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godly-feh-edits · 5 months ago
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Tonight is a win for the Bi/Pan community 🤝😤
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the-emblem-of-fire · 4 months ago
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Marianne is rearmed and Dagr is aided.
Now all the Black Eagles have their base alt, finally!
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fefuckability · 3 months ago
FINALS: Who would win? Muscle mommy or an eldritch abomination (with curves)?
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Feel free to reblog and comment with your reasons!
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illustratus · 1 year ago
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Dagr riding Skinfaxi by Peter Nicolai Arbo
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year ago
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God of the day.
Half Asir and half Jöttunn.
Half brother of the Sun goddess.
Child of the Night and Delling of the Dawn.
Dag, he who rides the bright-maned horse Skinfaxe, gifted to him by the all-father in the beggining of all things.
Dag. He who stands behind Dellings door and strike fear in all trolls.
Dag the bright light of the heavens litghtbringer of Midgard.
"The son of Delling urged on his horse adorned with precious jewels.Over Mannheim shines the horse's mane,the steed Dvalin's deluder dew in his chariot"
Drawing is my own version inspierd by Peter Nicolai Arbo painting of Dag from 1874.
Sometimes I like to draw things inspierd by other artist before me, like a fusion of the old and the new.
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arkus-rhapsode · 4 months ago
Fire Emblem and Aesthetics-A Mini Discussion
So for those who don't know, I don't really play Fire Emblem Heroes, but I still have an interest in seeing what units they release. Usually for fanfic purposes or just keeping track of new resplendent designs. But recently, FEH had an update for the original character of Dagr and it got me thinking about how resplendent from jotunheim look
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Combined with FEH's ongoing storyline of taking from Norse mythology it really made me think-"Wait, why don't we have a Norse Fire Emblem game?"
Now look, I'm not here to bemoan that FEH don't have a console version, non gacha style game, but it really got me thinking about how we may be missing out on something relating to the use of a rich mythology and it only being in a mobile game more about collecting waifus and husbandos.
You see, Fire Emblem is no stranger to cribbing from existing mythologies like Norse in Genealogy, Arthurian myth and the matters of France in Elibe, and several characters just straight up being named after mythological/classic literature characters like Beowulf, Sampson, Priam etc. But its always done in this relatively Anglo-Saxon-British-French homogeny of aesthetics for their tales. So we can have a character named Sigurd, but he's not gonna look like he's fresh off the Viking Ship. Now Fire Emblem isn't the only franchise to do this, many pieces of media made by other countries draw upon these sort of exaggerated/romanticized look for fantasy stories all the time. And I want to be clear I am not advocating for "Medieval accuracy," I think that's silly. What I'm more getting at is I feel like FE could do with changing up its setting/aesthetics to perhaps inspire newer experiences.
Now I'm not saying FE as a franchise needs to be reinvented. In fact, I think FE has one of the most universal accessible mechanics in turn-based gaming. Simple to pick up, but still able to create many difficult maps and challenges. And by this point has made the support system one of the most iconic in gaming. But if the mechanics are good, doesn't that mean it could be transplanted into another setting? Well, In a way, yes. But once again, I'm not advocating for FE to stop being this fantasy style sword and sorcery story and become like the Napoleonic wars.
(That is a real Nintendo game by the way. Its wild!)
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No what I'm saying is that the broad terms of "Middle Ages Warfare" is much more than simply a certain type Eurocentric fantasy.
I'll tell you what, as much as people like to rip on Birthright, I'm still shocked how it took so long for Fire Emblem to have a game where Japanese culture and aesthetics is super prominent and a main setting for a game. Fire Emblem tends to have one character who is obviously inspired by Japanese culture or even sometimes a single country. But a full blown game where so many characters come from and embrace this Japanese backdrop was unique.
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Now of course it was still Birthright, so while you got these cool glimpses of a unique world and story like the Oni inspired Flame Tribe, the start of having a lot of retainers as main characters, the monk class and using fans as a weapons, and even roping in Kitsune. It still doesn't really do much than an average FE adventure with them. But it did at lease prove the the FE formula *could* still work removed from its conventional trappings.
Another in the different aesthetic, but missed opportunity category would be Fire Emblem Three Houses country of Almyra being pretty heavily inspired by Persian/Middle Eastern culture. A country that was gesturing so hard at an interesting idea that its left fan artist and fanfic writers to swoon over the idea of a possible FE game set in Almyra.
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And if you want an even more recent example, for all the desert backdrops we've had in Fire Emblem, its kinda astounding it wasn't until Engage that we got a lightly (And admittedly exaggerated) African inspired country.
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When I see stuff like this and what FEH is doing it makes me realize that we could be getting more. Im sure the next FE will likely still lean on its typical fantastical Anglo-Saxon look, but eventually there's got to be some spice to it. Sure it may be different, but Fire Emblem is a franchise that with each entry does try to be something different while maintaining certain core gameplay elements. So what is the harm of trying to approach something that looks a bit different?
Im not asking for an extreme change right away. Maybe start lighter. We have tons of pirates in Fire Emblem, why not a pirate/sea based game? We've even had the rare few pirate as a playable character. Its a type of story that could be told within the typical Fire Emblem world.
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Then perhaps maybe something a bit more culturally ubiquitous like Greeco-Roman inspired FE? There's plenty of gods and magic, but also swords and spears to draw forth on. Heck, that may even open up new potential enemies or stories to tell with like an Evil Senate or a Gladiator culture. It could even push FE to maybe drop or reinvent certain tropes like how they approach the knighthood type of character where a certain culture's version of knight is different. Maybe even make new classes the way Birthright had to.
Overall, I think Fire Emblem is and always has been a malleable franchise. And because of that, I think it can afford to take certain risks on something as simple as drawing from another culture during the medieval magic era, while still being able to provide things that people still love about the franchise like the combat system and support system. Will there be push back on it looking different? Of course, I remember when Three Houses first teasers dropped and everyone was wondering what was up with the military school outfits and what even race was Claude. And of course a different aesthetic doesn't make the game automatically good. But let's remember, that people were judgmental of Birthright not because it went all in on looking Japanese, but because the general story and writing was lackluster for many.
But if you can make an interesting and likable cast of a characters that elevate the story, and make a memorable world for people to wage war in, I see no reason why you couldn't make Fire Emblem work set in the Netherlands.
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If there is a personal aesthetic or theme you'd like to see Fire Emblem tackle, sound off in the replies. I'd love to hear what you guys think.
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gullcrest · 1 year ago
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little guy (based on feh tempest trials i think)
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emeraldspiral · 1 year ago
So I saw someone on Twitter today making fun of Zim ship names and saying RAPR should’ve been called something like “lasersmoke” because Red likes lasers and Purple likes smoke.
So if we were to use more modern ship naming conventions what would all the other ship names be for;
Zim & Dib
Zim & Gaz
Zim & Tak
Dib & Tak
Zim, Dib & Tak
Gaz & Tak
Tak & Tenn
Zim & Skoodge
Purple, Red, & Zim
Zim & Keef
Dib & Gretchen
Any other ships you can think of.
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yulgurr · 1 year ago
woemn please come home i love you
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i speedran this on probably my busiest uni day omg💀💀
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piratespacex · 4 months ago
Destrinktober 2024 day 18
Okay so apparently this prompt meant comic strip but translation fucked me over and I was too lazy to change it
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rainbowdonkee · 1 year ago
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Full art for Dagr - Bluster Princess!
Artist: argon
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ultimateoptimus · 3 months ago
UltimateOptimus Presents A SKUBA Invader Zim AU DOOMy Mad Science Experiment
SKUBA Skoolkidz Skuba Pupas
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An extra-slimy, extra-sticky, extra-gooey Junior Scuba Diver Peril Simulation in which Skool SKUBAgent Dib Membrane of the Swollen Eyeball Network paired with Skool SKUBAgent Gretchen of the Rejektz in their Membrane Laboratory Boyz' and Girlz' Skoolkidz Sport Stealth Swimwear and Skoolkid Sport Stealth SKUBA Rigs and Zim the Irken Invader-in-Exile paired with Skool SKUBAgent Gaz Membrane in his Irken SKUBA Invader Swimwear and Gear and her Girlz' Skoolkidz Sport Stealth Swimwear and Skoolkid Sport Stealth SKUBA Rig spin and wrap themselves up in their personal color-customized and super-gooey, hyper-sticky and ultra-slimy SKUBA Pupas styled after certain bugs' pupa forms and pupal cocoons, scuba diver kid style to simulate how bugs pupating and eclosing and space bugs weaving you up in pupal cocoon silk feel that wouldn't feel out of place in a SKUBA-themed Halloween special episode, with the SKUBA Skoolkidz' buoyancy compensators inflated and all puffed up full of breathable air and the SKUBA Skoolkidz themselves puff up their cheeks and chests full of breaths of dive cylinder air, knowing the next breath of scuba rig air they take may be their last…
… all in the true sick, twisted, razor-edged and just plain old DOOMy Invader Zim tradition!
Skool Sport SKUBAgents Dib Membrane and Gretchen SKUBA Pupa Style:
The Louse Queen Chrysalis Classic
The classic giant mutant space bug pupal cocoon style woven by the Louse Queen herself Dib, Gretchen and Zim faced under the Skoolbuilding as seen in the Invader Zim episode aptly titled "Lice".
SKUBA Invader Zim SKUBA Pupa Style:
The Army Ant Pupal Cocoon
Nothing like waking up one day and deciding to awaken ancient insect spinnerette DNA and spin up a silky papery space alien cocoon around him like an army ant to make Zim feel like a smeet again, proving you can take the Irken out of the bug kingdom but you can't take the bug kingdom out of the Irken.
Skool Sport SKUBAgent Gaz SKUBA Pupa Style:
The Mosquito Tumbler Skuba Pupal Cocoon
The perfect fit for the dark goth skubagirl of the Membrane Siblings, think of the mosquito pupa AKA "The Tumbler" as skuba diving before jetpack flying when it's time to shed your skuba rig for a jetpack suit to take to the skies with… except in a Skuba 'Skeeto's case, you'll still be a skuba diver once you ditch the pupal casing.
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fefuckability · 3 months ago
SEMIFINALS: Muscle Mommy vs Goth GF
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sigyn-foxyposts · 8 months ago
"Nòtt's family!"
My depictions of Nòtt and her family, based on this story I wrote about them! I also added in some fun info about how I see them. I haven't seen any content about them, not on ao3 or fan art, so as always I'll be the one to bring that attention to their characters. As always I look into the sources and use what I find :]
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owainbradys · 4 months ago
Dorothea, Caspar, Rearmed Marianne and Aided Dagr... yes, we WILL be eating
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gameotheque · 4 months ago
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Hello lgbts
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