#ocean swimming lessons
swimlyau · 1 year
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splitgems · 2 months
“You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.”
— Vernon Howard
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sol-consort · 1 month
Okay but a hanar helping a human get over their fear of the ocean
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
Summer of Bad Batch Week 8
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Just pretend that scene with Tech in the cave didn’t happen
Prompt: Swimming lessons
Summary: Despite being born on a landless planet Omega doesn't know how to swim. Lyanna is happy to teach her
Word Count: 900+
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You would think having lived on a planet covered entirely in water for a decent chunk of her life Omega would know how to swim. She did not
When Lyana had discovered this fact during one of their afternoon walks she insisted that the next day they would go swimming down at the beach.
At first Hunter wasn’t convinced but with the combined puppy dog eyes of Lyana, Omega and even Wrecker. Who somehow get involved despite not being a part of this trip at all, Omega was finally allowed to go alone with Lyanna down to the beach.
Lyana gave Omega some of her spare bathers to wear. A bright orange shirt with blue shots. Not a matching pair but Omega didn’t mind. Lyana was in a red one-piece with white stripes.
The day before Omega had been very excited but now that she was here her stomach was beginning to churn with nerves. From the shore the ocean looked beautiful and fierce. But up close she became aware of the power it held, if she looked a little further out than shore she could see the huge waves building like walls and crashing down, churning the foam and spraying salt everywhere. She breathed in deeply and followed Lyana into the water
Lyana must’ve seen the trepidation on her face and offered a hand to Omega “It’ll be alright Omega. We won’t go to far ok?”
Omega nodded as they walked through the water up to their waists, splashing about as they did so. The waves bobbed around them. Having crashed already ahead of them they merely sent small ripples their way.
“First you going to need to know how to float. So if you get tired and can’t swim to shore you won’t drown”
Omega looked at her with wider eyes
“Not that that’s going to happen” Lyana clarifies quickly
Omega sighs and waits for Lyana to continue
“You want to lay on your back, arms and legs out. Like a starfish! And you want to push your belly up as much as possible”
Lyana leans back in the water, her curly hair becoming quickly soaked with salt and sea water, the curls straightening out a bit as the water weight them down. She demonstrated what she just said and then stood up again
“You try”
Omega lies back in the water but she struggles to keep her arms out and stick her belly up. She tries but can’t keep staying up. She’s apprehensive about letting her legs leave the sandy floor.  
Lyana moves closer to her and puts her hand under Omega’s back “Try while I’m holding you. Just so you can see what it’s like. It’s quite relaxing once you get the hang of it”
Omega tries again and with Lyana’s help she’s able to float. She was right, it was very relaxing.
“You try on your own now” Lyana says as she wades back a bit leaving Omega to float
“There you go!” She claps as Omega continues to float in the waves, waving back and forth with the motion of the ripples. She stands up again and smiles “I did it!”
“Do you think we can go a bit deeper now? I’ll teach you how to scull”
“Scull?” Omega asks
“Keep yourself afloat without laying on your back”
They wade out a little further until Omega is struggling to touch the floor. As the water hits her chin her throat tightens a bit, but with a reassuring smile from Lyana she tries to relax.
You want to move your hands in circles in front of you like this” Lyana lifted her feet from the sand and moved her arms in little circular motions in front of her, like the small propellers on early ships Tech had shown Omega. By doing so Lyana was able to push her self higher above the water despite the water almost splashing into her mouth when she was standing upright.
“It takes a little effort but it’ll become natural sooner or later”
Omega looks at her distorted hands under the water and copies Lyana’s motions Omega does it and she begins floating along side Lyana. They do this for a while, simply paddling around in circles before Omega feels herself get tired and has to put her feet back down again.
“C’mon, were going to keep going. This is how you swim for real” Lyana, lays on her stomach and swings her arm over her head and drags it through the water, alternating her arm as she rocks from side to side. Her head staying above the water but occasionally it bobs down and she has to bring it back up higher. She moves about 10 meters out before she calls over to Omega to join her
Omega memories her movements, she a bit uncoordinated at first but soon finds a rhythm and is swimming quickly to catch Lyana. They are decently far out and there is no way Omega can touch the sand, but she doesn’t notice. They are closer to the waves now and the motion of the water is pushing them up higher than before.
Omega shout in triumph at learning so quickly. She begins swimming circles around Lyana, splashing her as she kicks purposefully harder than normal. Lyana splashes her back and the two of them mess around in the ocean until the sun goes down. The two of them are having so much fun they hardly even notice as the ocean turns from a crystal blue to a midnight navy.
It wasn’t until Hunter accompanied by Shep and Batcher came looking for the two of them and called them back to the shore.
After that day Lyanna and Omega made sure to come to the beach together once a week. Almost like a special meeting of theirs.
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foxsquawk · 6 months
I'm having a moment if you can't tell
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stingreag · 11 months
twitter is like talking in a crowded room while everyone is yelling and tumblr is just screaming into a void where ppl happen to be
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eternallovers65 · 9 months
Ngl if I had a child with Poseidon, the God of the Seas, and had to pay swimming lessons for my son because he was scared of water, I'd be cursing Poseidon forever like you don't show up, don't pay child support and now you can't even help your actual ocean spawn to swin????
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It kinda sucks to be an adult and your parents didn't teach you how to swim or sign you up for lessons, so now the only options are to teach yourself or make peace with drowning lol
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granonine · 1 year
Saturday Soliloquy: Summer
It was official on Wednesday. It is now in summer. We had a calm spring, with relatively cool temps. The only drawback was lack of rain, but we did get some over the past two weeks. Could use more. I know there are other places around the country in which farmers are wondering if there’s going to be any hay to bale, and other crops are suffering. Rain is one of those things we take for granted…
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swimlyau · 1 year
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jinwoosbabyboo · 1 month
“Daddy’s Home”
Telling the LADS Men you're pregnant. The setting? Happily Married and both parties want kids. Nothing but fluff here (All these men are substantially financially stable and I love that for us)
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MC: Zayne I have something important to tell you
Zayne: I'm listening
MC: Im pregnant
Zayne: ....
MC: Baby?
Zayne: Im going to be a father?
MC: Yes we're having a baby
Zayne: I need to childproof the house. I'll need to work more hours.
MC: You already work inhuman hours
Zayne: We need a bigger house. Should I build it? I should build it. Why are you standing? You shouldn't be on your feet
MC: Sir I am 2 minutes pregnant we have time to prepare for this bundle of joy
Zayne: They'll need a college fund, driving lessons, a tutor...
Zayne continues mumbling and mulling over every single detail to himself
MC: I guess I'll relax enough for the both of us
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MC: Raf sit down I need to tell you something
Rafayel: Why do I need to sit down?
MC: Its safer
Rafayel: My Lemurian senses are tingling but I'll trust you
MC: Okay breath in
Rafayel: *breathes in*
MC: now breath out
Rafayel: *breathes out*
MC: I'm pregnant
Rafayel: *Chokes on his spit* WHAT!
MC: Im 2 months pregnant
Rafayel: I'm gonna be a mother????
MC: No you're gonna be a father
Rafayel: Can I handle this? Can I still eat seafood? Am I allowed to swim in the ocean?
MC: Why are you acting like you're the one carrying twins?
MC: What am I? A yard sale?? Don't say it like that
Rafayel: You’re really pregnant?
Rafayel grabs your hands and holds them to his chest where you can feel his heart racing
MC: Yes we’re going to be parents
Rafayel: you....and i....preg-.... twi-
MC: don't pass out please don't pass out right now
Rafayel: *Passes out anyway*
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MC: Xavier?
Xavier who was currently laying with his head buried in your lap with his arms wrapped around your waist.
Xavier: Hmm?
MC: Do you want a baby? With me?
Xavier rubbing small circles on your lower back with his thumb as he stirred in his sleepy state
Xavier: I want everything with you
MC: Good
Xavier: *Dozing off*
MC: Because I’m pregnant
Xavier: That’s great
MC: …
Xavier: …
MC: and 3….2……..1
Xavier: Wait what ???
MC: You heard me
Xavier: So I’m a dad?
MC: Father to be
Xavier: We have to start their swordsmanship training right away
MC: How about we take it slow like letting them grow in my stomach first?
Xavier: Oh I guess you’re probably right
MC: yea now lay back down
Xavier snuggles right back into your lap placing soft kisses on your stomach that isn’t even showing yet
Xavier: My little angel
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MC: I need your help how would you tell someone they're a father?
Luke: Im a father?!
MC: Luke shut up
Kieran: *Shoves Luke*
Luke: Sorry
MC: I just don't know how to tell Sylus
Sylus: Tell me what?
Kieran: Me and Luke are uncles now!
MC: Kieran!
Sylus: You’re pregnant?
MC: *Shows the pregnancy test* We’re having a baby
Sylus: Looks as though my efforts weren’t in vain
MC: You were trying to get me pregnant?
Sylus: Why do you think I constantly had you in a mating press?
MC: Sylus! Don’t talk like that in front of the twins
Sylus: *chuckles* I can’t wait to see you plump and glowing with our child princess
Kieran: I can’t wait to teach them sarcasm
Luke: I’m definitely doing everything their strict parents tell them not to do
Sylus: You two. Sidebar. In my office. Now.
MC, In the background: ooouu you guys are in trouble … bad uncles and the baby isn’t even here yet
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pucksandpower · 7 months
Sink or Swim
Charles Leclerc x lifeguard!Reader
Summary: in which Charles learns there are some sports he’s just not cut out for … but at least he got a date with a cute lifeguard out of the whole ordeal
Warnings: near drowning
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The salty sea breeze whips through Charles’ hair as he paddles out into the turquoise waters off St Kilda beach in Melbourne. It’s a few days before the Australian Grand Prix, and he’s determined to catch some waves and soak up the laid-back lifestyle before the high-pressure weekend begins.
“You’ve got this, mate!” His surf instructor Brent calls out with an encouraging grin. The tan, stocky Aussie has been giving Charles private lessons, showing him the proper technique for popping up on the board.
Charles gives Brent a tentative smile back, gripping the sides of the board tightly as he bobs up and down on the rolling swell. He’s a world-class driver, but he’s way out of his element here in the ocean. Still, he loves a new challenge.
A decent wave starts to form up ahead. “Here comes one! Remember to pop up when I say!” Brent yells.
Charles takes a deep breath and begins paddling hard as the wave builds momentum. “Pop up! Pop up!”
With all his strength, Charles pulls himself up into a crouched stance on the board — and immediately loses his balance, tumbling head-over-heels into the cool saltwater.
He breaks through the surface, sputtering and laughing at his graceless wipeout. “I’m afraid surfing may not be for me!”
“Don’t give up yet, we’re just getting started!” Brent hollers back with a grin.
For the next couple hours, Charles repeatedly attempts to ride the waves, only to lose his footing or get pitched off every time. He’s soaked and exhausted, but utterly thrilled to be out on the ocean instead of cooped up preparing for the race.
You’re stationed on the beach in your red and yellow lifeguard uniform, watching Charles’ futile surfing attempts through your binoculars. He certainly gets an ’A’ for effort if nothing else.
A solid set of waves starts rolling in, larger than the previous ones. You can see the raw power behind them.
“Big ones coming through!” Brent shouts over the crashing surf.
Charles nods and makes his way into position, paddling furiously as a massive wave rears up ahead of him. He pops up on the board at the optimal moment — and immediately gets launched into the air, flipping upside down violently as the full force of the wave pummels him underwater.
You gasp, realizing Charles hasn’t resurfaced after the extended pounding. In a flash you’re sprinting across the sand and diving into the choppy water, your steely eyes scanning for any sign of him.
There — a limp figure drifting beneath the surface, sinking slowly.
You kick hard, swimming as fast as you can while the current batters against you. Finally you reach him, wrapping your arms tightly around Charles’ motionless body and kicking back up towards the air. You break through, desperately gasping for air.
“Help! Surfer down!” You rasp, hauling Charles’ dead weight towards the shore as Brent and another lifeguard race out to assist.
You lay Charles on his back in the sand, quickly checking for a pulse. Faint and thready … but there. You tilt his head back and seal your lips over his, exhaling two rescue breaths into his lungs to fill them with air.
You interlock your fingers and start performing hard, rapid chest compressions. “Come on, breathe!” You growl through gritted teeth, your powerful arms pounding against Charles’ chest.
Finally — he coughs and sputters, vomiting up saltwater as his eyes flutter open in a daze. You roll him on his side, patting his back firmly as he continues coughing and wheezing.
“Wh-where … am I?” Charles murmurs hoarsely, blinking slowly as he takes in your face hovering over him.
You give him a relieved smile. “Don’t worry, you’re safe on the beach now. I’m the lifeguard who pulled you out, you nearly drowned out there.”
He squints at you, still looking dazed and confused. “Am … am I in heaven? You must be an angel ...”
You can’t help but let out a little laugh at his muddled words, your cheeks flushing slightly. “No, definitely not heaven. Just good old St Kilda beach. How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck,” Charles groans, gingerly touching his heaving chest. “Everything hurts.”
“That’s what happens when you take on a 12 foot wave,” Brent chuckles, toweling off Charles’ soaked hair with a caring hand. “Let’s get you warmed up and looked over, eh?”
With your help, Charles is able to stand unsteadily. You wrap a thick towel around his shoulders, rubbing his arms briskly to get the blood flowing.
“I don’t think surfing is my calling,” he chuckles weakly, leaning into you a little.
“Probably not,” you agree with a smirk. “Best to leave it to the pros from now on. You saved yourself from becoming the first ever Formula 1 driver shark snack.”
Charles laughs, grimacing and holding his ribs. “Ouch … don’t make me laugh, everything hurts when I laugh.”
“Well then let’s get you looked over and make sure nothing’s broken or bruised too badly,” you reply gently. Keeping an arm around Charles, you begin walking him slowly back across the beach towards the lifeguard hut.
As you’re tending to Charles, cleaning the sand off his cuts and wrapping his chest snugly, he gazes at you with wonder. “I don’t even know your name, angel.”
You shake your head with an amused smirk. “It’s Y/N. And I’ll accept being called an angel just this once after saving your life out there.”
“Y/N,” Charles repeats, committing it to memory with a warm smile. “I’ll never forget it. You’re my guardian angel today.”
You can’t help but blush a little at his sincerity and charisma, even soaking wet and battered on the bench. There’s just something magnetic about Charles.
Once he’s patched up, Charles stretches out his legs with a wince. “Thank you for rescuing me. I very clearly should not have tried to take on that monster wave.” His eyes twinkle roguishly. “Though I have to admit, the thought of you giving me mouth-to-mouth was quite nice.”
“Oh stop it,” you laugh, playfully swatting at his shoulder. “I was just doing my job. But you’re welcome, even if it means no more surfing lessons for you.”
“Ah yes, my pro surfing career is tragically cut short,” Charles jokes wistfully. His expression turns more serious. “But in all honesty … you saved my life today, Y/N. I can’t thank you enough for that. I would be lying at the bottom of the ocean if not for you.”
You meet his warm green eyes, his face still holding the fading marks of his near drowning. “I’m just glad I was in the right place at the right time to help.”
A charged moment passes between you before Charles clears his throat, looking almost sheepish. “So, uh … I know this might seem a little forward of me. But would you want to maybe come watch me race this weekend? As my personal guest?”
You blink in surprise at the unexpected invitation. “Oh, I-I don’t know, that seems like a lot of-”
“Please, I insist!” Charles cuts you off eagerly. “It’s the absolute least I can do to try and repay my own personal angel for saving me.” He gives you a playful grin. “Unless you make a habit of turning down devilishly handsome race car drivers?”
You roll your eyes at his playful cockiness, but you’re already smiling and shaking your head. “You know what, why not? It could be fun to see you in your natural habitat.”
“Fantastic!” Charles beams happily. “Then it’s a date — well, not a date exactly, more like ...” He stumbles over his words sheepishly.
“It’s a date,” you confirm with an amused smirk, putting him out of his flustered misery.
Charles lights up, reaching out to take your hand warmly in his. “A date it is then. Thank you again, Y/N. I’ll show you a much better time at the race than I did trying to surf today.”
You give his hand a squeeze with a fond smile. “I’ll hold you to that, Charles Leclerc.”
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sectumsempraaa · 1 month
Drowning Lessons
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Pairing: Theo Nott x fem!reader
Word count: 2.4k
Featuring: Theo, Mattheo, Lorenzo, Draco, Pansy
Based on this request! Thank you :)
TW: fear/phobia of water and swimming, traumatic memories, physical pain, freefalling, panic, severe weather
A/N: you GUYSSSS i missed you!! i have been away for a minute because… i met someone 🤭 but we’re back in the saddle now, working thru requests!
Summary: After a rip current incident when you were younger, you’ve lived your life deeply afraid of the water, vowing never to swim again. But when a lesson in Magical Creatures leaves you stranded in the black lake, your boyfriend Theo comes to the rescue.
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“Never have I ever… got stuck underwater.” Pansy jokes, calling you out in front of your friend group. You sigh and roll your eyes, putting a finger down as the game instructs.
“Come on, Pans. That’s low.” Theo says, a stern tone emitting from him. “You know what happened.”
“Actually, I don’t! Y/N here would never tell me such secrets.” She playfully nudges your arm with her elbow, encouraging you to speak.
Theo notices your breath quickening as you attempt to swallow your nerves and reaches an affectionate hand to rub your shoulder in comfort.
The unwelcome memory snaps back to you, triggered by Pansy’s jab. You, a rip current, and the American sun. As a young girl, you had been swimming around in the ocean on a trip to California when a current pulled you under and whipped you around senseless.
No matter how far you reached your hands, they could never find the surface. You were convinced it was the end until a lifeguard raised you from the water and carried you to shore.
Unfortunately, your lungs suffered some minor damage. To this day, you get short-breathed easily, especially when you start to panic. It’s nothing too serious, but noticeable enough to your friends and Theo.
“Don’t listen to her, bella. She’s drunk.” Theo comforts you, his voice competing with the sounds of the party. You nod and give him a small smile, hoping everyone will just forget about this moment.
“Your turn, baby.” Theo kisses your cheek, easily bringing your good mood back. You reach a hand to rest on his knee, letting him know your appreciation.
“Hmm…” you think hard, attempting to give Pansy a taste of her own medicine. “Never have I ever… had a wet dream about a teacher.”
You smirk, knowing you hit it right on the mark. The group collectively drop their jaws, Theo’s hand grabbing your thigh in surprise.
“That was ONE time! And how do you know it was even a teacher?!” Pansy snarls, becoming fiercely defensive.
Mattheo pipes in, imitating Pansy. “Oh, Professor Lockhart, right there! Yes!” Pansy hits Mattheo over the side of the head, giving him a scowl and spewing profanities his way. Theo laughs uncontrollably, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Damn, principessa,” Theo says, his words laced with pride. “Remind me to never piss you off.”
You smile, shaking off any remnants of your panic and settle back into the party. For the rest of the night, everyone plays nice.
Later that week, you found yourself outside for Magical Creatures class. You watch on in awe as Hagrid presents a hippogriff to the class. You’re intrigued by the creature, the beauty of her feathers fanning out and her graceful strength striking to you.
Each student is to take a turn with her this week, bowing to and exploring their interactions with her. You are a gentle, animal-loving soul and she senses it as she immediately bows back to you.
You step forward, her beak nudging your ribs while you pet her. A small laugh escapes your mouth as you stumble backwards, quickly regaining your balance.
“Such a gorgeous, gorgeous girl.” You sing, stealing a glance at Theo who, like the rest of the class, is looking at you like you’re the damn bird whisperer. He nods, gesturing over to where Hagrid is standing.
“Aye, I think she likes ya. Care for a flight today, Y/N?” Hagrid asks, encouraging you to engage further with the creature.
Before you can even answer, she lowers herself to your height, inviting you to climb on. A pang of hesitancy hits your gut, your body and mind wanting two different things.
Theo approaches her from behind so as not to be noticed by her. He grips your hips, lifting and guiding you to her back.
He senses your nerves, whispering a thought before you take off. “Careful, cara mia. I need you in one piece.” He winks, stepping back to where the class is.
Once you’re up in the air and soaring around, you get comfortable with the height and let yourself enjoy the flight. It’s not every day you bond with a hippogriff.
Your hands are white knuckling but your face relaxes into a basking smile, taking the time to give her pets as she flies you around the circumference of the castle.
The wind picks up a bit, feeling cool and refreshing on your face. But it turns into more than just a breeze, as you feel a few droplets of rain cascading down your skin.
Down on the ground, Lorenzo nudges Theo’s arm with his elbow, holding out his hand to bring Theo’s attention to the rain. The alarm in his voice becomes apparent as he speaks to Theo.
“Hey mate, we best get your girl down. This isn’t looking too promising.”
Within seconds, a slight drizzle becomes harsh, thrashing sheets of rain. Unsure of how to land, you attempt to push down on your hippogriff’s back, signaling her to descend.
It was all so fast, the way a few drops of water became like bullets. The wind changing direction every few seconds starts to disorient you as you struggle more and more to hold on. Down below, Hagrid instructs the class to head indoors.
But before you even get a chance to land, a sudden clad of thunder erupts, blasting in your ears with your close proximity to the sky.
You can feel her panic beneath you as you try to soothe her and talk her down. Another clad. And another. She screeches just as she takes a turn over the black lake.
Theo storms over to where Hagrid is, a threat like hell lacing his words and crimson red burning in his eyes.
“GET HER DOWN, NOW.” If you weren’t so close to the roaring thunder, you’d have heard him repeat this several times in angsty Italian.
And then it all snapped. A bolt of lightning strikes the Whomping Willow in the distance, scaring your hippogriff so badly she bucks you off, jolting you off her side.
It takes a second for you to realize you’re free falling dozens of feet towards the water with nothing to stop you, almost like in slow motion.
On the ground, panic stirs wildly as Hagrid tries to lure her down with meat, which works… for her. The creature makes a near-crash landing close to Hagrid’s hut.
But Theo’s heart drops into his stomach as he notices the empty spot on her back where you’re supposed to be.
His heart races as he searches the sky for a sign of you, unable to move from his spot. Then, you appear, and the sight of you falling from the clouds utterly paralyzes him.
The sound of your scream prompts him back to reality, urging him to take action. The last thing you hear before you crash into the water is Theo’s horrified voice yelling your name.
“SHE CAN’T BE IN THE WATER!” he shouts at Hagrid through the relentless, howling storm as he shoves the professor out of the way.
Then… silence.
The pain of a thousand needles pierces your skin, the freezing water enveloping your body in a rigid embrace. The burn from the crash lingers for a while on your skin as your brain catches up with the moment.
Slowly, your eyes open to the dark and murky scene around you, your vision slightly delayed.
Once you realize you’re under, you actually have a moment of peace. Maybe it was the way your body stilled after the impact, maybe it was the quiet, or maybe it was you coming to terms with this scenario once again.
It’s starting to feel like fate.
Your arms float above you as you feel your lungs start to tighten. Then it all comes back to you, the trauma of it causing you to stir and thrash in the water.
Your lack of swimming skills is regretful now as you try to raise yourself to the surface. You helplessly grab onto plants and rocks for leverage, something falls into your hand, but ultimately nothing in your reach seems to work.
Suddenly, an arm grabs your waist with urgency, causing you to scream beneath the water, the air bubbles rising from your mouth. Another hand reaches up to cover your mouth, urging you to breathe.
When your eyes meet his, you wonder how they can still appear so crystal blue in such grim conditions. He shakes his head and points to his chest, as if to say, “It’s me.”
You wrap your arm around his neck as he pulls you up, making each second count. When you reach the surface, your lungs start to contract wildly, desperately trying to catch up on oxygen.
Your vision is still blurred and your head is still in a haze when you feel his arms wrap under your legs to lift you up.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Theo curses under his breath as he carries you to land. He yells out to someone as he gently rests you down on the ground. “Get Pomfrey, NOW!”
You’ve never heard his voice so urgent, so demanding. And he wouldn’t tell you this, but deep down, he knows he’s never been this scared before in his life.
You stir beneath him, fiddling the grass around in your fingers as your breath slowly begins to level again. “Theo…” you start, barely able to get the words out.
“Ssshh, mi amore, you’re okay. Don’t speak, just look at me, okay?” He asks, earning a painful nod from you in return. You can’t help but notice how both your voices are equally shakey.
The rain begins to subside, the skies finally concluding their vicious rein. Your body shakes a little from the several rapid changes in temperature. Theo scans you head to toe, attempting to pinpoint a place to start working.
His hands work on unbuttoning your jacket and removing your shoes, everything completely drenched that could weigh you down. Once he’s finished, he cups your face in his hands, bringing his lips to your forehead for a gentle kiss.
With your eyelids halfway open, you pause for a second before displaying a grin and letting out a low, humming laugh. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“What in the world could you possibly be laughing at?” He looks down in your eyes with worry and a slight annoyance.
Your voice coughs and croaks, struggling to project from your throat. “Remember in third year when you caught your first snitch? And Draco was so jealous you had won them the championship that he stole it?”
Theo nods gently, his eyes widening in awe and his jaw dropping in surprise as you weakly reach your hand up to his face, revealing the rusted, waterlogged snitch in your palm.
“It was resting in between a couple rocks in the lake. He must have thrown it in there amidst his toddler-like fit of rage.” You explain, your smile unwavering.
“Bella, you continue to both kill and amaze me.” He takes the snitch in his hand, leaning down to kiss you.
When his lips caress yours, you feel him smiling against you. Your fingers find themselves at the base of his hair, wet from the rain.
When he pulls back, he lifts his head to meet Pomfrey’s gaze. His stressed words sound like an echo as your eyes begin to close again.
“Please, madame, she’s pale and freezing and,” he starts, just before being cut off by the healer. A soft hand cups his face as you hear her voice begin to speak. He needs soothing just as much as you do right now.
“Well come on then, dove. Let’s get your girl to the infirmary. Get her up, I reckon she trusts you the most.”
Without giving it a second thought, Theo pulls you tight against his chest, letting out a small grunt as he lifts you and himself off the ground.
“Whatever I can do, I want to do it.”
The next morning, you wake up to a foggy sunrise. The early light creeps in through the infirmary windows, casting a glow on Theo.
His body sits in a chair next to your bed, his head resting in your lap and a hand clutching yours.
It takes a second to put the pieces back together. But the sight of your wet clothes on the ground and the boy sleeping on your thighs helps kickstart your memory.
You brush your thumb against the back of his hand while attempting to awaken your limbs from their still slumber.
When he stirs awake, a wave of relief washes over his features. “Y/N,” he gasps, waking up fast and standing up to sit on your bed.
He pulls you in, holding your head to his chest and cradling you safely in his arms. He rocks you back and forth, savoring your warmth. You pull back and meet his gaze, his eyes frantically searching your face.
“Hey, hey,” you whisper, resting your forehead on his. “You told me to come back in one piece. I did.” You smile, nudging his nose with yours.
“Cara mia…” Theo groans, trying to hold back his smile. “Next summer, we’ll swim every single day at Malfoy Manor if that’s what it takes to make sure this never happens again.”
You pause, hesitant to agree to the notion. But deep down, you know it’s time to recover from this and move forward.
“I’ll learn fastest there anyways, assuming we’ll keep playing fetch with Draco whenever he gets mad and throws something of value into the pool.”
You joke, running your hands through Theo’s dried hair. His eyes have a hint of bloodshot to them after yesterday’s events.
“Whoever gets him to throw his ring in the pool first gets to push the other in the water?” He offers, extending his hand to you. You take it, shaking and kissing the back of it.
“You’re on, Nott.” You giggle, sending a glimmer of light to his eyes.
You didn’t notice it until now, the way he’s clinging onto your waist like you’ll somehow fall away again. You pull back, bringing him with you so his head rests on your chest.
You look down at your boy in his exhausted state. You kiss the top of his head as he dozes back off to sleep, nuzzling the side of his face against your collarbone.
“Never have I ever… risked my life for someone.” You whisper, entangling your fingers in the strands of his hair. You feel him huff against you, the breath from his laugh caressing your hospital gown.
Gently, you feel one of his fingers press down harder onto your hand as it clasps yours.
“You love to win this game.” He mutters back to you, kissing your chest softly as you feel his eyelashes flutter against your skin.
“Maybe, but I love someone else much more.”
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seventhemaverick · 9 months
Astro Observations 2 🪽
Thank you for 120+ followers!! <3 this post has opinions and personal observations. Don’t take it too serious my babies. I love ur feedback. Please be kind, inform me otherwise!
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☁️ I love how many people in the Astrology community are Scorpio risings, have dominant scorpio/8H placements/degrees, strong pluto influence like we’re all trying to find the meaning to all the f*ck shit that happens in our lives
☁️ Another dominance that I see in a natal chart that is really into these practices is Uranus and Neptune.
☁️ Lilith dominance in a natal chart can be rough especially when they make conjunctions to mars or Pluto. Men can sometimes be so mean to you especially when you both are around other people and you’re just like what just happened 😃? You were just telling me your deepest secrets and desires?? Odd… Á la poubelle 🚮
☁️ Speaking of Lilith, I get annoyed hearing that certain asteroids like Lilith and Chiron aren’t considered a part of a stellium 🙄 because if you can have Lilith dominance in your chart you should be able to consider it a part of your stellium as well? Same with Chiron. If there’s many aspects to those signs as well and if everything is energetically interconnected like astrology tries to show us, you would think those two asteroids at most would be considered. Especially because these asteroids play significant roles in HEALING *cough Chiron cough* and stepping into your power (Lilith). Both asteroids take a shorter amount of time to orbit the sun than most outer planets and some inner planets likeee cmon y’all.. me complaining because I’d technically have a Sagittarius stellium if Chiron and Lilith was included
☁️ Whatever quadrant(s) the majority of your placements fall in is what you are meant to focus on in this life. In the last quadrant, your focus could be on the world around you, humanitarian causes. A lot of planets in your first quadrant your mission in this lifetime is to be more self focused.
☁️ Intercepted houses are interesting... I’m very thankful I don’t have them because my chart is already 😀😗 .. yea. But I realized I’ve come across a lot of people with them and those houses if you don’t know already have a lot of focus on the house it pertains to. Example: intercepted houses in the 1st and 7th house means one of your life’s mission is learning how to assert yourself, set boundaries, find balance in relationships and your free time.
☁️ People that have intercepted houses usually attract people that has signs that rule those houses to teach them significant life lessons. So if you have 1st and 7th intercepted you’ll have someone who probably has Aries/libra in big three or within their chart , if you have 2nd and 8th you’ll attract someone with Taurus/Scorpio in big three or in their chart etc etc
☁️ If you’re feeling unstable it’s best to connect with the element you have most dominant in your chart. Whether it’s literally connecting to that element by physically interacting with it or you are doing the themes in relation to that element. This also applies to whatever sign your mars is in. Surrounding yourself with the element associated with your mars can allow you to release and ground yourself.
☁️ For instance, if you have a lot of water in your chart/water mars, swimming or being by the water and journaling, drawing, whatever creative outlet feels most healing to you by the water can bring you some peace. Talking to the ocean, lake, etc. can be grounding and if you’re really into esoteric practices you can give the water an offering in exchange for peace of mind. Earth, going on a hike, feeling the earth (not concrete yuck) with your bare soles/palms can be helpful, hugging and talking to trees. (Side note fun fact, removing vines that are wrapping a tree is also like an offering because vines growing around trees are invasive and preventing it from receiving sunlight, ultimately killing it. Save your local trees!! I see this as a form of an offering as well) Mother trees will help you most. Fire, first and foremost please be careful. Secondly, working with candles can be very healing and watching the light, taking walks when it’s really sunny, sun bathing, solar plexus yoga could bring much peace. Sun bathing your yoni when the sun is at its peak :) it really works. Air, burning incense whilst having good air ventilation, journaling, stimulating activities like running or jogging while simultaneously working on the breath. Breath work, mental workouts like chess. I might do a post about all Mars signs and specific activity outlets. Lmk in the comments if you guys would be interested :)
☁️ To break out of your comfort zone, to attract newness into your life, connect with the element you have least in your chart!
☁️ The element you have least of is what you tend to attract in others
☁️ People that connect more to sidereal astrology usually have some old soul-ness to them. I’ve observed it’s usually modern Astrology earth placements, mostly Taurus placements that tend to value that system more from what I’ve seen
☁️ I’ve noticed water sign placements/dominance like anime and k-pop a lot. Honorary mention is Aquarius but more towards anime.
☁️ I saw @harmoonix say this in one of their posts recently but this has been sitting in my drafts for over a month so I’m gonna agree and add on lol (love ur posts fr— trendsetter 💐) Aquarius placements, especially in the big 3, love video games. Love playing games on their phone and on a console. Love technology, it’s their safe space— a way to get away from the world. Aquarius does rule over technology! They’re the most tech savvy in the family. Their elders in their home relied on them for that stuff lol.
☁️ Sagittarius placements, esp mercury usually have different genres and languages of music in their catalog
☁️ For Sagittarius to be in detriment in Mercury that placement has many fantastic writers, poets, lyricists etc.
☁️ Earth placements, especially Capricorns can out smoke you. Out-any-substance you fr it’s actually crazy to witness 😂😂.
☁️ Your Groom (5129) or Briede (19029) in your natal chart can not only show the actual sign or house placements that your partner may have but the synastry overlays you both may have as well. For example you may have your groom asteroid in the sign virgo. Your spouses natal placements especially big 3 could have those planets fall into your sixth house. Virgo rules the sixth house.
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☁️ This picture above is all Libra placements during this south node in Libra transit. The area Libra resides will show up and out! Villain era fr. Big 3 Libra placements will feel this way the most! This transit has me not giving ANY f*cks!
☁️ Your solar return rising sign is very important. It will tell you the themes that will take place in the new year ahead. For example: Virgo rising in your solar return has you more work and health focused. Should I make a post about solar return risings lmk in the comments!
☁️ It’s also interesting that your rising and moon sign in your solar return chart can pertain who you most come into contact with during. So if your rising is Leo that year you’ll probably befriend, get closer to, date many Leo’s or people that have Leo placements/degrees in their chart :). I can confirm that within each ascendant I have had in my returns since studying astrology the people I was closer to/in contact more with during the time period had those placements in big three especially.
☁️ not an observation but a statement of a dilemma of mine because I cannot choose between placidus and whole sign system. I deeply relate to both. I thankfully don’t have intercepted houses but I can see both sides to the placements in my chart and the different houses they reside in with both systems 😂 ok moving on
☁️ I use placidus house system mostly when I’m reading other people’s chart and whole sign when I’m reading compatibility charts
☁️ placidus is a better system to use for most people because we live in different hemispheres and that system caters to that imo
☁️ I realize most Pisces and Sagittarius placements loveeee green. It’s that Jupiter calling in that abundance!
☁️ Scorpio and Aries are ruled by mars and I have realized people with these placements like purple a lot. Capricorn placements tend to like purple too and cap is exalted in mars! Purple and black are associated with satur(n)day!
☁️ Saw an observation about sag mercuries always interrupt you and it’s true LMAO but they’re very passionate people and I think they just wanna get what they have to say off their chest
☁️ Sagittarius mercuries are the smartest Mercury sign imo.
☁️ Pisces placements especially in the big three are very crafty when it comes to talking their way out of being held accountable
☁️ Being around people that have the signs in your 2nd and 8th house can easily trigger you if you’re not actively working on healing your wounds
☁️ I haven’t met an air sign that doesn’t speak with their face and hands especially Gemini chile
☁️ Mars rules celibacy, Venus rules lust. I realize that people with strong Aries/Scorpio/Capricorn are not into having sex with multiple people simultaneously or can go long periods without having sex. They view sex as a very intimate activity.
☁️ hate to come down on my Venusians but Taurus and Libras and let’s not forget about my girl is exalted in Pisces! People with strong placements in these signs can be loyal but sometimes there can be wandering eyes. Like an itch they want to scratch so bad. Even if they’re very loyal in nature it’s more possible for them to flirt for fun or get into affairs more because they’re hedonistic in nature
☁️ when a Capricorn loves you they will always have your back and put into you financially to help your dreams come true. One of the most attentive , supportive people to have in your corner!
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🪽 I wanted to post this sooner but I’m currently grieving the loss of my Capricorn dominant grandmother who was my closest confidant and greatest inspiration, about a month ago. She passed during her Saturn return and Uranus return. She lived an incredible life. Strongest, most fearless person I know. An entrepreneur who knew how to get it! Some people didn’t make it into the new year with us and I hope you know that you have now gained an angel. I’m grateful to the Tumblr astrology community for sharing their knowledge. Astrology really helps me make sense of the world and I’m happy that we all find peace in that. Sending my love and best wishes to you all. Thank you for reading and tuning in xoxo 🪽
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noxtivagus · 2 years
neath dark waters
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#the ancients r v special to me#i relate with. yk the stuff w time#emet resonated w me bcs of remembrance#hermes was. perfection. understanding. meaning of life#shb w the underwater amaurot#enw w the floating yeah#i love the night sky so much. & the bright stars. the distant clouds. the comforting moon#n the birds soaring. their beautiful wings#water n its depth n versatility has always meant much to me. i love swimming. rain. & beaches. oceans seas rivers lakes waterfalls#if you look at the stuff i love most in ffxiv. you'd see the person i am#i'm. really grateful for the game. it honestly changed my life#i wouldn't have met a lot of people. all these lessons too. stories. experiences#my creativity may be more dead. ffxiv brought it back to life whenni was losing so much motivation#as an mmo & rpg. strong on bond ends#hdkfjsjfjsj wait the amaurot piano arrange remember us.... i love that cover so much#it's a duet. i get emotional. every. single. time.#cries in someday i wna do a duet w someone too on the piano....! reminds me of emet#god i really love duets huh. moonlit melodies from ffxv has always been one of my faves too#not sure what i want to do rn with so little time. it feels like it always#one at a time i suppose. rip my sleep bcs i just get anxious thinking n end up worrying for hours instead of doing anything#it's nearly 4 am. an hour passed by so quickly#the thing is goddamn i just really get so anxious. like i wld rather do a lot of small tasks just to#feel productive. success. which is why. sob. gacha n rhythm games n. achievement systems#every single step. matters. so much so that i'd sacrifice what i deem unnecessary like uh. aspects of my humanity#i know i need rest but it's really so hard for me to actually give or allow it.#i'm sorry. there's so much i just. want to say and do but i think this is one of those nights where i'm just incredibly tired n#incompetent. it's painful when you want to sleep your worries away but feeling anxious n your thoughts just. stop you#it hurts i feel like such a let down? either i do too little or too much. never just enough. i'm so disappointed in myself. i'm sorry
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Can you please write an image with Percy where he’s dating Thetis(Achilles mom)daughter and he’s helping her with her water powers?And they kiss underwater?🥺🥺 ❞ — anon
in which percy teaches you how to use your powers (but you just really want to kiss him)
pairing percy jackson x thetis!reader
warnings none!!
When you first showed up at camp, Percy couldn’t help but feel a little competitive. Water was his thing. Whenever you needed any help with any sort of body of water, he was your guy! Your only guy! Because no one else at camp was as efficient with water as he is, since it is his father’s domain
Until you came along - a daughter of Thetis, the Goddess of water. Immediately, everyone was enamoured by you and your charms, telling you all about Greek mythology, with the first story you heard being of your half-brother Achilles. No one had cared to educate Percy that much. It didn’t help that you could talk to sea animals too. Everyday, whenever Percy would go to the beach, all the turtles and fish and hippocampi would tell him stories of your kindness. My lord, she helped us fix our cove today! My lord, she healed my broken fin! Percy was sick of it all
Secretly, however, he was intrigued by you too. You carried an ethereal aura wherever you went and your voice was reminiscent of the feeling of gentle waves rolling over Percy’s body on one of his late afternoon swims, the beach empty save for him and the sea creatures, who knew better than to disrupt him during his moment of peace
Besides, he did kind of want someone to talk to who was as connected to the ocean as he is. So he put his one-sided rivalry aside and decided to speak to you, quickly discovering that you actually weren’t very good at using your water powers. You could use them, of course, but it was never controlled and drained you quickly. So naturally, being the kind guy he is, Percy offered to help you hone your powers. Totally because he’s nice and not because you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever met and he would rather die than pass up an opportunity to be around you
The two of you would meet at the beach when all the activities of the day were over and Percy would teach you about the water and all it has to offer. During one of your first lessons, Percy discovered you could will your legs to join and turn into a tail - making you a mermaid. He’d never seen something more bewitching in his life. He was also a little jealous, since he couldn’t turn into a merman, but watching you glimmer under the golden sun as you swam around with your tail had him forgetting all about that
Eventually, the two of you realised you felt the same about each other and began to date. The lessons never stopped, of course, but now you could say the cute boy who was training you’s your boyfriend and not just your friend
“Okay baby, this is the goal for today,” Percy said as he lifted a giant ball of water from the sea and made it hover in the air, letting you observe for a second before letting go of it. You nodded, biting your lip as you made your way over to him. Usually, you were pretty focused during your lessons. You could kiss Percy whenever you wanted, so it could wait until after you’d learnt a new skill, right?
Today was different. Something about how his toned body moved effortlessly through the water, as if he were a part of it himself, made your face turn incredibly hot, the veins coursing through his arms - accentuated by the strain he was putting on his body - doing nothing to cool you down 
You started off by making smaller balls of water float - something you’d recently become very good at. When Percy cheered you on, placing a kiss on your forehead and mumbling about how proud he was of you, you couldn’t help but wish he’d move his lips just a little lower as you licked yours
Making space for you, Percy waded through the water backwards as he said, “you’ve got this! Don’t be afraid to stop or let me know if it’s too much!” He grinned, and your heartbeat got faster and faster at how caring he was. No one was more thoughtful than your lovely, sweet boyfriend who you desperately wanted to shower with an insane amount of affection right now
In theory, the task was easy. You knew you’d be able to do it if you just weren’t distracted. You were no longer the girl who’d have to fight the urge to pass out after using her powers once, your body now being able to withstand much more, but your heart just wasn’t in what you were doing
Percy noticed this. At first, he thought something was wrong. Did something happen today to dampen your mood? Just as he was about to ask, he noticed it. The way your eyes would linger on his arms, moving up to his chest and finally to his lips. He smirked once he realised, your adoration for him quickly inflating his ego
He was going to let you wait a little longer, curious to see if you’d say something or just tough it out, but after catching your cute, desperate stare a fifth time in a row, your tail glittering as it swished under the water, he knew he was a goner
“Hey, Y/N, do you know how to breathe underwater?” He asked, catching you off guard. You made a face between confusion and offence, your brows clearly screaming ‘of course I do, you idiot’  
“I mean, yeah, obviously. Why?” You asked, inching closer and closer to him, craving nothing more than his saccharine touch - always as sticky as honey, his hands never failed to linger, making sure you knew you were appreciated. They did that now, their warmth making its way to your soul as Percy gently caressed your arms
Then, he pulled you underwater. He gave the nosy sea animals glares that sent them away, making the seabed yours for the time being. He cradled the back of your head and pulled you closer and closer, your hands pressed to his chest and your mouth parted, the anticipation nearly killing you
There was about a centimetre of space between you now
“Consider this revision, kay?” He whispered before finally locking his lips with yours
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