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angel-oftheday · 25 days ago
The Black Angel of the Day is...
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Plague Doctor
From Lobotomy Corporation
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hataysekshikayelerisblog · 4 months ago
Teyze Kızının Eltisi! (1) (Murat 45 Y., Aydın)
20 yıllık evli, 1 çocuk babası, 45 yaşında biriyim. Elektrik malzemeleri sattığım, aynı zamanda taahhüt işleri yaptığım bir dükkanım var. Her geçen gün büyüyen bir ekibim var. Aslında Aydın'lıyım, ama İzmir'de yaşıyorum. Gençliğimden beri hep çapkındım. Hayatımda hiç profesyonel bir kadınla olmadım. Bu kadar çok aldatmayı seven kadın varken ve de evini ihmal eden bunca adam varken para verip bir kadınla olmak bana göre değil.
Geçen yıl Ekim ayında teyzemin torununun sünnet merasimi için Aydın'a gitmemiz gerekti. Teyze kızıyla birlikte büyümüştük. Gitmezsem annem, teyzem ve teyze kızı beni mahvedelerdi. Karımla beraber Pazar günü gittik. Zaten 90 km yol, annemde akşam yemeği yeyip, giyinip salona gittik. Herkes hoşgeldin muhabbeti yaparken, teyze kızıbın eltisi Hale geldi masaya, annemin elini öpüp sohbete başladı. Sonra da dönüp benimle ve karımla konuştu. Uzun zamandır görmemiştim, ama değişik geldi gözüme. Daha önce merhaba - merhaba'da kalan sohbet, sünnet çocuğu salona girene dek sürdü. Düğün bitip eve geldiğimizde, anneme, "Hale ne kadar konuşkanmış, ilk defa bu kadar konuştuk!" dedim, annem de Hale'yi çok övdü.
Genelde Cumartesi akşamı komşu esnaflardan oluşan grubumuzla meyhaneye gider, geç vakit eve döner, evde de devam ederdim. Düğünden üç hafta sonraki Cumartesi akşamı rakımı koydum, laptopta takılmaya başladım. Face'de hani var ya yan tarafta tanıyor olabileceğin kişiler, orda Hale vardı. Saate baktım, 00:12'ydi. Kocasıyla çok daha samimi olduğum için baştan tereddüt ettim, ama sonra arkadaşlık isteği yolladım. Daha 1 dakika geçmedi ki, kabul edildiği, sohbet edebileceğimiz mesajı geldi messengerdan. Merhaba ile başlayan konuşma sabaha karşı saat 04:00'de bitti, ki bitmesini ikimiz de de istemiyorduk. Rakının verdiği cesaretle sohbeti istediğim gibi her noktaya getiriyordum. Gece saat 01:30 da telefonlar verilip Whatsap'a geçmiştik. Sabaha karşı 04:00'de yatarken, ailesi, hatta teyzemin kızı ile ilgili bildiklerimin tamamının yanlış olduğunu öğrenmiştim.
Ertesi gün öğlen gibi uyanabildim. Öğleden sonra, "Naber?" diye mesaj attım. Gece öyle kararlaştırmıştık. Yanımızda birilerinin olması ihtimaline karşı (Naber?) yazacak, cevap gelmesini bekleyecektik. "İyi, senden?" diye cevap geldi. "Dışarıdayım." dedim. O da evde yalnız olduğunu söyledi. Kocası Ayhan bir kepçe ile başladığı işi büyütmüş, büyük projelerin altyapı işlerini yapan koca bir şirket haline gelmişti. Hale'nin şikayeti de bu yöndeydi. "Fakir, ama mutluyduk!" demişti. Gece öğrenmiştim, Hale benden 4 yaş küçüktü, oğlu ve kızı da babalarıyla çalışıyordu. Yaklaşık 4-5 saat yazıştık yine, akşam müsait olursak yazışırız dedik.
O gece seks hayatlarımızdan bile bahsettik. Ayhan iyi bir kocaymış, ama son dönemde çıkan şeker hastalığı nedeniyle eskisi gibi sertleşemiyormuş. Daha ikinci akşamda açık açık seks hayatlarımızı konuşuyorduk. Karımın çok güzel olduğunu, harika bir çift izlenimi verdiğimizi yazdığında, "Gösterdiği kadar dişi değildir!" diye durumu anlattım. Evet, karım yatakta iyiydi, ama 20 yıl boyunca bir kez istemedi, hep isteyen bendim. O da tam tersi olduğunu, kendisinin Ayhan'a sürtündüğünü, onu bir şekilde ateşlediğini söyledi. Mesela hiç bilmiyordum, meğer onlar da her Cumartesi masa kurar rakı içerlermiş, hatta ailece, sonra çocuklar çekilince de bir şekilde mutfakta başlayıp yatakta bitermiş geceleri. "Hatta akşam yeni çıkmıştım yataktan, şöyle bir bakayım Face'e dedim, sen denk geldin!" dedi. "Ayhan nerde şimdi?" dedim. Bana bir foto attı, Ayhan yatakta yanında yatıyordu arkası dönük. "Uyanacak, yakalanacağız!" yazdım. "Top atsan uyanmaz, ama sabah da 07:00'de dikilir ayağa!" dedi. Bütün gece konuştuk.
Yine sabah işe gittim, öğlen yazıştık. Akşam üzeri yalnız olduğunu, Ayhan'la oğlanın bilmem nereye gittiğini, kızının da sevgilisi ile buluşağını söyledi. "Gelsem çıkar mısın?" dedim. "Çıkarım, ama gelme, akşam vakti yollar kalabalık olur!" dedi. Herkes çıkınca dükkanda kalıp aradım. Bir saate yakın konuştuk. "Yarın sabah İncirliova'da işim var, Aydın'a uğrarım!" dedim. "Tamam!" dedi. Anlaştık, saat 10:00'a kadar işimi bitirip, onu evine yakın bir yerden alacaktım. İşin kötüsü teyze kızının ve görümcesinin de olduğu, zemin katında kaynana ve kaynatasının yaşadığı aile apartmanında oturuyordu. İşim falan yoktu, canım seks istiyordu. Akşam konuşurken son sözü, "Bak birşeyler umarak gelme, biz akrabayız, sadece oturup konuşacağız!" oldu. "Tabii ki!" dedim.
Saat tam 10:00'da sözleştiğimiz yerdeydim. Aylardan Kasım olmasına rağmen hava günlük güneşlikti. Arabadan inip, karşısına park ettiğim marketten içecek ve yiyecek birşeyler aldım. Tam arabaya doğru giderken onu gördüm. Diz üstünde bir elbise giymiş, mevsimlik bir deri mont ve güneş gözlükleriyle salına salına geliyordu. Bu kadın 41 yaşında gibi değildi. Arabaya bindik. Gençliğimden bildiğim Çine çayı tarafına sürdüm arabayı, ama açıkcası ne yapacağımı da bilmiyordum. Daha şehirden çıkar çıkmaz elini tuttum. "Ne yapıyorsun?" dedi, ama elini çekmedi. Birkaç köy geçip uygun bulduğum bir alana çektim arabayı. Bir sigara yaktım, ona da tuttum, ama kendi sigarasından yaktı. O ara Ayhan aradı. Ona, "Güzellik salonundayım!" dedi, az konuşup kapattı.
Telefonu kapatır kapatmaz uzanıp dudaklarından öptüm. Karşılık verdi. Arabanın içinde öpüşmeye devam ederken elimi beline, ordanda kalçalarına kaydırıp kendime çektim, arabanın içi genişti. Bir ara kafasını çevirip, "Kimse gelmez değil mi, aman kimse görmesin!" dedi. Şom ağızlı kadın, daha cümlesi bitmeden 50 metre ötemizde bir araç durdu. Arabadaki kadın arka koltuktan kalktı, aradan ön koltuğa geçti. Bizimki kafayı çevirme refleksi bile göstermedi ve "Aaa, onlar da mı sevişmeye geldi ki?" dedi.
İçimden, (Hani birşey olmayacaktı, biz akrabaydık?) dedim. 50 metre çaprazımızdaki arabada kadınla adamın öpüştüğünü varsaydığım hareketleri başladığında, biz çoktan gözlerimiz orda, ama dudaklarımız birbirinde, benim parmaklarım onun amcığında, onun eli fermuarımı açıp avucuna aldığı yarağımda, sevişiyorduk. O (Kimse görmesin aman!) modundaki Hale kendini kaptırmış, parmaklarımın ucunda zevk çığlıkları atarken yarağımı öyle sıkıyordu ki, boşalacağım sandım. Kalçalarımı geri çekip yarağımı elinden zor kurtardım.
Diğer arabadaki kadın adamın yarağına eğildi, ben de tam tersini yapıp Hale'nin amcığına eğildim. Hale onları seyrediyor, yüzünü saklamak için en küçük bir girişimde bulunmuyordu. Yalayıp parmaklarımla sikerek yarım saat kafam aşağıda kaldı. Kafamı Hale'nin amından kaldırdığımda, diğer arabadaki çiftin arka koltukta olduklarını, kadının adamın kucağında hopladığını, ikisinin de yüzünün bizim arabaya doğru dönük olduğunu gördüm. Hale de ben amcığını kurcalarken orgazm olmuş, gözleri kaymış, onlara bakıyordu. Birer sigara yaktığımız anda diğer araba yanımızdan geçti. Kadın ön koltukta, başı kapalı, adam ile birlikte bize bakarken, Hale de onlara bakıyordu.
Sonra arabadan indik. Elele dere kenarında yürüdük biraz. Sonra öpüşerek tekrar arabama döndük. Hale arka kapıyı açıp, arka koltukta domaldı ve "Girsene!" dedi. "Ben sana değer veriyorum, ilk seferimizin sefil bir dere kenarında olmasını istemem!" dedim. Ama yine de eğilip parmaklarımı ve dilimi amına gömdüm. Aslında derenin karşısında, 300 metre mesafemizde sürüsünü yayan ve değneğine çenesini dayamış bizi seyreden çobanı görmeseydim sikerdim de. O gün ben de boşaldım, ama ağzına boşalınmasını sevmediğini söyledi. Emdi, boşalmaya yakın arabanın yanında, çobana karşı boşaldım. O gün sanırım 5-6 saat seviştik, ama sikişmedik. Geri döndük.
Evinin neredeyse 50 metre yakınına kadar gittik. "Gel kahve içelim!" bile dedi. Bu kadın kendine öyle güveniyordu ki, ben tırstım resmen. Giderken arkasından baktığımda elbisesi kırış kırış, iyice kısalmış, neredeyse götünün altına kadar sıyrılmıştı. Her akşam yazıştık, konuştuk. Bir hafta geçmeden, "Beni nerde nasıl sikeceksin?" diye inler oldu konuşmalarda. Tabii benim ona, "Şöyle sikeceğim, böyle kanırtacağım!" demelerimden sonra. Ama bu arada o ilk günü de konuştuk, "Hani herkesten korkar olmana rağmen, o gün çaprazımızdaki arabada sevişen çiftten yüzünü kaçırmadın, çobanın karşıdan seyrettiğini bile bile domalıp sik dedin!" dedim. "Çok tahrik oldum!" dedi. O gün ikimizin de sevişirken seyredilmekten zevk aldığımızı anlamış olduk.
Bir hafta sonra, aynı gün, Aydın'da günlük kiralık evlere baktım. Bir tane buldum, tam şehrin göbeğinde, orada buluşmaya karar verdik. Ben biraz erken gittim. Birkaç malzeme aldım. Yarım saat sonra aradı. Binaya girişi tarif ettim, 5. katta 1+1 bir daireydi. Kıyafetlerimizle ayakta öpüştük biraz, sonra soyunmaya başladık. Kırmızı dantelli bir sütyen ve kırmızı dantelli bir tanga giymişti. Dudaklarından başlayıp memelerine, ordan da amcığına yalaya yalaya indim. Sonra o aynını yaptı. "69 yapalım!" dediğimde, "O ne?" dedi. İlk yarım saati birbirimizin ağzında geçirdik. Amını yalarken parmağımın biriyle de göt deliğiyle oynuyordum.
"Acelemiz yok!" dedim ayağa kalkıp bir sigara yaktım. Oturma odası tarafına geçtik, L şeklinde koltuk takımı vardı, oraya oturdum, bu da yanıma oturdu. Ellerimiz birbirinin vücudunda, o yarağımla oynuyor, ben kalçalarını avuçluyorum. Sigaralar bitince, "Gel!" dedim buna, hemen üstüme çıktı. Uzanıp perdeyi açtım, karşı binalar yakın değildi, ama en fazla 50 metre vardı aramızda. Yarağımı amına aldığında, 15 gündür konuştuğumuz sikişme nihayet gerçekleşmiş, amına alttan pompalarken, memelerini ağzıma almış emiyor, iki elimle kalçalarını kavramış sıkıyor ve kucağımda hoplatıyordum.
15 gündür konuşuyor olmak mı? Karşı binalardan seyredildiğimizi düşünmek mi? Yoksa yarım saatten fazla birbimizi yalamamızın etkisinden mi? Bilmiyorum, ama birkaç dakika içerisinde ikimiz de boşaldık. Boşalıp yanyana oturunca perdeyi çekip kapattı. Sevişirken hiçbir şeyi takmayan kadın, sevişme bitince genç kız gibi utangaçlaşıveriyordu. O güne dek sormamıştım, "Daha önce kimseyle oldun mu?" dedim. "Çok istedim, ama kimseye güvenemedim!" dedi. O da bana sordu. "Yemediğim nane kalmadı!" dedim.
Karım 20 yıllık evliliğimizde götten vermediği için göt sikmeyi severdim. Az önce sevişme esnasında parmağımla göt deliğiyle oynarken Hale hiç kasmamıştı. O nedenle elimi götüne atıp, "Şimdi sıra bunda!" dedim. "Çok severim! Birkaç sene öncesine kadar ne Ayhan teklif etti, ne de ben istedim. Birkaç yıl önce senin teyze kızın götten sikilmeyi daha çok sevdiğini ballandıra ballandıra anlatınca denemek istedim ve Cumartesi alkollüyken Ayhan'a siktirdim. O günden beri bazen hiç amıma almadan alırım götten!" dedi. Zaten bu konuşmalar zıpkın gibi yapıyordu beni, koltukta domalttım. Ayağa kalkıp amına soktum, birkaç gitgelden sonra da götüne yüklendim. Hale, "Seninki Ayhan'ın sikinden kalın, kafası girene kadar yavaş!" dedi bir an. Kafası girince bir, "Immmhhh!" çıktı ağzından. Benden de bir, "Ohhhh!" çıktı. Hale, "Perdeyi açayım mı?" dedi. "Aç!" dedim. Uzanıp açtı.
Aydın'ın göbeğinde perdeler açık, teyze kızının eltisini götünden sikiyordum, 40 yıl düşünsem aklıma gelmezdi. Ohluyor, Ahlıyor, "Yavaş... Daha sert!" diye beni yönlendiriyordu. Arada kalçalarını tokatlıyor, ya da uzanıp göğüslerini sıkıyordum. O da amına parmaklarını sokmuş, benim tempoma göre kah hızlı hızlı kah yavaş yavaş kendini sikiyordu. "Şimdi kaç kişi bizi seyredip 31 çekiyordur acaba karşı binalardan?" dediğimde, "Offf, ahhhhh, evetttt, seyretsinler, aşkım beni ne güzel sikiyor götümden!" diye sayıklıyordu. Parmağımı ağzına soktum ve "Yala da ağzına da bir tane istediğini görsünler aşkım!" dedim. Hale, "Ohhh, evettt, gelip soksunlar, ağzıma, amcığıma, götüme, her deliğim dolsun!" derken kendimi tutamadım, götünden çıkarıp amına soktum. Hale, "Ohhhh, aşkım çok güzel sikiyorsun, ohhh!" diyerek orgazm olduğunda, ben de içine boşaldım...
O gün 10:30'da başladığımız sikiş saat 15:00'de bitti.
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yearningagain · 3 months ago
it's enough (to make a girl blush): chapter two
HELLO!!! welcome to chapter two! i'm amazed at the traction that this has gained with just the first chapter, and it's giving me so much motivation to continue this!
i've also decided to open up my ask box for suggestions for rambles and ficlets, so please shoot me a message if you feel so inclined!
and of course a huge thank you to @kayleeofcamelot for betaing and helping me so much!! without further ado!
also on ao3!
total wc: 2.6k | wc: 1.4k | rating: e (18+) | pairing: steddie | cw: none | tags: a/b/o, alpha eddie munson, omega steve harrington, modern au, baker steve, famous eddie, getting together, gay eddie, bi steve, soulmates/true mates/scent mates, side buckingham
part one | part three
Steve loved Robin more than he thought he could love anyone. She was the peanut butter to his jelly, the rock to his roll, the yin to his yang. He doesn't know how he managed as long as he did before meeting her, and he frankly doesn't know what he would do without her now. 
That being said, sometimes she does make Steve want to give himself another concussion. 
Lunch at the deli had been uneventful. They had eaten their sandwiches while nestled in the window booth in the back corner, turned to look out onto the streets of Chicago. Most of their conversation was driven by judgmental comments about passerby’s, ranging from jabs about interesting color choices on someone's tracksuit to monologues about wearing a faux fur coat with cheetah print leggings (“It’s the principle, Rob! You wouldn’t get it”).
After finishing their meals, the pair made their way across the street to the record store. Upon entry, Steve was surrounded by deep earthy scents, old vinyl and incense mingled with the fresh flowers growing in pots littered about. And that brought them to their current situation.
Robin was making a complete and utter fool out of herself. She was bright red in the face, and Steve couldn’t tell if it was from pure mortification or her complete lack of breathing for the past five minutes. As soon as a little blonde omega, introduced as Chrissy, emerged from the shelves to greet them and show them around, the alpha had not been able to stop her mouth from running and running. Now, normally in these situations, Steve would insert himself into Robin's one sided conversation and slow her down, purely to rescue the other person from being roped into a woven tale of at least six subjects at once. But after one look at Chrissy, and the adoration and attentiveness in her expression, he decided to leave it be. 
At the back corner of the shop was a small gathering of armchairs, a loveseat, and a small wooden coffee table. Plopping down into the comfiest looking chair, leaving the girls to their own devices, Steve pulled out his phone to start tackling the sea of messages he had received during the night. 
12:58 AM: STEVE
1:01 AM: do you even love me anymore
1:08 AM: if i were dying i'd be dead by now
1:14 AM: ☠️☠️🩸🩸
1:27 AM: okay whatever goodnight steven text me when you’re  alive again ig 🙄
11:39 AM: Jesus Christ kid
That’s not even my name
11:40 AM: Did you die?
11:41 AM: no
11:41 AM: So what was so important?
11:43 AM: before i say anything i want to remind you that  i know all of your secrets and also you love me sooo much  and you’re the best babysitter ever and you owe me for  letting my mom hire you at the shop
11:44 AM: Dustin. What did you do.
11:44 AM: nothing!
i didn’t do anything i swear on my mother
11:45 AM: Okay…
11:46 AM: my favorite band is playing here next month but its an 18+ show
mom would never come with me, she’d have a heart attack i think
so i need you to take me
11:48 AM: i can pay for your ticket if you want!
11:50 AM: steve?
A loud crash echoed from within the shop, followed by an extremely disheveled Robin popping her head into the nook. "I need your help."
Leaving the girls was both the best and worst decision Steve could have made. 
In the ten minutes of inattentiveness, the alpha had managed to talk for seven of them consecutively. After realizing she had been talking herself in circles, she tried to reign it in, which ultimately ended in her accidental confession of attraction towards Chrissy. That then led to a kiss-turned-make-out, in which Robin had tried to push the shorter girl against a wall for more leverage. However, blinded by her circumstances, she pushed the omega into one of the shelves, effectively knocking it and its contents to the ground. They were old antique shelves that had been modified with basket-drawers to store records and other miscellaneous objects, they were heavy . 
Steve would be upset, but the dark blush and lovesick smile never quite left Robin's face. 
With that mess dealt with, he was finally able to respond to Dustin. He shot a quick 'Sure. Just LMK the deets ' text and slid his phone back into his pocket. Chrissy led them both back to the nook, bustling about and making sure they were comfortable.
"Steve, I am so incredibly sorry about that! Please sit here, let me go grab something and I'll be right back!" She dashed off down a small hallway towards the back of the building.
Steve shook his head at Robin, sighing loudly. "Couldn't keep it in your pants?"
The alpha huffed and looked away. She huffed again, this time more of a sniff. And then again. 
"Steve, are you fucking with me or something?"
Furrowing his eyebrows, he followed suit in her actions by taking his own sniff of the air. "What? What's going on?"
She continues sniffing, seemingly following the scent. Standing from her spot on the loveseat, laser focused on tracking, she walks right over to Steve.
"Your scent, it's changing. I knew it was different this morning! I know what you smell like, dingus. And you don't smell like you anymore. Well, okay, you still smell like you! But it's like you're roasting apples in the woods on a camping trip. And you've always smelled like apples, so I'm glad that's the same, but now it's different. Has anything weird happened lately? Have you felt different at all? Do you have a fever?" Her curiosity morphs into concern and she starts placing her hands over the omegas face, seeing if she can tell the temperature. "I've never been good at this. Should we go to the doctor? Do we need an ambulance? Shit, did you get poisoned?"
Steve grabbed her hands firmly, guiding them to his chest and taking a deep breath. "Breathe. I'm not dying, Robs. I think I'd know if I was." He takes a few more measured breaths, pulling her down into his lap for a hug. 
After he was sure she was calm, he relaxed his grip, but didn't let go. "I was actually meaning to ask you about something. Nothing bad, I promise! I just... I had this really weird dream last night and I woke up convinced it had actually happened. I was so convinced there would be physical proof, but there wasn't any. But I could smell the alpha in my dream. Have you ever had a dream where you could smell the other people?"
Robin looked at him calculatingly, a crease forming in her brow at the thought. "No, never. I didn't think it was a thing that happened."
"Exactly. I could smell him, birdie. I could feel him. It was real . Until it wasn't. I woke up heartbroken. For no real reason." He sighed once more, lowering his gaze to his fingers rested in his lap.
"Okay, I am so sorry once again, and I had no intention to eavesdrop whatsoever, but I want to help." Chrissy emerged from the hallway with a plate of mini cupcakes, a sheepish expression. 
Steve waved her off. "It's all good. If you don't think I'm crazy, I don't mind suggestions."
She set the plate of cupcakes onto the coffee table and sat down on the loveseat. Robin quickly scrambled off of Steve to sit next to the other omega, shooting him an apologetic glance. 
"So, basically, I read this book once, out of pure curiosity, that was about fate and the universe and all that. It had a whole section about how, years and years ago, alphas and omegas were randomly going through what seemed to be second presentations. It started with scent changes, and apparently a lot of people experienced some sort of initial mental connection. These changes were way less severe, and oftentimes not noticeable until a random heat or rut was triggered. When that would happen, it was always a pair at a time, one alpha and one omega. The moment they would smell the other for the first time is the moment their respective presentations would complete. They'd come out the other side bonded and, most often, pupped. Their bodies were preparing."
Steve stared at Chrissy, mouth agape. "Preparing for what, exactly?"
"Their soulmate!"
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xmel-bones · 3 months ago
˚₊‧꒰ა Pamiętnik Mel ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ grubej świni*
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Hej, jestem Mel - nie, nie jestem motylkiem tylko grubą świnią
Ten blog to mój pamiętnik, nikogo do niczego nie namawiam
Jestem fanką mh a najbardziej draculaury ୭˚. ᵎᵎ
Kocham mh bo wszystkie postacie były takie chudziutkie i śliczne
Chce wyglądać jak one a ten blog mi w tym pomoże ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Na 100 motylków wstawie body check ₊˚⊹♡
Najwyższa waga:
‎♡‧₊˚ 51 kg bmi: 21.5
Waga startowa:
‎♡‧₊˚ 49.2 kg bmi: 20.7
Moja aktualna waga:
‎♡‧₊˚ 48.7 kg bmi: 20.5
‎♡‧₊˚ 154 cm
Moje GW:
‎♡‧₊˚ 45 kg bmi: 19.0
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Post wstawiony: 01:40 18/08/2024r.
Post edytowany: 03:03 20/08/2024r.
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eardefenders · 4 months ago
Sherlock & Co - Mailbag Episode 4 Transcript
00:00-00:29 *Intro Music*
00:28 John: Hello there, Mister Flatmate.
00:31 Sherlock (Resigned): What is it and why have you got your laptop?
00:34 John: It’s that time! My fine fellow-
00:34 Sherlock: For goodness sake. *sounds of him moving on furniture*
00:36 John: Oi, where you going?
00:38 Sherlock: I’m getting my cushion.
00:39 John: Your cushion?
00:40 Sherlock: Yes. Here. This one.
00:42 John: That- that’s Mariana’s.
00:45 Sherlock: Ah, it’s mine.
00:46 John: I know it’s her’s. I bought it for her for Christmas.
00:50 Sherlock: Are you sure?
00:51 John: Yes, because you don’t support Real Sociedad and she does.
00:56 Sherlock: *pause* I could.
00:57 John: Yeah, you could, but you don’t. Ok- *gibbers* It doesn’t matter. Just sit on the bloody cushion. Fine. Qs! And indeed As! Here we go. Uh, ahem, mm, just a disclaimer here, to the patrons. Um. I’m old. Uh, I’m thirty-four. If-if I see a question in the Discord, I-I just ask it. Uh, if it’s in the wrong order or i-if I’ve missed some out. It’s-it’s probably just me not seeing it. So, y���know. Right-o! Uh-Ooo! Off to a flyer here! Milque asks, “Favorite tube line?”
01:29 Sherlock: Victoria.
01:30 Yeah, Victoria. Yeah, yeah. Generally, most Londoners will give that answer. Umm, y’know clean trains, not too many stops, and some big stations on there. Y’know King’s Cross, Euston, Oxford Circus, um Victoria, obviously. Um, some other lines worth mention: Bakerloo brings a certain vibe. B-bit of a sort of kooky, deranged, but pleasant elderly uncle that doesn’t wash kind of vibe. Uh, central line is possibly the most hated, ah, especially during the summer. Um, Piccadilly gets a lot of people headed to Heathrow, so it comes with a lot of baggage. Hah! Literally clambering over suitcases on that one. The Elizabeth line is amazing, but seems to be closed or delayed most of the time. Um, so thanks for listening to TubeCast!
02:20 John: Heh, right. Next question! SaraHawke722 asks, “How do you both know Stamford?” Stamo! The Stamster! I think therefore I Stam. Heh, uh, I-I added those bits. They didn’t say that. Uh, right. Sherlock you go first.
02:36 Sherlock: I met him at St. Bart’s.
02:39 John: That’s uh Saint Bartholemew’s Hospital in London
02:42 Sherlock: I know.
02:43 John: Yes, I know, I’m just telling the listener.
02:45 Sherlock: *pause* Right… I met him at St. Bart’s. There was a study on skin grafting that he was undertaking. I initially made a number of enquiries about the study, he then hired me to work with him on it. Then after that he wanted me on other projects that I didn’t find that interesting, but *with emphasis* he did let me use the lab.
03:03 John: Great, uh ok, um, I met Stamo in Freshes week at University. Um, the University of London. W-which is kind of affiliated with UCL and King’s College London.
03:15 Sherlock: By kind of affiliated, you mean it’s for their underachieving undergrads.
03:19 John: Uh, sorry mate, what University did you go to, exactly? *silence* Yeah, right, thought so. Uh, by the way, um, few of our American listeners have mentioned that you and Victor went to college together. College in the UK is sixteen to eighteen, generally speaking. Um, but, sorry Sherlock, posh lads will sometimes call boarding school a ‘college’. Uhh, I d-I don’t know why. They also call their private boarding schools ‘public schools’. So, yeah, I know. Weird lot. Uh, anyway, yeah, met Stamo at University of London in Freshes week, we both liked football. He’s a Villa fan, Aston Villa that is. We, we kinda were, uh, both out of our depth a little bit with medical degree life, so y’know maybe stuck together. Which. Which was stupid really as you should probably attach yourself to some smartarse, but hey! Y’know! Live and learn! Uh, he started to do well at Uni. Um, he went on to y’know big-big private practice and cosmetic surgery for the most part. And I got shot at for a living, so. Yeah. Listen in school, kids. Listen in school. Uh, WeirdScience asks “Do you believe in ghosts?”
04:32 Sherlock: No. Do you?
04:33 John: Uh, no. No, no. Joff asks “Sorry to be intrusive doctor, but did you suffer any hearing loss during your army days?” Pardon? *wheezing laugh* Ha, uhh no. No, seriously, I did. Um, I burst an ear drum, twice, um, actually, in Afghanistan. I-in my right ear. Uh, thought it was fine, but then after Ukraine when I was getting a full body M.O.T. as it were, there were signs of hearing loss. Um, yeah, but I’ve been lucky I think. I hope it doesn’t get worse as I’ve built my career in audio now. So. Yeah-yeah, but uh a little. A little bit. Um, JellyBaby says, “Dogs or Cats, podboys?”
05:18 Sherlock: I prefer vermin.
05:19 John: Hm. I uh prefer dogs, through and through. Yeah. Um, y’know I like a cat, but they don’t get me. Dogs get me. Ain’t that right, Arch? Heh. Uh, don’t know where he is actually. He’s probably downstairs with Mariana. Catonk asks, “What’s your favorite musical?” We-well it won’t be ‘Cats’! Hahaha! Ahh, Sherlock, your favorite musical?
05:43 Sherlock: What’s the one with the man?
05:46 John: The. The one with the man. Um. Right. You’ve just described the entirety of art and media there.
05:54 Sherlock: He has a piano and he lives in a cave.
05:57 John: Piano in a cave?
05:59 Sherlock: There’s a girl he loves. He-he-he’s got half a face.
06:01 John: Ohh! Phantom of the Opera.
06:04 Sherlock: Yes! I thought that one was okay.
06:07: Great. Yeah, no, it’s a good’un, it’s a good’un. Good answer, I like Phantom. I like Les Mis. I know that’s a boring answer, but some incredible songs in that. Uhhh, yeah. Question via email here from Sartori, “Did you feel bad for Violet Caruthers, because I did.” Um, well yeah, I did. Um. She, uh- I-I-I don’t know how to put it, really-
06:34 Sherlock (interjecting): Had given up control of her life.
06:36 John: Yeah, it was- I don’t know- confidence shot to shit? Th-th-the truest sort of victim I think I’ve ever seen, really. She just, uh, she couldn’t grasp the wheel on her own life. Like Sherlock says. Was that why you were reluctant on that case, Sherlock?
06:55 Sherlock: Very much so. Men had muscled in and filled the gaps she had created from her own insecurity. I didn’t wish to be yet another imposing presence.
07:05 John: But we were.
07:07 Sherlock: We were. And what good did it do?
07:10 John: Saved a bloke’s life?
07:11 Sherlock: Mm, we didn’t pull the trigger but we may as well have. And we set the process in motion.
07:18 John: Welllll… right. Yeah. Okay, didn’t think this q and a session would get so deep. Um. But, yeah, t-that, uh… Welcome to True Crime! *awkward huff laugh* Yeah, we don’t always run off or cycle off into the sunset. Um. Yeah. Uh, okay. Mush-Pit asks, “How many languages do you know?”
07:47 Sherlock: Many.
07:48 John: Great.Uh, why?
07:50 Sherlock: When I was young, I often fooled myself into thinking perhaps it was my grasp of language that was the reason that I didn’t quite fit in. So, I decided to try a number of other languages to see if they worked as a better and more effective means of communication. I wondered whether the nuance and subtle signals of the English language were what was holding me back from social environments. So, I attempted other languages.
08:14 John: Right, and how did that go?
08:15 Sherlock: It’s the same. It would appear it’s nothing to do with language.
08:20 John: Yeah, I’m inclined to agree with you there. I’m rubbish with languages. Ha, it never sticks for some reason. Um, hole in my brain I think. Mariana is also a dab hand at the old languages. She cracked open a bit of Russian the other day. I nearly ducked for cover! * laughs at his own joke* Uh, *clears through* RangerPip asks, “Have you seen any of the fan content Sherlock?”
08:42 Sherlock: Yes, because you keep showing me. And sticking things on the fridge.
08:46 John: Uh, yeah because they’re cool. They’re really good mate! Just-just you wait until I show you the presentation.
08:52 Sherlock: The what?
08:53 John: Nothing. Right question via email from Unbelted, “Does the fingerprint in your logo make an ‘S’ and is that deliberate?” Yes, um is the answer to that. My idea, thanks. Uh, Jones asks, “What’s our spice tolerance?” So, um, right. Okay, yeah. I can go really spicy for Indian. Uh, I can hit the searing temperatures of the Madras and the Vindaloo no problem. Lot of Brits can actually. But I tell you what, Indonesian and Thai spicing I feel. Geez, whew, that is-is a whole different realm of spice. Um…phew. S-sherlock?
09:32 Sherlock: I like the sensation.
09:35 John. Yep, uh. Anything else to add?
09:39 Sherlock: It depends on my emotional connection to the food.
09:42 John: Of course, of course. Well, a-a-as mentioned in Gloria Scott, Sherlock will only eat certain foods if he’s in the right mood. The mood for food, heh. Uh, right-o. Few general questions asking how pancake day went. Uh, yep. No dramas. Went well. Went ‘flipping’ great. Eh? Hehe. Uh, yeah, uh oo! Questions and comments. A lot from North American Podpals, uh, about me describing a woman as ‘tasty’. Um. So, ‘tasty’ is a Carol Watson word. Uh. T-t-the sort she would use for young, handsome men that she flirts with when she can. Um, don’t know what the American equivalent would be? Um? Yeah, you know, what’s a lame word used to describe someone as good looking? Y’know what would an elderly woman use basically…get in touch! Right, another question here. Uh, by the way, when I started this whole question and answer thing, Goalhanger and I thought this would be a great way to field questions about cases. Um. Y’know about the people we meet, about the nature of the crimes we’ve dealt with, uh to fill in possible knowledge gaps, and impart little gems of information that expose the murky nature of crime. Um. Which takes us to this question from Saphhster, “John, what are your thoughts on ranch dressing?” *long pause* I mean, yeah. I like it. I like it, it’s good stuff. Um, Sherlock is nodding. Uh, it’s audio mate. Great. Thanks for your contribution. Uh, Tonky asks, “Does Sherlock have any tattoos?” Apart from my face on his bum. Heh, that’s a joke. That’s a joke, don’t write in. Sherlock, tattoos?
11:26 Sherlock: A spiral on my hip.
11:28 John: What?! Alright, well let’s see! Get it out. *sound of clothes being moved/removed* Oh, well that’s rubbish.
11:34 Sherlock: I know.
11:35 John: Why’d you get that done?
11:36 Sherlock: I-it’s scarring from falling out of bed. I had it filled in because it looked like a spiral.
11:42 John: Okay. Sarah Hawke again with a question, “What is your advice about dealing with a noisy flatmate? Would love both your takes on this lol. I’m at Uni and have a noisy and slightly annoying flatmate. Somehow I’ve agreed to live with them next year as well.” Um, okay Sara Hawke, w-
12:03 Sherlock (cutting John off): Try to tune them out as best you can. Bring in other elements to distract you from their noisiness.
12:09 John (cutting Sherlock off): Sorry, what are you doing?
12:10 Sherlock: Answering wonky-blonk’s question.
12:12 John: It’s not ‘Wonky-Blonk’, it’s Sarah Hawke. Who’s Wonky-Blonk?
12:15 Sherlock: They’re all called that.
12:17 John: Look, I live with a noisy flatmate, alright, it’s clearly directed at me.
12:20 Sherlock: They said both of us.
12:21 John: Yeah, but they added a ‘lol’, okay. That means they recognize the irony of you being asked.
12:26 Sherlock: Why?
12:27 John: Because you initiate a fucking marching band at three am every night.  Ssssake. Uh, yeah, Sarah Hawke, I would say get some earbuds. Play music. Uh, white noise is good. Um, oh, I l-looked into this. You can get quite cool soundproofing panels on Amazon. Um, they don’t look awful and they do kind of work. Sometimes. Uh, yeah, right, anyway. That’s it. Thanks for the ‘Qs’, hope you liked the ‘As’ and we will see you soon. He’s wav-He’s waving. It’s. It’s audio m- For god’s sake-
13:00-13:30 *Outro Music Plays*
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pressnat · 2 years ago
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⇢ basics ||
eyes. https://www.patreon.com/posts/d-o-l-c-e-v2-eye-68183687?l=fr
eyelash. https://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2-for-skin-detail-experimental/
skinblend. https://lamatisse.tumblr.com/post/612766683809136640/butterish-my-first-skinblend-i-made-like-two
skinoverlay. https://www.patreon.com/posts/lemonade-skin-62813813
skintone. https://www.patreon.com/posts/bare-skintone-40506361
skin detail. https://www.patreon.com/posts/61433364
freckles . https://www.patreon.com/posts/40247063
nose shade. https://faaeishccpreviews.tumblr.com/post/648642853067800576/skin-details-nose-shaders-by-faaeish-download
blush. https://squeamishsims.tumblr.com/post/185846308452/booboo-blush-by-squeamishsims-so-ive-tried-so
eyebrows. https://www.patreon.com/posts/whispy-eyebrows-62391460?utm_source=Patreon&utm_campaign=Whispy+Eyebrows
lips. https://www.patreon.com/posts/55703083
mouth corners. https://www.patreon.com/posts/61433364
⇢  presets ||
lip. https://www.patreon.com/posts/memphis-lip-43736936
nose. https://poyopoyosim.tumblr.com/post/686774059407736833/male-nose-presets-n5n6n7n8-teen
jaw. https://www.patreon.com/posts/jiumiqaq-jaw-72054166
⇢ hair/cabelos ||
01. https://www.patreon.com/posts/oh-my-god-were-58952703
02. https://jny-sims.tumblr.com/post/685668030601117696/jny-redo-hair
03. https://www.patreon.com/posts/pelo-bueno-male-33392785
04. https://www.patreon.com/posts/male-hair-pack-2-65951700
05. https://www.patreon.com/posts/kent-hair-62397490
06. https://www.patreon.com/posts/63544161
07. https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-ride-70288763
08. https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-ride-70288763
09. https://www.patreon.com/posts/63544161
10. https://www.patreon.com/posts/71551981
11. https://www.patreon.com/posts/71827369
12. https://www.patreon.com/posts/72827056
13. https://www.patreon.com/posts/levi-hair-73080895
14. https://www.patreon.com/posts/79061220
15. https://allabouthatcc.tumblr.com/post/656904403834503168/grimcookies-hair-dump-ive-updated-all-of-my-old
16. https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
17. https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/684075013010243584/sylvester-hair-hi-babes-info-masculine-frame
18. https://www.patreon.com/posts/58261906
19. https://www.patreon.com/posts/lorenzo-by-54215805
20. https://www.patreon.com/posts/marco-by-56792600
21. https://www.patreon.com/posts/federico-by-70185929
22. https://www.patreon.com/posts/pedro-by-44485564
23. https://www.patreon.com/posts/pedro-by-44485564
24. https://www.patreon.com/posts/70428613
25. https://www.patreon.com/posts/58551246
26. https://liliili-sims4.tumblr.com/post/691837200658219008/bruno-hair-bgc-hat-compatible-24
27. https://qrqr19.tumblr.com/post/673612023225073664/hair-24-fluorite-hair-25-peridot-hair-26
28. https://qr19sims.blogspot.com/2022/03/hair-27-28-29.html
⇢ beard/barba ||
01. https://greenllamas.tumblr.com/post/646204704634929152/beard
02. https://greenllamas.tumblr.com/post/646204704634929152/beard
03. https://greenllamas.tumblr.com/post/646204704634929152/beard
04. https://www.veigasims.com/2018/07/beard-facial-hair-style-12.html
05. https://www.veigasims.com/2020/11/beard-facial-hair-style-15.html
06. https://www.veigasims.com/2022/08/facial-hair-style-33.html
⇢ acc/acessórios ||
01. https://ceeproductions.tumblr.com/post/655362683425751040/calm-fit-collection-a-mostly-male-cc-collection
02. https://ceeproductions.tumblr.com/post/696230540558385152/equinox-collection-its-the-start-of-my-favorite
03. https://www.patreon.com/adrienpastel
04. https://www.patreon.com/posts/warm-5-item-set-60918114
05. https://www.patreon.com/posts/round-square-38706995
06. https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/190436912960/liliili-sims-scarf-collection-scarf-no1-45
07. https://ceeproductions.tumblr.com/post/655362683425751040/calm-fit-collection-a-mostly-male-cc-collection
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people have hyped this up so much I'm scared (ii s2 post-s3 liveblog)
ahem. hi. post-watch Knight here, with a big tw: there is a suicide mention and intense death wishing at the end of this post. you can guess who it's directed towards but if you've already seen the episodes I don't think you'll get it wrong.
since there's only 3 episodes this one is going to work slightly differently, I'll have Big Text separating each of them and timestamp each different part of the liveblog. there will also be screenshots.
(intro) wait Taco's trying to steal the win without even being a contestant? (4:48) "Don't Mention That Again" I've said it before it just feels like he speaks in capitalized words sometimes
(5:08) song?? THE SONG FUCKING SLAPS???
(8:02) hold on a moment I need to do someth[finds the song in isolation and adds it to the playlist Good Music]
(10:19) taco!! come on, bringing up beef at the show!
(12:48) "yes :)" oh what a bitch /affectionate
(15:49) tbh I agree with Knife here, if everyone respawns anyway, why is murder so bad? (<- building a death game in Minecraft)
(18:01) DAMNN holy shit, to think this isn't even canonically a scripted game, for Taco to say that?! aough
(19:45) HUH?? TACO CRACKED??? oh. OH she- she fucking died from stress- literally. oh shit. I- tbh I...can relate. I did that once. long story and I can't explain it here but.... holy shit.
(22:46) he's on a platform! MePad teleported him onto a platform!
(27:44) MePhone giving the "next time is the finale" speech rneanwhile there's two episode lef- oh shit
- after episode -
well that was a fucking cliffhanger. OH. MY. what!! WHAT!! COBS?? oh yeah also I don't hate Taco anymore. and the outro music slaps sdgkjhf
oh fuck I'm scared, onto the next episode!
(1:00) HOKAY WELP RIGHT INTO ACTION. that was the same MePhone 3 from 4's memories wasn't it? were those other ones MePhone 2s??
(1:39) hough the parallels, I love this episode so far
(2:38) [his literal worst enemy is repeatedly trying to contact him directly] MePhone 4: [treats it like a minor annoyance]
(4:17) "are you offering?" lmao I wouldn't have even asked-
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..? why is s3 so bad for Suitcase to hear about..?
(5:30) WHy is he HERE??
(15:22) OH IT'S THE GUY. OH IT'S THE GUY o h OJ!! oagh but like. imagine that with humans. your friend starts panicking at something you can't hear or see, screams and then sUDDENLY THEIR FUCKING FACE IS GONE. that would be a neat analog horror actually
(18:32) he's just like me. he's just like me for real,, (<- also has trigger words)
(23:42) wait- first Pickle then OJ, Nickel- no but OJ never got eliminated in s1. hm.
(25:30) wait- doesn't quite know what a frown looks like? d- does that rnean- wait wait nonono that was Cherry that yeeted Marshmallow-
- after episode -
hokay. okay. okayokayokaoyuayojoaykokoykaoykaokaoauuauhghhh
I am sane. I am normal. that's how he knows things. I need a break- okay so after like an hour, onto the next ep! wait is this the finale-
(1:39) WHA- oh I misheard Knife as Knight.
(2:10) NO NOT TEST TUBE! (3:50) oh they're all going to-
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,..,,.,why them,.., b.. but,theyre my favorites,,.
(11:34) wait they need to get that wire out of MePhone. that would stop MePhone X, right? but he doesn't know that..shit
(13:08) yeaAHHWHAT- oh. oh what
(15:14) let me guess Paintbrush got X'd while Fan was rambling. oh nvm. OH THE OTHER EGG IS PART OF MEPHONE 4?? oh that almost made me cry too- welp there goes lightbulb
(17:47) HUH??????????????? TOILET?????? wh a t .the fuck
(21:17) "cause that was pretty reductive!" oh they addressed it!
(25:40) ohh no.. Bow probably can't be X'd anyway, does she really have to do. that. to someone .....sighhh. if Apple's okay with that happening (somehow) I guess it's not as scary. I won't understand the opinion but I don't really need to tbh.
(sorry no more timestamps I watched the whole rest of it speechless)
- after episode -
I- wh-
but- he-
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he- but he just- there was no- winner- Cobs- what about MePhone 3GS?? what abou-
h. hold on
hold on I need to. make an editr ealquick. just
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relworld cursor editor almost crashed trying to save this
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the-conversation-pod · 7 months ago
Dispatch! (The Ossan's Love Episode)
And we're back!
NiNi and Ben bring our friend @twig-tea to the show to talk about the entire Ossan's Love series. We'll talk about the way this franchise evolves over time, the difficulties of comedy, what it means to love older queer men, and how this show tackles the complexities of family and masculinity.
The timestamps will now correspond with chapters on Spotify for easier navigation.
00:00:00 - Welcome 00:01:15 - Introduction and Some Context 00:06:25 - Ossan’s Love History and Summary 00:13:42 - The Characters 00:28:23 - Love or Dead and In The Sky 00:39:00 - Ossan’s Love Returns 00:45:33 - Final Thoughts and Ratings
The Conversation Transcripts!
Thanks to the continued efforts of @ginnymoonbeam as transcriber, and @lurkingshan as an editor and proofreader, we are able to bring you transcripts of the episodes.
We will endeavor to make the transcripts available when the episodes launch, and it is our goal to make them available for past episodes (Coming soon thanks to @wen-kexing-apologist). When transcripts are available, we will attach them to the episode post (like this one) and put the transcript behind a Read More cut to cut down on scrolling.
Please send our volunteers your thanks!
00:00:00 - Welcome
Welcome to The Conversation About BL, aka The Brown Liquor Podcast.
And there it is. I’m Ben.
I’m NiNi.
And we’re you’re drunk Caribbean uncle and auntie here sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs.
Four times a year we pop in to talk about what’s going on in the BL world.
We shoot the shit about stories and all the drama going into them. I review from a queer media lens.
And I review from a romance and drama lens.
So if you like cracked-out takes and really intense emotional analysis…
If you like talking about artistry, industry, and the discourse…
And if you generally just love simping…
There is a lot of simping on this podcast…
We are the show for you!
00:01:15 - Introduction and Some Context
And we're back! 
This week, we are covering all of Ossan's Love, from 2016 through 2024. We have brought on a special guest for this special episode as we're going to talk about the longest-running BL project. We have brought on our friend @twig-tea.
Hi, Twig. Welcome to the show.
Thank you so much for having me.
New friend of the pod. Super excited to have you here. Twig is what we delightfully referred to as a ‘fandom old.’ I'm very excited to be having this conversation with two fandom olds in here, Twig and Ben, because, dear listeners, I have not had the time to watch Ossan's Love, so this is gonna be interesting. Ben and Twig are gonna school me.
We'll do our best.
This is going to be an interesting episode because we're going to be talking about a project that was somewhat overlooked by fandom, myself included, until the last couple of months. And I'm a little bit salty about it, and so I wanted to bring on somebody who has watched all of this in real time, and I thought that their perspective would be helpful. 
Twig, you are new to our listeners. Why don't you tell them a little bit about yourself in fandom and your history with queer cinema and BL?
I actually started on the GL side, which is a little bit different than I think a lot of folks in the BL fandom. I started with getting into Sailor Moon and got involved with a group of women who started Yuricon. The first Yuricon was held in Newark, NJ, in 2003 and I was the secretary. 
From there, there just wasn't enough GL content, and so I got into BL, too. I was really into Japanese manga, was part of a few scanlation groups, got oversaturated, stepped away, came back in 2016 to be shocked at the fact that a whole lot of the stuff that I used to watch was now made into live action. 
The YouTube algorithm in late 2016—early 2017—fed me Lovesick and I sort of went, “Hello. What's this?” Then watched Make it Right and was hooked on Thai BL. Tried to backfill as much as I could, so I watched Gray Rainbow, and Diary of Tootsies, and all this stuff that nobody talks about, really, anymore. 
One of the things about fandom at that time was that the way you found stuff was digging and a prayer, and random people making random lists, and it was very hard to tell how good those lists were. And so I managed that by watching everything and making my own opinions. And that is why I watched Ossan’s Love when it aired, or as soon as I could get my hands on it.
So we're talking like real, real old school. We're talking about “Oh God, maybe some fansubber might help us out here.”
Fuckin’, like, Internet relay chat.
IRC was my job back in the day.
I was talking about other things—not BL, but I was there.
Twig has sketchy as shit DVDs that were handed to her by a fan that have not great rip but really solid subs.
Bought in a mall parking lot with Mandarin subtitles that we used to watch with my friends who spoke Mandarin so they could translate for us in real time. It was hard. We used to walk uphill both ways back in the day.
A lot of folks who have been in this for a long time—we joked that we watched everything because we had to. You have done a better job of keeping track of what you've watched.
I wish I'd done better. I only really started tracking things in 2020. I did try to backfill the years before that, but I only really captured all of the major series. There was so many shorts, and things like that, I just couldn't do. But my spreadsheet has about 600 things on it, 606 as of today.
I have been watching media overall—like seriously watching media—for…30 years…and I have not watched 606 of anything.
Nah, I believe her. It adds up. I engage with close to 100 BLs every year for the last 2-3 years.
Clearly I'm not in these streets with y'all.
[Twig laughs]
I'm so glad Twig has showed up because it has given me permission to not watch so much.
I bow down to you guys, because there was a point in time where, trying to keep up with week-to-week, I was watching something like eight shows at a time and I literally felt like my head was on fire. So, I don't know how you guys do it.
Practice. [laughs]
We talked about this on the show, how last year I watched 50 things, maybe, for the whole year, and I felt like I was losing my mind. I usually watch like 15.
50 is good. Like, that's a really healthy number.
That is. That's pretty solid.
As in five-zero? 
Yeah, no, that's great!
A year?! 
Yeah! And we made a whole fucking show out of it! It’s good!
Deep breaths. Okay, let's continue. Let's go on. [laughs]
00:06:25 - Ossan’s Love History and Summary
Let's get into Ossan's Love. Ben, do the honors, tell us what is Ossan's Love about?
Actually, I want to do this one a little bit differently. 
NiNi, you have not engaged with Ossan's Love. The most you have is the fandom vibe on it from the periphery. What is your impression of Ossan's Love prior to all of us posting a lot about the new show?
When you say periphery, I think you're being incredibly generous. There was one where they’re flight attendants maybe, or something to do with an airline. I am aware of that. And then there was something with a boss. There was a thing about a shower. There's some dirty jokes that go over my head because they're referential to this show. But in terms of my awareness of Ossan’s Love, it's honestly not much. 
Did I get any of those things correct by the way?
You totally did.
You did. I almost shouted “Dispatch” when you mentioned the airport. [Twig and Ben laugh] 
All right. So, I will give what I knew of Ossan's Love prior to earnestly engaging with it: Ossan's Love is a workplace-set drama in which a guy who works in an office is being pursued by a colleague of the same age as him and his boss—who is like 20-plus-odd years older than him. At the time when I didn't watch it, the fandom vibe on it was that it was fairly offensive, particularly around the old guy character. And, when it was hard to find this show, I was like, “Whatever, I'm not going to work that hard for a show that people seem really put off by.” I have had to make sure that I check if I am riding an old fandom opinion from prior to 2019 when it comes to older work, because those opinions are usually not informed by the lens that I use. And so I decided to engage with Ossan's Love properly. 
Before we start describing what the show is specifically, Twig, what do you remember about your experience watching the show in real time and the popular opinions about it?
So, the first thing is real time had really different meanings back then because we didn't have international distribution. It was sort of when things were fan subbed and when you could find them and knew they existed. So, I actually didn't get to watch the short until years after the original. So my first outing with Ossan’s Love was season one. 
At the time, it felt like if you liked it, you should be quiet about it, because the opinion was so negative that you would be shouted down if you said anything positive about it. So I just sort of stayed in my corner of enjoyment and tried not to think too hard about it.
That is unfortunately how I remember it being. It was not popular to say positive things about Ossan’s Love at the time. Even the fans of Ossan's Love seemed super ambivalent about the second season, which was an alternative universe.
Yeah. When Season 2 aired it was an even wider swing. The people who really loved Season 1 seemed to hate Season 2. I actually like Season 2 better than Season 1, so I was even more like, [laughs] “Okay, I guess I don't know what I'm talking about, guys, so I'm just gonna stay over here and let you all have your opinions over there.”
So our quick timeline: we have Ossan’s Love the TV special in 2016. We have Ossan’s Love the TV show airing during spring of 2018. They released the movie Ossan’s Love: Love or Dead —that went into theaters on August 23rd of 2019—and then a few months later, in November, they released Ossan’s Love: In The Sky. It's my understanding that Ossan’s Love Returns was originally supposed to air in, like, 2020-2021. They've returned to that project this year in 2024.
I know they're going to be doing a Thai version of this coming up and they also have the Hong Kong version?
That's right. Yep. There was a Hong Kong version in I think 2021 or 2022.
I love when they take a property and they remake it across cultures over and over again. I'm always intrigued to see how they turn out.
Have you watched the Hong Kong version, Twig?
I peeked at it. It's really true to season one in a lot of ways. I haven't actually watched it all the way through because I was like, “If I want to rewatch season one, I'll just rewatch season one.”
I feel like I have to watch it at some point. 
All right, so let's get into Ossan’s Love properly now: Ossan’s Love is about a 33 year old man named Haruta who is a slob. He is a hot mess of a man. He cannot take care of himself. He lives with his mom, and she does all the housework. She decides to bail on him and go run off with the hot new man she's with. And so he asks his colleague, whose name is Maki, to move in with him to help him out because Maki is very good at house chores. 
He learns accidentally that his boss, whose name is Kurasawa Musashi, has had a crush on him for a long time and also simultaneously learns that Maki has been crushing on him for a long time. Hijinks ensue as the two of them begin aggressively pursuing him, and he is not prepared for this sudden surge in gay activities.
One thing I add to your description, Ben, is it's a comedy.
So this is where things get a little bit complicated. Comedy is hard to do correctly, because a big part of comedy is playing with people's preconceptions of how an interaction should go. A lot of folks struggle with Japanese comedy because they're just not aware of the expectations for how an interaction should go, and so the humor is not landing on them, and this can happen even in your own culture. Like, if you showed a teenager today Airplane, many of the jokes in that movie would make no sense to them because they're missing some of the cultural context. Some of that exists with peoples engagement with Ossan's Love, I think.
I think that's right.
00:13:42 - The Characters 
The big part about Ossan's Love that impresses me is how the show gets better each time they come back. There are things that are kind of yikes in the short that are tweaked out in the first show. There are things that they retooled Haruta and Kurosawa over in the airport season. And then, in the most recent season, Ossan's Love Returns, they've shifted where the focus of their storytelling is after everything that's going on. So we are seeing the same characters, but they're dealing with much different dynamics. 
So, Ossan's Love Returns was a completely acceptable point for a lot of people to jump on, and I almost just jumped on. But, I like to know how we got here. So I was like, “I must watch all of this first!” [laughs]
I was about to say on what point were you ever gonna just jump on without going back into the before times? You, sir, are a historian and a completionist.
Of course. And so I went back and watched. 
Twig, since you didn't have a lot of people to talk about Ossan's Love with at the time, how about you talk about your impressions of Haruta, Maki, and Kurosawa when you first engaged with it?
The thing that stuck with me is that, even in 2018, it felt a little more queer than a lot of the other stuff I was watching alongside it at the time. Haruta and Maki, and all of the characters, play into that in different ways. Haruta is an extremely frustrating character. I just wanted to reach through the screen and strangle him through most of season one, and I think that's partially intentional. 
Haruta is set up as the literal straight man. He's there to be what your average straight guy reaction might be when confronted with gayness, and everyone around him literally slaps him and tells him he's being an idiot. Delightful, but it doesn't make the character himself very likable at first. The fact that he grows on you anyway, even while he's being so frustrating, speaks to the other strengths in his character: his kindness, and the way he values his coworkers. And I think the later seasons did a really good job of picking up the things that made Haruta such a great character, and enforcing that in the character writing itself to make him more likable overall. 
I loved Kurosawa from jump. I think he's [laughs] incredible. He lives life on 11, and I think watching an older man step through some of the more standard romance tropes very clumsily but earnestly is incredibly charming. 
Maki is the competent character. He's also a self-actualized gay man. He at no point questions his sexuality at all, has no crisis about it. He knows who he is and what he's attracted to. And that was also really refreshing for BL at the time.
Describing the kind of character that Kurosawa is made me think of Ben describing characters like Shin from Minato's Laundromat. When you tend to see these younger characters who are full on gung-ho chasing after the ones that they like, people like that. But they don't like the boss because they don't think their character should be doing that.
When I was first telling Ben about my opinions about the show, I said one of the things I struggle with is whether Kurosawa is telling the joke or is the joke. I think the more I have watched and rewatched, especially in later seasons, they do a really good job of him being a funny character and we're not laughing at him. He's not the butt of the joke, he's just funny. The people who would be turned off by an old guy hitting on a younger guy no matter what were turned off by that character and the ones who were sympathetic to older men also having romance in their lives were turned off by the idea that it was a comedy.
The comedy in the way Kurosawa pursues Haruta is about the age gap, not the fact that he's an old man. It's that he's at a different stage of his life. He's not fumbling to figure out stuff, he knows what he wants and his time is limited, so he's pursuing it determinately and also because he's older, he's behaving in line with his generation.
Like, if you don't have friends who are more than 10 years older than you, sometimes you're going to get weirded out by their cultural stuff. Like right now, I'm reaching the age gap with some of the kids I tutor, and I had to deal with all the various iterations on rizz and I don’t like it. 
[Twig and NiNi laugh]
I had an 8 year old call himself The Rizzler the other day and I almost pushed him down.
Oh no.
Oh my God.
I understand the concern around Kurosawa. But that is not what I think the show is doing, and even if it accidentally does it, that is not the show’s intent. Haruta is dealing with the sudden shift in his relationships with men who are important to him. Maki was just like his friend and colleague, who he was low-key mooching off of to do housework for him, and he has to deal with the fact that the only reason Maki is willing to put up with him is because Maki likes him. With Kurosawa, a big part of their relationship is the fact that he respects and admires him so much. The relationship between them is very paternal in a lot of ways?
A mentorship.
Yeah, he sees Kurosawa as a respected mentor and Kurosawa respects Haruta as well as a valued member of his team. A big part of the show is them sorting out the way that affection complicates some of these relationships, and we as the audience have to struggle with why these men like this man. Haruta is fucking useless in the household. He may be good at his job, but he is horrible at house related stuff. And so the question is why would anyone want him? 
And this is not rhetorical for the show. They really want you to grapple with this. The fact that Haruta is kind of repulsive as a romantic interest is something the show wants you to think about. You have to work to understand why so many people are into Haruta, and I think this gets better overtime.
They do a really good job with all of the women characters in this show, which was super rare for the time and still worth saying. His best friend Chizu also is terrible at housework, but she's a woman, and so she's struggling with the expectation that she get married and she keeps talking about how she needs to find somebody who does for her what Haruta’s men are willing to do for him. I just love putting those two characters side by side. And the silent question that's asked of the audience. That's like, why is this okay for Haruta, but not for Chizu.
It's not really subtle. As the show goes on, Maki won't really commit to Haruta because Haruta is ostensibly straight. Maki is hesitant about full committing because it's hard to be gay, like you got a lot to face as a gay person and he doesn't know that Haruta is going to stand up to all that. He's kind of a waffly type of dude. He's kind of a people pleaser who won't really stand up to anyone. This is kind of good for him as a salesperson. It's obvious why all their clients like Haruta. But it makes him kind of unreliable as a partner because you're not certain he's going to hold ground with you when the world is telling you that you shouldn't be together. 
The first season ends on a really cool note, ‘cause Maki and Haruta break up and Haruta just falls apart. And Kurosawa moves in with him for a while to help take care of him. For Kurosawa, it's a romantic thing, but it very much feels like someone’s parent going to take care of their kid. Haruta recognized where he failed with Maki, and he starts trying to help out with house stuff a little bit. But it's not like he suddenly becomes like a great housekeeper. I really liked that choice, that he starts putting in an effort but he's still horrible at it. 
Kurosawa ends up proposing to Haruta. Haruta has a hard time saying no to people, so he accepts. Also, he used a flash mob. It's hard to say no when someone flash mobs you.
Pause. Pause for cause.
Michael Jackson-themed flash mob.
Okay, not pausing. Unpausing. Go ahead.
Kurosawa is always at 11. He is an incredible character and like he and Haruta are going to get married and at the altar, Kurosawa is like. You need to go to him. You don't actually want to be here. And so Haruta runs to Maki and proposes to him at the end of the first season. 
And then there's just an incredible supporting cast in the show. I don't think we have time to talk about all of them properly, but. Haruta’s friend Chizu’s older brother Teppei runs a little bar diner that they often hang out at. He's so funny, always giving them weird gross food combinations to try out. They’re’s Maro, who's a member of their team who did not know Haruta’s given name for the years they worked together, there's Maika, who's kind of a nosy busybody at their work. She's a great source of comedy, ends up with Teppei. There's Takegawa, who's the second at their office in the first season, who is revealed to be Maki’s ex later. And he is intense as hell and becomes a complicating factor in the budding relationship between Haruta and Maki because he challenges Haruta. He's like, why is he putting this much effort into you? You suck! I really love the Takegawa character because he is a hot mess.
He just is so pained at Maki falling for a straight man. Something that is deeply relatable for anybody in queer spaces. [NiNi laughs] Like we have all been that person. Like, what are you doing to yourself?
I want to nod to Choko real quick. In the first season, Kurosawa has a wife of 30 years. Her name is Choko. Once his feelings for Haruta become known to Haruta, he decides he's going to pursue them and he tells this to his wife and they get divorced. She is understandably upset about this whole situation. But what's so great about it is, the show allows her to have a journey of figuring out what her life is going to be now that this information is out there. Like, she was hurt and upset at first, but then decides to support Kurosawa because this is her partner of 30 years and she understands him, so she ends up eventually supporting what he's trying to do with Haruta. And she ends up developing her own relationship with Maro. 
It's really cool in this show where there's this whole complicated thing about whether or not these three gay men are going to sort themselves out into various relationship configurations, they're also doing a pretty steep successful age gap romance between like a 30-something year old man and a woman approaching 60.
I love Choko's arc so much. It's the one thing that stayed with me the most. She is also allowed to be funny. She's silly and immature in the same ways that the male characters are. She's not perfect either. And I think that is super important that she's a complicated character. 
I think it's really important that this show talks about the ways in which homophobia and being in the closet hurts everyone, not just gay people. I think this show does a good job of at least alluding to the fact that the hurt that's caused by people having to live lies makes waves in communities.
I like when they put that on older characters, as well. There's so much to unpack when you're talking about a life lived in the closet, emerging from a life lived in the closet later on in life. What you're gonna do with that life and how you're gonna treat it. From what you guys are saying about Kurosawa, it’s like he just decided to take life by the balls once he came out of the closet, and that's always something that I enjoy seeing.
I guess, well, on some of the negatives. The humor is choppy in the first season. You do have to recalibrate as you're watching. It is very funny, but in ways that are unexpected. You will end up feeling a sense of revulsion in the show, particularly to season one Haruta. When I started going back to it, I had a difficult time with the first episode because I'm asking myself why would anyone want to fuck this man? [NiNi and Twig laugh] That is a real and valid reaction that you have to work with as you're watching the show. And so parts of it are a little bit difficult to watch in that regard. 
And Kurosawa is a huge character. You have to take time to get to know him and understand him and understand where his behaviors are coming from. And if you're not willing to do that work, the show is super off putting. 
It is loud. You do have to allow your comedy ear to calibrate to its shouting. 
However, I will say that if you want to see romance in BL about older characters, Ossan’s Love is right there. The entire drama is about 30-somethings and much older dealing with life and love. There is no wistful stuff about “things were easier when we were kids” in this show at all. It is very much grounded in the perspective and dramas that people in their 30s and 40s and 50s are dealing with in life and romance. 
I feel like the one other thing that I always feel the need to call out about the first season is Haruta, because of what his character is struggling with, is physically uncomfortable with displays of affection, and particularly with kissing, in the first season. And that can be off putting too, but he makes it clear verbally that he's not actually against physical affection, he's just familiar with it? It is one of the things that the show does better later on.
00:28:23 - Love or Dead and In The Sky
Let's talk about the movie! Ossan’s Love: Love or Dead. 
[laughs] Every time I think about that title, it makes me laugh, ‘cause it's just so extra. 
I'm sorry, Love or Dead? 
Oh yeah. 
The premise of this movie is at the end of season one, Haruta got an opportunity to go work in Shanghai for about six months, and the guys are going to be facing a separation for a bit. There's drama when Maki goes to pick up Haruta ‘cause he's found in a compromising position, and a big part of this is Maki still dealing with his anxiety around whether or not Haruta can be a partner to him. Maki gets selected to be part of this high-powered real estate team, and there's a bunch of drama that unfolds involving a partnership with a drug peddling organization and then we end on like an action note where they have to rescue Haruta from a burning building. 
There are explosions. 
Lots of explosions. 
This sounds… delightful. This sounds like exactly my kind of crack. 
You should watch it sincerely. 
It is delightful. 
If you're not certain about Ossan’s Love, legit, watching Ossan’s Love: Love or Dead is not a terrible place to start. It's a two-hour outing that covers the basic ground of the franchise, has some really strong moments, and is super cracked out. 
What's so fun in it is, we talk about the retooling of the characters. In season one, Maki and Kurosawa beef a lot over Haruta and legit get into physical brawls over it. This is a feature of the entire franchise. These men scrap on the regular. There's this great moment when they're trying to rescue Haruta from this building where Kurosawa's role as their mentor comes through and he reads Maki about how he's always holding back in the relationship. That's what I think works for me the most in this franchise, the collective love that everyone has for each other. It's true that Kurosawa is not going to succeed as a romantic rival to Maki in this story, but that doesn't mean that he's not important to everyone and everything going on. And I really, truly love that. 
His mentorship relationship with Maki really starts to flourish in the movie, the moment where Maki’s hanging off of a ledge and Kurosawa is helping him physically back onto the ledge so he doesn’t fall into the flames, but also verbally telling him what he needs to do to save his relationship. This movie is not subtle with its metaphors. But it's such a good moment where we realize that Kurosawa plays that role for Maki, too, of a mentor, and that he's willing to do it for the relationship, even at the same time as being a love rival. And it sets up the new season really well. 
The movie matters to the timeline of the series. The movie is not just some sort of one off moment that occurs. The events of the movie are built into the characters, and it was the beginning of them retooling how these characters function. 
This sounds like a very experimental type of series, just the way that they do different things each time. While they are refining their central characters and the central storylines, they're also experimenting with style and tone, and a number of other things it feels like? 
I think that's really true. One of the things about the movie that's really fun is it's the first instance of sports in the series. We get Justice playing basketball with Haruta and working his feelings out through basketball. 
JUSTICE!!! [Twig and Ben laugh]
Love and peace! And that becomes a huge part of the AU and also part of Ossan’s Love Returns that I think really adds to the experience. They try things out and then if it works, they pick it up and add and yes, and it, and then they pull out the things that didn't really work. I find that really interesting to watch happen. 
The concept of something being iterative like that in real time, it's not for everybody. 
This series went on to do something super experimental where a couple of months after they released a continuation movie promising that these characters would get back together, they released an alternative universe season where only Haruta and Kurosawa were present from the original cast, and now we're at an airport dealing with a completely different set of characters and a slightly different dynamic. 
It also gave Twig and I our favorite bit. 
[laughs] Dispatch! 👍
Dispatch! 👍 Oh my God. It is so funny, every single time. 
Every time. 
Every episode has at least two dispatch moments. [Twig laughs] It's so fucking funny. 
Sometimes it's to end a conversation. Sometimes it's to greet somebody, sometimes it's to shut down a conversation, distract from someone saying something you don’t want them to say. 
So in this particular season, Kurosawa is still a leader. He is the captain of a flight crew. Haruta is a new flight attendant who is joining this team. In this case, Kurosawa is not Haruta’s long-term mentor who has been harboring a crush on him. He develops his crush in real time. Haruta moves into company housing and there's a slightly older guy there who's got a crush on Haruta, but he won't say anything about it. And then there's the meanest twink who's ever existed in BL. 
I mean y'all just seem to be giving me multiple reasons to watch this show at this point, so. 
So in the second season, there's far more complicated people in the Haruta stuff. There's Kaname who is the older mechanic who lives in the dorms, and he's got this huge crush on Haruta, but he'll never say anything about it. Naruse is causing fucking problems all the time, because every time he has relationship drama and people show up at their airport to fuck with him about it, he just starts kissing Haruta to make people go away. And then people throw drinks in Haruta’s face over it. Because Tanaka Kei is a master of physical comedy. 
One of the staples of the series is what I call the Haruta reaction supercut, where they just have multiple cuts of Haruta’s face as it morphs into more and more absurd huh, no, whaaa faces. He does bend his body in ways that's like a cartoon falling over, it's pretty incredible. 
Ben knows that I love physical comedy. 
Yoshida Kotaro has incredible physical comedy, too. 
Like if you ever want to see an old man try and kill an aging twink [Twig laughs], this is the show for you. 
I get why people who liked the first show bounced off of this, because the rest of the cast is gone. The supporting cast is a really strong part of the Ossan’s Love experience, but I really like the AU season because I think it allowed them to retool Haruta and Kurosawa. And retool the relationship between them to make it more about their mentorship. They're building that relationship in the AU season ‘cause they don't know each other. 
The thing that I really like about the AU setup is because Haruta is coming into a new environment, we get to see him build his network of people around him over the course of the season. Showing us what's likable about Haruta because he has to charm all these people around him in order to get friends and build a community, is a really important piece of the puzzle that allowed me to get to like that character a lot more, because he was charming me at the same time. 
We get a lot of great moments in the season. Kurosawa has been a pilot for 30 years and he decides to retire and everyone is sad about it. I'm sad about it, Twig is crying about it. 
He ends up inviting the three guys who we've mentioned out to hang out in the park with him. He has this sumo tournament with them where he's basically giving them the last bit of advice he's going to give them and it is, one of the most intensely emotional man moments I have had in this genre. I was losing it and I was crying. I was hollering and screaming, messaging Twig like, “Wake up, I need to talk about this right now, I don't care what you're doing. Get up.” 
Truly, it is one of the best moments in TV about the relationships between men that I have ever experienced, and it is this hyper ridiculous sumo wrestling moment in a gay romance drama in the AU season that is technically not canon, and it was the moment from the series that lingers with me the most. 
Even in the moment they're looking at each other like, is this happening? How is this happening? This isn't real. Nobody does this. Nobody calls each other to the side of the river with a note [laughs] to hold a wrestling competition in which we talk about our feelings. 
But it works really well. I ended up really loving the way it allowed us to think about these two men and the relationship between them. We get to appreciate how important Kurosawa is to Haruta. 
That sumo wrestling moment allows us to see Kurosawa's relationships with all of his subordinates. The way he's so firm and so gentle with Naruse, with like “soft landing,” meanwhile, throws Haruta out of the ring. 
The way he talks to all of these men as specific to them, like his role as leader is strongest in the AU season. My primary concern for the Thai adaptation is who is playing Kurosawa, because this character is as important as the romantic leads. 
I think it's more important. 
I am with Twig. Who is going to match Yoshida Kotaro in Thailand? I need to know. 
I'm eagerly awaiting that announcement. 
The answer is going to be Nu Surasak or Kob Songsit.
I really hope it's good. 
00:39:00 - Ossan’s Love Returns
Ossan's Love Returns reunites the original cast after five years. Maki is returning from an extended stint in Singapore, and now he and Haruta are gonna start their cohabitating married life together. Maki is now part of the super team at headquarters, following up on the movie. Haruta is still on the streets with regular folk, ‘cause that's where he wants to be. Kurosawa has retired, I liked that follow up from the AU season. And now he's working as a housekeeper. Maki is working too much and Haruta is still bad at house, and so they hire a housekeeper, who ends up being Kurosawa [Twig laughs] who cannot hold back his feelings for Haruta and it becomes one of the ongoing dramas of the season. 
One of the things I enjoyed in this season is… they explore how to integrate Kurosawa into their lives long term. Haruta is serious about Maki and committed to their romance. Kurosawa is also extremely important to him and he treats him like a father figure. They explicitly have Choko talk to Kurosawa about how a lot of the ways he feels [laugh] about Maki are a lot of the ways a mother-in-law might feel about their daughter-in-law with the way they beef with each other. And when we say they beef with each other, I mean, these two men are legit fighting in their kitchen, like Kurosawa hits Maki in the head repeatedly with a frying pan. Maki legit throws Kurosawa through a door at one point and knocks it off the hinges. These two men, when they scrap with each other, are fighting for real and I love it every time.
It's just like you all conspired to come into this recording booth today and just be like, okay, so you say this and I'll say that and between us we're gonna get her to watch this, because she likes this kind of stuff.
I didn't really have to work that hard. We're just legit talking about what the show was doing. We get a really great season of Maki and Haruta settling into what their life is going to look like. There's some introduced new characters in the season that we all had very complicated feelings about who I think end up fitting fine by the end. Most of the original cast comes back and there's like a really great bit of exploring what all these characters settling into their relationships that they got into in the first season in this one. 
So Haruta and Maki are now living together and figuring out what that is going to look like, who are they gonna be as a couple now that they're not doing long distance ‘cause they've basically been long distance between every outing. Which I think was a clever choice because it means that the characters’ relationship dynamic doesn't really move that much between outings. 
Choko is now living with Maro and Maro’s mom, and Choko is struggling because she's older than Maro's mom. She can't just treat this woman like her mother-in-law. And Maro doesn't know how to help because he's caught between his wife, who's way older than him, and his mom, who's confused and a little bit uncertain about this whole dynamic.
I also love that that's not the only thing we see Choko having worked through in the time we've been apart from her. She opened an archery range after her divorce, and sort of reinvented herself with this new life that she's actually thriving in.
They get new neighbors who are a bunch of weirdos.
[laughs] They're so weird. They're so weird.
These two are revealed to be members of, like, a public security division that maybe doesn't actually exist. Izumi ends up becoming obsessed with Haruta because he's a doppelganger for his dead lover who was killed in the line of duty, who is very, very different from Haruta. It was fun to see Tanaka Kei play a very different type of character in those flashbacks. I don't know that it entirely landed for me over the course of the season, but by the finale, which was fantastic, I was okay with them.
A large part of the way they were written is that they were a mystery for a large part of it, too. It's hard to bond with a character that you know nothing about and is intentionally opaque.
Chizu is trying to make it as a single mom and this reinforces one of the big themes of the season, that family is all the people who are going to show up for you all the time. She relies on Teppei and Maika to help, and she feels guilty about this and they tell her straight up, like, don't feel guilty. We are a family. You should rely on us. 
She had already made Haruta and Maki designated adults who can pick up her kid from the daycare. An important gay right of passage is your friend calling you and telling you I need you to go pick up my kid, and then you show up at said kindergarten to pick up a kid and they look at your ID and they go “oh you're allowed” and the kid runs to you and everybody goes, well, that makes sense. An important gay moment that everyone must experience.
One of the things that I love about this so much is that it picks up from a throw away line that Chizu says in the movie. She sort of brags that she's going to balance having a kid and her career. One of the things about the series is that it really feels like the people who are writing it love the whole series and are constantly thinking about how to call back in loving ways and how to pick up threads in loving ways. Something that she just sort of confidently stated she was going to do no problem in the movie becomes a whole plot in the following season.
There's a final arc in the season where Kurosawa has a health scare where we think he's going to die.
When we were talking about it, Ben, you said that it was an important moment for Maki and Haruta to confront the idea that Kurosawa won't always be around. And I was like, oh, that's why I don't like this part because I don't want to ever think about that. [Twig and Ben laugh]
The entire finale is this really great examination about the way this whole group of people are a family to each other.
It's not even just that it's happening, but they're explicit about it. They're having conversations about what is family? What are we to each other? How do we define our relationship? Where do those lines get drawn? And the answer is just sort of, yes.
There's an explicit line, like, what is Kurosawa to them? And then Maika comes over and hammers it home for the audience and is like, “There's no need to describe it. What matters is you all are going to be part of each other's lives forever.”
00:45:33 - Final Thoughts and Ratings
I don't think we talked about it as much. So, the first season is pretty light on kissing and intimacy between the male characters. Ossan's Love Returns is not! There's so much married intimacy between Haruta and Maki.
The casual intimacy in Ossan's Love Returns is constant, and it just feels very lived in? They're just constantly touching each other and having small kisses and teasing each other.
We got more of that today in the unexpected special spin-offs we're getting. I was like “ohh, I thought we were done. Oh, it's another cute little 20-minute office episode ending on the two of them making out next to the copier.” Love it.
This is called Forbidden Gout Temps Nouveau. 
I have so many questions, but I feel like I should not ask those questions right now.
My general attitude is you don't need to watch all of Ossan's Love to enjoy parts of Ossan's Love. I think if you are interested in gay domesticity and complex family units, you can just watch Ossan's Love Returns right away.
I'm watching it all. Eventually. I don't know when. There's a lot going on in the IRL space right now, but I'm gonna be watching the whole thing.
I feel like I should say something about the original short. It has a lot of the things that people found the hardest to swallow about season one. A lot of the stuff that they did originally they fixed or did better as they moved through. I would say the short is the thing to skip, of all of it, unless you're really curious about the journey of this franchise.
I'm really fascinated by the idea of this as a reserve process of working through and refining the show in kind of a real time. I would like to see the whole thing just for that purpose. I'm a writer, so the way that this feels like multiple drafts, and you getting to actually see the multiple drafts to see why they might have decided to make a particular change in the next draft, or why they would have gone for an overhaul, or what would they have tweaked around the edges. I like the idea of looking at that.
It is not just the writing that they iterate. We haven't talked a lot about the visual effects that this show uses, but it has its own style. One of my favorites: it uses the bokeh effect, where the lighting in the background is blurred and sometimes takes shapes. It starts from the very beginning. You'll see the lights behind Kurosawa make little hearts while he's confessing to Haruta and Haruta’s has little like stop signs. [Ben laughs] And then they get bigger and bigger with that where Kurosawa’s hearts have little like heartbreak. They have– there’s little, like, zigzags in the hearts behind him when he gets rejected. Sometimes he'll be crying tear lights. That’s just one of the things that they play with in the different versions.
Naruse having that whole tantrum trying to get someone's attention for help? Then having that super cut of them screaming and then smash cutting to them just sitting at the table. There's like the courtroom audio stinger that dominates the first season that I fucking love [mimics the sound] thing that happens over the course of the whole season. It's so, so dramatic, and I'm like, “Is Judge Mathis gonna walk out? What is happening?”
Oh, and they do this thing where they hard cut to a visual metaphor like water leaking out of a water bottle or a pot boiling to represent the character’s emotions. There's so many visual moments. It's not just written well and acted well. It's also represented visually really well, and seeing how they experiment with that and how that changes. Like, the weird bobble heads we got in the AU season. I'm still not over those. I'm glad those didn't return.
It is not a perfect show. This is not a “Everybody was wrong. They should have watched all of this. Grab your pitchfork!” situation. This is not an easy show to love. If you can find your way to loving the show, I think it has been one of the most rewarding watches I've had in the genre since What Did You Eat Yesterday? 
Japanese BL is different from Thai BL. More experimental and weirder things are gonna happen over time if the series has a lot of leg in it, and Ossan's Love is one of those that has so much leg in it. Like the second season just ended, and I'd be okay if we don't see them again, but, I really hope we do.
Me too.
All right, so let's get into ratings. I mean, is this the kind of thing that you rate? Instead of rating, let's rank. If you had to rank the different parts of the Ossan's Love franchise, how would you rank them? In terms of, for you, most enjoyable to probably the least enjoyable?
Well, the least enjoyable is the original special. It's the most rough and the hardest to swallow. I think the best season is the current one?
Yeah. I mean, for me, it's basically chronological order, I think. I struggle between the film and the AU ‘cause I like them for different reasons, and I struggled with them for different reasons. But I think Naruse tips it over there so that it stays ahead.
[Ben and Twig laugh] I love that mean twink!
He's just so great.
I don't know that I'd want to…rank them that way. I think each outing adds something to it. It's really a question of, do you like seeing people try to get together for the first time, or do you really like seeing people be together? For me, I'm very partial to Ossan's Love Returns because it's about gay life drama, which is what I’ve wanted for a while. And so I'm really fucking enjoying that.
Yeah, I love it when people have to figure out, “Now that we're in this relationship, how do we make this work?”
But I also love the AU season. I think the retooling of Haruta and Kurosawa is actually really helpful. I think taking a break from Maki is actually helpful for appreciating Haruta when you come back to them. I think you end up liking Haruta more by the time you get to Ossan's Love Returns and seeing the potential in him. The love people are trying to pour on to him in the current season is more accessible to me as a viewer because I got to spend time with Haruta growing to love him in the AU season.
I also just have affection for an entire season that seems to have basically been built off of like a throwaway reference to episode one, when Haruta says he's most attracted to stewardesses. And then, and also, like, maybe a pun because Kurosawa’s character is called bucho which means, like, manager essentially through all of the regular Ossan's Love stories. But in the AU he's kucho because he's a captain. And I think that's very funny.
In terms of my ratings, I'm looking at on MDL, I gave Ossan's Love and Ossan's Love Returns a 9. But I gave the AU season a 9.5. [Ben and Twig laugh] So, there's your answer.
There you go.
Twig, what did you rate the second season? I know ratings aren't always your thing, but did you give the second season a rating?
I didn't. If I was going to give it a rating. Ossan's Love Returns? Yeah, I’d give it a 9.
It's a 9 for me in that I think if you're into BL, you should watch the show, but I don't know that it is the most accessible show, so I don't want to give it a 10.
I think the thing about this show, too, is it's about multiple relationships. It's not just about Maki and Haruta, and I wouldn't even say their relationship dominates the story. So, to rank it against other BL as a romance narrative is quite difficult. It's about family and what that means in a queer context. Part of that is romance, but it's not even the biggest part? The family feels is what gets me about this series.
That's going to do it for Ossan's Love. We have succeeded at our mission. NiNi has agreed to watch the show. Twig and I got to unpack the entirety of this whole franchise. We have the benefit of knowing it gets better over time now, and so I don't begrudge people bouncing when they did in 2018. I think that in 2024, it is beneficial for people who care about the history of the genre to go back and properly engage with Ossan's Love. I genuinely think it is worth reconsidering your initial opinion. They… grow. Their characters are not static. What has occurred is taken seriously and what worked and didn't work is considered as they move forward.
That is going to wrap us up on the Ossan's Love episode. Twig, it was so great having you on, and I hope you come back.
Thank you so much for having me. It was really fun.
With that, we out. Say bye to the people, Twig.
Dispatch! 👍
At some point I'm going to find out what that means, and then I will be unstoppable. Say bye to the people, Ben.
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1ris5starlight · 4 months ago
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Uuh!! Moon and Sun at a restaurant!!
(1:07) Sun looks like a mum whose trying to convince their kid to eat a food-🤭
(1:39) ptf- you don't like coca cola, Moon?🤭
(2:58) ptf- Did-did the worker just hit an hamburger on Moon's face-? Brute-
(5:01) ptf- a flying hamburger-
But Why does the worker keep throwing things at them?!
(5:34) Is the worker mad or something-?
(5:45) . . .uh- emh- ok-?
(6:20) Moon likes the barbecue chips!!
(6:52) oh god- IS THAT THE SAME WORKER-?!??
(7:22) do you like it Moon?🤭🤭
(7:40) "down boy, realise!" - Sun 2024
(7:58) o-oh- emh- maybe put it down more gently-?
(8:49) Uhhh- Ya sure Sun-??? That's a BIG fire-
(9:14) OH GOD-
(9:22) PTF-
(9:42) Fair point-
(10:07) Don't like the soup Moon?
(I'm sorry, but it's just funny seeing Moon act like a kid when it comes to food-!🤭)
(11:00) 🤭🤭
(12:02) poor Monty, can't take a break-
(12:35) Geez-
Nice twins boding time!!💛💙
21 notes · View notes
billloveshushu · 10 days ago
Cap. 01─ O Tesouro dos Justiceiros.
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━ Platonic Batfamily x BabyOC.
Sinopse━ um bebê foi resgatado por Batman em uma de suas missões, se sentindo responsável, Bruce decidiu adotá-la fazendo ela participar de sua grande família.
Mas a questão é que o bebê sabia que estava no mundo de quadrinhos, não sabendo como reagir e nem o porquê sabia disso.
Milhares de perguntas encheram em sua cabecinha, Ela ficará bem? Irá sobreviver? Ou saberá lidar com uma família inteira traumatizada?
━ Aqui a história passará nos tempos atuais onde toda a família Batman já está formada, Então os personagens serão bem mais velhos.
━ eu vi um vídeo onde suponham a idade deles atuais.
Damian: 16 anos.
Tim: 24 anos.
Jason: 27 anos.
Dick: 30 anos.
Bruce: 45 anos.
━ Provavelmente esteja errado mas eles terão essa idade nessa fanfic, ah e o Alfred é imortal pronto falei.
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Em uma mansão luxuosa, havia um quarto que era deslocado do resto, o chão era acolchoado por um tapete macio e havia ursos de pelúcia em cada canto que podia ser visto um berçário no centro.
Dentro tinha um pequeno bebê, sua pele morena destacava seu cabelo vermelho e seus olhos acastanhados, ela observava o Mordomo que conversava com outro homem
O Mordomo aparentava uma idade avançada mas sua postura era elegante e firme, o outro era claramente bem construído já que seus músculos se amostravam em sua camisa.
Ela sabia muito bem quem eram eles, Batman O Justiceiro de Gotham City e seu Leal mordomo Alfred.
Mas por quê? Por que ela sabe disso? Só se lembra de quando acordou no hospital, no momento que viu o rosto de Bruce Wayne já sabia que estava em um mundo de quadrinhos que gostava de ler em sua vida passada.
Mas só isso, ela não consegue se lembrar mais de nada, como se faltasse memórias, além disso, de repente foi adotada e começou a morar na mansão Wayne não sabendo se isso era uma coisa boa ou não.
Bem, era bom ela ter um lugar onde podia viver com boas condições, diferente do orfanato onde vivia, Mas sabendo o que aguarda nessa mansão, não fica tão bom.
Se tirando desses pensamentos, a bebê aproveita para se concentrar em ouvir os dois homens.
Aparentemente, ela foi resgatada pelo Batman em uma de suas missões mais complicadas, onde ele estava investigando junto com a Barbara Gordon (Oráculo) a maior rede de tráfico em Gotham City.
Durante a missão até tiveram ajuda de vários vilões que também não gostavam dessa situação, eles acharam o esconderijo dos traficantes e planejavam acabar com tudo aquilo naquela noite mas não ocorreu como planejado, os traficantes tinha um plano para os distraí e fugirem.
Eles implantaram bombas em um dos seus locais de tráfico, que tinha uma fachada de orfanato, o problema é que havia crianças vivendo lá, eles fizeram isso propositalmente caso o Batman os achassem, eles sabiam que ele ia largar tudo para salvá-las.
No final eles conseguiram fugir e Batman não chegou a tempo, só pode ver a grande explosão acontecendo em sua frente, crianças foram mortas e algumas ficaram gravemente feridas, a Corporação da Indústria Wayne financiou todo o suporte financeiro para as vítimas incluindo os funerais, que aconteceu em um dia onde toda Gotham se lamentou pelas vidas inocentes.
Batman se sentiu péssimo.
Ela podia ver a raiva de Bruce em seu rosto, talvez decepção consigo mesmo também, Alfred estava do mesmo jeito, indignado com as pobres vidas de crianças que foram usadas mas manteu a calma sabendo que tinha tratar os ferimentos do seu senhor/filho.
━ Senhor Bruce, eu entendo sua raiva mas não pode sair logo depois de sua recuperação.
━ Mas Alfred! mas não posso ficar aqui esperando sabendo que eles estarão a soltar!
Logo a a bebê percebeu que Bruce ainda estava com ferimentos enfaixados.Alfred ficou tenso mas parou, sabendo que não poderá convencer o homem morcego.
De repente um barulho surgiu, os dois olharam pra o bebê que ficou envegonhada e colocou as mãos na barriga tirando a tensão no quarto. Alfred foi fazer o leite e saiu do quarto, Bruce colocou a mão na testa irritado e se sentou num sofá que tinha no quarto.
Ela olhou para o homem melancólico━ " mesmo sendo a primeira vez que eu vejo pessoalmente, ele não parece mais velho? "
O rosto dele tinha ferimentos enfaixados, os olhos caídos que gritavam por sono, e uma baba não feita, ele estava claramente abatido pelo acontecimentos recentes, mostrando que carrega o manto do Batman não era fácil.
Isso não é surpreendente, por causa de Batman ele sacrificou muitas coisas incluindo sua saúde física e mental, mas a coisa que mais odiava era magua ou preocupa Alfred, sabia que o mordomo queria que ele descansase para seu bem, e mesmo assim agiu como uma criança.
Enquanto se lamentava ele sentiu o bebê olhando pra ele, mas não olhou de voltar, desde daquele dia evitou olha para o rosto dela, nem se lembrando como era.
O bebê viu as mãos de Bruce começa a tremer.
Ele se lembra daquele noite sangranda, era tarde demais pedir ajuda para os outros Robins que ainda estavam longe de Gotham, Ele só pode ver a explosão acontecer resgatar o máximo de pessoas até que uma criança o parou pedindo ajuda, falando que tinha uma sala mais a fundo do orfanato e um bebê estava lá.
Bruce nunca sentiu tanto pânico e a adrenalina descendo pelo seu corpo, ele não sabe como passou pelo fogo ardente até entrar na sala que estava meio escondida e encontrar um berçário caído e ver o pequeno corpo de um bebê coberto de sangue.
Até para o Batman essa visão é forte demais, se lembrou de como carregou o pequeno corpo quase sem vida, não, ele tinha certeza que estava morta até a enfermeira levá-la e falar que tinha um sinal de vida.
Ele não sabe se isso foi uma ilusão no momento, até os médicos falaram que foi um milagre um bebê de apenas alguns meses de idade sobreviver nesse estado.
Perante seu estado crítico, o bebê levou um mês para se recuperar, mas teve várias sequelas que deveriam ser tratadas com o passar do tempo. Bruce vendo essa situação, decidiu adotar o bebê para ser o seu responsável e financiar todos os seus tratamentos e despesas médicas.
A última vez que ele viu a bebê de perto, foi quando Alfred segurou a bebê nos braços levando ela para mansão, depois disso, Bruce a evitava e deixava ela aos cuidados de Alfred, ele nunca segurou ela, e nem mesmo olhava para o seu rosto e evitava entrar em seu quarto até agora, era como se ele estivesse...
Como se estivesse com medo.
Alfred chegou com a mamadeira e pegou o bebê delicadamente e ajeitou sua postura para ser mais confortável, e Bruce viu isso de longe até o bebê terminar de tomar o leite e o mordomo limpar sua boquinha colocando ela de volta no berçário pois percebeu que estava com sono.
Em seus últimos momentos lutando com suas pálpebras quase se fechando, ela viu Bruce se desculpando com Alfred antes adormecer e ir para o mundo dos sonhos.
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Já se passou uma semana desde a última vez que a bebê viu Bruce, ela se perguntou, deveria se importar?
Desde que chegou a essa mansão Bruce a evitava como se fosse uma praga, ela não era burra de não perceber isso, no começo ficou com raiva mas logo a raiva desapareceu, não tinha motivos para isso e nem conhecia ele direito.
Ela conhecia o Batman dos quadrinhos mas não o Bruce Wayne, sempre via o Batman sendo retratado como o herói supremo, o justiceiro que fazia justiça com as próprias mãos.
Não como um pai de família que tem muitos filhos, os quadrinhos não se aprofundavam muito da parte familiar. E quando se aprofundavam era visível que Bruce falhou muitas vezes como o pai.
Ela até se perguntou se era outra criança destinada a ser um Robin, ou uma criança que ele apenas tinha pena, isso não importava, pelo menos ela tem o Alfred que durante essa semana se tornou muito mais apegado a Bebê.
Alfred não sabe como essa pequena bolinha sorridente conquistou seu coração tão rápido, sempre se via preocupado com ela, percebeu que terminava sua rotina de trabalho mais rápida ou deixava de fazer algumas coisas para apenas cuidar da pequena, ele nunca fez isso antes.
No começo Alfred se preocupava, fazia tanto tempo que não cuidava de um bebê tão pequeno se perguntando até mesmo em contratar uma pessoa mais especializada.
Mas surpreendentemente não foi assim, ela era um bebê muito tranquilo e quieta e até sorridente, ele se perguntou se isso era um problema até que viu o seu sorriso banguelo em seus braços enquanto abraçava um gato de pelúcia.
Imaginar que ele foi conquistado por apenas um sorriso torto, talvez seu instinto paternal tenha voltado.
Depois de medir a temperatura ideal do leite, Alfred viu o pequeno bebê na sala de jogos dormindo no sofá, ela estáva apoiando sua bochechinhas que ficaram amassada no ursinho de pelúcia maior que ela é vários outras pelúcias ao redor.
Alfred tirou uma foto secretamente dessa cena fofa e planejava fazer um álbum de fotos, a bebê sendo acordada gentilmente esticou seus bracinhos em direção do mordomo pedindo para ser levantada, Alfred a pegou e observou ela tentando abrir seus olhinhos enquanto bocejar.
Ele até esfregou seus olhinhos fazendo ela ficar mais acordada.
Enquanto ele olhava para o bebê que bebia o leite e tentava agarrar a garrafa com as suas mãozinhas gordas, pensou que seria bom se Bruce tivesse os mesmos pensamentos, não foi só a bebê que percebeu o comportamento estranho do Bilionário, ele percebeu no primeiro olhar que Bruce estava a evitando, ele perguntou por quê e Bruce respondeu━ Quando eu olho pra ela, lembro de seu corpo cheio de sangue...
Alfred ficou aliviado que suas ações não foram por mal, mas ficou extremamente triste quando percebeu o medo de Bruce, não saber se podia ser chamado de medo mas era semelhante ao que aconteceu com Jason, o medo de encarar seu maior fracasso.
Mesmo que a bebê esteja bem agora, ela ficou com várias sequelas, Alfred sempre fica com coração partido ao ver as pequenas feridas recém-cicatizadas e espera que elas desaparecem ao longo do seu crescimento fazendo aquele ataque traumático ser apenas um delírio.
Agora ele só quer que Bruce consiga supera isso é a bebê fique bem.
A noite logo chegou, Alfred preparava a bebê para dormir colocando o novo pijama que imitava a figura de uma ovelha bebê, até tinha um rabo, Alfred frequentemente comprava novas roupas fofas com temáticas de animais para a bebê e tirava foto de cada uma delas, acho que ele ganhou um novo hobby.
Depois de coloca o talco no pescoço do bebê, ele estava preste coloca ela pra dormir mas de repente parou e olhou para a porta do quarto, a bebê logo percebeu, Batman voltou.
Alfred se desculpou e a colocou no berçário falando para espera um pouco e saiu do quarto, ela olhou por um tempo o teto e pode ouvir alguns barulhos do Alfred ajudando Bruce e percebeu que a situação deve estar séria.
Ela até pensou em ir até lá, Mas sabia que não podia, seu corpo ainda estava desenvolvendo suas habilidades locomotivas, ainda tinha o fato que estava se recuperando, logo pensou que só seria um fardo.
Quando suas pálpebras estavam quase se fechando, Alfred apareceu novamente, mas dessa vez ele a carregou e levou até outro quarto onde podia ser visto Bruce deitado numa cama coberto de ataduras e ferimentos pequenos, a bebê ficou surpresa com a visão enquanto Alfred levava ela para mais perto.
Dava para ver que Bruce estava tentando dormir até que sentiu a presença de Alfred e abrir os seus olhos para vê-lo até que percebeu a pequena bola de pelos nas mãos do mordomo━ hun?
Alfred percebendo a cara de dúvida do homem falou━ Senhor Bruce, temo que eu não poderei cuidar da pequena senhorita enquanto prepara sua janta, então por gentileza.
Alfred colocou a pequena ovelhinha na cama junto com Bruce que apenas observou o mordomo sair satisfeito do quarto, deixando os dois indivíduos olharem confusos para a porta, Bruce sabia que isso era apenas uma desculpa de Alfred para fazendo conhecer a criança melhor mas não pode evitar xingar um pouco.
Então percebeu a pequena rastejando até o seu lado e soltando pequenos sons, ele sentia seu olhar em seu rosto, Bruce sabia que isso era covarde,ele pensava que depois de resolver o caso ficaria bem, e conseguiria encarar a criança sem nenhuma culpa, mas isso provou o contrário, ele sabe que isso é ridículo mas toda vez que pensa nela lembra das várias vezes que falhou como um pai, lembrando de como foi negligente com seus filhos.
Bruce queria seguir em frente e deixar os erros no passado, mas não conseguia, ele não pode deixar de pensar que por causa dele a maioria dos seus filhos não estão na mansão.
Ele começou aperta sua mão em seu abdômen onde estava com o ferimento enfaixado que abriu com a pressão, começando a sai uma mancha de sangue, a bebê vento isso rapidamente colocou sua mão na nele tentando empurrar que acabou chamando atenção dele.
Bruce finalmente viu a bebê e não aquele pesadelo, ele viu um pequeno bebê recém recuperado, com bochechas rechonchudas e sua mãozinha pequena e macia fazendo um contraste com a sua, que era grande e cheia de cicatrizes, o rostinho do bebê olhava para ele preocupado.
A bebê viu o olhar chocado de Bruce se encher de culpa e suas mãos começaram a tremer, ela não entendia porque isso está acontecendo, mas decidiu ser benevolente, ela subiu no peito dele e abraçou seu pescoço esfregando sua bochecha contra a dele enquanto tentava procurar uma posição melhor para dormir no ombro.
Ainda perplexo, Bruce levantou suas mãos e a segurou percebendo o quão frágil era, pela primeira vez um bebê recém-nascido estava em seus cuidados, um ser tão indefeso que não podia nem mesmo correr para fugir dos seus predadores, que deveria ser protegida e ser cuidada, uma criança pequena que ele ainda ignorou e a evitou por apenas um medo ridículo.
━ Me desculpa... ━ disse Bruce com a sua voz fria e autoritária, a bebê olhou surpresa e viu os olhos melancólicos.
Ela apenas abraçou ele mais forte, enquanto ele a segurava e acariciava sua cabeça desajeitadamente.
Bruce dali em diante prometeu que iria protegê-la com toda a seu coração é alma, que não iria erra dessa vez, lhe prometendo entregar para ela uma vida longa e feliz.
Depois de um tempo Alfred chegou no quarto apenas vendo Bruce dormindo segurando a bebê também adormecida no peito, ele apenas sorriu vendo a cena e ficou aliviado por saber que Bruce não precisará dos remédios para dormir essa noite, ele discretamente saiu do quarto com prato de comida nas mãos junto com os remédios e fechou a porta sem fazer nenhum barulho.
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Espero que tenham gostado, eu passei a maior parte do tempo me perguntando como escreve o Bruce com os problemas que eu queria retratar.
Não sei se eu fiz do jeito melhor, no próximo capítulo eu irei aprofundar mais a relação do Bruce e com a bebê, este aqui meio foi só uma apresentação.
Vocês devem ter percebido que até agora a bebê não tem nome, eu garanto que ela vai ter no próximo capítulo.
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hyeincovers · 9 months ago
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Doação de capas!
Regras Importantes a ter em conta:
É obrigatório dar reblog no post para pedir uma das capas.
Uma só capa por pessoa (duas se for co-autoria, mas o form tem que ser preenchido por uma outra pessoa)
O(s) escritor(es) têm 45 dias para escrever e publicar a fanfic da capa doada. Caso não haja mais contacto depois dos 45 dias a capa voltará para doação!
É obrigatório estar a seguir-me aqui e no Spirit para poder pedir uma capa!
Formulário para pedir: Adoção de capas
Seguem as capas em doação:
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01. Kiss me More [red velvet]
Adiciono mais um membro na capa (posso trocar uma das imagem para fazer capa de couple, qualquer grupo é de boas)
Não mudo o título
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02. Let's Disco [New Jeans]
Adiciono mais um membro na capa (posso trocar uma das imagem para fazer capa de couple, qualquer grupo é de boas)
Mudo o título
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03. Look Alive Sunshine [Aespa]
Posso trocar a winter por outro membro (a que está nas pontas)
Não mudo o título
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04. Nevermind [Aespa]
Não troco nada além de acrescentar o nome do autor
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05. The Absence of mind
Não troco nada além de colocar o título do autor
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06. TOXIC [Red Velvet]
Não troco nada além de colocar o título do autor
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tealviscaria · 4 months ago
Možná Čumblr ocení - dala jsem dohromady všechny písničky z pohádky O princezně se zlatým lukem (původně jsem to chtěla dát jako video, ale na Tumblr prej moc velký...)
Seznam (názvy jsem si částečně vymyslela sama):
Lásku dávat I (0:00 - 0:48)
Lásku dávat II (0:50 - 1:45)
O lásce I (1:48 - 2:51)
O lásce II (2:54 - 4:05)
O lásce III (4:07 - 5:16)
Lásku dávat III (5:18 - 6:15)
Ministrem může být každý (6:18 - 7:52)
O lásce IV (7:55 - 9:30)
Neuhasím žízeň sám (9:33 - 10:02)
Než se naučíš pořádně dívat (10:05 - 10:14)
To je má odpověď (10:17 - 10:57)
O lásce + Lásku dávat (finální) (11:01 - 12:49)
A aby to video úplně nevyšumělo, tak sem dávám aspoň jednu krátkou písničku, kde je Dan a jeho cunty pose:
Texty všech písniček:
Lásku dávat I
Když ji za dne vyženete, bude se vám v noci zdát. "Lid téhle země je pohledný." Když ji za dne vyženete, bude se vám v noci zdát. Lásku dávat, milovat se, světem létat můžeš snad. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát. Laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj-laj-laj-laj. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát.
Lásku dávat II
O čem že je? Kdo ji zpívá? Nikdo, sama v tobě zní. Je to sen, co každý mívá, každý chce být svobodný. Je to sen, co každý mívá, každý chce být svobodný. Lásku dávat, milovat se, světem létat můžeš snad. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát. Laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj-laj-laj-laj. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát.
O lásce I
Každé tělo má svůj stín, na lásku jsou dva, já vím. Teprve ti dva jsou jeden a láska počty nedovede. Ať je prudká, ať je stálá, pozvolná a nenadálá. Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Nelze se jí ubránit.
O lásce II
Střelec lásky šípy střílí. Jeden rudý, druhý bílý. Zasáhnou a srdce raní, před láskou nic neochrání. Ať je prudká, ať je stálá, pozvolná a nenadálá. Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Nelze se jí ubránit.
O lásce III
Každé tělo má svůj stín, na lásku jsou dva, já vím. Teprve ti dva jsou jeden a láska počty nedovede. Ať je prudká, ať je stálá, pozvolná a nenadálá. Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Nelze se jí ubránit.
Lásku dávat III
O čem že je? Kdo ji zpívá? Nikdo, sama v tobě zní. Je to sen, co každý mívá, každý chce být svobodný. Je to sen, co každý mívá, každý chce být svobodný. Lásku dávat, milovat se, světem létat můžeš snad. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát. Laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj-laj-laj-laj. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát.
Ministrem může být každý
Ministrem může být každý, jenom vědět, co pak s tím. Zalhat, bodnout, zalichotit, praštit, platit, však já vím. My se, ať chceš nebo nechceš, přece nejlíp vyznáme, my se nejlíp vyznáme. A kdo tomu nechce věřit, tomu hnáty zpřelámem. Všichni na nás zapomněli, myslí si, že jsme dávno pryč. Jenomže my jsme zase tady, ujmeme se vlády, dopadne bič. My se, ať chceš nebo nechceš, přece nejlíp vyznáme, my se nejlíp vyznáme. A kdo tomu nechce věřit, tomu hnáty zpřelámem. My se, ať chceš nebo nechceš, přece nejlíp vyznáme, my se nejlíp vyznáme. A kdo tomu nechce věřit, tomu hnáty zpřelámem.
O lásce IV
Každé tělo má svůj stín, na lásku jsou dva, já vím. Teprve ti dva jsou jeden a láska počty nedovede.
Střelec lásky šípy střílí. Jeden rudý, druhý bílý. "Musím se vrátit, máme poslední lekci." "Tu lahvičku dej Borce, další zařídí ona." "Pak odjedu." Zasáhnou a srdce raní, "Všechno je připraveno." před láskou nic neochrání. Každý hledá druhou půli, sobě, tobě, lásce k vůli. Ta jedna jsem přece já, ta druhá, ty jsi, lásko má.
Neuhasím žízeň sám
Hodiny jsem v sedle byl, stejně těžkou hlavu mám. Kdybych z moře pil a pil, neuhasím žízeň sám. I když vojsko šašků spustí, smutek můj se nerozpustí.
Než se naučíš pořádně dívat
Uvidíš mě ne dřív, než se naučíš pořádně dívat.
To je má odpověď
Já dobře vím, co hledáš. My máme oba stejný cíl. Asi jsem se toho bála a možná, že mi příliš blízko byl. Já střílela jsem šípy marně, ty šípy vracely se zpět. A zasáhly mé srdce láskou, ta láska, to je má odpověď.
O lásce + Lásku dávat (finální)
Každý hledá druhou půli, sobě, tobě, lásce k vůli. Ta jedna jsem přece já, ta druhá, ty jsi, lásko má. Ať je prudká, ať je stálá, pozvolná a nenadálá. Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Jaká jenom může být? Nelze se jí ubránit.
Lásku dávat, milovat se, světem létat můžeš snad. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát. Laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj, laj-la-laj-laj-laj-laj-laj. Když jsi svobody a lásky hoden, pak můžeš o přátelství stát.
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enihk-writes · 1 year ago
[i got my red dress on tonight]
pairing: baek cheon x afab!she/her!reader
summary: you were in a wedding dress for an assignment, baek cheon misunderstands the situation.
word count: 7.21k
[01] ║ [02]
content warning: mentions of a death late in the story // brief detailed description of a post-mortem examination
author's note: heavily inspired by that one scene in the crimson wedding arc from yeon lokheun, webtoon chapter 44-45,,,,, oh man,,,,,, it got me thinking for YEARSSSS!!!!! i was running laps and losing my mind!!!! oh my god!!!!! foaming at the mouth,,, yall i have to get it out of my system asap,,,, i let it marinate in my noggin for too long,,, finally i have my perfect lab rat to test the scene on,,,,,,,, baek cheon,,,,,when i catch you,,,,,baek cheon,,,,, grabs him like a squeaking rubber chicken.... i hope yall know im writing this while my main room light is broken and im doing all of this in complete darkness lmao the maintenance takes weeks to get back to me.... OH AND BTW,, the story got so long i had to cut it in half... i think i would have gone insane if i let it run any longer.
the fourth division of the emperor's guard corps was a small unit with members you could count with the fingers on both hands. otherwise known as the unnatural death investigation squad, you and your fellow detectives would take on cold cases from various magistrate offices across the empire, who just couldn't understand why people were suddenly dropping dead like flies without rhyme or reason. most times, it was a restless spirit. other times, it was the work of some unorthodox martial arts cult.
and when it was the latter case, that's when you had to call on other martial artists to deal with their own. civilian government and murim politics shouldn't mix. that was the first and most important unspoken rule everyone had to follow. but it was not that big of a deal to turn a blind eye toward anything not involving the law.
it was from these exchanges you first got to meet baek cheon.
he was by all means a good guy, annoyingly put-together every time you crossed paths with him. it would've been better if he wasn't so sharp to know exactly what would rile you up — made you wonder if there was some ulterior motive for all of this.
it was on the last night of an expedition in some town you didn't even remember the name of anymore. the case was closed with no issue and the spirits had been led into the afterlife smoothly. it was just one of those days when the problem was nipped in the bud early enough that the casualties were kept at a minimum. your fellow detectives had decided to celebrate by drinking and eating at the inn till your pockets were drained.
you let them do what they like, besides, it's been a while since the squad had a proper break from work. it was good to keep things balanced, and if you did run out of money you could always ask the emperor for more.
but there was no doubt that you were growing tired. eyelids growing heavier as the night went on, the noisy chatter of the people around you was lulling you into a short slumber.
miss detective, you shouldn't be sleeping in a place like this.
there was a low voice speaking softly in your ear. you open your eyes a crack to see a hand cradling your head gently. as you slowly came back down to earth, you glimpse at the familiar faces of the mount hua sect disciples talking to your subordinates. chung myung was already ordering multiple bottles of wine as he made himself comfortable at the table seated next to your vice-captain, the others were mingling around. which means—
are you awake, miss detective?
in your drowsiness, you had somehow leaned back far enough to fall out of your chair. baek cheon had caught you just in time and saved you from getting hurt. you should have been thankful, but the embarrassment of having him of all people see this humiliating side of you really ruffled your feathers, and you had to hold back from jolting away out of instinct.
thanks... i suppose.
you say, muttering off at the end. not wanting to look at the man who was now sitting next to you.
hm? i didn't quite catch that...
you swing your head to glare at him indignantly. but baek cheon returns your hostility with a closed-eyed smile, an arm propped up on the table, his cheek resting on his palm.
i just wanted to say thank you... for catching me from falling over just now...
that's it? a mere hm, like he wasn't trying to tease a reaction out of you and you were fighting so hard to not give him that satisfaction of knowing he got you wrapped around his finger, and all he could give you was a hm?
you know, if baek cheon wasn't as handsome or good-looking as he was, you wouldn't have been this upset and bothered. you were so cool-headed, you were so good at being calm it was exactly how you got this job but he had to dance into your life and keep appearing around you to the point where it was weirder if you hadn't heard any news about him at all—
hold on.
did you... did you just think that he was... handsome and good-looking?
oh no.
you did like him. when did it even happen? how could you have let this happen? this wasn't what you had planned! ugh, curse that stupid heart of yours! why were you this weak to handsome men?
standing up, you feel your face grow heated. shit. shit. shit. has he noticed that you liked him? you'd rather be caught dead then have baek cheon flash you that annoying smile at you again.
miss detective?
you look down at his face, eyes turned down in worry. a small pang shot through your heart — were you going to have to be mean to that soft expression on his face?
you racked your brain for a reason, any good reason to leave, but all your answers were all filmsy and really, truly obvious that you thought he was a problem. but he just looked so much like a kicked puppy your mouth just began to blabber.
i'm fine. i just.... needed some air... that's all.
oh, that was so smooth. you totally nailed it, you smart woman—
ah! then, could i accompany you? i guess i'm still worried that you would fall over like you did earlier...
fuck. you couldn't say no to that.
sighing deeply, you nod. whatever strength in you utterly spent. you knew in your gut that whatever god or guardian angel existed was snickering at you right now. and you sure hoped that you were putting on the best-damned show of their lives.
you made your way out to the back alley, but not before dropping the money for the bill in the store-owner's hands. baek cheon followed closely behind. so close, in fact, that sometimes you would move back a little and inevitably bump into his chest. and every time you did, his hands would ghost over the dip of your curves. always close but never actually touching you, leaving you even more frustrated at each instance.
you feel something furry brush past your ankles, the sudden feeling made you jump back yet again. and once more, he was there to catch you from falling unceremoniously to the floor.
miss detective... please be careful...
his voice was low and breathy, and so, so dangerously close to your ear. again, those stupid hands of his were hovering along your sides. barely touching even though he could have. you glance at his hands. you mind wonders how it would feel on you.
they were bigger than yours for sure, rough with callouses and healed over cuts, probably from the training he's done. his fingers were thick, but also shaped so beautifully — shame that his nails were cropped short, you think it would have made his hands look lovelier. if you held them, you wonder, would your fingers fit into the gaps of his?
was this the time to grow a little courageous? should you say something? your head runs with questions you were not sure if you wanted an answer to, but if this went on for any longer, you don't know how your poor heart would have handled it.
mount hua's righteous sword, there is something i believe we should address. something that is related to the two of us.
you had turned to face him, your eyes looking straight into his. baek cheon gulped anxiously at the intensity of your gaze, moving a step back as you took one forward. one foot behind another until he was backed up against the wall. he wanted to hide his face, having you right in front of him like this... he didn't know just how much more he could endure.
i think you're a little too close, miss detective.
am i now?
you chuckle, palms laying flat on the wall on either side of him, arms straight as you hold yourself up and only slightly away from him. everything around you begins to go dull, it was just you and him, standing in this narrow and dark back alley where no one had ever bothered to pass through. the night was cold, and the warmth radiating between from him was tempting, but you weren't going to make the first move. you figured he might share the same feelings as you did, or something close to it. if you push at it, would he fold to his desire or would you be proven wrong?
miss detective, i'm not sure if we should be doing this?
hm? whatever do you mean?
miss detective, please don't act coy.
baek cheon tried to be firm with you, tried to reason with himself that this was just you playing a prank on him. though, he really wanted to know what it would be like if he leaned down and took your lips in his, and got you to shut up for a bit.
forgive me, miss detective, for what i am to do. i am merely a mortal man with desires, after all.
his voice dropped into a breathless whisper as he brought his hand under your head, cradling it as gently as he would a precious being. fingers tread through your hair before it takes hold of a small bunch, yanking it lightly to have you look up into his face. your hands hurriedly grasped his uniform, the fabric bunching up in your tight grip. sure, you did the calculations, but man, were you shit at math. your heart was racing so rapidly at that point you just knew he could feel the thumping of your chest against him.
he asks, leaning down a little closer, the corners of his mouth quivering from turning upwards into a smile. this little shit! you should've known he was ten steps ahead of you and planned for you to corner him like this since the night began!
so you connected the dots?
i cannot imagine just where you get your audacity from.
hm, maybe if you kiss me now, i could tell you.
stop looking for excuses and just... you know what?
baek cheon's eyes widen when he feels you grab the front of his uniform, pulling him down and feeling something soft barely brushing against his lips for a moment before you pull away.
you hid your face behind your arm, feet flat on the ground after standing on the tip of your toes just to reach his ridiculous height. if you didn't know any better, you would have thought you were running a fever with how heated the back of your ears and neck were becoming, palms ridden with sweat and the shrill ringing in your ears. you hoped it was dark enough that he wouldn't see you in this state.
baek cheon on the other hand, was still reeling from your straightforwardness, never really expecting that you were the one to take the lead. but strangely, he wanted to see more of that side of you, and honestly? he liked that his heart fluttered from that.
oh? taking the initiative now, aren't we? miss detective, you've gotten so bold...
grinning down at you cheekily, he tries to take a peek past the arm you were hiding behind. he was really having the time of his life taking the piss out of you, wasn't he?
please shut up.
i think you'd have to make me, miss detective.
you shot him a look. wondering if you were the bolder one or he. but maybe you didn't really need to mull over that question for long since he's already cupped his hand on your cheek, tilting your face to meet his as he leaned down once more, to give you a proper kiss on your lips this time.
and you couldn't find it in you to pull away.
he felt the same.
if one of you pulled away for a second, even for a short gasp of air, the other would chase after them — it's almost like the two of you had finally been given something you were both starved of for who knows how long?
it was getting dangerous, how heated things were growing to be between the two of you — he parts from the kiss for a moment, muttering a soft, wait, as his arms hooked under your knees, hoisting you up and against the wall.
you take this moment to look at him, properly. the new angle had him looking up at you, eyes a little glassy and his lips slightly damp and swollen from all that kissing. that forehead ribbon of his had begun slipping a little, your hands found their way to the back of his head, untying the knot and watching it fall over his eyes and draped across his shoulders.
i didn't even notice it was coming undone...
baek cheon mutters to himself, not really bothering to do anything with the ribbon, especially since his hands were a little busy with holding you up against the wall.
you giggle, leaning down to kiss his now exposed forehead, a peck on his brow down to the bridge of his nose and further onto his cheekbones and back again on his lips.
he smiles into the kiss, growing giddy as the air grows scarce between the two of you, the heat of the moment growing to a boiling point and beginning to tip over. shit, things were going fast, but it felt like it was now or never, your clothes were dishevelled enough to be taken off at this point and if he'd asked you to, you think you would have done it without question.
senior investigator!
baek cheon sasuk!
it was the voices of your juniors sent out to look for you both. probably because of how long you were back here with him.
the two of you pulled away from each other, minds still in a daze from what conspired. but as the footsteps grew closer towards the direction of the back alley you were in, the realisation snapped in instantaneously — baek cheon drops you on your feet, as you scramble to straighten out the creases on your attire, he ties his hair back up as neatly as he could, patting his uniform down and trying to look presentable. not that getting caught would have put either of you in trouble, it was just not something a senior should be seen doing, especially when out in public.
you look back at him, and your eyes meet. you feel a little shy after what happened, and he shoots you a sheepish grin in an attempt to apologise for the interruption. hm, maybe you should find him in private later, to continue this exchange, seeing how neither of you were satisfied with this outcome.
miss detective...
baek cheon clears his throat.
our juniors are calling for us, i believe we should get going.
you nod, absentmindedly.
you were the first to walk off, baek cheon hanging back for a moment, not wanting to cause you trouble by walking out together with you. even if he really wanted to pull back for one last quick kiss.
stepping out onto the streets, your junior officer greets you, their eyes growing round in the way only a rookie new to the field would be. through the nervous stammer of their words, you receive your instructions for the next operation.
behind you, baek cheon finally emerges from the shadows, heading towards the kid from his sect, the one named jo-gul, was it? they talked amongst themselves, voices too far and too muted for you to dechiper. well, who cares? that wasn't any of your business anyway.
miss detective, i'll be going in now.
again, his voice was low and slightly raspy in your ear. a hand rests on your shoulder, a little rough and bigger than yours but still pleasantly warm regardless.
sure. i won't keep you here any longer.
your tongue darts out to wet your lips, looking away from his hands.
the rookie's eyes dart between you and baek cheon rapidly, the cogs in their brain turning faster when they see how his hand leaves your shoulder and down to his side, though his fingers kept lingering over the small of your back as he talked to you.
he pulls away at the last second, hands balled up lightly as he takes a step back and turns to walk towards the inn. the rookie clicks their tongue, what was that anti-climatic scene? if he wants to flirt, do it properly, for heaven's sake!
oi rookie, watch it.
shoot, they forgot you were still right there.
that was the first of your many escapades with him.
both of you were moving from town to town and had different places to be every time. but on the off chance he was in the same area as you were, he would always be the first to find you, slipping out of bed in the middle of the night to meet you at the open windows of your room. sometimes he'd walk in with his sa-jaes into the restaurant you were in and act as though it was a whole coincidence. with the whole never expected to see you here speech and everything.
it wasn't though. you had already told him where you were planning to take the kids for dinner when he came over last night, and you had joked then that he would use this knowledge to walk in like he had no clue beforehand and put on a big act about how all this was such a coincidence, totally not something he'd already known of.
aww... so you want me to lie to everybody?
he sulks a little, rolling to his side in mock sadness, facing away from you. but the bed you were both lying on was only so wide, and baek cheon ended up on his back, looking up at the ceiling while the cicadas cried into the summer night skies.
you giggled, cooing at his somewhat childish display, your hand reaching out to cradle his cheek, turning his face to meet yours.
but i thought you said we shouldn't tell anyone about us yet?
scooting a little closer, you drape your arm across his chest, moving around to get more comfortable. a short pause later, you let out a tired yawn, nuzzling your head under his chin, fingers curling around the loose threads of his clothes.
you couldn't see it then, but baek cheon's felt a small twinge in his heart at what you'd said. yes, it was true that he'd suggested keeping your relationship a secret, for now. but, it was also true that you wouldn't have agreed to be with him in any way if you were both ever open about being together.
you'd told him in passing about how falling in love or having a significant other was risky and frankly, quite troublesome — especially in your line of work. if you ever needed anything, or ever felt the need for something physical, you'd rather have one where strings weren't attached.
did you like him? yeah.
were you committed to him?
that was something you don't think you could ever say yes to with any sort of certainty or conviction.
you liked the way things were with him now. meeting him every few weeks, making out in dark corners of the streets or behind closed doors where no one else goes, catching up and cuddling in bed until he had to go back to his place before the sun rose — it was nice. that was a nice routine.
if you were to commit, what if your feelings for him begin to change? what if they changed because putting on a label for your relationship was like chaining you to him in some way? you were a selfish person, always had been and always known it. you didn't like promising yourself to someone, yet you wanted baek cheon to be with you only and also hated the idea of you yourself ever liking anybody other them him.
your finger had been drawing shapes on his chest mindlessly this whole time as you were deep in thought. he wonders what was weighing on your mind this deeply for you to be looking that lost?
baek cheon decided not to push it.
if you'd retreated away from him, out of habit or apprehension, he doesn't think he would be able to handle the pain he would feel from that. so instead, he chooses to flip you on your back and pepper your face with kisses. at least it snapped you out of whatever reverie you were in, and he even got to see you giggle a little.
this was good enough.
it was good enough for the two of you right now.
i have to go off earlier tomorrow.
it was spring now, and a few days after new years. the red banners and lanterns were still hanging above the streets, festivities still not over with the distant laughter of children or the clinks from the cups filled with sweet wine from last year's harvest or the startled barking of dogs as firecrackers were set off.
i can't tell you what it is about, obviously.
you continued, making your way over to where he was, settling down on his lap, legs on either side of him as you were both face-to-face. he hums softly, arms slowly snaking behind your waist, pulling you in close enough to burrow into your chest.
someone's a little clingy tonight...
you say with a teasing lilt in your voice, not bothering to stop or push his head off you. he mumbles something in retaliation, though you couldn't hear it with how muffled the sound was from how he covered his whole face in your chest. wow, who would have thought that the righteous sword of hua was a pervert all along huh?
earlier that day, baek cheon had a feeling in his gut, he didn't really know if it was a good or bad feeling but there was something in there, telling him that he should try to wear his heart on his sleeve just for you tonight. it's almost like, he was scared of something that would certainly change your relationship with him was going to happen soon.
you look down at him, wondering what got him so unusually quiet.
he lets out a noise of acknowledgement, not looking up at you.
cheon-ah, what are you thinking about?
this and that.
he still wasn't looking up.
you huffed. really? you were finally seeing him after more than three months, and now, he acts so distant when you're bound to leave tomorrow? this was unacceptable.
cheon-ah, look at me...
a short pause, and with a shaky breath —
he hears the tremble in your voice, and he feels like a knife had pierced and twisted through his wretched heart. no, he didn't mean to make you cry, he didn't mean to upset you.
he looks up, eyes desperately meeting yours, taking in how glossy it looked. really, he should be saying something, but he couldn't find the words. choosing to pull you down on the bed with him, amused by the muted grunt you let out when you fell on his chest.
sorry about that.
he wants to tell you how much he's always liked you, he wants to tell you how much he's waited and waited to even have the courage to first approach you, he wants to tell you that he wants so much more than a touch-and-go night encounter with you, that you were so much more then a means of fulfilling his physical needs.
but yet again, like every night before this, he keeps those thoughts to himself. he could see clearer than anyone that you still were not ready to commit to him. he said he could wait, and so he will wait.
honestly though?
he was believing less and less in his own patience.
the new assignment your unit was taking was the consistent deaths of young brides who, after being left alone to prepare for the first wedding night, were all found dead under mysterious circumstances. no signs of a struggle led everyone to think it was a case of taking one's own life.
thing is, with one or two far-apart cases it would have been a viable reason. but with how it started all of a sudden and had never stopped since, everyone believed it was a serial killer. again, with no traces, there was just no way to tell who was responsible for all the tragedies that have occurred.
the fourth division of the emperor's guard corps, otherwise known as the unnatural death investigation squad, were all psychics of varying degrees. some could only see, some could only hear, some could only purify and some were a combination of a few of those traits. but all were trained imperial soldiers, and you stood above them as an outsider with the ability to do all three.
you had to work really hard to gain the respect of your subordinates. though, that is a story for another day. people have asked, wondering why the emperor, of all people, would ever put together a unit that specialised in exorcisms?
well, sure he was a man of science, and he personally didn't believe in all of this occult gibberish. but he was a ruler, and a decent ruler listens to the needs of his people no matter how silly it was. at the height of the unexplained death phenomena that spread and planted seeds of fear into the hearts of the people nationwide, the special unit was formed quickly and dispatched. deep down, you knew the real reason was that he did not want to create a flaw in his authority and risk his position on the throne he fought so hard for.
when all these cases were solved, what was going to happen to you? what was going to happen to your subordinates? the emperor, he was a man who kept up appearances. if history were to record the existence of this unit, he would have seemed like a fool who believed in something as baseless as the supernatural. and he hated that idea more than anything.
though, that was a bridge you would have to cross when you get to it. you just hoped you could lie and provide a cover-up convincing enough when that time comes —
chief detective!
you felt your body jolt in surprise. you were so out of it, not hearing the constant calls from your juniors. what a bad example you were setting. your worries will have to be put aside for now. you were to meet with the latest victims of the bride slayings.
you step into the bedroom of the newlyweds, decorated from floor to ceiling in red, the colour of prosperity and the promise of a life of joy with each other, now sullied with the blood of the innocent bride.
right in the middle all alone, was the groom, sitting quietly on the chair, his hands gripping the veil his wife wore close to his chest. his back heaving, his breaths shallow and shaky. it seems he has cried away all of his tears, and all that was left was a man who was a shell of himself. he turns to the people coming in, and you bite back a gasp at the hollow emptiness of his eyes.
have you found the one who took my wife's life away?
the fathers of the bride and groom share a look, before shaking their heads. unable to find the strength to answer him.
oh, i see.
the man answers numbly, turning back to look at the veil in his hands. his shoulders droop even lower and you felt so, so much pity for the family.
the two fathers bring you back to the courtyard. telling you the story of how all of this happened.
new years eve.
the streets were filled with villagers visiting vendors and watching lion dance performances long after the sun had set. the energy of the crowd grew when a palanquin decorated with ribbons and flowers made its way down the road.
cheers and hoots erupt from the crowd as the more nosy few tried to take a peek at the bride inside. she sat with her legs folded under her, hands placed delicately on her lap, the vibrant red veil covering her face from the world. she was glad for the veil, grateful at how it hid her giddy smile. she had met the man of her dreams and was now going to marry him? she never thought she would be this lucky.
after tonight, they would really be husband and wife.
the bride giggled, her hand over her mouth, she was so happy. would this happiness ever end?
the palanquin soon left the village centre and turned onto the road leading to her groom's house. the trip was a short and rather uneventful one. after all, it was from her parent's house on the other side of town, less than a few minutes away.
when they arrived, she stepped out and was greeted by a line of ladies-in-waiting, all hired just to help her prepare for her wedding night. the bride, felt her face heat up at the thoughts running in her head — how improper! she really should behave a little.
she was hurried into the bedroom, all decked out in lavish red decorations, and was told to wait for the ladies-in-waiting to come back soon.
the door shut behind her, and the bride was left to her thoughts.
the moon shone high above the cloudless night sky, it's cold light gentle and quiet. the bride takes off her veil, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air after being suffocated under the veil the whole ceremony.
a tinkling laugh swept past behind her in the dark bedroom.
startled, the bride looks back, searching to see who or what it was. she takes a timid step, and then another into the dark room. her hand rests on the back of a chair to steady herself as her eyes grew used to the darkness.
she was alone in the room.
how peculiar, the bride thinks, wondering if she was just hearing things from exhaustion or nervousness.
the shadows above started to trickle down onto the unsuspecting bride, as a pair of hands began to take shape around her. the long fingers taking ahold of the veil in the bride's hands slowly, inch by inch, until the sides were bunched up in their hands.
in a quick motion, the shadows lifted the veil upwards, catching the under of the bride's chin. the bride didn't even have the chance to react, it all happened in an instant. she couldn't even put up a struggle, and her feet grew limp and eventually stopped kicking.
that was how we found her.
the groom's father ended the story with a glance into the room where his son still sat. the bride's father was also in a mess, covering his eyes with the palm of his hand, trying not to let out a sob.
you take in the sight before you, steeling yourself to ask the inevitable question.
if i may, could i see the body?
the fathers share a glance.
you may.
they agree to the request and turn to lead you to the funeral home where the victim lay to rest. the one who met the three of you at the entrance was a small, middle-aged man who had his seeing glasses balanced precariously on the tip of his nose. he introduced himself as the private coroner the two fathers had hired. you nod solemnly in greeting.
we will be taking our leave now chief detective. i hope you can find the culprit soon.
when the backs of the two fathers finally disappear into the horizon, you turn to the coroner, your gaze landing on the table behind you. you gesture at him to give you the run down of what he's found.
the bride's injuries were as expected, ligature marks on her neck where she had choked against her veil. her eyes were rolled back, and her tongue was puffy, sticking against the roof of her mouth, meaning it was hard for her to breathe. thin miniscule red threads were found on the underside of her fingernails, probably from when she was clawing at the veil. interestingly enough, there were no signs of other materials found. no skin or foreign hairs, did she not see who had attacked her?
there's also something i want to show you
the coroner pulls the white sheet covering her body down, revealing to you a spot on her shoulder, dark with veins growing outwards of the centre in a spider-web fashion. you took another look at the unnatural paleness of the corpse, it's almost as if —
her blood was drained?
yes, and we found her like this, officer.
you look at the man, hoping he would continue, but he only replied with a shrug. it seemed that he was just about as clueless as you were in this bizarre post-mortem findings.
you thank him, regardless. leaving the funeral home to meet your team with more questions than answers.
the surroundings were quiet and still, almost like nothing this terrible ever happened at all. nature held back, refusing to give you a clue on this matter. you didn't sense any presence back in the bedroom, you felt nothing in the funeral home or even when your fingers hovered near the odd spot on the victim's shoulder.
somehow, your feet had led you back to the inn you and the kids were staying in. you didn't want to waste too much time, as much as you would have loved to ask more questions about when the incidents even began, there was a wedding scheduled in a few days and you were not going to let a bride die like that on your watch.
chief, isn't this dangerous?
it is. but we have to do it, i can't think of any other plan. we're too short on time.
but what if something happens to you, senior?
you pause, mulling over the idea once more, before letting out a long drawn-out sigh. you plop on the chair, tired and exasperated, your head in your hands. they were right, something could go wrong and you could die from this. but a job was a job, besides, you didn't want to risk anyone else's life with this reckless plan you had.
if something happens to me, remember that getting rid of the culprit is your top priority. you can always find me later. is that clear?
the kids all looked at each other anxiously.
officers. have i made myself clear?
your voice hardens, time was ticking. you had to go now.
a few of the new recruits flinched at your cold tone and the older ones looked away. you were going to ask them again but they finally responded a meek, yes chief.
night has fallen, the red lanterns had been lit once more and the colourful banners and ribbons danced high up in the breezy night skies.
baek cheon walked together with his sect brothers past the bustling crowd of people. they were all leaving the town to go back to mount hua after finishing the odd jobs the elders had given out.
hey, isn't it a lot busier today?
one of the other second-class disciples wondered aloud. baek cheon looks around him, noticing the crowds were larger than yesterday's. and a lot more excited for some reason too.
did you hear? there's a wedding procession coming along!
another wedding? didn't we have that a few days ago?
baek cheon, felt his ears twitch.
a wedding, huh? his mind wanders off to an image of you donned in red silk, patterns of peacock feathers and branches woven in gold thread, a red veil over your head and your hair decorated with peonies and the loveliest plum blossoms one could find atop mount hua.
just like that bride sitting in the palanquin over there —
his heart sank, shattering at the pit on his feet. he knows that face anywhere, how could he ever hope to forget that face that was now mirroring his own in shock, though he couldn't tell if you were just as despaired as he was.
you had only planned so far, you didn't think he would cross paths with you like this. you didn't want him to see you like this. not at all, not ever. your mind registered the way his shoulders fell, shoulders that were always straight and firm, to show the world how he carried the name of mount hua with pride. they fell, because of you.
what should you do? you have to let him know but, the mission! you couldn't abandon your post, but you —
your eyes darted frantically, nails digging into your palms from how tightly your hands were balled. something, there had to be something!
a gust of wind blows harshly past the town, strong enough to send your veil flying off your head towards the crowd of people. it flutters in the air, like a vivid flame, falling gracefully on the dusty dirt path.
baek cheon steps past the crowds, picking up your veil that fell to his feet, clutching the delicate fabric in his hands. he looks at it longingly for a moment and you wonder for a moment if he would have a change of heart and tear it up in anger. maybe if he did, you would have felt better, it would be justified and you would have paid your dues.
a loud crack and the sky was filled with blooms of light. the crowd's attention was drawn to the fireworks being set off in the distance. their heads and bodies turn away from you, and they made their way towards the site of the new spectacle. you watch baek cheon exchange words with his sect brothers, and they wave goodbye as they too turn and went off.
it was just you and baek cheon, and the distance in between you two, left in that place. he dusts off the debris on your veil and walks towards you in big strides.
one. two. three.
just like that, he stood before you, his features backlit by the blinding fireworks in the sky. you couldn't read his expressions either, the night was too dark for you to make out anything.
you know.
he cuts you off, not wanting to hear what you were going to say. not wanting to know if this was truly what he thought it was.
you know, i've always wanted to be the one to lift this veil off you one day. but to think another man would be the one to do it, and not me... it hurts. i'm sorry for being so selfish, i know you don't like men that are like that. but, i can't help it... you know?
baek cheon gently puts the veil back on your head. he wants to tell you how pretty you looked then, but he bites back. this wasn't his place to say such a thing, he wasn't even yours anymore. besides, he's said more than enough.
he steps back, and takes another, turns, and begins to head off. if he stayed, he might do something he would regret, he didn't want to go off and act on his desires and ruin your future because of it.
you weren't thinking when your hand reached out, grabbing the end of his sleeve, gripping at it till your knuckles turned white.
baek cheon stops in his tracks, his head turning to look back at your face, the outline of your frantic expression shining through the translucent veil. you were so cruel. how could you pull him back in like this, when you knew how weak he was to your every order?
don't grip it so hard, you could hurt these lovely hands you have.
he spoke softly, taking your balled fist in his, thumbs rubbing it over soothingly. he coos as your grip grew loose, lacing your hands together with his, bringing it to his lips as he kisses the tip of each finger tenderly.
he's still not your husband yet, and you're not his either. so i suppose this much i can do.
muttering, he cradles the back of your head tilting it up to face him. baek cheon leans down, placing his hand over yours that had wriggled free from his kisses, now gripping the frame of the opening in the palanquin.
you gasped softly when you felt his lips meet yours, the veil that was still draped over your head acted as a barrier, but it couldn't really obstruct the desperation you felt in his kiss. he parted for a brief second when the air in your lungs ran out.
cheon-ah, listen...
he draws you in for another kiss, and another, and then another. or was he the one moving closer towards you? either way, he was falling into the small space of the palanquin you were sitting in, the air rapidly growing warmer as time went on.
finally, he pulls away, breathless and dazed. you were looking up at him, doe-eyed with lips soft and plumped from his ministrations. you looked so tempting, he wanted to carry you up and away from here to someplace no one besides him would know of, leave everything behind and live out the rest of his life with you.
your hand reaches up to brush his hair out of his face, tucking a strand behind his ear, fingers ghosting over his cheek. baek cheon laughs tiredly, moving to place a peck on the palm of your hand and finally pulling away fully. stepping out he stands up fully, squaring his shoulders, he steels himself to really get going.
wait, cheon-ah...
your hand reached out again to grab at him, but he was too quick for you, leaving you grasping into thin air. your hand fell, and so did your heart. you didn't get to tell him, you stupid, stupid woman! you were supposed to tell him, weren't you? getting all caught up in a kiss like some teenage girl in puberty — you were the head investigator of the fourth division for fuck's sake!
you sigh deeply, leaning back to rest against the hard lacquer of the palanquin. you had to get back to your job. hopefully, nothing bad happens and you finish this mission quickly. maybe you could even catch up to him and finally explain everything, clear up all the doubts in his mind once and for all too.
you lit the smoke flare and sent it out to your unit waiting on standby.
well, it's time to get going.
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patriottruth · 8 days ago
Earthquake: 15:44:00 GMT+2 Jerusalem, Israel, 05:44:00 PST Local Time Furnace Creek, California (5 minutes, 59 seconds (359 seconds) after the 13:38:01 UTC "Abortion" truth post)
Matthew 13:38 The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom. The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. Matthew 13:39 The enemy who planted the weeds among the wheat is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels. Matthew 13:40 “Just as the weeds are sorted out and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the world. Matthew 13:41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will remove from his Kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. Matthew 13:42 And the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father’s Kingdom. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand! Matthew 13:44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1457 Psalm 38:1 A psalm of David. Lehazkir. Psalm 38:2 O Lord, do not punish me in wrath; do not chastise me in fury. Psalm 38:3 For Your arrows have struck me; Your blows have fallen upon me.
Mark 15:44 Pilate couldn’t believe that Jesus was already dead, so he called for the Roman officer and asked if he had died yet. Mark 15:45 The officer confirmed that Jesus was dead, so Pilate told Joseph he could have the body. Mark 15:46 Joseph bought a long sheet of linen cloth. Then he took Jesus’ body down from the cross, wrapped it in the cloth, and laid it in a tomb that had been carved out of the rock. Then he rolled a stone in front of the entrance. Mark 15:47 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph saw where Jesus’ body was laid. Mark 16:1 Saturday evening, when the Sabbath ended, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went out and purchased burial spices so they could anoint Jesus’ body. Mark 16:2 Very early on Sunday morning, just at sunrise, they went to the tomb. Mark 16:3 On the way they were asking each other, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb? Mark 16:4 But as they arrived, they looked up and saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled aside. Mark 16:5 When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a white robe sitting on the right side. The women were shocked, Mark 16:6 but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body. Mark 16:7 Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died.”
John 5:44 No wonder you can’t believe! For you gladly honor each other, but you don’t care about the honor that comes from the one who alone is God. John 5:45 “Yet it isn’t I who will accuse you before the Father. Moses will accuse you! Yes, Moses, in whom you put your hopes.
Strong's Concordance #359 Eloth: "grove of lofty trees" Original Word: אֵילוֹת
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 987, 988, and 989 Isaiah 61:1 The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me; He has sent me as a herald of joy to the humble. To bind up the wounded of heart, To proclaim release to the captives, Liberation to the imprisoned; Isaiah 61:2 To proclaim a year of the Lord's favor And a day of vindication by our God; To comfort all who mourn-- Isaiah 61:3 To provide for the mourners in Zion--To give them a turban instead of ashes,The festive ointment instead of mourning, A garment of splendor instead of a drooping spirit. They shall be called terebinths of victory, Planted by the Lord for His glory. Isaiah 61:4 And they shall build the ancient ruins, Raise up the desolations of old, And renew the ruined cities, The desolations of many ages. Isaiah 61:5 Strangers shall stand and pasture your flocks, Aliens shall be your plowmen and vinetrimmers; Isaiah 61:6 While you shall be called "Priests of the Lord," And termed "Servants of our God." You shall enjoy the wealth of nations And revel in their riches. Isaiah 61:7 Because your shame was double--Me cried, "Disgrace is their portion"--Assuredly, They shall have a double share in their land, Joy shall be theirs for all time. Isaiah 61:8 For I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery with a burnt offering. I will pay them their wages faithfully, And make a covenant with them for all time. Isaiah 61:9 Their offspring shall be known among the nations, Their descendants in the midst of the peoples. All who see them shall recognize That they are a stock the Lord has blessed. Isaiah 61:10 I greatly rejoice in the Lord, My whole being exults in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of triumph, Wrapped me in a robe of victory, Like a bridegroom adorned with a turban, Like a bride bedecked with her finery. Isaiah 61:11 For as the earth brings forth her growth And a garden makes the seed shoot up, So the Lord God will make Victory and renown shoot up In the presence of all the nations.
Those who love, fear, seek out, and turn to the almighty G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and who study the Living Word of the Abrahamic G-d know and understand that wisdom is female…
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1603 Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, The man who attains understanding. Proverbs 3:14 Her value in trade is better than silver, Her yield, greater than gold. Proverbs 3:15 She is more precious than rubies; All of your goods cannot equal her. Proverbs 3:16 In her right hand is length of days, In her left, riches and honor. Proverbs 3:17 Her ways are pleasant ways, And all her paths, peaceful. Proverbs 3:18 She is a tree of life to those who grasp her, And whoever holds on to her is happy. Proverbs 3:19 The Lord founded the earth by wisdom; He established the heavens by understanding;
Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign Announcement - We Choose Freedom July 25, 2024 (207th day) Duration: 1:20 (80 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHky_Xopyrw sHky_Xopyrw hkoprswxyy 8+10+50+60+80+90+900+300+400+400=2298. 2298+80=2378. 2378+207=2585.
Strong's Concordance #2585 Chanok: From chanak; initiated; Chanok, an antediluvian patriach -- Enoch; four Israelites, sons of Cain, Jered, Midian and Reuben Original Word: חֲנוֹךְ
Strong's Concordance #2596 chanak: to initiate, train up, dedicate, an apprentice Original Word: חָנַךְ
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1636 Proverbs 22:6 Train a lad in the way he ought to go; He will not swerve from it even in old age.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 15 Genesis 9:5 But for your own life-blood I will require a reckoning: I will require it of every beast; of man, too, will I require a reckoning for human life, of every man for that of his fellow man!
In Genesis 9:5, this is the original word for "your lives/human life" in Hebrew that is in the TANAKH that Jesus Christ, an Israeli Hebrew, taught from: Strong's Concordance #5315 nephesh: a soul, living being, life, self, person, desire, passion, appetite, emotion Original Word: נֶפֶשׁ
In Genesis 9:5, this is the original word for "man" in Hebrew that is in the TANAKH that Jesus Christ, an Israeli Hebrew, taught from: Strong's Concordance #120 adam: man, mankind, humankind, a human being, a person Original Word: אָדָם
In Genesis 9:5, this is the original word for "his" in Hebrew that is in the TANAKH that Jesus Christ, an Israeli Hebrew, taught from: Strong's Concordance #251 ach: kindred, a brother, a sister, a fellow human being Original Word: אָח
An accurate reading of the original Hebrew for all Jews and Christians is thus: Genesis 9:5 But for your own life-blood I will require a reckoning: I will require it of every beast; of humanity, too, will I require a reckoning for every human being's life, soul, spirit, desire, passion, hopes, dreams, and the entirety/sum of their moment-by-moment human experience on earth, of every human being for that of their fellow human beings!
Strong's Concordance #9 abedah: From 'abad; something lost; destruction, i.e. Hades -- lost, a lost thing Original Word: אֲבֵדָה
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 901 Isaiah 26:3 The confident mind You guard in safety, In safety because it trusts in You.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1440 Psalm 26:1 Of David. Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked without blame; I have trusted in the Lord; I have not faltered. Psalm 26:2 Probe me, O Lord, and try me, test my heart and mind; Psalm 26:3 for my eyes are on Your steadfast love; I have set my course by it. Psalm 26:4 I do not consort with scoundrels, or mix with hypocrites; Psalm 26:5 I detest the company of evil men, and do not consort with the wicked;
Earthquake: M 0.9 - 26.3 km (16.3 mi) NW of Furnace Creek, California
2024-11-05 13:44:00 (UTC) 36.596°N 117.082°W 5.0 km depth
In Death Valley at the base of Tucki Mountain near Route 190/Death Valley Scenic Byway, Salt Creek, and Stovepipe Wells Road.
Tucki ciktu 3+9+10+100+200=322.
Strong's Concordance #322 achorannith: from 'achowr; backwards -- back (-ward, again). Original Word: אֲחֹרַנִּית
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Strong's Concordance #190 oyah: woe! alas! Original Word: אוֹיָה
Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
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Mandisa Ft. TobyMac & Kirk Franklin - Bleed The Same (There's no definition of "United" other than standing and coexisting together as one "We The People" of the United States of America.) Duration: 4:56 (296 seconds) Published: January 14, 2018 (14th day) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVKuA1s5I3o HVKuA1s5I3o (1, 5, 3) HVKuAsIo ahikosuv 1+8+9+10+50+90+200+700=1068. 1068+1+5+3=1077. 1077+14=1091. 1091+296=1387.
Strong's Concordance #1387 Geba: a Levitical city of Benjamin; a hill Original Word: גֶּבַע
Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:17 “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. Matthew 5:18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Matthew 5:19 So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
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TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1759 Lamentations 3:45 You have made us filth and refuse In the midst of the peoples.
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"Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: 'We the People.' 'We the People' tell the government what to do; it doesn't tell us. 'We the People' are the driver; the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast.
Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which 'We the People' tell the government what it is allowed to do. 'We the People' are free. This belief has been the underlying basis for everything I've tried to do these past 8 years.
An informed patriotism is what we want. And are we doing a good enough job teaching our children what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world? Those of us who are over 35 or so years of age grew up in a different America. We were taught, very directly, what it means to be an American. And we absorbed, almost in the air, a love of country and an appreciation of its institutions. If you didn't get these things from your family you got them from the neighborhood, from the father down the street who fought in Korea or the family who lost someone at Anzio. Or you could get a sense of patriotism from school. And if all else failed you could get a sense of patriotism from the popular culture. The movies celebrated democratic values and implicitly reinforced the idea that America was special. TV was like that, too, through the mid-60s.
So, we've got to teach history based not on what's in fashion but what's important -- why the Pilgrims came here, who Jimmy Doolittle was, and what those 30 seconds over Tokyo meant. You know, four years ago on the 40th anniversary of D-day, I read a letter from a young woman writing to her late father, who'd fought on Omaha Beach. Her name was Lisa Zanatta Henn, and she said, 'we will always remember, we will never forget what the boys of Normandy did.' Well, let's help her keep her word. If we forget what we did, we won't know who we are. I'm warning of an eradication of the American memory that could result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit. Let's start with some basics: more attention to American history and a greater emphasis on civic ritual.
And let me offer lesson number one about America: All great change in America begins at the dinner table. So, tomorrow night in the kitchen I hope the talking begins. And children, if your parents haven't been teaching you what it means to be an American, let 'em know and nail 'em on it. That would be a very American thing to do.
The past few days when I've been at that window upstairs, I've thought a bit of the 'shining city upon a hill.' The phrase comes from John Winthrop, who wrote it to describe the America he imagined. What he imagined was important because he was an early Pilgrim, an early freedom man. He journeyed here on what today we'd call a little wooden boat; and like the other Pilgrims, he was looking for a home that would be free. I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it, and see it still." - Ronald Reagan (1989 Farewell Speech)
Michelle Branch - You Set Me Free Duration: 3:12 (192 seconds) Published: October 14, 2021 (287th day) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgnMVHcUpI8 DgnMVHcUpI8 (8) DgnMVHcUpI cdghimnpuv 3+4+7+8+9+30+40+60+200+700=1061. 1061+8=1069. 1069+287=1356. 1356+192=1548.
Strong's Concordance #1548 galach: to be bald, shave, shave off, shaved; to lay waste -- poll Original Word: גָּלַח
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Anti-American MAGA book bans:
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"As President, I was never an 'officer of the United States' and I did not take an oath 'to support the Constitution of the United States'. Therefore, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution doesn't apply to me, can't be applied to me, and can't prevent me from running for or holding office for my actions on January 6, 2021." - donald j. trump (November 27, 2023)
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Avatar: The Last Airbender - Aang vs. Ozai (Final Battle) July 19, 2008 (201st day) Duration: 13:51 (831 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXShLPXfWZA kXShLPXfWZA afhklpswxxz 1+6+8+10+20+60+90+900+300+300+500=2195. 2195+831=3026. 3026+201=3227.
Strong's Concordance #3227 yemini: right, on the right hand, right-handed Original Word: יְמִינִי
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 145 Exodus 15:6 Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power, Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the foe!
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 1483 and 1484 Psalm 60:1 For the leader; on shushan eduth. A michtam of David (to be taught), Psalm 60:2 when he fought with Aram-Naharaim and Aram-Zobah, and Joab returned and defeated Edom--[an army] of twelve thousand men--in the Valley of Salt. Psalm 60:3 O God, You have rejected us, You have made a breach in us; You have been angry; restore us! Psalm 60:4 You have made the land quake; You have torn it open. Mend its fissures, for it is collapsing. Psalm 60:5 You have made Your people suffer hardship; You have given us wine that makes us reel. Psalm 60:6 Give those who fear You because of Your truth a banner for rallying. Selah. Psalm 60:7 That those whom You love might be rescued, deliver with Your right hand and answer me.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1561 Psalm 118:16 The right hand of the Lord is exalted! The right hand of the Lord is triumphant!"
5ive - Keep On Movin' (from Invincible - Special Edition) Duration: 3:18 (198 seconds) Published: September 18, 2015 (261st day) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tli9j-MUVGI tli9j-MUVGI (9) tlij-MUVGI giijlmtuv 7+9+9+600+20+30+100+200+700=1675. 1675+9=1684. 1684+261=1945. 1945+198=2143.
Strong's Concordance #2143 zeker: remembrance, memorial; male Original Word: זֵכֶר
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1555 Psalm 111:1 Hallelujah. I praise the Lord with all my heart in the assembled congregation of the upright. Psalm 111:2 The works of the Lord are great, within reach of all who desire them. Psalm 111:3 His deeds are splendid and glorious; His beneficence is everlasting; Psalm 111:4 He has won renown for His wonders. The Lord is gracious and compassionate; Psalm 111:5 He gives food to those who fear Him; He is ever mindful of His covenant. Psalm 111:6 He revealed to His people His powerful works, in giving them the heritage of nations. Psalm 111:7 His handiwork is truth and justice; all His precepts are enduring, Psalm 111:8 well-founded for all eternity, wrought of truth and equity. Psalm 111:9 He sent redemption to His people; He ordained His covenant for all time; His name is holy and awesome. Psalm 111:10 The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord; all who practice it gain sound understanding. Praise of Him is everlasting.
Strong's Concordance #36 Abitub: From 'ab and tuwb; father of goodness (i.e. Good); "my father is goodness," a Benjamite Original Word: אֲבִיטוּב
Strong's Concordance #596 anan: to complain, murmur, to mourn Original Word: אָנַן
Strong's Concordance #117 addir: From 'adar; wide or (generally) large; figuratively, powerful -- excellent, famous, gallant, glorious, goodly, lordly, mighty(- ier one), noble, principal, worthy, majestic Original Word: אַדִּיר
Strong's Concordance #82 abar: to fly, to soar Original Word: אָבַר
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 446 Deuteronomy 32:9 For the Lord's portion is His people, Jacob His own allotment. Deuteronomy 32:10 He found him in a desert region, In an empty howling waste. He engirded him, watched over him, Guarded him as the pupil of His eye. Deuteronomy 32:11 Like an eagle who rouses his nestlings, Gliding down to his young, So did He spread His wings and take him, Bear him along on His pinions; Deuteronomy 32:12 The Lord alone did guide him, No alien god at His side.
A home of my Father's goodness and defense: אַ דִּיר אֲבִי טוּב אָבַראָנַן
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syrips · 5 months ago
hi im not involved/affiliated at all with the FREE memento mori curse of strahd fan zine by our lovely community and organized by curseofsergei but anyways please enjoy this list of all of the beautiful artists/writers/contributors individual self-published posts because they all deserve individual love and attention cuz o my lordy lord oh my AAAAAAAh
obvious spoiler/cw warnings on the zine, please read/dl the zine first if you can, this is just a directory list to appreciate and update whenever the contributors upload their own work
Page 01. Page 08. Page 10. Page 16. Page 19. Page 22. Page 23. Page 24. Page 27. Page 32. Page 41. Page 42. Page 45. Page 47. Page 54. Page 61. Page 62. Page 67. Page 69. Page 71. Page 72. Page 79. Formatting
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