#private swimming teacher
swimlyau · 1 year
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inkskinned · 3 days
i was raised by a catholic deacon so as a kid - maybe ages 7 to 14 - i would have told you that abortion was only okay in exception cases like rape. i didn't even really understand any of the terms at play here, only how to parrot that there were "few and far between" exceptions, but abortion-as-a-whole was irresponsible and evil. i believed it was a bad form of birth control.
for context's sake - i still had a flip phone. google wasn't really a thing back then. the whole narrative was akin to the apostle's creed: i don't know that i ever thought about what the words meant, only that this was what i was supposed to say when asked. i remember being in 4th grade and having it down pat - abortion is evil, except in cases such as rape. my father wasn't insensitive, after all - he acknowledged there might be medical necessity to end a life.
what changed was that at 14 i learned how hard it is to prove that a rape has happened.
it was a boy, actually. and his piano teacher. and him telling me, crying, that nobody believed him that he didn't want it. and what if she gets pregnant?
this is the mark in a lot of our lives: at some point, someone will confide in you, and then you see exactly how often it happens. how it happens so fucking loudly, and nobody says anything. how often your friends, nervous, will shakily admit that while they love their partner, there are a few times that they didn't really consent, that they didn't really want it. for others, there are nights half-remembered in bars. for others, they married their partner at 15, so now it's "fine", legally. for others, there are yes moments that felt like a no. there were no moments that were never acknowledged. you say no but are told you actually said yes because of what you were wearing or because he is good at swimming and his life would be ruined or because he's a nice guy or -
in the last 8 years, my father has become radicalized. he now believes in "no exceptions".
but the truth is that there was never going to be a true "exception" clause. there was never going to be a grey area. i am not even really sure they believe in the concept of rape. and if they did - how would you ever prove it? in the six weeks you have to state your case - when it takes years in a court of law - the "rape exception" would simply evaporate under the continued pregnancy. you were never going to have a moment where you could privately tell a doctor - it's because of a rape. there was no box you could check. there was no form you could file. it was always going to be assumed consensual until proven malignant. it was always going to be your fault.
they also knew they couldn't actually sell the rest of us on this idea of it's always blessed. they knew in their hearts that every pregnancy should be wanted. they knew going in that plenty of us - even raised catholic, even having had this shoved down our throats - plenty of us still had too many questions about what ifs.
it's just they just didn't want to come off as monsters. they patted our heads and taught us they weren't insensitive. they just had these beliefs. and then they put their hands on our bodies. and said if you don't listen, i'm going to force them.
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sleepw-me · 9 months
BF HEADCANONS HQ ⊹ ₊ ˚ 𓂃 ⸝⸝ ♡
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Haikyuu version SFW
t.kageyama⸝⸝ ♡ Definitely winter is his favorite season, when you are his girlfriend he will definitely want to do some winter activities with you, such as walking around the city with a nice composition of Christmas lights. building a snowman in his yard. Throwing snowballs at each other and taking you to a nice cafe for hot chocolate.
k.tsukishima⸝⸝ ♡ We all know by now that Tsuki likes music, I'm sure he would share his headphones with you so you could listen to music together at school. When you're at his place, you just spend time with him, while he's doing his homework and you're hugging his dinosaur-shaped stuffed animal, and there's some music playing in the background. He made a playlist for you, but at first he was embarrassed to show it to you, there were songs he associated with you.
t.yamaguchi⸝⸝ ♡ During the lesson, when he gets tired of listening to the teacher, he will start drawing cute hearts and flowers in the corners of your notebook with colored pens, and if you let him, he will draw a whole meadow on your hand. You can give him your shoes to decorate them nicely with colorful flowers and drawings.
d.sawamura⸝⸝ ♡ He probably didn't know what princess treatment was before, he was just well brought up and everything he does comes easily to him, he thinks that's how you should treat your ladies. When your shoe is untied, he kneels in front of you and ties it for you. He carries your shopping, your handbags too, but not in his hand, as if he was ashamed that someone would see him with your women's handbag, he literally throws it on his shoulder and walks with it just like you would.
a.azumane⸝⸝ ♡ He has long hair, so he always has a rubber band on his wrist, so if you need it, he will lend it to you and even tie your hair for you.
s.hinata⸝⸝ ♡ This sweet little orange bun remembers the smallest details about you, even if sometimes you feel like he's not listening anymore and you stop talking, he immediately encourages you to continue. He remembers every detail, your favorite number, your favorite and hated color, the name of your first cat and he will even remember the names of your entire family if you mentioned them.
k.kozume⸝⸝ ♡ He found the perfect person to cuddle with, it's you!. Expect that if you have a large sweatshirt, he will stick his head under it and play games. When he plays on the computer, he will invite you to sit on his lap and either watch him play or teach you how to play one of his favorite games, it's funny when she controls the mouse and you control the keyboard, you will definitely hear him chuckle when something goes wrong he will succeed but he is very patient.
t.kuroo⸝⸝ ♡ Sometimes you meet at his place to study for chemistry, then he wears his black glasses that make him look so good. If you don't understand a topic, he will teach you and if you answer correctly, he will give you a juicy kiss. If you need a break, he will bring you something sweet.
r.suna⸝⸝ ♡ He will definitely take a lot of photos of you to keep the memories. You will be his private model, he definitely has one of your photos where you are drooling on the pillow while still sleeping on his wallpaper. On his phone you will find the stupidest photos, for example your 0.5x photo. Until the prettiest ones, the ones where you smile so beautifully at him.
a.miya⸝⸝ ♡ Listen, I imagine Atsumu calling you very early in the morning to go to the beach with him. He will definitely take a few photos of you in your swimsuit, but most of all you will have a great time together, sunbathing or swimming, he will pretend to be a shark that wants to eat you so that you run away from him. When the sun is not so bright anymore, he will play beach volleyball with you, laughing when something goes wrong, but then he will teach you, he promise.
o.miya⸝⸝ ♡ He will invite you to his kitchen so that you can bake or cook something together and have great fun. So what if there's flour everywhere or something spilled on the floor, you'll clean it up later and now Osamu is busy kissing you while you wait for the dough to be made.
k.bokuto⸝⸝ ♡ If you stayed overnight at his place, don't think you'll sleep late if you wake up easily, because he'll start doing his morning stretches, doing push-ups, and encouraging you to sit on his back. He will sometimes ask you to join him, but you have barely woken up, but if you join him and stretch together, you must know that he will slow down on purpose so that you can keep up, he will be very happy.
a.akaashi⸝⸝ ♡ This sweet boy will read books to you but he will also be more than willing to listen to your voice if you read to him. He likes it when you lie on his lap and play a game while he rests the book on your head and you sit in comfortable silence.
k.sakusa⸝⸝ ♡ It's no surprise that this guy takes great care of himself and is glad that you do too. His favorite activity is when you spend the night at his place and do your skin care together, he likes it when you put a mask on his face and massage him gently.
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restlessmaknae · 29 days
favourite sight // leehan
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When the annual summer class trip means a visit to Busan and staying at Leehan’s family’s hotel, you know that it will be total chaos, you just don’t expect to fall for your arch nemesis, the most popular boy of the year - Leehan himself.
➳ Characters: class vice-president!Leehan x class president!female reader/you
➳ Genre: boarding school au, summer class trip au, enemies to lovers (but not really), rich kids au, fluff, comedy
➳ Words: 6.7k
➳ Warning: mentions of food, reader can't swim and almost drowns in one scene, academic pressure, playful banter between reader and Leehan in which Leehan is called a show off, stupid tall with stupid long eyelashes and stupid long legs (because she's oblivious duh)
➳ A/N: This story is the second installment of my 'love map' multifandom series which features 3 different idols and 3 different stories that take place in 3 different countries. The stories can be read on their own though.❤️
Header taken from this WHY Concept Film
➳ Dedicated to: @dat-town ❤️
➳ Taglist: @s00buwu, @emmylksblog, @0310s, @hansuo
When the annual summer class trip means a visit to Busan and staying at Leehan’s family’s hotel, you know that it will be total chaos, you just don’t expect it to be this chaotic. Alas, you also end up falling for your arch nemesis, the most popular boy of the year - Leehan himself.
You weren’t supposed to stay at the hotel of Leehan’s family. You were supposed to go somewhere else, some place that had nothing to do with him, but the arranged accommodation went back on your request when they decided to take on organising a business event for an international company. Not that you could blame them; they were probably better off serving cocktail after cocktail to rich business people than babysit students who were not allowed to drink alcohol and bring in any either.
Like the show-off he was, Leehan rang his parents the moment your homeroom teacher announced that she would need to look for another accommodation, and asked for your help - you as class president and Leehan as vice-president. The boy was done within a few minutes, and your homeroom teacher looked like she was on the verge of crying when he confirmed that his family’s hotel had enough rooms for their class. She had already been stressed over organising this whole trip to Busan on her own while trying to accommodate all the parents’ requests, she probably already thought that she had to cancel the whole trip because of this.
The only reason you held yourself back from snorting was because of Miss Lee, otherwise, you would have made a comment on how Leehan always ended up playing the hero, and how he knew ‘someone’ wherever he went. Sure, everyone was famous and rich in one way or another at KOZ International High School as it was a private boarding school, the number 1 for university admission rate success in Asia and number 5 worldwide, but he just seemed to be everywhere.
Plus, since you were the class president and he was the vice-president, you just had to put up with it all the time. Even if it meant having to shoo away shrieking girls when they caught sight of him in the library as you two were picking up books for the next class or rolling your eyes when you collected mobile phones at the beginning of the day and yet another girl made a joke about how Leehan could keep their phone if it meant that they could have his heart.
You already knew that this class trip would be about him when Busan came out as the most voted destination in this year’s poll, the first Korean city after the last two years - it was Hanoi the summer after freshman year and Shanghai the summer after sophomore year. You just didn’t expect that it would be about him to this extent.
“Were your rooms really not sold out for that week during summer?” You quirked an eyebrow as you exited the teachers’ room, shooting the boy a glance. He didn’t seem to be offended by the implication behind your words, he merely said:
“The hotel has a separate building for events where mostly weddings take place and wedding guests can sleep, and it was coincidentally not booked yet. Wedding season starts a bit later into summer.”
“Of course,” you mumbled under your nose, not like you knew anything about the hospitality industry. Your parents owned a private clinic, the furthest thing from his family’s line of work.
“I’d say it was supposed to happen this way,” he shrugged his shoulders casually, the tie around his neck a bit looser than usual, and you had this inexplicably annoying urge to reach out and fix it for him. You wanted to save your dignity though, you could already imagine the teasing remarks you would get if you willingly did something like this for him, so no thanks, you would rather jump off a cliff.
“Are you that happy to go to Busan?”
“I mean, there’s the seaside, there’s my parents’ hotel, what’s there not to love?”
Everything, you wanted to say, but when you turned a corner, the hustle-bustle of the corridor filled with the students’ chatting blocked out all of the snarky thoughts in your head, and instead, you saved yourself from another 15 minutes of having to witness the boy’s popularity to yourself, and told him that you would go ahead and set up the Physics lab for next class, he could do it next week.
He didn’t protest, he merely gave you a bob of his head and a lazy half-smirk, something that made girls go crazy over him, except you.
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The hotel was enormous, to say the least, and you weren’t even in the main area. You really had a separate building to yourself that had a dining room, a dance room and a karaoke room on the ground floor. You had the feeling that they turned a bar into the latter because there were shelves that seemed similar to shelves that held fancy bottles of alcohol, but nothing seemed out of place. You even had an outside pool and a direct view of the seaside, something that made everyone impressed.
“Dude, why didn’t you tell us about this place in the previous years? We should have come here every summer before,” Yechan exclaimed as he took out his phone and started recording, probably filming a new video for his Youtube channel. It seemed that every mundane person was either too curious or too bored to get a glimpse into a boarding school student’s daily life because his channel had already accumulated 2 million followers, and he had only started last year. Though it definitely helped that he was half Canadian, half Korean, so he could speak both English and Korean and provide subtitles for both languages.
“I thought you said you wanted us to go to your parents’ hotel next time,” Jungwon chirped in, but the Canadian boy shook his head.
“Nah, Toronto is too cold for summer trips.”
“Can we use the pool too, Miss Lee?” Millie inquired after the two boys settled on dismissing Canada as a possible destination for next year’s class trip. Thank God next year’s trip will be the last one, you didn’t know how you would survive these events any longer. Plus, all the money that you spent on this summer trip should have been donated to charity in your opinion, but alas, it was mandatory.
“Of course, but only until 10 PM, and obviously, be responsible. Some of you can’t swim, so no pushing, alright?”
“Who can’t swim?” You heard Gyuvin ask with his jaw comically dropping, but his question was muffled by the cacophony of suitcase spinner wheels, dropped bags and the usual lively chit-chat of soon-to-be senior year students.
“How do you like it?” Leehan asked, leaning closer to you, so you could hear him, but you gave him a death glare for doing so, and stepped backwards. Too bad that a lamp pole was also there, and you almost bumped your head into it if it hadn’t been for Leehan’s hand taking the hit.
For a moment, you just blinked up at him and his stupid height, too embarrassed for your own good. You were the class president, for God’s sake, you were the person of order and responsibility, you couldn't randomly bump into lamp posts!
You could see from the corner of your eyes that Taesan - Leehan’s friend - thought better of waiting for him, and awkwardly turned around to walk towards the hotel, but you didn’t dare look for his full reaction. You were sure that your face was flushed as it was, you didn’t need anyone else’s reaction on top of Leehan’s.
“Are you okay?” The boy asked uncharacteristically gently, his voice void of any playfulness, which was almost a first for him. Why did he even have to have stupid long eyelashes? Ones that fluttered oh so beautifully while he was looking down at you.
“I’m fine. Never been better. You should just… keep your distance from me,” you warned him as you pushed him away, at least enough, so that you could grab your suitcase again and start walking towards the hotel. It didn’t take him long to catch up to you with his stupid long legs.
“I can see that my closeness is having an effect on you even though you clearly claimed in sophomore year that you are immune to boys like me.”
“I am. It’s not my fault that you sneaked up to me like that, and that lamp post was there behind me,” you pointed out defensively, and kept your eyes on the back of the last two students from your class.
Miss Lee got Mr Brown with him - your English teacher -, so that they could supervise your class, but they were at the front, and you and Leehan were always at the back at events like this, so that no one could get lost (like Yuma and Jo on a company visit to Samsung in sophomore year) or hide in a bush ever again (Gyuvin once tried that during a class trip).
“Well, this is my city, and I’m going to make sure everyone has the time of their life, including you,” Leehan announced triumphantly, flashing a smile at you that was akin to the ones he used when he was campaigning to be voted as the vice-president again after last year. No wonder Rei didn’t get the title even though you would have preferred to have her instead of Leehan.
“Sure. Good luck with that,” you wished with an eye roll, and urged Ricky in front of you to keep moving instead of checking his hair in the hotel’s glass door.
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If Leehan’s idea of having the time of your life was handing out shark-shaped gummies and bringing giant Sony party speakers to the pool - the ones that even had microphones attached to them, so you could have a karaoke - on the second night, you would have a pretty miserable life.
Nevertheless, you were only there because Miss Lee and Mr Brown were on duty at the entrance, checking if no one tried to sneak alcohol into the hotel, so you didn’t even bother with a swimsuit, you merely wore a flowery summer dress. Much to some girls’ dismay, most of the boys didn’t go shirtless, they had long-sleeved yet tight swimwear and shorts, the ones people used for some water sports. Though since Ricky’s parents owned the brand they wore, you had an idea why.
Anton was on lifeguard duty since he was on the national swimming team, and he would probably rather jump in to save a drowning student than manoeuvre himself around guys playing with plastic water guns and girls chatting in the pool instead of outside of it. You asked him if he needed anything - something to drink or to take a break -, but he said that he was fine, so you didn’t need to worry.
You acknowledged his answer with a bob of your head, and turned around just in time to be splashed by a huge amount of water by Pierre who had just jumped in. You stood there, frozen, your summer dress completely sticking to your body, and you were in the middle of blinking the water out of your eyes when you heard someone yell ‘class president’ and then you were pushed into the water with the kind of force that you could not resist.
It’s not like you couldn’t get any wetter than this, but you couldn’t swim, and your flailing hands didn’t do a thing to keep you up. You were about to throw every kind of rationality out of the window as your basic survival instincts kicked in, but you could feel strong hands pulling you to the surface in no time, Anton’s body emerging from the water beside yours.
“Are you okay?” The boy inquired with big, bright eyes, his damp hair hiding most of his face before he reached out to push his hair back. 
Still struggling to breathe properly, you mumbled something akin to an answer, and blinked rapidly, taking in the silence around you and the concerned or curious eyes of your classmates.
The only one who wasn’t surprised to see you struggling was Anton since he had gotten the names of students who couldn’t swim in case no one else would jump in to save a drowning student - a list you had volunteered to put together and pass onto him. Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought that you would be the first one who had to be rescued by him, and that the whole class would know about the fact that you couldn’t swim already on the second day of the trip.
You, the straight A-student, class president since sophomore year, speaking three languages fluently and playing the violin professionally. You, the daughter of the owners of the most prestigious private clinic in not only Seoul but the whole country. You, who was not supposed to have any weakness or fear.
You could faintly hear someone apologise and Anton asking if you needed him to ask for a medical staff, but you shrugged everyone off. Your flip-flops were probably in the pool somewhere after your fall, and you couldn’t be bothered to go back and fetch them. Instead, you furiously trampled back into the hotel barefoot.
It wasn’t just the dress sticking to you, it was humiliation too, something that you had not experienced on such a wide level after being told in front of the whole class that you had messed up a basic equation during a Maths test. No one would have guessed that you had been ill the whole week before the test because you had not let them know about it.
When you heard footsteps behind you, you already knew who it was before you turned to face him in all your wet glory, pitiful compared to his beautiful shoulder-length hair, softest of the brown of chestnuts and fluffiest of the ruffable kind.
“What do you want? I can go to my room on my own, thank you so much,” you told him off before he could have given you an answer, but then, he draped a towel over your body without saying a word.
You were about to shrug it off, but he pulled it tighter around you, holding the ends of the towel with his fists. You looked up at him, eyes throwing angry daggers, and maybe that was what prompted him to justify his actions.
“Your dress… it’s kind of see-through now,” he blurted out as if it was difficult for him to say something that could have been - under different circumstances - borderline flirty. But this was in no way a time and place where you would have wanted to be told that the white flowery dress of yours that should have not been in contact with any kind of liquid was now showing everyone what was underneath. How stupid of you, how stupid of those stupid boys to still act like dumbass kids and push others into the water.
Even if it was not Leehan who did this to you, his remark set something off within you, like when the countdown is up on a ticking time bomb or the trigger is pulled.
“You see, that’s why I didn’t want to come here. It’s not enough that now the whole class knows that I can’t swim but they also saw my underwear. Great. I’m really having the best time of my life, Leehan,” you spitted out furiously, pushing his hands away before pulling the tower tighter around your body, and walking back to your room, drops of water and mortification following your barefoot steps.
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Of course, the news of the incident reached your teachers pretty quickly, and both Miss Lee and Mr Brown were knocking on your door as soon as you managed to get changed and hide the remains of your tears with an embarrassing amount of concealer. You reassured them that you were fine, but they told you to take it easy for the rest of the night, they would ask Anton to look over the students in your place since he was already monitoring the pool either way.
Then, Noah also came by to apologise for pushing you into the water. It wasn’t even the most embarrassing part that he had to come by to do it, the most embarrassing part came when he gave you that pitiful look, that ‘oh, I didn’t know you can’t swim’, something that almost made you curse him out right on the spot. Instead, you told him to keep himself in check for the rest of the trip because you wouldn’t help him out in Biology if you ever heard him joke about this incident. He scurried away like a wounded animal, but at least, he came by.
When the third knock on your room came, you seriously contemplated not opening the door. After all, you could be listening to music with your noise-cancelling headphones on, or you could already be sleeping, or even crying in the bathroom like you had done so an hour ago. In the end, you didn’t want to be a coward, and opened the door, but the last person you wanted to see there was Leehan.
“Look, before you ask what I’m doing here, I want to say that I got some stuff for you from the kitchen because Miss Lee said that you didn’t come down for dinner, and I thought you might be hungry,” he started, holding up his hands in front of his chest as if saying that he knew you were about to ask him these questions. You were, and even if he thought that  you were moping in your room (which you did) because you were still embarrassed about what had just happened (which you were), you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of agreeing to him.
However, he beat you to it, and continued his monologue before you could even open your mouth to protest.
“It’s not because I think you wouldn’t come down after what happened, but if you’re worried about the others, don’t worry. There is already bigger news such as Kit confessing to Millie and Gyuvin stepping on a bee and getting stung, so everyone’s already over what happened with you. Maybe except Anton who kept asking if you were alright, but that boy is too kind-hearted not to do so,” he said so in such a conversational manner that someone walking by might have thought that you were talking about the weather.
Maybe it was the drowning experience getting to you or the genuine consideration in his words and actions, but you found yourself smiling, and before you could hide it, Leehan also noticed it.
“Oh great, you’re smiling! Now, eat your dinner or you won’t get tall,” he teased you as he reached out the plate of food he brought. There was a sandwich, some veggies, crisps and a napkin on it, plus a bottle of smoothie in his other hand.
“Yah, I take after my mother in terms of height. She would be sad if she heard you criticising my height,” you pointed out, puffing your chest out like you wanted to take pride in your frame. Not everyone could be so stupidly tall as him (and many other boys in the class, by the way).
“Alright, alright, I’ll take it back.”
“Well, thank you,” you retorted a bit playfully before looking down at the plate in your hand. “And for the food, too,” you added a bit more seriously while you looked back at him. He just kept staring at you, the ends of his lips curling upwards in somewhat of an affectionate gesture, and it was so unlike the Leehan that you knew that you found it difficult to form coherent words.
“And the towel, too,” you found yourself admitting, a bit struck by that never-seen-before smile of his. Even his dimples popped off when the smile reached a certain height, and suddenly, you had no idea what to say.
“Well then, I guess my duty’s done for today. Good night, Y/N!” Leehan broke the silence first, breaking the serene moment, but you were actually thankful for him. For a second, you were scared that if you saw more of this side of him, you would start falling for him, and you couldn’t allow yourself to.
“Good night, Leehan!” You wished with a smile that you would not take responsibility for, before closing the door on him.
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It’s not that you and Leehan were enemies as per se. It’s more like you were usually of a different opinion, and as class president and vice-president who had to work together pretty much all the time, it was quite bothersome to put up with it. Not to mention the crowd of fangirls following him everywhere.
At first, you thought that he was just a pretty face, joyfully swimming in his glory, but from time to time, you could catch a glimpse into how taxing it was to act like he did so on the daily - reacting to girls with a kind smile no matter what they said, playing along with their flirty remarks and always trying to say the right words to avoid getting into trouble. When some students’ inquiries were far too personal or pushy, you tried to step in, and made excuses for you two, so that you could leave the scene, and far too often, Leehan thanked you for it. He didn’t have to know that you didn’t do it for yourself (which you claimed that you did) but for him.
However, after the events on the second day, you didn’t know what to do with yourself when you were around him. After all, he had no reason to pay you a visit and to bring you dinner. He didn’t even have to confirm it with Miss Lee that you hadn’t come down to get dinner. So why was he going the extra mile? Your first thought was that he wanted something from you, but when the next day passed by without any favours, just a day of going to the aquarium, walking along the seaside and a moderate pool party at night, you grew suspicious.
On the fourth day, when you were done with sightseeing for the day, the teachers gave you three hours of free time to look around by yourselves, and it was the perfect chance to ask the boy about it while the students around you were busy deciding on their activity.
“Do you want something from me?” You posed the question at Leehan straight-forwardly, and the boy furrowed his eyebrows in question, appearing perplexed.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean… you’re awfully kind to me these days. Perhaps… did you do something to my locker before we left for the trip?” You guessed suspiciously, suddenly being reminded of the time he put a heart-shaped sticker on your locker with the words ‘class president’ written with ink in the middle of it. It was after you were selected class president for the second consecutive year, and it was his first time being the vice president beside you. Needless to say, it was impossible to remove that sticker no matter how hard you tried, you could only manage to wash off the ink, and now it seemed even more embarrassing to have a random heart-shaped ticker on your locker from no other than Leehan.
The boy must have found it extremely amusing to see you suspecting him like that because he let out that endearing giggle of his that was both boyish and innocent.
“Now that you mention it, maybe I should have…” He teased you with a lopsided grin, and you were about to smack him in the side when Gyuvin, Ricky and Taesan came up to you to ask where you were thinking of going in your free time. You heard Millie, Liv and Selina say that they would go shopping, and Leo said something about wanting to try fishing (though you had no idea if it was allowed at this part of the seaside), you didn’t know about others’ plans.
Truth to be told, you had no idea about yours either, you would probably just find yourself a cosy little café and take a breather because it was hot and stuffy out here, but you didn’t want anyone else to follow suit, so you didn’t say a word.
“Taesan, you know that place that I’ve told you about? You should go ahead with the guys, we need to discuss something with Y/N about tomorrow’s activities,” Leehan answered first, and you gave him a side eye. What more did you need to discuss with him other than the ones you already did?
Taesan seemed somewhat perplexed for a moment, but then, his features smoothened, and he coolly told the others to follow him. Even though Gyuvin suggested that they could wait for you, Ricky patted his shoulder and dragged the lanky boy with him, so it was just you and Leehan again.
“What more do we need to discuss?”
“I want to show you something,” he announced, scratching the back of his neck a bit shyly. Since you were awful at reacting normally to surprises, you merely said:
“Is this the part where you will take me to an abandoned warehouse and leave me there, so that you can be the class president next year?”
Leehan let out a deep, joyous laughter hearing your question, and reassured you that no, he wouldn’t want to run for class president because that was your title, and no, he wouldn’t take you to an abandoned warehouse. He explained that the guys might not enjoy what he was about to show you, but if he remembered correctly, you would do so.
You eyed him for a good thirty seconds before letting him take you where he wanted. After all, it was his city, he knew his way around, so you followed him, and soon enough, you found yourself in the Busan Arboretum with one of the prettiest glasshouses you had ever seen in real life.
You were waiting for the boy to crack a joke or say something teasing, but instead, he merely declared:
“I remembered you making a presentation about the functionality of glasshouses and ending it with different glasshouses in the country, and I don’t know if you remember, but this was one of them.”
“I do, but how do you remember that?” You turned the tables, turning to look at him, to look him in the eyes because you didn’t get it. How did he remember such an insignificant detail from a presentation you had given years ago?
Leehan smiled at you gently as if he was looking at a child, ready to say something, but then, he decided otherwise and averted his eyes to the plants in front of him. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat and asked if you wanted to take pictures. So you let him take a few shots of you in exchange for doing the same for him, and it was all fun and games, acting silly and joking about pushing the other into a cactus when a sudden realisation hit you like lighting:
Were you falling for Leehan?
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On the fifth day, you went to the Gamcheon Culture Village with its picturesque murals and quaint alleys, soaking up a mixture of art and history while listening to the tour guide who was assigned to your group. There were many pretty stairs, vibrant art installations and even a statue of the Little Prince and its Fox looking over the houses that were clumped together as if they were meant to be. The tour was supposed to last 4 hours, but it was close to 5 hours by the time everyone stopped posing for pictures and halting at every possible corner.
You must have been visibly in awe because Leehan joked that you should close your mouth, but when you admitted that you didn’t expect Busan to be this diverse, you caught sight of a proud smile stretching across his lips. He reminded you that he told you that he would make sure everyone has the time of their life, but you rebutted by stating that the itinerary was mainly Miss Lee’s work, not his. To that, he didn’t say anything, just kept smiling to himself like a fool, giving yet another reason for Taesan to give him a side eye.
After finishing the tour with a lunch break in between, you picked up some ice cream before the tour bus picked you up and took you back to the hotel. That night was BBQ-themed and there was also a campfire, something so movie-like and childish, yet it had a special feel to it because most of you had never had a campfire. Your families weren’t the typical families that took you camping for vacation. Most of you flew to other countries to visit a store from your parents’ chain or to accompany your relatives to important events. Having a BBQ where you could take part in grilling the meat, preparing the veggies and side dishes, and singing songs around the campfire weren’t exactly the kind of activities that you were used to, but no one complained. Not even Ricky who ate his hamburger with a knife and a fork because he hated getting his hands dirty.
It was also fun listening to all the different songs your classmates sang in all the different languages - from French to Spanish, Vietnamese to Korean -, how different they sounded, yet how much you enjoyed them all despite not understanding the words. One thing that you liked about your school - and your class - was that it was so diverse, you never had to worry that you would stand out because of your skin colour or hair, everyone was welcome. Whilst that didn’t lift the weight off your shoulders that the academic pressure put on, you were grateful that you had the chance to be exposed to such a supportive learning environment.
“Wanna play Truth or Dare?” Zack asked enthusiastically after it seemed like everyone was out of songs, and even Miss Lee dared to sit beside Mr Brown, reassured that no one would set the grill on fire (though Leo was close to it at one point).
“Really? We are almost seniors, that’s for kids,” Yechan refuted with a huff, rolling his eyes in a sassy way.
“Does that mean you have something to hide?” Wonyoung asked with a playful grin, and that was all it took for Yechan to give in and join the game. You passed on it, not wanting to be the victim of any of the ‘dares’ which - based on last years’ games - always included doing aegyo, a popular girl group dance (for both boys and girls), reenacting drama scenes, doing 50 pushups, chugging down Coke within 1 minute or kissing someone. You didn’t want to be a victim of any of it.
The others only protested for like a minute before they forgot about it, and let you walk away from the circle of students sitting around the campfire. You walked up to the edge of the property, leaning against the railing and taking in the scenery. You were so used to the huge skyscrapers in the capital city and the magnificent walls of your boarding school that times like this reminded you that there was a world outside of the little bubble you existed in for most part of the year, or at least the school year.
“Guests always get surprised when they see this view because they initially think our description of a beautiful view of the sea is an overstatement,” Leehan remarked in a conversational manner while he was walking up to you, and halted beside you, only an arm's length away. His hair was seemingly freshly washed, some unruly locks escaping his earlobe and falling into his eyes instead. Even though he did tuck them behind his ears dutifully, you were itching to do the same for him.
Gosh, you were really going insane, weren’t you? And yet… falling for him never seemed so thrilling.
“There are a lot of scams nowadays,” you hummed, pointing out that a lot of accommodations did indeed lie about beautiful views and such, so that people would choose them. His family didn’t lie though. “It’s so pretty,” you admitted quietly, watching as the setting sun painted different streaks onto the surface of the water, colours ranging from grape purple to princeton orange. You usually didn’t notice the sunrise or the sunset when you were scooped up in your room or the library, so having to witness such beautiful installations in the sky for the past week was kind of moving.
“You are prettier.”
When the words rolled off Leehan’s tongue, you snapped your head back to look at him, but just like his tone, his expression was gentle, too. He appeared so soft, so dreamy in that moment with the sunset painting colours onto the canvas of his skin, that for the first time in a while, you were completely speechless beside him. As if you were enchanted or starstruck. Both of which could actually be true.
Leehan though, he took note of your silence, too.
“I don’t even get an “oh, that’s too cheesy, stop it”?” He asked, now with a lopsided grin, and you let out a light-hearted giggle in return. Something weightless bubbled up inside of you when you simply stated:
“I would tell you that if I didn’t know that you like me.”
The boy’s eyes widened to almost twice their size, his lips slightly parting. He looked so baffled, almost as if you had told him that you wouldn’t run for class president next year - something that everyone took for granted after your first year together.
“Y-you know?”
“I mean, I had a feeling after the second day when you checked up on me and brought me dinner, but I became certain after the arboretum visit,” you confessed, somewhat easier now that you saw his reaction, and he didn’t deny it. Maybe the only one who needed convincing about one’s feelings was you about your own. “You didn’t even tell me why you remembered that glasshouse presentation of mine, so after I did some analysing and calculating of our three years together, that’s the conclusion I reached.”
Despite your voice not wavering, your heart was going wild, thumping against your ribcage. You didn’t know why because you knew he liked you, and you liked him too, but still… You could barely process your own feelings, let alone his feelings towards you, and now you saw all the little interactions you had with him before in a whole new light.
“And is that a satisfactory conclusion for you?” He quirked an eyebrow, both amused and uncertain, and the way he played along was all there was to say about your dynamics.
“Yes, because I feel the same way.”
“What kind of same way?” Leehan teased as he took a step closer to you, purposefully making you say it out loud. You heaved a sigh, looking away from his gorgeous face to be able to pull yourself together before you looked back and said:
“You know… I like you, too,” you blurted out as fast as you could, and you were awarded with his cutest toothy smile, dimples popping out, eyes turning into little crescents. Something that you had not seen him display around any girl before, and the fact that it was for you made you feel a bit emotional.
“Of course,” he mused as he reached out, and his fingers started playing with yours resting on the railing, testing the waters. Maybe a few days ago you would have said that you were unable to move because it was so sudden, so unexpected, but now you knew that it was because it was him, and because one touch of his electrified you from head to toe. “I knew you weren’t immune to me either,” he added playfully, and you were about to smack him in the chest, but he caught your hand, and intertwined your fingers instead.
And you let him tease you as much as he wanted, at least for now.
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Next day rolled by quickly, and it was already time to leave. You couldn’t deny that you came here, hating even the idea of being in this city, let alone Leehan’s family’s hotel, but now, you were reluctant to leave because leaving meant leaving him behind.
“It’s just for the summer, Leehan,” you reminded him when he was sulking to you in the hotel lobby, but it seemed like he wasn’t convinced. He tried to make you stay for at least a few more days because he wouldn’t go back with the rest of you to Seoul, but you told him that you were invited to a few events with your family in the next week, so you had to go back. Plus, you were volunteering during the summer at the children’s ward in a local hospital, but you reassured him that you could squeeze some time in to come back to Busan.
“But still… we’ve only just begun,” he whimpered like a child, his fingers playing with yours as you were standing face-to-face. Even yesterday, he could barely let go of you when he walked you back to your room, and today, he was being clingy, too. No wonder the whole class knew by now that you two were together.
“You know, there’s this thing called technology. We can text, videochat, whatever you want.”
“But it won’t be the same as seeing my pretty girlfriend in person,” he protested with an all too cute pout, and even though you should have been prepared for compliments like this from him, you weren’t.
Yechan walked by you with an audible cough, followed by Ricky and Gyuvin. Gyuvin’s eyes widened comically when he saw Leehan’s fingers holding onto yours, and he turned to his friends, asking since when you two were a thing.
“Dude… you’re like three years behind,” Yechan snickered into his hands, watching Gyuvin’s meme-like surprised face with amusement. Ricky just looked at him, probably wondering how they ended up becoming friends.
“Wait! Have they been together all these years?”
You couldn’t help a laughter bubbling up in your chest as the three of them walked out of the hotel. There were a few girls afterwards who giggled when they saw you two so close to each other, but no one said anything hurtful. Maybe they indeed knew all along.
“I really gotta go now. You know, since my vice-president won’t be with me, I’ll have to do the attendance check alone.”
“Since when was I ‘your’ vice-president, hmm?” Leehan asked with a smirk, leaning closer to you to watch your face crumble from up-close, then flush, dressing your cheeks in a ruby-red cover.
“I didn’t say that.”
“Oh, you did.”
“I didn’t, you heard it wrong.”
“I heard it very clearly, you called me your vice-president, and I-”
Whatever Leehan was about to say was muffled by the kiss you planted on his left cheek in an attempt to shut him up and leave the topic as it is. However, the boy completely froze, and he only managed to pull himself together when you eventually walked away from him to get on the tour bus.
Then, he was in full-on puppy mode, waving at the bus with his toothy smile, his eyes turning to little crescents again. Your favourite sight, you decided right then and there.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think!
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Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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theamberfist · 4 months
Sink or Swim | Stolas x Reader
Romantic! Stolas x Swim Instructor! Reader
Description: When Stolas signed his baby daughter, Octavia up for swim lessons, he never expected to like her new instructor so much
(Notes:) (gender neutral reader) (reader is a sinner) (reader is baby Octavia's swim teacher)
Words: 1,640
❀ Fun fact: I've taught parent-infant swim lessons IRL so all the exercises shown in this are real ones we use with infants ❀
Stolas frowned as he pushed open the door to the building in front of him; unable to help the slight nervous feeling that bloomed in his chest. He supposed there should have been no cause for concern, considering he was a prince of hell and easily one of the strongest beings in this ring, but it wasn't as if he'd ever done something like this before. 
He readjusted his arms, where Octavia rested on his hip sleepily. On a normal day, she would have been napping at home now, but not for much longer. He'd specifically chosen this time because he knew that, once she woke up, she would be as active as ever. Stolas reminded himself that this was for her sake, not his; he could hold his head up high for her, just as he always did.
When he entered, the imp at the front desk looked up from his work and his eyes widened slightly. "Prince Stolas..." He managed before finally clearing his throat and regaining his composure, "Right, we were expecting you." Though, something told the owl prince they hadn't actually thought he'd make good on his plans and come in. 
"The toddler pool has already been reserved, and your instructor is waiting for you there," the imp went on to explain as he checked their names off on a clipboard, "I'll let them know you've arrived." 
"Thank you." Stolas nodded awkwardly before turning and heading through the locker rooms to the pools. Though he could have simply signed Via up for regular lessons, he'd decided a private one would be better for the sake of them both. He wasn't aware that meant they'd reserve an entire pool for them, however small, but at least this way, he would have fewer paparazzi to deal with. 
Finally, he reached the pool deck, seeing that the whole facility only had a few people in it right now. There was a large lap swimming pool in front of him, as well as a splash pad to his right and the toddler pool to his left. When he looked over, there was already someone sitting on the side with their feet in the water as they waited. They wore a red swimsuit with the word 'lifeguard' printed in white, leading him to believe this was the instructor the imp at the front desk had mentioned. 
He made his way over to the toddler pool as Octavia began stirring in his arms now. It was a good thing he'd already gotten her into her swimsuit, or he would have had a hard time getting her to sit still long enough for it now. 
Upon hearing them come over, you looked up and smiled, setting the clipboard you'd been holding on the side of the pool. 
"Hello!" You called, "Here for the parent-child swim lesson?" Stolas nodded and you stepped out of the barely knee-deep pool to come over to him. To his surprise, you seemed to be a sinner, rather than an imp or hellhound like he'd expected. Your appearance differed from them greatly, and there was an energy about you that told him you had to be a human soul. 
You smiled and introduced yourself. "I'll be teaching our class every week," you explained, "If anything is too difficult or uncomfortable for you two as we get started, please let me know. Private lessons means I have a little more flexibility in what we do." You winked at the last part, and though it made the prince's heart beat quicker, he was fairly certain you just meant it playfully. 
"Anyway, who is this little one?" You asked, turning to the little owlet in his arms, whose big round eyes were staring up at you. 
"This is my daughter, Octavia," Stolas replied, immediately relaxing now that the topic of conversation had changed, "She's about a year old; I hope that's alright!" You waved him off.
"That's perfect," you said, gently reaching out towards the baby, "I've worked with kids much older and much younger than this." Octavia's tiny hand grabbed one of your fingers and you smiled kindly before looking up at her father. "And you're Prince Stolas, right?" He blinked.
"Just Stolas is fine!"
You nodded before removing your hand from the owlet's grip and standing up straighter. "Well, if you're ready, then we can get started." You said, that professional air returning to you, "I was thinking we'd have her in the shallow area to start with and ease her into slightly deeper waters." Stolas nodded, setting his bag down on a pool chair and then following you to the water. 
Now that you'd been properly introduced, Octavia was eager to follow after you, and he held her little hands as she stepped into the shallowest area of the pool. You giggled, encouraging her along the way. 
Once she stood so that the water was up to her knees, you brought out a dive toy and placed it on the pool floor, asking her to reach down and grab it to get her a little closer to the water. Stolas sat by her as she did so with ease, and then you moved the toy slightly deeper. 
He admired how much energy you seemed to have with his owlet, as well as how kind you were to her. Your soft voice and easy patience was a stark contrast to Octavia's mother; that was for sure. The two of you watched her repeatedly pick the dive toy up from increasingly deeper as if she had no care in the world. 
Finally, he broke the quietness between you two as you congratulated Octavia at another job well done. "Do you often teach lessons here?" He asked a little awkwardly, "I haven't seen many human souls in this ring of hell before." You smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, I teach almost all the lessons we offer here," you replied, moving Via's dive toy again, "It's the same job I had while I was alive, and I guess it's the only thing I've really found that I'm good at."
Stolas couldn't argue with that. Usually, Octavia was much more timid around water than this. She wouldn't even go in it at all if he wasn't holding her hand the whole time. With you, though, she was so enthusiastic that she hadn't even noticed the lack of touch. It was like he'd brought a different baby to the pool altogether today. 
"I see," he replied with a nod, smiling down at his daughter, who was happily splashing some of the water. "Do you have any children of your own?" You shook your head.
"Nope, I mostly kept to myself while I was alive- and, I guess, while I've been dead, too." You shrugged, "But when I found out how few kids in my neighborhood knew how to swim, I started doing lessons to keep them a little safer." 
Stolas nodded, wondering if it would have been too much to hope that 'keeping to yourself' meant you didn't have a spouse or partner, either. 
"If you're ready, we can move to the deeper water exercises." You changed the subject now and the prince nodded, placing a reluctant Octavia back on his hip and bringing her towards the deeper pool nearby. There, you helped him perform the next exercise, which consisted of him resting the owlet's head on his shoulder and trying to get her to kick her legs as he moved her through the water on her back. She was less enthusiastic about that, but you were quick to think; holding a toy up so her focus would shift. 
That calmed her down a lot, and soon enough she was kicking her legs happily as she giggled at you. "Do you get many attendees to your lessons?" Stolas asked in an attempt to strike up a conversation with you again, "I know those who died and ended up here aren't at as much risk of drowning." You nodded.
"That's why I work here," you smiled, "People in the pride ring aren't really concerned about dying unless it's at the hands of angels. I still think water safety is important, though."
The prince couldn't argue there. After all, that was why he'd signed Octavia up for these lessons. That, and he'd thought it would be nice for the two of them to get out of the house together for an activity. 
"Then I applaud you for your work!" He replied, "I'm sure many hellborn children can be quite difficult to teach." You laughed.
"You have no idea how much hellhounds hate swimming." 
The rest of the lesson went on just like that. With each new exercise, you found yourself getting that much more comfortable talking with Stolas, and vice versa. Octavia was also doing extremely well with everything you threw at her, and at this rate, you knew she'd be confidently swimming around on her own soon enough. 
Finally, the lesson ended and you praised the little owl before dismissing the class and hopping out of the water. Feeling warmer than you had when you began, you grabbed your clipboard to prepare for your next class.
Stolas glanced your way as he carefully dried Octavia off. "Same time next week, then?" He asked with a grin and you nodded.
"I'll be looking forward to it!" He didn't say anything, but inside, he knew he would be too. Just as he was grabbing his bag to leave, you came over and handed him a small piece of paper. The owl prince raised an eyebrow. 
"My number," you explained with a smile, "just in case." He nodded at that, feeling his heart flutter as he placed the paper in his pocket, and then you waved them both off as they left.
It seemed he'd gotten more enjoyment out of these little swim lessons than expected, and he couldn't wait to come back. 
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sandfordsmostwanted · 2 years
No I don’t care about the new Velma series, but all these Scooby Doo posts have highlighted a deficiency in every Scooby Doo prequel idea. Yes, I’ve seen some amazing ideas for BFF Daphne and Shaggy content...  ... but none for the untapped character goldmine of Freddie and Velma. 
Like just picture it. The series is set in a American private school, where Velma is a POC scholarship kid, always looking to prove herself. She’s bullied relentlessly, but keeps her head down, because she’s getting into the Ivy League, damn it, and there’s no way these assholes are stopping her. She’s a whizz at anything to do with science and math and history and geography, but arts are a bit of a weakness, and she needs one more English credit to max out her resume. Her teacher offers her the opportunity to tutor another student to get the credit. The catch is it’s Fred Jones, the Dean’s son, and no-one can possibly find out.  Velma’s initially pissed at having to spend so much time with this entitled brat. On the surface Fred Jones is everything you’d imagine him to be - a jock, a bro, loved by the ladies and part of the group that have always made Velma’s life hell. She dreads having to tutor him, until he turns up, and he’s genuinely appreciative and sweet. She doesn’t trust him; she’s been burned too many times before. But through the sessions they get to know each other better. They bond over their mutual love of engineering - Fred doesn’t have the technological vocabulary that Velma does, but he’s got an instinctive eye for when a mechanism would fail - and they both realise the other had more depths than they expected. Velma notices the bullies leave her alone now, and though she can’t thank Fred publicly, they share a few subtle smiles in the hallway.  And then the plot of the series happens - a girl gets kidnapped from their school, and Velma’s on the case. She cancels her tutoring with Fred to sneak into the school to investigate. They run into hypercapable badass Daphne Blake and her emotional support Shaggy. Velma’s had a crush on Daphne for as long as she can remember, but her nerves make her even more snarky than usual, and the two spend most of their time bickering. Velma, Daphne and Shaggy also run into Fred in the school while they’re investigating; he left some sports stuff behind and came to retrieve it. Plot plot plot, meddling kids, mystery solved. Velma thinks everything’s going back to normal, but it doesn’t. Shaggy saved her a seat at lunch, and fills her tray with stuff he thinks she’ll enjoy (”And hey, you can sneak some of this in your pockets for when you’re at the library later!”) Daphne picks her first for her team in gym class. Fred tells his shitty mates to get fucked, and sits next to Velma in every class. And best of all, they start solving local mysteries together.  As they become better friends, they learn more and more about each other. Fred tells Velma if she struggles with making eye contact with people to look at the bridge of their nose or over their shoulder, because that looks like you’re looking them in the eye without actually doing it. Velma tells Fred that “the writing swimming when you read” is called dyslexia, and types up their study notes in a easy to read font. Fred is the first friend Velma ever brings back to her tiny apartment than she shares with her parents, and he’s very appreciative of their home despite living in a straight up mansion himself. Velma learns that that mansion life isn’t all its cracked up to be. His parents work away a lot, and when they’re around, they’re shitty and waspy and make Fred feel small. Fred always texts Velma late at night telling her to stop studying and get some sleep, Velma always texts Fred to tell him to stop working out and get a snack. They’re fucking good for each other.   It’s never romantic between them - never even close. Fred takes Velma’s coming out better than her parents did (”Why would I be upset that you like girls? Liking girls is great! I do it all the time!”) Velma tries her hardest not to be jealous when Fred and Daphne start dating - she never told him about her crush, and he’s not a mind reader. Who cares if she notices there’s chemistry between her and Daphne? She’s probably misreading the social cues, like usual. Besides, school’s nearly over now, and she’ll be off to college in a matter of weeks. Leaving it all behind her, just as she planned.  Their final mystery is the biggest yet, and the only time the gang actually fear for their lives. The stress of the mystery, and the building resentment of Velma’s “I’m out of here” energy leads to a huge argument between Fred and Velma, and the gang splits four ways to try and solve this thing. Each of them face their own trial. Shaggy has to face his fear instead of running away. Daphne has to be herself without overcompensation with gadgets or gimmicks. She realises in this process that Velma is the one she’s always loved, and the two share a sincere kiss. Fred has to trust himself, and succeed by himself without the safety net of his family, his wealth or Velma. And Velma has to admit she needs her friends, and that she loves them deeply. The mystery is solved, and just like that, they’re all set to go their separate ways, this time for real.  It’s the last day of finals. Velma hasn’t heard from Fred for almost a week now; her texts go unanswered. She knows he’s taking breaking up with Daphne harder than he’s letting on, though he’s happy Velma and Daphne are happy. She finishes her final paper and hands it in, thoughts of college in her mind as she stands on the school steps where it all began.  A horn honks behind her. She turns. There’s a massive eyesore of a van parked outside. Velma didn’t even know you could get that many shades of neon green and blue, and the little orange flowers are wonky and she knows they’ve been painted by hand and with love. Daphne waves at her from the passenger’s seat, and Shaggy from the back. Fred is leaning against the Mystery Machine, twirling his keys in his hand. He’d traded the sleek, smart car his dad bought him and that he’s been driving all show for this new ride, and he asks if Velma feels like solving a mystery or two before heading off to college.  Thus begins the adventures of Mystery Incorporated.  (End credits song is “Life is a Highway” by Rascall Flatts because you know that’s white boy Freddie Jones’ favourite driving song) 
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pinkthrone445 · 10 months
I’d love a Mel x reader smut where they are enemies to lovers 🥺
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it cute Nonni <3 😊
🎄Happy holidays yall! Smutsanta it's bringing hot requests for naughty people and your names are on my naughty list! Enjoy!🎄
~The Schemmenti Sisters~
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender: Smut ⚠️
Warnlings : (+18) strong words, fingering, vulgar language.
Summary:You and Melissa didn't get along very well, you were friends with her sister which instantly made you her enemy, but PECSA weekend helped fix things.
PECSA week, One of the best weekends of the year, Newbies went for lectures, but you and your friend Marie went for the drinks, hot tubs, and free stuff. Even though you worked at a high-paying school, you weren't going to turn down free stuff and a relaxing weekend. Even though you were a relatively new teacher, Marie taught you that the best way to enjoy those lectures was to take advantage of everything you could, not to go to the lectures. That's how you arrived at the edge of a large swimming pool, sitting in a comfortable chair, a piña colada in one of your hands and your favorite book in the other. Marie was next to you, wearing sunglasses and taking the opportunity to get a tan.
Halfway through your book, your glass was already empty, so you got up to get a new drink, taking the opportunity to stretch your legs a little instead of calling the waiter. While waiting for your new drink, you noticed a woman sitting at the bar, a redhead with a beautiful body, wearing a beautiful bikini that hugged her in all the right places and a little transparent dress on top, you could tell she was a few years older but her body couldn't have been in better shape
-"Good morning, enjoying the pool?"-You asked to start a conversation with the beautiful woman. When she turned around, your smile changed to an annoyed grin at seeing who she was-"Schemmenti"-You said with annoyance in your voice, the redhead laughed when she saw you
-"Were you really about to flirt with me?"-She asked you with a mocking smile
-"I wasn't flirting with you" - you replied quickly
-"Please I know the hate that you normally use to speak to me and it wasn't present in your voice, tell me, didn't you realize it was me or did you finally decide to admit your feelings towards me now that my sister is not glued to your hip?"-The redhead laughed, mocking you with her thick accent, and you rolled your eyes
-"Shut up, if there's anyone who has feelings for the other, it's you. Do you think I can't see how you look at my body now that I'm wearing a bikini? Or how you were drooling looking at my ass now that I got to the pool with your sister?"-You answered, and the eldest frowned with her cheeks tinted red. While she was thinking of an answer, you grabbed her drink and took a sip since it was the same as what you had asked for, you smiled with satisfaction and took a few steps away from her with the drink in hand-"Since we have the same drink, I'll take yours and leave you waiting for mine while you think of a response to my comment" - you said going back to your seat and leaving the redhead there at the bar.
You and Melissa have known each other for a couple of years, from the moment you had met, the hurtful and sarcastic comments began. If Barbara was Melissa's work wife, you were her sister's work wife, and that meant being on her side when the two of them fought. Even though you and Melissa had no reason to fight, the fact that you were on her sister's side and working on a private school already put you against the redhead.
That same night, Marie came to your room to pick you up to go for drinks at the special teachers' dinner, your school had everything it needed, so instead of using that opportunity to talk to suppliers, you used it to have as many "matheritas" as possible. It wasn't very often that you could wake up hungover the next day, so you had to take advantage of the opportunity.
The night was young, the alcohol was strong, your dress tight and the music was just right. Everything was fine as it should be, until you returned to your table after looking for more drinks, and Melissa and Barbara were taking your seats while talking to a supplier who was your friend
-"I got our drinks!"-you said handing the drink to your other friend
-"Well, well, well..."-Marie spoke when she saw her sister sitting in your places. The redhead saw you and her sister and got up from the table and took her drink
-"Let's go, this table is busy" - she said before disappearing and taking Barbara with her, whom apologized before getting up.
After a while, Melissa and her friend returned to the table, Barbara immediately took a chair and slumped down very tired and with her feet sore
-"Sorry ladies, would it bother you if we sit with you again?" - The older one asked and your friend nodded her head
-"We would love for you to join us, as soon as Melissa admits that her bragioli is awful"-The blonde said, turning to look at her sister
-"Are you kidding me? I've seen you put regular bacon in your carbonara, you gagootz"-Melissa responded gesticulating a lot with her hands, making a lot of noise with her bracelets and her sister frowned
-"It was a delicious fusion dish!"-Your friend shouted and you laughed when you saw the embarrassed faces Barbara made as she listened to them, meanwhile you ate the snacks on the table watching the discussion as if it were a movie. While the two were arguing, a woman bumped into the blonde and slammed her back, causing the two sisters to team up to fight her. That's how finally, and in a bit of a strange way, the two of them made peace.
The rest of the night the four of you shared the table and a good round of drinks, you were sitting between the two Schemmentis, being very aware of how your knee brushed against the redhead's, or how her hand occasionally rested on your bare thigh every time someone made a joke and she laughed. When your drinks ran out and you got up to get more, the redhead went after you to accompany you using the excuse that you couldn't bring all the glasses alone. But halfway through, what you were going to do took a back seat when some people invited the two of you to a couple competition to see which group could drink the most matheritas.
Ever since Melissa had made up with her sister, her treatment for you changed as well. You felt like she was still aggressive and sarcastic, but with desire for you too, you didn't know if it was really happening or if you were imagining it because of how much you had taken that night.
When the last opponents arrived, Melissa lowered her glass in one gulp, but you were having a bit of a hard time, feeling that if you kept drinking, everything would come out again the same place it went in. The redhead's hands on your shoulders and her breath on your neck distracted you a bit, taking you away from the nauseas you were having
-"Come on hon, if you take this glass, we'll be undefeated champions, please do it for me... Do it for me and I'll let you look at my breasts when we're done, so you don't have to pretend you're not looking at my cleavage every time I turn to look at something else or every time I bend down in front of your face"-The redhead's voice almost made you choke, but with renewed desire and a new motivation, you finished the liquid that was left in your glass. Everyone around shouted in celebration and you got up a little dizzy from your seat, smiling when the redhead hugged you and held you, celebrating the victory with you.
Before you could register much more, the older one started pulling your arm guiding you through the crowd, at first you thought you would go back to the table, but you blushed to see that she locked you along with her in one of the bathrooms that was empty
-"What are you doing Schemmenti?-You asked, stumbling over your own words as you saw how the redhead opened her animal print dress more, generously letting you see her round and tasty breasts. Nervously you looked away to another part of the bathroom, but she grabbed your jaw and made you look into her eyes, unintentionaly, your gaze diverted to her lips and then to her cleavage, she laughed at the sight of you which made her breasts bounce slightly, making your mouth drool
-"I'm a woman who keeps her word, I told you what your reward would be and you delivered, it's my turn to pay you..."-she replied smiling and you licked your lips that suddenly felt dry
-"I thought it was a joke..."-you whispered suddenly shyly, having Melissa so close in such a small space, intimidated you
-"Joke or not, that definitely made you eager... Even in your eyes I could tell that you liked my idea, so stop being shy and take advantage of the opportunity before someone comes looking for us"-She responded with her thick accent and you finally looked at her breasts, the redhead straightened up to let them closer to your face, your hands trembling with the desire to touch them but you didn't know how far she would allow you to go. She took your hands herself and placed them on her breasts, making you squeeze them. A moan escaped from your mouth and hers, you wished to massage them and fill them with marks every inch and every day. Your breathing was ragged and you felt dizzy, wanting to take a step towards her you tripped and she grabbed your waist tightly, laughing. With great skill and speed, the redhead turned you around resting your front against the sink and your back against her crotch, her breasts felt soft against the skin of your back that was exposed thanks to the back neckline of the dress. With her nails she ran gently down your legs, making you tremble a little-"I've barely touched you and you're already clumsy for me... Tell me, all those times you answered me aggressively and fought me, it was because you were really on my sister's side or to test if I put you in your place? Brat..."-Hearing those words from her mouth made you moan again and move your hips over nothing. With one hand, Melissa grabbed your jaw making you look yourself in the mirror and see her too, with the other hand, she squeezed one of your breasts tightly, pinching your nipples through the fabric of your dress-"I asked you a question, it's rude not to answer... Were you never taught manners? Maybe you need to spend more time with me, I'd put you in your place and you'd be obeying every word I say just to please me..."-The redhead reached under your dress and brushed your crotch through your underwear-"Fuck... You ruined your panties... Answer or the next thing ruined will be you"-she bite your neck marking you lightly
-"I had to defend your sister, she's my friend... But I'm much more happy to be a brat just so you can put me in my place"-you replied between moans, seeing yourself in the reflection made you feel ashamed, but seeing the face of possession of the woman behind you, made you very wet. The redhead, happy with your answer, began to move your underwear to the side, with her thumb she parted your outer lips and with her ring finger she went all over your center collecting your juices. Your hips involuntarily began to move against her fingers, which she understood as a signal to start pressing and playing with your clit. Even though you did your best to keep quiet, you were failing miserably, so the woman took your face with her free hand, making you turn your head to one side so she can connect her lips with yours to keep you quiet. While her fingers were doing magic, her mouth took you to another level, her soft and delicate lips kissing you in such a profane and dirty way, her tongue expertly finding its way into your mouth as if she had already kissed you a thousand times and knew what you liked.
You felt like it was just another one of your fantasies where the redhead was mercilessly fucking you in every corner she found you, but the way her fingers were touching you was too real to be a dream. Melissa inserted two of her fingers into you quite easily because of how wet you were. Still kissing you, she started pumping them inside you while her thumb played with your clit. Your walls began to imprison her fingers, but she only pumped them harder. When she noticed that you were close, she bent you a little over tha sink,then she bent her fingers, spread them apart, and played inside you very skillfully, making you come over her fingers and moaning on her lips. Your body relaxed against her, still spasming and already out of breath, you parted your lips from her and leaned against her body, trying to recover. After a few more seconds of pumping, the redhead pulled her fingers out of you and put them in your mouth for you to lick and clean, smiling as she watched through the mirror how, still lost, you sucked her fingers as if your life depended on it. The woman carefully turned you over and gave you one last kiss, moaning as she felt your taste on her lips. She quietly arranged her clothes and yours to look more presentable and not like you had just fucked in a bathroom. She smiled and unlocked the door, she was about to leave when you grabbed her hand, she turned and looked at you curiously
-"Stay, I want to taste you too..."-You begged still agitated and she laughed
-"You can barely breathe hon... You'd better get your breath back and we'll do it another time, because if we don't get back to the table soon, my sister and Barbara will come out looking for us, and my sister will be mad at me again when she sees that I fucked her best friend in a bathroom... And I don't want to fight her because that's going to mean not seeing you again..."-she whispered before kissing your forehead and leaving the bathroom, leaving you there to catch your breath.
The rest of PECSA's remaining time went by normally, as if nothing had happened, except for the discreet glances and touches between you and Melissa.
-Two Weeks Later-
When the last of the children left the classroom, you grabbed your bag ready to leave, but were surprised to see a redhead leaning against the door of your classroom
-"Schemmenti... What are you doing here?" - You asked and she smiled
-"I came to visit my sister..."-She replied simply
-"Well...Her classroom it is the next one, not here..."-You replied a little disappointed, you would be lying if you said that since she had touched you, you hadn't thought of her again eating you out or you licking her pussy. Nights went by begging for her to call you or something, all you wanted was for it to happen again, to be with her again. But she didn´t .
-"I know where her classroom is, but I also came to see my favorite girl at this school and that's not her... It's you... Since you're about to leave, do you want to go eat something at my house?"-The redhead offered and you nodded excitedly closing your classroom to go with her.
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ebaylee422 · 1 year
Billy X GF!Reader
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Authors Note: We want a scared Dad Billy? Yeah we’re gonna get one.
AU Summary - This is if Billy didn’t ‘actually' die during Season 3. He’s been with the group for a year, even aiding them against Vecna Season 4. Everyone who fell victim to Vecna was trapped in the Upside Down, including but not limited to Barb, Billy (ofc), Bob, Chrissy, Eddie, Jason, etc You get the idea. They all still bear the weight of what happened to all of them. It’s like they were raised from the dead if you will. This fic takes place maybe five years later? So 1990-91 ish
Warnings/Tags: Smut, Unplanned pregnancy, family trauma, name-calling between friends. Fixing everything and any death post season 4, lots of Steddie and Ronance, Talk of body issues, pregnancy fears, fear of not being good enough, Physical violence in the form of threats or thrown objects.
Word Count: 7.8k
I come up from doing a few laps in the pool, stepping up the stairs. Billy walked towards me with a towel in hand.
“Looking good out there Ms. Y/L/N.” I smirk, taking the towel from his hands, dabbing at the water on my face and hairline.
“Thank you,”
“Perfect form, and that suit is marvelous.” he winks.
“Well your form is marvelous,” I say making him blush, “I mean, you are a great teacher, teaching lessons to the kids-”
“You know, I could uh. I could teach you if you like?”
“Yes, well, I know all the styles.” he looked me up and down, opening a piece of gum. Setting his free hand to follow the strap of the bikini dangerously close to cupping my breast. “Free style, um Butterfly, and Breast stroke.” I watch him breach his soft lips slipping the gum into his mouth, accidentally dropping the towel in my hands.
“Oops.” I bend over, picking up the towel slowly. So he can see the arch of my back and the space between my bathing suit and breasts. “I didn’t know you offered adult lessons.”
“Well you know, I offer advanced lessons to a select clientele. Come to think of it, there's a good pool out at uh, Motel 6 on Cornwallis. Very quiet, you know, very private. Should we say tonight, 8 o’clock.”
“Wouldn’t this be the 4th time this week Mr. Hargrove? I don’t think there’s anything left to teach me.” I brush my hands on his chest toying with the whistle around his neck.
“Oh you see that’s where you're wrong I think there are plenty of things left to do. I just don’t think I’ve pushed you hard enough.” leaning into the tease, brushing up my arm leaving goosebumps even in the damp heat of summer.
“Well I need to-”
“It will be the workout of your life.” he cut me off,
“I will need your help deciding what to wear, you have such impeccable taste.” I ran my hand down my side over the hem of the swim bottoms, knowing it drove him crazy looking at the light trail of hair disappearing into my swim bottoms along my pelvis.
“A tease you are,” he pulls my waist to him, kissing me deeply for everyone at the pool to see how taken we are with each other. My fingertips dip into his waistband, distracting him while my tongue dips into his mouth, snatching the gum and pulling back quickly. "Oh a thief too, I see your game." I blow a bubble, smacking the gum and twisting out of his arms to hold his hands.
“Gotta hit the showers, California, perhaps a rain check? I’ll find you before I leave!” winking and popping the gum one last time, skipping to cool off from the hot sun in the women's locker room. 
Grabbing a fresh towel and some soap from my locker I pull the curtain taut. Letting the water run over my suit, unsticking it with all the chlorine and sunscreen. Hanging it on the hook, tying my hair up and washing my body. Just when there’s suds' coating my eyes I hear someone pull the curtain open,
“This one’s taken!” I hide my body against the wall, trying to wash out the soap when the curtain closes again. Getting frustrated I vigorously put water in my eyes, hearing wet steps. A hand covers my mouth so I can’t scream, turning me around quickly to the haughty chuckle. Billy stands smiling wildly, “What do you think you're doing!” I smack at his chest, he shushes my protest, kissing down my throat creating a bee-line to my chest. Instinctively I hook my arms around his neck, looking down to see he’s also completely naked. “You're supposed to be working, go away.” I hum as he kisses the tops of my breasts.
“But your breasts are so amazing and all soapy. God, have they gotten bigger? My girls, all pretty and sensitive.” he whines on my neck, “and I know you didn’t just buy a suit I wanted, tease me with it. Not wanting me to fuck you, oh not my doll! What have you done with her?!” I laugh as he shakes me, hands on the middle of my spine.
“Okay well then it worked better than I thought, I guess actions speak louder-” he was hammering the spot on my neck that gives my stomach butterflies, “Billy-” I whine.
“Yes? Anything for you.” he looked up, with those gorgeous blue eyes pupils of black onyx swallowing the ocean with lust.
“B, I don’t feel too good...” I pout,
“Well then, let me make you feel so much better, huh? Let Billy take care of you. I'll make you feel better, and damn you smell so good, Indiana.” He doesn’t push my limits by forcing himself on me, just showering me with love in his way of physical contact.
"What hurts baby?"
"My back, and I'm nauseous." I hold onto him, playing with his St. Christopher’s necklace under the cool water.
"Well I could blow your back out for ya and buy you dinner afterwards. A nice corn dog and push pop from concessions?"
"You're not helping. You corn dog."
"Correction, it's horn dog." He blows a raspberry along my neck, correcting me.
“Billy! Someone will hear us!” I laugh, running my hand through his wet locks.
“Nope paid that one kid five bucks to scare anyone off, think his name is Ben. Maybe Benson?”
“There’s a teenager outside the woman’s shower room scaring people away so you can fuck me?”
“No, I locked the door and put one of the shower chairs under the handle!”
“Hmm, might take me a little more convincing.” I tease, pushing his shoulders down for him to kneel in front of me. He winks holding onto the backs of my thighs.
“God damn, doll.” He nuzzles his nose along the seam of my cunt, lifting one of my legs to hook over his shoulder. “So fucking wet f’ me, huh?”
“Yes...” I moan when he licks a trail from my entrance to my clit sucking the button into his mouth to roll it over his tongue. He looks up at me as two of his fingers split my folds curling them inside me.
“Shit Billy, ‘M close.” I pant holding the back of his head as he licks my cunt like his favorite ice cream flavor. He pulls off suddenly standing, retreating his fingers from my cunt to circle my clit.
“Want to feel you cum on my cock, doll. Get me there.” He commands, thrusting his swollen and leaky cock against my thigh. I grasp him, rolling in matching circles with my thumb along the tip.
My head thumps the tile wall and we giggle at the noise.
“You okay?” He holds me cheek in his free hand then threading his fingers into my soaked hair.
“Yeah, want you.” I whisper, kissing his lips with bruising passion. He takes himself from my hand lining up with my entrance. Holding my other leg against his hip now so I’m spread open for him. He puts my hand between our bodies above my clit,
“Rub your clit for me, not gonna last long in your pretty pussy.” I whimper at the thought, he kisses me deeply as he pushes inside. My walls have to re-stretch around his girth every time. My free hand accidentally scratches along his back as he pounds into me. He pants into my mouth as he picks up speed, I squeeze around him cumming with a soft cry of his name. That sends him over the edge. I can feel the first wave of his hot load as he pushes himself deeper inside. 
Billy drops my leg, rubbing at my hip and holding me upright as we come down from our high. He kisses along my collarbone as he reaches for my body wash. We spend a few minutes in peaceful post orgasm, treasuring each other’s bodies before he speaks.
“Feel better, doll?” Billy whispers like an unspoken confession.
“A little, thank you honey.” I turn off the water after we clean ourselves off, he dries off by shaking out his hair like a dog. Pelting me with water droplets in the process.
“What?” He acts innocent as I dry my arms and legs, “I’m going back to the pool anyway.” He hands me a towel allowing me to dress moderately dry. Giving up his water after his guided workout, I take one sip before being hauled over his shoulder.
“Billy!” I yell as he grabs my bag from the hook, moving the chair from the door.
“What? I promised my girl some dinner!” He smacks my ass when he walks down the hall to concessions.
“Billy put me down, I’m too heavy!” I groan, getting nauseous from the pressure on my abdomen. He sets me down on the counter cutting the line completely, getting one of his close friends Heather’s attention in the process. 
“Horseshit, you’re fucking light if anything and beautiful no matter what. You could turn green and I’d still do ya.” Heather and I audibly cringe at him.
“Regular for both of you?” she asks leaning over the counter
“Yeah, three corn dogs and a large coke with-”
“With mustard I know!” She goes to the single fryer, dropping them in.
“Have you tipped her today?” I ask him, pinching his waist.
“Ow, hey we both work here. I might as well give her some of my paycheck with the amount of food we trade.”
“Trade?” I raise my eyebrow in disbelief “Billy it is your responsibility as the straight white man to empower the women in your life. Be better.”
“Yeah ass-wipe, be a good civil servant and pay me.” Heather leans over handing me a paper cup of Coke with a straw.
“Stuff it dyke.” I gasp smacking him in the chest, “Ow!”
“Bite me lunkhead.” She fires back at him, they flip each other off like children.
“You two are terrible to each other.” I groan, sliding off the counter when she sets the bag down next to us.
“Hey Y/N, are you coming to the tailgate tonight with everyone?” She asks, tearing a twister with her teeth.
“Um, I don’t know yet. We’ll call you tonight if we can’t make it. Right Bills?” I look at him looking for a way out of it.
“No babe we gotta. We’re hosting the after party at our place with everyone. So I can keep an eye on Max.”
“Don’t go all psycho big brother on her, she’s in high school Billy.” They start to argue about what they were exposed to at young ages and with Max’s condition Billy argues she could be taken advantage of. I feel dizzy as they argue, leaning onto Billy’s shoulder for support.
“You can’t say shit because you are an only child, huh?” Billy pulls me closer by my waist, trying to have me side with him. “Doll, you okay?”
“Huh? Just got really sleepy, I think I should nap and pick up the apartment before we have a bunch of our friends and family over.” I kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you at home?”
“Yeah of course, you want me to walk you to the car?” Billy asks worriedly, pressing a kiss to my temple and hugging me tightly goodbye.
“No it’s okay, have a good shift guys. I’ll see you tonight!” I wave leaving the food and cola with Billy. I drive home quickly and pass out on the couch immediately blaming it on the Hawkins heatwave.
I woke up a couple hours later to dishes clanking together and whispered song lyrics. Stretching my aching muscles, I stand seeing a blanket thrown over my lap. Smiling, I walk into our kitchenette to see Billy with his Walkman on full blast, before he can see me. My stomach gurgles and I race to the bathroom, throwing up an empty stomach of Water and Cola. I sit on the floor for a moment dizzy, dry heaving a few times. Noticing I’d knocked over a box of tampons that were unopened. My heart drops as I try to piece together when I’d had my last period.
“Shit...” I scramble off the bathroom floor going into the bedroom with my purse with my planner and address book. By the book it could’ve been anywhere from 7 to 9 weeks ago. It’s not like Billy and I’s sex life isn’t consistent, and birth control wasn’t something I could feel good about. We agreed to use condoms and suffer any consequences if that happened. Last time this happened was in Highschool, Billy took me to the clinic and they gave me something called Danazol or something like that. Everything turned out okay then, but we were older now this really had consequences now if I was truly pregnant.
“Y/N? Where are you at doll?” Billy yells down the hallway, dragging his feet and hitting his hip on the hall table like always. I look at myself in my vanity mirror and quickly wipe my eyes clean. Running into the closet before he steps inside the room. 
“Picking out my outfit for tonight!” I answer back, clearing my throat.
“Oh yeah?” Billy comes around the corner, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Does that mean my girl is gonna give me a little show?” He chuckles.
“Unless you wanna be late to the tailgate? Not again, hot stuff.” I turn out of his arms, looking in our shared dresser for pants.
“Ooo you should wear those black Levi’s your butt looks good in.” He thinks, always having the more trendy style out of the two of us.
“Okay what shirt? I don't want to get too hot.” I add taking the high waisted Levi’s out, with a tired huff.
“I’d say none because you’re already smoking-” Billy teases
“Billy please, you are the one who got me into this mess. Please help me.”
“Okay, I’m sorry for finding you the best thing in my life so violently attractive.” He pleads and pouts “Forgive me, and definitely that solid red crop you wear to the bars.”
“I wear that to show off my boobs and get us free drinks.”
“Exactly, you look great in it.” I scoff, grabbing the clothes and some fresh under clothes.
“Are you ready to go?” I asked him from the bathroom, happy he didn’t look too closely at my facial expressions. Billy has a way with prying things out of people, part of the endless Casanova charm.
“Hell yeah got and eight pack and Munson and that other tall dude are bringing the dobie. We are all set.” He goes on about the plans tonight as I get ready in the bathroom. Looking under the sink after I change my clothes I look for a spare test. Always having some cheap ones lying around for myself or friends. Hitting a particular box with my hand I take it out and go to pee. Setting it on the counter while adding a hint of makeup and volume to my hair.
“Almost ready, Bills.” I call out, waiting longer than three minutes. I close my eyes and flip over the test on the counter. Taking a deep steadying breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. My neck sweats as I slowly open my eyes, looking down. I gasp, loud enough it worries Billy.
“Sorry accidentally stabbed my eye with the mascara wand!” I say the first thing that comes to mind, cringing as I hold my hand over my mouth.
“Okay we let's get going Indiana, we can’t keep my fans waiting.” He laughs, starting to open the bathroom door. I scramble throwing the test into the medicine cabinet and shutting the mirror.
“Yeah, let’s go!” Billy dips in for a kiss,
“You look beautiful.”
“I look like a sl-”
“No, do you like it?” He asks honestly, I nod my head. He’s matched with cut offs and a Def Leppard muscle tee. “Then you're perfect. Grab your purse doll. I’ll go start the car.”
I smile sighing in relief, wrapping the test in toilet paper and burying it in the trash. Locking the door behind us, Billy already has his new muscle car running. A 1985 Camaro IROC-Z in his signature blue color. The drive to the large run down lot where Star Court had burned down. Gives you shivers thinking about when I lost him for nearly a whole year. He has a hand on my thigh as he pulls up next to Steve’s burgundy BMW. Robin and Nancy immediately separate us, taking me away to get each of us a drink.
“Girls, Jesus hang on a second!” I laugh barely able to get my seat belt off before I’m dragged to Argyle’s Van. 
“Hey there pretty ladies Johnny boy has the drinkies in the front seats.” He says as him and Jonathan’s head hang off the side of the out back doors. They are already toasted.
“Got any Coke?” I ask
“Which kind?” I hear a scruffy voice behind me, turning to see Eddie. I hug him tightly,
“Eddie!” I shriek, swallowing down tears in my eyes as Steve stands awkwardly next to him. I pull him into my next hug “Stevie! When did you morons get home?”
“Couple hours ago, Eddie just sold a few songs to a up and coming band in Texas?”
“Yeah, Pantera? Plus another to Warrant again, they should release their new album sometime this fall.” Eddie confirms a little smug,
“Wow good for you, babes.” I smack Eddie’s bare shoulder, feeling someone’s hands wrap around my waist and sniff my hair obnoxiously. “Billy...” I squirm feeling cold beverages in his hands.
“Hello gentlemen, see you’ve reunited with my lover.” His breath reeks of cheap beer already making my stomach turn upside-down.
“Sure have, wanna bum me a smoke like old times?” Eddie shakes Billy’s hand, Steve and Billy share a nod, still not fully healing their relationship quite yet.
“Go hang out with the guys, the girls and I are gonna mingle with some distant friends.” I encourage him, he gives me the ice cold coke he got for me before heading off with them.
“Okay Y/N,” Robin slurs a little, holding onto Nancy’s hand “now I wouldn’t say I’m an expert on breasts more a connoisseur.”
“Because you like judging people” Nancy laughs,
“Shush, baby. We’re all friends here but babes what are you doing differently? You look so hot, right now!” Robin holds her hands out like she’s trying to convince Nancy and I.
“Just a-” I freeze watching Nancy’s eyes narrow, like she does when she is trying to solve a puzzle. Damn Nancy Drew acting Wheeler.
“Just... What?” Robin asks a little loud, we both shush her.
“I’m late.”
“Late?” Robin looks at her girlfriend quizzically,
“How late?” Nancy’s eyes nearly burst out of her skull, Robin nods along with her eyes squinted.
“The positive kind.” You try to hint to both of them, Robin now bobbing along to the music as she drinks from her solo cup.
“Shit, does Billy know?”
“I took the test before we left, I don’t know what to do.”
“Does he want kids?”
“Yes, no? Shit maybe? We’re just in a really good place right now so I’m nervous.” I shrug, and Nancy hugs me. Robin turns around randomly and then runs towards Steve as he goes to get another beer.
“Everything will be okay, we’re here for you.” She takes my arm and we walk around mingling and chasing Robin away from the trunks with beer pong set up on them after she talks to Steve. 
He walks back over to the guys, Billy is catching up with Heather when Steve whispers something into Eddie’s ear.
“Yeah right, I’m gonna school your ass when we get to my place.” Billy yells at Heather as she walks towards you and the other girls. 
Steve clears his throat, Eddie looks at him oddly. Steve nods towards Billy, Eddie’s brows furrow as he sighs.
“Hey, Billy you're okay with Y/N dressing like that?” Eddie lowly wolf whistles, at the sight of her. Steve knocks on his head with his beer bottle.
“Um hello? I’m right here.” Steve rolls his eyes, Eddie knocks his shoulder, spilling his beer a little on his shirt. Billy laughs when Steve glares back, taking a long drag of his smoke and blowing it in the opposite direction of his friends.
“I picked out her outfit, I know how to fight. Y/N can wear whatever she wants.” Billy says, simply through his exhale.
“Okay man but... Stevie over here did win in ‘84. Just saying.” Eddie says critically, through his teeth, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Hey fuck off Scarface.” Billy scoffs as Steve interjects, wrapping an arm around his very not sober boyfriend's waist.
“Look Hargrove, Eds is just saying Y/N/N has filled out a bit this summer and is getting a little unwarranted attention.” Steve points the neck of his beer bottle to the ex-basketball team, all a bunch of high school rejects still living in their parents basement as they get fatter and older.
“Oh come on, they’re too scared of me to mess with my girl. I came back from the dead remember?” Billy wiggles his spare fingers while oooing and ahhing like a ghost. Eddie laughs at that, knocking their beers together while Steve’s headaches at the idiocracy.
The sun sets and a majority of the adults who have to work in the morning leave. While a majority of the high schoolers stay together drinking the now warm beer, most of our group also sticking close together about starting college or jobs in the fall. Billy and I reunited shortly after to head over to the apartment first, Lucas and Max sat in the back seat of the car as I drove, being the only sober one.
“I totally could’ve driven, I only had a few beers.”
“And smoked a joint with the guys.” I add turning down the music,
“What can't I bond with my little sister's boyfriend?”
“I had one puff, I doubt I’ll even feel anything.”
“One puff was enough, you already drank tonight Lucas.” Max says kindly, 
“Pfft you girls worry too much, right Sinclair?” Billy holds out his fist for Lucas to bump it. He laughs a little too hard when Billy tries to yank him forward.
“Don’t gang up on the only two women that enjoy your company.” Max scoffs at her brother.
“Whatever, you're up for some ball tomorrow Sinclair?”
“He can’t-” She’s cut off my Lucas explaining their plans
“Sorry Billy, it’s Max and I’s anniversary. We’re staying in Indianapolis for the night.”
“Aw how cute, please take pictures.” You fawn over them, you know exactly what Lucas has been through. That pain of losing your first love, knowing at a young age it was your last. Taking this second chance for all it’s worth every moment no matter how insignificant it is to others, is precious.  
“Better wear protection Sinclair, or I’ll have to kick your ass for knocking up my sister.”
“Billy!” Max punches him hard in the shoulder.
“What Billy means is we want you to be smart about your choices, but we can’t tell you what to do anymore-” 
“Just want what’s best for you, you’re good kids. We don’t need more children running around right now, we’re all still kids.” Billy cuts you off, 
“Um, Y/N are you on birth control?” Lucas asks politely, We’d agreed when Lucas and Max got serious their junior year they could ask me and Billy anything. I didn’t want them to feel odd for their feelings or idiots for the things that aren’t taught.
“I didn't enjoy it, I use a diaphragm sometimes which is like a cup that prevents the sperm from going up into the cervix. Yet we mainly use condoms because the latter makes us both uncomfortable.” I put simply, shrugging. I look in the back mirror. Lucas is leaning his head on Max’s shoulder as she plays with his shirt cuff.
“It feels like your jamming your penis into plastic Tupperware surrounded by warm-”
“EW! Ew stop Billy.” Max covers her ears and starts singing to the radio. I turn it up for her, we pull up to our assigned parking. Others start filling up the parking lot shortly after making a b-line straight to Billy and I’s apartment. 
“No, we had to pull off to the side of the road because we were lost, and exhausted!” Billy exasperates, 
“If Billy didn’t finally just pull over, I probably would've strangled him over the armrest.” I add to the story of Billy’s and I’s recent across-country road trip to California.
“So what happened after you figured out where you were?” Will asks
“Not exactly we-”
“We were in the backseat when a Sheriff drove by. We couldn’t even get our pants you all the way before he knocked on the window.” Billy laughs, Eddie and Argyle join him.
“I pulled down my dress while Billy collected himself enough to ask the man, old enough to be my grandfather for directions.” I rolled my eyes, leaning against Billy. He wrapped his arm around me as he finished the story.
“He handed me a handkerchief and slapped me on the back because her lipstick was smeared on my neck.” He pointed right under his jaw,
“Yeah I’m the slut and he was the stud.” I scoff,
“It’s okay baby. He probably keeled over jerking it to the image of you in that sundress when he got home that night.”
“Ew.” I cringe, “Want another babe?” I ask taking his empty beer can away.
“No, I'm good doll.”
“Hey did you hear Carol Perkins and Tommy H. are expecting?” Steve nods, sharing to Billy and I, I stiffen in Billy’s arms thankfully his too tipsy to notice.
“Yeah no shit, I never really gave a shit about them after graduation. They were the kind of people you know in school and then end it. Figures they are one of the firsts to get knocked up.” Billy continues to blabber about how he doesn’t think anyone should have kids until they’re married or at least financially stable among other things. In front of all our friends, who Buckley has told everyone closest to Billy and I. 
My stomach turns as I make eye contact with Steve. Him and Billy did work things out, my friendship with Steve and Steve’s serious partnership with Billy’s closet friend Eddie made a huge difference.  
“I’ll be back..” I walk down the hallway past my spare bedroom where Robin is passed out as Elle and Max read a Cosmo next to her. I go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet trying to collect myself. There’s a knock and a call of my name. “Almost done.” I call out,
“It’s just me doll, are you okay?” Billy talks quietly, I open the door and he swoops me into his arms, “What’s going on? You’ve been weird all night.”
“I’m sorry.” I mumble in his shoulder
“Don’t apologize, I know you haven’t been feeling good lately. Maybe we should make an appointment or something?”
“Yeah, I’ll do that. Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” He kisses me once, then twice.
“Do you want kids?”
“Is that why your acting strange, because of the pressure of having babies outta high school?”
“You didn’t answer my question...” I whisper looking at the ground trying to will tears out of my eyes
“No, I don’t think I do. My Dad was a shitty father to say the least, he thought having me would save his marriage but the abuse he gave to my mom only got worse afterwards. That’s too much responsibility.” He answers so assured and honest it breaks my heart. 
Maybe a dog, someday but fuck kids. We’d be great Aunt ‘n Uncle to Max’s kids and anyone else who decides to baby-make.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Why do you ask?” Billy asks nervous
“I heard about Carol at the grocery store and wasn’t sure how’d you react.”
“Oh Y/N I don’t give a crap about them. Not when I have you guys.”
“Hey, I think I’m going to say goodnight to everyone and lay down early.”
“Yeah? I can end the party if you need.”
“No, no. I can sleep through anything.”
“Okay doll, whatever you need.”
I go back out into the living room and slowly say goodnight to everyone, Steve, my best friend next to Billy, hugs me a little longer and a little tighter. 
“Good night, honey. We’re here for you.”
“Yeah, always Y/N.”
“Thanks guys, love you.” I blow Eddie and Steve a kiss, Eddie dramatically falls backwards and Steve catches it to place over his heart.
Everyone else bids me goodnight as well, I run into Nancy and she’s waking a very grumpy very sleepy Robin.
“You leaving?” I ask her, Robin is practically curled around Nancy’s small frame leaning on her for support.
“Yeah Robs doesn’t feel good obviously.” Nancy shakes her head, placing a kiss on her partner's cheek.
“I’m never drinking again...” Robin groans
“Get home safe girls, call the house when you get there?” I hug both of them,
“Mike is driving us home since he’s sober, we’ll be okay.” She assures me, small towns were definitely non-conforming but we’d heard of other violence acts committed on same-sex couples in the bigger cities. No one ever deserved that.
Call me, if you need anything. We’re here for you too.” Nancy adds, saying goodbye to everyone as her, Robin and Mike leave.
I go into my bedroom and close the door, putting on my pajamas and removing my makeup. My stomach turns but I go to sleep anyway, a couple hours later I feel the bed dip and a warm arm wrap around my waist. It disappears a few hours later as Billy gets ready for work. Like always, I slowly wake up before he leaves, giving him a goodbye kiss. When he’s out the door, I race to the bathroom and puke my guts out. It’s like that enough of the morning I call out of work. Laying sadly in bed most of the day, until just before Billy gets home around 6. I wash my face and take another test, once again it’s overwhelmingly showing positive. I took this one and the other I hid in the trash last night and put them in my pocket. I conjured a plan on how to tell him, Billy Hargrove. My Billy, he comes home as I’m finishing the only dinner that sounded and smelled appetizing.
“Hey Indiana! I’m home.”
“Hi California.” I call back from the kitchen, plating the chicken and pesto for two. Well three...
How was work?” He kisses me on the cheek, smelling of coconut sunscreen and chlorine.
“It was okay, I had lots of lessons today. The boss is having me take a course on training babies how to swim. Guess it’s in high demand, and extremely important. Almost 45% if not more babies from birth to age four.” He tells me wide eyed, helping me bring the plates to the table as I grab him and beer and the ginger ale I’d been nursing for a couple of hours.
“That’s horrible.”
“Yeah but it means they’re moving me to nearly full-time since those lessons are more important than just the summer. I start working at the Hawkins Rec Center in a few weeks.” He says with a smile hidden by pesto
“Wait, you got a promotion?!”
“Yep, don’t have to go back to the shop this year. I can just teach lessons and couch at the high school.”
“Billy, that's amazing!” I reach out and take his hand,
“I can’t wait, but I’m a little nervous about teaching kiddos so young.”
“You're great with kids Billy.”
“I wasn’t-”
“You’ve changed, you and Max had a lot of unresolved issues. Things have gotten a lot better the past couple years. For christ’s sake she is here for dinner at least once a week if not more. Not even Susan can say she sees her daughter as much.”
“Thanks, how was your day?” He kisses the top of my hand all suave and romantic,
“Haven’t been feeling to good but I think I’ll get better in a couple months...”
“You go to the doctor?”
“No, I took a test yesterday and today.” I swallow the bile rising in my stomach
“If you didn’t go to the doctors-” I cut Billy off, running to the bathroom and clutching the toilet bowl. He follows, then helps by holding my hair and rubbing my back. “We should go to the ER, you didn’t even drink yesterday.”
“It’s okay-”
“No the hell it’s not Y/N! You’re throwing you guts up and you’ve-”
“Billy...” I hold out my hand for him to help me up, flushing the toilet before washing my hands. Tears fall down my cheeks,
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell...”
“It’s not that.” I strain to find the two words, hiding my face in my hands.
“What’s going on?”
“Promise we can talk about this?” I turn to him dizzy, I take his hand in mine and go to sit down on our bed.
“We can talk about anything, Y/N.” He pushes my hair out of my face. I reach into my sweatshirt pocket and turn over the pregnancy tests. Tears continue to cascade down my cheeks as Billy freezes his expression is unreadable. He swallows hard taking the tests.
“I’m pregnant.” I tell him wetly, wiping away tears so I can see him better. He stands, throwing the tests down the hall with a clatter. Hard enough I jump at the sudden action. Hands running through his hair, irritation now bursting through the seams.
“What?” He scoffs
“I’m pregnant, Billy.”
“Fuck, Y/N.” He paces the foot of the bed, working himself up “How long? How long did you keep this shit from me?”
“I-I found out last night.” I explained standing close to him.
“Yeah? Is that why you’ve been all weird and shit around me? You were hiding this?”
“Nooo, no Billy. Please.” I try and reach for him,
“Don’t ‘No, Billy’ me. Is this why you don’t want to go on birth control? Just trying to trap me?” His voice gets elevated as the questions continue, he pushes off my hand like he’s been scolded with hot water.
“No, I love you.” I cry, holding onto myself
“Do you? You know I don’t want kids, Y/N!” He gets in my face words booming through the house and my ears and I gasp. “What the fuck?” He storms out the room, hearing him knock into the table in the hall with a groan before there’s a crash and bang. I run out, he’s thrown it across the hallway creating a dent in the drywall and breaking the legs of anything that was on top flung or stepped on.
“Please don’t push me away!” I raise my voice, trying to walk over the mess in my bare feet.
“Did you even think, to consider how I felt?”
“I am trying to understand but you're yelling and throwing things around. Are you blaming me for this?”
“You’ve got some nerve, it takes two Y/N. You won’t make me do shit, now move.” I find him in the living room collecting his wallet and keys.
“Billy, please-” I beg him standing in front of the door, he moves me aside with a strong hand.
“No, I’m leaving. I can’t do this, this is the one thing.”  He spits at me, fire exploding behind his eyes. 
“If you leave, I’ll never forgive you!” I call to him, my voice raw and overwhelmed with emotion.
My mind begging and pleading for him to shut the door and engulf me in his arms. Tell me everything will be okay, that he loves me and we’ll get through this.
“It’s too much.” He fums, the door slams shut behind him, shaking a picture off the wall. 
I hobble over to it, defeated, it’s one from the California trip. Billy had given the camera he borrowed from Jonathan to an older surfer to take a photo of us at the beach in our wetsuits. My hair is tied back, smiling at the camera with a teeth filled grin. While Billy looks at me and smiles, eyes dopey with exhaustion but something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Joy. The glass from the frame has shattered and scratched it, splitting the two of us by our hands. I hold it close as I dial the only people I can trust,
“Yello, Munsington household or Harrinuson if you like that better.” Eddie answers the phone, with his infectious bravoto.
“Hi Eds.” I sob out in relief.
“Y/N, honey. What’s-” His voice deepens immediately in concern,
“I-I told him, he left. He left me.” I weep into the receiver, trying to collect my thoughts.
“Okay, hey do me a favor unlock the door and turn on the TV? Distract yourself while Steve and I get there.” Eddie tells me calmly, ‘What’s going on?’ I hear Steve interrupts.
“Okay. I’ll try, I’m so sick Eddie.”
“Do you need to go to the hospital?” Eddie asks, ‘Is that Y/N/N?’ Steve interrogates still faint on the line.
“No, I’m just puking.”
“Is there blood or anything strange about it?”
“No...” I cry louder
“Hey-hey,” Eddie gets my attention again, “that’s good. Remember what I said, Steve and I are getting in the car right after I hang up.”
“Okay Eds.”
“We’ll be there soon, Sweet Girl.” Steve takes the phone from Eddie who barks ‘Steve where are my keys?!’ 
Hang tight, I’ll be right there. Everything's gonna be fine.” Steve assures both of us.
“We’re on our way.” Steve hangs up the phone, staring at his metal head boyfriend with a single shoe on untied and the other in his hands as he tears up the entire living room looking for his keys.
“Eds?” Steve stands by the landline hands on his hips.
“Hold on Steve, I gotta find my keys!” Eddie holds out his shoe pointing it at his boyfriend as he moves to the kitchen table.
“Eddie.” He scolds in a boisterous manner enough to make Eddie look at him
“What?!” Eddie yells, looking at his boyfriend to find him jiggling Eddie’s car keys in his hand,
“Get in the van-.” He motions him to the door,
“Why’d you let me tear up the apartment?”
“It was kinda funny, give me a reason to make you help me clean it when we get home.” Steve throws the keys to Eddie going to the passenger side.
“I haven’t even put my shoes on.”
“I doubt your shoes will have any impact on us kicking Billy’s ass.”
I hear a single knock at the door before a flurry of dark curls and onyx eyes enters the apartment, behind him a tanned honey colored pompadour with equally syrup eyes enters. I suck in a breath, watching them look around. Steve goes to where I’m crouched in the living room, cleaning up the glass from the picture frame. He immediately engulfs me in his arms, not saying a word as I squeeze him a little too tight.
“Hey, shhh. I’m here, Sweet Girl. I got you.” He holds me tight, his caress of my hair like an affirmation he’s molding to my skin with each rub.
“Shit Steve where is she, he tore up the hallway-” Eddie walks with untied shoes to Steve practically hoisting me in his lap as I cry, he holds one of the positive tests.
Hey, Y/N...” Eddie accidentally steps in the pile of glass swept together, he finishes the job with a broom and dustpan. My breathing steadies a bit more with them here, I’m not alone.
“I'm sorry, I don’t have anyone else to call.” 
“Hey now, none of that. Don’t apologize, you’d do the same thing if Eddie knocked me up.” I chuckle at Steve pinching his bicep, feeling relieved by the minute.
“You’d make a great mom.” I breathe deep trying to make the joke back,
“So are you.” Steve kisses my temple, swaying us in the living room. His words sink deep as I hide my wet cheeks and snotty-nose into his shoulder. 
“Um, I don't know if you want your pee stick but I found it in the entryway.” Eddie sits criss-crossed in front of us, setting the test down like an offering in front of me. Taking a minute to finally tie his shoes, as if he hasn't tripped a billion times since leaving the apartment.
“Gross Eddie, it’s just called a pregnancy test.” Steve chortles straightening out his leg to kick the other in the thigh.
“Ow! You’ve hurt me deeply Stevie, I twas trying to lighten the mood. Also that pasta is the freaking bomb.” He swats Steve’s foot away when he nudges him again. Noticing a change in mood again, instead of sadness it’s anger.
“It made me sick, that’s how the conversation started...” I mumble against Steve,
“Wait am I going to get sick from eating some?” Eddie asks alarmed
“No stupid she’s having morning sickness, keep up.” He squints at his boyfriend as if to say ‘read the room’.
“Are you PMS-ing babe? You’ve been awfully mean-” The metal head pouts,
“Shush this is about Y/N.” The King with no crown points his finger angry,
“No, I love it when you two bicker like you’ve been married for 50 years.” 
“One day with this one is a whole year’s worth of irritation.” Steve sticks out his tongue playfully at Eddie shaking his head.
“I wonder what 5 minutes of pleasure with me is then.” Eddie blows a kiss and wiggles his eyebrows.
“Ew stop being in love in front of my unborn child.” the silence is a pregnant as you are.
“So Robin wasn’t just drunk blabbering last night?” Steve rubs his warm hand along my back,
“Nope.” I pop the ‘p’, the silence overwhelms all of us until Eddie gets uncomfortable enough to speak.
“You don’t have to right this second but, you wanna tell us what’s going on?” He fumblingly asks with a concerned smile. I relay all of what happened tonight along with a few more tidbits.
“Billy hasn’t ever explicitly told me he didn’t want kids. So I wasn't expecting him to be excited and have everything figured out but he just left me.”
“Jesus Christ, you talk to anyone else?” Eddie wipes a hand over his forehead, I shake my head. Steve has been tense since I started talking about what Billy said.
“He say where he went?” Steve asks with deathly calm, I shake my head twirling the test in my hands.
“I know where he is, and I’m gonna kill ‘im.” Eddie stands up, taking out his car keys.
“No Eddie!” I whine,
“Munson, where the hell are you going?” Steve stands beside me,
“To talk some sense into this asshole, I love you I’ll be back-” He kisses Steve before running out of the complex.
“Don’t get arrested!” Steve yells out, turning back around to me. “How about you get cleaned up? I’ll clean up out here and we can watch a movie together on the couch like old times.” He offers, holding my arms and massaging my biceps to encourage laughter.
“What about the drywall? And the kitchen-”
“Y/N/N. I’ll call Wayne in the morning, I’m sure he’s got the tools from patching up the trailer. And I’ll clean the kitchen so you don’t get sick again because of the food aversion.”
“You’re stubborn...” I pout, moving over the broken pieces of wall and furniture in the hallway. 
“Nah just enough to not take shit from you and Henderson.” He laughs, picking up the trashed things in the hall as I enter the bathroom. 
Turning on the shower to warm up a few seconds allows the room to fill with steam. The first thing I see in the mirror is me, hazy and weak. Too weak to handle side effects a a little blue pill, to weak to stick up for myself and yell back, too weak to fix things. The mirror fills with steam as quickly as I fill with dread. I start undressing only able to see my body from a upper preview. For weeks I thought I was bloated, stressed out from my job and not working out. The normal protective pudge of my stomach has a small softball size curve that doesn’t move like the rest of me. It’s hard to suck in, and more prominent when I full relax. I don’t feel scared for myself, but scared of what I can offer. Alone, I’m barely able to remember to drink water but always remember to do the dishes before bed to make breakfast easier to have.
Lamenting through my own thoughts, I shake them away. There’s doctors to talk about this kind of thing, that’s what they’re there for. Support groups for mothers who don’t know what to do. The kids have taught me a lot but none of them except Erica were even under ten when we’d first met. When it’s your own child, it’s a whole different ball game. There will still be a team surrounding me even as the opponents team boo’s and hollers. Now it’s a waiting game to see if my pitcher is with me. 
I like to think Billy is a good man, not by any means by himself. Repaired as many relationships as he could, hate who he was before. He thinks before acting but I’d seen that look before, anger is normally a response to a much deeper and complex feeling. Fear, frustration, sadness. He’s been taught his whole life that the answer is to push those other things away, make room for hate, bigotry and self preservation. While I grew up in a different way, in a different world. Built for me to fail, built for me to resent motherhood as the only outcome for my life. The only thing a woman is good at, but doesn’t receive the credit for only the blame and the hard work it takes. To be loved by the things you can create but not the person you are. Billy is just as scared as I am, but I will not be the one to fix this. I will not be alone.
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venuslcver · 6 months
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pairing: virgin!rafe x bestfriend!reader
synopsis: the notorious outer banks slut, rafe cameron, never seemed to have a first time. at least that's what the people of the town thought.
tw: feminine described character, profanity, alcohol consumption, losing of virginity, unprotected p in v, smut, miscommunication trope, semi-public sex, toxic love (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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contrary to what most of the teenagers on the island believed, rafe didn't become the town slut out of nowhere. there had been theories of who he had lost his virginity to. maybe it was alice— his first-ever serious girlfriend from the 9th grade, or maybe it was mrs. sanderson, his 10th-grade student teacher who of which played favorites with him. she always seemed to have a keen eye on him.
sadly, for you, though it was never any of the above. besides a few whispers for here and there, not a single person would have guessed that it was you who had made rafe cameron lose his virginity.
i mean, everyone had to know that he didn't get his "expert" skills from nowhere. at least that was what every girl in outer banks called it. for years, you had to hear the people of outer banks talk about their "experience" or rather "run-in" with rafe. even a close friend or two of yours. it was enough to make a girl want to stab her own eyes out.
see, no one knew, not a single soul except— rafe and you. if it wasn't for you stopping rafe, he would have shared it with the whole of outer banks. just for rumors to spread like a wildfire.
most girls would have died right on the spot if rafe wanted more than sex and flirting with them. but you weren't one of the girls looking at him from a tiny perspective, i mean, you were his best friend after all.
you both were fifteen, drunk as fuck, while laying out on the open part of his boat. rafe had always seen you in a more sexual way than you ever saw him. not to say that you weren't attracted to him. he had always been known to make a few sexual jokes occasionally. and only a select handful of times did you see him ever gawk at you.
yet, on this day you had seen him look you up and down every chance he got. al though it seemed to be a little out of the ordinary, you shook it off, only holding it in the back of your mind.
so, when he intoxicatedly offered to rub sunscreen on you, like always, you didn't find it weird. starting off like normal, he began rubbing it in on your shoulders, then your back, but this time he slowly began moving his large hands towards the globes of your ass. you had been too intoxicated to speak, along with too turned on.
just as you thought that his horny-fueled actions would stop, he spoke, "i heard that for girls to get'a even tan, their tops gotta be off"
"is that even true?" you thought.
not giving it too much of a second thought, enjoying the attention that he was actively giving you, you shook your head in agreeance. taking that as permission, rafe gravitated his hands over your back, causing goose bumps to appear, before slowly pulling your string bikini top unloose, letting it fall to the sides of you, not being satisfied with the lack of view he was getting of your boobs, rafe pulled at your side, not before spoking yet again, "let me get'your front"
when you flipped around, you could tell by rafe's look on his face that he had only seen boobs in porn, never in real life. not wasting a moment with the opportunity, he yanked at your neck, pulling you into a heated kiss.
covering your boobs as you stood up, rafe guided you into the private bedroom of his new yacht. slowly pulling down your bathing suit bottoms, rafe began laying sloppy kisses down your neck, onto your chest.
wrapping your fingers around his dirty blonde locks, rafe let out a low moan. untying his swimming trunks, you pushed his waistband down, allowing his dick to come out.
pushing you hair out of your face, he spoke with sincerity, "are you sure?"
letting out a verbal "yes", rafe began positioning himself, gently forcing himself in. he began to calm you, "it's ok, baby, i'll be gentle"
slowly fastening his pace, rafe knew that he would come soon, although you seemed to be enjoying it, you weren't as distraught in pleasure as he was. it was a lie if it wasn't said that he was slightly nervous.
"does this feel good?", he asked as he slowly began to rub circles.
"a-a little lower", you said while guiding his hand. his movement seemed to make you fall apart with increasing speed. seeing you fall apart in front of him, caused rafe to become more confident with his actions.
see, rafe thought after what had happened, that you would want something more. but it seemed that you just wanted to keep your friend. taking your rejection to heart, rafe began to become increasingly reckless, starting to do coke. i mean you were the only girl that he was interested in after all. you were his first.
he didn't seem to understand that you never wanted to lose the friendship you guys had after what happened. quickly coming to terms with the fact you could still be his friend while being his girlfriend, you wanted to ask him for a second chance.
but sadly by the time that you had come to the realization, he had already become an unrecognizable person, one that you didn't even want to look at. though that never stopped him from eye fucking you from across the room at a party, all while being completely and utterly coked out
his change in personality never stopped you from reminiscing on how gentle he was, even when he had never done it before. though you never knew he often thinks of that day. hell, out of all people, he would stop doing dangerous shit if you asked.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
OK, I know you just re-opened ur asks (but please take a break if you need it!!) But the thought of Girl dad König has plagued my mind ever since that one post.
He's super protective. He's one of those "you're not dating until you're 35" or "I know how boys are like. They only want you for one thing," dads 🙄.
Any boy his daughter manages to bring around will only be threatened. König will accidentally drop one of the largest knives from his collection right in front of her boyfriend and be like "oops🙂".
Speaking of knives, all of his weapons will be stored away once his daughter is born. He doesn't want to risk her finding them and hurting herself.
Gosh. Girl dad!König is every fuckboy’s nightmare!
Manages to chase away even the good guys, every boy his daughter braves to bring home is a no-go for him. A bunch of losers and wankers, all of them, and after his pretty girl! Psh.
You could be kinder than Tom Hiddleston and you still wouldn’t be considered worthy of dating König’s daughter. Every candidate is sent home with their tail between their legs after an awkward, cold family dinner and a bunch of questions that feel like an interview. Or an interrogation... You desperately try to treat these boys with some level of respect, curiosity and warmth – to be honest they appear far more gentle and emotionally available than, ahem, certain someone you dated back in the day when he was not yet a Colonel.
And the father-daughter relationship is fucked up in more ways than one, because König tries to fix his emotional issues and the fact that he’s away most of the time by getting his daughter anything she needs. She wants to try ballet when she’s six? She gets the cutest pink princess tutu skirt and pointe shoes money can buy. Oh, now she’s into horseback riding? Suddenly she has private lessons with the best teacher in town, dons 500 e leather boots, a nice little riding crop and a test winner helmet + gets anything else she can dream of when tending to the horses. (You had to actively stop König from buying her a horse when she was 10)
Cello classes, gaming PC’s, downhill ski equipment, expensive yoga retreats – daddy's girl gets it all because König has to spoil her to bits. Not that he actively tries to carve out a brat of her by this princess treatment: he just wants his girl to have access to anything she wants. His Vögelchen is so talented in everything she picks up!
König shows pics of his daughter to his colleagues: look, she learned to swim when they were on vacation in Maldives! And look, here she won the local stable’s jumping competition, isn't she amazing? Now she’s into archery, and has her own recurve bow, but lately she’s started to get interested in boys, and you know what that means… Curfews, screen time and more chores! And NO BOYS.
She’s “only” 19, and comes home drunk once, brought by some young clown who, in König’s mind, tries to evade responsibility by giving him a sob story about how he only wanted to bring his daughter home because he was worried about her and well, actually, he’s in love with her… She’s a good girl and he wants to take care of her, he really appreciates her and blablabla, König is not impressed. That boy gets himself an earful as a reward, he's lucky König doesn’t slam a knife on the hood of that car.
(....No one has the courage to tell dad König that her daughter likes to smoke weed with the bad boys and dates some older biker guy from big city :”)
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
July’s almost done and we are in the middle of what’s supposed to be the big draught post S4 PR. But tell you what – it does not feel so dry! So let me catch up real quick:
We have yet to see the big hard launch / kissing pics, right? Or did I miss them? What I’ve seen is a real life praying hands emoji sat on a table with an 🐜 at GQ, a swimming teacher in LA and continued swimming lessons in Italy. In all of which L’s expression reads like he has zoned out of his body and is in fact a robot. I get it, he is dating the 🐜 since god knows how many months. He obviously likes spending time with her, because why else would he take her anywhere he goes, except -maybe / no longer- the bathroom. To be fair, I haven’t seen her toilet-dancing in a while. But why does the man always look so miserable about it? Just put her out there, stuck your tongue down her throat, cuddle, press her to your burning loins, we don’t even care or pretend to be shocked at this point. And what’s with the face? Did you sign a “strictly no smiling or looking happy when with gf” policy?
On a more serious note, I am wondering how he is doing mental-health wise at the moment. He does not give sound vibes and despite me doing heavy-eye-rolling at his actions and being quite fed up with him frequently, I can’t help but feeling worried, when I look at him. That there is not a happy man.
Catch me up on his career / new projects? Anything going? His career besides BTON seems to be somewhat non-moving, I mean we don’t know what is in the pipeline but it feels like his big “leading man” moment and energy is slowly fading and career-things should have come out of it by now. Could be because of his messy private life but I doubt it plays that big a role. Why then, if not for that, is he seemingly not moving at all, career-wise? I won’t say “look at N”, because she is a different type entirely, but he seems to be just disappearing in to another HBS without even doing as much as a play. Should he not be thriving right now?
Same same as usual with the friends, right? This group is deeply worrying and I do not mean because of 🐜. They give seriously damaging vibes, maybe they just want to keep him close because of freeloading, maybe they don’t want him to be too successful because of jealousy, maybe they really are entangled in a weird way, the whole dynamic is just giving unhealthy vibes. And with this group of leeches hanging on, he will have to be very strong to disentangle.
I don’t even think about him with N right now. He is in no place where he could be in a grown-up relationship with his soulmate, he needs to sort out so many things before going there. Hopefully S4 filming will have some impact on that. It does seem however, that N is having a happy, quiet summer with her bunch of friends, filming etc. and I love that for her. Did I miss anything important on her? Dating allegations, except for her gay bestie JD?
Let’s see what fresh horrors August will bring – I’ve never been that ready for fall to come in my life!
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dawn-moths · 5 months
"40 — Love"
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Nanami Kento x Female Reader
word count: 3,700+
(After watching Nanami and Gojo’s tennis matches for so long, you decide you want to try your hand at the game. Luckily, you just so happen to have access to the perfect teacher.)
disclaimer/content warning: nothing explicit but still some suggestive content, minors please dni! set in my i’ll be your angel au (sugar daddy nanami), use of the word “daddy”, reader is called “angel, baby, sweetheart, princess”, size difference, jealous gojo satoru. 
*ao3 mirror*
The early summer’s evening sun beat down against the tennis court, the first gentle shades of what would eventually morph into a blazing sunset blanketing over you from where you lounged beneath the partial shade of an umbrella, the diamonds studding your ears and wrapped around your wrist winking in the soft amber light. Every movement you made caught Nanami’s eye, little glittering flashes of the newest jewels he’d gifted you distracting him like a magpie eagerly searching for a fresh sparkling trinket.
But he kept forcing himself to avert his gaze, umber eyes hidden beneath the lenses of his sunglasses as he trained his stare on his opponent. Gojo Satoru, on the other hand, was somewhat reveling in Nanami’s distraction. Perhaps now he might actually stand a chance at scoring a point against the blonde.
Satoru figured it would be hard for him to take his own eyes off of you, if you’d been visible from his side of the court. But, as was Nanami’s preference, Gojo’s back was facing you, though that still didn’t do much to stop him from trying to show off. If anything, it only encouraged him. Just a single glimpse of you in your sporty little baby blue skirt and crop top, the clothing hugging your sunkissed curves so deliciously it nearly had Satoru salivating despite the dryness his mouth had earned from all the recent exertion, it was enough to inspire him to give it his all on the court today, that was for certain.
Not that he ever took it easy when competing against Nanami, whether you were present or not.
And while Gojo excelled at plenty of other skills, Nanami Kento was a force to be reckoned with when there was a racket in his hands.
As Nanami sent the ball zooming past Satoru once again, earning himself another point (they weren’t keeping score, Nanami had said, just practicing, letting off some steam at the end of a long and busy day, but you’d secretly been keeping track the entire time, and so far, your Daddy was undeniably undefeated) you let out a cheer.
Nanami flicked his gaze over to you and gave a confident smirk and a thumbs up. No wonder he always won. He had the best good luck charm any man could ask for. And if Gojo thought blue was his color, today, it seemed, the shade belonged to Nanami through and through. He swept his gaze along your form, tracing from the big velvet scrunchie secured around your high ponytail all the way down to your pristine white sneakers.
He knew your favorite thing about joining your Daddy on his athletic activities was, of course, the cute outfits you got to model for him. And his favorite part, other than getting the chance to admire his favorite little cheerleader in between matches, was the fact that he’d get to take each and every article of clothing off of you later that night.
In the past, you’d participated alongside Nanami in some of his favorite physical hobbies— like golf or swimming or, like today, tennis— trying so hard to keep up with his speed and his strength and his skill. And weren’t you just so precious, thinking you could even come close to matching him? Because you couldn’t compete with him even if you wanted to. No one— not even Satoru— was a match for Nanami’s powerful tennis stroke.
You’d spent several afternoons as of late serving as a spectator, watching them play while you sat under your private little veil of shade and sipped pink lemonade, idly attempting to read through a book. But the thing about Nanami and Satoru’s tennis matches was, once the grunting and the sweat and the competition really began, you couldn’t focus on anything else. Couldn’t take your eyes off them, cold drink and paperback fiction all but forgotten as you sat up in your lounge chair, practically on the edge of your seat, leaning in as you peered over the delicate frames of your heart shaped sunglasses to watch them racing across the green top.
“Nice one!” Gojo called across to his casual-partner-turned-brutal-opponent as Nanami sent the ball back over the net in a clean, controlled arc. “But don’t forget this is—” His sentence was cut off with a growl as he hit the ball back with enough force to emit an audible crack echoing across the gardens. “A competition!”
Nanami leapt to hit the ball back in time, your breath catching when you feared he might actually miss. But at the last second, almost too fast for your eyes to keep track of, his racket sent it rushing back towards the man opposite him. Gojo dove for the ball but missed it by just a hair, the little blur of lime green slamming into the chain link fence with a shuddering rattle.
“Don’t get cocky now, Satoru!” Nanami teased, finally able to take a moment to catch his breath as Gojo went to retrieve the ball, raking a hand through tousled, sweat-streaked blonde strands. His lips cracked into an arrogant smirk, clearly not intent on taking his own advice. “Besides,” he added, lowering his voice a bit as he cast a glance your way. “You really think I’ll lose while she’s watching?”
Gojo peered over his shoulder, snowy locks damp and sticking to his temples and the back of his neck, a water bottle gripped in one hand while he used his other to fan his body with his black t-shirt. He couldn’t help but grin then too. Maybe if he had a good luck charm as perfect and pretty as you, he might actually manage to beat Nanami just once.
“Y’know, we might need to make a new rule,” Gojo suggested as he turned back to face Nanami, taking a few quick gulps of the flavored electrolytes. When he was done, he let out a satisfied sigh and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Then, lazily gesturing his tennis racket towards Nanami, he continued, “I could consider you bringing along your little cheerleader as cheating. Let’s see how you’d do without her around, shall we?”
Nanami’s gaze darkened at the prospect of the challenge, but ultimately his smile held steady. “How could I?” he replied, gently jovial. His full attention was on you now, and you resisted the urge to get up and saunter over to him upon his beckoning stare. “Besides, I promised I’d give her a lesson or two after we were done.”
“That mean we’re calling this match?” asked Satoru with a slightly defeated scoff.
Nanami could tell how eager you were to come over, so as he said, “Yeah. Better luck next time, I guess,” he gave you a beckoning wave.
You sprung up from your seat, trotting over across the court with a beaming smile, wearing a brightness to rival the season’s sunny weather. “Is your game over, Daddy?” you asked with that adorable sweetness lacing your tone, all watermelon-sugar and honey drizzled peaches.
What Gojo wouldn’t give to have a girl like you to call his own.
The moment you were within reach, Nanami was pulling you protectively against his side, one of his strong arms cradling your shoulders as you nuzzled further into his loving touch. “I’d say it is, princess,” he cooed, melting in your presence like a popsicle left out in the sun. Then he cast a somewhat taunting glance over at Satoru and added, “I mean, unless Gojo is intent on losing again today?”
Gojo flashed a mean, sharp smile, all pearly white teeth and malice, and then coughed out a huff of a chuckle, something cold and vengeful shining in those elysian blues. “Mark my words, Kento,” he taunted, “one of these days, I’m gonna annihilate you, and when I do…” His gaze then shifted to you, scanning up and down your form, trying hard not to let it stick on the soft flesh of your exposed thighs, the dip of your waist and the little sliver of your tummy that showed in the space between your skirt’s waistband and the hem of your top, the curve of your breasts and the bit of cleavage that peeked out from the V-neck. His tongue flicked out to wet his lips, pink and wanting, right before he concluded with, “Good luck charm or not, she won’t be able to save you.”
You felt a little tense then, the energy suddenly seeming to shift as Gojo wore an expression that you swore was hungry. And, god, how tempted he was to make a bet with Nanami, wager a night with you— hell, even just ten minutes— as the prize for one of their weekly matches. And Nanami, being confident in his own ability, relying a little too heavily on his unbroken winning streak, might just be in a playful or arrogant enough mood to entertain Gojo’s little whims.
“Sure,” he’d reply, sarcastic and cocky. “If you can beat me, I’ll even let you have her in my bed.”
And that…
That would be just enough of a stake to seal the deal. To cause Gojo Satoru to become even more relentless than he normally was on the court against his oldest friend.
That would be the time Gojo finally won.
And he’d relish in making Nanami eat his overconfident words just before he’d drown in the pleasure of finally being able to have a taste of you— the one thing in the world he couldn’t buy for himself no matter how many figures his bank account secured.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you for the rematch next week,” Gojo shrugged, his predatory gaze morphing back into something light and unbothered, a look belonging to the Gojo you were more used to. After gathering his things, he gave you a playful little wave goodbye and said, “Don’t go easy on him now!” Nanami offered to walk Satoru out, but Gojo waved him off, saying, “I know my way out. Now teach her well so someday I can drag Megumi or Yuji or Nobara along and we can play doubles.” With a cheeky wink and a self-assured stride, Gojo Satoru was gone, disappearing beyond the manicured lawns and hedges and heading back to where his black Rolls Royce Phantom awaited him in the long, curving driveway.
“Can’t you let him win just once, Daddy?” you asked, some sympathy for Satoru’s defeat bleeding into your whine. “I’ll still think you’re the best at tennis even if he occasionally beats you…”
Nanami hummed out a note of amusement, beginning to guide you off to the side of the court where the extra rackets and tennis balls were kept. “And if I let him win, do you really think he’d be satisfied, sweetheart?” he asked you, pure adoration peppered with condescension lilting in his low, soothing voice. “Do you really think he’d accept a victory that he didn’t earn?”
No, you thought to yourself, Satoru would never claim a victory that he hadn’t earned fair and square. Because as carefree and frivolous as the man could be, he was equally cruel and competitive. He was good enough to outmatch anyone in almost anything, tennis included, just so long as that person wasn’t Nanami Kento. And though the two men were more evenly matched in their golf and swimming skills, it was, of course, the one game that Gojo had yet to best Nanami in that he was so hung up on.
“I guess you’re right,” you agreed with a shrug. As Nanami reached over to hand you your tennis racket— the light pink one he’d had custom made for you the moment you’d shown interest in learning— you took on a slightly more nervous tone and asked, words trembling a little towards the end, “But you’ll go easy on me, right?”
There was no way you’d survive a single one of Nanami’s vicious serves unless he dialed it way back. And he knew this just as well as you did. Not to mention he’d sort of been hoping you’d take interest in one of his hobbies eventually. That way, it would give him the perfect opportunity to spend more time with you, to leave work a little early or reschedule a boring meeting because it was almost time for his precious baby’s tennis lesson, and he just couldn’t be late. It also would be the perfect opportunity to put his hands all over you as he showed you the correct way to hold a racket or take a swing, his palms planted firmly on your hips as he helped correct your form, distracting you in the process of course, though once your lesson was over and he’d praised you for a job well done, the two of you fully intended on revisiting those more intimate parts of the lesson later in the bedroom.
“Of course, angel,” Nanami chuckled, grabbing up two extra water bottles from the mini fridge. “Don’t worry, you’ll be just fine. Besides, don’t I always take good care of my favorite girl?”
Especially because he wouldn’t want you to get frustrated and decide to quit. Oh no, he couldn’t have that. And while Gojo’s comment about playing doubles was probably a pipe dream, Nanami couldn’t help but fantasize about spending cool summer evenings out on the private home court with you once you’d gotten the hang of things, just gently hitting the ball back and forth with the sound of your bright laughter echoing over the net every time you successfully returned the ball to him.
But first thing was first. He had to teach you how to serve. So with your back against his chest and his hands taking purchase over where you held the racket, gently correcting your grip position at the start, Nanami led you through the basics of the swing.
“That’s it,” he encouraged you, allowing you to try a few times on your own. He grinned, impressed. “See, you’re a natural.”
You let out a proud giggle, wondering if maybe you’d end up having a knack for this after all, unlike golf, which was very technical, and swimming, which was very exhausting. Though, you’d always been one to get a little ahead of yourself. Because the ball hadn’t even been introduced into the equation yet.
In other words, the real test had yet to begin.
With Nanami now standing at the other end of the court, one of the fuzzy green tennis balls clutched in your manicured hand, you weren’t feeling quite as confident. You’d liked it better when he was guiding you, felt more capable with his expertise close and at the ready. Now, you feared you’d just forgotten nearly everything he’d taught you, your mind racing with questions of how to hold the racket properly and where to aim and, well, honestly you weren’t even sure if you’d be able to hit the ball successfully after tossing it up into the air.
“Whenever you’re ready, baby!” Nanami called over to you, and it was then that you steeled your resolve and reminded yourself that you could do this. You wanted to make your Daddy proud, wanted to hear him praise you when you did it right. You wanted to prove what a good student you could be for your teacher.
“Ok!” you called back, preparing to toss the ball up into the air. You didn’t throw it too high, though imagined how fun it would be to one day toss it as far above your head as you could, watching it plummet back down towards you with the confidence that you’d still be able to hit it across the net.
And even though your aim was a little off-center, you were still able to swing hard enough to send the ball over to Nanami, who lightly tapped it back to you, letting it bounce on the green once before you lunged forward to hit it back. You felt the ball make contact with your racket, and next thing you knew it was soaring over the net once more.
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed, your look of concentration splitting into an astonished grin. “I did it! I actually did it!”
Nanami returned the ball to you in the same gentle fashion, urging you to continue with the streak you two had going now. “See!” he said. “I knew you could!
But it then seemed your newfound confidence got the better of you because, though you leapt for the ball with everything you had, that time it was just too far out of your range. It passed you on the court and rolled until it hit the chain link fence.
“Ah, man!” you said, jogging to go after it, though you sounded more amused than disappointed.
“That’s alright!” Nanami called, casually walking closer towards the net so he wouldn’t have to shout as loud. “Just bring it here and we’ll try again.”
You grabbed the ball and tossed it towards him, Nanami reaching out to catch it in one of his sure, strong hands. “Do you want to try serving again?” he asked. “Or do you want me to serve?”
You took a moment to think about it, then smiled and replied, “I want you to serve now.”
Nanami returned a soft grin. “Alright, princess,” he said, both of you beginning to make your way back to your preferred places on your respective sides of the court.
“Don’t forget to go easy!” you called over, a playful giggle trailing off the end of your reminder.
“I dunno…” Nanami teased, a hint of mischief present in his voice. “I think you might be ready for a little more of a challenge.”
But, in the end, he was still nice about it. The serve came towards you in a controlled, soft arc, though when you returned it that time it was with a little more fervor, the power behind your stroke increasing just enough to wake Nanami up from his gentle daydreams, the lull provided by the balmy, early summer evening breaking upon the next cool breeze that wafted through the gardens.
The two of you practiced hitting the ball back and forth for another hour or so until you grew tired, your perfect white sneakers beginning to scuff and drag a little across the court, your swing becoming a little sloppier as fatigue caused your concentration to slip. But you didn’t want to call it a day until you’d managed to make Nanami miss the ball just once.
Similar to Gojo, it seemed you had some unrealistic fantasies of your own.
So, after asking you a few times if you wanted to be done for the day and you saying one more round despite how exhausted you clearly were, Nanami drew this conclusion and decided that, if he was going to let anyone beat him, it was going to be you.
“Why don’t you serve this time?” he suggested, sending the ball back your way. You let it roll off to the side a bit before going to retrieve it, and then, hoping he maybe wouldn’t catch onto your plan until it was too late, you tossed the ball up into the air, careful and soft like you’d been doing thus far but, that time, when you swung, you hit it as hard as your arms could muster, letting out your first real tennis grunt from the unexpected exertion.
And while the strength behind the swing was still nothing in comparison to either Nanami or Gojo’s, it still caught Nanami by surprise, caused him to hesitate just a split second too long. He went to lunge after the ball, originally intending to miss it on purpose, but when he found himself instinctually trying to hit it back only to miss it by accident…
Gojo would never believe it.
He looked behind him as it bounced out of bounds and rolled to meet the fence, and though technically the victory wouldn’t have counted in a real match, he certainly wasn’t going to tell you that. Not with the way you were jumping with joy on the other side of the net, squealing and giggling as you came running his way as if you’d just summoned magic for the first time.
“Did you see that?!” you asked, nearly crashing into his arms as you met him on his side of the court, your pretty pink tennis racket forgotten on the side you’d scored your first point against him from, the sorbet glow of the setting sun staining everything in sight with rich golds and brilliant tangerine oranges. “I can’t believe I actually did that! Did you see? Did you see?!”
Nanami dropped his racket and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a hug and sweeping you off your feet a bit as he spun around with you in his arms. “I saw it, baby,” he assured you, placing a kiss to the crown of your head. “You were great.”
And when you looked up at him, arms still secured around his waist, wearing that look that was just dripping with pure love and devotion, eyes practically sparkling with it, Nanami had half a mind to lower you both to the court and celebrate your first successful tennis lesson a little early.
“I couldn’t have done it without such an amazing teacher,” you told him, nuzzling your cheek against his chest, both of you warm and dewy with a thin sheen of sweat. “But I had a lot of fun! Can we practice again tomorrow?”
Nanami let out a chuckle, the richness of it rumbling through his chest, velvety and sonorous. He swept you up in his arms, intending to carry you all the way back to the house, all the way up to the master bedroom. He said, “Of course, sweetheart. But first, a victory dinner is in order, don’t you think?”
You hummed out a pleasant note, that beaming smile of yours not faltering, though now something a little more devious snaked its way into your narrowing gaze. “Can the victory dinner involve going out for ice cream after?” you asked.
Nanami let out a sigh, though couldn’t wipe the grin off his face even as he shook his head a little and reluctantly replied, “Alright, I suppose you’ve earned it.”
But after that, once your sweet tooth had been satisfied and the exhaustion from the day crept back in to claim you, Nanami would be sure to collect his own prize. And once he was done with you tonight, well…
You might want to take a break from practicing tomorrow after all.
(Hiiii everyone and thank you so much for reading! Honestly I’ve been thinking about my sd!Nanami from this au for so long now I just had to write a lil something for him and this is just what came to mind! I also can’t wait for summer, so I’m spending most days just dreaming about that lol. Anyway, I hope you’re all doing wonderful and remembering to take care of yourselves! See you next time, byyyyye~!)
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finkinthisfrew · 1 year
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A collection of Matty Healy fanfics -by Finkinthisfrew
(requests are open -- plz be patient!! busy gal who gets easily distracted by whatever fic she's hyper-focusing on this week lol)
18+ only, NO MINORS
Awards Show
Matty/your POV one-shot (smut+fluff)
pt. 1 Careful pt. 2 A Spot pt. 3 A Promise pt. 4 Playing the Game pt. 5 Detention
pt. 1 Last Year pt. 2 coming soon...
pt 1 First Breath pt. 2 A Cold Shower pt. 3 Introductions pt. 4 A Gift pt. 5 Finally pt. 6 Healing Wounds pt. 7 Good Morning Beautiful pt. 8 A Hot Bath pt. 9 Good Girl pt. 10 George pt. 11 Private Show pt. 12 Meant to Be pt. 13 Nightmare pt. 14 Coffee on the Patio pt. 15 Anything at All pt. 16 The Party (part 1) pt. 17 The Party (part 2) pt. 18 The Party (part 3) pt. 19 Some News pt. 20 The Aftermath
pt. 21 A Sunrise Swim pt. 22 Out Last Night pt. 23 Goodbye pt. 24 Turning Tables pt. 25 A Different Perspective pt. 26 A Change of Plans pt. 27 I Thought It Was a Dream pt. 28 Iced Coffee pt. 29 The Plane pt. 30 Landing pt. 31 After Sound Check pt. 32 A More Sober Show pt. 33 My Stubborn Little Thing pt. 34 Payback pt. 35 The Beach pt. 36 Devastating pt. 37 Karaoke pt. 38 Hot Night, Chilly Bed pt. 39 Apart Together pt. 40 Too Sexy
pt. 41 Miss Dancing Queen pt. 42 Breakfast (Not) In Bed pt. 43 Poppet pt. 44 A U-Turn pt. 45 Resilient pt. 46 Waking Up pt. 47 A Pampered Patient pt. 48 A Relaxing Night pt. 49 I'd Die Without You pt. 50 Extreme Sports
My list of Ultimate Matty Healy Fic Recs
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thatawkwardmoth · 2 months
I had no power during a tropical storm so I wrote a bunch of shit by candlelight, like a Victorian ruler. So I'm sorry for the spam posts but...
Enjoy I guess.
Let's start with one thing that has been on my mind for a while; if Emma had been able to raise the Cuckoos from day one, she would've put an emphasis on them all being different, not just a hive mind. She maybe would've stuck with the matching outfits but she wouldn't have let anyone group them up. They had names. It's something I see in a lot of twins or parents of twins (being a twin myself) is that eventually, you want to be different. And the Cuckoos were all different at one time, two dead, three dying their hair. But then the Krakoa era started and I understood in a way why they all went back to looking the same. They were a complete set again.
But I think that if Emma had raised them, they'd all be individuals in their own way. Even their rooms, which are important to any kid, are your first chance to portray and discover your interests and a safe haven for you. In the White Palace, they share one room, by choice. And I think they would do that in any universe. They want to be close and probably never slept separately until Phoebe and Sophie (? I think) died. So I think they'd have one room together. But they'd have different decors and aesthetics if they were only allowed to have a character arc outside of being evil, dead, or a hive mind. More than just a few interests shown or spats between them.
I would imagine they'd get to decorate the space by their beds and that would be that. Kind of like the og X-Men dorms, if you've seen that panel, where it's the boy's dorm and everyone has a section of the floor and walls to decorate to their tastes (and sadly, Scott's is empty and barren). But their room would have that vibe.
And Emma would be so organized with them. She's a good mom. On top of her shit, not like Hazel. Not overbearing and with unreachable standards that her father. Everything would be in certain folders, certains baskets, certain bags, their names on each thing. Or even just their initals. Her assistant would have to keep with all of their after-school activities just as well as Emma does because the driver shoulder never be late. Emma would have a fit if her daughters ever thought she forgot. Meaning every dance practice, gymnastics competition, swim meet, beauty pagent, whatever the Cuckoos wanted to join, had to be put in the calander next to Emma's meetings and such. Only the best private schools but Emma is not afraid to pull them out if they want, unlike her parents when she was telling about her being the outcast, or letting her girls pass because of how much money Emma gave the school to improve.
Just let Emma be a mom. Not just an at-arms-length mom.
(The Emma mini-series in the comics really is one of my favorite things, despite the weird teacher thing. It was a wonderful insight into her character and why she acts the way she does with her students/children. Mainly because of how her parents were. I also think Emma enjoys seeing how close the Cuckoos are as sisters because the only sibling she's close to is Christian and all her sisters tried to kill her and they never recovered from it.)
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lilac-5ky · 1 year
Roommates from Hell, pt.6 (Toji x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 6: A Tale of Two Sisters
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Chapter 5 | Chapter 7 | Story Masterlist | Masterlist | Requests
A/N: This chapter required my blood, sweat, and tears to finish.
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There was a passage in one of your old school books—the ones sprinkled with little pink hearts that contained the initials of your history teacher even in books outside his field of teaching, and simultaneously, the ones Toji finished skimming over a week ago—that talks about the loudest sounds recorded in the world.
To this day, the record is held by the volcanic eruption on the Indonesian Island of Krakatoa, clocking in at an estimated 310 decibels, followed by the sperm whale’s call, which registers at 230 decibels, and then the Tsar Bomb, ranking third with an incredible 224 decibels.
None of these facts left him particularly impressed, and they were sure to vanish from his memory in the days ahead, but in the moment of his rude awakening, that junk tidbit of knowledge was all that kept the small 150-decibel sound wave confined in his handgun’s barrel. Because the so-called scientist who jotted down that crappy passage hadn’t borne witness to the catastrophic knocking that threatened to demolish the apartment’s four walls with its tenants inside at 9:32 in the morning.
The honor was all his, and maybe yours too, although your head remained comfortably tucked in the crevice of his elbow, oblivious to the torture he endured alone.
Whoever was banging away at the door was going to pay.
Pressing down on your forehead with a flat palm, Toji attempted to detach you from his body—
—except it ended with your arms adhering to his torso and your face sweetly rubbing into his neck, hogging him as if he were some sort of gigantic teddy bear that would cruelly be taken away from you. His name was at the tip of your tongue—liquid honey in his ears. He’d take it over any other sound in the world, amplify and draw it out in all tones and pitches until he forgot his name was ever spoken by another.
He made up his mind. Whoever was banging away at the door was going to die.
Gently pulling your body into his, he switched your places on the sofa and angled your head against the armrest. You almost got your clutches on him a second time, but he shook your bandaged paws off his pants before you had the chance to drag him down.
This would be quick. One bullet to the head, one body bag over the corpse, and one visit to the car’s trunk. If anyone asked, he was loading clothes to drop off at Goodwill later—no one would ask. Everyone was terrified of approaching him within a five-meter radius.
Tripping over his slippers, he kicked at them until his toes fell in place and rushed to the door with a glare capable of disintegrating metal. He didn’t mean business with the whole impromptu assassination plot, but he was dead serious about returning to you as quickly as possible. And if you were awake, then—
“We don’t give a shit about your shitty movement, got no cash for your stupid ass cult, and ya can take whatever piece of crap you’re sellin’ and shove it up your—oh.”
As soon as the door flung open, the words stagnated in his mouth, leaving Toji in the awkward position of welcoming your guest with the most unwelcoming scowl plastered on his face. Not to mention that he was still naked from the waist up and carried the scraps of morning wood in his sweatpants—courtesy of yours truly.
“It’s you,” he grumbled, cocking his head against the door frame with his arms folded over his chest.
“Long time no see,” the woman—perhaps the only woman in the whole wide world to wear a crochet dress over denim jeans—greeted him with a warm smile that stretched to her ears over the final syllables of the words “little brother.”
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Toji remembered the first time he met that woman as if it were yesterday that the three of you—four, if the little human swimming in her belly counts—sat down on the top floor of a private dining sushi place in Akasaka. Folded screens, tatami mats, and legless chairs, with a view of pruned cedar trees. The real deal.
He’d granted his own invitation the day before when he snatched the small rectangular paper you were fumbling with all morning, weary eyelids hanging low and chin propped atop the mop stick’s handle, minding neither the commotion of hungry customers nor the 77th consecutive stroke over the exact same three spotless tiles.
You were an excellent cook but a lousy waitress. Forgetful, clumsy and hopelessly unaware of your surroundings.
In a flash, the business card changed hands, and he was reading its contents aloud.
“Ueno Hinata, Associate Fashion Designer at Shodi Apparel—what’s that?”
“Hey!” You snapped awake from your daydreaming, yet not in time to prevent the mop from dropping . “It’s none of your business!”
“Hmm?” Toji trapped the mop under his heel. “Ya taking 30 minutes to serve my damn fries is very much my business. Theirs, too.” He gestured toward the rest of the tables. “Quit mopin’ around.”
He booted the mop back into your grasp and returned to his seat, watching you gather the cleaning tools and bolt to the kitchen.
Your candid apologies did nothing to placate the crowd. Not a single “thank you” or “you can keep the change” for your effort to appease each of their outrageous requests. They treated you worse than they’d treat a roach scurrying between their tubby feet—stomp and shoo it away.
You didn’t deserve this.
Tearing his eyes away from the spectacle, he remained slapping the card in his palm. You were right. This was none of his business.
Eventually, you showed up at his table with the usual tray in one hand, and your balled up apron on the other. Your shift was over—or it would be in ten minutes after the other part-timer showed up.
You decorated the booth with the apron, and he scooted over for you to plop down beside him, noticing the dark skin patches below your eyes.
“Can I have it back now?”
Even with your pouty lips and scrunchy nose, Toji wasn’t compelled to give up on his loot. He slipped the card in the middle, only to retract his hand the second yours moved forward. You snarled at him and grabbed onto his tray, but again, he was faster.
“And what would it be?” He rephrased his previous question, witnessing you gradually shrivel into yourself like an overcooked shrimp.
“It’s… my sister.” You bit your lip into a sigh. “I have a sister.”
This wasn’t what he anticipated.
“Didn’t your folks kick the bucket?”
One beat you were nodding your head and shaking it the next, your fingers massaging the pulled roots of your ponytail. “I don’t even know, okay? I don’t know how this woman found me, how she knows my name and dad’s—I don’t know shit about any of this. She popped by my house last night, introduced herself, and said that I should give her a call if I wanna learn more about our family.”
His teeth clenched around his fry, breaking it into two uneven pieces that his tongue forced down his throat. Something about others knowing where you lived and imaginary sisters sprouting out of nowhere to pay house calls left him deeply uncomfortable. He knew that bunch. He’d gone around a lot more than you to acquaint himself with all kinds of shifty con artists that posed as distant relatives and inserted themselves into people’s lives just to rob them of their few meager possessions.
Hell, someone could say the same thing about him and he wouldn’t refute it, but it was better the devil you knew than the devil you didn’t.
Toji was about to tear the card into shreds when suddenly, he halted. Since when did he start mingling with others’ lives? Since when did he start caring whether the naive little girl he spent the last two years fooling around with was found conned or gutted, for that matter?
Unwilling to answer either, he pulled back. “So what are you gonna do? Want me to track her down?”
“I think I’ll give her a call.” You traced the name on the card, first with your eyes and then with your forefinger. “She didn’t seem like a bad person.”
You wouldn’t recognize a bad person if the word “bad” was tattooed on their forehead.
“Then what?”
“Then—I should meet her, right? That’s what she wanted.”
His mental groan was so loud that he hoped you sensed his frustration without him putting it into words. You didn’t. Your clueless ass skipped straight to the landline behind the counter, leaving him with little choice but to take matters into his own hands.
And that was pretty much how he ended up ordering himself the priciest sashimi platters off the menu, filling the table to the brim with bluefin tuna cuts whose notability he’d already forgotten. Marbled, fatty, tendon-full—it didn’t matter, as long as they cost your host a fortune.
Fashion designers were loaded. If the woman with the wacky glasses at the other side of the table was who she claimed to be, then she’d better prove it.
At least the sushi had nothing to prove. The ass cheek, or back cheek, whatever it was called, melted on his tongue like candy, and for the first time in his life, he moaned from something that wasn’t wrapped around his dick.
“I’m so sorry for his behavior, Miss Ueno.” You willed your head in a small bow, nudging Toji in the ribs to do the same.
He wrote you off, pinching about four pieces between his chopsticks, all the while entertaining the idea of seducing the pregnant woman in front of him. He was wasting his time with you. This was his chance at a good life.
“Don’t worry about it! I invited you to this place ‘cause the food’s crazy good, and little guy,” a swollen hand rubbed her equally swollen belly bump, “craved yellowtail for lunch. Eat as muuuuch as you want!”
“When are you due?” Toji asked through a full mouth.
Hinata counted the weeks on her fingers. “Today marks the—uh, 37th week, so he should be here soon. I’m registered for the 28th this month.”
With the way her belly bulged under her teal wrap dress, it’d be a wonder if she didn’t go into contractions right on top of the halibut, pleading with the chef to sever the umbilical cord with his kitchen knife while the kitchen staff played nurse.
“Have you decided on a name?”
His question overlapped with yours. “What about your man?”
“We are thinking ‘Kenzo’, after Takada Kenzo. My husband’s also in the industry, but he’s a numbers guy.” She picked up the teapot and gave your cups a refill, much to your insistence to serve instead. “Who knows, maybe next time I can get him to leave his books and tag along. I’m sure he’d love to meet you!”
“How much do ya make?”
“Toji!” You protested.
However, she didn’t seem to mind. “Enough to treat the both of you to dessert later.” She winked at you. “So eat up!”
You lowered your head and drove a blood-red slice into your mouth, swallowing too hard for the bite’s size. Before you could pick another, Toji dumped an assortment of his favorite cuts on your plate, urging you to try those next. Your eyes crinkled in appreciation that trickled down your lips, pink and tender and delicious as they tempted him to rekindle their taste.
“Not to be rude, but…” Hinata snipped his smile while at the primitive stage of being sewn. “I don’t remember inviting Pretty Boy over here.” She chuckled awkwardly. “Who are you?”
Toji would be the easy answer. The mindless answer. A cursed name that clung to his opponents’ final vitriolic-laced breaths and a blessed name for the heathens who chanted it as if it were gospel—he doubted that response would cut it. Not when her goal was to determine what he was to you specifically.
A hitchhiking pest embedded in your back; one who sowed your work benefits—unshakable in its nature. A watchdog that nudged you back to your feet whenever you found solace in the dirt. A potential downfall in how he could barely contain himself around you anymore, scheming dozens, if not thousands, of meaningless plans to get you in his bed—plans he always chickened out of.
He refused to recognize that, over the years, he’d become a shoulder for you to lean on. That he was any good as an influence, a friend, or that other laughable something. And so he spat out the one term that was tried-and-tested and could only be perfected through continuous failure.
“Family.” Toji grinned once he noticed you had no intention of correcting him. “So better get talking.” He cleansed his palate with a handful of pickled ginger. “Whatever ya tell ‘er will wind up in my ears, anyway.”
“Oh?” Hinata quirked a brow. “Is this what I think it is? In that case, don’t hesitate to call me sister, too.”
“Not happening.”
“Shame.” She frowned. “I’ve always dreamt of having a kid brother to spoil rotten, but if you insist, then I guess that means more for—”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions, sis.” Toji flashed an earnest smile.
“You don’t have to do this.” You glared at him and glanced at her. Meekly. “Paying for our meal is already too kind.”
The woman took a sip from her Konacha and folded her hands on the table—her otherwise cheerful demeanor turning solemn in a heartbeat. “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Whether it’s buying you and your boyfriend lunch, or giving you a little extra something to get by, I want to act like a big sister for once. I don’t expect you to start calling me sis from Day 1, but can’t you at least let me do that?”
“I—” You chewed on your lower lip, searching for answers between her intertwined fingers. “But he’s not my boyfriend…” you trailed off, a tinge of pink encompassing your voice.
She laughed through her nose. “Lover, then?”
The undigested fish in your stomach swam up your throat, ripping out a violent cough that Toji was quick to soothe with a heavy palm on your back. You flinched away, mustering a broken, uncertain “I’m fine”.
He rolled his eyes. “Workin’ on it.”
“Best of luck!” Hinata cupped her mouth so that only he could hear her whispering, “But not too much luck, don't make me into an aunt this early."
He’d previously failed to spot any similarities between you, but something about your alleged sister’s smile reminded him of yours. Not the phony front you put up at the diner, but the spontaneous grimace you broke into whenever you watched him lose at the simplest game of odds at the pachinko. Hers felt like hubris in comparison, and he almost pounced at her, ready to rip it out.
You’d worked damn hard for that smile.
Her glee waned as she dug through her oversized handbag and pulled out a binder so hefty that the table whimpered in anguish. “I think it’s time I explained why I called you here. Don’t want a certain someone losing his head!”
There was a moment of stillness while she sorted out her papers, during which his eyes were free to wander in your direction, catching you dissecting your flounder into hair-thin slices. If it were just you and him and the roles were reversed, you’d tell him off for playing with his food, but it wasn’t. They weren’t. He wasn’t. He’d pulled the trigger and had no idea how to mitigate the impact; he was merely capable of muffling the noise.
Toji wasn’t good with any of that emotional shit. The only memory in his thick skull of exercising comfort existed from his picking up a dying sparrow off the streets to cradle until its tiny head froze over his thumb. Never before had death felt heavier than the accumulation of speckled feathers weighing down his palm.
He contemplated doing the same for you—whisking your hand into his and holding it until the end of things—but contented himself with a scowl. This wasn’t kindness. It was pity. You’d rather be put out of your misery, and maybe that’s what the bird wanted too.
“Let’s get it over with.” His cheek sank into his fist.
For the next hour, Hinata droned on about the extramarital relationship between her mother and your father, backing up her claims with various pictures, letters, and all sorts of unfeigned documents.
The story itself was simple. A typical boy-meets-girl, featuring a chummy, albeit penniless, lad with big dreams and a proper girl from a proper home with a proper housekeeper and proper old money parents.
They fell in love over the summer he worked menial work at their estate and got into some unprotected handy panky below the sheets. The girl’s folks found out and threw him out, but it was too late. The bun was already in the oven, and the boy was off to meet his next dame.
He was virile enough to father another only three years after the first, and when business started booming, he found himself on top of the world. But he was just too darn hapless. His ill fortune caught up with him and everything he’d built came crashing down. He jumped from the wreckage to the next ship in line, unaware it’d be his last cruise.
An unpleasant story through and through, with loopholes and points that were smeared by whiteout. She said a nice woman dropped his belongings at her door—Toji bet his money she was from Welfare. She said she tracked you down through the many pictures he kept of you and your mother—he guessed it was a PI’s work and that there were none, or else the box would be delivered to your doorstep first.
She said your father passed away peacefully in a hospital bed—he supposed that was code for found behind the dumpsters of a local bar’s trashed alleyway.
Even without him voicing his suspicions, it was a lot to take in, and he was surprised you’d steeled yourself to sit through it all in absolute calm, not a single tear shed or sob heard. You were fully sober, and somehow that worried him more than a breakdown would.
By the time you made it out of the Minka-style building, the weather had taken a turn for the worse. Dark clouds gathered silently over the sky, white lapses growing plentiful among them. The flashes were distant enough not to alert him, for as long as he observed the exchange between you and your sister, who’d asked for a rain check for that dessert. Pregnant women tire themselves out too quickly.
Your courteous full-body bows were reduced to minor head tilts and small smiles that were easily returned. Of course they were. You were so lovable that anyone with a good set of eyes, let alone two of them, would embrace your credulous nature and simplistic, nearly child-like mindset with open arms. Your sister wasn’t immune to that either. In no time, she’d start calling you the apple of her eye, and the sentiment in her heart would soon match that of her words.
You would be loved.
“Are you sure you don’t want me driving you home?” Hinata asked once he’d turned his back on the saccharine sight. “It’s not a bother, really.”
It is a bother, Toji mused, stuffing his hands deep in the pockets of his windcheater. It was truly bothersome how she’d paid for the entire lunch with her card and how the bulky Range Rover responded to the key beeper in her hand; how she turned out to be a genuinely decent person who could offer you the stability you’ve always wanted—the stability he lacked.
But most of all, it was a goddamn pain in the neck that he couldn’t get over himself for one minute to congratulate you like a normal person would on your newly found family.
He could only focus on the fading image of you being driven away from the restaurant’s parking lot and away from his life, and he could only feel himself getting smaller and smaller until he was but a shit stain in your memory, one that the incoming downpour would wipe clean.
The engine’s purr turned distant as the car sped off in the opposite direction from where he was headed. His destination wasn’t clear. He’d once followed you because you had somewhere to go when he had no place to be, but as he dragged his feet to retrace every single path you’d crossed together, he hoped that the next U-turn would come with a new distraction. One that’d spin him round and round in a game of merry-go-round until either vertigo numbed his senses or your name spilled out of his guts.
A beam of light split the skies in half, cracking the silence of the gods with a spectacular roar. He pulled his hood over his head. If he broke into a jog now, he could make it out. But when his eyes lowered to the ground, a second pair of shoes flapped their way across the ripening puddles and into his field of view. No way.
“Are you competing for a medal or something?” An exasperated voice reached his covered ears. “Wait up!”
Undeterred, Toji accelerated his strides, slowing down only when his pursuer’s hands linked around his bicep. “Not my fault your midget feet can’t keep up.”
Instead of coming up with a witty remark that would spark a heated debate amidst the deluge, your lips parted into heartfelt laughter that shook him whole. Even your ears were smiling, and for a moment, he was left staring at you in utter awe. He knew for sure his joke wasn’t that funny, but that was about the first and last thing he was certain of.
“Are you that happy?” He asked the obvious.
“Of course I’m happy! I have a sister now, Toji. An older sister. My older sister.” You tested the different combinations.
“Why wouldn’t you be?” He murmured. “No reason to be unhappy when ya finally got yourself a real family. Loaded ass bitch.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked and he shook his head into a bitter “Nothing.”
Without warning, your head drooped over his shoulder, your eyelashes threaded with the same droplets of dew that gingerly laced your hair. A minute later, you’d come to resemble a wet dog, but that gave him an entire minute to process how cute you looked right now.
“She’s nice, isn’t she?” You hummed.
He shrugged, failing to meet your expectations without much effort. “Got a nice rack on her.”
“She’s my sister, you pig!”
You unlatched from Toji in disgust, only for him to sling his arm over your shoulders and unceremoniously shove your head into his chest. Your bottom lip stuck out, glossy from the rain. Just like a drenched pup, he smirked, bringing his fingers to part the dampened hair from your eyes.
“So what kept ya from goin’ home with that precious sister of yours?” Toji flicked your forehead gently. “Didn’t want me losing my way, or something?”
“Not everything is about you.” You said in a stubborn tone. “I just happen to enjoy a good rainfall.”
“A good rainfall.” He sneered. “Sure.”
“Nothing.” He wished that the water would wash the red tint on his cheeks away. “Said I like the rain too, stupid.”
The world came to a standstill, or rather his brain did, because he’d stopped thinking rationally. All the data he perceived—such as the sneeze you suppressed by pulling your upper lip over your teeth, the way you sneakily lowered the zipper of his jacket to stick your hands in, or even the mere fact of your presence and existence, both blessings on their own—fed straight into his chest, coaxing the appropriate response.
His destination was long reached.
“Let’s date. You and me.”
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“Don’t you think we should call someone? It’s been hours.”
“Like who? The Grim Reaper?”
“Is Auntie dead?”
The urgency in your adorable nephew’s voice overpowered that of Hinata’s mild concern and Toji’s indifference, both further away from where you lay lifeless on the sofa. Well, not as lifeless as Toji wanted you to be, but convincing enough for them to be having this conversation and for a pair of hands to go digging for sand in the corners of your shut eyelids.
You had no idea why the two of them were there or how much time had passed since you nodded off in Toji’s arms. Everything was a blur, and if it weren’t for their voices, you wouldn’t be inclined to wake up until the next century.
Maybe playing dead for a while won’t hurt.
“Hmm?” Toji already sounded significantly closer. The light thuds from his slippers halted once he was standing before you. “Let’s find out. Gimme that.”
You felt a shift of weight on the sofa and realized that must’ve been Kenzo. Then a soft pop fired near your ear, and you were tempted to peer your eyes open, but you didn’t. You decided to save your questions for later and concentrated on your breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale—was that rubbing alcohol?
The scent grew stronger as the unmistakable tip of a brush tickled your skin in two symmetrical strokes that curled near your cheeks and finished at the ridges below your nose.
That’s it. You were going to murder him.
Denying Toji the opportunity to give you a matching goatee and sideburns, you raised your hands over your face. The marker blotched a dot of black ink where it pressed against your bandaged palm and he was forced to put it away.
“See?” Toji inched closer with a shit eating grin on his lips. “Fine and dandy.”
“Auntie!” Kenzo slipped between you and threw his arms over your neck. “You look like Gold Roger!”
You patted the child’s back, your eyes trailing behind Toji as he bent over the coffee table to drop the sharpie, the entire table an atelier for Kenzo’s art supplies. Colored papers were splayed beneath the mayhem: drawings of animals, triangular mountains, his oversimplified condo, and people whose faces you barely told apart, assuming the frizzy-haired woman was Hinata, the beanpole in the rectangular suit his father, and that the two severed heads with incomplete bodies belonged to you and Toji.
How grotesque.
“How are you, sweetie?” You planted a kiss on Kenzo’s cheek that he wiped with the back of his hand, claiming he was too old to be treated like a baby.
“Are you, now?” You ruffled his hair and attacked his neck with more sloppy kisses that he failed to protect himself against. “Got a long way ahead till you can call yourself big, little man.”
You wouldn’t call yourself a fan of children, but Kenzo was an exception. He was nothing like the kids at the diner. He didn’t eat with his nose or sleeves. He was bright, diligent, and focused. He’d gotten the first prize at his school’s science fair at the age of seven and declared his interest in becoming an astronomer at five.
He still jumped around when excited, sang along to the lyrics of his beloved anime openings, and had an incurable sweet tooth like the rest of his peers, but he was manageable. He was a good kid—
“But I want to be big, like Uncle Toji!”
—that had taken an extreme liking to Toji.
“Honey, you’ll even outgrow Uncle Toji at this rate.” Hinata interrupted, crossing over to your side.
She pulled her son off you and twirled him in the air before setting him on the floor. He made a beeline for Toji, who was dusting the corner of the bookshelf with his forefinger, maintaining his bored stance even while he was being shown something “exceptionally cool” on Kenzo’s Game Boy.
The two looked nothing alike, which should’ve been obvious considering they weren’t blood-related, but watching them side by side, you entertained a curious idea. An idea much younger, far whinier, and twice as lovable as the current version of Toji, with maybe just a little bit of you poured within.
Hinata’s fingers dispelled that thought as they snapped in front of your eyes. “Are you okay?” She asked in a low voice, her hand soothingly rubbing your shoulder. “Toji told me what happened.”
You didn’t want to imagine how he could have possibly justified you being tied up like a rotisserie chicken and knocked out on the sofa long enough to witness the sunrise and miss the sundown.
“Can you help me get that shit off my face first?”
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“Are you sure you don’t want to keep it?” Hinata asked right as the cotton swab came poking at your cheek, soaked in that horrible fluid you’d only recently grown to distaste.
Ever since you were brought out of the hospital in a baby carrier, you never set foot in that place again. You hoped to keep it that way and to keep rubbing alcohol away from your nostrils for the rest of the decade.
“Mustache is making a comeback.” Your sister reasoned, but her quip was lost on you.
She pulled your skin taut and scrubbed so hard that you thought a piece of your cheek would come off. For someone who spent her weekdays drawing mannequins and her weekends doing “social drinking”, she was freakishly strong.
Torn between staring at either her face or hands, your attention fell to her fingers—spotless and polished with a finely touched French manicure that contrasted her mismatched appearance. Artists were weird. You knew she owned million-yen Chanel handbags, and yet she dressed like a hot mess outside of work.
Not as if you had the right to talk when you bought all your underwear in bulk.
“What are you smiling for? Something good happened?”
You really ought to exercise better control over your reactions.
“Just admiring your nails. They are pretty.”
“Mm, yeah?” She bit the bottle cap between her teeth while pouring some more rubbing alcohol on a fresh cotton swab, flicking the old one to the bin under the sink. “Could give you her number. She does wonders.”
You almost laughed in her face. “Last month I did laundry with dish soap ‘cause we didn’t save for detergent. You think I have the cash to burn on manis?”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She rubbed again. “My little sister is a repressed eighty-year-old man.”
“That’d make you at least eighty-three, so I’m glad.” You deadpanned.
“What a bunch of geezers we’ve become.” She finished up by dabbing a wet towel over your lips. The excessive friction brought your face to a boiling point that no depilatory cream or wax tape could possibly achieve.
Just when you thought your torture was over and got up from the closed toilet lid where you were seated, your cheeks were forcefully seized and squeezed into resembling a pufferfish. “Not so fast, Missy! We aren’t leaving until you fess up.”
“Fess up what?” You managed through puckered lips.
“Don’t what me now.” Your face deflated as she took a step back, slyly blocking your only escape. Damn it. “How long has this been going on?”
Before the interrogation could progress, you turned on the faucet and let the water run to obscure your voices. You could go a day without showering
“About four months.” An immediate gasp. “He needed a place to stay, and I provided—that’s all there is to it.”
“Four months?” She covered her mouth for dramatic flair. “You didn’t think of telling me you two were living together for four months straight?”
“I—we both got busy, okay?”
Her eyebrows wiggled suggestively as her voice gained a sultry intonation. “Busy?”
“Not like that, you Perv!”
Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder why it was you that Toji went around with instead of her, before remembering she was already married with another man's child in her guts when the two met—not as if that’d been a reason to stop him in the past.
“So what you’re trying to say is that you’ve been sleeping in the same space for months, using the same bathroom, eating at the same table, and nothing’s happened?”
She scrutinized the souring look on your face through squinting eyes. You could lie to her like you lied to him—or you could actually tell her and receive some actual advice from someone whose dating experience didn’t come from three miserable college hookups and an overused vibrator.
She’d nearly lost all hope when your gaze lowered to the floor. “Something isn’t nothing, right?”
“You did it?!” Your sister yelled so loudly that you mildly considered shoving the sink’s plug in her mouth. You went for the more hygienic option instead.
“Keep it down!” She zeroed in on the hand prodding out of your ridiculously long sleeve, following it down to Toji’s shirt which seemed disproportionate on your body. A good fit for him, but a glorified mini dress for your shorter, muscle-free physique.
You filled her in on last night’s incident, skipping over the part where you got jumped by a cursed spirit (that’d apparently turned into a finger-eating car door in Toji’s explanation) and mincing your words when it came down to how you ended up sharing a sofa with him.
In return, she went over each and every vowel known to man, her reactions akin to those of an impressionable child being told tales of malevolent yokai.
“So…was there tongue involved?” Hinata grinned.
“How’s that important?”
“Stay married for 12 years, and you’ll see for yourself. Your heart will race even at afternoon dramas. Do you know when was the last time Takuma bought me flowers? Or took me on a date without the kids. Or—”
“I thought we were dealing with my problems.” You cut her spiel short.
“Right, right.” She took hold of both your hands and spoke in an authoritative tone that all but convinced you of her non-existent credibility. “Here’s what will happen. You’re gonna go out there and you’re going to kiss him again. Plain and simple.”
“Kenzo is also outside!”
“I’ll cover his eyes, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not!”
Your sweaty palms were heating up in their encasement of flesh and bandage like taiyaki. This was a mistake. You were better off seeking advice from Toji himself than from your scatterbrained sister, who thought everything was doable and achievable so long as you put your mind to it.
She didn’t know half of it. She only knew the Toji that was effortlessly charming and made everyone laugh with his cynical admissions and crude punch lines. She didn’t know of the Toji that flipped through women as if they were pages of a magazine that he left dog-eared—never to be smooth again. Toji the hitman, who gambled his every penny away, and whose body count didn’t matter nearly as much as his clothes turning up with lip stick stains around the hem did—
How many times have you gone through the same rows of adjectives and accusations to excuse your own shortcomings?
“Y/N. Do you know what the meaning of life is?” You shook your head, distrusting what might come out of your mouth. “The meaning of life is… I don’t know either.”
“Kinda anticlimactic, don’t you think?”
Your sister smiled. “I wouldn’t be here if I knew. I’d have a big statue sculpted in my honor, or a university named after me. Maybe a planet, too.”
“You sure think big…”
“I might not know that,” she continued, “but I do know what being alive means. It means living—it means indulging yourself in an overpriced manicure once in a while or buying a dress that you know you aren’t going to wear. It means making stupid decisions and hitting your head on the wall afterward. It means laughing at yourself when you should be crying, and it means loving—hard, with your entire being. If you insist on calculating the consequences of everything and deny yourself those simple freedoms, then that’s not living; that’s surviving. You understand what I’m trying to say?”
Live. You never considered that your mother’s final request would shackle you into doing the exact opposite, nor did you ever question your way of living. You always thought that as long as you stood still, you wouldn’t be lost; that as long as you floated, you’d never sink. But it was only then you realized stability meant decay.
Hinata let your hands drop and turned off the faucet, stepping away from the door. You were free to go, yet you were anchored in place.
“One last thing. For what it’s worth, the look in Toji’s eyes is the same as Takuma’s when we first met. Men come in different flavors, but they all look stupidly cute when they’re in love. Do what you must. Live a little!”
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"That’d be 980 yen."
Right after walking out of the bathroom, you discovered you’d not only slept through the majority of the day’s meals but that the fridge had been emptied out. You would have been more frugal with your race earnings had you known you’d be receiving guests, but then again, you didn’t foresee being attacked by a curse, nor did you count on Toji whipping up pickled plum Ochazuke for everyone either.
Granted, he went heavy on the salt, but eating something he’d prepared with his own two hands made up for the briny dashi and the salty tears running down your cheeks.
The four of you split evenly into groups of two: you and Hinata in the kitchen, while Toji kept company with Kenzo on the couch. Your sister ran her mouth off about her hotshot clientele—sighing whenever a local celebrity whose name you didn’t know came up—and went on about their participation in whatever rising idol group or promotion material you weren’t interested in knowing.
At the time, you were immersed in the fighting game Kenzo and Toji were hunched over. Every few fatalities, the console would change hands, and a new round of explicit slurs would be fired by the man capable of single-handedly mowing down armies but unable to take down an eight-year-old in a war of button-flicking.
They were too absorbed to catch you staring their way, playing your personal game of spot-the-difference between Toji’s various expressions. He looked the same as he did any other day. A little disinterested, somewhat vexed, and a great deal of livid while his fingers battered the screen in the futile hope of finishing that "whore-rrible Mileena".
They were still duking it out when you popped outside under the guise of getting ice cream, and you were still discrediting Hinata’s notion by holding up the entire queue at check-out with your wool-gathering.
"Ma’am, if you’re not gonna pay, please step aside so the next customer can—" The employee paused as a hand snatched the wallet from your grasp and paid off the bill in your stead. "Are you with her?"
You blinked at the crossing of your eyes, struggling to comprehend how a 25-minute distance was closed in less than 3 minutes, until you decided it was possible. It’s Toji. And you blinked again when he picked up the bags and dragged you by the arm out of the store.
You murmured a silent thank you that fell quiet behind the sound of plastic wrap unfolding in his hands as an impatient Toji stuck the first cone he grabbed into his mouth. He bit the chocolate coating off as if he were a snapping turtle and chewed at the frozen cream without letting it thaw first.
"Kids are the fucking worst." He spat, malice running sweetly from the corners of his lips. A small smile crept up yours. He was a bigger kid than the one he accused. "Using fans to fight like some pussy," he trailed off. "How the fuck are pussy fans stronger than harpoons?"
"You’d rather he beat your ass with a sword?" His death stare threatened to make you regret your very birth. "Okay. Guess not."
On the way home, his complaining grew in volume but lowered in pitch—a mosquito-like buzz that constantly lamented over the gaming industry and the corruption of youth. The gist was that inaccuracy in game design led to false expectations, and one day the kids who grew up playing those games would bring a knife to a gun fight and end up with their brains blasted. Global collapse was also thrown into the mix, but at that point, his train of thought had derailed too far to follow.
Toji was a sore loser and a sorer winner—the type to rub his minor achievements in others’ faces and use them as an excuse for rewards. However, he hadn’t said a word about last night’s incident. He didn’t ask for anything in return, and he didn’t wake you up to handle your family either. Even now that he was holding your bag for you, he acted as if that was something to be expected from him.
Toji didn’t win too often, and you didn’t have much in terms of a prize, but you’d started contemplating a premature surrender because victory suited him—because you wanted him to win.
"How’re ya feelin’?" His frustration dissipated enough for him to ask. "Your hands—they hurt?"
You instinctively glanced down. Maybe if the bandages hadn't cut your blood flow, you could’ve had an answer.
"Saw you spilling that water earlier." Toji went on, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. You chased his frown to his eyes. He was looking straight ahead, either at the stars or at the asphalt road—never at your face to see you faltering.
"Is that why you’re here? Because I spilled some water on the counter?" Your eyes glowed like discs of light, antagonizing the moon that waned above your heads.
"Well…yeah." He admitted, kicking at the pebbled ground right after. "Stop making things weird, weirdo."
The name was meant to be taken as an insult, but instead it moved you—both in the figurative and literal sense—as a rush of confidence pushed you in front of him. Thin eyebrows furrowed while he studied your stance, a slight curl forming near his scar when he realized you were still in his shirt, the hem tucked inside a pair of denim shorts.
You studied him back—the darkened eyes you couldn’t tear away from; the choppy strands that ran rampant down his ears, long overdue a cut; the chocolate smeared around his lips. You tried to see what Hinata saw, wondering whether the secret lay in the lenses of her glasses or in how her vision of him wasn’t laced with a decade’s worth of longing, until you saw it for yourself. A soft glow of tenderness that flickered like a candle in the dark, harmless on its own yet keen on escalating into wildfire.
"You care about me." The knot in your throat came undone. "You actually care about me."
Toji scoffed. "You say that as if it’s some grand discovery."
"And you liked it, didn’t you?" Your cheeks burned scarlet under the pale moonlight.
"The kiss. You… liked it."
He cocked his head to the left. "What kinda backward confession is this?"
"I want to talk about what happened last night."
A groan came out before he cruised by, his chin jotting out as he did. "Save it. If you’re gonna start moanin’ and naggin’ it was all a mistake, I don’t wanna hear shit."
"What if it wasn’t?"
He froze in his tracks, the plastic wrapping that was clenched in his fist slowly cascading to the street—as slowly as you turned around, resuming your previous positions a step ahead.
Cautious thoughts swarmed up in your brain, each tiny voice screaming for a chance to be heard only to be muffled by the three words you chanted like a mantra. Live a little. Again and again. Live a little, and then a little more. Live a little until all the littles gather and turn into a lots—until you are compensated for every a little you let slip away.
Your palms acted before your feet, framing his cheeks in position for you to place a chaste kiss on his lips, the suspicion of cream pulling you back in for another.
"We should do this more often." You suggested with a demure smile. The scene was almost comedic due to his stupefied expression being sandwiched between your bandaged palms. Stupidly cute, indeed.
His answer came in the form of his mouth colliding with yours, the lightweight sensation of the plastic bag with the remainder of ice cream countering that of the strength poured into his arms as they encircled your waist. The inconvenience of kissing while standing hit you. He had to lower his neck, and you had to crane yours, your heels lifting off the ground.
"Fucking finally." Toji panted out, grinning at how the chocolate on his chin had rubbed off on your skin. "Y’know, the offer from that day still stands," he mumbled with his thumb fluttering above your lips. "But it’ll mess ya up even more."
"So now you care about those things?" You chuckled lightly. "Go ahead. Mess me up all you want, prick."
"Careful what you wish for, dumbass."
Your hands slid behind his neck while you closed your eyes and waited patiently for his lips to find yours, his tongue darting around before prodding its way into your mouth, sweetness clinging to every languid swirl.
You weren’t sure if this was the kind of stupid decision that would have you banging your head against every wall available or the kind of blessing that came once in a lifetime. Regardless of all the possible consequences, kissing him was the only outcome you were certain of.
A small peck marked the moment’s ending as you remembered you were standing in the middle of the street, your public display of affection turning into a raunchy spectacle for the dim street lights and the concrete pavement bollards.
The two of you had just climbed down the final slope leading to the apartment block when Toji spun your arm around and forced you in a direction different than where you were headed, without any real explanation other than a cheeky "Can’t ya tell? Kidnapping you".
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Hob is working his way up through the Endless Leisure organization. He wants to be a head of security or GM for one of their resorts one day - he's got all the hospitality education and his MBA and this summer he's working as staff at one of his favorite of the properties. When it's time for his promotion he wants to have all the relevant experience so he can run his Endless resort as well as possible.
Dream might have a little crush on Robert "Hob" Gadling. Hob has been working for the family company since they were both in high school, Hob spent an initial summer as an intern. Dream never had much of an interest in the family business - and with his art career slowly taking off he didn’t have to, but if anyone could convince Dream to pay attention to the *business* it would be Hob.
But Hob is so focused on getting ahead in the company, he can't have noticed Dream even existed. When Dream hears (he might have an email alert set up 👀) that Hob is working at one of the higher end adult focused (the one with the nude/semi nude private beaches and skimpiest staff uniforms) resorts all summer, he might have offered to do an artist's residency (teach a few painting/pottery classes for guests and/or produce a giant piece of art of the resort's lobby) so that he could be there at the same time. Maybe Hob would notice him then.
Hob wasn't in high enough position at the resort (by design) to be briefed on the fact that one of the Endless children would be staying at the resort for a few months. He just heard the gossip that an uber VIP was staying at the resort and could have whatever they wanted; he also heard that the resort was going to offer (sexy??) art classes once a month. All of that was (unrelated) interesting, Hob guesses, but at the time he was a little more concerned that he was busting out if his uniform short shorts - sure this resort is for adults, but Hob is many levels of indecent in these shorts and the less said about the lifeguard speedo, the better.
The first time Hob realizes that (the gorgeous) Dream Endless was the VIP/new art teacher, Hob happens upon him swiming gloriously naked in his private pool. Dream had always been the one Endless to turn Hob's head. Hob was never happier than when he realized Dream could care less about the Endless business, if Hob had to be around Dream more frequently, he would still be an intern.
Akajsjdhdhs resort au babies!!!! They're so cute, I love it. I'm imagining that Hob absolutely drops the tray of drinks he was carrying when he sees Dream swimming nude. And then Dream hops out of the pool to help clear up, and Hob nearly dies because all of his blood rushes to his dick so fast. Needless to say, the teeny tiny uniform shorts do absolutely nothing to hide his half-chub problem.
Dream is so sweet and nice to Hob!! He helps sweep up the glass and (regrettably) slips into a robe, insisting that he'll help refill the drinks and come with Hob to explain to the other guests why he's late. He wouldn't want Hob to get in trouble! It's funny, Hob has heard so many of the managers talking shit about Dream and his snooty, entitled attitude... but he's not like that at all! Hob has always fancied him but now he's crushing so hard, it's a little bit embarrassing.
Dream even invites Hob to one of his art classes. He'll have to act as an assistant and help the guests, but Dream promises that afterwards he'll give Hob a tutorial... one on one. Poor Hob knows that he's going to be the most useless employee in the entire resort whenever he's around Dream from now on. He can't stop envisaging the gorgeous man naked...
Their one on one painting session breaks so many of the resort's rules for employees, Hob is almost certain he's going to get fired. But God, its worth it. He can get another nothing job, but he'll never have anyone like Dream naked in his arms again.
In the morning, Hob wakes up to a promotion, and an invitation to join Dream at breakfast. Apparently he wants to talk about Hob’s new position as assistant head of security... and check for sure that Hob has the body and stamina for the job. Needless to say, Dream already knows the answer to that!
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