#nwlnw aroace
kiruliom · 2 years
high res gay (nwlnw) aroace flag
post moved!! someone found the OG post and I dont wanna reupload stuff that has a non-deleted original coiner!!
if you want the flag heres a link to it (link), Ill reblog it myself as well
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shk0lstun-flagz · 3 months
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Aroace-spec Gay
For gay/cintheans that are on both the aro and ace spectrums in some way (oriented aroaces or any type of angled aroaces)
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Aroace-spec Lesbian
For lesbians that are on both the aro and ace spectrums in some way (oriented aroaces or any type of angled aroaces)
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toadpolliwog · 1 year
Finally drawing them again
Headcanon turtlesssss! Featuring:
transfem Raph
non-binary aroace Donnie
gender fluid aroace Mikey
and (ofc) transmasc gay Leo
... No, non of them are cis. Sue me
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the-dist-ortionist · 1 year
"I miss my boyfriend" and he's a man I am unable to ever see again
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monochromatic14u · 7 months
So, I may be having a feeling of yearning for my best friend queer-platonically. But also, I’m terrified of rejection if I were to ask the question of “hey, wanna be in a qpr with me”, especially since they only recently got out of a romantic relationship and I don’t know if that would cause problems. My thing is, I would want exclusivity. I don’t know if that’s something they would want. They don’t even have much of an idea as to what a qpr is as far as I know.
I’m just ranting, but if anyone has advice to give pllleeaassseee give it aha-
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hexational · 4 months
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happy pride this will be my only contribution (drawn on my phone)
also i headcanon unpleasant as nwlnw and aroace-spec but i think it was funnier just doing this
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roccie · 3 months
All flags as people so far ^^ (part 1)
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Flags in order:
Asexual, Aromantic, Aroace, Gender apathetic, Pansexual, Trans (Transfem+masc) nonbinary, genderqueer
(no idea why it says that and not just Roc-cie but I guess it works)
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year
Me personally, I'm a transfem Jax believer.
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barcodeboy · 1 year
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜- lesbian
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜- gay/queer
💛💛💜💛💛- intersex
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regretevatorstamps · 6 months
here ya go!!
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idonotkillwithmygun · 1 month
an introduction to my kintypes!
Dave Miller - DSaF
-any prns, He/It pref but really doesn't care
-omni, male pref
-43 in the first game
-born in September
-AuDHD, hypersexual, + PTSD
-SA'd at 8-9 in the orphanage
-canon follows the dsaf 3 good ending
-silly little creechur tail :333
-physically/psychologically abused
-personally, my canon followed flipside Dave (flipside davesport was a part of my canon, however dsaf 1 and 2 davesport was not)
-reality Dave was OBSESSED with Jack in a vvv unhealthy/toxic way
Henry Miller - DSaF
-67 by DSaF 1 (100+ by DSaF 3)
-June birthday
-5'4" (short asf 💀)
-literally just a massive bitch
-i was a bear brother guys trust
-didn't actually have a doctorate
-I hate him he's the reason I know what human organs look like in detail
-not sure what ending the canon follows, pretty sure it's the evil ending tho
Bill Cipher - GF
-any pronouns literally did not care
-still obsessed with Ford just in a more platonic/"please join my side please" sorta way
-actually really liked cats. found them really cool and refused to hurt them
-eye was a vvvvv light yellow
-frenemy relationship with Axolotl
-anger issues
-trillions of years old 💀
Mari Suzuki - OMORI
-straight ally (loved her bi brother)
-March birthday
-anxiety developed due to immense parental stress
-died at 16
-had had a crush on hero since they were kids, began dating him in 8th grade
-loved cats and dogs equally, but was allergic to dogs
-I don't really have much else to say tbh I don't have many memories from her
Steven Stevenson - DSaF
-July birthday
-37 in the first game
-anxiety, but not in the 'cute uwu soft aesthetic' way he just worries about everything
-snappy but getting better
-hopelessly in love with peter, however it's one sided attraction
-head is always covered in stickers
-dated Harry pre death 😈
-follows the dsaf 3 good ending
-silly little fella :3
-my most recently discovered kin
-did SH
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hitachiinlovebot · 2 months
another daily account ..... except for the hitachiin brothers ! waow !!
made by an autistic guy with a terminal hyperfixation and crush on both twins
i dont have a favorite anymore i want thrm both
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quick disclaimer i dont endorse incest !! just because im hyperfixated on the twins doesnt mean im fine with it !!! i think its weird
i do not care if you like it or dont i just dont want to know about it if you do !!
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more about me under the cut ↓↓
if youre still reading ..
im rui ^_^ i go by aki & unpleasant too but i prefer rui the best .
i am a transneu xeno user and go by he it usually , i use emoji prns & neopronouns too , masc & neu terms only , no they though ,
im also nwlnw/gay and aroace !
i have autism and anxiety , and am also a fictkin of rui hanamine, hirose aki, and unpleasant ! ( the gradient ... )
my hyperfixations are ohshc & boys love / yaoi ....
sntry.cc/hitachiinx2 waaoww my really cool sntry for all my other socials
anyways !! hiitachin lovers pleasee interact ..........
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you trans weirdos and pedos are the ones who should die, and as a gay man i think lgb community would be thriving without freaks like yourself lol
Sir. Can I call you that? Sir? I don't know how fragile your ego is (you are an anon fighting a child on Tumblr so it's probably very fragile) so I don't know what labels your little snowflake heart accepts.
A; I know I have a lot of porn on my blog made by me (support young artists by spreading their work and giving credit), but I am sixteen (16). Explain to me how I specifically am a pedophile. Where do I ever talk about anyone younger than myself in a manner that would let you think that I am? Or do I just come off as older than my age? I want this to be an honest discussion. You're free to send as many screenshots and links as you want.
Also I'm on the AroAce spectrum. I'm pretty sure you don't think that's a real thing either, but I do want you to keep it in mind. Just a small request
B; Why do you think all Transgender people are pedophiles?
Is it because we want to create a safe environment for LGBTQIA+ youth? Something you clearly do not like or want. Given you are invalidating identities and the queer community. Look at you! A little oppresser in the making!
Or because you think any 10 year old can waltz into a clinic and take as many gender-changing-pills as they please? Despite it being illegal in the USA (and most places in that matter) to be put through HRT while under the state's legal age of consent (with parent or guardian permission - otherwise you need to be eighteen (18)? You're clearly not stupid. Probably white but NEVER stupid. So I don't know how you won't know that.
Or are you just a hateful, ignorant, asshole that craves CisHet validation like a starving boot-licker eating mud and grass?
C: One last thing I need you to tell me. I promise. Does it ever occur to you that you are exactly like the cranky old white men. - both of the past and of the unfortunate present - who call you and your mlm (probably shouldn't say nwlnw since you just said lgb) brothers pedophiles every day for the crime of existing?
Or should I ask; are you just stupid?
I'm waiting, sir anon. Or do you want a different name? I'll be happy to discuss that with you.
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the-hydra-sys · 8 months
Serpent Hill - Frequent Fronters
Most frequent fronters above the cut, less frequent ones below!
Echo - 🦊
Echo is our primary gatekeeper. They ageslide very frequently, but typically stay in the range of a middle. They use they/them and identify as nonbinary and aroace. They adore foxes, and the colour green. Sometimes, even just seeing a picture of a fox is enough to get them into co-front. They love chaos and pranks, and have a secondary role as a chaos holder. They hold a lot of our ADHD too. They also have a habit of befriending absolutely everyone they come across.
Crimson - ♦️
Crimson is Echo's symbiote & protector, and we classify the two as a subsystem. Crimson doesn't identify as a person, but doesn't really mind if you classify him as one. He rarely talks, and typically only interacts with people if Echo is in trouble. His pronouns are down as "he/him + any."
Void - 💜
Void is our primary protector. Xe's known for his loyalty to his family and xeir aggression to anyone who threatens it. Xe can be very cold at times, and typically refrains from interacting with people. He uses he/xe pronouns and identifies as gay (nwlnw). He likes purple and hoodies. You probably won't see many posts from him, but you may see posts about xem.
Lexi - ✨
Lexi is Void's sister, and a very cheerful & happy-go-lucky albeit mildly chaotic alter. She's known as the token lesbian of our system (despite not being the only lesbian) and she's pretty flirtatious. She uses she/xe but doesn't really care - as long as it's not masculine, she'll roll with it. She doesn't have a gender identity label, but she aligns with a feminine gender. Xe likes orangey-gold colours, guitars and sunsets.
Michael - 🧪 or 🥼
Michael J Davis is an immortal scientist, frozen at a physical age of around 28. His mental age is closer to roughly 80 billion, and he's travelled all around the universe in his source. He adores science, and loves tinkering with the science and magic of headspace, breaking laws of physics that wouldn't be possible in the real world and creating new (and usually a little deadly) machines. He's brothers with Clara and has a whole host of kids. He's associated with the colour blue, and he'll probably offhandedly mention the craziest source memories and/or the weirdest advice ever that you've never heard before.
Kaz - 🪼
Kaz is an idiot /pos with a tendency to get in trouble. He's 19ish, and very gay. He's a semihuman, and he likes cyan. Officially, he uses "he/she/they/xe/it/zyr/blyss," but unofficially he likes it when people get creative. When referred to by pronouns that aren't he, it can stop him in his tracks for a second because he's not used to it, but he really doesn't care about what pronouns people use all that much. He'll probably post about his boyfriend, so be warned. /lh. He's also siblings with Void, Lexi, Hayden Jr, and the rest of that family.
Angel Dust - 🌸
Heya toots, I'm Angel. Fictive of Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel, we hyperfixated a lil too hard. I'm pretty source connected and I like sourcemates, but if you're a source connected V then I ain't talkin to ya, sorry. If ya ain't source connected it really depends.
Clara - 🩺
Clara is a lovely, albeit terrifying, lady. She's a doctor and spends most of her time in the medbay, healing people. She's an adoptive mother to Void and Lexi, as well as over 20 other kids. She's a caretaker but can quickly turn more ferocious than any protector if a child is being threatened. She has a strong eastern european accent (most likely derived from the body's parents) and takes on a motherly, caring role. She identifies with she/hyr pronouns and is somewhere on the aroace spectrum. She likes faded dark blue colours, and also happens to be Michael's non-biological little sister.
Nick - 🎗️
Nick is Michael's lab partner (..they're gay.) and he spends most of his time in the lab. He has amateur fire powers and is fireproof to an extent. Originally, he's a hero!Sapnap fictive from one of those vigilante AUs, but he's very source seperated. He uses most masculine and androgynous pronouns, and likes when people try out new neos for him. He likes the colour orange and he's around 30 years old.
Celskar - 🫧
Celskar uses any pronouns, and he likes neopronouns. He and Michael are queer. He likes shimmering colours, and his favourite is a shimmery purpley-silvery-blue. I'm not putting too much about him here as he's very source-connected and I don't want to put stuff about his source without consent.
Orion - 🪽
Orion uses he/xe/other pronouns, and is associated with pale orangey-yellow colours. He's a self-branded fuckboy, and flirts with almost every alter in our system above the age of like 20. He's a mortal turned immortal, and his physical age is somewhere in the mid 20s. While he can come off pretty strong, he does respect boundaries and will stop flirting with someone if they tell him to. He has desaturated blue hair and gold eyes.
Hayden Jr - 💠
Hayden Jr is the host of a subsystem and the younger brother of Void and Lexi. They're genderqueer and on the aroace spectrum. They like blues and greens, but when picking a colour they tend to lean towards light blues.
Fran - 🦌
Fran is an absolute sweetheart. They're genderfluid, and in their mid 30s. They have a sanctuary-like area and take care of all littles without parents. They often help Clara with her kids as she typically has her hands full at the medbay anyway. They like dark forest greens, and they're a semihuman alter. They have large antlers with flowers blooming from them and large fluffy ears. They are sometimes a satyr and sometimes have human legs, it fluctuates and they've been seen with both.
Sior - 🐺
Sior is our secondary gatekeeper and an absolute sweetheart. He uses he/they/xe. He's a teenager, and he has a heart made of gold. He's part wolf, part weird-bird-thing, and part human. He will not shut up about the wolf side. /lh. He rambles a lot and often gets sidetracked - probably due to his role as a holder of our ADHD. He has an innersys boyfriend, Zack, and the two spend a lot of time together. He's also the son of Celskar and Mateo, but you probably won't hear much about Mateo as he rarely fronts.
Zack - 🛡️
Zack is pretty much the polar opposite of Sior - quiet, focused, and pretty introverted. He loves art and values his alone time just as much as his time with people, though he often lets Sior intrude on both. He usually takes co when Sior's fronting to make sure he doesn't get himself into any trouble. He's the son of Harry D, and the two can often be found playing cards or chess in their common area's lounge.
Katris - 🪄
Katris is the most powerful magic user in our system. He's also 15. One of Michael's kids, Katris is adept at magic and can often do complicated spells that fix things others didn't even know could be fixed. Michael often allows him to help around the lab, and sometimes he can be found helping Clara in the medbay. Now and then, Michael and him can be found watching movies or training together. Katris uses he/they pronouns and is on the aroace spectrum.
Charlie - 🐏
Charlie is a "weird goat - fairy - thing." His pronouns are "he/him but funky," and everything else about him is pretty much just as odd. He improv-swears when stressed and tends to be on the anxious side. He's very gay for his boyfriend(?) and he gets hyper easily. He's on the younger side, around 16 or 17, and he's associated with dark maroon colours.
Lacey - 📋
Lacey is pretty serious, and tends to seem strict. She wears her hair up and has dark glasses as well as a black mask. She's often found hanging around Kaz and Charlie. She uses non-masculine pronouns.
Davina - 💎
Davina's genderfluid, but typically aligns with femme genders. When talking about her and not knowing which gender she currently is, she prefers people use she/they. She's twins with Devin, though he's technically older by a day since she was born just after midnight - a fact he always holds over her. She's very kind and caring in general.
Elliot / Dream - 🟢
Elliot is a fictive from the series Since I Saw Vienna (I'll put down my roots when I'm dead & sequels). He is not c!Dream, or cc!Dream, do not treat him as such. He's decently source connected and doesn't mind talking with sourcemates. He's brothers with our Aftershock fictive and friendly with our Vincent fictive (both from the same source). He fronts now and then but typically prefers to mask as other alters or leave himself down as blurry or anon.
Vincent - 🎶
Vincent is a fictive form the same source as Elliot. He's Aftershock's dad, and the two are very close. He uses he/him pronouns but doesn't mind if people use they for him. He's a protector and takes care of people who aren't able to take care of themselves. He's very dad-like and gets overprotective easily. He's in his 30s.
Vi - 🧤
Vi doesn't front much, but she's still around a lot, and people probably will mention her. She's a fictive from Arcane, and while she has a lot of source memories she isn't super connected to it. She's dating our Caitlyn fictive from the same source, and she helps Clara out around the medbay a lot. She uses she/xe pronouns, and is okay with sourcetalk, but asks you don't presume she's exactly like source - she isn't. She doesn't like talking to source-connected Silco introjects, but if they aren't source connected then she's completely fine with them.
Technoblade - 👑
Technoblade uses he/him pronouns. He doesn't front much, but he's very protective over his little sibling (Echo). He's a fictive from an antarctic empire fic, and is really close with a Phil from the same fic.
There are a lot more, but if any others start fronting more frequently I'll edit this and add them! - Echo
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weather-froggy · 2 years
Rise of the TMNT headcanons
Leo -
Nwlnw for sure
Transmasc, He/Him
He has a slight fear of cats due to an incident when he was younger
A bit jealous of Mikey's mystic powers
Has broken MULTIPLE bones MULTIPLE times
Bad insomniac
Hangs out in Donnie's lab with him in the night knowing Donnie is awake
Has names for all of his stuffed animals
Doesnt have any labels
He can carry all 3 of his brothers at once
Wants to cosplay but cant put together outfits without ripping them due to his size
Hyperfixates on his inventions and wont sleep if he is currently working on new tech
When overstimulated he tries to not touch ANYTHING so it doesnt get worse, causing him to break down while standing in the middle of a room :(
AroAce, Nonbinary, and Bi, They/He
Huge Cat lover
Chewed on everything when he was younger, including his brothers
Lets Mikey paint his nails, that way when he is tempted to chew his nails he doesnt want to ruin them
Miku Stan, got Mikey into Miku aswell
Sometimes will make tech for Mikey off of drawings xey did to inspire Dee
Helps Donnie with his tech when he is in art block
Makes xir own paint
Pan and genderqueer, He/They/Xir
Has a seperate sketchbook for vent art
Loves texture art
When they are bored, he will spraypaint and doodle on the sewer walls
Makes Donnie drawings of tech for inspiration
Drawing by Me
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averys-place · 2 years
TW: mentions of mental health issues and discrimination 
n a v i g a t i o n
Atlas/Avery | it/they/he | queer | 16 
Requests are open
!!Disclaimer!! This will be a nwlnw blog, so all reader povs will be gn!reader or masc!reader, however all readers are welcome on this blog! If gender is unspecified the default is gn!reader.
Hey! I’m your local cryptid dad, but you can call me Atlas or Avery :) I have AuDHD and this is my first blog! I really enjoy writing and I hope to make someone smile with it!
In all my posts, there will be tone tags and trigger warnings when needed, as I want to make this space as safe and welcoming to as many people as possible!
no discrimination of any kind is welcome on my blog. Should anyone practice any form of discrimination, they will be blocked immediately. (Meaning trans-medicalism, TERFs, transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism, etc.)
I am a minor and on the aroace spectrum so I won’t write NSFW content.
Please be patient when requesting! I am still in school, so it may take a little to get to your request but I’ll try my very best! I also have mental health issues that may impact my timing. 
Any inappropriate fetishisation of any kind is not welcome on my blog. Again, should anyone display this behaviour, you will be immediately blocked. (All fujoshis, MAPs, zoophiles, etc. will be immediately blocked and reported)
If you’re gonna be rude, please just leave now.
People of all ages may interact as this is a SFW blog. However, blank blogs can and will be blocked.
Who I’ll write for at the moment:
Discontinued for the foreseeable future
BNHA/MHA: Bakugō Katsuki, Midoriya (Deku) Izuku, Shinsō Hitoshi, Kirishima Eijirō, Todoroki Shōto, Aizawa Shōta (platonic only), Īda Ten’ya, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Haikyuu!!: Hinata Shōyō, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Bokuto Kōtarō, Kuroo Tetsurō, Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendō Satori, Oikawa Tōru, Iwaizumi Hajime (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
KNB: GoM (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Twilight: The wolf packs (Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Sam Uley, Paul Lahote, Embry Call, Quil Ateara V), Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Shadow Hunters: Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Lotr/the hobbit: all male aligned characters (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Criminal minds: all male aligned characters (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Harry Potter: mainly marauders era male aligned characters & slytherin boys(fem aligned characters are only platonic)
HTTYD: all male aligned dragon riders (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
The Black Phone: Vance and Robin (I’m sorry Finney just reminds me too much of myself T-T)
DPS (Dead Poets Society): all male aligned characters
Teen wolf: most male aligned characters, ask if unsure (female aligned characters are only platonic)
TOH: Hunter, Edric, Raine (young) (female aligned characters only platonic)
Dead Boy Detectives: Most male aligned characters (Crystal, Niko, Jenny, etc. platonic only)
•Extra information•
Some characters may be OOC, I apologise for that.
I will do drabbles, headcannons, fics, etc.
I will on occasion write for fem characters (depending on the character) if requested.
As this blog is an inclusive space, all reader features will be left ambiguous, unless specifically requested otherwise (example: genderfluid!reader, curly haired!reader, FTM!reader, etc.)
I won’t do specifically POC!reader because I don’t have the same life experiences and I don’t want to overstep.
All reader POVs will be autistic coded.
I look forward to hearing from people, have a great day/night! <3
Last updated: 09/06/2024
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