chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue April 15, 1966
Ivory chiffon. By Dominic for Matty Talmack, in Bianchini Chiffon. Earrings, Paco Rabanne. Hairpiece Reid Meredith Dynel.
Mousseline ivoire. Par Dominic pour Matty Talmack, en mousseline de soie Bianchini. Boucles d'oreilles, Paco Rabanne. Postiche Reid Meredith Dynel.
Photo Gianni Penati
vogue archive
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samarket-blog · 1 year
Frange Postiche Pour Femme Synthétique Extensions Capillaires Avec Clips
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brazaesthetic · 2 years
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Le Postiche (1990)
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afroking111 · 1 year
Afroking Blog Découvrez nos produits de qualité supérieure conçus pour embellir et soigner vos cheveux. Read more: https://afroking.fr/blog/
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little-pondhead · 2 years
I forgot about this.
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The whole reasoning behind the Supervillain Danny AU sketches was that his villain persona was the complete opposite of his normal, sane self and hero persona. Danny plays into the Fenton name really hard, and ramps up the “mad scientist” bit, taking inspiration from both his normal civilian life and his parents, thus using just his last name as a villain.
And then I wanted to add what Sam and Tucker might look like if they joined in on his shenanigans. To keep with the “opposite of their normal life” bit, let’s throw in some ghostly artifacts that help the two keep up with Fenton’s madness.
Sam would get an angel’s halo that helps her form ghostly wings, and she’d play into the good-two shoes angelic look, and then she opens her mouth and verbally assaults you. She pins her bangs back and wears clothes that better fit a celestial aesthetic and uses all the etiquette training her parents taught her. Manson looks like some sort of regal angel and people expect her to be the nicest out of all of them. She’s not. Manson is the sneakiest and most bloodthirsty one, and heroes regularly wonder if she has actually committed murder or not.
Tucker takes inspiration from his time as a pharaoh. He has a metal postiche that enhances his physical ability. (Maybe it gives him dreadlocks too, but I like to think Tucker is just wearing a whole ass wig.) He wears a strange mix of street wear and his pharaoh outfit, and throws his tech-obsessed self out the window. Fenton is the nerdy one here, so now Foley is the muscle. Foley plays up meathead American bully stereotype hard. He delights in throwing hands, and hunts down supers just for the sake of a fun spar. (For him not for the supers.) Foley’s favorite people to fight so far is Killer Croc and Superman. Heroes are concerned about what would happen if Foley fought for real, but then they saw what he did to the Joker “as a joke” and decided not to ask any more questions.
Basically, the trio looked at their civilian lives and picked out what they considered “villainous traits” from the people around them that they then played into as villains themselves. If that makes sense. Sam hates how her parents want a perfect child, so she makes herself look like one. She speaks in backhanded comments and has a snooty attitude, which she learned from other rich people. Tucker is constantly confronted by bullies everyday, and all the rogues that come to Amity are always fighting, so that’s what he decides to mimic. Yeah, he now gets to be the big and strong protector of the group, but all his experience with fighting have been bad ones, and that reflects in his style. And finally, Danny. Why does he take after his parents and play into the family name? Because the Fentons are one of the biggest obstacles and source of anxiety in his life. Danny associates mad scientists to pain and other bad things, so even if all he’s being helpful in a really annoying way as a villain, his parents and the threat of the GIW still influence how he presents himself. Because to Danny, those two things are far more scary than a kid with a pirate ship or a man wearing a bat fursuit.
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grumpymirelurkqueen · 5 months
In an interview :
Describe the things she did or said that upset you most.
Task force 141 :
Price : she spat on me.
Soap : she castrated me.
Gaz : she locked me in a dark room.
Ghost : she impressed me.
Price, soap, gaz : that's not very offensive…
Ghost : so she managed to beat me in a one-on-one fight in 15 cm heels…
Los vaqueros :
Alejandro : she called me postiche man.
Rudy : If she has said or done anything to offend me….? No, never, she's always been sweet and lovely to me. flashback eeuuhhh… You can cut my words, I'd like to do the scene again…
I'm sorry, but Alejandro's haircut makes me want to die laughing.
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goldenlocksprincess · 8 months
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Attack on Titan Actor AU
(part 2)
(season 2-3-4)
Pixis only auditioned because his kids are fans of manga, but he immediatly fell in love with the character.
Hannes once came on set drunk and filmed his scene. The directors only noticed while editing the scenes.
Freida Reiss is Miss Universe 2014.
Kenny writes gives good luck letters to the actors who are going to film along side him.
Keith Sadies loves to prank the 104th training corps during filming.
Rod Reiss is a comedian, he played his first dramatic role in the series.
Zeke tried to grow his beard for the role but ended up wearing a postiche.
Porco first auditioned to play Eren but the casting director found him more fit for his current role.
Pieck shares fanfics and fanarts on her stories. She finds it cute.
Gabi has a YouTube channel where she learns to play the guitar.
Falco is the biggest fanboy of the cast.
Floch used to be an extra but then got his role because the fans liked his performance.
Willy Tybur directed the last ep of season 3
Nicollo has a TikTok where he prepare food and gives cooking advice.
Onyankopon was an MMA fighter, he got into acting after an injury that left him unable to fight again.
All the flashbacks scenes were filmed at the beginning to avoid recasting younger characters and bring authenticity.
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colorel11 · 2 months
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Au dire d'Ovide:"je ne peux suivre la mode, chaque jour introduit un style nouveau, une mode nouvelle"
Pour les femmes du peuple la coiffure de tous les jours est simple,elle se complique comme en témoigne cette collection de bustes pour les dames nobles.
Ainsi,Pour son mariage la jeune mariée avait une coiffure compliquée composée de six bourrelets surmontée d’une couronne de fleurs, elle avait préalablement teint ses cheveux avec une teinture a base de safran.
La femme utilise pour réaliser sa coiffure de cérémonie, des filets, des postiches, des perruques, des tresses, des épingles a cheveux, des bouffants, des crépons, des sert têtes,et fait usage de poudre colorée
texte:"De la racine à la pointe" manuel de la coiffure historique
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gacougnol · 1 year
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Ciel Postiche
c. 1932-1934
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jackalspine · 2 years
HEY so I’m like low key soober doober sick rn BUT
I wanna talk about my brain rot can I talk about my brain rot oh please pleas eplesoelspelapepaplpleasepla
SO I WAS ruminating on mine fuggin DP ftp AU and I was trying to come up with an antagonist that could potentially BLAST DANNYS CORE INTO 100000 LITTLE PIECES but felt kinda meh about Vlad doing that
But then I was like AH WAIT I CAN M AKE MY OWN CHARACTER.. SO I DID. But ehhhg what kind of motivation would this random ghost have for fucking up the poor ghost boy this time ahAH!
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Cut to me blacking out and finding this on my iPad
if you look at Pariah Dark’s canon design
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I thought this was a little strange… he doesn’t really scream… regal? Does he? Like.. he’s got renaissance boot flaps, a postiche??, skull tits, a loincloth, and obnoxious shoulder pads. This bitch is all over the place
Uhhv I forgot my point but EVENTUALLY I concluded that he wasn’t Raised the Ghost King but TOOK THE POSITION BY FORCE
Which is sick and adds a smidgeon of Nuance to his 1dimentional experience doesn’t it?? He took the power from some other king or power or even United the GZ eons ago wnbbb woah ok no that’s cool ok wait
So eons and eons ago,, ghosts were left to drift aimlessly on earth and the GZ without guidance which caused general mayhem for both the living and the dead. It was chaos. But a ghost who had lived in that Chaos and Disorder had died with a deep Obsession with CHANGING THAT
Enter: King Lark who’s ascension to Power was earned all post mortis. He was Obsessed with keeping Order and for a long time this aided him in his quest to unite the restless dead. BY HIS SIDE his faithful friend Thraal who handed the technical side of his rule. To help him rule Thraal made him the the crown and ring
They implemented Rules to the ghost zone that prohibited ghosts from crossing over to the mortal realms. And for a long while it was going pretty well
Except even after tightening his iron fist hold on everything in the GhostZone his core would ache to Fix the source of chaos (the continued existence of living things that would keep making more things that would also die) and so to rectify this he was all like oh yeah ok so if I kill every living thing on earth then no more problem :) WHICH IS BAD
and the ancients who were kinda pretty chill with everyone being chill in the GZ absolutely drew the line at fucking up the balance between the realms so they were like eeeehg put him in tha box. AND THEY DID
And now his friend Thraal (who over the years has been treated less like a dear friend and more like a Thrall) who had always had a sort of Obsession with following Lark (now pariah dark) like a good little sheep- has been going a little crazy waiting for Pariah to get out of his timeout box
Wait idk what I’m talking about nm good night h
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chic-a-gigot · 10 months
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Cover details.
La Mode nationale, no. 47, 27 novembre 1897, Paris. No. 1. — Coiffures de jeunes femmes. Modèles de la Maison Lenthéric, 245, rue Saint-Honoré, Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) La coiffure de jeune dame que représente notre dessin peut être exécutée par la personne même.
On séparera d'abord les cheveux d'une oreille à l'autre en les ramenant en avant pour placer un léger crépon, afin de soulever un peu le devant; et on épinglera les pointes sur la petite natte qui sert de fondation.
On relèvera ensuite mollement les cheveux de la nuque, gu'on épinglera sur le point d'appui.
On posera alors derrière le nouveau peigne le grand carré, genre empire, dernière création de Lenthéric. Ce peigne, d'une allure des plus élégantes, soutient les cheveux, qui reposent dessus en détordant. Il doit être posé légèrement incliné en arrière afin de couper la ligne de la nuque, que dans toutes ses coiffures Lenthéric essaye d'atténuer autant que possible en diminuant la distance du bas de la nuque au chignon.
Le devant sera agrémenté de trois petites coques superposées et deux de côté.
Cette coiffure, très coquette, peut se faire de même avec le chignon zénith, autre création toute récente de Lenthéric.
(1) The young lady's hairstyle represented in our drawing can be done by the person themselves.
We will first separate the hair from one ear to the other, bringing it forward to place a light crepe, in order to lift the front a little; and we will pin the points on the small mat which serves as a foundation.
We will then gently raise the hair at the nape of the neck and pin it to the point of support.
We will then place behind the new comb the large square, empire style, Lenthéric's latest creation. This comb, with a most elegant appearance, supports the hair, which rests on it while untwisting. It must be placed slightly tilted back in order to cut the line of the nape, which in all his hairstyles Lenthéric tries to attenuate as much as possible by reducing the distance from the bottom of the nape to the bun.
The front will be decorated with three small shells one above the other and two on the side.
This very flirtatious hairstyle can be done in the same way with the zénith bun, another very recent creation by Lenthéric.
(2) Cette coiffure très simple se fait avec les cheveux mêmes de la dame, sans postiche.
Les cheveux de la nuque sont légèrement tournés de gauche à droite afin d'éviter de les relever en racine droite.
Le chignon se fait en prenant les cheveux tous ensemble, en les tordant mollement et en les épinglant pas trop haut sur le dessus de la tête.
Le devant se frise légèrement, surtout pour les personnes ayant les cheveux courts.
On fait ensuite deux coques en arrière et une petite boucle de chaque côté du front.
Une bonne exécution donne une coiffure des plus seyantes, qui peut se faire également avec le nœud néo-gordien pour le chignon et le néréide pour le devant.
(2) This very simple hairstyle is done with the lady's own hair, without a hairpiece.
The hair at the nape of the neck is turned slightly from left to right to avoid raising it at the right root.
The bun is done by taking the hair all together, twisting it loosely and pinning it not too high on the top of the head.
The front curls slightly, especially for people with short hair.
We then make two shells at the back and a small loop on each side of the front.
Good execution gives a most becoming hairstyle, which can also be done with the neo-Gordian knot for the bun and the néréide for the front.
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chicinsilk · 2 months
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US Vogue July 1969
Rounded haircut, curved towards the face. Blunt and uneven edges are turned down. Bangs young prince. Ara Gallant hairstyle. Bob Kelly Hairpieces. Ray Strauss scarf. Model: Ulla Bomser.
Coupe de cheveux arrondis, courbés vers le visage. Les bords émoussés et inégaux sont retournés vers le bas. Frange jeune prince. Ara Gallant coiffure. Postiches Bob Kelly. Foulard Ray Strauss. Modèle : Ulla Bomser.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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karanseraph · 2 months
Windchargers headsculpt?
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[the images are all cropped from TFwiki photography]
It's interesting (?) how Windchargers simple G1 toy's head has been interpreted in media and later toys.
Like, the original face is like black shades, mask but also the little robo-beard/chin-ornament/postiche thing. There's an implied helmet like structure, but it's so basic and then there's the boxy element that seems to exist to line the inner surface of the car-mode's front end to make it less obvious this is just the underside of a car. It was probably fine for its time, right? The toy was tiny. But, what I like is that the black shades-like visor is on the box whose alt-mode has the louvered window. It's thematic.
Then Windcharger had some other toys that were a whole different scheme with a chest-hood (not pictured here).
Then the Generations/Combiner Wars toy goes with a different interpretation. Like, the front end of a car is still back there, but the boxy element is also red so it fades away. And now there's a helmet structure. This makes sense to me. Like, that gray boxy element was probably never needed for aesthetics. IDK if it had a function in making the sculpting/molding process any more efficient. So, this version of Windcharger is kinda handsome, but like in a generic manner like Megatron was a trendsetter for certain styles of helmets and this bot got one because he's a pony-car who likes to mod himself, but he ended up losing some of her personality by not having shades.
Then there's this Power of the Primes version of Windcharger and it's like someone thought they wanted to homage the g1 style, but like not the original toy so much as the cartoon animation model. So now the boxy structure is the helmet, even though in this conversion-scheme there's no front-end kibble behind the head to necessitate the boxy structure to line the front end. They just really went all in for cartoon aesthetic, but maybe very slightly less boxy. So now the helmet/box thing kinda passes as a robot mullet combined with that band across the brow.
So, if I'm trying to describe Windcharger in a fanfic, how do I even describe what this bot looks like? I kinda feel like robo-mullet makes a weird amount of sense stylistically, but at the same time, there wouldn't be a structural/functional in-universe need for the helm to be that boxy or for any separate boxy element to stick out/up behind the head. I think retractable black shades/visor would be good so he could have the option of showing optics or not. I guess the chin bit is there, as it's consistent. Maybe, the mask parts are optional, too.
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*sits on the ground, holding out a mug* spare devil theory content...spare devil theory content?
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Thank you for being patient with me jdbsjsjhs
Here's my headcanon version of all 4 members!
Top left is Beezlebub, who's mask is the version we see in game and has little devil horns on his hat.
Top right is Osiris (the leader of the crew), whose mask has a creepy grinning mouth and Egyptian beard postiche. His hat's horns are styled after the postiche as well.
Bottom left is Hades, whose mask has a flaming grin and his hat horns are also made to look like fire.
Finally, bottom right is Pluto, whose mask has 3 dog jaws meant to look like Cerberus and his hat's horns are the dog ears like the in game version.
Sorry it's so scribbly and crappy, I only had a few pens around ^^'
Hope you enjoy!
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afroking111 · 1 year
AfroKing est votre destination pour les cheveux bouclés / cheveux naturels et semi-naturels, les nattes à tresses, les produits bio naturels et plus encore. Découvrez nos produits de qualité supérieure conçus pour embellir et soigner vos cheveux. Read more: https://afroking.fr/
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memoriae-lectoris · 19 days
Collecting combings may sound a curious activity today, but receptacles for receiving them once graced the dressing tables of Victorian homes where women were advised to keep their fallen hairs for making up into postiches and chignons.
Some of these receptacles were elegant porcelain affairs, but thrifty housewives were encouraged to make their own. ‘If one does not want the drains stopped up with combings thrown loosely in the waste basket or lain in unsightly and disgusting coils on bureau or mantel, provide some sort of catchall for hair, close to the mirror,’ American women are advised in an article entitled ‘Many Novelties in Hair Receivers: Directions for Making Useful Receptacles for Combings’. The article goes on to suggest that cocoa boxes covered with remnants of wallpaper and baking-powder boxes with crocheted coverings make ideal candidates which can be made to harmonise perfectly with the furnishings. Whilst urban women of means would keep their combings for their own use, peasant women in Austria, Moravia, Sweden, Italy and Germany kept combing bags, the contents of which they sold off every two years.
[…] ‘Combings made up’ was a sign frequently found in the windows of Victorian and Edwardian hairdressing establishments, encouraging women to bring in their own combings for sale or personal use.
Meanwhile those interested in the declining arts of hair embroidery and jewellery-making were given instructions on how best to collect their hair. In The Hair Worker’s Manual of 1852, William Martin, ‘artiste en cheveux’, instructs: ‘From the comb and brush every morning collect the hair, tie it at one end until from various mornings’ accumulations, sufficient is procured for the purpose intended. It will rapidly increase to a large tress, but great care must be observed to prevent its being entangled.’
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