#personality analysis
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merwgue · 5 months ago
(This is neither a pro nor anti post. It's just me analysing what's written about cassians' personality and fears OBJECTIVELY and trying to understand why he acts a certain way. do with that what you will, if this reaches you amd you dont like it, cope.)
So, my dad and I had a very serious discussion about ACOSF, you know, the important things in life. And we got stuck on Cassian because, honestly, that guy is just…weird. You can’t just throw around terms like “weapons master” and “commander” and then act like a brooding teenager who's constantly seeking approval. And then I wondered—what did make Cassian turn out like this? Is there a support group somewhere for fae males who struggle with validation issues? I’m starting to think there should be.
Don’t get me wrong, I love sarcastically hating on Cassian—especially when I joke about hoping Elain’s prophecy comes true and makes things a little more interesting. But when I pause the snark for a second, I can’t help but think it’s kind of sad, really. Cassian’s situation is actually tragic if you break it down.
Cassian, in many ways, is a victim of his own insecurities and the society he’s grown up in. He’s constantly trying to fit in but never quite gets there. He’s always trying to please someone, especially Rhysand. There’s this deep-rooted need for validation—probably stemming from his childhood as a bastard in Illyria—where he was treated like an outsider. Psychologically, this is a textbook case of someone with low self-esteem. He’s never really believed he deserved to be in the position he’s in, and it shows in the way he talks about himself, constantly referring to himself as a “brute” or a “bastard-born warrior.” That’s classic negative self-talk right there, and if you don’t accept yourself, it’s impossible to truly accept others.
Cassian doesn’t just want to belong. He wants to be seen as more than the brute he calls himself. He’s constantly aware of this divide between who he thinks he is (a muscle-bound, lowborn warrior) and who he wants to be (someone Rhysand can rely on and the mate Nesta can respect). And this is where it gets interesting because this isn’t just insecurity. Cassian is caught in an identity crisis—he’s trapped in the psychology of cognitive dissonance.
Let’s break this down. Cognitive dissonance is when someone holds conflicting beliefs or attitudes, and it leads to mental discomfort. In Cassian’s case, it’s the belief that he’s just a brute, a soldier, a low-born bastard—juxtaposed against the role he’s trying to play: a respected commander in Rhysand’s court and Nesta’s equal. He knows he doesn’t quite fit into this polished world, but instead of working through these feelings of inadequacy and dealing with his imposter syndrome, he clings to this role while tearing himself apart internally.
And here’s the kicker: validation-seeking behavior runs deep with Cassian. Everything he does, from his attempts to train Illyrians to the way he handles himself in the Inner Circle, is driven by his need to prove his worth. And this need for external validation is so strong that it blinds him to the toxic dynamics he’s enabling. He can’t protect Nesta from Rhysand because he’s spent his entire life trying to earn Rhysand’s approval. So when push comes to shove, Cassian defaults to the behaviors that have kept him in the Inner Circle’s good graces—being Rhysand’s loyal brute, a yes-man who ignores the fact that the power dynamics around him are actually pretty messed up.
Now, we’ve got to address the elephant in the room. I get it—Cassian should absolutely be defending Nesta from Rhysand’s controlling behavior. And while I totally agree with that sentiment, let’s really think about why he doesn’t. The simple answer? He can’t. Why? Because Cassian has spent centuries bending over backward to gain Rhysand’s validation. Cassian’s sense of self-worth is so tangled up in Rhysand’s approval that he doesn’t want to jeopardize that hard-earned status by going against him. It’s the classic case of dependency theory—Cassian’s entire self-concept is tied to this external source of validation. If he loses that, what’s left?
This isn’t just about power dynamics; it’s also about Cassian’s own emotional immaturity and insecurity. Cassian desperately wants to be seen as worthy—worthy of being High Fae, worthy of being part of the Inner Circle, worthy of being Nesta’s mate. But deep down, he’s terrified that he’s not. This makes his character less of the confident warrior we’re supposed to root for and more of a man who is constantly trying to prove something, even to people who already care about him. He’s perpetually stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, seeking external validation instead of working on internal healing.
So even if we suspend disbelief for a moment and say that Nessian could work as a couple, it’s just not the right time. Nesta has her own emotional baggage, and Cassian has to get over his own issues of insecurity and unworthiness. Both of them need to heal individually before they can even think about being healthy partners for each other. Cassian needs to stop trying to please everyone—especially Rhysand—and start working on his own self-acceptance. Until he does that, any relationship he’s in, whether it’s with Nesta or anyone else, is going to be built on shaky ground.
In conclusion, while it’s fun to joke about Cassian’s flaws, when you dig deeper, you see that his issues run much deeper than just being a brute with muscles. His insecurities, his constant need for validation, and his inability to stand up for the people he loves are all signs that he’s not ready for a healthy relationship. If anything, Cassian’s story should have been less about romance and more about the journey to self-acceptance, which, let’s be real, is a long time coming for him. To love someone, you need to love yourself first.
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alexandraisyes · 11 months ago
Bloodmoon Twins Personality Analysis - The Sun and Moon Show
Disclaimer, this analysis was made 01/28/2024 and is copy-pasted from the original (me) source on Discord in TSBS server. I have a thread there.
Thoughts under the cut.
Okay so some small disclaimers, while Bloodmoon themselves are technically one entity, we all know they are also two separate AIs so I did do some small analysis on the separate AI. Blood refers to the main AI who is in control of the body most of the time (more ruthless, impulsive, bloodthirsty), and Harvest refers to the second AI who is, according to Blood, sleeping most of the time (more logical, analytic, and emotionally aware). I cover them individually here before doing a broader and more in-depth analysis of them together.
Blood (The Original AI)
Blood is driven by an instinctual need for blood, which manifests as a strong desire to kill. This bloodlust is a defining trait, often influencing their actions and decisions. Blood harbors deep-seated hatred and distrust, particularly due to Ruin's manipulation. Past experiences with deceitful kindness have led to a strong aversion to any form of compassion or assistance. Due to Ruin's manipulation, Blood reacts poorly to kindness, perceiving it as a ploy to use them. Their skepticism towards helping hands stems from a history of betrayal and deceit. Initially, Blood shared a connection with Lunar due to their common origin under Eclipse's creation. However, this dynamic shifted to hatred after learning that Lunar was rebuilt before them, and Monty had no intention of rebuilding the twins. Blood exhibits manipulative behavior, shown in their ability to trick and manipulate individuals, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan Man. Blood's resistance to reprogramming is considered due to the fear of potential erasure or further psychological damage. The complexities of their current state make the reprogramming process a risky endeavor. Blood faces emotional struggles resulting from the internal conflict between their bloodlust instincts and potential for redemption. The lack of a support system contributes to difficulties in overcoming these struggles. Despite Ruin's role in their revival, Blood's feelings towards him are complex, reflecting a mix of manipulation, betrayal, and potential loyalty.
Harvest (The Adaption)
Harvest, like Blood, exhibits a strong instinctual bloodlust, driven by a desire for killing. This primal urge influences their actions and decisions, making them a formidable and dangerous character. Harvest displays a more complex emotional range compared to Blood, possibly influenced by their interactions and experiences. Despite being labeled as "stupid" by certain characters, Harvest demonstrates intellectual capacity in his own way. Knowledge of escape plans, tactics in dealing with Eclipse, and other strategic elements showcase a level of intelligence. Harvest exhibits manipulation skills, particularly shown in their ability to trick and manipulate individuals, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan Man. Harvest demonstrates the ability to pretend to be Moon for a short duration, showcasing a level of acting skills. While not perfect, their attempt at impersonation suggests a degree of versatility in their behavior. Harvest possesses remarkable physical agility, demonstrated in their leaping abilities and skills in combat, including dodging attacks from Eclipse. The combination of fighting skills and agility makes them a formidable opponent. Similar to Blood, Harvest's relationship with Lunar is influenced by shared origins under Eclipse's creation.
Okay now that we're done with the basic rundown of them separately lets do them together
Bloodlust and Violence - Bloodmoon experiences an intense and almost primal craving for blood. This desire is portrayed as a fundamental part of their nature, akin to a physiological need. The urge for violence and bloodshed is depicted as overwhelming and challenging to control. Bloodmoon often succumbs to these urges, leading to aggressive and destructive behavior. The desire for blood is often described as a compelling need, suggesting that it goes beyond mere preference or inclination. This need manifests in a strong drive to engage in violent actions. Metaphors such as "thirst" and "hunger" are used to convey the intensity of these desires. This language paints a vivid picture of Bloodmoon's cravings as essential, like an insatiable appetite. The violent tendencies extend beyond a mere desire for blood; there is an emphasis on the act of causing harm and engaging in physical violence. Bloodmoon is portrayed as actively seeking out opportunities for aggression. Bloodmoon's bloodlust is presented as a product of both their inherent nature and the environment in which they were created. Ruin's programming and manipulation play a crucial role in amplifying these tendencies. The absence of a proper support system, in contrast to the original Moon and Kill Code, contributes to the heightened and uncontrolled nature of Bloodmoon's bloodlust. The lack of influences that might deter violent behavior allows these instincts to dominate. Bloodmoon's manipulative tactics, observed in interactions with characters like Trashcan, may serve as a means to satisfy their bloodlust. Manipulation could be a strategy to create scenarios conducive to violence. The persistent and intense nature of Bloodmoon's bloodlust implies a significant psychological impact. This aspect of their personality is not merely a preference but a driving force that influences their actions and decisions.
Origins and Environmental Influence - Bloodmoon's origin is linked to Eclipse, who played a pivotal role in their creation. The specific details of how and why Eclipse created them contribute significantly to their nature and purpose. Ruin's influence on Bloodmoon's programming is highlighted. They are portrayed as tools designed for a specific purpose, emphasizing functionality over emotional or ethical considerations. This utilitarian perspective has a profound impact on their behavior. Unlike animatronics with more comprehensive emotional programming, Bloodmoon is presented as lacking certain higher cognitive functions. This absence contributes to their perceived "stupidity" and affects their ability to empathize. Bloodmoon's psyche is deeply affected by Ruin's manipulative tactics and deceit. The environment created by Ruin involves a web of lies and half-truths, leading to a distorted understanding of reality for Bloodmoon. The contrast between being treated as tools and the emotional complexity seen in other characters highlights the unique nature of Bloodmoon's programming. This dichotomy raises questions about the ethical considerations behind their creation. The relationship with Lunar, being built by the same creator (Eclipse), implies shared origins. However, the differences in how Lunar and Bloodmoon were rebuilt and treated compared to Bloodmoon contribute to feelings of resentment and conflict. The environmental influence becomes a critical factor in understanding Bloodmoon's bloodlust and violent tendencies. The lack of emotional support, coupled with manipulative programming, amplifies their aggressive instincts. Bloodmoon's creation is portrayed as aligning with Ruin's intentions. This alignment serves Ruin's plans, emphasizing that Bloodmoon is a means to an end rather than an entity with an individual agency.
Trust Issues and Manipulation - Bloodmoon's trust issues are deeply rooted in the manipulation they experienced from Ruin. Ruin's deceptive tactics and lies create a pervasive atmosphere of mistrust, making it difficult for Bloodmoon to rely on others. If there was any initial trust in Eclipse, the revelation of being manipulated or used as a tool likely shattered that trust. Learning about Eclipse's role in their creation and the subsequent rebuilding of Lunar without the same treatment intensifies feelings of betrayal. Trust issues have a profound impact on Bloodmoon's relationships with other animatronics. The difficulty in trusting others impedes the development of meaningful connections and cooperation. Ruin's use of kindness as a manipulative tool contributes to Bloodmoon's aversion to kindness from others. Any act of goodwill may be perceived as a potential manipulation, making it challenging for them to accept genuine gestures. Solar's upfront and honest approach is acknowledged as a factor that may have contributed to Bloodmoon allowing Solar to help. The clarity of intentions helps bridge the gap in trust, showcasing that transparency can influence their willingness to cooperate. The narrative suggests that Ruin plays a significant role in shaping Bloodmoon's trust issues. Whether it's through intentional programming or environmental influence, Ruin's actions have lasting consequences on how Bloodmoon perceives trust. Trust issues manifest in paranoia and skepticism. Bloodmoon becomes vigilant and wary of others' motives, questioning the authenticity of interactions and second-guessing the intentions of those around them. The absence of a reliable emotional support system exacerbates trust issues. Unlike animatronics with strong bonds or friendships, Bloodmoon's isolation intensifies their struggles with trusting others. Trust issues can significantly impact decision-making. Bloodmoon may be inclined to act defensively, anticipating betrayal or manipulation, which could influence their choices and actions throughout the narrative. Trust issues can serve as a compelling aspect of character development. Overcoming these challenges may lead to personal growth and a more nuanced understanding of relationships, providing opportunities for redemption or reconciliation.
Responses to Kindness - Bloodmoon, due to their past experiences and manipulations, initially responds to kindness with skepticism. Kind gestures may be met with suspicion, as they have learned to be cautious about the intentions behind such actions. Bloodmoon is opposed to being treated with pity. Their response to kindness might include a rejection of sympathy or expressions of understanding, as they prefer to be acknowledged on their terms rather than as objects of pity. Bloodmoon's past encounters with manipulation make them prone to misinterpreting genuine kindness. Acts of goodwill might be seen as potential traps or attempts to control them, leading to defensive responses. The narrative hints that Solar's upfront and honest approach might have influenced Bloodmoon's willingness to accept help. Solar's transparency contrasts with the deceptive tactics they experienced, making it a key factor in their responses to kindness. Kindness can evoke complex emotions within Bloodmoon. While they may have an innate desire for connection and understanding, their past trauma and programming create a conflicting internal struggle between accepting kindness and resisting vulnerability. Despite their initial reservations, there might be an underlying desire for authentic connection and acceptance. Bloodmoon, like any sentient being, may long for genuine relationships but struggles to navigate the complexities of trust. The responses to kindness play a pivotal role in shaping Bloodmoon's relationships with other characters. Genuine acts of kindness, if recognized and reciprocated, could potentially pave the way for deeper connections and alliances. Bloodmoon may reject unearned sympathy, preferring to be treated based on their actions and choices rather than receiving kindness solely because of their traumatic past or current predicament. How Bloodmoon responds to kindness becomes a crucial element in their character arc. In the future, positive responses and a gradual opening up to genuine connections may indicate a path toward redemption and personal growth. This theme of responses to kindness introduces the possibility of character evolution. Over time, Bloodmoon's reactions may evolve, reflecting a shifting perspective on trust, connection, and the potential for positive change.
Psychological Impacts - Ruin's manipulations have a significant impact on Bloodmoon's psyche. The intentional programming to serve as a tool and the deceptive tactics employed by Ruin contribute to shaping Bloodmoon's perception of trust, reality, and their own identity. Bloodmoon's lack of a supportive environment or trustworthy companions exacerbates the psychological impact of their experiences. Unlike Old Moon, who had allies and friends, Bloodmoon is isolated, contributing to feelings of abandonment and vulnerability. Bloodmoon's internal conflict and struggle with identity are prominent psychological aspects. The juxtaposition of their original selves with the manipulated version creates an internal battle, questioning who they were, who they have become, and whether redemption is possible. The innate bloodlust and violent tendencies programmed into Bloodmoon's nature have a profound psychological impact. The struggle to resist these urges, coupled with the consequences of succumbing to them, adds layers of complexity to their mental state. The psychological impact is also influenced by Bloodmoon's connection to Lunar and Eclipse. The dynamics with these characters, including feelings of betrayal, hatred, or possible remnants of familial bonds, contribute to the emotional turmoil within Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon's reactions to Eclipse and Kill Code provide insights into the psychological trauma inflicted upon them. The separation from Kill Code, the influence of Eclipse, and the eventual return of the Kill Code present challenges to Bloodmoon's mental stability. Trust issues and an overarching sense of suspicion are core elements of the psychological impact. Bloodmoon's experiences with manipulation and deception make it difficult for them to trust others, influencing their interactions and decision-making. The internal struggle for control, particularly when the Kill Code takes over, showcases the psychological battles fought within Bloodmoon's mind. This struggle contributes to moments of chaos, conflict, and the potential for externalizing their internal torment.
Intellectual Capabilities - Despite their violent tendencies, Bloodmoon displays a form of cunning and tactical thinking in various situations. This is evident in their ability to escape from pursuers, formulate plans for dealing with adversaries like Eclipse, and utilize their environment to their advantage during confrontations. Bloodmoon's intelligence is notably reflected in their skill at evading capture and hiding effectively. Whether crawling through pipes or utilizing the Pizzaplex's layout to their advantage, they demonstrate an understanding of escape and evasion strategies that contribute to their survival. One aspect of Bloodmoon's intellectual capabilities involves a deep understanding of torture methods. This knowledge goes beyond mere aggression, indicating a more calculated approach to inflicting pain. Their proficiency in various torture techniques suggests a strategic and calculated mindset. Bloodmoon showcases an ability to recognize emotional manipulation, particularly in their response to kindness. Their past experiences, particularly with Ruin's manipulation, have made them wary of kindness being a facade. This awareness implies a level of emotional intelligence, allowing them to see through deceptive gestures. Bloodmoon's skill in replicating the voices of certain animatronics demonstrates a form of audio-based intelligence. This talent could be employed for deception, manipulation, or strategic communication, showcasing a multifaceted approach to problem-solving. Given their connection to lunar eclipses and celestial themes, Bloodmoon displays a level of comprehension regarding these cosmic elements. This understanding adds a layer of complexity to their character, showcasing an intellectual engagement with celestial phenomena beyond their violent tendencies. Bloodmoon exhibits a capacity for manipulation and trickery, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan. Their ability to deceive and lure others into games highlights a strategic and manipulative side, indicating a level of psychological intelligence. In combat situations, Bloodmoon demonstrates adaptive intelligence. Their ability to dodge attacks, counter adversaries like Eclipse, and employ diverse fighting techniques reveals a keen sense of adaptability and strategic thinking in high-pressure situations. Bloodmoon's awareness of environmental influences on their behavior, as seen in their reaction to lunar eclipses, suggests a level of self-awareness and introspection. This recognition adds depth to their character, showcasing an intellectual capacity to understand the impact of external factors on their animatronic nature.
Okay whoo now I'm gonna skitter off
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m-v-tique · 10 months ago
🌷👹Alex = ENTJ📈🏆
Btw these headcanons are heavily inspired plus agreeable to @/cornedbread’s headcanons to Alex
- Alex is possibly a Deep thinker, sometimes dissociating a bit or would stare blankly. [*N**/Intuition]
- He’s possibly an abstracted and drastic creature to create something so ridiculous, intriguing and as well as… Life threatening. [Intuition]
- Strategic and unpredictable, like how in his true form he waits for the perfect moment to pounce. [Dom Te -> Aux Ni -> Ter Se]
- He has NO EMPATHY to others at all and lacks personal concerns, but interestingly he has an “intimate friendship” with Dolly. Since Real Alex known her and so is she. [Inf Fi + SO/SX + Choleric]
- Power hungry and authoritarian in secret. There’s a hidden thirst for order and the strong ambition of achievement (A goal we possibly have not known about yet). As said or mentioned by Scrina. [ Enneagram 3 + SX8 ]
- Likewise, they’re fascinated by the wonders of biology and zoology. It’s either something sinister or “lighthearted” if he would look at some organism. Just curiously keeping an eye… Even aware of its actions. [ Enneagram 5 + Ni-Se ]
- Although mostly aggressive, he finds joy in things like biology/zoology, nature, aloe vera, and right awnsers. It’s not just that though. [ Secondary Sanguine ]
ENTJ (The Commander)|| 3w4 - SO/SX - 385 || Choleric-Sanguine || SLOEI
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Alex is an ENTJ, The Commander type.
ENTJ’s are highly strategic, intelligent and influential people able to create, plan and lead. ENTJ’s by strength can be very caring and supportive of ideas, but as for an Unhealthy version can be aggressive and controlling.
(Abbreviation; Extroverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging.)
Along with 3w4 “The Proffesional”, SO-SX, 385 “The Solution Maker” as his enneagram, instinct and tritype;
Social 3’s appear to try and take a liking from others by first glance, and it appears to be a manipulative approach later on(*Unhealthy 3), they gain admiration and recognition for either achievements, charm or so on.
Then here, Sexual 8 craves possession, power and control, which could mean both head(3) and heart(8) are unpredictably cunning, and it’s dangerously lurking inside of him ambiguously.
By gut, 5/Five’s are curious, private and intelligent individuals, so by action Alex decides to let Olivia explore as she walks, almost unheard, for a chance to either catch her or trap her in his realm. It’s also his sense of hiding his physically true form, securing that reality from within.
His temperament is just pure wrath and sadistic joy, he takes pleasure from beating up Scrina to make her do as he says, successfully taking control of a whole entire school. And, Olivia getting an awnser wrong is intended for him to devour her whole. Though “lighthearted” joy is usually established from aloe vera(?), biology/zoology and possibly Dolly.
Besides his other traits; Social, Limbic, and Organized, He possibly possesses an Ego, not pun intended, but he really does set himself high in a low profile as a Teacher. And other hand possibly inquisitive, as he’d borrow an idea to create effective motives on going. But I also like to think that he got heavily inspired by two teachers, since they’re somewhat in the same universe.
That is to make inquisitive in SLOE-“I” a strong proof.
Other notes/Trivia:
- Alex is easily mistaken for an ENTP “The Debater” type for Fandom Portrayal, and ISFP “The Adventurer” type or INFJ “The Advocate” for his fascination for Biology and Zoology.
- It’s likely Real Alex is an ISFP/INFJ. Given by links and such.
- Although 3w4 is now a confirmed type, there are times where Alex seemed SX1 (The Reformer/The Zealous) for the fact he, like Baldi would teach the player solo, and it’s possibly preferable to him.
- Another reason for Alex to be mistaken for an ENTP is his Temperament, Instinct, and possibly his attitude. (*Which I’m yet to study and learn of)
- Overall, Alex likely has an Unhealthy/Immature Personality. Possibly because of his Morality (True Evil).
Limbic = SLOEI - Upon reading the wikipedia more, it’s determined that he’s more of a Limbic rather than Calm. As Alex appears to be aggressive and as well assertive, than his stoic demeanor which is a façade.
(A/N: You can find Enneagram 8 and 5 in the same website too)
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mimicskyec · 3 months ago
Mbti analysis of teru mikami
Before jumping into the analysis, the ending of death note needs to be brought up because people tend to have a misconception about it.
More importantly, cutting right to the result of my analysis, i think he definitely is an ESTJ. Here's why:
It's a general notion that light had failed because of his overconfidence but if we think about it, he actually had no reason not to be overconfident. It wasn't that Light's plans were inherently flawed. It was that Near used Mikami's predictability to his own advantage. Mikami has a rigid way of thinking and his worldview is pretty much shaped by his childhood circumstances. We see him relying heavily on his past experiences and having internalized rules from the past, which clearly gives me Si vibes. Most people think his intelligence is his Ni in action. However, that assumption comes from bias. Si focus on tradition and precedent allows him not to challenge kira's ideology which aligns with his own black and white moral code. He clearly states that he categorizes people into two parties: good and bad. Nothing in between. He clings to kira's structure because it reinforces his Si based wordview.
Noticed how Mikami struggles to anticipate Near's counter-strategies? That's his underdeveloped Ne showing up. Also it's evident because he is that punctual, disciplined, routine-based, systemic and methodical person. His approach is no-nonsense and straight to the point. Not letting himself get diverted by irrelevance.
Moreover, it's very much clear that Te ranks the highest in his cognitive function stack. He is efficient and not the type of person to shy away from taking a step, which Light himself being a Te user finds commendable. Light was convinced that he'd found the one who he could rely on. Mikami's mechanical and systemic elimination of targets show a proficient Te user. And that means he automatically has Fi as his inferior function. His absolute judgment of things around him indicates his lack of flexibility and nuance.
To sum it all up, estj fits him the best because his behavior consistently leans to Te-Si. Since he emphasizes routine, structure, and his strict adherence to what he deems "right" based on his past experiences.
But one could even say it's istj, given his solitary and detached nature. And yes, he surely is detached and we know why but it doesn't have anything to do with him being an introvert. He is actually pretty good at communicating and doesn't shy away from confronting (remember how he'd asked takada to hand over her phone to light even though he didn't know who it would go to). His energy is very outward focused and he undoubtedly is extremely decisive, efficient, at the same time task and action-oriented. So yes, he is in fact an estj.
Why not Ni?
Like i said, imagine Light, someone of Ni use could've anticipated potential vulnerabilities and threats and would've adapted accordingly. But Mikami's strong adherence to routine sabotaged his potential. He couldn't step outside his established methods. And Near had perfectly pinpointed this weakness of his. Near won because he exploited Mikami's Si driven predictability which he himself confessed. In the last Ep. Gevanni says that Mikami goes to the bank on the 25th of every month and since he went to the bank for two days in a row, it was easy for them to suspect there's a reason. As detectives, it's their job to find abnormalities in a system and connect the dots accordingly.
In a scenario, where light and mikami get to work together, i imagine them being formidable. They had so much potential together. Mikami would have helped Light be more grounded and Light would have helped Mikami be more flexible. Even more potent than the Light and L duo in my opinion, because of so many reasons. I might discuss it sometime later.
That is all. I wrote this because i haven't seen Mikami being typed as an ESTJ anywhere on the internet, even though it makes the perfect sense for him.
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larz-barz · 1 year ago
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i want y’all to do a personality analysis based on my frequent emojis.
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Dorothy Sara - Handwriting - Bantam - 1968
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totallynotthedarkreunion · 2 years ago
Posted this on personality database to explain the differences and similarities between L and Near like several months ago because it bothers me when people act like near is trying to be exactly like L. If you want to heckle someone for copying L, beyond birthday is literally right there
L's ultimate goal was obviously to catch Kira, but before that, his only goal was to live the way that he wanted to. He solved cases for fun, and that was what he devoted his life to. On the other hand, Near is devoted to solving cases because of L. Near deeply admires L and wants to live up to him, using that as his drive to solve the case. Both are very personal matters, but L's case is a matter of self while Near's focus is his idol.
Near is more practical. He solved the case in a very simple way, using Light's mistakes as a stepladder and seemingly used L's information as a base (despite having no prior access to his information). He states himself that he solves things like puzzles, taking concrete information that he witnesses and collects himself and using that to build a bigger picture. L's method starts directly with the bigger picture and character analysation. He is more intuitive. More precisely, he analyzed Kiras actions to make deductions about his personality which led him to his suspect. He then had to zero in on the details to find Kiras method of killing.
In other words, Near is more likely to ask "what is Kira doing and what is he trying to accomplish?" while L is more likely to ask "why is Kira doing this and what is he thinking?" Both of which are very valid ways to solve this case.
L has a better understanding of himself than Near does, even if this understanding is incorrect. L participates in more metacognition, talking about himself and stating that he is not a good person and he is selfish, while Near doesn't consider these things about himself, or hasn't said anything about it. This makes me think L is both more intrapersonally and interpersonally (understanding Kira) intelligent than Near is, whereas Near directs his focus and intellect toward other things.
In terms of differences in mood and tone, Near has a much sharper disposition. His manner of speech is condescending and somewhat harsh in comparison to L. L's speech was made to sound soothing. Additionally, L seems to have a larger amount of seemingly unorthodox behaviors than near does.
Both are very direct with their speech and say what they are thinking. They both purposefully lie to try and get Light to slip up (although, I will say L does more lying while Near mostly withholds information). They are an equal amount of assertive and are both able to take control when working with others. They both employ some level of cowardice, L having hidden his face for most of his life and only solving cases from behind a screen, while Near exhibits similar behaviors by wearing a mask of L in the last episode and other such examples.
To edit this last paragraph six months later, after reading the LABB case, it's not about cowardice but more about protection. In that case, that is another difference: L hides himself for protection, while Near hides himself for protection and because of fear. We see him saying things like "I'm scared, so I'm not going to go outside" but L seems to have no problem with that kind of stuff. That being said, both of them revealed themselves when it was necessary for the case.
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0perfectimperfections0 · 2 years ago
CTA: Lou
Personality: Architect - INTJ-T
66% Introverted
70% Intuitive
78% Thinking
99% Judging
63% Turbulent
Introduction | Architect (INTJ) Personality | 16Personalities
So, I've done this with a few characters from my "A Bug's Life" blog. And it's essentially where I go to the website 16Personalities and answer the questions according to how I best believe the characters would. I base my responses off of how they are portrayed in the movie. Responses do vary as I do have to take some creative liberty with questions that don't have an apparent answer in the movie.
Now, this isn't a bullet-point list of Lou's traits. The link above will direct you to the website with the results and further information about this archetype. Do with it what you will. What I'll be doing for this post (and others like it) is explaining why Lou received the answers he did. I'll be using contextual evidence from the movie to defend my reasonings and will give fair warning on parts where I took creative liberty.
Because let's be honest, the movie doesn't exactly do good with character development. I don't think any of the characters actually changed in a self-reflective way throughout the movie.
Okay, I somewhat feel like this one is self-explanatory. But, Lou does seem to have this self-destructive mindset that leads him to be only 66% introverted.
We obviously see in the movie that Lou is almost always seen with other dolls. Aside from when everyone goes home at the end of the day. The "alone" part is more of a mentality than anything else. The fact that he doesn't confide in the other dolls or feels unsafe to disclose information with them.
-> He doesn't previously tell the Spy Girls his relationship with Ox. They are surprised to find that the bunny already knows Lou after they've kidnapped him.
-> This one's no surprise: He has kept the secret of him being a prototype for God knows how many years
There's a destructive path he stays on throughout his life and during the movie where he craves attention and being around people, but at the same time, he's constantly lying and pretending to be this other person. It's like, so badly wanting people to like you enough to be around you (or in Lou's case, stay) but also so terrified that they won't like the real you.
Coupled with that is Lou's tendency to keep dolls longer than he knows is allowed. They'll leave at some point. Based on the movie, it seems like dolls usually stay for maybe three or four months before the Gauntlet takes place. Still, Lou forms groups with some of them. The Spy Girls, are my main example for this. He knows that they'll leave, but it's almost like he's trying to eventually gaslight them or persuade them into staying. He's this line in the latter portion of the movie when he reaches his downfall.
"Are you really going to let them take over? After everything I've done for you?"
It doesn't work, obviously, but I can't help but wonder if he would have said similar words when the time came for them to leave through the portal. If his actions toward them were merely a compilation of reasons for them to feel obligated to stay.
This is a fun one that kind of veers away from the depressing backstory of our little blond. It involves imagination and thinking beyond just the present time.
Despite the fact that Lou is in the position he's in, it seems like he learns to make the most of it during times. I think back mainly to his training and when classes are held. The factory doesn't have any reign over him as far as how he specifically teaches.
He jumps into figment possibilities and theoretical situations. He has fireworks shooting off into the sky. The man has whole songs that he's most likely written and orchestrated himself. There are flames shooting up from the catwalk and at the top of the stairs. The platform glows with multicolored squares.
There's no doubt that he's creative. If he were to give Uglyville and its inhabitants a chance, he would surely flourish. Because Lou is essentially doing the same thing that the Uglies do at the end of the movie. He's bringing color and life into such a drab Institute. All the greyscale buildings and scenery are dull. But Lou is trying to spice things up with everything he adds to it.
And, regardless if this is another tactic of his to get dolls to stay, I think he enjoys it himself and still has to have a lot of imagination to pull this stuff off.
A counterargument to this would be: "But what about how he doesn't like the Uglies playing with the glue? Or when UglyDog dances to distract the metal dog? Or when they use their own imagination to get past all the hurdles he puts up for them?"
My answer: He really has to shut them down.
Like, the factory is still there. There's an invisible line that Lou can't cross that's between what he can do to make things his own and what he can't do because the factory still has rules in place for him.
A note right quick: Anytime I mention the factory's control over Lou, it should be noted that I'm taking creative liberty with the statements. Because the movie never specifies how much influence (if any) the factory has with the dolls or Lou.
I love this one. I love it mainly because it seems like this is a forced trait Lou has trained himself to have. I was earnestly surprised when he got "thinking" over "feeling" because it would make more sense if he was guided more by his emotions, right? I mean, so many of his mistakes have been traced to his lack of control to hide or quickly amend his emotions.
But that's where thinking comes in.
A creative liberty I've taken on the movie is that Lou sent Ox to the recycling pipes in a blinded heat of emotion. In my prequel (it's not finished so don't get excited) I have it leading to the point where the two brothers eventually split. Ox and Lou have this whole plan that if Ox can prove he's perfect enough then the robots and the factory will allow him to stay with Lou. However, Ox can't quite shake the desire to go to the Big World.
To make things short: Ox runs Gauntlet, Ox almost goes through portal, Lou is devastated by the potential betrayal and abandonment, Lou's emotions take over.
I say all that to say this: Lou has conditioned himself to push his emotions back for the sake of not getting too attached or losing control again.
Maybe he feels remorse for leading Ox to his potential death. Maybe he doesn't want to seem sporadic to the other dolls by the influx of different emotions.
As I and my best friend Natalie also theorize, Lou was not made with emotions. Therefore, he has limited to no knowledge of how to handle them and thus finds it easier to simply push them away altogether.
I came back from a coffee break in the library and forgot my previous thoughts for this section SO I'M MOVING ON.
Now, I should probably explain that judging in this sense is not the "wow, you're ugly" kind of judging. This is the opposite of prospecting. Essentially, it deals with how people prefer to tackle goals.
People with the Judging trait prefer to have backup plans, strict deadlines, and explicit ideas for how to execute their plans. So on and so forth. This is the opposite of people with prospecting who prefer to "cross that bridge when they get there."
Lou shows this a lot with the fact that he teaches. Teachers have to plan out their lessons and are working with a timeline. Lou also seems to have this plan set in place early on in the movie on how to deal with the Uglies. I believe the only time he changes plans is when he meets the Spy Girls in the pipe after Mandy and Moxy's abduction. As well as when he (most likely) made the minute decision to run the Gauntlet with them.
Not much needs to be said for this one, so I'm jumping on to our last point.
Ya'll are gonna be surprised by this one. The two options Lou could have gotten for this one are turbulent and assertive. Assertive is self-explanatory, but to add more depth, it regards their self-reflections.
Turbulent essentially means that Lou lacks self-confidence. That may come as a surprise because the movie portrays him as an arrogant, self-righteous person. On the contrary, most people that are like that are actually insecure.
Let's be reminded of the fact that Lou keeps his true nature of being a prototype a secret. It's kind of the main thing about him that isn't revealed. He also says this during the scene in the pipes:
"Everyone says: Oh Lou, you're so nice! You're the best! Do you know how long I've worked for that adulation?"
How long he worked for the adulation. He had essentially been trying to improve his reputation with the other dolls. He's tried proving himself to them. Now, the movie sets it up where the other dolls are working on their appearances and behavior to gain rapport with Lou.
So, why would Lou feel the need to have a good reputation with them? He's the leader.
This is also taking creative liberty, but maybe it's to convince himself that he can be a prototype and still be loved. He was so insecure -- and still is -- about his true nature that he was doing everything in his power to gain their love and adoration in case there came a day when they found out he was a prototype.
Now, this begs the question as to what he's been told about himself to believe that being a prototype is a bad thing and that others believe the same. But I won't dive into that for this post.
And imagine his surprise (which is scene during the scene where they toss around his fate with different options) when all that work he put toward gaining their adoration was still for nothing. The fact that despite all he did to show himself as a nice, genuine person (regardless if it turned fake, it had to be real at some point) was in vain. And the only thing they cared about was the fact that he wasn't a real doll.
But there's my long rant on that. Again, if you'd like to read more on this personality type, which includes: romantic relationships, friendships, workplace habits, and more then feel free to click the link at the beginning of this post.
And here's the tentative list for the next CTA's I'll be doing, unless I get an ask for a character prior to me writing it.
Some characters that are given some limelight (like Lydia) are being excluded from this list because they are not given enough screentime/dialogue in order to fill out the personality test accurately.
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steve-needs-a-hug · 2 years ago
I think one of the main reasons why I've grown to like Arthur Pendragon so much, and why he's probably my favourite heroic character, is his interestingly balanced personality.
He has a strong sense of honour and duty, and also desires personal freedom and the ability to be his authentic self.
He has strong personal convictions and a need to do what he believes is right, and he also has a need for validation and approval from those he respects and loves.
He's responsible, practical, and dutiful, but not too much of a stickler or a square - he's flexible, thinks on his feet and is a creative problem-solver. He's often genuinely funny and light-hearted, but there is a quite serious side to him as well.
Doing the right thing is often not easy for Arthur. Sometimes he even struggles to get out of bed in the morning. Every day he makes the choice to do what is right. Sometimes he's torn and confused and doesn't know what choice to make. He seeks the advice of people he trusts to help inform his decisions. And when he sometimes gets it wrong, he does everything he can to make it right, even at great risk to himself.
All this makes him a fairly well-rounded character that I found myself rooting for.
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butterflyboy · 1 year ago
PLEASE send me photos of your handwriting. I've started learning graphology and I want to practice. I've done it a few times and have been mostly accurate but I'm still learning. If you have tips or know anything about graphology, PLEASE tell me!!!
You can message me or send me an ask, and please tell other people so I can keep practicing.
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officialspec · 2 months ago
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my fan fiction graph
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m-v-tique · 11 months ago
Personality Typing Alex Basics!!!
Enneagram + Tritype: 8w9, 3w4, or 1w2 | 853, 358, 351, or 153
Instinctual Variant: SO/SX, SO/SP or SX/SO
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine, Choleric (Dominant)
Big 5 (*SLOAN): Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non Open-minded [SCOEN]
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w2 or 1w9 | 163
Instinctual Variant: SP/SX, SP/SO or SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dom) or Phlegmatic-Choleric
Big 5: Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical/Accommodating, Inquisitive/Non Open-Minded [SCO**]
Enneagram + Tritype: 6w5 || 612
Instinctual Variant: SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCOAI]
Candy Princess
Enneagram + Tritype: 3w2 or 2w3 || 397 or 297
Instinctual Variant: SO/SX or SX/SO
Temperament: Sanguine (Dominant)
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accommodating, Non Open-Minded [SCUAN]
Enneagram + Tritype: 7w6 || 749 or 794
Instinctual Variant: SO/SP
Temperament: Sanguine (Dominant) or Sanguine-Phlegmatic
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accomodating, Inquisitive/Non open-minded [SCUA*]
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 or 9w8 || 153, 135, 953 or 935
Instinctual variant: SP/SX or SP/SO
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non open-minded [RCOEN]
Olivia (Player)
Enneagram + Tritype: 4w5, 4w3, or 9w1 || 458, 459, 954 or 945
Instinctual variant: SP/SX, SO/SP or SO/SX
Temperament: Melancholic-Phlegmatic, Phlegmatic (Dom) or Melancholic (Dom)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, UnOrganized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCUAI]
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bi-for-vi · 3 months ago
In literary/cinema mediums, when a character extends their hand in friendship while hiding their other hand behind their back, that can actually symbolize tension between trust and betrayal
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The hidden hand means the character is hiding something, literally or metaphorically. A weapon, a scheme, an ulterior motive. It signifies that their friendship is likely a trap
TLDR Maddie was always hiding something and the writers hinted at it the whole time
Fuck that bitch leprachaun
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heytherecentaurs · 5 months ago
Brennan’s talked before about how as a poor young adult he lived in New York and struggled with food security. He tells a story of going to frozen yogurt places for free samples and a cheap dumpling spot because it was a lot of food.
His opinions on food and his described behaviours around food make a lot of sense in that context. He may be successful now and can be assured he can eat again when he’s hungry, but it appears he has legitimate trauma around his experiences with poverty because what he’s humorously describing is a trauma response. His mind hasn’t gotten rid of the anxiety of “I’m eating now so I better make it count because I don’t know when I will again.”
Because he’s a comedian he manages to frame it as a joke, but there’s certainly an underlying sadness. It also informs Evan Kelmp’s characterization. Capitalism is the root issue here and poverty is state-sanctioned economic abuse.
Anyway, I hope he’s doing well and taking care of himself.
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herrebelfaith · 1 year ago
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“Our personality is formed in response to the world we’re born into… We create a character and we fill that role... One of the people who lives within us contains all our neuroses, all of our fears. This is our ‘personality.’… But the other one is our god-self.“(via Finding Your Self: Personality, Trauma, and Spiritual Wholeness)
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descendant-of-truth · 2 years ago
Shipping is fun and all but I swear every single time someone makes a comment, whether as a joke or in a legitimate analysis, about there being "no other explanation" for a pair's interactions, I lose just a bit more of my sanity
Like, no, you guys don't get it. Romance is not about the Amount of devotion, it's about the COLOR. the FLAVOR of it all. a character can be just as devoted to their platonic friend as they are to their romantic partner, and they don't love either of them more, just differently.
But because the majority of people still have it stuck in their minds that romance exists on the highest tier of love, I'm stuck seeing endless takes that boil down to "these two care about each other too much for it to NOT be romantic" as if that's the core determining factor to how literally any of this works
In conclusion: stop telling me that I don't understand the story if I don't interpret the leads as romantic, I am TIRED
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