#i hope someone as intrested in this as me finds it intresting
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Okay I can't take it anymore
Here's an in depth analysis on Sonic and Knuckles, their relationship to the other, and the sun and moon design trope
Sonic is, at his core, a free spirit. He is constantly looking for adventure, and jumping into action whenever he is needed. This often puts him into opposition against various bad guys, because the more he defeats them, the more that pop up and want to have a go at the impossible challange.
And like, take over the world, I guess. Typical villain stuff
It's also important to note that, in cannon, sonic is 15 years old. Being a hero at such a young age, I mean, wow that's gotta be some responsibility. Originally, speaking from origins, Sonic just started out using his speed to help little animals get out of traps. Then, just a kid, he encounters eggman and finds out he's behind such a terrible thing. He doesn't know what to do, obviously, because he's a literal child, but knows he can't let his animal friends be hurt like this.
He also knows that he's not like the other mobians, he's faster, more resilient, and that makes him the perfect candidate for the job. He takes down eggman's bigger bots, rescues flickies, and everything is good!
Until eggman retaliates. Because obviously the evil bad guy can't let anyone foil his plans! Anyway, this is a rough timeline of events as to how Sonic most probably got stuck being the hero. He helped some animals, and the threat got bigger, but he stuck with it because he realised he COULD do some good with his powers. Then the threats escalated, and now the entire world depends on him.
(Also, it's worth noting here that Sonic has the 'live in the moment' mentality. Obviously he does heroism because he CARES, like a lot, and he wants OTHER people to be able to enjoy their own 'live in the moment' mentalities because he's an optimist and wants the best for people. Obviously that's also one of the driving forces of his heroism, he's a surprisingly complex character ok it's hard to put it all into words all at once. But this also means that he tries to have fun with it, he DOES enjoy his adventures. Hes clearly a bit of a thrill seeker, he makes the most of a bad situation no matter how dire it is because not only is that a coping mechanism, but one of his personal life mottos. I also personally beleive that he knows how dangerous his line of work is, and that if he DOESNT live life to the most while he has it, he'll regret it in the event that he doesnt make it back one day)
Along the way, he's stopped worrying about himself, because he's developed a hero complex. All the pressure put on his character makes him disregard his own safety for others, always making HUGE personal sacrifices for the 'greater good', and pushing his pain aside just so he can help. Sonic is still a child, and he's grown up around violence and heroism and now he has a duty to protect people. Because he can.
Because he's the ONLY one who can
People say so on multiple occasions. When it's, not entirely true? I mean, don't get me wrong, Sonic is a force to be reckoned with, and at some point that statement may have even been true! But its just,,,not, anymore??
When shadow first arrived he was established to have speed that matches sonics, at least to some extent, and a steely moral compass as a result of his past with Maria. He joins GUN in an attempt to make good on his promise (and probably some other government stuff, I mean being an experiment from 50 years ago gets you tangled up in some shit), and he can TELEPORT, as well as hone chaos energy in ways that Sonic can't even manage.
Well, we've never seen him manage, at least.
Here's a quick list of all of Shadows abilities:
Super speed
Increased stamina
Ability to use firearms
Chaos control (teleportation)
Chaos control (ability to slow or stop time, apparently?)
Chaos spear
Chaos blast
Increased healing factor
Super form
Now, here's a lost of Sonics abilities:
Super speed
Increased acrobatics and agility
Resilience to damage
Strong sense of spirit
Increased stamina
Hand to hand combat skills
Chaos control (+1 emerald)
Super form
Both hedgehogs have an impressive arsenal of abilities under their belt, for sure. But even with Sonics collection of skills, some of them are just that. Skills
For Shadow, Chaos energy runs through his veins so extremely that he needs to wear POWER CANCELLING cuffs. He was designed, built, for such power. Take note of how Sonics list includes more generalised and LEARNABLE skills, while Shadows includes more actual 'powers', so to speak
So. Is sonic the ONLY one capable of saving the world? NO! in fact, Shadow has helped do just that on multiple occasions. I'm not saying one is more powerful than the other, or better suited to the role, but Sonic is under the impression that he's alone in this when he's not
Shadow may not have sonics optimism, or social superiority, but he's a GOOD hedgehog, and they both possess amazing abilities that they choose to use for good. Sonics often telling people that they don't have to fight alone, but often takes the leap and does JUST THAT When he deems a situation too dangerous for anyone to risk their lives for
Once, he was the only mobian with powers strong enough to face great evils. Even with the help of Tails and Amy, they were both still kids, younger than himself, who were normal all things considered. Yes, Tails could fly, and yes, Amy could haul a hammer twice her size, but they were still not as strong as him. So, they couldn't be risked. Underneath it all, despite their help, he was always stronger, always the most fit for life threatening missions, and he would take it all in stride
And then there was Knuckles, and then Shadow, and then Silver and Blaze somewhere down the line. All superpowered beings to some extent, having chaos energy (or sol energy) running through them at such a rate that they could ACTUALLY compare to Sonic.
Once, he was the ONLY person strong enough to take on the threats alone. But now? There are others, strong and diffrent like him, who could equally take on the fight with or without his help.
And yes, as they grow and get stronger, the threats DO tend to get more dangerous, but that's why they're all there together. Obviously the threat level will increase, and they will always find away to defeat it per the age rating on the game being allowable for the delicate emotions of optimistic children (and me) that our hero's can concour ANYTHING. But still, they have so many allies that that almost doesn't matter
My point being; he does not need to take on all this pressure by himself.
A lot of the time, at least with major threats such as the metal virus or neo metal sonic (shout out to IDW comics for consuming my brain and producing the most gut wrenching storyline to ever exist in the sonic universe) he's almost FORCED to accept help? I'm not saying he wouldn't have already, but he had a bit of a tendancy to be like 'hey, I got this' *finger guns* when he does not in fact got this. And sure maybe he does eventyally and all that, but you have to admit a LOT of the threats he takes on are like ridiculous to the point you have to brace yourself when he goes into battle. Likes we know sonic is strong but Jesus, that little man takes on some POWERFUL enemies
(Quick case and point: metal virus, being captured on the death egg in forces, being KILLED BY MEPHILES!!! Clearly he isn't indestructible, sometimes he bites off more than he can chew alone)
Ok back on topic now.
The MAIN reason why people look to him as 'the only one who can help them' is because of reputation and carisma. You know why Shadow was disposed of so quickly during the metal virus arc? Because he would have been a GREAT help, and the two of them working together would have toppled the virus MUCH quicker
(And bc they reversed his goddamn character arc AGAIN bc nobody can get it right apparently)
Anyway, because Sonic has gone his entire life with his mentality, people have looked up to him on some kind of pedestal. This just deepens the cycle of it all, making him hold himself accountable, or bare too much burden, and the confident facade is just the icing on the cake.
Because people look up to him, as a hero, a role model, and as a GOOD, and FRIENDLY person. They see him, caring and kind and never giving up, and rely on him. In contrast, Shadow keeps to a distance and is mostly cold to civilians, with the exception of Cream and possibly Vanilla and the Chaotix (Although wether the chaotix should be considered civilians is up for debate). This means that less people call to HIM, when they're in danger. He's under less pressure, people don't put him under a spotlight, but they DO with sonic
And now, whether he wants it or not, he is THE hero
Admittedly, I think Sonic does enjoy being a hero
To an extent, he sort of has to be. He's kind and caring cause that's who he is. He runs because he wants to, and he saves people because he wants to as well. Obviously there's pressure there, but he got into it in the first place because he wanted to do good. And doing a good thing makes him...Happy. content. Proud, even
Hes free like the wind, is what they say, and he IS. He doesn't WANT to quit being a hero, but I'd imagine sometimes he thinks about it. It's a stressful life, every eye on you when something goes wrong, waiting for you to fix it. And sometimes he doesn't have the answers, and that's okay
But some people won't see it that way, see him as a failure. And that's the true bitterness of being worshipped
So yes, while he's sort of trapped in his role, I wouldn't say he wanted to let go of it anyway. He knows someone has to do it, which is a daunting feeling because he also knows that person has to be HIM- but, he enjoys saving people, so it's not all bad
Knuckles the echidna, the last of his tribe, stuck on a floating island in complete isolation.
Well, there's a lot to say about him, I'll admit. So, let's just start small
First of all, Knuckles' isolation has left him slightly naive, which was the original reason that he fell for eggmans lies. This is, of course, because he's been alone for SO long, that he hadn't a clue as to the social clues of a lie. That, and his ONE presumed purpose in life was to look after the master emerald, in which he would do anything to protect
So, a mixture of passion, protectiveness, rage, and naivety, were what lead to the events of Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
The absolute isolation and lack of alterior purpose leave knuckles struggling a lot. He has other ambitions and goals, obviously, he LOVES exploring, and he can read many ancient dialecs which come from his architect passion. The one thing keeping him confined to his island is the emerald
And the implications that follow. See, he's the last of his kind. And, because of that, he has NOBODY who can understand the EXACT and finite details of his situation on an emotional level. He can ask nobody for guidance, instead fumbling blindly under the belief that 'this is what they would have wanted', without actually being able to ASK
Knuckles protects the master emerald because he thinks it's what he's supposed to do. And, It is obviously, but he's so focused on not disappointing his fallen tribe that he disregards his own wellbeing a lot for it
He stays at the shrine 24/7, only leaving when the fate of, quite literally, the ENTIRE WORLD is at stake. He's on his island, alone. Speaking realistically, no one person should be assigned that task. Within the tribe before their passing, many would have protected the emerald, and in healthy shifts
Except, Knuckles doesn't have that choice. So he's cemented to his fate, but he does WANT to do other things. In fact, his time on the island has probably INCREASED the hunger for exploration and adventure
So, let's think forces for a second.
Knuckles was the captain of almost an entire ARMY, he lead them, and took on the pressure of responsibility, and that's something quite interesting. See, you'd assume that his time on the island would null his skills with others in that regard, but he has a striking skill when it comes to organisational battle plans.
Hes the same in the metal virus arc
Knuckles is often taking up big, important positions despite his initial lack of social grace. And, deep down, I think this is connected to his tribe.
See, he has this task that he's been confined to, with no guidance at all. He thrives off of the assumption of his tribe, and does his job with steely focus. When he takes up that position as a leader, he takes up the responsibility that weighs similarly to the responsibility of taking care of the master emerald
(Here, he's also able to give OTHER people the guidance he so needed in his times of struggle. By being that someone that can be trusted, and looked to for answers, I feel like it almost quenches some of his deep rooted abandonment issues)
In both scenarios, people are expecting him to protect something, and lead. Be strong, responsible, and altogether a beacon of hope. The key difference is that, this time, he has reassurance. He can see his efforts paying off, he can see his plans play live infront of his eyes, and he saves people. Directly, not just through avoidance, but ACTIVELY protects people
But it's a lot
Even for Knuckles, it's a LOT. because when you're guarding something with expectations of people who aren't there, there's no disappointment. There's only assumedly so, (which im pretty sure hes prone to exagerating because he holds his old tribe up on the same sort of pedistal that most hold sonic. In the sort of heavenly devinity that makes the 'they can do no wrong' thing really prominant, but also he knows about traditions and rules and probaly assumes that they would be SUPER strict, so he holds himself in extremely high expectation as if to please a god) and there isn't death. There isn't pressure that grows as tides change, as people leave and get presumed dead, as lives under his watch aren't at risk. War is an ever changing responsibility, where REAL lives that you can actually comprehend because they're right in front of you, are at stake
I imagine he originally took up the role because watching the master emerald is similar. He protects mobian and human lives alike by doing so, if he watches the emerald and stops it from being stolen, he protects people. And if he watches over this army of people and steers them in the right way, he protects people
Also, it's clear from frontiers that Knuckles is actually really interested in strategy and ancient combat and the like. So it's also possible it's a part of his architect and exploratory interest in diffrent historical events peeking through
When Sonic was taken to the death egg, people assumed he was dead. Sonic was, by all means, a beacon of hope. He provided determination, and gave everybody the idea that, eventually, they would get out of the tough spot
So, when he 'died', Knuckles was left with that job. He had to keep moral high, and hope imminent.
But he's not that good at it. He preaches glory, victory, an end to the war, but people lose hope anyway because Sonic is held in such high regard that people can't seem to beleive that he was bested. And if sonic was bested, then, well...what's the use in trying? NOBODY could match his skill, and he's dead now. So hope is gone and what's the point?
So, it's a tough spot for him. He's lost a friend, everybody is depressed, he doesn't know the first thing about sonics impression of hope, and he's stuck playing leader to a war he himself is giving up on
Don't get him wrong, he wants to WIN. wants to avenge those who killed his friend, and face glory and peace once again. But he just...can't. The pressure is piling up, and while he gradually builds up others confidence, he sees EVERYTHING. He sees the lies put in place of hope, and he doesn't know what to do
Sonic was the one who introduced him to the concept of anything and everything outside of his island, taught him hope and friendship, and now he's dead.
Anyway, while knuckles is a good leader, he's not mentally adjusted for all of its tribulations. As is common for leaders during GENUINE warfare, but I digress
Knuckles and Sonic are simular in the way that they both take on so much pressure. They both have tasks that they 'NEED to do' because they're the ONLY ones fit for the task. In knuckles' case it's much more literal, but LIKE sonics case, it just isn't like that anymore
Having friends now makes looking after the emerald easier than ever. He may not have his tribe, but he's sort of...built a new one, out of the friends he's made. He doesn't have to be there ALONE. People would help, hell, they could take a note out of Sonic underground's book and hand Knuckles a bunch of island defense systems. We all know tails would be more than up for the job
Still, he takes on this responsibility because he assumes its expected of him. And, maybe it WAS
But he's his own person, and he deserves his own life. He has a connection with chaos energy that makes him perfect as the protector, but thats not all he is. And he knows it.
Also, I want to bring back the hidden magic cave for the master emerald to live in. It would be so much harder to steal if it wasn't just sitting at an open air alter on the top of a floating island like a BEACON. Sonic 3 and Knuckles had that hiding spot on POINT, imagine how much safer the emerald would be, and how much more FREEDOM knuckles would have, if tails just upgraded that bad boy a little bit
It's a fixable problem, guys. I know sega wants to have an open plot point at ALL times, so they make the master emerald easier to steal, but Jesus man, you gotta give my guy a break. Why introduce an entire hidden space, perfect for the containment and protection of the master emerald, and then NOT put it there??? DUDE
(That's also probably another reason for the game not being considered cannon. Ik another reason is hyper sonic, obviously, but both concepts kick ass and I want them back. Petition to make sonic 3 and knuckles cannon)
Sonic and Knuckles
Okay, I know I touched up on their relationship a bit in the Knuckles' rundown, but there's a lot more to say. Also, I'm aware that the Knuckles section was disappointingly short, his character has a LOT going on, but there's not a lot to actually say since a lot of it is pretty obvious. Most of Knuckles' interesting attributes actually come out when prompted by others, due to his isolation, which is where Sonic comes in
Sonic and Tails were the second people he met in his LIFE. and he has a good relationship with Tails that I may talk on at a later date, but his relationship with Sonic is genuinely really interesting
See, Sonic was a literall PROPHECY. He was engraved into the rocks on the island, and he was most likely studied and theorised about in his time on the island.
For knuckles, with nothing to do but wait, I have no doubt that he read those texts RELENTLESSLY. so he knows of this hedgehog, prophecised to protect the world from threat, and then he meets a hedgehog. Obviously he's been tricked, but the dots don't connect until they're on the same side, because he's so disconnected from things outside his island, that he can't actually comprehend at first that THIS, right here, infront of his very eyes, is an actual PROPHECY. I bet he wasn't expecting to live at the same time as him, maybe he assumed it'd already happened, or would soon happen long after his own life. Its just not every day you befriend a prophecy okay, I Don't blame the poor guy
(Also, sidebar. How does he know how to read? To talk??? Ik echidna come from eggs so him being born there, fine, I can accept. But HOW is he possibly able to comprehend writings not only in ancient texts, but the more modern language as well??? Was it the master emerald? Does it talk to him? Did it TEACH knuckles how to fucking read? Talk??)
And in a way, that gives Knuckles a link back to his tribe. And that link, of all things, is SONIC
Because somehow, his tribe has prophecised his existence, and the good he'd bring with him. They had deemed this mobian so important that they carved his image into rock. Surely, he must have been a common topic
Would they be proud of knuckles for being the one to greet him? Or would they shrivel up in disappointment at their first interactions?
Sonic and Knuckles have an interesting character dynamic, because they're both simular, while also being drastically opposite from one another
They both uphold ridiculous responsibility. Sonic is the protector of the people, there to fight off any threats and keep them safe. Knuckles is the protector of the master emerald, a more behind the scenes method of protection, as if it was left in the wrong hands, people would surely die. More than that, they're both hero's to the public
They also both adore adventure and exploration
Knuckles is a solitary creature, moreso by habit than by introvertedness, and his passions in traveling are often squandered by his job
Sonic is an outgoing creature, always social and optimistic. This is partially his extrovertedness, and partially his general likeness. While I wouldn't say sonic is an introvert either, maybe saying he's an extrovert Is also not necessarily true. In sonic x especially, he's shown to very much enjoy his time alone, although fluctuates that mantra when in the company of those he trusts
Anyway, Sonic is free flowing, able to do whatever he wants really. And knuckles is the opposite. While they both strive for simular things, their actual actions are very diffrent
Sonic is also optimistic, outgoing, energetic, and generally quite relaxed. Knuckles on the other hand, is reclusive, cold, calculating and fierce. He often refuses to 'relax', taking his position as guardian VERY seriously
Their personalities mesh surprisingly well, considering all of this
When Knuckles was introduced to society via flying fox and prophecy 'god', that cemented the end of an era for him. Obviously he knew there was things outside of his island, but things like technology, and all the things that existed outside that he'd never even heard of, often turns a guys perspective upside down.
So Sonic and Tails introduced society, and friendship. Sonic is stubborn, not one to give up on things he's pursuing, and his friendship with Knuckles is no different. Because Knuckles is so used to isolation, he struggles to accept the drastic change that his life Is undergoing, and part of that change is the inclusion of people
So he acts cold on purpose a lot to deter people, as a protection for himself, and the master emerald. Cause, if someone gets close to him, he may let his guard down and then the emerald would be at risk. He's afraid of forming any type of relationships at first because he's never had to forge one before, and he doesn't know how to feel about it all
Luckily for him, Sonic is stubborn. He sees someone lonely, and able to kick his ass, and thinks 'yeah, we are actually going to be best friends I think'
Anyway because of Sonics stubbornness, and consistency, Knuckles and him are friends. I imagine that Sonic visits him, as well as their other friends, but Sonic specifically doesn't seem the type to just LET knuckles be alone on an island
Plus the tornado IS his plane, he could fly it up if he really wanted to
Anyway throughout the years, Knuckles and Sonic have a healthy respect for one another. They were rivals once, and then friends, but they aren't afraid to challange eachother because they're truly equals
So Sonic and Knuckles are friends. Cool, great. HOW does this relate to the sun and moon dynamic further than their original opposites?
I'm so glad you asked!
Sun and moon
So for some context, for those of you who are unaware, Sonic and knuckles designs are representing the Sun and moon by CANNON DESIGN CHOICES. Sonics tummy fur is meant to represent the sun, and obviously, Knuckles sidewards crescent moon is meant to represent, well, the MOON
The way that the sun and moon dynamic works is like this:
"a merging of opposites , unity and cooperation instead of conflicts, and rebirth"
Thanks Pinterest matching tattoo post!
Anyway, at the start, Knuckles and Sonic are at odds. They're complete opposites at a first glance. And then they're given the chance to be better, be friends, and suddenly their dynamic is just the best thing in the world ever oh god its SO PURE AND SLAY?!?!
The moons characteristics are as follows
Straightforward / blunt
The sun's characteristics are as follows
Strong willed
Knuckles is often the one to have a level head. Yes he is shown to have bursts of anger, or lapses in judgement, but it's driven by his passion (And his emotional stunted upbringing). People often turn to him in times of need within their friendship group because he's well known to be wise, at least about chaos energy (which is most often what they need to know about anyway, hoorah for world centric magic types). He's blunt because of his lack of social awareness mostly. And while he's getting better, he's still pretty straightforward. He doesn't seem to care about sugar coating things for people, with the more 'this is how it is, undiluted, face the world and its problems' vibe
And Sonic. He's impulsive because he wants to live while he still can, he's energetic because speed literally RUNS THROUGH HIS VEINS like a vice, unstoppable and unrealistic. He's strong willed and determined, never backing down, STUBBORN in a way that Knuckles can almost match. Knuckles has been proven to share that drive, its one of their common grounds, but he also knows when to quit. That's their separation, because Sonic doesn't take no for an answer when lives are at stake. He's intense, all encompassing. His presence is almost distracting. Not only because of his social status but just because of his general vibe, sunny and bold
I like to bring actual science into this because it makes the metaphor even better IMO, so let me set the scene
Knuckles is the moon, because he is distant. He likes to keep to himself, and he is steadfast. He is strong, steady, and confident. He has an important purpose that he takes very seriously, and has lived his life in gentle solitude in tune with the nature away from him. He has spent a lot of his life floating, separated from people and their kinship
Enter: Sonic T. Hedgehog. He's intense in a way that is so noticeable that knuckles CANNOT ignore. Its a passion that he respects, and eventually, he finds himself closer than ever to him. You'd think being so close to the sun would get you burned, and it's maybe that apprehension that keeps him at a steady distance even still. Even when his light seems to bring out all of the best parts of him
Just like the moon only lights up the night sky because of the suns grace, Knuckles is only able to let himself flourish because Sonic had brought all of the best parts about him to light. It's cheesy, sure, but it's something he cherishes because he feels more like himself than he ever has in his solitude
There's still this fear, at arms length, because Sonic is so good. If he's a sun he is worshipped. He is looked up to and loved, people bathe in his light and leave gifts at his alter. He is so far away, it's insane
But maybe he doesn't notice, that people worship the moon too. And the sun is the biggest supporter. He shines so that people appreciate him, see all that he does. And people regard them together, because its the sun and the moon. They both float so far away from everyone else, only close enough to eachother by sheer magnitude. They're imposing and intense, and nobody else can even get close. And no matter how many people worship the sun, there is only one who may get close enough to FEEL his heat
And that is the moon
#thank you for reading my nuerodivergent exposition#i hope someone as intrested in this as me finds it intresting#please please PLEASE feel free to add more in a cheeky reblog#because i crave bonding over my hyperfixations#ok relivant tag time#infodump#sun and moon#ship dynamic#sonux#sonknuckles#sonuckles#knuxonic#sonic forces#sonic fronteirs#sonic underground#sonic lore#shadow the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog#knuckles the echidna#miles tails prower#amy rose#dr ivo robotnik#eggman#angel island#chaos emeralds#master emeralds#echidna#prophecy#sonic 3 and knuckles#hero complex
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Love and Deepspace Various! / Reader
《File welcomes you! Enter! ... Good Luck.》
Huming to the soft music playing in the cafe, you gently stir the brew. The smell of fresh bread and sweet syrups always lingering in the air.
You were glad for the calm evening, the morning rush had gone by rather quickly. Each order different than the last, yet you and youe colleuges made it through the first shift.
"Excuse me?" A polite voice pipes up. Giving the costumer your attention, your eyes widen at the familiar heroine hunter.
"Hello again! What can I get you Miss MC?"
You playfully smile, as the brunette beauty grins back at you.
"My usual, please."
"Alright, unicorn hair and a dish rag, comin' up!" You state innocently as her eyes widen. Her laughter lighting on the cafè as you turn away to the coffee cups.
Not seeing her lean her palm against her chin, eyeing the curve of your shoulder blades as stretch a arm up to the higher shelves.
'I wish I was that cup~!' She screamed iternally. This little haven of her's being the few solaces in her stressful life. Bringing out her phone, texting her friend, using every bit of sensabilty to not take photos of you.
You swoon openly, heart-eyed and face warm as you recount your feelings. Though, you knew telling the male of who your affections were for wouldn't make him bat an eye, (since he loved MC), it weirded you out at his strange behavior. Eyes slightly cold as his frown deepens into a pout.
You ignore it, knowing you had no chance with the love intrest. (At least you could swoon about the other male leads since they didn't know it was them you were talking about.)
"Hm? You okay?" You pause your rant, eyeing the blonde.
"O-oh.." You head slightly lowered, toying with the holding trey. "A-ahm.. I'll just, get your order, Xavier." The friendly tone dying in your throat as you walk away. Frowning, know you shouldn't be pushing your luck. You'd at least hoped to be on friendly terms! You knew he wasn't as cold as he presented himself! But.. That was reserved for the MC only.
While wandering back to the kitchen, the blonde runs his fingers through his locks. Upset for being the cause of loosing your enthusiasm.
Jelousy spiking up quietly in his heart when recalling MC proudly showing off your number in her phone. Or hearing your sweet words of praise directed to someone else.
He'd have to find away to get it.
Sitting on the bar-stool, you eye the giant glass shard stuck in your leg. Trying to fake the pain, you were honestly nonchalant at the at the injury.
It couldn't really do damage.
Sweating slightly, you smiled nervously at the doctor.
Zayne carefully lifts your leg close to him, tenderly gripping your skin as he eyes injury.
"Okay... One, two... THREE." He stated, pulling out the glass stuck in your thigh. You blink, nothing, no scream, no blood... Nothing.
"...." The doctor blinks at you in disbelief. Shakily placing the shard down on the bar-counter.
"...Y.. Your body still must be in shock." The male rationalized, fingers digging into the flesh of your leg.
"O-oh... Y-yeah..." You hear the jingle of the cafè's door opening. Alerting the two of you as Zayne's body cages around you.
The painter eagerly pushes you down on one of the dressing room chairs. Smirking as MC walks into one the dressing rooms.
"You know... I think this color would look wonderfully on you." He spoke casually, sliding up closer to you. Holding up a shimmering blue dress with bits of jewels threaded into the seam.
You thought it looked really familiar to certain outfit of his-
"Huh.. I don't think it's my size though." You shrug, "the last outfit you handed me was a bit tight. I couldn't even pull the ziper up for the back."
You recall a few moments earlier, when MC eagerly wanted to take a selfie with you in that piece. Rafeyal immediately forwning and trying to push between you. To the point his hands pushing at your back away from the female Hunter.
Not seeing the grin he shot her when he carresed your naked lower spine.
"Though, I really wish you'd acompany me and Miss Bodygaurd to the exhibit."
"Oh? That's really nice of you to offer, but I-... Well.." You let a silly smile overtake your face. Dreamily sighing as you glace away, your heart couldn't take his pout.
"I.. uhm.. Got a date?"
Seeing that familiar smirk, you got another case of butterflies. Swallowing down your swooning, you notice a customer calling you over.
Passing by the male, you use all of your will power to ignore him. Eyes shinning with utter affection, you direct those feelings away. Greeting the costumer that called you eagerly.
Feelings still rampanging over your heart, you do your best to pay attention to the order.
Heading back to the counter, your co-worker writes down Sylus order as you start perparing the coffee.
"Excuse me, I'm sorry to add on to my order. But may I have two smaller drinks with the order."
"Of course!" You pipe up, not daring to meet his gaze as you shake the syrup canister.
"Thank you, (Y/N)..."
He sounded out the name cheekily, with you heart fluttering about. You don't see that your name-tag was no longer on your shirt.
Instead, hidden within his coats pockets for safe-keeping.
[Hiya! I wrote this as a idea I had awhile ago! It was originally in the concept as a full fledege idea. But I scrapped it, sorry! Enjoy! Thanks for reading, if you wanna know more. Send in a ask!]
#love and deepspace#love and deepspace x reader#love and deepspace xavier#love and deepspace rafayel#lad zayne#lad sylus#lad xavier#lad rafayel#rafayel#rafayel x reader#sylus x reader#sylus x you#zayne x you#zayne x reader#rafayel x you#rafayel x y/n#xavier love and deepspace#lads xavier#xavier x reader#love and deepspace x mc#love and deepspace x you#mc x reader#lads#lads zayne#lads sylus#isekai reader#self aware au#self aware au possibly??#yandere x y/n#lads caleb x reader
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Why II
This is a repost cause i deleted all my fics
Major warning if you have mommy issues or daddy issues or parental neglect issues pls do not read this
and if you do read this pls don't blame me for anything, including but not limited to excessive crying/sobbing, a depression slump/ wanting to kill someone or anything else
Or if you're name Sarah
part 1
Alexia Putellas X Child!Reader
Tw: Negelct, Angst
Summary: Why did she not try
Why didn't I make the effort to acknowledge you, or even offer a simple greeting, when all you wanted was a moment of recognition?
Alexia was back from Elena’s high school graduation when she saw the Envelope on the dining table, mark with her name on it, she was going to open it when she realized it was your handwriting. She rolled her eyes thinking it was one of your notes, asking her to spend time with you or something similar. She threw the envelope into the bin and started looking through her email. The sky soon turned dark, she realized she hasn’t seen you since she came back which was unusual since you were always clinging to her like a lost puppy. She was going to order take out for both of you, when she recieved a text from Elena asking her if she wanted to celebrate her graduation with dinner, she texted her back saying yes, and called you to come down so she could give you money for your dinner. When you didn’t reply her or rush down she just left the money on the counter and went out for dinner. When she came back the lights were still on, she thought nothing of me until she saw that the money she left you was left untouched. She walked up stairs and open the door, noticing your barren room. She decided to call you, but all she heard was,
"Thank you for calling. The number you have reached has been disconnected or is no longer in service. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please check the number and try your call again. Thank you.”
Since when did your number change she thought, she wanted to ask your friends if they knew where you were but she realized she didn’t even know who they were. Then she remembered the letter that she envelope that she threw to the bin,
When she opened the envelope and read the letter, she felt empty she didn’t know why, she thought would be happy wouldn’t she after all she had been pushing you away all this time. So she set the letter down, change into her evening gown and went to sleep. But as the weeks past, she felt the empty feeling grow into a pit in her heart. She started missing the notes you left, the way you would smile when she talked to you, the warmth of your presence in the house. She missed the little moments that she had taken for granted.
As more a month flash by she started trying to look for you after all you couldn’t have gotten that for right. She decided to go to your room trying to find anything that could lead her to where youu went instead she found, a book, she then remebered that in your letter you wrote that you were excited that you made it into the school's football team. When she first read it she was confuse as she never remembered you even taking an intrest in football. But after she saw the book she realized you did indeed tell her you make it to the football team, it was also the day she was supposed to fetch you from school as you had been begging her to for a long time, so she just said yes. Hoping you would stop pestering her, she didn’t fetch you that day, and instead of giving you an explanation, she just ignored you when you told her your exciting news, and told you she would talk about it over dinner, which she also missed.
She then remembered all the other times you tried talking to her, yet she just regarded you as a pest, wanting you to just stop. How she regrets it now, as all she wanted was for you to come back through the front door and hug her telling her you change your mind. And she would make up for all the times she dismissed you. However it didn’t happen you didn’t walk in, the house was still missing your presence, and the emptiness lingered in every corner.
Alexia couldn't shake off the overwhelming guilt that consumed her. She realized how she had neglected you, how she had failed to offer even a simple acknowledgment of your existence, let alone celebrate your achievements and share in your excitement.
As she sat in your barren room, holding onto the book that held a piece of your excitement and dreams, she couldn't help but feel the weight of her own shortcomings as a mother. She wished she could turn back time, to undo the hurt she had caused you, to be the supportive and loving mother you deserved.
But no amount of regret could change the fact that you were gone, that she had lost the chance to make things right. The realization hit her like a wave, crashing down on her with a force she couldn't bear.
Tears streamed down Alexia's face as she clutched onto the book, her heart aching with the longing for your presence, for another chance to show you that she cared.
Why did I neglect the most fundamental tasks you asked of me, yet expect you to readily assist me in my every request?
She was still trying to look for you when she, reread your letter for the hundred time, she read the part where you said that you asked if you could go to the arcade with your friends and that you’ve always bent over backwards to fulfill her every request. She recalled the times, she would asked you to help her buy things before and during team building and didn’t even ask you if you wanted to join, instead reminding you that you had to help her clean up after it ended. She then remembered all the times you ask her if she could go to the beach with you, or attend your concert or events and she said she was busy.
She remembered how she always seemed to prioritize her own needs and desires over yours, expecting you to readily assist her in every request without considering your own wishes and feelings.
The weight of her negligence and selfishness hit her like a ton of bricks. She realized how she had taken you for granted, how she had failed to see the love and effort you were pouring into your relationship with her, only to be met with indifference and neglect in return.
Alexia's heart ached with the realization of her own hypocrisy. How could she have expected you to be there for her when she couldn't even spare a moment to acknowledge your needs and desires?
Why couldn’t she had just try to make time for you maybe then you would still be here with her, she thought as she was holding back tears telling herself she didn’t deserved to feel sad as it was all her fault.
Why was I consistently absent from your most significant moments, offering nothing but hollow excuses in return?
Alexia now had a routine go to training or a match and comeback home to try to look for you. The only times it ever change was when she had an away game even then, she checked the camera that she installed in the front door ( incase you came back and she wasn’t there) religiously. When she checked her phone she saw a message from Elena, she ignored it as now every time she saw it she saw a message from her she only remembers the fact that she missed your primary school graduation even though she promised you. Or the fact she always said that she had to help Elena with something and missed your milestones and important moments. She remembered all the reasons she thought was good reasons that now she realized was pitiful excuses.
All the times she said she was busy, and the way your eyes dimmed but you still hugged her and said it was okay. She wondered how much she hurt you but didn’t realized or more accurately was to busy to care.
And you... why didn't you question me when I stopped paying attention to you?
She found a photo album titled 2019 summer road trip, she didn’t remember going on any road trip before, when she opened the album she saw a photo of you in a car, she then remembered of the week she didn’t see you at all. And when she did you asked her if she wanted to ask you anything and she just ignored you thinking it was one of your antics. Turned out you had gone on a road trip for a week, and she didn’t even realized. She wondered why you didn’t ask her if she notice but you did in fact try to, as she vividly remembers you trying to tell her something but she just tuned it out and focused on her phone.
The weight of her neglect weighed heavily on Alexia as she flipped through the album, each photo a painful reminder of the moments she had missed, the moments she had failed to share with you.
She recalled the times you had tried to reach out to her, to question her absence, but she had brushed you off, too preoccupied with her own affairs to spare a moment for you. The guilt gnawed at her insides as she realized how much she had hurt you, how much pain she had caused with her indifference and neglect.
Alexia couldn't understand why you didn't push her more, why you didn't demand her attention and question her absence. She knew deep down that you deserved so much more, that you deserved a mother who would be there for you, who would prioritize your needs and desires above all else.
But instead, she had failed you time and time again, offering nothing but hollow excuses in return for your longing for recognition and acknowledgment.
As she sat there, surrounded by memories of the moments she had missed, Alexia couldn't help but feel a profound sense of regret. Regret for the time lost, for the moments she could never get back, for the love and attention she had failed to give you.
What actions of mine led you to accept the disdain from me , your own flesh and blood, to endure such neglect?
What exactly crossed my mind when I opted to engage with her instead of you, my own daughter?
Alexia couldn’t help but ask herself what exactly did she do to make you accept her negelct like it was normalcy, and maybe it was to you. Her mind settled on to the memory where she believed Elena over you, and scolded you for something you probably didn’t do. She then recalled the fact she had took the necklace back from Elena planning to give it back to you when you apologized. You never did, and that was a blessing in disguised. She rummaged around her drawer for the necklace and when she found it, she knew she didn’t give it to you that’s when she remembered in your letter it stated that you found someone that treated you like her own daughter, who was there for you when she wasn’t. She shouldn’t feel sad, angry or jealous that you relied on that women instead of her but as she held the necklace in her hands, engraved with the word "Princesa" and signed by someone named L.W., Alexia couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy towards this mysterious figure who had seemingly filled the void in your life that she had left gaping open.
She realized that she had pushed you away, prioritizing her own desires and relationships over nurturing the bond she had with you. The memory of scolding you based on Elena's words instead of listening to your side of the story haunted her, knowing now that it was a pivotal moment where she had failed you.
And as she sat there, clutching the necklace that symbolized the connection she had failed to maintain with you, Alexia couldn't help but wonder why she had chosen to engage with others instead of prioritizing you, her own flesh and blood.
She knew that her actions had led you to seek comfort and acceptance elsewhere, to find comfort in someone who treated you like their own daughter when she had failed to do so.
But even amidst the guilt and regret, Alexia realized that she couldn't change the past. All she could do now was acknowledge her mistakes, learn from them, and strive to be a better mother to you, even if it meant starting from scratch and earning back your trust and love.
And as tears welled up in her eyes, Alexia made a silent vow to herself – to never again neglect the most fundamental task of being a mother, to always prioritize you above all else, and to make up for the lost time and opportunities she had squandered in the past.
And despite the pain and letdowns I've inflicted, why did you persist in holding onto hope that I would come through for you
Despite the pain and letdowns she had inflicted, Alexia couldn't help but wonder why you persisted in holding onto hope that she would come through for you. It was a question that haunted her as she grappled with the realization of how much she had failed you, how much she had neglected to be the mother you needed and deserved.
When a parcel labeled for you arrived, Alexia couldn’t resist the urge to open it. Inside, she found a medal inscribed with the words "Copa Juvenil Estrella" – "Star Youth Cup." Confusion washed over her as she struggled to understand why you would receive a medal from one of the most competitive under-21 tournaments in Spain. It was then that the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
She remembered the day of the tournament finals, the same day you had asked her to attend your football match. She recalled how she had brushed you off, claiming to be busy with her and Elena's training. It was a moment of realization that hit her like a bolt of lightning – she had prioritized her own interests over yours once again, and it may have been the final straw for you.
As Alexia connected the dots, she felt like burying herself six feet under. She couldn’t believe she didn’t know you were playing football much less knew you were playing it at such a high standard.
She wondered just what else she didn’t know about you. But she knew she could only hope that she’ll find you and that you’ll be able to forgive her so that you could build up your relationship again.
I just wish that one day I'll gather enough courage to ask for your forgiveness, and to find the strength to accept that you may never be there for me, regardless of how much I now yearn for your presence in my life
As Alexia was sitting down looking at her computer, a picture came up with you in her arms the day she adopted you and promised you she would love and take care of you forever. However all she did was the opposite, she remembered all the conversation’s or missed opportunities you had hinted at in your letter and, memories came rushing back to her,
“Mami, I made it into the school’s football team.”
The words barely registered as she mumbled a distracted response.
“But you promised you'd pick me up today.”
Your disappointment was palpable, "I know, sweetie, but something came up. The helper will take care of you," she said, barely sparing you a glance as I tried to focus on my task at hand.
As she watched you retreat to your room, she couldn't help but wonder why you seemed so upset. Didn't you understand that she had important things to attend to? Why couldn't you just be patient and wait for her to finish?
“Mami, can I go to the arcade with my friends? It’s the last day of school.”
She thought that you should help her with her teambuilding since you were her daughter after all.
"But I finished all my work."
Your insistence only added to her frustration. "I said no. End of discussion," I declared, my tone final as I brushed off your request. Didn't you understand that she had more important things to worry about than your petty desires?
"Why does she always choose someone else over me?"
As she watched you resign yourself to another night at home, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance. Why couldn't you just accept that she had my own life to live, her own priorities to attend to?
"Mom, why can't you come to my graduation?"
Your hurt was evident in your voice, but she couldn't afford to dwell on it. "I have a work commitment, sweetie," she replied, her words hollow .
"I didn’t do anything wrong, Mom."
Your protests fell on deaf ears as she refused to listen. "I don't want to hear it," she cut you off, her disappointment palpable as she struggled to come to terms with your perceived shortcomings.
All the things she thought about you and everything she said was what pushed you away. Each dismissive remark, each broken promise, each moment of neglect drove a wedge between you, widening the gap in your relationship until it became insurmountable.
As Alexia sat there, reflecting on her past actions and the impact they had on you, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret and remorse. She wished she could turn back time, to undo the hurt she had caused, to be the mother you needed and deserved.
But she knew that she couldn't change the past. All she could do now was acknowledge her mistakes and strive to do better in the future. She realized that she needed to confront her own shortcomings, to learn from her mistakes, and to prioritize you above all else.
With tears streaming down her face, Alexia made a silent vow to herself – to gather enough courage to ask for your forgiveness, and to find the strength to accept that you may never forgive her, regardless of how much she now yearned for your presence in her life.
As she sat there, clutching onto the memories of the moments she had missed, a notification from Instagram interrupted her thoughts. The post was from Arsenal, and the caption read:
"Welcome to Arsenal, our new signing Y/N Williamson”
#angst#liquidation writes#woso soccer#woso fanfics#woso#woso community#fc barca femeni#womens football#woso imagine#alexia putellas angst#alexia putellas imagine#alexia putellas x reader#alexia x reader#alexia putellas
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Horn grinding headcanons! Niflheim
(I'm gonna be honest,this took way too long to write and I feel like I kinda missed the theme of this series with this work...I also feel like my writing was a bit off....I don't know how to feel about this one!)

-bro paint those horns,it's impossible to find them
-he's already tired af and done with everything,so when you ask to grind on his horns....he just sighs
-he suddenly grabs you and puts you on his lap.He then puts his hand in your pants and starts using his long fingers on you while grabbing a pen with his free hand and going back to his math problems.
-He then tells you ''If you can survive a few hours of this maybe I'll let you use my horns''
-but a few hours for Gusion means a whole damn afternoon!
-That fucking tease is rubbing,pinching and fingering you with one hand while doing math with the other,looking absolutelly unfazed. Heck he's not even checking on you,even tho you're trembling in his lap after your 8 th orgasm.
-when the sun goes down so does his pen and he finally looks down at you. He gently cradles your body before throwing you on his bed
-you're still recovering from his previous torture,he's already pulling his tie off and tying your hands together with it.He lies his head on your lower stomach and looking up at you seducevlly
-you're in for a long night

-Hmm....now he has an intresting horn.On one hand it looks pretty sharp but maybe it's just the angle...I bet the tips are actually smooth....the swirl also reminds me of a knife but I hope it's not like one....so this could either be painful or really enjoyable!
-Let's set the scene! You two are sitting on a comfy blanket on a field,moonlight shining on the two of you. As his head lays on your lap while he rambles on about a book he's reading,you stare at his very asteticlly shaped horn before getting a sudden horny idea.
-While he's talking,you sneak your hand from his hair to his horn,gently caressing it which get's a quick reaction out of him. He slowly stops talking mid sentence,his cheeks slowly turning a light shade of pink while he covers his mouth and looks away from you. ''My little star...you shoudn't touch someone's horn like this..it's very sensitive for us devils..'' he says with a meek voice,stopping a few times to cathch his breath.
-''Oh? You seem to like it tho. Maybe we could even use it for something more...intresting~'' You say in return,your voice lower then normal.
-With you touching one of his erogenous zones and suggesting something so perverted,outside even!.....let's just say he's not one to refuse you.
-The act in it's own is very sweet and fluffy. He does most of the work while also being carefull not to accidentally hurt you. He caresses your legs throughout it all. Just make sure to praise him and tell him how good you feel. He's pretty quiet,only making a few grunts and a slight whimper
-now imagine all of this but he's wearing a sailor moon costume

-now I like this. Beautiful shape,rigged,long! That's what I want in a devil! Plus there's so much surfice and ways to grind on....
-Okay imagine that he finally comes home after being gone for days. When he returns he's all covered in blood,probably coming back from another massacre. As a good partner,you offer to help him bathe.
-Now you are running your hands through his long hair while he's soaking in the tub.As you are washing his hair,you notice his pretty horns and get an idea.
-You slide your hands down to his shoulders and softly whisper into his ear ''Andrealhus~ Can I borrow your horns please? I promise you'll enjoy it too.~''
-his breath hitches at your hot breath against his ear,he closes his eyes with a frown ''No...you'll get dirty with blood'' Now obviouslly he's just trying to make excuses! Why? Simply...he doesn't wish to hurt you. He knows how strong he is and since he spends most of his time hunting and torturing angels,he's afraid he might lose control and cause you pain.
-But you are not satisfied with that! You then slide one of your hands down his chest,softly caressing it and with the other one,you gently trace his horns ''But Andrealphus! You been gone for a week...you can't expect me to not be needy when you come back. Plus..I missed you so much! Please don't make me wait any longer~'' you whine sensually in his ear.
-Now you are really testing his limits. Screw all his morals! If you want it,you'll get it. Doesn't mean he'll be rough tho.
-As soon as he hears you pleading,he releases a long groan.He grabs your hips and gently places you in the water,right between his legs.
-Andreaplhus then starts gliding his fingers along your body. From your collarbone to your chest,down along your stomach and lower until he reaches your privates.
-When he touches your most sensitive area,which is now even more sensitive than normal cuz of your horniness,you get startled and yelp before jumping back on your feet.
-Your reaction suprises him a bit but then he smiles innocently and pulls you back near him.He grabs your leg and lifts it over his head. With his horn now between your thighs,pressed against you. With a husky voice he says ''Looks like you really did miss me. You're so sensitive today...let me guess,you been touching yourself a lot while I was out.''
-You whimper softly and nod before placing your hands on his other hrn and humping the one between your legs.
-he groans and gently holds on the flesh of your thighs,holding them firmlly enough to stop your movement. He then slowly bobs his head while making sure you stay in place
-Now you have this gigantic killing machine of a devil,melting under you,doing his best to be sweet and gentle with you while also melting uder your touch. His horns already slick with pre-milk.
-After a few minutes of soft passion,his movements start getting faster and sloppier,warning that he's close to climax.Seeing his blushing face,his quick breaths makes you feel your own orgasm approaching. You press yourself even closer to him which makes you cum first. Feeling your juices hit his horns and your knees tremble,he arrives as well,moaning your name with his soft voice
-imagine if he looked at you with that bloodthirsty smile in between the act
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Unnecessarily long rant post about various tcc related things
(selfships, ships, bad headcanons, columposers, "femcels")
I like actually hate tcc selfships so much, I don't care when people say freaky shit about tcc people cause most the time they're joking and I do it too. But like genuine selfships, like drawing themselves or an self insert or an oc with tcc people (what am I even supposed to call them)
Like I hate seeing those blogs where it's like "Dylan's little girl >.<" (extremely directed, you know who you are..). Or like drawing themselves with their favs (in a not joking way), even edits and "___ x oc/reader" fics. Theres another person on TikTok who makes edits of them x Andrew blaze, it makes me so mad cause I think im finding a cool edit and then I get flash banged with some randoms face.
Also I really don't care for the "well what if they're coping, this is a coping mechanism" argument like no, I don't care, cope some other way WITHOUT SHIPPING YOURSELF WITH KILLERS. Having a crush or intrest in a tcc person is okay but like genuinely shipping yourself with them is lowk kinda weird. Cause like I hate seeing people ship themselves with Eric or Dylan (in a serious sense, not a stupid funny haha) and they're everything Eric and Dylan hate. Like I hope you know they would've shot you if they knew about that
The selfshippers are usually so annoying too, like "ohemgee!!!! Don't say that abt Dylan he's mine!!1!1!1!" And then you get doxxed or some shit, like please go outside and touch some grass. Half the time they're greasy as hell or those "ohmigod I'm such a femcel lol!! >__<" just bcuz they're tcc and a female whose just a little different.
It's a little different with movie tcc people, like Andre and Cal because they are fictional and didn't actually shoot up a school. Even those ones are on thin ice, but I don't see as much of them luckily but I do see a lot of shitty Caldre.
Shitty Caldre as in Calvin is suddenly a AuDHD he/they shy femboy and Andre is a big tough guy whose actually secretly a big softie for cal and they go on little dates. Like no oh my god you clearly did not watch the movie, the only way I think of them as "dating" (using this VERY loosely) is them just being normal teenage boys, like when guys their age flirt because they're close friends. Sometimes a little bit of Caldre is okay but only when they're properly displayed the same way they are in the movie. Same with dylric, they were just close friends and had a distaste for gay people (from what I know) and I don't really know how to feel about dylric, but anytime I see one of those "Eric and Dylan kissing and being gay boyfriends >___<" posts I cry a little.
Plus the bad headcanons attached to both pairings, like I just wanna rip my hair out everytime I see one of those long headcanon posts and there's not a single good one, it's always like the "when they cuddle.." things. If I'm gonna take time out of my day to read a headcanon sheet it better be good, or bad fanfics like why am I even reading this. Sometimes bad fanfics are good but it's always the like 100-500 word ones that make me want to peel off the first layer of my skin, cause you can tell what kind of person is lurking behind that screen, it's probably some 11/12 year old that found out about zero day but never watched the movie. I feel like sometimes most people in the zero day fandom never watched the movie, also personal opinion I don't think that Andre self harms if I'm being so real here. Like I get where they're coming from with Cal but I don't get it with Andre.
I also don't like the people who dress like Cal and Andre, I own the shirts and sometimes I wear them but I never genuinely dress up as them, I usually wear them around my house, it's more of a "oh no I have no clean laundry" and I just have to wear it. But like people who go into full cosplay, like I saw someone genuinely buy a wig for it, like please ohmygyat. It just feels like seeing a columposer and I have a hatred for columposers, like tell me why you thought it was a good idea to leave your home in a wrath or natural selection shirt, like Columbine isn't underground, it was a real national tragedy.
Liking Columbine is fine as long as you aren't doing anything weird or harmful, but I feel like dressing as them puts you in both categories. But they always think they're so cool, it's always the most basic Columbine fans. They always listen to KMFDM or Rammstein and if they're trans (9 times out of 10 they usually are) they go by Dyl or Dylan. Plus they just take all of their personality from Eric and Dylan, it's always those intro posts that are like "name: Dylan music: KMFDM drink: Dr Pepper".
Please get a real personality oh my god 😢😢 cause I see like 20 people like that a day, please can we get some originality in this community. But the kind of columposers I hate the most is the ones that think they're the next Eric Harris, like calm down edge lord you're 14... they're manifestos always sound the same like "I hate everybody..... nobody understands me... they're all gonna feel my wrath... I'm gonna be worse than Eric and Dylan could ever be... mwhahahahah..." like shut up oh my god. You are not Eric's top guy bud, then they own a natural selection shirt and when they try to actually shoot up their school they just get caught cause it's always the people in private school trying to be the next Columbine. Like it's not my fault you live in the suburbs chill out.
It's so annoying to come on this app or look at the news and it another retard who thinks they're the second coming. And I have no shame admitting that I hate that Samantha chick, she honestly seemed so fucking annoying. And I hate the stupid "ERM... if you hate her you're misogynistic..." like what 😭. Just because she's a girl doesn't mean I'm a bad guy for hating her, I wasn't thinking about her gender when I decided I hated her ass. There's a new case every week, she's not special. She honestly was the worse thing I've heard about, everytime I hear about her I want to gouge my eyes out, she was just a supreme edge lord who thought she could be Eric. She thought she was so special for hating women like she wasn't a woman, like how fucking stupid are you, plus it's kinda pathetic how she only killed two people (all respect towards them) and then just killed herself, like oh my god at that point just kill yourself in your own house.
I also know the argument of Adam being a columposer is gonna come up, like "how are you gonna say you hate columposers but you worship one". Like yes I'm aware of the fact his shooting was "inspired" by columbine but he was also delusional as hell, like he was an autistic schizo that didn't leave his house. There was a lot more going into that shooting than just Columbine in mind, I don't really think of him as a columposer because it was a lot of psychological issues as well but I get where people are coming from when they say he's a columposer.
But still on the topic of Samantha and her being a woman hater, I just fucking hate femcels, not real femcels but "femcels >___< 🎀" LIKE OH MY GYAT. You aren't a femcel you delusional creep, you're just a female on tumblr get over it, you aren't special. Theyre all the same too, I feel like all femcel accounts are run by the same person. Theyre always some cutecore shit and have micro bangs, they all look the same.
Being a femcel or just an incel is just being frustrated with the lack of sexual or romantic opportunity in their life, that is the dictionary definition. You aren't a femcel if you bedrot, like Columbine, tcc in general, cutecore, hate women or men, if you're just delusional, or a Sematary fan. I feel like no one actually knows what being an incel or femcel means and it pisses me off so much because it's like saying the sky is green. Like you aren't a femcel, there's literally men in your dm's and you have a boyfriend shut up oh my god. It's just so infuriating seeing people being wrong all the time, I hate when I see false information.
It just makes me so mad and that's what most of this rant has been about, I hate seeing people be wrong like you're wrong because this tcc person would've hated you so much. You're wrong because that's not how these people were displayed in the movie. You're wrong because you're not gonna be the next Eric and Dylan. You're wrong because you're not a real femcel.
Sorry if this came off as annoying in anyway but I feel like i genuinely needed to get that off my chest cause im tired of it all.
#tc community#tcctwt#true cringe community#teeceecee#true crume#adam tcc#tcc fandom#tcc tumblr#tc#tcc columbine#eric columbine#eric and dylan#dylan columbine#lanzamaxxing#samantha rupnow#rant post
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Hie, I noticed Requests were open!! Can you write some thing for sanji please. Like a very flirty S/O but he is oblivious to the pickup lines. Or maybe he isn't letting himself believe that someone was actually intrested in him. But finds out in the end. Hehe. Just if you wanna write. No pressure. 😊
Hi. So, I have little to no flirting skills. So I apologize in advance. But I hope you like it anyways.
Sanji x Reader: Rejected No More
Sanji was used to rejection. He had zero luck in the romance department. Every girl either used him or just flat out told him no. When you came, something seemed off. Every morning when you came to the kitchen for breakfast, you always greeted him with a smile and a compliment. But not like, “breakfast looks amazing” but more like “you look extra handsome today” or “I hope the breakfast is as hot as the chef.” At first, he thought you did this to everyone. As time went on, he noticed you only did stuff like that to him. He didn’t believe that you liked him. He was a failure and a loser. He kept Ed thinking it was some prank, but you didn’t stop. The flirting continued and his shock continued. So he did something about it.
It was a beautiful and hot day on the Going Merry. He was passing out drinks to everyone. He attached a little note to yours. “If you really like me and you flirt because of it. Meet me in the Crow’s Nest tonight.” Now all he had to do was wait.
That night, he sat in the Crow’s nest. It was his turn on watch anyways. The stars were abundant and it was beautiful. You still hadn’t come so he figured he was right. Suddenly, he was taken out of his thoughts by a tap on the shoulder. It was you. As you smiled and sat down next to him, he realized that he was loved. And he was rejected no more!

Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
#one piece#first division girl#one piece x reader#one piece x you#one piece x y/n#op x you#op x reader#op x y/n#sanji op#black leg sanji#vinsmoke sanji#sanji#one piece sanji#sanji x y/n#sanji x reader#sanji fluff#vinsmoke sanji x reader#vinsmoke sanji x y/n#sanji x you#op sanji
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A while back ago I had a lil rant about the pagan/heathen/witch community and made this list with my friend about some problematic aspects about our craft/faith/practise or what ever you call it to help pepole who are new to it.
Idk if it any of worth or if anyone will bother to read all this but I hope its somehow helpfull for you new ones to this path.
(Pardon my 🇬🇧, im a 🇸🇪)
1. Not every polytheist does magic or has an intrest in it and thats ok.
2. Not every norse heathen knows runes or has to know every Rune and meanings to have a meaningfull relation to the gods and nature.
3. Not every raven is a sign of Odin, sometimes it just means you saw a raven and thats just as good if not better if you ask me.
4. Being able to quote havamal in old norse or know every myth and kenning of the gods is good. But does not mean you have a stronger spirital connection the land and the gods then those who dont know it all. It just means you are good at reading. And that in it self is something you should take pride in.
5. A good acorn and some dirt is just as good if not better than any long ritual with ancient chantings sourounded by a collection of crystals.
6. The pebble you find on a walk can shine just as fine on your altar, as the amethyst that was mined and payed for.
7. Your altar dont have to look Nice, it just need to feel Nice.
8. An offering dont have to be big to work. It just have to mean something.
9. Offering one loaf of bread you baked with your own two hands, is worth more than five loafs you payed somone to bake.
10. Just because a pebble dont have a story, does not mean it never had one. And just because a star has a story, does not mean its a good one.
11. If all nature is holy, that includes the parts you dont like or find nasty. Yes even ticks and spiders, mud and horrnets. No one said you had to like holy things.
12. Your body is a temple yes, but you and only you decides what rites and offerings are right the god within said temple.
13. You can still be a drunk horny ape and be spiritual.
14. No illustration of the gods is more corect or more true to their form.
But then there is no garantee everyone will see who its meant to be. And thats ok.
15. Doing spirtual junk and practise magic or healing does not make you more enlightened...
16. Just because you wrote a book about magic, healing and spiritual matters, does not make it a good book or you a good author.
17. Just because someone you look up to said it, does not make it more right. It just means they said it.
18. Making this list to remind the pagan/witch/heathen community to hummble them selfs does not make me better. Im also doing this to just remind myself. Im not better or wiser than any of you lot.
19. Dont ever expect to have your craft respected if you dont give that same respect back to others.
20. It does not matter how old or big your coven or group is. If it has toxic and harmfull parts that clearly hurt and or make pepole unhappy. Then its ok to criticize it. Age or size does not make it untuchble.
21. If a craft or faith says its all about nature but cant change its ways, then it has clearly missed a very important thing about how nature works.
22. Every rock is an altar and every forest is a temple.
23. For every horn of mead you offer to the gods, you should plant at least one seed.
24. If all in this world has a spirit and is alive, does not mean you cant take space and exist and live in it.
25. Its not about beliving. Its about to experience and to perceive. That if you ask me, is the core of animism and polytheism.
#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#paganism#fornsed#nordic animism#animism#wicca#witch#spiritual
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I just read your One More Moment Cody x reader fic and I absolutely ADORED IT and am here to request something similar with Fox x Fem reader please, and can the reader be a mermaid with a shark tail? You can add whatever details you think would work, but Fox is definitely quite intrested considering he's kind of an outcast in Atlantis, and reader is classified as an outcast too?
Thank you! And I absolutely adore your writing 🥰
Born This Way
Summary: Atlantian Prince, and Military Commander, Fox is an outcast among his people and his brothers. Oh, sure, people respect him. But his closest friend also happens to be his twin brother. At least, that’s the case until he’s kidnapped.
Pairing: Commander Fox x F!Reader
Word Count: 1783
Warnings: Mentions of slavery, implications of torture
A/N: So, I'm not sure if this is what you were wanting, but I had an idea and it seemed like a good one. I hope you like it!
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The room he’s been locked in is dark, the only light coming from the bioluminescent stones being used as lanterns down the hall. It’s almost too dark to see, even with his eyes.
Of course, it’s not so much a room as it is a cell.
An actual cell, with bars. Rather than the more modern cells used in Atlantis that offer the people in the cell some privacy.
Fox rubs the side of his head and tries to remember how he ended up in this situation. He can feel his heartbeat in his skull though, so he’s pretty sure that he was hit over the head by someone.
What does he remember?
He was at home, he remembers that much. He had just been eliminated as a viable option for the throne after punching an arrogant Atlantean and planned to retreat to his room to hide from his brothers who were going to rage at him for having the nerve to remove himself from the running. And then…nothing.
Fox isn’t even sure he made it to his room.
His brow furrows as he tries to force the memory to clear. He left the greeting chamber, walked through the portrait hallway, and clearly remembers opening the door to the sleeping wing.
But after that, everything is murky. His next clear memory is waking up in this cell.
Fox huffs and kicks the cell door.
He knows that he’s no longer in Atlantis. The fact that he’s surrounded by water makes it kind of obvious. But Atlantis is a rather small city, comparatively speaking. Knowing that he’s not in Atlantis isn’t helpful in the grand scheme of things.
He kicks the bars again in frustration.
“That is enough of that, your highness.” Fox moves away from the cell door as a door at the end of the hall opens, pouring light into the darkened hallway. The voice is familiar, and Fox scowls when he sees who stops in front of his cell.
Sheev Palpatine is an Atlantean, like him, and had been a judge for years before he was banished from Atlantis for planning the murder of King Jango. The only reason that Jango didn’t kill him was because of political pressure from the Jedi Monks.
Fox kind of wishes his father had ignored the Jedi if he’s being totally honest.
“Palpatine.” The amount of contempt dripping from Fox’s voice would have made a lesser man flinch away. But Palpatine has never seen the vod’e as actual people.
“Prince Fox,” His smile is almost slimy, “You honor me with your presence.”
“As if I had a choice.”
“True enough. I am fortunate that there are still people in Atlantis who hold me in high enough regard to help me.” Palpatine holds his hands out, “You’re probably wondering why you’re here.”
“The thought had crossed my mind,” Fox bites out sarcastically.
“I find myself in need of capable soldiers—”
“If you think that I’m going to help you, then you’ve lost the god-damn plot.”
Palpatine pauses, “Then you will remain in your cell until you change your mind. I will return in a week.” He turns and pulls something out of his pocket. It almost looks like a bell.
He rings it and a moment later a mermaid swims into the hall. She’s a shark-based Mermaid, Fox realizes almost immediately. Her kind hasn’t been seen around Atlantis since before his Grandfather’s time.
He moves closer to the bars to get a better look at her. She’s tiny, though his memory helpfully supplies that there are over 500 different variations of sharks, so she’s probably a mer-variant of one of the smaller sharks.
As Fox moves closer, he realizes that she’s covered in ragged-looking scars. All over her arms and tail, all across her torso…and one long scar across her eyes.
She’s blind.
She turns to face him, and Fox watches as her nostrils flare so she’s able to catch his scent. She’d be able to find him anywhere now, he knows absently.
It’s at that moment that he sees the brand on her left shoulder. A series of numbers and letters, raised on her skin so that even he’s able to read what they say in the dim light.
And his heart sinks.
He knows why no one has seen any of her people in decades.
“She,” Palpatine gestures to her, “will ensure that you are fed and well-cared for while you are a guest. Do not try to run. She’ll catch you.” And then he’s gone, and Fox is left alone with his warden.
“What’s your name?” Fox asks after a moment when he’s sure that Palpatine is gone.
There’s a flicker of uncertainty on her face before she offers her name. “I am afraid that I am unsure as to what Atlanteans eat,” She admits, “If you could tell me—?”
Fox sighs and leans against the bars, this is going to be a long imprisonment.
It’s been several months since he was kidnapped, and Fox is no closer to agreeing to help Palpatine than he was when he was first taken. He’s pretty sure that Palpatine is starting to give up on trying to convince him.
Or, well, he hopes so at least.
The one good thing, the only good thing, is that he’s made a friend. Or, he thinks of her as a friend, she’s a little more hesitant about it.
He doesn’t blame her, in the slightest, though.
Any mistakes on her part are punished with lashes. And she’s often punished for his misbehavior.
It’s sickening.
It’s unfair.
And he can’t do a damned thing about it.
“You seem quiet today, Fox.” Her voice is raw, and Fox can see she has burn paste coating her tail this morning. An accident, maybe. Though punishment is much more likely.
“I’m feeling contemplative,” Fox replies as he follows her through the hall to the small, enclosed, garden he’s allowed to spend his time in. “That is still allowed, isn’t it angelfish?”
When she speaks, there’s amusement in her voice, “That is true. Lord Palpatine has yet to make thinking illegal.”
Fox grins, though he knows she won’t see it, and he swims over to settle near some coral.
The coral is almost healthy. Fox finds that totally valid. How could any living creature thrive under Palpatine’s specific brand of bullshit?
He watches her swim around a bit before she settles on the sand on her stomach, resting her chin on the palm of her hands. “Where is the illustrious Lord Palpatine, anyway?” Fox asks.
“I do not know.”
“So he’s not in?”
She shrugs as best as she can while lying on her stomach, “So it would seem. No one has seen him in weeks.”
Fox hums thoughtfully and then moves so that he’s lying on his stomach in front of her. Close enough that his arm bumps hers, and she starts in surprise, having not heard him move.
He scans her face silently for a moment, “You know, with Palpatine gone we could just leave.”
Tension shoots through her frame, “Fox, my people will be slaughtered—”
Fox stops her by pressing his hands against her cheeks, and she flinches away from him slightly. He knows that it’s not an intentional reaction, he knows that she knows that he would never hurt her. But some habits are hard to break.
“I’ve met some of your cousins,” He reminds her, “Some of them are built like buildings.”
“...well, yes.” She agrees, “But the manacles…if we do anything they don’t like they’ll inject the poison—” She frets, “And even if we manage to get them off, where would we go?”
She scoffs, “Atlantis,” She shakes her head, “No offense to you, Fox, but Atlantis looked the other way when my people were enslaved. Why would we ever go there.”
“I know that you and your people have no reason to trust my people,” Fox replies, “I know that you’ve all been suffering under the watch of people like Palpatine for generations.”
“You can’t fix that.”
“I want to try.” His hands move so that one cards through her hair while the other one slowly moves down her arm to grip her hand, “I’m not asking you to trust my people, cyar’ika. I’m asking you to trust me.”
“And then what? What happens if Atlantis won’t accept us?” She asks, “It’s no secret that no one missed us when we left.”
“Then we’ll find someplace new for your people to settle.” He leans in and presses his forehead against hers, “Like it or not, cyar’ika, you and your people are still Atlanteans and are deserving of my service.”
She’s quiet for a long moment, and then she sighs, soft and wistful.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just…I wish I—” She pauses and shakes her head, “No. Nevermind.”
He smiles at her, takes her hands in his, and presses her hands against his cheeks, “It’s hard for you to tell if I’m lying because you can’t see me, isn’t it?”
She frowns, “That’s part of the problem, yes.”
“Then look with your hands,” Fox replies. He pulls his hands away from hers and waits while her hands lightly trace his face. Her hands are remarkably soft for someone who spent her whole life doing manual labor. He’s not too proud to admit that he likes the feel of her hands against him. “Ready?”
She nods.
Fox looks her in the eye, “I promise that I will help free your people and I will help you find a place to settle if you’re not welcome in Atlantis.”
“...you mean that.”
“I do.”
She’s quiet for a moment, and then she slowly pulls her hands away from his face, and Fox has to fight the urge to pull her hands back, “We’ll have to be quick.” She warns.
“I can do quick.”
And then she smiles at him, it’s small and soft, and the only thing that Fox can think when he sees it is, fuck. I’m done for.
“Can you be my eyes until we escape the palace?” She asks.
“Cyar’ika, I’ll be whatever you need me to be.” Fox blurts without thinking about it.
She looks surprised and then a startled laugh falls from her lips. It’s the first time he’s heard her make a sound of genuine joy, and Fox realizes, with a start, that he would destroy entire nations to protect her smile.
Wolffe, he decides as he gets up from the ground, is never going to let me live this down.
And then her lips press against his cheek, and Fox stops thinking about everything that isn’t her soft, warm lips.
He’s so fucked.
#star wars#tcw#star wars au#commander fox x reader#fox x reader#star wars fanfiction#x reader fanfiction#f!reader fic#answered asks#undersea au
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hii! dunno if you accept 2 prompts at a time but i'll shoot my shot!
can i request friends to lovers (from first link) and prompt 4 and 7 with sunny from omori? thank youu!!
' Promise you'll remember that you're mine '
Starring: Sunny | OMORI.
Sypnosis: Sunny had been realizing that real life can become a daydram simply by your presence, how is that possible?
Prompts: "The realization that the hugs they share will never be something that they can reciprocate with someone else" & "Anytime they sit next to one another, they find themselves touching. Shoulders, thighs, knees, their honestly never entirely sure how it happens but have accepted it’s unavoidable."
A/N: I do not take request anymore, yet i would find intresting if you have an idea and you can share it with me. Im sorry this took so long, i have been working a lot. Im also sorry if this turns out to be kind of depressive in some parts, have in mind you will be seeing this mostly from sunny's point of view and i think it would be kind of normal that he would have this kind of thoughts, by the way this is too short and i know, sorry.
Warnings: kind of angst in some parts, very light.
Whenever they sit next to one another, the inevitable brush of their fingertips, the undeniable caress of their shoulders, that feeling of comfort when their thighs touch, and the subtle heat that spreads through their bodies when all contact becomes inevitable, are all as familiar to them as breathing - familiar, and yet unrequited, as a soul tie - Despite the familiarity of these sensations, they remain unrequited due to fear. However, ¿what exactly is fear? ¿How do you explain the feeling that prevents you two from reciprocating each other's embrace?
¿Is it his fault? ¿Is there another factor that becomes a burden when he wants to hold you? He is at the very epitome of human feeling in this moment, he didn't feel that before; Despair and hope at the same time by the same person, yet all you make him feel is hope, in everything. Yet Omori still holds his darkest feelings, desires and thoughts.
Even if he knows that he craves a human tie he finds himself retracting in any way he can from you. ¿what if he does it again? he can't stop thinking about it, but you are just so ethereal that he can't help but be drawn towards you. He is a monster, an assassin, ¿what would you like about him? He loves you, and he hates himself for that. He will corrupt you one way or another, but being with you, oh what a dream when he's with you he finds himself in a fairytale, it's better than the headspace, he can breathe.
Sunny was zoned out, but then he realizes that you were talking, he quickly apologized and asked you nicely to repeat youself as he tilted his head to the side. He was genuelly intrested in what you were saying.
"Im sorry, could you repeat that please?"
He was shaking slightly, ¿what could he do now? He doesnt even know how it really began, he can't tell anything about it else than the burning feeling on his chest and the suddent need to hold you in his arms for days, than the suddent need to protect you, for Omori is a waste of time, for Sunny love is something natual and real, something you make him feel.
He loves your voice, he loves it when its dedicated to him, he loves when he is the person you are looking at, Omori said it was egoistical yet Sunny only finds comfort on the sun that reflects on your eyes, its the only way he doesnt feel the soild falling on his feet, the only way he doesn't feel lost.
Sunny loves you, nobody is going to ever deny that, but oh how wonderfull it would be to tell you just how he loved you, if you only knew what he would do for you. He would do near everything, he just needs a chance, he doesn't ask for much, ¿does he?
He is desperated, clinging to his only ray of hope: You, if you knew you would stay or you would leave? What if you leaved him, what would he do after?... No, you won't leave, he will do whatever you want if you dont leave, he will beg on his knees for you to stay if it is necessary, he won't loose you.
© Cheshiseriko 2024, all rights reserved ONLY ON TUMBLR
#omori basil#omori headcanons#omori sunny#omori x reader#omori fandom#hero omori#aubrey omori#kel omori#mari omori#captain spaceboy#sweetheart omori#sunny x reader#basil x reader#hero x reader#aubrey x reader#kel x reader#mari x reader#captain spaceboy x reader#sweetheart x reader#omori fluff#omori#omori game#sunny omori#basil omori#omori x you
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So for a request what about a Imu and Gorosei (together or separate) in the Fiction into Reality AU or Time travel AU, I think it would be a intresting concept and with the way you write I know it would be awesome, also I hope you get better l
Hey, thank you so much for this ask! Honestly oddly enough, the Gorosei are kind of comfort characters for me which probably sounds weird, but that makes me really happy to receive this request!
I don’t think anything will ever surpass Figarland Garling in terms of romantic comfort character though. The only one who’s close enough to surpassing him is probably Joyboy honestly.
Anywho, I’m starting to ramble, but I genuinely do want to thank you for sending this in so thanks a bunch! And thank you so very much for the compliment as well!
Now let’s get into it, shall we?
Celestial Dragon Bullshit, Removal of Rights, Implied Mass Death, Being Accused of Cheating, Reality Changing around You, Gorosei being the Gorosei, Time Travel Stuff, Rainfall Probably Sucking at Time Travel, Forced DNA Test, Becoming Someone Else Against Your Will, Fusion
📜-Gorosei (Fiction into Reality)-📜
Genuinely I’d like you to imagine for a second, the five Gorosei of all people coming out of the One Piece world into the real one. Imagine how absolutely horrifying that would be.
Like imagine that you were like reading the latest chapters of the manga, or watching the latest episodes. You’re pretty tired so you decide to pause it, and leave it for tomorrow.
You go to bed, and in the middle of the night, you wake up to sound. Of course you probably assume burglars, so you pick up the nearest object to use as a weapon and peek out of your room. There are five well dressed men in your living room.
They’re all absolutely gigantic too like if you don’t have high ceilings, they probably have to bend over a bit or a lot. Let’s not forget how big these old men are… Seriously… Rob Lucci is 6’11, and only comes up to Shepherd’s waist…
Anywho they’re more than likely talking about where they are, and what happened as they don’t know how they got here. I feel like the first one to notice you would probably be Ethanbaron, he spots you and points you out to the others.
Saturn probably demands you come out. If you do refuse, and lock yourself in your room out of panic then I hope you have five seconds of peace of mind. That’s how long it will take for them to get in. What door? You had a door? There’s no door anymore…
Proceed to being dragged to the living room, and now you’re being questioned by the Gorosei themselves. I feel like either Marcus or Warcury would be the ones asking most of the questions. Once everything is all figured out, and they realize that they can’t get back on their own plus you can’t send them back. Your home becomes their base of operations while they work on finding a way back to their world.
Living with the five of them definitely isn’t the best thing… They’ve completely taken over your home like Warcury straight up tells you one that all decisions about the household are to be run by him, if not all of them before they’re made…
You might think that means like “Oh the window broke? I need to talk to Warcury before I have it fixed”, and that would be ideal. But nope. You need to ask before you do literally anything…
Need to go to the store? Talk to Ethanbaron so he can set a budget, and tell you what to get. Heading to work? Talk to Warcury so he can tell you what you can’t tell your boss. Going on a walk? Talk to Marcus so he can tell you where you’re allowed to be. Gonna go for a drive? Talk to Saturn so he can join you for research about your world. Need some alone time? Talk to Shepherd so he can decide if you can have it.
Really the only things that you can do without talking to them about it first are housework, and basic human functions. It’s honestly exhausting, and you wish they would find the way home already…
It’s already bad enough that they’ve taken over your bedroom, and anytime that they demand to come with you when you go outside. You get stared at because of how tall they are, and how they won’t let you get too far away.
Like seriously, you took Shepherd shopping with you once and while he was looking at something. You wandered off thinking he was following you, the man proceeded to hunt you down and threatened to put you on a leash if you ever tried to leave him like that again.
That threat became a reality when you got too far ahead of Marcus while on a walk… The next day, you were wearing a makeshift collar with a leash attached to it…
Trying to explain that you couldn’t go out in public like this didn’t do any good. The only thing that they allowed was that you could cover it because it could be seen as very sexual.
It’s safe enough to say that living with them is an absolute nightmare half of the time. The other half is migraine inducing, but as time goes on. They almost seem to start rewarding you.
You get your bedroom back, you get the privilege of having an hour of uninterrupted alone time, Ethanbaron allows you to buy one or two things that he didn’t tell you to get.
Now this might not seem like much, but considering what you’ve been putting up with? These little rewards might as well be a dream come true…
Continue on with this life for a good long while, and you might even notice that the five of them might be trying to court you in their own subtle ways. It definitely doesn’t seem like much though.
It’s things like holding the door open for you, offering you an arm while you’re walking in public together, joining you whenever you’re indulging in something that you enjoy like a show or book or game, and listening when you talk.
It might not seem like much, but they are interested in you… For them, they can’t figure out why you aren’t noticing their advances… They’re doing things they don’t normally do…
Eventually the five of them will start to become frustrated, and even trying to show far more of this behavior in hopes that you’ll notice.
Honestly as well, they have found a way home by now… They just refuse to leave you, and are giving you a chance to come willingly…
Of course you don’t, and simply continue on with what you’re doing. Maybe even talking to someone over the internet in a romantic sense.
None of them have any idea how your phone works beyond that you use it to talk to people, and this thing called the internet. So you might be able to hide it from them for a good while.
How they’d find out? I can imagine that would go one of two ways…
One is that Ethanbaron tracks you down when you’re gone longer than allowed from the home which causes to be caught. I’d hope that you aren’t kissing the other person either… Immediate death…
Or the other is Saturn reads your messages on the screen while sitting next to you. All he needs to see is one hint of romance, and you’ve got a pissed off Ushi Oni who is demanding you explain…
Either way though, a meeting is called and you feel like you’re being interrogated for a horrific crime. They’re demanding every single detail about this person.
You can try to lie, but I don’t think it’d work in all honesty… You’d have an easier time achieving world peace than lying to the Gorosei…
Once they have sufficient information, one of them will remain behind. I can imagine it might be Warcury to ensure that you go absolutely nowhere. Meanwhile the other four leave the home.
Proceed to a breaking news broadcast about the four others wreaking absolute havoc on the area where you claimed the person lived. They’re describing it as a real life Godzilla or Cloverfield movie as they show no mercy.
You can try to plead with Warcury to get the others to stop, but he isn’t listening. Telling you that you’ve brought this on yourself for committing adultery, now you must watch.
”Adultery? We aren’t married!” “Enough of this nonsense… Yes, we are… Nothing you say can change that…”
So you’re forced to watch this news broadcast, Warcury might attempt to provide comfort if you begin to cry. But it’s probably just a hand on your shoulder, or forcing you onto his lap.
Either way, you’re still forced to watch until it’s all over. The four leave, and return home now that they’re sure they got the person.
The television will be turned off, and they’ll probably talk for a bit before it’s time to go. You’ll be dragged through the television with them into the One Piece world. Your body changing, and warping to fit the One Piece art style.
There’s no way back now, and as you sit in the room of authority with your partners. You’ll watch as the One Piece world changes things to make you fit in, your outfit changes and five different rings appear on your finger.
None of them will come off, no matter how hard you try. And you’ll soon notice as well that each of the five has a matching ring to go with one of the rings on your finger.
For example. If a ring has gemstones formed to look like a wing pointing right, Marcus has the same ring but the gemstones are a different color and the wing is pointing left.
The five of them will be pleased as they know that there’s likely no chance for you to escape. They were just in the room of authority doing average everyday things for them when they got transported.
So unless the same thing happens to you which they honestly doubt it will. You’ll be here forever, and there’s nothing that these old men like more…
I’d honestly recommend that instead of thinking of a way to escape, you should start bracing yourself…. With the way they’re looking at you, it’s safe enough to say that punishment is imminent for your “adultery”…
🖤-Imu (Time Travel AU)-🖤
So there is actually a good few ways that Time Travel AU can go, as I play around with it quite a bit in my head. You travel back to the actual One Piece world, you travel back to some kind of warped caveman or some other warped time period version of the One Piece world, or the first one but the character follows you back to the future and won’t leave.
For conveniences sake, let’s say it’s the first one. Now let’s get into it for real.
So let’s say that you’re someone who’s been working on building an actual real life Time Machine. You finish it, you test it with like a random object or something, it works! Now why not try it out yourself?
When you do, you wind up in Marie Geoise. You’ve never read anything about this sort of thing in the history books, so you start looking around at everything and documenting what you can.
Maybe you run into a problem with a few Celestial Dragons who think that you’re someone’s slave. Proceed to what’s probably the biggest headache of your life dealing with these guys…
Celestial Dragons being Celestial Dragons will probably try to punish and/or kill you for disrespect. And of course, it’s very much an “Oh fuck…” moment with you trying to reach for your return to the present device.
Don’t worry though! Because before anything can happen, you’re suddenly being arrested… These people are far from gentle with you as they drag you off.
Proceed to having all of your items confiscated especially whatever item you could have used to return to present day. Once you’ve been sufficiently searched, the interrogation begins.
Who are you? Where did you come from? How did you get here? How long have you been here? What was your intention in coming here? All sorts of stuff like that…
But then there are the weirder questions… Are you a natural (hair color)? Do you wear contacts, or have modified your eyes in some way? Do you have a birthmark in this specific shape? Do you enjoy wearing clothes of this style? If I say butterfly, what do you think of?
You might feel like you’re being watched during this interrogation as well, and not by the people with you. Trying to ask if they feel the same thing gets you nowhere as you’re simply told to quiet down, and answer the questions.
Once the questions have finally ended, they take a few things from you… They cut your hair, they make you fill a tube with saliva, they take some blood from you, they even have you bite something to leave an imprint of your teeth…
And then you’re left alone in the interrogation room for an incredibly long amount of time… They do feed and water you, but that’s really it.
You might think that this is a prison sentence, but you’re just being held while they check your DNA… If it doesn’t have the results they’re looking for, they’ll dispose of you.
But when it does result in you having a match with the other person. That’s when they’ll come back to you, they’ll haul you off somewhere but much gentler this time.
You’re brought to a restricted area, and you’re left in a room with a lot of greenery. There are a few butterflies going about, and some flowers. Alongside a sword in the floor.
What you don’t notice at first is the dark shadowy figure watching your every move. Bright red eyes watching how you do every single little thing from sneezing to just turning your head.
This is Imu, and they’re conducting their own personal test to see you’re really who they think you are… So far, you’re passing…
You’ll start to feel that same feeling of being watched so you’ll look, and finally spot Imu. Of course, you have the only normal reaction to seeing Imu… Fear…
And honestly the way that you react to them is all that Imu needs to see to know that it’s you. They’ll come close to you, and reach out a covered hand to almost lovingly caress the side of your face.
They’ll touch their forehead to yours in contentment, and welcome you home in their own scary Imu way.
Proceed to living with Imu, and them refusing to let you out of their sight for even a moment… It’s downright unnerving especially when they watch you do simple mundane tasks like you’re a movie or television show…
Imu blames your behavior towards them on memory loss so they’ll do their best to remind you. Recreating moments the two of you shared, allowing their skin to touch yours in hopes that’ll bring some memories, occasionally speaking to you.
They’re honestly doing more right now than they ever have when it comes to you. Imu believes that they’ve already lost you, and they’re not intending to have lost you for even a moment longer. They intend to do whatever it takes to remind you of who you are.
From telling you about “yourself” to far more extreme things. Did Imu have an island wiped from existence before they seemingly lost things? Imu will find a reason to wipe out another to hopefully click something in your head…
The entire time that this is going on, you’re likely trying to find a way back to your own time. You can try to ask Imu for your things back, but I’m unsure if Imu will let you have them.
Can you use them to leave them? What are they for? Why do you want them so bad?
Your relationship did start off quite rocky in the beginning with you being terrified of Imu until Stockholm Syndrome set in… “They could use these items to leave me forever this time” is what Imu tells themselves… So no… You can’t have your things back…
And just for good measure! Imu has them destroyed!
So now that your way back to the present no longer works, time is all out of whack for you… You’ll become sick as time destabilizes for you, and it tries to figure out what to do with you…
You’ll look and feel like you’re at deaths door until time figures things out, you won’t die but Imu will be convinced that you are going to.
Imu will probably pull Saturn away from his duties as a member of the Gorosei to identify what’s wrong with you, and hopefully fix you. Of course, he can’t figure it out.
This is the most stressed that Imu has ever been, and it shows… Saturn’s inability to fix you is stressing, and angering them… If Saturn wasn’t so useful, and also your one chance at survival then Imu might off him out of sheer frustration…
Imu doesn’t leave your side for even a minute during this either. Does Imu need to sit on the throne, and address the Gorosei? Not now… They can wait, and if it’s really important then they can come here…
Imagine the visual of that scene where the Gorosei bow to Imu as they sit on the throne, but instead Imu is sitting on a bed with you.
Eventually though, your illness passes when time finally figures out what to do with you. You rapidly recover, and Imu is so happy that they could kiss Saturn. They won’t, but they could…
As you can probably guess, the reason that you’re recovering is because time has decided what to do with you. It’s decided to completely cement you into this time, and turn you into the person Imu thinks you are.
Where Imu is so happy to see you picking up old habits of yours, you couldn’t feel more horrified as everything is changing. You can’t stop it either.
Imu simply thinks that you’re recovering from your memory loss finally.
They watch in absolute joy at how you’re picking up mannerisms that they claim you used to have, you start to want dress in the clothes that you apparently used to wear, all that sort of stuff.
If you realize as well what’s going on with you, there’s probably only way to fix it which is going back to your own time. Which can only be achieved by telling this terrifying being the truth.
So you work up the courage, ask Imu to talk, and once you’re sitting down with them. You’ll try to explain everything.
It’s definitely no surprise that Imu likely doesn’t believe you…
But if they do? I can imagine that Imu reaches for you, takes your hands, and looks directly into your eyes. You can probably feel your soul getting sucked out the more that they stare until they speak…
“You may not be them… But with your explanation, you will be soon… And I shall have them back…”
Imu doesn’t care at all as if time is truly cementing you here, and turning you into their partner. That’s just a blessing in Imu’s opinion.
Whatever took Imu’s S/O in the first place is being wiped away by time as it does what it thinks is best. It’s making it so that you become Imu’s S/O.
Was there some sort of memorial, or wanted poster out there for Imu’s S/O? There isn’t now… It completely disappears…
With you being turned into said S/O, there’s no reason for that to exist. And if the S/O is still out there somewhere? Time might just fuse you together, and let you melt completely into one person.
Freaky, I know. But it’s the only explanation I have.
During this time as well, your memories might even start to be altered as well. The present will become harder and harder to remember as they’re all replaced with memories of your time with Imu.
A memory about relaxing on the couch, and watching a movie? Now it’s a memory about lounging on the couch with your head in Imu’s lap as they play with your hair.
Imu will watch as you try to fight these changing memories, and remind yourself of who you truly are. If you make any reminders then Imu will personally dispose of them.
They probably wont be too aggressive with you during this time honestly… They know that you’ll be “back to normal” soon, and everything will be exactly how it should be…
Imu gets their sweet dear S/O back. All they have to do is comfort you, and prevent you from making this take any longer than it needs to.
All will be well soon… At least in Imu’s opinion…
#minors dni#minor dni#the rain talks back#yandere one piece#yandere#reader insert#yandere imu#yandere Gorosei#Time Travel AU#Fiction into Reality AU
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I was thinking about this for a little bit but what would happen if Reverse Mabel (especially post-weirdmageddon) meets Anti-Mabel.
Seeing some call Reverse Mabel "evil" I feel this would be a very intresting interaction, Reverse Mabel may see her as someone she could of easily become.
ahh, the "anti" dimension. i ruminated on the concept a LOT back when lost legends first released! i think theres an amateurish fic i wrote somewhere in my files of anti-mabel getting basically-adopted by a one of us au ford BUT I CANT FIND IT.
excuse the opportunity im taking to rant about the idea of anti mabel as a whole lol, but... [continued under cut!]
her dimension is a little confusing to think about sometimes, because the story she comes from, don't dimension it, i think a lot of us can widely agree was almost too much of a "pivot" in a direction we didnt really need to go? it's focusing on addressing mabel's "selfishness", especially in the wake of that flood of mabel hate that started picking up steam, but i feel like the version of mabel that exists in don't dimension it is just... not very true or accurate to the actual character. it feels like a very extended "sorry we had mabel make a rash decision in the heat of the moment that the characters forgave her for because they understand and love her. we will now proceed to have a dimension of all mabels where theyre portrayed as so self-absorbed that theyre all stuck on that dimension with no hope of returning home." excuse my dramatic wording but i swear to god that's what it feels like! and that's what it READS like!
mabel got "caught up in her own mabelness"? she gets distracted with crafts and cats like a SQUIRREL?? the idea of her neglecting those around her being put directly next to her going "i caused an entire apocalypse just to get one more day of summer?" SHE WAS GOING TO LOSE TOUCH WITH HER BROTHER. SHE WAS GETTING LIED TO AND TRICKED BY A GUY WHO HAS LITERALLY BEEN TRYING TO START THE APOCALYPSE FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS NOW. its really ridiculous and it doesnt play well at ALL. this kind of thing really shows to me how trying to please bad-faith critics will literally only make the end product worse.
"but what does that have to do with anti mabel though?" well, anti-mabel's "evil" kinda gets affected by the moral of this story, don't you think? if they arent getting mabel right, then what is this ultimate "anti-mabel" really going to be? not really a reflection of any mabel i know. that's for sure.
but that aside, looking at everything that we know about anti-mabel, her dimension is kinda... played off as a joke? she feels a lot more like a joke character to me more than anything at this point lol
not that i really needed that much development from a one-off antagonist from a silly gravity falls comic but like. how is anti-mabel literally SUPERVILLAIN-TIER EVIL? what? where is she getting the resources for this?? and then you have the rest of her family who are all just like, chill? and its like WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON ANYMORE.
anyways. back to trying to answer the question i was literally asked. i think post-weirdmageddon mabel would see anti-mabel in a different light, thats for sure. anti-mabel's family is nothing like her! maybe she's just lonely. rev mabel knows you can't just get away with doing evil stuff, at least she's learning that, but i think some part of her would sympathize with her deep down
#mothra answers#i do wonder though. what a true 'anti-pines family' would look like#stanford pines the world's most humble jock?
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Hello!! I just HAVE to say I absolutely adore your art, it has such a unique style to it, its oustanding!!
I wanted to ask;
How did you start publishing art for IDW? How did they find your art and do you have any reccommendations of how to get start illustrating for them?
It is my dream to get into IDW in future, and seeing so many creators like you being able to work for them really drives my curiousity and motivation to get into the industry!
Hope my questions arent too much of a hassle, have a lovely day! <)
Thank you!
I hope you don't take it wrongly if the first thing I do is direct you to two asks @spiritsonic has answered about getting hired for IDW:
"How would one apply to be a writer for IDW?" and "How did you get hired by idw? And what advoce eould you give to people who are intrested in working for companies like sega?"
The reason why is I think she's had a lot more success in this career than me and has things better figured out, so you've got more to learn from her.
That said, those posts have the gist of things- nowadays, it can be hard to get an "in", and editors instead tend to approach people for seeing their art online, etc, if not simply because someone else they know passes the art along (which is what happened to me). In effect, the best advice to give at this point is just, make a great portfolio, do art for your own sake, love the craft for the craft (and not just because you like Sonic etc- after all, even if you DO get hired for Sonic, what do you do when a script comes in and maybe it's mostly about Charmy opening windows for some reason? Do you know how to draw Charmy, how to draw windows being opened?), so that if an opportunity appears, you're ready to pounce on it.
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hello! super new to the helpol crowd, and i was wondering:
what is it like when a deity contacts you? do you see an image of them? hear a voice in your head? or do you have thoughts that are distinctly not your own? are their messages more direct or indirect? what are the messages usually about? how do you feel when you recieve them?
well I just started my deity work this January too. My friends @amor-areia was/is an Aphrodite devotee & he told me I am super Apollo child coded. He told me about his experiences with devotion, it peaked my intrests and I started looking for signs.
Which were basically everywhere haha crows were following me, the number 7 was always in my life. Everywhere I have lived had a 7 ( 157,47,7) I was always into archery & my relationship with the sun always seemed special! I have never got a sunburn in my life!
I started reading tarot and pulled the sun when I asked Apollo if he was really reaching out to me. (not just once!)
but I’ve heard that a sign could be a sudden intrest in a certain deity too!
Me specifically I have never heard or seen deities, but I meet them in my dreams Hermes and Apollo! There were no clear messages there, they just appeared!✨
The signs are usually very telling. Like you will feel it! If its a sign you will know it! Sometimes it can just be a feeling, a passing warmth or a maybe a bee resting on you. Anything!
With messages …I always get them through tarot, with Apollo it’s easy cus he is god of divination & I find it easy to communicate with him through the cards! I always ask him for a general message sometimes he helps me with a problem which I have put off for way too long.
for example when I had enough of my work place he did tell me I should rest more or change jobs!When I was scared of my love life, he reassured me I am making the right choice, When I wasn’t sure if I should invite people back in to my life, he told me to think about it & reevaluate my friendships!
I also think getting a little pendulum is super helpful if you have yes or no questions for them! More straightforward 🐝
But the messages I get from the signs are usually: hey, I am here for you! Take care of yourself! Rest well! Good job today etc!
I hope I helped a bit🌞💋 I really recommend reaching out to someone with more experience!
but I have heard everyone’s experiences differ! Some people might actually hear them, but I have only gotten songs stuck in my head through Apollo haha
have a wonderful day
may the sun shine upon your face🌞
#apollo deity#apollo devotee#hellenic deities#apollo devotion#apollo#baby witch#hellenic devotion#devotional acts#deity work#deity worship#apollo worshipper#apollo follower#apollo playlist#apollo's sun#apollon#hellenic devotees#hellenic worship#hellenic pagan#hellenic gods#hellenic community#hellenism#baby wiccan#beginner witch
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Ok ok so hear me out-- romantic or platonic tadc jax x fem! reader-where the reader is kinda a meanie like him but more so in an oblivious feral way-like they just love pulling pranks & dont rlly think of the consequences of there actions ( idk if youve seen the show but just ignore this if not ggbgghfvgv but theyd remind me of max & nikki from camp camp-) cant wait to c what you do with this !! 🐇💜
Authors note: omg, this was an intresting request! This one ended out shorter than the other one, but i wanted to squeeze out another one for today! Sorry if its abit wonky! I hope this works!!! Thank you so much for requesting!
Jax × Fem! Prankster reader
○ when you first showed up in the circus, Jax could really care less about you. He really only thought of you as another didgital meatbag that he could try to push around, figuring that you wpuld either end up shy like gangle, or a mom friend like ragatha
○ what he didnt expect was you being the one pranking him first
○ it hadnt even been a day since youve been in the digital world, and you already stole and hid all his keys for him to find himself, which was tough mind him, the circus was a huge place, and you managed to hide them in places he never even thought of
○ at first, he would be annoyed with you, when you sometimes made snarky comments to him, like his appearance, calling him the 'bun boy' which got on his nerves
○ though, once he sees you pranking the others, almost out doing his own pranks. Like putting more than one centipede in Ragathas room, writing a fake document for Pomni, like an old record of the circus and make her go on this wild goose chase, etc.
○ he got a good laugh out of it
○ one time, you attempted to prank Caine, and nearly sucessed at it, befoe you were caught ad trapped in time out, and no one liks time out
○ and befoe you knew it, Jax wooshed in and found a way to release you from your prison
○ "i didn't do it because i like you, i did it because i need a good laugh"
○ Jax got intrigued by you, and eventually started up a prank war, going againts eachother and seeing who can pull off the funnist prank, either on someone else or on the other competitor
○ you always found a way to out do him, which annoyed Jax, but in the end youd both get a punishment and it was worth it. You two just laughed a storm right after
○ after that, Jax and you became close friends. Hardly seen around without one hanging around the other. It was annoying to everyone else, because wherever you two went, chaos followed
○ you were a frightening duo lemme say that
○ he unironically finds you funny, especially when your making comments to one of the othed characters
○ you and Jax would do pranks together, though you were the one who took it farther sometimes, abd usually faced the harder punishments, but Jax always would come aroubd and free you so you werent waiting to long
○ def uses his keys to get into your room when he is bored just so you two can plan your next prank plan
○ no one likes you two but you guys could hardly care
○ once he realized how oblivous you were to when someone asked why you were so mean, amd you were like, "huh????" he made it his duety to keep you that way so he could actually have a friend (he needs one)
○ it would still be the same, with the pranking, but instead it would be more like dates. You two would hold hands if he allowed, and watch tge entire circus glow ablaze with smiles on your faces
○ would call you 'doll' as your nickname, he really just does it to tease you
○ definitely takes you outside the tent to plan a trap for whoever walks outside next, and you two would just sit outside and watch and wait
○ jax likes seeing how your face lights up when one of your guys's plans go off, especially if it was one he planned. It makes him all proud.
○ Jax isnt the type to really care about what happens to others, but he cant help but admire how unafraid you are to take your pranks to anothsr step. He likes that about you, but he would be dead before he ever admitted that
○ when im private, will let you sit in his lap as you two plan. He would complain about it at first, but he really dosnt mind
○ i think he would be touch-starved, after being in the circus for who knows how long.
○ All you need to do is put your hand around his cheek and speak softly to him for Jax to immediately agree with you
○ watches you closely, just to make sure you donf get into trouble with caine while he is doing something else (will save you regardless)
○ now that you are together, Jax always has plans on how to get you out of caines punishments. Almost exactly when it happens, he is freeing you and running away with you close behind
○ jokes about you being a damsel in distress
○ he lets you use his keys, to get into other people rooms, he likes to snoop, and if you like to snoop, it makes ut even better to have a snooping partner
○ you two share all the gossip in the tent istg
○ youre one of the first people he actually likes in this place, so expect him to go wherever you go, youre not getting him off of you
○ points out flaws in your plans and helps you with making a better, fullproof one
○ never admits it, but he admires and loves your personality. Just like him! But not the same gender, and with a few more extra steps
○ again, everyone hates your duo, but you two are inseparable
#jax x reader#tadc x reader#the amazing digital circus#the amazing digital circus x reader#reader insert#x reader#Chatic duo#tadc jax
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Hi!! Thank you for creating such a nice blog with a whole bunch of intresting information, your posts help me with understanding Sumerian culture a lot!!!
I have one question regarding names and personal gods in Sumer. Was a personal god chosen by birth or the person could decide by themselves? I'm also intrested in how did parents choose a name of a child or, maybe, it was done by someone else? Could one change their name later in life? I found little to no info on this topic but it kept sitting in my head for weeks now
Thank you in advance if you'll answer on my questions! <3
Hi, and thank you so much for the kind words!
"Personal gods" in Mesopotamian religion aren't quite "personal" in the modern sense. The ones we have examples of were generally inherited - so a given "personal" deity would actually be more like a family deity. In royal lineages, this would be the same as the patron deity of a city, so the rulers of Uruk (whose city deity was Inanna) would also have Inanna as their "personal"/family deity.
There are many fewer examples of such "personal deities" for non-royal, regular people, and in fact they're generally referred to not as "gods" but more like "guardian/tutelary spirits", alad (generally masculine) and lamma (generally feminine). I don't think they're ever referred to by specific names, instead being a (nameless) member of a broad class of such spirits. Hymn to Inanna C says that Inanna is responsible for assigning these minor deities, but not how or when they'd be assigned.
As far as I know, names were assigned by the parents at birth. There is a verb phrase for "to give as a name", mu(she) sa, but I can't find an example of it in use with this meaning (the ePSD doesn't have it as an entry separate from mu "name"). Based on my understanding of this verb, the name would be the direct object, the person named would be dative, and the word "name" would be terminative, so Ngae [name] mushe murabsan "I give [name] to you as a name" - but if someone can find an example of this or correct the structure, please do so! And, like you, I can't find a clear example of someone changing their own name later in life.
I hope that's helpful!
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*You find a rolled up piece of paper tied to the doorway of your home addressed to you.*
Dear Mrs. Saki,
Hello there. I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. I apologize that I did not give this to you directly. I'm very shy. It took a long time for me to decide whether to write this at all or suffer in silence in my dilemma.
You see, I think I have developed an attraction towards a friend of yours and Teba’s named Harth. But I'm unsure what to do since I learned he was once mated and has a daughter. From my interactions with him and my observations over months, I can tell he is kind and cares for his people. He is dedicated to his work and the well-being of his daughter, Molli. I think that's what drawn me to him.
I have never dated someone who already has a child before, and I want to get to know both of them better. I wish to be friends first before wanting to try to date since I know they are a package deal. I do like his daughter. Her curiosity about the world is very charming.
A little bit about me is I'm a traveling Rito, which is why you probably haven't seen me around constantly. With the current lock down, I'm going to be here for a while and depending on how things go, it might become more permanent.
I best end this here before I lose my nerve and throw this paper into the fire. I wait for your wisdom and how to go about this.
Leela, the traveling rito.
Oh, how sweet!
While I cannot give you a definite answer I know for sure that Harth's choice will be heavily dependent on Molli. Harth will always put Molli first in any situation.
Outside of this I cannot say if he will reciprocate the intrest or not, Harth has told me that he is not seeking love. However I will not discourage you from trying.
Become friends with him first before anything else, then I'd sit with him and tell him flat out how you feel.
Harth deserves to have a lover in his life, he deserves to have someone to help hold him up and to help him raise Molli. But he may not want someone else to complicate his feelings towards you or his past wife.
If I were in your shoes I would take it one step at a time, don't try to splinter yourself into him and Molli's life. Taking it slow and being there to help him when he asks will be your best course of action.
#saki#tears of the kingdom#botw#asksaki#the legend of zelda#revali#teba botw#breath of the wild#tulin#teba#harth#legend of zelda#molli
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