trio too!
Aww Fawkes don’t make me cry! Great now I’m emotional.
So overall HBP is my least favorite movie adaption because of how sloppy it is. But damn that ending scene got to me.
I’ve had loads of fun doing these. I guess I’ll both DH movies tomorrow and then OotP on Monday. Later!
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silverynight · 7 years
The stars above us
Hi :3! May I ask for an AU? Star Wars AU!! Newt a rebel and Graves a Sith? And maybe Jedi!Theseus? Only if you are okay with that…
I just love this idea… Omg Graves being a Sith Lord
Newt looked at the stars and wondered if Theseus was out there fighting for the Resistance. If he was looking for him.
They were separated long time ago, when they were just kids. The people who took Theseus told them it was because he had the potential to be better, to be more powerful than any other Jedi. But they lied and Newt found out that too late. They lied because there were no more Jedi left, because they fade away with the hopes and dreams of everyone else. Even Dumbledore vanished leaving them with Grindelwald’s madness and the Empire.
The Resistance was still there fighting for what was left of hope. Newt himself had joined the rebels and waiting for the moment he could see his brother again.
He was so lost in his thoughts he got startled when he heard the shooting. The sound came from the small village and even though Newt wasn’t close with almost anyone there he surely was going to do anything in his power to help.
The moment he got closer he saw the stormtroopers aiming to the people and keeping them down. They were terrified, but most of them kept their mouths shut, knowing they could do nothing against them.
And then Newt saw the two ships from the Empire. From were he was hiding he could hear the screaming when they started. It was clear they were looking for something.
But what was it? It ended up there by accident or one of the members of the Resistance had brought it there?
Newt shook his head deciding it was better to leave those thoughts aside if he wanted to help the people in there. Sadly, he had nothing to fight against them. His DH-17 blaster was old and it wasn’t in the best condition.
Then he heard an old man screaming when a stormtrooper hit him in the face with his blaster. A woman begged for him when it was clear the trooper was going to kill him, but it was pointless.
Newt, knowing perfectly it was a bad idea, shot to the trooper and managed to incapacitate him. Yes, he saved a man’s life, but also ended up revealing his location to everyone down there.
He heard the shooting and ran. He didn’t last long though, three of them cornered him and the fourth one tackled him to the ground. The only sound that came after that was the one his body was making when he was dragged all over the sand.
They got him on his knees while one of them pulled him by the hair to lift his head and face the blaster pointing at his eyes. They wanted to make his death public to give everyone a lesson, to make them think twice before trying something stupid and reckless like Newt just did.
He closed his eyes and he waited. It wasn’t a surprise to face death like that. He knew his life was going to end with him fighting for the Resistance though the only thing he lamented was not finding his brother. He wanted to see him again, just once.
“Enough,” a deep voice stopped his captor from killing him and the hand on his hair released him quickly.
When he decided to open his eyes, he saw two more figures coming from the ship. It was the Captain of the unit and…
And a Sith Lord. He made a gesture with his hand and the trooper behind him pulled him up by the arm.
In the blink of an eye the Sith closed the distance between them and Newt found himself looking at two pair of dark and intense eyes.
He was scared, but he lifted his chin anyway, not wanting to show any signs of submission before him.
The man recognized the look in his eyes and smirked mischievously.
“You have fire inside you,” he observed, amused. One of his hands reached out to him and warm fingers touched the right side of his face. “Let’s see what else you got.”
Newt was caught by surprise and couldn’t react quickly enough. There was a new presence inside his head, an energy trying to explore his thoughts. Because, oddly enough, it was more an exploration than an attack, the presence was gentle and kind, wanting him to surrender rather than making him submit. And he blushed because as the seconds passed, it felt more intimate, like the caress of a lover.
The Sith chuckled and took a step closer to Newt. The younger man was overwhelmed by both the man in front of him and the energy in his head. He tried to fight, but he was not a Jedi, he didn’t knew how to use the Force not he had the ability to do it.
He saw the flash of an​ old memory, one that had Theseus in it and it was enough to distract him, the Sith took advantage of it and the presence wrapped itself around Newt’s mind. The red energy made contact with his, the blue one, and suddenly everything was purple. During the connection Newt catched a warm feeling, but also the cold of loneliness and a name in a whisper… Percival Graves.
Graves looked at him with something close to fascination, then the connection broke and Newt didn’t know if he should feel relieved or disappointed. But he felt both.
“The Captain says it's​ time to go, Sir,” one of the troopers informed Graves. “We’ve found what we were looking for.”
Graves eyes met Newt’s and his smile turned into a predatory gesture. The younger man shivered under that look.
“Me too,” he said and he touched Newt’s forehead with his opened hand.
The effect was immediate, his eyes shut and his body couldn’t support him anymore. He felt arms around him before his vision turned completely dark.
The first thing he noticed when his eyes opened was the way the space looked from the window beside the bed he was laying on. But his mind was still dizzy so it took him a couple of seconds to realize there was something wrong with that.
He was not in Jakku anymore. He was not even in the safe surface of any planet.
He almost jumped off the bed, but two hands grabbed his hips, keeping him in place.
“You need to rest.”
Newt looked up, following the sound of the voice and found those dark eyes staring at him.
“Where am I?”
“In my cabin,” Graves answered calmly.
So… He was in a ship of the Empire.
He was going to die, he was sure of it and yet part of him wanted a confirmation, wanted to prepare himself.
A thumb caressed his cheekbone, tracing the path his freckles made all the way down to his chin. Newt blushed and the man must’ve noticed because he looked quite smug when he looked back at him.
“Are you going to kill me?”
“I have no desire to do that,” the Sith said and his expression looked sincere.
“You’re gonna torture me then.”
It wasn’t a question.
“I would never do that to you,” Graves told him and he looked a bit offended. “Nobody’s gonna touch you. They know you’re mine and mine only.”
Newt felt a shiver running down his spine with the last words, because those came out the Sith’s mouth in the form of a deep possessive growl. Graves leaned and buried his face in the crook of Newt’s neck.
“I-I am not yours!” He snarled and felt more than he heard Graves’ amused chuckle.
“You felt the connection, Newt,” he reminded him, kissing the soft skin under his chin. “You know you belong to me.”
He pushed him away and noticed that Graves let him do it.
“I felt nothing!” the lie didn’t come out as steady as he wanted to.
Graves sat on the bed again, next to him, but he didn’t make another attempt to touch Newt.
“The boy in your memories,” he tried after a couple of seconds. “Is that your brother?”
Newt didn’t want to give the man more information about him so he kept his mouth firmly shut. But it was useless, the answer was written all over his face.
“I’ve heard about Theseus Scamander,” Graves continued, but he made a pause after that. A very long one.
Graves wanted him to ask, Newt knew that already and while he tried his best not to, his curiosity and desperation took over his rational side that whispered to him it was all a lie. He was probably trying to manipulate him.
“Is he alright?” Newt asked and hated himself for being so weak.
“It appears so. And if the rumors are true and he’s a Jedi that means he’s a threat to the Empire. They’re looking for him.”
Everything made sense then.
“So… That’s why I’m here. I’m bait.”
Graves took him by the waist and pulled him close to his body.
“You have no idea, my love,” the man kissed both his cheeks and nose. “No one in this ship except me knows you’re his brother. And no one will. I won’t let them use you. You’re here for my personal pleasure.”
Newt trembled under the kissed and let out an embarrassing moan when Graves bit his earlobe. It took him seconds to contribute himself and push Graves away.
“G-get off!” He snapped, almost baring his teeth at him, but it didn't​ work because Graves looked at him the way someone looks at a fierce little kitten.
“Such a feisty thing,” the man licked his own lips, staring down at Newt.
The silence that followed helped Newt remember Theseus. If Graves was telling him the truth, then his brother was in danger.
“What will they do, if they find my brother?”
“If he doesn’t join the Empire, they’ll order me to kill him.”
Newt gasped, scared.
“But you won’t, right? Please don’t let them find him… Please…”
Graves’ eyebrow quirked up.
“You want me to go against the Empire to help your brother?” He didn’t sound surprised or mad, which just made Newt think he knew what the younger man was going to ask.
“Well… I could be persuaded,” he grinned like a predator. “But what do I get?”
Newt refused to look at him, so he stared down at his own hands.
“What do you want?”
He felt the bed move under the man’s weight and knew he was getting closer. He got startled when he felt those arms back on his hips.
“I want the opportunity to win you over,” he breathed against his lips. “Allow me to woo you.”
A quick soft kiss made him gasp.
“Let me touch you and kiss you like this. Don’t flinch away from me every time I try to get closer to you.”
Newt blinked, shocked to hear how desperate the man sounded.
“And that’s it?” He asked because it didn’t sound that bad, he had expected something different.
“That’s it,” he confirmed as he pushed the curls away from Newt’s eyes. “Do we have a deal?”
There was still a part on Newt’s mind that insisted the man was lying to him. He was just using his memories and emotions against him. But Newt wanted to see Theseus again, he also wanted him to be safe and happy and Graves was his only chance to do it.
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amorremanet · 8 years
hate meme: harry james potter, abed nadir, freddie lounds & santana lopez? ^.^
“send me literally anything and ill tell you something i hate about it”
abed nadir
sometimes got too much attention and/or narrative forgiveness
like? abed is one of my favorite male fictional characters, period, and he means a lot to me because he’s one of the only examples of GOOD autistic spectrum representation in fiction, and i know that dan harmon and the writers loved him a lot (and for that, i don’t blame them)
but look at troy’s last episode in season five (the one where they had a massive, school-wide game of, “the floor is lava” before troy left to sail around the world with levar burton, but abed tried to drag it out forever, at the expense of literally everyone else, because he didn’t want troy to go)
for one thing: on the in-universe level, abed dragged the entire population of greendale into this game and kept dragging it out without regard for the game’s effects on anyone else (and people were getting hurt, greendale’s ability to function as a school — even by greendale standards — was pretty much dead, and abed was totally fine with that)
and he massively disregarded troy’s agency in the whole matter (because he lied to troy about the purpose of the game; britta, for all her many faults, is the one who went, “uh, troy, abed is screwing with everyone to keep you at greendale”) — and this was all cast not just as sympathetic, but as ultimately more or less okay, because abed only did it because he loves troy so much and he’s terrified of both change and losing his best friend
which *is* sympathetic, and i feel abed on both counts, but that doesn’t make what he did okay???
for another thing: on the meta-level, troy’s last episode wound up being more about abed than it was about troy. like, this was going to be the last time we got to see troy at greendale and he did have an arc in the episode, but his arc was subordinated for the sake of an abed-focused ep
and if they were trying to have a “troy and abed” focused ep, then…
1. troy’s last episode was really not the time for that; abed should’ve been a secondary focus, at most
2. they did not succeed, in terms of foregrounding the troy/abed relationship, because they approached troy and abed individually, rather than looking at their relationship, and they didn’t go back to the relationship enough to make it work (like in the “pillows and blankets” two-parter)

3. there wasn’t a balance between troy and abed like the one you had in the “pillows and blankets” two-parter, or like the abed/shirley balance in “messianic myths and ancient peoples” or like the jeff/shirley balance in “foosball and nocturnal vigilantism” (or basically any jeff/shirley episode; they usually balanced pretty well, without either overtaking the other)
so, yeah. i love abed, but ffs. making him the show’s pet was really not good for anybody. to be fair, i would also say that annie suffered from this at least as much as abed did, so it’s not like abed was alone in this — but it really sticks out in a series that otherwise tried to be good about balancing its ensemble cast and challenging the typical protagonist-centered worldviews you see in most sitcoms
harry james potter
it’s less about him, exactly, and more about how tumblr fandom has taken to handling his status as a survivor of horrific childhood abuse and a few metric fuck-tons of trauma (but tbf, i think most of these answers fall into the heading of, “it’s less about the character, more about X thing in contexts surrounding them,” so)
which isn’t even exclusive to harry, because the hp fandom is totally bogus about handling abuse culture in general, and it’s rife with all kinds of double standards
—like, on the one hand, sirius attempts to commit a very premeditated murder by proxy, and even though the proxy is remus and he would’ve suffered for it more than sirius bc he’s a werewolf and the murder would have happened on the full moon, this is apparently totally 5,000% acceptable because sirius has abusive parents and the intended victim is snape
but on the other hand, you are victim-blaming, abuse apologist garbage if you think that severus is justified in never forgiving james and sirius even if his actions based on that were mostly in the wrong, or thinking that he had every right to fight back against james and sirius when they tormented him in school
(and never mind that james potter was not, at that time in his life, a victim of fucking anything. he is a wealthy, pureblooded man who came from a loving, supportive family, and is canonically regarded as both straight and white
TO BE FAIR, he is also never specified as being white, like voldemort, lucius, and draco all are — and as other readers have noted elsewhere, the way the dursleys talk about james/lily is heavily racialized, despite being about him being a wizard, in the text — so poc!james is one of the, “jkr didn’t say it’s not canon, so it could be” type of headcanons
but he’s also never said to be a poc, so that’s fanon
moreover, it can’t be treated as canon in order to make it out like james’s years of bullying snape were anything but a guy who is canonically privileged in every way that he can possibly be privileged in jkr’s universe bullying another kid who does not have most of james’s privileges [he’s male, a halfblood — less privileged than purebloods but more privileged than muggleborns — and he’s canonically regarded as straight and white; that’s it on the, “privileges that snape has in jkr’s universe” front]
—but hey, if it’s fair game to bring up all of the racialized coding in how the dursleys talk about james by way of trying to ignore the fact that jkr treats him as white in canon, then how about let’s remember all the antisemitic coding in how jkr writes about severus, even though she doesn’t outright say that he’s jewish: source (nb: this post was written in 2005, the author didn’t have dh), source, source, source, source, source
and oh, never mind how james flat-out says that he bullies severus, “more [because of] the fact that he exists, if you know what i mean” [ootp 647]
and never mind how plenty of the people who act like severus was obligated to forgive james and sirius have reblogged things about how nobody is ever obligated to forgive their abusers, and/or condemn him for fighting back while applauding when hermione punches draco [which i say without judging them bc she’s fighting back against a blood purist little snot who torments her and her friends for fun, and i love that moment too], like??
ffs, guys, you can criticize and/or condemn snape’s actions without acting like he was terrible because he saw no reason to forgive james and sirius for what they did to him, or acting like it was Totally Wrong Forever for him to fight back against the guys who meant he didn’t even get a reprieve from his abusive, neglectful home-life at school bc they decided to torment him, and they had classmates who thought it made them cool)
furthermore, it’s apparently soooo totally not sirius’s fault that he abuses kreacher because he’s stuck in grimmauld place and lashing out against his abusive parents because kreacher still loves them…… or so say people who are otherwise happy to call out the wizarding world for having this institutionalized and magically reinforced system of slavery, which i guess doesn’t matter when sirius “cinnamon roll uwu~” black is the person abusing that system to get away with his bullshit and explicitly abusive treatment of another sentient being—
which all goes back to harry because of how abuse culture ends up rearing its ugly head in how people discuss him as a survivor
like, apart from the double standards that all fandoms have toward abuse culture and survivors, there are two big sides that i’ve seen, in this trend.
on one hand, you have the people who want harry being a survivor to excuse him of things like trying to use the cruciatus curse (and successfully using it on amycus in dh!) or similar
on the other hand, there was the shit like what you saw after “cursed child” first came out, where people were going, “omg but harry is an abuse survivor, he would NEVER say/do anything like this to his kids ever” — which…… uh?
no. not how it works.
even ignoring the irl psychology parts related to abuse and survivors of it, jkr has two big models of abusers in the series:
people who are over-privileged af and bully down because they fucking can and who the fuck is really going to stop them (draco, bellatrix, the dursleys, bartemius crouch sr., umbridge, tom-mort voldingdong, albus dumbledore, and oh yeah, james and sirius);
and people who have been hurt by others before and lash out at others because of it, to the point of becoming abusers themselves (severus, sirius, barty crouch jr., peter pettigrew, arguably albus and tom-mort have shades of this as well but it’s very debatable, and if ginny, and remus actually crossed the line into abusive, rather than being, “well, they’re not abusers, but they have these examples of behaviors that could become patterns that went this way,” they’d both be on this list too, but since they don’t, they’re only getting mentioned)
(she has three big models if we include, “abusers who are not recognized as abusers in the text because she didn’t feel like it today i guess” — which mostly means the weasley parents, but other characters definitely have moments of doing shit that should’ve been called out and wasn’t, c.f. harry running around and trying to cast the cruciatus curse, hermione keeping rita skeeter in a mason jar and hexing the signup parchment at the DA, hagrid trying to attack dudley and turn him into a pig over shit that vernon said and dudley trying to eat harry’s birthday cake, fred and george full stop)
so, yeah, uh
idk guys, how about let’s NOT invalidate abuse survivors in fandom by perpetuating these ideas that survivors are and/or have to be perfect cinnamon rolls, while all abusers ever in the world are these ridiculous slobbering caricatures of all things terrible
that’s not how it works
acting like that’s how it works ends up helping police survivors and invalidate their experiences because it plays into things like the idea that all abusers are obviously abusive, which leads to real-world survivors having a harder time being believed when they try to reach out for help
which makes it all a function of abuse culture
if you really care about survivors — and if you really care about harry as a survivor — then don’t use his status as a survivor to make shit harder for irl survivors, period
freddie lounds
i guess this is more of a problem with how freddie was written tbh
but, like…… true, nbc!hannibal avoided being absolute about most things even more than hannibal himself avoids vegetarian recipes
the most absolutism you really got was, “murder is generally wrong, like. killing in self-defense is one thing, but even if you’re trying to get ingratiated with a cannibalistic serial killer again in the name of stopping him (william), murder is probably going to be wrong so you should, like…… not do that, i’m just saying” and, “eating people is wrong unless hannibal didn’t tell you that you were eating people, in which case it is still wrong but it’s his fault, not yours”
all of which is stuff that the show doesn’t really get any cookies for taking a stand on because, “in 99.999% of cases, murder is wrong and should be avoided” is…… not really a unique or groundbreaking moral sentiment
like, it’s one of the beliefs you find in, as far as i know, every human civilization all over the world, throughout history
(there are, of course, differences of opinion on how to punish murderers, and there are exceptions made for people who get around the law by being wealthy and powerful, or by virtue of having some form(s) of societal privilege [e.g., whiteness, or straightness in the case of the, “gay panic” defense], or all of the old arguments about how killing someone during a time of war isn’t a murder and therefore doesn’t count, and then there are all of the semantic debates about, “are all killings inherently murders or what”
—but still. most people tend to agree that murdering other people is generally wrong.)
but yeah, uh
one place where i would’ve liked a little less ambiguity is freddie’s relationship with and feelings toward abigail
like, i wouldn’t have needed her to suddenly develop an increased amount of sympathy toward other victims — whether in general, or even just specifically, “other victims of hannibal lecter,” and given how he treated her on multiple occasions, it’s pretty ridiculous to just expect her ever stop being a pain in will’s ass (i mean, even when she wasn’t in the right, which was most of the time, some of how will treated her was unhelpful to everyone and in the realm of, “yes, i get where you’re coming from but this still wasn’t cool”)
—but with abigail specifically, the show sort of went back and forth between, “freddie is genuinely interested in helping abigail and does have some kind of regard for her as a person” and, “freddie is just out for herself and only using abigail and her trauma to further her own career,” which was all further complicated by the fact that pretty much no one on nbc!hannibal was a reliable narrator about anything, for any number of reasons
like, beverly probably came the closest before she got totally fridged for no good reason, but even she wound up hindered by the fact that hannibal was manipulating the evidence and playing everyone around him like a really overpriced theremin
and idk
i think the best “compromise” or interpretation here would’ve been, like… “freddie starts out just trying to advance her career because that’s just how she does things in general, but eventually, she did come to genuinely care for abigail as a person and to genuinely want to help her, which would explain things like why will was open to working with freddie against hannibal in season two, since he may not have trusted her in general, but he would trust her to want to take down the man whom they thought killed abigail (even though she was secretly still alive, at that point)”
but the show itself was never really clear on that, and it’s like
okay, guys, i don’t think you need to spell out absolutely everything, and i realize that a certain degree of ambiguity in most situations and with almost all of the characters is part of your #Aesthetic
but this would be an example of you once again screwing over the characters who are not named will and/or hannibal, especially since I got a feeling like it’s less that you were leaving things vague on the, “freddie and abigail” front, and more that you just didn’t really care to figure things out about this part of freddie’s character
so……… yeah
santana lopez
okay, i don’t blame her for wanting artie out of the way when he was dating brittany back in season 2 because lmao, i did too, but for starters, artie wouldn’t have been dating brittany if santana hadn’t blown her off in the first place
—which isn’t #Problematic in terms of her character development because…… uh, well yeah, that was the point. santana created the problem by blowing brittany off and trying to convince herself that she was “totally straight, except sometimes scissoring with brittany, lmao feelings are totally pointless and should be hated and santana doesn’t have them” and it was part of the story of her coming to accept herself as a lesbian
but it was kind of, “ummm…”-inducing that she… never actually had to accept her own responsibility for brittany/artie happening, like
first, in the duets episode, she tried to meddle and break them up by going, “brittany’s just using you for the free dinner at breadstix lmao” — which she succeeded in, because brittany and artie didn’t even sing (though they both still voted for themselves in the, “who should win” bit at the end) — and santana apparently thought that was it
tbf, it’s not like she could foresee puck and artie bonding, and puck trying to ““help”” artie get back with brittany by being so thoroughly himself…… but then brittany and artie were back on, and santana’s response was to manipulate brittany into cheating on him by going, “it’s not cheating bc we’re both girls” and expecting brittany to just go along with it
then, brittany calls her on that in “sexy” — inasmuch as brittany got a chance to do back then — and santana only accepts responsibility for anything in the sense of, “okay, brittany wants me to get more in touch with my feelings and admit that i do love her because that is how i fucked up before”
she doesn’t look at brittany’s relationships with other people, or at brittany’s feelings about anything but santana and the current state of their relationship + how it might go in the future, and so on — and this is another example of a situation where santana is presented as being sympathetic but still in the wrong, and brittany calls her on it, and it’s part of her overall growth in the end
but we never really address the manipulation in telling brittany, “it’s not cheating because we’re both girls” (which, by glee standards, is not that bad, and tbf, brittany and artie weren’t perfect angels in any of this, either, since artie was pretty ableist to brittany even before the, “how can you be so stupid, brittany!” “you were the only one in this school who never said that to me!” moment in the fleetwood mac episode, and brittany had her own manipulative moments with both artie and santana
—but it still kinda bugged me that santana had an opportunity to grow and learn more about using her capacity for manipulation for good, and it…… didn’t really go anywhere?
and you can tell that she didn’t learn about manipulating brittany — at least not until way later down the line — because a few episodes later, she’s plotting to use dave to win prom queen bc she thinks she can then go on to convince britt-britt that she’d made a royal decree that brittany had to be her girlfriend)
finally, santana was really ableist toward artie throughout the entire brittany/artie arc
……and beforehand.
…………and afterward.
………………and just in general, even without brittany needing to be involved, because to be fair, this was just one part of a larger overall pattern of ableist bullshit on glee’s part, of which artie wasn’t even the only victim (he was just one of the most notable ones because he was one of the only canonically disabled characters)
so, it’s like? yeah, santana said pretty ableist shit about artie, on a pretty regular basis — the “stubbles mc-cr*pple-pants” nickname is one example i’ll never forget
—and yeah, she said offensive things to basically everyone else on the show (c.f., calling rachel, “yentl”; calling mercedes, “wheezy”; taking her internalized homophobia out on kurt, not in the scenes like, “kurt and blarren sing about how much they love each other all over santana’s pain over being forcibly outed because that’s so what she needed to hear right now, stfu both of you” or in fairly going, “hey, shut up and quit judging MY wedding to brittany as a bad life choice just because YOU couldn’t make it work with blarren” but in all the smaller instances that you barely even notice at first; taking her internalized homophobia out on dave even while asking him to help her win prom queen/blackmailing him into it; list goes on)
but the ableist shit she said to artie sticks out to me, in particular, bc santana’s other examples of this behavior were generally cast as, “she’s witty and outrageous, yes, but you should really probably not actually say things like this, it’s asshole behavior on her part,” while the shit she said to artie…… kinda didn’t
not because the ableist shit she said to artie didn’t get called out
(bc lbr, most of the things that santana ever said didn’t get, “called out”
it got shown to be Not Cool bc it would get associated with people getting upset with her
or it would sound too much like Sue [who is almost always in the wrong, so sounding like her is something that you generally want to avoid]
or it would be used to show that santana is being selfish and rude even without it being called out [like when she called mercedes, “wheezy” before going, “we don’t have to like each other, let’s sing a duet together and win that free dinner at breadstix”]
or it would otherwise have some kind of repercussions
—but it probably wouldn’t get, “called out” as such, outside of REALLY big exceptions, like how they used, “well, but santana was bullying him” as a justification for finn getting her outed, when…… yes, her bullying him was wrong but these things are not the same
or the bit in, “silly love songs” where oher glee club kids [in order: finn, lauren, puck, quinn, tina, and rachel] bite back at santana over insulting them)
but her ableist shit toward artie sticks out because the show always kinda seemed to…… not agree with santana about it, exactly, since her saying it was still narratively seen as Not Cool?
but it seemed to give her a half-pass because plenty of the other characters who weren’t physically disabled expressed similar feelings about artie and his disability, just with less vitriol (e.g., puck, who even got to be friends with artie but still said ableist shit; he just wasn’t actively trying to be mean like santana was)
or they tried really hard to make it sound like, “well, this is just commonsense and how things are, what can you do” (e.g., MOST of them, back in season 1’s “wheels,” where rachel was pretty vitriolic in her ableist nonsense, but not directly at artie
—like, she was one of the, “but this is just how things are, don’t take it personally” when talking to him, but then lumped schue’s, “all of you will spend this week in wheelchairs to learn about accessibility!” lesson plan in with him giving kurt a fair audition for the “defying gravity” solo when she had her little diva moment of, “maybe someday, you’ll find a way to create teaching moments without RUINING MY LIFE” and then tried to storm out while still in a wheelchair)
which is all really less about santana herself, and more about how santana fit into the show’s overall patterns of ableism, but
i’m really hard-pressed to come up with something that i actually hate about santana, which is why hers is the longest answer (bc i had to dig deep and bullshit my way through it, oops)
(harry’s is closest in length but that’s because i had an actual point to make; by my standards, his answer is pretty short)
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