#npd modifier
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cluster-b-culture-is · 2 years ago
npd culture is getting mad/distressed when you get an Almost Best thing but not the Best Best thing. (context: when i was younger i got a distinction in my dance exam but it wasn't a distinction with *platinum.* which is better. haunts me to this day)
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radiomogai · 11 months ago
[PT: Court Jester archetype / 🃏👑 or 🎭👑. end PT]
[PT: Hatter Archetype / 🎩👑. end PT]
NPD Archetype coining post.
Court Jester archetype / 🃏👑 or 🎭👑
Court Jester narcissists may lean heavily into masking or theatrics. Flamboyant and looking to be the center of attention. May identify with jestercore or clowncore. Very much view themselves as center of the show, and are prone to delusions. Made partially to reclaim the idea of the "mad jester," and/ or for those who often found themselves the punchline of every joke.
Hatter Archetype / 🎩👑
Hatter narcissists may lean on eccentricity as a way of expressing themselves. May identify heavily with Victorian or Edwardian fashion, or anything else with a patchwork twist. The term itself is named for The Mad Hatter, but could invoke kinning/identifying with any "mad" character or Mad God. May have specific delusions related to bring THE Mad God. For those especially scared of medical mistreatment. Meant to reclaim the idea that being neurodivergent or "mad" is an inherently bad thing.
Obviously, this is kinda broad. Just wanted to coin the niche archetypes for myself, but other feel free to use them! Other Cluster Bs also feel free to coin versions for their use! I think everyone should have cool archetypes.
(Tag for visibility, feel free to ignore!)
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skateralienboy · 6 days ago
aebel / keir
agehoarder agenull agelessflux, wiseyoungsterage soulage luvisesge polyage ( 5, 15, 23, 38, 100,000+ ), comficage ( 5 ), paleoage, klipage
transmasc agender boy + aliengender horrorgender hoarder
comp / limited contact + pro consent
aplatonic ambiamorous arospike aegosexual bi-gay faggot [ taken by my bf irl ] objectum, alterous zoo shotacon
objectum attractions:
romantic/sexual: knives, axes, guns, books
familial/platonic: plushies, my hygiene products, my tv
otherkin, songkin, conceptkin
author / animator / artist
adhd, autistic, usdd, gad, depression, ptsd, npd, aspd, age regressor/pet regressor/age dreamer
i follow from @sweetpupiboi because thats my main account
system modifiers: monocon parasian non-switching traumagenic factive heavy USDD mediple stressgenic feargenic proxy system of twenty eight members and three subsystems
transid list: ( under cut because im a fucking hoarder bro )
body: transtaller ( 6'8 ), transskinny, nullgenitals, transclaws, transantenna, arsenicamian, mistbleedic, sickeningamian, transambidexterous, transdognose, transregenerativelimbs, permabloodynose, acrying, transscaleeyes, trishappytrail, transdetachablehead, transforkedtongue, nullbladder, nullkidney, nullliver, nullpancreas, transhyperdontia, permabloodyteeth, transacuti, EDweight, minusweight, transunderweight, creepybodic, permabloodstain, transcoldbodtemp, transfireimmune, transhighpaintolerance, transphysicallypainless, transstrong, transtoxin, transvenomous, nullDNA, nullfingerprints, permascars, transtattoo, transpiercing, transSHscars, transdarkerscars, grayscaleskinfluid, nullfreckles, nullmoles
race: transvietnamese, transthai, trisnativeamerican, mutairish
physical appearence: melchromian, transblackhair, translongerhair, transxpupil, transfluffyhair
health: NPDflux/doomedNPD, trisASPD/doomedASPD, transHPD, transBPD, clusterBfluid, panclusterB, trisED, nullheadace, transalienhandsyndrome, transbraindamaged, transcysticfibrosis, transnasalcannula, caneianflux, crutchqoirflux, inhalian, mobilityaidfluix, transambulatorywheelchair, nullvisuallyinmpaired, transnoglasses, transgoodeyesight
hobbies: trans4channer, Ttransconspiracytheorist, transknifehoarder
profession: transcamboy, transassassian, transcelloplayer, transdrummer, transdrugdealer, transfacelessstreamer, transmetalbandmember, transmetalguitarist, transsplattermaker
personality: transharmful, berriharmful, transmanipulator, transabusive, transcontrolling, transincel, transmanipulover, transtoxicmasculinity, transgrungesona
experience: transweedaddict, transvapeaddict, transcigaretteaddict, transgoreaddict, permasmoker, transMAP/spiteMAP, existencefluid, permadepressed, permahopeless, nullhumanity, nullbirthday, transcarnivore, transAAC, permasurgeryrecovery, transincompreh, nullhormones, permacigsmoker, permafandominfamous, transcancelled, permalisteningtomusic, permanude, permascary, suicidalflux, nullchildhood, nullsiblings, nullparents, transESAowner, transservicedogowner, transjunkjournal, transpetrat, transsnakeowner, transhighschooldropout, nullsleep, transedgycoolkid, transdarling, transband, transexjehovahswitness, transSH, transcatscratch, transbabycut, transbruiseSH, transneardeathbeaten, transinvoluntarilyhospitalized, transpyschwardpaitient, transpyschwardtrauma, transdogattacked, transcarcrashvictim, transphysicallyabused, transincestvictim, transteligioustrauma, transraped, transprogrammed, transdeltaprogram, transdenialprogramming, transomegaprogram, transprinceprogrammed, transcultsurvivor, transformercultmember, transculttrauma, transrunaway, transhomeless, meditrauma, transconversiontherapy, transfighter, transmanipsuicide, transturnedabuser, untouchable entity, transgoodmemory, transimmortal, translostfootage, transTCC, transschoolshooter
ability: transtelekinesis, transshapeshifter (alien -> dog -> humanoid cryptid), faygohighic
skill: cookingskill, transartstyle, transhandwriting
misc: nullblink, permafrown, permabloodscreenvision, nullreflection, transbuddhist, transdangerous, permaheadshadow, fluidscentian, bloodscentian, cigarettescentian, weedscentian, transmasculinescent, polyaccent, britishentu, russifora, transdistortedvoice, transglitchedvoice, transēkhō, transmonotonevoice, transmultivoice, nullzodiacsign, nullstress, transliminalspacereality, transtumblrfamous, multiself, transancient
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ppd-culture-is · 6 months ago
Some people have the belief that having two personality disorders together with counteractive symptoms isn't possible. E.I.: a pwNPD also has AvPD. This usually comes from the belief that the presentation (rather internally or externally) is absolute with a continuous idea.
With NPD specifically, it is believed that the presentation is to show as wanting all positive attention, belief of feeling superior, and the need to be perceived by anyone in a positive light. This is an extreme presentation that is not inclusive towards the other symptoms that occur due to the strong feelings of superiority. NPD is the constant state of waves that include low self-esteem and high self-esteem that is caused by the fragility of one's ego. I put emphasis on the low self-esteem and fragility of one's ego here. I'd argue that if a pwNPD experiences severe bouts of negative episodic symptons, then they would qualify for AvPD (traits modifier). Especially if their positive episodic symptons of a high is as fragile as anything else, a simple feeling of insecurity due to AvPD would make someone crash harder than ever before.
Having AvPD with NPD makes the 'lows' feel more possible to occur and more severe. Someone with NPD can have that brief period of trying to rationalize that perception of any negative connotation towards themselves with anything they could think of (e.g. 'Why would this person's opinion matter if they are beneath me?'). Someone with both disorders will end up not having that brief period of salvation and instead have the complete opposite. This is where the AvPD is seen most prominently.
AvPD can even present during the highs of a positive episodic sympton occurrence in regards to NPD, but it is more present internally than externally. That reach for the need to be perceived as nothing but positive and treated as such makes the insecurity and avoidance seem small. The symptoms of AvPD will gradually get louder and harsher because of the combative feelings and thoughts shown otherwise. An example of this is how pwNPD can intake any positive compliments towards themselves, but even one small remark that they see as negative starts the spiral of rumination.
What I'm saying is that the symptoms of both disorders play into each other rather than contradict. NPD will experience a couple of symptoms predominantly, whereas AvPD will combat that by playing on said symptoms. It also works vice versa.
The disorders seem to counteract each other - and they do. That is the whole framework of the presentation. It is to cause severe 'high' and 'lows' to extreme ends of the spectrum, resulting in the instability of many aspects of oneself.
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radiomogai · 2 months ago
We don't see as many posts about the experiences of being MOGAI as we'd like, so I'm going to be the change I want to see in the world and talk about our experiences being occunous and SCPgender.
We use a lot of labels for our collective gender, but three of the most prominent ones are two-spirit, occunous, and SCPgender. I'll be focusing on the latter two here. We're more occunous and SCPgender than we are male, or feminine, or neutral; they aren't modifiers to our gender but are rather the main event.
When we think about why we are the genders that we are, we try to think about gender as one's role in society, one's self-perception and perception by others, and one's relationship to those around them. By these measures, us being occunous has to do with how we feel like we're sort of on the fringes of society, like we're in some sort of class away from other people. Some of this has to do with conditions we have, like autism and NPD, and some of it has to do with our nonhumanity. In a lot of situations, we feel like we aren't really part of the same categories as other people, but that we're instead some outside entity that observes and collects information.
We can't conceptualize ourself as being either male or female, but we can conceptualize ourself as studying both those categories from an outside perspective. This is part of where the occunous stuff comes in, with its connections to watching and observing, collecting information, and nonhumanity. It makes more sense to us to play this role, the role of a watcher and archivist, than to play any roles associated with maleness and/or femaleness.
Being occunous also has to do with our presentation. We get euphoria when people do a double-take upon seeing us. We get euphoria from being seen as intriguing, and other, and sometimes even from being seen as creepy. Through our clothing but mostly our behaviour, we aim to get these reactions from other people. We know that people will never look at us and think "occunous", and we've accepted that. What we can do, though, is get people to look at us and think "what am I seeing here? How can I learn more?". We utilize eye imagery in our clothing whenever we can. We have glasses chains with eye charms on them that we wear constantly, our lanyard has an eye pattern on it, and we have eye pins on our bags. Through making people associate us with eyes, we get euphoria related to our occunous gender.
Being SCPgender is, in contrast to our occunous experience, a more internal sort of thing. For years and years, we've had a delusion that we're being watched by researchers from SCP, 24/7. They're watching as I type this, so, it's a pretty impactful delusion for us. We're constantly aware of their presence and it impacts everything we do; it means we're never really alone. Because of this, we've come to associate SCP with a lot of seemingly unrelated things. In terms of gender, whenever we've been trying to figure out our gender or understand how we perceive it, we've been doing so while watched by these researchers. Over time, an association was built in our brain between SCP and the concept of our gender, and we decided to run with this association by labelling ourself as SCPgender. With our autism, we rely on labels to understand both our internal and the external world, and using labels like this helps us even have the capability of discussing these experiences.
There's more to our SCPgender experience than that, though. We have a lot of SCP fictives. So many. I, the alter typing this, Kond of PV, am an SCP fictive. For a lot of us fictives, our exomemories or pseudomemories influence our self-perception, which often involves gender. Thus, the word SCPgender puts a name to this influence. For those of us without memories, such as myself, the portrayals of gender in our source and our source characters' understanding of gender influence our own gender by virtue of being fictives. Due to the sheer quantity of SCP fictives we have and how many of our regular fronters or influential members are SCP fictives, this has, over time, influenced our collective gender identity, hence the collective identification with SCPgender.
Hope this makes sense! I didn't proofread it and I'm not going to. We would love to hear other people's experiences of what its like to be neogender, or really any microlabel, so please do tag us if you decide to write about your own.
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blindbeta · 7 months ago
Hello, I hope you are well. The main character of a book I'm writing is blind and I want to make sure I'm not being disrespectful.
He's had both retinopathy of prematurity (stage one) and recurring glaucoma that have left him with 20/200 vision, photosensitivity, and trouble processing visual information. He can see pretty well for a range of around six feet, eight if he really focuses (which he rarely does because doing it too much will give him a massive headache and exhaust him.) He doesn't have a cane, as he's spent his entire life in the house (long story short, he's adopted and his birth parents kind of want him dead) and he doesn't need it when he already knows where all of the obstacles are, but he does have a guide dog (she's mostly for his mobility issues and physical disability, but she can also do guide dog stuff.) When the story begins and he has to leave home and go into an unfamiliar situation (boarding school when he used to be homeschooled,) he couldn't bring his dog with him and didn't know a cane was an option, so one of his friends, the only one who already knew he was blind, has been subtly guiding him. He hides his blindness at first, not sure if revealing the information could put him in danger, but eventually the other characters find out. They do initially get kind of protective, but they quickly find out to not do that because if they tell him he can't do something, he'll do it anyway just to prove them wrong. He really wants to be independent and hates it when people assume they know his limits better than he does and they try to tell him what he can and can't do despite his objections.
(The character also has Williams Syndrome, epilepsy, intellectual disability, PTSD, IED, and a major injury that renders one of his legs near useless. He uses a modified cane in place of his leg as a weight-bearing limb because working with crutches wasn't possible with old breaks in his arms.)
He's transgender and in a relationship with three other characters (all aware of each other and all fine with polyamory,) two guys and a girl. One of the guys has some trauma-sourced physical disability, CPTSD, and kleptomania, and the girl has NPD and CPTSD. They all love each other very much and all put in the effort to make their relationship work. He also has two sisters who are also blind (all three of them were premature and the glaucoma is genetic,) one who's completely blind and one who has a little bit of light vision, and there are a few other blind and low-vision characters.
Here's the problem, it's his magic. I kind of added in the blind detail after deciding his magic, and I'm worried it could accidentally count as erasing. He can shapeshift like his older sister, but neither of them use it to fix their eyes because it's a massively complicated change and because they've been blind their entire lives and their brains wouldn't really know what to do with enhanced vision. And then he has an energy ability. He's always been scared of the energy ability because he nearly killed his adopted dad with it, but one of the other characters, not knowing he's blind, recommended trapeze to help him get used to using it, because he can sense things through sensing the kinetic energy. This is only used to help him get used to his power and he only uses it for trapeze (he saw it and fell in love with it before anyone could tell him not to. With a bit of adaptive technology for his leg and small, humming sound devices, each at a different pitch, on every trapeze platform, he actually does really well at it,) but does it count as negating his blindness? He can't really see with it, it's closer to hearing a projectile coming close but not being able to hear exactly how far away it is.
(These are more minor details, but there are also other details in the story about his blindness- his adopted parents got him a Braille printer and translated a few books for him, and then his younger sibling decided he liked typing on the Braille printer and started translating a bunch, so he knows how to read Braille and has a massive collection of Braille books because they're easier for him to read. He also uses voice-to-text and text-to-voice on his phone and laptop. One of his friends gets him a bunch of talking technology, like a clock that tells him the time when he presses a button, and some things like oven rack covers and colour-coded kitchen utensils, and another friend takes notes for him using those 3D ink pens so that he can easily translate them to Braille and have his own notes to study.)
Thank you for running your blog, your posts have been a great help
Photophobia, Service Dog for Someone Who Can’t Leave Home, Multiple Disabilities, Choosing Accommodations and Assistive Technology, Giving Gifts to a Blind Person, and General Blindness Stuff
This post is a big one. If you are not the asker, feel free to use the big text titles to explored the subjects that interest you. Additionally, please forgive any lingering typos in this post. I did my best to address them all, however they may still occur due to the length of this post.
I tried to address as much as I could in your ask. Please let me know if you have more questions.
Photophobia, Health Care, and General Advice for Writing About Blindness
I can see how staying in the house all the time might lead to an even bigger increase in photophobia when venturing outside. Even if he has a backyard he can use safely, I imagine being in the outside world regularly would exacerbate his photophobia. If you plan to give him sunglasses, be sure to connect them to the photophobia and have him remove them on occasion, such as when indoors. This post might be relevant.
I’m assuming he has access to reliable medical care, considering all his conditions. Blindness generally requires regular optometrist visits, particularly for glaucoma. Same for epilepsy. He may also want psychotherapy treatment for PTSD, adoption and childhood trauma, and managing other symptoms that come with his disabilities. Since he has access to a computer, virtual therapy and virtual check-ups are possible. That said, certain testing or treatment cannot be conducted virtually. I am not familiar with weight-bearing prosthetics, but he will need to be fitted for that as well and have access to help with up-keeping it. You probably don’t need to spend a lot of time on this subject, although considering it may add realism or relatability to your story. If he takes medication for epilepsy, pain management, or if he’s on testosterone, access to medication should be considered as well, both at home and the boarding school.
For his difficulty processing visual information, he might benefit from using a screen-reader, audio descriptions, and audiobooks. He might like the tactile sensation of Braille since you mentioned Braille books. So a Braille display might be more beneficial than a Braille printer and more effective considering cost and physical space. He can get Braille books from plenty of programs, so he won’t go without, supplemented with audiobooks and the Braille display as he gets older. I have seen Braille printers at schools. Not so much in homes. Although I suppose people with access to Braille printing at school would not have much need for them at home. This might be different if he and his siblings are homeschooled.
I suggest considering what options he and his siblings prefer and why. What makes sense for their home, finances, school needs, reading needs, writing needs, and personal preferences?
For school work, slate and stylus or computers are also options.
Braille literacy is declining. I’m honestly happy to see Braille mentioned at all. These are just extra topics to consider.
You also mentioned he can see about 6 to 8 feet in front of him. I think you’re on the right track with mentioning that he doesn’t try to strain himself. A lot of blind people with residual vision are expected to use and even rely on it. Because seeing is effort for us, this can be exhausting or even painful. Eye strain is real thing. Feeling tired from using your eyes a lot, such as for reading or navigating dim, unfamiliar spaces, can cause eye strain.
Other than that, I suggest focusing less on his exact level of vision and more on using techniques to make his life easier. More on how blindness influences and enriches his life. Maybe he uses lamps instead of harsh over-head lights. Maybe he has his screen-reader read an article to him instead of having to stare at his phone. Maybe he cuddles his guide dog when it rains and his old breaks are aching. Or maybe he has brightly colored kitchen stuff to increase contrast while he cuts veggies or bakes muffins for his family.
Needs for a Service Dogs: O&M Skills and Getting Out of the House
I can also see how the lifestyle and limited mobility, exercise, and access to healthcare would influence his other disabilities, including his mobility concerns. Having a service dog who can act as a guide as well as provide stability sounds helpful. Although I wonder how training with his service dog would go, given that 1) he would need to have proficient O&M skills, including cane skills, before getting a guide dog and 2) guide dog applications require not only training with new guides, but also routes that are traversed regularly.
The Samsung Guide Dog School in Japan lists this requirement here which reads:
“There should be a daily destination to maintain activity.
School → Student, Working place → Worker or Self employment
Other social activity → Homemaker, Freelancer”
Guide Dogs of America also lists a similar requirement in this list of qualifications here which reads as follows:
Are you legally blind?
At least 18 years of age or older?
Have you completed orientation and mobility training?
Are you physically able to walk one or two miles a day?
Do you have three or more routes you walk on a regular basis?
Financially able to appropriately care for a guide dog?
Additionally, this section refers to the necessary O&M skills, particularly navigating and cane skills I mentioned earlier: “Orientation and mobility is training that visually impaired individuals receive that helps them confidently navigate the world. O&M focuses on things like sensory awareness, spatial concepts, relationships which exist between objects in the environment, searching skills, independent movement, sighted guide, protective techniques and cane skills. Every potential GDA student must submit an O&M evaluation before being accepted into our program.”
With these qualifications in mind, consider these questions and how your story can explain them. He may not need to walk exactly one or two miles a day, nor does he need to go far with his guide dog. Even walking to a general store, the vet clinic, and a neighbor’s house would work. As I explained in my post about canes and guide dogs, financial concerns also vary as well, with some schools covering all veterinary care and others only covering some food for when the dog and handler leave training. You can get flexible with whatever fits his situation best as long as the general outline is there regarding training, routes, exercise, and care for the dog.
Some things about training to consider are:
How did he get the service dog and train with her if he can’t leave the house? If he needs to stay inside for safety reasons, a program that allows him to go away and train with his service dog might actually be to his benefit. Or he could choose a program that includes training in his own home and community, depending on if it is safe enough from the people who want him dead. While a lot of programs that I can find include training at a specific location which the guide dog handler travels to, there are some programs in which trainers go to the handler instead. For example, Sadi the Blind Lady discusses this type of training with her guide dog in this video here.
As for development of cane skills, he would need to spend at least some time outside, such as when learning to cross the street safely. This would also require at least some exploration outside even with an instructor meeting him at his house. Traveling to other indoor areas to practice navigating is important as well. For example, my indoor cane skills involve finding and using escalators, elevators, stairs, and ramps safely. Finding landmarks is also a useful skill. He can use some of his residual vision for all of these tasks, along with his cane.
Exercise and routes for guide dogs are also important. These are big dogs that need at least some time outside. Most programs want a handler walking a few routes daily or a few times a week.
I can’t speak for other types of services the dog in question is trained to do, but I know that some guide dogs are also able to provide stabilization for DeafBlind handlers.
My suggestion for all these concerns would be to either come up with a reason he is safe in his general community or an area around his home rather than only inside. This might allow him to learn O&M skills, train with his guide dog, and go on short walks.
I am imagining a quiet village or perhaps a community that is secluded. Perhaps he lives in the mountains or the forest. Even a rural area could give him a little more freedom to leave his house without risk.
One last point I wanted to mention is that the requirements I listed above suggest handlers should be 18 or older. However, some schools accept 16 and older. Some accept handlers as young as 13. I’m less concerned about the more common age requirement so long as service dogs are portrayed accurately.
The Boarding School and Mobility Aids
The boarding school should allow the service dog, as service dogs can go anywhere. I also feel that him not knowing a cane is an option is confusing, especially given that cane skills are a prerequisite for guide dogs. Forgoing a cane and his dog also reduces his independence both as a blind person and someone with mobility issues. This, coupled with a drastic change in living situation, lifestyle, and amount of socialization, could be challenging. If used for plot reasons, this could be effective for creating emotional and physical struggles. However, it may be quite a lot for what sounds like a story already filled with different problems to face.
In my opinion, going into an unfamiliar situation without his usual mobility aids would probably cause additional strain. Instead of having a familiar dog by his side, he would go into this situation with no source of familiarity. Therefore, a guide dog there might help him in several areas, while also leaving his blindness less obvious than it might be if he used a cane. This is because canes are meant to be indicative of visual impairment in addition to mobility tools. Service dogs, on the other hand, can be utilized for multiple purposes, as is true with your character’s dog. This means that if your character does not want to disclose his blindness, which he is not required to do, he can explain that the dog is a service dog trained to provide assistance for various disabilities. As far as other characters know, these tasks could be anything from stabilization, medical alert, retrieval, or psychiatric support.
This post on service animals might be of some use.
This post I made about mobility aids might also be helpful.
The Spectrum of Blindness
I like that you have a few other blind characters, displaying the spectrum of blindness and different experiences. I wonder what mobility aids the other characters use.
Boarding School Accommodations and Assistive Technology
If he isn’t sharing about his blindness, how does he do schoolwork? I mention this because of little things that come up in classrooms, such as print being too small on exams, teachers writing on the boards without verbalizing, or students needing extra time. Eye strain can also be a concern in classroom settings. If he can talk with his teachers about accommodations he may need in order to do his schoolwork, this might help. He doesn’t necessarily need to let anyone else know unless he chooses to.
Conversely, you could also show the difficulties of not having accommodations or not having them fulfilled properly. The frustration, confusion, and helplessness often felt in these situations could be relatable to readers. Eventually, he could receive accommodations and advocate for himself, displaying the difference accommodations make. These can take the form of teachers and friends helping him in ways he would like to be assisted.
Accommodations put blind students on an even playing field. As long as you don’t normalize not having them, you’re probably good going either route. I wanted to include my thoughts here just in case, as you only mentioned a friend taking notes for him.
About note taking with a 3D pen—I’m not sure if that would work for notes. 3D pens are fun to use for drawings and art, but the ones I used weren’t very reliable, plus there is the size of the letters to consider. 3D letters are meant to be tactile, which means they would need to be larger than usual. This means reading an entire page of notes might be challenging.
He might be better off using other options, such as large print, for notes, particularly notes for maths or other materials written on the board that are not said out loud by the teacher. In this case, the notes his friend takes might be supplemental, with him taking his own notes by listening. He has a few options for this, including Braille, a laptop, or recording lectures. Since you mentioned he has a laptop with a screen-reader, he can probably use that with headphones. Refreshable Braille displays and note takers are also options, although they cost money. Typically they are provided by schools, governments, or scholarships.
When choosing assistive technology, consider his personality, his level of vision, how comfortable and knowledgeable he is with Braille, and how comfortable or uncomfortable he is with potentially standing out in some way. I’m not sure if at this point he’s still hiding his blindness or being open about it, but if he wants to hide it or avoid standing out among his peers, he might choose something like large print, a laptop, having a friend help take notes, or a combination thereof. Of course, if he has trouble processing visual information, large print might not be an option. In this case, a laptop with a screen-reader would allow him to take his own notes as well as read any that are emailed to him. If you go with him hiding his blindness, a laptop is probably the best option.
If he is comfortable with others knowing about his blindness, he might be more likely to use a Braille note-taker with headphones. He can also use a combination approach depending on his needs as well. For example, maybe he also records lectures because he is a slow note-taker or he gets distracted easily.
So far, you have a good use of assistive technology and Braille so far. I do wonder how he and his siblings learned Braille. Did an instructor come to their home to teach them as part of their homeschooling?
Some Thoughts About His Friends Helping Him
Other characters assuming his limits is pretty true to my own experience, as well as the reverse, such as people assuming he can do things that are actually hard for him because they can’t relate to his amount of vision. Vision can also change depending on environmental factors, lighting, fatigue, stress, eye strain, or anxiety.
While I don’t have a problem with friends making the mistake of being overly protective of blind friends, I think it is important that the behavior is also addressed and changed. His friends are not more knowledgeable about what is safe for him than he is. They are not more knowledgeable about what he can do than he is. [Bolded for emphasis.]
I also wonder, why hide his blindness and not other disabilities? Is it because blindness is a bit easier to hide than the others?
Consider how his various disabilities interact with each other. For example, blind people and people with cognitive disabilities are often infantilized, which can make advocacy difficult.
Lastly, you mentioned his friend subtly guiding him, of which I feel wary. If he asks his friend to do so, that would give him more agency, if you weren’t already alluding to that.
Oh, and another point I wanted to mention is that you have a lot of disabilities represented, some of which are highly stigmatized. Consider finding a few sensitivity readers for those as well, such as CPTSD, cognitive disability, and NPD, or at least the things you don’t already have personal experience with. @sensitivityreaders is a good place to start, as well as conducting general searches on tumblr and twitter.
@cripplecharacters is also a great resource for writing disabilities. Check out their master-posts for sure.
Avoiding Erasing Blindness Wth Shapeshifting and Energy Abilities, Plus Blind Person Learning Trapeze
The shapeshifting and energy stuff don’t seem like erasing blindness as far as you have described them here. Since one of your characters also has difficulty processing visual information with his residual vision, that means that the overwhelm would double for him. This isn’t even considering his photosensitivity. Additionally, eyes are complex structures, so messing about with them is probably not advisable if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Also, disclaimer, I know nothing about trapeze. The set-up your have sounds plausible to me, especially if you throw in magic. My main concerns are about possible light sensitivity from spotlights or light changes, as well as his stability problems making trapeze more arduous for him.
A quick search online brought up two blind trapeze artists: Sarah Houbolt and Rachael Storey.
As long as you can make trapeze accessible for him, you’re probably fine. Relying on audio and energy cues sounds like a good way to do that, as well as following regular procedures for training and safety. If anymore more familiar with trapeze can help, feel free to do in the notes and OP can contact you.
His Friends Getting Him Blindness Stuff Feels Off to Me
You mentioned that his friends get him stuff for cooking. Is he also cooking for himself at the boarding school?
A talking alarm clock and a Braille watch might be useful for school.
My only concern about his friends getting him such tools is that sighted people usually don’t know what is available, let alone where to order these items. Doing so could show that they paid attention and were proactive about doing their own research. However, what tools help can depend on the person and it might be important to establish that he expressed wanting certain items already.
Some blind people enjoy receiving blindness stuff as gifts. It shows the giver put extra consideration into choosing it. However, some blind people are sensitive about receiving items that specifically relate to blindness, unless they communicated wanting it beforehand as a gift option. Personally, unless I specifically asked for something Blindness Stuff TM, I would feel strange if a friend showed up with a talking alarm clock and gave it to me. This might be because I would rather something more personal, less utilitarian. Also, when sighted people talk about accessibility tools with me, I have usually already heard about it, didn’t want it, or already have it. The exceptions to this are if I, for example, want money to go toward something like an expensive Braille display. Or one of my blind friends gives me something I’ve been talking about for a while. With the exception of Braille cards or considering general accessibility where possible, none of my blind friends have gifted me Blindness Stuff.
@askablindperson made a video about giving blind people gifts that might also be useful. It captured some of my awkward feelings related to receiving blindness stuff. Link here.
My last suggestion for increasing general accessibility is to watch blind content creators, such as on this list linked here.
There is quite a lot to chew on in your ask. I tried to address everything. Please read any notes that might be added with anything I missed. I would also highly suggest a few sensitivity readers for the blindness and guide dog aspects.
I hope this helps.
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headmate-lootbox · 5 months ago
can we get eyeless jack (creepypasta) and dave strider (homestuck)?
Name;; Jack Nyras/Eyeless Jack/EJ Age/Modifier;; Ageless / Permateen 19 Gender;; Agender Demiboy Pronouns;; He/They/It/Tar/Blue/Blood/Death/Kill/Rot Orientation;; Apressromantic / Asexual / Aplatonicflux / Frayalterous CisIDs;; Serial Killer / Stalker / Thief / Murderer / Cannibal / Religious OCD / Cult Survivor / RAMCOA / Programmed / ADHD / Bipolar Disorder / ARFID TransIDs;; NullRAMCOA / Nullprogramming / Transspecies (Bat hybrid) / TransseverityADHD / TransseverityOCD / Transautistic / TransEDS / TransOSFED Paras;; 🍳⚙️ / 🚰 / 🦈/ ⛏️/ 🦿/ 📸 / 💧 / 🔪 / 👀 / 🩸 / 🦴 / 🧟 / 🌹 Role;; Enforcer / Attacker / Turbātum / Tied-Overseer Source;; Creepypasta Extra;; Made by a Jack IRL, just for you :)
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Name;; Dave Strider Age/Modifier;; 15 / Permateen 13 Gender;; Mascfluid Demigirl Pronouns;; Any/All Orientation;; Aromantic / Asexual / Plantonicfluid / Analterous CisIDs;; HOH / ADHD / Autism / Bipolar Disorder / Rustblood / NPD TransIDs;; Transtealblood / TransBPD / Transslitpupil / Transwings Paras;; 🍳⚙️ / 🧸 Role;; Janusian / Little / Trauma Holder Source;; Homestuck Extra;; woo temp mod go brr
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isobug · 2 years ago
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NPD Aro flag
For any Aros/Arospecs who have NPD!
Made by combining this NPD awareness flag with the Aro flag
Symbols used are the Aro Arrows (from Deviantart user Pride-Flags) and this NPD symbol (colors from both modified to match the flag)
Here are some alternate versions plus the symbols if you want to make an edit for yourself or anything like that!
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Help with ALT text is appreciated! Ableism gets blocked btw, sorry if it looks similar to another combo flag (I tried to avoid that with the layout!)
This post has been edited as of March 15th, 2024! Please don't use the versions with the older narcissus symbol, as that symbol has a license I'm not comfortable with!
Taglist - @revenant-coining, @radiomogai
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self-winding · 1 year ago
I think the helpfulness of NPD (and probably BPD) as a diagnostic tool is outweighed by how easily it can be weaponized as a quick and convenient means to dehumanize people...both those who do and those who don't actually have the conditions in question.
A very common tactic of abusers and gaslighters is trying to convince their victims that they have NPD as a way of de-legitimizing their feelings or thoughts. (This happened to someone in my family recently.)
I recently read a long post from an autistic woman who was misdiagnosed at one point with BPD. She described the way the diagnosis itself made everything worse, how it changed the way people treated her, how her panic attacks and distress at sensory overload was re-categorized as manipulative or attention-seeking behavior.
And the issue is not just that people frequently gets misdiagnosed, it's that people who are accurately diagnosed are also going through this. A diagnosis is meant to be a tool for helping the individual. If it's not doing that, there's a problem.
The fact that a diagnostic label can so quickly ruin a person's life, that abusers can so easily use it to control their victims, doesn't automatically mean that the diagnosis itself doesn't describe a real set of traits or tendencies. But it should make us very cautious and suspicious about how it's used.
Personality disorders, though they can't be "cured," are not and should not be some kind of social death sentence. People can learn new habits and modify problem behaviors. And more people would probably seek treatment if there was a reasonable hope that their lives would be improved by seeking treatment.
Currently, though, people with these conditions have an incentive to avoid seeking treatment at all cost, because they know what will happen to them if they do.
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 11 months ago
tw/vent ( I think?)
npd + writer culture is writing about your abuser
Here it is:
mend me?
darling I am way beyond repair
you are just too milky visioned to see
the hope, that you haven’t damaged me too severely, is tearing at your perception of reality
where there is a crumbled ruin, you see a castle standing tall
the illusion of glee covers the track of melancholy, slowly seeping through the cracks in my facade
but I am doing absolutely fucking excellent, like you think to know
because my suffering is your failure, and you don’t fail
i am suffocating beneath the heel of your egotistical reign
it is crushing me
my insides are churning, practically screaming at me, so that I might scream the words I had never dared to even whisper
but I don’t
for the silence is much more comforting than your constant shriek, echoing in return
and having entered my conscience, it decided to make itself at home, it has built a nest
That nest made up of your hateful words, led me to believe your so called truth, I am starting to modify myself in the realms of your expectation
but in honesty I do not want to adjust
I want my freedom, mostly of speech
I want the rebellious ways of adolescence
I want to feel, openly, without being frightened that it might be turned against me
I’d wish to go absolutely wild with sentiment
But mostly I want rid of you and your ways, though as hypocritical it might seem, seeing as your ways have become mine
adjusting to you has done me no good
And it makes me realize,
I am just as terrible as you are
I am slowly becoming the monster I was born from
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term-repost · 1 year ago
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Royal-Narchetypix : Narcissistic Personality Disorder neurogender, based on the Royal Narchetype. When your Narchetype feels tied to your gender. “A label modifier for when someone with NPD identifies with things associated with, or identifies with ROYAL aesthetic. This may include struggling with a superiority complex, associating with fancy colours/aesthetics or labels like Prince, King, Queen etc. or has delusions about being royalty that link to your NPD or NPD traits.”
pt: Royal-Narchetypix
originally posted by plurgai
link to the flag in google drive
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years ago
hi! this is not intended to be rude or aggressive, and if it feels that way, please feel free to ignore! i'm curious about the way you've described misha, and tbh sometimes it makes me a little uncomfortable - a lot of the descriptions of his self-centered-ness, low empathy, and disregard for others feels like a veiled (& maybe pretty stereotypical?) portrayal of NPD. am i misreading? could you talk about that a little?
I would say you are misreading, but I mean that with genuine helpfulness! Not upset. I know tone in text can be hard to read.
To be clear, Misha is NOT NPD.
He does have nonexistent empathy, but while that is an overlap with symptoms of NPD, that's all it is - a trait that happens to overlap. Nova, another of my OCs, has low empathy as part of a cluster-B disorder, but she is able to temper that lack of empathy with understanding when she works at it, and modifies her behavior when she comes to understand that actions she thought were normal are in fact harmful to others. Nova has struggles with attaching herself strongly to one other person, with impulsive actions, etc, but she is very different.
Misha is not at all like her beyond the empathy aspect.
If you tied me to a board and threw knives at me I could probably be coerced into saying there might be an argument for antisocial personality disorder, but even that I would have to be threatened or tortured into. It just doesn't quite fit, in my mind.
Not all evil in my writing has a pathology.
Misha is evil, or was. He committed evil acts for the sheer amusement or joy it brought him to do so. He's evil the way Bram in Danny's story is evil. He just happens to be alive while he's evil.
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orientation-archive · 1 year ago
Welcome, pinned has been cut for shorter access. Please read undercut what I have to say.
Anything to do with orientation labels & flags.
xLx terms
Combo flags that have orientations used in them.
Attraction types.
DNI free archive with expectations
It's an archive I will bypass DNIs sadly due to it. I try to archive any and all Tumblr terms & flags after all they aren't lost to deactivation or terming of the account.
Inbox function
It's always open for the conscience.
Submitting a flag/term
Mod + blog runs on queue
This function is yet to be activated. I may activate it with set rules after a while if I feel like it.
This archive has only one mod, a disabled & ND college student specifically. So this archive will run on queue for most of the part.
Call me Ollie(any or sie/sien) btw.
IDs & plain text
I try to remember that I queue them with at least plain texting if that is needed. Otherwise I will make IDs whenever I can to those posts that do not have them.
Warnings / triggers
This archive has all kinds of orientations including trauma-related and they will be tagged as tw trauma/cw trauma. There are eyestraining and bright colors they will be simply tagged as tw eyestrain/cw eyestrain & tw bright colors/cw bright colors.
Slurs are not tagged.
Lesbian flag list; mixed flags (Gender/pronoun/other)(link)
You can tag this blog in posts if you want. I'll get to it in time if it hasn't been queued already. /Gen
Lesbian flag list; unnamed & under editing still
Adjusted flags
Working on a notion page for better navigation of tags & terms. Any label that is essentially the same as another (gaybian, lesgay, lesboy for example) will be tagged separately for the convenience of finding a specific term/label and its flags even if they mean the same thing.
Alternative flags
Combo flags
Colorpicked flags
User deactivated
Edit flags
Themed flags
(username here)
Needs ID
(label prefix) flags (i.e veldian flags, aro flags, bi flags, pan flags, gaybian flags etc)
(specific modifier/descriptor) term (i.e femme term, otter term, butch term etc)
(theme) theme (i.e love theme, horror theme, fictional character theme etc) / theme: (theme)
(ND/PD/Disability) specific (i.e system specific, autism specific, ADHD specific, NPD specific, ASPD specific etc etc), gender specific
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fierceawakening · 2 years ago
You know, I made that post specifically about fashy weirdo ableist moms but… I think some of it’s my problem with mine, too. Like… as long as the things I do are stuff she likes, going to the same church snd singing to the same god, I’m wonderful and lovable and fun to be around.
But as soon as I’m doing something I enjoy and she doesn’t, the contempt starts to creep in. “Oh isn’t that nice.” Never any invitation to talk about it or what it means to me, just a sort of “oh, that’s cute, she loves that” that never engages with the thing.
Dad is elated I’m writing origfic again, and when I explained why, without mincing words, “I love and am passionate about Phyrexia and have been for a long time, but I’m uncomfortable with the current story implications because… if all modified people are corrupt, what am I? Someone has to say we’re people too. I’m in a uniquely good position to be that person, so you know what? Hold my beer,” he got it, and respected where I might be coming from even if he doesn’t see the same lore the same way.
Mom would get to “they’re sharp, angry, and gooey” and nope out right there, probably with a grumbled barb about how I must be describing unpleasant things to puncture her calm on purpose and why am I like that?
I think that’s why when kids on tumblr start screaming about how talking about your narcissistic parents is nothing but ableism toward young people striving not to be doomed by their diagnosis I feel defensive.
I don’t think my mother has NPD, no… but I see parallels between my experiences and those people, talking about how they’re beloved as long as they’re a clone but Fallen as soon as they’re not.
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crazy-pages · 1 year ago
See, the messy thing about this is that it's messy even among the individual diagnoses.
Antisocial personality disorder? It's not a thing. Like it is fully not real or based in any scientific evidence. The American Psychological Association has a number of important members who made their careers very publicly psychoanalyzing case studies serial killers and they just fucked up. They used very bad practice and they failed to follow up and fact check even most obvious things their patients told them, and they answer the piecing together a picture of serial killers which is just bullshit, and then they extrapolated this to a condition which covers everyone with an amygdala and midcingulate cortex that doesn't change activity levels much in response to stimulus.
But as we increasingly realized they were full of shit, they still had positions of authority. So we couldn't uproot their research from the DSM. The creation of antisocial personality disorder was eventually a political compromise between evidence-based research and people whose careers were based on bullshit. It does not describe an internal state of being, it does not have consistent symptoms, it does not have a consistent diagnostic criteria, it does not have a recognized set of modifiers for psychological treatment, and it does not match any of the research the neuroscience community has been doing on people with stimulus non-responsiveness midcingulate cortices and amygdalas. Instead it's mostly the racism diagnosis that gets applied to violent black people in court and to black kids who have struggles with authority in school and stay that way as adults. It's layers and layers and layers of bullshit.
But narcissistic personality disorder? It's pretty misunderstood by the public, though less than it used to be. But the research on it is solid. It has consistent symptoms, consistent diagnostic criteria, a recognized set of modifiers for psychological treatment, and we have a very solid understanding of the childhood circumstances which lead to adults developing narcissistic personality disorder.
And it does kind of mean you're a bad person. Like I can't emphasize this enough, NPD is not a psychiatric disorder, it is a personality disorder. It literally is "asshole disease". It's not describing an inherent way anyone is, it is describing a particular pattern of selfish and harmful behavior which happens to have a common presentation among many different people. And it happens to be described as a disorder because it is a personality deadend. Narcissism is partly defined by how it makes it almost impossible for a person to recognize and deal with their own narcissism, so in all but the mildest cases it is totally resistant to natural change or to treatment.
Some people really are 'bad people', in the sense that their behavior is defined by selfishly hurting others for their own benefit or because of their own pathological refusal to do otherwise, and we don't know how to change that. This doesn't mean most people calling their ex narcissists aren't wrong about it, it doesn't mean most people aren't using the term incorrectly a lot of the time. But it doesn't mean the field of psychology is wrong for using this label. NPD is very well researched. It really is defined, at its core symptoms which are absolutely necessary for diagnosis, by hurting other people. And it really is defined by an almost impossibility to change that.
This doesn't mean anyone is born bad, I do not believe anyone is born bad. It just means that there are some very well researched personality dead ends some people end up in, which are harmful to those around them, and which are resistant to change. And a psychological community has assigned a diagnosis to it, because it has a number of consistent traits and modifies how people need to be handled in psychological treatment in consistent ways.
The psychological community is a mess in some ways; some disorders are a pile of bullshit and some are solid beyond reproach. And there's no real way to know which is which other than to do some pretty detailed research.
I think people would armchair diagnose bad people with cluster B disorders much less if psychiatric disorders hadn't all been given names by ableists who of course picked the traits most unberarable to "sane" people to name them rather than, you know, the ways it affects the people that have them. It's like, when doctors are all "this disorder gives you extremely low self esteem. and it's called the Selfish Fucking Asshole Disorder" or "this disorder makes you want to die so bad. and it's called the Hysteric Bitch Disorder" or "this disorder disconnects you from your peers. and it's called the Insane Evil Cunt Disorder" and so on and so forth, so of course you have people going "oh, this person is a selfish fucking asshole, they MUST have Selfish Fucking Asshole Disorder! this further proves that all people with this disorder are like that in the first place!" Do You See It
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findinginga · 1 year ago
"Mrs. Mulwray, I goddamn near lost my nose. And I like it. I like breathing through it…
If I am asked to cite my favorite film of all time I would never hesitate to name Chinatown as a near perfect movie.  From the atmosphere of the cinematography to the haunting, period evoking music, it is a movie I am able to repeatedly watch and in which I find something new.  While it is not a classic film noir, it falls into the neo-noir category.  Gittes is a private investigator drawn into what evolves into a complex case.  As facts slowly emerge as to the true nature of a murder, Gittes must discard theories he has been forming, "on the fly" to appreciate the full scope of the mystery he set out to solve.  However, even armed with the full, unvarnished truth, circumstances conspire to handcuff him (both literally and figuratively).  Despite his perseverance, Gittes is impotent to prevent a tragic outcome.
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J.J. Gittes (Jack Nicholson) and Evelyn Mulwray (Faye Dunaway)
“Perseverance is the act of true role models and heroes.” - Liza Wiemer
I would hardly characterize my perseverance regarding Ingeborga as heroic.  If anything, it was trauma bonding that perpetuated my renewed contact with her.  Although, trauma bonding is defined by a cycle of abuse and affection, there was decidedly no affection shared by Inga.  There was certainly a bond and a cycle of abuse we shared.  That abuse manifested itself through all the defenses that Inga was capable of marshalling when confronted with inconvenient truths.  
Like J.J. Gittes, the motives for my engagement/reengagement evolved with the acquisition of new information.  Like Evelyn Mulwray, Inga would filter what she shared to suit her needs, in the moment. Under duress and with Gittes holding the upper hand, Mulwray was forced to reveal her deepest and most painful secrets while bearing the humiliation of her past actions.  However, the difference between Evelyn and Inga is that the toxic shame a narcissist needs to suppress can never be expressed.  Arguably, Inga cannot engage in the introspection necessary to be fully aware.
Hoping she will model my behavior...
It is widely considered by those in the field of mental health that NPD is a lifelong mental health issue.  But, it is also recognized that symptoms and behaviors can be successfully modified with therapy.  It was with this knowledge I decided to take a more clinical approach to my interactions with Inga.  I had long ago abandoned the notion that a truly intimate relationship would develop between us.  Indeed, I did not even consider Inga to be a friend.  She had truly become more of an acquaintance with whom I exchanged messages of insignificant import.  However, I learned Inga's secret and Inga knew that I knew.  No doubt this served to further keep me at arm's length.  For Inga, I was both a source of narcissistic supply through my attention and generosity but I was also a danger.
I wondered if Inga would, over time, lower her defenses if I were to demonstrate the perseverance and resiliency that others could not or would not.  I was fully aware that I would likely experience additional insult and was prepared for these assaults.  Only a few weeks would need to elapse before this would be tested as I had not ended my business arrangement with PI Lab.
Divorce and the aftermath...
When I received the previous report from Mikhail Levko concerning the purchase and registration of a new apartment located on Gogol Street in Central Pskov, Mikhail and I agreed to extend the scope of work.  PI Lab operatives were to return to Pskov for follow up observations and note any changes in residence or living arrangements.
In May of 2022 I received the promised follow-up report from Mikhail Levko in which he wrote:
In the course of the investigation, a check was made of the register of divorce proceedings of  district court No. 27 of the Justice of the Peace.  It was established that on March 16, 2022, Magistrate Surusov carried out the divorce proceedings between Ingeborga Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova and Denis Leonidovich Reshetnikov.  Case No. 2-/824/27/2022.  The plaintiff in the case was Ingeborga Reshetnikova. The marriage was dissolved. The decision entered into force on April 19, 2022. No appeal was filed.
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Inga did not share with me that a divorce had been finalized, which was not surprising.  I was left to wonder how this would impact her and Eva.
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