#ok relivant tag time
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zero-is-nebulous · 2 years ago
Okay I can't take it anymore
Here's an in depth analysis on Sonic and Knuckles, their relationship to the other, and the sun and moon design trope
Sonic is, at his core, a free spirit. He is constantly looking for adventure, and jumping into action whenever he is needed. This often puts him into opposition against various bad guys, because the more he defeats them, the more that pop up and want to have a go at the impossible challange.
And like, take over the world, I guess. Typical villain stuff
It's also important to note that, in cannon, sonic is 15 years old. Being a hero at such a young age, I mean, wow that's gotta be some responsibility. Originally, speaking from origins, Sonic just started out using his speed to help little animals get out of traps. Then, just a kid, he encounters eggman and finds out he's behind such a terrible thing. He doesn't know what to do, obviously, because he's a literal child, but knows he can't let his animal friends be hurt like this.
He also knows that he's not like the other mobians, he's faster, more resilient, and that makes him the perfect candidate for the job. He takes down eggman's bigger bots, rescues flickies, and everything is good!
Until eggman retaliates. Because obviously the evil bad guy can't let anyone foil his plans! Anyway, this is a rough timeline of events as to how Sonic most probably got stuck being the hero. He helped some animals, and the threat got bigger, but he stuck with it because he realised he COULD do some good with his powers. Then the threats escalated, and now the entire world depends on him.
(Also, it's worth noting here that Sonic has the 'live in the moment' mentality. Obviously he does heroism because he CARES, like a lot, and he wants OTHER people to be able to enjoy their own 'live in the moment' mentalities because he's an optimist and wants the best for people. Obviously that's also one of the driving forces of his heroism, he's a surprisingly complex character ok it's hard to put it all into words all at once. But this also means that he tries to have fun with it, he DOES enjoy his adventures. Hes clearly a bit of a thrill seeker, he makes the most of a bad situation no matter how dire it is because not only is that a coping mechanism, but one of his personal life mottos. I also personally beleive that he knows how dangerous his line of work is, and that if he DOESNT live life to the most while he has it, he'll regret it in the event that he doesnt make it back one day)
Along the way, he's stopped worrying about himself, because he's developed a hero complex. All the pressure put on his character makes him disregard his own safety for others, always making HUGE personal sacrifices for the 'greater good', and pushing his pain aside just so he can help. Sonic is still a child, and he's grown up around violence and heroism and now he has a duty to protect people. Because he can.
Because he's the ONLY one who can
People say so on multiple occasions. When it's, not entirely true? I mean, don't get me wrong, Sonic is a force to be reckoned with, and at some point that statement may have even been true! But its just,,,not, anymore??
When shadow first arrived he was established to have speed that matches sonics, at least to some extent, and a steely moral compass as a result of his past with Maria. He joins GUN in an attempt to make good on his promise (and probably some other government stuff, I mean being an experiment from 50 years ago gets you tangled up in some shit), and he can TELEPORT, as well as hone chaos energy in ways that Sonic can't even manage.
Well, we've never seen him manage, at least.
Here's a quick list of all of Shadows abilities:
Super speed
Increased stamina
Ability to use firearms
Chaos control (teleportation)
Chaos control (ability to slow or stop time, apparently?)
Chaos spear
Chaos blast
Increased healing factor
Super form
Now, here's a lost of Sonics abilities:
Super speed
Increased acrobatics and agility
Resilience to damage
Strong sense of spirit
Increased stamina
Hand to hand combat skills
Chaos control (+1 emerald)
Super form
Both hedgehogs have an impressive arsenal of abilities under their belt, for sure. But even with Sonics collection of skills, some of them are just that. Skills
For Shadow, Chaos energy runs through his veins so extremely that he needs to wear POWER CANCELLING cuffs. He was designed, built, for such power. Take note of how Sonics list includes more generalised and LEARNABLE skills, while Shadows includes more actual 'powers', so to speak
So. Is sonic the ONLY one capable of saving the world? NO! in fact, Shadow has helped do just that on multiple occasions. I'm not saying one is more powerful than the other, or better suited to the role, but Sonic is under the impression that he's alone in this when he's not
Shadow may not have sonics optimism, or social superiority, but he's a GOOD hedgehog, and they both possess amazing abilities that they choose to use for good. Sonics often telling people that they don't have to fight alone, but often takes the leap and does JUST THAT When he deems a situation too dangerous for anyone to risk their lives for
Once, he was the only mobian with powers strong enough to face great evils. Even with the help of Tails and Amy, they were both still kids, younger than himself, who were normal all things considered. Yes, Tails could fly, and yes, Amy could haul a hammer twice her size, but they were still not as strong as him. So, they couldn't be risked. Underneath it all, despite their help, he was always stronger, always the most fit for life threatening missions, and he would take it all in stride
And then there was Knuckles, and then Shadow, and then Silver and Blaze somewhere down the line. All superpowered beings to some extent, having chaos energy (or sol energy) running through them at such a rate that they could ACTUALLY compare to Sonic.
Once, he was the ONLY person strong enough to take on the threats alone. But now? There are others, strong and diffrent like him, who could equally take on the fight with or without his help.
And yes, as they grow and get stronger, the threats DO tend to get more dangerous, but that's why they're all there together. Obviously the threat level will increase, and they will always find away to defeat it per the age rating on the game being allowable for the delicate emotions of optimistic children (and me) that our hero's can concour ANYTHING. But still, they have so many allies that that almost doesn't matter
My point being; he does not need to take on all this pressure by himself.
A lot of the time, at least with major threats such as the metal virus or neo metal sonic (shout out to IDW comics for consuming my brain and producing the most gut wrenching storyline to ever exist in the sonic universe) he's almost FORCED to accept help? I'm not saying he wouldn't have already, but he had a bit of a tendancy to be like 'hey, I got this' *finger guns* when he does not in fact got this. And sure maybe he does eventyally and all that, but you have to admit a LOT of the threats he takes on are like ridiculous to the point you have to brace yourself when he goes into battle. Likes we know sonic is strong but Jesus, that little man takes on some POWERFUL enemies
(Quick case and point: metal virus, being captured on the death egg in forces, being KILLED BY MEPHILES!!! Clearly he isn't indestructible, sometimes he bites off more than he can chew alone)
Ok back on topic now.
The MAIN reason why people look to him as 'the only one who can help them' is because of reputation and carisma. You know why Shadow was disposed of so quickly during the metal virus arc? Because he would have been a GREAT help, and the two of them working together would have toppled the virus MUCH quicker
(And bc they reversed his goddamn character arc AGAIN bc nobody can get it right apparently)
Anyway, because Sonic has gone his entire life with his mentality, people have looked up to him on some kind of pedestal. This just deepens the cycle of it all, making him hold himself accountable, or bare too much burden, and the confident facade is just the icing on the cake.
Because people look up to him, as a hero, a role model, and as a GOOD, and FRIENDLY person. They see him, caring and kind and never giving up, and rely on him. In contrast, Shadow keeps to a distance and is mostly cold to civilians, with the exception of Cream and possibly Vanilla and the Chaotix (Although wether the chaotix should be considered civilians is up for debate). This means that less people call to HIM, when they're in danger. He's under less pressure, people don't put him under a spotlight, but they DO with sonic
And now, whether he wants it or not, he is THE hero
Admittedly, I think Sonic does enjoy being a hero
To an extent, he sort of has to be. He's kind and caring cause that's who he is. He runs because he wants to, and he saves people because he wants to as well. Obviously there's pressure there, but he got into it in the first place because he wanted to do good. And doing a good thing makes him...Happy. content. Proud, even
Hes free like the wind, is what they say, and he IS. He doesn't WANT to quit being a hero, but I'd imagine sometimes he thinks about it. It's a stressful life, every eye on you when something goes wrong, waiting for you to fix it. And sometimes he doesn't have the answers, and that's okay
But some people won't see it that way, see him as a failure. And that's the true bitterness of being worshipped
So yes, while he's sort of trapped in his role, I wouldn't say he wanted to let go of it anyway. He knows someone has to do it, which is a daunting feeling because he also knows that person has to be HIM- but, he enjoys saving people, so it's not all bad
Knuckles the echidna, the last of his tribe, stuck on a floating island in complete isolation.
Well, there's a lot to say about him, I'll admit. So, let's just start small
First of all, Knuckles' isolation has left him slightly naive, which was the original reason that he fell for eggmans lies. This is, of course, because he's been alone for SO long, that he hadn't a clue as to the social clues of a lie. That, and his ONE presumed purpose in life was to look after the master emerald, in which he would do anything to protect
So, a mixture of passion, protectiveness, rage, and naivety, were what lead to the events of Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
The absolute isolation and lack of alterior purpose leave knuckles struggling a lot. He has other ambitions and goals, obviously, he LOVES exploring, and he can read many ancient dialecs which come from his architect passion. The one thing keeping him confined to his island is the emerald
And the implications that follow. See, he's the last of his kind. And, because of that, he has NOBODY who can understand the EXACT and finite details of his situation on an emotional level. He can ask nobody for guidance, instead fumbling blindly under the belief that 'this is what they would have wanted', without actually being able to ASK
Knuckles protects the master emerald because he thinks it's what he's supposed to do. And, It is obviously, but he's so focused on not disappointing his fallen tribe that he disregards his own wellbeing a lot for it
He stays at the shrine 24/7, only leaving when the fate of, quite literally, the ENTIRE WORLD is at stake. He's on his island, alone. Speaking realistically, no one person should be assigned that task. Within the tribe before their passing, many would have protected the emerald, and in healthy shifts
Except, Knuckles doesn't have that choice. So he's cemented to his fate, but he does WANT to do other things. In fact, his time on the island has probably INCREASED the hunger for exploration and adventure
So, let's think forces for a second.
Knuckles was the captain of almost an entire ARMY, he lead them, and took on the pressure of responsibility, and that's something quite interesting. See, you'd assume that his time on the island would null his skills with others in that regard, but he has a striking skill when it comes to organisational battle plans.
Hes the same in the metal virus arc
Knuckles is often taking up big, important positions despite his initial lack of social grace. And, deep down, I think this is connected to his tribe.
See, he has this task that he's been confined to, with no guidance at all. He thrives off of the assumption of his tribe, and does his job with steely focus. When he takes up that position as a leader, he takes up the responsibility that weighs similarly to the responsibility of taking care of the master emerald
(Here, he's also able to give OTHER people the guidance he so needed in his times of struggle. By being that someone that can be trusted, and looked to for answers, I feel like it almost quenches some of his deep rooted abandonment issues)
In both scenarios, people are expecting him to protect something, and lead. Be strong, responsible, and altogether a beacon of hope. The key difference is that, this time, he has reassurance. He can see his efforts paying off, he can see his plans play live infront of his eyes, and he saves people. Directly, not just through avoidance, but ACTIVELY protects people
But it's a lot
Even for Knuckles, it's a LOT. because when you're guarding something with expectations of people who aren't there, there's no disappointment. There's only assumedly so, (which im pretty sure hes prone to exagerating because he holds his old tribe up on the same sort of pedistal that most hold sonic. In the sort of heavenly devinity that makes the 'they can do no wrong' thing really prominant, but also he knows about traditions and rules and probaly assumes that they would be SUPER strict, so he holds himself in extremely high expectation as if to please a god) and there isn't death. There isn't pressure that grows as tides change, as people leave and get presumed dead, as lives under his watch aren't at risk. War is an ever changing responsibility, where REAL lives that you can actually comprehend because they're right in front of you, are at stake
I imagine he originally took up the role because watching the master emerald is similar. He protects mobian and human lives alike by doing so, if he watches the emerald and stops it from being stolen, he protects people. And if he watches over this army of people and steers them in the right way, he protects people
Also, it's clear from frontiers that Knuckles is actually really interested in strategy and ancient combat and the like. So it's also possible it's a part of his architect and exploratory interest in diffrent historical events peeking through
When Sonic was taken to the death egg, people assumed he was dead. Sonic was, by all means, a beacon of hope. He provided determination, and gave everybody the idea that, eventually, they would get out of the tough spot
So, when he 'died', Knuckles was left with that job. He had to keep moral high, and hope imminent.
But he's not that good at it. He preaches glory, victory, an end to the war, but people lose hope anyway because Sonic is held in such high regard that people can't seem to beleive that he was bested. And if sonic was bested, then, well...what's the use in trying? NOBODY could match his skill, and he's dead now. So hope is gone and what's the point?
So, it's a tough spot for him. He's lost a friend, everybody is depressed, he doesn't know the first thing about sonics impression of hope, and he's stuck playing leader to a war he himself is giving up on
Don't get him wrong, he wants to WIN. wants to avenge those who killed his friend, and face glory and peace once again. But he just...can't. The pressure is piling up, and while he gradually builds up others confidence, he sees EVERYTHING. He sees the lies put in place of hope, and he doesn't know what to do
Sonic was the one who introduced him to the concept of anything and everything outside of his island, taught him hope and friendship, and now he's dead.
Anyway, while knuckles is a good leader, he's not mentally adjusted for all of its tribulations. As is common for leaders during GENUINE warfare, but I digress
Knuckles and Sonic are simular in the way that they both take on so much pressure. They both have tasks that they 'NEED to do' because they're the ONLY ones fit for the task. In knuckles' case it's much more literal, but LIKE sonics case, it just isn't like that anymore
Having friends now makes looking after the emerald easier than ever. He may not have his tribe, but he's sort of...built a new one, out of the friends he's made. He doesn't have to be there ALONE. People would help, hell, they could take a note out of Sonic underground's book and hand Knuckles a bunch of island defense systems. We all know tails would be more than up for the job
Still, he takes on this responsibility because he assumes its expected of him. And, maybe it WAS
But he's his own person, and he deserves his own life. He has a connection with chaos energy that makes him perfect as the protector, but thats not all he is. And he knows it.
Also, I want to bring back the hidden magic cave for the master emerald to live in. It would be so much harder to steal if it wasn't just sitting at an open air alter on the top of a floating island like a BEACON. Sonic 3 and Knuckles had that hiding spot on POINT, imagine how much safer the emerald would be, and how much more FREEDOM knuckles would have, if tails just upgraded that bad boy a little bit
It's a fixable problem, guys. I know sega wants to have an open plot point at ALL times, so they make the master emerald easier to steal, but Jesus man, you gotta give my guy a break. Why introduce an entire hidden space, perfect for the containment and protection of the master emerald, and then NOT put it there??? DUDE
(That's also probably another reason for the game not being considered cannon. Ik another reason is hyper sonic, obviously, but both concepts kick ass and I want them back. Petition to make sonic 3 and knuckles cannon)
Sonic and Knuckles
Okay, I know I touched up on their relationship a bit in the Knuckles' rundown, but there's a lot more to say. Also, I'm aware that the Knuckles section was disappointingly short, his character has a LOT going on, but there's not a lot to actually say since a lot of it is pretty obvious. Most of Knuckles' interesting attributes actually come out when prompted by others, due to his isolation, which is where Sonic comes in
Sonic and Tails were the second people he met in his LIFE. and he has a good relationship with Tails that I may talk on at a later date, but his relationship with Sonic is genuinely really interesting
See, Sonic was a literall PROPHECY. He was engraved into the rocks on the island, and he was most likely studied and theorised about in his time on the island.
For knuckles, with nothing to do but wait, I have no doubt that he read those texts RELENTLESSLY. so he knows of this hedgehog, prophecised to protect the world from threat, and then he meets a hedgehog. Obviously he's been tricked, but the dots don't connect until they're on the same side, because he's so disconnected from things outside his island, that he can't actually comprehend at first that THIS, right here, infront of his very eyes, is an actual PROPHECY. I bet he wasn't expecting to live at the same time as him, maybe he assumed it'd already happened, or would soon happen long after his own life. Its just not every day you befriend a prophecy okay, I Don't blame the poor guy
(Also, sidebar. How does he know how to read? To talk??? Ik echidna come from eggs so him being born there, fine, I can accept. But HOW is he possibly able to comprehend writings not only in ancient texts, but the more modern language as well??? Was it the master emerald? Does it talk to him? Did it TEACH knuckles how to fucking read? Talk??)
And in a way, that gives Knuckles a link back to his tribe. And that link, of all things, is SONIC
Because somehow, his tribe has prophecised his existence, and the good he'd bring with him. They had deemed this mobian so important that they carved his image into rock. Surely, he must have been a common topic
Would they be proud of knuckles for being the one to greet him? Or would they shrivel up in disappointment at their first interactions?
Sonic and Knuckles have an interesting character dynamic, because they're both simular, while also being drastically opposite from one another
They both uphold ridiculous responsibility. Sonic is the protector of the people, there to fight off any threats and keep them safe. Knuckles is the protector of the master emerald, a more behind the scenes method of protection, as if it was left in the wrong hands, people would surely die. More than that, they're both hero's to the public
They also both adore adventure and exploration
Knuckles is a solitary creature, moreso by habit than by introvertedness, and his passions in traveling are often squandered by his job
Sonic is an outgoing creature, always social and optimistic. This is partially his extrovertedness, and partially his general likeness. While I wouldn't say sonic is an introvert either, maybe saying he's an extrovert Is also not necessarily true. In sonic x especially, he's shown to very much enjoy his time alone, although fluctuates that mantra when in the company of those he trusts
Anyway, Sonic is free flowing, able to do whatever he wants really. And knuckles is the opposite. While they both strive for simular things, their actual actions are very diffrent
Sonic is also optimistic, outgoing, energetic, and generally quite relaxed. Knuckles on the other hand, is reclusive, cold, calculating and fierce. He often refuses to 'relax', taking his position as guardian VERY seriously
Their personalities mesh surprisingly well, considering all of this
When Knuckles was introduced to society via flying fox and prophecy 'god', that cemented the end of an era for him. Obviously he knew there was things outside of his island, but things like technology, and all the things that existed outside that he'd never even heard of, often turns a guys perspective upside down.
So Sonic and Tails introduced society, and friendship. Sonic is stubborn, not one to give up on things he's pursuing, and his friendship with Knuckles is no different. Because Knuckles is so used to isolation, he struggles to accept the drastic change that his life Is undergoing, and part of that change is the inclusion of people
So he acts cold on purpose a lot to deter people, as a protection for himself, and the master emerald. Cause, if someone gets close to him, he may let his guard down and then the emerald would be at risk. He's afraid of forming any type of relationships at first because he's never had to forge one before, and he doesn't know how to feel about it all
Luckily for him, Sonic is stubborn. He sees someone lonely, and able to kick his ass, and thinks 'yeah, we are actually going to be best friends I think'
Anyway because of Sonics stubbornness, and consistency, Knuckles and him are friends. I imagine that Sonic visits him, as well as their other friends, but Sonic specifically doesn't seem the type to just LET knuckles be alone on an island
Plus the tornado IS his plane, he could fly it up if he really wanted to
Anyway throughout the years, Knuckles and Sonic have a healthy respect for one another. They were rivals once, and then friends, but they aren't afraid to challange eachother because they're truly equals
So Sonic and Knuckles are friends. Cool, great. HOW does this relate to the sun and moon dynamic further than their original opposites?
I'm so glad you asked!
Sun and moon
So for some context, for those of you who are unaware, Sonic and knuckles designs are representing the Sun and moon by CANNON DESIGN CHOICES. Sonics tummy fur is meant to represent the sun, and obviously, Knuckles sidewards crescent moon is meant to represent, well, the MOON
The way that the sun and moon dynamic works is like this:
"a merging of opposites , unity and cooperation instead of conflicts, and rebirth"
Thanks Pinterest matching tattoo post!
Anyway, at the start, Knuckles and Sonic are at odds. They're complete opposites at a first glance. And then they're given the chance to be better, be friends, and suddenly their dynamic is just the best thing in the world ever oh god its SO PURE AND SLAY?!?!
The moons characteristics are as follows
Straightforward / blunt
The sun's characteristics are as follows
Strong willed
Knuckles is often the one to have a level head. Yes he is shown to have bursts of anger, or lapses in judgement, but it's driven by his passion (And his emotional stunted upbringing). People often turn to him in times of need within their friendship group because he's well known to be wise, at least about chaos energy (which is most often what they need to know about anyway, hoorah for world centric magic types). He's blunt because of his lack of social awareness mostly. And while he's getting better, he's still pretty straightforward. He doesn't seem to care about sugar coating things for people, with the more 'this is how it is, undiluted, face the world and its problems' vibe
And Sonic. He's impulsive because he wants to live while he still can, he's energetic because speed literally RUNS THROUGH HIS VEINS like a vice, unstoppable and unrealistic. He's strong willed and determined, never backing down, STUBBORN in a way that Knuckles can almost match. Knuckles has been proven to share that drive, its one of their common grounds, but he also knows when to quit. That's their separation, because Sonic doesn't take no for an answer when lives are at stake. He's intense, all encompassing. His presence is almost distracting. Not only because of his social status but just because of his general vibe, sunny and bold
I like to bring actual science into this because it makes the metaphor even better IMO, so let me set the scene
Knuckles is the moon, because he is distant. He likes to keep to himself, and he is steadfast. He is strong, steady, and confident. He has an important purpose that he takes very seriously, and has lived his life in gentle solitude in tune with the nature away from him. He has spent a lot of his life floating, separated from people and their kinship
Enter: Sonic T. Hedgehog. He's intense in a way that is so noticeable that knuckles CANNOT ignore. Its a passion that he respects, and eventually, he finds himself closer than ever to him. You'd think being so close to the sun would get you burned, and it's maybe that apprehension that keeps him at a steady distance even still. Even when his light seems to bring out all of the best parts of him
Just like the moon only lights up the night sky because of the suns grace, Knuckles is only able to let himself flourish because Sonic had brought all of the best parts about him to light. It's cheesy, sure, but it's something he cherishes because he feels more like himself than he ever has in his solitude
There's still this fear, at arms length, because Sonic is so good. If he's a sun he is worshipped. He is looked up to and loved, people bathe in his light and leave gifts at his alter. He is so far away, it's insane
But maybe he doesn't notice, that people worship the moon too. And the sun is the biggest supporter. He shines so that people appreciate him, see all that he does. And people regard them together, because its the sun and the moon. They both float so far away from everyone else, only close enough to eachother by sheer magnitude. They're imposing and intense, and nobody else can even get close. And no matter how many people worship the sun, there is only one who may get close enough to FEEL his heat
And that is the moon
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maukuja · 3 months ago
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Dahut? more like Da Boi
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year ago
last night i started rereading david copperfield. i've read so much new literature this year, i wouldn't say im "burnt out" but i feel like im cycling through things so fast that i... i dont know. i dont feel like i get to have them melt into me as satisfyingly as they used to although that might also be a product of how i feel about my overall *life* right now, idk. deep stuff but anyway.
i havent read a novel in almost four years. i have been too ashamed to pick them back up and i left off in the middle of the professor by charlotte bronte, which i always felt ashamed for being unable to finish. someday ill reread the beginning and finish it, but yadda yadda yadda i hate that nagging feeling that i HAVE to do something. reading should not feel like a chore. which is also how ive felt about my reading plays at such a quick rate this year. not that its a CHORE, like im not enjoying it, but like it's a daily task im distracting myself with to get some temporary pleasure and im cycling from one to the next at an almost monotonous rate. i can't keep living in my imagination like this. hiding from the world and pouring myself into new ones.
i always figured id want to reread david copperfield someday, too. it's one of my three favorite novels ive ever read (not that ive read SO many novels, but still). i think of it often. and i dont think of it like it's a highly literary or intellectual novel. i think of it like an old sitcom or a newspaper strip. like a victorian peanuts or full house. i've never forgotten a bunch of the characters' catchphrases and i've continued to slip them into conversation with people who don't understand them just to overly-explain a joke that only i'm really going to find funny. because that IS the kind of person i am.
ive only read the first four chapters so far. i just cant wait to get to aunt betsey's place, to be honest. i didn't even think about this part... this is the first novel i'm reading since i became an aunt. i never had a character in the book i related to *too* much; i had certain things in common with dora and i loved her, but we weren't one and the same. but my niece is only two and a half months old and i already feel like oh yeah. oh yeah i'd take this little girl in after she ran away from her abusive boarding school. i'd provide for this girl. i'd raise her with my neurodivergent friend that i live with. i would do ANYTHING for her.
#tales from diana#diana rereads david copperfield#may as well make that a tag now#two reasons i thought to reread david copperfield now:#besides as i mentioned i wanted to re-enjoy an old favorite bc ive been cycling through new things so much im getting tired#1) i was going through my old tag from when i reread sense and sensibility like two months after i read it the first time#(after i already went through my tagged/david-copperfield and relived my posts i made from when i first read it)#and i was like gosh it's really been five years EXACTLY since i first read it#i started it in november 2018 and finished in january 2019#wow. like wow#and 2) ive mentioned it on here before but i keep thinking about mr. dick's affinity with king charles i#how i understand what he means now when he said all of king charles' sorrows were poured into his head#when charles was beheaded in 1649#yeah it really is one of my favorite little novels of all time. so much charm and so many ppl in it to love#i told dan when i read it the first time 'i laughed. i cried. i got thrown into debtors prison'#he liked that#also after i read david copperfield the first time i started calling him dan'el. like dan'el peggotty is called#i never stopped doing that lol.#dan doesn't understand that i contain all of mary queen of scots' sorrows but thats ok#i didnt even think about it before reading it but yeah i am absolutely going to be my niece's aunt betsey#your sister betsey trotwood who disappointed me on the night of your birth
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castingcomets · 1 year ago
Every summer I feel like i've grown a lot and I'll do better this time around but then the Autumn hits and the specific way it makes me feel has changed and grown and compounded too and now like every year im sitting here with so much homework feeling so lost and uncertain. And I want to make cookies
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sturncrazy · 1 year ago
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High School Reunion🔥
Chris Sturniolo x y/n (fem)
warnings: SMUT!! nsfw 18+ (risky location, almost caught, unprotected, language)
authors note: time jump for this one (it takes place 2 years from now but roll w me here ok 🤝) also this one ended up a lil sweeter than i thought it would but hey it’s kinda cutesy
summary: you attend your 5 year high school reunion and end up having an unexpected run in with your old crush Chris Sturniolo 👀
word count: 2,618 w
You fussed with your name tag. it felt so stupid, it had only been 5 years since you’d all been classmates. could everyone have forgotten each other that quickly? the thought made you nauseous, because deep down you knew you’d be one of the people forgotten the fastest. you were quiet in high school and never partied. not to mention the fact that puberty decided to wait until college, at least that’s when boys decided to notice you. you adjusted your dress, took a breath, and mustered up the courage to walk into the decked out gymnasium.
The next few hours consisted of semi-awkward life updates, but it was painless. the music was loud and people had enough drinks that everyone was in a friendly festive mood. the main focus of attention was on Sturniolo triplets, who’d actually bothered to show up. Their rise to fame was the schools main bragging point and people were all whispers. but it made the night easy for someone like you. you decided to grab drink and headed for the makeshift bar area, when you slammed into someone.
“Oh i’m sorry” you said before looking up
“No you’re all good m’bad—“ your eyes locked with a pair of massive blue ones.
“hey” said Chris Sturniolo, smiling down at you. Chris was the only one of the triplets you’d ever had a class with. You took biology together and were lab partners once, although you did all the work. At the time you’d had a major crush on him, but so did every other girl in your school. even years later though, your heart still leaped into your throat at the sight of him.
“hi” you said back weakly. his smile grew slightly.
“it’s good to see you it—“
“CHRISTOPHER OWEN STURNIOLO! MY BOY” a voice shouted over you, cutting you off. a big beefy hand grasped Chris’s shoulder, undoubtedly one of his old lacrosse buddies, pulling his attention away from you. you instinctively hurried away.
the evening began to get boring, so you decided to explore your old haunts. you were about 5 minutes into your journey when you heard footsteps jogging behind you.
“hey wait up, y/n” you turned over your shoulder to see Chris coming up to meet you.
“you remember my name?” you blurted in shock
“course i do, y/n don’t be silly.” he said casually. “whatcha up to?”
“oh nothing really, just reliving”
“sounds fun” you continued to stroll on and he followed
“so why’d you leave the group?”
“guess i’d had enough of ‘em…and i wanted to actually say hi to you”
“oh yeah? how’d you know where to find me?” you tried to fight off a smile
“your old locker was over there” he said motioning “figured you might visit it”
“you remember where my locker was?” you said in disbelief
“good memory i guess” your heart jumped. had he noticed you back then too?
“plus nicks was a few over” he continued, immediately squashing the feeling. the two of you strode side by side in a comfortable silence down the empty halls before chris came to a halt. you paused to see what stopped him and he grinned at you pointing.
“‘member that room?” he asked , gesturing towards the old biology classroom
“yeah” you chuckled out “didn’t think you did though.” he threw a hand over his heart and dropped his jaw in fake insult
“hey, we spent quality time playing with frog guts in there”
“what a gross way to put it” you wrinkled your nose at him
“c’mon, betcha it’s unlocked” he said mischievously, reaching for the handle. sure enough the door swung open and chris crept into the dark classroom, holding it open for you. You were hit with the smell of pencil shavings and old memories as you heard the door click shut behind you.
“like we never left, huh?” chris said softly
“Can’t say I wish we hadn’t”
“you don’t ever miss it?”
“what, biology? no not exactly…why? do YOU?” you raised your eyebrows dramatically. he laughed
“well no not biology. No i dunno just life was simple then, you know?”
“yeah maybe for you” your words came out bitchier than you meant and chris looked almost hurt.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh no nothing sorry I just— no high school just wasn’t easy for me like it was for you, you know? i wasn’t popular or anything. i mean i’m shocked you even remember me”
“you think so little of me?” he said faking hurt again, what a little drama queen. you laughed in spite of yourself, shaking your head.
“hey, believe me i’m honored to have made an impression on THE chris sturniolo.” you looked down at your feet muttering more to yourself “16 year old me would’ve been psyched”
chris smiled at you sweetly, taking you in with those big blue eyes.
“you made more than an impression on me” he said, sincerely. you stared at him, puzzled which must’ve been obvious because he snorted and continued
“oh cmon, y/n that’s real sweet of you, but it’s okay i know i wasn’t exactly subtle about my crush” your jaw dropped slightly. HIS crush? what was he talking about?
“really? you REALLY had no idea?” you shook your head violently. his faces flushed ever so slightly, the first time you’d seen him not look completely confident.
“oh well then that’s embarrassing that i just admitted that” he laughed, awkwardly. you were frozen in place trying to process. “well, i did”
“why didn’t you say anything”
“scared i wouldn’t stand a chance?”
“with ME? are you kidding?”
“okay i’m sensing a pattern here, y/n. are you unaware of how incredibly hot you are?”
“i sure wasn’t back then” you snickered, hoisting yourself up onto a table.
“i thought so” you paused again staring at his ernest expression
“god i would’ve killed to know that back then i mean i was obsessed with you”
“wait a minute you were?” you nodded vigorously. he crossed the room and leaned next to you against the table you were perched on.
“well no shit” you stayed in silence for a moment before an uncontrollable giggle began to bubbled out of you.
“you said i was hot” you snorted at the floor. you felt his eyes on you.
“i said you are hot” you stomach jolted. you turned to look at him. he was so close you could see the delicate freckles across the bridge of his nose. the tension was thick enough to choke on.
“chris sturniolo did you bring me into the biology lab to try to seduce me” you teased.
“why? is it working?” he leaned in closer to you. your noses bumped playfully, enjoying the slight torture of fighting off locking lips.
“mmm maybe”
“maybeee” chris mocked. you took an inhale to calm yourself before closing the rest of the space between you and pressing your lips against his. he froze, apparently caught off guard momentarily, before eagerly kissing you back. your mouths molded perfectly, finding a rhythm together. the kiss rapidly became hot and passionate, as your lips fought for dominance. Chris brought his hands to your waist, grasping you tightly. you parted your legs for him to come closer and wrapped a hand through his hair. he groaned into your mouth as you pulled at his locks, making you suddenly aware of a growing heat between your legs. he ran his hands up your thighs and pushed your dress around your waist making you sigh. he glanced down at your exposed lacey thong and smirked
“do you always wear stuff this sexy?”
“oh shut up chris” you said, slapping his chest playfully. he pressed his forehead to yours
“make me” he rasped out, lighting your lips with hot air. you wrapped one hand around his tie and yanked him back to you, harshly. he stumbled slightly, letting out a rocky breath into your mouth. you hooked your legs behind him, locking him into you. he took your motion as a signal to press himself fully against you. you dragged your hands down his torso, eliciting another groan as his grip traveled to your ass, squeezing at your flesh tightly. you whined and felt him smile against your lips in satisfaction at the sound you made for him.
“god you’re so fucking sexy” he growled out, sending tingles down your skin. your body reacted before your brain did, wanting more. you raised your hips and pushed up against his. he pulled away and smirked at you, raising his eyebrows
“easy there, tiger. this is school property”
“so?” you taunted. Chris’s pupils dilated. he licked his lips and dove back into you, hungrily. he dug his hands into your thighs and yanked you against him as close as he could, your torsos and groins completely flush. a moan tumbled out of your lips and you reached for the buttons of his shirt. he grabbed your wrists, stopping you.
“uh-uh, sweetheart. if we’re gonna do this we have to be careful” he chuckled
“mmm but chrisss i want you” you whined, kissing him again
“oh yeah? how much?” he whispered, leaning in to kiss your neck, sloppily. you enveloped your hand around one of his began to move it down between your bodies. chris pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes tracking your joined hands as you brought his fingertips to your thinly clothed heat. you whimpered at the contact.
“fuck” chris breathed out, his eyes meeting yours, not moving his head. you removed your hand from his and he began to drag his fingers up and down the soaking fabric.
“jesus, you’re so wet” he exhaled, observing you in a trance. you pushed your hips closer to him, trying to intensify his painfully delicate touch. he locked eyes with you again, as he hooked one finger around your thong and pushed it to the side before returning his focus to your now entirely exposed dripping folds.
“shit—stop teasing me, chris” you hissed.
“whatever you say, ma” he grunted as he began to push his index and pointer finger into your throbbing entrance. you moaned loudly, tossing your head back.
“shhhhhh” he sounded, placing his free thumb to your lips and bringing your head up to look at him again. you let out a stifled whine as he began to pump his digits in and out of your core at a mesmerizing pace. you felt your walls tighten as he curved his fingers exactly how you needed them. you gasped, fighting the urge to cry out.
“you look so pretty with my fingers in you like this”
“mmmm—chris” you moaned
“can only imagine how pretty you’d look with my dick inside you, baby” he groaned out. your legs stuttered at his words, begging for him.
“oh—god chris—please” you huffed out
“please what?” he said, continuing to fuck you with his fingers.
“fuck me chris please” you almost begged. his breathing shook at your request and he pulled his fingers back out of you, glancing over his shoulder towards the classroom door.
“think you can be a good girl for me and be quiet if i do?” you nodded your head vigorously
“promise?” he said, reaching to undo his belt. you felt your mouth grow dry.
“i promise, chris”
he kissed you while unzipping his pants.
“good. can’t promise i won’t make you wanna scream though” he said with a smirk against your lips as he lowered his pants just enough to free his hard length. you glanced down and felt your jaw drop and your mouth salivate at the sight of him. he was huge. fear and desire coursed through you, his pink tip glistening with precum. he pumped himself with his hand for a moment, before pushing your legs further apart and lining himself up with your entrance. he pushed his tip into you slowly, hissing. you began to bite your lip fighting the urge to scream by the time he was only half way into you, the stretch and deepness of him already overwhelming. he sunk the rest of the way inside your core, his head collapsing into your shoulder and neck as he bottomed out, groaning.
“fu—fuck—such a tight little pussy, ma” he stuttered, pulling back out of you.
“hhh—so big—chris-“ you gasped into his ear, clawing at the fabric of his shirt
“mmm yeah? you like my big cock, huh?” he growled
“oh god—yes—faster—“
“think you can handle it?” he taunted, still going slow enough to drive you crazy
“mmmhmmm please” you whined. you buried a scream into his taut shoulder as he slammed all the way into your pussy.
“shit—you feel so fucking good y/n” he rasped out, begging to pound into you relentlessly. the room echoed with the squeaks of the table and your stifled moans combine with chris’s heavy breaths as he rammed his long thick member inside you. every inch of him hitting your walls and g spot in the most perfect way imaginable. chris sucked at your neck harshly, undoubtedly leaving marks, never letting up on his steady thrusts. He brought one hand down from his steadying grip on your hips to your folds and began to draw circles against your clit, sending your pleasure to new highs. the sensation was too much and you let out a pornographically loud moan. Chris slapped a hand over your mouth and halted, still deep inside you. you became aware of a sound from out in the hallway and froze. had someone heard the two of you? Chris looked at you wide eyed and raised a finger to his lips, maintaining the other hands cover over your mouth. footsteps approached and you tensed, preparing to be caught, but the sound continued on down the hall. you exhaled against chris’s hand in relief and his shoulders relaxed as he gave you a smile.
“gotta keep that pretty mouth shut, baby” he whispered to you, starting his thrusts again
“can’t have anyone else knowing how perfect you look with my cock stuffed in you” he growled, restarting his rubs against your bundle of nerves. within moments you felt the overwhelming pressure in your stomach forming.
“fuck chris—i’m close—“
“you gonna cum for me, gorgeous?”
“yes-fuck—right there-oh god” your vision began to blur and electricity sparked through your body as you began to unravel
“you look so sexy cumming all over my dick” chris exhaled in encouragement as your walls began to flex uncontrollably around him. the added sensation made his jaw go slack and his eyes roll into the back of his head
“ohhh-oh fuck” he moaned out. his thrusts becoming unsteady and desperate, chasing his release. you moaned lightly, still coming down from your high
“shit—oh fuck, baby- i’m gonna cum hhh”
he slammed into you violently, his brow furrowed.
“OH FUCK” he wailed, pulling out just in time to shoot his hot white load of his release on your thigh. he collapsed his forehead against yours, the two of you desperately trying to regain your breath. he eventually looked up at you and smiled, blushing.
“that was amazing” Chris exhaled, giving you one more kiss before reaching behind to grab a nearby tissue. you took it and cleaned yourself up, then pushed yourself off the table and resituated your dress. Chris inhaled sharply, almost nervously while redoing his belt
“hey how long are you around boston for?”
“oh dunno, bout a week i guess?” you answered, fixing a heel
“well what would you say to dinner?”
“dinner?” you questioned, dumbfounded
“yeah…dinner…like a date?” his voice raised as he scratched the back of his head, scanning your face.
“I’d love that” you smiled
GUYS AH IM SUCH A CHRIS GIRL I NEED HIM SO BAD. also why was this giving sorta 2000s rom com vibes (minus the sex obvi)
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yourcutelittlegayfriend · 4 months ago
No More Chances:
Fate's Prologue Assessment
Let's review your scrip again, yes?
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• Regression is the act of going back or a return to a past.
• You can guess what types of manwha I've reading.
• That's the AU for this fic that I intended for Y/N to have.
• Regarding about their past, I have mentioned that they have been regressing far too many times, reliving a new and yet still old life.
• Answer to why so many resets is possibly because of the 'butterfly effect' or something where even repeating resets can achange the outcomes because of the new actions you perform.
• Y/N might have done something that was different from 'the script' that led to a bad outcome resulting to another reset.
• The past or Y/N's original life is permanent and can never be change.
• Y/N will always come back as the young abandoned orphan of Bruce Wayne, who was neglected and forgotten in favor of his other children.
• Resets can only happen when Y/N is literally killed, Y/N does not have the power to control it, if Y/N want to reset, you know what you have to do, that's the price you must pay.
• Life is precious and if you want to play with it, it'll cost you your own life and sanity.
• I headcannon that death already know about this but decided not to interfer, it's not like you're an actual immortal or anything, I guess you can say you're already punishing yourself by caging your fate in a loop hole.
• Going back to the backstories, everything is a bit blurry but will be revealed by flashbacks (That's what happens when you keep **** yourself).
• Y/N remembers their mother but not her face or voice, they remember moments with them but only the fleeting ones, their touch, the warm kiss on your forehead and the cold hands that touched your bloodied cheek before it drop to the ground.
• Y/N is born and raise as a Gothamite more so on the poorer parts of Gotham.
• It's a bit ironic that Y/N's backstory is almost the same as Bruce if not for a little difference in narrative, A young mother finally earnings extra money from work and took her kid out for some mother and child bonding as a request for their birthday but the night ended with a robber being a little trigger happy and shot the mother in an alleyway grabbing all her money and possesions while leaving the traumatized child to watch their mother's life leave her body.
• Commissioner Gordon arrived at the scene and couldn't help but reminiscent a little wayne boy also sitting on the cold concrete floor of crime alley crying for his parents death years ago.
• Implied that in the next parts that Y/N will become mature and more far off than the other version of her.
• Y/N might be a kid again but they remembered some of their supposed 'ending' and in return gain more than enough trauma.
• It might be a little bit corny or too much but I want Y/N to be a little petty or hateful to the rest of the family in the upcoming interactions.
• Only acting nice and patient around the rest when you face them, they're detectives I know but how are they gonna find out when your fake acting doesn't really matter from the rest of their problems am I right?.
Lil tiny note : I want this fic have a lil angsty with some comedic stuff would that be alright?
That's all I got for now but if any of you guys want to add more traits for your own Y/N you guys can add it down.
Let's take 5!
I'll prepare for your next lines, ok?
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〖 = ✧ = 〗
Do you guys want me to tag you on this stuff as well or just on the main story?
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mixedupmojo · 5 months ago
Weird isekai idea that I had that I just wanted to realise into the wild.
Ok so you know how there are multiple stories out there about reader getting transported into the world of journey to the west and then ending up tagging along as the pilgrims make their way west. Here's the thing most of the time these story's take place once the group has already been assembled or the reader ends up meeting Tripitaka first.
So here's the thought what if reader meets Wukong before the group has a chance to get together. Let me explain.
So imagine reader has just arrived in a strange new world and they have absolutely no clue where they are or how they got there and are freaking out really badly. So they start calling out to see if there is anyone nearby that can help them and after a good few minutes of wandering around and shouting for help they suddenly get a reply. Relived they rush towards the voice, only to find that the person that was calling to them wasn't a person but a monkey that looks to be trapped within the rock of a mountain. And it only takes them a second to realise that this isn't just any monkey but thee monkey, the monkey king, Sun Wukong himself and somehow they've been transported into the story of journey to the west. Their internal crisis soon gets interrupted as Wukong starts asking if they wouldn't mind helping him out with his situation. Knowing the story not to mention what Wukong's capable of they immediately disagree much to Wukong's outrage. At Wukongs outburst they go to leave but that’s when they realise that they still have no clue where they are and what's worse no idea who could help them except for maybe Tripitaka so they resolve to wait for him much to Wukong confusion. Realising that it might not be a good idea to tell him that they are not exactly from this world they stick with the hopelessly lost excuse. which Wukong responds with that he would be happy to help them out if they let him out which is an obvious no so things quickly devolve into a stale mate.
Days go by and they end up talking a lot, with Wukong casually trying to convince them to take off the seal every now and then and them always refusing. But as the days go by the more anxious and worried reader gets after all they have no idea at what point in the story they are and it could very well be a hundred year before Tripitaka will eventually show up. Food and shelter are also a worry as they've managed to get by due to it being summer and there is plenty to forage and a small cave nearby that they've been using for shelter but they know it won't last forever. but most of all they really, really want to go home they miss their family their friends they miss their life. More time goes by and day by day reader and Wukong bond even more to the point where the monkey king has actually grow quite fond of them and cares quite a lot to the point that he starts helping them out in what little ways he can. He even stops constantly trying to get them to remove the seal on the mountain only occasionally asking every now and then and its usually only after he see them struggling, instead he's taking the time to ask them about themselves and find out more about them and in return he tell them about himself usually stories of his glory days. eventually they come clean about the fact that they are not from this world and how they have no idea how they got here or how to get home, breaking down a bit as Wukong resolves to help in any way he can. Then one day it happens completely unprompted reader suddenly get up and start walking away at first Wukong doesn't think anything of it as they often leave to look for food and other such things but as the hours go by and they've yet to come back Wukong starts to worry think that something bad might have happened to them before he gets the horrible thought that they might have just finally got sick of waiting and left him. Stewing in his thought the monkey king slowly growing more and more enrage and heartbroken at the potential betrayal. when suddenly he can feel it, he can feel the mountain shift and he realise what they have done. It's after another few hours pass that he hears them running down the mountain catching a quick sight of them as they run past him. it doesn't take him long to realise that they are getting a safe distance away and he waits a few more hours before he finally breaks free. Meanwhile your despriatly trying to catch your breath as you watch the entire mountain explode chunks of rock flying in all directions and your barely able to make out a reddish orange blur coming towards you before your enveloped in a bone crushing hug.
Thus beings their own journey to find a way to get reader home.
I dunno I just really like the idea of Guanyin or Tripitaka turning up and Wukong not being there and all of haven freaking out because the monkey king is on the loose and no one has any idea where he is.
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serickswrites · 3 months ago
Up on the Housetop
Warnings: referenced torture, wounds, hurt/aftermath, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee
Whumpee was exhausted. They had to be. Caretaker knew they had to be exhausted. Caretaker themself was exhausted, and so Whumpee had to be too.
But no matter how much Caretaker tried to coax Whumpee to rest, to sleep and recover, Whumpee wouldn't. They lay awake in the bed, moaning quietly. Their sweat soaked brow as feverishly hot and Caretaker began to worry that Whumpee was hurting themself further.
"Darling, you need to sleep. It's the only way your body is going to be able to heal everything from..." Caretaker let their voice trail off at seeing the terror fill Whumpee's eyes again.
"From Whumper. You can say it," Whumpee croaked. They stared at Caretaker with fever bright eyes. "I....I can't sleep."
"You can, darling. I'm here. You're safe. I'll watch over you. I promise. Please, please just let yourself rest. For me?"
Caretaker felt guilty as Whumpee nodded. They knew every time Whumpee shut their eyes they were reliving what Whumper did to them. But they needed to rest. It was the only way their body was going to heal. "It's ok. I'm here. You're safe. I'll watch over you," Caretaker repeated softly. They rubbed soothing circles on Whumpee's palm as they watched Whumpee slowly fall into a fitful sleep. "You'll be ok," Caretaker whispered again as they watched over Whumpee. Whumpee had to be ok. They just needed time.
Tags: @mousepaw @jumpywhumpywriter @knightinbatteredarmor @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 @anightmarishwhump
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @celestialsoyeon @st0rmm @ay5ksal @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe
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blueberry0409 · 2 months ago
ok so somehow i am now the supreme general in the fight for Dragonrose/ The Creature Feature Years
This is a intro post and all the fun stuff is always tagged in this blog under "felix x charlie" and "felix rosier" and "the creature feature" my asks are also always open
ok so first
basics (from hogwarts legacy) (pls correct me if im wrong)
canon info
we know that Felix Rosier was Evan Rosier'syounger brother
he became a dragonologist and loved dragons in school.
he was smart. talented in charms, potions, herbology and care of magical creatures
he was invited to the Three Broomsticks by Bill Weasley.
born 1969
he is besties with Charlie and Tonks they are known as the creature feature by they wrecked havoc.
They are friends with hagrid <3
Felix was much younger than the twins so he was the ultimate annoying sibling when he was little and the twins were at Hogwarts
He loved barty and reg and would follow the skittles around when they came over
His parents died (DE dad) died when he was young so he was raised by his grandmother
So in order to solve the age gap problem (hc from the lovely @lirenthenonlyrist )
1969- Felix Born
(1980) lets say) During the First War - Felix get obliviated by DE's.
-- Same time as Evan's death (did not get time to process)---
(1980-1984)- He gets sent to a muggle school/hospital where the help students with disabilities. He goes there from 11-14 and Felix is happy he has friends, and life’s good even if he can’t remember most of it.
(1984) He gets his memory back.
(1984)-He remembers everything, his brothers death, the war, gets his memories removed. TRAUMA. He has to go to Hogwarts.
Goes to Hogwarts becomes friends with Charlie because of their shared love of dragons, Tonks comes sees these two oddballs and says THEIR MINE NOW.
Charlie and Tonks help him with the trauma.
Charlie and Felix bond over not wanting to always be compared o their siblings.
Felix reaches out to Pandora.
Felix vists the Weasley's they love the excitable dragon boy that Charlie brought home. (percy clocks them)
Fourth Year Ball GASP feelings
The boys ignore their connection that goes deeper than friendship
Tonks wants to get them together, they are oblivious.
Sixth Year
Pandora dies
Felix goes into deep despression and has a breakdown in the field after pandoras death (during winter break in sixth year) between the Weasley and Lovegood home while holding Luna
He wont let go of Luna and Xeno is suffering too
Sings Luna the Rosier family lullabies - cries.
Ms. Weasley saw him in the cold crying and brought him inside for hot cocoa and a blanket and told him stories about pandora.
he reminds her of her brothers fabion and gideon
A few days later she gave him a matching blue Weasley sweater with luna. it had a matching dragon with charlie :)
It starts the tradition of Felix and Charlie’s matching sweaters having little dragons on them.
Charlie and Felix realize they love each other and start dating.
tonks is so relived.
They graduate
Charlie and Felix go to Romania for the Dragonoligist Institute
Tonks goes to Auror Academy.
Bonus May 1992:
Charlie and Felix and Tonks were the ones that came and rescued Norbert Charlie recruited Felix for the dragon emergency after Ron's letter. and he ofc went along with his equally crazy bf.
They rode their dragons to Tonks who went with them IMMEDIATLY/
before they went to pick up Norbert they went to Hagrid where Felix and Charlie yapped to him about dragons while Tonks played with a odd lil creature.
@mairon-goth-minion @lirenthenonlyrist @guess1mjustheren0w @hawaiianshirttaco64 @percyweasleyapologist @danaris112 @aidens-ocean-galaxy @look-a-gay @l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft @bibeantransbean @yesiamprocrastinating @aceofspades42 @mrstellmeafuckingsecret
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stevetonyweekly · 1 month ago
SteveTony Weekly - Week 5 - Time Loop
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Ok so I know last week we did time travel, but it’s Groundhog’s Day and growing up, watching that stupid time loop movie was bigger than any holiday but Christmas and it’s something I still do SO IN HONOR OF THAT WEIRD TRADITION--today we have: 
Time Loop Fic 
What I love about time loop vs time travel is that there’s a relentless hopelessness to it and finding a way past that and to a solution is just--super fun and lovely to me. So here’s a few of my favorite time loop fics. Check them out and enjoy--and be sure to leave a comment and kudos for those you like! 
A Hundred Times, Once by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
The shrill tone of his SHIELD beeper pulls Steve out of sleep and into battle. He fights robots, he fights Tony's shameless advances, he fights the exhaustion that threatens to take over him, drown him. And then the next morning, he wakes and does it again. Exactly the same.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Of things lost in time by erde (orphan_account) 
The Time Stone beckons Steve with the promise of home. He ends up in Clint's farm, reliving the same day again and again.
(not) Chasing Tomorrow by Mozzarella for izazov
In which Steve Rogers makes the most of a time loop by falling in love
ceaselessly into the past by shepherd
Edge of Tomorrow/Live.Die.Repeat AU, following the movie. After earth is invaded by the Chitauri, Tony Stark is forcefully drafted into the military for a suicide mission. It ends up with him being inexplicably caught in a time loop that always seems to end with him dying horrifically. And, of course, the day was a Thursday- he had never gotten the hang of Thursdays. (please regard the tags for warnings- there are more explicit warnings inside)
The Five Stages of a Time Loop by AirlocksandAviaries 
Tony Stark looks Thanos in the eye. He raises his gauntlet in defiance and states his iconic phrase. He snaps, expecting death. But death doesn't come. Instead, he's back in his basement, completed time travel model in front of him. He builds the time machine. He snaps again. Again, and again, and again. Tony can't for the life of him seem to change the outcome of this story. What does change, though, is his feelings around it.
Without Witness by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes)
Tony's at his wit's end after five months of being stuck in a time loop. He decides to lean into it and proposition Steve just for fun one day. Except then Steve accepts and things steamroll from there.
always winter, always spring by Mizzy
(groundhog day) trapped in an ever-replenishing room with an impossible puzzle to solve, Steve and Tony learn a thing or two about each other and about themselves
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charred-angel-ribs · 1 month ago
Watched Sonic 3 a couple days ago, and was sat there the whole time thinking "I've gotta tell Tumblr about this", so here's what I thought (loved it btw). /lh /gen
Spoilers under the cut /lh /safe /gen
Loved the characterisation of Shadow and liked that they made him an actual fleshed out character and not just "oo bad guy cause bad"
Jim Carrey was a star as always, was wonderfully amusing and played his parts well
The ending was phenomenal, so cool, especially the final fight scene with Shadow and Sonic followed by the cool teamup
The choreographing for the fighting and overall acting felt really good to watch, as well as the animation - it was well-done
/lh /gen
These next ones are somewhat critical (not in a mean way, just in a story-telling analysis kinda way - lots of love to the people who worked on the film) if you wanna skip over them: /lh /gen
Also, CW for death mention. I didn't tag it so I didn't spoil people for it, but if you're reading this, you're already fine with spoilers I assume. Stay safe! /lh /gen
I was disappointed that we didn't get to find out what happened with Stone after the ending. We got to see the Sonic gang hanging out and living in the afterwards, but we never got to see how Stone ended up. I feel like they probably neglected to tie up his character's story for this arc (arc being film) because they figured they didn't need to since he was just part of the comic relief and not an important character, which was a bit of a let down, especially after we got those glimpses at the complexity and intimacy (/p) of his and Eggman's relationship. After that emotional speech from Eggman at the end, I really wanted to see where things went with Stone; did he move on, did he grieve, did he get closure from that speech or did it make him feel worse, did he go on to pursue villainy in his honour/memory or did he decide to start a nee chapter doing something different and leaving it behind to stay in the past?
Eggman's dad didn't feel fleshed out enough as a character. We got a brief insight into his history and his motivations, but it didn't feel quite enough to actually understand him as a person and not just a concept.
Eggman's dad also didn't really get a proper end, if that makes sense? He was a big part of the story in the film and was a key character, a catalyst for most of the events that took place, and then we got the fight scene between him and Eggman towards the end, and then he just gets zapped and they move on immediately. It didn't feel right to have this important character just be given the "Ok, they're really important, we're doing a lot with them, they're a key part of this story, andddd gone lmao". It felt like they tried to make it funny, but the comedy was misplaced.
We deserved to see more of Stone :[
The ending felt sooo narratively satisfying, and it felt like the film built it up perfectly; the ending of Eggman turning things around in his final moments but still managing to do it really in character was brilliant, and Shadow having this as his chance to die. He'd lived, he'd suffered, he'd mourned, he'd come to terms with it, and he was ready to go - he'd lived over 50 years, and although he spent most of it frozen and reliving trauma, that's still a long time to be alive, and he'd had his time. He was ready to join Maria in the stars. This was his final stand, to do something good and to truly honour Maria's memory in one last ultimate act of kindness and selflessness - he couldn't save Maria, but he could save all of those people down there, who still had lives ahead of them, love to give, jokes to laugh at, smiles to share. Sure it was a bittersweet ending, but it felt like the best outcome - the best way to end things. Shadow was incredibly powerful, and it's so tiring to have so much power that noone knows what to do with you, people are scared of you - nobody should have that much power, and I think he knew that. This was his ending. ... and then the filmmakers went "Sike!!" and made the post-credit scene where it shows Shadow isn't actually dead and that whole amazing ending that was perfectly executed was actually just for nothing :/. Like, don't get me wrong, it would've been awesome to see fanfic writers and artists changing or adding onto the ending to revive Shadow or pull a "Sike!!" moment, but I feel like that would only really work in the fan space where the story is malleable to each person and what they wanted out of it, but for the actual canon story itself, it just felt like a cheap get-out-of-jail-free-card.
/lh /nm /gen
Again, I know I sound critical there, but I did genuinely love the film. It was just some gripes that I wanted to pick at for a minute. I hope everyone else enjoyed the film! /lh /gen
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months ago
Trying!Series Part Four: Two Months - Will Trent x Reader
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Tagging: @yezzyyae @words-and-seeds @trublu2u @cassiopeiablog @kmc1989
Part One: Notions - Seeing you with a baby opens Will up to a future he never contemplated.
Part Two: Trying - You and Will struggle to give each other what you really want, causing friction in the relationship.
Part Three: Thirty Days - Your plans to start a family with Will are put on hold when he goes undercover as Bill Black.
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It’s two more months before Will comes home. That’s how long it takes for him to unravel CK’s real identity and disband her operation. He doesn’t see you throughout that time, it’s too dangerous. He’d learned the morning after you’d slipped out that CK had gotten word he’d taken a working girl to bed. It’s then he realises how closely he was being watched. There’s no phone calls or visits after that.
The night you spent together; it sustains him. He lies in bed reliving it over and over again until it’s etched into his memory.
He's exhausted when he steps over the threshold, both physically and emotionally. This whole case has taken a toll on him, but the last couple of days have been the most harrowing. He’d barely escaped the apartment complex with his life, he’s lucky that he’d made some strong connections in his time undercover, or he might not have made it back at all.
You’re sitting on the couch reading, Betty curled up in your lap when he closes the door behind him. He looks at the two of you and something in his heart just settles because finally he’s back where he’s supposed to be.
He’s still a little quiet, a little withdrawn. It’s hard for him making the adjustment from Bill Black to Will Trent. He’s spent the past two months guarded, closed off.
You undress him in the bathroom, your hands light and gentle as you undo the buttons of his shirt. When he steps underneath the spray, he feels the tension beginning to unfurl from his muscles as your careful hands smooth shower foam over his tired form. His forehead comes to rest against yours, his eyes closing as the water flows over his body.
“I missed you so much.” He whispers. “I didn’t mean to be away for so long.”
“I know.” You tell him, your thumb chasing over the line of his jaw. “It’s ok.”
He doesn’t realise how much he needs to hear that until the words leave your lips. Before he left the two of you were trying for a baby, undergoing fertility testing, discussing options if you couldn’t start a family the traditional way. This case had derailed all of that, you’d been forced to put your life on hold, your dreams.
He stays in the shower for a long time after you leave to cook dinner, letting the water rinse away all traces of Bill Black. There were things he had to do undercover that he isn’t proud of, it takes him a while to erase the feel of Rosa from his skin. It went no further than kissing and a little light petting on her behalf but still it weighs on him. He knows it means nothing, that you’ll give him that look and remind him of the time you’d had to do something similar but still he hates it.
It's when he’s throwing away the empty toothpaste tube that he spots the pregnancy test sticking out of the bin. He picks it up, his eyebrows furrowing as he studies the device intently. He may struggle with reading but by now he knows what that little blue cross means. He’d spent months praying for it before he went undercover.
When he steps into the kitchen your focus is on the pasta dish you’re preparing. He notices you’re using wholemeal instead of the regular stuff, that you’ve added more veggies to the recipe. His arms wrap around you as he buries his face into the curve of your neck, his lips brushing over the hinge of your jaw. His palms come to rest on your abdomen.
“When were you going to tell me, sugar?” He murmurs into your ear.
The left side of your mouth quirks up into a smile as you lean back against his chest.
“Tomorrow.” You tell him, your fingers threading with his. “I thought I’d give you tonight to decompress.”
“Oh darlin. Something like this, I wanna know about it straight away.” He murmurs into your ear as his thumb chases over space where his baby resides. “You’ve made the happiest man alive you know that?”
“I think you had a little something to do with it.” You tease, your palm smoothing over your stomach, and he chuckles into the hollow of your throat because the sense of elation he feels right now, he’s never felt anything like it.
“I can’t believe we made a baby, sugar.” He whispers as he cradles you close. “The two of us we made a baby.”
Love Will? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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rosetheocto · 28 days ago
OK can I just yap about a small misconception I’ve seen a lot of people make with Erica’s timeskip lore? Alright so pretty much everyone I’ve seen believes that after the events of S1, Erica goes on to join a bunch of teams again after The FailFleet Miis split apart, basically how things were for her before joining the 3DS Squad. Even the wiki says it right here:
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I can definitely see how this mistake had started! But while it’s true she had to relive the experiences of traveling/tagging along with incompetent groups, all the death and fear and trauma… during this whole cutscene, Dan never confirmed she was a teammate of those groups.
“Erica decided to travel the world, hoping to use her newfound powers to keep wayward adventurers from their peril…”
Like, take a listen for yourself! The way he specifically worded how things were for her before snapping doesn’t really have a mention of joining a party/parties in between The FailFleet Miis and The Incident, just that she helped them! Dan already knew while writing her story that not only can people in the Travelers Hub tag along with other teams for specific ‘missions’, but also that there are already existing traveling mage characters in the world like Kazoo Man and Peppa!
I think something like that Great Sage role for her during this time was the route Dan was really going for, especially since it tied in a bit to her past arc of learning to have faith in others! This misconception about her timeskip lore’s been going on for years and I’m kinda surprised nobody’s talked about it (afaik)
LIKE DAN WORDING IT THE WAY HE DID HAS TO BE INTENTIONAL RIGHT?? I even looked at the simplified cutscene for the Main Channel Upload to double check if he said anything there and it still has NO MENTION of her specifically joining these groups she’s assisted!!
“Her name is Erica, and thanks to her unrivaled healing prowess many adventurers have been saved from an early grave…”
^ also this COULD be taken as more proof since he says adventurers like. it could be a mix of regular parties and individual people? idk maybe this is a stretch lmao
ok but it would be so funny if during a random stream i forgot about he was like “oh yeah she joined all those groups in between the 3DS and Switch playthroughs lol” and this whole yapfest ends up being pointless and i look super dumb :P
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beyourownanchor6 · 11 months ago
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thanks for the tags loves @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @spaceprincessem 🩵
—here’s more from therapist eddie, ft. the buckley siblings 🫶🏼
Buck got into the car once Maddie arrived, relived to finally be off his feet and rid of the crutches for the time being.
“So, how was it? Was the third time the charm?”
Buck grumbled out an answer. What was he supposed to say? Oh, sure Mads, he was really cute, I loved the feeling of his hands on me. Oh, and I totally freaked out on him at the end and ditched a half hour early but he was cool with it for some reason. Yea, he would not be telling her any of that, thank you very much.
When Maddie didn’t say anything for too long, Buck looked over to her, a wide smile spreading across her face.
“They were cute, weren’t they?”
Buck rolled his eyes as he turned away from her.
“Shut up.”
Maddie laughed next to him, Buck keeping his smile to himself, tucking his face into his hoodie.
Buck had no idea why, but for the first time in months, he felt like everything was going to be ok. It certainly didn’t have anything to do with his new hot physical therapist. No definitely not.
tagging: @loserdiaz @redlightsandicedtea @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @buddierights @spotsandsocks @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @daffi-990 @wh0re-behavi0r @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @father-salmon @bigfootsmom
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bun-z-bakery · 9 months ago
A/n: this took wayyy longer than expected! But we're so back! This ones a bit short but I still hope you enjoy. Thanks to everyone who's been reblogging and liking my stuff 🩵 also if you want to be tagged whenever I post the next chapter let me know!
Silent sun (8)
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You exclaim as you finish tying off the string. You scoot back to admire your work.
"Looks good! I'm honestly surprised!"
Poppy praises your stitch work. Even you admit it wasn't all that bad at all. 
You place a hand on DogDays leg closest to you.
"Can you feel my hand, sunshine?"
His ears perk up at the nickname and he sits up. He tries to move his legs to no avail.
"Give it a minute."
Poppy is hopeful. She knows more about these things, so you don't question her. 
He sighs in frustration.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll– WOAH!"
You're caught off guard as DogDay grabs you and sits you sideways on his lap, his legs now crossed as he hugs you.
"Now I can finally protect you properly, Angel!"
"Aw, I'm so glad you– your tail!"
His tail thumps loudly against the floor.
The three of you laugh, and you rise from his lap. 
DogDay attempts to stand, but he wobbles like a newborn puppy exploring the world for the first time. You were much smaller than he was, but you still held his giant hands to help stabilize him.
It took a while for him to get used to the feeling of his legs, but once he became comfortable, it was like he became a whole different person with his new range of movement.
Oh my god, he's massive! 
You mentally freak out at the behemoth mascot towering over you.
"Shall we dance?"
He jokingly offers his hand and you take it.
"Gladly good sir."
You play along and dance to your own rhythm, the sound of your combined laughter fills the room, but that doesn't last long.
Unfortunately for you, he's observant.
"You're bleeding?!"
He grabs your arm and inspects the rip in your jacket. You haven't been able to tend to your wounds, nor did you think it was a big deal, your companions thought otherwise.
"Who did this?! When did this happen?!"
"Please calm down!"
You shout as you cover your arm, the guilt now washing over you.
"I'm sorry... It's just this was supposed to be your moment..."
"Can we see?"
Poppy adds, and hesitantly you remove your jacket, revealing the slightly tattered and dirty shirt that your jacket was protecting.
You hold your jacket in your free hand and show off the blood-covered makeshift bandage. 
"That looks pretty bad Angel..."
"I'll be ok guys, plus it's not my first injury, no need to worry."
"Come here."
DogDay frantically rips a clean part of one of the blankets and pats the open spot next to him.
"You really don't have to..."
"I–we can't have you dying on us! Please"
Dogday pleads, making you sigh in defeat as you hold your arm out. He unwraps the bloody bandage and does his best to tend to your wounds.
"How did this happen?"
He panics as he pulls out a shard of glass that is still in your wound. The thought of it being trapped under your skin makes you shutter.
"It's... A long story..."
If you told him he'd probably panic even more, plus you just didn't want to relive everything this place put you through again. 
"If you need more rest, we could stay!"
Poppy offers, at this point you've made everyone worried. It wasn't your intention, but that seems to be common when it comes to you.
You shake your head in response. 
Once DogDay is done tying your new bandage, you stand and offer to help him up. 
"Alright, let's head out!"
You clap your hands and head towards the door, the others following right behind you.
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"It's clear, come on!"
You wave to others, you've never been so happy to see light, even if it's artificial. Before the four of you can go any further, a phone ringing catches your attention. 
"What's that noise?"
DogDay asks as he looks around. 
"Oh, it must be Ollie!"
They haven't met either? How odd. 
"Ollie is a friend of ours!"
Poppy explains while you answer the phone
“Hey, are you alright?! No ouchies or lost body parts?”
Ollie asks from the other side of the phone. You quickly glance at DogDay and continue the conversation. 
"Yep, I'm good! So is everyone else!"
"Everyone else? Who else is with you?"
He asks, confused, which in turn confuses you as well. 
Could he no longer see us?
"Well, I've got DogDay, Poppy, and Kissy with me!"
You exclaim, DogDay makes his way closer to you and places a hand on your shoulder hinting to you to 'hurry up'. 
"Angel who's–"
You shove the phone into his hand, he shakes his head, and you motion for him to speak. Reluctantly, he holds the phone up to speak to Ollie.
"Uh hello?"
"Who's this?"
"... "
You whisper to the giant dog, now frozen in place. 
DogDay really didn't know what to say, he was too preoccupied with deciphering if this friend might be a threat.
"Hiya DogDay! I've been helping our friends locate their way around Playcare! I hope you're treating them well!"
From where you're standing, Ollie sounds muffled, but Dogday's response helps you piece together the conversation. 
"Well, of course! Angel has been nothing but wonderful. I owe them my life..."
He shifts awkwardly in his stance.
"Uh, who's this "Angel" you're talking about?"
“OH! It's a nickname."
He chuckles awkwardly, you hold his hand and mouth 'You're ok'.
"Oh, I get it now! I’m really glad you’re both okay… I don’t wanna lose any more friends in this place. So where are you four now?"
DogDay playfully places an arm on your head, careful not to put too much weight on you, his giant hand covers your view. You could hear Poppy giggling behind you.
"We're back at playcare, and we're unsure where to go next..."
"Hmm well, we're really close to the end! You're going to head to the Counselor's Office instead. It's not ideal... but it should have enough juice. If you can get that generator going and plug it in... Reroute the red smoke and ba-bam! I think we'll be done! See ya!"
The line goes dead and DogDay puts the phone back.
"He's odd..."
"Pfft let's go!"
You lightly punch his arm as you continue making your way to the counselor's office. 
You know you can trust Ollie, he helped you get this far after all.
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"If we make it out alive... What's the plan?"
You ask, breaking the uncanny silence.
"Well... We'll be free!"
Poppy replies as if it wasn't obvious. 
"No, no, I mean... What if I found us someplace safe?"
"That would be nice Angel."
DogDay adds, his tail wagging in excitement at the thought. 
"Hey, I'm going to check in here! Wait out here! I'll be quick!"
You quickly make your way into one of the rooms, leaving the three to stay on guard as they wait for your return.
"So when's the wedding?"
DogDays was caught off guard by Poppy's question. He knew what she was referring to.
"Oh don't act dumb, we can tell!"
She teases and giggles at him. He was clearly flustered by her remarks.
He catches sight of his reflection in the dark window across from the room you're searching in. Seeing himself instantly shifts on his mood.
"What's wrong? I was just messing with you, I'm sorry!"
"Do you really think Angel would willingly love a monster?"
They were silent, Poppy was about to speak up before you came out of the room with your new finds in hand. 
"Guys, look!"
You hold up an axe and a toolbox
"I can repair my grab pack now! Oh! And here you might find this useful, it's so heavy!"
You hand DogDay the axe. It seems to have been made for someone of his size. It struck you as odd, but you learned not to question it if it wasn't important.
"Hey, did something happen?"
You look between the three, hoping there isn't any bad blood brewing behind your back.
"No we just... Do you know how to fix your grabpack?"
Poppy tried to change the subject, but you caught on. 
"I'm a mechanical engineer, I can fix almost anything with the right tools. So what really happened? Was there a fight?"
"No Angel, we're ok I promise! Wait, is that how you've been getting around without issues?"
You giggle at DogDays curiosity. 
"Bingo! Now let's go you three!"
You were about to take the lead but DogDay decided to beat you to it. 
"Angel, stay close to me and don't leave my sight, ok?"
You hum in response.
"Yeah Angel, stay close to your protector~"
Poppy laughs out, and DogDay stays quiet through her teasing. You could've sworn you heard him growling, you wrapped your arm around his.
"No worries sunshine, I don't mind you being my protector."
You smile at him, even if it's just for a little while longer. He hopes this will last even after you escape. 
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carters-things · 2 years ago
Stiles Stilinski x GN!Reader
Summary: You and Stiles go wherever the Jeep will lead you.
Tags: Just a short fluffy blurb about the love of my life.
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"I'm going to fall!" 
"You're fine! I've got you!" Stiles giggled as he helped shuffle you out the door. His hands covering your eyes but managing to almost knock you backwards with each step. 
"You never were graceful" you poked. As he jostled you down the last step, he positioned you in the driveway before running away. You can hear him trip over himself but stifle your laughter to not take away from his excitement. 
"Ok, now look!" His arms are wide open, presenting you with sight of the old, beat up, baby blue jeep he drove in high-school sitting in your yard, still wearing every dent and scratch from all of its adventures. 
"You're kidding! How did you get it back?!" 
"Pays to know the Sheriff." He smirked. The jeep was just as old and rickety as you remember. Broken seats, the door latch that used to stick still won't open, and the front headlight still has the crack from when Stiles bumped that pole at the gas station. He makes his way over to your side of the car and begins tugging on the door to pop it open for you, nearly knocking himself over when it finally lets go. 
"My hero." You kiss his cheek with a small giggle. You can feel the heat from embarrassment in Stiles’ face on your lips. You climb your way up into the jeep and settle down into the rundown interior. The rough fabric scratches the bottom of your thighs, as the sun from the open topped jeep warms the top of them. Stiles cranks the engine to start it, gears grinding and failing to start. After about the third or fourth try, and a few whispered frustrations, the car finally comes to a start. 
"Smooth as butter!" he exclaims as he pats the wheel. 
You spend the next hour or so driving around town, back country roads, highways, and everywhere the jeep could take you. Your hand intertwines with Stiles’, resting on his lap; every so often a small kiss pressed sweetly to the back. Through the day both of you relive your high-school days and stories. Time is lost to you and before long you realize you don't know where you have even brought yourselves. The sun has almost set fully and the air is starting to get a bit cooler; the slight sunburn on your skin keeps you warm. As you turn down a road that Stiles swears will bring you right home you see a sign for a drive-in movie up ahead. 
Before you could even say anything Stiles was turning into the parking lot. The jeep bouncing you both almost out of the roof with each stone on the gravel driveway. You didn't even know what movie was playing but that didn't stop you both from getting tickets and parking in the most prime location. The field was only occupied by five or six other cars, the rest of the space flooding with fireflies. Stiles jumped out of the jeep, forgetting he was still holding your hand and almost pulling you out with him. He opened the back hatch and pulled out two blankets he must have stashed in there earlier today; or at least you sure hope he did and they weren’t the ones from school. You climbed your way through the seats into the bench in the back, Stiles scaling up the wheel and over the roll cage, settling himself right beside you. He draped one blanket around your shoulders and the other over both of your laps before he wiggled hand back into yours.
"Remember when we all came to the drive in after prom?" You rested your chin on his shoulder, looking up at his freckled face. The butterflies swarming your stomach when his gentle brown eyes locked into yours.
"Yeah, and Scott spent the whole movie trying to impress Allison with his Owen Wilson impression." The both of you laughed at the memories of you as young, dumb, lovestruck kids and the nostalgia of being back at the drive in. Being in the back seat of the jeep topping everything off. 
The movie started to play but between the comfort of Stiles' arms wrapped around you mixed with the steadiness of his breathing you didn't make it further than the opening credits. Your soft snores made Stiles chuckle gently, not enough to wake you. He kissed the top of your head and adjusted the blanket to keep you warm; resting his head on the back of the seat he just smiled. Smiled just as big tonight as he did when he held you in that seat back in high-school, and will only smile larger every day he holds you in the future.  
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