You found me. Part 2
A/N Hey guys! Here it finally is! the part two of you found me, Looks like there going to be another one! You are absolute angels for having so much patience with me not updating in awhile! Let me know if you want adding to the tag list! Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Lots of love!
Jen :)
The beginning
It was strange to be alone now, the last few years having just been the three of you, It cut you deeply knowing that it never would be again. Your hand cradling your steadily growing stomach, Your other hand pushing through the dense underbrush in front of you. There was only a few hours of daylight left and you were desperate to find some sort of shelter before the night fell and the temperature with it.
6 months without a word to another living person, You feared if you didn’t find someone soon you and the baby would be lost. Finally you came across a small street pausing you took in all the sounds around you searching for that familiar growl. When it didn’t come you continued towards the houses slowly and as silently as you could. Forgoing the first few houses you decided it would be safer to pick one in the middle as if someone unfriendly were to come you would at least have a few minutes before they checked the house you were in.
Tapping your way down the corridor you checked each room carefully for any signs of the living or dead, When you found none you hurried back to the front door and barred it as best you could with what you had around you. Continuing on to all the windows and the back door securing them well enough to keep you from the dead.
The house was almost untouched. Magazines still sitting open on the table, Flicking through you gave a sad smile at the dusty grinning woman in front of you. In your life before you would have never given a gossip rag like this a second thought but now you found yourself staring at the pictures in it painfully homesick for the life you never got to experience fully.
Once the light had faded to the point that you could no longer make out the people on the page, You made your way to what would have been the master bedroom, Much like the magazine on the table everything in here was also covered in a thick veil of dust and grime, holding your arm over your face you took the duvet cover off trying your best to keep the dust inside. Laying it back on the bed and repeating the process with the pillowcases, At last you could flop down and relax.
Pulling the quilt over you it was hard to remember the last time you had been so comfortable. Thanking god for your good fortune you quickly fell asleep.
Your dreams however didn’t give you any respite, Playing behind your eyelids you saw all the moments that had led you here. Merle snarling over you, Running away from your home, The month you spent wandering and sleeping on the cold ground before you had found a small house that you had made a sort of nest in the bottom of a cupboard feeling safe for the first time. After that it was just a string of bad luck.
Everywhere you had scouted and thought you may have found a group or somewhere to hunker down in tragedy struck.
The farmhouse surrounded by hordes of undead. The burning prison and the gunfire from the safehaven advertised as terminus. In everyone of those memories your grief had added him to them. First it was just his voice, You couldn’t tell what exactly he was saying but as you lay in the dark damp cupboard you heard him. Next you saw him riding away from the hoard. Running out of the prison supporting a blonde girl as he went.
You knew it was your mind inventing things but you couldn’t pinpoint the moment those memories had changed or if they even had. This forced time alone was pickling your brain.
Even with this knowledge there was a gnawing in your stomach. Like at every stop on the way there was something pulling you forward like safety was just in reach if you would have been brave enough to reach out for it.
The next day you set off again walking aimless and seemingly endlessly into the wild, The baby would be here before you knew it and you couldn’t do this alone, You had to be brave for the both of you now.
Present Daryl’s POV
Those three words had broken his joy at seeing her again. How could she keep this from him? Yes the world was fucked up at the time but she still could have told him, He wouldn’t have left her that day if she did. He wouldn’t have left her any day. Y/N had been the only one to ever give it to him straight, She had never lied to him. Until now.
The world was crashing back down on him again, With his mind running a million miles a minute he hadn’t realised that his body had taken over, Trying to shield him from the hurt his feet had retraced the same path he had taken a hundred times.
Still on autopilot he climbed the rungs of the ladder at the back of the church and through a small hatch, Into a tiny room that very few people even knew existed and the ones who did knew to stay clear or risk Daryl putting an arrow through their brains in anger. There was only about a foot between the top of his head and the roof and it was about 6 foot wide. Just enough to pace his problems away.
Every so often he would stop pacing to look through the small gaps in the slats, Even as confused and hurt as he was right now he was always keeping an eye out for any danger, Especially now with the meeting between them and the commonwealth. They could be up to anything.
What if they knew he was there and sent in Y/N as a spy to take them down from the inside. No she wouldn’t do that….Would she? His head slamming into the palm of his hands. He didn’t know anymore. It had been 12 years.. people change, He certainly had.
Some may find it hard to believe now but before. He was a lot different. Still not really the social type but since he had met Y/N the world had been brighter. The people within the town that had always avoided him not meeting his eye assuming he would be like his brother had started making an effort with him, People weren’t as bad as he always thought. There were a few in the end he even saw as friends.
Y/N had always thought she was an outcast with them but the truth was she was their way back to humanity. Before her it had always been Merle dragging him into the worst situations making everyone including himself think he was a complete thug, A waste of air.
All it took was that one day to change things for the better. He was working at the garage for his ‘Uncle’ Kenny. He wasn’t a real uncle. He wasn’t blood or anything but since his mother had died when he was young he had taken him under his wing. Made a promise to her that he would always watch out for them and he had, which made him blood to Daryl. Merle hadn’t liked it much but Kenny was just as much family as he was.
Pulling himself out from under a car, there she was the sun gleaming behind her making her look like a ray herself, Her long curly hair whipping around her waist in the fall wind. With one glance Daryl’s heart stopped in his chest and he was completely mesmerised.
She had greeted him with a beaming smile sticking her hand out to shake his, Embarrassed he had searched for a rag to wipe some of the grime away. Chuckling she had grasped his hand anyway. Not seeming bothered at all by the dirt that had transferred onto her beautiful manicured fingers.
From that moment on he had seen her everywhere; he didn’t usually believe in things like fate but she was definitely his. Within the year they were married. They had become a regular fixture in the town, She was the interpreter at the local middle school. After what seemed like a wave of meningitis had hit there had been a few children who had lost their hearing. The school board had brought in an interpreter to teach those kids sign language and help with their lessons.
Once the county had heard of this a few more kids were redirected to the school leaving her with a group of 15. Soon she had also convinced the school to allow her to run a night class for the parents, Since she was doing it for free the school couldn’t say no.
As these new classes cut into their time together he decided to start sitting in on them. He would come into every lesson determined to actually learn something, But without fail the glint of the departing sun on her hair or the way her eyes dilated when they looked at him would soon override his other senses and he would no longer remember where they were just that she was with him.
Even with his daydreams he still couldn’t believe she was his. He would have to constantly tap the ring on his left hand to remind himself it was true, She had chosen him. Lucky son of a bitch he was.
He did remember now how she had changed in those last few weeks, She had been more reserved than she had usually been with him, Quieter. He had always assumed it was just fear at what was going on in the world. But come to think of it, fear wasn’t something she usually allowed to hold her back from anything. He wouldn’t say she was fearless but it invigorated her.
Daryl was the opposite, He was always afraid. Fear paralyzed him so instead of working through it he shut it out completely and shut out anyone and everyone that could make him feel that again…Until her.
Daryl had once asked Y/N how she had managed it; she had always told him that she had seen and felt enough of it to last her a lifetime and she wouldn’t waste another second cowering over it. He never pushed this knowing that if she wanted him to know she would tell him, Just like she had never pushed to know too much about his past choosing to live in the moment together.
The overwhelming fear the three of them felt together those days before the end were now hazy and blurred, Maybe his mind was trying to protect him from the trauma of what had taken place. Maybe too many traumatic instances had happened since that the details got muddled in his mind. It was more likely that his biggest fear was realised. He lost the person he loved more than anything in the world. All he had wanted to do since was join her, Once he had realised that he had no need for fear anymore. He didn’t go looking for it but he welcomed those frightful situations in the hope it would bring him back to her again.
Letting out a frustrated grunt he slammed his hands down the wall in front of him, his mind whirling trying to figure out how he had missed it all. Suddenly all of that was replaced in his thoughts again by those three words. He was so stupid to just leave and not let her finish there was so many questions he needed answering.
She said she was pregnant….What does ‘was’ mean? Alive? Dead? Boy? Girl? He needed to know and he needed to know now. But that horrible little fear demon was tearing through his chest. How could he go out there now and face her again….
You stood staring at that empty room for what felt like hours, at the space his body had previously occupied. Your tears had long since dried on your skin. A knocking at the door pulled you from your trance, Suddenly on guard again you took a deep breath to steady yourself. A quick glance around the room reminded you that you were still topless, Swiftly grabbing your shirt you pulled it back over your head and walked to the door.
When you had swung the door open a part of you had hoped he would be stood there with that dopey apologetic look on his face, Instead you were met by an older woman who took no notice of you to begin with.
Manoeuvring around you she swept into the room after a quick scan around she finally faced you.
“Who are you?” She demanded her hand grasping the handle of the knife on her hip.
For the first time since being in Alexandria you felt vulnerable, Your weapons had been surrendered at the gates and there was nothing within a close enough proximity to use to defend yourself either.
Taking a defensive stance at the door, “I could ask you the same” You retorted your words coated in disdain. The two of you stood and studied each other for a few moments. From a first glance she was a slight woman but the look in her eyes told you she had seen some horrific things and done even worse. She was not to be underestimated. Still if it came down to it you were confident that with your training you could disarm her and get her to the ground fairly quickly.
You could tell from the cocky look in her eyes she was thinking the same, oh how wrong she would be. You raised your eyebrows at her daring her to come at you.
After a few more moments had passed she finally released her grip on the handle.
“My name is Carol. Who are you and what are you doing in my house?”
“I thought this was Daryl’s house?” You asked confused.
“That’s right. We live here together….It’s the last time i'll ask…Who are you? And why are you in our house?” You had never been great at deciphering the meaning behind people’s words but you were sure her words mixed with her behaviour she was telling you that they were together.
The implication stung you. It had been 12 years he had every right to move on but a part of you had always hoped that he would have held on all this time just as you had. There had been temptation along the way but you had always stayed true to your vows…
You repressed the urge to throw yourself at her “I’m Y/N…..Y/N Dixon” The shock at your name was reflected in her eyes but you definitely weren’t expecting what came next.
Carol’s face changed from one of protective aggression to the perfect housewife. With a big beaming grin she waltzed past you down the corridor. “Dixon you said? Come join me for some tea and you can tell me all about it”
You followed her anxiously, the fake facade she wore not fooling you for a moment, Carol busied herself for a few minutes in the kitchen whilst motioning at you to take a seat at the table. Picking the seat that had its back directly to a wall and a direct sight to any entry/exit points.
Not a word was spoken between the two of you until she sat across from you handing a cup of what looked like dandelion tea. Grimacing you took a tentative sip Ugh disgusting, You longed for a latte, The coffee was one of the only good things about the commonwealth. It certainly had better facilities than this place seemed to.
Staring over the top of the mug you both observed each other, She was the one to break the silence. Continuing with the fake pleasantries she asked.
“Y/N Dixon….Is that any relation to my Daryl or his brother Merle? They never mentioned a sister so a cousin maybe? ”
Scoffing you held up the hand he had not so long ago finally replaced your most prized possessions. “Not a cousin…I’m Daryl’s wife”
It was Carol's turn to scoff now, “He never mentioned a wife.. I have been with Daryl since the beginning. He wouldn’t have kept that from me, We know each other better than anyone else in the world”
Raising an eyebrow at her “Clearly not as well as you think if you didn’t know he was married”
Silence again her eyes searching your face for any trace of dishonesty.
Your patience was wearing thin, You couldn’t give a fuck if this woman believed you or not. At this point you couldn’t care less about anything but him, You needed to find him soon, It wouldn’t be long until your son would be here and You didn’t know what Mercer was telling him they were coming here for. Hopefully he wasn’t telling him about Daryl. At Least you prayed he wasn’t.
Fuck this you thought getting to your feet. Pushing the chair back into the table you rested your arms on it leaning forward towards Carol.
“If you know him as well as you say you do, Then you can tell me where he has gone”
“That’s not my place to tell. He’ll come back when he’s ready…..Probably once you’ve left. Who let you in here exactly?”
Deciding you probably wouldn’t get much more from this woman, You turned your back on her ignoring her repeated questions and slamming the kitchen door behind you. Evasively moving around the buildings you took a moment's pause to check you weren’t being followed before continuing on.
The sky was dark and now you would be able to walk around without suspicion. You could easily walk around and be mistaken for someone else in the distance.
Stepping out from behind the building you walked slowly around streets the houses were astounding to you, Only the houses for the incredibly rich could come anywhere close to these.
The houses you walked past reminded you of the small suburban neighbourhood near where you had once lived. Even though you had loved the little cabin you had lived in, a part of you had always longed to live in one of these kinds of houses. How different life would have been in a house like this, Watching your child’s first steps in the living room Daryl laughing and chasing behind them.
Completely lost in your thoughts, you wandered aimlessly thinking how different your life would be now if none of this would have happened.
Footsteps at the side of you brought you back to reality, jumping away quickly as you surveyed the area. From what you could tell there was only one man around who was staring at you now with a puzzled but friendly smile on his face.
Releasing the breath you didn’t know you were holding you ran a hand through your hair.
‘Sorry I guess my instincts are on high alert’ you chuckled with an apologetic shrug.
‘I wouldn’t expect anything less in these times but within these walls it would only be your mind that you would need to fear.’
Giving him the puzzled look now you waited for him to say more before you decided if you were going to excuse yourself as politely as you could.
After a few moments he stuck his hand out to you ‘I’m Gabriel resident priest but I guess that’s not all I am anymore…and your Mrs Dixon I believe? But that’s not all you are either’
Your eyes zeroed in on his white collar finally adding it up.
"Yes I’m Y/N dixon… smart move sending a priest to watch the outsider, wouldn’t want to go to any hell worse than this for killing you" you laughed.
Completely unfazed by the veiled threat he asked ‘Shall we walk? Seems like I may have stumbled upon you at the right time, you look in need of guidance….’
Shrugging again like it was your first language you got into step with him silently walking letting the unease of earlier roll away with this silent companionship.
Within half an hour you had traversed around the entire of the town with him now leading you towards the center.
Opening a door he lead you into a small building leaving you in the door way while he quickly bustled about lighting candles.
The lights from the candles slowly revealing more of the features of what you now knew to be a makeshift church.
Taking a seat in the front pew you waited for Gabriel to come back to you and inspected the building.
They had done a good job, you could tell this had been a labour of love, smiling as you saw hastily drawn children’s pictures tacked around. You felt a pang of sadness for a moment comparing them to your own child’s, it had only been a day but being away from him for even a moment was excruciating.
Gabriel had managed to sneak up on you again. Holding a mug towards you he cleared his throat for your attention.
Wrinkling your nose you asked ‘not dandelion tea is it?’
‘No not dandelion tea’ he laughed ‘hot chocolate, we found some powdered stuff awhile back that I keep around for moments like these’
You mumbled a small thanks before asking ‘moments like these? What moment exactly do you think this is?’
Wrapping both palms warmly around his cup he replied. ‘Moments of faith…crisis… grief… there’s nothing a cup of hot chocolate won’t help with. So tell me Y/N what had you wandering around on the night when most people would have been in the throes of reunion?’
Raising an eyebrow at him you decided to let that insinuation go, there was something about the ease in Gabriel’s voice and actions that completely disarmed you.
Without realizing it you were pouring your heart out to him, all the words you wished you could have said Daryl, Gabriel listened carefully as you explained how you were separated and the life you had led desperate to find him again and now that you had you had ruined it.
Gabriel took a few moments of reflection before he answered.
‘Y/N I see nothing here that cannot be forgiven. Those were trying times and I understand why you would keep that from him in those moments. However you made a vow to him to always share each other's confidences and you betrayed that.’
‘Daryl as I’m sure you know is not quick to forgive but I’m positive he will come round…’
Daryl’s pov
From the moment he had heard the door opening downstairs he had stopped his pacing standing as still as a statue he listened as her voice wafted up through the floor he was standing on.
Every fiber of his being screamed at him to go to her, to get answers for himself and not listen to them spoken to another. But he just couldn’t, frozen still he listened as she retold again what Merle had done to her. This time hearing how she had survived after that.
Guilt washed over him as he heard how close she had been this entire time. If he had only thought to look at any of those stops he was certain he would have found her. There was always something in him that told him she was alive, but he took his stupid ass brother's word for it instead of trusting their bond. He was going to kill that lying bastard when he next lay eyes on him.
After being stood in one position for so long he could feel himself cramping up, Taking a deep breath he steadied himself. In one quick movement he had swung the hatch open and was climbing down into the church.
You couldn’t help but admit spilling everything for the first time since it all began felt good, Sure you had told most of it to Mercer but there were parts that had never spoken until now. There was something about a man of the cloth that made you feel safe, It wasn’t like you believed in god, Well not any more anyway. But still the collar made you feel safe.
Thankfully Gabriel understood and trusted you enough to leave you to ‘quiet contemplation’ as he called it. It gave you a few moments without your head spinning to decide what you were going to do.
In a few short hours Mercer was going to turn up with T and you had to figure out where to go from here, Either you needed to get Daryl to come around and meet him or you needed to write it off as a lost cause and go be there for your son. You prayed for the former with every part of your being.
If this Daryl was anything like the one you knew before surely he would want to know him? Sure he was quick to anger but when it came to you he was always quick to forgiveness too.
Even with everything going on just thinking his name brought a small smile to your lips. After all this time you were so overjoyed to have seen his face again. So grateful to see that time and circumstance hadn’t hardened his beautiful features. Especially those beautiful eyes, The eyes you had seen everyday shining up from your incredibly wonderful son, T was 100% Daryl so much so you found it hard to see any of yourself in him. You were sure if Daryl had any pictures of his younger years they would be twins.
The soft pattering of footsteps pulled you from your thoughts, When you looked up you were met with the same eyes that had enveloped your thoughts for the last few minutes. Well the last 12 years if you were to be honest with yourself.
“Hey” You muttered with a small smile, “Hey” he uttered back. Taking a seat next to you he was quiet for a few moments before asking “What’s his name?”
You could see the joy in his face as you answered.
“Tobias, Toby or T for short. But his full name is Tobias…Daryl Dixon.”
“Tobias, You named him after me and ma grandpa?”
“Yeah, He’s named after two pretty special men. T knows all about it and he’s proud to be named after his incredible dad and the man who raised him to be like that.”
His small smile became a beaming grin “How much does he know about me?”
“Everything sugar, He adores you and believed as much as i did that one day you guys would meet and if your up for it i couldn’t think of anything better than him actually getting to meet his hero”
You were surprised when you saw that instead of being overjoyed Daryl looked furious, The eyes you knew so well had turned stormy and dark, His brow furrowed and his lips were tucked into a tight angry line.
Before you had a chance to question it he Jumped up and started pacing the aisle next to you, For a moment you were relieved that he didn’t run again that was until you realized you were going to see the dark side of Daryl that you had only ever seen twice before and neither of those times was it aimed directly at you.
Taking a tentative step towards him you decided to bite the bullet, Taking his wrist gently as he paced away from you. “What’s going on up there sugar? I thought all this would be happy news?”
He wretched his arm away from you. “Happy news? HAPPY?” He yelled. “I would have been fuckin HAPPIER 12 fuckin years ago. But that selfish prick stole it. He stole those years and he woulda stolen more if we hadn’t seen each other today!”
You knew better than to interrupt while the fire was still burning in his eyes, While he was talking it was safe, It was only when he brooded silently that he was dangerous.
“He looked in ma damn face everyday and fuckin LIED, Fucker was always jealous of me. I had the hottest wife around and was gonna have a baby and he had to take that from me. What because i wouldn’ta give a shit about him no more? He’ll fuckin die for this”
You knew his next move before he did, Swiftly standing in front of the pew that held his crossbow you grabbed him by the shoulders.
“Daryl…Look at me, You don’t mean that. Yeah, what he did was horrible…But”
“So help me god Dixon you better stop interrupting me and listen!” You waited a moment to see if he would interject again and when he didn’t you continued.
“Yes it was horrible, I’ve had to live with this knowledge every day so I've had time to really think about all this. Trust me, I wanted him dead too for a long time and I know that right now you think you do too. But you don't.”
“Don’t even think about it Daryl!” You scorned watching his mouth open again about to protest.
“You don’t want him dead, he's your family. He's Toby’s uncle and he has grown up with no family at all. Not able to talk about who his dad is just in case it got us into trouble! Do you not think he at least has the right to meet him before you put a bolt in that ugly head of his?”
“And please tell me why now of all times we are bloody arguing? Not once in before all this did you raise your voice AT me like that! I have been dreaming of this moment for years and all you can do is run away and yell, My Daryl didn’t do that.”
“Well maybe YER Daryl doesn’t exist anymore! He died when he thought ya did”
The words stung you more than you ever thought possible. All these years you stayed faithful and hoping but he had just moved on just like that. Both of you sat there in shocked silence not meeting each other's eyes.
Your heart felt like it had shattered into a thousand tiny pieces and was currently residing in your stomach. The longer you sat there the more you reasoned with it, You had always known that one day you would have to face this. He thought you were dead. What did you expect? Surely you couldn’t have thought that he wouldn’t move on?
He was the most attractive man you had ever laid eyes on of course he would have met someone else. Women would have been throwing themselves at his feet!
When your head started getting dizzy you realized since his last words you had forgotten how to breathe. Swallowing what felt like razor blades you plucked up the energy to speak.
“Well maybe that's for the best. Maybe I should have died that day and saved you all this trouble.” You spat. “Now you can go back to the woman you're now sharing your life with and forget today even happened.” Looking down at the rings on your finger. You ripped them off, throwing them at his chest.
“I’ll be gone before daybreak. Goodbye NEW Daryl.” Turning away from him you choked away the sobs threatening to leave your throat.
10 paces was all it took for Daryl to come out of shock. Feeling a weight suddenly hit you from behind you fell forward feeling arms around your chest. You held your arms out and braced for impact just as you hit the floor.
Luckily your swift movements were enough to stop you face planting the floor completely.
“What the fuck Daryl” You groaned as you felt his weight leave you, Quickly he span you onto your back before trapping you again with his body.
Wiggling under him you moved your hands towards his chest in an attempt to push him off. But he had always had better reflexes than you. Using one hand to hold both of yours over your head he held you in place.
“GET THE FUCK OFF ME” You yelled tears brimming your eyes. Fighting harder than before you bucked your hips trying to throw him off.
Suddenly his lips enveloped yours taking you by complete surprise. You kissed back for a moment, your body betraying you desperate for his touch.
When you realized what was happening you moved your head forwards in an attempt to headbutt him. But just like before he was too quick for you.
Daryl let out a small chuckle which only enraged you more.
“The fuck is so funny Dixon” You spat still not meeting his eyes.
“This” He muttered before taking your lips with his again. Still using the one arm to hold yours above your head, His other hand grasping at your face pulling you tightly to him.
Your senses were so overloaded by him, from the heat of his body against yours to the oh so familiar musk that surrounded him. it was only a split second before your body gave in again. Even after all these years he was still so intoxicating to you. You couldn’t stop the reaction he had over you as you ground your hips upwards towards him feeling that engorged bulge rubbing against your leg.
Letting out a hungry groan, You moved your mouth faster against his while you wrapped your legs around his waist. In response Daryl let go of your hands using them instead to pull at the bottom of your shirt bringing it up and over your head.
In a split second you had both worked all of your clothes off, The breath caught in your chest again when you saw the sheer size of him, You’d always remembered him being big but somehow a part of you had forgotten just how big. Taking a deep gulp you pulled his hips into yours.
Screaming when in the first thrust he went deeper than you could have imagined. For the first minute it felt like he was ripping you apart until your body adjusted to his size. Now you had gotten used to it again you started meeting every thrust with one of your own.
He took you by surprise when he wrapped his arms around your waist before standing up carrying you to the nearest wall still inside you, You felt yourself sliding deeper than you could have fathomed down his thick member.
You saw stars as his slammed your back against the wall, Grasping your hips he held you in place. Unable to stop yourself you screamed out again feeling him repeatedly hit that sweet spot inside you.
“Oh God…Daryllll” You moaned. Hearing you say his name seemed to spur him on bucking his hips into yours faster and faster. His eyes meeting yours he growled. “Ya fuckin like that huh?” “Yes. Fuck. Yes” You groaned.
Mashing his mouth to yours once again he moaned into your mouth, You watched as his eyes rolled back into his head. Seeing how close he was made you teeter on the edge of climax.
Throwing your head backwards “Daryl im gonna cummm, Fuckkkk '' you panted.
White lights flashed over your vision as you felt him get harder and hotter inside of you.
His eyes were burning into yours as if daring you to look away, eyes that had always been so full of love had only raw lust emanating from them now.
Once his hard rod started pulsing you knew he was as close to the end as you were. Still concentrating on only his eyes, you both leaped over the edge together.
The feeling of his explosion deep inside you made your walls contract harder, desperate for every tiny drop of him.
How long you were locked in that position still staring deeply into each others eyes you couldn’t say, it was only when you heard a door slam near by that brought you back to reality.
Quickly but carefully Daryl dropped your legs to the floor and spun covering your body with his.
Peeking out from behind him you searched the dark room and found no evidence of anyone around besides the earlier noise.
Groaning in embarrassment you realized it could have only been Gabriel coming back to check on you. Stepping out from behind him you walked back over to the aisle to redress, making sure every step you took you moved your hips slowly and sensually, if this was the last time you were to see him you’d make sure he wouldn’t forget in a hurry.
You were fully dressed by the time Daryl joined you that gawking puppy dog look on his face that he always had whenever he saw you naked.
Trying to hide your smug smirk you turned away from him without a word walking through the doors into the crisp night air.
Daryl didn’t miss a beat this time, chasing after you still bare chested pulling his shirt and vest on as he ran.
Stopping suddenly you turned to him. “I’m taking the hint Dixon, that was goodbye stop following me.”
Quick as a fox he grabbed you from behind again damn those reflexes!, this time gratefully not knocking you down.
“Fuck sake woman stop trying to walk away from me!” He growled in your ear. Taking a gentler tone he continued.
“I let ya outta ma sight once Y/N I ain’t ever makin that mistake again!”
“I didn’t mean what I said, i ain’t ever stopped being yers”
The thrum of your heart picked up at his words. He paused as if waiting for a rebuke from you and when there was none he carried on.
“Ya know I ain’t good with all this emotional shit, but there wasn’ta moment ya wern’ on ma mind. I missed ya like crazy….. I didn’ mean ta leave before, didn’ mean ta get angry at ya either…. Jus’ killed me knowin I had a boy out there all this time and I ain’t get to be his daddy. I missed all that shit because of that rat bastard… you’ve had time with all this I’ve only had a few hours gimmie a break woman!”
In all the time you had known him you had never known him to speak that much in a day never mind in what seemed like one breath.
Taking a deep breath you relaxed into his arms resting your head on his chest. He had a point and you couldn’t deny that. Hell he probably handled all of this a lot better than you would have. You would have already been on the road ready to tear them limb from limb.
“Okay” you muttered. “I’m sorry… I get it but I’m just scared for me and for Toby. I can’t have you introduced to him and go off like you just did. Now I’ve found you if your going to be introduced to him, you need to be there, you need to be a father to him and not go running off to kill his uncle the first chance you get….”
Pulling at his arms which we’re still tightly wound around your chest, you released yourself enough to be able to turn to face him. Relief crossed his features as you settled your hands lovingly on his face.
“I get that it’s too late for us, too much time has passed and your new woman made it very clear to me who she was. And I won’t cause any trouble just tell me what you want.”
You could see the confusion on his face when he asked “new woman?”
“Yeah that lady you live with? She told me you were together”
Letting out a hollow laugh he replied “Carol? Nah we ain’t together, just share a house tha’s all! I meant it when I said I never stopped being yers Y/N”
This took you by surprise, Daryl was a lot of things but a liar wasn’t one of them. You wouldn’t have blamed him if he had companionship over the years. He thought you were dead so you couldn't have been mad but there was that little green monster inside of you that was finally able to take a long warm nap learning this.
“I never stopped being yours either Dixon” you chucked pulling him closer to you. Beaming Daryl swooped forwards for a loving kiss. You channelled all you could into that one kiss and by the time you parted your lungs were on fire.
Panting Daryl scolded “stop calling me bloody Dixon…. Dixon”
“It’s Mrs Dixon to you Mr” you quipped back stomping your foot and crossing your arms in a mock tantrum.
Swooping down he launched you onto his shoulder taking your breath away. “Hey! Lemmie down” you chuckled.
Giving you a light spank on your ass he continued walking back the route you had taken to get here.
“Nope little girls throwing tantrums, get sent to bed….”
The rest of the night was an intense happy blur of passionate loving sex, emotional conversations and filling each other in on your lives before. Thankfully Carol had made herself scarce by the time you had both come back, with all the emotions flying high tonight you would have probably put a knife through her head.
When the day broke you were pressed against each other still glistening with sweat after your latest romp. Who knew after all these years that you both had this kind of stamina, and now you had it back you were never letting it go again.
With a bittersweet sigh you got up. “C’mon love within the hour T’s gonna be on the other side of those gates. Probably worrying that something happened to me when I didn't come home and instead he got dragged all this way!”
Daryl’s face changed from one of lust watching you dress to one of unbridled joy at the prospect of meeting his son.
Within 20 minutes you had both wiped the sweat from your limbs and were dressed and heading out of the front door. It felt like a dream as your fingers intertwined strolling down the road as if the years apart didn’t matter at all.
By the time you had reached the gates you could feel what felt like 100 eyes staring at you. Daryl must have felt you tensing up as he wrapped his arm around you pulling you into his chest. Inhaling his scent instantly unwound your muscles, setting you back at ease.
Looking up at him through your lashes you gave him a grateful smile. In return he gave you a loving kiss on your brow. Savouring the feeling you cuddled into his chest further awaiting the call that there was someone approaching.
All of a sudden it was like a ghost had walked over your grave. You felt him before he even said a word.
Spinning around you met the eyes of a man you hadn’t seen in over 20 years.
“Pumpkin?” He questioned. Your heart was racing in your chest as you replied.
Full Master List Daryl Dixon Master List
Part one
@jazzy1118 @one-shot-plus-size @marvelfansworld @phoenixblack89 @fuseburner @angelofthorr @pncnsc @jodiereedus22 @delightfullykrispypeach @Honeyswriting @Daryldixonstorm @browneyes528 @dixonsbike666 @writingdeadangel @fayythe @lilythemadqueen @webslinger-holland @katiemars
#daryl dixon smut#daryl dixon fanfiction#the walking dead daryl#daryl dixon#daryl#daryl dixon fluff#daryl dixon x reader#daryl imagines#daryl x reader#daryl x you#twd daryl#daryl fanfiction#daryl dixion x reader#daryl dixion imagine#norman reedus fan#norman reedus imagines#norman reedus#fanfic writing#fanfiction#fanfic#the walking dead fanfiction#writumblr#english writers#tumblr writers#female writers#daryl smut#twd smut#the walking dead smut#smut fanfiction#norman reedus smut
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Are you going to do a part 2 to “You Found Me”?
Hey! Yes It’s in the works at the moment! Hopefully I’ll manage to get it out soon!
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Thank you @littlegodzilla for the tag! Took me ages to figure out which snippet to pick 😂 It's a very rough part of You found me part two!
Rules: Post a snippet of whatever you’re currently working on, no more than 300 words, and tag five other writers.
"The world was crashing back down on him again, With his mind running a million miles a minute he hadn’t realised that his body had taken over, Trying to shield him from the hurt his feet had retraced the same path he had taken a hundred times.
Still on autopilot he climbed the rungs of the ladder and through a small hatch at the top of the windmill, Into a tiny room that very few people even knew existed and the ones who did knew to stay clear or risk Daryl putting an arrow through their brains in anger. There was only about a foot between the top of his head and the roof and it was about 6 foot wide. Just enough to pace his problems away.
Every so often he would stop pacing to look through the small gaps in the slats, Even as confused and hurt as he was right now he was always keeping an eye out for any danger, Especially now with the meeting between them and the commonwealth. They could be up to anything.
What if they knew he was there and sent in Y/N as a spy to take them down from the inside. No she wouldn’t do that….Would she? His head slamming into the palm of his hands. He didn’t know anymore. It had been 12 years.. people change, He certainly had.
Some may find it hard to believe now but before, He was ALOT different. Still not really the social type but since he had met Y/N the world had been brighter. The people within the town that had always avoided him not meeting his eye assuming and assuming the worst of him, had seen the change too and started making an effort with him he had started to think outsiders weren't as bad as he was made to believe. "
Hope you enjoy! Also i have absolutely no idea who to tag so i'm going with the 5 most recent story's ive read Looking forward to see what you post :D P.s Y'all are insanely talented :D
@dftreed @dean-samw67 @twdeadfanfic @theteasetwrites @eddiexmxnson
#writers on tumblr#fan fic prompts#fan fic things#fanfiction writer#writumblr#tumblr writing prompt#tumblr writers
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Can someone please explain to me why I have writers block all day everyday and I’m unable to write more than 3 sentences (1 that’s actually half decent)
Then allllll of a sudden when I get in bed & turn the light off my brain mysteriously finds it’s self back between my ears and I think up 1000000 ideas which I type out on my phone and in the morning I haven’t the foggiest idea what I meant 😅
#writumblr#writing#writerslife#fanfic writing#female writers#fanfiction writer#writers on tumblr#english writers#women writers#writerblr#norman reedus is a god#daryl dixon fanfiction#daryl dixon writer#writers block#send help
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You Found Me
Sooooo, This idea has been bouncing around my head for awhile but i've been unable to find the words to get it out on paper! I've left it on kind of a cliffhanger so there will definitely be a part two maybe three! Dependent on how long it takes me to write it out!
My requests are always open let me know if you have anything you'd like me to work on :) Comment if you want adding to the taglist!
Hope your having a lovely day!

Full Masterlist Daryl Dixon Masterlist
Daryl was the odd sort, He didn’t seem to ever get himself into the same predicaments as everyone else did. He was just strong, dependable Daryl. The one you could always depend on to bail you out of the shit.
After knowing the man for 12 years now Maggie was still unable to get a real read on him. His brother was no use either, Merle was a vile man who wasn’t able to keep his trap shut for more than 15 seconds but somehow if he was questioned about their life before or Daryl he always found ways to scoot around the question.
At the lack of answers and Merles refusal to speak about it people had begun to believe Daryl was gay or quite possibly still a virgin and unable to know how to operate with women in those situations, But none dared to ask.
The brother’s hadn’t spoken in awhile, When they lost Rick Daryl was mad with grief and even Merle wasn’t able to pull him out of the mental hole he had dove into.
So of course he went to live at riverside. That was just Merle wasn't it… surrounded by women claiming he was going to show them a man, Pfft even Rachel was more ‘Man’ than he was, especially Rachel actually.
The last time Maggie took a trip there she was glad to see him reduced to little more than a dishwasher while the women of the group did all the jobs he deemed “Manly” Manly indeed Mr Potwash! She had thought. He played it off of course claiming that these were the things he had to do to get some tail around there. Seeing the way the women looked at him she doubted very highly he was getting much of anything.
There was a brief glimpse of a different side of Daryl for a while everyone saw it no matter how vehemently he had denied it. When Connie’s group had settled in, Maggie had noticed the pair getting closer. Daryl had started making a huge effort to communicate with her. They were always passing that little notebook back and forth. The little book of American sign language always sticking out of his back pocket.
Soon he had learned enough to speak to her without having to write it down which was a blessing really considering assets like paper and pencils were hard to come by these days, She needed every page to be able to communicate with the others and at the rate they were going they would have breezed through all the paper in Alexandria in under a month.
Not that Maggie would have minded, She loved Daryl he was her original family; someone she trusted above all others, There wasn’t much she wouldn’t do to see him happy.
Carol just had to shatter that though, She had been self destructive since she lost her Henry. Every part of Maggie understood and empathized with her, If it wasn’t for the life she carried within her at the time she would have happily watched the world burn to avenge Glenn.
When Carol left on the boats everyone had high hopes that this would be the make or break for her, That hopefully the group would get their carol back or at least some semblance of her.
However since she came back Carol’s self destructive tendencies had gotten way worse in very real ways, It wasn’t just a not very well thought through detour every now and then. People were dying, Going missing and instead of being accountable for it she blamed and deceived people who had done nothing but love and support her.
It was on one of these detours of hers that Connie and Magna had been lost, When the Cave opening had collapsed and the tunnel Daryl had seen behind him just a moment ago had disappeared, So had he.
Back to the gruff surly man of the past. He now either spent his days hunting or pacing the guard towers searching, Always searching for her. When Magna had returned she saw the spark of hope ignite back into him, Even more so when they had captured a former whisperer who had told her that he had seen Connie alive and being picked up by a man on the roads.
When the commonwealth had come knocking, Not a single person had trusted them. A group had gone out that night and managed to kidnap one of the guards. Taking him back to Alexandria they had questioned him thoroughly and discovered that not only had they allowed Ezekiel, Yumiko and Eugine into their walls but they had another of your people still in the lockup.
This was the news Daryl had been desperately awaiting, Calling her the “deaf bitch” had earned him a smack upside the head but Daryl no longer wanted to just ‘kill the bastard’
Instead a trade was arranged, Terms struck. 10 people each, no masks, no tricks, fingers off the triggers. Midday no sooner no later.
If any of the terms were breached it would mean many lives lost.
Maggie had let Daryl pick their side carefully, She had trusted his judgement implicitly. She knew that whoever he chose would be worth 10 times their men, From what the guard had let slip during his hours in the cell. The commonwealth had had it pretty easy. Ready made walls since the beginning, never having to starve or go without. If you didn’t wander too far they wouldn’t have even known they were in an apocalypse.
In other words they were soft, Not tried and tested. No matter what training they had received they couldn’t have compared to the life training Maggie's group had all had, Starving and fighting for their lives on a daily basis. No amount of training could have prepared them for the lengths a family would go to to reunite. It showed by how easily they were able to capture one of them. They didn’t work as a unit and they were going to regret that if they crossed them today.
Walking up and down in front of the group that had gathered, Maggie and Daryl both made sure everyone was armed to the hilt, Passing out what little body armour they had, It was nothing compared to the bright white shiny suits of the Commonwealth but it would do.
Setting out on foot the prisoner tied between Kelly and Rosita it hadn’t taken too long to reach the designated clearing. They could hear them coming from a mile away in their big clunky armour trampling all manner of branches between their feet.
Maggie turned to Daryl “If they don’t shut up they’re going to bring every walker in a 10 mile radius right to us!” She uttered urgently.
She could tell Daryl was thinking the same as he surveyed the area carefully holding his bow aloft.
“That’s far enough” He yelled as the Commonwealth finally broke through into the clearing.
A man in an orange suit stepped forward two paces “I said that’s enough. Need yer ears clearing out” Daryl growled at him stepping forward to the front of the group. He was still on high alert but had dropped the crossbow now to show he was not breaching the temporary truce.
The man continued another step before he spoke “Name?”
Daryl raised his eyebrow but replied. “Dixon, Yers?”
Nodding at him he answered “Mercer….Where's our man?” He grunted. Another man of very little words it would seem. Good. That’s what she wanted to get this over and done with, Maggie was glad he wasn’t another showboating Negan at least.
Daryl turned to the captive, severing his ties between the women but keeping his grip on the rope still dangling from his wrist, He marched him forward a step but still out of reach of the imposing figure ahead.
“An our woman?” Daryl Growled, Mercer inclined his head behind him. “Y/N bring her forward”
A chill ran up Maggie's spine, She had known Daryl long enough to be able to read his body language. No matter how subtle it would seem to most, The family would know. He had gone completely stiff; she could see the whites of his knuckles scrunched up on the rope still attached to the guard’s wrist. Something was wrong.. Tensing up herself she squinted trying to see past Daryl to judge what had warranted a reaction like this one, Sparing a glance at Rosita she could see the question in her eyes too. All of your body language mimicking each other.
The only change in the vicinity was a woman walking forward, In her curiosity Maggie had completely overlooked Connie. The woman looked around Maggie's age, She was beautiful stunningly so. But given Daryl’s previous ignorance of women she couldn’t see that being the reason. Studying Connie now she looked well, no obvious marks on her. If anything she looked healthier than the last time they had seen her.
Daryl’s mouth had dropped wide open now, Maggie had to shove him forward to go meet them in the middle, This small shove had seemed to be enough to snap him out of his stupor.
Forgetting all about the prisoner now Daryl took off running towards the women, the air went still, in those few moments, Both sides had weapons raised, Fingers on triggers waiting for the danger to come.
The woman had also released Connie, Maggie saw the smile spread across her face as she ran towards him too.
As they met in the middle Daryl easily side stepped Connie and flung himself on the Female guard. For a moment no one moved, everyone just studied the two in the middle.
“Y/N….Y/N is that really you?” Daryl asked desperately, Hurriedly moving the hair from in front of her face. They were both on their knees clutching at each other's faces, hardly believing what they were seeing.
Walking past the wall of the lost you had faltered as you always did at the picture of him, It had been 12 years since you had last laid eyes on Daryl. But you had never given up hoping you would be reunited, You had never told anyone about your life before, Not what you did for a living, who your family was or where you had lived. You had certainly never told them about him. When no one was watching you pinned the only picture you had on the wall, in the brief hope that maybe someone knew something and would hand it in…They never did…
Reaching out you let your fingers settle on his face. Imagining your hands were not touching an old cold picture but instead on the warmth of his soft skin staring directly into those insanely blue orbs.
The sound of heavy boots coming your way snapped you out of the day dream, Turning to face Mercer “Colonel Y/N” He nodded. Returning the greeting “General Mercer” Standing to attention you awaited his next words.
“You’re needed on a mission. Collect the female prisoner and meet us by the main gate”
“Affirmative sir” You reached over to collect the keys hanging from his hand, The prisoner had only been with you a few weeks, Assuming this had something to do with the recent meetings. After letting in a group of new people the commonwealth had discovered there were three colonies no more than a few days' ride away.
Once Eugene had been introduced to “Stephanie” it wasn’t long before he gave up the information. All it had taken was a few nice days and rocky road ice cream to convince him this was the closest place to paradise.
Being in the slightly higher ranks you knew this to be a complete farce. To keep the commonwealth working efficiently they needed the common masses to believe this was a new world order. Behind closed doors the morally corrupt government was still at work, Using the virus as an excuse to use even worse tactics than before. All dressed up with a pretty bow and ice cream you could see how the people were so easily blinded, So desperate for a peace of normality.
Usually people who had been out there like Eugene would be less trusting. They all came around eventually but none as quick as he had. All they had to do was dangle a woman in front of him and he was walking the commonwealth's line.
You were a lot harder to persuade, Hell they still hadn’t, You were completely alone when they had found you, Barely hanging on to life. There was nothing to give, No secrets to share. They gave up on trying to convince you a few months after your arrival, They now had collateral, The one thing that could bring you to heel. You were now a loyal Colonel of the commonwealth. It was forced loyalty but loyalty nonetheless.
The only one who had truly earned it luckily happened to be your General, He was a hard nut to crack but working together as long as you both had he was the only one you knew for certain you could trust, It had taken a few years but one night after a run in with a different group that didn’t go quite as well as you had wanted to he invited you to his office for drinks.
There you had both spilled your deepest secrets, He knew everything about your life before and you knew his, That night you had learned that maybe it wasn’t so bad to let someone in. Soon he became your best friend, The person that you could rely on always, He always kept you in the loop with all the goings on around the commonwealth and helped you raise your station enough to earn more freedom.
Retrieving the prisoner, You met Mercer at the gates as requested, You were the only one there who could sign which meant that you were the one who had most contact with her, She was a much harder nut to crack, Again it had been Eugine that had confirmed that she was from hilltop. With this knowledge Mercer had made a deal with the people there after they had captured one of your guards.
He was a low level Soldier but the commonwealth needed to show the new group that they cared about everyone of the souls they kept ‘Safe’ By doing this they could hope to bring the communities into the fold, This was what they did they grew their strength by taking others. Sometimes with force but mostly with a few honeyed words about a new land.
As you and Connie had built up abit of rapport she didn’t need to be forced anywhere, She didn’t trust anyone here but if there was anyone she thought would keep their word it was you. Strolling alongside you into the awaiting trucks you set off.
Travelling all night you kept watch over Connie while she slept, arriving just short of the meeting point, You were a few hours early which was perfect for recon, Leading a team out into the forest you had cleared it of every walker you came across. Within an hours walk of the clearing knowing that now the meeting place would at least be partially safe enough to let your guard down slightly.
Checking the watch on your wrist was just a formality. There was someone long ago that had taught you how to read the sun in the sky. But you couldn’t get distracted thinking about him now you would save that for later when you were alone and could dream of the possibilities.
Right now you had to be tough Colonel Y/N and get your team through this. There was two hours before your meeting which was just enough time to report back to Mercer and get there on time.
After speaking with Mercer you both took your places beside Connie, You on the left Mercer on the right. Explaining to her that she was not going to be restrained as that would take away her ability to communicate but they needed her to comply with their orders just until the trade off had concluded to ensure everyone’s safety. She nodded to confirm she had understood and fell hurriedly in step as you made your way to the predetermined spot.
All of you were purposely walking heavier than usual. There was no need for stealth today, Today you wanted them to know you were coming, you wanted them to be ready so this could be over and done with, The quicker everyone was home the better.
Once you had arrived you let Mercer take the lead, Barely paying attention to the exchange until you heard your name being called. Stepping forward you signed for Connie to come with you and gripped her wrist lightly guiding her.
When you stepped out into the light you were instantly met with those piercing blue eyes you had started to think you had imagined, Dropping Connie's wrist, your hand flung to your mouth in shock, You were shaking now. Had you finally gone mad? you wondered. Studying him he was definitely older, He held himself differently nowadays the scars and dirt all over his uncovered skin, His hair long and shaggy. He was definitely different but there was no hiding him from you, This had to be real.
Connie had taken you dropping her wrist as her sign of freedom and was already halfway across the clearing when the slight movement of his broke your shocked state, No longer caring about ‘Tough Colonel Y/N’ You ran begging every muscle in your body to move faster. It was only seconds but those seconds were too long after so long apart.
You saw the shock on Connie's face as he darted straight past her open arms, Straight into yours, Collapsing against each other in a desperate embrace, The rest of the world faded away as you found each other's eyes, Locked in the gaze you had only been able to dream about.
Breaking the new silence of the world he asked “Y/N….Y/N Is that really you?”
Moving the hair that had blown in front of your face to reveal the joyful tears in your eyes he clutched at your face awaiting an answer.
Giving him the small smile you had always reserved for him. “Yes Wolfie, it's really me..... I knew you would find me” You choked out, Completely overcome with emotion now. Your lips found his in an instant letting out a moan as his harsh lips smashed into yours a desperate need overcoming you both seeming locked in that glorious moment.
As always it was over too soon, When you felt the arms encircling your biceps you became aware of the shouting. “Colonel Y/N…..COLONEL Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING…….COLONEL Y/N BACK IN FORMATION!” He only dragged you back for a moment before Daryl was on you again.
“GET YER FUCKIN PAWS OFF MA WIFE” Like he was electrocuted Mercer dropped his hands from you and you could hear the shocked gasps run through the clearing.
There were choruses of “Wife?” spread from his side, Meanwhile you and Daryl had interlocked again now arms around each other weapons trained on the opposite sides.
The soldiers behind you also in shock breaking protocol and muttering about the new developments together, In the confusion each side had both dropped its weapons.
You weren’t sure how long you had been standing there before Mercer again called for order within the troops. Taking a much kinder tone with you this time.
“Y/N is that him? T's..."
Spinning around you cut him off with a glare. Knowing just how to read your cues at this point he diverted. “Is…Is this THE Daryl?” You nodded, still clinging onto him like he was your last breath.
“Well this changes things a little” Mercer motioned to your group to holster their weapons fully while a new plan was made. There was a lot of argument between Maggie and Mercer at first. She didn’t want to let them into Alexandria and Mercer didn’t want to be outside of a set of walls when the night came. If the two of you were going to get the time you needed together they had to come to some sort of agreement.
After an hour of this you and Daryl had decided to take a side each, You pulling Mercer to the side and him taking Maggie. In as hushed a tone as you could manage you convinced Mercer to return home for the night and when the morning came to meet you back at the gates at noon the day after.
“I just need enough time to explain it to him, Don’t worry there is no one in this world that would keep me safer than him”
“Even after all this time? If I follow this plan Y/N are you sure you can trust him with T??”
“If it makes you feel better hold him back in the van until i confirm everything is ok, But for right now you need to let me go with them.”
Studying you for a moment he nodded “Ok Y/N I trust you and if you trust him. I’ll do as you ask. But just this once Colonel, Don’t forget who outranks who” He quipped giving you a lighthearted nudge on the shoulder.
“Affirmative General, See you tomorrow” You walked back to Daryl nervously not sure how the conversation with him and Maggie had gone.
But it wasn’t him who noticed you first. Brushing past him Maggie stopped in front of you.
“Alone…One night…..Don’t get too comfortable i'm only doing this because i trust him. One wrong move and I'll put you down myself….Got it?”
“Thank you Maggie” you conceived, deciding at this point it was better to go against your nature and just be as agreeable as possible.
Giving a short wave to Mercer you watched as they disappeared into the trees before taking Daryl’s hand and following along.
You walked in relative silence, now was not the time for words. That would come later but now all you could do was basque in the glow of your mutual happiness at being together again.
Shortly you came across the gates to Alexandria, Moving through the streets you felt every eye on you, the whispers coming from each side. Locking eyes with Daryl he squeezed your hand gently staying silent but he had picked up his speed draggin you with him as he darted towards the houses.
Thankfully due to the speed walking you were soon being led to a garage door, Through a house and into a room, While Daryl deadlocked the door it gave you a moment to compose yourself and get ready for the onslaught of questions he would inevitably have.
It took you by surprise when there was nothing coming from him. Turning you found him on his knees in front of the door, head held in his hands, His whole body shaking as you approached him, Moving with caution as if you were approaching a wild animal.
Reaching out to him slowly your hand met his shoulder.
“You were dead!” He choked out. “Dead…..I didn’t make it in time, He said-.....He said you were overrun and I was late!”
Getting closer to him he now seemed less like a wild animal and more like a wounded child. Kneeling by his side you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, Resting your chin on his head and pulling him into you.
“Shh it’s ok…I’m here now…I’m here! Were together and nothing will tear us apart again”
You could feel as his tensed form started to relax in your arms, Shushing him still you ran your fingers through his hair detangling it as you went, This had always calmed him on those nights that the traumatic events from his childhood came knocking in his dreams.
His hair was never this long then not that you minded, it was actually kind of nice, surprisingly silky now it was almost free of knots. You weren’t sure how long you had both been knelt there when the pain started to shoot through your knees. Slowly you stood pulling him with you.
Your arms moving to his waist which you used to direct him over to the den of a bed, A small smile playing on your lips, He had always hated making the bed. It was partly why you had started calling him ‘Wolfie’ the other part was that he had called the three of you the ‘wolf pack’ You merle and him.
Social outcasts who defended each other fiercely. Well you had defended the two of them and Daryl you and Merle but Merle only cared about himself. There were women that flitted in and out of Merle's life but none had ever made the cut.
In Merle’s eyes you weren’t sure if you had ever made the cut. He always seemed jealous of the two of you, Making snarky comments every moment he could. Always undermining you with Daryl.
As you sat on the bed you saw as his hurt and confusion turned to anger, His face blank but the fire burning in his eyes.
He stood suddenly pacing the floor in front of the bed, You could see the cogs turning in his head as he said “What happened? Why did he lie? What did he do?” The anger in his tone sending a shock wave through your skin.
“I’m going to need you to sit down and calm down again before i tell you what happened wolfie” You had hoped the pet name would simmer some of the fire in his eyes. He gave you a glare which you returned. Torn between his anger and his need to have answers he sat again beside you.
“Daryl before i can tell you my side, I need to know what he told you happened that day”
You waited while he seemed to be calming himself enough to speak, You could see the tremors going through his skin as much as they were your own.
“Merle said that the cabin was swarmed and by the time he had got to you, You were…Dead..That he barely escaped with his life an he….He gave me this as proof” Pulling the knife free from his belt he raised it to his chest, Panic raised within you at this but before you had a chance to stop him. He opened up his vest, Pointing the knife away from his skin and towards the leather.
He then used the knife to cut through a crude patch on the inside and pulling something free. Keeping his fist clenched his eyes met yours as he started to open his hand.
There were happy tears brimming in your eyes when he uncurled his fist, Laying in the palm of his hand were three silver rings, Zoning in on your beautiful engagement ring, You could remember how proud he was when he told you he had worked hard for the money to buy that, Knowing you didn’t approve of how the brothers usually made their cash.
It had concerned you at first making you question things when he was out all hours and wouldn’t tell you where.
Until he revealed he had been working as a bar back at night and then getting up early to help in the mechanics shop all to save up for the beautiful dainty ring he now held in front of you again.
Holding your left hand in front of him “Well are you going to put them back on then?” He scooped up the engagement and wedding ring lined them up and slid them gently back onto your finger. “Give it” You ordered with a smile.
Opening his hand again he allowed you to take his much larger ring from his hand and much less patiently than he had you crammed it back onto his finger.
“There that’s better” Entwining your fingers again much like you had on that beautiful day in the woods when you had first said your vows. “Till death do us part” you muttered. “Till death do us part” he agreed.
Taking a deep breath you tore your eyes away from your rings but still enjoying the old familiar weight.
“He ripped these from me, When he abandoned me at the house, When i wouldn’t…” You broke off not ready to jump straight into that yet.
“Let’s start at the beginning eh?” He nodded his grip tightening on yours.
“It had been twelve hours since you had both left to see what was going on out there once all broadcasts had stopped”
He nodded impatiently for you to continue to a part he didn’t already know.
“When I heard the bombs I knew if either of you were in trouble you would go to the old run down cabin out by the bakers place, so when neither of you returned for a few hours I headed there to look for you”
Your heart started beating faster in your chest as you relieved the next memories.
“The place was empty so I waited out on the porch pacing like crazy for over an hour before Merle showed up. Running through the trees with two big canisters he yelled at me to get inside”
“A few minutes later he followed me into the house locking the door behind him, he was frantic checking all the windows and no matter how many times I asked he wouldn’t tell me where you where”
“I grabbed him to try and get him to snap out of whatever was going on and he turned on me. Pinning me to the floor he was yelling all sorts in my face, he was like a man possessed telling me every detail of why I was no good for you and that you had both decided that with everything that was going on, I would only slow you down and get you killed ....”
Daryl squirmed at your words barely meeting your eyes as you continued.
“He told me it would be a shame if a bitch like me went to waste without one good ride…. He tried to…. Well he tried to hurt me. I fought him off…. He was screaming at me again when I smelt the gasoline. When I asked him what was going on again he laughed, bolted through the door and jammed it from the outside.”
“The Flames were half way across the living room before I remembered the window pane in the bathroom was loose enough to escape from. By the time I had made it clear of the house and could turn back it was swarming with undead and neither you nor Merle were anywhere in sight”
“I was alone for awhile when the commonwealth found me, but somehow I always knew you made it. Everywhere I went I searched for you, searched for our mark on the trees, searched every face we came across praying one day I’d find you… and well now here we are”
Daryl was still not meeting your eyes, his clenched fists had long since turned white at the pressure and his body shaking with rage.
When he finally looked at you there were tears running down his face.
“I saw the fire, I watched for hours till it collapsed in, I said goodbye to ya …. And all this time ya were right there”
Flinging himself from the bed he paced the room “This is all my fault, I shoulda…. I shoulda fought for ya, I gave up!” You had seen Daryl upset before, But never like this. Jumping up to meet him, You had to tell him the rest before he ran, Daryl always ran, Sure he also always came back but there was something in him that whenever it got hard he would run from his feelings. This time with what you had to say you weren’t sure if he would come back.
The old Daryl would be excited but you weren't sure about this new one. Would he hate you? Would he get so angry he would throw you outside the walls and never speak to you again?
Nevertheless he had a right to know.
You were shaking now in the nerves of the moment, “Daryl I need to tell you something-” before you could finish your sentence, his lips met yours again for the first time since the clearing.
The feel of his lips mixed with his familiar musk overrode your senses, Your fingers tangling in his hair once more but this time with much more urgency. Your hands found the buttons of his shirt with practiced ease. The words you were going to speak were completely forgotten as your hands trailed their way down his firm muscular chest.
Moaning into his lips as he pressed you closer to him, In a blur he had your shirt off and had pushed you back on the bed, His teeth nipping at your collar bone. As heavenly as it felt this brought you back to reality.
"Daryl....Daryl i need to speak to you." He seemed completely oblivious to your words as his hands were fumbling with the button of your jeans.
Putting your hands over his you moved him off you gently, You were both gasping for air trying to calm down the sexual tension in the room. Your head was spinning with the words you knew you had to speak before things went any further.
His eyes met yours again curiously "Daryl there's something else about our time apart that you really need to know..."
Taking a giant gulp you began, "With everything that had been going on around that time, It didn't ever seem the right time to tell you" You choked out.
"Tell me what?"
Standing you walked to the other side of the room, Intently glaring at a book on the shelf "I was pregnant..."
The words hung in the air like a bomb still waiting to explode. Every moment felt like an eternity waiting, Steadying yourself for his reaction you turned slowly.
Your eyes swept the room as your heart broke...He was gone.
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Seeing clearly now
Hey guys! I started writing this over a year ago, Took me a few days to get back into the swing of thing and get it finished off, Feeling a little rusty! Let me know what you think! And if you want to be added to the taglist leave me a comment below!
Lots of love
Jen <3
The sun had barely risen when you were rudely jostled from sleep. Grumbling you turned over in the tent, opening your eyes and searching the dimly lit tent for him.
“Ughhhh it’s too early, Come back to bed” You whined. He scoffed barely acknowledging you as he pulled his pants on. You stood stretching as you did and wrapped your arms around his naked torso. Seeing him like this always made that burning feeling flip inside your stomach. Running your fingers up and down his chest.
“C’mon no one will be awake yet, We could-”
“No..Someone’s got to keep an eye on this camp. Go back to bed Y/N”
His fingers circled your wrists pulling them away from him and back down to your side. Slipping a shirt on he pushed his way out of the tent into the early morning.
Shane seemed different lately, Before all the craziness of the world now. He had asked you to marry him, You were looking at houses together and planning this incredible life. There was a part of you that understood the change in his behaviour but you couldn’t get your head around the way his love seemed to have dwindled.
You watched as he stormed away from the tent you both shared, stopping to exchange a few words with Dale at the RV; He had to still care right? A man didn’t just propose marriage and declare his love just to change his mind like this. Maybe it was the stress of being the leader of the camp, But now Rick is here and seems to have taken that mantle you would have thought the stress would have decreased but it had only gotten worse.
Closing the flap on the tent you felt silly as a tear escaped your eye, Dressing at a leisurely pace before leaving the tent and heading towards the barn, Seeing Maggie and Beth already there.
“Anything I can help with?” You half chuckled seeing Maggie jump before your mood turned to confusion looking at the panicked look on their faces.
“Uhhh no” Maggie stuttered out. “I think Carol might do though, She’s up doing the laundry on her own. Lori hasn’t gotten up” Giving them both an inquisitive look you decided to let it go. Thanking them, you turned and walked back towards the tents, seeing they were right and Carol was already red in the face scrubbing her way through a huge pile of washing.
Silently taking a seat next to her you pulled the water that had been boiling off the fire pouring into the large tub in front of you both.
Now there were two of you. The work had gone by a lot quicker and by the time you were hanging the last of it on the line. Lori stumbled out of her tent.
Giving Carol a small smile you made your excuses and left, You weren’t sure why but Lori had never seemed to like you. You had a great relationship with her and her family before you and Shane had gotten engaged. From that point onwards she had been very cold, Barely even acknowledging your existence since Shane had rescued her and Carl bringing them along with you both.
Every part of you screamed for you to turn around and ask her what her problem was it went through your head everyday, But every time you asked Shane if he knew why she was being like this he shrugged you off and told you to stop being stupid.
Sighing, you picked up a couple of big empty bottles by the side of the RV and made your way to the well to fill them. After they were both filled you cursed yourself for not realising you wouldn’t be able to carry them both back alone.
Too stubborn to ask for help you figured you would at least try. Tightening the lids on both you grabbed each handle huffing under the weight, Tentatively taking a few steps before your grip started to falter.
As if on cue Daryl rushed to your side taking one of the bottles from you. You gave him a grateful smile walking back towards the group together. Dropping them off at the RV you shrugged off the thanks from Dale waiting for Shane to say anything to you, To even look at you but he didn’t. You gave Dale a warm smile and a wave before turning away to walk towards the tents once more.
Daryl shadowed you as you walked away from the RV, Noticing Lori was no longer there you decided to help Carol prepare for dinner.
Giving Daryl a huge smile you turned and pulled him tightly to you in a warm embrace. His arms faltered for a moment before wrapping around your back, Sighing happily into his chest you let the embrace last a moment longer enjoying the physical touch you had so craved from Shane.
Raising your head from his chest to look into his eyes you broke the silence.“Thank you so much Daryl. You’re always there when i need you”
He shrugged giving a small grunt “Ain’t Nothin’” You could see a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as his eyes met yours. There was something in the way he looked at you...Something you couldn’t quite place your finger on….Something..More..
Too soon you felt a hand encircle your bicep pulling you away. Ripping your eyes from the warm sparkling blue ones to the anger filled deep brown eyes.
“What the fuck Y/N! What do you think your doin huggin all over him in the middle of camp? "
"You fuckin him? You fuckin this piece o’ shit redneck? HUH? ” He raged
If Daryl was hurt by this he didn’t let it show “It were jus a fuckin hug Shane! Stop bein such an asshole! Y/N aint done nothin wrong, Bet’cha can’ say the same eh?” Daryl retorted getting in between you and Shane, pushing you backwards gently away from Shane’s vice grip.
It took a minute for the words he had said to fully hit you, “Wait….what?” You asked.
Shane pushed past Daryl facing you again. “Back to the tent Y/N!” Shane ordered his eyebrow raised as if he was daring you to defy him.
“But...But what did you mean Daryl?” You asked feeling the tears breach your eyes. Those 6 words seem to confirm your worst fears. Shane grabbed you again, turning you and pushing you in the direction of the tent.
“This is men talk, Get back to the tent now!” Letting your feet carry you in the direction you were shoved, you brushed the tear from your eye and opened the tent flap in front of you, throwing yourself down on your sleeping bags.
Not able to tell if you were furious, Hurt or just straight up confused. Is that what Daryl was saying? Was he confirming that Shane was cheating on you? Had he seen something or were you just reading too much into this?
You sat there not moving contemplating everything that had been running through your mind since the end began. As always managing to talk yourself down, He couldn’t be...Not with her, She’s his best friend's wife. He wouldn’t do that and then face Rick everyday and act like everything was normal. Only a heartless person could do that. Your Shane wasn’t heartless. He loved Rick and his family. That’s all it was, he probably just wanted to spend as much time with Rick now he knows he’s alive, and Lori just came as a part of that. You told yourself.
The sound of your stomach growling pulled you from your thoughts, Frowning as you realised Shane never came to the tent to check on you or to explain. Maybe you had gone too far hugging Daryl and he was still mad at you.
Poking your head tentatively out of the tent you saw the group all sat around the table eating. Shane laughed at something Carl had just said. Your frown deepening, you left the tent deciding to walk off the hunger rather than face him and the group after the public blow up earlier.
It was eerily silent around the farm at night. Once you had reached the opposite side of the farm you took a seat on the grass before laying backwards. Looking up at the stars that were just visible between the leafy canopy above you. It was times like this that you wished you had a camera to capture the beauty in front of you forever.
Before you knew it the warm breeze around you was making your eyes grow heavy. You knew it probably wasn’t wise going to sleep out in the open like this but your brain was fuzzy from overthinking and you just didn’t care right now. Letting the breeze carry you off into a peaceful sleep you dreamt of the stars and the life you might have had if it wasn’t for the outbreak.
It was the heat that woke you up. Feeling the sun burning at your skin, Opening your eyes lazily from the position of the sun in the sky it had to have been at least midday. Shit! You had chores to do! Shane was probably worried sick with you not being back all night.
Jumping to your feet you brushed the dirt from the back of your shorts and ran your fingers hastily through your hair to get out the majority of the tangles.
Walking briskly back around the field towards the camp you stopped in the trees around it listening to see if there was any talk about you before stepping out. Luckily the conversation between everyone seemed easy going and relaxed.
Stepping out you came to Carol’s side giving her a small smile “Anything i can help with Carol?” Taking in your appearance she raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything about it.
“Could you get some more water please? Just enough to wash the dishes from breakfast?”
Giving her a nod you took the container from the side of her and set off to the well again. Deja vu was running through you as you saw Daryl walk towards you as you had finished filling the container.
Without meeting his eyes you lifted the container into your arms walking away as quickly as you could without spilling any.
Within two steps he had caught up to you “Wait!! Y/N! Where were you last night? I stopped by the tent and you were gone and no one had seen you”
Shrugging you carried on walking hoping Shane wasn’t watching this interaction. You heard his voice before you saw him “What did i tell you about bein near my girl Dixon!”
Daryl bunched his fists up at his sides. “I wouldn’t have to keep checkin on her if ya did! Bet yer didn’t even notice she wasn't there last night did ya?” He was fully enraged now.
“Too busy steppin out on her to notice she weren’ fuckin there! Ya don’t deserve a girl like Y/N fuckin pig”
“What did i tell ya about stickin yer nose in where it don’t belong! Yer don’t know shit about Y/N and me so take yer ass back to where ya came from!”
“Shane...What’s he talkin about?” You asked, glaring into his eyes. “Go back to camp Y/N” Shane spat at you.
No longer caring about the scene you were probably causing, you threw the container of water to the ground. Turning to Daryl instead.
“No I wont!! Tell me Daryl what are you sayin here?” You felt Shane’s fingers brush past your arm in an attempt to grab you, Knowing what he was about to do you stepped out of his reach.
Looking between the pair of them, Daryl wouldn’t meet your eyes, He had a stony look on his face. Shane stood awkwardly. “Someone tell me what the fuck’s going on!” you half screamed at them feeling the blood pulsing in your veins, Shane was quicker than you this time pinning your arms to your sides and half dragging you back to camp leaving Daryl standing there with the half empty container at his feet.
When you had both gotten back to your tent Shane had used every excuse in the book to explain why Daryl could have said what he said and that he wasn’t betraying you. Even having the nerve to act offended that you thought that of him. Eventually tiring of the conversation you just agreed with him knowing it would end the conversation sooner.
Thankfully you had convinced Shane that you agreed with him, He gave you a harsh kiss and left through the tent flap without another word. But now someone else had noticed his behaviour, you were done listening to his drivel.
You were going to get the truth one way or another! You peeked out of the flap to make sure Shane had gone and there was no one nearby to see where you were going.
Stepping out quickly you used the shadows of the trees to move unnoticed straight to Daryl’s Camp. Once you got closer you stepped over his trip wire. Moving as silently as you could you heard him mumbling curses under his breath as he skewered a squirrel on a spit pushing it over the fire.
Deciding it was safe to step out, You watched as he jumped up, His fingers twitch nervously over the knife on his belt, Visibly relaxing when he saw it was you. Sitting back down he paid no more attention to you as he turned the squirrel over in the fire.
Sighing you took a seat next to him, Silent for a few moments to think of the best way to ask this. You didn’t want to sound accusatory or harsh or Daryl would just get defensive and you wouldn’t get any answers.
Deciding to start with the question he asked you earlier.
Clearing your throat you started “So last night, I uh well i um fell asleep under the trees over there” not meeting his eyes embarrassed by your reckless admission.
You saw as his body tensed “What the hell Y/N! You coulda been killed! One of them geeks coulda got ya and i wouldn’ta known to stop it...To save you…” he trailed off sadly.
“I know, I’m sorry it was stupid i didn’t mean to worry you...But thank you Daryl”
“Yer damn right it wer stupid Y/N! Will ya stop thanking me! I aint done nothin to thank!”
“You cared enough to notice D, No one notices me anymore. You're the only one that doesn’t make me feel invisible and I'm grateful. I thought for sure shane would have noticed i wasn’t home all night but he didn’t and all i can think is that means he wasn’t back either….”
You looked at him expectantly hoping this would cause him to finish what he had said in front of you and Shane earlier.
When he scoffed and didn’t say anything just focused his attention on his meal. You tried again.
“Please Daryl, I need to know. What did you mean before? Is Shane cheating on me with her?” Your voice was shaking now, Terrified that his answer would rip your world apart.
He grunted again “Think ya need to ask yer fiance Y/N” his eyes darkening when he called Shane that
Shuffling closer to him and putting your hand on his arm you watched as he stiffened before relaxing under your touch. “I tried, He’s lying to me. I know he is. Please he’s making me feel like I'm crazy please just tell me!” You let your tears fall staring into his eyes intently.
Groaning “Yer not crazy Y/N” When he didn’t seem to be saying anything further you prodded.
“Is it Lori?” He nodded, finally meeting your eyes. “I’m sorry Y/N but he’s no good he don’t deserve ya”
“Her baby…..It's his isn’t it?” He nodded again.
When the sobs wracked your body you felt his arms wrapping around you pulling you tight to his chest. It was so confusing because even though you now knew the man you were going to marry was cheating you also felt relief. Relief that you were right all along that you weren’t going crazy. But it was painful knowing that now you were going to be alone in this world but the warmth coming from Daryl’s chest somehow made it seem less scary.
Pushing him back from you, You stood silently wiping your tears on your sleeve. You ran towards your tent. Once inside you grabbed the little things you owned, stuffing them inside a pack before turning and leaving, not bothering to look over at the rest of the camp. You couldn’t handle seeing them now your mind was made up.
Stalking into the trees you just walked not knowing where you were going to go but knowing you couldn’t be here anymore. There was no place here for you now.
After walking for around half an hour you start to hear strange noises. Your heart might have well stopped when you realised the moaning was human...You’d recognise that gruff moan anywhere.
Freezing in place you weren’t sure if you should run and get as far away from this as you could or if you should confront them so at least he would now know that you knew. Before you could make your mind up a pair of arms darted out to grab you.
One hand around your waist pulling you backwards into a hard muscular chest the other around your mouth to muffle any noise that may come from you. Fear coursing through your body you started to struggle kicking backwards into the pair of legs behind you.
A sharp pained gasp came from the man holding you as your heel connected with his shin.
“Shh fuck girl it’s only me!” He angrily growled quietly in your ear. Letting the sound of his voice calm you. Once you stopped struggling he let you go.
“What’re ya doin out here by yaself! Ya coulda asked me to come with ya!” His eyes burning holes in yours with his intense stare.
Meeting his glare feeling braver than you felt. “I’m leavin” you hissed. You saw as his body slumped slightly the intense burning in his eyes being put out. Looking more hurt than angry now.
When he seemed lost for words you continued softer this time “Look Daryl there’s no place for me here anymore. I can’t sit around and watch them do this. Stay by his side whilst he’s out here doing this. I don't belong here anymore! Can’t you see that?"
“No, No i cant Y/N Course ya belong here!! Ya belong here more than he fuckin does! He should be the one to leave not yer! Yer done nothin wrong! Just come back with me…...Please!” His words pleading with you. He reached his hand out holding the sides of your arms almost desperately.
“Please don’t leave me” He muttered, barely looking at you.
You could tell from the reddening of his cheeks that he had not intended this to be voiced, Even through the blazing of his cheeks you could still see the sincerity in his eyes.
Those incredible blue eyes that could melt you a thousand times over, He had finally pulled his eyes up to meet yours, Feeling yourself drawn to him you weren’t sure how long you stayed standing staring at each other. It was like all time had stood still when you were rudely brought back to reality by another loud moan.
Tears stinging your eyes you ripped them away from him, Letting your feet pull you towards the sound, You stumbled across them pretty quickly both stark naked in a small perfectly moonlit clearing.
Watching with disdain you saw as Shane and Lori were clinging to each other writhing around, moaning in pleasure. You felt the bile rise in your throat, Unable to watch any longer you spun around knocking straight into Daryl’s chest.
As if he knew exactly what you needed, Daryl wrapped an arm around your shoulders guiding you silently through the dark woods. Before you knew it you were approaching the edge of the trees near the campfire. You could just make out Rick with his arm slung around Carl’s shoulders, Laughing so casually.
Daryl turned to you now breaking the silence“ ‘m really sorry Y/N”
Shrugging your shoulders you nodded towards the pair. “Don’t be sorry for me, they did me a favour. Feel sorry for them”
Turning your back on them you walked towards the field you had accidentally slept in the other morning. Not sure of your next step and with Daryl watching you so closely you would set up there. Far away from all the others.
Before you had managed to take a few steps you felt his hand encircle your bicep.
Fear in his eyes “Ya not still goin are ya”
“Not yet, But you can’t expect me to stay here with them can you, Watch them lie to me and Rick and just be okay with it?”
“Ya will stay with me” He insisted, his hand still on your arm pulling you towards his camp.
When you reached the small camp you tried to break away slightly to set up your sleeping bag against the tree behind his tent.
“Ya can sleep in there, I’ll take out here”
“I couldn’t take your bed Daryl, Look I've got what i need with me. You will be right there. I'll be fine!”
This went back and forth between you for a few minutes arguing about who would take the tent, When finally in frustration he said.
“Y/N I know what everyone thinks of me but i aint some mindless redneck. I know when I fall asleep you’ll be outta here right quick, Take the tent tonight and figure it out tomorrow”
With that he slumped himself down against the log he had been using as a chair and pulled his hat down over his face. Glancing between him and the tent you decided to take a seat next to him. Letting your arm brush against his as you did staring thoughtfully at the fire.
“I don’t think you're a mindless redneck, I think you're great” You said giving him a small smile.
You could see the blush on his cheeks as you continued.
“Okay, just for tonight, But i won’t be having you sleeping like this. I don’t know if you’ve noticed these Georgian nights gettin pretty chilly. How about we compromise and share? ”
He looked at you shocked for a moment before shrugging and nodding once. Taking that as your cue, You walked over to the tent and left the flap hanging open for him to follow. Where he slept looked like a nest, In complete disarray.
Rolling your eyes you muttered “men” before leaning down and starting to rearrange the bedding to make it big enough to fit two. Finishing it off by opening up your sleeping bag fully and putting it on top to act as a quilt.
Once you had finished you kicked your boots off and pulled a large t-shirt out of your bag and got changed before sliding straight into the makeshift bed. You moaned happily in surprise at how comfortable it was. Certainly better than sleeping on the ground like the night before.
It wasn’t until you turned over that you noticed Daryl was there with you standing awkwardly by the opening.
“Zip that door up and jump in, You look as tired as i feel” You said patting the bed at the side of you.
He shuffled his feet uncomfortably before also pulling off his boots then top. As he climbed in beside you he muttered a quick “night” before facing away. “G’night Daryl, Thank you”
“S’ok” He muttered.
Laying your head back on the pillow you couldn’t help the sniffle that came out. Being here in someone else’s bed for the first time in around a decade and not with the man you thought would be your husband was too much, You didn’t mind Daryl’s company in fact you preferred it to the way Shane had been with you but you couldn’t stop thinking about what you had seen in the woods and the way he had just so easily lied to your face over and over again.
“S’ok” He reassured again as his arm encased you pulling you to him. You nuzzled your nose into his chest letting his warmth wash over you. Before you knew it the sound of his heart pounding anxiously in his chest, his warmth and a musky scent that you couldn’t quite place were clouding your senses.
Your heart was pounding now mimicking his. You had always liked Daryl, in those lonely days being completely ignored by Shane, You would spot Daryl and allow your mind to wander imagining what your life would be now if you had been with him instead.
You would imagine what it would be like to have those strong muscular arms wrapped around your waist. A man like that wouldn’t have left you alone all those nights, And now he wasn’t, here you were just where you had always imagined you could be. Your head on his chest and the electricity of expectation hanging in the air.
Eyes fluttering open you looked up at his face, To see the same emotions crossing his eyes, Your lips met a moment later. The kiss was electric like you had never been kissed before, It quickly went from soft and sweet to desperate and needy. Your lips moved hungrily, Opening them and allowing him inside. Both of your hands pulling each other closer than you thought possible.
It was over too soon, Pulling your faces away from each other you gasped for air.
“I’ve been waiting forever to do that” You whispered.
He stared into your eyes for a moment as if looking for the truth in your eyes, Before smashing his lips back to yours. You couldn’t help the moan that came out all thoughts of Shane forgotten in your desperate haze to have all of this man. Your fingers deftly found the top of his jeans unbuttoning them and unzipping them in one quick move.
Gripping them and pushing them down you moaned again when you noticed his thick manhood pop straight out, Clenching it in your fist you pumped it softly at first listening to the guttural groans coming from his throat, You could feel the sickness from your heat dripping down your thighs as you rubbed them together savouring the precious friction it gave you.
His fingers were now at the bottom of your shirt pulling it easily over your stomach and chest exposing everything to him. You released him for a moment so he could slide it the rest of the way off.
Both gasping for air again you took in each other's states of undress. You were completely bare for him, your chest heaving with arousal as you looked down, eyes widening as you saw the size of him. You bit your bottom lip watching him kick his jeans fully off his legs.
Softly now he put his hand in your hair and pulled his body towards yours, Staring straight into your eyes again.
“Are ya sure?”
Gulping the air into your lungs you replied.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything Daryl, Please i need to- …. I need to - feel you”
He didn’t need telling twice, He cupped the side of your face gently pulling your lips to his again, while his body slid over the top of yours settling in quickly between your open legs. In one quick move he thrust into you as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
It was like the animal inside him had taken over and all you could do was hold on, His lips were everywhere all at once, His hands finding your perky large breasts as he squeezed them harshly, His rough thumbs finding your nipples and tweaking them.
As he pounded over and over you could feel his patch of pubic hair rubbing against your aching clit. With each hit bringing you closer and closer to release.
The air was thick in the tent now, your bodies glistening with sweat as he was almost reaching his limit. Before he could you put your hand on his chest pushing him off you and down onto the bedding.
Before he had a chance to complain at the lack of contact you were already hovering over him lining up his huge cock with your dripping wet folds.
Holding a hand over your mouth to stop the scream from ripping out of your chest as you felt it penetrate deeper than you had ever had it before. He quickly ripped your hand from your mouth.
“I wanna hear ya” He groaned. “But what if people hear?” You questioned your hips stalling while they waited for an answer.
“Aint nobody but me to hear you this far out. Please Y/N I need to hear ya '' With this he bucked up into you not being quick enough to stop it this time, You let out a scream of pleasure. Leaning back you put your hands onto his knees and ground down onto him, Your clit smashing against his public bone, You lifted your hips twisting as you did before plunging down onto him. Between your screams and his moans you knew it wouldn’t be too long before you would reach your climax.
Not caring who heard anymore you stared deeply into his eyes screaming his name feeling the well break within you as you clenched around him you felt him pulsing faster and faster until he came with you moaning your name into the air, Covering your walls with his thick hot cum.
Collapsing onto his chest you both felt the tingles running through your body all the way to your toes. Letting the warmth and Daryl’s steadily beating heart lull you into a sound sleep, The type of sleep only possible after the most incredible orgasm.
When you awoke you smiled happily remembering the night before and reached your arm out to find him, Jolting up suddenly when you realised he was no longer there.
Pulling your clothes back on hastily you followed the breeze coming through the slight opening in the tent.
There he was almost starting another fire with the speed he paced in the dry grass. When you opened the tent fully the sound brought him back to his senses, Running over to you he helped you out of the tent.
His eyes hit the ground as he held your hands in his. You could see the shame crossing his face.
“Daryl what’s wrong?” You asked. It took him a few moments to respond.
“Y/N I’m so fucking sorry, I i i i took advantage of ya last night…I made ya just like him, I made ya betray him, I promise i’ll stay away-” At these words you snapped to attention.
“No…NO Daryl i don’t want you to stay away. You didn’t take advantage of anything! I wanted you! I still want you!”
His beautiful blue eyes met yours always looking for a lie in any nice words spoken to him, When he didn’t say anything you continued.
“I haven’t betrayed anyone, What we did was nothing like them. It was incredible and if you remember anything else from yesterday you helped me leave him so how could what we did be anything like that?”
He shrugged his shoulders mumbling “I thought ya would regret being with a man like me….”
“A man like you? What do you mean a man like you, A Man that’s kind? Protective? Caring? Incredible? Insanely gorgeous? I could go on… Of course I wouldn't regret being with a man like that, He’s the only man i want. He’s the one i've tried to stop wanting from the minute i laid eyes on him”
He shuffled his feet awkwardly at your praise. You put your arms around his neck giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
“I can only hope a man that great would want a damaged woman like me, Because if he did i think we could be very happy Sugar”
“Ya not damaged, Ya perfect” He mumbled chewing his bottom lip clearly overthinking everything you had said.
He cleared his throat finally daring to look into your eyes again. “Ya not still planning on leaving are ya?”
Letting out a soft chuckle you grinned at him “Not when i have you by my side i’m not”
You spent the morning in a happy daze sharing soft kisses while he watched over you making a quick breakfast. The time to rejoin the group was swiftly approaching. You slipped your fingers into his and exchanged one last longing kiss as you both made the journey to the others.
When you got near Daryl broke away from you giving your hand a last squeeze before heading to the RV where Dale and Glen were waiting.
You smiled as you saw the two empty water containers waiting for you knowing he wouldn’t let you carry them back alone. Like clockwork the second you had filled the second one he was there hands on yours pulling one out of your grip and letting his other hand slide into yours.
The bliss wasn’t to last as you saw Shane barreling his way over, Yelling profanities as he went.
Daryl dropped the water container and instinctively guarded your body with his.
He tried to push his way past Daryl to get to you, But Daryl being Daryl wouldn’t allow that and just pushed him straight on his ass.
In a low but authoritative voice Daryl growled “Stay the fuck away from ‘er”
More profanities spewed out of Shane as he tried to push himself back to his feet.
You poked your head around Daryl and ended up almost face to face with Shane. As his eyes met yours you could see the hatred burning behind them, Taking a deep breath you decided now was the time to stop placating him and give it to him straight.
Glancing around the area luckily there was no one close enough to hear your next words.
“I can see through your fucking lies now shane” You hissed through gritted teeth. You didn't even allow him a chance to defend himself.
“Don’t bother! I saw you both! Last night in the woods, You’re lucky i’ve not told Rick! But be assured if you don’t I will!”
Shane looked affronted at your words then tried a different tact, “Baby please! It didn’t mean anything. I was just trying to help her when Rick was missing. I didn't know she would force things this far with me and I didn't know how to stop it or tell you!”
“Don’t even try to blame her! You're both as bad as each other! Cheating lying snakes!”
“I love you so much Y/N please please believe me i would never hurt you!”
Laughing openly at him now “Don’t beg Shane makes you look weak….We Wouldn’t that now would we”
Turning slowly you gave him a wide smile “Help me carry these back sugar?”
“Yeah just one sec” Daryl looked as if he was going to help Shane up but in a flash he had punched him hard back down to the dirt.
As if nothing had happened he picked up the container on the floor, grasped your hand again bringing it to his lips and giving it a soft kiss. “Let’s go babe”
Ignoring Shane writhing on the floor holding his eye you walked past and back to the group.
You could feel the eyes on you all day, everyone desperate to know what had happened but not brave enough to ask, Lori avoided you completely. Carol and you worked side by side in relative silence, as you completed the day's chores. Luckily Shane seemed to be off somewhere taking care of his bruised ego so your afternoon was pretty peaceful.
Once you’d both finished making dinner and called everyone over you watched the eyes follow you as you took your new place between Daryl’s feet, Looking around the group still no one had met your eye and didn’t seem to have anything to say on the subject picking up your spoon you started eating, enjoying your dinner as much as anyone could enjoy squirrel and potato stew.
Once it was over you took all the leftovers towards the barn to give to the chickens as you always did, Feeling the hairs standing up on the back of your neck you spun around holding the bucket high expecting to see someone there. Your heart was pounding in your chest after a few moments you shook it off thinking the dramatics of the day had just got you on edge.
Cooing gently at the beautiful feathered girls in the coop you reached out to unlock the gate. Before your hand had even brushed the clasp you felt a hand close around your mouth and another in your hair pulling you back.
You tried to scream, kick anything you could until you felt the blade at your neck. “Shh now Darlin” Your blood ran cold, Kicking harder he just laughed as he pulled you around the side of the coop now completely hidden from the group's eyesight.
His hand had moved to your throat now crushing it just enough to stop you from being able to shout out, He pushed you hard against the wood of the barn, Blackspots clouded your vision on impact. You felt his hand at your belt. Tears springing to your eyes as you realised what was happening. Fighting harder.
He held you back with such ease as he chuckled at you now, his hand at his own belt pushing his pants to his ankles after succeeding at dropping yours.
“I’ll show you who you belong to Y/N Act like a fuckin whore and ill treat you like one” You scrunched your eyes closed internally shutting off, You didn’t need to be aware for this. Feeling your body go limp when he pushed your hips upwards. The pressure left you then and your body came crashing to the floor.
Vaguely aware of a scuffle to the side of you, You waited to feel the pain but instead it was a pair of gentle hands cupping your face.
“Y/N? Y/N? Answer me” He was shaking you gently now, Relief flooded your senses as you realised who the voice belonged to.
“Daryl i knew you’d find me” You croaked. Opening your eyes you leapt into his arms allowing the tears to flood over and soak his shirt. He stayed with you like this until you heard the groans, Looking to the side Shane was waking up. Daryl pounced back on top of him, his fists scrunched up in Shane’s shirt, Repeatedly hitting him off the floor as he yelled in his face.
“I ever see ya touch my woman again i'll kill ya, Ya hear me I'LL KILL YA”
Running over to the pair of them you put your arms around Daryl trying to pull him off, You could see him visibly relax in your arms.
“C’mon he's not worth it, Please Daryl! Stop”
“He put his fuckin hands on ya! If i hadn’t noticed…If i hadn't been here he would….He woulda…” He was choking on the words, unable to vocalise what he had walked in on.
“Shhh it’s ok… I know but you were here Daryl, Look at me! I’m alright he didn’t. C’mon come home with me please”
His ears perked up at this “home?” He questioned. “Yes sugar home, Anywhere is home with you love”
He released Shane but not before getting another kick at his ribs. Cupping your face in his hands again you could see the hurt in his eyes, “I promise ya Y/N I’ll never let anyone hurt ya. Never”
“I know Daryl” Turning your head towards Shane. “Go fuck yourself shane, I can see everything clearly now. I’ve found a real man now, Stay the fuck away from us”
As if the last 10 minutes hadn’t even happened Daryl grinned at you before sweeping you off your feet with one hand under your knees.
“Lets go home Darlin” He said sweetly before giving you a loving kiss and carrying you back to your own little paradise where you could block the world out and just be intertwined happily together.
In the end Lori did see through his shit and cut things off after this she spent her time trying to make it up to you, The group saw through him too and when he died barely a tear was shed.
Even with all the dangers of the new world you were grateful to have found pure unadulterated love and you couldn't have been happier.
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Hey i had sent you a Norman request a while back ( a year ago lol) 👉👈 is there any chance that you would still write it
Hey! Could you let me know which request it was that you sent please and ill have a look :)
Thank you for the message :D
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Mac - Red Canyon Fan Fictions
Mac's Girl
Summary: Following the same story as the movie, You go to Cainville Utah with your 5 friends for the summer, Thinking it would just be a nice summer riding dirt bikes and drinking. Little did you know the sick twisted man known as Mac has his eye on you and is going to make you his.
Word count: 9.6k
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Daryl Dixon Fan Fictions
Your sick of waiting for Daryl to make a move or even speak to you and decide to dress up to do your chores hoping you’ll catch his eye.
You manage more than that He gets jealous when other men/ and one woman ;) show an interest and he admits he’s wanted you all this time and roughly claims you.
Word count: 6k
The Farmers Daughter
Reader is Hershels daughter, Sick of being babied by him she begs Daryl to take her on a run as a birthday present, When a herd passes you and Daryl get stuck in a cabin together and finally decided to make your move. Smut Ensues
Word Count: 4.5k
He's just like the sun
Daryl had saved you from a herd of walkers, When you reached Alexandria he became distant and you started dating Spencer. He stayed away from you fully until Carol brought it to his attention that Spencer could be hurting you. Long slow burn. Smutty ending with Confessions of love :)
Word Count: 8.8k
Chapter Two
Reader goes missing, Daryl gives up the search after only a few weeks and starts getting closer to another woman. He finds sign of the reader again but rick is the one to save you. Daryl cant handle seeing you broken and pulls away.
Word count: 8.1K
Chapter Three
Daryl had broken you again, You had turned to rick for comfort finding a different kind of life with his family. Negan finding you in Rick’s home ends up bringing you back to Daryl. For Always <3
Word Count: 10k
There ain't no competition darlin
You had just started wearing down Daryl’s walls getting closer to him falling head over heels, When he came back to the prison one day carrying an injured woman, Not able to handle the jealousy you take it out on the walkers in the fence. Getting injured brings Daryl back to you.
Word Count: 5.2k
You know you want this
Daryl breaks your heart after you let your feelings for him slip, Breaking you completely Spencer helps to put the pieces back together, Finally starting to feel like yourself again Daryl decides he wants you back and he’s not going to take no for an answer - Warning Non-con
Word count: 6k
Spaghetti & Wildflowers
Aaron suggesting you invite Daryl for some “serious spaghetti” leads to confusing feelings for you both
Word count : 6.4k
Part Two
Dreams of a beautiful field of wildflowers leads to an even better reality
Word count: 6.2k
Seeing Clearly now
Being Shane's fiancee used to be a thing you were proud of before a beautiful archer cleared the fog from in front of your eyes.
Word count: 6.9k
You Found me
Separated for 12 years you are finally reunited with Daryl, It was a big enough shock to him that you were alive, Little did he know he was in for an even bigger one.
Word count: 6k
You found me part two
You and Daryl finally have a chance to reconcile but how will it go and what other surprises are in store?
Word count: 7k
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Norman Reedus Fan Fictions
Missing Him
When Norman goes away to Georgia filming the walking dead, You find yourself frustrated missing him more than ever. Deciding to give the 50 shades books a chance. He comes home early catching you in the act.
Word count: 2.7k
Georgia Livin
After a clumsy mistake sent you head first into a walking dead set and into his arms. You were surprised that they had loved it and used that as the new season ending. Going back to work and pretending that it didn’t happen you Run into Norman again. Unable to keep your hands off each other this time.
Word Count: 11k
Chapter Two
After becoming Norman’s love interest on the walking dead, You had received a distressing phone call from home, Were your secrets about to be revealed? You thought Norman would never speak to you again after that one night of passion but another guy making a move forced him to come and admit his feelings for you.
Word Count: 9.9k
Chapter Three
You and Norman had managed to keep your relationship a secret even with him making love to you on camera, When your secret finally comes out live on air the past comes back to haunt you.
Word count: 9.2k
Chapter Four
This was it, Norman was finally showing his love to you by making you his wife. You had to do some damage control once you found out someone had leaked your history to the press. What you didn’t know was who had done it. After a huge shock he seems to betray you.
Word Count: 10k
Chapter Five
After breaking some big news to Norman, The temptation of the fans almost causes him to betray you. Hurt you leave going home to England. When you have to go back to Georgia for Filming your past comes back to haunt you.
Word count: 10.5 K
The Assistant
Summary: When Norman gets a new Live in assistant who seems set on keeping you apart, Feeling hurt and rejected after not hearing from Norman you decided to confront him. Smut
Word count: 6k
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Hey guys ☺️
I’ve been thinking about writing a part two to the assistant? Would anyone be up for reading that?
I’ve been itching to start writing again! Let me know if you’ve got any requests 😘
Love Jen 😁
#daryl dixon fanfiction#norman reedus#smut fanfiction#the walking dead daryl#daryl dixon x reader#norman reedus smut#the walking dead#the walking dead fanfiction#daryl dixon smut#daryl dixon#daryl the walking dead#daryl twd#norman reedus x you#norman reedus x reader#norman reedus fanfic#norman reedus fanfiction#norman reedus fluff#norman reedus imagine#the walking dead norman#love norman reedus
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Spaghetti & Wildflowers Part two
Hey Lovelies!
I hope you enjoy part two, Honestly it was pretty rushed, So i'm not sure how it turned out but im hoping you enjoy it! As always please let me know in the comments what you think and what you would like to see me write next!
Love Jen <3
Master List Part One
Daryl’s POV
Carol’s yells shaking him from the shock of what had just happened. He still wasn't sure. Rick had just made his move hadn't he? So what was she doing down here? Doing that?
Groaning he walked up the stairs slowly, the memory of what had just happened swimming around his head. Carol had her arms folded, giving him the scolding look of a mother who had just caught her child misbehaving.
“What.was.that.about” She snarled through gritted teeth.
He shrugged, not sure what to tell her.
“Don’t you dare just shrug your shoulders at me Daryl Dixon, What did you do to that girl!”
“do to her?? To her? She’s the one going round places with her booze, laying lips on people! But what did i do to her….” He trailed off grumbling.
Carol studied him for a moment before letting out a loud laugh.
This pissed Daryl off. “What are you laughin at woman!”
“Oh You poor fool Daryl don’t you see that girls got it bad for you?”
This took him back “but Rick?”
“But rick nothing! He was trying to push you to do something about it! You’ve both been skirting around here for weeks with your little puppy glances. I think it's obvious to everyone but you two how much you want each other! So get your ass down that road and go tell her!”
This stalled him, Both? He couldn’t deny it was probably obvious from the way just her voice had an effect on him, But she didn’t feel the same way…Did she?
His cheeks going red he kept his feet on his shoes. His mind tore between hiding back down in his basement or staying here and getting more information on Carol.
She watched him internally fight with himself for a moment.
“Oh for god sake Daryl, YOU LOVE HER, SHE LOVES YOU. Can I spell it out any clearer for you?” When he still didn’t move a muscle, She lunged forward grabbing him by the back of his shoulders and shoved him out of the front door.
“You are banned from this house until you have gone and made things right with Y/N She’s over there right now crying over you, And you’re standing here like a clueless idiot. Go! Go make each other happy.”
Unable to stop the grin from forming on her face, She slammed the door in his face and made sure to bolt it loudly to get the point across.
He wasn’t sure how long he stood there staring at the closed door. The cold had started creeping into his hands and feet but he paid it no attention, His brain was swirling faster than it had ever before. She loved him? Was that possible?
Snapping his attention back to the real world he heard Rosita yelled for help.
You had ran back to your house, Ran like there was a swarm of walkers chasing you. Collapsing onto your couch in the dark lonely house. You sobbed. How could both you and Carol had gotten this so wrong. You lay in the dark, sobbing and cursing your stupid feelings to oblivion, You cursed until you fell asleep. Completely unaware that in your haste to get home you had left the front door wide open.
You were awoken by the sound of groans and gnashing teeth. You knew those noises, Bolting upright, narrowly avoiding the walker falling right into the spot you had previously occupied.
Panicking you jumped off the couch and put as much distance between you and the walker. Searching in the dark for anything that could help you. It was getting closer.
In your haste to find something to protect yourself you stumbled into the bookcase teetering on the edge of the sideboard, Crashing down on you. This was it…You were trapped. The vague vessel of what used to be a person just like you falling on top of the bookcase. Keeping those teeth only just far enough away, For now.
Daryl’s POV.
There had been a section of wall that he had been telling them for weeks was going to give and now it finally had. Thankfully Rosita had been on watch and only 3 had gotten through before help had arrived and closed the gap. They had gotten two but where was the third?
He watched as Rosita’s head spun towards the direction of Y/N’s house. Not stopping to figure out what it was she heard they both took off running. Rosita making it there just before him, Her lantern held high. His bolt flew through the air before she had a chance to step into the room and embed itself into the walker's head.
“Y/N” He yelled, Running forward he shoved the rotter away, now dead for the second time. He lifted the bookcase and not realising his own strength sent it flying to the opposite wall in his haste.
Her eyes met his and without a word he searched her face for any signs of hurt. She shook her head. Still silently searching each other.
Rosita broke the silence once more.
“Daryl..You good?”
Daryl had helped you back onto the couch while Rosita gave you the rundown of what had happened. After you thanked her she left you both in awkward silence.
Slumping back into the cushions and letting out the breath you hadn't realised you were holding. You snook a glance in Daryl's direction, He had remained rigid, sat on the very edge of the seat wringing his hands together, His face looking conflicted.
The feelings from earlier that evening came flooding back, You felt sick knowing he had to rescue you after blatantly rejecting your advances. You had never felt so stupid.
Standing suddenly you rushed past him towards the stairs. Stopping at the bottom you gripped the banister. Speaking barely above a whisper.
“Thank you again, I'm going to bed. Goodnight”
Before your foot managed to climb the next step you felt the adrenaline ebb away and your knees go weak under you. Your hands betrayed you as your grip slipped from the banister. Knowing there wasn't much you could do to catch yourself at this point, Knowing that compared to the days earlier events your lack of grace couldn’t humiliate you much further.
You braced yourself for an impact that never came. Feeling his thick arms surround you just in time to stop the fall.
He readjusted you in his arms, swooping one under both of your legs not giving a moment to complain or make yourself look more silly by insisting you could do this alone. You felt so small curled up safe in his arms.
With the loss of the adrenaline came overwhelming exhaustion. Deciding not to fight it you let Daryl carry you up the stairs to your room Enjoying the familiar scent of motor oil and cigarettes now mix with a faint smell of blood you buried your head into his chest deciding to enjoy the moment no matter how fleeting, Your eyes were fluttering closed as you reached your bedroom door, Lifting you further into his chest he used his foot to kick the door open.
Once he had opened the door you knew the moment was over, Lifting your head slightly you prepared for him to drop you on the bed and leave.
Surprisingly he did neither; he seemed suspended in time, His breath quickening as he stood still holding you close to his chest seemingly undecided on what to do next, Your earlier anger and embarrassment fading as you listened to the soft beat of his heart in his chest.
You weren’t sure how long he stood there holding you; it could have been a minute or an hour all you knew was how safe you felt.
Daryl's POV
The panic started to set in, standing in the middle of the room he knew this would soon become awkward and he would have to let her go but he just didn't know how, The fear of letting her go not knowing if he would ever feel her warm body against his again. He needed to explain but couldn't find the words. His mouth refused to open, his eyes refused to meet hers in fear of what he would see there.
Would she be confused? Angry? Would there be tears there or would she simply refuse to look at him.
Finally taking a deep breath he crossed to the bed deciding he wasn't ready to let go, He sat with her in his arms cradling her as if she was the most fragile thing in the world, Sneaking a glance at her face he saw a hint of a smile on her lips, Her eyes closed and her breath getting slower as her body relaxed her face nuzzled into his chest.
He deemed it safe now to continue studying her face. That damn beautiful face that got him into all this trouble to begin with, He found it hard to believe his memories of earlier had been true, How could this incredible woman feel something for him? How could she want him and not his friend who would be the obvious choice?
Deciding he would take a leap much like the one she took earlier, As he watched her the words slipped from his lips.
“I Love you Y/N” He whispered. Once the words had left his mouth he studied her face for any reaction that would show him she was still awake, The breath of relief about to leave his chest when this sleeping beauty caused it to get stuck in his throat.
Daryl sitting on the bed jostled you just enough to pull you from the pulls of sleep. Keeping your face relaxed, happy to still be in his arms you pondered why he hadn’t let go of you yet. Too scared to move an inch incase that would pull him back to the real world where he didn’t want you.
You lay there awhile feeling his breath on your cheek and his eyes exploring your face, You could feel his heartbeat steadily growing faster and in anticipation yours matched the pace.
For a moment you thought you must have drifted off to sleep when you heard the words come from his mouth, In every other dream you had about him over the last few months when he had said those words you had always been out hunting in a glade of wildflowers unable to contain your feelings for one and other.
You played those dreams behind your eyes, picturing staring straight into those beautiful blue orbs.
“I love you too Daryl” You mumbled as you finally let yourself drift off into the wildflower glade.
Awakening as the soft sunlight touched your eyes,You darent open them not wanting to be taken from your beautiful dream just yet. You had been sitting surrounded by all the incredible colours and sounds of nature, leaning back into his chest arms tightly around you him uttering those words over and over “I love you Y/N”
You could still feel the wind on your face as the dream slipped away, It only took a few more moments to realise that it wasn't the wind. Fluttering your eyes open slowly you glanced up and saw you were still happily curled against his chest, only this time you were both lying down.
All those years being a hunter had probably heightened his awareness which is why you weren't surprised to see his eyes flash open finding yours. Before you knew it he had slipped from under you, Mumbling apologies.
“I’m sorry Y/N I didn’t mean ta…” Cuttting him off.
“Didn't mean to what? Be here in my bed? Or for not wanting me?” You choked the last words out remembering the night before and so desperately wishing you had stayed asleep.
Daryl seemed stumped by this Just staring at you mouth wide. Slipping out the bed you took off to the bathroom too afraid to let him see you cry.
It was a few minutes before you heard movement on the other side of the door. You watched as the doorknob to the bathroom started to turn before stopping and returning to its previous position. You let the first tears fall as you heard his footsteps retreating out of the bedroom and back down the stairs. Finally letting it all out as you heard the door shut behind him.
Daryl’s POV
Carol had already flung the door open wide before he had even climbed the steps to the porch.
Crossing her arms and blocking the doorway. “Well?” she asked.
Daryl sank down onto the porch waiting for her to join him. When she did all he could do was drop his head into his hands, This was all too much. How was he supposed to tell her that he had no experience with these things and hadn't rejected her but was too scared to show his inexperience to her by making the wrong move.
Carol sat in silence as long as she could bear before speaking again.
“Daryl come on it can’t have been that bad tell me what happened?”
Taking a deep breath Daryl slowly started telling her about what had happened when he had left last night from the hole in the fence to his unbridled fear seeing the walker on top of her.
After all these months being silent about his feelings towards Y/N watching her sleep in his arms and muttering those words had smashed a hole in a dam and everything was spilling out now it had started he couldn’t find a way to plug the hole up and wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
Carol stayed silent in shock of all the feelings the usually surly and silent man was expressing, A grin of pride forming on her face when he told her how he had admitted his love, Soon dropping back off her face when he explained how he just hightailed it out of there just a few minutes ago.
They both sat side by side in silence for a while, Daryl feeling thoroughly dejected when Carol slapped him on the arm.
“Up get up and go get changed quickly! I have a plan to sort this out!” Trusting Carol he let her usher him into the house and to his door without asking any questions.
“Put something nice on and have a wash while you're at it!” She shouted down the stairs at his retreating back.
He jumped in the shower washing the previous day's grime away, as quickly as he could his mind now curious as to what Carol could have in store. He changed into his least ripped and dirty clothes and hoped they would do.
She was waiting for him at the door with a knowing grin on her face once he had finished.
“Okay here's the plan”.
You had gotten enough energy to pick yourself off the floor and ready yourself for the day taking a quick shower. You were due to go hunting with him again and this time you wouldn’t let him see you crack. Whilst you washed your worries away you decided that you were going to try and resume your earlier friendship with the man and hope that in time you could both forget the decisions made last night.
Just as you had finished dressing, Putting on an impractical light breezy summer dress that showed just enough leg and cleavage to be modest but still sexy and mismatching it with your definitely practical clunky walking boots there was a knocking on the door.
Happy with your reflection in the mirror for a change, Deciding you looked effortlessly beautiful and even though you were going to try for friendship again you didn’t want to make it too easy on him. Heading for the door you grabbed your straw summer hat and took a deep breath ready to face him again.
Swinging the door open you couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed when you saw who was there.
“Oh Hey Carol….What can I do for you?”
You could tell from the glint in her eye she was up to something.
“It’s you and me today Kid, Let’s go!” Looking at her confused she sighed and continued.
“Daryl has been sent on a different errand so i thought instead of wasting the day i would come with you instead”
Looking her over curiously you decided to take her at her word, If he wanted to play the avoidance game, It was just fine with you. Besides you loved Carol and hoped her easy company could turn the day around.
Leaving the main gates you felt all your trouble receding, Your feet automatically following the same trail yours and Daryl’s normally did on every other hunting trip you had taken.
Carol let you lead the way until you reached a break in the trees, She stopped seemingly noticing something you hadn’t you felt the familiar shiver up your back as you spin around surveying your surroundings.
Finding nothing you rounded on Carol keeping your voice low “What? What is it?” Noticing as you did the woman erasing something in the dirt with her foot.
“Oh nothing i just thought i had heard something that way” She pointed at the usual route you would have taken.
Carol started walking again, now taking the lead in the opposite direction, You followed silently for an hour until the trees began to thin. Carol stopped suddenly again.
“Oh Wow” She exclaimed. “Y/N you’ve got to come take a look at this!” You both hurried forward not sure of what to expect until you finally broke free from the tree cover.
The sunlight beaming all around you, You were at the edge of your dream. A beautiful field of wildflowers untouched by the insanity that is now the known world. You couldn’t help the smile from forming on your lips after a careful look around and then banging your bow against a tree when nothing changed you deemed it safe enough to venture forward.
Unable to control yourself after so long of dreaming about this you charged into the middle plopping yourself down within the flowers your grin only grew as you lay back and sighed contentedly. Closing your eyes you enjoyed the warmth on your skin much as you had this morning.
You felt someone sit next to you. Assuming it was Carol you spoke “This is just like…”
“Your dream….I Know” Your eyes bolted open as you sprung yourself into a sitting position.
“D..Daryl….I thought you were running errands for Rick today?” You questioned irritatedly.
“I just had to talk to Ya Y/N…I’m Sor”
Cutting him off “If you're about to tell me you're sorry again for not wanting me, Please don’t i don’t need to hear it twice in one day”
“If you’d just let me finish, woman, I'd tell ya exactly what i’m sorry for” He gave you a harsh look that quickly dissolved. “And it aint that!”
He held up his hand seeing you were about to interject again “Please Y/N just give me five minutes if ya don’t like what i have to say Carol is waiting right over there i promise she will go with ya home and I’ll never bother ya again!”
Studying him for a moment you could finally figure out at least one emotion in his eyes, They looked desperate.
Trying your best to look contrite, you nodded for him to continue.
“Ya probably won’t remember this but that first night, When ya invited be over for dinner… That were the first kindness given to me for a long time, Since….Well since i were very small. The world weren’t very nice to people like me nor my brother merle, not that we were very nice to the world in return neither” A small smile played on his lips as he said his brother's name.
“See from that first night, Nah that first day as i was brought in waiting to see deana i saw ya there looking at me from across the way and it did something to me, Something i didn’t understand till last night, Not fully anyway”
You found yourself leaning towards him as he spoke making sure you didn’t miss a word. It wasn’t very often Daryl spoke at length, maybe never at all, So it must be important to him now.
“I still don’t think I understand not really….But from that first glance i knew ya were special, Too special….For me. When ya invited me over for dinner i figured this was just something you were told to do to make us feel more welcome, I never imagined a woman like ya would have thought of a rough dirty old redneck like me as anything other than that.”
“But Daryl I…” He cut you off “Y/N If i don't get out what i came to say it ain't never comin out at all”
A loose smile played on your lips as you lifted your finger to your mouth making a shushing motion.
“Like i were sayin i knew i had to be around ya then, Ya were the first person to not just look at me and only see how i can hunt or track or fight, Ya wanted to know me. I were happy around you and i never felt like that about a woman before. Never! I were always told i would never be good enough, Certainly never felt good enough to even be around ya but i couldn’t help myself”
He took a deep breath
“So the other night when ya… Ya kissed me. I didn’t know what to do. No one ever kissed me before. After hearin what Rick was saying to ya at the table how at ease he was talkin to ya i thought that was it that ya would be his and not spend no time with me anymore. So when ya went and did that i thought ya must be messin with me or too drunk to know the difference. I couldn’t take advantage of ya so i moved away. Seeing ya so hurt and runnin off like that got me twisted in ways i couldn’t explain.”
“I spoke to Carol right after and she put me straight, Tellin me she knew all along. Hell that everyone knew all along that ya felt the same as me. She said that ya loved me and that i loved you. When the wall came down and that walker came in i was on my way to tell ya, But yer eyes they looked so hurt i couldn’t find the words so i settled with just holding ya close knowing nothing could hurt ya again if i just didn’t let go….Seeing the same look in yer eyes that morning the words i had thought of all night were gone again.”
“It were Carol that told me about yer dream, I found this place a while back and it always made me think of ya so i knew this would be the place yer would listen to me.”
You knew the next words before he spoke them you could feel the electricity in the air, But still you waited for him to speak them, Unconsciously holding your breath, Happy tears building in your eyes.
“Well that Carol, She’s annoyin but she’s always right…..I love ya Y/N….That’s it i said what i came to say. If ya don’t like it as i said i’ll leave ya alone” Once he had finished he stood up looking away from you completely shifting his weight from foot to foot nervously.
Feeling the first tear drop. “Can I speak now?” Your voice wavered slightly.
Concentrating solely on the trees in front of him he nodded.
Standing up behind him you brushed the dirt from the back of your dress before speaking.
“You have no idea how long i’ve waited for you to say that you silly man, Of course i don’t want you to leave me alone, I love you too!”
His eyes darted to yours then looking for any evidence of you lying to him, When he found none, He grinned “Well that’s that then” He started walking away leaving you dumb founded.
“Uhm Daryl where are you going?”
He shrugged “I dunno, Figured you’d want to get back to town?” He questioned.
Laughing you jogged up to him “Not yet i don’t” Standing in front of him you moved slowly his eyes opening wide like a rabbit in the headlights.
First you grabbed his hands moving them to your hips then putting your arms around his neck, Standing on your tip toes you brought your lips to his again, This time he didn’t move away.
Pressing his back to yours very softly you felt your heart swoon as his hands grasped your waist lifting you off your feet as his lips became more feverish.
You opened your lips just enough to slide your tongue through, Licking his bottom lip softly he followed suit meeting his tongue with yours. After a few seconds you wrapped your legs around his waist deepening the kiss even more. You weren't sure how long the kiss went on for, The more you kissed him the more you needed him, When you moaned into his mouth he pulled away swiftly.
Looking at you for signs of hurt “Y/N Are ya okay?? Did i hurt you?” He asked looking ashamed.
Giggling back at him. “No Daryl you didn’t hurt me, That was me saying i liked it” He grinned wolfishly back at you and went to press his lips to yours once more. When a cough interrupted you both. Gripping you tighter to his body you both turned to see Carol standing there with a huge smile on her face.
“Finally!! Don’t get me wrong i'm super happy for you both, But they’ll be sending out a search party if we don't get back soon”
She held up her hand showing a heavy bag full of rabbits also shouldering another full bag you assumed held anything edible or medicinal she could gather.
Holding your legs carefully he manoeuvred you around to his back reclasping your hands around his neck, You nuzzled your face into his. You had both wasted so much time pretending that you decided you never were going to again. That and you just weren’t ready to let go yet.
After a half a mile you saw the sweat beading on his brow, Lifting your arm you wiped it off with the back of your sleeve.
“It’s okay Daryl you can put me down i can walk from here”
His face flushed beetroot before he answered. “No woman of mine is walking all this way, Let me carry you, I want to….” He trailed off. Smiling sweetly you watched his face flushed with embarrassment as he looked over at Carol as if daring her to make fun of him.
Kissing his cheek, You hummed happily in your chest “Well if you're sure Mr Dixon”
You were ashamed to admit it but with Daryl carrying you, You all made it back within half the time it took to make it to the field. As the gates came into view you started preparing to get back on your own feet, Assuming that this kind of behaviour was reserved for the two of you and obviously Carol since she set this whole thing up.
Feeling you moving he tightened his grip on your hands kissing each individually holding your hands in place, So this is it then no going back as you watch the gates start opening and Daryl strides straight through.
Immediately there is a slight panic, Olivia and rosita who had been behind the gate opening it started to check you over.
“Y/N are you okay? What happened out there?” “Why are you carrying her” Rosita with her gun at the ready looking beyond the gate “Was there an attack?”
You stifle your giggles looking at Daryl Seriously “Hmm Yes Daryl…Why can’t i walk?”
Mumbling letting his face go red again “Quicker this way….Besides i wanted to….She’s fine”
There were a few people there now giving him inquisitive looks while the gate was being closed. Deciding to take the heat off of him for a moment.
“He’s saying he didn’t want my clumsy ass slowing him down” Winking at him as you spoke he finally released your hands from his neck allowing you to jump to the ground.
You started walking towards Olivia's house with Carol to drop off the rabbits and bag of gatherings to add to the inventory, Leaving Daryl with a very amused looking Rick.
After a brief conversation Carol nodded behind you “Looks like that’s your queue” She folded her arms walking inside with Olivia. Turning around you couldn’t help the grin on your face when you saw Daryl standing there dorkily holding a bunch of wildflowers you hadn’t seen him take.
Taking them from him and intertwining your fingers, you both set off for your house happy in each other's company not needing to say a word. You could feel the eyes on you both and you were certain he could feel them too but neither of you took any notice. Climbing the stairs to your door you opened it and expected to still see quite the mess.
Rosita must have come by earlier and removed the remains of the walker from the night before whilst you were all out, Made sense considering they would have wanted them either thrown back over the wall or burned before the smell got too bad.
Taking a seat on the couch, Daryl stood awkwardly for a moment hand in his hair looking at you bashfully, It felt awfully familiar as you patted the seat next to you “Don’t go standing on ceremony now Mr Dixon”
Once he took a seat you moved up to his side taking his hand in yours again.
“Y/N?” “Mhmm?” “Can i uh….Can i kiss you again? Uhm please?”
Laughing lightly “I’m yours to kiss whenever you want Daryl”
When he still hadn’t moved you did it for him, Gently turning his face towards you, You closed your eyes and pressed your lips to his sweetly, This time it was Daryl who parted his lips first. You could feel the hunger building between you too, Needing to make up for lost time. Slowly pushing him backwards on the couch you straddled his hips. Taking his hands and placing them on each hip again.
The kiss became more urgent, Your fingers intertwining in his hair, His arms wrapping around your back and pulling you closer to him.
Not being able to help the moan coming from your throat as you felt his hard member meet your heat. Unconsciously you grinded down onto him feeling the full length send red hot waves through your body. Moaning louder now, desperate to feel the friction.
Your hands deftly finding the buttons on his shirt and freeing the top four before he broke the kiss.
“Y/N…Stop!” He was breathing heavily holding your hands down onto your exposed thighs.
“Are ya sure? Are you sure ya want me like this Y/N?”
“Does this answer your question?” You asked as you took one of his hands sliding it up your milky thigh and over the top of your panties. You were drenched.
From the way he was looking at you, You could tell it hadn’t. Berating yourself internally you remembered him telling you he had never kissed a woman never mind anything else. Looking at the gorgeous man panting between your legs you realised nothing would make you happier than to show him.
Guiding his hand now up and down your soaked underwear for a moment before brushing it aside you placed his fingers gently on your aching bud still guiding them as you made slow O motions around it. Lifting your hips slightly you then moved his curious fingers to your dripping wet heat, Sliding two in carefully, Bucking when he hit that delicate spot.
Taking a second to glance at his face he was staring in awe at his hand, Nothing but complete lust in his eyes. Leaning forward to meet his lips with yours again. Moaning unashamedly as you felt his fingers flex within you.
“Daryl….Use your thumb….Like i showed you… before with your fingers….Yes just there….. Omg your hand feels so fucking good!”
It had been way too long since you had anyone touch you like this before, And if you were being completely honest with yourself the act of teaching him how to do it was turning you on to no end.
Kissing him again you ground down further onto his fingers feeling them go deeper inside you. He didn’t stop you this time as you unbuttoned the rest of his shirt pulling it open and desperately exploring his defined muscles. Deciding to risk taking it up a notch you unbuttoned his pants too, Letting his throbbing member spring up but still confined within his boxers.
Tilting your hips forward until you felt it touching your aching clit, Hearing you moan wildly as your hips furiously bucked against it he started matching your rhythm with his hand adding an extra finger and winning another squeal from you.
You could feel how soaked you had gotten the front of his pants now feeling delicious rubbing against your skin.
Almost screaming in pleasure now you felt his hard cock throb harder than before.
“Y/N…I think i’m going too…..Ahhh Y/N”
That was all you needed to push you over the edge moaning his name you exploded all over his hand your chest heaving, he pulled his hand from you now. Trying not to meet your eye as you caught your breath again.
Quickly catching on you put his face between your hands.
“Baby what's the matter?”
It took a few minutes of coaxing to get his eyes to meet yours.
You couldn’t tell if the flush across his face was from the previous activities or sheer embarrassment.
“I’m sorry I….I didn’t mean ta…”
A smile playing on your lips “Oh Daryl is this because you came?”
He nodded sullenly, You could see the shame in his eyes, the mystery of them becoming easier to read the more he opened himself up to you.
“Oh sweetie, So did i…..And i’d like to again….Right now....”
Climbing from his knee you took his hand pulling him to stand with you, His pants slammed to the floor as he stood, His manhood standing with him proud as ever.
Putting on your best sultry look you guided him gently to the stairs, swaying your hips and feeling his eyes transfixed on you. Leading him into the bedroom you coaxed him to the bed. Pushing him down onto it you stood in front of him.
Your entire body was pulsating calling out for his as you lifted your dress high above your head letting it float back down to the floor. Standing in front of him wearing only a thin pair of underwear you watched as his eyes grew wider and mouth agape as you sauntered over to him straddling him once more.
Relieving his length from his boxers now it was your turn to bask in pleasant surprise when you saw the sheer size of him, Pulling your underwear aside you sunk down onto his length savouring every precious inch of it till he sheathed fully inside you.
It didn’t take long for you both to meet your climax again except this time it didn’t feel as urgent and rushed as before, You came together limbs intertwined, After never feeling that physically or emotionally close to another person, You could tell he felt the same.
From that moment on you never left each other's side, Where you went Daryl was sure to follow. The general air of grumpiness he always held around him had dissipated now. Going from the man people feared because of his attitude. To…. well still feared for his skills but a complete puppy dog.
You had marked out the days, It had been a whole year that he had been your Daryl.
Retracing your footsteps from memory you found the wildflower field taking a seat between his legs and relaxing back onto him, Daryl’s hands laying protectively over your quickly swelling stomach.
“How’s that dream working out for ya sweetheart?” He asked
Turning your face around to him, you gave him a soft gentle kiss. “The reality is much better my love”
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Spaghetti & Wildflowers
Can you do one where when Daryl has just arrived in Alexandria, the reader invites him to spaghetti rather than aaron. Also the reader is extremely flirty and Daryl is just sitting there red like a tomato and he is very awkward. Just something really funny 😅
Sorry to poke my nose in on this convo. 1st off But your writing is amazing!!! 2nd i read this note.... I dream of a soft sweet norman. Everyone writes hims as sure and aggressive(in good way) i would love it to flip it. Make him maybe little younger....sweet...not sure of himself so much. Imagine there 1st time together(not him as a virgin but limited experience) also can i be added to any tag lists. Thank you for even reading this
Hey All! Thank you so much for your patience! Here is the re written and re titled "You take my breath away" It has been over a year since i have written anything so i decided to stick to just fluff this time, This ended up alot longer than i was anticipating with all the affiliating on i did but i hope you all enjoy! Let me know in the comments what you think and part two should be up within a few hours!
Lots of Love
Jen <3
He was the most incredible looking man you had ever seen, Walking through the gates with that possum in his hand, He was definitely a little dishevelled, Looked like he was in serious need of a shower but gorgeous nonetheless. Your mouth going dry the moment you saw him, Feeling the now unfamiliar fluttering in your stomach as he walked by you, Not sparing a second glance in your direction.
His eyes alert and suspiciously taking in his surroundings, You watched as he handed his crossbow over, Fingers twitching as it was moved further away from him. Aaron leading them to Deana’s house. Where they will no doubt be being interviewed on camera, Just like all the newcomers were. Just like you had been three months before, Looking over the others in the group seeing their wary eyes the exhaustion showing through the cracks in their demeanor.
Letting out the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding you watched them disappear around the corner. As you were turning to go back into the house you were stopped by Olivia. Rushing from the direction the strangers had gone, a huge basket full of linens in her arms.
“Hey Y/N Are you busy? Any chance you can give me a hand? Deana has asked me to set up the two houses down the street for the new guys” Looking at you with those hopeful puppy dog eyes, She knew there was no way you could say no to her.
“Fineeee, But Jessie’s helping too!” You groaned, turning back towards her and down the front steps.
“Thank you Y/N! Jessie’s already there loading some supplies into the cupboards” Her pace was getting faster now, Half running to keep up with her frantic walk you let her continue.
“Could you please start on the beds? That would be a HUGE help. Here take this” Offloading the basket to you she turned back towards the garage that held all of the town's supplies.
“I’m going to grab some more linen, I'll be back in a few!”
Groaning again at the weight of the basket you walked up the steps of the house Olivia had specified. Spotting Jessie in the kitchen immediately.
She laughed at your sour expression “She roped you into this too?” You nodded in reply carrying the basket up the stairs and starting in the first room you came to.
Picking up the first bundle of sheets, Finding a little note attached ‘Single’ Pushing them to one side you picked up the next ‘Double’ Taking the note off and putting it back in the basket you made your way to the bed. Pulling the sheets on and making the bed easily you continued into the other three bedrooms upstairs, Finding one set of double sheets remaining.
Walking down the stairs you passed Jessie again in the Kitchen, Stopping for a moment you took a glass of water from her mumbling your thanks, “Just the basement left! Has she come back yet?”
“Mhmm She left that for you” pointing to a basket of towels. “And she said she’s left the next bunch of sheets and towels in the next house ready”
“And what pray tell is Olivia doing while she’s got me sweating like a Whore in Church”
Jessie choked a little on her water trying to suppress her giggle at your words. “Beats me! Tried to ask her, She ran off looking very important” She giggled again.
“Best get on before she finds more jobs for me!” Jessie agreed to grab the towels and put them into each bathroom, Snagging two from her and taking it down to the basement with you.
This place was lucky really. There had been a hotel nearby that was just about to open as all hell broke loose that had stacks of linens, Plates and silverware. Enough to fully stock this place for a long time.
It seemed silly to you at first for this to be a huge concern but the longer you stayed here and the more you got used to the little comforting things like the Clean bedding and actual utensils the more important it had started to feel. It made you feel normal, Civilised. Like the world hadn’t just thrown a tantrum. Sure it never lasted very long but the comfort you got from these little things was priceless.
Once you had finished the bed down stairs you and Jessie made your way over to the second house repeating the jobs, Smiling as you left. Hopefully the comfort the little things had on you would also reassure and comfort the new guys. If only just a little. Being out there for so long yourself you knew how hard it would be for them to adapt.
When Aaron had first brought you through the gates you thought you must have died. Everything was so….Normal, The houses were all pristine. All happy smiling faces welcoming you to the neighbourhood. It had taken you a week to speak, Sometimes you still weren’t sure if it was real at all, Maybe this is where your consciousness goes when you were walking around as one of those dead but not dead freaks.
Walking back home you spotted Olivia, Saluting her “All done El capitan!” She laughed as you walked by purposely not slowing down in case she thought of another job for you.
Sinking back into your couch and grabbing the book you had discarded earlier when the commotion at the gate started, You had been out hunting the day before, Which meant today you could take the next few days easy.
Reading the Hobbit for the millionth time, You easily slipped back into that familiar world, Only stopping when it got too dark to see the words on the page. The next day was much the same head straight back into your book escaping the real world as long as you could. Not realising how long you had been sitting there, The sun was low on the horizon when you were pulled from your favourite book.
Opening the door you were greeted by a smiling Aaron. “Hey Y/N I can’t stay gotta get back to Eric, Deana is throwing a welcome party for the new guys, Since you’re our newest person besides them, She is pretty insistent you attend!”
Rolling your eyes “Insistent hm? I think I’ll give it a miss..But thanks for the invite!” Trying to shut the door hoping this conversation was over when the door was stopped on his foot.
“C’mon Y/N a little more socialising won’t kill you! You’ve managed to come out of your shell to me Jessie and now Olivia! A few more wouldn’t hurt right?”
The puppy dog eyes. How did every fucker in here know that was your weak spot.
“Ughhhhh Finee! Only if you're going to be there?” He nodded happily turning and stopping on the steps “See you at 8 wear something pretty” He winked, Taking off before you could change your mind.
Pretty? You weren’t even sure you owned anything that could be classed as pretty. Storming upstairs like a toddler having a tantrum you stripped quickly showering the sweat from yourself before stepping out wrapping the fluffy towel around you.
Walking over to your closet you pulled at the pile of dresses you had haphazardly thrown to the bottom of the closet when you had moved in, Never thinking in this new world there would be a place for pretty dresses.
Separating the sizes you pulled the few that would fit you to one side throwing the rest back in a heap again. Holding them up to your chest you decided on a black figure hugging one with a slit up one side. You guessed this would be kind of functional too. The slit certainly gave you enough room to move if you needed to. Picking up a pair of almost matching wedges you threw them both on the bed. Turning your attention to your hair as you tried to tame it.
It was a shame this new world didn’t include bloody straighteners. Groaning at yourself you couldn’t believe that had just crossed your mind. There were more important things to worry about besides your hair!
Running the brush through it once more, It would do. Your mother certainly would be happy. She loved your naturally wavy curls. You felt the twang in your heart as you remembered her. She had lasted 6 months after the fall before one wrong step sent her into the arms of a walker taking her from you. Rubbing your eyes gently. No you wouldn’t cry, If she was here now she’d be giving you an earful about it, Demanding you enjoy your night and your freedom.
Looking over at the tiny clock on the side 8:15 shit you were late. Pulling the dress over your head and heels on your feet you spared one last look at your reflection; smoothing the dress down on your stomach nervously. You can do this. It’s only people right?
Slowly descending the stairs and making your way out the door, Your feet dragging as you headed closer to the party. Stopping outside the door, Hearing the laughter from the other side.
Before you knew what you were doing you were spinning back around back up the street when a light fell over you.
“Sneaking away before they can see you huh Y/N?” Giving him a guilty look.
“I tried… Tried and failed. Oh well maybe next time!” You chuckled.
“Oh hey, Daryl right?” Turning and following Aaron’s gaze you spotted him again. So the possum guy’s name was Daryl.
Giving him a small smile “I guess those kinda things aren’t for you either?”
Not quite looking at you he gave a non committal grunt.
Deciding to take Aaron’s earlier advice, Taking a deep breath.
“You eaten? I’m making spaghetti if you're hungry?” He shrugged again.
“C’mon, She makes some pretty serious spaghetti” Aaron teased, raising his eyebrow at you.
“Guess I could eat” He mumbled, still looking more at his feet than you. Aaron gave you a wink as he went back inside giving you both a wave before shutting the door.
“C’mon it’s this way. Just down from your house. I guess you could say we’re neighbours” He fell into step with you still staying quiet the entire way. As you opened the front door you looked backwards seeing Daryl looking between your open door and his own house.
“Come in, Food won’t be long!” Holding the door open Daryl finally made his decision, his feet carrying him swiftly up the stairs and inside. Flicking the lights on as you followed him.
“Kitchen’s that way, I’ll get you a drink. Whiskey, ok?” He finally looked at you.
“You guys have Whisky?” A shocked expression crossed his face. “Yeah I found it out there still unopened a while back, I was saving it for a special occasion, But shh don’t tell Olivia or she’ll add it to that list of hers!” He gave you a small smile as you poured a glass for each of you passing it to him.
“Make yourself at home! I’ll get this started” He took a seat at the breakfast bar rolling the glass around in his hands whilst you busied yourself in the kitchen pulling out everything you would need and quickly getting it started.
Turning back to the breakfast bar you grabbed the loaf of bread, slicing a few pieces and covering them in some oil and wild garlic you had found on your hunt yesterday. Popping them into the oven. He spoke again, Not quite able to make out his mumbles, Your head shot up “Did you say something sugar?”
Daryl fidgeted more with the glass in his hands before taking a deep breath and meeting your eyes with his electric blue orbs.
“You said that errr it was a special occasion or some shit like that… Why?”
Grinning at him and taking a sip of your whiskey. “It’s not everyday I get to cook my serious spaghetti for just anyone!”
You could see the blush rising in his cheeks as he took a long swig of his whiskey. You leant over to top his glass off, Before turning to the cupboards and grabbing placemats, Plates and cutlery.
“Here let me do that” He tried as he moved towards you.
“Absolutely not! My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew I put a guest to work” Smiling sadly as your mother popped into your head again. Setting the table.
Turning your attention back to your meal you strained the pasta, Popping it into a dish before dishing up the sauce too. Taking them back to the table and returning to the oven to fish the garlic bread out.
Once everything was on the table you both took a seat. Reaching over you served him a large portion popping a few pieces of garlic bread on his plate before serving yourself.
“Dig in” You insisted before turning back to your plate. He watched you take the first few mouthfuls before reaching for his own fork.
His first bite tentative, swirling the first bite around in his mouth watching you suspiciously, It wasn’t long before his hunger overcame him, letting out an unwitting happy groan he started shovelling forkful after forkful into his mouth.
There was something about the way he ate that just made you feel warm inside. Tearing your eyes from him you cleared your throat and asked “So what do you think of Alexandria?”
Coughing he swallowed his food hastily before replying “I think it ain’t real”
You studied him thoughtfully before answering.
“I thought that too… for long time actually, Hell I’m still not convinced and I’ve been here 3 months”
“So you're not...uh...Not from here. Like the others”
“I’m from out there I guess. Asheville Georgia originally”
His eyes went wide at this “Me too, Sorta. Lived up near the mountains in Georgia”
A huge grin crossing your face “So we’ve always been neighbours then! How strange that we would meet here in DC! We must have been in the same places a thousand times! I used to go hunting in the mountains with my daddy”
He shrugged “Alotta my group from near there, We met in Atlanta……” he trailed off mumbling, His eyes dropping back to his nearly empty plate “Ya wouldn’t have noticed someone like me anyway”
Trying to get him to meet your eyes over the table, “Oh i most definitely would have noticed YOU Daryl”
He cleared his throat awkwardly, the tops of his ears peeking through his shaggy hair going beet red, his face lowered further, turning his full attention to the remainder of his meal.
Realising you had probably gone too far, Afterall you didn’t really know anything about this man, You had only seen him once yesterday morning before tonight, You weren’t even sure if he was single. Or straight for that matter. Trying to ease the awkwardness that had now descended in the room you scooped a few more spoonfuls onto both of your plates and tried a quick change of conversation.
“How are your group feeling about being here? Did you and your…uh.. partner manage to sleep okay?” Hoping your not so subtle way of asking him if he were single wouldn’t be too obvious.
“Partner? Rick’s the Cop not me” He grumbled. Okay maybe not as obvious as you first thought.
You shook your head slightly, his obliviousness was strangely endearing, “Sorry no i meant your girlfriend, Wife” When he didn’t reply straight away you figured you must have missed the mark. “Boyfriend?” You questioned.
He snorted at this “I ain’t gay, Aint got no woman either” Not able to contain the gleeful smile on your face. Not that it would matter his eyes were fully trained on his meal as he started devouring it quicker, Reaching for his glass he drained the remaining dregs of the whisky.
“Oh really? I thought for sure you’d have been snapped up by now!”
The blush returning to his face again he gave you a noncommittal grunt, Waiting a moment you realised he wasn’t going to answer. Not much of a talker. You were probably being too pushy, Small talk was hard to do after seeing the things he no doubt had seen out there, The things that man had probably had to do; just as you had, Suppressing the shudder that threatened to run through you as your mind conjured up the images.
Standing quickly you walked back to the kitchen grabbing the bottle and refilling his glass and in turn your own.
Taking a deep gulp of the fiery amber liquid and then quickly finishing your own meal in silence, Both finishing your meal at the same time, Daryl raises the plate to his mouth to scrape the last bits of pasta into his mouth.
“Still hungry? There’s plenty if you would like some more?”
Shaking his head no “ ‘M good.” He grunted. Taking his plate from him and collecting your own, you took them into the kitchen, dropping them in the sink you turned to retrieve the serving bowls, Crashing straight into Daryl, Your hands flinching up and landing on his firm chest steadying yourself but sending the bowl he was carrying flying out of his hands.
He caught the bowl just in time, surprisingly before any of the remaining food managed to spill on the floor.
Feeling the blush on your cheeks now as your hands lingered a moment longer than they should have done, Enjoying the firmness of his muscular chest under your fingers.
Dropping your arms to your sides. “I’m sorry! Thank you, Let me take that” Taking the bowl and turning your beetroot red face away from him you found a tupperware box in the cupboard filling it with the leftovers before turning to the sink and washing the dishes.
When you turned back to him he was watching you silently, Studying you it seemed.
Picking your glass back up you motioned to him “Should we finish the bottle or do you have somewhere to be?”
When he made no move to leave you picked up the bottle and motioned towards the living room letting him follow behind you, Taking a seat you finally kicked your uncomfortable heels off, Your feet instantly throbbing grateful to be out of their confines.
Propping your feet up on the coffee table in front of you, You sank back into the plush cushions behind you with a happy groan, Daryl stood awkwardly next to the couch glass hanging from his fingertips gasing at you with a softness in his eyes, The redness rising again in cheeks once he realised you had caught him gazing at you.
Smiling at his warmly “No need to stand on ceremony, Take a seat” Patting the chair next to you from emphasis. “More?” You asked, shaking the bottle at him. Taking it from you he filled his own glass before turning to yours and topping yours up also.
Clearing his throat awkwardly. “So...Are ya people here too?”
Dropping your eyes from him you shook your head sadly “Just me…They’re all gone….” The alcohol was taking over your words as you mumbled “Shouldn’t have been me…” You felt yourself get lost in your mind for a moment seeing thinking about the countless lives you had watched taken before their time. People who would have been the greatest asset in this new world...Gone, Some died saving you. For what.. They should have let you die.
A tear rolling down your cheek pulled your mind from those thoughts, Pulling you back to reality to those beautiful blue eyes. You could see the storm behind them at your words. Ripping your eyes from his you shakily pulled the glass to your lips draining it one.
Feeling the fire burning through your body you turned back to Daryl you shifted a non convincing smile back to your face.
“How about you? Your group seems very close, almost like a…”
Finishing your sentence for you “A family…...Ya know i look around and i think about the people that are gone, And the people that are still here and it aint right...Aint fair..But yer gotta keep goin for em, they’re the reason yer here….” He shrugged trying to offer words of comfort.
Sadly smiling at this “That’s true if it wasn’t for Aaron and Eric i wouldn't be here, They’re good people. Most of the people here are good people. Too innocent to the world as it is, yes, But good people..”
After sitting in silence for a few moments when Daryl broke the silence. “Well i should...I should go….They’ll be wonderin where i am”
Standing with him you walked him to the door. Feeling a pang in your chest at the realisation that you would be alone again.
“Thanks. Thanks for the-”
“Your welcome Daryl….Maybe you could come again? It was nice to have company” Smiling you opened the door for him letting him linger on the threshold.
He let out another noncommittal grunt as his eyes lingered on you. Leaning against the doorway you followed his eye line down your body, smirking slightly you swayed your hips watching as his eyes followed your movements.
Darting forward you swiftly kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Daryl” The blush on his face matched yours as he turned and stomped down the steps rushing towards his own house.
Daryl’s POV
Holy shit she was perfect.
Good food, Great Whiskey, Perfect body. That dress…. He had never met anyone like her before, She hunted too. But a woman like that would never look twice at a man like him.
A dirty good for nothing redneck asshole, He didn’t even know why she had been so...so nice to him tonight.
When she kissed his cheek, Emotions he hadn’t felt before came bubbling to the surface, His body desperate to reach out to her and kiss her properly. Not that he was even sure how to kiss a woman like that properly. As the blush rose back to his cheeks and tips of his ears he felt an unfamiliar stir in his stomach and then a very familiar one in his groin. He knew he had to run before that siren of a woman noticed his shameful bulge.
Carol was waiting for him at the door. Puckering her lips at him she made a lip smacking noise “Kiss Pookie” She giggled.
“Shut up” He mumbled, heading straight for the stairs to the basement. He needed to be alone for a little while as he processed these thoughts. Locking the door behind him he took a few strides over to the bed and flopped down on it.
In the dark of the room the thoughts became more obvious. Throwing an arm over his face he groaned. From the second he had first seen her standing so beautifully in front of Aaron’s house he had a tightening in his stomach. He couldn’t have said no to her invitation if he tried.
If Merle had seen him tonight, Blushing like a love sick little girl, He would have had a right laugh, It was like he could hear his voice. “Oh Princess, Got a crush? Man up Baby bro, Go get that cooch”
Did she mean it when she asked if he could come again? He shook his head. She couldn’t have, she was just being nice, welcoming…probably ordered to be. His mind couldn’t stop thinking of the way she smiled at him, The way her hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed, The curves of her as she swayed in the doorway…. His pants were tightening further at the thought. He would have to take care of that before he could fall asleep.
Imagining his hands were roaming her body he pulled his throbbing member free, He wouldn’t last long as he thought about her hands on him, While his hands roamed up those beautiful milky thighs. That full pouty mouth gasping for him.
God that did it, Groaning he let himself spill into his hand, Grabbing a rag at the side of him he wiped it from himself, Ashamed he turned over throwing an arm over his face before drifting into an undisturbed sleep at the thought of her.
Over the next few weeks he saw a lot more of Y/N. As they were the two best hunters in Alexandria they were often thrown together to head out of the walls.
Even in her half ruined Jeans and Walker splattered Shirt she was still gorgeous. On days like today when they’re outside the walls he noticed how her face changed from the strained smile to a relaxed free look in her eyes.
She was scanning the underbrush now checking the traps they had left the week before. He felt the blush on his cheeks when he realised he had been caught staring again.
“Everything okay?” She asked spinning around in a circle, her body tensing looking for the Danger.
He cleared his throat, “Yeah all good. Anythin in the trap?” Blush rising in his cheeks at being caught staring. After that they headed back to the town in comfortable silence, Walking side by side both carrying the day's hunt, Y/N stopping every few minutes to forage things on the way. Giving him ample chance to stare unashamedly for a moment. Blushing everytime she caught him, Hoping she wouldn’t be too upset that a man like him was so captivated by her.
Once back inside the walls, She came with him to his house as they always did now Only stopping to share the hunt with Olivia to share around the town, Y/N spent a lot more time around him and his group. Seamlessly slotting into their messed up dynamic.
Just like every other night she helped Carol prepare the dinner while he retreated to the porch, Cleaning his bow and bolts, always leaving the door open to let her musical laugh wash over him as he worked.
He could have listened to her all day. Before long he forgot what he was meant to be doing and just closed his eyes, Head leaning back against the house, Fully relaxed for the first time being in Alexandria.
He groaned inwardly hearing footsteps getting closer, he slowly opened his eyes to see who was disturbing his peace.
“Hey…” Rick took a seat next to Daryl on the porch, nudging his knee and pointing towards the house.
“Y/N been spending a lot of time here...What’s the story there?” He asked, giving you a knowing look.
“Why yer asking me?” Daryl huffed. “Shouldn’ yer be askin her”
Rick sighed before giving him another knowing look. “I seen the way you look at her, You sweet on her?”
Daryl wasn’t sure how to respond because of course he was ‘sweet’ on her but there was no changing who he was. A woman like that could never be interested in a no good redneck like him. There was no good that could come from confessing any of the thoughts that bounced around his head all day. Where would that get him? Nowhere that's where.
He scoffed, trying to hide his next lie “Nah man, I aint sweet on no one”
Rick studied him thoughtfully before he replied. A testing gleam in his eyes.
“So you wouldn’t mind if I gave it a go then?
He felt the blood in his veins run cold at this. His heart dropping into his stomach, He felt sick at the realisation, Of course Rick would want her too, Who wouldn’t.
Just as he opened his mouth to give a brash reply, your beautiful song filled voice interrupted at just the right moment. His heart pounding, blush spreading across his face, burning across the tops of his ears as you smiled at him.
Standing ready to flee and leave them both behind before Rick made any more comments. He felt your hand on his arm and his breath stop in his chest.
You felt the electricity hum between you as your fingers found his arm, You had both been taking as many opportunities as possible to get closer to each other, So grateful when you were partnered together to hunt.
After the night you had cooked him dinner he was constantly on your mind, His adorable blushes, His gruff manly tone, His thick manly physique but most of all those eyes… The eyes that look like they have a permanent storm behind them, You were usually very good at reading people's eyes but you just couldn't get a grasp on his.
Every time you looked into them you could feel yourself falling further into them desperate to know the secrets they hide.
“Hey…Carol sent me to get you…Dinners ready….Come eat with us?” Purposely not meeting his eyes, Now was not the time to get lost in them.
Looking at your hand on his arm you fought the urge to give it a squeeze to just feel those beautiful muscles clenched in your hand. Rick letting out a slight cough broke you both from this moment which had obviously gone on for too long. Your hand felt like it had been given an electric shock as you pulled away from his arm attempting to appear nonchalant as you brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
Both of you were blushing now looking at rick. Daryl quickly looked down at his feet and grumbled his assent, Giving a swift nod to Rick he darted inside the house.
Rick chuckled standing and patting you on the shoulder he followed Daryl into the house.
Confused, you took a deep breath and fixed the smile back on your face before turning and heading straight to the table to finish setting it.
Dinner was the same as almost every night with a few exceptions. You kept stealing glances in Daryl's direction as always but not once had he met your gaze. Instead he seemed to be very angrily spearing bits of deer on his fork grumbling to himself and shooting murderous glares at Rick.
Rick in return had turned his full attention to you for a change, With a smirk on his face he had taken Carol's usual seat beside you and had started a line of questioning that had left you feeling like a bug under a magnifying glass. Wondering when you were going to be burned.
You had very rarely spoken to Rick, He always seemed to never really notice you were there, But now he was asking you everything from your hometown to your favourite colours.
Choosing not to be too suspicious you graciously answered each question until he reached the one that made the food falter in your throat. He patted you on the back when you choked.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I asked if you were seeing anyone Y/N? Or is there someone you’ve got your eye on here? If not, I'm sure I know someone who would love to spend some time with you” He said with a wink.
Stuttering and not sure how to respond, you take a sip of your drink, your eyes automatically finding Daryl again.
You watched as he stood up abruptly and in the same movement slammed his fork down and stormed from the table to the door just across from the room, The door crashing behind him and his footsteps retreating down the stairs.
The smirk on Rick’s face had subsided now, the table had gone quiet, everyone's breath caught in their chest as an awkward silence descended over the table.
Dinner was quickly finished with people standing to remove plates. The only two remaining at the table were yourself and carol.
Giving you a kind smile, She slid a full bottle of Jack Daniels over to you and motioned her head towards his door.
Carol was the only person who knew how you felt, Coaxing it out of you slowly and earning your trust with all of the late nights spent with her, Desperately just trying to be closer to him.
She had been encouraging you to make a move, But every time you had tried to lead him down that path he had grumbled something unintelligible and stalked away.
Taking a deep breath you decided to go for broke. If it didn’t work this time then maybe you would take Rick up on his offer, Or maybe one of the other men in town. You couldn't spend your second chance at life pining after someone who would never feel the same way.
Grasping the bottle tightly you made your way to his door. Teetering on your heels, hand held out ready to pull the door open. One last look at Carol who gave you a supportive smile. You took the plunge throwing the door down and running down the stairs before your mind had a chance to freeze and tell you to stop.
Daryl's POV
Daryl couldn’t believe that Rick had the balls to do that….At the table in front of his entire family. She’ll be upstairs fawning all over him right now.
Probably can’t believe her luck that it’s him not me.
Furious he kicked his shoes off letting them fly across the room, Sinking down the bed, He pulled his shirt over his head and lay back sighing.
Unable to stop himself he thought of the two of them together, It made sense. They would be the perfect pair. Her effortlessly gorgeous and rick….Well rick. Everybody wanted him, He was the perfect man. Every little scrap of hope that he had tried to bury for so long had now been shattered.
He pictured Y/N becoming Carl’s & Judith’s mother. He could see it all as if he was standing outside looking in through the window into the life of a perfect all American family. That’s what Rick could offer her. Even in an apocalypse.
What did Daryl have to offer? A smelly basement in Carol’s house? A life where people looked down on him? What if he was like his father? What if he didn’t know how to love?
No she was better off staying away from him, He would act the part from now on, He would stay away. Take a different shift hunting. It would be too painful to be around her, Now he knows he could never have her.
Maybe he should just leave, Maybe that is what was best.
Glaring at the ceiling as if it was the one who had hurt him, He was lost in his mind and hadn’t noticed the person standing watching him quizzically.
You could feel yourself rooted to the spot watching the dark clouds swirl on his face as he lay there, You plucked up the courage to clear your throat.
“Uhm Daryl?” You tried quietly.
He shot up from the bed, Glaring at you. “What?” He growled. His blue eyes showed a fire burning behind them.
You raised the bottle, The two glasses hanging limply from your other hand.
“Are you okay?” Unable to stop yourself, your eyes wandered from his face down to his chiselled chest and abs. His pants hanging loosely on his waist showing that amazing v pointing to the one thing you want to see more than anything. You felt the heat burning up everywhere in your body. Licking your lips you tore your eyes away. It was like time had stopped. Your chest heaving you met his eyes again. This time the fire seemed to have subsided and he just looked….Confused?
You took a step forward which is all it took to break Daryl out of his confusion darting forward he grabbed the shirt he had so haphazardly thrown on the floor earlier, Pulling it over his head and pushing his hair back in one swift movement.
“What dya want Y/N”
Without a word you strode over to the bedside table and dropped the glasses onto it. Ripping the top off the bottle you filled both to the brim, Without giving him a choice you pushed the glass into his hands, Taking your own and gulping it down in one.
Before it had even had a chance to burn its way down to your stomach you had turned and refilled the glass. Sitting down on the edge of the bed you said nothing for a moment, Gesturing for him to join you.
After a moment he did and you both sipped your drinks in relative silence.
You watched through the small window at the top of the wall as the sun set lower on the horizon, Now on your third glass. You had finally built up the drunken courage to just show him how you felt.
Words were useless on this man, No matter what you said he wouldn’t believe it until you had proved yourself with your actions.
Filling your chest with a deep breath you turned to him. “Daryl?” You asked, breaking the silence.
Draining his glass he turned his face up to yours. You watched as his lips parted slightly to answer you. Now was the time.
You moved slowly at first watching his reaction, Putting one hand on his chest he seemed to freeze in place, Lips parted. You made your move. Pressing your lips to his felt like the most perfect thing in the world. Instantly feeling drunk but not from the alcohol. Running your tongue across his bottom lip begging for entrance.
No….He was moving his face away….”what the hell Y/N?”
You felt the tears filling behind your eyes. As he got further and further away. He still looked confused. You had never been so humiliated, All those feelings…All the stolen glances. They were all one sided.
Stuttering “I’m so sorry” The tears were over flowing now. Jumping down from the bed you flew up the stairs taking them two at a time. Carol was in the kitchen, You paused long enough to shake your head at her and then take off into the night.
Next Chapter
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Im backkkkk :D
So everyone has been incredibly patient with me and sent me lovely messages I appreciate all of them!
I have finally just about finished the teaser i posted several months ago, I have kinda rambled on with it so its ended up a two parter! Will hopefully be posting both tonight.
Hope you enjoy them!
Lots of Love!
Jen <3
#norman reedus fanfic#love norman reedus#daryl twd#daryl dixon fanfiction#daryl dixon twd#the walking dead daryl#daryl dixon fluff#daryl dixon x reader#the walking dead#daryl fluff#rick grimes twd#carol twd#the walking dead fanfiction#the walking dead norman
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Hey everyone!
First of all merry Christmas and a happy new year guys 😁
I’ve been on a super long hiatus and I’m so sorry! I’ve started re reading that teaser I uploaded for you guys and hoping to get my laptop up and running again so I can finish and post for you guys!
Let me know if there is anything you want to see in it, or anything to give me some inspiration! I was so happy writing these for you beautiful people and need to get back to this wonderful little community we have ☺️
I love you all! Hopefully you’ll hear from me soon!!
Love Jen ♥️
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Secret Crushes II : Trees and Tongues
So here it is the sequel to Secret Crushes. I got struck by inspiration earlier and just had to get it down straight away!
Warnings! - public sex, annoying siblings, strong language and delicious smut.
PART 1: https://phoenixblack89.tumblr.com/post/646029802228318208/secret-crushes
My wonderful lovelies - @autocon23 @fandomsaremykryponite @writingdeadangel @lilythemadqueen @boondoctorwho @darylsgirl @browneyes528
You had sex with Murphy goddamn MacManus!
Letting out a yawn, you stretched and raised your arms over your head, smiling slightly as you recalled the events of the previous night.
You still could barely believe it. He'd been so sweet and understanding when you had cried on his shoulder then there were his kisses that set a fire rushing through you you had never experienced before. And his hands! And his tongue against your skin! Oh my god.
You shook your head as you pushed your way out of bed to have a quick shower before dressing for school. You bit your lip as you climbed into the shower, wondering if he'd talk to you at school or if he'd even acknowledge you in the slightest.
But then again, Sara was fucking his brother, the bitch, so maybe he would.
You still had a smile on your face as you skipped down the stairs and grabbed some breakfast, scowling slightly at the mess left over from the party. Your sister was so gonna get in trouble when your parents came home today. Sara grumbled as she joined you in the kitchen and started the coffee maker.
"Lil sis."
"Yea?" You answered, rolling your eyes behind her back.
"What's this?"
Your eyes widened slightly as she tossed a belt onto the table. The buckle clanged loudly and Sara crossed her arms, smirking.
"If you can't tell what a belt is Sara you might wanna go back to nursery school." You laughed, worrying inside if she was trying to somehow get you back for the interruption last night. Hell it could be one of your dad's for all you knew. "It's dad's belt Sara. What's the issue?"
"If it's dad's belt then how did it 1. Get into the woods. And 2. Whys it engraved with the initials MM?" She smirked, crossing her arms across her chest smugly.
"Fuck." You sigh quietly, leaning closer and sure enough there on the plain silver buckle were the letters MM.
Shit you thought He must not of remembered when you'd tossed it carelessly to the side in the rush to get dressed when his twin was about to come across you.
"Someone must of had fun last night in the woods. Why you asking me?"
"I know you came out of those woods with Murphy and Connor last night. Y/N... Please say you didn't sleep with that arsehole."
"How fuckin dare you lecture me on who I can and can't sleep with!? And if he's an arsehole what's that make Connor huh? You didn't seem to mind him filling ya hole!" You snapped, fists balling tightly.
"That's different and you know it!"
You scoff and grab your bag, storming out the back door and up the drive. Sara followed slightly behind you calling your name but you ignored her.
"Good morning lass!"
You paused at the gate and looked up into the blue eyes of Connor, who was smiling widely. You gave a slight twitch of your lips in reply and pulled the gate open as Murphy raised his hand in greeting from behind his brother. Your sister gave a girly giggle as she caught up with you and wrap her hands behind Connor's neck, pulling him into a long kiss. You glanced at Murphy, his eyes burning into yours. You felt yourself heating up and bit your lip.
"Oh Murphy! You left this last night. Found it out by the creek in the woods behind the barn." Sara laughed, tossing the belt towards the darker twin as she pulled away from Connor. Connor gave a snort as Murphy caught the belt and frowned. "Didn't take you for the love 'em and leave' em type. Must of been in quite the hurry to forget your belt."
"Er..." Murphy stuttered, his cheeks bright red. You paled and glared at your sister as she pulled Connor down the lane towards the town. Murphy quickly stuffed the belt into his bag and waited for you to start walking.
You trailed behind your sister and Connor, keeping your eyes downwards as the pair began shamelessly flirting and kissing and generally being all lovey dovey. You felt your anger rising towards your sister as well as a flare of jealousy. Murphy bit his lip and glanced at the older siblings in front of him before making up his mind.
You gave a slight squeak as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side of the road, smirking at Connor as he looked back over his shoulder; who gave a chuckle and a returning smirk, and pulled you into the woods edging along the side.
You gave a sharp gasp as he pushed you up against a tree after a few minutes of wandering deeper into the woods. His hands found your hips as he leaned his head against yours.
"Murphy... We'll be late for school..." You sighed breathlessly as your chest heaved in excitement. His eyes glowed with desire as he closed the distance between you to smash his lips against yours. You gulped and kissed him back just as frantically, your hands gripping onto his biceps tightly.
You gasped as his lips lay a burning path along your jaw and found the hickey from last night and began licking and biting at it once more, darkening it from a pale purple to an almost black hue against your skin. You moaned as his fingers dipped under your skirt and ran along your thighs.
"Yea beautiful." He replied, the fingers of his other hand toying with the buttons of your blouse and slowly opening them for his wandering mouth. "Ye taste like heaven..."
"We... We... Oh god...." You shivered as his tongue began working a nipple through the soft fabric of your bra, grazing his teeth over the sensitive bud. Your hips thrust against his hand involuntarily in want.
You felt him smirk against your chest as he lowered himself to his knees. You glanced down at him and he smirked before flipping your skirt up over his head and tugged your panties down to your ankles.
"Murphy... What are you doing?!" you gasp in shock, feeling his breath ghost over your core heavily.
"Told ye last night. Was gonna eat ye when I next saw ye."
"Holy SHIT!" You shriek as his tongue brushs lightly over your clit, hands flying to grab his head as he begins to lightly flick his tongue. You groaned and pant heavily, his hand gripped your hip tightly as you try to squirm away from the overwhelming sensations.
Murphy gave a gentle chuckle deep in his throat and cupped your sex gently, feeling how slick you were becoming from his tongue alone before slowly pushing a single finger into your core. His lips wrapped tightly around your clit and bagan sucking and tugging on it as his finger thrust in and out slowly. You gave a quiet moan, teeth digging into your lip as pleasure began to coil in your stomach. You felt Murphy smirk around your clit as he thrust another finger into you and curled them in a beckoning motion.
Your eyes rolled back as the pleasant feeling doubled inside you and your hands grabbed tighter on to his shaggy dark hair. Your breaths came out in pants as he worked you with his mouth and tongue, head flung back against the bark of the tree behind you.
Murphy hummed deeply as your thighs bagan to quiver around his head and he raised one of them to his shoulder and wrapped it around his neck. The new angle allowing him to plunge his fingers into you deeper, hitting that spot that made you see stars.
You gave a loud groan as your nails scraped against Murphy's scalp and your hips began thrusting against his face.
"Oh God! Murph! Please..." You gasped, sweat trickling down your neck, you were so very close.
"Cum fer me, auriolus... That's it." He whispered, his hot breath blowing over your sensitive spot before he resumed his attention to your swollen clit. A few strong licks and sucks had you melting against him as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss rushed over you. Your chest heaved as your heart raced, your breaths heavy and body feeling totally relaxed and tingly.
Murphy gave a soft sweet kiss to your clit as he pulled away. You glanced down and gave him a lazy smile, his chin glistening with your slick. He smirked as he pulled your leg from your shoulder and stood slowly. His eyes dark with lust and gave you a deep kiss. You could taste yourself on his lips and tongue.
A strange tangy taste. Not unpleasant but not something you could see yourself loving.
You both panted as you pulled away.
"Murphy... Please, I..."
"Y/N!? MURPHY?! WHERE YOU TWO GO!?" Your sister yelled, sounding distinctly enraged.
Murpht knelt quickly and pulled your panties back up and brushed down your skirt as you buttoned your blouse up. Your sister and Connor's footsteps growing closer to you. Murphy wiped his chin and fluffed his hair lightly before pulling you into a hug and kissing your neck sweetly.
"Seriously man! This is the second time I found ye in the woods together." Connor sighed, stopping behind you. Your eyes met his and you did not quite understand the look in them. Something dark and almost angry as he glanced up and down your figure, taking in your mussed, stuck up hair and flushed face, the slightly awkward grip you had on his brother's bicep, the reddened skin along your neck where Murphy has been sucking and nipping at your skin moments ago. You averted your gaze as your cheeks blushed a deep red, chewing on your lip nervously.
"Fucks sake Con! Can't I have a few minutes to do summit fer a friend?"
"Friends don't fuck each other Murphy MacManus! You keep your hands off my baby sister!" Sara interrupted, grabbing you and pulling you away from the darker twin and out of the woods. "I TOLD you to stay away from him. He's not a good guy Y/N."
"Fuck off Sara. Don't try the big sister routine with me when you're fucking his twin." You snap back, storming away towards the school in the distance, her and the twins voices calling after you as you ran.
Trust your sister to ruin your mood. Today was going to be one of those days.
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You take my breath away - Teaser
A/N - Hey guys! here's a teaser of something I've been working on not sure if i should continue with this, It hasn't got any smut yet but will do if i continue on it. Please please please leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Apologies for any mistakes i haven't edited this or read it over!
Love Jen :)

He was the most incredible looking man you had ever seen, Walking through the gates with that possum in his hand, He was definitely a little disheveled, Looked like he was in serious need of a shower but gorgeous nonetheless. Your mouth going dry the moment you saw him, Feeling the now unfamiliar fluttering in your stomach as he walked by you, Not sparing a second glance in your direction.
His eyes alert and suspiciously taking in his surroundings, You watched as he handed his crossbow over, Fingers twitching as it was moved further away from him. Aaron leading them to Deana’s house. Where they will no doubt be being interviewed on camera, Just like all the newcomers were. Just like you had been three months before, Looking over the others in the group seeing their wary eyes the exhaustion showing through the cracks in their demeanor.
Letting out the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding you watched them disappear around the corner. As you were turning to go back into the house you were stopped by Olivia. Rushing from the direction the strangers had gone, a huge basket full of linens in her arms.
“Hey Y/N Are you busy? Any chance you can give me a hand? Deana has asked me to set up the two houses down the street for the new guys” Looking at you with those hopeful puppy dog eyes, She knew there was no way you could say no to her.
“Fineeee, But Jessie’s helping too!” You groaned turning back towards her and down the front steps.
“Thank you Y/N! Jessie’s already there loading some supplies into the cupboards” Her pace was getting faster now, Half running to keep up with her frantic walk you let her continue.
“Could you please start on the beds, That would be a HUGE help. Here take this” Offloading the basket to you she turned back towards the garage that held all of the town's supplies.
“I’m going to grab some more linen, I'll be back in a few!”
Groaning again at the weight of the basket you walked up the steps of the house Olivia had specified. Spotting Jessie in the kitchen immediately.
She laughed at your sour expression “She roped you into this too?” You nodded in reply carrying the basket up the stairs and starting in the first room you came too.
Picking up the first bundle of sheets, Finding a little note attached ‘Single’ Pushing them to one side you picked up the next ‘Double’ Taking the note off and putting it back in the basket you made your way to the bed. Pulling the sheets on and making the bed easily you continued into the other three bedrooms upstairs, Finding one set of double sheets remaining.
Walking down the stairs you passed Jessie again in the Kitchen, Stopping for a moment you took a glass of water from her mumbling your thanks, “Just the basement left! Has she come back yet?”
“Mhmm She left that for you” pointing to a basket of towels. “And she said she’s left the next bunch of sheets and towels in the next house ready”
“And what pray tell is olivia doing while she’s got me sweating like a Whore in Church”
Jessie choked a little on her water trying to suppress her giggle at your words. “Beats me! Tried to ask her, She ran off looking very important” She giggled again.
“Best get on before she finds more jobs for me!” Jessie agreed to grab the towels and put them into each bathroom, Snagging two from her you took it down to the basement with you.
This place was lucky really, There had been a hotel nearby that was just about to open as all hell broke loose that had stacks of linens, Plates and silverware. Enough to fully stock this place for a long time.
It seemed silly to you at first for this to be a huge concern but the longer you stayed here and the more you got used to the little comforting things like the Clean bedding and actual utensils the more important it had started to feel. It made you feel normal, Civilised. Like the world hadn’t just thrown a tantrum. Sure it never lasted very long but the comfort you got from these little things was priceless.
Once you had finished the bed down stairs you and Jessie made your way over to the second house repeating the jobs, Smiling as you left. Hopefully the comfort the little things had on you would also reassure and comfort the new guys. If only just a little. Being out there for so long yourself you knew how hard it would be for them to adapt.
When Aaron had first brought you through the gates you thought you must have died. Everything was so….Normal, The houses all pristine. All happy smiling faces welcoming you to the neighbourhood. It had taken you a week to speak, Sometimes you still weren’t sure if it was real at all, Maybe this is where your consciousness goes when you were walking around as one of those dead but not dead freaks.
Walking back home you spotted Olivia, Saluting her “All done El capitan!” She laughed as you walked by purposely not slowing in case she thought of another job for you.
Sinking back into your couch and grabbing the book you had discarded earlier when the commotion at the gate started, You had been out hunting the day before, Which meant today you could take the next few days easy.
Reading the Hobbit for the millionth time, You easily slipped back into that familiar world, Only stopping when it got too dark to see the words on the page. The next day was much the same head straight back into your book escaping the real world as long as you could. Not realising how long you had been sat there, The sun was low on the horizon when you were pulled from your favourite book.
Opening the door you were greeted by a smiling Aaron. “Hey Y/N I can’t stay gotta get back to Eric, Deana is throwing a welcome party for the new guys, Since you’re our newest person besides them, She is pretty insistent you attend!”
Rolling your eyes “Insistent hm? I think I’ll give it a miss..But thanks for the invite!” Trying to shut the door hoping this conversation was over when the door was stopped on his foot.
“C’mon Y/N a little more socialising won’t kill you! You’ve managed to come out of your shell to me Jessie and now Olivia! A few more wouldn’t hurt right?”
The puppy dog eyes. How did every fucker in here know that was your weak spot.
“Ughhhhh Finee! Only if you're going to be there?” He nodded happily turning and stopping on the steps “See you at 8 wear something pretty” He winked, Taking off before you could change your mind.
Pretty? You weren’t even sure you owned anything that could be classed as pretty. Storming upstairs like a toddler having a tantrum you stripped quickly showering the sweat from yourself before stepping out wrapping the fluffy towel around you.
Walking over to your closet you pulled at the pile of dresses you had haphazardly thrown to the bottom of the closet when you had moved in, Never thinking in this new world there would be a place for pretty dresses.
Separating the sizes you pulled the few that would fit you to one side throwing the rest back in a heap again. Holding them up to your chest you decided on a black figure hugging one with a slit up one side. You guessed this would be kind of functional too. The slit certainly gave you enough room to move if you needed to. Picking up a pair of almost matching wedges you threw them both on the bed. Turning your attention to your hair as you tried to tame it.
It was a shame this new world didn’t include bloody straighteners. Groaning at yourself you couldn’t believe that had just crossed your mind. There were more important things to worry about besides your hair!
Running the brush through it once more, It would do. Your mother certainly would be happy. She loved your naturally wavy curls. You felt the twang in your heart as you remembered her, She had lasted 6 months after the fall before one wrong step sent her into the arms of a walker taking her from you. Rubbing your eyes gently. No you wouldn’t cry, If she was here now she’d be giving you an earful about it, Demanding you enjoy your night and your freedom.
Looking over at the tiny clock on the side 8:15 shit you were late. Pulling the dress over your head and heels on your feet you spared your reflection one last look smoothing the dress down on your stomach nervously. You can do this. It’s only people right?
Slowly descending the stairs and making your way out the door, Your feet dragging as you headed closer to the party. Stopping outside the door, Hearing the laughter from the other side.
Before you knew what you were doing you were spinning back around back up the street when a light fell over you.
“Sneaking away before they can see you huh Y/N?” Giving him a guilty look.
“I tried… Tried and failed. Oh well maybe next time!” You chuckled.
“Oh hey, Daryl right?” Turning and following Aaron’s gase you spotted him again. So the possum guy’s name was Daryl.
Giving him a small smile “I guess those kinda things aren’t for you either?”
Not quite looking at you he gave a non committal grunt.
Deciding to take Aaron’s earlier advice, Taking a deep breath.
“You eaten? I’m making spaghetti if you're hungry?” He shrugged again.
“C’mon, She makes some pretty serious spaghetti” Aaron teased, raising his eyebrow at you.
“Guess I could eat” He mumbled, still looking more at his feet than you. Aaron gave you a wink as he went back inside giving you both a wave before shutting the door.
“C’mon it’s this way. Just down from your house. I guess you could say we’re neighbours” He fell into step with you still staying quiet the entire way. As you opened the front door you looked backwards seeing Daryl looking between your open door and his own house.
“Come in, Food won’t be long!” Holding the door open Daryl finally made his decision, his feet carrying him swiftly up the stairs and inside. Flicking the lights on as you followed him.
“Kitchen’s that way, I’ll get you a drink. Whiskey ok?” He finally looked at you.
“You guys have Whiskey?” A shocked expression crossing his face. “Yeah i found it out there still unopened a while back, I was saving it for a special occasion, But shh don’t tell olivia or she’ll add it to that list of hers!” He gave you a small smile as you poured a glass for each of you passing it to him.
“Make yourself at home! I’ll get this started” He took a seat at the breakfast bar rolling the glass around in his hands whilst you busied yourself in the kitchen pulling out everything you would need and quickly getting it started.
Turning back to the breakfast bar you grabbed the loaf of bread slicing a few pieces and covering them in some oil and wild garlic you had found on your hunt yesterday. Popping them into the oven. He spoke again “Why’s it a special occasion?” He mumbled.
Grinning at him and taking a sip of your whiskey. “It’s not everyday I get to cook my serious spaghetti for just anyone!”
You could see the blush rising in his cheeks as he took a long swig of his whiskey. You leant over to top his glass off, Before turning to the cupboards and grabbing placemats, Plates and cutlery.
“Here let me do that” He tried as he moved towards you.
“Absolutely not! My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew i put a guest to work” Smiling sadly as your mother popped into your head again. Setting the table.
Turning your attention back to your meal you strained the pasta, Popping it into a dish before dishing up the sauce too. Taking them back to the table and returning to the oven to fish the garlic bread out.
Once everything was on the table you both took a seat. Reaching over you served him a large portion popping a few pieces of garlic bread on his plate before serving yourself.
“Dig in” You insisted before turning back to your plate. He watched you take the first few mouthfuls before reaching for his own fork.
After a few minutes of silence you spoke up again “So what do you think of Alexandria?”
“I think it ain’t real”
“I thought that for a long time, Hell I’m still not convinced and I’ve been here 3 months”
“So your not...uh...Not from here. Like the others”
“I’m from out there I guess. Asheville Georgia originally”
His eyes went wide at this “Me too, Sorta. Lived up near the mountains in Georgia”
A huge grin crossing your face “So we’ve always been neighbours then! How strange that we would meet here in DC! We must have been in the same places a thousand times! I used to go hunting in the mountains with my daddy”
He shrugged “Alotta my group from near there, We met in Atlanta……” he trailed off mumbling “Ya wouldn’t have noticed someone like me anyway”
Trying to get him to meet your eyes over the table, “Oh i most definitely would have noticed YOU Daryl”
He cleared his throat awkwardly, the tops of his ears peeking through his shaggy hair going beet red, his face lowered, he turned his attention back to his food.
Realising you had probably gone too far, Afterall you didn’t really know anything about this man, You had only seen him once yesterday morning before tonight, You weren’t even sure if he was single. Or straight for that matter. Trying to ease the awkwardness that had now descended in the room you tried a quick change of conversation.
“How are your group feeling about being here? Did you and your partner manage to sleep okay?” Hoping your not so subtle way of asking him if he were single wouldn’t be too obvious.
“Partner? Rick’s the Cop not me” He grumbled. Okay maybe not as obvious as you first thought.
You shook your head slightly, his obliviousness was strangely endearing, “Sorry no i meant your girlfriend, Wife” When he didn’t reply straight away you figured you must have missed the mark. “Boyfriend?” You questioned.
He snorted at this “I ain’t gay, Aint got no woman either” Not able to contain the gleeful smile on your face. Not that it would matter his eyes were fully trained on his meal as he started devouring it quicker, Reaching for his glass he drained the remaining dregs of the whiskey.
“Oh really? I thought for sure you’d have been snapped up by now!”
The blush returning to his face again he gave you a noncommittal grunt, Waiting a moment you realised he wasn’t going to answer. Not much of a talker. You were probably being too pushy, Small talk was hard to do after seeing the things he no doubt had seen out there, The things that man had probably had to do just as you had, Suppressing the shudder that threatened to run through you as your mind conjured up the images.
Standing quickly you walked back to the kitchen grabbing the bottle and refilling his glass and in turn your own.
Taking a deep gulp of the whiskey and then quickly finishing your own meal in silence, Both finishing your meal at the same time, Daryl raises the plate to his mouth to scrape the last bits of pasta into his mouth.
“Still hungry? There’s plenty more if you would like some more?”
Shaking his head no “ ‘M good.” He grunted. Taking his plate from him and collecting your own you took them into the kitchen dropping them in the sink you turned to retrieve the serving bowls, Almost crashing straight into Daryl, Your hands flinching up and landing on his chest steadying yourself.
He caught the bowl just in time surprisingly before any of the remaining food managed to spill on the floor.
Feeling the blush on your cheeks now as your hands lingered a moment longer than they should have done, Enjoying the firmness of his muscular chest under your fingers.
Dropping your arms to your sides. “I’m sorry! Thank you, Let me take that” Taking the bowl and turning your beetroot red face away from him you found a tupperware box in the cupboard filling it with the leftovers before turning to the sink and washing the dishes.
When you turned back to him he was watching you silently, Studying you it seemed.
Picking your glass back up you motioned to him “Should we finish the bottle or do you have somewhere to be?”
When he made no move to leave you picked up the bottle and motioned towards the living room letting him follow behind you, Taking a seat you finally kicked your uncomfortable heels off, Your feet instantly throbbing grateful to be out of their confines.
Propping your feet up on the coffee table in front of you, You sank back into the plush cushions behind you with a happy groan, Daryl stood awkwardly next to the couch glass hanging from his fingertips gasing at you with a softness in his eyes, The redness rising again in cheeks once he realised you had caught him gazing at you.
Smiling at his warmly “No need to stand on ceremony, Take a seat” Patting the chair next to you from emphasis. “More?” You asked, shaking the bottle at him. Taking it from you he filled his own glass before turning to yours and topping yours up also.
Clearing his throat awkwardly. “So...Are ya people here too?”
Dropping your eyes from him you shook your head sadly “Just me…They’re all gone….” The alcohol was taking over your words as you mumbled “Shouldn’t have been me…” Feeling a tear escape your eye as you thought about the countless lives you had watched taken before their time. People who would have been the greatest asset in this new world...Gone, Some died saving you. For what.. They should have let you die.
Pulling your mind from those thoughts, It didn’t do anyone any good to dwell! Wiping the tear quickly from your cheek grabbing your drink and gulping it down in one.
Turning back to Daryl you shifted a non convincing smile back to your face.
“How about you? Your group seems very close almost like a…”
Finishing your sentence for you “A family…...Ya know i look around and i think about the people that are gone, And the people that are still here and it aint right...Aint fair..But yer gotta keep goin for em”
Smiling at Aaron’s name “Yeah i wouldn’t be here either if it wasn’t for him and Eric, They’re good people. Most of the people here are good people. Too innocent to the world as it is yes, But good people..”
After sitting in silence for a few moments when Daryl broke the silence. “Well i should...I should go….They’ll be wonderin where i am”
Standing with him you walked him to the door.
“Thanks. Thanks for the-”
“Your welcome Daryl….Maybe you could come again? It was nice to have company” Smiling you opened the door for him letting him linger on the threshold.
He let out another noncommittal grunt as his eyes lingered on you. Leaning against the doorway you followed his eye line down your body, smirking slightly you swayed your hips watching as his eyes followed your movements.
Darting forward you swiftly kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Daryl” The blush on his face matched yours as he turned and stomped down the steps rushing towards his own house.
Holy shit she was perfect.
Good food, Great Whiskey, Perfect body. That dress…. He had never met anyone like her before, She hunted too. But a woman like that would never look twice at a man like him.
A dirty good for nothing redneck asshole, He didn’t even know why she had been so...so nice to him tonight.
Carol was waiting for him at the door. Puckering her lips at him she made a lip smacking noise “Kiss Pookie” She giggled.
“Shut up” He mumbled, heading straight for the stairs to the basement. He needed to be alone for a little while as he processed these thoughts. Locking the door behind him he took a few strides over to the bed and flopped down on it.
In the dark of the room the thoughts became more obvious. Throwing an arm over his face he groaned. From the second he had first seen her standing so beautifully in front of Aaron’s house he had a tightening in his stomach. He couldn’t have said no to her invitation if he tried.
If Merle had seen him tonight, Blushing like a love sick little girl, He would have had a right laugh, It was like he could hear his voice. “Oh Princess, Got a crush? Man up Baby bro, Go get that cooch”
Did she mean it when she asked if he could come again? He shook his head. She couldn’t have, she was just being nice. His mind couldn’t stop thinking of the way she smiled at him, The way her hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed, The curves of her as she swayed in the doorway…. His pants were tightening at the thought. He would have to take care of that before he could fall asleep.
Imagining his hands were roaming her body he pulled his throbbing member free, He wouldn’t last long as he thought about her hands on him, While his hands roamed up those beautiful milky thighs. That beautiful mouth gasping for him.
God that did it, Groaning he let himself spill into his hand, Grabbing a rag at the side of him he wiped it from himself, Ashamed he turned over throwing an arm over his face before drifting into an undisturbed sleep at the thought of her.
Over the next few weeks he saw a lot more of Y/N, As they were the two best hunters in Alexandria they were often thrown together to head out of the walls.
Even in her half ruined Jeans and Walker splattered Shirt she was still gorgeous. On days like today when they’re outside the walls he noticed how her face changed from the strained smile to a relaxed free look in her eyes.
She was scanning the underbrush now checking the traps they had left the week before. He felt the blush on his cheeks when he realised he had been caught staring again.
“Everything okay?” She asked spinning around in a circle, her body tensing looking for the Danger.
He cleared his throat, “Yeah all good. Anythin in the trap?” Blush rising in his cheeks at being caught staring. After that they headed back to the town in comfortable silence, Walking side by side both carrying the day's hunt, Y/N stopping every few minutes to forage things on the way.
Once back inside the walls, She came with him to his house as they always did now Only stopping to share the hunt with Olivia to share around the town, Y/N spent a lot more time around him and his group. Seeming to slot seamless into their messed up dynamic.
Just like every night she helped Carol prepare the dinner while he retreated to the porch, Cleaning his bow and bolts, The door open letting her musical laugh wash over him as he worked.
He could have listened to her all day, Before long he forgot what he was meant to be doing and just closed his eyes, Head leaning back against the house, Fully relaxed for the first time being in Alexandria.
He groaned inwardly opening his eyes to see who was disturbing his peace.
“Hey…” Rick took a seat next to Daryl on the porch nudging his knee and pointing towards the house.
“Y/N been spending a lot of time here...What’s going on with that?” He asked, giving you a knowing look.
“Why yer asking me?” Daryl huffed. “Shouldn’ yer be askin her”
Rick sighed before giving him another knowing look. “I seen the way you look at her, You sweet on her?”
Daryl wasn’t sure how to respond because of course he was ‘sweet’ on her but there was no changing who he was, A beautiful woman like that could never be interested in him, So there was just no point admitting his feelings to his friend as he knew you would never reciprocate those feelings.
Just as he opened his mouth to reply your beautiful song filled voice broke interrupted at just the right moment. His heart pounding, blush spreading across his face as you smiled at him, He was grateful for the darkness to hide this from you.
As he stood he felt her fingers brush his arm as she gave him an inquisitive look.
You felt the electricity hum between you as your fingers found his arm, You had both been taking as many opportunities as possible to get closer to each other, So grateful when you were partnered together to hunt.
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