eurydicenomadsoul · 3 months
L'affaire Ganymède ou l'olympique défi
Les dieux seraient-ils donc toujours des Immortels? Dans le cratère en or contenant l'ambroisie se cache le secret de la vie éternelle Quelle est la vraie recette de l'ultime alchimie?
Un miel plutôt sucré graisses de sacrifices parfum de volupté quelques rares épices Que dire du nectar et qui donc les prépare? Le sommet de l'Olympe préserve ses techniques et disons le parfois ses frasques et ses émois
Quelques-uns condamnés à un an d'agonie pour avoir parjuré privés de l'ambroisie Aujourd'hui on dirait que ce sont des zombies D'autres tels Ganymède furent portés aux nues
Gentil berger phrygien* au bonnet bien connu Zeus l'avait repéré et aussitôt élu zébrant le ciel d'éclairs se transformant en aigle ramena sur l'Olympe le berger son point faible
Lui qui avait coutume d'enlever ses maîtresses voici que le consume une flamme traîtresse (sans doute un coup de Cupidon) Pour Héra c'en est trop! Zeus le nomme échanson Quoi un mortel prévôt?
Leur fille Hébé tenait jusque-là la maison
Bien qu'Homère l'ait tu Zeus fort embarrassé chérissait Ganymède Difficile il était pour lui de concéder le départ du berger! D'un choix si cornélien il dut pourtant trancher
Il finit par changer le jeune Ganymède en la constellation d'un magique verseau produisant la potion depuis ce coin très haut en libérant Hébé qui avait besoin d'aide
La soeur du dieu Arès promise à Héraklès ne pouvait plus longtemps produire les onguents Zeus ramena alors Héraklès grand brûlé sur l'Olympe où Hébé soigna si bien son corps
Les tous nouveaux mariés eurent de beaux jumeaux qui préservent des guerres que jamais rien n'altère! Happy end pour leur père leur mère et puis Héra
Un ballet de colombes dans le ciel s'éleva
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A. Mantoux - Pierre de Coubertin
Présentation de la biographie critique de Aymeric Mantoux sur Pierre de Coubertin, L'homme qui n'inventa pas les JO, qui remet en question sa "légende" !
L’homme qui n’inventa pas les JO À l’occasion de la célébration des 120 ans de la naissance des Jeux modernes, en juin 1894 à la Sorbonne de Paris, Aymeric Mantoux revient sur la biographie du Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Avec quinze mille pages écrites durant son vivant et trente livres publiés, Pierre de Coubertin a forgé sa mémoire pendant les vingt-cinq ans où il a été au Comité International…
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fucknewsfrance · 5 months
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Oups ! A 100 jours du début des #Jeux, le départ de la #FlammeOlympique de #Grèce, créé un départ de feu à proximité d’#Athènes
Retrouvez l'article sur notre site
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olympianhotties · 2 months
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Manuel Frigo - Italy - Swimming
Paris 2024 | 4x100m Freestyle | Bronze
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lordroma · 1 year
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I'm really behind on this but here's my third redraw: The 6 Traitors
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aressida · 1 month
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arutai · 1 year
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Efi Gousi by Olympia Krasagaki
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localgardenweed · 6 days
Remembering its not socially acceptable to just swim in the lazy rivers like the best part was ditching the floaty and letting the current take you and swimming at the speed of sound cause of the jets pushing you along, wdym now that im a big kid I CANT JUST DO THAT????? Like how do you even live with yourself if you haven’t ditched your floaty and pretended the current was so strong as a kid that you couldn’t swim off to the exit to avoid going back to the hotel room, that was like the entire point of the lazy river for me. I would like let my arms dangle underwater to touch the bottom and push myself to go faster and i would swim under the water and go under people all the time and sure almost drowned but like i learned the name of the game bro. Best part if they had like sprayers or smth like that was awesome popping my head out and getting a little shower. The life guards hated me im so sorry you just had to be there to understand
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akascow · 2 months
simone biles is so fuckin cool dude
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brasiliangp · 2 months
rebeca andrade save my day and stomp on these americans rebeca andrade STOMP EM
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kieransyphe · 5 months
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it took him a little while to snap out of the shock, mind and body utterly dysfunctional while it reconciled and healed for almost dying in an absurd amount of times. it was actually wondrous how he could still stand, unsure how anyone could even cope with so much trauma and distress. but the one thing about having a dead man's voice in your head at all times was that he didn't have any room in his mind to feel sorry about himself anymore. he was still breathing. he was still here. and although will would never make him feel guilty about being alive, kieran felt like he needed to live for both of them now. but it wasn't really enough just to need it anymore, he must want it, too. and he did. every time he was with lucifer, he did. he felt the beginnings of it with will, but it was with lucifer where he truly lost the knack for being unhappy ────── always thought that he needed to become this unrealistic, idealized version of himself to ever be happy. someone more palatable. someone more digestible. but now, he realized that he could be happy with who he was and what little he got, even if it was just the two of them sitting in silence. and as soon as his brain felt less like soup, he walked through the front door of lucifer's cabin, desperately searching for the son of chaos through the everchanging hallways. " unguibus et rostro ... " he muttered to himself as he navigated the maze, then repeating it once more. " unguibus et rostro ... " seconds, minutes, it didn't really matter how long it took. with determination, he walked and walked to get what he wanted.
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spiderboa · 1 year
the thing about blood of olympus was Leo’s whole “die and then get reborn” type of thing because i get he did it for calypso (which i disagree with, actually, it’s probably rick’s worst message because you shouldn’t die for someone you love. i would throw in an “especially if they didn’t ask you to” but i feel like if they asked you to you might need a better significant other.)
but, since the prophecy of seven did state that one of them would die and leo effectively cheated death, he almost caused jason’s death. of course, he couldn’t have predicted anything about the emperors or anything like that, but the prophecy did say that one of them must die. on the other hand, i don’t think it should’ve been jason.
it shouldn’t have been percy or annabeth, because they had already gone through literal hell and to kill one would be to break the other. but at the same time, it should have been percy, because of his fatal flaw. loyalty. when i first read the series i was like, “what a bs fatal flaw that is, compared to pride or anything else” but being so loyal its a flaw is dangerous. percy would die for the people he loves and worse, and youre telling me jason is the one who dies- or leo? i don’t actually believe it because percy jackson went through hell for annabeth.
on a third pull-out-of-my-pocket hand, it shouln’t have been percy either because most authors dont simply kill their main characters after 9+ books. so we’ve ruled out jason, annabeth, and percy. let’s rule out leo too, because that sort of already happened. let’s say it was piper, because piper was in the final battle. this would have been pretty good- sad enough, but not too sad because it’s not annabeth or percy. but it doesn’t make as much sense because rick never fully developed piper’s character until after heroes of olympus.
let’s say it’s hazel now, because hazel did already cheat death. she’s scared and she’s just now finding out what it’s like to be alive, and that’s the reason it can’t be hazel- because she has just started living.
frank? frank is bound to die, theoretically- the wood will burn eventually. but it’s not during this, because he’s still got a role to play as well.
so theoretically, it’s harsh, but percy is the one who should have died in blood of olympus
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abimee · 1 year
i recognize that estinien fans probably dont enjoy how i draw him for many ways but i simply think my estinien is the only way. he needs to look like he just got over being an alcoholic and did so by picking up chainsmoking
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despairforme · 10 months
Ulquiorra casually strolls by and smacks nnoitra’s flat ass and keeps walking~
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What the fuck just happened---
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historias-multorum · 10 months
@olympiic continuing from this.
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Tenya didn't like that response. He could tell there was a lot more that she was holding back on. Tsuyu is normally direct and to the point, it's not like her to be so nonchalant about it.
"Tsu, if there's anything you need to talk about, I'll listen." He replied.
"I don't like seeing my friends suffering, so please don't feel like you have to pretend for my sake."
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conquiistador · 1 year
' without fear in our hearts, we're little different from beasts themselves ' - from ferid
BLOODBORNE ,, sentence starters. ( accepting )
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❝ I disagree. ❞ If there was ONE THING that united all beasts, it was fear. Fear of fire. Not death, because they could not see it - but fear of something BURNING. Bright. Something their eyes could see, but their heads could not understand. To cast the shackles of fear, was to ascend. To BECOME the light which foul things trembled before. Such was the nature of Doflamingo. He was the light.
❝ Things that are immortal and divine have no fear. The sky. ❞ He gestured up towards the heavens. ❝ The ocean - ❞ Out towards the sea. ❝ Time. ❞ He moved his index finger as if illustrating the turning of a clock. He quite enjoyed such philosophical discussions, unfortunately he rarely got to engage in them.
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