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[Okay this blog is officially archived. I want to start with a blank new slate, so on my new one, there’s going to be some changes. Still fixing things up and going to edit my rules a bit, but you can find me over here!]
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[Okay this blog is officially archived. I want to start with a blank new slate, so on my new one, there’s going to be some changes. Still fixing things up and going to edit my rules a bit, but you can find me over here!]
18 notes · View notes
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[Okay this blog is officially archived. I want to start with a blank new slate, so on my new one, there’s going to be some changes. Still fixing things up and going to edit my rules a bit, but you can find me over here!]
18 notes · View notes
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[Okay this blog is officially archived. I want to start with a blank new slate, so on my new one, there’s going to be some changes. Still fixing things up and going to edit my rules a bit, but you can find me over here!]
18 notes · View notes
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[Okay this blog is officially archived. I want to start with a blank new slate, so on my new one, there’s going to be some changes. Still fixing things up and going to edit my rules a bit, but you can find me over here!]
18 notes · View notes
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[Okay this blog is officially archived. I want to start with a blank new slate, so on my new one, there’s going to be some changes. Still fixing things up and going to edit my rules a bit, but you can find me over here!]
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Runs and jumps on. She misses her father figure.
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     GENTLY PATS MAKA ON the head. Has she gotten bigger? Certainly feels that way for sure. Ah, how time changes...or maybe he was just getting old.
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Cornell: *excited unicorn sounds, for the commander returneth!!!*
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Poses for in the most uncool cool way.
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@sacrisamator: -winks at u tbh-
@hanjithenewcommander: oh gawd like it just went from progressively bad to this mess. I don’t even know what’s going on anymore and where things are going to go from here because quality in writing has evaporated. Lowkey wishing the Titans just ate everyone at this point which is terrible fkjdshfks.
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IKR WTHHH. Right now I’m just “FROWNY FACE” at Isayama because wth was that nonsense I just caught a glimpse of a m g. This was not how I wanted it to go FSDFS. -covers face and weeps into hands-
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Excuse you shiny but you’re the most precious cinnamon roll ok
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CC is the most precious. 
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continued from [ x ] || @adamantine-commander
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      "ONLY a couple, you say," Erwin teased lightly, smile growing just a bit wider. It was always rather easy to smile around the other male, but that was just because of how similar they were. Of course, the other man was a bit more open than he was, but there was something endearing about that minor difference. "Ah yes, the after is what I'm a bit worried about." Sometimes Erwin really did wonder what he'd do after all this. He had been fighting so long, that the concept of enjoying a more peaceful life was...such an odd concept. He wanted it of course---desired to experience it; however, it still made him faintly anxious.
      "Mm, yes it has been rather 'vacant', hasn't it? Or at least it certainly feels that way. Perhaps we've just been in our office too long and missed all the parties." Maybe he needed to go out and about more---
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''Happy new year, Commander Erwin!''
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      “Happy New Years to you as well, Aerith. I hope you enjoyed festivities and the like.” Erwin never was one for such things, opting to just do his work as per usual, but he could admit that celebrations were often rather contagious and hard to ignore from time to time. 
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Casually leans on his elder twin, only a couple of drinks in to celebrating the coming of another year. "To many more, dear brother."
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      “Did you drink too much, little brother?” Erwin found himself chuckling softly, almost lifting his hand to ruffle the other’s hair playfully although he fought against that minor temptation. “Oh yes, to many more years. Hopefully, we’ll both accomplish what it is we need to do next year, yes?” The single desire---that one thing that kept them going forward despite the hell they had to step into---he truly hoped that this year was far better than the last. Hope was such a small thing, but it grew so easily in the hearts of people, becoming something so powerful that it was near overwhelming. 
      Taking a small sip of his drink, he slowly leaned against the other as well. “I hope you have a Happy New Year, my poor hardworking twin.” 
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