#old man yaoi alert
lookinghalfacorpse · 2 months
Okay now you got me really interested SO here's the itwall prompt: cphil and cdream doing scar care
well if you insist..... (context)
/dsmp /rp
"On your stomach, lad."
Dream chuckled at the gentle command, his robe hitting the ground as he shrugged it off. Commands like these were casual and comfortable between the two of them; Dream knew that he could disobey if he wanted. He usually settled on a bit of playful back-talk. "You could take me to dinner first?"
"I cooked your dinner myself three hours ago."
"Okay, fair."
Slowly, Dream lowered himself to the mattress, gathering a pillow in his arms and placing it beneath his chest for a bit of extra padding. The candlelight danced across the dramatic valleys of his skeleton and the rips and tears of his skin, casting uneven shadows across his pale back. The sun dropped below the treeline a while ago, and the arctic enjoyed a peaceful and windless evening. Philza proposed that they try a bit of anti-scarring treatment before bed, and Dream agreed to give it a try.
Philza removed a bit of dressing-- a piece of gauze taped over a fresher wound on Dream's side-- and Dream could feel Phil's weight shift on the mattress as he leaned back and observed.
Feeling eyes on him, Dream peaked over his shoulder. "Yeah?"
"You'd think I'd be used to seeing your scars by now." The lid of a container popped open. "But it still hits me sometimes."
"Do they gross you out?"
"Nah. They're just scars. I have them, too." From his limited vantage, Dream saw Phil's blonde hair spill over his shoulder, pooling at his collarbone. His hair was loose. He was dressed for bed. "I'm just... always surprised by how deeply humans can hate."
Dream didn't hate his scars. Well, he hated some of them. The worst of them were on his back. A bracket smile, drawn with unsteady lines. The word "bitch," written in a broken, brutalist font.
"I'm going to massage some silicone gel on the scars," Phil said, "in little circular motions. It might take a while, mate."
Dream flinched when Phil's fingers, cool from the silicone, touched between his shoulder blades. The temperature simply surprised him. Phil whispered a quiet "You alright?" before proceeding, and upon getting permission in the form of a nod, moved his fingers firmly across the expanse of a scar. It might've been the bracket smile. Dream didn't quite remember its placement.
"The pressure will help the edges flatten," Phil explained in a low voice, "and the jelly moisturizes it to help the discoloring."
The skin was sensitive. As Phil pressed his fingers in, the nerves responded by breaking into chills. Dream's next exhale was shaky.
"Tell me if I'm hurting you."
"No-- No, you're not. I-- fuck, it's just sensitive."
Philza recognized the effects of pleasure when he saw them. "Mm."
It took twenty minutes to finish the massage. Twenty long, vulnerable minutes of squirming and sighing, fighting back the urge to groan. Something about it was so primally satisfying. His skin has been begging for gentle treatment for months. Begging for Philza's fingers along his ribcage, his stomach, his chest, his hands. Even the deep scar along the edge of his jawline got Philza's attention. The slime of the silicone was cold in the winter air, but not uncomfortable.
The candlelight illuminated Phil's golden eyelashes. "Still alright?" he asked, his fingertips on a long scar across Dream's lower abdominal muscles.
Dream nodded, a small smile on his lips.
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alexlesuagz · 7 months
Guess what chat I’m Johnshiposting now
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If you get the reference then you get some uhhh KombatKoins
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lemonmangosorbet · 8 months
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In preparation for AnimeCon London I’m having some of my most popular badge designs restocked! And if you can’t visit my table at the con, don’t forget about my Etsy shop! 🥺💕
LemonMangoDraws.etsy.com (link in my tumblr bio too)
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anzuhan · 1 year
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The amount of times I see someone link being gay, young and transmasc to fandom cringe is... shocking... Like obviously there are young gay transmen in fandom. Fandom in a Tumblr sense is typically more of a "girl" thing. I was an fandom girl as a 14 year old and now I'm a significantly more well adjusted 18 year old man who is still into fandom and honestly, the shit trans guys in fandom have said about them is exactly what young girls into fandom have said about them only instead of just like, blatant misogyny over young girls liking things it's massive amounts of transandrophobia because making fun of trans men is ok when they're stupid fandom girl- sorry stupid fandom boys.
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charlotteoccasionally · 6 months
reasons why kyman is canon (TRIGGER WARNING: KY//MAN, JOKING!!)
1. kyle continuously choosing to get in arguments with cartman instead of just ignoring him (which they have proof works) bc he gets his kicks outta being righteous
2. cartman saving kyle at the end of smug alert despite saying he hates him
3. kyle coming to help cartman at the end of jewpacabra
4. “my little monster” in its a jersey thing
5. cartman showing no denial/response when ppl think he and kyle are a couple in tonsil trouble
6. cartman making everyone think kyman is canon in cartman finds love (when he coulda EASILY found a different way to stop kyle and nicole from getting together)
7. cartman’s canon yaoi obsession (tfbw character relations graph)
8. kyle saving cartman in manbearbig
9. imaginationland trilogy.
10. kyle crying after finding out cartman was innocent after breaking his electronics
11. kyle’s response during his fight with cartman after getting with heidi (“cartman, YOU weren’t happy” instead of just saying how badly he treated her)
12. kyman hand holding in multiple episodes
13. cartman saying he loves kyle and tryna kiss him(?) in le petite tourette
14. kyle’s jealousy of heiman (ppl say it’s kyle jealous of cartman for dating heidi but we never saw any evidence that kyle liked her until AFTER they started dating)
15. the way kyle always chooses cartman as his stand in BFF when stan is outta the picture instead of anyone else/their dynamicness as a duo (crack baby athletic association, you’re getting old, ass burgers, prehistoric ice man, etc.)
16. cartman and kyle’s softening relationship as the seasons go on (compare “passion of the jew” kyman to an episode like “help my teenager hates me”)
17. the deleted “cartman + kyle” writing on the wall of the boy’s bathroom in stick of truth
18. kyman is just an inherently funny ship that if it actually becomes canon would kinda sum up the attitude of the show (m&t just don’t gaf)
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hrtsoldierboy · 2 months
Small warnings: cursing, implied violence, implied sex, and old man yaoi >:’)
Pairing/s: Billy Butcher x Soldier Boy/Ben
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When Ben and Billy started “dating”, both of them were actually really reluctant for two main reasons for both of them
For Billy, well, it was Soldier Boy of all people. And he’s a typical asshole bigoted supe! Didn’t stop him from getting that peepaw d though
For Ben, it’s really obvious. One, Ben was definitely NOT gay. And secondly, he absolutely despises Billy for making him gay
To be honest, they didn’t know exactly how they happened. But it’s probably because they both hooked up when they were both pent-up with anger
But who knows…
Both of them didn’t want to become public at all costs. One of the reasons being, yknow… MM..
But that didn’t stop Ben from being affectionate even in the slightest bit.
Same with Butcher too
Ben doesn’t share his liquor with the group at all but with Butcher? Yeah, both of them are finishing that shit in no time. Which, to Ben, is kind of a big deal. He doesn't share his shit too much
Butcher doesn't have too many clothes if he was being honest. Just his Hawaiian shirts, a sweater or two, some jeans, and his coat, but that didn't stop Ben from stealing his sweaters when Butcher wasn't wearing them
Both men don’t want to seem soft (somewhat for Butcher I guess, and Ben is a different story)
It didn't take long before the others found out (blame Ben for that)
As expected, none of them took it well, especially MM, but everyone else either accepted it or just didn't care much about it. Well, except for MM, of course.
Now, both of them are absolutely FREAKY with each other, that's no doubt
One round and both of them are definitely covered in bites (freaky old men, I tell you...) More than two rounds? Covered in blood, can't properly walk... yeah. Definitely freaky fucks
They aren't really cuddly, but Ben is clingy 24/7 when given the chance, even more so after they went public (kind of)
Like, kisses often, staying at Billy's side, sitting on the man's lap unprompted, more or less to Billy's dismay, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it
In fact, Billy loves it, flaunting off his man like a proud boyfriend, even when it gets annoying sometimes
Ben still wants to have children but he doesn't know how to talk to Billy about it
Billy eventually notices that Ben wants to talk about something and finally sits with Ben to talk (basically, Ben cried but don't tell anyone)
Billy takes Ben to visit Terror, and Ben loves the lil' guy, asking Billy to get a pet right after they left
Billy pretty much agrees, and they now have an orange cat named Fuckface (Ben named her)
Butcher thinks it's cute that Ben is a softie for a random stray cat that they found on their way to adopt a dog at a pet store
And then the season three finale happens, but let's ignore canon! :3
In this AU, Butcher doesn’t betray Ben, but MM convinced Frenchie to help him try to make Ben go to sleep
Spoiler alert, it doesn’t work
Blah blah blah, all the fighting still happens and Ben is heart broken that it happened, but Butcher does fight with Ben
Ben doesn’t hurt Ryan btw
The Maeve and Ben explosion still happens, but what happens to Ben is different
Butcher goes out of his way to find Ben afterwards, and he does
Just in time, actually since Grace arrives not too long after
Butcher and Grace strike a deal with each other for Ben
Ben being under Grace’s watch (not in a box this time) while still being able to see Butcher
And Butcher doing missions for her in return
Obviously, Ben and Butcher also fight, as all couples do
Their most recent one being about Butcher being sick, Ben getting worried, Butcher refusing help, Ben being absolutely devastated that he can’t do anything but watch Butcher act weird and slowly dying (Grace did a check up, and yeah…)
Butcher tries to reassure Ben that he’s gonna be alright, that they’re gonna be alright
It helps Ben, but he still worries a lot
Moving on, both of them get jealous easily
Like, if a random person (guy, girl, or anything else), hits on one of them, the other one is definitely gonna act like they’re in the Omegaverse or something
When they’re mad at each other but totally want to get their Ds wet, expect some angry sex
The first time Ben realises that he loves Billy is when Fuckface and Terror were both playing together while Butcher was video taping them on an old camera
Ben was looking at him with pure joy, thoughts were running through his head, when he thought about how Billy is the man he loves
Ben doesn’t know what to feel about that at first, but he eventually accepts it because, hey, he’s an old man and he can love anyone he wants at this point
When Butcher realises he loves Ben, it was after they’d had sex
Ben was asleep, snoring away, the sun hitting his face at the perfect angle, and Butcher just smiled and thought
“I love my man.”
After that, things changed for the better
They were softer on each other now, only in private though because Ben didn’t really want to draw attention to himself that much anymore
When they’d both said ‘i love you’ to the other, they just cuddled with each other while making out
Aaand I think that’s all for now 😁😁 I’ll make a part two but with season four once I have enough motivation
And probably a part three with season five once it comes out, but that’s in 2026, so enjoy for now lol
Lots of love, hrtsoldierboy !
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kaliido-s · 1 year
Well, the kaiju ship I ship most is Mothollante, but everyone’s already given their thoughts on that so yeah. Has a lot of the pros of Mothzilla with few of the cons, as well as the wonderful aesthetic of a genetically-engineered abomination and a goddess of nature. There’s also the obligatory puns about flowers and butterflies, and Mothra-based hurt/comfort and fluff which is one of my favorite kaiju fan plots.
Mothzilla’s… alright when handled in a certain way, but it’s a “the ship is fine but why is it everywhere” type of thing. And with the MonsterVerse especially, their relationship is better if it’s platonic. All in all, I don’t really ship it, unless a particular person’s take leans to the “humanity’s sins and nature’s virtues” aspect of both of them.
Gong’s pretty good. Tired old men being tired together.
Rodorah’s pure arson and anarchy and I value it for that, but no way is that dynamic anything approaching healthy. I ship it for the lolz.
I’ve jokingly shipped Legion from Gamera and Destroyah together before. Two big buff arthropod ladies.
Angzilla has the same benefits as Gong, really, but with more Showa craziness. I find Kongzillra to be a funny threesome, esp. because GvK would have been over in ten minutes if Mothra was there to slap some sense into Goji, to calm Kong down, and to alert the humans to Mechagoji/Ghidorah.
2MUTO is the kaiju ship I like second most, it gets points for being the only canon kaiju couple I can think of outside of the two OG Rodans, and also because I just love the MUTOs in general. Fr though, those two bugs were so sweet together, and I do think they had as much if not more chemistry than the human leads. Anyone who says that Femuto would have committed mate cannibalism on Hokmuto can face my wrath. MUTOs are clearly designed to fight, hunt, and live in pairs (therefore it makes no sense for her to kill and eat him), and it’s entirely possible they’re like crocodilians (i.e. female raises the kids and protects the nest, male brings her and the wittle babies food. Babies stay with the parents for several years until they can live on their own, and may stay within the parents’ territory for several more years. But now I’m going on one of my MUTO ecology headcanon rambles again…)
That’s all I can think of for now, have fun with these and have a nice day!
ooh this is a long one
- I think the funny thing about the hurt/comfort fluff is I only really like it with the Heisei Mothra. For some reason, maybe because she starts out as a larva, she always seemed a bit less like a goddess to me and more like a really caring person just fighting for what they love. While I read other Mothras as more closed off and unsure in social situations because of their attachment to world peace, Heisei Mothra feels more sociable and peppy, and thus capable of committed relationships
- continuing that, Mothzilla I have never really been a fan of, and I think Goji and Mothra being friends is far more interesting. They care so much and mean so much to each other, but it’s because they value their friendship, and neither of them have really had a relationship like that before. They started off as a business relationship and got closer over time, and I think their friendship is very sweet.
- Kongzilla is (usually) very relaxed old man yaoi and I like that a lot
- If you read my other previous ask about Rodorah, you’ll know how I feel about it. Very wacky very goofy very arson.
- Y’know what, I totally think Legion could get it. She’s pulled tons of arthropod ladies before.
- Again, relaxed old man yaoi, I like that a lot. For them it’s way more like, they’ve been friends for so long and have only gotten closer over time, and everyone’s wondering whether they’re official or not, and maybe they won’t say it out loud cause they don’t want the attention, but they are.
- I had a pretty brief Kongzillra phase and that was pretty fun. Mostly used for laughs and silly shipping dynamics where there’s no bad blood. They’re a power throuple.
- The MUTOs are so cute to me, the part where they meet each other in Chinatown, call to each other, nuzzle, and sync up their vocalizations when they kiss lives in my head rent free. It’s too bad Godzilla hates straight romance, because they were a very adorable and committed couple. (I also would be super into any MUTO ecology posts if you’re offering)
(this clip. this clip right here. the sound design, the cuteness, chefs kiss.)
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mackeralsauce · 10 hours
'kay gonna rant ab some frustrations (very opinionated) with the cuttletavio community and whatnot. don't like it? move on! more down below:
(TW for mentions of heavy topics and similar. I'm tired of people being uncreative and diluting the ship to 'toxic yaoi yay!!!'. Oh, and mentions of NSFW in passing.)
Oh my fucking god. Can we stop with the boring-ass 'Toxic Old Man Yaoi' bullshit already? It's so overplayed and uncreative.
There's gonna be a lot of people who disagree with my takes in this, and frankly, I don't care! I'm shrimply tired of seeing the same old cycle repeat in this fandom of 'cool big artist or writer ends up making something frankly disgusting with cuttletavio'. I block liberally and whatever so there's your forewarning and whatnot.
Another forewarning is that I am very much autistic and so these issues drive me to this point because I see much more potential in the ship! This is one of my special interests.
Part 1: Toxic Tropes, Abuse, and Everything Inbetween.
Every time I hear about something in this fandom, it's someone making content of Octavio and Craig that involves abuse, homewrecking, non-con, racism, fetishization, or anything else under the shit bucket! Yeah, yeah, people on the internet can have their opinions. It's not inherently bad to represent issues like that, but it's the fact that it is ALWAYS portrayed in a romanticized light! Because let me remind you, this community is for the *ship* between these two characters. Representation of such topics need to be done tastefully. Real people are harmed by shit like that, and spoiler alert! I should fucking know.
There's so much "Craig being racist haha!" jokes from certain groups. That's primarily the fault of the NA translation of Splatoon, but it's still quite irritating. There is much more to his character than just that. Really, is that the ONLY fucking joke you idiots have? Damn. Boring as hell! Not to mention we know from interviews that even nowadays he wished for peace and tries to help any Octarian he comes across... Oh, and I won't name names, but some people just straight up BUTCHER his character. Yuck.
Then there's the portrayal of Octavio. Typically, people outside of the cuttletavio community will end up portraying him as a fascist dictator (gross and wrong). We have the opposite problem here. People straight-up infantilize him, make him woobified, etc. which annoys me quite a bit. I think we forget that, y'know... HE IS A SHOGUN? A COMMANDER? Such a government is going to be militaristic. I'm not saying that he's evil, but making him out to be an innocent 'widdol guy' is just. Eugh. Not to mention this is usually done because of headcanons involving him to be trans. I love Trans Octavio headcanons! But I hate the overfeminization and overtwinkification of him. Let him be strong and trans, is that so hard?
And these topics are the small potatas. My biggest gripe is when people make their ship to be just 'toxic yaoi' and bluh bluh boring. Look, I get it, there's people who eat that slop up. Whatever floats your boat. But holy FUCK the amount of straight-up garbage and romanticization and lack of creativity I see...
Part 2: Missed Potential and Lack of Creativity.
Oh my fucking god. We have this one ship between two queer adults who grow to old age, and you guys can't even let it be healthy? Yes, I get there was war, but it doesn't mean they were fucking toxic when they were dating. Whatever your interpretation is, you don't have to make them cruel, horrible people to each other. Even if your interpretation involves them being morally grey or complex characters, you can make them have flaws without making them abusers.
Let me explain this: Romance is very, very complicated. It's not all sex, and it's not all fluff either. Most interpretations I see of cuttletavio are often 'All or Nothing' on certain factors. The three popular topics people put their stocks in are Angst, Sex, and Fluff. This is expected in fandom, but what bothers me is that so few people actually consider the alternatives, and that its usually ALL of one trait without anything else. Angst for the purpose of just angst doesn't hit, it's just edgy and boring. All smut with no love will wear thin. Tooth-rotting fluff has no substance if you don't even show the platonic side of their relationship. A good romance is oft built on a good friendship. Why not delve into those aspects? If you need them to kiss to tell they're in love, then you're doing it wrong.
Of course, that critique is moreso a small one. Beginner writers can easily fall into those and that's alright. Why it bothers me is because there is such a drought of good content- at least from my scope of view thus far- in cuttletavio. There is potential for greatness (and I am not slacking on trying to showcase this; I am working on my own content in the meantime), but hardly anyone delves into it. Why not explore how they got to know each other? The complexities of their characters? Tropes are alright, but get to a deeper level, and find the human within the idea. Not only that, but explore the world they're in! The circumstances of why they're in war! The politics, the governments, and the cultures of the time. These are old men in a fictional post-apocalyptic society devoid of humans. The inkfish could have evolved culturally in completely different ways! Please, just explore SOMETHING!
Y'wanna know why the whole toxic yaoi shit bothers me so much? Because it lacks creativity. It's overdone. Stale bread. It's like the slop they serve in a school cafeteria. You can get toxic yaoi ANYWHERE! It's such a common, overplayed trope for mlm ships, that you'll never go devoid of it. So why make cuttletavio into it? I haven't seen anything creative enough to excuse it. All i've seen is people committing character assassination and stripping them of any of their intrigue or humanity. It's bland. I'm sick of it.
I'm too exhausted to write any more of this but yeagh. Just sick of this shit. There is potential to these two old men, both in their youthful and elderly years. Let them make love, war, friendship, and peace. Don't reduce them to poor dollar-a-dime toxic yaoi tropes that have become tired and sloppy from years of poorly written BL and similar.
If you can't write/draw/etc. good romance or sex without making them abusive in ANY way (cheating, non-con, physically, emotionally, etc.) then you need to learn how to write complex characters and complex stories. You can have characters argue without it being abuse. You can have complicated dynamics without all that.
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Okay! Day 3 of Old man doctor yaoi summer 2024!!
Prompt: ducklings
Word count: 359
Art form: fan fiction
Warnings: conflict
A/N: I know I posted this late and all but uhhh... Nobody cares 👍
"Do we seriously have to do this? " House whined, getting 6 beers from the fridge and setting them on the table.
He plopped himself onto the sofa, sighing and reaching for the bowl of popcorn in front of him.
"Yes! It'll be nice, as I don't know them very well, other than Chase, " Wilson answered, calling from the dishwashing in the kitchen.
House groaned and rolled his eyes, "can you at least cuddle with me? "
"What with an audience? They don't even know we're together! " Wilson yelled, turning off the water, drying his hands and sitting next to House
"Maybe we could tell them. "
House swung his arm around Wilson letting him snuggle into the elder, his face nuzzling into Houses shoulder. House ran his fingers up and down Wilsons upper arm.
"You're too stressed, dear, " House whispered, placing a kiss to Wilsons hair.
"You made these plans without me, of course in stressed, " Wilson grumbled. "Plus you're the one complaining! "
House muttered something until the doorbell rang. Wilson hot up, like an alert rabbit hearing a fox rustle in a bush. House rolled his eyes as Wilson stood up and made his way to the door, opening it and smiling.
"Welcome, welcome! " Wilson exclaimed, opening the door wider.
House looked back, looking at the Australian, bald and female as they greeted Wilson, stepping in and looking at House.
"Ah, House, " Foreman started, eyeing him.
"I- uh, " Wilson stammered. "Anyway, guys take a seat. "
The three people filtered in, House moving slightly so two can sit down on the other side of the sofa and another on the arm chair. Wilson placed himself in between House and Chase.
And so they watched the Titanic - as Wilson chose. Wilson himself and both Cameron and Chase were crying, sobbing even.
"But Jack could've fit on the door! " Fore shouted, gesturing to the tv.
"No because of he got on the door would've toppled over! Not to mention Rose would've died anyway because she had been in the water! " House explain matter-of-fact.
Foreman muttered something before crossing his arms and sucking it up. House chuckled in triumph.
"Yeah why didn't Rose die?. "
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feathergail · 1 year
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my tav…. (and old man yaoi)
his name is casvir, he’s an oathbreaker paladin!! his whole story is just trauma upon trauma and like. it’s him trying to be a better person basically but spoiler alert! he just ends up going back to his old ways bc sometimes just having evil characters is fun
his relationship with astarion is… Interesting. it’s def Far from healthy to say the least lmao!! i mean, if you put two greedy and selfish people in a relationship, it’s not gonna be healthy sparkles and butterflies
but yeah that’s him!!! i eventually wanna make a bunch of tavs bc there so many more characters i wanna romance… esp lae’zel and karlach
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lemonmangosorbet · 1 year
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5 days until Rakucon!
All my heart-shaped badges have been restocked in time for Rakucon - Simp Alert, Old Man Yaoi Enjoyer, and Old Hag Yuri Enjoyer!
Rakucon takes place on 12th & 13th August, Pendulum Hotel, Manchester 🦝💖
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we're moots lol
okay this is gonna be a lot cuz he's like the main character or whatever
he was born uhh somewhere and he had a sister with a kid but their parents died so he and his sister had to take care of the kid. jean was a tree pruner but it wasn't enough so blud was like "screw it" and tried to steal some bread but was (of course caught and sentenced to 5 years for violent robbery but he was like "hell nah" and tried to escape like three times so he ended up with 19 years total and now the police (cough cough javert) hate him
so anywhizzle he does his 19 years and javerts like "ugh ig we have to let you go on parole or whatever" so jean valjean is like "yippee" and he's like wandering around tryna find a place to stay but ppl are like "nah ur a convict im not fuckin w dat" so now he doesn't have a place to stay but some dudes like "go ask the bishop he's really kind (WHICH THERE IS AN ENTIRE FUCKING SECTION ABOUT IN THE BEGINNING OF THE BOOK)" so jean 👖 goes to talk to the bishop and the bishops like "yeah come stay with us" but the two nuns in there are like "ew he's a convict he's gonna rob us" but the bishop dgaf so 👖 stays the night but he wakes up at midnight-ish and is like paralyzed with the decision of whether or not to rob the bishop cuz bro's got a lotta silver so...
spoiler alert
he robs him
so 👖 is like running around at 3 in the frickin morning and the police catch him and take him to the bishop like "sir this dude just robbed u" and the bishops like "yeah ik also here take the candlesticks and become a better person" so the police let him go and 👖 is like "omg he just like gave me all this free silver and he also said that i need to become a good guy" so 👖 breaks parole (omg lawbreaker 😨) and goes back to his hometown (which is also where fantine lives lol haha coinkydink hahaha) and he sells all the silver (except the candlesticks those are like a reminder of the scene with the bishop) and gets an alias which was like "pere madeleine" or smth idk and we don't see much of him cuz victor chooses to tell us about fantine
when we come back tho, "pere madeleine" has become "monsieur le maire" and he's the mayor of the town and owner of the factory where fantine works. as the mayor he's like a really good guy and he brings the town prosperity!! yippee!! and all the ppl love him but they're kinda sus of him like "who's this dude and why's he so nice" cuz they're a little paranoid ig but anywhizzle he's walking around or smth and he sees fantine being assaulted and stuff and javert taking her in and he's like "hell nah not on my watch" so he heroically bursts in and is like "she did nothing wrong let her go" and he and javert go thru their old man yaoi but fantine is eventually released. javert is NOT happy bout it tho
one day, javert comes into the mayor's office and he's like "bro i messed up i thought u were a former prisoner who broke parole lmaooo anyways we caught the guy and his name is jean valjean (DRAMATIC GASP) and we're holding his court soon anyways have a nice day lolol" but the mayor (COUGH COUGH JEAN VALJEAN) is having this identity crisis about whether or not to go fess up and free the guy but he ends up doing it and there's a buncha detailed chapters about his trek to the town where the court is being held but we don't care abt that
so he shows up and everyone's like "oh that's the mayor or smth ig" they drc and he sits in on this random guy's court session and there's a buncha evidence about how this guys is actually jean valjean but the ACTUAL jean valjean is like "NUH UH BITCH ITS ME" and everyone's like "GASP!??!!??!" and so javert is pissed and tries to get him arrested but 👖 escapes cuz he's gotta get fantines child to her and that's about where i am in the book lol
i hope you enjoyed my rambling about jean valjean and sorry for the long read lol
– ⚜️
this may be even more beautiful that the fantine one
new word alert motherfuckers this is awesome
I feel like maybe you should rewrite the brick once you’ve finished it just your version and see how well it does because damn this shit it great
… @k-is-for-potassium ?
is this you??
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startoshii · 4 months
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his name is aster roid/ aster , hes a silly alien and is melvinborg's assistant [spoiler alert they gay]
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jessaerys · 7 months
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morskisir · 6 months
do i need to put an alert on my blog that says "WARNING: BUTCH LESBIAN" to let people know they will have to deal with me being a loser over a woman every once in a while until i go back to old man yaoi. would that help
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