#tbb lyana
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art-soop · 11 months ago
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happy bad batch eve, can’t wait to watch the next episode of a show where nothing bad happens and everything is fine forever 😃
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blackseafoam · 3 months ago
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Babies enjoying their vacation, how about redrawing this shot?
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YESS!! I love that they got to grow up together 😭
My brother and I had vacation friends who we would play with when we visited our grandparents lake house. No shoes, having funerals for all the dead animals we found, using watercraft improperly, mud fights, best times.
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magicandmundane · 8 months ago
Even more post-finale Pabu life headcanons because the brain riot is still going strong babey
One time Omega saw a group of girls a couple years older than her all walking around the market wearing sundresses and decided she wanted to try one
Side note: Omega really looks up to these girls, and they, in turn, are really in awe of her, this younger girl who has gone toe-to-toe with Imperials and lived to tell the tale
Anyway Lyana helps her find a cute dress she likes. It’s like a sunset, yellow, orange, and pink in a nice ombre
The first time she wears it, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair are absolutely beside themselves, just melting into puddles of goo lol
Omega pretends to be mildly annoyed by this reaction but she really finds it very endearing
She only ever has one sundress at a time as she grows because she really prefers pants and like, a flight jacket, but every once in a while she feels like wearing a dress. Sometimes they’re really comfy on a hot summer day
People on Pabu are generally very nice, but you know, kids being kids, there’s a bully or two at school occasionally
Omega has absolutely zero tolerance for this bullshit
She instantly throws hands the first time she sees someone getting bullied
She promptly gets sent home lol (not in a bs zero tolerance policy kind of way, but in a “let’s not solve problems with violence” and the bully gets an appropriate punishment while the defender gets a lecture kind of way)
Hunter has to be The Responsible Parent™️ about it, scolding her for throwing a punch at someone who isn’t an Imperial
Although he does tell her she was right for standing up for people and he’s proud of her for it, just maybe don’t do it Like That in this situation
Wrecker and Crosshair are in the background kinda backing him up by nodding along, but pointedly avoiding eye contact with each other because otherwise they’ll Lose It
Once Hunter walks away tho, all bets are off, and they start asking her if she won (of course she did), what technique did she use, could she give a play-by-play, etc, they’re very proud
Joke’s on them, Hunter heard the entire conversation and he’s just off in another room smirking to himself because they taught her well and he’s proud too
This happens at least three more times before Omega gets the message and starts shutting down bullies verbally, but by that point she doesn’t need to do it nearly as often because the whole school has seen her fight and doesn’t want to mess with her lol
As always, feel free to add on!
Edit: yeah, I know Omega usually prefers the nonviolent option, but listen, she saw a kid smaller than her getting smacked around by another kid bigger than both of them, went over there like “what are doing?!” the bully sneered, and she saw red
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mantellmix · 9 months ago
"But you're safe here.
You and your friends can stay as long as you want."
"We never stay anywhere for long."
They stayed for a long time.
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soapsbadart · 10 months ago
Omega and Lyana studying at the batches house, echo doing his best to help them with their math homework.
Unfortunately for Echo, math has been changed since he learned it on Kamino.
And of course Crosshair damaged his new prosthetic so Tech is preoccupied with fixing it.
Wrecker has taken up cooking since their retirement, and since he can’t help study, he might as well provide the snacks
Hunter is just taking in the scene of his family, safe and at peace. To him, there’s no better view than the one in his kitchen
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queen-daya · 11 months ago
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Hunter Being Omega’s Dad -> Pabu (1/2)
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twinsunstars · 5 months ago
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part of the Series of TBB Memes!
A Series of TBB Memes
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ghostymarni · 7 months ago
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S2E13: pabu
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tlmtwelve · 12 days ago
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Pheebruary prompt: A Day with Aunt Phee
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Incorrect Teen!Omega quotes:
Lyana's Twitter: I just saw the cutest girl with her arm stuck in a vending machine!
Omega's Twitter: Why I think vending machines are dangerous: a thread.
Benni: Wait, you like guys? I thought you were gay.
Omega: Bi, Benni.
Benni, panicking: Wait, don't go! I didn't mean to offend you!
Benni: Omega can't be good at everything. Maybe she's a bad kisser.
Lyana: No, she's a very good kisser.
Benni: What?
Lyana: I said she can't use chopsticks.
Lyana: Hey, have you ever been arrested?
Omega: Yeah, why?
Lyana: ....Well, I was gonna say "because it's illegal to be that cute" but now I'm intrigued.
Omega, counting on her fingers: Illegal gambling, bribery, misdemeanor arson and aggravated assault on an Imperial Officer.
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bberry005 · 10 months ago
so...what do we think of omega leading a squadron of experimental fighters and insanely overqualified pilots and it being a mirror of clone force 99
(it's called havoc squadron btw and when they get called in their entrances are exactly like the bad batch's entrance in tcw s7)
(they start out as a squad of pilots but they're eventually a spec ops squad due to previously mentioned overqualifications)
(the other members may or may not be mox, deke, and stak and they occassionally get help from a "liberator of ancient wonders" named lyana hazard and a scientist named emerie karr)
(this concept may or may not be my next fic...)
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kajira-kreations · 1 year ago
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Wholesome self-indulgent doodles if TBB has a wholesome beach episode
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locitapurplepink · 8 months ago
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Week 5 of @summer-of-bad-batch
"Need a hand ?"
"Yes, it would be nice. Thank you."
Omega, Emerie, and Lyana making necklaces and bracelets from seashells with Kamari (MY TBB OC). Omega and Lyana make friendship bracelets for each other while Emerie and Kamari make necklaces.
Emerie was having a hard time to make a necklace but luckily, her new friend, Kamari wanted to help. It would a good start for Emerie to have a friend.
Note : I got this inspiration when I wrote the new chapter for my newest tbb fic called Take The Moment and Taste it. I just finished writing on my sideblog called @locitawritingsblog if you guys want to read there.
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crashlanding-skywalker · 8 months ago
Lyana: Hey, have you seen Tech and Phee?
Omega: Yeah, they just heelied down to the beach together holding hands.
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fwitolei · 10 months ago
Thank you.
Thank you for the amazing journey you have put all of us on. We laughed, cried, screamed, kicked our feet and giggled. We've watched these characters grow into the beautiful people they are now, and while we fear for their fates, we will stick with them all the way.
Thank you, Hunter, for being such a caring brother. You are my personal favorite. You watched out for your brothers, took care of your sister. You were so strong and understanding, you are such a symbol, and you will continue to be loved years after your story ends.
Thank you, Tech, for providing all the rambles and info dumps that we could possibly need. Your explanations and your bravery will never be forgotten. We hope to see you one last time before the end of this show, but if we don't, you will be loved all the same.
Thank you, Wrecker, for always bringing life to this series. Your laugh is contagious, and it's always a delight to see you smile. You were the Batch's biggest protector, the glue that held them all together, the one carrying the squad. May your strength, both inside and out, be recognized as this series comes to a close.
Thank you, Crosshair, for giving us such an edge-of-our-seat story. Your struggles, your triumphs, your development; words cannot begin to express just how masterful and complex your character is. Your story has touched so many hearts, and we hope you get the happy ending you deserve.
Thank you, Echo, for being such a comfort character to us. A familiar face in these trying times. We've followed you through The Clone War all the way to this moment, and we are extremely proud of you. Your dedication to your brothers is unmatched. While we didn't get to see a lot of you in this final season, we hope that this isn't the end of your story, and that we will continue to see your adventures unfold in the future.
Thank you, Omega. Oh, sweet Omega. Watching your journey has been quite the adventure. It brings tears to our eyes when we think about how far you've come. You are the light and joy of the Batch, and your kindness has changed all of their, and our, lives. We wish you peace and happiness, and hope you finally get to live the childhood you never had.
Thank you, every single character that has appeared in this series; the new faces, the returning fan-favorites, and even the ones we love to hate. You have made this series rich with adventure, wonder, and emotion.
Thank you to the production crew: Dee Bradley Baker, Michelle Ang, and the rest of the cast and crew for making this all happen. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for your innovative writing and masterful portrayals of these characters. You have moved us in ways we'd never be able to fully express, and we applaud you for everything you've done.
And thank you, writers, artists, fans, and more for expanding this amazing series into an immersive universe where we can all come together and express our love for this show. The fanart, fanfictions, short films, headcanons, cosplay, and every other kind of media that has been shared through this series has all been wonderful to see.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
But don't get sad yet. The series finale may be tomorrow, but this? This fandom?
We've only just begun.
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pidgotto · 9 months ago
Hello, my friends. Welcome to part 3 of TBB but in the Sims because Pidge still hasn't gotten over the fact that the show ended over a month ago and so has decided to play out a silly modern AU where they're in control of the going-ons and shenanigans which ensue!
I hope you enjoy the nonsense and gooey cuteness that I captured during gameplay!
This time, the obligatory beach episode. 😎
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Playing in the sand!
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Poses: Sibling Poses 4 - Ratboysims
The besties having some well deserved hangout time.
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"I hope things always stay like this."
"I do too."
Pose: Companion poses - Ratboysims
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She's plotting to stick sand in his shoes for the disrespect he's dealin' out.
Pose 1: Parent & Kid poses - Ratboysims
Pose 2: Sibling poses 3 - Ratboysims
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"We keep this love in a photograph; we made these memories for ourselves."
Pose 1: Parent & Kid poses - Ratboysims
Pose 2: Little Troublemaker - Sciophobis
Poses 3 & 4: Sibling poses 3 - Ratboysims
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All I can think of in the 2nd pic is "Hunter, why have you forsaken me?" He tried to make up for it with a hug after, but Omega is starting to reach the age where she's like "omgg, stop, this is so embarrassing."
Poses 1 & 3: Parent & Kid poses - Ratboysims
Pose 2: Little Troublemaker - Sciophobis
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This picture just makes me laugh every time. Serious stink-eye.
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