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ruler-of-scientists · 4 years ago
[Oracle] Does Veryn still think of the Arkan 'Static' that gave him that pendant he's wearing? I wonder what happened to that mysterious electric intruder.
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Such remarkable individuals are not so easily forgotten.
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askgiegueandcrew · 5 years ago
Fable: "I agree, babe! So you go out there, show us who you are, and get yourself a REAL fabulous name~! I looooooooove you~!"
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comdisshenanigans · 5 years ago
Fable: Brand new year, piss babies! Who's the least ready for me?! 'm looking at you, Veryn~!
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“What in the Stars’ name keeps drawing such unruly entities to my universe?!”
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harmonic-psyche · 7 years ago
The Finalysis: @askgoopi and @askthewaywardaliens
Hey, I am back with more characters for The Finalysis™! Below, I analyze the characters from @ecstaticshli​‘s EarthUnBound continuity on @askgoopi​ and CogDis sister blog on @askthewaywardaliens​. Both blogs are still continuing their stories. While technically only @askgoopi​ is set in the alternate timeline called “EarthUnBound,” I am using that title for both blogs here because of their shared author/artist and characters and because is sounds Really Friggin Cool.
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I am still experimenting with the visuals for these Finalysis posts, and I wanted to try something a bit less bare than in my Finalysis post for @askgiegueandcrew​. Hopefully the image is not too crowded. Also, I swear that the “Goopi vs. J” fight in the middle of the picture was unintentional at first — but then I realized that it reflects how they would probably react upon meeting. oh geez, now i want to see them meet and see how many milliseconds it takes for them to start fighting
With that said, on to the character analyses!
Blue Starman ("Stupid," or "Blu"): Seems like an ISFJ.
This nervous-looking "[s]cared nerd Starman" is much more easily frightened than his fellow Starmen, which suggests inferior Ne — especially considering that he regrets being a coward, his "personality" is "Chicken," and he has a bad habit of second-guessing himself. Even in his military decisions, he shows caution. As a "pushover," Blu lacks the toughness of auxiliary Te, implying Fe instead. Also, seeing Giegue happy would make Blu happiest, showing Fe's desire to make others happy. While these facts suggest ISFJ, I have not seen enough of him to feel confident about my typing.
Giegue ("Goopi"): Probably ESTP, maybe ESTJ.
Canon Giegue is ISTJ, but "Goopi" here appears much more impulsive and aggressive. For example, his "bad habits" include "attacking others for seemingly no reason." While canon Giegue is not friendly, before the madness set in he tended to stay calm unless provoked or carrying out a cruel plan. In contrast, Goopi takes a sadistic pleasure in attacking others just for the sake of killing them. He once broke a promise with Static simply because he wanted to kill her after torturing her. Canon Giegue also uses a much more detached and clinical tone than Goopi, who loves using crude, petty insults so much that he literally named all of his Starmen after them. That degrading, crude humor is most common among ESTP types, and notably lacking from Giegue in canon or on @askgiegueandcrew​. In canon, Giegue only acts to follow his plan(s) or when he loses control of himself. On the other hand, Goopi often acts merely for pleasure without a plan or a reason: "I don't need much of a reason," "I did what I did because I wanted to." These show far more impulsive and hedonistic behavior, implying Se rather than Si.
At first, I was unsure if I could justifiably type Goopi differently from canon Giegue. Since they are from different universes, though, they are different characters: Goopi is "a completely different Giegue" (PMs with @ecstaticshli​ 2018-06-22).
J the Shadow: Definitely ISTJ.
Cautious, tough, and stoic to the core, J is an archetypal ISTJ. As an introvert who is still working on acting social, he prefers to avoid the spotlight. Si-dominance is evident in his (over?)protective unwavering loyalty to Vivi, since he considers himself her personal "bodyguard" (a.k.a. "guard dog" — compare the running joke about Si-dominant Pia the loyal dog). J does not hesitate to intimidate, threaten, or attack others to prove it when he thinks that they threaten Vivi. He shows no F-type squeamishness. While he "[t]ends to not be very friendly to others ... if he trusts someone he will be loyal and do his best to protect them," showing Si loyalty without Fe friendliness.
Te over Fi appears in his tough attitude, blunt tone, resent for receiving others' pity, "aggressive demeanor," and tendency to be embarrassed by emotional and cutesy situations — which, naturally, happen all the time around Vivi. When feeling insecure, he responds with aggression. As he has shown repeatedly, he hates being called adorable despite the obvious fact that he totally is adorable. In his own words, "It ain’t exactly easy for me to, uh, open up to others." Auxiliary Te's coldness and inferior Ne's paranoia make him distrust others by default ("We don’t know these people! I can’t trust them!"). While this can cause tension when he first meets other characters, it does help him protect those he cares about, especially Vivi. He also shows inferior Ne when he is totally thrown off by strange new perspectives, like whether he qualifies as an "insectoid."
Note also that, since "J is based on a later version of Giegue from EarthUnbound," it makes sense that J and Giegue would have identical personality types. Again, typing by analogy is unreliable, but in this case it sits on a huge pile of more-than-sufficient other evidence.
Nebula: Seems like an ISFJ.
This "[c]autious noodle" is "[c]alm, for the most part," but "[t]ends to panic when things go horribly wrong," making "other people assume ... [that s]he's a worrywart." Those show inferior Ne, and a lack of Te's decisiveness. Even though Nebula made Static act serious (a minor miracle) when Goopi attacked, came up with a plan, and pointed out that other mooks needed help escaping, she froze up and did not volunteer to help them when Static asked. These show her calm, serious planning skills (Si) and desire to help others (Fe) without any impulsivity (Ne). Nebula corrects others about scientific details even in crisis situations, showing that she is a stickler for detail (Si). Also, she probably would not dare kill anyone, showing what I call "F-type squeamishness." I do not have all that much confidence in typing Nebula, though. I have only seen her in a crisis situation, in which characters often act unusually compared to their normal personality. 
Rac: Seems like an IN__.
Nebula's boyfriend is a "really smart," "nerdy noodle" who "[t]ends to be skittish and awkward at times." Being skittish and awkward suggests introversion. While there is only a weak correlation between intelligence and MBTI (specifically, iNtuition), there is a strong correlation between nerdiness and being an IN__ type.[citation not needed] Rac’s "fears" include "[s]paghettification" and "black holes in general," which are an unusually abstract subject to fear, suggesting N. His "bad habits" include "[s]econd guessing himself," showing a lack of confidence. As a research supervisor, though, he possesses a strong scientific curiosity and enough leadership skills to run his lab. Having never seen Rac's behavior, I cannot type him precisely. Any of the IN__ types could fit this description.
Starman Jr. ("Ugly," or "Ly"): Definitely ESFP.
Ly's "[s]assy and snarky" attitude, chill demeanor, and casual slang-based speaking style point to Se-dominance . So too does her low patience and risk-taking behavior, like when she threw a secret party which accidentally got Static captured. Still, she had good intentions: "I just wanted to do something nice for my friend." Still, Ly's impulsivity and good intentions do not always end poorly. In fact, they may be the only reason that Vivi is still alive.
When Ly found Vivi on a deserted planet, Ly insisted on taking Vivi aboard to heal her. Another Starman asked how they would handle Giegue's reaction, and Ly replied that "I'll figure that out when we get to that point." In other words, she had no plan (low Ni and Te), acting only on impulse (high Se and Fi). When Javik Goopi tried to throw Vivi out the airlock, Ly saved her life by standing up to Goopi, literally annoying him into stopping. It takes nearly-reckless courage to stand up to someone so powerful and unstable. Beyond that, the intentional use of annoyance for persuasion shows Fi's determination and willingness to embarrass everyone involved (compare Vivek the ENFP), whereas Fe-users would likely melt from the secondhand cringe.
Like Static's, Ly's individualist passion (auxiliary Fi) is accomplished through a facade of toughness (tertiary Te). After all, she is "practically the only one who can pretty much talk trash to Goopi’s face and not be killed for it." Her high Fi often causes righteous indignation. Combined with her tough demeanor, this makes her take no BS from anons ("Screw you! Nobody asked for your two cents, bub") who try to help Goopi or from inexplicably hostile mooks. Those show no Fe politeness, even though Fi makes Ly "willing to sacrifice [her] safety" for her friends' at the drop of a hat because of how much she cares about them.
Unlike Static, Ly lacks the eccentric cleverness of Ne — but she makes up for it with Se's down-to-earth decisiveness. Also, contrast their speaking styles: Ly's tends to have more "shortcuts," like dropping letters from the front ("worried 'bout," "lost track of 'em,") or end of words ("somethin' to," "damper on everythin'," "comin' up"). Dropping the -g from the end of words shows informality. Also, a lot of Ly's slang comes from slurred speech ("wanna," "gotta," "gonna," "outta") — and "ain't." Those all shorten words to make them more convenient, but also sound "unrefined," for lack of a better less pretentious word. At least among CogDis OCs, that style is a dead giveaway for Se-dominance (compare Boson, Juice, Rigby, and Szortski). Sensors are more likely to view language only as a tool, making them more straightforward. In contrast, iNtuitors also like to play with it, which is why — unlike Ly — Static really, really loves puns. 
Static: Definitely ENFP.
See full analysis for details. also i totally would've called that this "noodle" is a hugger. wait now i want to hug her :S
Vivineeh ("Vivi"): Probably ISFJ, maybe INFP.
I have tried to figure out which of those two types this "adorable" and "precious" (seriously, she is absurdly cute) noodle is for sooo long! Either typing could explain that she is "timid," "[w]ill cry at just about anything," and "super sensitive," since those come generally from I_F_. Likewise, either typing could explain that she "likes [b]eing kind, ... being around children, ... hugs, soft and/or fluffy things, [and] anything she finds cute." Sentimentality, enjoyment of receiving affection, and compassion can suggest high Fi or high Fe.
The evidence that I have seen barely tips the scales towards ISFJ. Vivi "always tries to be super nice and polite," because "she dislikes making others feel bad," and she loves making friends. Wanting everyone to be happy is generally a trait of high Fe-users, as is indiscriminate positivity — especially politeness, which shows an intuitive submission to social norms. Fi is typically less prone to share its feelings, more selective about them, and defiant of social norms like politeness. Finally, the "fearful" Vivi frequently worries and is easily scared/offended by dark humor, suggesting low Ne. I have already mentioned why inferior Ne causes worrying, and dark humor is appreciated by high Ne-users (compare Ano and Static) but offends Si's often-purist sensibilities. Finally, unlike other CogDis-related IN_Ps, Vivi does not show absentminded or eccentric behavior (contrast Keter, Loris, Niiue, and Origen).
Now consider the evidence for INFP. One might think that Vivi's social awkwardness suggests dominant Fi, because Fe is more socially adept. Yet ISFJs can often be socially awkward too, especially when caused by inferior Ne caution (compare Yi the ISFJ "just being awkward"). The contrast between Vivi's personality and J's also makes her seem like an INFP, because it seems unlikely that they share the same dominant function. Typing by analogy is weak evidence, though, and different extraverted-judging functions (Te vs. Fe) can cause a huge difference in demeanor. At first I though Vivi did not show Si-dominance because I had not seen her show its common (and admittedly stereotypical) traits like obedience to authority or effective detailed memory, but she shows both (PMs with @ecstaticshli​ 2018-06-22). While many parts of her culture "sicken and unnerve" her, as one would expect more from a Fi- or Ni-dominant repulsed at their society, she inherited most of her beliefs from her caretaker Marair. Like most ISFJs, most of her values are inherited from her family.
I am not entirely confident in an ISFJ typing, though. Vivi "likes ... trying new things, learning, [and] visiting new planets," which suggests high Ne. While Si-dominants can love learning, especially if it involves fact-collecting (compare Ore), they generally do not like trying new things. I cannot explain why Vivi likes trying new things, such as visiting new planets, using an ISFJ typing. In fact, she can be downright "adventurous" if she does not feel threatened (PMs 06-22). Similarly, Vivi's "hopeless romantic" idealism is more common among daydreaming INFPs than concrete ISFJs. As a Geik, Vivi seems more like an ISFJ, but as a Gieeg, she seems more like an INFP — but since they are the same character (PMs 06-22), I cannot type them differently.
Alright, that concludes my analysis of @askgoopi​ and @askthewaywardaliens​! Unless I forgot any characters. I considered including some of the other Starmen who serve under Goopi, and probably ought to add the Last Starman featured in recent posts —  especially since he may have a type very rare to CogDis (canon and fan-) characters. But since most of them appear almost exclusively in the background, have minimal dialogue, and lack Charahub entries, I realized that I would not have enough material to make a guess at their personality types.
I am unsure whose characters I will analyze next. Hopefully it will take less time to post the next part of Finalysis. Until then, goodnight!
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askgiegueandcrew · 5 years ago
Fable: "I hope Dumb Unimportant Plant finds love someday, along with a real name~!"
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DUP: Who call me that!!!
DUP: Not true!! Very poor-tant!!
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ruler-of-scientists · 5 years ago
Static: "Stimulants? Ohhh! Like coffee! Well don't drink too much 'cause it might give ya the jitters or anxiety. Don't want Veryn to worry, right? Right!"
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“I am anxious enough as-is. I know how to control my level of consumption.”
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“Who are you?”
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ruler-of-scientists · 6 years ago
Static@Deire: (Whoops! Veryn's not here but looks like his secretary is! This'll be fine!) Heeeey don't mind me, ma'am. Just bringing in a gift for Veryn! I won't be long!
“....I see.”If she was bewildered, it didn’t show on her face as Deire just stared at the new visitor with all the neutrality of a block of ice. She just stayed sitting at her desk, fingers interlaced as she watched the other patiently.
Inwardly of course she was on guard and had her tail positioned just over the security button under her desk. You could never be too careful.
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ruler-of-scientists · 6 years ago
Static: Heya! Just texting ya to let you know that I dropped something off with your secretary! Hope ya get back soon!
“....”He glanced down at the machine Static had given him to enable communications the moment it had rang, and he narrowed his eyes briefly in thought, before he just shrugged it off and sent back a nonchalant, “I will receive it on my return”. He then put it back into his inventory, frowning in a bemused manner.
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comdisshenanigans · 6 years ago
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A new one for the collection
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what the hell, look at this picture of pure unadulterated joy
just looking at it makes me smile, what even are you Static that you can do that to people???
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comdisshenanigans · 6 years ago
askthewaywardaliens replied to your post “static’s just the type to like all of a person’s posts on social...”
she means well even if her actions aren't always the best choice
this makes her a lot more like mr. groucho than it seems :P
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comdisshenanigans · 6 years ago
askthewaywardaliens replied to your post “craziest part is that’s the face of someone excited to be giving a...”
that p much sums up Static's life haha
it sure is a noble effort, we need more like her in the multiverse!
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comdisshenanigans · 6 years ago
askthewaywardaliens replied to your post “Is Deire the new Yellow Diamond face meme, I swear @ecstaticshli gives...”
If there's anything I'm good at it's pushing expressions to the point of meme-ness
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too true!
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ruler-of-scientists · 7 years ago
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askthewaywardaliens replied to your post ““The ongoing debate over whether or not I should just send a ship...”
Static: Uh oh, is somebody a salty noodle? Heeheehee!
“Do not test me, abomination.”
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harmonic-psyche · 7 years ago
New Finalysis post!
Hi! I posted my analysis of @askgoopi and @askthewaywardaliens a few minutes ago. Since it is filled to the brim with links, it probably will not appear in any searches/etc. So, I decided to announce it by posting this quick message without any links.
If you are interested, you can check out the post on my blog!
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ruler-of-scientists · 7 years ago
Static: "To see you in a tube like this is almost... jarring compared to when you first attacked me, hee hee." she grins, after a slight pause. "But that aside, lemme ask! Do you have plans to interact with others once you're free?"
“....”They just frowned intently at the other. For a few moments, it seemed like this would be their only response, until they finally looked to the side and answered with a huff, “I have no such....plans. I desire to keep interactions with other beings at a minimum until I have ascertained whether or not it is safe to do so.”They looked back at Static intently, frowning again. What kind of anomaly was this thing? It wasn’t an Arkan...it couldn’t be...how had it even got here?!
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askgiegueandcrew · 7 years ago
Static: People are out for /blood/, huh? They care so much even tho it ain't their business. :D
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