#odysseus is suffering
useless-moss · 1 day
Got into Epic the Musical recently, and general Greek mythology as a byproduct, and just. Whumpy Odysseus and Calypso thoughts.
What if Ody has a wedding ring that he's kept safe throughout his entire journey? A fairly simple band that he's refused to let fall from his finger. A reminder of what is waiting for him back home. One of the few things that keeps him fighting after he lost everyone he cared about, because it reminds him that he'll be back with his family when it's all over. That he still has two people waiting. Two people to cherish and love with the entirety of his heart and soul when he gets back home.
And, what if when Calypso forces him to lay with her, she also forces him to remove the ring or even forcibly removes it herself?
She doesn't like the way it feels when she holds his hands. It's a rough, firm reminder that she's not who Ody wants. Something that is harder to ignore compared to his pleas and crying, because at least with those Calypso can pretend it's just from being overwhelmed. That the tears are from pleasure and love, and the begging is for more and not for her to stop.
But the ring with Penelope's name engraved on it isn't as easy to ignore. So, each night, she slides it off Odysseus' finger and hopes that, one morning soon, he won't put it back on.
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vyunok-obyknovenniy · 2 years
I don't think any other sentence could describe Odysseus' experience better than this 😭
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The siren took one look at Odysseus and said ‘girl dad’ and no matter how wrong she was, I respect it.
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I love Suffering animatics/art where Odysseus has a chain or rope around his ankle, connecting him to the mast. not only is it a great reference to the source material, but it implies that someone on the ship was worried that the mere sight of Penelope might convince Odysseus to jump in the water, even though he knows its a siren who will kill him
and that they were so persuasive in this argument that Odysseus actually agreed to it
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thelucidduchess · 2 months
Hey… Gigi?
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ash-tree-eyes · 2 months
The best way to explain to someone what it’s like to be an Epic the Musical fan listening to the Thunder Saga is to inform them that the most cheerful song in the saga is called Suffering
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redgana · 2 months
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I have to see her // but we'll die // i know
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shebeafancyflapjack · 2 months
Siren!Penelope: Yo, this sailor says he's afraid of the water?! How the hell am I supposed to work with that?!
Other Siren: I dunno, just roll with it!
Siren!Penelope: Sure, I guess. Also, what do you think? Boy dad or Girl dad?
Other Siren: Oh Girl dad! 99% sure!
Siren!Penelope: Let's hope it's not that 1%.
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Song 21 be like:
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justvea18 · 3 months
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"I would take your suffering from you"
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nothing-impt · 29 days
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Soggy Ody
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ahotpeaceofshit · 2 months
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sherbertquake56 · 13 days
suffering from epic the musical except when odysseus asks how to get past poseidon the siren is like “…well on the off chance he gets past me and we don’t get to kill him, let me hook up my homegirl with a sick meal” and tells him to go to scylla
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Homer!Odysseus and Epic!Odysseus would try to kill each other if they ever met
#Homer!Odysseus: you sacrificed your men to save yourself? Detestable coward! How I wish I was never born if it would ensure you had not the#Epic!Odysseus: you’d understand if you *loved your wife.* But I guess a guy who stayed with Circe for a year wouldn’t know that!#H!Odysseus: do not speak of things you know nothing about! I long for my return to sweet Penelope but I have a duty to my men#E!Odysseus: A YEAR. A WHOLE YEAR. I WOULD KILL ANYTHING AND ANYONE TO GET A HOME A YEAR FASTER#H!Odysseus: that was clear when you served Scylla six men like they were cattle!#E!Odysseus: it was them or me! And don’t keep talking about my friends like you did any better. you’ll go home alone too#H!Odysseus: they doomed themselves when they ate Hyperion’s golden cattle. I am not responsible for their suffering. But you could have ens#H!Odysseus: Now Eurylochus’s body lies at the bottom of the sea where there can be no burial and no honour#E!Odysseus: AND I’LL GO HOME TO MY WIFE. MY BEAUTIFUL PERFECT LOVELY LOYAL WIFE WHO’S BEEN WAITING FOR ME FOR TWENTY YEARS.#E!Odysseus: and when I go home and she asks if I came back as fast as I could I’ll be able to answer honestly#H!Odysseus: WE HAD BEEN THROUGH MANY TRIALS. THE MEN NEEDED TO REST#E!Odysseus: FOR A YEAR???? DID THEY NEED TO REST FOR A YEAR??? AND DID THEY NEED THAT REST RIGHT AFTER A MONTH’S LONG REST WITH AEOLUS??? S#H!Odysseus: IF YOU WISHED FOR ITHACA SO DESPERATELY WHY DIDN’T YOU OBEY PALLAS ATHENA AND KILL THE CYCLOPS#E!Odysseus: *drawing sword* I WAS HAVING A ROUGH DAY#Epic the musical#Epic odysseus#The odyssey#odysseus#Homer#Greek mythology#Jorge rivera-herrans#nuclear war speaks
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evergreen292 · 2 months
Jay said that siren's spell confused Penelope's and Polites melodies, so it means than they are on the same deepest level of feelings, so... Odysseus is (canonically) bi?
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dionysism · 2 months
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mentally i remain here
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