#oh well his last two bday gifts were better
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magical-xirl-4 · 2 years ago
 i didn’t realise you could miss birthday mail
 so that’s why Childe’s didn’t come..
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omiscurls · 4 years ago
I love your writing and how much you’re able to bring out the true personalities of each character!! I was wondering if you could do Kaeya, Xiao, Diluc, Zhongli, and Childe celebrating y/n’s bday. (My birthday was a couple of days ago but I didn’t receive any greetings from my genshin team for some reason... 😔)
happy birthday
a/n: SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! as for your problem, have you tried looking in character>voiceover>voicelines? the wishes should appear there, i dont know what happened if they don't
plot: celebrating the reader's birthday
contains: kaeya, diluc, tartaglia, xiao, zhongli
warnings: brief mentions of alcohol, otherwise pure fluff
a surprise party
to be completely honest, kaeya barely cares about his own birthday enough to even remember the date
and obviously he does remember yours, how could he not, but- he's just not used to celebrating, you know?
so watch him know very well your birthday is coming up, with a mindset like: "okay, you've got time, you'll figure something great out, it's gonna be amazing"
and the day or two before he realizes, he indeed wants to do something great and amazing, but he completely ran out of time
fortunately, who cares about reservations when your brother's a bar owner, right?
he figures out that if he waits till sunset with the party he still has an entire day he can spend of preparing everything he needs
so as you sleep peacefully, he sneaks out of the room at the break of dawn, ready to work his ass off
he doesn't want you feeling bad, after all, right?
the thing is, you do start to feel a bit bad, as an entire morning goes by, and not only is kaeya nowhere in sight, literally nobody is! you walk through the streets of mondstadt, looking for any familiar face to spend the time with, but the city seems awfully empty of your friends. you end up having fun at diona's cat's tail, her complaining about everyone, and you, surprisingly, joining in, but it still doesn't replace the companion of your friends.
you go over your day as per usual, and decide to bake yourself a cake, since you think that'll cheer you up. you run out of flour, though, so it's necessary to go over to the store and stock up on some. right as you cross the city's main square, you run into diluc.
"oh, sorry, haven't seen you" you say, not even lifting up your face to look at who's chest did you bump on, until he grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
"someone looks dejected" he says, and you almost want to punch him for not realizing why. instead of doing that, however pleasing it sounds, you just shrug your shoulders. "come on, you look like you could use a special drink of mine"
and with that, he pulls you towards angel's share, letting you complain about your day, though you don't explicitly say it's your birthday, still mad he didn't remember that on his own.
"so he completely ditched you without a word?" he acts surprised and offended "that's so awful-" he continues, opening the door before you.
just as he opens it, and you hear the word "awful" you see the bar as if for the first time. flowery garlands are up beneath the ceiling, the tables are arranged differently and covered with colorful, pastel table cloths, music is playing. the backdoor is opened and you see the outside of the building decorated in a similar manner, candles and fairy lights spread all over the place.
the sun is slowly setting over the buildings visible through the back door, and the atmosphere inside borders on magical, but to top that all off-
"happy birthday!" you hear a lot of voices shout, and your eyes widen at the sight of all those who you hold dear present. you can't help but smile, seeing all of them cheer, grinning from ear to ear.
"i-" you look over at diluc "how'd you pull this off?"
you swear you saw him crack a soft smile before admitting that he in fact, didn't. you're about to ask who did, then, but you're interrupted by a silvery voice, coming from behind you.
"i did" the voice says, a hand moving to cover your eyes "wanna guess who?" you hear a whisper inches away from your ear, shaking from surprise.
affection swells in your chest as you quietly say "kaeya", your smile growing fondler, knowing that aside from all your friends, he's here too, and as a mastermind, at that.
"hope you don't hold leaving you by yourself for a couple of hours against me" he continues, arms sneaking around your waist, chin rested on your shoulder "d'ya like it?"
emotion gets the better of you, and you don't know what to say, so choose only to nod eagerly.
"a lot" you finally whisper, much to kaeya's satisfaction.
"happy birthday, then" he says, suddenly pulling away from you, as to exclaim loudly "attention everyone!!" he takes a fork to ring on his glass "i hereby declare, that the next round's on me!"
cheers fill the room, along with one "yea right" and another "like we'd believe that" before the owner of the bar speaks up as well.
"as much as i'd like to see that" diluc settles "today's drinks are on the house."
a magical evening
so he’s a fan of planning
not a diehard fan, but a fan nonetheless 
it’s just, he would rather have things planned ahead than wake up a day before and not know what to do (like a kaeya) like an idiot.
so you bet he has already calculated how much time he has left the moment you told him the date of your birthday.
unlike kaeya, he prefers to be working alone, but also likes to keep his plans a surprise. he himself hates surprises, but has to admit, doing one for someone else is quite the fun 
he stays quiet about your birthday coming up until the very last moment, and if you want to ask him if he wants to do anything with you that day, he says he already has something in mind, you know, nonchalantly. as if he hadn’t been thinking about it for archons know how long 
he’ll wake up before you just to wish you a happy birthday the moment you wake up, and he might be unusually affectionate for a bit, but don’t even bother asking what he has planned out - he won’t tell, not even if you beg. 
diluc wanted to kick you out of the house all day. “oh, there’s shopping to be done” “oh, this lady wanted to talk to you”, or “you know, come to think of it, didn’t jean say she had something she’d wanted to show you for your birthday?” every lame excuse in the book, he has used it. 
you decide to finally grant him what he so obviously wanted, and leave, choosing to walk all around the city, and even outside the gates, you make it quite a trip, not knowing when to come back. 
you smile upon thinking about how secretive he tried to be, but how even he, the mighty descendant of one of the noble families of mondstadt, a man as collected and stoic as can be, couldn’t contain his excitement. you saw all his little side smiles and the way he bit his lip a little after settling today’s rough plans with you, he was so happy, you’re satisfied just by seeing that, sometimes forgetting the real reason for why he was actively plotting something. 
you walk and walk, and then walk some more, but your legs start to hurt, and you’re growing hungry, so you decide to finally get back home. 
when you approach the winery, you can see the lights in the ballroom are lit up from a mile away. your heart can’t help but flip with excitement, since diluc hates using the room, hates throwing parties, and would much rather just forget it exists. 
it’s a beautiful venue though, looks like something out of a fairytale, and you always tell him how much you love it. it’s no surprised he decided to use it, but you can’t wait to see it anyway. 
as you get closer to the building, it becomes more and more apparent that the ballroom isn’t the only place that got upgraded to a five star level for one night and one night only. the building looks amazing, and the gates are open all the way, as if there was a party to be thrown and guests to arrive any time soon. 
but as you’re welcomed into the mansion, there’s no one else in the hall, other than a dressed up diluc, his hair in a high pony, just how you always said you liked it, wearing a suit you hadn’t seen on him since... well, you don’t even recall. 
“well, if it isn’t my honorary guest” he announces with an official tone, almost making you a bit flustered. 
“what’s all this? am i not, i don’t know, underdressed?” you giggle nervously, and he approaches you, a tiny little black box in his hand. 
“you could wear a potato sack and shine brighter than all the stars together” he says softly, showing you the little box. “and as tradition orders, happy birthday.”
you carefully open the box, a simple, silver necklace resting on the little cushion inside. you take it out, and watch the ornament, but can’t for the life of you figure out what it is. 
“you see” diluc provides an explanation “it’s a common thing to do to gift someone jewellery as a gift, and almost as common to have necklaces with your star constellation. that is, the allignment the stars were in the moment you were born. but i decided, that i wanted to give you one with the alignment that shone on the sky on the happiest day of my life. well, according to mona it did.” 
you stay silent for a second, astonished with the present, before asking 
“and that is?”
“the day we met.”
how to surprise your lover 101
when i tell you this boy knew EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING from the moment he first thought of it
now. he loves celebrating, anything, really, the atmosphere of a party is almost magnetic to him
he grew up thinking every person deserves to have an amazing day once a year, only about themselves, so it’s very obvious to him that he IS doing something, and it needs to be huge
now, in a family as big as his, it was hard to keep things a secret, so he developed a whole plan on how to avoid having you finding out what he was planning
and that is: by having you know
it’s really getting annoying, how everybody keeps walking up to you, for a good week now, and asking if you’re excited for the big party childe’s throwing. the first time you hear it, you almost immediately run to confront him about it, since you explicitly said that a party, a big one, at that, is the last thing you want.
he obviously says that it’s nothing, and you needn’t worry about that. not that you trust his words, obviously, but you let it go, partly because you know how attached he is to the idea of a huge celebration, and partly because arguing with someone as stubborn can really be tiring.
so you settle, and fake a smile for every conversation with the alleged “guests” for your alleged party, thinking you’ll just suffer through it and then just do something with your childe the next day, having yourself plan it.
the wait is stressful, and when you finally see tartaglia walk through your bedroom door, dressed up really nicely, with a soft ribbon to tie on your eyes, so you wouldn’t see anything before it’s “time”, you almost want to ditch him, but that would be too rude.
complying begrudgingly, you let him guide you through the city, feeling the cold evening air hit your skin, wondering where did he set up this party of his, since you don’t hear anything.
oh god, is everyone gonna jump out of hiding yelling “happy birthday”? please, not that, at least not that.
when he finally unties the material covering your eyes, you see nothing but a wooden platform at the end of the harbor, with a blanket set up, some really nice-smelling food and what appears to be champagne laying on it. the sun is setting slowly behind the mountains in the distance, the only sound you hear being waves crushing on the rocks.
you can’t help but gasp.
“but” you turn around to face childe with a questioning look “what about the party?”
“what party?” he looks surprised “i never said anything about any party” he adds with a knowing smirk.
as you analyze your surroundings, he watches you with a soft smile.
“come on, don’t be so shocked now” he finally says “i know you better than to plan you something you’d hate. i’m not THAT much of an asshole”
his giggle sounds almost too good in the beautiful scenery around you, and you can’t help but let your eyes water for a little while, before rapidly blinking the tears back.
“is this more similar to what you’ve dreamed of?” he asks.
“yeah” you whisper “yes, it is”
“well, that’s the only thing that matters. shall we?” his hand points to the blanket, and you nod, smiling.
this may or may not be inspired by that one episode of Brooklyn 9-9
trying something new
birthdays? what’s that
you mean to tell him he has lived two thousand years of his life without realizing the day it was brought to him should be celebrated?
yup, no, you can explain it all you want, he still doesn’t get the idea. he just finds it to be way too trivial, okay?
what gets to him, though, is that there’s a custom of doing something meaningful for the person celebrating their birthday, to make them feel important
well, you should’ve led with that, that he can do!
he would never just go and straight up ask for help if he needed any. so don’t be surprised if you hear yet more new stories about the yaksha that allegedly lives near wangshu inn sneaking into the kitchen, or watching through the glass.
he spends HOURS waiting for the chef to finally prepare the dish he hopes for, and once he does, he follows every step very carefully. and then again. and again. and one more time, up until he feels he can do it himself.
when he finally gets to enter said kitchen, it’s already way past midnight, and everything is dark, barely visible. he manages to find his way around, though, preparing all the ingredients, and starting to mix them the same way the chef did.
turns out it’s not as easy as it looks, for example, he didn’t measure how long this thing is supposed to be cooked, or on what temperature, so the process gets a little messy at one point. he might even have to start over. like, twice, tops.
it’s already nearing dusk when he finishes, taking the fruit of his works with him.
as per usual, you wait for him on the roof, and as per usual you don’t realize he’s right behind you until he speaks up.
“happy birthday” he says out of the blue, causing you to jump up in shock.
“oh my, xiao, you scared me! again!” you laugh.
“it’s today, isn’t it?” he continues, as if he didn’t hear you. when he sees you nod, he awkwardly shows you the package he held behind his back, watching closely as you open it with a questioning look.
inside, there’s a carefully wrapped serving of almond tofu, it could use a little bit of touch ups, but it still looks and smells delicious nonetheless.
“did you do this yourself?” you turn around to face him, smiling in disbelief
“mhm” he gets a little flustered, and decides not to tell you about his little kitchen adventure. “is it
 is it good?” he asks, and you smile even more fondly.
“why don’t you come over here and taste it with me?”
one can never go wrong with a classic
zhongli knows every single tradition there is to know.
so you don’t have to even tell him anything - he knows. he might not know what to do with his knowledge, but he does know what would make you happy
this man is a gentleman who believes that some moves to make someone swoon never get old
he even got a free day from work just for the occasion, or he may just think he told hu tao that he wants it? either way, he’s not there. not like his boss isn’t used to it.
right as the clock strikes 5 pm, you hear a knocking on your door. checking how you look one last time, you smile to the reflection in the mirror, and walk over to answer.
as you open said door, you find yourself dumbfounded at the sight of a completely soaked zhongli, rain pouring heavily behind his back. his hair sticks to his face, and all the layers of his suit seem drenched to their very core, but a smile you see so rarely paints his face, as he presents you with a bouquet of flowers.
and my oh my, just how huge is it! he barely even manages to hold it in hand, and the flower crowns hide his entire chest and half his face when he places them in front of you.
“i believe this is for you” he says gently “are you ready to go?”
you can’t even find the right words, as you size the bouquet up, taking it from him with a quiet “thank you so much” before taking it back to the house, already in search of the right vase to put them in.
“may i come in and dry myself up a bit?” he asks, still from the doorstep, and you laugh before granting him the permission.
when the both of you are ready to go, you meet in the hallway, both smiling softly at the other, a bit awkwardly, as the beginning of every meeting is.
“you look even better than usually” he finally says, pride rising in his chest at how your grin widens.
“same goes for you, mr zhongli” you answer just as cheekily, waiting for what he’s gonna say next.
“well, thank you, but i don’t think today’s about me now, is it?” he counters with a bit of a side eye. “shall we go?” he points to the open door, and the both of you leave, you grabbing his arm to fit under one umbrella.
“may i ask where’re we going?”
you can’t miss the way his smile turns prideful and confident as he says:
“i” he accentuates “am taking you out to dinner”
he might feel a bit offended by how sarcastically you gasp at the revelation, but it’s okay. as long as he gets to see you laugh, it’s okay.
daily reminder that requests are open [here]
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 4 years ago
Can you write one where the reader surprise vinnie on his bday like the readee said that she cant go to his bday bc of something
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*Pics not mine*
Birthday boy – Vinnie Hacker
 I decided to turn this request into a smut 👁👅👁  If you are not comfortable, don’t worry you can read the first half of the story before it gets to heated. I got carried away, sorry 😬 Hope you enjoy it still
Author’s note: In this story, both the reader and Vinnie are of legal drinking age, and the pandemic is long over
Warning: Smut đŸ”„
Word Count: 1.9k (not proofread)
‘’ I know you’re disappointed Vinnie, I am too, but we’re not done filming yet” you said to your boyfriend over the phone. You had been away to Canada for the past month, shooting for a movie with other young actors. You loved your job, but being away from the people you loved the most, was difficult.
“Can’t you take a couple of days off?” He asked almost whining
“It doesn’t work like that Vin” you sighed, you knew he was sad “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, I promise” you continued, smiling softly, even though he couldn’t see you.
“I just miss you, and the fact that you won’t be here for my birthday sucks” he huffed “I know it’s not your fault”
“I miss you too” you said before getting interrupted by a knock on the door. “I have to go baby, we’re getting ready to film, I’ll call you later, I love you”
“Ok, I love you” he responded before you hung up, making your way to set. Tomorrow was your last day of filming before a two-weeks break. You hadn’t told Vinnie, wanting to surprise him for his birthday, since it was a last-minute decision from the movie director. You were stocked to go back to L.A to see your friends for a few days. You had decided that for Vinnie’s birthday, you would plan a nice trip away from everything, just the two of you. You had talked with Thomas and Mia, knowing you could trust them with your secret. They had kept you up to date on everything, including the party schedule.
You would see him in only two days, and you couldn’t wait to be near him. You missed everything about your boyfriend, his hugs, his kisses, his voice, his laugh, his touch, oh how you missed his touch. A month away from each other wasn’t an easy task since the both of you were always together. He hadn’t had the chance to come visit you on set since he had a bunch of contracts and projects to work on, himself.
The day finally came for you to go back home to Vinnie, and you couldn’t be more excited. He didn’t suspect anything since you had called him that morning, wishing him a Happy Birthday.
“Thomas said you sent me a package, but I’m not allowed to open it till later tonight” he had said, loving that even though you couldn’t be with him on his special day, you had still thought about sending him something.
“I believe you can wait a few more hours” you had smiled, looking at him through your phone screen. The FaceTime call lasted for another fifteen minutes before you had to go
“Ok baby, I’ll call you back later tonight so we can open your gift together, have a good day, I love you”you had said looking at the time, knowing you had to leave soon to make it to your flight in time
“I love you too (Y/N)” he smiled fondly at you “See you tonight” he had said
“See you tonight” You had chuckled, before hanging up. He was on for a big surprise and you couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
You texted Mia when you landed. The plan was to sneak you into the house without him noticing, so you could get ready. The boys had finished working out, your boyfriend going to take a shower before the party started. It was the perfect time to go in, following Mia to hers and Thomas’s bedroom.
“I’m so glad you’re here” she said excitedly “He’s going to be so happy to see you (Y/N)” she continued, jumping up and down. “I’ll let you get ready, people are starting to arrive” she said before exiting the door.
You decided to scroll through your phone for a bit before getting ready for the party. Vinnie had just posted a new TikTok of him in the shower, like always, but that was enough to make you melt at the sight of him.
To: Mon Amourâ€ïžđŸ‘…
Still on set, just saw your TikTok. 👀
How can one human be so handsome đŸ˜© it’s not fair
He had responded soon after, making you smile, while making your way to take a shower as well. When you got out, you could already hear the music blasting downstairs, indicating the party had started. You finished getting ready and texted Thomas to distract your boyfriend while you went to join the girls in the living room. You made sure to stand close to him and his friends, but still far enough to observe him without him noticing you right away.
“Vin, that girl’s been looking at you for the past ten minutes man” Jordan had said, smirking as he saw you on the other side of the room
“Yeah and?” he answered, shrugging his shoulders not turning to look at the girl in question
“She kind of look like (Y/N) if you ask me” his friend had retorted, making the birthday boy stare at the group of girls, spotting you immediately, almost running towards you, smiling widely at the sight of you.
“Is that really you?” he asked, his eyes wide and mouth still agape, you chuckled, pulling him into a hug
“Happy Birthday baby” you murmured in his ear, leaving a kiss below it, the action making him shiver.
“I can’t believe you’re here” he responded, hugging you tightly, before detaching himself a little bit to stare into your eyes. He had this ability to make you melt just by looking at you. He moved his face closer to yours, kissing you passionately. His lips were soft and demanding, he wanted more, and you knew he had missed you as much as you’d missed him.
“Get a room you guys” Michael said, passing the both of you, making you laugh against each other before detaching yourselves. He grabbed your hand, leading you to the beer pong table, where Connor and Calvin were playing and drinking.
It had been an hour since you reunited with Vinnie, and you were still near the beer pong table, talking and laughing with the others. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, scared that if he did, you would disappear. His arms were around your shoulders, staring at the way your mouth was moving while speaking to Michael and Alex.
“Hey yo Vinnie, you’re still with us?” Alex had said, making your boyfriend diverted his gaze towards him, sipping on his red solo cup
“Yeah” he chuckled lightly “Sorry” the boys laughed at him, knowing damn well he was only paying attention to you.
“You’re up next birthday boy” you said, nodding towards the table, where two team had just done playing. You all moved towards the beer pong table, Vinnie playing with Michael and Alex playing with Kouvr. You stayed next to them, watching the scene in front of you. Vinnie was having so much fun, laughing and drinking with his friends, he would often take a glance at you to make sure, you were ok. Alex and Kouvr were losing, Michael laughing at them and Vinnie getting almost every shot he took.
You got lost in the moment, just admiring him, and the way he looked extra good tonight. Even under his white t-shirt, you could see every muscle of him flex. His large hands grasping the ball before shooting it into the cup, making him celebrate the victory with Michael. He caught you staring at him and came right back to stand in front of you.
“Everything’s ok baby?” he asked you, smirking, knowing what it did to you. After a few seconds of silence, he took your hand in his, as you followed him upstairs. He led you towards his bedroom, but you were surprised when he went in and continued walking towards the connected bathroom, closing the door behind you. You stood there, leaning against the counter, Vinnie taking a few steps closer to you, standing centimeters away from your face. His lips found yours quickly, taking control of your mouth easily, your tongues dancing and battling together, Vinnie deepening the kiss. You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until he pulled away, and redirected his kisses on your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin, making you let out a small moan.
“Fuck, I missed you (Y/N)” he murmured against you, pressing his lower half to your aching core. Your hands travelled to his hair, tugging lightly, something you knew he loved for you to do.
“I want you Vin” you whispered in his ears, making him grunt, before he turned you around quickly, making you both look at your reflection in the mirror. You could feel him get impatient, as he pressed his hard member against your covered ass. One of his hands rested on your hip as the other slid down your back, forcing you down into a bending position. You reached down to the end of your dress, lifting it up, for Vinnie to get a better view. He ran a hand through your hair, fisting them, grasping and pulling them gently. A loud moan left your lips at the action, making you back up into him, as he started to grind into you, over and over again.
“V-Vinnie” you mumbled, as he snaked his hand slowly into your damp underwear, making you let out a sight of satisfaction. His skillful fingers found their way to your dripping fold, spreading your arousal on the rest of your needy core. Vinnie kept a steady pace, pumping in and out of you, making you scream in ecstasy. You had been craving his touch for a month now and you couldn’t contain yourself anymore.
“Fuck me already” you said, wanting to feel more of him than his fingers. He bit his lips at the sight of you, begging for more, before yanking your panties down your legs in a quick motion. He unbuttoned his pants quickly, making them drop to the floor, his erection springing free on his covered stomach. He pumped himself a few times, before lining himself at your entrance, your eyes meeting his reflection, your pussy throbbing at what was about to happen. He grabbed your hips, pushing all the way in, your broken moans filling is ears, feeling your tightness around him.
“You’re so tight” he whimpered as you moaned, reaching back to grab onto him. He began to piston his hips harder against yours, making you yelp out in pleasure and surprise, feeling your orgasm approaching. His hand laid a hard smack on your ass, as you bit your bottom lips, trying to contain your moans. You could feel Vinnie’s trusts getting sloppier, indicating he was close as well.
“I’m so close” he almost didn’t hear you. His hand trailed down the front of your body, snaking his fingers down your swollen clit, rubbing it perfectly to bring you over the edge. Your legs started shaking, Vinnie pumping in and out of you, as he rode your orgasm. You clenched around him and the action was enough to make him cum, himself, spilling his loads into you, groaning loudly.
Once you were done, he helped you clean the mess the both of you had made, laughing lightly as you both got dressed.
“Best surprise ever” he said, smiling as he kissed your temple.
Thanks for reading
Hope you liked it, let me know what you think
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darylsgirl · 4 years ago
The Farmers Daughter                       Daryl Dixon Smut 18+
Request: Hey i really love all your stories. Could you do one where, the reader is Hershel's daughter and she has just turned 21 and she has a massive crush on Daryl. She is tired of being babied by the entire family ( they won't let her out of prison gates cause she's young) so she asks to go on a run with Daryl as her 21st bday gift. On the run she kinda seduces him and smut ensues.
Also she has kinda tried to seduce him at the prison before too (just subtle hints)
Please please take my request đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
Hey guys! Here’s my first ever story written for a request! Hope you liked the way it turned out Anon! And i hope your all having a lovely day <3
Love Jen x
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You had to admit it was a beautiful day. Looking out across the prison yard, If you ignored the walkers groaning at the fences and well... the whole end of the world thing it might have been a perfect day. Everyone was feeling safe and relaxed for the first time in a long time and enjoying the day as you would have before the end. 
Approaching your dad seeing the relaxed look on his face, You’d thought this would be the perfect opportunity to ask him to let you go out on a run, You were the middle green daughter and he didn’t let you forget it. It was so unfair! He always let Maggie and Beth do whatever they wanted but kept you close by at all times wanting to teach you all he could about medicine, Treating you like nothing more than a baby even though you had just turned 21. 
As always when you asked to go with Daryl his face turned to stone. “You know my feelings on this Y/N, Your much too young, Everyone has a job to do and yours is here” 
“Dad please! I’ve been training, I can take care of myself. You let Beth go! She’s younger than me! Stop treating me like a child” 
“Y/N that’s enough, I said no” 
Knowing you wouldn’t get anything further out of him you stormed off it probably didn’t help things that you were maybe acting like a bit of a child right now. But you couldn’t help it, you were so mad! He had to know you were no longer a child. Most middle children get ignored but not you, He was more strict when it came to you, Babied you constantly. Even before the end Maggie and Beth loved it of course it meant they got away with more because he was always so focused on you. 
Part of you understood why. There had been a nasty incident a few years back with a boy from school which ended in your dad having to pull a shot gun at him to get him to stay away from you. Smiling you remembered the prick’s probably dead now, You’d definitely gotten the last laugh!
Ever since then Hershel had been extremely protective of you, He’d let you attend self defence classes and even taught you to shoot, Which is why it was so mind boggling that he wouldn’t let you do your part. You felt useless just sitting around all day reading old medical books and occasionally helping fix someone up. 
You wanted more than anything to be out there, Pulling your weight helping feed this family! You needed to be out there
.With him.
When Daryl had appeared on your family’s farm that day on his motorbike, Your knees almost went weak. That was a man, He was sheer perfection. Unfortunately for you he was a bit of a standoffish man. 
You tried for weeks to get his attention shyly moving closer to him whenever he was around, Whenever he even looked at you he caused the blush to rise in your cheeks.
When he had fallen onto his arrow you were there mopping his brow as he slept. Sadly when he woke he only gave you a grunt of acknowledgement. But still it was more than he had before. 
Still you persisted, He had started warming up to you more since the trip to the prison. You were the one to make sure he ate and cleaned him up every time he managed to get another wound. It was slow going but before you knew it muttered thanks had turned into longer sentences from him. 
He still wasn’t much of a talker but at least he noticed you now. Not in the way you wanted him to but it was better than nothing.
You raised your hand in welcome to him as you saw him making his way across the yard to you.
“Hershel say no?” He asked when he came and took a seat with you on the grass. 
Nodding you sighed, pulling your knees to your ample chest.  Nudging you slightly “Ya don’t wanna be out there anyway, Get’s too dangerous” 
Rolling your eyes “Oh please not you too? How many times do i have to say i can handle myself! I just need a few hours out of here!”
An idea coming to your head you turned to him putting your hand on his shoulder, He froze slightly at this as he seemed to every time anyone touched him. Deciding to ignore it you turned his torso slightly to face yours. 
“You could convince him! You said yesterday there was a pharmacy not too far from here that looked untouched!” 
Shaking his head at you “No Y/N I ain’t goin against Hershel, He’s a good man” 
“Please Daryl, You could consider it a birthday gift to me? And i could be useful! I know what medicines to look out for” 
“Who said i was gonna get ya anything?” He grumbled. Moving closer to him and putting your hand on his chest. 
“Please Daryl, He’ll listen to you” You purred hoping it came across sultry. 
His eyes met yours very briefly, His eyes wide when he saw how close you were. Standing to his feet suddenly “Alright fine, If it’ll get ya to quit harpin on”
He turned leaving you on the grass before stalking off towards your dad. You waited there for what felt like forever watching the corner he had disappeared behind. 
When he finally reappeared you got to your feet meeting him halfway.
“Well?” He gave you a short nod of confirmation. Jumping up at him excitedly you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Thank you!!” He froze in place again before relaxing into your hug. 
Patting your shoulder once “Go on then, Get ya stuff we leave in 10” As you pulled away you saw a slight smile on his lips before running back to the Cells to grab a bag. Packing two bottles of water and some protein bars leaving the rest empty to carry anything you might find. Slinging it over your shoulder before strapping your pistol to one side of your belt and your knife on the other. 
Running back out you saw your dad waiting by the step. You almost knocked him off his crutches hugging him tightly
“Thank you Daddy”
He hugged you back “You be safe Y/N Listen to everything Daryl tells you!” Pulling away from him you nodded gratefully. 
“Ready to go?” Smiling you turned and started to walk away. Hearing your dad call “Take care of my little girl Dixon!” Daryl just raised an arm in response before leading you over to the bike. 
Swinging his leg over her motioned for you to do the same. Smiling happily you jumped on the back wrapping your arms firmly around his chest, Your fingers desperately wanting to touch all of him. 
“Ya don’t need to hold on so tight!” He grumbled at you. “Oh sorry!” You moved your hands slowly from his chest favouring every second until they were resting gently on his waist. As he pulled out of the main gate you put your chin on his shoulder grinning.
He hid the bike a few blocks away from the pharmacy before continuing on foot. On the way you only encountered one walker. Putting your hand on his arm as he raised his crossbow. 
“Let me do it” He nodded to you, letting you charge ahead with your knife drawn. Easily taking the walker down, Swiping the walkers feet from under it you plunged your knife into his head before turning back to Daryl “See i can take care of myself”
Handing you a rag from his belt you cleaned the blood off your knife before handing it back to him. 
“Never said you couldn’t Y/N” he said before continuing on to the pharmacy. As you reached the shutters Daryl Raised one slightly looking underneath before knocking on the shutter a few times making a racket.
“Daryl! What are you doing” You whispered urgently. 
He put his finger to his mouth while he listened for a moment before pulling the shutter fully open stepping behind it motioning for you to follow. Stepping in you noticed the door to the pharmacy was still closed and your bodies were pressed tightly together. 
Your breath was stuck in your chest, Your heart pounding as you felt his body on yours. He looked at you confused for a moment before moving his arms around you to the open shutter. Pulling it back down again, You felt as the muscles in his arms rolled down your entire body pulling the shutter. His head was at your crotch when you let in a sharp intake of breath as his head brushed you core. 
He darted upwards to you again “You ok Y/N? We can go back if ya scared”
His words snapping you out of it, You felt the blush rise in your face “m’not scared”
You were dying for him to kiss you, As you looked up you saw his lips were only inches from yours, Surely he had to feel this too? You closed your eyes inching closer till your lips were just about touching. You could feel his hot breath cascading over your lips. The world paused for a second while you waited to see if he would close the gap. 
Clearing his throat “Looks empty, Let’s go in” You opened your eyes as you heard the tinkle of the bell signalling the door had been opened. And just as quick as the moment had come it was gone. 
You stood frozen at the door for a moment trying to gather your thoughts. Could he really not see what just being in close proximity to him did to her? 
You walked after him further into the pharmacy jumping behind the desk “Jackpot! This place is completely untouched!” 
“Grab what we need, We’ll come back for the rest with more people” 
You filled your bag as Daryl went around the aisles picking up other essentials. 
You closed the pharmacy back up adding a lock to the shutter as you left, Hopefully no one else would stumble across it before you had a chance to come back. 
Daryl agreed when you asked to walk back through the woods. It was far too hot to go all that way in the sun. It was still hot under the trees but at least you were being protected from the sun, Daryl stopped and waited for you as you dropped your bag pulling off the loose over shirt your father always made you wear. 
You saw his eyes wander over you as it came over your head showing your curves to him for the first time in your tight white vest. 
His eyes were dark, You couldn’t tell if he was angry with you or if it was something else. 
Looking away from him now “Sorry, I just need some air
.Wait what’s that?” He darted forward pushing his body in front of you looking for danger. 
Rolling your eyes you stepped around him picking up the bag and heading to the cabin you had seen. Stopping in the doorway you copied Daryl’s previous actions knocking on the doorway. 
All of a sudden his arms were around you lifting you from the ground pulling you inside the cabin, Closing the door behind you both his hand was over your mouth, His mouth to your ear “Shh, There’s a herd bout 50, Don’t think they saw us” 
As he put you gently back down you both made your way further into the cabin to check for threats, After searching the bedroom he pulled you inside before blocking the door with the set of drawers. 
He made his way to the bed before lying down “might as well make ourselves comfortable gonna be here awhile” You sat on the bed not facing him for a moment before taking a deep breath and lying down on the bed. 
You saw him looking at your chest before he sat back up “Almost forgot” He grabbed his bag. “Happy birthday 21 right?” 
Pulling out a bottle of whiskey and handing it to you. You looked at it nervously taking a deep breath and just going for it. You ripped the cork out taking a deep swig, Dropping the bottle back down you scrunched your nose a little in disgust
“What girl ya never had whiskey?” 
“Never had any alcohol, Dad never let us with him being in recovery and all” You shrugged taking another pull on the bottle. 
He snatched it from your hands then “Didn’ no it were your first. Ya can’t drink it like water, Gotta take it slow” 
You chuckled slightly at his words laying back down on the bed with him following you. 
“What’s so funny kid?” 
“Don’t call me that” You said as your eyes narrowed. 
He looked at you amused “It’s what ya are” 
Lurching forward you pressed your lips to his, feeling him freeze under you, You held your lips there urgently, Pulling your hands to his face and pulling it to yours. You pulled away slightly when he didn’t return the kiss.
“I aint a kid, I saw the way you looked at me earlier. I know you know that too” You said breathlessly. 
Looking down at your lips he replied “Ya still Hershel’s Kid he wouldn’ like this” He ran his hand through his hair.
Feeling angry again Your hands were still on his face “Does it look like i care what he thinks? Right now Daryl all I care about is this. Feeling you against me. I need it. I’ve needed it since the moment i saw you” 
His eyes darted up to yours seeing only the truth in your eyes. “Kiss me Dixon” 
His tongue licked his bottom lip slightly. Pushing your lips back to his you took his bottom lip in your mouth tugging on it slightly with your teeth. 
You heard the low growl coming from his chest as you tugged harder. 
“Fuck it” He muttered against your lips before flipping you onto your back kissing you back harshly. 
You let a moan escape your lips as he settled over you arching into his chest, He nudged your knees apart before putting one hand behind your thigh and lifting it around his hips. The other hand was on your waist. Both hands kneading your skin harshly. 
His hands felt like they were burning through your clothes. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, Moaning again you ground your hips upwards desperate to feel his heat against yours. 
He pulled away panting resting his forehead against yours. 
“You sure Y/N” Grinning at him you pulled your hands to the neck of your shirt ripping it open slightly. 
“Never been so sure Daryl” His eyes watched growing darker, pulling his hands to the rip you had started already he ripped the shirt from you with ease, hands going to the front of your bra tearing that too. 
You could feel his breath on your chest as he ducked down taking one of your nipples into your mouth and biting down on it. You moaned louder now reaching down, you pushed the vest from his shoulder before turning your attention to his shirt groaning as you realised you couldn’t reach the hem to pull it up. 
He chuckled watching you sitting up over you he pulled the shirt off himself. Glaring down at you now with his dark hungry eyes. Moving from you he stood next to the bed. 
“Take em off...Now” His thick southern drawl made your already wet panties soak. 
Your hand slowly went to the button on your jeans not wanting to take your eyes off him, His glare grew darker.
“Ya aint fast enough” He lunged over you gripping the pants at your sides and tearing them down, You gasped now realising you were fully bare for him, His eyes met yours as you looked towards his pants, Your thighs rubbing together in delicious anticipation. 
He untied the cord of material holding his pants up letting them drop to the ground. 
Licking your lips you stared at his huge length. Walking over to you he pressed his cock to your lips gently.
“This what you want?” 
“Mmm yes please Daryl” You stuck your tongue out tasting the tip of him, God he tasted good. You opened your lips intending to wrap them around him, When you felt a hand in your hair pulling your head back. 
“Say ya want my cock Y/N in that dirty little mouth” Looking at his eyes now you could see he was serious. 
Pushing him back from the bed you climbed off sinking to your knees in front of him. 
“Mmmm let me have your cock in my dirty
..Please?” You breathed
His fingers caressed your face for a moment He murmured “Better Y/N
.Go on take what ya want girl” 
Reaching your hands up to his length you held it gleefully smiling as you brought it back to your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the tip you let your eyes fix on his again as you sunk him deep into your mouth, As it hit your throat you let it choke you slightly moaning around his length. 
“Shit Y/N” Daryl let his mouth drop open and his head hang backwards enjoying your lips around him, Putting his hands back in your hair he pushed you fully down his length until your lips met his pubic bone, You choked again, Breathing through your nose you held yourself on him getting used to the feeling of him stretching your throat. 
Moaning on him again he pushed and pulled you over his cock until you felt it throbbing, Pulling you fully off him he looked back down at you wildly. 
“Shit, Ya too good at that. I almost -” You cut him off pulling him back into your mouth with determination bobbing faster over him until he fell over the edge spilling his huge load into your mouth. You heard him cry out your name whilst he fucked your face harder letting the last of his orgasm roll out. 
Once he slowed you pulled him from your mouth swallowing before licking every inch of him clean drinking every drop like it was life or death. 
He wrapped one hand around your throat now pulling you back up to him. 
“Get back on the bed, Knees up legs wide. Now” He growled. 
Still catching your breath you did as you were told. He kneeled on the bed between your legs rubbing his still hard cock up and down your folds. Grinning at you mischievously he pulled completely away, Watching you squirm from the lack of contact. 
Leaning over your body he whispered in your ear 
“Ya aint ready for that...Not yet anyway” He roughly pushed your chin upwards pushing your head back into the pillow. 
Kissing his way down your neck he moved to your chest, Lifting your breast he sucked just underneath your nipple hard enough to leave his mark, Moving down your sternum he left three more identical marks from your breasts to your belly button. Marking you as his. As he reached your dripping heat you tried to grind up towards him.
Using his hand over your hips he held you down, 
“Ya gotta wait Y/N You’ll get it when im fucking ready” He growled again before sinking his teeth into the inside of your thigh, You let out a loud mewl trying to stem the noise biting down on your forearm. 
He bit harder now before letting go and glaring up at you, “Dont ya dare stop it, I wanna hear ya”
Panting for breath you looked down at him “But the 
...Mmm shit...The walkers..will hear us!” 
“Let them fuckin hear, I’ll kill everyone of those dead bastards if they try to get between me and this sweet pussy” He ran one finger softly down your folds to accentuate his point. 
Moving your hand back down onto the bed you gripped the sheets with both hands as he sucked and bit the inside of both of your thighs leaving multiple love bites. 
“Please Daryl! I can...ntt take it anymore”
Seeing the need in your eyes he harshly took your clit in his mouth sucking and nibbling on it before moving his tongue down to your entrance, He lapped at the juices flowing out of you for a minute before replacing his tongue with his fingers, Pushing two inside he rocked them in and out of you bringing his lips back to your throbbing clit. 
“God Y/N you taste so fucking good” You could feel the pleasure building higher and your moans getting louder as you were rapidly reaching your high. You could feel your walls clenching on his fingers as he started moving quicker. 
“Ahhh, Shit Daryl” You screamed letting your high crash around you, You could feel him moaning into your clit as you screamed his name. Pushing another finger into you as you rode them blissfully feeling him stretch them inside you before pulling them out, Leaning back over you he pressed his fingers to your mouth. 
“Clean em” You sucked on them happily feeling the slickness in your pussy coming back as it did every time you saw him. 
Once he had deemed them clean enough he dropped his hand back to you.
“Mmm ready for me again so soon?” You bit your lip gazing up at him with your best innocent face. 
“So ready baby, Please...Please fuck me Daryl”
“Ya only needed to ask Y/N” He quickly pumped his cock a few times before pushing it slowly into you, Gasping a little in pain he stopped. “You ok?” 
.Its just so fucking big” He grinned as he continued pushing into you until he reached his hilt grunting as he felt your walls moulding around him. Staying still for a moment he let you get used to his length. Pressing his lips back down to yours he tugged at your lower lip with his teeth parting your lips before diving back in with his tongue. 
Your tongues danced together fighting for dominance, He moaned into your mouth as he started moving again slowly at first building his speed until he was pounding mercilessly into you. 
Rolling back till he was sat back on his legs he pulled your legs over his shoulders gripping them tightly using them to drive himself even deeper and harder into you. Your hands wound your way into your own hair pulling at it gently letting the pleasure of his relentless pounding completely take control of your senses as you feel yourself letting go to him again. 
You back arched high as you felt your high building. 
Daryl let one hand fall to your aching clit rolling it with his fingers. 
“That’s it Y/N cum for me, Cum all over this cock” He growled loudly. You felt him pulsing inside you and it sent you straight over the edge. 
“Fuckkkkk Daryl!!” You screamed bucking your hips against him as you rode out your high. 
Daryl couldn’t take it anymore watching you buck wildly against him screaming his name, He exploded thrusting deeper into you letting his hot cum wash over your walls. 
He let go of your legs letting them crash to the sides of him, Your entire body was trembling now as he collapsed forward on top of you, Both gasping for air. 
When he rolled off you, You looked him straight in the eyes “Told you i could be useful” You giggled. 
“I think we may need to convince ya dad to let you on more of these runs Y/N. Very fucking useful” he said pushing his lips back to yours for a sweet kiss this time. 
Putting his arm around your shoulders he pulled you to him letting your head lay on his chest. You could definitely get used to this. 
You sighed before continuing in awe “Happy fucking birthday to me” 
He chuckled kissing your hair. You lay happily in his arms until the sun started to go down, Only breaking the happy stillness to let your lips meet lovingly.
Looking out the window he murmured “C’mon best be getting back. Dont need em sendin out a search party and findin us like this” 
Groaning you let him pull you up, Both getting dressed. Daryl picked up your ruined shirt and bra stuffing them into his own bag with a wink, Thank god you had worn two shirts today. Daryl then pulled the draws away from the door running through the cabin to check it was still secure. You followed him out of the cabin and back to the bike. 
Happily putting your arms around him and running your fingers across his chest, Enjoying the last moments of your freedom as he drove you back to the prison and through the gates.
You sisters came running to meet you as you returned checking you over before giving you hugs in turn, Maggie took a step back staring into your eyes for a moment before leaning back into you whispering so only you two could hear
“I see you got your birthday wish lil sis” Your eyes went wide in panic, Grinning at you she whispered again. “I know the scent of cum when I smell it. It’s all over your breath, That and you're definitely no longer wearing a bra” 
You flushed embarrassed hoping no one else would notice looking back at her with a panicked whisper “Don’t tell Daddy!” She nodded at you looking behind you to the guard tower “Looks like it's time for round two” She nodded towards Daryl who was standing there staring at you drinking you in with his eyes again. 
“Don’t worry ill cover for you, Just go” She winked. Running over to the tower you slipped in closing the door as you felt his hand at your throat again. 
“Ya all mine now Y/N”
“So you don’t think I’m a kid anymore” You asked playfully. 
“Nah, Your definitely all fucking woman” He growled back before pulling you back into a room and fucking you till you were mewling all over again for him.
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juhaksworld · 4 years ago
TBZ reactions to you forgetting what day their birthday is
(not exactly an au but let’s just pretend you can’t look up their birthdays online bc they’re idols lol)
lowkey hurt. (you meanie -_- ) like one day you were sitting together talking and you were like “oh my goodness I’m so excited for my birthday in a few months bc it’ll be a reason for us to get the day off and spend all day together and he’ll be like “we could do that for my birthday too!” and you’d be like “.....yeahhhhh!!!!! but ummm when is your birthday?? I’m really sorry I forgot. I’m terrible at remembering dates and stuff” and he’d be like “in two weeks” and you’d instantly feel so bad bc this poor boy deserves better (you meanie x2) you’d keep apologizing and he’d forgive you in his heart but he’d pretend to be sad the rest of the day just to make you feel bad ( as you deserve ) and you’d like make it up to him by planning this super sweet day with him and get him the awesomest gift and he’d tell you he wasn’t actually mad at you for forgetting but you’d make sure never to forget any important date again bc having sangyeon sad/upset with you was too heart wrenching,, even if it was just a joke.
you’d be like going through your calendar at the beginning of the year making sure you have everyone’s birthdays put in correctly and you’d casually ask him when his was and he’d be like “????” thinking it was a joke since y’all had been dating for like 3 years. and then you’d look up and realize how awful you must seem for not remembering so you’d make excuses like “i knowwww when your birthday is i’m just double checking
.*blushes*” jacob would start giggling and then come sit beside you and hug you and be all sweet and say something like “ahh it’s alright! don’t feel bad at all!” but then he wouldn’t tell you to make you feel bad and you have to go searching through your pictures from last year to find the right day. he’d just laugh bc he knows you didn’t forget bc he’s not important,,, you’re just kinda forgetful. he’d tease you about it a lot. maybe he’d pretend to forget your birthday one day just to get back at you lol.
he would think you were joking at first and be like “stahpppp you know when my birthday is!” and you’d be like “ummmm hoonie i don’t actually” and then he’d just be like shocked and a little hurt and then he’d start explaining to you about how his birthday was in fact the DAY OF HIS BIRTH INTO THIS WORLD and without his birthday there would be no Kim Younghoon. and you’d just be like “i know...why birthdays umm..are important hoonie” but he’d keep lecturing you about why you should remember and you’d feel so bad. he wasn’t upset,,, just shocked you could forget something like that. eventually you’d be like “i understand hoonie” and make an excuse to leave the room and then you’d call chanhee and desperately ask him to tell you when hoonie’s birthday was. chanhee would laugh at you but finally give in and then you’d rush back to hoonie and be like “BAEEEEEE YOUR BIRTHDAY IS AUG. 8TH!!!!!!” and he’d be like “duhhh” anyways,,, you’d avoid bringing that situation up with him or chanhee bc it was too embarrassing.
after he realized you were serious he’d just laugh in your face. like he wouldn’t be hurt at all he’d just think it was hilarious,, especially since you were so flustered about it and embarrassed for forgetting. he’d go on and on with you about how you “ForGOt HiS biRthDay” and you’d be pretty sure it was in the first half of Sept. but you just weren’t 100% positive, but he wouldn’t tell you and he wouldn’t let any of the other boyz tell you either. then at the end of the day he’d ask for your hand and you’d give it to him...a little afraid of what he was gonna do with that black marker he was holding. he’d write “SEPTEMBER 13TH 1997” in bold thick lettering on your wrist. and you’d be like “SKJDKDJFKSJDH WHY’D YOU WRITE THAT SO BIG WITH A MARKER??? NOW IT WON’T COME OFF!!!!” and he’d just laugh and be like “well,,, hopefully you won’t forget my birthday now!” then he’d kiss you on the cheek and run away for his life.
clueless,,, he’d be like “you forgot my birthday?? for real? this isn’t a prank?” and you’d be like “i’m sorry T-T” he’d do that face like he’d just blink a couple of times looking at you with a slightly disappointed blank face like “ur serious bae?” and you’d try so hard not to laugh bc he looked so funny and cute but you’d feel so guilty. so you’d go on to explain that you were just having a “blond moment” and you couldn’t think of it. you knew when his birthday was...you were just blanking out right then. so you’d change the subject and cross your fingers that you would remember his birthday later and then you’d write it down 30 different times in different places and add a reminder for his birthday and a reminder to remember his birthday bc,,, you never wanted to admit to juyeon that you actually forgot his birthday. he was always so good at remembering all the important dates that had anything to do with you,,, so you wanted to be better at remembering as well 
he’d be so butt hurt over this oml. he would 100% never tell you and just sulk all day bc he always makes such a big deal out of your birthday that takes weeks of planning and you just ??FORGOT?? his???? a baby lol. even after you remembered and very loudly exclaimed “OOOOHHHHH YEAHHH OFC!!!! HOW STUPID OF ME FOR FORGETTING” he’d still sulk. you’d have to do some serious explaining of yourself and apologizing and everything. he’d watch you put it in your calendar and turn on reminders every day for a week leading up to his bday. would quiz you randomly after that asking you if you remembered his birthday. you’d have to prove your loyalty to him by remembering some small detail about him that was super important to him before he would completely forgive you.
disappointed but not surprised lol. would just roll his eyes and be like “why must you be this way?” you’d feel bad,,, but not like super embarrassed bc he wouldn’t make a big deal about it. would tease you a little bit and pretend to be hurt,, but you would know he was just pretending. would ask you if you remembered other ppl’s bdays and when you could,,, he’d tease you even more “i feel like i should be jealous, y/n, that you remember juyeon’s birthday so quickly but not mine...your own bf of 2 years” he’d keep asking you randomly throughout the day if you could remember,,,, and when you finally did remember ( or you secretly asked on of the other boyz ) he would stop teasing you as much and just tell you you had to get a certain (expensive) gift for his birthday to make up for forgetting lmao
Laughs when you ask when his birthday is and then after a minute he’s like “wait--- you were being serious???” and you wouldn’t want to admit it bc you know he can get offended easily over certain things sometimes so you’re like “well...i mean...i know when it is...i just can’t..umm...remember...right now
.” *nervous laugh* he wouldn’t exactly be upset..more surprised and a little confused like how do you literally forget your own bf’s birthday you weirdo. he’d just give you this judging look like “????” and that would make you feel even worse than if he openly was offended...somehow. anyway you’re like “i’ll just----- wait until it comes back to me...never mind” and you’ll quickly walk away or change the subject bc you hate having him look at you like you’re the biggest idiot of the century. changmin’s just like “this girl. what a strange person I’m dating”
he would be sad,,,like “oh my goodness, how did she forget???” I feel like he tends to overthink so he’d just be so astounded and depressed that you had forgotten such an important fact about him. so he begins to ask you other questions about himself to make sure you hadn’t forgotten everything about him like “what’s my mom’s name” “what year was I born” “when did we start dating” “what’s my favorite food at the moment” etc etc. and you just feel so terrible bc this poor buy is convinced that you don’t love him anymore and he just :(((  
[i’m sad writing this y’all ;-; ] 
so anyways,,, you’re like “listen hak,,, the reason i’m randomly asking when your birthday is is bc it’s my literal password and i forgot. I forget everything. you should know that by now T___T it’s not bc I don’t think it’s important to remember.” and hak would be like uwuwuwuwuwu “my birthday is your password?? that’s so cuteeee!!! <3 and then he’d tell you and forgive you bc,,, hak is like that
butt hurt pt.2. he’d sulk and sulk. “You can’t remember my own birthday baby???” pouts. you’d have to explain yourself thoroughly and even though he knows you sometimes forget important things,,, he’s still surprised and slightly offended. would say something like “you’re not allowed to have any kisses until you remember” and normally that wouldn’t be that bad of a threat bc you were sure you’d remember after a while,,, but you didn’t want him to be even more offended than he already was so you pretended to be heartbroken by this threat and started to act all desperate to find out his birth date (even though you originally just wanted it to put on a little drawing you were working on beside your bday lol ) and so you’ll like all frantically call chanhee on the phone asking when sunwoo’s birthday was (making it seem like a secret from sunwoo even though you made sure he heard) and then you proudly went to sunwoo and told him you remembered the date and by then he was laughing bc he realized how silly he was for being so sad. (you got a kiss on the top of your head for “remembering” lol)
lowkey confused and highkey amused. you forgot his birthday??? lol. Is how he thinks. so like one day you were just talking with him and he was telling stories about his birthday a few years ago, before you started dating
 and then you realized that you could not for the life of you remember when his birthday was...you were pretty sure it was in december...but that’s all you could remember so you asked him after he was done telling you a story. and he laughed and was like “duhhh it’s December 22nd” and you were like “OOOHHHHHH YEAHHHHH HOW COULD I FORGET???” and then he was like “wait--- you actually forgot??” and you were like “Ummm yeahhh,,,,, sorry ;-;” and then he was like “SHOOT i shouldn’t have told you so i could use that as a bribe against you!!” and you just [-_-] anyways he’ll randomly think of that throughout the day and be like “omg guys my own gf forgot my birthday. none of y’all have it as hard as i do” and then he’d pretend to be sad lol.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years ago
Quarter of a Century - Harry Styles
a/n: i wanted to do a more massive fic to celebrate my bday with you all but i’ve been all over the place all week and this is all i could put together :( but i hope you’ll like it! anyway, here is a little something from me to you for the occasion of me turning 25 (ehhh)
word count: 1220
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Harry knows you don’t necessarily like parties, let alone the ones that are celebrating you. Growing up you were never the kind of kid to beg for a birthday party, you just usually invited over your best friend and watched movies in the basement, ate candies and had a sleepover. You didn’t like the attention on you, all the looks, the greetings, that everyone wanted a word with you. It was just not you. You were the kind of person who let others be the star of the show while you stood at the sidelines and probably this is why your relationship with Harry was so balanced out. While he was the well-known, famous, center of the attention person in the spotlight who enjoyed every bit of praise thrown in his way, you were always more comfortable being the support system, the one in the back who fell out of the preying eyes and nosy questions. The two of you managed to keep your relationship a secret for almost two entire years and with all the hype that follows your boyfriend everywhere he goes, that’s a huge accomplishment for sure.
But from time to time, Harry liked to push you just a little. Just enough to get you out of your shell and accept the attention and praise he thought you always deserved. All together he has posted two pictures of you on his social media platforms that put you in the center of the attention, talked about you just a handful of times during interviews and appearances, but he always made sure not to take it too far. Just enough to bug your comfort you are all too used to.
Today has been another occasion of his attempt to make you the main character and there’s an occasion for that. You’ve turned twenty-five, an age Harry thinks of as a kind of milestone in one’s life.
“That’s a quarter of a century, you can’t just not make it to be a big deal!” he always told you when your birthday came up in previous conversations. For you, it was just another number, the middle of your twenties and one step closer to your thirties.
If you’re being honest, you don’t necessarily like to think about how now you aren’t even considered a young adult anymore. You don’t feel like an adult and even though you fully function as one, it’s still hard to wrap your head around the fact that time is inevitably ticking over your head, because
 time waits for no one.
You knew he was planning something. He couldn’t keep secrets from you, his eyes always talked for his mouth for you, after spending three and a half years together and being friends for over five, he couldn’t hide anything from you fully.
He made your best friend take you out for a day at your favorite spa, getting massages, all kinds of treatments, get a manicure and pedicure and eventually get your hair done as well. You left the building pampered and very aware the reasoning behind the activities. And just as you expected, arriving back to the home you are now sharing with Harry, you found your closest friends there, the living room all decorated as they started singing Happy Birthday to you.
It was a pleasant surprise. Not an over the top party with hundreds of people, just about thirty of your inner circle, together for the occasion of your birthday.
“Are you mad at me?” Harry pouted his lips at you when you were done with your first round of thanking everyone for coming. Tucked away in the corner with a drink in your hand you smiled at your boyfriend, cupping his scruffy cheek in your other palm.
“Of course not,” you chuckled softly as a smirk tugged on his lips and leaning down he kissed you gently.
“I know you hate birthday parties, but you deserve the praise, baby. Wanted to make it special for you,” he hummed, kissing your temple as you melted into his embrace, his arms wrapping around your frame.
“I know. Thank you, H,” you smiled and you really meant that you weren’t mad at him. How could you ever?! When you know damn well Harry always wants the best for you, sometimes knowing you better than you know yourself.
Now the party is officially over, the last guest left ten minutes ago and you are about to start cleaning the place up when Harry stops you.
“I already got it covered. A team will be here in the morning to take care of it.”
“You shouldn’t have,” you give him a look, but deep down you love that you don’t have to be the one to wash all the dishes and clean up the mess.
“Mm, but I did,” he smirks, pulling you into his arms as he kisses you tenderly. “Did you have fun?”
“I did. I don’t even know how you got so many of my friends together, it’s impossible to make plans with them!” you chuckle, snaking your arms around his neck.
“It took a lot of planning,” he smirks, very much satisfied with the work he has done. “Want to go to bed?”
“Yeah, I’m so tired,” you huff, your body loosening in his hold so his arms are the ones holding you up mostly rather than your legs. He tightens his embrace around you, hoisting you up so you wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you into the bathroom with ease, turning the water on to warm it up as he sets you on the counter, pushing his lips between your thighs. You throw your arms up above your head, signaling him that you want him to undress you, and he chuckles softly, but bunches the fabric of your shirt at your stomach before pulling it over your head and off of you, pressing a chaste kiss to your naked shoulder as he drops the shirt into the hamper in the corner. You don’t stop there, extending your legs so he can rid you from your pants as well and this time he doesn’t leave it without a comment.
“Thought you turned twenty-five, not five to need help with undressing.”
“Do you not want to take care of the birthday girl?” you pout at him, tilting your head to the left. Smirking he pecks your lips as his fingers start to work on the button and zipper of your pants.
“Oh, I do, baby. That’s all I want in life,” he smirks, nuzzling his nose against yours as he yanks the pants off of your body, making you chuckle as he struggles a little to get it past your ass that’s planted on the counter. When he is done, he takes care of his own clothes while you free yourself from your underwear and hop to your feet once you both are naked.
“So, do you want to have birthday sex in the shower or in the bed after we showered?” he prompts with a cocky grin, but you arch an eyebrow at him.
“Why not both?”
Harry gifts you with a toothy smile as he wraps his arms around you, naked chests colliding as he drags you into the walk in shower.
“That’s the answer I wanted to hear!”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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serendipityunho · 5 years ago
Lace Kisses
× genre: smut, fluff × pairing: softdom!Yunho x Reader (fem.) × word count: 2.7k × warnings: explicit language, fingering, grinding, oral, clit play, just vanilla bday sex
× synopsis: It was a birthday to remember with Yunho making you question whether you were in heaven or not thanks to him.
It was only a matter of time before Yunho had pulled out all his yearly decorations for your birthday. You found it amusing how you never got sick and tired of his creased banners and floppy balloons you’d find stuck up onto the wall when you came home.
That’s if there was any at all.
Maybe your eyes haven’t adjusted yet, maybe they were still aching from being out in the sun. No balloons or banners were up on the wall. Just
 a box
 sitting on the bed.
Yunho was nowhere to be seen either. It was obviously him who had left this pink box on your shared bed, and the little envelope on top of it.
Your little gift I managed to buy when you weren’t looking. Try it on and god hope I bought the right size.
     - Yunho ;)
But where was he? Knowing him, he’s probably hiding in the bathroom.
The silky ribbon slipped out of its knot as you pulled it gently, freeing the lid from entrapment before you lifted it. A small gasp filled the empty room as your eyes landed on the most beautiful sight of intricate lace designs.
It wasn’t just any lingerie. It was the red ones you’ve been dying to buy ever since you laid eyes on them.
Of course you had to try them on instantly, lingerie like this wasn’t meant to be bought once and never be seen again. Your eyes twinkled at the smallest details, from the sheer fabric to the dark lace. The material hugged your body outstandingly, you were even tempted to take a few pictures just to gawk at later.
It was absolutely beautiful.
You didn’t want to tear your eyes off your body while modelling in front of the mirror, so captivated by how beautiful it made you look, how confident you felt. You didn’t expect to love it so much with your eyes scanning your front and back as you pivoted in front of your mirror.
So intrigued you didn’t hear the echoing footsteps growing louder up the stairs.
From the corner of your eye, a familiar face had appeared outside the door, standing there as there seems to be something in Yunho’s hands. A small smile carved on your lips as you turn to face him, showing off the pretty lace settled on your body.
“Wow,” The bouquet of red slowly lowered as Yunho stepped closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. A strong hit of cologne immediately washed over you as he held you close to him “, it looks better than I imagined”.
Yunho’s eyes soften at the sight in front of him, burning an intense gaze over every inch of your body with a smirk on his face. You couldn’t help but grin, feeling a bit flustered as you try to gain a proper sentence in your head to blurt out.
“I picked it, of course it’s going to look good” You chuckle, pressing your body up against Yunho’s body to break his sharp gaze and slinging your arms over his neck.
“Not even a ‘thank you’? I see how it is” Yunho’s cockiness dripped like poison as he detached your arms from him, inching to the bed before sitting on the edge, leaning back to get another look locked onto your body. The bouquet of roses sat beside him, if you’re being honest, it made him look ten times sexier with his two buttons of his shirt down, legs slightly spread apart.
“Oh, I’m sorry, love. Thank you for this, you really didn’t have to,” You cooed, slowly crawling on top to straddle his lap with your arms slung over his neck “, are these for me?”.
Yunho holds the bouquet up to your face, letting you admire the bundle of roses before gliding a hand over your side, caressing the flesh of the back of your thigh. Roses with Yunho was such a concept you didn’t know you needed, almost medicinal.
“Who else would they be for?”
“You are so annoying” You land a playful smack on Yunho’s hard chest, running your hand up and down before sliding them to the back of his neck. He’d always find a way to make you giggle even in the most intimate moments.
“But you still love me” You settle the roses down, wrapping both your arms around his neck as Yunho gazes up at you with hooded eyes, hands completely enticed by the soft flesh of your thighs.
“Yes, unfortunately” You giggle against Yunho’s lips before locking them, moving them slowly as his tongue swipes across your bottom lip.
“Let’s see how much you’ll love me after this” You could almost moan from how low Yunho’s voice had dropped, peppering delicate soft kisses along your jawline as you hug his head close to your body.
His hands are roaming every inch of your backside, snapping the band of the lace panties against your skin, earning a small whine from you as his fingers dig deep into your waist, rocking you back and forth on his bulge underneath you. It were as if you were living on cloud nine with the way Yunho was smothering your chest in his loving kisses, sucking on the sensitive skin like it was a blank canvas for him to paint his purple blotches.
You almost feel embarrassed at the way you were probably staining his pants with your wetness through the pretty lingerie, but knowing him, he probably couldn’t care less. Neither of you could, especially not when his large hands were rocking you back and forth on his hardening member.
“Yunho, please” You breathed, throwing your head back as his lips suck another spot on your skin and hands rocking you against him harder.
“Patience, let me look at you like this just a little longer” He groaned against the top of your breasts, hands smoothing over to your front as they hook under the cups your red bra, pulling them down for a peek at your hardened nipples.
“Always teasing me, and for what?” Your hips haven’t stopped moving even when Yunho’s hands had stopped guiding you, it was as if they had a mind of their own, chasing after the addiction of dragging your throbbing clit up and down against his clothed aching dick.
“I just love seeing you in a mess for me” Yunho takes one breast in his mouth, slandering his tongue all over your nipple before sucking it harshly, coming back up for a slow kiss from your swollen lips.
“Well, I don’t feel like ruining these, they’re too pretty”
“Whatever you want, princess”
You felt relief after Yunho had flipped the two of you around, sending you laying on your back with your hands above your head and thighs rubbing together as he roughly loosens his tie. You couldn’t help but bite your lip in anticipation just seeing Yunho undress in the most sexiest way possible.
The way he slowly unbuttons his shirt had you gushing a pool down below, slowly spreading your legs to gain lustful eyes from Yunho. His smirk was enough to have you whining for me as his shirt falls onto the floor, belt unbuckling with his pants starting to hang low.
“Fuck, you have no idea how badly I want you to stay like this forever,” Oh his hands, his hands were so calloused but you loved them when they touched you in the most sensual ways, running from your knees to the lining of your panties “, absolutely gorgeous”.
“Fuck me like you mean it then”
“You know I always do” Yunho’s thumb brushes over your clit covered by the thin red lace material, circling it gently as he lowers himself, kissing your inner thighs with your hand tugging at his hair and squirming your hips subtly yearning for more than just kisses.
The hot breath fanning across your skin was about to have your head exploding as Yunho kisses right above your clit, fingers hooking under the waistband, slowly pulling down the red material before running his tongue up your slit. It still wasn’t enough, making your face scrunch in complete despair as a pout forms.
“I’ve never seen you so needy in my life, princess”
“This isn’t fair, it’s my birthday, I’m the one who’s supposed to be having fun- ohmygod fuck” Your back arches off the mattress as Yunho flattens his tongue against your sopping wet cunt, pressing down on your clit with his thumb before circling it around slowly.
Your eyes roll back as Yunho’s lips stick themselves onto your pussy, tongue lapping at your folds and eyes piercing deep into yours from below. Your staggering breaths became louder as his painfully slow circles on your clit didn’t take you anywhere, as if you stayed in one place not bothering to run after a high.
But you both know he was just having his fun in teasing you like always, that’s just who he was. You could almost call him sadistic for wanting to see you at your whiny worst.
“I want to stay like this for hours,” Yunho removes his thumb from your clit, swiftly hooking both of his arms under your legs as his nose digs into your clit, making you squirm with each time he moves his head “, eat you out until you’re crying for me to just fuck you already”.
“Oh god, fuck, please no. You know how that turned out last time” You were literally begging him to drill you into the mattress. Crying.
Yunho smirked against your folds, tongue flicking up and down as he watched you with satisfaction in his eyes. Yunho’s always loved making you feel good, amazing.
You gasped as Yunho attaches his mouth onto your clit, sucking it with his tongue swirling around, making your toes curl as your thighs shut close on his head, hand tugging tightly on his hair as you feel a finger edge at your hole. It was impossible to control your moan when Yunho was groaning against your skin, sending vibrations through your body as you quiver with his long fingers sliding into you, starting off with one before inserting another, covering them in your sex as he pumped them smoothly.
It was such a perfect sight in front of you with Yunho’s shoulder muscles tensing and arm veins bulging from underneath his skin. Your legs were hooked over his broad shoulders, thighs squirming with each suction on your clit and fingers hooking deeper into you.
“M-More” Yunho’s fingers alone were good, too good, but you just couldn’t get enough of him.
“You’re such a spoilt princess” He groans, grazing his lips just above your skin as he raises himself to your lips, pushing his body between your legs as his hardened cock digs against your clit.
You just couldn’t help but to wrap your legs around his torso, bucking your hips up for the friction you craved, making Yunho groan deeply against your lips, tongue playing with yours as his hands caressed every inch of your sides. Both of your breathing had become heavier with each passing second making you impatient, craving for more intimacy.
The feeling of his throbbing tip edging at the entrance of your hole made you whine against his lips, biting down on his bottom lip as your hand traced down the outline of his abs before wrapping them around the base of his cock. A small hiss left his lips as you pumped slowly, pushing his body down further with your legs before having his length stretch you out so good.
“Oh fuck...“ Even till now, you could never get used to the overwhelming feeling of him in you. The way his hips hook with every thrust and the way his breath staggers against your skin was enough to send you to overdrive.
“Feel good, princess?” Yunho grumbled against your neck, rolling his hips smoothly against you with his hands snaking up your forearms to intwine his fingers with yours delicately. 
“So good, oh my god, yes” Each thrust was enough to have a string of moans roll off your tongue as Yunho heavily breathed down your neck, waves of hotness sending chills down your spine as his lips grazed your skin and hands holding yours tightly.
It was as if you were living in the clouds with Yunho’s sloppy thrusts slapping against you, nothing but lust pooling in every inch of your body as he hooked his hips at an angle, making you drag out a long moan. The feeling of complete pleasure blinded you as your eyes shut and head rolled back, exposing your neck further to Yunho.
“Right there, just like th- fuck, baby” Your jaw hangs abruptly as Yunho quickened his pace, grunting heavily against your skin before guiding his lips to yours for a sloppy kiss. 
“You like it like that? Hm?” The tease in his voice drips like poison, making you gasp as he grunted another thrust deeper with your legs wrapping around his torso.
“Yes- ohmygod, please, more” Your hands retract from above your head, gripping onto Yunho’s hair tightly as he buries his face against your chest before taking a breast into his mouth with a groan.
None of it felt real but fuck! Yunho was just driving his cock deeper and deeper, making your clit rub against his crotch everytime. It was eye-rolling to say the least, with sparks of pleasure shooting through your body sending you closer to a feeling of complete lust.
Yunho’s groans grew louder as he quickened his thrusts, completely lost in chasing his own high as his arms swiftly snake under your waist and hugging you closer to his body. You could just feel yourself slowly clenching tighter around his length as your back arched, gripping his hair tighter and moans escaping with the bare minimum of sounds.
“Oh god- fuck!” You cried, barely breathing as Yunho fastened his thrusts, kissing your chest before slamming his lips against yours with a soft moan.
“I’m so close- fuck, so close” You could definitely hear the sound of sloppy thrusts by now, with Yunho driving your hips down into the mattress and bed shifting with his movements. 
Your tongue lapped at Yunho’s as you pulled him down for another kiss, slow and wet as the two of you shared lewd moans against each other’s lips. Just one thrust was enough to have you whimpering, lips parting as your brows furrow, eyes hooded as you gazed at Yunho with desperation. 
“Yesyesyes holy- nnmphhfuck” Yunho slithered his arms out from under your waist, holding your hips down against the mattress as he stood on his knees and thrusted quicker. It was as if you were going crazy just swinging your arms up to grab the headboard as your back arched further off the mattress.
It was only a matter of seconds before your sensitive walls had enough. Clenching tighter around Yunho’s cock, your legs start quivering as Yunho’s fingers dig into your hips, making you hiss as his face scrunches in pleasure before throwing his head back.
His hips moved like crazy, rapid speed as he sent your breasts bouncing quickly. Each thrust led you to believe you were in heaven, lust completely blurring the frame of your vision as you struggle to keep your eyes opened.
“Oh my goddd- Fuck!” A high-pitched moan fell from your lips as a shot of toe-curling pleasure floods your body with Yunho’s hips snapping quicker, making you gasp rapidly for air and walls convulsing uncontrollably around his cock as he continued to thrust, getting sloppier each second.
“I need you to cum for me, please, Yunho- fuck please cum for me ohmygod” You couldn’t even comprehend the sound that had come out of his mouth when a pooling warm spurt shoots inside you, making Yunho’s jaw hang and panting as if he was out of breath.
It didn’t take long for him to quickly lean down, cupping one side of your face with his large hand and lapping up a mouthful kiss on your lips, sucking on your bottom lip before resting his forehead against yours. Even the slightest hip movement from him had you twitching underneath his body, earning a smirk from Yunho as he caressed your thigh with his other hand.
“You have no idea
” He started, voice ever so soft.
“No idea what?”
“How much I love you”
“I love you too”
“Happy birthday, princess”
Copyright © 2020 by serendipityunho     All Rights Reserved
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theonlygamergost · 4 years ago
Fd au prompt: it's Phil's bday and the bois are planning something... interesting. Can't say it doesn't end with egg yolks on the ceiling, but at least they tried.
Haha Techno is a god at baking sweets while Tommy and Wilbur suck is an idea I’ve had for forever and now it goes BRRRRR-
Il’l be honest, I don’t like how it turned out THAT much, but I still hope you guys enjoy it.
“Eggs?” Tommy yelled “CHECK!”
“Flour?” Wilbur didn’t yell but, “Check!”
“And uhh
 cocoa powder
” Techno double-checked his mental list while pointing at the ingredients on the counter, Tommy was shaking with energy next to him, ready to start preparing Phil’s birthday cake.
“And water, ok uh
 we should have almost everything, alright let’s get started!”... this wasn’t gonna end well...
Wilbur poured the milk and it was time to mix, “Ok so
” Techno was about to take the whisk when- “I’M USING THE ELECTRIC WHISK!” Tommy grabbed the tool, “WAIT NO-” the pink-haired boy grabbed the other end, so they started arguing over it, “Come on Technoblade, I know you’re the good one at baking here but let him do something” he grabbed the whisk out of their hands, “Wilbur you don’t understand- if you aren’t careful with it you can-” but as Techno was warning his bigger brother, Tommy turned on the electric whisker, covering of flour the entire counter plus themselves.
Silence fell until

“I swear to god
” Techno whispered as the other two started laughing loudly, booping each other’s nose to make a blank spot in their flour-covered faces.
Closing the oven quickly to avoid more heat escaping it, Wilbur sighed and Techno leaned back on the counter, Tommy kneeled down and simply stared at the cake, “And done!” the pink-haired boy hit the timer, “Now we gotta wait for fifty minutes, ohhh boy
 we’re half-way there
” at the news, the older brother disappeared into his room and Techno collapsed on the couch, Tommy stared at the cake for a bit longer.
“And then what?” he asked without removing his attention from inside the oven, “We poke it with a chopstick, if it isn’t humid, we pass onto adding the frosting” the boy on the couch reached out to grab his book, pushing a pillow underneath his head to rest on it, “If it’s still humid, we make it cook for another five minutes and repeat the process until it’s cooked” the blondie hummed, finally getting up and walking towards the couch, grabbing his phone on the way there and flopping next to his brother, Wilbur came back into the living room with his laptop and schoolwork, making a little clean space on the counter to place everything down without the risk of flour getting attached to anything.
“Leave it for three minutes” Techno had said, “It should be enough” he said

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Tommy looked down, no, no he didn’t.
After they did the “chopstick test”, Techno had decided to let it sit in the oven for a little more, just for it to get perfectly cooked, and Tommy was nominated to keep an eye on the cake while Will studied and Techno went to the bathroom. It was an easy task, but staring at a cake wasn’t as fun as texting Tubbo and

Now the cake resided in front of them, the black of the burnt parts camouflaged with the already dark colour of the cake, but the smell of burnt chocolate reassured Tommy of his mistake, the cake had been partially burnt.
“it’s still savable, plus the frosting will hide the colour” Wilbur tried to cheer both the perfectionist and the bummed down gremlin, “... won’t hide the taste though
” to no avail. “Oh come on! It’s still edible! I’m not about to throw it away! Phil will appreciate the though either way” pointing out the facts made Tommy feel a little better, Techno simply grunted and moved along, “Ok so
 I need the electric whisker, Tommy please wash it for me” the young boy nodded and opened the sink, “And
 ugh how do you even make frosting again
” he took his phone into his hands as a voice made them all jump, their gazes snapped to the front door, “Three cups of powdered sugar, one-third of softened butter, vanilla and two tablespoons of milk”.
Phil had entered the front door and listed the ingredients casually, “Why do you need to make frosting anyway- oh
” he slipped his shoes off and realized the situation upon seeing the cake on the counter and his brothers frozen in place, “W-weren’t you supposed to arrive at half-past seven?” Wilbur asked, the clock on the wall indicated it was ten to seven pm.
“Uh yeah
 the boss allowed me to come home early since it’s my birthday though
 “ he took off his coat, sniffing the air as something caught his attention, “Why is there a burnt smell in here?” Techno groaned again at the reminder of his overcooked mistake.
Phil got closer to the counter, “So you need to frost the cake? Why bother buying one without it?” The three brothers looked at him in confusion, “What do you mean “buying”?” Techno furrowed his brows, so the older brother glanced at the sink and realized what was really happening, all of the dirty bowls
 the smell of burnt chocolate..
“WAIT! You guys were trying to cook me a cake?!” He jumped a little as Wilbur nodded, “Well
 “trying” is the keyword
 “ the pink-haired boy pointed out. “Wait, you thought we had bought a cake and to make it look like we cooked it, we would put some frosting on it?” the blonde boy looked offended, “I mean... we did that last year
” Will pointed out, making Tommy stutter in embarrassment.
“Let’s do it like this: I’ll go to Will’s room and you guys call me when you’re done, ok? Just like nothing ever happened” the gloomy faces began shining as a second opportunity for redemption arose, Tommy pushed Phil into the room and closed the door, getting right back to baking.
The cake ended up alright, the three bakers had flour stuck in their hair for a week or so, but Phil believes that gift was the best one he had ever gotten, even if a little burnt and just a tad too sweet.  
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jungshookz · 5 years ago
Idk if this has been sent before but imagine like baker jin and forgetful y/n like she needs to get a cake for yoongi asap bc she forgot his bday and jin is completely okay w working at supersonic speed for this cute little teary eyed person who seems to be in big trouble
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âžș pairing; kim seokjin x reader
âžș genre; baker!jin duh, fluffier than jin’s popular angel food cake!! jin and y/n are a couple of cuties :’) 
âžș wordcount: 3.9k
âžș what to expect; “okay! that’s easy. a birthday cake is doable! see? nothing to get teary-eyed over, darling!”
âžș note; i’m not going to lie the one thing that motivated me to finALLy write this request was the phrase ‘cute little teary-eyed person’ i am soFT! I AM SOFT! okay bye i love baker!jin 
                                        »»————- 🍰 ————-««
you’ve been sitting in your car for the past twenty minutes trying to remember what exactly it was that namjoon asked you to do for yoongi’s birthday
you know it wasn’t to get everyone to sign his birthday card because that was your job lasT year and also jungkook is in charge of that this year because last week he literally asked you to sign yoongi’s card
and it definitely wasn’t to decorate the venue because namjoon always takes care of that (because he likes things done a certain way and doesn’t trust anyone else with the important job of whEre to place the balloons)
and it also wasn’t to wrap his birthday gifts because according to jimin your wrapping skills are awful and you have the cutting skills of a toddler using those play scissors
it certainly wasn’t to pick yoongi up from his apartment because if that was your job then yoongi would be in the car with you right now (it’s hoseok’s job this year)
and taehyung was the one who curated the invite list aNd took care of the music playlist so you know that wasn’t your job either
so what
 in the world
 did namjoon ask you to do?
your memory has always been pretty shitty so you probably should’ve written it down
actually you dID technically write it down the day namjoon asked you to take care of it because you remember vividly using your pen and writing it on the back of your hand and then you remember namjoon scolding you and delving into a lecture about the dangers of ink poisoning
but then you washed your hands
and once it was wiped away from your hand it was wiped away from your memory
and that was two weeks ago
so now
here you are
in the parking lot of the venue (you guys are celebrating yoongi’s suRPRISE party at his favourite video game arcade) sitting in your car in complete silence hoping that whatever task you were supposed to complete will just naturally come to you
the party starts at 8 and it’s 7 right now so you still have an hour left to think
you came early to help namjoon set up but then the whole ‘i feel like i’m forgetting something’ thought creeped into your mind and now here you are
and you’re a little afraid to go in and ask namjoon about your mystery task because you feel like he’s going to skin you alive if he finds out that you have noT completed the mystery task
but then again he’s namjoon and namjoon wouldn’t hurt a fly!!!! he’s a sweetie pie!!!
whatever your task is it probably wasn’t that important because namjoon should know better than to send you off with completing something that is integral to the success of yoongi’s surprise party
“you have three seconds to tell me that you’re kidding before i actually lose it.” namjoon presses his lips together before exhaling slowly
quick breakdown of what happened after you decided to leave the safety of your car
you came in
said hello to everyone
complimented jimin’s gift-wrapping skills
snuck one of the mini cheeseburger off the foods table
asked tae if he could add dancing queen on the playlist because no party is complete without some ABBA
snuck a mini corndog off the foods table
and then wandered over to a busy namjoon to say hi but before you could say hi namjoon asked you where ‘it’ was, to which you responded with “what
 what is ‘it’?”
“by it, i mean the birthday cake. yoongi’s birthday cake. yoongi’s birthday cake that you were supposed to take care of this year because of the revolving system that i- y/n, i need you to say something and stOP staring at me like you don’t know what i’m talking about-“
“oh, the birthday cake!” you snap your fingers before putting your hands on your hips “god, thanks for clearing that up for me. i was literally scratching my head over it for like an hour.”
well there we go!
the mystery has been solved!!!
now you know what namjoon asked you to do for yoongi’s birthday
you were supposed to get his birthday cake!

the smile immediately drops from your face
“oh my- oh my goD-“ your eyes practically pop out of their sockets when it finally registers that you were supposed to order a custom birthday cake for yoongi and you definitely did noT order anything for yoongi
“y/n, i asked you to do one thing-!” namjoon groans and throws his hands up into the air
“i know, i know!!!!! it’s okay, i’ll fix this!” you reassure as you rummage through your purse for your car keys “what flavour should i get??? classic birthday cake?? lemon curd??”
“lem- leMON CUR- oh my GOD i want to hurl you into the middle of a busy intersection-“ namjoon feels like he’s about to have a stroke christ almiGHTY
yoongi’s not turning EIGHTY
“lemon curd??” your voice is turning piTchy and that’s an indicator that you are PANICKING “was that a yes for lemon cur-“
you freeze in fear when namjoon suddenly reaches forward and squiSHes your face in between his hand
“shut up and listen to the words that are about to come out of my mouth.” he says lowly and you swallow thickly before nodding
you’re not sure if you like this namjoon
“a four layer cake. alternating layers of chocolate cake and confetti cake. light blue buttercream frosting in between the layers. dark blue buttercream frosting all around. black sprinkles around the cake - not the top, just around the cake, it’s crucial that there are no sprinkles on the top. in black buttercream frosting, ‘happy birthday yoongi’ in block letters.” he almost growls and you feel like your heart is about to fall out of your ass
if anything will teach you to nevEr forget anything again it’ll be this version of namjoon
he’s like bridezilla except instead of a bride he’s a self appointed party planner
“four layers. chocolate. confetti. light blue in between. dark blue all around. black sprinkles all around, not on top. happy birthday yoongi. block letters. black letters. block black letters??” you probably look like a crazy person muttering things to yourself as you huStle back to your car
namjoon said that if you don’t get back to the party with a custom birthday cake by the time the clock strikes 9:00 he’ll kill you and you beLIEVE him
since you’re not going to be there when the party starts jimin said he’ll come up with some buLLshit excuse about you running late so that yoongi doesn’t get too suspicious about your whereabouts
he mentioned that he didn’t really want a cake this year but all of you know how much yoongi loves cake
and you love seeing him make that ‘i’m pretending i’m surprised but in reality i knew this was going to happen all along’ face
it’s so cute!!
you slam the front door shut and hurry to buckle yourself in as you type ‘custom birthday cakes near me’ on google maps
it’s fine! you’ll be fine
you wiLL definitely be able to find some bakery to put together a suPER last minute custom birthday cake
more specifically, a four layer cake with alternating layers of chocolate cake and confetti cake slathered with blue buttercream frosting and covered with sprinkles around it (not on top! just around! very important!) and also it should say ‘happy birthday yoongi!’ and the writing should be in chunky letters using black buttercream frosting
“why do bakeries close so early???” you wonder out loud as you continue to scroll through the results
literally everything is closed
if there’s one thing you’ve learned from this it’s that bakers are noT night owls
c’mon come oN
you’ll take anything at this point
you nearly scream in joy when you see that there’s one bakery that a) specialises in custom cakes and b) is still open for another thirty minutes and c) is not that far from you!!!!
according to google the place called sweet kimfecjins
oh dear god
what the heLL kind of a name is that???
and it is far from you!!!! it’s a twenty minute drive away from you!!!
under these circumstances that’s not close at aLL
you need a place that’s at the most thirty seconds away from you (you are noT kidding you really need this cake right here right now)
what other options are there
there’s a mcdonald’s near you
maybe you can just buy a bunch of those apple pies and use the oreo mcflurries to glue them all together to buiLD a cake
sure, it’s literally the farthest thing from what namjoon told you to get, but it’s a cake!!!!!

okay you can’t do that to yoongi
if you were presented with an apple-pie-mcflurry nightmare as a birthday cake you would be pretty bummed out
so this means one thing
sweet kimfecjins here we come
surprisingly enough you make it to the bakery in twelve minutes time without running any red lights oR running any pedestrians over
you did honk at a couple crossing the street but you made sure to shoot them an apologetic smile
they still flipped you off but the point is you made it to the bakery with like fifteen minutes left to spare until they close up for the night
“oh- oh no- nonONoOnONONO-“ your eyes are as wide as saucers as you practically slam yourself up against the glass doors right as the (presumable) owner is flipping the sign to ‘closed’ “oh, please- please, google said that you’re not closing for like another fifteen minutes, please, you haVe to help me i nEED a cake-“
namjoon is going to have your head on a stick if you don’t get this cake so you are going to have to beg like you’ve never begged before
jin sighs to himself as he watches the clock tick tock tick tock
it’s been a slow day today
he had a couple people in this afternoon but they only bought like one strawberry turnover to share in between the two of them
who shaRES one single strawberry turnover???
psychopaths, that’s who
and also he had some tourists come in and they bought a box of his carrot cake cupcakes so that was pretty good
he also managed to convince them to buy another box of red velvet cupcakes >:-) it was actually pretty easy because he just had to flirt with the two girls and they immediately were like okAY more cupcakes won’t hurt

he has to make a living!!!
yoU would do the same if you had to make money
but other than that business has been a little slow
last week he had a bachelorette party cake request and he spent five hours moulding a penis out of fondant so that was pretty exciting
they even gave him a bonus tip because they said it looked very realistic
what can he say?? his hands are magical
but now he’s bored out of his mind and honestly he wouldn’t even mind if he got another request for a penis cake
he just wants to maKE something!!!
he made a couple cakes this morning and put them in the display cases hoping to lure people in to buy them but they’ve been untouched!! so he’s just going to pack up all the leftovers of the day and deliver it to the food bank
hopefully they’ll enjoy all his delicious treats.,.., that they’re getting for free.,,.., even though he would much rather prefer getting compensated for his hard work
do you SEE how beautifully braided the puff pastry is for his apple tarts???????
since no one seems to be buying baked goods at this hour jin decided to close up a little earlier tonight
he’s going to clean up a little bit and do some prepping for tomorrow (his secret to the best chocolate chip cookies is chilling the dough overnight) and then he’s going to pack up all the leftovers and deliver them and thEn he’s finally going to go home and maybe order some dinner or something
as he flips the sign to ‘closed’, he-
“jeSUS fuCJK-“ jin jumps thirty feet in the air when someone suddenly slams up against the glass doors
“oh- oh no- nonONoOnONONO- oh, please- please, google said that you’re not closing for like another fifteen minutes, please, you haVe to help me i nEED a cake-“
thank god the doors are locked because whoever you are you seem INSANE
“i’m sorry, i’m closing up for the night!” jin replies and gives you a shrug “come back tomorrow! i open at 7am sharp-“ jin immediately stops talking when he notices your eyes starting to well up with tears
oh god
he didn’t mean to make you cry!!
why are you crying????
is 7am not early enough for you??
“i- um, i mean i guess i could open at 6:30 but to be honest i might pass out while frosting your cake that early because my beauty sleep is-“
“no, you don’t understand- it’s my friend’s birthday tonight a-and we’re throwing him a surprise party and i was supposed to get the cake for him because that was the task that namjoon- he’s another one of my friends - that he assigned to me but i- well, i wrote it down on my hand but then i washed my hands and then i kinda forgot about it but that was two weeks ago and now i have to get yoongi - that’s the birthday boy - i have to get him his special cake otherwise namjoon’s going to be so upset with me and-“ your mouth is running like a motor and jin can barely keep up with this story because you keep throwing in new details and also it’s hard to hear you through the glass
something something birthday cake something surprise party something bukjoon something something
you know what
you made a fair point
he iS technically still open so he’ll let you in
(and also you’re
,,. kind of cute so there’s that)
a fat tear threatens to roll down your cheek as you continue to blubber and jin holds a finger up
you immediately shut up and jin offers you a smile before opening the door “i’ll help you if you stop crying.”
you nod quickly and reach up to wipe at your drippy eyes
your nose has gone a little pink and your eyes are glossy and jin can’t help but find that even moRe endearing
“now - what did you need?” jin asks calmly as he leads you towards the front counter
“a birthday cake.” you sniffle before clearing your throat
“okay! that’s easy. a birthday cake is doable!” jin claps his hands together after he makes his way behind the counter “see? nothing to get teary-eyed over, darling!”
okay woAh
he’s not sure where the pet-name came from
it just rolled off his tongue so naturally!!!
you hiccup and your nose twitches and jin feels his heart pit-a-pat in his chest
o boy
“but i- it has to be four layers and it has to be chocolate confetti chocolate confetti and then i need blue- light blue buttercream frosting in between the layers and
 and i think dark blue buttercream around- or maybe it’s dark blue in between and light blue around-“ you start to ramble again and jin’s eyes widen
this birthday cake might not be that doable after all
usually he just has to write ‘happy birthday ____!’ on top of a cake and maybe make some pretty frosting roses on top and that’s it
“how about-“ jin interrupts you agAin with a gentle smile, “how about i get you a pen and paper and you can list out all the requirements for this special cake? in the meantime, i’ll heat up a cup of my homemade strawberry milk for you and- are you a fruit person or a chocolate person?”
“chocolate?” you pull a chair out from a table and drag it over so that you’re sitting right by the front counter “i like milk chocolate.”
“lucky for you, i use milk chocolate for my chocolate mousse cake. do you like whipped cream?” jin asks as he slides a notepad and pen over to you
you nod before offering him a shy smile
so far so good
your cake actually isn’t that complicated! it just has a loT of different pieces that have to be put together
and it’s a good thing jin still has some pans of cake that he baked this morning (usually he bakes the cakes in the morning and then lets them rest for the night and then he frosts them the neXt morning so that it’s ready for his customers)
unfortunately he didn’t have any confetti cake so instead he replaced it with plain vanilla cake and then in the blue frosting he threw in a whole handful of sprinkles
and the buttercream frosting is easy to make because he makes them by the buCket so all he had to do was dump food dye in it
and he knows about your time limit so he’s working as quickly as possible
he really wants to strike up a conversation with you but a) he needs to focus and b) for some reason he can’t seem to turn his usual boyish charm on with you because you seem so
and you seem to have calmed down from earlier
you’re still working through the chocolate mousse cake and-
jin’s lips press together in a poor attempt to suppress his smile when he notices whipped cream on the corner of your mouth
you seem to be enjoying the cake which is a good thing
“this whipped cream is like, really good-“ you look over at jin (you asked for his name when he first started putting the cake together and just like that the name of his bakery suddenly made sense) ((and now that you think about it it’s actually a pretty clever name so braVo to him!!)) “what brand is it from?”
“oh, it’s- i actually make my own whipped cream, so it’s my own recipe.” jin smiles proudly and stands up a little straighter
“what do you put in here that makes it so good??” you wonder out loud as you scrape some off the top of the cake before sucking it off your pointer finger
“it’s easy, i pretty much just-“ jin suddenly stops whipping the frosting before narrowing his eyes at you playfully “actually, that’s for me to know and for you to nEver find out. how do i know you’re not from some rival bakery??”
“-if i was from a rival bakery i think i’d probably be able to make this cake on my own. instead i came to you and started crying when you said you were closed for the night.” you raise a brow before narrowing your eyes baCk at jin
“touchĂ©.” jin snorts as he starts to pipe the message on the top of the cake “so, um-“ he clears his throat and glances over at you briefly “this yoongi - he’s your boyfriend, you said?”
“yoongi?” you laugh lightly before shaking your head, “no, no way. yoongi is not my boyfriend. god, that’d be
. nO, yoongi is not my boyfriend.” you wipe your mouth with a napkin before dropping it on the plate
“right, right- and namjoon is-“
“namjoon is dEFINitely not my boyfriend- i don’t have a boyfriend, so-“ you lean back against the chair as you watch jin slowly piping out yoongi’s name
“ah, i see, i see.” jin nods in understanding
a moment of silence goes by

he doesn’t know how to continue this conversation
when did he get so awKWARd at flirting????
maybe if he tries to sell you a box of cupcakes like he did with those tourists he’ll become charming again
“do you have a- is there, like, a mrs sweet kimfecjins-“

and it’s just hitting him that yoU seem to be just as awkward as him when it comes to subtle flirting
“well, if you play your cards right you might just end up with that title, darling.”
your cheeks immEDiately go bright red and jin can’t help but smirk to himself
he’s still got it
“thank you so much for doing this at the last minute, you’re a literal life saver-“ you gush as you dig through your purse for your wallet
there are approximately 18 minutes left until the clock strikes niNE so if you drive as crazily as you did when getting hEre then you should make it back to the party before namjoon gets the chance to bite your head off
“oh, you know what?” jin shakes his head as he makes sure the cake is secure in the box “you can just take the cake - i feel like you’ve been through enough, so this one’s on me.”
“what?? no, i can’t do that to you! it’s such a nice cake!! i can’t just take it-“
“how about-“ jin stops you before you can get into another one of your five minute rambles (you seem to do that a lot) “how about in return for the cake, you let me take you out on a date?”
you blink owlishly at him and jin beams when he sees colour rising to the apples of your cheeks once again
“you- you want to take me out on a date?”
“the journey to becoming mrs sweet kimfecjins has to start somEwhere-“ jin jokes lightly before shaking his head “if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine, but i’m still going to give you the cake on the hous-“
“no, i want to!” you blurt out a little toO enthusiastically before clearing your throat and rEELing it way back “i mean- yeah, a date sounds nice
 or whatever.”
“or whatever?” jin teases as he slides the box over to you “i wrote my cell number on the back of the receipt, so
 text me, or whatever. let me know when you’re free and we can sort something out.”  
good lord
jin seems to know the way to a woman’s stomach aND her heart
‘i scrape fresh vanilla beans into the whipped cream - that’s what makes it so yummy! there’s also another ingredient but i’ll tell you what it is on our date. see you soon, darling. -your favourite very super unbelievably handsome baker, jin’
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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leiasfanaccount648 · 5 years ago
The 3 Times Kenma Didn’t Get What You Wanted for Your Bday & the 1 Time He Did
(Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: Like all friends, they remember what is most important to them, especially one another’s birthdays. However, Kenma seems to be struggling with finding you that perfect present year after year.
A/N: This is for the absolutely lovely @briswriting​!!! I’m so happy to call you my friend, that you got me into Animal Crossing, and I hope you have an amazing bday today <3 :)
Warnings/Contains: Fluff, birthdays, the tiniest amount of angst. Disclaimer, I did some research on the video games I mentioned in this but none of the release dates match up lol.
Word Count: 2033
Elementary School; 5th year
“Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!”
“Wait, what?”
Kenma looked up from his GameBoy as he heard people talking by the door of the classroom. He saw one of his neighbors that he had bet through Kuroo talking to some of her friends and receiving some gifts and snacks from them.
Kenma looked at the desk in front of him and saw a few more trinkets and such from people in other classes. They may not have known each other for that long, but (Y/N) was the first friend of his that actually wanted to play video games rather than volleyball like Kuroo.
(Y/N) was nice, and had great taste in games; he would gladly call her his friend. So what do friends of a couple months get one another for their birthdays?
“Good morning, Kenma!” (Y/N) brought him out from his thoughts as she walked over and sat down at her desk, facing him with a bright smile. “What’re you playing?” She peered over his desk to try and catch a glimpse at what game was on the screen.
“I, um,” Kenma glanced down at his GameBoy as Pokemon: Red and Blue was still playing. He didn’t get to answer as (Y/N) already saw the screen with a gasp.
“Are you about to play the battle against Professor Oak?”
Kenma couldn’t explain it, but he felt his heart jump at her knowledge of the game. He knew that she played it, but he thought that she had just gotten it a couple weeks ago. “Yeah, I am.” He smiled shyly and quickly paused the game so he could talk to her properly. “Happy birthday, by the way. I’m sorry, but I didn’t get you anything.”
(Y/N) shook her head, waving her hands in front of her as well. “No, no! It’s totally fine! Trust me, you didn’t have to get me anything.” She smiled, moving her hair out of her face shyly. “Honestly what I keep getting from my friends gets to be too much of a hassle.”
Kenma smiled a little, finding her reasoning quite amusing; however he could tell during lunch she definitely enjoyed eating the cookies that someone had made her. He tried to think of something he could do for her, but he trusted her word to not worry too much. Besides, there was always next year.
Middle School; 3rd year
It was late, almost too late to Kenma’s liking as he had just finished volleyball practice and wanted to do nothing than go home and finally get some rest before the weekend started tomorrow. However, he had one last thing to do.
Kenma had been hearing (Y/N) raving about the game for weeks, and he had managed to get it pre-ordered and delivered the day that it came out. Now he stood outside her apartment, hoping that she would like it.
He texted her to come to her door, and it was obvious that she was confused, but did so nonetheless. She smiled as she saw him, about to greet him, but he beat her to it, holding out a small, wrapped box for her to take.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N).”
“Oh my god, Kenma you didn’t!” (Y/N) grinned wide as she noticed the shape of the wrapped box her friend had handed her. She opened it without hesitation, expecting to see Pokemon X and Y, but instead saw Animal Crossing: New Leaf. She felt touched that he remembered how much she wanted that game, but still looked up at Kenma with sorrow.
“Kenma, I am so sorry,” she laughed nervously, starting to feel guilty. “But my parents got me the game already along with a new 3DS.” (Y/N) knew that there was no way that he could have known, but she felt guilty nonetheless over the fact that Kenma had spent his money to get her the game.
Kenma on the other hand felt nothing but embarrassment. He realized his mistake and that he should have asked her parents if she was going to be getting the game. “I’m sorry. I should have asked if there was more than just that game that you wanted.”
Like she did back in elementary school, she shook her head. “No, you’re fine, Kenma.” She laughed softly to try and lighten the mood, but she could still tell that Kenma felt awkward about getting her a game that she had been gifted not 3 hours ago. Then she smiled. “Wait! Now that you have the game, we can play it together!”
Kenma tilted his head a little, confused. “I thought it wasn’t a multiplayer game.”
“It’s not, but we can still keep up with one another’s progress and stuff. It’ll be like when we play Pokemon and see who can defeat the boss quicker!”
Although it wasn’t Kenma’s ideal choice of game style, he still kept the game and played with (Y/N) both online and while they hung out together. Soon enough, he became addicted and got a whole level ahead of (Y/N) despite their agreement to build their islands and such together.
High School; 2nd Year
It was raining after school, and Kuroo had decided to cancel practice due to the weather scheduled to get worse throughout the evening. Kenma felt grateful for two reasons. One, he could go home and finish his homework early before playing some more Animal Crossing. Two, he could see (Y/N) before she had her club and give her the batch of his mom’s homemade brownies that he promised her a few days ago.
Kenma was on his way towards the room where he knew she would be at, however he didn’t expect her to be sitting outside the door. He saw her phone in hand along with her backpack leaning against her. Then he caught sight of her face and rushed over as soon as he saw the tears in her eyes. “(Y/N)?”
(Y/N) looked up at the sound of her name, instinctively reaching up to wipe below her eyes before putting on the best smile she could muster at the last second. “Kenma!” She chuckled and stood up quickly to straighten herself out. “What’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at practice?”
“Kuroo cancelled it due to the weather planning to get worse. So I decided to bring you the brownies since you said you wanted them for your birthday.” Kenma reached into his bag and pulled out a small container that contained the sweets. (Y/N) didn’t say another word, just stepping forward and bringing him into a hug.
Kenma froze as she did so, not sure how to react. “(Y-Y/N)?”
“Just,” she took a deep breath to keep from letting out any tears. “Let me have this, please?”
Kenma looked at her, wondering what it was that was causing her to be so upset, but he knew that she would tell him on her own time. For now, all he did was hug her and he practically felt the tension and nerves in her body melt away, ignoring how his heart raced rapidly due to her being so close and for so long.
That year, Kenma was the only one who had remembered (Y/N)’s birthday.
College; 1st year
It was a couple days before (Y/N)’s birthday and Kenma was stressing beyond belief. Ever since high school, Kuroo he had begun to realize that he had developed feelings for her and he never knew how to express them into words or actions. 
He remembered the day that Kuroo pointed it out to him because they were playing an online game together and Kenma had managed to lose against both him and Bokuto. Needless to say it was obvious that something was bothering him and Kuroo needed to know (even if he already did).
Either way, he wanted to do what he thought would make her happy for her birthday. Some had been flops while others he felt like haven’t been the right gift, but he still did what he could.
This year however, he wanted to know exactly what she wanted.
The two of them were in the middle of playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons when Kenma thought he’d just ask via the game while they were fishing on his island.
‘btw, what do u want 4 ur bday?’
Since they were at different universities and couldn’t physically see each other, (Y/N) assumed that he would just craft/give her something in the game.
‘a cat to cuddle & love 4ever’
Kenma chuckled at her reply, smiling to himself as he typed out one himself, but (Y/N) added another response.
‘even though it’s not in the game XD’
Kenma froze for a moment as he realized how (Y/N) interpreted his question. But he still got an answer and wasn’t going to take it for granted. He quickly got on his laptop and pulled up Amazon. Lucky for him, he found a cat plushie that he knew (Y/N) would like that would arrive the day before her birthday.
On the fateful day, Kenma headed to her dorm as he knew she was spending her birthday on a different day with her family and would most likely be cooped up side playing games (much like himself). Once he messaged her to come outside and was met with a ‘read’ text, he knew she was on her way down to greet him. When (Y/N) saw him with the stuffed cat in his arms, she ran over and hugged him tightly as she could.
Kenma almost lost his footing and fell, but he managed to stay standing and hug her back. “I know what you said you wanted a cat, but I didn’t want you to get kicked out of your dorm.”
(Y/N) laughed, shaking her head at his words before pulling away. She also took the cat plushie from him to get a better look at it before holding it in her arms. She smiled shyly at him. “Kenma, I was talking about you.”
“Wait, what?” Kenma’s eyes widened, repeating the words she said a couple days ago in his head. He felt his cheeks start to turn pink as (Y/N) spoke up again.
“All I wanted was to spend my birthday with you.” She glanced to the side, starting to feel flustered. “You’ve been my best friend for years and you’re so nice and considerate, not to mention cute,” she giggled, pausing briefly. “It’s practically impossible for anyone not to be around you and,” she met his gaze again. “I like you, Kenma.”
Kenma didn’t know when he did or what made him think it was a good idea, but he reached out with one hand and held the back of her head as he pulled her in for a kiss, which she gladly returned a second later. Once he pulled away, he smiled shyly as though silently apologizing for being so straightforward and sudden.
“Uh,” Kenma cleared his throat, letting go of her so she could have some space. “Would you like to go get some dinner?” It was obvious that he wasn’t sure what to say or do at the moment.”
(Y/N) simply shook her head, reaching for his hand and leading him into the building in which she stayed at. “I’d much rather spend my birthday eating takeout and playing video games with you. How does that sound?”
“But, it’s your birthday.” Kenma followed her to the elevator, still holding her hand.
“Exactly, so that means we’re going to do what I want.” (Y/N) giggled and kissed his cheek before stepping inside the elevator with him and pressing the button for her floor. “And I want to cuddle you while we eat and play Animal Crossing together.”
Kenma smiled, squeezing her hand to let her know his thoughts on her plans for the rest of the evening. “Sounds like a plan.” He was thankful that he decided to bring his Nintendo Switch with him.
“Oh, and that means that I want all of the turnips you bought yesterday, too.”
“Wait what?”
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lokilickedme · 4 years ago
Submitted by @fudgemuffinanon
Ok I think I’m up to date
1. HOLY SHIT WOMAN! You had Covid and just learned about it? How did you find out? Was it with a test? And you handled the asshat at the grocery store way better than I would have. I’m not patient, nor diplomatic, and I have major RBF syndrome
 The temper goes with the face more ofter than I care to admit

2. Your grandmother’s story was incredible. I know you don’t need another project but this could be a beautiful book. No fandom incorporated, just her story.
3. As @mollage said, the Universe is after you! But you may be one of the strongest woman I know, going through all your adventures with that attitude. Thank you Elizabeth for passing down your fiery spirit!
4. With everything that happened to you in the last few weeks, I can’t expect you to write anything. I’ll just wait and take what you give us. Fuck, I just have to deal with Baby Girl’s online school - Big Boy is responsible enough to deal with his class mostly alone - and I have to tell her to go back to the computer every 5 minutes and I’m going NUTS! And we have one more month to go

Ontario has been in stay-at-home order since April 8th, and non-essential stores MAY reopen mid-June at 15% capacity and outdoor activities in small groups MAY resume IF we have 60% of population vaccinated with their first dose. We’re about 58% now according to Health Minister but they stopped giving Aztra as first dose, so all the pharmacies that could give it now can’t. There’s a lot less Pfizer and Moderna doses available so I don’t know how fast it will happen. But it means I will most likely get my second dose quicker than August. Yay me! Second phase won’t happen until we get 70% 1st dose vaccination. So we’re stuck for a while. We’re going out in the woods for walks once in a while so we don’t get too close to people but I want to go to a fabric store sooooo bad!! I’m done picking ticks off hubby everytime we get out.  And I’m running out of crafts to learn on youtube. 
Ok, enough ranting
  gotta go finish knitting Baby girl’s bday gift. A 6" turtle. With clothes. And a shawl. And boots. Yeah
 Love ya!
Yup. All four of us had covid back in November of 2019, before it broke wide and before anyone really knew it was in the US. Husband was able to track it back to a coworker who’d returned from a family visit to China (he works with a large community of Asian Americans who travel back and forth a lot). The coworker came home sick, and shortly after that our household got the worst “flu” any of us have ever had (that was what we thought it was, a weirdly violent flu that hit each of us differently). I’ve never been sicker in my life, my husband thought I was going to die and he claims I told him to just let me go if it looked like I wasn’t going to make it. I’m pretty sure I meant it
it was that bad. I may have actually requested an assist to the other side at one point.
So anyway, a little while later it broke wide and when the symptom lists started coming out we started wondering if that wasn’t what we’d had. Husband finally a few weeks ago went and talked to the guy that had come back sick from overseas and the guy said “Oh yeah, I had the covid, did you get it too?”
By that time there had been approximately 150 known cases at husband’s workplace and six confirmed deaths from it. Grrrr.
At this point it was too late for us to get confirmed, but husband contacted a friend in Colorado who is a covid specialty ER nurse and described our symptoms and the timeframe of our illness to her. She said we absolutely had it - she’d had it too during that same timeframe, before it broke wide and before anyone knew what it was.
So now all my lingering weird-ass symptoms make sense. Big and Little are fine, they don’t seem to have any long-term problems, though I’m keeping an eye on them (especially Big). Husband is fine as well. Me? I took it in the seat of the pants, but like I was telling someone the other day, as soon as one of the longhaul clinics sets up here I’m gonna be there.
The putz in the grocery store was nothing unusual for here. What really gets me is the way people glare at us for continuing to wear masks - it’s almost scary. WTF is wrong with people.
Glad you liked my grandma’s story. Honestly I don’t know enough to write a book about her without having to speculate on a lot of in-between stuff because she was a very secretive person (probably for a good reason tbh) but what a tale it would be. She was a mess :D My mother has always been mad at me for taking after her - she never liked my grandmother much, there was some bad blood between them from decades back, and yeah that’s kind of a good story too lol
Ah, speaking of writing, I’m going to toss out a short chap of that silly self indulgent side-thing for The Department tonight (probably as soon as I send this reply off) and then I’m shooting for a chapter of the actual fic tomorrow at some point. Taking advantage of the husbandary absence (yes I know that’s not a word but it works)
I feel ya on the homeschooling - the boys finished their semester two weeks ago and the stress of that final week for Big (9th grade) was insane.
I wish we were under a stay-at-home order, but where I live hardly anyone obeyed it when we WERE. I love living here but I swear sometimes the people make me want to move off-planet just to find a higher intelligence demographic.
Anyway, I gotta see this turtle when you’re finished with it. You mentioned it so now you gotta show it. I’m going to bug you every day until you provide pictures because even though I can crochet a blanket like nobody’s business I cannot crochet a doll to save my own ass. Gonna have to rely on you for that ;P
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years ago
part two to happiness
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warning: cussing. soulmate!au
word count: 4,060
a/n: here’s part one ~ part three 
bravado:ïżœïżœ(n) a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
“Can we talk?”
You drove ahead ignoring the voice that seemed to be a constant nag in your life. Your eyes focused straight ahead as you gripped your case in your hands.
Cold. Unmoving. Stubborn.
You refused to give Todoroki your time of day as the both of you were called in for what would be the last time as Hero Work students.
“Y/n, come on,” His voice pleads slightly. It was a tone that you would never have expected to hear from Todoroki of all people, but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to hear it from him. “You can’t ignore me forever you know.”
You’re fed up.
Turning on your heel, you glare at your soulmate who had been walking at your heels. His eyes widening as your eyes locked with him.
“I told you not to fucking talk to me.” You seethe lowly. Todoroki didn’t speak as you licked your lips, your mouth feeling dry. “You agreed that night not to talk to me. I am letting you and Yaomomo live the rest of your lives fucking happy together, and you’re telling me that you want to talk?” You shake your head in disbelief as a cold chuckle escapes your lips. “Should I make my name turn gold on your wrist and forever hold your name in black? Is that what you fucking want Todoroki?!”
Your tone becomes too hurt, your true emotions bubbling to the surface. “I get it I’m not Yaoyorozu Momo! I don’t have money, status, and I don’t fucking have your heart! Stop trying to make yourself feel less guilty because guess fucking what! If you feel guilty? If you feel sorry for me?!”
Your chest is flying in a horrible rhythm as Todoroki just stares at you. His voice fails him, but you’re not quite done yet. You step closer to him, your finger jabbing against his chest as your eyes squint, your voice an almost growl, “I don’t want you to fucking apologize! I want the guilt to eat you alive. I want you to drown in your thoughts like I drowned in mine.” Angry and bitter tears welled in your eyes, and yet they refused to fall. “I deserve so much better than some shitty soulmate the universe chose for me. I hope you’re happy.” You smile.
Your cheeks are stiff, your lips are too tight.
“Just forget I exist.”
Even though you were searching for happiness, you still didn’t have it.
Seven Months Later
Morning routines were now a must for you.
First, you wake up and remove any ice packs and heat pads from any sore muscles. Second, you climb out of bed, your arms stretching well above your head as moans leave your mouth. Third, you removed the wristband that lay permanently on your left wrist at home. You walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind you as you turned on the light. Your eyes focusing on your reflection as you get ready for the day. Hair up, wash your face, brush your teeth, and use the restroom. You stepped back out as you grabbed a tube of foundation, and you looked down at your wrist.
Seven months after finding the person you were meant to be with, and the ink was still black. Except for Momo and whoever it was who had rejected her, it seemed that you and Todoroki were the only soulmates in the world to still have black ink after five months.
Seven months of routinely applying foundation onto your wrist. Forever obscuring the black letters that reminded you of your failed love. A promise to keep Todoroki happy.
The person that should have been yours but who decided that someone else was better.
Next, you changed into your hero outfit. Your costume fits perfectly, and the new addition of forearm guards helped to keep your secret hidden. Then, you stared at yourself in the mirror, a smile coming onto your face because you were happy. After seven months you were now a Pro-Hero who made people feel safe. You were happier now; happiness had somewhat found you after weeks of feeling broken.
Finally, you left.
Your bare feet hit the wood of the floor almost silently. Your body making it’s way over to your bed as you pressed a soft kiss to the still sleeping man.
“I’ll be back later tonight.” You whisper even though you don’t expect an answer.
Arms, however, wrap around you tightly. They yank you into the bed, and you squeal in surprise. Your protests are silenced as his body envelopes you, keeping you locked into place as chapped lips press softly against your temple.
“I don’t think I’m going to let you go,” He whispers to you. “I’m perfectly okay with you in my arms like this.”
“I have to go to work!” You laugh as you put on a weak attempt to squirm out of his arms.
“But I want to have you in my arms.”
“If I get in trouble, you’re so getting the blame for it!” You laugh as you look up at his smiling face.
Blond, bright, and sunny.
Kaminari’s bedhead made your heart squeeze a bit as you grinned at him.
“I just want my beautiful girlfriend to love me with all her heart before her soulmate steals her away from me any day!”
“And your soulmate?” You giggle as he presses a sweet and soft kiss against your lips.
“My soulmate is probably not in existence.” Kaminari sighs as his lips leave yours.
“Who says mine is!” You tease as you stroke your fingers through his tangled mess. “What if my soulmate doesn’t want me and I can stay with you?”
“You’re entirely too amazing to not have a soulmate, first of all. Second of all, whoever is your soulmate would be an actual idiot to deny someone like you.” Kaminari explains as his mouth grazes yours softy.
“What if I want to stay with you?”
“I’d probably piss my pants.”
“You are too, but here I am loving you.” Kaminari chuckles as you roll your eyes. His mouth moving to press kisses against your face in a lovingly way.
“I love you, Denki, but I really need to go to work now.” You say against his peppering lips. “I just need to
” His lips press against your soft neck and your mind goes blank.
A small electrical shock shoots through your body. The sensation stirring you from your haze.
“I think it’s cute you’re so responsive and all, but you should get going.”
“You’re a fucking tease.” You pout but nonetheless roll out of bed.
You stare at your boyfriend, the lopsided grin on his face endearing as he stretches. Your eyes trail down his body. Staring at the muscles you wanted to ravish at this moment before he clicked his tongue.
“Down horny girl, go to work!” Kaminari smirks as he points at the door. “I’m going back to sleep!”
Your eyes roll as you walk away, finally leaving to work.
“Have a good day!” Kaminari shouts after you. “I love you, y/n!”
“I love you too, dumbass.”
mina: hey, are you and kaminari coming to kiri’s bday dinner tonight?
you: we are! why?
mina: kami never confirmed, smh. okay! see you guys here then, everyones coming!
You stared at the word everyone, the word making you go numb.
While you held no more feelings towards your soulmate, you didn’t want to see him. You didn’t want to have to face him. After graduating, you had gone to Miruko to ask about when you two would no longer be working in junction with Endeavor.
Miruko had been all for it thankfully. She had thrown a strong guy pose as she exclaimed about you being tough enough to fight without help. Thus the working relationship with Endeavors agency had concluded.
Twisting your mouth you placed down your phone as you sighed softly. Your fingers sweat at the thought of not being able to avoid Todoroki. Could you really stand a full night of being amicable to a man you didn’t want to be pleasant to? The few days of school you had following the grand reveal had been hard, the two of you were entirely too strained and unfriendly with each other. You couldn’t act that way tonight, you knew that
 but could you manage to do it?
A strong hand came slamming down on your shoulder, interrupting your spiraling thoughts as you whipped your head around.
“Are ya okay?” Miruko asked with a raised eyebrow. “You’re being weird and depressed. We need to head out soon though and I can’t have you on the field if you’re gonna be weird.”
You laugh softly as you rub your neck, your chest tight despite the easy-going smile on your face.
“I’ll be okay, I promise!” You say, patting her arm softly as if she was the one who wasn’t okay. “Just going to be meeting up with all of my old classmates tonight. It’ll be the first time since graduation night we’re all able to make it.”
“You’re gonna go see all those squirts?” Miruko laughed as she crossed her arms above her chest. “Well, as long as you still show up tomorrow on time I could care less.”
The resulting snort from your nose makes you groan, “You’re the worst.”
“Oh hush, you do better when I bully you anyway!”
“I don’t think we’ve ever been here before.” You whistle as you look at the house where Kirishima’s party was being held.
It was going to be the twenty of you at this celebration. Your eyes glanced back at Kaminari who was currently pulling into the driveway. His hand holding yours as you looked around. The house was extremely nice; too nice for someone who had just turned nineteen.
“It’s Yaomomo’s,” Kaminari spoke, responding to your internal thoughts as he glanced at you. His yellow eyes glowing with joy as you nodded your head. “We were here the other day for Iida’s birthday.”
You nodded your head in realization. You had missed Iida’s birthday dinner because you had been held up at work that night.
“Do you think everyone’s here yet?” You ask as you see the different cars parked in the entrance. “Are we really always the last ones to arrive?” You laugh as Kaminari parks the car.
“We could be the first ones to arrive, but you’re never ready to leave on time!” Kaminari teases you as you both climb out of the car. You held onto the birthday gift the two of you had bought for Kirishima.
“I’m never on time because you take forever getting out of the bathroom!” You complain as the both of you walk hand in hand to the front door. The doorbell chiming as Kaminari pressed it.
Anxiety shot through you again as you tensed in his hold. Kaminari pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, the contact gratifying as your eyes close. Every worry is temporarily forgotten. As the door opens, your eyes fall back open. Your grin returning to your face as it’s Mina who opens the door.
“You guys finally decided to show up!” Mina exclaims as she launches herself into your arms.
“Sorry Mina, y/n took forever as always!” Kaminari apologizes as he gives the pink hero a hug before walking into the house.
“Alright, so a lot has happened since we last saw each other,” Mina exclaimed with a dreamy look in her eyes.
“I know you’re engaged, Mina.” You laugh as the two of you enter the house.
“But you haven’t seen the ring in person yet!”
You talked with your best friend as you went around the house greeting and hugging everyone. Your nerves made your skin crawl, but you still hadn’t seen Todoroki.
Momo was the last person you saw, her smile kind and warm as she embraced you.
Momo is your friend, you repeated over and over again as the creation hero chatted with you about what was happening in her life. Your smile felt fake again as you nodded about all the good that she had been able to achieve so far. Three minutes into the conversation, it felt as if it were eight months before. When you weren’t bitter towards your friend. When you were hopeful for whoever your soulmate was. You knew that Momo had no idea that you were Todoroki’s soulmate, or at the very least, she was doing an extremely good job at hiding it.
Her left-hand trailed to scratch her cheek as you and Mina stood before her listening to her stories with awe. Then something caught your attention. A simple yet elegant band sitting on her ring finger.
“Y-You’re engaged.” You stammer unintentionally as you stare at her hand.
Momo’s eyes look almost confused before her eyes snap to the ring on her finger, a pink blush overcoming her. Mina’s mouth dropped as she began screaming, but you fell silent. It seems that they had noticed yet, and suddenly your entire class was surrounding the three of you. Several hands stretching to take a glimpse of the ring on her finger.
Your world spun as you stumbled back into Kaminari who held your shoulder. You watched as his jaw dropped in his joy for Momo. The love and excitement in everyone’s eyes were so obvious, and it was so evident you felt as if you were an intruder.
It felt ghastly, could that have been you?
You push away from the crowd, but they don’t seem to notice you walking away.
His name burns against your skin as you walk out of the house and sit onto the porch.
It’s cold, chilly and quiet, yet you feel hot as you attempt to still your beating heart.
You thought were happy.
You believed you had found happiness.
So why were you feeling like this?
You deserved someone who wanted you as you were.
You needed someone who wanted you. They shouldn’t care about the universe’s influence like how Todoroki chose Momo without being fated. Guiltily, stubbornly, and pathetically, you wanted to be needed like that.
Yet despite your dumb wallowing, no tears came to your eyes as you stare blankly at the cars.
“You okay?” A voice asks from behind you.
 overwhelmed.” You admit as you look behind you to see Kaminari who looks very concerned.
“Why’s that?” He asks you, sitting down beside you. He puts an arm around you and you sigh as you lean your head against his shoulder.
“Pretty soon all the girls will be engaged and I won’t be.” You lie and sigh. “It’s just weird.”
It’s silent for a while as the two of you sit there, staring at the scenery before you. Neither one of you knowing what to say. Despite everything, you craved to tell Kaminari about Todoroki and Momo being faux soulmates. Something inside you wished for them to no longer be happy, but you knew that it was petty and childish of you to think so.
“This entire soulmate thing is bullshit though,” Kaminari whispers to you, pulling you from your thoughts. “Some universal being decides that a single person in our life is supposed to be the person meant for us? Based on what exactly? Am I supposed to believe that my soulmate when they’re eighteen is going to be the same person when they’re eighty? Will I love them that entire time? Would I love them? Or is it because this dumb thing told us so? Do we really fall in love with our soulmates organically? I believe some people fall in love with theirs because of the dumb tattoo, which makes knowing who your soulmate worthless.”
Your eyes flutter towards Kaminari as you grin softly. Your boyfriend really surprised you at times. “That’s very insightful of you, Denki. Where’d you steal it from?” you tease as you press a kiss to his cheek.
“It was on a t-shirt I found at Hot Topic.” Kaminari chuckled as he nuzzled his nose into your cheek. Your resulting giggles lightening the mood.
“I knew it.” You sigh as Kaminari presses a kiss to your lips.
It’s gentle, sweet, and soft.
Your eyes closed as his lips dance with yours, your heart fluttering as you press closer.
Kaminari cups your face, his head tilting against yours as your mouths share secrets with each other.
You pull away as soon as his tongue pokes against your lower lip, your eyes rolling as you laugh. “Easy there, horny boy.” You say as your fingers tangle into his hair. “We’re in public, and it’s not our place.”
“You think I won’t fuck you in front of all of them?”
Your face twists as you shove him, “I would never let you do that, nasty.”
Kaminari’s sweet laughter makes you grin as he pulls you back into a gentle embrace.
There you two sit, enjoying each other embrace as his hands take yours into his.
Everything’s calm, peaceful and serene.
Your fingers tracing against his palm as everything feels okay again.
That is until Kaminari suddenly tensed, and a bright white light overcame the two of you.
Kaminari trembled in your hold as your eyes widen, soft gasps escaping his mouth as he crumbled against you. Your eyes looked immediately at his left wrist and the weirdest sense of elation and nausea hit you.
There was a name.
It was just a name, and yet you found yourself peeling away from his touch and shifting away from him. Your right hand unconsciously rubbing your right wrist.
” Kaminari whispers as his eyes look so at peace. “Was that—”
You nod your head, a small and happy smile on your face as you point at his left wrist before continuing to rub. “Who’s the lucky person?” You ask as Kaminari stares at the black ink.
“It doesn’t matter,” He says as he drops his hand. “I’m with you right now. What I said about soulmates doesn’t change just because I have one now.”
“It’s not going to hurt my feelings, you know?” You laugh as you nudge your maybe-ex-boyfriend. “I know you better than you think Denki! Even if you don’t agree with soulmates, you want yours.”
Kaminari stares at you, his eyes are obviously full of sorrow for you.
“Their name, dork.” You press as you smile broader. If there was anyone in this world who deserved a soulmate, it was Kaminari Denki.
His yellow eyes glance down towards his wrist, and he sighs, “Her name is Jia.”
Your eyebrows raise, “I don’t know a Jia.”
“I don’t either.” He pauses. “Should we try to find her?”
“Let’s wait for her to finish high school first,” you say. “If she’s Japanese at least.”
“I don’t know how to pronounce her last name
“Oh, an international soulmate!” You gasp, and your hands cutely press against your cheeks.
“I knew I was meant to—,” Kaminari paused as he stared at your wrists. Your hands dropped as you looked at your flesh as well, your eyes widening as the black ink shone through the foundation. “Was that—?”
“No,” you interrupt, hiding your hands behind you. You shove the sleeves of your shirt further down your hands. Kaminari’s eyes search your face, his finger pointing at you.
“That was your soulmate’s name
” Kaminari blinks as his eyebrows furrow. “You have a soulmate?! Why have you been lying?!”
Kaminari’s voice wasn’t angry; it’s confused. His eyes searching yours for answers, for a clue that you had left behind. But you feel your throat thick with emotion as you shake your head. The tears are back in your eyes, and yet they still won’t fall.
“It doesn’t matter.” You whisper.
“Of course it does!” Kaminari insists. “Is it Mineta? Because if it is, I will personally make sure he never does you dirty!”
“I-It’s not Mineta!” You laugh, your fingers raking through your hair. “You know he wouldn’t have been quiet about it if it had been me.”
“Okay, true, but come on!” Kaminari leans in close, his eyes glued on yours. “Who is it, y/n?”
“No one you know,” You lie.
“Come on, you wouldn’t be hiding if I didn’t know!”
His hand snatches yours and you’re helpless as he drags your wrist into his line of view.
“Todoroki Shouto!” Kaminari cooes as he glances at the name and looks at you, his eyebrows wiggling. “Wait, what?!” He just about screams.
“Denki!” you hiss as you cover his mouth. “Shut up!”
“What about me?” A voice asks from in front of you.
It’s then that you truly feel at a loss. Your body stiffens as Kaminari is mid-lick.
Todoroki stands a few strides from the entrance, his hands holding a present as he looks at the two of you. His face is almost emotionless. It’s neutral, yet curious, as to what’s happening.
“Nothing.” You say immediately as you drop your hand. Your eyes glaring at Kaminari as you wipe his slobber onto his jeans. “You clearly misheard Denki say ‘Moroki Koto’, he's a new idol.”
“I know what my name sounds like.” Todoroki remarks as he stares at you. You can’t read the emotions in his eyes, but you don’t like being stared at by him of all people.
“Can you please explain what’s going on?” Kaminari asks as his eyes shift between the two of you. “I thought Todoroki was soulmates with Yaomomo? You can have more than one soulmate? What the hell?”
“You only have one romantic soulmate.” You whisper as you refuse to tear your gaze away from Todoroki.
“Did the universe make a mistake?” he mumbles and you shove him as you stand up.
“It did,” you say, standing up and brushing off the wrinkles in your outfit. “Right, Todoroki?”
“Y/n, that’s not—”
“NO!” You yell. You glare at him, Todoroki’s eyes widening as he looks at you. “Don’t speak unless you’re agreeing with me.”
“We can’t act like adults here?” Todoroki’s eyes roll as he steps closer to you, his eyebrows furrowed, and frown set on his lips. “I really can’t speak to you ever again? Is that how it is?”
“I don’t want to hear anything coming out of you, to be frank,” you snark as Kaminari shoots to his feet. Kaminari's hands flail as he tries to run interference.
“What’s going on?!”
“Nothing!” Todoroki and you shout in unison.
“Seven months?” you say taking a step towards him. “That’s all it took?”
“I could say the same about you.” Todoroki snaps.
“Yet here I am without a ring,” you hiss as your upper lip curls. “You really went and proposed and had the fucking balls to try and confess everything to Denki right now?”
“You don’t even know what you’re talking about!” Todoroki insists as the two of you face off. You’re so close that your noses almost brush. Despite how your heart longs for the man in front of you it's your anger that prevails.
“Is everything okay?” Momo’s voice asks.
Your head whips around for a second. You see not only the engaged woman who captured your soulmate’s heart before you had a fighting chance but everyone else. But you’re exhausted, and you’ve long given up.
You just wanted to be happy and in love, and you weren’t going to have that choice with him even with his name inked into your skin. You deserved happiness and you knew that.
It’s almost as if Todoroki is able to read your thoughts. His jaw drops to speak as you turn around, presenting his name on your wrist.
“On my birthday seven months ago, I found out that Todoroki Shouto was my soulmate. He rejected me, and now seven months later I’ve been adhering to what makes him happy. So while I do wish you, Momo, happiness and love with Todoroki, I can’t keep being unhappy for your two sakes.”
Everyone’s eyes shot over towards the engaged girl as you turn on your heel and walk away. The tears in your eyes finally drop, and yet they don’t bother you.
You’re uncaring about the shouts and clamors of the truth that was presented. Despite the guilt that bubbles in your throat because of the petty reveal you gave, you feel light.
For the first time since that night seven months ago you feel truly and completely happy.
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darkroom-wildlife · 5 years ago
Birthday Coupons | Asmodeus x MC
Alternatively titled: Happy Birthday, Asmo / Focus on Me
Word Count: 1128
Inspired by the card: Focus on Me
But pretty much inspired by Asmodeus’ birthday
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You knock lightly on the door in front of you.
“Come in.” answers the room’s occupant
You turn the doorknob and enter the room of your favorite demon, Asmodeus. You make your way behind him as he sits in front of the dresser.
“Happy Birthday, Asmo!” you exclaim, planting a kiss on his cheek
“Oh thank you so much, my darling!”
“Here, I got this for you.” You say, extending your hand to him to reveal an envelope. He opens it to see a birthday card and coupons.
“MC, you shouldn’t have! Well, yeah you definitely should, but oh! you shouldn't have!”
Laughing at the response, you tell him to open the card. It read: “To the demon who’s been my friend since day one,
the most beautiful being I have had the pleasure of seeing and getting to know,
to one of the only few brothers that hasn't tried to kill me [yet?],
from the bottom of my heart,
I love you and Happy Birthday!
Love, MC”
Asmodeus turned from his position by the dressing table to envelop you in a hug.
“You sweet little thing! You are just the cutest! You definitely got all of those right!”
You hug him back and say, “Now check the coupons, I made those myself!”
There are 6 coupons:
> Companion for the whole day (1)
> Lunch on MC (1)
> All-expences paid shopping spree (1)
> Hug (1)
> Kiss (1)
> Sleepover (1)
“They expire, so you might wanna use them up soon~” you say, giving him a wink, “If you avail of the first one, I’ll walk to school with you.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, he ripped out the first coupon and handed it to you, “Deal! This birthday boy's got to have an escort!”
You extend your arm for him to link with his but he opted to hold your hand instead. “Let’s go!"
At R.A.D., you sat next to each other. During class, you passed him a note,
“How does having me for the rest of the day sound?”
“Is this a date~?” he writes back
“It’s whatever you want it to be, birthday boy! Treat’s on me so you would be wise not to turn it down ;)”
After class, you and Asmodeus headed to town. You treated him to lunch at the poshest restaurant in the Devlidom - Ristorante Six before looking around the shops for some cute things to purchase.
As you two were on your shopping spree, when Asmo wasn’t next to you, you immediately took out your D.D.D. to send a group text to the remaining 6 residents of the House of Lamentation, reminding them of your plan for today. You receive messages of affirmation. You sigh in relief, everything was going according to plan.
You check out a few shops, and whatever he likes, you pay for. At first he was surprised but you reassured him that this was your birthday treat for him.  He feels equally spoiled and grateful to you for each item you’ve bought for him.
Inside the jewelry store, Asmodeus spotted a pair of earrings. They were circle drop earrings with one ring inside another, with a core of dangling sapphire.
Asmodeus’ eyes were drawn to the pair almost immediately. He tried it on and was checking himself out in the mirror. You peeked at the tag and then quietly made your way to the cashier, hoping the demon wouldn’t notice.
“That pair over there, please. The circle drop earrings being checked out by the strawberry-blond haired demon.” you say to the cashier, handing her your payment.
You could hear Asmodeus approach, his voice getting louder, “Oh, you found something you like already, MC? I found this gorgeous pair here but it’s crazy expensive.”
You gave him a big smile, “I didn’t but it seems you have.”
“Huh? then what did you pay for?”
“Your earrings” you say matter of factly
“EH? But, MC, this is too expensive, specially for you!”
You laugh, “It’s your birthday! Let’s just say I’ve been saving up just for you for quite some time now~ Besides, it’s part of the coupons!.”
Asmodeus’ lips quivered. He pulled you in for a tight hug. 
“Oh my darling, MC! You are just the sweetest little human in the Devildom!”
“Haha you’re welcome, Asmo! Let’s go home, I’m sure your brothers want to celebrate your special day with you.”
Upon returning home, you two were greeted with a loud ïżœïżœïżœSURPRISE!” from the rest of the demon brothers. All went according to plan it seems as dinner was hot and ready, with Asmodeus’ favorite cake by his seat at the table, waiting for him.
He blew out the candle and you all enjoyed wonderful dinner as a family. After dinner, you and the brothers gave your presents and he opened them with much delight.
After the party, you helped Asmo carry his gifts back to his room.
“Thank you, baby doll!.” Asmodeus says to you
“No probs, Asmo!” you reply
“Oh before I forget,” he says, walking over to his dressing table.
He picks up the coupons and walks back over to you.
He rips up
>Lunch on MC (1)  and
>All-expenses paid shopping spree (1)
and hands them to you.
“Thank you” you say politely, a smile on your face
“Well, I guess this is goodn-“
Before you could finish your sentence, Asmodeus rips up another coupon and hands it to you
> Hug (1)
“Oh, of course! Come here, Asmo~” you coo
He hums softly, taking you into his arms. As he rests his chin on your head, you hear him rip another coupon from behind your back.
> Kiss (1)
he gives it to you with one hand, the unoccupied arm now snaking down to your waist from your back.
Asmodeus’ expression changes. His usual airy demeanor has now been replaced with, well what better word for it than, lust.
He looks into your eyes, silently asking for your consent, and you nod. He leans in and closes the distance between the two of you. Your lips meet. At first it was soft, almost chaste, but quickly enough it evolved into something hungrier, more passionate.
Breathless, you break away for air. You see a gleam in Asmodeus' eyes as he looks at you and then back to the remaining coupon in his hand. He hands the last one to you and says,
“You do know what kind of sleepover this is going to be?”
You gulp, your mind racing.
“This is going to be a long night, huh” you exclaim
“Like you said, MC, you’re all mine for today~”
“Happy Birthday, Asmo.” you say as you grab him for another kiss
“Happy Birthday to me indeed” he replies before once again sealing your lips with his. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ah! I honestly thought I wasn’t going to get this out in time for Asmo’s bday :( I hope I made it (in other timezones lol). If you’re reading this, hi! I hope you enjoyed it! and Happy Birthday to our beautiful Avatar of Lust, Asmo!! To be honest, this, unlike my first story, had the idea before the card. My levi fic was inspired by the card itself, while this one was inspired by the occasion of Asmo’s bday :) no one asked but i just wanted to share haha
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years ago
Freddie’s 40th birthday; Freddie Mercury x reader
*Author’s note*
In honor of the legend’s 74th birthday, as apart of my Rock Angel series, I have written up this little filler chapter centered around Freddie’s birthday. It’s unbelievable that had he lived today, we would’ve been celebrating his 74th bday. But as it is said in the Sandlot ‘Heroes get remembered, but legends never die’. Happy birthday Freddie Mercury, wherever you are, know that you are loved and are continued to be loved by generations of people that are just getting to know you or people that have followed/known you when you were alive.
Enjoy my lovelies and until the next update :)
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*Sept. 7th, 1986*
I was looking myself over in the mirror seeing how my cowgirl hat looked.  It wasn’t anything fancy just a simple leather khaki hat that belonged to mum who gave it to me just for this party.  I brushed the ends of my hair before Jack came in wearing his Indiana Jones hat.
“Look at you my little cowgirl.”
“Now don’t you dare say something naughty or else you’re going to get it.” Jack faked a gasp.
“How dare you suggest I’d say such a thing.”
“Please Jack. You may look all sweet and innocent but even you can go Freddie Mercury dirty. Or worse Deacy leveled of rottenness.”
“Never did I think he could think such thoughts.”
“You do realize that his first song Misfire was all about pre-ejaculation right?”
“Okay subject change please!” I shoved him and said.
“You started it.”
“Oh shut it you. Now remind me again why you didn’t want to wear a cowboy hat?”
“You know what those hats do to me. Plus
.” He stroked the rim of his Indie hat, “this makes me look cooler.” His brow quirked as he smirked in the mirror trying to be sexy (which he was but I’ll never admit that out loud).
“But then we could’ve been a matching set at the party. Fred would’ve been all gushed up about it.”
“You know this day is about him right?”
“Correction two days ago was all about him. This is his birthday party. Thankfully it won’t be as crazy as last years. Yeesh. I still don’t remember how Roger and I ended up in that closet together.”
“Let alone with your shirt over his face.”
“Oh god yeah that—most awkward thing ever. But I think I recall saying something like ‘it’s too hot in this hellhole for me!’ Or some random thing like that. At least that’s what Deacy said he heard. God we had sooo much tequila that night. Never again.”  He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me and pecked my cheek.
“Yeah cause I wouldn’t want to think that my wife was screwing around with her father figure.”
“EWW! Now that is something I know that not even drunk me would do. Why put that image into my brain oh god JACK!!!” he laughed as I began hitting his arm.  
“Ow! Okay! Okay I’m sorry!”
“You better be. Now what time is it?”
“Shit we better get going!” I grabbed his hand and we took off out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
In the living room our sitter Derek aka ‘Dancing man’ Anderson, who was also one of my roadies on tour, was already feeding our daughter.
“Okay Derek, we’re heading out. Again thank you soo much for volunteering to babysit for me. Normally I wouldn’t ask you to do this much

“Relax (Y/n). I’ve had 3 kids so I know how this works. Thankfully I was in the neighborhood. Plus I get the chance to see the kid before the rest of the roadies do.” I shook my head at him.
Derek had been one of my first roadies ever since I became the Rock Angel.  He was about the same age as Roger was and if I’m being honest, he’s kinda like Roger in a way.  In fact if I remember correctly it was Roger’s roadie Crystal that recommended Derek to me.  He’s great with electronics and lighting and he’s basically the ringleader since he’s the only one of my original team that has stuck with me for the past five years.
“Okay so her bottles are in the fridge and I’ve laid out instructions on how to warm them up. Her bedtime is in two hours, and her favorite story is ‘Oh the places you’ll go’. And ohh I know I’m forgetting something.”
“Angel, relax. I’ve got this. Jack gave me the full rundown about an hour ago while you were deciding on your hat. Give my birthday regards to Fred.”
“We will. Thanks again Derek.” Jack said as the two of them shook hands with each other.
“No prob, you two kids have fun. And don’t worry mini Angel will be safe and sound.”
“Alright, bye baby girl. Mummy loves you.” I leaned down and pecked my daughter’s cheek repeatedly then Jack came down and kissed the top of her head which was starting to sprout my hair color and told her.
“Daddy loves you too sweetheart.” Jack and I picked up our gifts for Freddie and we walked out the door and headed to the car.
To my surprise Jack actually offered to drive to Freddie’s place at Garden Lodge.  I looked at him surprised and switched seats with him and I must admit I’m surprised that he’s managed to get driving in England down.
“Wow Jack I must say, you’ve really adapted to our way of driving, haven’t yah?”
“Well seeing you guys drive all the time kinda helped me out a bit more. Plus those old driving lessons from Deacy also helped as well.”
“So I got to ask. American style of driving or UK style of driving.”
“Oh American hands down. I still fear that I’m gonna ram into someone driving on this side of the road.”
“Guess we both feel that way. When your cousin Jensen gave me my first car driving lessons, I was terrified beyond belief. Not only was it something totally different, but also just driving on the side of the road that I’ve never driven on. But you’re doing good baby. I’m proud of you.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and he said.
“Hey now, no need to get frisky. I’m the one behind the wheel here.”
“You are just full of snappy comebacks today aren’t yah?” he grinned at me and continued to drive on.
After a while we finally arrived at Freddie’s place just ten minutes past 7.  Jack parked the car just a few yards away from the entrance of Garden Lodge and the two of us walked hand in hand towards the entrance.  I pressed the buzzer at the gate and that’s when Jim’s voice came on the intercom and he said.
“Hey Jim it’s Jack and (Y/n). We made it.”
‘Ahh the Kline couple, come right on in.’ the gate let out a buzz and Jack opened the door and tipped his hat just like Indiana Jones as he did his best Harrison Ford impression.
“My lady.”
“Why thank you Dr. Jones.” I said in my best Southern accent before walking right on in and he followed behind me.
We walked across the front garden and I couldn’t help but admire the flowers that grew down the runway towards the house.  We walked up the steps and Jack knocked on the door and soon answering the door wearing a pink boa with an angel halo on top of his head was the Queen himself, Freddie Mercury.
“Well about fucking time you two got here. I was beginning to think you both skipped out on me.”
“Please Fred. If we wanted to, you’d never let us hear the end of it.” I teased him.  He chuckled and smiled that wide smile of his before extending his arms out and the two of us hugged and kissed each other.
“And Jack. Handsome and dashing as ever.” Freddie praised.
“Thanks Fred.” Jack blushed.
“And a couple’s costume at that. I swear I think you two will upstage me. And I’m supposed to be the birthday boy here.”
“Oh well Fred actually we’re not doing a couple’s costume. At least not anymore we aren’t.”
“Oh well then Jack what kind of hat is this supposed to be?” Fred said as he stroked the rim of Jack’s Indiana Jones hat.
“Wow and I thought you would’ve at least seen at least one of the films. This is an Dr. Indiana Jones hat.”
“A doctor you say, well what the fuck kind of doctor wears that kind of hat?”
“He’s also an archeologist that goes on adventures Fred.” I explained to him.  Freddie ahhed in understandment.
“Okay now I see. Well besides all that, come on in my darlings the party’s just beginning.” Fred opened the front door wider and allowed Jack and I to enter inside.
And amazingly while there were a lot of people there, it wasn’t as full crazed as his birthday party last year.  It was mellow, quieter, people making small talk amongst friends.  It was a nice change for once (especially after the after party for the Magic tour).
The party went on and as Fred and I stood side by side of each other looking out at the other party guests I turned to him and said.
“You know I’m really surprised Fred. You really mellowed out.”
“Well darling the older you get, the less of a party animal you become. Even the champ must lose at one point.”
“All these metaphors and old saying you’ve been saying throughout this past year, I swear Fred you should be a philosopher.”
“As great as some of their sayings are, they’d be boring to meet in real life. And dear I refuse to be boring.” He playfully dipped my hat forward covering my eyes.  I groaned and playfully shoved him as I readjusted my hat.
That’s when I noticed a band on his right ring finger.
I took his hand and held it and looked up at him and asked him intrigued.
“And just what is this Fred?”
“Oh wouldn’t you like to know.” Fred teased me.
“C’mon Fred. You know as well as I that this ring isn’t like any of the old concert rings you used to wear ten years ago. So out with it.” Fred looked around before clasping my hand with his and he dragged me off upstairs where we would have some privacy.
We made it to his master suite and there I saw Delilah and Goliath both sunning themselves on the bed.
“It’s from Jim.” Freddie spoke softly as he stared down at th ring lovingly. “He gave it to my just before everyone got here. A sorta—one year anniversary present. I would wear it on my left hand if I could but—you know how people are these days when it comes to relationships. Especially with mine.”
I walked up to him and cupped his face between my hands.  He and I stared at each other and I said to him.
“I’m happy for you Fred. Truly I am. And hell if it were up to me, I’d have you and Jim married tonight if you both wanted to.”
“I know you would darling.” He very gingerly pinched my cheek.

people can be bastards. They think that sexual relationships have to be in a straight fashion. Even Johanna and Graham thought that way. Any trace of homosexuality, they’d treat them as if they were scum of the scum. They’d even tried to brainwash me into believing it as well. But thankfully I have more common sense than them or anyone else that thinks that way. Love is Love. As long as two people are happy and in love with each other, so long as they are of legal age, then it doesn’t matter.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“A lioness with a heart of gold. Your parents would be proud of you darling.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Who knows maybe one day the world can change and have people of the same sex get married. And when that day comes, I’ll be right there at your side as your Maid of honor.” Freddie softly smiled and said.
“I’ll let you plan the whole thing out if you want.”
“Good cause you know I’ve got some suggestions.”
“You did learn from the best.”
“Also I’m gonna tell you what you once told me when Jack and I first became a couple. If he breaks your heart, or makes you cry like that last bastard of a man you had, I’ll pop him off his arse till he’s in a coma.”
We both softly laughed and pecked each other’s cheeks before embracing each other tightly.  “Never change my darling Rock Angel.”
“Never Freddie. So long as you never change either.”
“With you by my side, I doubt I ever will.” We both softly laughed.
“C’mon. I’m betting everyone’s wondering where the birthday boy is at.” We took each other’s hands once more and walked out of his master suite and headed back downstairs.
Everyone gathered in the back garden as Jim, Terry and Phoebe pulled out the cake (which was sculpted into the shape of an orange, black and white patterned cat standing on a podium with its paw up in the air).
Once the sparkling candles were lit, we all sang Happy birthday to Freddie.  Freddie stood by his cake smiling and gushing about till the end of the song before finally blowing out his candles.
“I better not expect a girl wearing a cat costume to pop out and ruin this cake!” we all laughed and that’s when Jim came up to him and delicately cut the bottom part of the cake.  As Jack and I sat together I couldn’t take my eyes off of Freddie.
He was just radiating this pure energy as he chatted away with Phoebe, Jim and his other friends that he knew outside of Queen. He truly was a ray of sunshine who made everyone laugh and smile, and I am so glad that he got out of Prenter’s grasp when he did cause this this was the Freddie I knew and loved.
“He seems happier with Jim.” Jack said to me as he ate a piece of his cake.
“He does. He finally found himself a little niche in life. And I’m happy for him.”
“So they’re really together, aren’t they?” Jack asked me. Of course there wasn’t any hatred or disgust as my husband spoke those words, he genuinely wanted to know whether or not Freddie and Jim were seriously an item or not.
“They are. And I can see that it’s real love between those two. I hope they stay together for a long, long time. They’re good for each other.”
“I’ll admit it, even though I’ve never really seen a gay romance for myself. I think they really do love each other.”
“It’s just like us. Like Deacy and Ronnie, like any other straight marriage or relationship. It doesn’t matter the gender of the person so long as two people love each other and care about one another. Love is Love.”
“I can get behind that.” Jack said as he nuzzled his face into my neck making me giggle softly.
It was about an hour after sunset when the party finally came to a close.  Everyone bid their goodbyes to Freddie and when I had invited Fred and Jim to come and have tea tomorrow, that’s when I found out that they would actually be leaving for Japan tomorrow afternoon.
“Oh wow Japan. You two going on your honeymoon?” I playfully nudged Fred.
“It’s not so much a honeymoon dear. Just a way for Jim and I to get to know each other a little more without all the press and cameras stalking us.”
“Understood. Those blood-sucking leeches.”
“Tell me about it.” He grumbled.
“Well I hope you both have a safe trip and enjoy yourselves.”
“We will darling. And I’ll be sure to pick something up for the mini-angel’s birthday in a couple months. As well as a souvenir gift.”
“You know she’s still a baby right?”
“So what? Just because she’s a baby doesn’t mean I have to stop spoiling her.” I rolled my eyes and embraced Freddie and he hugged me back.
“You’re gonna drive me to early grey hair Mercury.”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous darling.” He said in a posh tone. “As I’ve always said you’re gonna be an ageless beauty. It’s me and the other guys that’ll age like milk.” I slapped his arm then we kissed each other goodbye then Jack and I took our leave.
When we arrived back home, we came in to see Derek sitting on the couch watching the news.
“How was the party?” he asked us.
“Mellow but fun. How was our girl?” Jack said.
“Barely gave me any trouble, unlike my own daughter when she was that age. The only fuss she made was when I had to change her nappie before bed.”
“She’s done that with us too. Mum hopes she’ll grow out of it soon.” I said as I walked up to him.
‘Growing cases of the AIDS and HIV virus continues to climb. So far in England alone more than 1000 confirmed deaths have occurred due to the virus
..’ I shut the TV off and muttered angrily.
“I hate the news. They never have anything positive to say. All it is is just death, gang bangs, cults, economy crashes, war, or this new virus that’s been coming up.”
“Don’t let it affect you too much Angel, you don’t need to have all that negativity floating in your head. Well I best be off.”
“Thanks again Derek, I’ll send you your payment in the morning.” I told him.
“No need. This one’s on the house. Have a good night Angel, Jack.”
“Night Derek. Drive safely.” Jack told him as Derek grabbed his coat and keys then left the house.
Jack and I changed out of our party clothes and got into our pajamas and cuddled close together.
“G’night Jack.” I yawned.
“G’night my love. Sweet dreams.” Jack whispered.  He kissed my forehead as the two of us fell asleep cuddled under the sheets.
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melchron · 4 years ago
Nightmare Time Episode 3 Thoughts
I usually save this for the end of my thoughts but I have to say this now. OMG MATT DAHAN!!! I WILL NEVER NOT BE IMPRESSED BY HIM! Usually with the episodes I catch 1 or 2 motifs but I swear I caught everyone this time. And they all fit so well. My attention was evenly split between the music and the story this time. It was so freaking good. Matt deserves all the awards like omg.
I think this is the least laggy the theme has been. Good job going all out for the last one!
I said to my mom "Did Shashona record this video?" and she did!! Great cinematography Shashona!!
I also pointed out the Tim's daddy mask. I said "Aww he's wearing a mask for his son!". I guess my mom got confused and forgot Tim's name because she thought I was talking about Dylan's (nonexistent) son.
I kind of already knew this but I love that Ethan knows cars. I just likes that he has a hobby.
Lex cares about Tom so much I love it.
That Lexthan interaction was so cute. I love how he saw she was super sorry and scared and he just stopped being mad and comforted her. They are so cute I can't handle it!!
KENDALL!!! Ok so through out this whole thing I know everyone was excited for their favorite character to come back but I really just wanted to see Kendall again. I guess after BF I assumed we would never see her again because I couldn't see them working with children becoming a normal thing. But when the original cast announcement came out I got so happy to see her name. So I was super excited to see her.
Her covering her hair with a beanie looks better than the wig
Cineplex Teen is like Larry from tawog. I guess we should start calling him Obnoxious Teen then. Until we get a name.
I love that Tim immediately likes Becky. Wish I could say the same for my stepparents.
Santa Claus Is Going To High School bb. Also I want to hear the rest of that song. Also also how many wigs does Lauren own?
Why must they make love to this movie everytime? Can't we simply just watch it and make fun of like normal people? That way Tim can enjoy it too.
Good for Jane for making sure her son doesn't have to eat disgusting school lunch. She gets good mom points.
Aww Becky reassuring him he's not a Dummy
Becky is like really horny this episode. Honestly Tom's into so go ahead girl
OK OK OK SO Jane said they were driving home from her parents house. Which means they were still alive when Jane died. That was only a year and a half ago so the Perkins parents might have died more recently than we thought. It's like Spring of 2019 right? So Jane died around Fall 2017. I don't remember if this was said in the show (it probably was and I'm saying nothing new) but I think Black Friday takes place about a year after her death. Tgwdlm took place October 2018. They have to have died only a few months before then. How long had Emma been in Hatchetfield before tgwdlm? Maybe there is a possibility we can see a flashback of an interaction with her parents depending on how long it's been. Also that means Emma lost her whole family in the span of a few months omg. And Tim lost his mom and his grandparents in that time. I want to see how they grieved with all of that. Also I know I'm crossing universes here but Emma also almost died the same day Jane did. Some strange force must really have it out for the Perkins family. Good on Emma for surviving like a champ.
Ok so I thought they went scouting for girls because Jane didn't want the man she loved to have to devote the rest of his life to a car. I thought she was trying to help him move on. She was getting good lover points but those have since been redacted.
Jane is definitely bi and I love that for her. I don't care if she tried to kill her new crush. It was new enough for it to mean nothing.
Tom does look like a creep ngl
Jane reminds us she's a car a lot. Like girl we get it.
No. No. No. NO NO NO NO NO NO NOPE! We're not talking about it. I don't want to. I stared at James the whole and honestly same dude. I saw Nick in my peripheral vision and loved/hated that he was laughing. RIP to me watching this with my mom. RIP to Kendall. Actually rip to everyone who had to sit through that. RIP to Jaime and Dylan for having to perform that. RIP to the cursed rehearsals. Matt and Nick seriously took the time to sit down and write that. What the heck you two?!? This made me more uncomfy than the entirety of mamd and Ted's character combined. I wish I was exaggerating. Maybe this was just me but it felt longer than it needed to. The relief and worry I felt when Tim walked in is a feeling I can not explain. Glad he was clueless.
Tim sweetie I love you but SHUT UP
Jane is crazy and Jaime is doing such an amazing job at portraying that.
Yes Tom. Because grave digging is way crazier than possessed cars.
I asked my mom why the didn't just go grave digging for Jane's body but my mom said the body is probably all rotted and gross so that explains that.
Why didn't Becky just go inside? If she went far enough I doubt Jane would have been able to hit her even if she managed to break into the house. Also let's assume Becky's house had an upstairs. There, perfect safety.
Did Becky seriously die in the same woods as Stanley?
Ok so I thought the tree thing was a reference to little Irish girl Becky from the Black Friday sk10 stream. But now it seems like something more serious and bad happened so I'm curious.
DID JANE GET TOM ARRESTED?!?!? It seemed like she could drive herself at that point. Why not let him get out and get Becky yourself? Is this that self confidence thing Tom talked about?
Is she really about to have her son be obsessed with Ms. Becky for the rest of their lives or is she gonna tell him?
This next episode made me physically jump twice. I say literally a lot but I promise you I'm using it correctly when I say I literally jumped.
I saw the thing about the ukelele being a bday gift from the cast so this was super sweet
Ok personal time. My grandmother's name is Pamela and my mom decided to permanently cut ties with her a few months ago due to her abusive behavior. Me and my sibling are still allowed to talk to her whenever we please but we haven't seen her as much as we used to. I got kind of scared watching this with my mom because I was scared this would trigger something. She didn't say anything and I didn't want to bother her about if she was fine so I didn't say anything. Anyway this just kind of hit different for me.
"I want to be alone with my man." Ms what are you about to do to your Tv?
Duke seems chill. I like him.
Does Ms. Foster have a type or is being male good enough?
Hannah's 14? I thought she was the same age as Tim. I could have sworn in the BF commentary track they said she was 9 or 10. Did my brain make that up?
How does Kim change her hair so quickly? She did this in episode 2 too? I could never. I am very impressed.
Curt and Kim talking over the phone while standing shoulder to shoulder was funnier than it should have been
Ms. Holloway is cool. YAY MOSTLY GOOD WITCHES
How does Ms. Holloway know? I need a backstory please!!
Ok so I saw Jon in his cape and thought he might be the with. But then I saw James in his cape I y'know stopped thinking that. Anyway I'm obsessed with Jon and James in capes. Kind of wish Corey had one too.
OH I JUST THOUGHT THIS AS I'M TYPING NOW ok so that tree she was talking to at the beginning was one of the tree people. I'm embarrassed it took me this long to realise it.
Hannah is way too calm about these talking trees and sometimes spider ladies. I respect that.
There was a lot of black and white theming in this episode. More than normal. It makes me more curious about what exactly Hannah's connection to it is.
Hannah almost died in her own mind. I was kinda hating Ms. Holloway in this moment because she forced Hannah to go into her mind. But I know she had to so I'm cool with her again.
Did she really say just don't be scared next time? Like miss some actual advice would help.
CAN MS. HOLLOWAY'S MIND LEAVE HANNAH ALONE?? Like I know you didn't get the reaction you wanted out of her but you're seriously gonna give up and go for a little girl instead. Pathetic.
"What's shakin', Banana?" That was the first time I jumped.
What exactly is that 6-legged girl? I wish we had a visual. Also how couldn't Ms. Holloway help her? What was her issue? Npmd you got anything for me?
Wiley. Just seeing him come up. That was the second time I jumped.
Also everyone already said this but props to Joey for his commitment. Shaving in between episodes like omg sir you didn't have to go all out for this. But you did and I appreciate you for it. Also HE KEPT THE JACKET?? WHAT!??! Just fully committed to this character go off Joey!!
Usually I would laugh at stuff phasing through the green screen but this just made it creepier.
But also I love how the script had him listed at Wilbur above his lines. I remember Nick called him Wilbur once in the commentary track (possibly by accident) but it's nice to have it in cannon. I don't remember I any of the characters called him Wilbur because I'm so used to seeing Wilbur and Wiley used interchangeably but this was just nice to have canonized.
Dang Wiley she was already being choked in the physical world you didn't have to choke her in her mind too calm down
Is the mouth one (I see we've named him Nibbly. Good because his full name is too long to type out) gonna be the npmd villain? The pick color theme seems cool.
ANGELA'S TRANSITION THOUGH!!! Omg she switched roles seamlessly. And her voice too!! Go off Angela.
This is random and unrelated but I never noticed how big Mariah's eyes were before.
So Webby and the Doll Gang are all siblings? I find it interesting that the were described to all where black. And Webby's color theme is white. Like how the good and bad ukeleles were white and black. This might sound really dumb see as we don't have a 100% accurate visual of the black and white but I wonder if Webby ever left would it be 100% black? Like if Wiggly went through the portal would it become a little less black? Does this make sense? Also I'm starting to see the black and white as less of a bad place. Its starting to see more ominously neutral.
Hannah's favorite show is He-Man no I do accept criticism.
Ms. Holloway is a nerd. She saw Hannah make the reference and was like "Huh. I f she likes He-Man maybe making this hat a reference will make her like me." She would only know if she watched the show. But then again she seems to be stuck in the 80s so maybe she just thinks that's what's popular with the kids.
This episode was......a lot. So much happened. Loved all of it. I am scared of Nick and Matt's minds but also incredibly grateful for them. As usual everyone's acting was top notch.
I love this episode.
Also I'm just gonna say it. Jon ruined Nick's season one reveal.
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infested-tea · 4 years ago
Monoma x Tetsutetsu Bday One-shot
I missed his birthday! FUCK!!! Ok. Happy late birthday Monoma!
Also some line breaks are off bc Tumblr is being a shithead.
Also, Tetsutetsu is trans bc I headcanon him as that and is mid transition so...
I love this ship so fucking much and it’s great.
Warning for: A bunch of fluff! Little bit of angst Monoma, a mention of abuse,
Also, these two will be dating throughout High School and are now adults, takes place one year after graduation.
Alright let’s go!
Favorite Places
Tetsutetsu let out a sigh. He stared at his beautiful boyfriend lying on his chest. He held him tighter with a hum.
The two spent the night together in Neito’s apartment. The blond said he had been feeling lonelier than normal lately. So, of course Tetsutetsu had to come. It was the manliest thing to do!
The sun outside was beginning to peak its yellow face out from behind the blinds. Tetsutetsu grabbed his phone, he saw a text from Kendo.
Big Fist: Did you forget Monoma’s birthday?
Tetsutetsu felt a rush of panic. It completely slipped his mind! He didn’t even have a gift! Usually, Neito would love being spoiled and would remind him every year so Tetsutetsu could do it. Strangely, he didn’t this year.
Iron Hide: ...Maybe...
Big Fist: You did. Oh lord. Tetsu, you better find something to please him. You know how he gets.
Iron Hide: I know... I promise! I’ll make it the best ever.
Big Fist: You better. He’s a lil’ shit buts he’s out lil’ shit.
Big Fist: He’s been kinda off recently. Has he told you anything?
Iron Hide: No. He told me yesterday to come over. He’s been really distant lately.
Tetsutetsu heard Neito shift with a sigh. Tetsutetsu quickly texted Kendo goodbye before smiling down at the blond on top of him. Neito’s blue eyes fluttered open, being greeted to a toothy grin from a silver-haired iron shark.
“Morning, Neito!” Tetsutetsu greeted cheerily. Neito hummed in response, snuggling closer to Tetsutetsu’s face and kissing his cheek. Tetsutetsu felt his face warm up. He heard the blond chuckle.”Morning.” He smiled sleepily.
Tetsutetsu loved mornings like this. It was the one time Monoma was Neito, instead of just Monoma. He would smile easier and was so much more relaxed. And then they had to go out into public, and Monoma changed. His shell came back.
Now, Monoma had become less of an egotistical, slightly unhinged maniac. But, the facade of “I’m better than you” never truly dropped away fully unless Monoma was comfortable being Neito around you.
And Neito trusted no one more than iron boy. And Tetsutetsu knew that, and promised himself he would never betray it.
Tetsutetsu kissed Neito’s forehead with a smile.”I love you. So much.” He mumbled. Neito’s face went beat red at his words. He pouted.”Unfair...” He protested. Tetsutetsu giggled. He always did that whenever the silver-haired boy said those magic words.
Neito sighed contently.”I love you too.” Tetsutetsu beamed at him. He wrapped his arms around Neito’s smaller frame and cuddled him. Neito felt his face redden as he was buried deeper into his boyfriend’s chest.
Everything was quiet for a moment, Tetsutetsu softly stroking the blond’s soft hair and Neito refusing to show his face. Until, the blond’s hold on his boyfriend’s shirt tightened. Tetsutetsu’s gaze immediately shot to the blond in worry. “What’s wrong?” Tetsutetsu asked.
Neito mumbled something that was muffled by the shirt. Tetsutetsu repeated the question.”I said nothing!” He snapped.
Tetsutetsu went quiet. He looked at Neito with sad puppy-dog eyes.”I’m sorry... I’ve just been worried. You’ve been... off the past couple of days.”
Neito looked away from Tetsutetsu, biting his thumb. Something he usually did when he was overthinking. Tetsutetsu sat up and cradled Neito.”You’ve been weird the past couple of days, baby... It scares me when you don’t tell me what’s bother you. You know I’m always here for you and-“
Tears burst out of Neito eyes. Tetsutetsu instinctively burst forward and trapped Neito in a tight, protective hug.
Neito sobbed for what felt like forever. And all Tetsutetsu could do was rock back and forth gently and run his fingers through the blond’s hair comfortingly.
After a while, Neito’s shoulders stopped heaving and his breathing became steadier. A few tears still slipped down his face, but Tetsutetsu kissed them away.
Neito held onto Tetsutetsu tightly.”My dad...” Was all he mumbled out. Tetsutetsu felt a familiar spark of anger at the mention. He looked at Neito worriedly, inspecting him.”He didn’t lay a hand on you did he? What happened? Are you ok?” Tetsutetsu stopped at the last question. He clicked his tongue.”Well... obviously not. But that’s not the point!” Tetsutetsu grabbed Neito’s chin so he would look at him. The blond’s red, tear-stained face and puffy eyes made his chest ache. And his own dad did this. Though Tetsutetsu himself was all to familiar with parents like Monoma’s.
Neito shook his head. He wiped his eyes furiously. Tetsutetsu knew how much Monoma hated crying. He thought he looked ugly when he did.
Tetsutetsu moved the blond’s hands, taking them in his and rubbing his boyfriends palms with his thumbs. Neito didn’t look at him. He was quietly sobbing at this point. Tetsutetsu laid a kiss on Monoma’s lips.
“Hey. You’re with me today, ok? It’s just me and you. All day.” Tetsutetsu reassured, wrapping his arms gently around Neito in a hug. Neito gripped onto the silver-haired boy’s shirt as if Tetsutetsu would float away if he didn’t.
“So, what happened?” Tetsutetsu asked. Neito felt tears threaten to overflow again. Tetsutetsu rested a hand on his blond hair, shushing him quietly. Neito quieted down to a whimper. He refused to look at his boyfriend, burying his trash face in his shirt.
“My dad... he...” Neito trailed off, his voice went from a sob to pure rage.”When I told him I wouldn’t spend dinner with him for my birthday instead of you, he started yelling at me. Going on about how filthy I was for being a queer and how stupid I was for thinking I was with a man over a women.” His eyes darted to Tetsutetsu, full of desperation.”You are a man! You’re my prince! And I tried to tell him that you are a boy, no matter what a damn peace of paper says, and he kept going on and on about how stupid I was. And how you were fucking pathetic. I couldn’t take it anymore! I couldn’t deal with it.” Neito’s voice became like ice.”I don’t care anymore if he insults me or hits me. But if he brings you into it...” Neito gritted his teeth, looking down, gripping onto Tetsutetsu until his knuckles were white.”I get so mad... I get so fucking angry. And I couldn’t... I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I had to walk away. Like you guys always tell me to do. But he kept following me and insisting I was an issue, and calling you all this fucked up bullshit. The bastard... I tried defending you, Tetsu! I really did! But it was to much. He cut me... even when I tried to walk away. I tried to run. And I did... and I felt like such a fucking coward...” Neito trailed off, looking away in shame from his boyfriend.
“Neito...” Tetsutetsu pulled the smaller boy into a tight hug, catching the blond off guard.”Don’f listen to that bastard! You’re amazing! And beautiful! And incredible! And the fucking manliest man ever and I love you so much! I’m so sorry you’re dad doesn’t see that!” Tetsutetsu nuzzled into Neito’s neck. He heard Monoma let out a faint chuckle, he felt a hand on his silver hair. Neito sniffed.”Thank you, Tetsu.”
The silver-haired boy kissed Monoma’s forehead.”Of course!” Neito smiled softly to himself. Tetsutetsu chuckled, nuzzling Neito’s face with his own. Neito’s face was beet red.
Tetsutetsu chuckled, laying his forehead against the blond’s.”You’re so cute.” He mumbled. Neito ruffled Tetsutetsu’s hair.”I feel like you’re addressing the wrong person.” He replied smoothly. Tetsutetsu laughed, blushing.”Hey, Neito. Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday today? You always do. You know how much of an airhead I am.” Tetsutetsu muttered.
Neito eyes widened.”Why? It’s my birthday? I completely forgot...” Neito breathed. Tetsutetsu eyes widened in alarm. He tackled Neito in a hug.”You forgot you’re own birthday... That’s how much this was bothering you, huh?” Neito nodded. Tetsutetsu kissed Monoma on the cheek.”Y’know, Imma spoil you today! Even more than I did last year! This is gonna be the best birthday ever for you!” He stated determinedly.
Neito looked at Tetsutetsu shyly with a small smile.”You better.” He mumbled. He kissed his cheek and wrapped his arms around Tetsutetsu’s neck.”Though I don’t know how you can top this.” Neito commented.
Tetsutetsu puffed out his chest.”I am gonna try. A man conquers any challenge full force!” He announced proudly. Neito ruffled his hair and kissed him.”Yeah... just don’t rush in head first this time.” He joked. Tetsutetsu hugged Neito tightly.”I thought you liked that about me...” he pouted. Neito sighed, rolling his eyes.”I do. But I also need to reign in your worst habits.”
Tetsutetsu narrowed his eyes at him. Neito booped his nose.”Come on. Get ready.” Neito walked out of the room, Tetsutetsu watching him go with a blush. Neito often wore booty shorts to bed and... well...
Neito leaned out of the door to see Tetsutetsu staring off into space. He sighed.”Lovely. You need to get ready and stop staring at my ass.” Neito left before his voice came out from the hall.”And remember to brush your hair.”
Tetsutetsu took a couple minutes to get ready. Throw on a binder, a baggy shirt, and sweats. And some basic hygiene. While Neito, took twenty minutes.
But, Tetsutetsu was a patient soul. And he knew Monoma liked putting on make-up in the morning. At least he didn’t take an hour like during pride.
Neito came out, hair done and face pretty. He wore a casual shirt with a black jacket and pants. Tetsutetsu felt himself blush. Frankly, Neito looked great in anything. And this was no exception.
“Alright, where too then? Since you’re spoiling me.” Neito asked innocently. Tetsutetsu thought for a moment. He would say the arcade, because then he could win Monoma a plushie. As it is a tradition for Tetsutetsu to get him one every once in a while. And by that, that means about every few months.
But he needed to go above and beyond. He hit his hand into his fist at an idea. He grabbed Neito by the hand and dragged him out of his apartment and down the road. Tetsutetsu was a hero. And his paycheck had come in for the month.
“W-where are we going?” Neito asked.”You’ll see!” Was all his boyfriend replied, smiling to himself.
Neito followed quietly when the two arrived at a fancy looking restaurant. It was a high tower, glass walls at the top of the building. Normally, you would have to book a reservation. But heroes had special access as long as they paid a little extra.
Neito looked at Tetsutetsu in surprise. Tetsutetsu was probably the polar opposite of Monoma when it came to what they prefer to dates. A date to Tetsutetsu was the gym or just cuddling at home watching a movie. To Neito, it was a fancy dinner and also cuddling at home.
So, for them to come to a place like this, took Neito off guard. Tetsutetsu seemed to realize something.”Oh... I nearly forgot.” He looked at Neito thoughtfully.”You want me to call Aoyama, Kendo, Ojiro, and Shinso over?”
Neito thought for a moment. He hugged Tetsutetsu from behind.”No. I just want you today.” He mumbled. Tetsutetsu hummed. He patted Monoma on the head.”Alright.” He replied warmly.
The two walked in, Tetsutetsu getting a table after a bit of begging. Although neither of them were dressed to fit the scene, maybe Monoma, Tetsutetsu on the other hand...
Although, Monoma didn’t really cared about the stares of the waiters or the customers. Neither were popular heroes. Not yet anyway. But it was only year 1. They had plenty of time.
Tetsutetsu however, was shrinking back underneath the intense, judgemental gaze. Neito never knew why it was judgement that Tetsutetsu was afraid of. He was so laid back and sociable all the time, it was a stark contrast.
Monoma started leading Tetsutetsu around the restaurant. He squeezed his boyfriends hand gently. Tetsutetsu seemed to snap out of his gaze. He walked closer to Monoma who led them to the elevator to the top floor. It was more private up there, and Tetsutetsu paid even more than he would’ve to sit up there.
Because there, you could see the entire city. Even if it was just midday, it was still a pretty sight. And it was Monoma’s favorite spot anywhere. Well... almost. It was a close third. There were two more.
Tetsutetsu and him sat in a booth far away from the few people that were already there. Neito looked at Tetsutetsu gratefully. Under the table, he took Tetsu’s hand and intertwined their fingers. He rested his head on the taller boys shoulders. Tetsutetsu felt himself blush profusely.
The waiter come over and seemed to stare at the two. Neito shot up, but kept his hand on Tetsutetsu’s. The two quickly ordered their food. Tetsutetsu of course, trying to order anything with spinach in it. Monoma getting his own french cuisine.
The two ate, and ended up talking, mostly Tetsutetsu going on about work and other things while Neito ended up complaining about 1A or a comic he read that day.
It was almost dusk by the time they finished. Neito sighed to himself.”Time truly does fly.” He commented, looking as the sky was just beginning to turn pink. Tetsutetsu was stuffing cake in his face. Neito gave him a sideways glance and he paused, fork in mouth. He smiled at Neito and Neito felt himself blush.
“We should get going. It’s getting late.” He mumbled. Tetsutetsu nodded in response.
The two got out to the street, the sun dipping down into the horizon. Tetsutetsu looked at it, than at Neito. The blond’s eyes were fixed to the sky, the colors reflecting in those already beautiful blue orbs.
Tetsutetsu thought again for a moment. Since they took so long eating, well... dinner would probably be skipped. At least for Monoma. He was always so picky when it comes to overeating.
“So, what now?” Neito asked. Tetsutetsu hummed cheerily, leading Neito to the docks. Neito followed quietly and curiously, unknowing of Tetsutetsu’s brilliant plan.
It was a bit of a walk, Neito’s feet started hurting by this point, when they approached a warehouse. Neito looked at it in suspicion.
Tetsutetsu hummed to himself as he opened the door. The two climbed to the roof, where Neito felt his stomach churn.
Neito’s second favorite spot was a double-edged sword. At one hand, he got to watch the sunset. On the other hand...
Monoma looked the ground. It was at least 2 stories below him. He gripped Tetsutetsu’s arm, feeling himself get sick. Tetsutetsu held him tight.”Hey. It’s ok. I won’t let ya fall.” Tetsutetsu soothed. Monoma nodded.
He glanced out from between Tetsutetsu’s arms as he was sat on the taller boy’s lap. He felt his boyfriend’s warmth against his own, soothed by the tight arms. He let out a shaky breath as he leaned back and stared at the sunset.
The sun was peaking its head, dipping it into the sea, lighting the sky aflame with oranges, reds, and yellows all blending together as if a painter took a brush to it themself. Neito closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the sea mixed with Tetsutetsu’s breathing. He snuggled into Tetsu’s chest. He felt Tetsu’s arms wrapped around him tighter, nuzzling into the blond’s hair with a happy sigh.”I love you.” He mumbled.
Monoma suddenly remembered the feelings he had for the past month. The guilt he had for not defending Tetsu like he should’ve.”Tetsu... I love you too but...” He looked away from the iron-quirked boy.
Tetsutetsu felt a tug of fear in his heart.”What’s the matter?” He asked, eyesbrows furrowed. Neito sighed.”I still... I’m guilty I didn’t defend you... from my dad. It pisses me off. He pisses me off. I don’t...” Neito felt tears well up.
Tetsutetsu hugged Neito tightly.”It’s ok, Neito. And hey... you walked away like you’ve been told too. I’m proud of you for that. I know stuff like that is hard. But I’m so damn proud of you. And we don’t have to listen to that damn bastard and his dumbass opinions. We’re happy and that’s all that matters, alright Neito?” Tetsutetsu looked at the blond with a glance full of all his love, passion, and affection he had for him and then some. Neito felt his heart flutter at the gaze. Tears streamed down his face at his words. He smiled as he hugged Tetsutetsu.
This was his favorite place anywhere. In the arms of the one he loves most, and the one who loves him most.
Tetsutetsu looked at him in alarm.”Are you ok? You’re crying again.” Neito kissed Tetsutetsu on the lips, in a brief but sweet kiss. Neito wiped his eyes.”Yeah, I’m fine.” His make-up was probably messed up at this point, but he didn’t care.
“Tetsu... My Prince. Love of my life. Thank you.” Monoma whispered earnestly. Tetsutetsu smiled at him softly. He planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Of course.” Tetsutetsu hugged him.”I’m so proud of you. How strong you are. How brave. How incredibly beautiful. Everything.” Tetsutetsu felt his breath caught in his throat as the sun reflect off of Monoma’s face like a perfect picture painted by a skillful hand. His make-up was messed up and eyes red. But he was beautiful nonetheless.
Neito out his forehead against Tetsu’s as the silver-haired boy kept mumbling his praises. Neito shushed him by putting a finger to his lips.”Hush and look at me.” Tetsutetsu’s face was red as he did so. ‘So close.’ He thought.
Neito kissed his lips.”I’m proud of you too, lovely.” He whispered. Tetsutetsu beamed at the praise.
Neito laughed again at him. And the two stayed there for the rest of the time, watching stars for the sky.
Neito was in his favorite place on earth now.
Home, for him, was Tetsutetsu, and he would always appreciate that.
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