#okay so normally i would leave a bunch of commentary here
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new update thoughts, spoilers ahead but tbh there's not much to spoil in this one
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It's interesting that the sea foam is clinging to her shoes like that; maybe the oceans here are slightly viscous? It can't be normal water; it makes sense for it to be pink if it's reflecting the sky, but it's way too bright, and it might be opaque (?).
Since Rose's species is aquatic, that seems like it could have an effect on their development.
Or maybe it's some kind of primordial ooze, for other species on the planet?
Honestly it'd be weird if it *was* just water, some planets have oceans of all kinds of stuff
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why did she start doing that before she even said anything, these ult gods are freaks
also, the line weight on the hair looks pretty uniform. That seems unusual for this team, they usually mess around with it a bit. This update seems kind of rushed, which I'll talk about later.
I'm kind of expecting hair to get symbolically linked to a theme in act 2 now, since there's so much hair in this update. I'll add it to the Act 2 bingo card after the act 1 end flash.
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this is your brain on Freud
There are so many uncomfortable jokes in this update. It really hammers home how annoying it would be to be stuck with these people.
No wonder Terezi ran off so quickly after arriving on Deltritus.
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So they're making last minute changes before rollout? They seem pretty enthusiastic about this, but that could lead to a glitchy system.
It's not even dark out yet, there's no way that stuff is debugged.
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what is that, what is he doing
Is he wiggling his thumb? to show he's excited? idk?
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This would be a great place for a parking lot.
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Terezi, you need to put on a pin or put up a poster to show them that Workplace Bullying is Not Okay!
Overall this update felt like it was rushed out; the art is good, but not as good as usual.
Some poses felt weird; most artist commentaries show them meticulously going through a bunch of different sketches, but here I'd guess they had to go with the first drafts.
The hair also looked kind of thick (?) to me.
My assumption is that this was going to be the first half of an update that got moved around because the flash was taking too long, which would explain why it was so short. I also think the artist drawing this update had to/wanted to finish it quicker than usual so they could work on the flash. That's just a guess, though.
Also, since i got the last 2 drop dates right:
the next update is going to drop on the 25th of January. it will have a Dave in it. it will not be a flash. the art will seem slightly rushed. it will start as a funny update and then something will happen that leaves the meat timeline on a cliffhanger before the act end flash, which will drop in february.
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harmonic-psyche · 7 years ago
The Finalysis: @askgoopi and @askthewaywardaliens
Hey, I am back with more characters for The Finalysis™! Below, I analyze the characters from @ecstaticshli​‘s EarthUnBound continuity on @askgoopi​ and CogDis sister blog on @askthewaywardaliens​. Both blogs are still continuing their stories. While technically only @askgoopi​ is set in the alternate timeline called “EarthUnBound,” I am using that title for both blogs here because of their shared author/artist and characters and because is sounds Really Friggin Cool.
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I am still experimenting with the visuals for these Finalysis posts, and I wanted to try something a bit less bare than in my Finalysis post for @askgiegueandcrew​. Hopefully the image is not too crowded. Also, I swear that the “Goopi vs. J” fight in the middle of the picture was unintentional at first — but then I realized that it reflects how they would probably react upon meeting. oh geez, now i want to see them meet and see how many milliseconds it takes for them to start fighting
With that said, on to the character analyses!
Blue Starman ("Stupid," or "Blu"): Seems like an ISFJ.
This nervous-looking "[s]cared nerd Starman" is much more easily frightened than his fellow Starmen, which suggests inferior Ne — especially considering that he regrets being a coward, his "personality" is "Chicken," and he has a bad habit of second-guessing himself. Even in his military decisions, he shows caution. As a "pushover," Blu lacks the toughness of auxiliary Te, implying Fe instead. Also, seeing Giegue happy would make Blu happiest, showing Fe's desire to make others happy. While these facts suggest ISFJ, I have not seen enough of him to feel confident about my typing.
Giegue ("Goopi"): Probably ESTP, maybe ESTJ.
Canon Giegue is ISTJ, but "Goopi" here appears much more impulsive and aggressive. For example, his "bad habits" include "attacking others for seemingly no reason." While canon Giegue is not friendly, before the madness set in he tended to stay calm unless provoked or carrying out a cruel plan. In contrast, Goopi takes a sadistic pleasure in attacking others just for the sake of killing them. He once broke a promise with Static simply because he wanted to kill her after torturing her. Canon Giegue also uses a much more detached and clinical tone than Goopi, who loves using crude, petty insults so much that he literally named all of his Starmen after them. That degrading, crude humor is most common among ESTP types, and notably lacking from Giegue in canon or on @askgiegueandcrew​. In canon, Giegue only acts to follow his plan(s) or when he loses control of himself. On the other hand, Goopi often acts merely for pleasure without a plan or a reason: "I don't need much of a reason," "I did what I did because I wanted to." These show far more impulsive and hedonistic behavior, implying Se rather than Si.
At first, I was unsure if I could justifiably type Goopi differently from canon Giegue. Since they are from different universes, though, they are different characters: Goopi is "a completely different Giegue" (PMs with @ecstaticshli​ 2018-06-22).
J the Shadow: Definitely ISTJ.
Cautious, tough, and stoic to the core, J is an archetypal ISTJ. As an introvert who is still working on acting social, he prefers to avoid the spotlight. Si-dominance is evident in his (over?)protective unwavering loyalty to Vivi, since he considers himself her personal "bodyguard" (a.k.a. "guard dog" — compare the running joke about Si-dominant Pia the loyal dog). J does not hesitate to intimidate, threaten, or attack others to prove it when he thinks that they threaten Vivi. He shows no F-type squeamishness. While he "[t]ends to not be very friendly to others ... if he trusts someone he will be loyal and do his best to protect them," showing Si loyalty without Fe friendliness.
Te over Fi appears in his tough attitude, blunt tone, resent for receiving others' pity, "aggressive demeanor," and tendency to be embarrassed by emotional and cutesy situations — which, naturally, happen all the time around Vivi. When feeling insecure, he responds with aggression. As he has shown repeatedly, he hates being called adorable despite the obvious fact that he totally is adorable. In his own words, "It ain’t exactly easy for me to, uh, open up to others." Auxiliary Te's coldness and inferior Ne's paranoia make him distrust others by default ("We don’t know these people! I can’t trust them!"). While this can cause tension when he first meets other characters, it does help him protect those he cares about, especially Vivi. He also shows inferior Ne when he is totally thrown off by strange new perspectives, like whether he qualifies as an "insectoid."
Note also that, since "J is based on a later version of Giegue from EarthUnbound," it makes sense that J and Giegue would have identical personality types. Again, typing by analogy is unreliable, but in this case it sits on a huge pile of more-than-sufficient other evidence.
Nebula: Seems like an ISFJ.
This "[c]autious noodle" is "[c]alm, for the most part," but "[t]ends to panic when things go horribly wrong," making "other people assume ... [that s]he's a worrywart." Those show inferior Ne, and a lack of Te's decisiveness. Even though Nebula made Static act serious (a minor miracle) when Goopi attacked, came up with a plan, and pointed out that other mooks needed help escaping, she froze up and did not volunteer to help them when Static asked. These show her calm, serious planning skills (Si) and desire to help others (Fe) without any impulsivity (Ne). Nebula corrects others about scientific details even in crisis situations, showing that she is a stickler for detail (Si). Also, she probably would not dare kill anyone, showing what I call "F-type squeamishness." I do not have all that much confidence in typing Nebula, though. I have only seen her in a crisis situation, in which characters often act unusually compared to their normal personality. 
Rac: Seems like an IN__.
Nebula's boyfriend is a "really smart," "nerdy noodle" who "[t]ends to be skittish and awkward at times." Being skittish and awkward suggests introversion. While there is only a weak correlation between intelligence and MBTI (specifically, iNtuition), there is a strong correlation between nerdiness and being an IN__ type.[citation not needed] Rac’s "fears" include "[s]paghettification" and "black holes in general," which are an unusually abstract subject to fear, suggesting N. His "bad habits" include "[s]econd guessing himself," showing a lack of confidence. As a research supervisor, though, he possesses a strong scientific curiosity and enough leadership skills to run his lab. Having never seen Rac's behavior, I cannot type him precisely. Any of the IN__ types could fit this description.
Starman Jr. ("Ugly," or "Ly"): Definitely ESFP.
Ly's "[s]assy and snarky" attitude, chill demeanor, and casual slang-based speaking style point to Se-dominance . So too does her low patience and risk-taking behavior, like when she threw a secret party which accidentally got Static captured. Still, she had good intentions: "I just wanted to do something nice for my friend." Still, Ly's impulsivity and good intentions do not always end poorly. In fact, they may be the only reason that Vivi is still alive.
When Ly found Vivi on a deserted planet, Ly insisted on taking Vivi aboard to heal her. Another Starman asked how they would handle Giegue's reaction, and Ly replied that "I'll figure that out when we get to that point." In other words, she had no plan (low Ni and Te), acting only on impulse (high Se and Fi). When Javik Goopi tried to throw Vivi out the airlock, Ly saved her life by standing up to Goopi, literally annoying him into stopping. It takes nearly-reckless courage to stand up to someone so powerful and unstable. Beyond that, the intentional use of annoyance for persuasion shows Fi's determination and willingness to embarrass everyone involved (compare Vivek the ENFP), whereas Fe-users would likely melt from the secondhand cringe.
Like Static's, Ly's individualist passion (auxiliary Fi) is accomplished through a facade of toughness (tertiary Te). After all, she is "practically the only one who can pretty much talk trash to Goopi’s face and not be killed for it." Her high Fi often causes righteous indignation. Combined with her tough demeanor, this makes her take no BS from anons ("Screw you! Nobody asked for your two cents, bub") who try to help Goopi or from inexplicably hostile mooks. Those show no Fe politeness, even though Fi makes Ly "willing to sacrifice [her] safety" for her friends' at the drop of a hat because of how much she cares about them.
Unlike Static, Ly lacks the eccentric cleverness of Ne — but she makes up for it with Se's down-to-earth decisiveness. Also, contrast their speaking styles: Ly's tends to have more "shortcuts," like dropping letters from the front ("worried 'bout," "lost track of 'em,") or end of words ("somethin' to," "damper on everythin'," "comin' up"). Dropping the -g from the end of words shows informality. Also, a lot of Ly's slang comes from slurred speech ("wanna," "gotta," "gonna," "outta") — and "ain't." Those all shorten words to make them more convenient, but also sound "unrefined," for lack of a better less pretentious word. At least among CogDis OCs, that style is a dead giveaway for Se-dominance (compare Boson, Juice, Rigby, and Szortski). Sensors are more likely to view language only as a tool, making them more straightforward. In contrast, iNtuitors also like to play with it, which is why — unlike Ly — Static really, really loves puns. 
Static: Definitely ENFP.
See full analysis for details. also i totally would've called that this "noodle" is a hugger. wait now i want to hug her :S
Vivineeh ("Vivi"): Probably ISFJ, maybe INFP.
I have tried to figure out which of those two types this "adorable" and "precious" (seriously, she is absurdly cute) noodle is for sooo long! Either typing could explain that she is "timid," "[w]ill cry at just about anything," and "super sensitive," since those come generally from I_F_. Likewise, either typing could explain that she "likes [b]eing kind, ... being around children, ... hugs, soft and/or fluffy things, [and] anything she finds cute." Sentimentality, enjoyment of receiving affection, and compassion can suggest high Fi or high Fe.
The evidence that I have seen barely tips the scales towards ISFJ. Vivi "always tries to be super nice and polite," because "she dislikes making others feel bad," and she loves making friends. Wanting everyone to be happy is generally a trait of high Fe-users, as is indiscriminate positivity — especially politeness, which shows an intuitive submission to social norms. Fi is typically less prone to share its feelings, more selective about them, and defiant of social norms like politeness. Finally, the "fearful" Vivi frequently worries and is easily scared/offended by dark humor, suggesting low Ne. I have already mentioned why inferior Ne causes worrying, and dark humor is appreciated by high Ne-users (compare Ano and Static) but offends Si's often-purist sensibilities. Finally, unlike other CogDis-related IN_Ps, Vivi does not show absentminded or eccentric behavior (contrast Keter, Loris, Niiue, and Origen).
Now consider the evidence for INFP. One might think that Vivi's social awkwardness suggests dominant Fi, because Fe is more socially adept. Yet ISFJs can often be socially awkward too, especially when caused by inferior Ne caution (compare Yi the ISFJ "just being awkward"). The contrast between Vivi's personality and J's also makes her seem like an INFP, because it seems unlikely that they share the same dominant function. Typing by analogy is weak evidence, though, and different extraverted-judging functions (Te vs. Fe) can cause a huge difference in demeanor. At first I though Vivi did not show Si-dominance because I had not seen her show its common (and admittedly stereotypical) traits like obedience to authority or effective detailed memory, but she shows both (PMs with @ecstaticshli​ 2018-06-22). While many parts of her culture "sicken and unnerve" her, as one would expect more from a Fi- or Ni-dominant repulsed at their society, she inherited most of her beliefs from her caretaker Marair. Like most ISFJs, most of her values are inherited from her family.
I am not entirely confident in an ISFJ typing, though. Vivi "likes ... trying new things, learning, [and] visiting new planets," which suggests high Ne. While Si-dominants can love learning, especially if it involves fact-collecting (compare Ore), they generally do not like trying new things. I cannot explain why Vivi likes trying new things, such as visiting new planets, using an ISFJ typing. In fact, she can be downright "adventurous" if she does not feel threatened (PMs 06-22). Similarly, Vivi's "hopeless romantic" idealism is more common among daydreaming INFPs than concrete ISFJs. As a Geik, Vivi seems more like an ISFJ, but as a Gieeg, she seems more like an INFP — but since they are the same character (PMs 06-22), I cannot type them differently.
Alright, that concludes my analysis of @askgoopi​ and @askthewaywardaliens​! Unless I forgot any characters. I considered including some of the other Starmen who serve under Goopi, and probably ought to add the Last Starman featured in recent posts —  especially since he may have a type very rare to CogDis (canon and fan-) characters. But since most of them appear almost exclusively in the background, have minimal dialogue, and lack Charahub entries, I realized that I would not have enough material to make a guess at their personality types.
I am unsure whose characters I will analyze next. Hopefully it will take less time to post the next part of Finalysis. Until then, goodnight!
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sixthwater · 3 years ago
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Aaaaannndd we did it! Welcome to the last pac in the Feb2022project! We'll be taking a fun fictional turn today and honestly this one was my favorite out of all of them so let's go!
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks used: Mystic Mondays Tarot, The Arcana of Astrology Oracle
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Now lets go! And remember to drink some water~!
Pile One
Cards Tarot: Page of Cups Rx, Judgment Rx, Two of Swords Rx, Ten of Pentacles Rx, Seven of Swords, Eight of Cups, Strength Oracle: Third House, Waxing Crescent Moon, Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse
Cards Tarot: Page of Cups Rx, Judgment Rx, Two of Swords Rx, Ten of Pentacles Rx, Seven of Swords, Eight of Cups, Strength Oracle: Third House, Waxing Crescent Moon, Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse
ღWhat Lead Are You
Immediately starting off with the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, okay!!!!! This is leaning more towards Summer from 500 Days of Summer (no I did not watch that movie but that’s what a bunch of artsy partsy commentary videos are for). There is a light energy to this pile but it’s sourcing from escaping something else that is terrifying to them. Meanwhile whenever you present yourself, it’s…like yes the bright and quirky parts of you Are authentic it’s just exaggerated a bit because you don’t want to think about your problems at those moments, but it’s not like your hide anything beyond it—but they might not be thoroughly listening or even attempting to lmao. It’s interesting because I did ask if you were a lead in a romantic series so in my mind I pictured you being focused on more but this reading is sort of like, you’re the one being chased but we don’t really get to know you ever. You also wouldn’t really know yourself either because you’re trying to figure out all these issues while simultaneously running away from them AND then trying to entertain short/long relationships where the other person just sort of fills in the gaps of who you are so it’s like you’re a blank canvas that people are constantly painting over while you’re trying to make the piece that you want—or actually it’s more like you keep getting unwanted critique even though you’re trying to express what the painting is supposed to be, yeah. I find it Absolutely hilarious that even in a reading this trope gets the 7oSw because you’re not being sneaky or anything but like, it’s not necessarily normal to walk up to a stranger and just trauma dump on them in small talk and you Mean That but people take it personally so whatever. In this Judgment card it has two glass panes (one is closer whilst the other one is suuuuper far off) and I kind of feel like…it’s a rejection of yourself in a sense. There are aspects that you would rather not face or thoroughly break down so you fill it with this page of cups energy but so much so that it flips itself over. This could source back to an instability in upbringing (or, since this is getting too realistic and this was supposed to be light-hearted, let’s say your character was expected to take over their family’s business and they! don’t! want! to!), so there’s this cycle of feeling a problem creeping up on you, running and feeling joyous, relaxing and forgetting what you were running from almost, and then the creeping begins again. One thing is for sure though, there is an innate resolve within you, going back to my comparison with art critiquing lmao—most people usually will do the polite or expected action and just let it be and get it over with, but that’s not you. When people put their own expectations on you or get upset because you’re not what they expected, you catch them on that. You are not someone that allows people to walk all over you, even if you seem very scattered or ‘empty-headed’ because I know that’s not true, even without these oracle cards. Which, let’s get into them.
ღWhy Are People Attracted To You
Okay, you got a lot of moons and it’s funny because that just speaks for that fact that people wouldn’t really know you? They’d want to keep spending time with you and wanting to unravel the ‘mystery’ but you aren’t? A mystery at the same time you’re Very talkative—you enjoy communicating, especially about things that could gain you new friends. It’s not anything deep, like you aren’t looking for a community to stick with but you live by the ‘if someone is cute just tell them they’re cute’ philosophy, and that’s how a lot of your conversations are sparked, which can draw people in. They see this mysterious person who is not afraid to be themselves but then they realize they Don’t know anything about them no matter how much time they spend together and it makes them want to get to know them more and before they realize it they just start making their own assumptions without meaning to. The Moon (Pisces/Neptune) effect. I also like how the Lunar Eclipse is the last card that popped out too because it’s still relaying this story of how you would come off as entertaining and mysterious—hard to hold onto—but they find out they made their own identity for you and the second someone lashes out at you for something you didn’t cause, you put them in their place. Quite literally the manic pixie dream girl trope, incredible.
Songs: Shut Up and Dance – WALK THE MOON, The Mother We Share – CHVRCHES, Time to Dance – Panic! At The Disco, Attention – We Are the In Crowd, The Best Damn Thing – Avril Lavigne
Pile Two
Cards Tarot: Four of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, Temperance, Nine of Wands Rx, Seven of Pentacles, The Moon Oracle: Aquarius, Neptune, Cancer, Aries
ღWhat Lead Are You
**So first off, there’s a Ton of blue/purple tones here. So either that’s someone’s favorite color, that’s an aura of yours, it’s important in some way—it’s just. Taking over this entire pile lmao. I know we have Temperance but I didn’t know it’d come out literally. SO! You guys are giving me like, business-person, well-established….like….big corporation…..(I’m thinking the devil wears prada meryl streep you’re Really truly giving me the devil wears prada don’t let that go to your head-). You’d be soft-spoken and carry yourself elegantly, the only time your head would be down is if you dropped something and you were picking it up lmao. There’s not an ego to you, but you’ve learned your lessons and you simply know what you deserve and what you don’t. You also know how much to give to others and when you need to pull back and pour back into yourself. There’s a sense of dreaminess to you however. It’s really precious, it’s like there’s the you that is mostly present to the rest of the world and it’s also truly how you are; grounded, realistic, fair, etc—but just a biiit of you likes to cuddle up on the couch in a blanket and feed into those unrealistic hallmark movie dreams. Like how a small town girl moves to the big city and immediately runs into the love of her life or how santa claus accidentally dies trying to deliver presents so now you have to be santa claus oh no-. This of course is only revealed about, what, forty minutes into the movie and it’s embarrassing, but it’s still cute. For the most part though, you’d always be the type to really think about the people that approach you and your relationships in your life (which is why that other side is so adorable to partners), because I always see this 4oCu as more on the deliberating side, and the girl is meditating and able to see the cup that she wants, she isn’t missing it she’s just honing in and making sure it’s the right one, if anything she’s ignoring the three in front of her lmao. You’d be seen as an Ideal partner, one that is highly sought after (even if most people don’t attempt to do the courting process). You also are someone who is not afraid to put the work in for your relationships. You understand that things won’t be solved overnight and are in the group that would be absolutely ok with couple’s therapy, endorsing it almost. Now there is a piece of you that is hidden underneath all of this ~serenity~ and it’s from lessons learnt in your past. You would’ve had relationships that cause your character to be a little jaded and have this long introspective period and focus more on the career aspect of your life, however it can also give you the pair of fangs or claws that you need so people don’t attempt to take what they want from you. It is ALSO the only flash of red in this group along with Aries so let’s get into it.
ღWhy Are People Attracted To You
They like that you are…You. The way you carry yourself is unmistakably your brand. They’d like to be in your inner circle or catch a conversation with you because there’s this energy you carry that draws people in and gets them all wrapped but, but once they get in there they realize that you’re just like them, but at the same time you’re just a lil off just a lil different—but in a setting (or society) where you’re not supposed to be cringe or enjoy your interests or. Just be a human. You do all of those things and they kinda lowkey wanna be you, but they’ll just live through you for now. They also Really enjoy your nurturing side, even if it can be a little distant. It’s like you take notice of people’s routines/habits and when something’s different or off you’ll make a comment of concern or compliment them about the different. It’s a little something that makes their day, because contrary to popular belief people do like to be seen and heard, even if for a moment, and you do that. Now this Aries-Cancer mix. There’s still a lot of cardinal energy within you on top of the Aries. You’re a go-getter and you make sure what you set out to accomplish gets achieved. You’re not cutthroat, you’re patient, but you have hiiiigh standards for yourself and your work so when you have an idea or a dream; it’s becoming a reality and nothing is stopping you. People really admire that about you, but I think it’s a quality you don’t see in yourself because we only got one fiery card in both sections. I think this quality is a lot stronger but it’s probably muted by this mothering nature that’s presented/seen more often (unfortunately if u kno u kno).
Songs: Misery Business – Paramore, Black or White – Michael Jackson, Way Too Fly (feat. DaVido) – A Boogie wit da Hoodie, Comme Des Garçons (Like The Boys) – Rina Sawayama
Pile Three
Cards Tarot: Five of Wands Rx, Seven of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Five of Swords, Death, Ace of Swords, King of Pentacles Oracle: Pluto, Pisces, Libra, Tenth House
ღWhat Lead Are You
So either you’re in Pile Two or Pile Three. So…it’s funny lmao. This is cutthroat energy but I mean you’re the lead so, think ‘The Proposal’ with famous actress Sandra Bullock (2009)—MY ENEMIES TO LOVERS PILE!!!!! You are Still giving off high class high ceo business-person energy but there’s (obviously) a different edge to it. You are not fond of obscene confrontation, you’re more tactful than that. Arguing is something that you’d be more willing to just tell white lies to get people out of your face, but when it comes to playing chess? You’re essentially, the ‘Queen’. You are willing to plant your seeds years in advance to let them grow into advantages for your position and growth—for places you need to be. Like if you were an intern, you’d have a certain way with your words and how you’d float through the company that would benefit you most definitely, but not necessarily your co-workers. At the same time, you’re Not Necessarily insulting them or even putting them down. You’re still on their side…but you’re definitely making sure you shine more than them, y’know. You’re not afraid to leave people behind and burn bridges if it means succeeding and creating the world you’ve always desired for yourself. You’re just a Very clever person, and this AoSw looks like it’s the extension of the QofSw so it has that edge to it, amplifying the 5ofSw. You are presenting yourself as very closed off and focused and dare I say……maybe even the character that was the enemy and brought into the main character’s friend group…how sweet. I believe this Death card would speak more for the transformation that would take place over the course of your story. It can speak for your personality sure, but I’m feeling the King more, which is what you’re trying to achieve and Death is just an Unfortunate road you’ve been guided onto. I have to make sure it’s clear though that you’re not maliciously or deliberately mean. You let things fall where they lay and if someone happens to lose an opportunity and you get it then like...darn, but you absolutely would console the person who lost that opportunity because you know it’s stupid to burn All your bridges right? However if it happens it happens. Very smart very terrifying, would probably be one of my favorite characters in a series congratulations.
ღWhy Are People Attracted To You
This is hilarious actually. The way I have this laid out is like, the softer aspects are crossing each other and then the more intense ones are opposing if that makes sense (an X). So you have admirers for a multitude of reasons, but I think this is also mixed in with your general reputation. Like after you cross people over and they No longer like you, they start to feel this Plutonian energy from you, but not in a good way. It starts to be obsessive and they might feel the need to ruin your life or get back at you. However in another light, those that admire your tenacity and skill, will see you as…well Actual Meryl Streep from devil wears prada. It’s a ‘that’s my really amazing boss but I wouldn’t dare look her in the eye’ feeling. People might pick up on the fact that you don’t want them to get close to you or Know things about you besides what you curate but you feel highly prestigious. Then at the SAME time, it’s like you’re very charming—people would not Believe the stories being told about you from those that were crossed because look at you! You just went out of your way to get the office coffee! You have this flower image to some people and you’d probably be picked to do sales or negotiating if that were involved in your characters job, because you can easily disarm people (how else would you be so good at what you do). VERY interesting pile love this one. The songs were even more interesting because once again, I believe you would be very closed off and this person would probably actually be someone you screw over and even after that they would try and get you to understand that you don’t have to be so messed up and people can actually be nice sometimes (I’m pretty sure that’s a line in the proposal but I have no seen that in forever so don’t quote me). Ugh, enemies to lovers love that.
Songs: Find Me Here – Hayley Williams, Tokyo Love Hotel – Rina Sawayama, Friends Will Be Friends – Queen
Pile Four
Cards Tarot: Strength, Nine of Cups Rx, Three of Wands, Six of Swords, King of Swords, The Fool, Six of Cups Rx Oracle: Last Quarter Moon, Saturn, Waning Crescent Moon, Aquarius
ღWhat Lead Are You
You’d be a peculiar one (mr. grinch). There is a closed off energy to you and it’s sealing up the qualities of The Fool. It may seem like you present yourself with its reversed definition, but it’s still upright, just being hidden. I was looking up terms for ‘average joe’ and for some reason Joe Lunchbucket is a term? We have? Which is so fucking weird to me but it’s so funny—anyway you’d be the ‘seemingly average office worker’ character. You know, the one where they give a makeover halfway through the movie and then that’s what it takes for the person to realize they fell in love for some reason. I’m feeling very snarky suddenly I guess that’s a part of your charm <3. Anyway, you approach the world through a logical lens; it’s like in your head you tell yourself to not get too unrealistic about the future or what you can achieve because you can let yourself down if you don’t achieve it, but also don’t get too misty eyed about the past or when you actually revisit it, it’ll let you down. You need tangible things to hold onto, dreams aren’t enough and you don’t really want to rely on anything but yourself, because you’ve come to find that you’re the only one that’s been able to keep their word in your eyes? I don’t normally see the King of Swords as a cold person but in here it’s sort of like he’s on a high glacial throne and he’s alone but he prefers it that way. He froze everything he deemed as childish or ‘faulty’ within his throne and it’s made out of that—if I were to paint a picture. You can see the throne as like, The Fool. It’s not that he got rid of those qualities, but he’s waiting for it to be okay to take it back out. He feels like he’s always waiting for his efforts or plans to come to fruition, but at the same time he’s always moving onto ‘safer waters’, but it’s like…not physical things he’s moving away from its more emotional or mental things he makes himself—so until then those qualities stay frozen because he doesn’t want them ruined. Biiiiiig intimidating aura/resting bitch face, big dork when you get to know them lmao. You’re our slowburner that pulls back for another 20 chapters after we get real close to the endgame huh.
ღWhy Are People Attracted To You
I forgot about these this is so!! Ah! So yeah. Fool. Aquarius. Beautiful. I think there’d be this awkward, reserved energy to your person? Saturn in Aquarius’ energy is more noticeable because Capricorn just Moves like that, but Aquarius wants to present themselves in Their Own Way; they don’t want you to know them but they kinda do but also not really. So they’ll drop little bits and pieces of them around the room when They please and then act like they didn’t do that and Stick to it even if you catch them with facts and receipts. Then you also have these two closing moons, which will give you a quieter and introspective energy overall. So people Will notice this outlandish energy to you that you try to hide for Your own agenda, and they find it funny in a way I think? I think they’d find what I was just explaining more funny because you try to play it off and just like…walk away once there’s a lull in the conversation. You also naturally take different perspective when viewing things but you’re not like. Radical? You can understand why certain laws and things are in place and what have caused them, but you can see where they can improve or just disappear entirely. I think people would be drawn to you because you have a sense of matureness or balance, but it’s not in the normal way that people would usually describe it. Like if they were having a debate with someone, they might ask for your opinion and they’d trust it because they know you don’t go too far in one direction and if you do, it’s for a reason—like that.
Songs: Ms – alt-j, No Place Like Home – Marianas Trench, The Flame In All of Us – Thousand Foot Krutch, Salt Skin – Ellie Goulding
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supersapphical · 2 years ago
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This part for the writing meme :)
Send me a passage from one of my fics and I'll do DVD commentary on it
Thank you SO MUCH for sending in an ask. <333 This is...SO many words so I put it under the cut.
OKAY so there is a lot going on here and I'm so happy you chose this particular passage so I can dissect it.
Starting at the beginning with the first couple of sentences: through the whole story I wanted to explore the relationship between the ghost and the house it haunts. Ghosts can never leave the places they haunt but they have a huge amount of supernatural control over the environment of that place. Does that make the ghost a part of the house or the house a part of the ghost? I see it as some of both, they're bound together. All of this is from Cassie POV, though, and she never knows exactly when Jess is there and when she isn't. But even when Jess is NOT there, she's there because the house that binds her is there.
Then we get to Cassie finally talking about the effect her near death experience had on her. This is a really big character moment for her because she can’t really talk about this with anyone else. The whole reason I wrote this story was because I have a bit of an obsession with what happens to side characters after the Winchesters leave town. We get introduced to these characters living normal lives, see their entire worldview upended, they live through some of the most traumatic stuff they've ever been through and then we never see them again. Cassie and Jess are both especially fascinating characters to me and the story really only works if there's a scene of them bonding over their shared trauma. They've both been through something that no one else can understand and so they're drawn to each other. Cassie’s dialogue here is really just me asking all the questions I have about how Cassie handled the events of Route 666. She was nearly murdered by the ghost of a guy who successfully murdered a bunch of people both in life AND in death and then she just has to go back to her life like everything is normal. She can’t talk to a therapist about it and if anyone she knows notices that she’s acting strangely, she has to lie about what happened or risk the hurt that would come from someone she trusts not believing her. This story is placed four years after Route 666 and I think she’s just as desperate to be seen and heard as Jessica is at this point. When she started telling Jessica about what happened to her, she was just trying to make a connection so that Jess wouldn’t feel so alone but she’s been carrying around the weight of her secret trauma for years now and she’s finally found someone who will understand her so it all comes spilling out in this moment.
Jessica’s first words being, “How did you survive?” after she reappears are pretty telling of where her head’s at right now. She cares about Cassie, she wants to know what happened to her but she’s also very focused on the surviving part of Cassie’s story. The part that she herself failed to do.
I like that Cassie flinches when Jessica speaks again. Is she on edge because Jessica is a ghost or did she get so lost in her own words that she forgot she was speaking them out loud to someone else? I left it up to interpretation because I think in that moment, it could be either.
"They, um, they beat the ghost": Look, the “um” here is very important to me. That “um” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in my head. I wanted to show Cassie’s hesitancy with explaining what happened. First of all, it’s just super awkward to tell a ghost you helped defeat a different ghost. There’s an added complication of telling a ghost that their former boyfriend kills ghosts now. And, of course, there’s Cassie not wanting to think too hard about how ghost stories usually end in the spn universe. There’s a lot of moments during this talk when Cassie could have lied to make things easier but she didn’t and I wanted that to come through in this moment, too. Cassie knows the truth is complicated and she hesitates to tell the whole truth but she doesn’t want to lie to Jessica.
Well, I think that was officially more words than the passage you sent so I’ll stop talking now, lol. Thank you again for sending this in!!! I am always fascinated by which bits of writing stick out to people. <333
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gone-series-orchid · 3 years ago
Is there anything you want to change or add if there is a tv show of gone? Or are any things you really want to happen and feel that they need to be in the show?
ooh, i've got a bunch of potential changes i think would be good to implement! here we go:
include at least one scene in the pilot filling out the kids' family lives. this will give context to how they all act in the fayz. obviously we need sam and his family situation with connie and connie's abusive boyfriend, but let's also give some detail on astrid and little pete's parents and how that dynamic plays out. just a little bit of history would be nice before we get into the fayz proper.
set up & follow through on astrid's subplot. this is referring to the reveal in fear that astrid, to a point, was manipulating sam in order to secure protection for herself and little pete. this is a huge revelation for the audience, but presented in a kind of weirdly blasé way that seems a lot like a retcon. i actually really like this idea, though, so i'd include that in the show from the beginning. this would give astrid her own little subplot instead of her solely being a supporting character for sam. maybe this would include indulging his crush on her, which would be apt meta commentary on how quickly they get together in the books and their lack of chemistry sorry. how would this impact sam and astrid's relationship when this is revealed to sam? i don't know, that's for the screenwriters to decide....
make it definitive: is caine redeemable or not? this is more of a critique of the infamous cementing in the first book, but this is an issue that the writers need to get out of the way sooner than later. if caine is redeemable, then maybe the cement incident should be changed to something less evil, i dunno. it's kind of a hard juggling act to have caine be essentially awful but not too awful, but still.
establish little pete and astrid's love for each other. i'd love it if little pete's love for astrid influenced his use of his powers in some way, whether it's saving her from danger (as in canon) or something else. astrid, though she resents having to be his sole caretaker, still loves her brother and i'd want that to be clearly established, too.
more political intrigue! i honestly want more political stuff in general. the supernatural conflicts i could take or leave, but if you're gonna do a series about kids creating a society free of adults, i'd expect more conflict relating to that. after the human crew gets killed off/disappears (what happened to lisa?), why don't we get any fallout relating to the mutant vs. normal conflict? surely there are some other kids who realize the flimsiness of sam being leader just because he drove a school bus one time? or at least there are some who have issues with sam's leadership in general aside from the overtly evil human crew? what about the kids who don't like their jobs and/or want more compensation for them? what about people who have problems with albert and his way of running the economy? what about the fayz's military and the potential misuse of guns by its soldiers? idk, i just want a lot more than what political stuff we got in the books, which is pretty glossed over. i think it could give sam and astrid a chance to flex their individual ideas about how the fayz government should be run.
explore astrid's loss of faith. this speaks for itself, but i also want the way sam and astrid resolve their conflict in fear to change, too. surely there's a better way to have them reconcile without astrid compromising herself sexually!!
give astrid and orc more scenes together! okay this is more of a self-indulgent thing, BUT in my defense, i also think laying the groundwork for their relationship would greatly benefit orc's arc (when/if it occurs in the tv show, which it should). i love the idea of them getting a few tiny exchanges in the first few episodes just to establish their history together.
that's all i can think of for now. thank you, anon, for the question! feel free to send more!
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shortprince-cos · 4 years ago
Patton's Normal And Totally Not Angsty Birthday
Summary: Patton was fully expecting to spend his birthday with his stuffed animals and pictures instead of actual people, but his famILY had other secret plans.
Warnings: Crying, being alone for an extended period of time, angst, slight innuendo. Tell me if I need to add anything else!
Pairings: Platonic DRLAMP (all)
Patton was fully expecting to spend his birthday with his stuffed animals and pictures instead of actual people.
It wasn't a far-fetched idea, considering what had happened earlier last year. Everyone was still on their toes from the...fight.
It wasn't a fight though! It was more like a...big disagreement. That kind of maybe split everyone apart and left Patton alone...
But it was fine! Everyone just needed some alone time! Even if it had been awhile - a long while - since the incident. They just needed to think about things, and when they were ready, Patton would apologize and they would hopefully accept!
Patton turned in his bed again, trying to sleep for the umpteenth time that night.
He sighed and eventually sat up, glancing at the clock. It said it was 4:16 in the morning, now it was technically January fifteenth.
Happy birthday to him.
Patton wiped the tears off his face and put on his glasses and his cat hoodie. Well, if it was his birthday, he might as well have a cupcake and make a wish. He'd probably need it, to be fully honest.
Patton meandered through the hallway, glancing at everyone's different colored doors. Everyone was probably asleep.
He remembers when it used to be just three doors in the hallway. Just Morality, Creativity, and Logic. Was it simpler then? Or were they just living in ignorance?
"No one knows you better than yourself, am I right, Tony?"
"I know big words too! Ssssssaxophone-"
"Who knows what'll happen if you don't adopt them, and they need a good home!"
"Anything he darn well pleases!"
...Maybe he was the only one not taking things seriously. They say ignorance is...better to live in, and Patton was basically swimming in it before his wake up call.
"We need actual contributions from you, now and then."
Is that why this happened? Maybe he's been ignorant of all the actual dilemmas this entire time. That's how everything went wrong! He didn't just suddenly not know what to do, he never knew what to do! He just hid it with jokes and puns and silly commentary to 'lighten the mood', but really he was just a distraction from their actual problems.
Patton hugged himself as he stood in the hallway, surrounded by the doors of his friends. Well, if they still wanted to be his friend.
Patton glanced at the dark purple door in the hall, cringing at the memories that came with it.
"Now Anxiety, if you don't want to participate, you can just sit this one out."
"Awww you poor little anxious baby!"
"And what about Anxiety, he always seems to get you down."
Patton swiped his tears away, hurriedly making his way down the hall to the staircase.
Janus didn't have a door here yet; he said he'd rather stay with the others in the hidden side of the mindscape.
Probably because of how awful they all were to him.
"Deceit, standing in the spot of one of my four best friends."
"Um, you're in my spot."
"Because Thomas gave his word, but you wouldn't know anything about words, would'ja mister?"
"I may be amphibian, but I can't say that I am fibbin'!"
God, they were so terrible to him. No wonder he doesn't like being around any of them.
Patton's hands shook as he gripped the banister at the top of the stairs, holding in his silent sobs.
All of this is his fault. He caused the rift in his famILY.
Suddenly he heard voices from downstairs. Wasn't everyone in bed? It was four in the morning, who would be up right now?
Patton wiped the tears off his face for the umpteenth time and took deep breaths, trying to steady himself.
He stalked down the top stairs slowly, trying to listen in onto what the voice was saying.
"Listen," A voice whispered. "I'm just pointing out all the possibilities."
"More like all the negabilities, seeing how all of them are negative." Another snarked.
"Just- does he even wanna see us? We basically ghosted him for months. We didn't even include him on the Nico situation. Why didn't we do that, he's the heart! He's like, the most important side for that!"
Oh. They were talking about him.
Patton debated leaving, going down there, or keep on listening before another voice spoke up.
"I doubt he would not wish to see us. If anything, I believe he would like to talk about what happened."
"Logan, we're talking about Patton here. If we talk, he'll just say he's fine when he's clearly not fine."
"That's not true." One obviously lied.
So all four of them were downstairs talking about him. Wait, isn't there supposed to be five-
"Hi Potty-cakes!" Remus suddenly shouted from behind him.
Patton shrieked in surprise, before almost tumbling down the stairs before someone caught him.
"Pat! Are you okay?!" Virgil said, slowly helping Patton to his feet.
"Y-Yeah, I'm perfect!" He said, plastering his Patton-ted fake smile.
Virgil squinted at him. "Pat, have you been crying?"
Ah. Guess the smile didn't work.
Patton noticed that everyone was crowded around him, including Janus, which meant that lying was out of the question.
"Uh- kinda?" Another smile.
Someone swore under their breath as Logan spoke up. "Patton, what are you doing awake at this hour? Don't you normally get up at seven?"
Patton stood up straightly instead of leaning on Virgil. "Oh, I just woke up and couldn't fall back asleep! What're you guys...?" Patton started as he finally looked around the room, noticing the balloons, streamers, and a banner that they had used for every birthday Patton had had.
"...doing?" He finished.
"Uh-" Roman started. "Well uh- we were kind of...surprising you with a birthday party?" He shrugged nervously.
Patton stood shocked for a moment. They were throwing him a surprise birthday party? Why? Why would they do that- weren't they mad at him? There's no way they would just suddenly not be mad at him! What was happening?!
"Pat, what's wrong?" Janus suddenly asked, putting a gloved hand on Patton's shoulder.
"I'm fine, why?" He answered on instinct.
"Padre, you're crying." Roman explained.
Patton touched his cheek, and sure enough, he was crying. "O-Oh. I guess I am."
Another hand gripped his wrist. "Pop-star, are you okay?" Virgil asked with concern and sincerity in his voice.
Patton immediately started sobbing. "No, no I'm not."
Some tentacles wrapped around him from behind - probably Remus - as a bunch of arms started surrounding him as well, securely trapping him in a hug.
Patton kept crying into someone's shoulder as multiple people kept whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
Eventually, Patton had stopped crying, just enjoying the feeling of a hug - a hug! - surrounding him.
Then, they started pulling away, leaving Patton with traces of warmth left over.
"Patton, are you alright?" Logan asked with concern in his eyes.
Patton rubbed at his eyes again and sniffled. "Y-Yeah. I'm just overwhelmed, I guess. I kinda expected to spend today alone..."
Everyone made a noise of either surprise or concern.
"Patton I..." Roman started, looking at the ground in guilt. "I didn't mean to make you feel alone, I just-" He sighed. "I talked to De-Janus, and he helped me realize that it wasn't like you were trying to make me the bad guy, you were just trying to tell me that Janus wasn't one either. So, I planned a party to apologize to you, and well, I guess the surprise is ruined."
Patton immediately hugged Roman the minute he stopped talking. Roman chuckled, but Patton could hear the tears in his voice.
"I'm- I'm so sorry I-"
"Shh, don't be." Roman comforted. "We all forgive you."
After another minute of hugging, Logan cleared his throat.
"While this moment is very touching and much needed, it is currently almost five in the morning, so I suggest we all take a nap before we get into the festivities."
Everyone made noises of agreement, when Patton interrupted.
"Um- could we-?" Patton started before cutting himself off.
"What's up, Pat?" Virgil asked.
"Uh- I-I just thought that maybe we could..."
"Cuddle on the couch?" Janus finished with a smirk on his face.
Patton nodded with blush on his face.
"Ooo sexy~"
"Remus, I swear to all things princely-" Roman started before the twins started arguing and Logan had to break them up before they could brawl in the living room.
Eventually, everyone on the was cuddled up on the couch and snuggling in one way or another, and Patton couldn't be more content.
Whoo! I finished on time!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself for writing this in one day! Though, I think it's a bit rushed, I forgive myself for that tho because it was written in one day lol
Ty for reading! I really enjoyed writing Patton angst again lol!
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inventors-fair · 3 years ago
From Text to Title Commentary
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This contest went a little haywire, and I’m not super certain why.
The basics of this contest were simple: make a card based on a mechanic. I said mechanic instead of ability or keyword because some stuff isn’t quite either. Devotion and Party are just sort of counting tools, and ability words aren’t even rules text. But some people took it a very strange direction. I thought it was pretty clear what counted, and there were plenty of things that very obviously counted, but people just kept asking about other things. While I understand that that is part of the brainstorming process, and you might come up with a cool idea and then not know if it works or not, I really wish you would have just assumed the answer was no and work on something you know would have counted. Why make a card called “Hybrid Mana” when you could just make a card out of any of the dozens of existing mechanics? It felt like you were trying to be unique at best, and purposely trying to mess with me at worst. But how uniquely you answer the prompt isn't important. What’s more important is that the card itself is good, or even clever. The prompt are just that: prompts. I am not challenging you to answer the prompt most creatively, I’m asking you to make a creative card that fits within the prompt. That was the important part.
Which gets me to the next thing. I specifically didn’t want players using the ability on the card. Part of that was just because it would be too easy, but part of that was because I wanted to see you guys get creative. What are some other ways to represent trampling? What else can life be linked to? I didn’t want to say that they could have nothing to do with it, because that’s hard. Would a metalcraft card that mentions artifacts at all count? But I think the point was still clear: I wanted to see cards that had nothing to do with their originator. Sadly, I got a lot of those. Some spelled out the ability. A lot were enablers: a bloodthirst card that dealt damage once a turn for creatures, a card named constellation that makes enchantment tokens, etc. I really wanted to see stuff completely different, and I don’t think I got that across. For that, I apologize. I should have been clearer about that, or put it in the mandatory section instead of the encouraged section.
Sorry for the downer. This was a rough week. Hopefully my commentary form here on out doesn’t sound too bitter. But here it is:
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@azathoth-the-bored​ - Decayed
So while I specifically said that you’re not allowed to use the mechanic on the card, I also said I didn’t want you to just spell it out, as you did here. This gives the enchanted creature decayed, just not literally. If you had removed that and just had the last ability, I think this maybe would have been a fine uncommon as a slow removal spell.
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@bread-into-toast​ - Daybound
Alright, you got me. Technically, this does not have the ability daybound. It just interacts with the day and night cycle, just like daybound does. While that’s allowed, it’s not really what I was asking for. I wanted to see a new interpretation of the ability, completely unconstrained from the originator. So, faire-wise, I’m disappointed with it. As for the card itself, I think it coils use work. The fact that it can’t transform no matter what feels like a strange restriction. A lot of the creatures are better on their night side, including abilities, so you might end up sealing a creature on their more powerful side, and when it turns to day, they will end up buffing their team better, even though they can’t attack. If you seal them on their day side, then they just attack worse at night, which I guess is fine. The fact that it can hit planeswalkers is just so weird. There’s only about 10 planeswalkers that can attack, only 2 that can transform, and only 1 that does both. Why even put it on there? It’s just going to confuse players who might expect it to stop them from activating. If it just said “permanent�� I’d be fine, because then it could hit Westvale Abbey, or Poppet Factory, stuff where the transforming is a bigger deal than the attacking. What you ended up with is a card that is just trying too hard to fit a very specific role, and I think you’re worse off for it.
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@decayingbooks​ - Fortify
I don’t think this card is as good as you think this is. I do like that it can be used defensively and “offensively,” but both of those options aren’t particularly good. If you target yourself, that’s a very small amount of benefit for four mana. To Arms does the same thing for two mana and draws you a card. If you target your opponent, it’s a fog that leaves your opponents creatures untapped. The utility of a card that does both is not worth the mana cost. This card could be one mana, and I still don’t know how often it would be played. I love the flavor though, and it’s a good way to make a card using the name fortify. NOTE: I wrote that all before you updated your submission to change it to a sorcery. Yes, it makes more sense, but it loses half of its utility, and becomes a far worse card. I think you needed to look at cards that already exist to get an idea for how to cost your cards or what players would want to play. Flavor is good, but it’s more important to make a well-designed card.
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@deg99 - Dethrone
This card has a lot going on, and I think you could have toned it down a touch. The center ability is the main thing here: kill something and its controller loses life. A time-old tradition, and probably fitting at 5 mana. The fact that it gets super cheap targeting something the monarch owns is also cool! It fits the theme, and now you get their best blocker out of the way, amking it even easier to get the monarchy from them! Except then you become the monarch anyway. I think the top and bottom ability are detracting from each other. The top part punishes a player for sitting on the monarchy by making it easier for you to target them, which is good! The bottom part is just sort of insult to injury. It removes the coolest part about the monarch: the interaction among players. Most cards that grant monarchy in some way protect you, giving your opponents something they have to team up to fight through. This one sort of protects you, but is clearly made to be more aggressive, which doesn’t work well with the monarchy mechanic. Lastly, the flavor text I think kind of goes against the rest of the card. Regicide kills a creature, despite in theory killing a king. Queen Marchesa makes you the monarch, even though she is technically one. When I read this card without flavor text,I completely understood that I was killing a monarch, then becoming one. The flavor text muddies that by claming the thing you killed isn’t the monarch, and while that is technically true, it doesn’t match the flavor as well.
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@demimonde-semigoddess​ - Escalate
What a weird little card! The name fits the first ability, that’s for sure. At first I wasn’t sure if that was just worse than a copy spell, but the second ability changes that for sure. It goes from a weird combo card to something you can just sort of play for free that maybe has a bonus bit of text. While I get the desire there, since it feels bad to have such a narrow card, I think the player playing this card WANTS it to be bad. If you see this card as a johnny or a timmy, you think of how cool that first ability is and just kind of ignore the last part. Other players will play it as just a normal tormenting voice with maybe some utility if you happen to have an X somewhere. The fact that there’s two completely different abilities means I can’t figure out which is the reason to play this and which is the extra part. That first ability does have some issues in and of itself, though. I don’t like that it’s a flat bonus. I wish it either doubled or reduced the cost or added mana. Currently, you can just cast a spell with X=0 and get three free bonus out of it. While that is sort of the point of this card, it’s freeness is a little scary. Mostly when you get to things with multiple Xs. This lets you deal 15 damage for two mana with Crackle with Power, or make a bunch of hydras with Hydra Broodmaster for 1 mana. If this card was more clearly focused on the X part, maybe just being a cantrip at one mana, I think I’d be more okay with it. If it doubled X, then at least you’d have to sink something into it. Also, I’m not sure if it’s just a typo, but so far as I know, this works with X costs that are not mana. I believe that it would affect cards like Chatterfang and Storage Lands, which could cause some problems. I also don’t know if it would affect things like Devastating Summons or Firecat Blitz’s flashback, where there’s an X in the cost, sort of. Last thing I’ll point out is you don’t need to phrase it like you did. Unbound Flourishing does almost exactly what you want, just with doubling instead of adding, but it still makes it clear you can change X with the spell or ability on the stack, not “as it resolves.” Sorry if I sound harsh, I just wish you would have committed to this being a combo card so it would feel like a fair trade-off for the amount of power it offered, or that you reduced its impact so that the X part can feel more like a bonus than the focus.
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@dimestoretajic​ - Living Weapon
This is a strange one. First, it’s got a triple colorless mana cost. We’ve never seen a card with one of those, even 2 is reserved only for a 10 mana spell, therefore being only a fifth of its cost. But I can see why, mostly. Artifact creatures can be dumped onto the board extremely quickly, so you want a fairly restrictive cost. Even so, it being such a small creature kind of makes the restrictive cost feel even less worth it. You really need a board of creatures in play for this to be good, and it’s hard to know if this is ever better than just a chief of the foundry, who pumps toughness as well and is always castable. In eternal formats, though, this card could be a beast. The legendary clause is kind of what holds it back there, though. Again, you normally want to dump your hand, so the fact that you can’t play two of these if you have them in hand is a bit aggravating. Lastly, there’s that tap ability. Why is it there? Thematically it doesn’t seem to fit at all with the concept of a living weapon. Mechanically, it doesn’t seem to fit with the type of deck you’d want to pay this in. If you want to give your entire board of creatures double strike, you’re usually doing it because you have a lot of small creatures that want to attack. Having to tap them and him for mana goes against that strategy, and what are you even casting with that mana in a deck like that? The other thing it does is give a spell or two pseudo-affinity, which just seems unnecessary. Would a deck play this for just that ability and ignore the double-strike stuff? It all just seems so odd.Still, this is one of the better entries this week. It’s got some issues, but I like how it knows exactly what it’s here for and is very good at it, as well as working with the name. It’s just tacking a bit too much on top of that.
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@fractured-infinity​ - Constellation
I think you’re overestimating this card. This is a 5 mana card that requires an extra three mana to do anything. Yes, it doubles itself every turn, but those copies don’t do anything other than trigger constellation. That’s good in a constellation deck, but this is a card that’s ONLY good in a constellation deck. If I play this and survive three turns and have 8 of these in play, there’s no way I’ll be able to activate them reasonably effectively. The flavor of this card is also tied too closely to the mechanic. None of this quite feels space like, or like I’m connecting things like constellations connect stars. I would suggest trying to find some other way to make it useful without the ability, or limit the number of tokens it makes but make the whole card cheaper. Right now it’s just too narrow and hard to use, and even the deck that wants it may be dead by the time it really starts being useful.
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@ghoulcalculator64 - Banding
Ah, I see. It’s a rubber band joke. Fair enough. I think this card is not good. Four mana is a lot for this small of an effect. Yes, icy manipulator is a famously strong card, but Pacification array was not (though it had a lot of utility because of improvise being in the set). Two mana to tap each turn is a lot, and the fact that this doesn’t have a body like Fan Bearer or Gavony Trapper is a heavy cost already. I think you needed to do a little more research into what other cards of this type existed when making this.
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@gollumni​ - Grandeur
Well this is a bit of a dud. It’s very hard to find a good way to use this card. It’s a fog, but what isn’t? It lets you get in one hit with one creature for sure, but at the cost of not getting to hit with anything else, and not being able to block anything for a while. The exact templating of this card has some minor issue, but I do want to point out you were clever not to make it target, so they can’t kill the targetted creature in response. Instead, you choose upon resolution. It’s a bit of a shame you HAVE to choose something, meaning you can’t just use this as a fog when you’ve got nothing in play, but maybe that’s for the best. Better to avoid turbo-fog making a resurgence. The last sentence also sounds a little off. Looking at Duneblast, I might just say “tap the rest.” I also really wish there were some way to not make this rare, but this would probably be an annoyance even at uncommon, so maybe it’s necessary.
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@helloijustreadyourpost​ - Fateseal
Cool idea, execution is a bit off. One mana removal spells, even slow ones like this, are probably too good, especially at common. I could maybe see a card like this being pushed in a set where they really want playable enchantments, like a set with delirium or constellation. I know the big downside is that they still get a chance to swing with the creature before it dies, but I don’t think that offsets the massive upside of being an unconditional one mana kill spell. Conceptually, I like it. It’s definitely the complexity level of an uncommon, and the flavor is spot on. I think the fact that it triggers on your upkeep is mechanically a good idea, but a little awkward because a lot of people will assume it cares about the creature’s controller’s upkeep, like most similar cards. That’s not really on you, though, and if the rest of the set doesn’t do that, it’s fine. I could almost see changing it to grant the creature “sac this in your end step” instead. However, if the set has death synergies, that might matter, too. I guess this card is hard to judge because I could see it doing a lot of work in a theoretical set, but outside of any set, it’s just way too good. I like it, though, and it’s a great fit for this week, it’s just too strong.
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@hiygamer​ - Hidden Agenda
I like the concept here, but I think you maybe underestimated it. The most obvious comparison here is Profane Tutor and Wishclaw Talisman. Both get you your cards a little later, but with some downsides compared to this Hidden Agenda. Being better than the two most recently printed tutors is a pretty big sign you’re maybe too strong. The exact phrasing also lets you pay the one during your opponents turn, so you can have the card in hand by the time you untap. Flavor-wise, I think it works. It does feel like you’re up to something, and you’ve got it hidden away, but I kind of wish it could be MORE hidden some way. Right now it feels a lot less like its hidden and more like it’s just in your hand but costs 1 more. But that’s getting nitpicky. It still feels like a good fit of card and name, which is the focus of this contest. I just think you could have pumped the brakes a little more, either making a more expensive tutor or a more hidden card.
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@hypexion​ - Will of the Council
I was certain someone would do this. William of the Council. Bravo. But why does he have to do with voting? Surely there are other councils than Paliano’s. For this week specifically, I would have really wished you kept further away form voting. Yes, this doesn’t have Will of the Council, but it cares about it. Anyway, the card itself? I like it. I think the last ability is really cool, and adds some wrinkles to time when everybody is already agreeing on how they’re going to vote. You can also do some silly things where you purposely vote a certain way to get a bunch of treasures or get the result you actually wanted. I also like how playing him encourages you to be t he good guy: you want to make sure other people want what you want. That’s a cool way to build a deck. The first ability messes with all of that, though. First, there’s a lot of math. There 5 permanent types you’d have to count every time you vote, with the number of artifacts changing after each one. Lands would be the tough one, but creatures would be annoying, too. In a conspiracy draft, there’s also probably be some confusion to if conspiracies count, or Tribal, or Snow. Then there’s how it messes with the second ability. As soon as you get one extra vote, all of the fun of the second ability goes away. Most votes only have two options, so you just get to pick both. You were clever with the name and clever with the ability, but maybe a little too ambitious with the card itself.
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes​ - Haunt
This card is a little weird. Flavor wise, I mostly like it. I like that the spirit is the same size but behaves differently than its originator. The name feels a bit mismatched, since this is less haunting something and more letting something else do the haunting. I would expect some sort of spirit to haunt the creature, not for it to die and come back to haunt others. As for the card itself, it’s not as good as it looks. For reference, Undying Evil, Supernatural Stamina, and malakir rebirth are all one mana. This is three mana to make a token that is almost strictly worse. It loses abilities, has to attack and block, but at least it has vigilance? I don’t understand the flavor of those abilities, either. Is it just an aggressive spirit? I would have expected it to have gained flying, but without it I don’t understand what exactly this spirit is. I keep thinking I’m missing something, but as I see it, this card is just not quite there on mechanics or flavor.
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@kellylogs​ - Vigilance
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a card like this, but I remember the time when Mardu Ascendency, launch the fleet, and similar effects were all the rage. I like how this one specifically doesn’t create the token tapped and attacking. It sort of sells the flavor that they are leaving someone back in order to stay vigilant. I think this card is fine, but I have one giant issue: why did you specify “taps to attack?” All that does is make this card say “whenever a creature without vigilance attacks, make a token.” I know I said you’re not allowed to use the ability on the card, but specifically not using it feels even weirder. If it didn’t say that, I would feel perfectly fine with this card, maybe even make it a runner-up, but the “taps” part in there makes it clear that you didn’t feel confident enough in the design, and though you needed some way to tie the card back into the ability, something I specifically said I wasn’t looking for.
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@loreholdlesbian​ - Encore
What a show this is. I like this card, but it’s very hard to judge. In some formats, this would be a powerhouse. Four mana for an extra turn with some extra cards is a great rate, and the lose clause is not nothing, but might be ignorable. Otherwise, though, this card could be a bulk mythic. We’ve seen two similar cards in the last few years, it’s hard to know what the rate on this card would be in this day and age. I’ll say what I can: this is a really cool concept and a really great way to answer the prompt. I just am so scared of extra turns in this day and age, what with the prevalence of them in recent years. Yes, this loses you the game, but is that enough? I just don’t know. I’m sorry, I wish I could help more. I like this card, I just am failing a bit as a judge right now.
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@maispace​ - Bloodthirst
I think you came at this challenge from the wrong direction. It seems like you started by thinking of the ability of bloodthirst, then made a card around it. This is an enchantment that basically makes it so you always get your bloodthirst triggers. I don’t really understand how the card itself is bloodthirst. Is the idea that the creature spells are bloodthirsty? And so when you cast them, they’re “going for blood,” dealing damage? I don’t quite get the flavor. What the card does, though seems cool. It’s effectively damage that ramps up every turn. I like how it messes with strategies. Normally in aggressive red decks where you want to be playing burn like this, you also want to be playing a lot of low-cost creatures. But this card wants you to just play one creature a turn in order to get max value from it. I like that this sort of encourages a different type of aggro deck: one where you’re trying to tap out for big creatures every turn. Or maybe playing flash creatures? Or maybe you have a lot of activated abilities, so you can still use your mana? There’s a lot of cool, unique ways to take advantage of this card, and it might be worth it. If you trigger it at least three times, you get 6 points of burn for 3 mana, which is good! Feels a little odd at uncommon, but I could see this being a lame rare. I would just hope there’s enough enchantment removal in the set that this wouldn’t just be that oppressive. Even one damage a turn can add up in limited.
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@mardu-lesbian​ - Improvise
Oh my. First, the flavor mostly works. I get that you’re sort of doing what you can with what you have, regardless of its utility. It’s a little odd that it doesn’t do things with your hand and is stead almost sort of reanimatey, but I think that’s a fine stretch to make the mechanics work without being too wordy. As for the ability, oh boy! It is very easy for this card to kill someone. I could easily see a combo deck forming from this. The random part I both like and dislike. I like it because it gives you a need to build around: you can’t just put the one big card you need in there to combo off, you’d need some way to partially empty your own graveyard to ensure it works. I also don’t like it because if you don’t keep your graveyard clean, you still have a chance of it woking anyway, meaning whether you win or lose is basically decided randomly, which is not super fun. Another strange quirk of this card is that it can actually be used relatively fairly. In a modern blitz deck, you probably won’t get more than one or two power out of it (maybe three if you’re playing those spectacle cards), but just being a spell that grants trample and maybe a bit of power is really all they need. This card being at common feels really strange as well. It’s a little bit complex of a card, in that it requires paying very close attention to the board state and also your graveyard, and needing to randomize it. While that might be fine, the swinginess of it would get tiresome in limited. It’d be pretty easy to get to the point where you have every mana value from 1 to 5 in your graveyard and your opponent is at 4 and, again, whether you win or lose the game comes down to randomness. I really like the idea of this card, but I wish it was a little less randomized.
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@martianjune​ - Evolve
Evolving is the idea of growing and adapting to circumstances, and this catches that flavor, but maybe has one too many effects. Adding a counter is a nice base line, and growing when dealt damage is great flavor, and fighting works with the damage part and kind of works to represent evolving to adapt. But as a whole the card gets a little messy. The biggest issue is it’s not clear whether you fight when it’s dealt damage or when you cast the spell. I think you’d want to grant the creature the ability. Perhaps: “Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Until end of turn, that creature gains ‘whenever this creature is dealt damage, put a +1/+1 counter on it.’ Then it fights target creature you don’t control.” That would be less confusing. Unless you do want it to keep fighting infinitely. There’s also some weirdness in that this does the same effect twice back to back, putting counter on it before and after, which is a little weird, but hardened scales decks prefer it that way. As an instant pump spell removal spell with extra utility, I think this is maybe too complex even for uncommon. It also doesn’t really have a great way to include the reminder text that the creature needs to still be alive to put the +1/+1 counter on it, which confuses some new players. For the most part I like the design of this card, but it’s just too complex.
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@misterstingyjack​ - Threshold
You’re playing with fire, here. A tutor on a land is incredibly powerful, even one as weak and slow and narrow as this. We’ve seen the incredible power of Urza’s Saga, and while this is weaker, it may fall into the same trap of assuming that cheap is the same as weak. I also don’t get the flavor at all. A threshold is like a barrier, so I kind of get that it’s a land, but is this supposed to represent specifically the barrier between the rest of the world and presumably the legendary land you’re tutoring? Okay, now that I write it out I kind of get that. But why is it legendary? Normally that wouldn’t bug me that much but A) on lands its a big deal and B) the card itself cares about legends, so it’s kind of relevant. I think if this specifically stated lands this might be fine, but this card seems specifically made to try and be broken, which I think is not a great idea.
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@nicolbolas96​ - Eternalize
Well that’s quite the removal spell. It even removed the oxford comma from the reminder text! Seriously, though, this card is pretty scary. While it can be used fairly as a removal spell, it also has some random combo potential, like magus of the abyss or leonin abunas, or other stuff I’m probably not thinking of. It also seems absolutely devastating in commander, where it’s entirely possible you completely remove their commander from relevance, or protect yours somehow? This is a really hard card to evaluate, because we’ve only seen one other card similar to it, one with the stars, but this is also an instant with a permanent effect. I’m not a huge fan of the latter aspect, though I appreciate that the name at least clues people in to the fact that it lasts indefinitely. I’m very glad it’s at rare to make up for the many confusions that will come from this card. Lastly, this is pretty cheap for this effect. It’s basically two mana instant speed removal in white that can’t be protected by indestructible or even reanimation. This kills things that shouldn’t be able to die. Maybe that’s fine? Like I said, hard to evaluate, but I think I come out on the side of positive. Not great, I think it’s more trouble than it’s worth, but it’s at least something new and exciting.
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@nine-effing-hells​ - Planeswalk
There’s some templating issues with this card that makes it unclear to me what it’s trying to do. Let’s say I have eight lands in play when I play this. I shuffle them into my deck, then each player reveals cards until they reveal 8 lands. Then I may put any number of those lands onto the battlefield. I’m going to assume under my control? It would need to says so, because right now they would just go under their owner’s control. Next, players shuffle “the rest” into their library. The rest of what? As written, it implies the lands, but I’m also shuffling the other cards revealed, right? Though they never left the library, so either way they’d get shuffled. I think you’d want to say “You may put any number of land cards revealed this way onto the battlefield under your control, then each player shuffles the rest of the revealed cards into their library.” Mas polymorph is the closest I could find to this. Anyway, the card’s mechanics: I think this is a little underwhelming. It’s a lot of counting and shuffling and stealing for very little gain. You’re doubling your mana for 8 mana, which is actually one above boundless realms or nyxbloom ancient and two above mana reflection. But with this you get to steal your opponents’ lands! That’s kind of just worse than your own lands, since they won’t tap for the right colors of mana all the time. You’re also thinning their deck by a pretty significant amount, meaning your opponent is actually getting some amount of benefit out of this (unless they’re mana screwed, in which case you were winning anyway). I think this only really has any use in commander, where the “each player” part means you’re more likely quadrupling your mana. I guess that’s pretty good for eight mana. This is also insanely good in landfall decks, obviously. I think I like this card, but there’s a lot of things pulling me from it. It’s a cool mix of scapeshift, oblivion sower, and boundless realms, but kind of feels bloated. It’s just trying to do so much, and because of that it’s got a massive mana cost and a lot of annoying to deal with shuffling and counting, nto to mention the amount of confusion that stealing lands usually leads to. Lastly, and I almost missed this, all the lands come into play untapped, which feels excessive. Eight mana to double your mana permanently that also doubles your mana the turn you play it is just begging for trouble. I think this would be a card everyone at the table would groan when they see, potentially even the player playing it. From a purely mechanical angle it seems like a good idea, but there’s just so many little issues that add up to make it a hassle of a card.
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@Partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff - Dash
I think this card doesn’t do enough. I tink the “if” part is unnecessary. +2/+0 and haste is easily something worth 1 mana, even at common. The fact that it rewards targeting a creature that actually needs hast feels redundant, and I feel like it’s an attempt to get this card closer to it’s ability, which goes against the goals of this contest. I think you might have needed to step back and think about another interpretation of the word dash to try and come up with something more original.
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@pocketvikings​ - Amass
I have one very important question about this card: why would you cast this for X anything more than 0? There’s reasons too, of course, but the card doesn’t really encourage it in any way. I can see this being played in a Rosheen Meanderer deck, but just a mana filterer, which seems weird. You can play it in a mizzix deck or other mana value matters decks, but that also feels really narrow. I think the most common use for X is cost reduction, like if you have a Baral and a Goblin Electromancer. Then that mana really is free, and it does feel like you’re amassing it. Sadly, those are the exact kinds of decks where you really don’t want to be limited to one more spell. So you have a card here that doesn’t really know where it wants to go. I think you either really needed to encourage big mana some way (like by doubling outright instead of adding), or by encouraging small mana (like just adding X mana alone, but allowing multiple casts, so you just get to double dip on mana reductions). As is, there’s just not a place for this card.
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@reaperfromtheabyss​ - Threshold
I don’t quite get the reference with vampires. Is it a reference to them not being able to enter a house without being welcomed? Is that a threshold? Anyhoo, card seems fine. I don’t think it needed to be an artifact: plenty of walls in magic aren’t artifacts, and I don’t think they need to be. The last ability is just Baird. This is a wall that makes it hard to attack you. That’s all, folks! It hink it does a fine job of that, but it feels hard to feel that this card is necessary when Baird is already out there and has power and vigilance and only 1 more mana. I don’t think this card is bad, I just think it’s the most literal interpretation of the name.
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@shakeszx - Bury
Spooky. Love the art, and kill spells are great places for one-name cards. The flavor really comes together. As with any creature-type based removal spells, you get some nitpicky things like “can you bury an elemental? Can you bury an ooze?” But that’s just what I expect pedantic players would say. I think non-spirit is fine trinket text. My biggest issue with this is that it’s very clearly a reference to the original ability. Bury got changed to “kill it and it can’t be regenerated,” and you swapped out the regeneration for indestructible, it’s current substitute. I wish I could have seen a card further from its source for this challenge, but I can’t argue against how solid of a card this is. I do wish it had found a way to stray further from terminate, which is almost exactly a reflection of this card. Also this is kind of going to be a boring rare (I say as someone who opened multiple dreadbores).
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@snugz​ - Eternalize
Love me some gold counters! I remember putting aurification in my old defender decks. This really fits the theme. I like how you put the counter on it even though it wasn’t “technically” necessary: you could have just had it gain all those things. But the counter is a very useful tool for remembering, and the fact that it can be interacted with, unlikely as it is that you can remove the counter, it still technically gives you something you can do about it. The defender and can’t activate abilities is neat, but the other two parts seem odd. Turning it into a treasure doesn’t really do anything other than random stuff like counting towards Revel in Riches. I think you wanted to grant it the treasure ability. The fact that it can still activate mana abilities is what tipped me off to that, since that seems incredibly narrow otherwise. I also think this is closer to a white card than a black card. It’s extremely similar to both Guard Duty and Minimus Containment, both white cards. Black would be much closer to just outright killing the creature, especially for a 3 mana uncommon. Still, I like the flavor of it.
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@starch255​ - Extort
Well this is not something I was expecting. I can really respect the attempt to make something new with what you’ve got. You may be pushing the boundary a bit harder than I liked, but at least you had fun with it. The card is strange, but I think I like it. Haste is a weird ability because it doesn’t scale evenly, so 5 mana for 4 power haste is kind of in line. The “flying when attacking” is a nice way to power it up and down a bit, and the one toughness makes this really fragile. It also sort of helps with the flavor: high toughness is the one thing most commonly associated with turtles. Still, something about this card feels off. Even with haste, 5 mana for a 1 toughness creature is a hard sell. In the right format, this would be a beating and a half, and in the wrong format, this would be last pick every draft. Ravnica, where this card seems to be from, is famous for its many 1/1 flyers. Especially with conditional flying, you could probably have pumped up the toughness at least to two. But hey, funny card, okay in some formats probably, and a cool two color design.
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@stellarlight​ - Encore
Visual: A magic show. Three identical magicians jump through the air with happy smiles on their faces, an outfit identical to theirs is on the floor. The audience is mesmerized.
Now this is a strange card. First off, I think this card is a little close to the original ability, which I tried to discourage, but not so close that I’m disqualifying it. I just think you maybe played it a little safe. As for the ability, how strange! At first it just seems like an incredibly overcosted Kaya’s Ghostform, but the fact that it hits opponents things means it’s a little closer to Minion’s Return. The fact that it makes a token instead of reanimating the creature has upsides and downsides: it means you can still do graveyard things with the creature card in the yard, but it means that bounce spells are kill spells. If you’re taking your opponents cards, it’s the opposite. The bonus ability on this is pretty cool, though. It makes this card really cool in blink decks, since you can enchant your guy at the end of their turn, untap, then blink it on your turn with a charming prince or something. The tokens stick around, too, so you’ll end up getting three ETB triggers in addition to the one you already were going to get from blinking it in the first place. Still, I think this card is a mana too much, maybe more. Minion’s return is the closest basis to this card, and it was an uncommon that almost never got played. This requires setup to ge the most benefit from, and still costs two more, including another color! Aura’s are already so easy to mess with, sinking 5 mana into one just to get blown out with a removal spell on the stack, or having someone mess with your blink effect before you untap is very likely. I think just four mana, or even 3 might be fine. I think it’s a really cool idea, though, and other than the cost (and the similarity to the ability), I like this card.
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@wilsonosgoodmcman​ - Fateseal
They’ve been trying to design a card like this for years I feel, and you got a pretty good version of it. It’s a bit like spell queller and a bit like Oblivion Ring. I think the name fits pretty well, and I like how you reinterpreted the “seal” from meaning “decide” to meaning “trap.” The templating on the bottom is a bit off: you could probably steal it whole from Spell Queller. The cost also seems right on the money: just a touch more expensive than O-Ring, same price as Cast Out or Ashiok’s Erasure but with comparable downsides to both. I think this would se play in a lot of blue white control decks. Part of me wants to complain and say that this card is boring and too close to things that have been done before, but I think I’m wrong on both accounts. This is a role-player in the format, not a headliner. A good card, and a good answer to the prompt.
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@wolkemesser​ - Grandeur
Making a Lorwyn style incarnation is a really clever way to get that name to work. Your reworking of the shuffle clause is pretty interesting, and is a clever way to set up that last ability. And that last ability sure is something. It gives this creature basically a permanent on-death effect. It still needs to be cast and die, but after it does, you’re good. Your opponent has to 20 you in one turn. But as a mythic that needs to be set up is that fine? If you play a temple garden into avacyn’s pilgrim or bird of paradise, you can get this out by turn three or so. If you play a sacrifice outlet before then, you can set up this combo nearly immediately. Even so, graveyard hate can hit it, just not all graveyard hate (many players use grafdiggers cage in historic, for example). If I were in charge of deciding if this card sees print, I would be terrified. It’s a really cool and maybe balanced ability, but I’m worried it would turn quite a few games into do-you-have-it games of combos vs. graveyard hate. It’s probably fine though. I like this card.
And that’s everybody. If you want to talk to me about anything in particular, feel free to contact me at our discord.
-Mod Mr. ShinyObject
19 notes · View notes
lucemferto · 4 years ago
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT TECHNOBLADE (or A Narrative Analysis of the Dream SMP Doomsday Event) - Script
Heyo! Per request I am posting the script to my video of the same name here on tumblr. I must warn you that just reading the script will probably not give you the full experience, so I would encourage you to watch the video (linked above).
There might also still be a lot of grammatical errors in the text, because I don’t proofread.
Okay, so! I don’t want this to turn into a reaction channel OR a Dream SMP channel for that matter! I am planning on doing a big dumb, way too long analysis video on the Dream SMP which will – at my current pace – come out in five years. I am already way too late on this one.
Spoiler Alert for the Doomsday Event that took place on the 6th of January in the Dream SMP. Surely the worst thing to take place on the 6th of January 2021 … I’m sorry, what’s this about the Capitol?
In case you don’t watch the SMP and need context: The Dream SMP is a Minecraft Multiplayer Server, that, throughout the last year, has transformed from a normal Let’s Play to an ongoing new-media series streamed by multiple high-profile streamers such as Dream, TommyInnit or Technoblade. It comes complete with script – by which I mean loose bullet points – and story events. It has attracted a large fanbase specifically invested in the story and less so in the actual gameplay content. Like I said before, I will probably do a big video on the Dream SMP at some point in the future.
The storyline is long and complicated and trying to explain it all would take up the majority of the video and there are other channels who have already done a much better job than I could ever hope to do, so give them a watch. I’ll try to summarize all that is pertinent to what I will talk about in this video.
Okay, let’s speedrun this summary. Cue the music!
Major Players here are TommyInnit, a founder of the independent nation of L’Manburg, Technoblade, an anarchist who was deep in conflict with L’Manburg, Tubbo, Tommy’s best friend and current president of L’Manburg, and Dream, the ruler of the Kingdom of the Dream SMP (even though he is not the king, but we’re not going to get into that right now). Tommy had in the past been exiled by Tubbo for endangering L’Manburg’s shaky peace with the Dream SMP. Tommy had then teamed up with Technoblade, who was hellbent on destroying L’Manberg after some prior altercations – more on that later.
Tommy and Tubbo came into conflict during a festival set-up to celebrate the friendship between L’Manburg and the Dream SMP. After punching out their feelings, Tommy came to the realization that his friendship with Tubbo was more important than his vendetta against Dream and those who exiled him. Techno took that change of heart badly and teamed up with Dream to destroy L’Manburg … and that’s exactly what happened.
Techno and Dream, with little to no opposition, obliterated L’Manburg with no hope for recovery leaving its inhabitants stranded hopeless and alone.
… And that’s what you missed on Dream SMP!
Okay. So, usually I just put whatever thought slime drips out of my mouth hole into your subscription box. But then I asked myself: “Am I not taking this a largely improvised nonsense story from a bunch of 16–24-year-olds a little too seriously?”. And then I remembered. I’m a pretentious bitch. I made an 18-minute video explaining why the popular commentary YouTuber memeulous is secretly the time travelling Anti-Christ, REASON HAS NO SWAY OVER ME!
So, like the English Major drop-out that I am, I will present you with two theses, which I will then combine into one … supratheses! That word doesn’t exist, I just coined it, it’s mine! I am very smart!
[I know words, I have the best words!]
 Thesis #1: The Fandom focuses too much on Character Analysis in Favour of Narrative Analysis
The Dream SMP is truly something special. It is uniquely singular in how it tells a story of this scope through its chosen medium. While there is an overarching script that lays out the plot points of the future, each of the 30+ streamers on the SMP are their own cameraman, director, writer and actor. You cannot watch “the Dream SMP” – if you attempted that, you would be 80 by the time you caught up to the Doomsday Event. You have to choose whom to watch. You have to choose your focal point character.
Because by the way the story is told and consumed – aka in such a compartmentalized fashion; you watch one streamer and get one character’s perspective – it has sort-of unintentionally conditioned fans to look at the SMP and its characters less as one coherent story with messages and themes and more as sports teams they can root for. You’re Team Techno or Team Tubbo or Team Tommy or Team JackManifoldTV (formerly known as Thunder1408) and every other side is in the wrong! It’s like Twilight for a decade old children’s game about virtual Lego!
Okay, I’m exaggerating, but the amount of discourse perpetuated by and revolving around so-called “apologists” – a terrible term that unfortunately has caught on – is really not something that I think is good for how we interact with the story of the Dream SMP.
The Dream SMP is discussed a lot on character-based level, which is, like I said before, hugely advantaged by the way the story is consumed by its audience. With traditional, visual media such as film for example, the audience can be made more aware of what messages the narrative might try to communicate on a narrative level without the need for an explicit narrator to tell you the moral.
As an example, in a movie you could have a smash-cut from the Butcher Army’s discussions about neutralizing the danger Technoblade poses to Techno being nice around villagers or taking care of animals. This would communicate on an extradiegetic level, that the Butcher Army is in the wrong with their assumptions. Alternatively, you could contrast Techno’s declarations that power corrupts and that Tubbo’s administration is cruel with Tubbo choosing not to punish Ranboo for his association with Techno – thus the narrative would communicate that Techno’s view of Tubbo and by extension the government is one-sided and not true to reality.
Stuff like that helps the viewer understanding a story holistically and manages to communicate stuff like themes and morals without having to solely rely on in-character logic and argumentation, which, as Ghostbur put it so eloquently, is comprised of a bunch of unreliable narrators.
Character analysis is great if we want dive deep, if we really want to give a character flavour and understand their motivations. It helps make the universe feel like it is alive, like it’s real. But – and this might be a shocker for you – it’s not real. It’s written. It is construction – and as such, in its construction, it has messages and themes and morals, intentionally or unintentionally.
By being so focused on specific characters and their individual journeys, viewpoints and motivation we really run the risk of not looking at the bigger picture and fail to see what the overarching narrative is actually communicating. And we may also fail to understand how characters might or might not fit into the overarching narrative.
Speaking of which …
 Thesis #2: Technoblade experiences very little Meaningfultm Thematic Conflict
Okay, let’s talk about Technoblade. I’m sure I’m not going to get any hate for this one.
I want to preface by saying that I don’t watch Technoblade’s streams; I catch up though clip channels and summaries. I’m mainly watching Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity – which is honestly already more than I can handle – but I want to be clear that while I’ll try to be as even-handed as possible – like I explained previously – the way I consumed the storylines will undoubtedly leave me with some bias.
Also, needless to say, I’m talking about the character Technoblade, not the actual content creator, unless I specifically say so. That should be obvious.
Now, I’m not doing a Technoblade character analysis, because that would be hypocritical of me – seeing how I just bitched about the overwhelming amounts of character analyses in the fandom – but I’ll try my best to summarize what is necessary.
Technoblade’s interesting in that he is a very static character – at least inwardly – he doesn’t change much. He is very steadfast in his beliefs and ideals and has very little introspection. He doesn’t question himself; he doesn’t waver, he is never in a bind about whether what he’s doing is right or wrong. He is very much a parallel to early TommyInnit – who, of course, famously said “I’m always in the right”.
And I want to emphasize that I mean this in no way as a critique of Techno’s character. A static character provides a nice contrast to more dynamic characters and can balance them out. It can also be utilised by the writing as a character flaw – which is what I hope content creator Techno is going for.
Like Techno doesn’t have a lot of empathy in the sense that he is particularly skilled at or interested in trying to see the viewpoints of others. There is never an attempt to reconcile, for example, the goal of the Pogtopians to reclaim L’Manberg and install another administration with his desire for an anarchist society. This is also compounded with his overreliance on violence as the only tactic for conflict resolution – Techno has a whole thesis statement about violence being the only universal language. I’m sure you’ve heard the quote.
And lastly, what really drives this all over the edge, is his all-or-nothing approach when dealing with the enemy – he is not so much eye for an eye as he is – to use another biblical example – you make fun of me for being bald and I’ll sic two bears on you that maul and kill you and 41 other children.
There’s also the open and completely unacknowledged hypocrisy of a self-described anarchist working together with a man that installs and dethrones Kings with his every whim – someone who – and I cannot stress this enough – hits about every box when it comes to the definition of tyrant.
So, what I’m saying is that Technoblade is the Dream SMP equivalent of Dick Chenney. C’mon you know it’s true! He will bomb that freedom into your country whether you want him to or not. That’s some cogent political commentary in the year 2021.
Okay, so now that I’ve outlined his character, what kind of conflicts does Technoblade face. Well, it’s mostly physical or external. He fights a lot whether it’s against Quackity or Sapnap or bodying Karl Jacobs five times in a row. And – with the exception of maybe Sapnap – none of it is challenging. Technoblade is the best PvP-Player on the server – there really isn’t much tension to be had from a purely physical fight.
So, how are these fights supplemented emotionally. Well, internally there is not a lot going on. As I said before, Technoblade isn’t really an introspective character. Even during his shouting match with Tommy there’s not a sense that Technoblade is wavering or unsure of himself in the way that Tommy is. He exposits that one of the reasons, he acts like he does is that he feels dehumanized; that people only use him like a weapon and then discard or even try to neutralize him once he’s no longer useful.
But that is not something that Technoblade has to grapple with – it’s not conflict for him, it’s more conflict for Tommy. Technoblade is self-assured in that he’s a person and not a weapon – it’s almost like there was a character arc there, where Technoblade self-actualizes and breaks away from the people that want to use him. But we didn’t see any of it. Technoblade unleashes the withers; then he goes into retirement because he wants to be, I suppose, and then he returns to violence as a reaction to the Butcher Army. There is a story of vengeance here, but not any conflict about being used. There is never a point where we see Technoblade come to this realization or comes to assert himself.
In season 1 there’s never a push from Pogtopia where the narrative frames them as exploiting Technoblade. He fights with them of his own volition, he gives them weapons and armour of his own volition. Nobody pressured Techno into procuring their inventory for the fight. And in Season 2, he’s the one to approach Tommy about their potential partnership – he is in the position of power here, explicitly not Tommy.
Like, I’m sorry, if this ruffles some feathers, but I really don’t see this arc where Technoblade is being used. There’s a story of misunderstanding and maybe co-dependency – but not of dehumanization. This entire line of thought seems to solely reference that moment, where Tommy says to Sapnap “I have the blade” during one of their wars – which, to base an entire emotional arc around that without any further set-up, is, and I’m sorry to say that, incredibly flimsy.
Okay, so we covered physical and emotional conflict? But what about conflict on the narrative level? Well, that leads me to my suprathesis …
 Suprathesis: The Narrative is Unclear on how it treats Technoblade … and that’s Not Good.
Here’s a Hot Take: The narrative of Season 1 treats Technoblade way less sympathetically than that of season 2.
Let me explain. The narrative of Season 1 revolves mostly around Wilbur and Tommy. The emotional fulcrum of the overall narrative is Wilbur’s rise and fall from Grace – and Tommy succeeding him as symbol of L’Manberg’s “special”-ness. Now I will talk about all that more in detail, when I talk about Season 1 of the Dream SMP. So, you’ll just have to go with me on this one for now.
Technoblade, by contrast, doesn’t really have much going on thematically in Season 1. He mostly exists as a sort-of utilitarian character – he is an accessory to make story beats happen. Like him executing Tubbo doesn’t open up any sort of thematic conflict involving him – on a character level it sets up antipathy between him and Tommy and it grants us some insight into how he operates with his violence speech – but on a larger-scale narrative level it really just shows how far Wilbur and Tommy have drifted apart in how they react to the event.
His biggest contribution is during the Season 1 finale, but even there he plays second fiddle to Wilbur. Not just because Wilbur does way more destruction with his explosion than Techno does with his Withers, but also because Wilbur had an emotional and thematic climax to his arc and by extension the entire storyline. Like Techno’s is a cool moment and very epic visual but in terms of thematic relevance, his Theseus-speech is really more set-up for Season 2.
And Season 1 is very unambiguous about L’Manberg being good and Tommy’s ideals ultimately being morally justified – I mean, they have a whole speech about it in the end and it was built-up throughout the entire Season – Techno is cast in a … less than sympathetic light. He is, if not a villain, then definitely an antagonist.
But with Season 2 the narrative is either uninterested in or not very clear on exploring Technoblade’s flaws.
Like ask yourselves: is Technoblade’s character ever consciously challenged by the narrative? Are his actions ultimately shown to not be in the right? Are his beliefs about government and power ever called into question? Are the negative consequences that his actions cause ever shown to be larger than the “good” he does?
I think what exemplifies this the most is how the Butcher Army event played out on December 16th. Now, during that event, the Butcher Army, which was comprised of Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy and Ranboo, managed to apprehend Technoblade, who at that point was living the quiet retirement life, and tried to have him publicly executed – without trial.
Now, smarter people than me have pointed out that the Butcher Army had a bevy of in-character reasons that can justify or explain their actions. And that’s definitely interesting, but as I said before, I want to get away from that and look into how the Butcher Army is treated on a narrative level. Because this is one of the few instances where the otherwise grey-loving Season 2 has some very clear narrative intent when it comes to morality.
The Butcher Army is very deliberately framed as almost cartoonishly corrupt and violent. They very forcefully investigate Philza, mock him and then put him under house arrest – and there’s just no remorse in the script even from normally sympathetic characters like Tubbo.
Compare and contrast with the Tommy-exile scene, which is also an act of moral ambiguity and is treated as such. And things get even worse once the Army arrives at Technoblade’s abode and attack him after he softly tells them that he has left that live behind him. They then proceed to take his horse hostage, mock him and execute him without fair trial – and I haven’t seen it but from live commentary I gathered that Techno really played up the whole softie-schtick before the Butcher Army arrived. I mean, before the big Technoblade vs Quackity fight, Quackity had whole villain monologue for Christ’s sake.
And even afterwards, the Butcher Army really plays up the corrupt angle with Tubbo proposing a festival as a guise to publicly execute someone. And again, I know that on an intradiegetic there’s nuances and it’s not really comparable to the Red Festival, but in combination with what the audience has seen up until that point and with how much it feeds into the already established themes of history repeating itself and becoming like your predecessors, it really does not paint a pretty picture of the Tubbo administration.
You can feel the heavy hand of the script on your shoulder, which is a feat seeing how – as discussed before – that’s not something that can be easily accomplished in this medium.
And that is what I mean when I say that Technoblade is not really challenged by the script and is in this case even emboldened by it. Because after this whole ordeal the thought of Technoblade taking revenge by destroying L’Manberg doesn’t seem like such an extreme response to the viewer – even though in my opinion, it is.
As of right now it is too early to say how the narrative will judge Technoblade’s actions in the future. Will they be framed as extreme but ultimately justified or perpetuating a cycle of ever-escalating vengeance? Will we ever see a government that’s not just at best misguided and at worst completely awful?
Ultimately, I believe and hope that Technoblade will be challenged by the narrative, mostly because a character that cannot, believably, be physically challenged, who doesn’t have any meaningful internal conflict about what he’s doing; and who does come out on the other side having everything he always believed in be proven completely in the right by the narrative, would be incredibly boring. Not just to watch but also to play as.
As it stands now, if the destruction Techno, Phil and Dream inflicted upon L’Manburg is framed as ultimately in the right, I would find it personally a distasteful message to send. I would ultimately say that the “correct” way to counter corruption in government is to completely obliterate the entire country. Like we’re not talking simply disbanding the government – that’s not what Doomsday was – we’re talking complete and utter annihilation. And that would be cynical and depressing. Like, call me a big softie, but even bothsidesing this argument would be bad.
Like, I’m not calling for Technoblade to be transformed into or treated a monster like Dream. But I personally feel like the narrative needs to acknowledge that the Doomsday was something that was taken way too far and that it ultimately brought more harm than good. And Technoblade needs to held accountable by someone who is not a cartoonishly corrupt government-official or who is in conflict with him anyway, like Tommy.
I thought Philza or Ranboo could do that but seeing how their storylines are progressing I don’t believe that will be the case. But who knows, maybe Captain Puffy will come through for us. We stan a Queen.
So, yeah, I made this entire video just to air out my grievances with how one-sided the mode of analysis is in the fandom, because no person actually involved with the production of Dream SMP will ever see this.
But after everything I am cautiously optimistic, that content creator Technoblade knows what he’s doing. He has talked in the past about how his character is a bad guy and he loves his Greek myths. After all what’s more Greek myth than hybris being rewarded with punishment? [Technoblade never dies] That bodes well for him.
Also, this isn’t the video I promised at the end of the last one!
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mintchocolatechipnut · 5 years ago
the boys in a haunted house
ft. shinsou hitoshi, todoroki shouto & kirishima eijirou
Note: This came to me in a vision... okay not really but SEVENTEEN’s GoSe episode on the ghost really inspired me to write this. Hope you enjoy!
Tags: fluff, real comedic geniuses here, vague understanding of haunted houses
Word count: 2.3k
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Now Shinsou isn’t really afraid of anything in particular, as in he’s not rattled by jump scares in movies
Instead, he has a penchant for psychological thrillers, because as much as he doesn’t use his quirk for villainous motives, he does like to fuck with people in general
So when you ask to go to a haunted house with him, he’s pretty indifferent, only letting out a non-committal hum as you tell him how this new set has been getting rave reviews from your friends
When you get there, Shinsou’s reminded of the time his class set up a haunted house for the cultural festival, and wonders if he could glean more ideas from this experience should they decide to hold it again this year lmao
As you enter, you’re relieved to know that Shinsou’s interested to at least a certain extent (but for the wrong reasons lol)
When the first jumpscare appears, Shinsou doesn’t so much as flinch, even as he feels your fingernails dig into his arm where you clutch him
He just stares, as if memorising the appearance of the zombie/mummy/ghost and wondering how he could replicate the look with the limited budget his class had for the festival
You didn’t hear this from me, but some of the haunted house actors were creeped out by Shinsou himself
I mean, his purple hair sticking up all ways like that of a mad scientist, coupled with his piercing unnerving stare, while the bags under his eyes carry even more bags and stand out against the pallor of his skin? Boy is setting himself up to look like a real zombie or vampire here
Anyway, if his s/o is more on the timid side, he doesn’t mind letting them hold onto him in any way as they walk through the set
Clutching his arm so tight he wonders if his skin will break under their hold, or the hem of his sleeve being tugged so hard it might tear, Shinsou just likes that you can depend on him and that he makes you feel safe
Though do not put it past him to mess with you even though you’re afraid
He won’t be pushing you toward the ghosts despite your shrieks and wails, or giving you a jumpscare of his own while in the house, but since he likes psychological thrillers so much, he’ll play a prank once the experience is over
‘Gee, Y/N, did you see that guy? He wouldn’t leave you alone at all’
‘... wait what do you mean’
‘You know, the one who followed you around with a knife in his hand? Don’t tell me you didn’t notice. Oh wait, you didn’t? Could’ve been my imagination then. Just it was so vivid...’
You’re scared shitless when you talk to the owner and there’s no such ghost, while Shinsou stands a ways behind you and winks conspiratorially at the owner
Cue you hanging onto his arm even on the way home, but Shinsou doesn’t mind one bit
Seems like he’s up for a night of suffocation where you’ll be holding onto him like your life depended on it
Maybe then he’ll tell you it was all a joke. Or that the man with the knife seemed to have followed you home...
Whatever he’ll do, he knows he’ll have fun as long as it’s with you (and as long as you don’t get too mad and kick him out of your room)
Now, if his s/o isn’t easily scared and is more of the playful sort, he’d like doing gag commentary with you as the ghosts show up one by one
Whether your laughter is a coping mechanism, or just the result of plain unadulterated fun, Shinsou’s having fun nonetheless
If you’re really playful, and Shinsou’s feeling it too, you two cook up a plan to scare the ghosts together
While it’s only semi-successful (in which you scare one or two of them and actually earn some human-like screams from them), the both of you can’t stop cackling on the way home
Overall, Shinsou has fun, and he isn’t afraid to tell you so
‘Maybe we should do it again next time, and make a record of how many we can scare individually’
You: ‘BET’
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Given his upbringing, it’s no secret that Todoroki has never had the chance to do things normal teenagers do
So naturally his first reaction to you suggesting a visit to a haunted house is pure curiosity
He knows they exist when class 1-C did it for the cultural festival but he didn’t get the chance to visit it the last time, so why not now?
As you tell him about it, Todoroki’s already whipping his phone out to do some research beforehand, but he relented when you tell him it’s better if it’s a surprise
He doesn’t show it on his face but he’s infinitely excited to be there, in a ‘I have no idea what to expect’ kind of way as he watches you buy tickets
Cue him thinking the whole thing is like the simulations in class and actually creates flames in his hands so you can see clearer in the dark
You have to tell him amidst your laughter that he’s not supposed to do that, and he’s bewildered alright, but he complies
Now Todoroki isn’t a big reactor by any means but since you know him so well, you can tell how the haunted house affects him
Like, he’ll pretty much react the same way he did during the test of courage during summer camp last time in that he’ll flinch silently, but you can see in the dim light how his eyes widen a minuscule fraction and how his shoulders tense up during jumpscares
It’s weird, because as a future hero nothing should faze him, but even when he’s expecting to be scared it does nothing to stop him from actually being scared
Halfway through his hand would automatically reach for yours,  and when more jumpscares occur he’ll tighten his grip on it
His grip varies; when he senses a jumpscare his fingers will curl around yours a little more but when he’s actually frightened expect a violent squeeze of your hand, but nothing too painful
If you’re the timid sort, Todoroki’s glad that you feel the same way in some sorts, and feels reassured that it’s the normal way to react to such things as haunted houses (poor baby doesn’t have a clue about social norms, so he’s always questioning whether he’s weird for being the way he is and not being typical in his reactions—the answer is, of course, that he’s loved either way)
If you’re the unfazed sort, Todoroki will admire you as you march through the haunted house hand in hand, his gaze on your small but strong back as you move towards the exit. How you don’t react to anything, and instead even exchange pleasantries with some of the ghosts makes him see you in a whole new light
And then when you’re finally out in the open, where you return to your usual caring self and ask if he’s okay, Todoroki thinks that he couldn’t fall in love with you more than he already has
Spoiler alert: he’s wrong
When you cheekily tell him you’ll protect the next time you visit a haunted house, he buries his face in your shoulders while he hugs you to him tight
‘Thank you.’ You can hear him whisper beside your ear, ‘but let’s not do that again for a while.’
If you’re an absolute horror junkie, you’ll try to convince Todoroki to visit with you again
If he’s still hesitant, you opt to getting him used to jumpscares by watching horror movies together
Sometimes Todoroki can’t help but question what you find so fun about them when you yourself squeal in half-horror and half-delight when you get scared by something on the screen
But if the way you cling to his side is any indication, he likes it anyway
Pretty soon he does get used to jumpscares, in that his heightened senses from all his hero training lead him to predict the right moments where jumpscares occur
Cue him telling you ‘There’s a jumpscare at this part’ and two seconds later a monstrous face appears on screen
At first you’re in awe at his sudden ability only after watching like three films, but pretty soon it gets old and you have to break it to him that it ruins the show for you
Your heart nearly melts when he murmurs in a low voice, ‘I thought I’d just warn you in advance so you wouldn’t be scared.’
In that moment you’re eternally grateful to have someone as awkward and kind as Todoroki as your boyfriend who constantly looks out for your well-being and does his best in making you happy
You kindly explain to him what makes horror movies so good and why jumpscares are supposed to be unpredictable, but not before leaning in to whisper a ‘thank you’ and plant a kiss to his cheek
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Now Kirishima’s usually game for anything you want to try, but just so you know, he wouldn’t exactly consider a haunted house as an ideal date spot
What’s so romantic about getting scared by a bunch of ghosts who are also paid actors in a small dark space? But hey, if it’s for fun and you want to, why not
But just because he’s the glue of class 1-A, he’ll ask if he can bring some of his friends along since ‘it’ll be more fun that way’
The thing with Kirishima is if he sees other people enjoying this kind of thing he’d like to invite them, and when he can’t picture something being just between the two of you he’s likely to call other people to join
You might be a little disappointed and exasperated about it, but knowing where he’s coming from you can’t really get mad at him
Though if you’re truly bothered about it, just say the word and he’ll change
Sweetie will do anything for you as long as it’s within reason and he knows where you’re coming from
But anyway, you’re not against the idea of having the rest of the Bakusquad join you, since they’re a fun-loving bunch and having them at a haunted house is bound to be ten times funnier
So there’s Bakugou in his usual black skull shirt and Sero and Kaminari, while Mina’s ready to snap away with her camera so she can get some funny reaction pics out of the boys
While lining up for tickets you’re surprised by Kirishima learning in from behind you and whispering into your ear: ‘Don’t worry babe, I’ll protect you from anything you find scary in there!’
Heat immediately rises to your cheeks when you think about the utter cheeseball he is, and when you turn around to face him Kirishima has his trademark toothy grin on his face as he looks at you
How could you even be disappointed about this not being a date when Kirishima is still being his caring, romantic self?
Mina, who’s behind the both of you in line, immediately scrunches up her face in mock disgust. ‘Ew, you two,’ she says in mock disgust and you know she’d heard Kirishima. ‘Get out of here and get a room.’ The three of you end up laughing it off anyway.
When you step into the haunted house, Kirishima naturally takes your hand in his, and an immediate sense of safety washes over you when you feel his hand encapsulating yours
Going through the haunted house with Kirishima is an absolute hitch, as he knows just how to react and still have fun with you
Kirishima isn’t the kind to be scared easily, but he always acts scared alongside you because he doesn’t want you to feel alone in your fear
Jokes on him because you can tell exactly when he’s scared or not, because laughing is his coping mechanism for these things
The louder he laughs, the more scared he is, and he laughs a fair bit while you’re walking through the haunted house
When he really gets frightened though, he accidentally activates his quirk so you feel his skin harden a little in your hand
Just as quickly he retracts his hand and forgets his fear in favour of worrying over whether he hurt you, the sweetheart that he is
But the highlight of the night is really when Bakugou nearly blasted Kaminari to smithereens when he appeared behind him wrapped in Sero’s tape like a mummy, but not without Mina’s acid melting through the tape so he looked like he’d just escaped from his ancient sarcophagus
The only reason Bakugou stopped himself from yelling ‘die!’ is when he hears a ‘whey~’ escape from the mummy’s mouth, which is when he drags the ‘mummy’ by the collar out through the exit while the rest of you rush after him in hysterical laughter
Whether it’s because Kaminari instantly sobered up when Bakugou threatens to blow him up, or that Kirishima notices that Bakugou’s palms and forehead are tinged with cold sweat, you all have a great time nonetheless
When you confront Kirishima about purposely faking his fear in front of you, an embarrassed blush immediately overtakes his face
‘I just thought it’d cheer you up, so you wouldn’t focus on your own fear too much,’ he says, and his face turns even redder when you laughingly point out his own tells
‘I guess I really can’t hide anything from you,’ he then smiles after looping his arm with yours on the way back, the Bakusquad squabbling a ways in front of you so they can’t hear his next words that make you swoon. ‘But I wouldn’t have it any other way.’
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daaziscoolbesties · 4 years ago
‼️‼️This post contains lore spoilers from Ranboo’s 4/23 stream, “The Enderwalk Saga. Chapter 1: The Lessons”. If you haven’t seen that stream don’t read ahead unless you want spoilers‼️‼️
disclaimer: this isnt really an analysis as much as a bunch of commentary and half-baked theories.
-on the way to the mansion he was sort of talking to himself saying stuff like "i'm good i'm good" which m a y be a normal thing but also maybe it's not and it flew over our heads cause he talks to chats and donos like that so often
-again, this one may just be a normal thing but when he was climbing up the stairs in the mansion looking for foolish, he repeats some of his words like down to the exact same tone of voice and everything. 12:42,  "this mansion is way too big actually. this mansion is way too big actually." (why the repeated actually? seems odd to me but again it might just be a normal thing that i haven't picked up on). (right after) "okay okay lemme find him lemme find him" again repeated words in the e x a c t same tone.
-does everyone know about ranboo's silk touch hands ability thing? or was that just a techno and ranboo main character moment. bc if it was, how would foolish know that ranboo could pick up the full cake after it'd been partially eaten. unless everyone on the sever knows about that in which case this means nothing. but if they d o n t know... how would foolish know? ranboo wrote about it in the do not read book so maybe if it's not a publicly known thing maybe foolish got his hands on the book and read it??
-14:53-ish, they're talking about the war room and how it was for tubbo or whatever and ranboo says, and i quote "he prepares for lore but he's never gonna do it." now funny thing is at first i couldn't tell if he said "war" like in reference to the war room or "lore". but after playing the clip over and over i can say with ALMOST 100% certainty that he said lore. there is a definite L sound at the beginning of the word. which either means a) this was a slip up (doubtful bc he said later that there were no mistakes), b) he broke the fourth wall because they were supposed to be rping at that point, or c) i'm completely wrong and he said "war" which leads down an entire other road of possibilities
-15:17 "are you a book reader?" "*checks inventory for do not read book* uh yeah i'd say i'm a book reader-" dunno how i didn't catch this the first time I HATE THAT DAMN BOOK
-15:18 there's blue in his hotbar. where did he get the blue.
-16:40 "it's like a metaphor- i have two minds: i have my normal self, my normal little shift-dancing self, and then the builder one. the builder one is demanding. it's a very demanding mind." ranboo then lets out a weird sigh after this. i feel like what foolish was talking about was an indirect(?) parallel to ranboo in and out of enderwalk, there's how he normally is, trying to do best for others, and then there's enderwalk, meeting up with bad guys and "demanding" things (its very late as i write this i really don't know what i'm talking about)
-17:11 "you have your panic closet" i'm sorry his what now 😀 no but seriously how the hell did i miss some of these
-18:04 "you're asking me if i remember?" very funny ranboo thank you for making jokes in these trying times
-19:38 why did foolish hold the grass block- most of these observations probably mean nothing but- h u h - is that- i'm too tired for this
-19:54 "i never properly thanked you for the deal you made with me" so foolish got something out of this deal, we're not sure if ranboo did. "the green cardboard box" again do you mean dream's house- but seriously the only people i can think of on the server that are associated with green are dream and sam. and i have no idea what cardboard box could be referring to.  foolish got a lime colored shulker from drista
-20:30 "we're supposed to only talk about it at a certain location" hmm now where would that be? panic room maybe? cause like usually after doing a big thing in the enderwalk state ranboo wakes up in the panic room so maybe?  the deal was that they only talk about it in his house
-21:52 how does ranboo receive(?) the lessons? like are they whispered to him in his mind or is he seeing them as words in front of him like we see? hmm
-"Lesson 14: If you have the opportunity to gain a favor, take it." "gain a favor" don't you usually ask people for favors though? how does one "gain a favor"? anyways i'm pretty sure lesson 14 has to do with the deal foolish was talking about. (the deal explained because i now have info: at some point a bit ago foolish met up with ranboo and asked to make a deal, he'd gotten a shulker box from drista. the deal was that ranboo would have ownership of the box, it would be under his name but foolish rents/borrows it indefinitely. ranboo negotiated that if he took ownership of the box he would get a "war favor"  from foolish where if something happens that creates sides, ranboo can ask him a favor that could change his side. but why would foolish want ranboo to have ownership of the shulker you may ask? well i have an answer for you. a theory actually but still. basically since drista technically isn't supposed to give out shit on the server if someone where to have that stuff then they may get in trouble. foolish wants to be able to use the shulker but if it gets found he doesn't want to get in trouble, so he can blame it on ranboo seeing as it's under his name.)
-22:16-ish "i still have this from when you *can't understand whats said here*" well i guess that sort of explains why he had the grass block? idk man (info update: he had the grass block from when ranboo threw it at him telling him to calm down like what ghostbur does with blue)
-31:35 "i figured out how to cause it" how to cause the enderwalk state
-39:01 "it's all for the greater good" okay well when are you gonna start thinking about yourself and not everyone else for once huh. self care bitch.
-40:31 he started holding the axe when he was looking at sam- gonna say it i really don't like that axe ahahah- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE THE AXE IS NAMED "axe of ender" I DONT LIKE THAT I DONT LIKE THAT AT ALL
-41:53 is there something?? physically keeping him from telling sam??? or maybe it's sort of like his enderwalk state taking control to make him shut the fuck up??? so many questions and approximately zero answers
-43:18 ranboo raising his voice legitimately scares me 😀👍
-"Lesson 27: Do not reminisce on what you have lost for it will weigh you down." showed up when he was thinking about and REMINISCING about the community house 👀👀
-"Lesson 53: Never fully trust anyone." showed up literally after he said that he thinks he can trust the other people on the server enough to tell them about what he did
-"Lesson 67: Leave no evidence of what you have helped with." this is different from the others because there doesn't seem to be at least a semi-direct connection to it? unless maybe at the time ranboo was near something he may have "helped with"? not sure about this one
-"Lesson 94: DO NOT LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" yeah yeah i get it i get it he's fucked up some shit in enderwalk i don't feel like analyzing this thanks
-okokok the experiments are that he's been e x p e r i m e n t i n g on how to purposefully induce the enderwalk state. and we know now that it wasn't from the pain of the water because on the stream afterwords he said that it's caused by the intense fear of something happening. and so the "side effects" of the experiments is that since he's in enderwalk more often(?) he starts remembering more things from it
-dude honestly the whole sam part hurts so much this man is scarily good at acting
-46:46 "i cant put you in the prison you wouldn't be able to see michael anymore" bestie that's the point he doesn't want to accidentally hurt michael or tubbo in the enderwalk state—
-okay but there's no way that sam couldn't tell that ranboo was at least TRYING to confess to something- i feel like he definitely knows more than he's letting on because usually like when people do bad shit or admit to doing bad shit he's like in Prison Guard Mode™️ (he literally cut off ponk's arm because he stole some keycards or something) and whatever and idk what he knows but he definitely knows something and is trying to protect ranboo. or he's trying to manipulate him or smth either one works—
-50:38 "you are a good person" "i am?" you can hear my heart shatter. "yes you are" "i don't think so sam" "i do, even if you don't" "i really don't think so" and there it goes again
-51:25 hello badboyhalo i see you to the left of ranboo
-52:44 "but then my curiosity got the best of me" curiosity killed the cat, bitch
-52:54 "there's ninety three, ninety four, ninety- theres so many reasons!" SEE!! NOT ONLY ARE THERE THAT MANY LESSONS THERE ARE REASONS THAT CORRESPOND IM S O SMART—
-52:56 "i don't want to remember anymore!" *quietly brings forth my theory that when ranboo loses a canon life his memory gets wiped*
-53:13 "ive opened pandora's box" isn't the prison?? literally called pandora's VAULT??? so this m a y be a stretch but i'm thinking that maybe this could be taken in the literal sense that he "opened" the prison and let dream out (the sirens at the end of quackity's stream confirm that dream is indeed out)
-53:42 mans just straight up walked through a ghost i—
-55:37 so are we just gonna ignore the eleventh page of the book? "he's alive, but hopefully soon dream won't be"??? alright nevermind it's most likely bc when tommy came back he recruited ranboo in his plan to kill dream
-55:47 notice how he writes "what am i?" as opposed to "who am i?" no elaboration here idk what it could be
-56:08 just so it's clear for anyone who doesn't know- he's wearing armor at this point, and i'm like 90% sure that when he wears his armor water can't hurt him. and i saw someone say somewhere that like with splash potions when thrown it turns into a gas-like thing? so again, it didn't hurt him, he didn't get hurt. he said in the chill stream that he wasn't comfortable making it where his character had to hurt himself to do that. the thing that causes the enderwalk isn't pain, it's intense and sudden emotions like fear and stress. thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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thescorpioracer · 4 years ago
Sen Çal Kapımı 1 - Episode Recap
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To be honest, this series of posts is mostly going to be a fashion roast. But DISCLAIMER! I really do love this show and Turkish TV in general, it’s just my preferred mode of media analysis is to pick things apart. 😂And I need everyone to know that I am very pro-women, and believe people should be able to dress how they want and not be judged for it or be looked down upon for it. But oh my god this wardrobe department/costumer needs to be STOPPED. I also have zero credentials to be talking about fashion, but will that stop me?
I’m going to make these posts assuming you’ve watched the show, and just comment on whatever comes up. There will be spoilers. Let’s go!
We start off with a voiceover from Eda Yıldız, an A+ romcom trope. (It wasn’t until my rewatch that I remembered that Eda used to do VOs at random intervals, and I’m kind of glad she stopped tbh.) She is a strong woman who wants to get her education and become a landscape architect/designer. She was all set to do that until- dun dun dun! - Serkan Bolat destroyed everything. 
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Check out that dart board of a man (and this is the only time we see that photo there). And these outfits are probably the most normal and reasonable clothes she wears in the show. She’s a beautiful young woman, who was a college student, and now works outdoors as a florist. 10/10 outfit. 
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Of course that transitions us into an epic slomo of Serkan exiting his private jet. He of course begins to berate his assistant on the phone in a way a friend described as reminiscent of The Devil Wears Prada.
@teamnick​​‘s commentary back when she first started the show. 
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Serkan returns to his office for the first time in 2 months after working on business deals in London. Chaos ensues: Miranda Priestly is baaaaaaack.
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See... here we have some good fashion choices! We meet the girls for the first time, while they try to sneak off to their graduation without making Eda feel bad that she won’t be receiving her diploma. Melek “Melo” is dressed in a sweet dress with a bold, romantic color, which captures her personality perfectly. Ceren, the rich daughter from a family of lawyers, looks a bit more high-fashion. The dress is short but it has long sleeves and no cleavage so it works out to be chic and elegant. Fifi is unapologetically herself with her full-black, punk wardrobe. Eda is again dressed in a pretty, but casual outfit. Nicely put together for her lower-middle-class lifestyle and her job as a florist.
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Enter: the plot device to get our protagonists together. Serkan’s face says it all.
We are then introduced to the main couple’s respective cars. Serkan has his 2020 BMW (though the show blocks out the copyrighted branding) while Eda’s beat up SUV is clearly unreliable. What’s that? Another plot device being introduced? I have no idea what you’re talking about.
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Also, I just noticed this, but for someone as uptight as Serkan, I’m surprised at how fun his suit jacket lining is. If I’m not mistaken the pattern is of a bunch of rainbow fish. #Snazzy, but they seem out of character?
Plot highlights:
Eda learns she can come back to school and finish her final year, but she’s lost her scholarship and will have to pay. She can’t.
Serkan gives his talk at the graduation (?)-- Is his talk just for architecture students? If so, why are Ceren, Fifi, and Melo there? We’ll never know. I know, I know... it’s all for the ~plot~
Eda calls Serkan out in front of everyone for taking away the scholarship that she earned from his company, Art Life. He is confused but unrepentant. She refuses to tell him her name.
She tries to deface his car with lipstick after keying the side (we never hear about the damage to his car after that). He catches her and wants to call the police, so she impulsively handcuffs them together with the plot devices from Selin’s wedding invitation sitting on his passenger seat.
They then have to go to Serkan’s urgent business meeting with an out-of-town client. Eda drives while they’re handcuffed together. Bickering ensues.
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What is this? Foreshadowing? Symbolism?? Eda’s last name “Yıldız” is the Turkish word for “star” so... file that away for later.
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One of my favorite parts about watching Turkish dramas is the experience of trying to decipher the fan translations. Add to the fact that Turkish only has 1 pronoun *chef’s kiss* 
Eda refuses to take the elevator to the 15th floor (we’ll learn about her claustrophobia later). Serkan is equally as stubborn, saying she owes  him for screwing up his day. But he has met his match in Eda with regards to stubbornness. They take the stairs.
More highlights:
First instance of fake dating - they need to hide the handcuffs from his client so Eda pretends she’s his girlfriend and a fellow investor.
The girls track Eda’s phone to the hotel and try to find her by asking around the premises. 
Eda charms the client into selling his land to Serkan.
We learn that Serkan is allergic to strawberries and has a lot of health anxiety. He’s a very tightly wound person.
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Serkan says “Mashallah,” translator hears 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Engin brings way too many people to open the handcuffs and chaos ensues.
I feel like nothing can do justice to the comedy of 58:45 to 1:00:00 with Fifi using a bobby pin as a lock pick. The dramatic editing is 👌🏼
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Leyla gets fired for somehow causing this drama??? And she is so happy to leave that stressful workplace omg, we don’t deserve her 🥺
Serkan and Eda go their separate ways, Eda prepared to never see her enemy again, but of course her phone and purse are still in his car so she has to go to his office at Art Life and confront him again.
Serkan has found out that Whoops, Art Life did cancel the study abroad scholarships to cut costs, but his CFO did it without telling him. And Serkan is pissed, but I think mainly about the fact that Eda did have some (SOME) grounds for yelling at him in public.
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Leyla then explains the nonsensical reasoning behind her being fired-but-not-fired and still working. (Spoiler alert: she never goes anywhere and she is my favorite side character to this day).
Eda: “How can I piss Serkan off?” Leyla: “Find a mistake he’s made and he will fixate on it forever. But you won’t find anything.” Eda: “Hold my beer.”
Eda walks into Serkan’s office and his meeting. She gets her purse back and they fight about him not being willing to apologize for ruining her life and education. He refuses and says she owes him an apology for embarrassing him in public (no, dude).
He wants to give her back the scholarship and make it all go away but she rightly tells him that it won’t fix her broken pride from begging the company and her university for a second chance. But somehow her calling him a heartless “Robot” is what gets to him???? And he short-circuits. Eda walks out triumphant. 
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Melo, as well as being a perfume sales girl, also works as a flight attendant and wants Eda to cover her shift (we’ll get into how that doesn’t make sense in a minute) 
Eda says no, she’s going to meet her boyfriend, Cenk, who she hasn’t seen in months and has just returned from Italy.
Enter: Selin. Serkan’s ex who he dumped a while ago and is now engaged to the heir of a hotel empire. Serkan doesn’t like this. The two of them grew up together and are set to each inherit 50% of the holding company that Serkan’s father currently runs.
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Right away Selin serves us with a gender reveal level color scheme.  Personally not a fan. They confirm that Serkan is coming to her engagement party tomorrow.
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Meanwhile Eda  meets up with Cenk. Her outfit is still reasonable and cute for her character. He looks mildly like a hobo and doesn’t seem to have anything going for him (I know he’s a throwaway character but the two of them really don’t have anything in common).
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This creeper keeps staring at them, but Cenk tries to explain it away and says he’s busy and can’t meet her again until the day after tomorrow. Eda is disappointed but accepts this. Creeper girl remains and remains a red flag to viewers, but apparently not to Eda.
Cut to later that evening, and of course our broody main man enjoys astronomy in his free time (???) idk what he’s charting and to what purpose but okay? 
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Eda finds a mini first aid kit in her purse that Serkan put there before returning it. Queue montage of them treating their respective wrists for handcuff-related injuries. #couplegoals
Of course we also needed a sepia-toned flashback to earlier that day when the handcuffs contrived their faces to get too close together. #romance
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Finallyyyyyyy it’s morning again and a new day.
Since Eda can’t see Cenk (good, he’s so boring), she agrees to fill in as a flight attendant for Melo, who’s side job is for a private plane company.
Now. This should not be a thing. Eda was in college to be a landscape architect and now works as a florist for her aunt... Where has she learned any relevant skills to work as a flight attendant?? Presumably nowhere. And I really don’t think a private plane company would be so easygoing about just having a random person fill in to cover for her friend? 
But does this show care about that? What do you think...
Also, instead of the standard white shirt, black skirt uniform requirements, the girls decide that this skimpy dress and heels is fine? Hmmm
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Also lol @ Melo for assuming that the client who wants jasmine tea and fruit salad is probably a woman. And her telling Eda that the PRIVATE JET COMPANY would in fact have its own tea was very random and unnecessary. 
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Back at the Bolat house compound, we meet the parents: Aydan and Alptekin. We’ll see them again later. Selin’s engagement party is today. 
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Meanwhile Eda is just.... being a flight attendant, I guess??? And who could possibly be the passenger she has to take care of? Take a wild guess. Of course it’s Serkan Bolat.
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And of course that tiny dress (THAT ALSO HAS A LEG SLIT?? WHY?? I really don’t need to see her vagina) looks very practical and professional... not! (Hande Erçel is a gorgeous human, and the dress looks good on her, don’t get me wrong. BUT THIS IS SITUATIONALLY INCORRECT ATTIRE). Also him just folding his vest and then social distancing from it... K? 😂
Eda panics and doesn’t want Serkan to see her and runs away back to her seat pod thing - Serkan takes issue with his fruit salad for ~plot reasons~ (EDIT: I’ve been informed that it’s because there was a strawberry in his fruit salad and since he’s allergic, of course it needed to be fixed. Why doesn’t the plane have a note of that??) and comes back to find this mystery flight attendant.
Eda is very stressed out about this encounter and is also starting to have a panic attack because, surprise, she’s also claustrophobic. 
After Serkan calms her down, they have a cute/civil conversation for the rest of the flight.
When they land, Eda realizes they’re on an island 2h45min away from Istanbul and she isn’t sure what to do with herself (How did she not already know where they were going, as the FLIGHT ATTENDANT??? So may red flags with this private jet company).
Serkan convinces Eda to come with him and she can hang out at the beach while he’s at Selin’s engagement party.
At the engagement party we finally meet Selin’s fiancé Ferit. He’s sweet and non-threatening and clearly insecure about Serkan being Selin’s ex.
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This dress/skirt outfit Selin is wearing isn’t terrible, but it doesn’t scream rich socialite to me. Anything with feathers seems... a bit tacky/too showy? Like someone pretending to be rich? Idk, this outfit isn’t one I’m going to really take a stand on.
Does this engagement party warrant being a 2h45 min flight away? No. They try to explain it away as the couple wanting to have something small and private, even though they also invite the press?? But okay whatever, as long as Serkan and Eda cross paths again, I suppose.
Kaan Karadağ has been mentioned a couple times in passing, but now we finally meet our “villain.” Ferit’s friend, and Serkan & Selin’s childhood acquaintance, who has it out for Serkan bc he somehow bankrupted Kaan’s dad? Idk and I don’t really care but tl;dr they’re enemies. 
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Another thing I love about Turkish dramas is the censoring. Like, they’ll allow alcohol to be on screen, but they won’t say the word and they’ll just blur out the bottle and any liquid that we’d assume is alcoholic 😂
In the evening, Serkan is tired and wants to leave and Ferit snidely jokes about how Serkan is too picky to have a fiancé of his own. Serkan flashes back to 1 entire day ago when he and Eda pretended to be dating at his business meeting, and says that actually he is engaged to someone and then peaces out.
Serkan finds Eda on the beach, and they are preparing to leave when a crowd of people (Selin, Ferit, and Kaan mainly), arrive to get a peek at Serkan’s new “fiancé.” Eda very reluctantly plays along (good thing she has that unnecessarily sexy “work” dress to help her look the part) and Serkan notices that for the first time ever, Selin is jealous of another woman. #drama
After they finally escape the crowd, Serkan makes an annoyed Eda an offer: Pretend to be his fiancé for the 2 months leading up to Selin’s wedding so he can get them to break up and prevent Ferit marrying into the company. In return, he will pay all the fees to help her complete her last year of studies in Italy.
Eda refuses, stating that she doesn’t want anything from him, and besides she has a boyfriend (Sure Jan; Cenk is such a joke). They have it out and then fly back to Istanbul. But of course the gossips at the engagement have spread the news of Serkan’s new woman so the paparazzi corner them at the airport when they land. 
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So glad that we got to see this random mechanic find out the news (???)
They escape the cameras and Serkan takes her home, saying that Art Life has a press conference tomorrow, and she should come so he can save face and tell everyone that she was his assistant accompanying him for work to the party. Eda agrees. 
It should also be mentioned that Serkan still doesn’t know her name at this point?? She refused to tell him and Engin still hasn’t sent him the names of the scholarship candidates so it’s a bit miraculous that their relationship was at all believable.
The next day, Cenk wants to meet but Eda has to go to the press conference. The girls come too for whatever reason, and Melo is convinced that Cenk wants to propose. Eda just lets that fantasy take hold (why tho?), and Cenk shows up unexpectedly right before the press conference and takes Eda into the nearby hotel’s cafe so they can talk.
Eda seems ready for a proposal (they haven’t seen each other or really communicated in months??) but Cenk wants to break up. Eda is shocked (???) but then Cenk mentions that he has a new girlfriend from Italy that he adores, and oh by the way, it’s the creepy girl from the other night who also happens to be here right now?
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Okay fine, I guess??? Cenk: “She’s doesn’t speak Turkish” Girlfriend: *clearly a Turkish actress*
Eda is upset that he brought his jealous girlfriend with him to break up with her and says something about how actually, she’s seeing Serkan Bolat now (maybe it’s just me being someone who doesn’t follow tabloids, but are business people really that popular in every day society where everyone knows who they are?). Cenk laughs at Eda, saying that everyone wants to be with Serkan Bolat, and that she’s bluffing.
Eda makes an impulsive decision, and walks away, over to where Serkan has started the press conference. And seals their fate as fake dating in the public eye.
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Queue confetti. No really.
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And there we have it. That’s the episode!
In all seriousness, it’s a pretty great pilot, especially for a romcom. It hits all the right beats, includes enough tropes, and tells us a lot about what we should expect in the episodes going forward. And no matter how much I make fun of it, I really do enjoy this show! It’s been such a nice distraction from Current Events. I’ve spent a lot of time watching these episodes just saying “oh my god” out loud to myself as I watch all of the cute/romantic gestures that give me a lot of second hand embarrassment (I forget that PDA makes me kinda uncomfortable 😂).
There wasn’t actually that much terrible fashion in this episode, which I didn’t notice until my rewatch. If I continue with this series of posts, I’m hoping they’ll end up being less plot-centric, and more about the situationally inappropriate outfits and strange subtitling choices. 
See you next time? 
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makeste · 5 years ago
BnHA Chapter 262: A Fierce Bad Rabbit
Previously on BnHA: The hospital raid squad, which had two jobs consisting of (1) not letting Ujiko get away, and (2) not letting any of the Noumu break free to go ravage the countryside, impressively failed at both of these tasks (or so I assume) in a remarkably short amount of time. The EndeavorZawaMicLock squad were all occupied with having a very destructive fight in the hospital lobby, leaving my girl Miruko, Goddess of Courage and First of Her Name, to do pretty much all the heavy lifting, which, fine!! Except that Ujiko remembered that he had a bunch of High End Noumus just floating there waiting to be activated, and he was all “!!” and fucking activated them, and like five of them went after Miruko all at once and smashed her into a bunch of machinery and glass tubes, which frankly should have killed her but it didn’t because she’s a fucking boss. But now it’s just her (and Crust, who might do something too, but for now JURY’S STILL OUT) against all these guys while Ujiko speeds off to grab Tomura and abscond. So basically everything that could go wrong has already gone wrong so UH. OKAY.
Today on BnHA: Miruko kicks ass. Then she checks her watch and sees that there’s still time for her to kick more ass, so she does. Then there is still time, because this chapter is all about her kicking ass! So she kicks even more ass!! It’s great!! I have no complaints!! She decapitates a man with her thighs!! That’s a thing that really happens!! Also she loses an arm but WHO HASN’T LOST AND/OR BROKEN THEIR ARMS IN THIS SERIES, REALLY. Everyone is doing it. Somehow she manages to make it look cool because Miruko. Miruko can strangle a man with a cordless phone. She can kill two stones with one bird. Miruko makes onions cry. Death once had a near-Miruko experience. Mirukoooooooo. Anyway the chapter ends with Skeptic warning everyone at The Ol’ Villain Hotel that the heroes are coming, so basically WELCOME BACK, EVERYONE, this manga is back with a vengeance.
guys I’m gonna try to do this recap fast because I’m seeing Heroes Rising tonight at 7:30! and I’m so excited! and for those that asked, yes I do plan on doing some kind of write-up about it, though it’ll all be from memory after the fact so we’ll see how that goes. but !! I’ve waited 84 years for this ahhhhh but anyway so in the meantime let’s see what new and creative ways our heroes are finding to screw this up even more
(ETA: I did it but this thing isn’t edited for shit lol. after I get back I’ll give it a more thorough readthrough so sorry if I missed any really obvious errors! also there are probably way more exclamation points than usual which may or may not be a plus or minus.)
look at this helpful announcement
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High End Noumu approaching, everyone. you have been warned. just in case you somehow failed to notice?? IT’S RIGHT THERE Y’ALL LOOK OUT
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MORE HEROES. YOU ALL CERTAINLY TOOK YOUR FUCKING TIME, but hey welcome to the party. and none of that “I don’t see how that’s a party” sassy shit either. you all know what I’m talking about so get out there and have fun
so they’re standing there all “it’s a talking Noumu!” and YEAH. that’s what I’ve been fucking trying to tell you. thank god someone finally fucking said it out loud so that hopefully the EZML squad can finally take notice of this as well. like guys. bigger fish?! get to frying!!
so now Crust is all “there are more of them ahead, Miruko’s in danger!” which, again, thanks for finally letting everyone else in on this formerly exclusive scoop there pal. ‘preciate it
I... really do not understand Crust’s quirk at all. I’m just gonna own up to it
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what is this. what does “zuga” mean fx-wise. why did those scale things on his arms get so big. what are they made of. what’s happening
oh it turns out that if you scroll and read more instead of pausing for ages to ask dumb questions, the thing you were asking about might actually be explained in great detail in the very next panel
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but what are they made out of though. and why “Crust”?? ah well I suppose that’s a question for someone who actually cares more than I do
by the way the quality of this scan is actually really good so far, I gotta say. we’re only two pages in, true, but they either cleaned this up really nicely, or this was a much higher-quality scan than usual. either way I am appreciative!
lol this poor Noumu is shook
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what did I name you two weeks ago, again? Rusty?? anyways he’s doing his best you guys. gambare my dude, though actually you do need to die, so that’s too bad though
Crust is all “you pitiful living corpse!” with tears in his eyes because he’s dramatic! but jokes aside I do appreciate that he has compassion for these monsters who are all still basically innocent victims at the end of the day
does anyone else actually hear that funny-sounding anime narrator guy in your head nowadays when you read panels like this lol
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I can hear the voice so clearly and it’s great
only ten times the strength of a normal human, guys. that’s actually not that bad. I’m only half joking lol. because obviously your average hero is going to be much stronger than a so-called “normal” person too, yes? and I’m pretty sure Miruko has the strength of like 30 humans but I may be overestimating her just slightly but am I though
oh lol I apparently did not learn my lesson about doing commentary before I’m done reading hahaha
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so High Ends are on a different tier of their own above even the “high” tier. well that’s just. yeah that sounds more like the “we’re still fucked” update that I was expecting
oh wait, seriously??
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are you telling me that all of the High Ends were actually cultivated from villains? so maybe not completely innocent, then? is this Horikoshi’s way of trying to make us feel marginally better about the fact that the heroes are shortly henceforth going to have to exterminate these guys with great prejudice? I mean they’re still basically slaves to Ujiko’s programming now though so that sucks
also I missed this earlier but the narration here basically just confirmed that Noumu are all made from corpses. which I kind of suspected, but the still-very-much-alive Tomura would then be a glaring contradiction to that, no? or is that why he’s so special. anyway I do appreciate that we’re getting a lot of much-awaited answers in this Noumu arc, but some of this is also just raising more questions. gotta be patient I guess
speaking of Tomura, Ujiko’s back in the Tomura room, so. I assume some absconding is soon to occur
oh shit!! so there’s another panel explaining that “artificial transplant of quirks” requires surgery and then three months of stabilization time following that. sooooo I’m pretty sure this mofo just confirmed that he gave Tomura some shiny additional new quirks, so that’s nice! that’s real fucking great! I know we were all eyeing Tomura skeptically and thinking to ourselves “this is almost just right, but needs more death”
wait, what?
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“I was already dead anyway” meaning that he knows there’s no way out for him? and so he doesn’t have a secret way out of the lab?? ??? can that really be true?? our intrepid heroes actually did their job right and the villains had no contingency plan?? oh my god I am so terrified of letting my guard down lmao I still refuse to believe this at all
and is that Tomura who’s at 70% stabilization? that would seem to fit with the timeline we were given. holy shit is he unboxing him early fsdfkjalsdk are we about to go from “fucked” to “exorbitantly fucked”
and why am I strangely excited about it sob!!
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so this is how liberty dies. with a beep
also fuck you all, now it’s at 71%?! couldn’t leave it at a nice even number for us, could you? you just had to throw that extra percent in there at the last moment to fuck with us all
anyway did you all catch how fucking ripped he was there though? like boiiii whaaaaat. clearly his abs are already at 100%
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friendly reminder that Dabi was all good and ready to throw down with both Endeavor and Hawks (who were admittedly weakened by that point) that one time a while back, but then Miruko showed up and he was all “lol nope I think the fuck not” and warped out of there. Dabi, whose quirk is so powerful that its only apparent downside is the fact that it roasts him alive as well. that Dabi took one look at Miruko and decided he likes having his spine intact and fucking vamoosed, because that is the smart fucking thing to do when this girl shows up smiling at you the way that she is smiling at these Noumu now
anyway. fucking Ujiko knew he needed at least five High Ends to even stand a chance of slowing her down, is all I’m saying. y’all better respect the FUCK out of Miruko, everyone. it’s the law
anyway. so. quirk: bunny. can smash rl gud
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someone needs to ask Horikoshi the fuck kind of rabbits he has been hanging out with. applied that “and more!” part pretty fucking liberally huh. WHO DID YOU SAY TRIX WERE FOR AGAIN, CHILDREN??
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that would be our good buddy Max Rebo. so that’s definitely not an elephant trunk-like thing then. we may need a new name for you
on a side note, I never thought we’d meet another character who looks more like Katsuki than Mitsuki does, and yet every damn week Miruko is proving me wrong. goddamn she is great
lmao wait maybe that wasn’t Max at all, but Jester. because this is clearly Max over here
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so Girl!Noumu is a water bender, Jester can do... something weird with his hair, and Max can do anything an elephant can do if that elephant was also powered by steam. nice
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real talk this is the scariest fucking quirk I’ve ever seen I was like what the fuck looking at her arm and then I saw him doing the twisty hand gesture and just. fuck. YOU’RE NOT CRIMSON RIOT AT ALL YOU’RE SOME PSYCHO TELEKINETIC BITCH AND I FUCKING HATE YOU!!
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though on the plus side, if she does lose that arm we can count on her to somehow instantly become like 50x more attractive, which I’m pretty sure might cause the very fabric of the universe to unravel but it would be worth it
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fucking hell guys I’m running out of exclamation points and excited things to say here. AND SHE JUST KEEPS GOING! LIKE HER MOM THE ENERGIZER BUNNY BEFORE HER
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lmao holy shit I can’t stop laughingggg
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well Crimson, at least you get to die happy. is she literally going to crush his face between her thighs. is this entire chapter just one big prank on me. if Miruko was the protagonist would this series have ended in the first chapter. trick question, the answer is it never would have started to begin with because she would have killed All for One years ago!! how much would it cost to hire Miruko to come kick away all of my problems for me
hello good afternoon everyone this is a real panel that really happened in this manga
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I don’t even know what to say about anything anymore
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we’re not even gonna make it to 300 chapters. Horikoshi held off for as long as he could, but eventually Miruko couldn’t be contained any longer and he had to unleash her and she instantly went and reckt every last fucking bad guy out there until there was nothing left. who are the kids even going to fight. nobody that’s who. go back to school kids
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Miruko also saw Horikoshi getting ready to end the chapter after 17 pages and was like “EXCUSE YOU THERE” and he backed off because he actually likes having a fucking head thank you very much
Skeptic seems to have finally cottoned on to them being in some kind of trouble. huh
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how does he know it was Jin who screwed up?? did he realize that Hawks betrayed them oh shit!?!
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AND THE CHAPTER IS ENDING. BUT I’M NOT DONE SCREAMING. AHHHHHH well anyways I’m off to watch my children kick lots of ass on the big screen. assuming I can get this posted in time with zero editing whatsoever lol I’ve got like... an hour. WE SHALL SEE!
(ETA: we did it lol just barely! this whole thing is probably a giant mess but oh well! Mirukoooooo)
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devourer--of--books · 5 years ago
tagatha dating simulator au
- It’s sunday night and local college student, Agatha, hasn’t sleep in two days, practically glued to her chair at the library, trying to absorb the maximum of information she possibly could before finals on monday morning.
- Sitting across from her is her roommate and best friend, Sophie, who doesn’t seem nearly as concerned, playing a game on her phone. Mostly because she already failed half of her courses and is considering dropping out of college to pursue a modeling career, why try at this point-
- Agatha appreciates that Sophie is keeping her company, she really does, but even if her friend was using headphones, Agatha can still hear the background music and the voice actors very clearly. That on its own was distracting enough, but it was always the same lines, with the background music looping as Sophie restarted the game prologue over and over again.
- Around the fifth time she hears the app-staring-exclamation ‘milady!’ her eye starts twitching.
- By the twelfth she slams her book shut, earning herself a glare from all the remaining students in the library.
- “How terrible do you have to be at a game to not be able to get through the prologue?” she whisper-shouts, taking the sit beside Sophie, looking at the screen.
- “That’s not the problem,” her friend defends, proceeding to explain the game.
- Trial by Tale is a recently released dating simulator that has managed to gather a cult-like following. The game was praised for its diverse range of LIs, well-written routes, stellar voice acting, high-quality art style and a beautiful soundtrack. It was apparently highly addicting as well, as Agatha had never seen Sophie be that invested in... any game... like, ever.
- Basically, the main character was transported inside a fairytale-fantasy-like world, where they were introduced as a ‘reader’ to compete in the ‘trial by tale’, a inter-worldly tournament, set up by a mysterious entity (a magical pen known as ‘the storian’), in which the winner would be granted an unconditional wish.
- “Original,” Agatha snorts.
- “Can you just shut up and listen?”
- During the prologue, the main character meets most of the main LIs and according to the player’s decisions, the game would put them into a specific route, based on affection levels with each datatable character.
- There were about thirty bad endings for the casual route (where the player either made stupid choices or didn’t gather enough affection with any LI), ranging from mildly sad to terribly gory. Then, each route had five early bad endings, that could happen during the trial, resulting in the main character’s death. 
- If the player managed to win the tournament with the LI, bargaining with the storian for the survival of two competitors, then two new endings would be unlocked: a normal ending, in which the reader would wish to go home and a happy ending, in which the reader wished to remain forever in the fairytale world living happily ever after with their partner.
- “And that’s where it gets weird,” Sophie pauses, opening up the Trial By Tale wiki page. “Every single LI has a walkthrough and seven possible endings.”
- She shows Agatha a bunch of characters, offering some commentary on their personalities and backstories. Then, she pauses at the last. "All but one." The character is the prettiest, if not a bit too perfect. ‘Tedros of Camelot’, it says on the top of his page, his basic info and biography listed to the side, but it’s full of gaps, blanks and ‘???’s. It was mentioned that he was a dateable character, yet no  walkthrough was provided.
- “Why doesn’t it say anything? Has he not been released?”
- “No one has managed to get his route so far, but according to the game developers, it’s possible. We don’t even know what his voice sounds like.”
- “And you think you will because…?”
- “I’m me. I’m getting Tedros’ route even if it’s the last thing I’ll do.”
- Agatha decides to leave her be, going back to the books, while asking for her to at least lower the volume.
- An hour or so goes by until Sophie grows hungry and decides to leave the library, going back to the dorm. After that, Agatha finally manages to concentrate, and time goes by in a flash.
- In fact, it passes so quickly that she’s not even sure what time it was. When did everyone leave?
- Her phone is dead and the clock on the wall is frozen at midnight. Probably broken, Agatha decides. It couldn’t be midnight, the lights were still on, the library closed at 10:30pm sharp and no one came to kick her out. She was tired, but she wasn’t deaf. She calls for the librarian.
- All the lights turn off at once. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t freak her out a bit.
- Then, she notices a blue glow from under the table. Please don’t let it be a demon.
- It’s a smartphone, with a bedazzled case, a loading blue screen emitting the light. Trial By Tale’s soundtrack starts to play and soon enough the words appear. Touch anywhere to start. That was Sophie’s phone. Which would be fine and normal and okay if Agatha wasn’t pretty sure Sophie left with it. 
- The music starts to loop, and Agatha uses the light to guide her to the entrance, only to find it locked. Every other exit was blocked as well. Ha. Funny.
- Eventually, she surrenders, clicking on the screen, trying to close the app. The last thing she hears is ‘milady!’ and everything turns black as she feels the floor disappear from under her feet, her consciousness fading as she fell into an abyss of darkness.
- She wakes up lying on grass, near a gate, the words Trial By Tale engraved on top of it.
- She pinches herself, feeling it sting as she stared at the gate, pinching harder and harder to the point she nearly screamed in pain. The gate was still there. Agatha focus on her senses. She’s never able to smell things on her dreams.
- This place smells like dirt, pines, dried blood and iron. 
- It’s a dream, she tries to convince herself. Very vivid dream, but it’s a dream.
- A bunch of floating text appears in front of her: Welcome, competitors!
- The storian tells Agatha everything Sophie already told her: it’s a tournament, in which 40 teens from different fairytale kingdoms, including the reader world, must compete amongst themselves for survival during 24 hours. You could pair up with someone, forming an alliance, but there could only be one winner. Then, the world froze, turning black and white, three options appearing in thin air:
A: I’m a boy 
B: I’m a girl 
C: I’m neither/both/something else.
- Agatha experiments. The text didn’t respond to her voice or gestures; she had to touch it. B. They disappeared up in smoke, being replaced by a new choice:
A: climb over the gate early 
B: go in as soon as the gong goes off
C: run into the woods
- All of those sound horrible, she’ll hang around here, thank you very much.
- Agatha decides to pick B, because it sounded the least likely to get her killed. Tapping the option, color returns and more texts appears, telling her the rest of the rules. Apparently, all forms of magic and weapons were allowed, as it was a tournament to the death.
- Well, she had neither a weapon nor any magic, geez, things were certainly looking up.
- A gong can be heard and Agatha waits for her legs to magically move according to her choice. 
- They don’t.
- She debates on staying put for a few minutes, maybe way too many, but then she remembers: casual route endings vary from mildly sad to terribly gory. Agatha doesn’t wanna find out which one she’d get by sticking around.
- Her future now depends on her romancing one of these pieces of code. Thankfully, it was just a dream, right?
- Inside the arena (?), she gets some other choices, which Agatha uses to her advantage, trying to figure out which LI she was going for and how to win them over.
- Hort, according to her friend, was the easiest to please and the most boring of them all. Nicola was efficient and Sophie had managed to unlock her happy ending without a walkthrough. Aric was a psycho, and so was Japeth. Don’t pick Rhian, her friend had warned. Anadil was a hard one to guess without the walkthough, Hester was super hot and Agatha’s type but that could go very wrong (clearly her type wasn’t working out, as she was painfully single) and-
- Is that Japeth or Rhian? She can’t tell, but he’s coming her way.
A: introduce yourself
B: try to kill him
C: hide behind the rock
- She chooses C, but climbs a tree instead, because he surely would be able to see her behind the rock, was he blind or something?
- “You sure are taking your time choosing,” a voice whispers from the branch above her, nearly giving her a heart attack, “...first time player maybe? Or just dumb?”
- Tedros, the mysterious character, was looking down at her, resting on a higher branch. 
- Agatha glares at him before blurting: “You’re shorter than you look on your CG.”
- He chokes. “You can hear me?” 
- “Why are you british?” she notices the accent, given how different it sounded from all the other voice actors. 
- “I’m bi,” he frowns at her in offended confusion.
- (The himbo energy in this bus is astronomical.)
- They bicker a bit and Japeth grows suspicious of the hushed conversation, nearing the tree. Tedros asks for her help taking him down. Agatha is like, sure, whatever at this point, just trying to forget that Tedros broke the fourth wall. It’s a dream, don’t overthink too much.
- She distracts Japeth, and Tedros tries to ambush him, but it backfires horribly, resulting in Tedros now being a few seconds away from dying a very very painful death.
A: run away
B: ally yourself with Japeth
- Agatha hesitates over option A, convincing herself that Tedros wasn’t a real person. He was a just a character in a game. But while the entire world is black and white waiting for her answer, she swears his eyes remain icy blue. 
- Trick of the light?
- She presses A but throws herself towards Japeth, colliding with him. Agatha ends up being stabbed in the arm, but otherwise fine, which is more than Japeth can say, as he fell into a conveniently located black hole. That hurt like a bitch, how is this a dream?
- Tedros is shook.
- “What did you do? How did you even-” he eyes the blood in her arm. “You’re bleeding!” Tedros rips his shirt to wrap it around the wound, and Agatha does her best not to stare at him while he tends to the wound.
- A blue ribbon in the sky tells Agatha she is now on Tedros’ route. A ribbon they can both read.
- “That’s… troublesome.”
- “What, is your route cursed or something?”
- “...”
- “It’s totally cursed, isn’t it?”
- They argue a bunch and Agatha tries to ditch him but ends up almost dying twice. Tedros saves her, and insists that since he accidentally gave her his route, he’ll help her stay alive for as long as he can. 
- Together they figure out that Agatha’s ability to disobey the game choices might be able to uncurse his route, hopefully sending her home by the end and resetting the game as it was meant to be, allowing people play his route.
- Agatha is pretty sure Tedros is not telling her something, but she kinda does owns him her life now (“2x1, sucks to suck, reader.”) and he offered to share some of his food and hiding spot with her. Doesn’t hurt that he clearly knew how to fight and had a big sword, while Agatha had.... free will and nothing else apparently???
- They end up talking over fruits and water (we love a healthy king) in a cave and Agatha finds out basically every other character’s backstory, learning a ton about the context of these trials as well as what the game felt like for the characters.
- According to Tedros, every other character was doomed to repeat the same route and actions following the reader’s choices, only to lose all memories by the end, as the game reseted. They were all blissfully ignorant of the fact that this was, in fact, a dating simulator. All of them but Tedros. When Agatha asks him why, he closes off:
- “Every single character has a core wish they want fulfilled. It can be the same wish every time, or it can change once your route resets. My original wish contradicted the memory reset, so no one has been able to play my route at all. And if no one plays, I can’t reset. If you go home and the game resets, I’ll make a different wish and my route should be fixed for good.”
- Agatha doesn’t ask what he wished for and he doesn’t tell her either; it feels like way too personal of a question for strangers eating berries in a cave.
- She does ask him what his new wish will be, though.
 - “I’ll restore my kingdom back to its former glory,” he starts, a certain sadness in his eyes. “They deserve a prince who doesn’t waste time wishing for-” Tedros interrupts himself, telling her about his kingdom instead.
- Agatha knows he’s related to King Arthur due to his name on the Trial By Tale wiki, but she’s surprised that he actually gives her that info willingly. He is indeed the prince of Camelot, but his mother abandoned the palace when he was nine and then his father died a few years later, sending the kingdom into despair and disgrace. 
- (“That’s rough, buddy.”)
- To lighten the mood, she decides to tell him about ‘the reader world’. 
- “To exist in your world might be something then,” he smiles, “I mean, beats hanging around here. You said you have a machine that can play music anytime you want?”
 - Tedros is fascinated with everything and asks her about all sorts of stuff, like about politics, lgbtqa+ rights, tik tok, food, the economy, school and fashion trends. Also, memes, lots of memes.
- They spend like 8 hours straight hidden in a cave, just talking, bickering and actually having a lot of fun. The lack of choices even makes her forget she was still in a game.
- Tedros notices how tired she looks and offers to keep watch while she sleeps.
A: say no as a joke
B: outright refuse
- Agatha taps A.
- “Sure, do you mind if I lean on you though?”
- Is this like a date or are we like doing my route and you’re sleeping on my arm platonically? Tedros is shook, part 2.
- Agatha tries not to fall asleep, but she does take a nap, leaning on his shoulder. Surprisingly enough, an hour later she’s still alive, but her head was now on his lap and he was petting her hair.
- “Hi.”
- “Hi.”
A: get up
B: kiss him
- She doesn’t wanna get up, but she doesn’t really feel like kissing him would be appropriate for the moment. She presses B, yet remains still for next few minutes. Tedros looks a bit disappointed, as if he was waiting for her.
- “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”
- “Do you want me to?”
- He doesn’t reply immediately, running his fingers through her hair. “Everyone wants to kiss me. I’m hot, I’m a prince and I’m rich.”
- “You’re gonna need to do better than that to get me to kiss you,” Agatha tells him. “If we survive this I’ll kiss you once, just before we unlock your normal ending and I go home. For a CG.”
- “But then I won’t remember it at all.”
- The comment makes her nervous. Once this is over and Tedros gets his route unlocked, he’s gonna be just another character. He’ll say things like that to everyone. Agatha has to chastise herself for growing attached to a video game character. He’s not real. He wasn’t yours to begin with, you’ve known him for less than a day. Get a grip.
- They stay in silence until another gong goes off, the storian’s text showing up in the air: “12 hours left. Only 10 competitors remain.”
A: stay in the cave
B: leave
- Agatha chooses B and they head out of the cave to see who else was alive, just in time to not be crushed under heavy rocks. Strangely they don’t bump into anyone. What they do run into, though, is a bunch of traps and creatures meant to randomly eliminate competitors. Great.
- Somehow, Agatha always chooses the right option and alters her actions just enough to save them at the last minute. Is she a pro-gamer? One can only marvel at how lucky she’s been getting in this game. No, but like, really, is she? Tedros is impressed.
- At the 6 hour mark, there’s 4 people left, including the two of them. He’s been eyeing Agatha weirdly and she doesn’t know what to think of it because she liked hanging out with him, but at the same time, he is a piece of code.
- There’s like, a dramatic confrontation with the other two competitors, which turn out to be Aric and Hester, not as a pair, but as individuals, and it ends up working out in Tedros and Agatha’s favor, as those two end up murdering each othe while Tedros and Agatha have the advantage of teamwork. It’s a great action sequence, but if you’ve read this far, I’m pretty sure you’re not here for the action.
- Anyway, the storian appears, but unlike the other routes, instead of giving Agatha the opportunity to bargain for them both to survive, her options are:
A: kill Tedros
B: kill Tedros
- Agatha doesn’t tap either. She stays still, glaring at the pen while the world remained black and white.
- Then, the entire arena starts to shake, the game glitching as Tedros moves, his colors fading in and out, his expression tortured, as if just smiling at her was painful, his eyes glowing unnaturally blue. “Let’s get you home,” he mouths, before stabbing himself with his own sword, falling to the floor as the colors returned for good.
- Agatha couldn’t breathe, kneeling beside him.
- “To meet someone who’d love me for me,” he admits, bleeding out into the ground, a single tear running down his face. “That was my original wish. And then I met you.”
- She kisses him on the lips, and as you know, true love’s kiss breaks every spell, heals every wound and transcends the limits of storytelling.
- Tedros’ chest is slowly healing, but just as he gets stronger, Agatha grows weaker, starting to disappear through his fingers in rays of lights, back to the reader’s world, leaving a lonely prince by himself in a bloody arena with a magical pen.
- “Unconditional wish for the winner, hm?”
- Back at the library, Agatha wakes up with a snap, falling off her chair.
- The clock on the wall reads 10pm and the few students left at the library glare at her. She hurries to gather her things in her arms, going back to her dorm trying to make sense of what just happened. It was all a dream. It had to be because her arm is intact. She has been running on too much caffeine, finals start the next morning, she was stressed, that’s all.
- Sophie is still playing the game once Agatha arrives at the dorm, and as soon as she walks in, her friend tells her the news:
- “See, darling, I told you I’d get Chaddick’s route eventually!”
- Chaddick’s route?
- Agatha doesn’t even reply, going straight to bed, still haunted. That night, she has no dreams of handsome boys in caves, neither does she dream of blue-eyed princes bleeding out.
- Monday afternoon, though, a distracted Agatha is walking back to her dorm after taking her exams, when she bumps into someone, nearly knocking her over. She is about to yell at the stranger when her voice gets caught on her throat.
- “To exist in your world might be something,” the familiar stranger smiles at her, “I mean, I’m Tedros Pendragon, nice to meet you.”
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savannah-lim · 4 years ago
The Student Body || Savannah and Agatha
TIMING: A couple of weeks ago LOCATION: Harris Island PARTIES: @detective-keen and @savannah-lim SUMMARY: Savannah and Agatha band together to investigate some missing students and nothing goes wrong.  CONTENT: Gun use (on monster), mention of gore, blood and dismemberment. 
‘Thanks for the update, Lim, and hey, while you’re there, maybe see if the WCPD could use your help on any of these other Missing Persons cases. That one with the students looks pretty grim.’ 
Great. Savannah wasn’t opposed to taking on more cases - hell, Javier’s case was looking about as clear as mud right now - but local police departments very rarely welcomed the involvement of the FBI. It was usually a pride thing. They figured it made them look like they couldn’t handle it on their own. Or else it was a possession thing, like this is my town, my people. Rarely did she get the welcome wagon, so Savannah was expecting much of the same when she joined Detective Keen out on Harris Island. “Detective,” she greeted. “I’m Agent Lim. The Chief said you wouldn’t mind an extra set of hands.” Around them, officers were canvassing nearby residents and police dogs and handlers were gathering scents. There was so much commotion, Savannah would be surprised if they found a damn thing, but maybe that was just Javier’s case making her cynical. 
Rain boots on, Agatha strode from one boulder to the next, escalating the blockade to get a better view of the area. She glanced over at a bunch of patellas stuck on a rock nearby, forming a beautiful pattern. There was a few people passing by her on the beach that morning, and she had to be polite with a couple of old ladies who were being very curious as to why she was here. Part of her knew that the two old witches only wanted her to go, because crime on the island could decrease the value of housing in the area, but she still remained polite. There were ohs and ahs as Agatha played her Joker card and mentioned her mother, who was actually quite appreciated by those people, back when she was Sheriff. However, the next person she saw approaching was not one she wished to see. Fuck me, she muttered under her breath, turning her back on the federal agent to have a look at… Ah yes, the remains of an Al’s Diner takeaway bag. Clearly this was a clue, right. Oh crap, it might have been a clue, yeah. “Oh the chief said that, didn’t he?” Her back still turned on the other woman, she still kept her polite smile on and having put the bag into evidence, she finally stood up to look at Agent Lim. “I thought you were chasing that mysterious guts thief?”
Yep. Just like Savannah had predicted, the Detective wasn’t so happy to see her, which was kind of a shame, because she was both hot and gay, a viable distraction or bit of fun Savannah might have enjoyed at some other time. “Guts thief?” Was she talking about Agent Sterling? She supposed technically his guts were no longer with his body… “Is that how you refer to your case files, Detective Keen? What’s this one? Kappa Sigma Missing?” Okay, so she was being just a little bit of a dick, but really, it was all in good fun. Not that the solemn expression on her face did much to communicate that. She came over to examine what Keen had been looking at. “Better get it bagged. No pun intended.” 
“Wasn’t the other guy looking for a thief of guts? It was not my case so really…” Oh no, Agatha knew exactly what the case was about but she was not thrilled that someone was stepping all over her workspace. Couldn’t they have sent Marley? Or Sharmila? Or Jane? Anyone? Except for Mark.  “I refer to my case file by their assigned name. Maybe you should do that too, if you want to work with me,” she retorted with a deadpan look on her face. No, she did not have time for this. Sitting down on the rock to help herself down on the sand, she stopped for a second before she looked over at the other woman. “Are you going to make jokes the whole time you’re here?” Really? Because that little trick would not work on her. She liked to joke, with people she liked. 
“Oh, Javier’s cases? Yeah. There was a great deal of… disembowelment.” Savannah wished it was so simple, that she could determine whoever had been responsible for the killings Javier was investigating had killed him too, but she got the feeling it was far more complicated. She got the impression she and Agatha could both go back and forth exchanging witticisms all day. It might even have been fun if Agatha hadn't been so damn grumpy about it. "Who says I was joking?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. “I know you locals don’t usually like to share, but I’m pretty good at my job, and you have a half-dozen missing college students, so maybe we can just work together for their sakes, hm?” 
“Right,” she shoved her hands in her coat, searching for an actual pair of gloves. The air of the sea was quite fresh and Agatha had no plans of freezing to death while searching for a damn clue. Heading back to the tarpaulin where she had left her things, she took a flashlight and her notebook. The wind bit her cheeks and was starting to regret not grabbing a bigger coat on her way out of the station. She usually had one in her patrol car, but it had gone to the cleaner after she ended up diving into a large dumpster and covering herself with diverse substances that included, of course, trash bag juice. Glamorous. “Puns are humorous,” she replied with the same dry tone she had had since Savannah had arrived. All it would have taken was for the agent to actually ask if she could help, rather than just walk in and impose herself like this, for Agatha to be in a better mood. “What?” She scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. This was her first time being anything but annoyed since the other woman had arrived. What kind of idea was that? “We like to share. We like to share as much as any other town does.” She refused to look at her town as anything else but normal after all. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I just… this is still my case, alright?”
Savannah could be patient. Often, the sort of lengthy investigations she took part in required it. But tact… tact was something she often went without. She had the ability, of course, but most of the time, she preferred to cut right to the chase. People could take it or leave it. “Fucking freezing out here,” Savannah remarked. She was from New England, so it wasn’t exactly new, but the ocean air out here was a little crisper than most. “It’s your case,” Savannah repeated. She hoped Agatha was good at her job too, or she’d become a back-seat detective in an instant; if she wasn’t already. “Do we have their names? Have you checked if any of them have any ties to the neighborhood, or a reason to be out here? We can request their cell phone history. Unless you’ve already done that.” 
“Always, I can recommend you good stores if you want to invest in a thicker coat,” Agatha offered. Winters were never really kind, although some had it worse, but that did not mean that she herself could not be nice. “Alright,” she was someone who invested both energy and time in what she did, and there was nothing that could make her more furious than have someone grab what was the fruit of her labor. Maybe it was morbid to grow attached to murder and missing people cases, but she did not see it that way. She liked to finish everything she started. “We do,” she took out her notebook, handing it over to the other woman. She always had had a neat handwriting, and a passion for stationery, which meant, by consequence, that all her notes were not only tidy, but also detailed and organized no matter how messy a case could get. “I issued a request, I’m not sure how long it will take. There’s at least 4 students missing. I say at least, because I feel like there’s something going on here. These guys were healthy, and the sea was not agitated. There’s no reason for this to happen,” she observed, approaching the federal agent to look over her notes. “I was thinking, we could explore the caves on the seafront,” she had already done a walk on the shore and had not seen a thing. Maybe a cave could be the answer. “What do you think?”
Savannah's breath frosted on the air, pinching her skin and tainting it with hints of pink on her nose and cheeks. "I was stationed in Boston. I'm used to the cold, but this is next level." She rubbed her hands together. They were still cold in spite of her gloves, but she focused on the task at hand, examining the coast line for any signs. "Nice penmanship," she snickered as Agatha showed her her notes. She had to fight every urge to take control, but she had to admit, Agatha had done a commendable job so far. "Good. That's exactly what I'd have done." 
No reason for this to happen, Agatha had said, and Savannah nodded thoughtfully. "In my experience, you don't usually need a reason." Especially in White Crest, but she hardly wanted to reveal herself to believe any of that supernatural stuff in front of a colleague. "They were college kids. They might have been doing something reckless, or even nefarious." She didn't need much help to believe that drunk college boys could be assholes, but given the setting, she considered it more likely they had just been drunk and foolish. Speaking of foolish... "The Caves?" she repeated, thoughtfully. "Great idea. I have flashlights in the car." Within moments, she'd retrieved them and the pair were on their way.
“Yeah, I have some regrets too,” Agatha motioned to her own coat, stuck her hands in her pockets and tried not to bite back as the agent seemed to mock her good old valedictorian habits. But could she really just stay quiet? “Why thank you, I always hate when people write like they are in a hurry,” hate was of course a strong word, but she felt like anything done in a hurry could not be well done. She noted the statement Savannah made next, not taking that as a compliment, but rather as a commentary. 
“There is always a reason,” she retorted. Psychologically speaking, there was always a reason for things to happen. Even accidents happened for a reason. Someone had been drunk, or maybe looking at their phone. This was the reason for such a tragedy. Lame, avoidable, but still a reason. “See, that’s a reason. They could have been acting like idiots. I mean, college boys.” Even at the police academy, Agatha had been confronted with idiots. Guys roughly the same age who thought they were invincible just because they were young. You would think that people who were planning to protect others would be more serious, but apparently not. “I will be your guide,” a terrible one, as she very rarely had to wander in the shadow of these menacing hollows.There was no doubt that her boots would come in handy in there. She knew that the tides would not rise for another few hours, but they would have to be careful still. Seconds turned to minutes when you were searching for something, and it was easy to end up losing the notion of time. "May I suggest that we do not, under any circumstance, split? Those caves are larger than they seem."
"Okay, I guess technically..." Savannah answered. "Like, cause and effect and stuff, but what I mean is that sometimes accidents or murders happen without some kind of deep and meaningful story behind them." She'd been in law enforcement long enough to know that sometimes - most of the time - the stories behind crimes were much more shallow and surface-level than anything that happened in the movies. White Crest was. "We can't all live in an Agatha Christie novel. But drunk college idiots? That one's viable." 
Before long (and after making sure they'd checked the tides) they had given there whereabouts to the uniformed officers headed towards the caves, flashlight in hand and spare batteries in her back pocket. "What, can you see in the dark or something? Because that would be incredibly useful right now in a guide. Also, guiding me somewhere we can get a burger and a beer after work would be a plus." She stuck close to Agatha as they walked, careful of her footing. "So you an experienced cave diver?" she asked, pausing for a second. "That's not a euphemism." 
“This much we can agree on. Many cases I solve are not detective novel worthy,”  and considering how terrible the genre could get, this was saying a lot. Agatha smiled to herself and shook her head at Savannah, “I have a pass. My parents named me Agatha for a good reason.” They had, and it was not because it matched the name of that author, really, but rather because it meant good. From the start, she had been manufactured to be good to others and so far, she had managed to fulfil the prophecy quite well, right? “Maybe they were just drunk and being stupid, or maybe it’s something else. I did not find anything that indicates that they were drunk. Not yet,” it was what made the most sense however, and she could agree with the agent on this. 
“I wish. Perhaps we should have my cats join us,” she offered with a smirk. She imagined that her two fluffy friends would have clawed their way away from the humid caves. A flashlight in hand, she led the way, directing the beam toward the floor, and once in a while around her. They could no longer see the light behind them, and every single sound they made was echoing down the cavern. Who knew how big this place was. “I’ve never really explored this cave no, but I have tried each and every restaurant in town. I think we’ll deserve at least a proper meal once we’re done searching the place,” she agreed. Now that her mood had lightened, she began to feel more sympathy for the other woman. “Anyway, not exactly experienced, but it’s not my first time in those. You wouldn’t believe the amount of cadavers we find in those caves,” it was scary, how this town seemed to be drawn toward death of all sorts. Most of them were quite mundane but the rest, the rest just stood out. Always. 
"Are you saying you were literally named after Agatha Christie?" Savannah asked, unsure if she found that information interesting or cringe-worthy. "My parents named me Savannah because they went to The Serengeti on their honeymoon. At least they didn't call me Gazelle." She didn’t particularly think you needed many indications that college frat kids had been drunk. A lack of beer cans or liquor bottles might have meant they didn’t throw down and have a litter-party on the beach, but it didn’t mean they hadn’t been to a bar earlier that day or pre-games at someone’s dorm room. Nevertheless, she followed Agatha’s lead, difficult as it was not to simply take control. 
“Town must be pretty small if you’ve tried every restaurant. Or you’re just really determined.” Maybe a mix of both. She’d once dated a guy from Cincinnati who had made it his mission one year to try every park in the city limits with his dog. She missed the dog more than the guy. “I can believe it about the cadavers.” She wondered if Javier had been to these caves. Maybe the link appeared in her mind because of the fact he’d turned into a half sea creature. She just pictured poor squid-Javier, wandering around here in the dark making those weird squid-language noises she’d heard on his tape. She was careful with her footing as she moved along the rocks, relieved she’d worn sensible shoes and that her flashlight was clipped to the front of her jacket so her hands were free in case of a fall. She froze, hearing a splash of water in the distance. It wasn’t a steady sound like a stream. “Did you hear that?” She could make out the distant sound of gentle waves where the ocean came inside the rock, but this one had been louder, more harsh.
“Or I have a pretty large appetite,” Agatha gave the agent a wide smile, one that made her look either like a ray of sunshine, or like a hungry shark, depending on the occasion. “I can assure you that I have tried them all, but then, I never left that place,” aside from the summer holidays. “Some just wash up on shore, fishermen fallen from the boat,” more than in other fishing towns, but she failed to mention that. There were things you grew accustomed to. Much like Savannah, she heard that splashing sound coming from afar. Either they were not alone, or there was a very large fish somewhere in here. Her brows furrowed and she glanced at the other woman for a moment, frowning. “I did, it’s…” Once again, the same splashing sound could be heard, closer, louder. She aimed her flashlight in its direction, eager to find out what could have possibly been making that noise. She had this feeling in her chest as she walked forward. Could it be a body floating on the water? That could have been making this sort of noise, right? 
“That’s what she said,” Savannah teased. “Burgers after though? I’m down.” She didn’t get the chance to ask Agatha more about which burger places she recommended or the fisherman’s bodies that washed up on shore before the splashing up ahead caught their attention. Savannah moved slowly, drawing her gun. She was ready to walk up on someone dumping a body. Grim, perhaps, but far less unexpected than what she actually saw as she and Agatha approached the water. There was nobody standing at the edge looking shifty as hell, nobody who threw their hands up in the air and mentally crapped themselves when Agatha and Savannah approached. Whatever they walked up on was in the water itself, and it was only once they got close enough that Savannah could make out its features. As she got closer, she could see it was a young woman… surrounded by blood and body parts. 
“Don’t move!” Savannah instructed, her weapon primed. 
The woman threw her hands in the air. “It wasn’t me! I need help.” The woman answered, seemingly crying and shivering, though it was impossible to distinguish the tears from the water on her face. “Something attacked us. God, I’m so glad you’re here…”  
“Calm down Michael Scott,” Agatha shook her head, although there was a hint of amusement there. “Sure. And we can also ask Al if he saw those guys. I found one of his take away bags back there,” she offered. Two birds one stone was always nice. Still, Agatha’s appetite was out of the picture as this sound, that might just have been the sound of a body in the water, was heard again. Much like her colleague, she drew her weapon, although holding the flashlight and a gun at the same time had always been an equilibrium puzzle. You could not just hold a firearm with one hand. 
The salt in the water must have done a good job with the body parts, because despite the scene looking like a carnage, the smell was not as atrocious as one might have expected. She knew that this was not her being used to it. This smell was not one you could forget. “Oh fuck,” she muttered under her breath. Her hands pointed toward the woman in the water, and she was caught off guard when that particularly beautiful creature shot her hands in the air, crying and calling for help. What the hell. Clearly she was able to stand in the water, so why was she staying in the middle of this… horror. “I’m going to need you to step out of the water, ma’am,” the detective warned, not taking her eyes off the woman. If it usually took more than tears for Agatha to feel bad for someone, she was starting to feel this way. “You must be very cold, and whatever attacked you might come back.”
The promise of warmth and safety should have been enough for the beautiful creature to step out of the water, but instead, she took a step back, keeping that damsel in distress look. However, to someone standing from the shore, it looked like she was drifting slowly further from the edge. 
“If you don’t get closer, we’re going to get in there and get you ourselves,” she warned, and just like that, the woman in the water’s attitude changed. There were traces of fear and panic in her features. “She can’t touch the bottom anymore,” Agatha realized out loud. After all, how could she have figured that this was an antique ruse.
Savannah was glad she wasn’t alone. It was always better to have back-up in these situations, but she couldn’t have known just how important that back-up was going to be. “Okay, stay calm.” She backed up what Agatha was saying. Either this woman was an excellent actor and a cold-blooded killer, or she was freezing and traumatized. Either way, they didn’t want to scare her. “I’m going to put my weapon away, okay?” she explained, taking away her gun and strapping it back into its holster. Flashlight pinned to the front of her jacket, both hands were now free. 
“Don’t shoot me,” the woman begged, “please don’t…” 
“Nobody’s going to shoot you. I’m just going to help you out of the water.” Savannah looked over at Agatha, giving her a nod, telling her without words to keep her guard up and remain in position. She approached, movements slow and careful. The mixing smell of salt and blood hit her nostrils, making her want to gag, and suddenly burgers at Al’s afterwards didn’t seem like the best idea. As Savannah approached, the woman didn’t move, frozen stiff either by the terror of the situation or the icy water. 
Savannah reached the edge, extending her hands to reach for the woman. Something seemed… off. 
“Hey, can you come closer to--” She didn’t get to finish her sentence before the woman seemed to tip herself upwards and backwards, being replaced by the snapping jaws of something horrifying; the biggest, ugliest fish she had ever seen. Savannah let out a sound between yell and scream, echoing horrifically off the cave walls as she stumbled backwards, slipping on the wet rocks and hitting the ground with a thud. God, would she ever get through a single day in this town without something knocking her on her ass?
Agatha knew that when it came to her job, you could not afford to scream at the first scare, otherwise you’d be the laughing stock of the whole station. And so she was rather calm, something that she made up for during her civilian times. And yet, as that awful fish (she knew literally nothing about fish, it was not something that she really liked eating), that looked like that ugly thing in the abyss from Finding Nemo (and she would never admit to having such shitty references when it came to marine biology), leaped from under the woman, she screamed her lung out and let out the most high pitched sound she might have ever produced. She wanted to check on Savannah. She had heard that god awful sound she made as she hit the ground, and quite frankly, she was worried for her. Was the woman in the water just cut in half by that monster? What the fuck was happening? Maybe this might have not been the best thing to do, but the detective aimed her weapon at the ugly fish, and shot it twice. The woman’s upper body seemed to still hang from its mouth as it retreated underneath the water. 
Agatha ran to the edge, to see if she could still see the woman, or the fish, then turned to check on Savannah, a mix of worry and horror on her face. “That was… fuck.” She exhaled loudly, putting her hands on her knees. Oh no, now that she was close to the water, the smell was even worse, and with the emotions, she could feel her stomach twisting and twirling. No, no, no, not here. 
The gunshots echoed around the cave, ringing in Savannah’s ears. She could see the flash from the muzzle lighting up the darkness as Agatha shot at the thing, that inexplicable thing, and the worst thing was she was barely even surprised by it anymore. Yes, the initial shock was starling and frightening, but after that, it felt like more par for the course. God, she hated golf. 
Savannah stumbled upright, helping fire at the creature until it disappeared into the water. She wasn’t sure if they’d harmed it, or if it was just like firing Nerf darts at a teenager, but it was gone. She caught her breath, trying to keep her hands from trembling. “Is that…” Yep. A human leg. And a few other bits and pieces to go along with it. Agatha was shaken, and Savannah didn’t really know what she was supposed to do about it. She’d lived here a while, right? Was that really her first encounter with something like this? “Hey, are you..” She cleared her throat. “I think we need to get CSI in here,” was all she could muster. 
Whatever it was that had emerged from beneath the murky, bloody water, was gone now. Clearly two angry women shooting at it was enough to teach it a lesson. Agatha had never seen such a large fish before. Quite clearly fishing had never been a big interest of hers. “Oh God,” she grimaced, “fuck.” A hand on her stomach, she took a few steps away from the water to catch her breath. Was it the smell, really? Or the shock? She had seen many things, and she did not easily get startled, but this was something else. What the fuck, she repeated to herself, taking a few breathes. If she could feel her head spin for a second, she did her best to not focus on it and instead kept her eyes on her feet, which she could barely see. 
“What the fuck was this fish?!” She finally managed to blurt. She had this image of the fish darting out of the water to bite Savannah, and it did not seem to be going anywhere. “We do, we do. I’m gonna go out of here to call them. There’s no service in here,” she just wanted to get the hell out of his hellish place. Far from her the idea of fleeing, but she knew how to preserve herself, and this was how. “Stay away from the water, alright. This thing, I don’t know if it’s dead,” she warned.
Savannah’s words were lost at sea, along with those bodies (or whatever remained of them). She stood, almost frozen for several seconds before she could convince her lips to move again, the prospect of being abandoned for fish food spurring her. “I’m not staying here alone! Haven’t you seen horror movies?” She followed Agatha, making a mental note of the directions to the pool so they could find it again. She thought she’d remember which way they’d come. Once they were at the mouth of the cave, Savannah called some of the uniforms over while Agatha was making the call to CSI, getting them to section the cave entrance off. It had been several minutes, and her heart was still pounding. Once Agatha was done on the phone, she could tell something had changed between them, something unshakable. “This really was your first time seeing something like that, huh?” Savannah let out a sound of bemusement, somewhere between laugh and sigh. “Let’s get that burger after your shift. I have a feeling we’re both going to want some beers with lunch.” 
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Hi this is CatraCorner962! Can I get a commentary of the latest chapter of Live With It where Adora and Catra briefly reunite? Thank you so much! ☺️🙏🏼
@catracorner962 sorry for the delay, here it is. I’m just doing the snippet you most wanted to see because otherwise it will take too long. (Commentary is bolded.)
Man this whole scene/chapter is heartbreaking. Cathartic and healing in a way but it also really hurts. I mean I’m usually more into hurt/comfort than pure angst and I guess this fic is how I dealt with the pure angst of the original oneshot it’s based off of. Anyway, this is a conversation they really needed to have, and since they didn’t get to in life I gave it to them posthumously.
First of all, I would like to brag for writing the following line long before season 5 came out:
“I’m sorry too,” says Catra, holding her gaze intently. “For everything.”
Now skipping ahead to the snippet in question...
It’s several moments before a concrete thought finally crystallizes in Adora’s head, making her eyes flit to Catra with a frown. “How do you know how I feel?”
Turning her head, Catra blinks. “What?”
“You said I feel sad and guilty all the time. How did you know?”
“You mean besides knowing you like I do?” teases Catra. (Ooo, that is what my fellow Millennials would call a sick burn.) Her eyes flick back up to the stars, voice going solemn. “When the living think or speak of me, I hear them. That’s… that’s why I can forgive you. I never understood how you felt before. I didn’t want to understand.” Her throat bobs as she turns back to Adora.
Look, we all know if Catradora had just fucking talked to each other about how they really felt instead of hiding behind a bunch of posturing the series would’ve been over really quick. Especially if they’d had a mediator to help translate given their different values and communication styles. But if Catra had ever known just how much Adora loved and missed her, things would have been so different. I’m just really glad canon turned out the way it did, not like this.
“I… I get that,” admits Adora. “I was hurt when you didn’t come with me the first time, and I didn’t even try to understand why. It was easier to write you off as evil, like the rest of the Horde. But when you saved me in the Fright Zone, then in the Crystal Castle, I couldn’t believe that anymore. I realized I never should have stopped trying.” (A little too late. Look, I still stand by my comments that Adora did not do enough early on to try to repair their friendship and it really widened the rift between them.) Scoffing inwardly, Adora glares up at the stars. “Guess I didn’t learn my lesson after all.”
Catra shrugs with a half-hearted smile. “To be fair, I didn’t give you much motivation to keep trying.”
Regret aches in Adora’s chest, but it’s lingering heartbreak that makes her lip quiver and tears sting her eyes. This question has been killing Adora for a good seven years. She can’t very well not ask it now.
“Why didn’t you come with me? Did-” The word catches in Adora’s throat and she has to swallow. “Did you not love me enough?”
And likewise, if Adora had known just how much Catra loved and missed her, things would have also been different. Even in canon this miscommunication leads to so much tragedy.
Also, owwwww.
“What?” Catra is suddenly on her side, one ear raised in alarm as she stares down at Adora. “No, don’t say that. Don’t you ever say that,” she commands. (I love how she says this. That is the last thing Catra ever wants Adora to think.) When Adora says nothing, looking up at her with a mix of awe and fear, she sighs and lets her face go softer.
“Adora, I have loved you for as long as I can remember,” declares Catra. “The reasons I didn’t go, well… they weren’t great. First I was mad that you ran off and let me get punished for you, then I was mad you wouldn’t come back with me so I wouldn’t get punished more. And I was really, really mad that it had never occurred to you before that the people who raised us were evil, after everything they did to me. To us.” Catra blinks away, but not before Adora sees the pain in her eyes. “I knew you were right in wanting to leave, but I couldn’t understand why you’d never asked me earlier, why you only started caring when you saw other people getting hurt.”
This is Thaymor For Dummies/Catra 101. If you don’t understand this much, you’re not gonna understand her character or arc.
“I did care. It just… it seemed normal,” is the best defense Adora can come up with. “It was how things were. And I knew it wasn’t fair, but I didn’t know how to make it right. Before that day I thought the outside world was full of princesses and other hostiles who would eat us alive. I didn’t even know there was hope for a life anywhere else.” (Having grown up in a toxic religious bubble I absolutely understand this aspect of Adora’s defection and it needed to be said.) Her eyes fall to the ground in shame. “I tried to protect you from Shadow Weaver, but it was never enough. I’m sorry.”
Gentle fingers tilt her chin up, calling her eyes back to Catra’s. “Hey, listen, that’s not your fault,” Catra assures her. “Okay? That was her fault, Adora, not yours. She was going to hurt me no matter what either of us did. (Hindsight is 20/20, huh Catra?) She despises me, always has and always will.” (Ah, or deathsight should I say? That mindreading comes in handy.) Catra’s gaze goes distant for a moment. “Thanks for what you said to her, by the way. Back at the wake.”
Adora blinks, struggling to even recall the conversation beyond a lot of yelling and the gut punch of a reminder that she was to blame for much of Catra’s pain. In her defense, she’d eaten a large hallucinogenic root all at once and was really fucking high. (We needed a dash of levity in this heavy chapter, so voila.) “Which part?”
The corner of Catra’s mouth twitches up into a soft smile. “I’m just glad you remember the real me,” she says. “Not just the me who destroyed the world, the,” she flops onto her back with emphatic jazz hands, “‘evil stain on Etheria.’” There’s a bitter undertone of seriousness in her voice that makes Adora frown.
Rolling onto her side, Adora lays a hand on Catra’s stomach. “You were hurting. No one showed you any compassion, not even me. Not when you really needed it.”
I mean Scorpia did I guess but tbh Scorpia didn’t understand what was going on, and it’s hard to show meaningful compassion when you don’t understand a situation or know why someone is hurting. This is more in reference to Shadow Weaver and Glimmer, and Adora herself. And it’s not totally accurate but it’s Adora’s perception of the situation long after.
“Doesn’t make any of it right,” Catra says to the sky. She sighs heavily, and when she finally meets Adora’s gaze there’s a sheen of unshed tears in her eyes. “I can never make it right, but I wish I could. You know?”
“Yeah, I do know,” Adora tells her. “That’s how I feel too. But I guess you already know that.”
Catra nods wordlessly, and Adora doesn’t know what else to say, so she lies back down.
God this is so tragic. They both see their own faults now but it’s past the point where they can make it up to each other and anyone else they hurt (in Catra’s case). I am so grateful that in canon we got to see them growing together at the end, coming back from their individual journeys in a position to be better for each other now.
And yes, I do still plan to finish this fic but it’s hard to write something that’s such a downer after the happy ending we got. Much of the next chapter is already written, though. Mermista is Adora’s therapist. ;)
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seblaine-rph · 5 years ago
Calling out an M/s rp
Now for my callout posts against @devilskeyhq, warning others of their problematic behavior and educating the admin team so that they can learn to be better admins to their players. Remember while reading this that I have spoken with almost a dozen people about this at this point and they all say the same things, with screenshot evidence to prove it:
First things first, the tea. For those that don't want to read this whole thing, I'll summarize. DevilsKeyHQ is an M/s rp that allows non consensual activity in character and refuses to add a warning that people can see before they apply that lets them know. They were told that they were triggering their players that expected to be in a safe, sane, and consensual group but were subjected to mass rape and their response was to publicly humiliate everyone that had complained and allow their other players to rant about how wrong it was to complain and how upset everyone was to have to alter the group in order to keep everyone safe. 
They bully people with autism both ic and ooc by treating their inquiries and commentary as stupid and using microaggressions to humiliate them and make them feel invalid. 
They're stalking @thedaltonsanctuary because it's a real D/s roleplay that two of their previous players have had since 2017 and there's a real concerning level of paranoia being thrown out in order to slander them; the moment that TDS started to take off, they decided there wasn't room in the tags for two groups and they kicked them out of DK without warning or anything happening other than TDS getting a bunch of apps, and started trying to bully the group and the players completely out of the roleplay community. There are still players in DK that are too afraid to leave right away because they don't want to be stalked, harassed, and bullied because of the fact that they were made to feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Some of them plan on leaving roleplay entirely as soon as it’s safe to leave DK without being noticed or being obvious about not agreeing with the admins. 
My opinion on the matter is that two people very unfortunately chose to "give themselves a break" from admining their own groups and got to know people in a group that is headed by very toxic admins and a couple of toxic players as well. They were kind enough to try to take care of other people, even though they didn't have to and knew that they were probably going to get kicked out for telling the admins that people weren't comfortable. They were warned by the friends that had been in the group that they were almost definitely going to be either bullied out or immediately removed. The admins didn't like that there was someone else that was more knowledgeable on D/s and they didn't like that there was someone who was looking out for the safety of the whole group instead of putting the admins and their friends first. And the real tipping point was watching another roleplay flourish-- by the same people that had already proven themselves to be more knowledgeable and better at being admins. Now they're trying to slander this group in an attempt to become the only smut group in the tags and it's honestly so very middle school and everything I'm about to go through disgusts me to my core.
Before I begin, I’d like to remind everyone that none of this would have happened if people weren’t triggered by M/s content dominating what was supposed to be a D/s rp without any warning about the content. I’d also like to remind everyone that when this problem was brought to the admin team, it was as easy as accepting that they may have done something wrong and deciding to either end all M/s activity (which some people seemed to not want) or label their main with a warning so that nobody else was triggered by that surprised. If you’re looking for a TLDR on how this should have been handled, that’s it right there. There is no reason at all for any of what I’m about to say to have happened. 
I'll start with the easiest thing to explain; the bullying of people with autism. I'll explain quickly here that people that are neurotypical do not think in the same ways that people who aren't. This causes an uncomfortable rift in communication that when not addressed properly, can become bullying. @disabilityrph is going to be posting a guide very soon on how to spot and avoid bullying people because of their autism, as has definitely happened in this case. So I won’t go into too much detail, but I will give you an example.
EXAMPLE: If you as an admin write out an event post explaining what it going on in the roleplay, there is never an example in which it is okay to passive aggressively dictate the thought that any question given is a stupid question.
HOW THAT WORKS: If someone asks, "Will this be involved?" the proper reply is never going to be, "Why would that be involved? It doesn't make sense that it would be." Just because you find the answer to the question obvious, does not mean that everyone does, especially someone with autism. The proper reply is a simple answer; yes or no, and if you feel like it might be necessary you can add why that is the answer. As an admin, you never want to make any one feel humiliated for asking a question in order to fully understand your group. There is never a stupid question. All questions are valid. You have to remember that not everyone thinks in the same way that you do, some people will have questions that you didn’t consider. Some people will read what you wrote and have questions that you think the answers to are obvious, but clearly they’re not if someone is asking! Nobody should ever get a sarcastic or passive aggressive answer from an admin. 
After speaking with multiple autistic players within the grpc, as well as players within DevilsKey itself, I have been told that this happens a lot. They will ask questions ooc and people will reply as if they are stupid for asking. When they bring up thoughts in character that other people don't agree with, they get treated like they're stupid again. I've been shown screenshots of this happening to people in DevilsKeyHQ with my own eyes. This is a damned shame.
The next topic is the fact that their roleplay is obviously a Master/slave roleplay because of the fact that a large group of people were raped by the NPCs that the admins have created. I saw that there was ooc warning that a punishment was coming, but the simple fact is that nobody would ever expect rape to be involved in a D/s punishment. Nobody would expect anything that left lasting damage, because punishments are not meant to be traumatic in D/s. A punishment is meant to better a person, they should walk away feeling as though they have learned a lesson and worked through anything that they had to feel bad for. If there is any power play that is being used to traumatize people or make them do literally anything at all that is against their will, that is M/s and not D/s. The distinction is important because people use D/s as a means of therapy, to get over their trauma. Someone who was raped, for example, might become a submissive so that they can work through their trauma under the guidance of a Dominant and if that Dominant chose to rape them as a punishment because they weren't fitting their role well enough? That would be abuse, that is not D/s. BDSM holds RACK and the concept of safe, sane, and consensual above all else.
Asking for that distinction to be made clearly is completely within a person's rights here on Tumblr. It's a smart thing to do, and any admin that cared at all about creating a safe space for their group would never do anything like that. They would take their problematic behavior into account and properly label the main Tumblr blog for their roleplay. I read through it, it does not at all sound like the roleplay that I have screenshots of in my inbox. You do not rape someone anally for hours and hours against their will in a roleplay where the words "safe, sane, and consensual" are written on the main. That's just common sense and decency.
The players that were kicked out are not the only ones that I have spoken with and they are not the only ones that were uncomfortable. They're also not the only people that will be leaving the group because of this. 
The sequence of events for how this roleplay came to my attention are as follows:
Two roleplayers were writing with multiple members of DevilsKey and chose to join the group at the request of their friends. They created characters that had family connections to their friends, and wrote their bios with their friends, and their friends had all been in the group for months at that point. This was not a calculated plan, this was an attempt to roleplay in the roleplay community. They joined the ooc discord server before their apps were accepted in order to get a better understanding of the roleplay, but all of the roleplay was hidden and nothing that was shown gave them any indication that it was an M/s rp. These two players brought in original characters and immediately made various connections with other players within the roleplay. They were more active than the admin's own characters, if you ask for my opinion on it. That proves that they were interested in making connections with DevilsKey, they put the effort in to make them.
Then the punishment was warned. I read this warning. Nowhere did it say anything that would in any way warn about the content of the punishments. It is specifically stated that they are focusing on D/s so it should be a normal D/s punishment. Instead, when the plot dropped, a large group of characters were stripped and dragged to cells where they were denied food and tortured for an entire week. These characters were raped and humiliated, abused and broken in ways that defy every covenant of the D/s and BDSM handbook.
From day one, people were triggered. I have screenshots of DMs that go back that far. But the player that was being complained to was also told not to go to the admins for the first few days, because the people who were upset were afraid that the admins would bully them and kick them out for "complaining." Days were spent with these people being triggered by the rape that was being forced in front of their eyes. They stayed in the group for the same reason that anyone stays in an abusive relationship; you can't let go of the "good things." They had spent months in this group, getting to know these players ooc and developing their muses ic. They were attached, especially considering the lack of groups in the tags and the lack of involvement in the grpc.
But enough became enough eventually. When people started to realize that they were triggered and that they were not feeling any better, they weren't sleeping, they didn't want to eat, and the punishment was coming to a close but they were beginning to realize that even though the plot was about to be over, it wasn't over. Their characters all had lasting damage, some just mental but most physical as well. The damage was done. Even if they managed to drag their characters out of the depressing hole they were in, they had to fear this happening again. They didn't sign up for an M/s rp. They didn't sign up for rape. They didn't sign up for trauma. So they hadn't expected it. And nobody gets to decide that a person’s feelings aren’t valid because it took them time to be comfortable having them relayed. 
The player that is suddenly being accused of being "far too close to his Dominant character" went to the admin as a fellow admin. He explained that he had previous admin experience, so he understood their position. He explained that he had real world experience in the D/s community, so he understood what he was talking about based on his own experience and that of the community he spends time in every day, and had a serious concern for the wellbeing of the writers in the group. He told them that he didn't want to start trouble, that he wanted everyone to remain calm and that he didn't want anyone to be anxious. When he got busy and had to table the conversation for real life, he even told the admin that he wasn't silent because of them. He was very gentle. He explained the difference between M/s and D/s and he explained why it is important to properly label groups. He was asked a series of questions that made it look like his concern was being taken seriously, and then it was completely not taken seriously in the group chat.
The reason players had asked one person to go to the admins was because they were too afraid to, they were intimidated and they did not want to deal with any negative blowback they'd get for being upset. The admins proved their concern to be founded when they not only posted about everything that had been said in the ooc, they allowed other players to basically humiliate the people who complained by saying they didn't agree, so nobody could be upset, and in fact they were the ones who were greatly upset and the people who complained should feel guilty about it because now it changes the whole entire plot of the entire group for them and they don't get to finish adding more traumatic plots to the event. One of the admins even joined in to talk about how mad they were that people weren't comfortable enough with them to talk to them? And explained that they had admin issues in the past too, but despite how anyone might be feeling or what makes them most comfortable... it's a slight against the admins and they've been hurt.  
I don't think I need to explain why that is wrong. No admin should allow their players to speak like that in the ooc chat. No admin should air that much dirt in public either; it would have sufficed to say, "After further consideration, we have decided that there might be a few issues with this plot drop and we are here to let you know that it's being dropped. The past still happened, but no further punishments will be doled out and we are considering a new way of dealing with punishment plots in the further." As an admin, it is your job to keep your players safe, and you really dropped the ball there. Not only did you let your players publicly humiliate people, leaving more than one of your players going to bed crying and thinking that they were going to wake up to the entire group hating them and/or their role being removed, but one of the admins added to it themselves and made people feel like now they really couldn't go to the admins. Who would go to someone who does not keep them safe? Who airs their complaints so everyone can boo at them on a public forum? Who shames and guilts them for being anxious? Especially when their concerns weren't really addressed and they were told they were wrong? The plot was ended, but it was made clear that it wasn't because the admins wanted to continue in a way that was safe for all of their players or to find a way to stay in D/s territory and out of M/s non con.
Both players that were removed stepped in the ooc chat to say that it would be better to be mindful of everyone's feelings, and that it wasn't really kind to invalidate all of the people that had complained. It was explained that if things had been properly labeled, this wouldn't have been an issue, because anyone who doesn't want to associate with non consensual activity would avoid it. Many players chimed in to agree with both sentiments.
That situation was taken care of in a poor way, but it was handled and it was ended. The players that were removed were not triggered or affected by M/s material. One of them was upset about the fact that their character was only punished once, in fact, while all of the admin's own characters had been punished three or four times and kept being pulled up to either get hurt or hurt other people. By force. In a D/s rp, let me remind you. But the fact that the players weren't kicked out then proves that this had nothing to do with their removal. It would be pretty shitty if it did, because for an admin to kick someone out for telling them that they had players triggered for days and feeling upset and then turn around and scream and wonder why nobody wants to bring any of their concerns to them is a level of denial I'm not ready to accept myself. Both players continued to plot ooc and they continued to write with multiple people. They were still talking to everyone that had been triggered, keeping tabs on them, making sure they felt alright. The admins were not doing anything to make sure their players were alright, despite knowing that they weren't.
Before they joined DevilsKeyHQ, both players had been talking to several other roleplayers about their previous Tumblr roleplays. They started a sfw au roleplay group a few months ago and had been talking to friends about previous group plots and new ideas to see if they wanted to work together to either bring an old group back to life or start a new one. TheDaltonSanctuary was open years ago and has not changed since it was originally opened, aside from the addition of a second admin. Multiple people from DevilsKeyHQ had been in TDS previously, when it opened the first time. That particular admin has at least 30 groups between discord and Tumblr. The one that their friends chose-- and I have screenshots of this too-- to encourage them to open was TDS. They opened for acceptances on the 18th. They joined DevilsKeyHQ on the 24th. The fact that the admins of DK want to try to say that TDS is in any way a copy of them or a threat to them when they are two entirely different roleplays and TDS was made years and years ago is all the proof that I need that the admins of DK are just petty, immature, and can’t handle not feeling as though they are the only and best option; but of course, there’s plenty of proof of that, in my opinion.
There have been allegations that they stole NPS from DevilsKey, but a quick look at the main proves that to be false. There are no OC NPC characters in TDS. It was also stated in the ooc discord server after they were removed from DK that the admins were upset and angry because one of the players had brought their OC Sterling twin to their own rp. Anyone is allowed to birth a muse and then decide that they like them so much that they want to see them in an au setting. The character that the other player brought to DK was an OC from his own group and he said so multiple times and nobody accused him of stealing from his own group? But the admins believe they own an OC because it was born in their group. 
Their official announcement for why these two were removed stated that they had:
taken an OC from DK to TDS and therefore they needed to be removed in order to "keep DK's plot safe" (but DK is completely unusable for an actual D/s rp)
clearly only joined DK to try to poach players for TDS (though they never once said a word about their rps to anyone, and wouldn't even say which plots were still active, which were groups, or which were 1x1s when talking ooc about what they've written before)
and finally for their "little outburst in the ooc group chat" in which they said that it wasn't kind to invalidate people who had been courageous enough to finally (after days of being unable to) asked for the admins to be informed that they were triggered
It's already been stated that TheDaltonSanctuary and DevilsKeyHQ have two entirely different plots. TDS is a safe environment where there is BDSM info in the ooc server and characters are placed in a sort of rehab and recreational environment that is geared towards mental health, education, and finding and maintaining a healthy claim. DevilsKeyHQ is one of those sex island groups, there have been thousands in the tags where the plot is always the same; people are taken to a sex island and have to live by M/s rules or they'll be punished with penetrative rape via multiple orifices.
With no reason to get rid of the players that knew more than they did, looked out better for their players, and now were thriving in a real D/s group... the admins kicked them out and made stuff up. If they were being removed for asking that the admins consider the safety of their players, it would have happened when it happened. If they were being removed for stealing from DK to put things in TDS, they would have kicked them out back then too-- because it was known that they had TDS for a long time before. They were only kicked out of the group when TDS started to gain traction and one of the admins brought their OC in and one of the players that had applied to TDS before the admins joined DK brought an OC from DK too. So it's clear that jealousy has fueled this entire debacle and it was so easy to solve.
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