May 🎨⚽️ and June ⚙️🧗‍♀️ Duck
10 posts
Life status: we have found the people who will stick by us. And we’re not giving that up.
Last active 2 hours ago
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
Of course Dad!
We love you!
Hi! I’m May, the older, more creative twin.
And I’m June, the younger, smarter twin.
We have an amazing mom and dad, and we also spend a lot of time with the rest of our family and our friends!
We haven’t known them as long as you’d think, but we love them all very much.
Our life prior is…a long story.
But that’s in the past now!
Oh! And we’re also looking to join the Junior Woodchucks!
Wait, May! We almost forgot!
Forgot what?
Our family and friends, who else?
Oh! Of course!
Our Family
@huey-jet-duck or @junior-woodchuck-huey (Wait, it’s him and Dewey? Yeah! Haven’t you caught up? This is confusing… Anyway, you guys can interact with either Huey! Same goes for Dewey. Wait, what?)
@dewey-duck-rp (Hoo boy, this is double confusing.)
@pick-and-shovel-laborer or @the-richest-duck (Again, you can interact with either!)
Our Friends
1. As always, be at most PG with your asks, and don’t send anything inappropriate.
2. No shipping May or June with anybody.
Follow my main blog (@tokuvivor) for more DuckTales content, like fics, art, and various reblogs!
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
Hey! You can follow my sideblog @chatwithdt17 if you want to.I'm roleplaying Louie at the moment on that blog. The character changes every month.
(OOC) Ooh, sounds interesting!
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
I don’t know who you are, but we’ll help you out.
Yeah! It’s great that you have such accepting parents.
ok, since my last notes post did so well
if this gets 10,000 notes by september, i’ll come out as trans to my parents and ask to get my name changed
ive always promised myself i would come out as trans by then, but im honestly just too scared to
dont worry, they are accepting, they treat my trans friend amazingly and even when he isnt around correct themselves when they accidentally misgender him
im sorry if this sounds like im milking for notes, thats not at all my intention here
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
hey may! hey June! what are your hobbies?
Let’s see…I’m into drawing, sports, and, thanks to Mom, fashion. I love just how technical it is.
I love being active, too! My favorite activity is climbing. I also love science and mechanical stuff. And Dad is teaching me how to cook.
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
*chuckles* One day at a time, Huey.
I’m excited, though! We��d love to get help from you on being a Woodchuck! And Violet and Boyd will be there, too! Also, hi, Dewey!
Right! Hi, Dewey.
Hi! I’m May, the older, more creative twin.
And I’m June, the younger, smarter twin.
We have an amazing mom and dad, and we also spend a lot of time with the rest of our family and our friends!
We haven’t known them as long as you’d think, but we love them all very much.
Our life prior is…a long story.
But that’s in the past now!
Oh! And we’re also looking to join the Junior Woodchucks!
Wait, May! We almost forgot!
Forgot what?
Our family and friends, who else?
Oh! Of course!
Our Family
@huey-jet-duck or @junior-woodchuck-huey (Wait, it’s him and Dewey? Yeah! Haven’t you caught up? This is confusing… Anyway, you guys can interact with either Huey! Same goes for Dewey. Wait, what?)
@dewey-duck-rp (Hoo boy, this is double confusing.)
Our Friends
1. As always, be at most PG with your asks, and don’t send anything inappropriate.
2. No shipping May or June with anybody.
Follow my main blog (@tokuvivor) for more DuckTales content, like fics, art, and various reblogs!
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
Awww, thanks Webby!
That’s why you’re the big sister. *hugs her*
Hi! I’m May, the older, more creative twin.
And I’m June, the younger, smarter twin.
We have an amazing mom and dad, and we also spend a lot of time with the rest of our family and our friends!
We haven’t known them as long as you’d think, but we love them all very much.
Our life prior is…a long story.
But that’s in the past now!
Oh! And we’re also looking to join the Junior Woodchucks!
Wait, May! We almost forgot!
Forgot what?
Our family and friends, who else?
Oh! Of course!
Our Family
@huey-jet-duck or @junior-woodchuck-huey (Wait, it’s him and Dewey? Yeah! Haven’t you caught up? This is confusing… Anyway, you guys can interact with either Huey! Same goes for Dewey. Wait, what?)
@dewey-duck-rp (Hoo boy, this is double confusing.)
Our Friends
1. As always, be at most PG with your asks, and don’t send anything inappropriate.
2. No shipping May or June with anybody.
Follow my main blog (@tokuvivor) for more DuckTales content, like fics, art, and various reblogs!
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
Louie! What’s up?
Hi Louie!
Hi! I’m May, the older, more creative twin.
And I’m June, the younger, smarter twin.
We have an amazing mom and dad, and we also spend a lot of time with the rest of our family and our friends!
We haven’t known them as long as you’d think, but we love them all very much.
Our life prior is…a long story.
But that’s in the past now!
Oh! And we’re also looking to join the Junior Woodchucks!
Wait, May! We almost forgot!
Forgot what?
Our family and friends, who else?
Oh! Of course!
Our Family
@huey-jet-duck or @junior-woodchuck-huey (Wait, it’s him and Dewey? Yeah! Haven’t you caught up? This is confusing… Anyway, you guys can interact with either Huey! Same goes for Dewey. Wait, what?)
@dewey-duck-rp (Hoo boy, this is double confusing.)
@pick-and-shovel-laborer or @the-richest-duck (Again, you can interact with either!)
Our Friends
1. As always, be at most PG with your asks, and don’t send anything inappropriate.
2. No shipping May or June with anybody.
Follow my main blog (@tokuvivor) for more DuckTales content, like fics, art, and various reblogs!
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
Thank you!
I’m sure we will!
Hi! I’m May, the older, more creative twin.
And I’m June, the younger, smarter twin.
We have an amazing mom and dad, and we also spend a lot of time with the rest of our family and our friends!
We haven’t known them as long as you’d think, but we love them all very much.
Our life prior is…a long story.
But that’s in the past now!
Oh! And we’re also looking to join the Junior Woodchucks!
Wait, May! We almost forgot!
Forgot what?
Our family and friends, who else?
Oh! Of course!
Our Family
@huey-jet-duck or @junior-woodchuck-huey (Wait, it’s him and Dewey? Yeah! Haven’t you caught up? This is confusing… Anyway, you guys can interact with either Huey! Same goes for Dewey. Wait, what?)
@dewey-duck-rp (Hoo boy, this is double confusing.)
Our Friends
1. As always, be at most PG with your asks, and don’t send anything inappropriate.
2. No shipping May or June with anybody.
Follow my main blog (@tokuvivor) for more DuckTales content, like fics, art, and various reblogs!
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
Thanks Mom!
Hi Mom!
Hi! I’m May, the older, more creative twin.
And I’m June, the younger, smarter twin.
We have an amazing mom and dad, and we also spend a lot of time with the rest of our family and our friends!
We haven’t known them as long as you’d think, but we love them all very much.
Our life prior is…a long story.
But that’s in the past now!
Oh! And we’re also looking to join the Junior Woodchucks!
Wait, May! We almost forgot!
Forgot what?
Our family and friends, who else?
Oh! Of course!
Our Family
@huey-jet-duck or @junior-woodchuck-huey (Wait, it’s him and Dewey? Yeah! Haven’t you caught up? This is confusing… Anyway, you guys can interact with either Huey! Same goes for Dewey. Wait, what?)
@dewey-duck-rp (Hoo boy, this is double confusing.)
Our Friends
1. As always, be at most PG with your asks, and don’t send anything inappropriate.
2. No shipping May or June with anybody.
Follow my main blog (@tokuvivor) for more DuckTales content, like fics, art, and various reblogs!
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may-and-june-duck · 7 months ago
Hi! I’m May, the older, more creative twin.
And I’m June, the younger, smarter twin.
We have an amazing mom and dad, and we also spend a lot of time with the rest of our family and our friends!
We haven’t known them as long as you’d think, but we love them all very much.
Our life prior is…a long story.
But that’s in the past now!
Oh! And we’re also looking to join the Junior Woodchucks!
Wait, May! We almost forgot!
Forgot what?
Our family and friends, who else?
Oh! Of course!
Our Family
@huey-jet-duck or @junior-woodchuck-huey (Wait, it’s him and Dewey? Yeah! Haven’t you caught up? This is confusing… Anyway, you guys can interact with either Huey! Same goes for Dewey. Wait, what?)
@dewey-duck-rp (Hoo boy, this is double confusing.)
@pick-and-shovel-laborer or @the-richest-duck (Again, you can interact with either!)
Our Friends
1. As always, be at most PG with your asks, and don’t send anything inappropriate.
2. No shipping May or June with anybody.
Follow my main blog (@tokuvivor) for more DuckTales content, like fics, art, and various reblogs!
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