#oh maga assholes
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demontruth · 20 days ago
So according to PEW Research Center Trump's approval ratings as for February 2rd was at net -3. Just in case anyone was wondering. There data also shows the worst yet to come for Trump. So in my opinion a little good news for us per-say.
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kick-a-long · 3 months ago
Leftists and tankies talk about Israel like maga and republicans talk about trans people. They hyperventilate about shit that doesn’t affect them that they do not understand and only want more harm to fall on not just Israelis and Israel but also Jews and anyone that doesn’t exactly participate in their hierarchical bullshit. Just like bigotry against trans people spills over to hurt all gender identities, sexual orientations, women generally as well as men who don’t perfectly perform gender no matter how cishet they are, the far left’s antisemitism has fucked over any goyim who doesn’t want to live under christofascism or throw themselves or their community into the fire (literally, anti Israel ppl ask ppl to light themselves on fire) for the sake of a complex subject that the far left actively avoids learning about themselves. Oh! And let’s not forget the terrorism. Both domestic, foreign, and hate crimes that trans ppl and Jews have been facing for just doing community service/outreach or living their lives.
On top of that, the hate has a hugely negative impact on the groups the hate is meant to be “defending.” Hating Jews and Israelis makes life worse for Palestinians and hating trans folks makes live worse for kids. Gender has become MUCH more controlled since I grew up and more kids kill themselves because with trump in office they don’t see a future where they can live truthfully, not just trans kids. Palestinians are now glued to Hamas in the minds of their “advocates” as terrorist raping and suicide bombing asses. Trump is in office. He wants to erase trans people or jail them, wants to nuke the whole Arab world, with max civilian casualties, and deport any left in the us. And there’s less chance than ever of authoritarianism in America or the Arab world being replaced with human rights, stability and self governance.
I only see a lot of harm and bigotry and messing with minorities for the power trip of it. I’m sick of coddling these presumptuous deluded power tripping assholes. That’s my “both sides” take.
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tornrose24 · 4 months ago
Both Wicked and Sonic 3 are about to be more relevant than ever given the recent events.
Wicked has always been a massive ‘screw you’ to people like Trump who target innocent groups just to keep positions of power, as well as those who openly oppose them, especially if they aren’t a straight white man. Given how hyped the movie is, a LOT of kids and teens are going to see why it’s not a good idea to just blindly follow the leader of a country, and with a sequel coming out next year-in addition to Wicked’s increased popularity-they are going to remember that. And the MAGA will complain all they want but Wicked was NOT made for them. And the fact that the original book was by a gay man which is a nice additional slap to the face for them.
As for Sonic 3, if you know the lore than you know that the military trying to hide the fact that they killed innocents-including a child-just to cover something up, will also be something that will be shown (unless the movie isn’t allowed to vilify the military which will anger a LOT of Sonic fans who are already angry at how Sonic is working with the military in this film which is ironic since they were quick to pin blame on him and arrest him for Shadow’s crimes in the game). Also there’s the fact that-oh yeah-an innocent child died due to gun violence in the game and that will most likely be the case here. No wonder Shadow was pissed and willing to be the bad guy, and that goes double for Gerald Robotnik if he goes the way of his game counterpart.
Again-Shadow is willing to commit genocide, just because assholes killed Maria-an innocent child-who believed in good in the world and was trying to protect her best friend.
Bottom line: Trump may have won the election, but unfortunately for him, Wicked and Sonic 3 will be coming out very soon and are ready to deliver a huge ‘screw you’ to him and a lot of similar minded folks.
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democratthatlovesguns · 5 months ago
Can delusion become a sexually transmitted disease? (A Case Study of the Former First Family)
*Absolutely Nobody*
Melania: Why is everyone obsessed with my nude modeling?
Oh, honey, nobody gives a shit about your nude photos. You're old news ... In modeling terms, you're as old as the balls you had to drain to get the "station" you wanted in life.
Maybe, just maybe, there may be some people that are obsessed. Mainly, it's your son's college classmates that are obsessed; if my math is correct, and it is, they would be around 11 to 14 years-old, eight years ago ... And they very likely grew up in republican households. I'm sure they were constantly discouraged from masturbating at all, but blowing a load over one of your nude images must have been "okay," because boys will be boys, right?
Only brainless assholes will fall for the bullshit you and that criminal minds episode you call your husband are selling.
Unfortunately, for you, most of us see right through it: the GOP is running scared. Their voter suppression attempts are failing miserably, MANY THANKS TO TAYLOR SWIFT! Republicans that once swallowed really hard to be able to tolerate Donald Trump, cannot swallow their integrity and their values any longer and have endorsed Kamala Harris - even though they disagree with her politically, at least they know there's not a single day in her presidency that she would want to "be a dictator for a day" (or even one second).
So what does the GOP/MAGA base have left? Their bread and butter: 1) racists assholes and 2) misogynist assholes.
Your hubby has definitely regained the support of his former Nazi/Proud Boys following with his blatant racism against Haitians. But only you can give misogynist assholes the illusion that if they vote for Donald Trump, they too could be "winners" and be able to one day afford some hot young European pussy.
You're not fooling anyone sweetheart. Your nude modeling was never about art. It was about enticing a rich American to propose marriage. Congratulations, you got what you wished for! Now, have a seat, your tits are showing.
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socialjusticeinamerica · 3 months ago
Why shouldn’t he. Trump repeatedly call Harris the “r” word during his campaign and there was virtually no outrage beyond subdued statements from the Special Olympics and the Shriver Foundation.
Next time he uses that slur it should be to himself in the mirror or aimed at any member of the Trump family.
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joanofdescension · 3 months ago
This fandom is full of shit. Y'all willingly gloss over the heinous alt right things bob has done ONLY after he's dead. If you actually gave a rats ass about Bob dying you would've said the bullying was out of proportion BEFORE he died. Saying "oh he wasnt a good person. blah blah blah BUT he did carry my favorite band for a time. Oh rest in peace bob. DONT say anything bad about bob no matter what. But again i recognize he wasnt a good person" just feels like your trying to wipe the shit off your ass about his harassment so you can stand to feel like a good person. He was an openly racist man. And this isnt something like the rest of the band where its microaggressions doing the heavy lifting. He openly was for trump. Aka a man who wants minorities dead. And we don't owe bob any space on our bed for what he's done wrong. I don't mind people saying that you shldnt openly make fun of him most likely killing himself, but mental health still isn't an excuse. But the people who are glad about his death are valid because thats one less maga filled asshole that we have to worry about. You only care cus you want to feel like a good person. The only people who should be allowed to grieve are the band themselves and people who were close to him BECAUSE they knew him. Sugarcoating his legacy + lighthearted memes are just. GROSS!!!
+ Are you sure he wouldn't openly want you dead if he were alive still. DUH OFC NOT. even if he did die by natural causes he'd still be a maga obsessed ass. this post isn't even me championing his death, its my reaction to how gross everyone is acting. he still gets white privilege from y'all before and after death.
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nemo-of-house-hamartia · 2 months ago
I need to ask.
Because waking up and reading this news just make my blood boil.
When you voted for Trump because he was going to "help to the economy", you also voted for this?
For this FLAPDOODLE to start invading around the world???
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No, because, I am sorry, and I speaking as a European, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL BLOODY FUCK?
Keep your bloody idiot of a large mouth of a joke of a soon-to-be First Lady within your borders because, believe me, no one in a 40 light-year radius wants this fucker to even *breathe* in their direction.
Like, you MAGA voted him because you wanted him to focus on "Americans First", right?
Also, just for clarity, all this questions I am asking are purely rethoric and provocatory on my part. I already know the answer, I knew it already while following the elections and whatnot.
But I truly want to know how these people who voted for him will spin this. How they will justify this.
How this is going to "Make America Great Again".(swear to the gods, I honestly snorted out loud even just typing this).
Between him and Leroy Muskratt, who spends his days poking his stupid bulldog face in other countries' governments, I honestly had my fill of waking up each fucking day to news of these two, because the ones that voted for First Lady Trump cannot fucking see farther than their noses.
When I say that when it comes to the US elections, the entire WORLD should have a say in it, I mean it.
Also, this goes without saying, but let me make it clear anyway: this is not directed to my American friends who didn't vote for this fucking joke of an asshole. If this fucker will go through with any of the delirancies he is spouting, we will all be in the same boat, and my heart still goes out to you all because all the bullshits he is going to approve of will impact you first, and for that, I am immensely sorry.
To the others, instead: well, I hope you are happy with what you voted. If he brings the rest of the world in shamble because of this, this is on YOU.
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tomorrowusa · 26 days ago
Actor Jesse Eisenberg brilliantly portrayed Mark Zuckerberg in the 2010 film The Social Network. He now putting distance between himself and Zuck over Meta becoming a de facto MAGA propaganda site.
Jesse Eisenberg, who received widespread recognition for his role as the Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network, has said he no longer wants to be “associated with someone like that”. [ ... ] “It’s like this guy is … doing things that are problematic, taking away factchecking,” Eisenberg told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Tuesday. “[There are] safety concerns. Making people who are already threatened in the world more threatened.” Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced last month it would no longer use independent factcheckers on its social media sites, and would replace them with “community notes”. Similar to the system used on X, these give users the power to challenge the accuracy of posts. Zuckerberg, now chief executive of Meta, said third-party moderators were “too politically biased” and it was “time to get back to our roots around free expression”. The move came as Zuckerberg and other technology executives sought to improve relations with US president Donald Trump, who had criticised Meta’s factchecking policy as censorship of rightwing voices. After the changes were announced, Trump praised Zuckerberg’s decision. Zuckerberg, X chairman Elon Musk, and Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, were all present at the president’s inauguration last month. Eisenberg said he was “concerned” by the developments. The actor, who is currently promoting the Oscar-nominated A Real Pain, which he wrote, directed and stars in, added: “These people have billions upon billions of dollars, like more money than any human person has ever amassed and what are they doing with it? “Oh, they’re doing it to curry favour with somebody who’s preaching hate. “That’s what I think ... not as like a person who played in a movie. I think of it as somebody who is married to a woman who teaches disability justice in New York and lives for her students are going to get a little harder this year.” Last week, Trump signed a legal settlement that will see Meta pay out roughly $25m (£20m) over the suspension of his accounts after the 6 January Capitol riots in 2021.
Near the end of The Social Network, attorney Marylin Delpy (portrayed by Rashida Jones) says this to Zuck...
"You're not an asshole, Mark. You just want to be."
I think Zuck reached that goal rather quickly and is now world class in that regard.
Zuck is a great example if you're looking for a role model who is clueless, greedy, and spineless.
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demontruth · 9 months ago
Prison Time for Trump is needed and this Why...
Y'all, I just did the math (if I did it correctly), I just realized something Trump could get 136 years in prison!! Because each of 34 counts comes with a maximum of 4 years if the Judge decided that Trump should do them separatly boom 134 years! Which fingers crossed. I know that highly unlikely but still the thought makes me so incredibly happy!! However I do think the Judge should give 'No Longer Teflon Don' some prison time.
Here's my thoughts on that. Because no matter the amount of time it's gonna fuck with Trump's head psychologically, as I see it. He's gonna be put in handcuffs taken out of the court room, hopefully. Put on a prison bus, once again hopefully. He's gonna be taken to a prison, maybe it be white collar or please let be federal prison. They're still gonna take all this clothes from him and anything that he has like his expensive ass watch and everything else he has on his person. Then they're going to strip searching him, which I feel extremely bad for whatever prison guard that may end up having do that. Give that man bonus, no joke. That's gonna have to do that. But still just that experience is going to be humiliating and demoralizing which I'm sorry he deserves in my opinion. Maybe but doubtful it will teach him some humility. Then they're going to make him get into whatever color jumpsuit, may it be orange, oh please Jesus let it be orange! Then those he going have to put on those lovely prison shoes. Then they're gonna take his ass to a cell where he's gonna have a celly no doubt. Hopefully its someone that fucking dislike him strongly and not one of his MAGA asshole. And then they're going to close the cell door. That sound alone I would imagine would have a profound effect on him mentally. Because he's the arrogant, a narcissist, egotistical, sociopathic. In that prison he's just like everybody else. He's can't stand up there thinking he's the big man having all his loyal MAGA cult followers screaming and cheeringfor him. That's going to mess with him like nothing else. And put him on a level with what he considers common people is going to mess with him in a way that nothing else ever could. Because he won't get special treatment, the prison guards aren'tgoing to treat him better then the other prisoners shit they might treat him worse if he acts up. Ithink it's so important that it happens to this motherfucker. It's time he brought down to the level he deserves. The level he's been running from forever. Because has anyone seen him now? I have no by choice, just watching the news and of course he's all over the news. He looks so defeated, pathetic, sad, old, beaten, tried, as he would say zero energy. As evil as this may sound and I really don't care... I fucking love it!! Give more of it!!
Now we just HAVE TO DEFEAT him in the Presidential election!! Biden may not be what we want either but it better then a man that's going be hell bent on revenge on everyone that disagrees with him, but on trial, who still want to but him on trial. Remember he still has at least 2 more trials coming and if gets back in the White House he'll do everything in his power to squash them. He'll go after the FBI, the DOJ and every other agency that investigated him. He will literally go on a witch hunt! Don't be mistaken and don't be stupid enough to believe he will not go full Dictator if he gets back into the white house. Trump likes/loves power far too much either far actual prison time with more criminal trials down the road he'll use that power to make sure that don't happen. See the whole I want to President again is just a Red Herring, to distract everyone from his criminal trials and a way to make them go away.
Once again I'm saying something I've been saying since before Trump became President the first time omg I'm tried. But anyway. Trump doesn't give a flying monkey shit about anyone but himself! Not the us the American people, not our Foreign policy, not climate crisis, not gun control, not education... nothing!! The only reason his sides with the Conservatives is because they kiss his ass. I completely understand why us on the left will not. But it does put us in the position of Trump not doing that we need him to do. So as much as I hate this we should pick somebody on the left that would be willing to kiss his ass so hopefully he would start doing what we want him to do. And you have no idea how much that pains me to actually write that!
But we on the left need to start fighting like we did in the last Presidential election! Grass root efforts, hitting the streets, online, fucking everywhere, especially with swing voters! We have get Biden re-elected no matter what because this another election of our life times that will matter in more then just 4 year from now!!
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the-ginger-is-loose-again · 4 months ago
Ive been thinking about this for a couple of days now, but I made the mistake of looking in the comments section of one of my favorite podcasts's episodes in spotify (Last Podcast on the Left)
The episode in question (Side Stories: Squirrel Stories) was recorded the day before election day and posted the day after, so they discussed the election and it was rather heartbreaking that they were pretty unconcerned because they were so confident that Kamala was going to win. At one point, they spend some time shit talking trump and right wingers, which is pretty par for the course for them
The comments were about 50/50. On one hand, right wingers crying that everyone was so mean to them and how lptol needed to stay out of politics and the other was normal people going "have you ever heard an episode of lpotl before? It's always been political, and always anti nazis" (I'll admit the earliest episodes are a little meh because they are three dudes living in New York in 2011 and like fresh off of 4-chan, but they, for the most, part learn and grow and are really good with the sensitive topics nowadays, not making fun of victums, knowing where in an episode is the time for jokes and where is the time for seriousness, while still being dudes fucking around and having fun doing their podcast together)
My comment is probably not going to pass review, but basically, it was so insane to me that all these guys were just openly showing how little they cared for the show or paid attention to it at all and obviously just liked the edgy impolite aesthetic and they got their wittle fascist fweewings hurt that the show that famously takes pleasure in shit talking right wing criminal dickbags is shit talking their right wing criminal dickbag leader
They literally dropped their The Manhatten Project series over 4th of July in which they talked about how the american people were dragged kicking and screaming into rationing (it wasnt as easy and selfless as it is portrayed now, it wasnt done volunterrily) and every horrific thing that the atomic bombs and later scientists did to the people of Japan and how unnecessary it all was and about the riots and mass rapes that happened IN SAN FRANCISCO on VJ Day (basically all the soldiers who found out they didn't have to go to war because Japan had surrendered went on a massive bender and the police were told not to stop them the first day or so because it was all in good fun, yea it's why they don't talk about vj day a lot and only show us the kissing in NYC photo from V day). Like, if these maga dudes in the comments were correct that lptol was apolitical that series would have been like every other history channel circle jerk about America's Greatness in the war
A handful also called for the return of the host Ben, who had worked on Fox News and had always been the most right leaning of them, but he was removed from the whole network he helped found because it came out he had been abusive to girlfriends for years (a terrifying thing considering he is 6'7") and his alcoholism was so bad he couldn't even function in the last few episodes he was in. It is amazing listening to say the John Wayne Gacy episode then skipping to the Manhattan project, the difference is insane, Henry keeps joking about long pauses and him bringing up stuff theyve already passed and you can tell he is just trying so hard to keep the episode flowing well and bolstering Ben where he can. He always presented as mild mannered and a funny drunk and a gentle giant, until he didn't, and past girlfriends started coming out with the shit he said to them, and you're just like "oh wow, where have I heard this before? Oh, every other right leaning asshole ever?" And don't get me wrong, he was honestly my favorite host at some points, but I am also an adult capable of critical thinking and realizing what he has done doesn't diminish the joy the show has brought me in the past and that his removal was the best thing they could have done so that we can continue enjoying the show going forward. (I also don't need to know every sordid detail of it all, he did what he did, they did what they did, I don't need specifics or more information because I don't actually know any of these people personally, it's not my business if it's not part of their actual business and shows, which a lot of people don't seem to get)
I have always liked that the show goes out of its way to show that serial killers and murderers and cults and all of that come from every political ideology there is, but they also acknowledge how dangerous right wing and conservative ideology is, which has only gotten stronger as a sentiment since Ben left (either as a reaction or because he isnt there to refute it or necause they dont have to be nice as noone in the room is right leaning anymore idk), and anyone who says they need to "stay out of politics" should know they are either advertising how stupid they are or should learn that they aren't going to be able to bully the network into catering to them.
Anyways I'm going to the show in Atlanta in January as a happy birthday to myself, I'm so glad they finally have another southern show, I haven't gotten to see them since they did Charelston in 2021 and it was already the highlight of my decade, so fucking ready, hail gein, hail Satan, love you fuckers
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walkergirlsposts · 3 months ago
They want Jared to be so MAGA so badly. It’s a comedy club with all sorts of comedic guests. It’s Texas, Jared would have nowhere to go if he refused to go to any establishment owned by a republican. I’m sure the first thing Jared thinks before he does anything, is oh no I can’t do that the internet will cancel me.
The way they don't realize Jensen's entire family is MAGA??? That's the funniest part. That the guy they want to be MAGA, isn't. We even have jensen's own aunt saying how she refuses to have dinner with THEM. They're just looking like assholes today. They're so threatened by Jared they need him cancelled.
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bring-subaru-back-to-wrc · 9 months ago
Oh. Ohhhh. Ferrucci "feels like a man alone in pit lane"?? I wonder why???? Could it be because hes a maga dipshit and a massive asshole to everyone around him????????
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formulatrash · 2 years ago
hello hazel! first time watching the indy 500 yesterday and i just found it so strange and uncomfortable how all of the commentators were speaking about santino ferrucci. i didn’t follow the junior series till recently and even i found out about how much of a bad person he is.
everyone was actively rooting for him to win and i think i just kept muttering to myself “he’s a raging racist” the whole time and every time i thought they would stop, they would just bring him up again.
honestly, if they don’t care about what he did then maybe don’t vocalize that you’re ok with it? and anyone that says well maybe he’s changed, this guy has openly said he doesn’t regret what he did.
i don’t know, i just found the whole thing so bizarre because i didn’t realize that he was actually well liked in indycar for some reason.
cn: racist bullying, generally being an arsehole
so for anyone who doesn't have the context for this: in 2018 Santino Ferrucci was America's hot new Formula 1 prospect, signed to Haas as a junior and competing in Formula 2 with ehhhh I guess. some results. he'd scored points for Trident, which isn't a frontrunning team but good drivers have taken the car to wins.
his teammate was Arjun Maini, who during the French round gave one of the most desperate-sounding, saddest radio messages you've ever heard, sounding close to tears and begging "I swear you guys don't support me at all" and saying no one believed him about his car's performance.
at the time it was extraordinary but maybe didn't ring the right alarm bells. the F2 car was very tricky for teams to manage and even Maini's explanation, that parts were failing and he was losing pace compared to his teammate, more accused the championship of having a shoddy car than anything else.
Ferrucci didn't exactly seem nice. but then there was a battle at the front of the 2018 field between Russell, Albon and Norris that was fairly distracting so someone picking up the odds point finish wasn't getting too much press scrutiny.
then it gets to Silverstone and things explode. Maini is clearly miserable and at the end of the sprint race (which then was after the feature race, so this is Sunday) Ferrucci comes out of fucking nowhere and crashes deliberately into Maini on the in-lap. he's banned for four races for being a weapon and then it all starts coming out.
Trident apologise to Maini, who it turns out was totally right that his car was essentially being sabotaged by Ferrucci and was also being subjected to racist bullying by Ferrucci and his father. Ferrucci's also dropped for non-payment, in a statement that basically says we couldn't wait to find a legal way to get away from this asshole.
Haas bin him at the same time and that looks like the end of this wanker who adds 'texting while driving a racecar' and 'trying to run a MAGA livery' to his list of misdemeanours all over the course of the same weekend.
he does a bit more postural nonsense including claiming he can't be racist because he's Italian and then seems to go away. until 2019 when he turns up in IndyCar as darling of the year. I don't watch a lot of IndyCar but it was to pretty much everyone's dismay to find this dude being gassed up from the start and given opportunities to put his "behavioural incidents" behind him without any regret.
idk how much he actually changed even on an operational level within teams cus he did get binned out of Indy for a bit to NASCAR, which actually has a pretty strong anti-racism and anti-asshole thing going on so unsurprisingly he didn't last there. now he's back in Indy being gassed up as the next great American dream by anyone with a microphone and I can't tell you what the Penske corporation sees in him but it's always been this way since he rocked up there.
some of it is a bit of 'well screw Europe and their whiny moralism we're backing our boy' kind of thing but like. this wasn't 'oh no you don't have the correct experience of our intricate continental racing' this was 'fuck off, you racist non-payer who held a team ransom while abusing your teammate, along with your garbage dad.' I guess someone always has to be the worst cousin at the barbecue and like so often, they're the one with the sports medals lately.
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vintagepresley · 4 months ago
How are you feeling about the election 😭
Not great. I’ve unfollowed and told many Elvis people that followed me on IG who voted for that man to block me. I’ll do the same here. Because seeing people celebrate that man being into office again is an insult. Then saying Elvis would love him. No he would not you fucking maga morons. Trump is a fucking fascist who wants to strip our democracy away, human rights away for women, LGBTQ, disabled people. He does not care about anyone but himself and his rich friends.
So for the people who voted for this racist, rapist, homophobe, misogynist asshole, fuck you. I can’t wait to see everyone who voted for him regret their choices when this country goes to shit. When groceries are so expensive we can’t even afford to eat or just buy day to day things because what the maga garbage doesn’t seem to understand is he wants to put tariffs on things that get imported here. He wants to charge 50% for it meaning the working class people will not be able to afford simple things. Not to mention our gas prices will skyrocket. So while maga was crying about a better economy and gas prices, good luck fuckers. Because we won’t be able to afford shit. Good luck because he plans to get rid of Medicaid. Reproductive rights? Yeah don’t even think about it. Health care? BYE BYE. So when your own families are struggling don’t cry to us who voted for Kamala because we told you this was going to happen.
On top of that the damn minorities in this country that voted for this man. What a disappointment you fucking are. This man does not give a shit about you nor does maga. These people are all for white supremacy. So don’t expect any help. Latino people? You better hope no one you fucking love gets deported. Because he plans to do a mass deportation. If you think that means only illegals.. you’re an idiot. Go look up the last mass deportation that happened in 1955 called “operation wetback” they were deporting people who were citizens but looked like they were of Mexican descent. So good luck cause you don’t have much longer in this country.
Also black people who voted for him? Good luck because he plans to give the police full immunity and to be above the law. Meaning they can beat your ass or kill you if they feel like it and we already have a problem with police brutality. So when it happens to you or a family member. Oh well. Don’t come crying to us. We told you.
We are all fucked. FUCKED. Don’t expect black people or any minorities in this country that stand up and protest to protest for any of you when shit hits the fan. Everyone is done. If you voted for him I don’t wanna hear, “oh you’re all being immature and blah blah cutting people off for this” no we’re not. This wasn’t about policies. This was about human rights. You voted to strip people of their rights. You have no morales and don’t care about anyone but yourself. I don’t want any dealings with people like that because this has told me exactly who you are as a person.
It’s so sad how many people in the Elvis community support him. But I have no problem getting rid of yall or anyone for that matter. Even family members. But this also proves this country doesn’t want to progress or move forward and can’t stand or handle the thought of a woman being president let alone a BLACK WOMAN. That’s too much for the whites in this country and the Latinos and black people who voted for this man because they so desperately want to be accepted by white people. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. But you’ll find out the hard way.
So yeah. That’s how I’m feeling lmfaooo
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party-gilmore · 1 year ago
funny how a bunch of the same people I saw sharing posts about how theyre
“tired of people writing off the american south as just a bunch of racist, homophobic, maga right wing assholes who deserve all the pain the new abortion and medical care restriction and mask ban laws bring when it finally affects them. yeah theres a LOT of them down here, and its scary as shit and thanks to social media now its pervasive throughout the whole country, but theres still MORE good people, just trying to survive down here. living their lives and trying to push back where they can. at the mercy of a government that doesnt care about anything except securing as much power and control as possible, not even caring if it hurts its own people in the process. so fuck you all for cheering for COVID tearing theough these communities because its going to hurt EVERYONE who lives down here, not just the ‘bad guys’ you all love to hate.”
are now sharing posts about how
“these pictures and articles and videos of racist, hateful israelis making fun of the genocide and deaths of palestinians prove israel isnt a bunch of ‘innocent civillians’ and ‘forced into military service’ just look at how these videos prove they’re all complicit! israelis dont care they love it theyre cheering for it!!! fuck all of them!!!”
and im just sitting here like
… (-_-)
LIKE!!! ABSOLUTELY, ITS FUCKING VILE!!!! and by all means make people aware of the bullshit going on there just like you would here but for fucks sake we do not need to overcorrect so fucking hard we swing right back into the “-because theyre all heartless barbarians and terrorists and enjoy killing children” propaganda just oh now its fine because its against the REAL bad guys
its like… could you imagine if thats how we (americans) treated chinese people after hong ko- oh wait thats not a good example. could you imagine if thats how we treated iraqi people after nine elev- oh wait thats not a good example. could you imagine if thats how we treated russians dueing the cold w- oh wait thats not a good example. could you imagine of thats how we treated the vietnamese and koreans after their respective w- oh wait thats not a good example. could you imagine if thats how we treated the japanese after pearl harb- oh wait thats not a good example. could you im-
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eddiediaaz · 4 months ago
tumblr((.)) c o m/ayo-edebiri/766494618026147840?source=share
not sure if you've seen this? feel is important to share
oh yeah, i've shared multiple posts about it since yesterday. absolutely disgusting behavior
for anyone seeing this and wondering, it's about tumblr user livelovecaliforniadreams being a fucking MAGA asshole and proud of it. here's one post about it and another annnnd a third one even
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