(Lets try this tumblr thing again.) Hi, Norse polytheist and artist from Sweden here. Known as luddefluff on instagram. want prints of my art? go to my redbubble. https://www.redbubble.com/people/LevinArts/explore?asc=u&page=1&sortOrder=recent
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Höner/Hönir/Hœnir/Honir or how ever you spell it, is a mysterius god indeed.
Asir god of the kults rites and festive times, god of birds and most of them the stork. Hes Life giver and he who walks on the muddy lands between.
Hes rather passive and full of a mysterius nature. Hes described as tall, with long legs. Fitting sense hes also called "the fast asir". All tho hes said to be also build rather big but still handsome. All tho by some called the most timid and easy scared of the gods. Rarely chosing the sword. Maybe thats for his favor sense he is fated to survive Ragnarök.
Hes name may be related to the the old german hehōniaz and the old Greek cognate κύκνος 'swan' and Sanskrit शकुन (śakuna) 'bird of omen', this support that Hœnir was connected with the stork. This is strengthen with his epithets "langifótr" (Long-legs) and "aurkonungr" (mud-king).
Hönir, One of the first, one of the old gods. He who some say walked the beach ones and gave reason, energi and viability to humans.
Hes a wanderer who went on manny adventures with Odin and Loki in the early days of the world, before asgards great walls was built.
In Loka Táttur, Odin him and Loki try to save a young lad from a giant, Odin turn the boy in to a grain but fails, then Hönir summons great swans and turn the boy in to a feather on the swans head, but failes to hide him, leaving it to Loki to save him, but thats a story for a nother time.
After the asir and vanir war, he and Mimir was seent to Vanaheim as a prisoner of war, ambassador and king. All tho when the Vanir noticed hes wisdom was laking and indecisive when ever Mimir was not with him they killed Mimir and cut of his head, that Odin later brought back to life. What happend to Hönir after that is unknown, perhaps he stayed in Vanaheim, or returned to Asagard or perhaps he went back to wondering the muddy beaches again.
Who knows, but as the birds return for spring, i cant help but to think about this great god of mysterys.
#pardon my shit english#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#hönir#honir#höner
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Sister of the high goddess Frigga and the closest member of her court of Disir. In Friggas sacred hall of Fensalarna.
Her name may mean "of great abundance" or "overflowing abundance" or "complete"
Her name can point to her being associated with wealth and fertility.
The maiden Fulla can be seen as a Goddess of secrets and tressures. Seense Its she who guards Friggas belongings and her secrets, most of so the tressure cheast of secrets. Like her husband, Frigga knows all things, maybe some even that not even her husband know of, but Volla knows, and speak nothing of them.
This makes her a goddess of great power but a rather calme and orderly one, who act with thougt.
To her you can turn, to remain secrets hidden and things of great worth be safe.
When Odin and Frigga made a bet if a king was good or not, Frigga sent Fulla out to warn the King that a dangerus wizard was to come, wich lead to Odin being captures beetween two great fires.
When Nanna and Baldur died and went to Hel they also made sure to seend gift to Frigga and Fulla.
These myths point to that she was a goddess of importance and likely played a part in lost myths before the writings of Snorri.
But in the art and in tressures and secrest, her name still is alive and well and her place amung the Disir still stands fast and clear.
#pardon my bad english#tierd swede brain.#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#vulla#volla#fulla
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“magic isnt real” — plants just grow out of the ground. for free. everywhere.
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Some old pictures from the Yuleblot in the local temple.
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#heathentemple#temple#hall#heathenhall
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Lord of storms.
Brother of the wild wind and the wild fire.
Husband of Ran and father of the waves.
He who gathers the sunken tressures, friend of the gods and he who holds the great feast of the gods.
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#ägir
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God of the day.
Half Asir and half Jöttunn.
Half brother of the Sun goddess.
Child of the Night and Delling of the Dawn.
Dag, he who rides the bright-maned horse Skinfaxe, gifted to him by the all-father in the beggining of all things.
Dag. He who stands behind Dellings door and strike fear in all trolls.
Dag the bright light of the heavens litghtbringer of Midgard.
"The son of Delling urged on his horse adorned with precious jewels.Over Mannheim shines the horse's mane,the steed Dvalin's deluder dew in his chariot"
Drawing is my own version inspierd by Peter Nicolai Arbo painting of Dag from 1874.
Sometimes I like to draw things inspierd by other artist before me, like a fusion of the old and the new.
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#dag#dagr
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Oh Delling.
Delling the light one.
Asir god of the dawn.
Third husband of the fair dark Night and father of the Day.
Guard of the eastern heavens, guard of Baldurs home in the grove of Mimir and Mimirs eastern realm.
God of the morning light. Delling, whos door the dwarfs and trolls fear and great gods pass through on their way to Hel.
I can not be the only one that have been glad to see the signs of spring arive, and amung them are truly beutiful mornings on my way to work.
Oh Delling, you truly are one of the most beutiful gods indeed.
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#delling
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Jöttun god of the wind and storms.
Father of Frosti of the frost and frozen fealds.
Brother of Ägir of the sea and Logi of the wild Fire.
And Son of the old jöttunn king Fornjot
Lord of Gotland, Kvänland and Finnland.
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#kåre
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#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#nerthus#njärd
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Ägir and Ran.
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#ägir#ran
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#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#idun
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Well online to buy, here on tumblr you can just see these croped versions.
Its time my friends, just in time for the Yule.
My heathen callander for 2024 is out, my secound one so far but it will saldy be my last in a while becouse I dont know when I will have time to make one again.
Now go and buy a callander of your own before they run out!
Support other heathens and the artist who made it and the organisation behind it, Samfundet Forn sed Sverige.
The callander has text both in Swedish and English so dont worry if you dont speak Swedish.
You can buy it here:
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods
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"oh shit, you ok there buddy? got some blood on your hand there, messing up my stones, let me get you a band-aid"
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods
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baby has awaken from their nap, and they ara craaankyy
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods
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thank you <3 and tbh I think I agree with you, she just turned out real good

They call her Hel.
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Where water runs to the deepest wells. Where the roots grow the strongest and the serpents gnawing never ends.
Where the cosmic tree stands mighty and fate spun.
At the rot of all, the three rule as one, as time and space they are. Older than the oldest.
The All-father seeks awnsers, few he gain.
Netherless, that wont stop the hanged god...nothing stops the slayer of Ymir.
#norse mythology#polytheism#heathen#pagan polytheism#norse polytheism#pagan#fornsed#paganism#heathen art#gods#the norns#norns#Odin
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