Mrs Spookshow's Designs
306 posts
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mrsspookshow · 7 years ago
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Different kind of fun today in the shop… Getting a show together for a production company here in town. @mariachi_connection you do not disappoint these are some real beauties 💜💛💙 #costume #costumer #theater #showbiz #penguinentertainment #jalisco #traditionalcostume #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Spookshow's Lair)
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mrsspookshow · 7 years ago
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Still have a few pics I realized I haven't posted from @sunburstorlando this one styled up by team member @thatthingcalledart11 #wig #wigs #wigstylist #frozen #lacefrontwig #syntheticwigs #syntheticlacefrontwig #elsa #icequeen #letitgo #characterwig #theaterwig #cosplaywig #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Sunburst Showcase Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 7 years ago
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One last post while I know we still have internet-stoopid Hurricane Irma! A crazy haired Phyllis Diller restyle seems an appropriate for the day lol! #wig #wigs #wigstylist #wigstyling #celebrityimpersonator #celebritytribute #phyllisdiller #crazyhair #characterwig #theaterwigs #restyled #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Spookshow's Lair)
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mrsspookshow · 7 years ago
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My client @dozendivas asked for an over the top Tina Turner wig where all you see is hair and teeth. I'd say that's mission accomplished 😂 I do love me a BIG wig! Now to get it out the door before this hurricane blows us all into next state 😳 #dragwig #wig #wigs #wigstylist #bigwig #syntheticwig #tinaturner #celebrityimpersonator #celebritytribute #diva #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Spookshow's Lair)
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mrsspookshow · 7 years ago
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Here's that silver wig I posted a few weeks ago that I had custom colored, all styled out and already sold to a very happy 🤶🏻 this weekend @sunburstorlando I knew someone would love that silver just as much as I did! #humanhair #wig #wigs #lacewigs #fulllacewig #humanhairwigs #silverhair #mrsclaus #santa #holidaysarecoming #hohoho #characterwig #theaterwigs #mrsclauswig #sunburstconvention #celebrityimpersonator #celebritytribute (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 7 years ago
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One of the best clients! This man sings so much like Dean Martin it's spooky, now with his wig he has the full look as well! @richardson6254 sir you were amazing in all your characters @sunburstorlando #wig #wigs #wigstylist #lacefrontwig #syntheticwigs #syntheticlacefrontwig #saltandpepperhair #deanmartin #celebritytribute #celebrityimpersonator #tributeact #characterwigs #theaterwigs #dino #ratpack #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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Three amazing years @sunburstorlando lower right first year, lower left second year, top current year. Thanks everyone for coming by and talking to us we really enjoyed being there again and am looking forward to next year already! @thatthingcalledart11 I couldn't do this without you thanks for being there with me! #wigs #wig #wigstylist #wigmaker #customwigs #celebritytribute #celebrityimpersonator #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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Ello Patsy Dahling.... I'm so excited I finally got to meet the marvelously talented @dozendivas in person @sunburstorlando after talking on the phone and shipping her wigs over the last year. #wigs #wig #SyntheticWig #WigStylist #AbFab #PatsyDarling #CharacterWig #TheaterWig #CelebrityImpersonator #CelebrityTribute #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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Who doesn't love the man in black? This is Johnny Cash tribute artist Lynn LaFrance and I can tell you he sounds even better than he looks! 🖤 #Wig #Wigs #laceFrontWig #HumanHairWigs #CelebrityTribute #celebrityimpersonator #TributeAct #TheManInBlack #JohnnyCash #ManNamedSue #TheRealDeal#CharacterWig#TheaterWig #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Florida Hotel & Conference Center)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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The absolutely darling @katismarilyn getting ready to take the stage @sunburstorlando to tell us all how Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend #wig #wigs #wigstylist #marilyn #marilynmonroe #marilynhair #lacefrontwig #syntheticwigs #syntheticlacefrontwig #blonde #blondehair #blondewig #characterwig #theaterwigs #CelebrityTribute #CelebrityTributeArtist #CelebrityImpersonator (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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The stunning @bebecaliberr modeling the Liz Taylor inspired wig we have @sunburstorlando #wigs #wig #lacefrontwig #syntheticwig #lacefrontsyntheticwig #burlesque #wigstylist #liztaylor #50shair #celebrityimpersonator #celebritytribute (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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Also got to have some fun taking care of a different "hare". This is @jjtjmagic star Chaching the bunny! @sunburstorlando #magic #magicshow #magicandmayhem #magicforevents #centralflmagic #almostfamous #wig #wigs #bunny #bunniesofinstagram #celebrityimpersonator #celebritytribute #chachingthebunny (at The Florida Hotel & Conference Center)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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Yarr hello matey...thanks for stopping by @richardson6254 in your Geoffrey Rush as Capt Hector Barbossa @sunburstorlando #wig #wigs #facialhair #postiche #lacefrontwig #lacewigs #characterwig #capthectorbarbossa #potc #barbossa #theaterwigs #tributeartist #celebritytribute #celebrityimpersonator (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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Another happy client @richardson6254 stopping by to snap a quick pic at Mrs Spookshows booth @sunburstorlando #wigs #wig #facialhair #postice #beard #honestabe #celebrityimpersonator #celebritytribute #historicalreenactment (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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@hollary.faris thanks for stopping by for a pic in your freshly touched up Dolly wig! @sunburstorlando #wigs #wig #bighairdontcare #dollyparton #dollypartonimpersonator #celebritytribute #celebrityimpersonator #tributeact #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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All set up for @sunburstorlando convention of celebrity impersonators. #wig #wigs #wigsforsale #celebrityimpersonator #celebritytribute #tributeact #syntheticwigs #humanhair #wigstylist #wigstyling #characterwig #theaterwigs (at The Sunburst Convention Of Celebrity Impersonators)
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mrsspookshow · 8 years ago
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If I could reach the stars I'd give them all to you! 🎶 Cher inspired wig, almost couldn't fit her all in the frame lol #wig #wigs #wigstylist #lacefrontwig #syntheticwigs #syntheticlacefrontwig #blackhair #curlyhair #cher #dragwig #characterwig #theaterwigs #costumewig #cosplaywig #ificouldturnbacktime #celebritytribute #celebrityimpersonator #tributeact #iliveaweirdlifeandiloveit (at The Spookshow's Lair)
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