#okay so my theory as to why i get into games for only a week max is bc i keep forgetting i downloaded them on my phone like you know how
fraternum-momentum · 11 months
might i suggest u get into obey me? 🤭
I did try getting into obey me like,,, last year i think?? Unfortunately I didn't get very far into the story :[ idk why but with mobile games I often get into it for a few days at most and then never touch it again after (whb, nu:c, pgr though i still rlly like Lee and no i do not have a type please stop spreading misinformation, and dislyte are some games I can think of on the top of my head and what do you know, they're all gacha games LMADOADOAOD). Purely design wise I like Belphie a lot but i never met him in game lolol also he likes naps and I like naps too
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the outline of the other eye being visible is kinda pissing me off tho why is it still there mf its covered why can we see it
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Okay, buckle up, friends and neighbours, because it's time for:
(Obviously, you should take all of this with a HUGE chunk of salt, since I'm not only an internet-poisoned fandom blogger, but also a former English major with a penchant for over-reading.
Still, I spent a long time writing this, so I'd appreciate it if you gave it a read.)
So before we talk about Doopliss himself, I feel like we should talk about Creepy Steeple, since a lot of the topics I'm going to be touching on relate to the actual building.
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Neither the original Gamecube version nor the Switch remake really bothers to explain what Creepy Steeple actually is.
None of Goombella's tattles say anything about the building's intended purpose. The name vaguely implies that it's a church of some kind -- in Japanese, it's called Odoron Jiin, or "Astonishing Temple" -- but that's still not very helpful.
Still, for the purposes of this analysis, I'm going to assume that it's meant to be a church.
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This brings me to the Steeple's stained glass window, which shows a scary-looking Doopliss standing over some piranha plants.
From a design standpoint, I'm guessing that this detail was added to give the location a spooky vibe, but from an in-universe perspective, the implications are wild.
Like, who designed this? How long ago? And why? What the heck is it supposed to represent?
Unsurprisingly, the game offers no real answers, but I have a couple of theories.
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The first is that the people of Twilight Town (or their ancestors, or something) created the window in Doopliss's honor.
Stained glass windows often depict saints or angels, so maybe the Twilighters used to worship him? Like, maybe Creepy Steeple was once dedicated to him and then, for whatever reason, the worshippers decided to leave?
It's not super likely, but I didn't want to rule out any possibilities. This is a weird freaking temple. Literally anything is possible, as far as I'm concerned.
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My second theory is that Doopliss designed the window himself. He seems like a guy with a lot of spare time, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that he came up with the idea and then spent weeks building it by hand.
He could have also bullied the Boos into constructing it for him. I dunno. I just have this mental image of him pulling pranks on them and generally being a nuisance until they caved.
The bottom line is someone wanted to Doopliss's face to be front and center. And if that someone is Doopliss himself, then hoo boy, there is a lot to unpack here.
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Maybe I'm projecting, but it feels like Doopliss is wrestling with some major self-esteem issues.
Despite being an incredibly powerful shapeshifter who somehow cursed an entire town, he seems very childish. He spends all his time watching TV and coming up with new jokes. He throws tantrums when he loses. He wears a party hat, of all things.
Based on that, I'd say that he's probably starved for attention. He's probably pretty lonely living in Creepy Steeple all by himself (doubly so if my theory about the Twilighters is correct).
I'd even go so far as to say that his scheme to turn the Twilighters into pigs is motivated by this need for attention. I mean, what better way to get people to notice you than to cause a town-wide panic?
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I feel like the disguises he uses over the course of the main story also support this theory.
Though Mario, Zip Toad and Professor Frankly are quite different from one another, they all have one important thing in common: they're famous. Mario's a world-renowned adventurer, Zip Toad is a well-known actor and Frankly is a tenured professor whose students love him.
Doopliss even alludes to this after stealing Mario's body, telling him, "You're so popular around here! I just love being you!"
By transforming into beloved figures, Doopliss can get the attention he craves.
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I also think that this is why he joined the Shadow Sirens. Sure, Beldam abuses him almost as badly as she abused Vivian, but at least she notices him. That's better than nothing.
The most conclusive piece of textual evidence is found in the epilogue. In her letter to Mario, Goombella explains that Doopliss has joined Flurrie on-stage in her production of "Paper Mario".
Obviously his shapeshifting abilities make the play a lot more realistic, but why would he bother participating in it at all? This guy was a villain for most of the game. Why would he suddenly decide to join up with one of his enemies?
Because, as far as I can tell, he's not a villain. Just a guy who's sick of being ignored.
I dunno. Doopliss's motivations have never been super clear, but I feel like there's more to him than meets the eye.
If you have any thoughts or ideas of your own, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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nitrowyverine · 4 months
Finally played the TOUCHSTARVED Demo! Still thinking about it over a week later.
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(Above: Steam banner image for TOUCHSTARVED from Red Spring Studios)
I love it SO MUCH. and i have QUESTIONS. my extended thoughts below the cut [Demo spoilers included]
General thoughts:
this game is SO up my alley that it's insane. local goth gaming nerd is kicking their feet and giggling
the music? and sound design? It's honestly incredible, even beyond the infamous Every Time We Touch cover (Which is how I found this game). We all have to be giving more props to the music/sound work, it absolutely punches the experience up so many notches. When a soundtrack is released I'm immediately keeping it on hand for all my tabletop needs
absolutely enamored with the backstory mechanic. It adds so much individual depth to the character. you can feel attached to your MC without them being a complete blank slate. I absolutely love that different MC backstories have you pick up different details about the characters. (My favorite is The Hound immediately picking out who the leaders are amongst the group, in contrast to the other MC backgrounds)
I wanna eat the backgrounds. I wanna eat them whole. They're so detailed and colorful and have a great sense of depth. 100000/10
Specific character thoughts/theories:
(Images courtesy of the Touchstarved character Lore posts from the Red Spring Studio socials. I'll be linking them in each of the character's names)
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Thank you, Red Spring studios, for blessing the players with the ability to bite him if you're an ass to him the entire demo. You truly know what we want
Lore seems to indicate that Ais came over from the demon realm for some unknown reason, and was possibly some kind of demon king or leader? Fascinated to learn what happens there
Ngl the Seaspring looks like it would taste good. My favorite raspberry/rhubarb tea looks just like the Seaspring water. Gimme the group juice.
Question: If Ais gets infected with MC's madness....does that mean. the WHOLE groupmind gets infected? Humans and soulless alike? That's a city-destroying disaster waiting to happen
CONCLUSION: Most likely to adopt 6 dogs instead of picking up the groceries. Least likely to let you have the car aux cable.
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I do believe Kuras is the actual best shot at a cure/treatment of all candidates. Assuming the curse is some level of demonic, an angel's touch is probably the best bet.
Let me be clear here though, I do think he might just go "Well you can just like. not have arms" and take them. That is a possibility
Most of the other characters I can get a rough idea of what they want and why. Kuras? I have NO idea what his goal is, which is very frightening.
Twitter bio image does say "Repentant Angel", and that his fatal flaw is "his sins can only be repaid through suffering". Possible linkage to Lovent's fall? Or another major disaster?
its okay sweaty we all get The Guilt (tm)
If Kuras somehow gets MC's maddness (I have a feeling it may not effect him? but if it did) that would just. end the world right there.
CONCLUSION: Most likely to be the one guy you might be able to bring home to your parents. Least likely to put on oven mitts to take a frozen pizza out of the oven.
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I love Vere for being the character I thought I could trust the least, turning into a character I actually trust allot. I trust him to be extremely dangerous. He probably wasn't lying when he said his heart is on his sleeve.
Also, big props for having him just kill you in one of the demo endings. What a guy, I love him, no notes
Wait what he's over 100 according to his birthday post. thats, allot? older? than I thought?. okay yeah the lore posts mention he's a possible deity figure. not comforting
Vere is very fae-logic coded. Like, the words he says can be true and false at the same time. Don't tell him your name, he will cannibalize you for fun, etc etc ya know fae stuff.
i will protect him always
CONCLUSION: Most likely to fuck your dad. Least likely to be your new stepdad.
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Mihn is much dodgier than the rest, but I think that makes them more trustworthy. They're not as interested as playing games.
I nominate Mihn as a secondary protagonist, since Leander, Ais, and Kuras seem to be interested in them quite a bit. Even Vere has a rivalmance kinda thing going for Mihn. If MC didn't show up, that would be the dating sim right there
I'm excited by the lore post and the implications that Mihn is from Lovent (or has traveled there? and survived?) and potentially getting greater lore expansion about the world surrounding Eridia
I think it's interesting that their strength stat is relatively low compared to the others, yet they're one of the characters that actually uses their strength in the demo.
Also, I think we see the least of their "monstrous form" of everyone in the demo (minus their ability to dodge in and out of shadows). I'm thrilled to see what their monstrous form actually entails.
Mihn would survive bloodborne. That's it thats the entire thought
CONCLUSION: Most likely to do all the work in a group project. Least likely to be chill during Mario Party.
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OKAY ALL OF MY QUESTIONS ARE HERE. I AM DEEPLY AFRAID. Something is absolutely wrong but we have no current ability to pinpoint what it is.
I've seen theories Leander is dead. However, in Vere's route, he mentions that Leander smells like aftershave. While this could be part of an extra-elaborate ruse, hair doesn't grow after death (Minus the appearance of it happening due to natural decay processes) so he wouldn't need to shave. However, I am betting on him being involved in some sort of un-death cycle.
actually I can guarantee his story is all about cycles. Has anyone else mentioned how his belt is the triple goddess symbol.
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you know. the symbol of maiden/mother/crone. birth/life/death. beginning/middle/end. like
Moving on, the vast majority of his smiles are forced (Mouth is smiling, but there's no eye movement/crinkle that would indicate it's genuine). That is enough of a red flag but honey I am so much more worried about my next point:
WHERE DOES HE GET HIS MONEY. He's constantly buying rounds of drinks for a packed bar. It's briefly mentioned his clothes are nice. He pays for anything MC needs. However, says Bloodhound rates are "Free". Where does he GET HIS MONEY for all of this. Twitter posts from Red Spring point out he doesn't accept bribes (at least overtly).
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Looking again at Leander's stat post. The Ouroboros in the background is. Not comforting. Also, "Forbidden Magic"? yeah I have a feeling we know why he's not in the Senobium
Theory, potentially Leander is currently being paid by the Senobium to maintain lowtown/Silent Crypts order? I think there's still a connection between them. Like the Senobuim can remain detached while having ties to whatever horrible things Leander is doing.
Okay, in the twitter relationship charts it says that Kuras has looked out for Leander "Since he was young". Kuras probably knows. SO much we don't.
When Mihn scolds Leander for not telling MC to be off the streets past dark. I think Leander intentionally "Forgot" to mention that. I think he wanted the MC to see how dangerous Eridia was so MC would stay closer to Leander for safety. I think it was a very intentional manipulation tactic.
(Furthermore, did he actually cast a spell of luck on MC when he gave them the lilies from his introduction magic trick? Then bet on the MC living through the day?)
I do think Leander's surprise at MC going out to the Seaspring was genuine, since his spit-take clashes so starkly with his cool-guy demeanor.
I also have a feeling that Leander has been past the veil/shroud. he's doing something fucky and the veil is prime fuckery territory.
(Are we...going to get a timeloop story????)
CONCLUSION: Most likely to dramatically use himself as a human bridge over a small puddle (as an excuse to get walked on). Least likely to remember to go to bed after playing Stardew Valley for 13 hours straight.
Touchstarved game things I'm concerned about:
(I feel like I wouldn't be doing my game designer duties if I didn't point out my concerns as well. To be fair, there aren't many.)
I hope the bad endings get fucked up, story-wise. Since it's a horror game, I know it might turn some people off to have things go super wrong, but I really hope they do. I want to see some endless pain vortexes, some real Juniji Ito-style suffering. But I would also understand if the devs want to softball some of the worst outcomes for the sake of widespread appeal.
We all have countless examples of kickstarter games looking strong out the gate, but then falling flat upon release. While I have high hopes for Touchstarved, I do know the reality and intense difficulty of kickstarter games. I'm really hoping the demo isn't the best the studio will have to offer.
OVERALL: I am rooting for the Touchstarved team/Red Spring Studio all the way! I'm thrilled to see where this game goes. I am poised on this purchase button and ready to buy when it releases.
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therapycat21 · 10 months
All Right Now Part 9
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description: The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None
Social Media AU
I still can’t believe it, I never thought I’d be engaged to be married, ever considering my track record, But I guess the best things come when you least expect it to. Travis and his family coming into my life was definitely a blessing in disguise. There is no doubt I love my family but it’s a different feeling of love being accepted by your partner’s family. 
It’s been a few days since Travis proposed, the news outlets obviously already know and are spinning a bunch of theories every day. 
“They only got engaged because she’s pregnant”  “She gave him an ultimatum and that’s why he did it.”
Every day it’s something new, I know it is only because we have only been together a year but jeez, people get engaged after only being together for a few months, and a lot of the time those are the couples that are the happiest and stay together the longest. (In my opinion) Travis has been over the moon and telling pretty much anyone he can, even after a game in the press room, he finds any chance to bring it up, It is definitely the cutest thing to see him blushing on TV.  I even see it all over TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, you name it and it’s there.
We have been getting calls, and texts all day. Some from friends and family others, news networks, talk shows, and everything. It has been crazy. Travis and I are both doing talk shows, not together but a few days apart.
"You think these go together?" Travis has been inside the closet for an hour trying to find an outfit when he goes on Jimmy Fallon tonight.
I look up from where I lay on the bed scrolling through Tiktok, he’s holding a black suit set. “Ohh, that would look so nice, especially with your gold jewelry,” I tell him he gives me a smile in response hanging the outfit on the side for later “You are one amazing woman, you know that?” he smiles at me once more.
We both head downstairs to film a new episode of New Heights with Jason. We settle in the chairs, pull the headphones on, and wait for Jason.
“Hello hello, family!” Jason somewhat yells. I laugh at the face he makes before Travis and Jason get into their announcements and sponsors.
“Now we have two special guests today, my awesome and beautiful wife Kylie and our awesome sister-in-law Y/n!” Jason announces loudly earning a weirded and shocked look from Kylie “Oh my” she mutters smirking at me through the camera, I try to hold in my laughter behind my hand, “gotta love Jason’s enthusiasm” I tell them laughing. We talk about a few topics before Jason brings up the big one “Okay, I waited long enough to bring it up, can we please talk about the proposal?” he asks.
I look to Travis for agreement, after a brief nod and encouraging smile “Well It was definitely a surprise I’ll tell you that, we had talked about it and I didn’t expect him to propose a few weeks after that talk.” I laugh. I turn and face Travis “You know it was perfectly timed, as someone who didn't really see themselves getting married, I knew the second we met that she was either gonna be my wife or I would never get married to anyone else unless it was her.” He replies looking at me after. I tried to hide the tears forming in my eyes, I dab under my eyes “I love you so much” I tell him giving him a quick soft kiss.
 We turn to see Jason and Kylie both smiling wide. Jason was sporting the proud big brother look “When Trav came to me and started talking to me about how he was planning all of this, for one, I was shocked cause, for one I’ve never seen him talk so passionately about someone or something as much as his car collection, so It was so cool to see him do that, and two, I was just excited to be able to watch it happen in front of my eyes.” Jason says before turning his attention to Kylie “what did you think?” he asks her. 
She smiles “I for one was kinda just like thank god, he finally asked her and now I have my sister-in-law” she laughs “When Jason told me the plans I was ecstatic, It feels good to see you both happy.” she says in response. We give them both fond smiles “Aww, see and my biggest fear was everyone thinking we were crazy for doing this too soon.” I laugh.
“If I never met you and your family I would have thought the same thing but everyone can clearly see you guys are in love and like Travis said if it feels right then it’s right and you gotta take that chance when It shows itself,” Jason tells us. We talk a bit more and we say goodbye to them.
An hour later
Travis and I are in our closet getting ready to head out for his interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon, Travis wearing the black suit ensemble and me wearing something similar. 
We pull into the studio already seeing paparazzi surrounding the entire sides of the entrance to the studio. I huff trying to mentally prepare for the swarm about to happen, Travis leans over grasping my hand in pulling it towards his face giving the tops of my hands a chaste kiss. “We got this, and always remember I got you, baby,” he reassured me. I nod my head. He leans forward and opens the car door, the camera lights flashing like crazy before it doubles when I also come out of the car, the driver shuts the door and Travis guides me protectively towards the door, pushing back over pushy paparazzi.
We finally make it inside the building and we are met by a studio rep, they guide us to where we need to be. We chill in the studio’s dressing room before we are guided over to the studio’s main stage and seating area. I give Travis a kiss before he heads back and I open the door to where the audience is and where my front-row seat is.
I hear gasps flow throughout the room I look up to see the audience staring at me in shock “Hi everyone” I wave to them shyly. I hear quick responses throughout the room and sit down in my seat where a couple of younger girls are. I give them a smile before I focus my attention on Jimmy walking out onto the stage and sitting behind his desk. “Okay, we are live, in three, two, one” I hear the camera director announce. “Hello everyone, today we have a very special guest, please welcome the man, the chief king and big yeti, Travis Kelce!” he announces theatrically before the crowd starts to yell out and Travis works his way to his seat “Hello hello” he waves to the audience, winking at me, I smile in response. 
They talk a bit about his games, and about the new documentary Jason has made coming out soon. “Okay, now we all know there is something big that needs to be talked about,” Jimmy smirks, Trav laughs rubbing his bearded chin and nodding “Yeah, I have a feeling I know” he laughs. Jimmy laughs “okay we all know you recently proposed to your now fiance Y/n L/n” the crowd starts clapping and hollering as Travis blushes “Yeah, I got her to say yes, thankfully” Travis jokes. Jimmy laughs “okay, so tell us how it happened, how did you do it?” he asks “Well, I had started planning all of it a few months ago and had the ring for a while, and I decided to set up a small park that we always went to and had her favorite flowers scattered on the ground with those tea light candles and then I did it.” he tells them cheesing big. 
The crowd awws and hollers “oh my, well that sounds amazing.” Jimmy compliments, “So of course I have to ask cause everyone was talking about how too soon it was, do you think you did it too soon?” he asks. Travis smiles shaking his head “no, absolutely not, I knew it was the right moment and me and her are big believers in if it feels right take that jump cause we see too many people lose those opportunities and I can’t lose her.” Travis tells them gaining soft coos from the audience.
Jimmy is smiling softly at him “you know, you are so right, and I just want to say congratulations to you and I know you guys are gonna do amazing, I wish I could tell y/n so please if you can pass that for me” Jimmy laughs, Travis nods smiling “actually one second” he hold a finger up before standing up and heading off the stage to the audience and holding his hand out for me to grab.
The crowd starts to yell as Travis guides me towards the seat closest to Jimmy. 
We smile at each other and pull each other into a hug “Oh my god, I can’t believe your here? It’s so cool to see you again.” He tells me I smile “It’s so good to see you too, I mean I’m gonna be here next week so” We laugh and sit down. “This is crazy, So congratulations, how are you feeling?” he asks “Thank you! And very very good, I could not be happier” I smile at him.
We sit and talk a bit more before the show ends and we say our goodbyes to Jimmy, the audience, and the production before we head home.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Like my writing? Buy me a coffee. I would be so grateful!
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hey! How's it going? Jade playing hard to get and Floyd being your wingman to get his brother and mc together.
Slippery Eel
A/N: I'm low-key pissed off at Jade rn because his dorm uniform keeps showing up instead of the SSR in the banner. This has happened to me three times. But enjoy this anyway 😂
You had joined the mountain lovers club to spend more time with him. But now you couldn't find him anywhere.
It had started randomly one day, when you'd arrived at the club meeting area and the only other member just…didn't show up. From that day on, it was like Jade Leech never existed at all. There were a couple times you swore you saw him out of the corner of your eye, but upon further inspection there was no trace of him.
The only way you were certain he existed at all was….
"Guess who?" An excited voice exclaimed as it covered your eyes from behind.
"Oh, Floyd! Perfect, I wanted to ask you about something!"
Floyd uncovered your eyes with a giggle, then playfully punched your shoulder.
"Ooh, a question for me? Go for it, Shrimpy."
"Do you know where Jade is? I haven't seen him in…well…a long time."
"Oh, the question has nothing to do with me," he sighed with mock sadness. "Well, Jade is hunting."
"Hunting what?"
The only response you got was a laugh.
"Okay, second question, when will he be back?"
"When he's done hunting."
They always say hindsight is 20-20. And you really should have known Floyd wouldn't answer your questions. 
"Alright," you sighed, "if you hear from him, tell him…"
Floyd raised an eyebrow, but you realized you didn't know what exactly you wanted him to tell Jade.
Suddenly, Floyd's smile turned mildly sinister.
"That so? Well, I'll tell him you said 'nevermind' in the meantime," an arm was wrapped very tightly around your shoulders now, "Let's gossip about him behind his back. What of his qualities is your favorite? Mine is that he allows me to do whatever I want as long as I don't touch his mushrooms."
On "mushrooms",  Floyd gagged quite loudly.
"Kay, your turn."
"Oh, well," your first thought was to tell Floyd that gossip was typically when you talk negatively about someone, but then you realized it would just be easier to play along. 
"Uh, I really appreciate his patience, and how he's so collected even under pressure. And how he can be so sweet and thoughtful, like he knows what I want before I even know I want it, and…"
You trailed off as you started to feel your cheeks heat up.
Why did Floyd sound so smug?
"That's it," you squeaked out.
"No, there's something else. I can tell, Shrimpy."
"Nope," you said, popping the p, and attempting to wriggle away from Floyd.
"Hmm… okay, you'll tell me someday."
For most people, that would mean that they were dropping the conversation until the person was ready to talk. For Floyd, that meant drop it, until the next time you see that person.
"So, what was that last thing you liked about Jade?"
"Hey Shrimpy, it's not nice to keep secrets."
"You're hurting my feelings. Tell me what you think of my brother!"
Floyd Leech. An ever living nightmare to both his friends and his enemies.
Two weeks into this, and still no sign of Jade, though other people had told you he was still going to classes and working at the lounge. Meanwhile, Floyd was at your side pushing for that last thing at all hours of the day. 
You would have to add another thing to your list of traits you appreciated in Jade. He would have already known what you were trying to hide from him. Yes, he'd give you hell for it, but…
"Shrimpy, what…."
"New game, Floyd!" You said a little too loudly.
Even he seemed startled, but you had to test your theory.
"We're gonna talk about what we hate about Jade."
Floyd's eyes widened.
"I hate that  he has to suck up to Azul. I mean talk about a weak man. Without Azul backing him up he's nothing."
Floyd turned a little pale, and whispered, "Shrimpy, I wouldn't…."
"Oh, and then there's the fact that he never says what he's thinking. Talk about pretentious."
You were cut off by a hand covering your mouth from behind, and the conflicting scents of the sea and crisp mountain air.
"You are very clever, my precious pearl. How long did you know?" Jade's voice whispered in your ear.
You could lie. You could say you knew he was watching you the entire time you couldn't find him. You could say you knew Floyd was trying to push you in his direction.
But he'd know you were lying. So what was the point? So when he removed his hand from your mouth, you turned your head over your shoulder to meet his piercing gaze, and said,
"I just figured it out. Well played, though."
He hummed in acknowledgement, before turning to Floyd.
"You can go now, thank you for your help."
Apparently, the only thing that could scare Floyd was Jade. Because he practically ran.
"Now, please tell me that last thing you wouldn't tell Floyd."
"I don't think you deserve it. It wasn't very nice of you to disappear on me. Besides, you already know what I was going to say, I'm sure of it."
"Hmm," he hummed, before tapping his chin thoughtfully. "I believe I do, but I need you to say it to be sure."
Your cheeks warmed again, and you stubbornly turned away. 
"I see," he hummed. You could practically feel his smile piercing into your back.
"Well then, I suppose it's time for me to disappear again."
You quickly grabbed his wrist.
"I think you are so beautiful," you said quickly, knowing full well that he would follow through on his threat.
He tilted his head to the side, as though telling you to continue.
"And, and, when I'm with you I have butterflies in my stomach, and you make me feel so loved and seen, and I've been so sad since I haven't been able to talk to you these last couple weeks, and you've caught me, you don't need to keep hunting, so please come back to me."
Your words were a rush, but he must have caught all of it because his smile turned soft, and a gloved hand came to caress your cheek.
"My precious pearl," he whispered. "No one has ever dared to feel that way about me."
"Well, I'm a big kid. I'm not scared of you," you said, slightly defensive. 
His eyes flashed and his smile became a grin.
"I know, that's what I love about you."
"Just kiss me, you smooth talker," you muttered.
Luckily for you, Jade specializes in giving people what they want.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @leonia0 @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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madame-mortician · 1 month
Phone Guy is the one saying “It’s Me.”
So I’m gonna preface this by saying, this is just a theory/headcanon, so if you disagree with me that’s fine. Nothing in FNAF is 100% canon anyways so it’s okay to have your own personal interpretations, this is just mine.
Also spoilers for FNAF: The Week Before.
In FNAF 1, there’s a well-known Easter Egg of random instances of “It’s Me” being seen across the game.
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It’s still, to this day, unknown what this means with there being many theories to discuss it. The most popular I’ve seen is the one where it’s the Crying Child trying to communicate to Michael (the night guard) that it’s him, but since he’s possessing Golden Freddy he can only communicate in this way. This theory is fine, I don’t dislike it or anything, and it does make sense considering that sometimes “IT’S ME” will appear alongside the Golden Freddy Easter Egg, so there is some evidence to support this theory, I just want to discuss my personal theory.
So first up, the entire reason I got this theory was because of the new FNAF book, which if you didn’t know, it’s a prequel that takes place the week before FNAF 1, where you play as Ralph, a.k.a Phone Guy. Now the book isn’t officially out yet, but it did get leaked, and one of the leaked pages is the official canon ending. In this ending, he records his final phone call for Mike before dying and being stuffed into one of the empty suits. He “wakes up” but realises he cannot move or do anything, and that he is dead, and he thinks to himself “It’s me” when realising what that corpse-like smell is.
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From this we can tell a few things. First up, it is canon that Phone Guy was stuffed into one of the suits, which we figured but now we have confirmation. Secondly, he isn’t just dead, he’s actually still conscious and haunting the area, he just cannot move and can only wait. He can still sense things since he can smell his own corpse, and he can see the backstage area, so he is fully conscious.
Now the “It’s Me” thing here isn’t entirely the same, as here it’s him realising what that foul odour is, instead of, y’know, trying to communicate with the night guard, but it is still notable since this is FNAF after all.
Anyways here’s the main part of my theory, since we know Phone Guy is definitely still back there and unable to move at all, there’s no way he can try and get help, so he’s just sitting back there, waiting. We get to the next week and Mike starts the night shift, hearing none other than the phone calls Phone Guy had left behind for him. Whether he hears these calls or just knows that his shift has started, he’d realise this is his only way of getting help. Sure he left a message asking Mike to check backstage, but whether or not he’ll actually do that isn’t clear. He can’t get up and physically go up to Mike, so what can he do?
In FNAF, it’s clearly canon that ghosts can change what people see, albeit in small doses. The posters can change to newspapers about the missing children, the paper pals disappear and seem to teleport, Golden Freddy and an oddly positioned Freddy can appear on posters, these are all clearly things that they’re doing with “ghost powers” or whatever, since there’s no way Chica is getting up and sticking newspapers to walls. Now although Phone Guy isn’t technically possessing anything, he’s still a ghost, so he too would have these ghost abilities, and would be able to do small changes in the scenery. What can he do though? Write out a whole message saying he’s stuck in the backstage and needs help? He’s probably not super powerful as a ghost, he can’t even move, so he needs something short and sweet to get the guards attention. So what does he say?
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Now you might be wondering why he would say this, but I think not only is it short and easy to spot on those shitty cameras, but it would actual relate to the left behind phone calls. Think of it this way, we don’t get an actual canon time where the “It’s Me” stuff happens, obviously it must happen in canon we just don’t know when since it’s random in each playthrough. Now for most of the nights, what’s going on, ignoring the robot murder stuff? The phone calls.
His only way of alerting Mike and getting any help would be to use his ghost powers to send a short message, either on the cameras or on his face (?) and I believe it’s him trying to say “It’s me, I’m the guy on the phone talking to you.” How successful this ends up being is unknown, but it’s very likely Mike had no fucking clue what “It’s Me” meant and mainly ignored it until Night 4 where he literally hears Phone Guy’s death. Perhaps then the “It’s Me” stuff would make sense.
Another thing is what you see when you get the in your face “It’s Me” stuff.
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We see an up close shot of Bonnie and Freddy, Freddy noticeably has bloodshot human eyes. Now we know it’s canon that if you die in FNAF, your corpse is stuffed into the spare Freddy suit backstage, and it’s likely Phone Guy was also stuffed into a Freddy suit. So here’s the thing, I believe this would’ve been his last moments, kinda flashing in our face. An animatronic all up in his face (jumpscare) and then the Freddy suit he was stuffed in, with this human eyes. He’s trying desperately to show Mike what happened to him, but it’s hard and obviously doesn’t explain much.
Whether or not Mike actually searched the backroom and found his corpse, it’s unknown but I feel like he wouldn’t just leave him there.
Of course there is one major thing that doesn’t make much sense in this theory… If the “It’s Me” message is Phone Guy, why does it sometimes play before Golden Freddy appears? The only thing I can think of is it just being a coincidence but that’s lame so I’m gonna admit defeat with this one part unless you guys have any theories.
TL;DR: Phone Guy is the one saying “It’s Me” throughout FNAF 1, because he is trying to tell the player that it’s him on the phone, and that he needs help, he just doesn’t couldn’t make it more specific due to his situation.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
When I’m playing genshin, I’m mostly listening to either Paternity Court, or Steve Wilkos. Imagine the characters hearing all of the stuff and being so scandalized by the results and comments. Or being genuinely disgusted and heartbroken for the victims in more serious cases. I can def see a good chunk of them being invested
I don’t think I’ve listened to those yet! I do occasionally get on a true crime binge listen, however the weirdest thing my characters have heard has gotta be Game Grumps episodes or compilations lol
What if i listened to every season of Buzzfeed Unsolved.
What would we do then my Genshin characters, my people, what then.
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I saw someone else write about this true crime documentary thing but they described everyone being pretty terrified or disgusted by the podcasts
Which I definitely think some would be literally horrified lmao
But also I think a lot of them definitely would be invested-
I mean shit,
you're listening to your God and they just start playing this like uncomfortably detailed intricate crime case/murder report???
I would be so interested in what kind of person they were, and why they were listening to true crime stuff, 
so needless to say characters like Heizou and Yelan would definitely be into it, maybe Kujou Sara as well?
I can see Zhongli getting into it too and Raiden
I mean don't get me wrong plenty would be disturbed
like rest in peace Barbara 🙏
but like it would be fascinating to them too!!
cuz they don't know anything about our world so they could learn a lot about it thru listening to this stuff
tho it probably cause a lot of confusion whenever they hear things like phone or computer or car lol
you know stuff that hasn't been invented yet for them or there is no equivalent, but they
would deffo interrogate u about ur world when u get to Teyvat
okay but on a more silly motherfucker note-
what if I was playing Game Grumps around them lol, would they be like oh my God our Creator has the best comedians or hilarious friends
like you know how a king has jesters? 😭
I feel like they would think that instead of a recording definitely, especially because most of these things are just people talking and not like, a speech or something
because audio recordings could exist for them, they would probably get it in concept, they do have Ley lines that do that afterall (and now Kameras)
oh no, would they think that you're getting these reports in person??  Or even like your SOLVING all these crimes?? 
esp bc I know myself and I tend to sometimes be talking to Genshin characters like,
"damn that's how he got arrested? How stupid he could've blah blah blah i sound like a hardened cop playing a gacha game lmao blah blah...."
it'd be so funny to see that one play out
when u get whisked away to teyvat and Heizou and Yelan are just:
"oh my God can you help us with all these cases we love your mind, or get your servants to help us?"
THEY WOULDNT EVEN BELIEVE U IF U TRIED TO BE LIKE "no no please ur the professionals idk wtf im doing guys-"
Heizou/Yelan: 🤨🤨
"likely story Most Honorable God, but we heard quite the fascinating theories just last week before u descended, hmmm...."
u cant win, 
honestly everyone would probably just assume ur not only the god who created/built teyvat but also have a domain in justice, comedy or honestly whatever u be playing all the time, including music, people would definitely think ur a music god too
esp if ur like me and u just turn on a cool Spotify playlist while u play sometimes, like they've probably never heard so many radically different genres songs, and so many back to back
(could definitely see a myth about u having an immortal inexhaustible musician band that has access to all the songs of the universe that u make them play for you, once again, would be hard to deny bc that's a pretty accurate description of spotify lol)
srry abt my ✨️ass writing✨️ anon!!
I am getting to these old asks so late I hope u guys r alright with getting answered so late, ya boy has been busy 
Im busy partially bc i have a end of year art exhibition!
Basically at my university, if ur an art major, u have to have some of ur best work from ur time at university and display it in a Senior year art exhibition in the university's art museum! Its super cool! And stressful! :D!!
Anyway im so happy i have no object permanence bc everytime i open my drafts or my inbox, even the old asks :( , are  a new surprise every time :D lmao
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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r3leee · 9 months
right where you left me
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this fic is for @liseytopia and i’s lovely fic exchange. hope you like it, tysm for putting the extra time into making two i seriously don’t deserve you 😭🫶🏻 hope you like it <3
pairing: finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: you haven’t seen finnick since the games; at least the true finnick. ever since he got whisked away to the capitol, you haven’t seen his old self. but, one day, things change
warnings: angst angst angst, hurt/comfort, sad little finnick, cursing, friends to strangers to lovers
word count: 1,392, should take about ten and a half minutes to read (longest to date 🤭)
listen to: right where you left me - bonus track by taylor swift
IN THEORY, IT wasn’t a long time since finnick’s games. only six years. in the long run, that means nothing. you could waste six years at any other point in your life easily. but not these six years.
you and finnick had a bond. close friends, you were. you looked out for each other, came to the other’s rescue. whether it was for a bad dream, bad day, bad family, or anything else, you’d always come running for each other.
you’d patch the other’s wounds, wipe away the other’s tears. whenever somebody needed a shoulder to lean on, the other was there.
you should’ve been there for finnick when he got reaped, but you weren’t. you already dodged a bullet by not getting picked, so you were just trying to rid yourself of anxiety after the female tribute was called. but, it all came back when you heard the familiar name roll off the capitol member’s tongue. “finnick odair.”
your heart stopped. nothing could've prepared you for that. your head immediately shot to where he was standing. his face dropped. he looked like a figure made of wax; unmoving, unalive.
it took a jab in his back by the peacekeepers to get him to move, but his eyes immediately found you when he did.
"no," you whispered. "no, no, no, no." tears welled in his eyes as he mouthed "sorry," and that was it. you were expecting the world to collapse or something, anything, but nothing happened. everyone just went home.
it might've been better if the world ended right then and there, you thought, because finnick was gone forever, and hell, he was starting to be your world. you didn't even watch him on tv. you avoided the situation as much as possible by sleeping.
you almost went to you two's favorite spot, a creek near his house, every once in a while, but you couldn't bring yourself to. too many memories.
that was until it was announced finnick won. news of the century, it was to you. you remember waiting on his porch with a bouquet of flowers you snagged from the meadow earlier. but he never showed up.
maybe the train was late. but that train was late for a day, then two, then a week, and at that point, you'd far given up. you had to admit you'd maybe never see finnick again.
when he did finally show up, it had been a month since his victory. you were out grabbing some food at the market when you saw his face; beautiful blonde hair, tousled as always, and green eyes that looked like emeralds in the daylight. you could recognize it anywhere.
"finnick!" you yelled, completely dropping what you were doing. his head turned to see you, a soft smile on his face.
you almost cried seeing him. you immediately engulfed him in a hug, but he didn't really wrap his arms around your back. he didn't enjoy the hug; he just tolerated it. you didn't seem to notice or care at the moment, though. "oh my god, finnick, where have you been?" you asked, excitement pouring through your eyes.
"needed to take a victory tour for the capitol. did you not watch on tv?" he asked, chuckling slightly. the question almost set you back. why would you? who actually watched anything after the games?
"no. didn't know there was one. glad to see you're okay, though. god, i haven't seen you in ages," you practically beamed. he didn't seem to care, though. what was wrong with him?
"happy you care," he smiled before turning back to what he was doing. any conversation you had after that seemed like you two were just meeting. like you were complete strangers.
that’s how it remained for a while. finnick and you rarely talked, only when you were next to each other. you still waved hello to his parents, and they still asked if you'd like to come to dinner, but you had to refuse. you couldn't face the man you once called your friend. most times he was doing things for the capitol anyway, so it's not like it was hard to avoid him. he wasn't even in 4 half the time!
and that's how it stayed, this near-constant torture, for six years of your life. you made other friends to cope and nearly forgot about the boy you used to hang out with at fourteen. his presence was just a distant memory to you. you almost despised him for leaving you as suddenly as he did.
you thought you'd never come to his aid again. until one random day.
it wasn't much different than any other. you got a house for yourself and you, so far, didn't have any complaints. finnick's house was relatively close to the heart of 4, so you often passed by it while running your errands.
the sight of his house brought unease to you. you couldn't even look at it without feeling sad. even if you didn't want to admit it, you really missed finnick and you'd rather cut out every aspect of him than think about him.
that was until you heard something. it sounded almost like a cry. the sound was so faint you could almost barely hear it. you walked a bit closer to your ex-friend's house, and sure enough, the sound got louder.
it couldn't be from the house; his walls weren't that thin. the only place you could think of was behind the house. you checked to make sure nobody was around before sneaking around to the back side of his house.
the sight before your eyes you surely weren't expecting. poor finnick, the boy you used to know so long ago, was hugging his knees into his chest, all but sobbing.
suddenly, your sadness and guilt hit you like a brick. you ignored everything between you two at the moment and gently knelt down next to him. you weren't sure if he heard you, so you tried your best not to startle him. "you okay?" you asked.
he jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to be at his aid. especially not you. his eyes suddenly filled with a kind of comfort. "i can't lie, no," he admitted. you got down to his level, sitting beside him against the house.
"what's up?" he sniffled, drying his eyes with his hand.
"just...life. i have to go back to the capitol soon and i don't know if i can do it." you wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"you don't like it there?"
"no, not at all." he threw his head back, letting in a big gulp of fresh air. "they’ve done things to me. ever since the games, i've just been...i don't know, different."
you thought back to the month of his arrival. the sudden loss of all emotion from him. “ya, i can tell.”
“shit, i’m sorry,” he cupped his face in his hands again.
“wait, no, don’t apologize, hon.” you weren’t even sure why the nickname slipped out. It happened without you thinking. he looked up with his eyebrows furrowed. “it’s not your fault.”
“did you call me hon?”
“not important right now, what i’m trying to say is i forgive you. for everything. none of it was your fault. the games do things to people and i understand that, so don’t feel bad. i just want you to feel happy.”
he barely paid attention to your words. he just smiled, slowly realizing the best part of his life was back. finnick didn’t mean to leave you like he did, but he didn’t want to hurt himself; get too attached to you just to get ripped apart.
when you noticed his grin, you almost damn near melted. you hadn’t seen him like this since you were kids. you sighed, tears threatening to spill out your eyes. “you look so pretty,” you said, cupping his cheek with your hand.
“you do too.” without thinking, his eyes darted to your lips. you sniffled before leaning in and closing the gap between you two.
the kiss was possibly the best of your life. it was filled with remorse and passion and “i’m sorry”s, and “i love you”s.
once you pulled away, you rested your forehead with his. “don’t ever leave me again,” he mumbled, tone soft.
“i don’t know how i could.”
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kandisheek · 2 months
Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2024
Early Canon Wednesday: July 24th
Prompt: Bring on all those fanworks set in those heady early days of canon where Steve and Tony have just met and are starting to work together.
Aaaah yes, the good old 2012 tower era. We all remember it fondly. (Well, if you're like me and joined the fandom late, you don't, but - whatever. The point stands.) Here are some of my favorite early canon fics:
-- Bond Has It Covered by sara_holmes
Tony thought they had trouble getting along when they were dealing with a major global crisis. Apparently that had nothing on how they fell apart when they weren't distracted by smashing aliens.
-- All These Things I've Said by Dr_Amuly
When Tony starts talking in a language Steve can't understand--the language of science--Steve figures he'll retaliate with a little foreign language knowledge of his own. Only once he starts speaking French around Tony, Steve finds that sometimes it's easier to say what he really wants to say to Tony in a language he can't understand. Good thing Tony doesn't know French.
-- (First Impressions Are) A Work in Progress by ras_elased
Tony has a point system for the times he can get Steve to be less than perfect.
-- Drinking Games by kahn
"Okay, house rules,” Clint said, leaning back against the backrest of the booth they were seated at. “It can't be a random celebrity, or something. It has to be someone you actually know. Someone you'd go to if you suddenly found yourself gay and then had to have sex right away." Steve thinks drinking with the team will be a good bonding session for their newest Avenger, but, as usually happens with his people and alcohol, things go kinda sideways.
-- Some Things Shouldn't Be a Chore by scifigrl47
Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick. And some things shouldn't be a chore.
-- Theory of Mind by seventymilestobabylon
Or, five things Steve didn't let Tony buy him, and one thing he did.
-- This is Not a Drill by sabrecmc
“Can I—can I see him? I mean meet him. Uh…welcome him to the team?” Tony clarified, probably not very well, he knew.  “Well…there’s a bit of an issue with that,” Fury said, and Tony figured this was where Fury got to whatever it was that had really forced his hand and made him call Tony in, knowing how much the man detested having to do so. “You see, well. He was suspended in the ice for nearly seventy years,” Fury began. Tony nodded along, because he could do math.  “I’m sure he has a lot of adjusting to do—“ Tony started. “Seventy years,” Fury repeated, cutting Tony off and leaning back in his chair and making it rock slightly. “Of no suppressants.” “Oh,” Tony managed to choke out past the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat. “Oh.”
-- i stole the keys to this guy by kellifer_fic
Where it was Nick Fury's idea, but he didn't mean it like that.
And two of my own fics:
-- Cozy
Tony seems to have a propensity to hug Steve whenever he's sleep-deprived. Which would be all well and good, if Steve had any idea why Tony chose him of all people to be his personal teddybear.
-- What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You
Steve and Tony are good friends. Very good friends. The kind of friends that go out to eat every other day, cuddle on the couch and are all up in each others' space. They're not dating though. No matter what the team says. Right?
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maximilliansblog · 8 months
Welcome Home Hyacinth Theory 🏠🪻🐛
Hello Tumblr! Most Welcome Home theories are just little bits and pieces or “Wally is evil, guys look!”/”Wally is not evil! He is a goober!” etc.
This theory is fully fledged and provides a plot and evidence. I call it the Welcome Home “Hyacinth” theory, after the myth that it is based on. This will be a very long post so here is a TLDR: Julie kills Eddie while they are playing croquette-bowling out of jealousy because he is getting too close to Frank, who is supposed to be her boyfriend/best friend within the show. Either just Eddie or everyone involved gets replaced, except for Wally, who witnessed everything. This is why we have all of those videos of Wally dissociating.
I have been sitting around in my toom rambling to myself about this theory like a madman for over a week so I decided to share it.
Please reference this post from @/partycoffin (the creator of Welcome Home) when discussing Welcome Home and be respectful in the comments and reblogs.
Extra information from @theneighborhoodwatch:
Welcome Home Observation Document
Welcome Home Livestream Trivia
Welcome Home Archive Links + Backup Screenshots
Fanmade Welcome Home Wiki (I don't recommend the Fandom wiki)
Extra information on exploring the website from @angel-lyah:
Welcome Home Website Secrets
Alright, let’s get into it! I have evidence to back up every single one of those claims, and I will include it in this post.
I want to be very thorough with explaining this. I’ll start by establishing that there are three main plots within Welcome Home (that I have noticed, anyways):
The plot of the late 60’s - early 70’s TV show, Welcome Home - only related to published episodes, books, audios, etc. that would have been shown to the public at the time of airing Welcome Home
“Behind the show” - feelings and actions of the puppets outside of the show (such as Frank and Eddie being a couple, or Frank being nonbinary)
The Welcome Home Restoration Project - people working to restore the TV show, Welcome Home, and find any and all information related to it and who made it
Okay so for the rest of this essay, when I mention BtS, it is related to the “behind the show” plot. I will color these things blue. When I write WtS, it is related to the “within the show” plot. I will color these things green. When I write WHRP, it is related to the Welcome Home Restoration Project. I will color these things pink. I will also mention things that have been said either on Clown’s Tumblr blog, Clown’s Twitter, or old streams. I will say CS, meaning “Clown source” to denote these things and color them orange. Clown source and behind the show areas often overlap, so Clown source information is dominant over behind the show information (if it is both I will just color it orange). Good? Good.
Now let’s establish our characters (only the ones related to this theory) and their relationships to one another. We’ll go alphabetically, starting with Eddie, then moving onto Frank, Julie, and Wally. 
I’m going to assume that if you are reading this, you have already visited the website (clownillustration.com) and have a basic understanding of who Eddie is. So I will only focus on the elements of his character that will be relevant in this theory.
Eddie (WtS) is clumsy and overworks himself. He is often dragged into Julie’s games. His house (post office) looks like this:
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Note the hyacinth flowers and the butterfly. Eddie (BtS) loves Frank. (CS) He is married to Frank in one art on Clown’s Tumblr. BY THE WAY IT TOOK FOREVER TO FIND THIS IMAGE!!!! THEY ARE IN THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER!!
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Frank (WtS) is Julie’s boyfriend as it is implied that they are a couple within the show (I know a lot of us don’t like hearing this, but remember the three plots) (also for everyone that is going to argue with me on this, go look on their little profiles in the neighborhood section of the website and come back to me) and best friend. His house looks like this:
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Note the sunflowers. Frank (BtS) loves Eddie.
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(CS) As I said before, in one art on Clown’s Tumblr, Eddie and Frank are married (you can tell by the rings on their fingers in that image) . Frank is nonbinary but uses he/him pronouns (Clown refers to Frank on his blog with only he/him pronouns, so that is what I will use. Nonbinary people do not have to use they/them pronouns! Pronouns are not equal to gender!)
(WtS) Julie is a rainbow monster. Her thing is that she likes to make up and play games. She seems to be very strong (perhaps related to her being a rainbow monster), as she can easily lift Wally and is indirectly referenced to [throw a baseball very well] by Barnaby in the Live Interview audio. She also incorporates bowling into a lot of games where it is unnecessary. She seems to be immature, which is usually used to make her a playful character. Her and Frank are a couple. In several arts, her horns are different shapes or even nonexistent, implying that she has some ability to change her form. Her house looks like this:
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Note the heart motif throughout the design. (BtS) Julie is best friends with Frank. (CS) She is genderfluid (she is only referred to using she/her pronouns on Clown’s blog, so that is what I will use). 
(WtS) Wally is the main character in Welcome Home. His house is alive and is named Home. Home is often considered to be a ninth neighbor. Wally often communicates for Home. (WHRP) Wally signs Home’s name in the guestbook (as Home does not have hands) (please stop with the tentacles I have seen the art please stop for the love of god where did that even come from). (WtS) The other neighbors frequently ignore and talk over Wally, but he doesn’t seem to mind, saying that he loves all of his friends in the live interview audio.
Okay so now that that is established, let’s look at some promotional art. Promotional art is not necessarily canon and may contain outdated designs, but may hint at the plot of Welcome Home. 
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There is one more artwork that I would like to add, but it is on Clown’s KoFi. Here is a link to it that you can look at if you are subscribed to Clown’s KoFi:
[link to Clown’s KoFi here]
I won’t describe the image because some of you may not be subscribed to Clown’s KoFi. But if you are, you will see that the image supports my theory.
While we are discussing that image, I would also like to say that I believe that the puppets are some kind of biological organisms. I don’t have much evidence for this right now, but I may make a theory in the future. 
We will come back to those promotional arts soon. Right now, let’s look at Frank and Eddie’s houses and discuss some symbolism and mythology.
Frank’s house has sunflowers outside of it. Sunflowers are a symbol of Apollo. Eddie has hyacinths outside of his post office, obviously a symbol of Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus and Apollo were lovers, but Hyacinthus tragically died. Let me tell the story so we have context. (I am really into Greek mythology by the way, it’s always been a special interest since middle school but I am also a Hellenic pagan, you should follow my witchcraft and paganism blog, creatively named @maxiswitchcraftandpaganblog)
So Apollo, god of the sun, art, archery, and LOTS of various other things, loved Hyacinthus, who was a mortal Spartan man. And Hyacinthus loved him too, by the way. The god of the (west? don’t feel like googling it) wind, Zephyrus, was jealous of Hyacinthus, because he also loved Apollo. 
One day, Apollo and Hyacinthus were playing discus (like frisbee but the frisbee is giant and made of metal, kind of like a shield). Apollo threw the discus to Hyacinthus, but Zephyrus blew the discus off course with the wind, causing it to hit Hyacinthus in the head and kill him. Apollo created the hyacinth flower from Hyacinthus’ blood as he died, but in some myths made him a god. (read more on Apollo and Hyacinthus here)
I’m going to draw some parallels here. Frank = Apollo, Eddie = Hyacinthus, Julie = Zephyrus. Now Frank’s and Eddie’s parallels make sense because of the flowers, but where did I get Julie=Zephyrus from? Recall that (WtS) Julie and Frank are supposed to be a couple. Now, (BtS) Julie may or may not like Frank in that way, but she certainly enjoys being close to him as his best friend. Since she is already established as an immature character, it would make sense that she would be jealous seeing Frank get closer to Eddie.
Pause. So WtS, Frank and Julie are together. BtS, Frank and Eddie are together. If these are separate, then what is Julie jealous about? (WtS) Frank has been seen getting closer to Eddie even in the official material of the show. An example of this is him telling Eddie that he works too hard at the end of the “Eddie’s Big Lift” storybook record. So his BtS love for Eddie is leaking into the WtS canon. That is a problem for Julie, who is supposed to be Frank’s girlfriend WtS. So she comes up with an idea to fix this, much like the jealous god, Zephyrus. 
So what does she do? Let’s turn our attention to the “Just So” song demo. This song was never finished with instrumentals, and for a reason. The puppets function as actors in the show, as it is obvious that they have their own free will, and Julie does something that the writers do not expect later in this episode. So the song was never finished because the episode was ruined. 
In the “Just So” song demo, Frank and Julie are about to play croquette bowling. It was supposed to be just croquette, as Frank put on his croquette bow tie, but last minute, Julie added bowling to the mix. 
Wally knocks on the door and interrupts their song, saying that Home wants to play croquette bowling too. This implies that Julie told someone else that they would be playing croquette bowling after she added bowling. I feel like Wally and Home overheard Julie telling Eddie that they would be playing croquette bowling. This would make sense, as Wally often stands by and listens while the other neighbors talk. It is not unusual for Eddie to participate in Julie’s games, either, as we see from Julie playing “business woman in the big city” with him. [add a photo]
The song recording ends before we see them playing croquette bowling together. But I have a piece of evidence to tell us how it ends. Look at this promotional art again.
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You probably assumed that the figure in the back was holding a hammer, but that could actually be a croquette mallet!
It’s covered in some gory-looking stuff, probably from Eddie. Now look at the flower. Whose eyes look like that? Almond-shaped, round pupils. Only one character: Wally. Wally was a witness, which would make sense for him, since he often watches on as the other neighbors do things. 
Julie is holding the flower in front of her, looking innocent. This is a stretch, but I think that this might be symbolism for her saying that she didn’t do it on purpose, Wally saw the whole thing, ask him! And Wally doesn’t know what to do. I don’t know what he does from there.
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Maybe this image is a clue? I genuinely don’t know. Once again, promotional art is not necessarily canon, but we can use the concepts from it in theories.
This next part is also a bit of a stretch. The neighbors having a memory of something like that happening would ruin their “acting” (I think they are just being recorded as they do what they would naturally do). The show can’t have that. The solution? Replace everyone involved. 
Now go back and look in the promotional art section and look at that art of Frank. It looks like Frank is laying among extra puppet parts. They have extras!
And this is why Wally is dissociating in the videos we see when we click on the bugs. They did not replace him, because like the neighbors, they didn’t even notice he was there.
Okay yeah that’s the theory. It was really hard to get this into a coherent Google Doc and gather all the links. I was just rambling to myself about this in my room over and over pacing around for like a week. But yeah here you go, hope it's a good theory, sorry if it's not lol please be nice to me
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
"-And Miss Meadowes shall be partnering with... Miss Mckinnon", Slughorn read out.
Dorcas slid over to Marlene's desk, glaring at her, "If you mess up this potion, I will kill you."
Marlene nodded, swinging her legs as they sat on a stool, "Sure, Sure. Get thrown in Akzban for murder, then."
Dorcas ignored them, instead deciding to start on the assignment.
Marlene glanced over to their parchment as Dorcas wrote notes down, "Do you think dementors enjoy the happy memories they steal?"
Dorcas turned to her, "What?"
"Cause, they steal happy memories, right? But why? What benefit would they gain from that? I mean surely it must be tiring going around day after day in a freezing building and just sucking people's souls. So do y'think they get to keep the memories they take and it makes them happy? Like an exchange of happiness?"
Dorcas frowned in thought, pausing their writing.
"Huh. I hadn't thought about that."
Marlene gasped, "Oh, do you want to hear this theory I have?"
Dorcas' frown deepened, "I actually do."
"So, basically I have this theory that the dementors are actually kinda like dogs. And they think that azkaban and the prisoners in there are their food, but their owners, so that's the ministry, they tell them 'oh you can only have little bits of all these different types of foods', so kind of like a diet, and the dementors listen because they're the kind of dogs that are super well trained, and so our souls are their food and so they have to take them or they'll be starving. But, if you think about it, if we let the dementors be like wild dogs, wouldn't that mean they'd be happier and we would also be happier. Cause they'd only eat a few people's souls, and if you didn't want them to take your soul then you could just be in the light all the time, it's really not a big deal."
Dorcas covered their smile with their hand, "Sure, Mckinnon."
Marlene turned to them, "I burnt the potion by the way."
"What?" Dorcas frantically stood up and leaned over to look at the blackened contents in their cauldron, "We hadn't even started yet!"
Marlene shrugged, "I know, but Sluggie was boring earlier so I put all those ingredients he wrote on the board into the cauldron whilst he was still talking rubbish."
"But the potion doesn't even require heat!"
"Okay, well that isn't my fault! You let me rant to you about my theory, and whenever I rant I start playing with my lighter and I subconsciously put the lighter inside the cauldron and all the ingredients burned! So really that's your fault for not making me shut up."
Dorcas scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head slightly as her stubborn mouth still tried to twist into a smile.
"You must be the worst person to partner with in class."
Marlene gasped, "That is so not fair! Because I was partners with Snape last term and he never let me do anything to help, or let me talk, or play with my lighter or anything. He's definitely the worst partner, because he's such a boring control freak. Like even more a control freak than Lily, although I say that with love and only because she called herself it just last week."
Dorcas gave up on the aims of hiding her smile as she passed her notes to Marlene, "Here, you can tell me what I need to do and you can rant all you want whilst I do make the potion, just in case you get any more urges to put a lighter in the cauldron."
Marlene grinned, "Well, Meadowes", she started to read the notes, "Start off with adding 50ml of leech juice whilst I tell you the story of when I broke James' arm when we were nine and beat him so bad in a 1v1 game of quidditch that he made him parents get rid of his hoops for a year."
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hidden-clue · 5 months
Okay so following the theory that HeRInteractive outsourced the entire game #34 and they just got it back from other companies, which would explain why they would do such poor buildup marketing and only announce it 3 weeks before release - I assumed that these last 3 weeks they need for beta testing and bug fixing. So I asked my friend who works in game development and beta testing whether 3 weeks would be enough to test and fix game's bugs - she said NO.
Which makes sense, that's a very short window of time to catch the bugs, report them, get developers to locate the issues, fix them, test them again, it's a process that can take months! So. If they really did give it just 3 weeks to be fixed of bugs... we might be getting another buggy game.
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blue2black · 9 months
I’m obsessed ngl.
Here’s some more COD incorrect quotes based on the game of Class Of 09. Both of them:
(Also, Cheshire is my COD OC, she only appears once.)
Gaz: You’re a whore.
Graves: Excuse me? I have a girlfriend and a purity ring!
Gaz: For real? How do I get one?
Graves: Little late for you.
Gaz: No, it’s never too late to have your girlfriend fuck every person but you.
Graves: Ugh, I don’t need to take this! I’m on the honor roll, something you’ll never do.
Gaz: Bitch, why don’t you shut the fuck up before I slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Graves: Are you threatening me?? 😡
Gaz: No, I’m hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch. 🙄
Soap: Fuck that shit! Do you even know how I got involved with this bitch?!
Shepherd: Language.
Soap: Do you even know how I got involved with this hoe?!
Shepherd: Slightly better.
Laswell: Actually, I may or may not have been covered in baby oil…
Gaz: Ugh…well, I guess racism wins.
Ghost: Can we see the pictures?
Laswell: Get out.
Graves: I’m getting real tired of you picking on me! It won’t be so fun when the shoes on the other foot!
Rudy: Are you threatening me? Are you threatening me in SKETCHERS?
Shepherd: Is there something between the two of you that you may not realize?
Farah: What does any of that even mean?
Valaria: He’s asking if we’re lesbians.
Shepherd: You’re excused, cap’n. But work on that foul language.
Price, under his breath while walking away: Work on getting a fucking therapist, holy shit.
How Ghost’s father could’ve died:
Ghost: And get this!
Ghost: His suicide note was stuck to the fridge with a Cookie Monster magnet.
Ghost: All he wrote on it: SIMON’S FAULT.
Ghost: I’m Simon by the way, hi!—WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO HIM?!
Graves, walking away: I hate talking, talking’s for gay people…
Gaz: What a theory.
Laswell, furiously knocking on Price’s door: Come on, come oon…trying not to get blamed for a hate crime…!
Price, opens the door: I’m watching football, this better be really fucking good.
Laswell: It’s actually really bad!
Price: Oh, well see you later.
Gaz: Dude, we'll look the other way on your minor fetish and get you a pizza, okay?
Cheshire: Does he have a major fetish?
Gaz, looking at Cheshire: No, his major fetish is a minor fetish.
Cheshire: So, what's the fetish?
Gaz: I told you, a minor fetish.
Cheshire: I know it's a minor fetish, what's the fetish for?
Gaz: Minors.
Cheshire: Like, guys that dig coal?
Gaz: Not those minors.
Cheshire: So, shitty baseball players?
Gaz: What? No!
Cheshire: Then what's the fetish??
Gaz: ...
Soap's mom: Excuses, excuses!
Soap: Weren't you supposed to be happy or something?
Soap's mom: Ugh...I'm gonna go up to my room and read up how to fold the pastrami.
Soap's mom, walking away: You better find a way OUT of those remedial classes!
Soap: You better find a real fuckin' job, bitch.
Shepherd: What's your T-cell count?
Gaz: Uh.
Alex: I-I don't get it; we don't take shop.
Shepherd: You don't take shop...?
Alex: Yeah, they use T-cells in shop class, what's that have to do with AIDS?
Gaz: That's a T-square, Alex--FUCK!
Alex: What? No--if you knew why'd you look at me??
Gaz: I didn't know how much we were supposed to say!
Alex: How the fuck would I know?!
Soap's mom, walking in: Ugh, today was hard but still rewarding.
Soap: What was?
Soap's mom: My day working at the Deli?
Soap: Oh...I wasn't asking, but alright.
Soap's mom: You don't wanna hear what happened?
Soap: I think I'm good.
Valeria: There's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Alejandro: Oh, what's that?
Valeria: The n-word.
Valeria: For a week it’d be kinda fun. You wanna be sexed up abusive lesbians?
Farah: Fuck no.
Valeria: Why not?
Farah: ‘Cause you’d be doing all the abusing.
Valeria: Oh like what? 😒
Farah: Just weird shit. You’d like…put a cigarette out on my neck and lick the burn mark.
Valeria: …so, you wanna try it?
Farah: No!
Norris, walking away: Let’s see how the General deals with your abundance of comebacks.
Ghost: Soap, we’re not even a week in and you’re getting sent to the General’s office.
Soap: New record, don’t be jealous.
Gaz: For real, I don’t like how he talks to you, Simon. You’re actually like, really cool and smart and you should be treated as such.
Ghost, flushing: Wow, that’s uh…
Gaz: What’s wrong?
Ghost: People tell me that all the time and I just say “I know”. But now that you are saying it, I forgot how to take an actual compliment.
Gaz: We’re friends, don’t worry about it.
Ghost: Are you trying to have sex with me?
Gaz: Not really.
Ghost: Yeah, I have no idea how to process this.
Gaz: Does the General ever compliment you?
Ghost: No. 🙄
Gaz: ‘Cause he can’t appreciate what he has..and seriously, like, seriously, Ghost…
Gaz: If I ever see him talk to you like that again I will rip his beating heart out and hand it to you on a silver platter.
Ghost: 😳…a-and you don’t wanna have sex with me?
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ladysarai · 3 months
@inception30daychallenge day 1: my favorite thing about the movie
I think my FAVORITE thing about Inception is how MUCH there is to it, as a movie. You can watch it a zillion times and get something new from it every time, and you can read one person's take and be impressed and amazed because you didn't even think of that take!
But what REALLY makes me sit up and pay attention to a piece of media is Characters, and Relationships. I love how MUCH the cast did with so very little... I want to know EVERYTHING about Arthur's relationships with Mal and Dom, (okay, ESPECIALLY Mal) just because of the way he calls Mal "lovely" and because of the way he PUTS UP with Dom and follows him around and has obviously been loyal through So Much Shit and then the way he SMILES in the end. Cobb himself is a hot mess, and given only the context of the movie, you have to wonder why anyone would put up with the things he puts Arthur through, so there has to be a history there, right?? And OF COURSE I'm here for Arthur and Eames and their shared history, whatever that may be (they're married okay). The fact that in the paper script, Arthur and Eames could have been played so differently by two other actors is... It's a little awe inspiring, and just makes you really appreciate what actors can bring to their roles.
I love that every single time I watch it, there is something new to notice, some new nuance to pick up on, a new piece of canon that can be used to spin out headcanon or fic from. And I absolutely ADORE that so much is open-ended and there's no real WRONG interpretation; I think that's what's given the fandom such lasting power over the years. We're give so little actual canon that very little fanon is actually contradicted. It's kind of beautiful that way.
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On a personal note... When I say that I'm new to the Inception fandom, I mean BRAND NEW... like as of April of this year new. Which is not to say I didn't see the movie when it came out in 2010, because I did! I watched it more than once! But here's the thing... You ever have those experiences where OTHER PEOPLE ruin a thing for you before you give it a chance yourself?
That's what happened with me and Inception. I thought "hey, fun movie" and left it at that. Largely because my younger brother was in this weird "I'm a Movie Connoisseur/Expert and My Opinion is the One That Counts" stage and as someone with self-proclaimed "man crush" on Leo, he was All About Cobb, who is easily my LEAST favorite character. He was also All About arguing for the "it's all a dream" theory over the ending, which I think beautifully demonstrates the main difference between us: I am an optimist and prefer happy endings. So he would Not Shut Up about this movie and how GROUNDBREAKING it was and how the pessimistic viewing of the ending was the Only True Way to watch the movie. (May I say how much I fucking love that this has generally been disproved in the last 14 years? Because I have serious Schadenfreude over that.)
(I was also RPing in a panfandom LJ game at the time with people who were obsessed with playing characters played by Certain Actors and our game wound up with an Arthur and an Ariadne and I think they shipped them but it was full of ~drama~ and I wanted nothing to do with it so I kept my Barbies on my corner of the game and avoided theirs.)
ANYWAY, this is a very convoluted and long-winded way to get to my point. Which is that I largely forgot about Inception for the last 13 years-ish. Then I was rereading some old fanfics in March and because I liked an author, I went to see what other fandoms they'd written for. And somehow I fell into Inception and discovered Arthur/Eames, and HOW THE FUCK DID I MISS THAT????? After a few weeks of reading fic, I decided to watch the movie again and, well. Then I was watching it every other day for several weeks.
Moderation? What's that?
So another favorite thing about this movie is that I got back into fandom for the first time in... god. Almost ten years???? Because of it. Which is a little miraculous by itself.
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itsquakey · 1 year
Thinking about…Marx
Even though drawing Kirby stuff is a little hard thinking about Kirby is sure enough on the table. And it’s about Marx obviously.
As much as I add to Marx’s story and headcanon all sorts of little things that make him seem more like modern Kirby characters I do like the simplicity of his character in the game canon. He has no backstory of any nature. It’s never explained how he knows about Novas. His character does come off a little unhinged and childish which is prolly why everyone was like “this guy is insane and super fucking evil” back in the day when in reality he seemed to only do it so he could make as much mischief as he could without getting in trouble (I call it “petty villainy” as opposed to actual villainy like Magolor and Haltmann). Now there’s been an argument since the beginning about if Marx got his powers from the Nova in SS/ SSU or if he had them beforehand. Here’s my theory. Kirby Super Star (Sakurai) implies Marx had his powers before the Nova incident, likely his “true form” and the Nova wish only granted him the ability to rule over Popstar via political power. (Also explains how the hell he got into space to knock Kirby away to begin with). Kirby Super Star Ultra (Kumazaki) implies Marx received his powers from the Nova as a result of the wish, “power over Popstar” likely meant the actual strength to rule via wings and a assortment of abilities and not political power to rule or anything. (Keep in mind this theory is because of Kumazaki’s lore in modern Kirby
So TLDR Game Marx canon is that he probably got his wings through an ancient artifact like the SSU Nova or the SSU Nova itself (Even though I personally headcanon he was a wish from a nova). I do like that he doesn’t seem to be bothered by these powers and in fact is barely shown in merch and art with his wings out or using any abilities. It’s like they just get in the way for him which is quite funny to me. Okay back to how I see his personality represented in canon and other things.
I specifically enjoy the fact that Marx never seems to apologize for what he did to Kirby but it’s shown that they are pals to an extent (if we consider the books to align with game canon). In the books especially it shows that Marx likes to make mischief WITH Kirby and Kirby is also comfortable enough with Marx to give him a hug that results in him falling and eating dirt. This current representation of Marx in canon makes me believe Marx isn’t sorry for his temporary takeover but learned his lesson in taking mischief and mayhem too far. So now he only does minor instances of troublemaking, which sometimes backfire on him. With the release of Forgotten Land and Magolor Epilogue, a bit of a spotlight has been put back on Marx due to his relation to/ similarities of some aspects of these games. I do hope he’ll show up to actually be a somewhat important character in a mainline game instead of being a cameo for people to :0 at if that’s even possible. IDK if present HAL has 100% control over Marx as a character or if Sakurai still has some control over his appearances.
If not it’s still fine to me, as he’s a little resident of Popstar who gets merch and has roles in books which I love. Superb funky grape man I love.
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Okay TED Talk over, I’ve gotta go prep for finals week.
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bengiyo · 4 months
Only Boo! Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Moo got too excited the night before his audition and was late. Potae was off his game due to nerves, and he and Moo got into a fight about their mistakes. Jang, an idol, took a shine to Payos. Only Payos passed the audition. Kang rejected Shone, and has confirmed boyfriends with Moo.
If this show must contrive intimacy delays, I like the hand kissing as an indication that Kang wants to.
Episode 8: My Boo
I love that the date montage takes place over just a few days. Moo has been waiting and needs to get it in.
Oh ho, negotiating forms of address.
I love Moo wanting to cook for Kang, and also that he's so serious about the tone they're using with each other.
This pre-separation anxiety feels very high school in a way that is landing solidly for me. I do like Moo a lot.
Oof, getting some Theory of Love flashbacks on Khai making Third deal with the girlfriends.
Once again glad that a confession was a fantasy because it felt so off. Another reminder to the audience.
Now which screenwriter is working out something in this script with this lament about who gets the opportunity versus who works for it the hardest?
I get that we don't have time to introduce more parents, by how is a minor signing this contract?
Okay, I like Moo glaring at Potae to speak nicely to Payos.
We're a bit late in the show, but I'm okay with Jang showing up as a complication for the side romance.
Moo's confidence about his attraction to Kang is so special.
I like Moo's song, but the tuning on the voices is strong.
I doubt Payos will confess this episode.
Are we back to wondering if the realities of public life will force Moo into the closet? I feel like I don't trust this show about this anymore.
This episode is so optimistic about the romantic future for our leads that I'm instinctively expecting a major crash at the end of this episode.
Did they intend to give Moo a graduation haircut??
I remain a fan of the teachers in this show. Reminding students that they are the ones who did the work to get through these challenges is the last lesson.
Not this teacher making me cry because he wanted to get his student's autograph.
Well well well, Payos managed to express it this episode.
This kiss feels like they worked hard on calibrating it for where the characters are and the experience level of the actors.
Interesting! We're progressing to cohabitation in college next week. That doesn't happen often. The only example that rushes to mind is Utsukushii Kare.
This was a fun episode that didn't end on a downer like I feared. I am never sure where this show wants to go, but I'm glad we got to see our leads transition into their sweet boyfriends era. I still don't know why Shone was in this show, because his absence meant nothing this week. I grow to love Moo more every week, and I wanna talk to this writing team about how they conceived Dynamite and Moo someday.
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