#now imagine him with telepathy and mind control????
I’m not sure if you do Charles Xavier, but if you could, can you write a platonic Charles x mutant!GN!reader where the reader can block out Charles’ telepathic abilities, and it surprises him at first until he somewhat gets used to it by the day? Thank you!
Silent Minds
When you first arrived at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, you knew it was only a matter of time before Charles Xavier would reach out with his telepathy. It wasn’t something he did out of malice, just his way of understanding who he was welcoming into the mansion. For many mutants, their thoughts were often loud, brimming with fear, uncertainty, or confusion. You, however, were different.
The moment Charles tried to enter your mind, there was nothing. It was like running into a brick wall — solid, unyielding, and utterly silent.
"Curious," he had murmured, raising an eyebrow when the usual telepathic connection failed to establish itself. The moment passed quickly, and though his surprise was evident, Charles Xavier was nothing if not composed. He simply greeted you with a warm smile, inviting you into the mansion without a word about the mental barrier.
It wasn’t until later, after you had settled into life at the mansion, that Charles asked to speak with you in private.
"Would you mind coming to my office?" he had asked politely, his voice calm and friendly, as always.
You nodded, curious as to what this was about. Once inside, Charles gestured for you to take a seat across from him.
"I hope you don’t mind me asking," he began, his tone gentle, "but I’ve noticed something rather… unique about you."
You blinked, unsure of where this was going. "Unique? How so?"
Charles steepled his fingers, his gaze thoughtful. "My telepathy doesn’t seem to work on you. I attempted to greet you telepathically when you first arrived, as I often do with new students, but I found myself unable to do so. It’s quite rare."
You shifted in your seat, glancing down at your hands before looking back at him. "I can block out telepathic abilities," you admitted. "It’s part of my mutation. I can create mental barriers — not just for myself, but for others too, if needed."
Charles’ eyes widened slightly in surprise, though there was no alarm in his expression, only fascination. "That’s extraordinary," he said. "I’ve encountered telepathic resistance before, but never quite like this. Your mind is entirely… silent."
You shrugged, feeling a little self-conscious under his scrutiny. "I guess I’m used to keeping people out. It’s… instinctive now."
Charles leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful smile playing on his lips. "I imagine it must be. And quite useful, too, given the nature of some telepathic threats."
There was a moment of silence as Charles studied you, and you couldn’t help but feel a little awkward under his gaze. But then, as if sensing your discomfort, Charles’ expression softened.
"You don’t need to feel uneasy," he assured you. "I’m not offended, if that’s what you’re worried about. In fact, I find your ability quite remarkable. It must give you a sense of control over your own mind that many others don’t have."
You nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "It does. It’s nice knowing no one can get into my head unless I let them."
Charles smiled warmly. "That’s a gift, indeed."
Over time, Charles grew more accustomed to your mental silence. While he was used to hearing the constant hum of thoughts from those around him, you became a rare, quiet presence in the mansion. It was something he came to appreciate — a kind of reprieve from the usual noise.
Occasionally, when you would join him for conversations, he would catch himself attempting to reach out telepathically, only to be met with that familiar, impenetrable wall. It never frustrated him, though. If anything, it intrigued him more each time.
"You’re a mystery, you know that?" he would say, half-teasing, whenever his telepathy failed him once again.
You’d just laugh and shake your head. "Not much of one, really."
But over time, you and Charles developed a comfortable, platonic bond. He respected your boundaries, both mentally and emotionally, never prying beyond what you offered willingly. And in turn, you came to trust him in a way you hadn’t trusted many people before.
Despite the fact that he could never truly read your thoughts, Charles had a way of understanding you that didn’t require telepathy. He observed the way you moved, the way you spoke, and the way you interacted with others. And in doing so, he gained insight into your mind without needing to delve into it.
One afternoon, after a particularly quiet training session, you found yourself sitting in the study with Charles. He was reading a book, and you were simply enjoying the silence — both the actual and mental kind. After a few moments, Charles closed his book and glanced over at you.
"I’ve been meaning to ask," he began, "does it ever feel lonely? Blocking out everyone’s thoughts like that?"
You considered the question for a moment, watching as a few stray sparks of sunlight danced across the wooden floor. "Sometimes," you admitted. "It’s hard to connect with people when you’re always keeping part of yourself hidden."
Charles nodded, understanding in his eyes. "I can imagine. Though I suppose, in some ways, it’s not too different from my own experience. Even when I hear everyone’s thoughts, there are still things I choose to keep hidden from others. We all have our barriers."
You smiled faintly at that, appreciating the parallel. "Yeah, I guess we do."
Charles’ expression softened, and he placed a hand on your shoulder — a small, comforting gesture. "Just know that you don’t always have to keep those walls up here. You’re among friends."
For the first time in a long while, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. Charles didn’t need telepathy to understand you, and that, in itself, was enough.
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fairytalehag · 3 months
I just can't stop about what daniel being turned by armand means?? Armand is the most powerful vampire we have seen in the show (so far hehe) and daniel is his fledgling now, what powers did he inherit?? Is he a powerful one now? Where do the characters stand in the vampiric power hierarchy??
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bertoyana · 4 months
funniest thing to #Me about the use of charles' telepathy in charles' and erik's relationship in the prequels is how both of them suck SOOO bad at using it LMAOOOO
like, you'd think having a telepath in the dynamic would actually help things along with the communication, but they are both USELESS at making use of it
charles will use it to crossdress erik and tell angel how much he wants to fuck him and erik will use it to tell charles how much he wants to be controlled, but that's ALL they use it for. it's not even horny or funny anymore it's just SAD, man. they suck so bad at it
(the only time they ever make good use of it is when charles unburied one of erik's memories with his mother, and that's it)
erik just automatically assumes charles knows everything and that he knows WHY erik does the things he does (because charles is in his head, so he MUST know, right?) and charles automatically assumes erik understands the hidden meaning of every single thing he says (because erik is also in charles' thoughts, so he SHOULD know, right?)
(wrong. they are both stupid and they will keep going in circles for 30 years straight)
like. take their first interaction in xma as an example
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(on the other hand, i don't even want to think about the "you are looking in the wrong place" line because it makes me want to k1ll myself in front of the writers)
they are in each other's heads right now, and yet they are not even LISTENING to each other, they are just going in circles because both of them are too wrapped up in erik's own grief to actively try to hear what the other is trying to say. and while you can tell charles is hurting for erik and wants to help him, he's probably not going about it the best way
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also if you pay attention at the start of the scene, when erik feels charles in his mind he just... looks confused, curious maybe, as to why charles is there, but he doesn't get angry or defensive straight away. he just lost his family for the second time (simon kimberg i'm in your walls) so he's probably even welcoming the only familiar thing he still has left.
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he doesn't get defensive UNTIL charles starts talking and just kind of... also starts putting his own foot into his mouth. bless his heart.
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and the thing is, while they get interrupted by apocalypse... being there lmao, i don't think this would have pan out any different if it was just the two of them. as i said, they are not listening to each other. charles means well but he's not really listening to what erik is trying to tell him, and in response to this erik is rejecting any type of help charles wants to give him.
and we know apocalypse was using erik's grief (about magda and nina, about the camps) to manipulate him - *we* as an audience know that, but back in this scene, charles doesn't even NOTICE apocalypse. and this, plus the fact that as we've established, they SUCK at trying to listen to each other and communicate, just brings the entire thing to failure.
(also imagine being the most powerful telepath in the world and being too focused on your best friend to notice the god standing a few steps away from him... which could mean nothing)
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(mind you. they are literally in each other's heads rn. they can hear what the other is thinking and feeling. AND YET)
and it's even funnier (no) how they are even WORSE without charles' telepathy. take as an example, both of their fights in the plane in dofp
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from charles' point of view, erik was the one that left him. erik literally and physically LEFT him in cuba, took the only teleporter there was and left charles to bleed out (lmao). meanwhile, from erik's point of view, he might have left first physically, but he only did so after charles rejected him. so, from HIS point of view, charles was the one to pull away FIRST. when he told him they didn't want the same thing (rejecting erik's ideals and by thus rejecting erik himself as well)
(and charles also let erik to rot in prison for 10 years so he could be also referring to that lmao)
this also brings me to my other point. which is something that i do think is pretty much ignored by everyone, but to be fair, it's also ignored by the movie so,
and it's the fact that the movie establishes that erik has been isolated for 10 YEARS. again, we as the audience know that charles has been struggling for the past 11 years, we know he did all he could for the mutants and we know he's been struggling, and we also know he's been using the serum because he couldn't stand the voices.
mind you, erik doesn't know any of this. not only because he's been in prison for 10 years (and i doubt they let him keep up with the news) but also because charles doesn't tell him any of this (fair)
and the last thing erik said to charles before they parted ways in cuba was that they wanted the same thing, which charles denied.
so from erik's point of view, all that he knows is that charles promised him all those years ago that he wasn't alone, and then he rejected erik in cuba, sent him away, and then proceeded to give up on erik and on their cause by doing nothing when the mutants were being tortured and experimented on. and he started using the serum and living with hank like a normal human being, sacrificing his powers and 'betraying' their cause.
ofc none of this is what actually happened, and *we* know that. but erik doesn't. and for some reason??? that i find extremely hilarious??? no one ever BOTHERS to correct erik's assumption, lmao. also none of this ever comes up again in the movies which to me just means erik went on believing that charles just briefly gave up on their cause for 10 years LMAOOO
okay, moving on bc i still have things to yap about
the other plane scenes comes in. erik shows up with the chessboard, they actually DO talk a bit and erik tells him he didn't mean to kill jfk (can't believe i wrote that down these movies were insane) and then they settle to play chess. AAAND this scene comes in
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and he apologizes for SHOOTING charles, because he never meant to hurt him, and he does regret that. but he's not apologizing for leaving, because, once again, from his point of view, charles left HIM
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and then charles hits him with the most pathetic saddest wettest expectant look in existence (james mcavoy you are insane) because he thinks erik is going to apologize for leaving
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and then erik hits him with this LMAOOO
and charles realizes erik is apologizing for shooting him (something i'm pretty sure charles didn't exactly blame him for? his biggest accusation was that erik abandoned him)
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and you can see charles literally and figuratively backtracking and shutting down immediately AGAIN.
(because, again, charles thinks erik left him, and erik should apologize for that, but from erik's pov? charles rejected him, he pulled away FIRST so he wasn't the first to abandon the other. charles was)
(they both are wrong and right in a way. they also don't tell each other any of this)
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then it's erik's turn to give charles the wettest and saddest look known in mankind, charles shuts down, refuses to even look at erik, he changes topics and erik lets him.
(they never talk about this again, btw)
(it probably blew up in their faces in genosha. i just know they make everyone's life miserable as hell in there . god bless)
anyways, i'm sure someone smarter than me could make a more interesting analysis of how you can tell they do genuinely care about each other, but their failing to communicate properly just brings them to their fall down over and over. especially because it's something that keeps blowing up in their faces all the time in the prequels. something something the failure of telepathy something.
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wandixx · 1 year
I just realized that there is literally zero fanfics with Danny Fenton/M'gann M'orzz pairing and idk, am I the only one who see nearly endless potential in it?
I don't know how they met but they're probably pretty fast friends.
With Danny being space nerd, he would ask M'gann all the questions about Mars. At the same time, from what little I know about Miss Martian, she is "Earth nerd" and would ask him all the questions about Earth and what normal teenage life is like, because YL team is not the best study case. Like, only Wally and maybe Artemis (I don't know a thing about her other than 'snarky/blunt archer') had normal human life. He is happy to answer, introducing her to his semi normal life before accident.
They exchanged stories about stars from their respective homes.
Just imagine, Danny binge watching "Hello Megan" just to know what she is talking about and it's not his thing, really, but he learnt to enjoy it because he associated it with M'gann (we can have Jazz being fan too and feeling 'betrayed' because she tried to strongarm her brother to watch it for years and all it took was to cute alien girl to mention it and he is pulling all nighters).
Just imagine, M'gann asking one of her teammates (probably Robin) to teach her to play Doomed, so she can play with her halfa friend and his friends and not ask about every controller. They don't really mind her being newbie but sudden progress doesn't go unnoticed or unpraised.
Everlasting trio inviting her to Nasty Burger every once in a while to talk about random, not hero related things.
Rest of the YJ may not even know about Phantom. They just know about this Danny, M'gann's totally civilian friend, who likes milkshakes and video games.
They share their stories and tips about heroing and powers they have similar. Mostly M'gann shares things she learnt from her uncle or in Mountain because let's be honest, self taught is rarely better than someone with proper mentoring. She for sure helps with ghosts if they attack during her visit, even if Danny tries to shield her from it. "I'm supposed to be your civilian friend, am I not?"
She definitely does what she can to help with his hero PR. She may or may not accidentally convinced rest of the Team she has celebrity crush on underappreciated ghost hero from the middle of the nowhere. They help her, spamming all negative news reports with praises for Phantom from both hero and civilian accounts. It caused some mess, Justice League had questions but Danny was happy so it doesn't matter.
If we go with ghost being super emphatic we can have Danny overwhelmed by everyone's feelings (honest hate his parents have towards his hero persona, confliction of towns people, concern of his friends, excitement of Casper students idk, EVERYTHING) and M'gann helps him overcome it. Later both of them being there for eachother when everything was just too much. Y'know just this mutual understanding that nobody else can really give them.
Maybe some communication troubles because M'gann prefers telepathy and Danny does not like it in a slightest (Freakshow flashbacks or something) but tries to accommodate. Or M'gann doesn't even try because idk, one of telepathy rules is "don't read thoughts of dying person unless they project it to you" and she feels it goes for dead (even if only halfway) too.
They're just vibing with eachother.
Then there is ghost attack outside Amity and Team is send to deal with it. M'gann is surprisingly competent at dealing with everything ghost does while evacuating civilians while someone magic competent is called. Suddenly she stops, gets her phone and makes a call:
"Hey Danny, do you have a moment?" whole team is too shocked to react, because in the love of whatever they believe in, why is Megan calling her civilian friend in the middle of the battle with unknown entity. "It's [insert whatever ghost you want] wrecking havoc. Can you come by at take them to the zone? I don't have thermos on me right now. Thank you."
Que Danny flying top speed to wherever she is, fights a ghost and contains them. Que someone (maybe Wally) being like:
"When did you wanted to tell us that your civilian friend is a hero?"
M'gann honest to god forgot that Team thought Danny was a civilian.
"I worked quite hard to drag her into as little of my Phantom bullshit as I could. I am proud of being a civilian friend, thank you very much"
They all came in contact together after that.
Martian Manhunter tried to give Fenton a shovel talk but boy was too excited to meet his favourite hero and to focused on not making fool of himself to be actually scared or something. He deals with Skulker on a regular basis anyway, there are very few threats that could actually scare him.
Team members also tried to shovel talk him, just in case. They all failed for one reason or another
Or maybe Danny is already YJ member. Everything above can still happen just without ghost attack. Danny can have issues with Zeta Tubes though. That's a good stuff.
There can be a drama of "I'm your friend only because I'm alien/semi normal, am I not?"
Or we can go with space obsessed Danny going full Vlad on cute alien girl. Y'know, because "that's a halfa thing to do". M'gann is not into that. I'm not really excited about this take but that's a possibility too.
Use it as you will. Just please someone write it
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meedoo1809 · 20 days
(Alrighty, this is a risky experiment and my first time trying this.
Let me preface this by telling you this is objectively not good, and you shouldn't be expecting anything before you start reading.
This is just Charles of my imagination and how I'd like him to be. Oh, and it is missing a couple of alphabets.
Ok, now you can continue)
Charles Xavier
NSFW Alphabets 👀
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): He cleans up himself and probably makes a bath for you. Then you sit together and read or some cute shit.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of their partner’s):  He loves your neck and collarbone. Basically biting it, sucking it, giving you hickeys that are borderline visible when you're wearing normal clothes.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…): Idk I feel like he would go with your preference.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): He would probably not mind a threesome, being a kinky telepath. But he'd be constantly in your mind saying naughty stuff to remind you of your true allegiance.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): Probably has a fair amount of experience under his belt during his university years. He knows what he is doing but is different depending on the partner. Tries to cater to their individual needs.
F = Favourite Position : He is into everything but probably more into those where you face each other. Like you straddling his lap.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc):  He is absolutely the biggest tease ever, is goofy and teases you until you get very turned on and then he gets turned on because he is invading your mind and then it all gets serious suddenly.
H = Hair: Being the rich gentleman he is, yep he probably is well groomed.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): How much more intimate can you get if he's in your mind whispering nothings all the time, if his emotions are yours and yours his.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon):  Oh he loves it. Especially when he catches you having dirty thoughts.
K = Kink: Public sex, very risqué. But he don't let anyone see it obviously although he is heavily tempted to.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): Everywhere in that big mansion of his. Even though he is scared of the mutant kids intruding, he is thrilled to do the deed in the office, in the big expanse of the garden, beneath the old tree, on the old vine-grown garden chair, pressed on the brick wall outside the house.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): 
Mostly your dirty thoughts of him while he is working or cooking or teaching. At the time he sends you a warning, and at night he fulfills your fantasies.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): 
Controlling you in the bed is something he would never do. He wants you to do the things you want to not what he does. Controlling people have bought nothing but sadness and horror to him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): 
Loves giving oral. He loves going down on you and see your mind disoriented while he does so. He whispers encouragements like "darling, you should say something."" What do you want me to do? " "sweetheart, I can't hear you" "Don't tell me this is your limit, love" .
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): 
He is excruciatingly slow. (Idk how many times I am gonna bring up telepathy because I fucking love it)
He loves drawing out each moan of yours until he is so turned on by your pleasure that he starts to pick up pace and then fucks you like no end.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): always, but then fills your mind with what he would like to do if they had more time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): 
Yeah, he is pretty kinky. Like I said, public sex is a kink of his.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for)
Telepathically unlimited, and that's probably enough for you too.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): 
He loves toys. He encourages you to use them when you're not next to him. And he reads your thoughts while doing so. He loves whispering " darling, go on, I'll help you with it" " oh my sweetheart can't handle it, is it too much for you? Let me make it better" while he is in the office not breaking a sweat and you're in the bedroom.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): 
He moans and he loves it when you moan. Even though he can hear your thoughts, it never feel enough until he makes you moan out his name like a prayer.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): I like to think he is a switch. He loves to bottom and top depending on what you're both feeling at the moment.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): He has a moderate libido. Does not need to fuck all the time but when he does, you can guarantee it's about to be a spiritual experience.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): He reads to you and tucks you in. After which he falls asleep.
Thanks for reading if you did lmao.
I'll never be doing this again because it's embarrassing af for me as a sexually repressed person.
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callmearcturus · 26 days
oh my gd that would be INCREDIBLE- the character building alone would be Fantastic, but fitting ethan and benji into a world where mutants are a thing??? i want to se how they each navigate that social strata, how ethan might try to use his mutation to disguise himself more, and how benji relates to his mutation (does he know? is it coincidence? is he just the luckiest sombitch alive?). anyway im in neither of these fandoms but i have been adoring your writing and now yearn for this fic.
oh lmao punct gave me the thumbs up to share a bit of what if mission impossible/x-men fusion
we have been watching the good xmen movies and obvsly were like "okay what would the mutations of the IMF team be" if this were an AU where they were, like, International Mutant Force or something less stupid
(well nothing is as stupid as Impossible Mission Force so--)
anyway right away: Ethan is a telepath, but we're kind of obsessed with telepathy as a power but also a disability that has to be constantly managed and accounted for. so:
Ethan is not an omega-level mutant like Charles Xavier or Jean Grey, but he's pretty powerful. His telepathy is tangled up in the way he falls a little in love with everyone he meets and is categorically unwilling to accept collateral damage on a mission. He finds it astonishingly easy to let his mind drape gossamer connections to everyone in his vicinity and is buoyed by the feelings he picks up on.
On the flipside: he is absolute dogshit at untangling himself, and it takes much longer for him, like fighting against some innate nature of his mutation. One way this manifests is sleeping; if Ethan is alone and sleeps, his unconscious mind will just drape over everyone in the vicinity and he has to untangle that for a while when he wakes. One way of dealing with this: early on, he asks Luther if he can hitch a ride in Luther's mind as he sleeps, so his telepathy will octopus around Luther while he sleeps, and it's much easier to untangle that in the morning.
On the scale of What Is He Capable Of: Covertly skim through minds for specific information: max one or two people at a time if he wants to keep hidden. any more and he can't be sneaky about it. Converse with people telepathically: 4 to 8, any more and his coherence frays badly Broadcast to people around him (maybe to alert to danger): CANNOT do so subtly, has been pushing this over the years from 20ish to double that to even more, but as he pushes himself more and more, he's more likely to just pass tf out or get a nosebleed Range?: The longer he's connected to someone's mind, the further away they can be and still be in Ethan's reach. Luther could be on the other side of the world and if Ethan really focuses, he can transmit an image or emotion or 'hey i'm alive.' Nothing beyond that but still.
Speaking of Luther, his mutation is extremely high perception of electricity and sonic fields. This manifests in several ways:
Luther can tell when something is powering on, can feel devices and machines around him and has an affinity for them, able to read them via touch or from hearing them when power is moving.
As he gets older and more honed in his work, he can grip a cable and get a sense of where the data is going/coming from, tracing things. The data moving through the air is tangible to him. He's a beast against any and all security systems, able to just feel where motion sensors and cameras are.
I think maybe he can learn to hold and redirect energy over time. He's never going to have lightning powers, but I can imagine him placing a hand on a wall outlet and pushing and shorting out a specific device in the room with an overcharge. But primarily, his power is observational.
BOY it has downsides. Luther is constantly struggling with overstimulation, and because it's not exactly sound or light, it's energy he can ambiently detect, he struggles a lot with controlling it and avoiding getting overwhelmed. Once he and Ethan are buddies, Ethan tends to just hitchhike in Luther's mind. When they're off the clock, he'll filter out all the extra stimulus. When they're on a mission, Ethan helps Luther cut out the superfluous information and humming energy so he can narrow in on what he's working on.
Those people who have Smart Houses where every device is somehow connected to wifi, Luther hates them so much. Just SO much. The proliferation of Google Homes and Connect With Alexa shit is going to turn him into a terrorist someday.
okay so Benji. lmao. here's where shit gets wild.
the thing about Benji is he doesn't know he has a mutation until he's an adult and working in the IMF as support analyst and tech. sure there's been some odd moments in his life. when he was a kid, he was in a car crash and somehow wound up outside the car and fine. and once he was riding a bike through his village and accidentally went down a hill, but managed to land the bike instead of winding up in a crumpled pile of limbs at the bottom. but maybe he was got lucky!
then an actual threat happens at the IMF and a gun goes off at Benji, and the world slows to a crawl. he can just... step out of the way, and the bullet eases by him. turns out, Benji sets off-- okay. it's either a time dilation effect or its superspeed. both are functionally the same, and i think the effect is undetectable to other people so no one knows for sure. but it only happens when Benji perceives himself to be in a life-or-death instance.
he also can give it to people by touch. if Benji's panic switch goes off, he can grab another person and move them and they'll perceive the same dilation he does. the IMF is overjoyed because this is extremely exploitable, and Benji gets rushed into the field because if a mission goes tits up, just shoot at Agent Dunn and he can cheat time.
Eventually, Benji gets assigned to work with Ethan bc the handlers figure Ethan is a telepath, he can just reach into Benji's mind and give him a shock and make him think he's about to die. Isn't that so much nicer than just shooting at him? But Ethan is a fucking telepath and clearly sees the extreme stress all of this has put Benji through. He never sets off the panic switch and more often uses his telepathy to soothe Benji's nerves than anything. Like with Luther, Ethan rides-along in Benji's head a lot.
This throws a wrench into Rogue Nation obvsly because Ethan hears "the IMF has been absorbed by the CIA" and he does not wait 6 months to reach out to the guy who can fuck with time if you threaten his life. because of course the fucking CIA starts experimenting, seeing how they can reliably set the panic switch off. they come up with a device like an epi-pen that can be used to basically give Benji an almost-heart attack but then Ethan breaks Benji tf out of Langley's grasp and tows him across the globe bc no one else can be trusted not to traumatize the shit out of Benji.
As Benji gets older and more adept at his power, he discovers a side-effect of Ethan being tied to his mind more often than not; Benji starts 'going off' when Ethan is in peril. ETHAN IS NOT AMUSED BY THIS because he risks his life all the time and now Benji's going off because of that where it gets tres interesting is that Benji has spent so long talking telepathically, he knows how to direct a thought at Ethan to get his attention (as does everyone who works with Ethan more than a few times). and if he telepathically taps on Ethan, he can pull Ethan into the dilation, even if they aren't touching. it's kind of all Ethan's fault; he's the clingiest telepath ever, and having accumulated years of connection to Benji has just urged Benji's mutation to expand in that direction.
anyway that's that
WE ALSO HAVE BEEN DELIBERATING ILSA POWERS, mostly along the lines of mimicry
one of the ideas I super liked was Ilsa being a power-mimic but she doesn't luck into innate understanding of how a power works, so it's very dangerous for her to borrow someone's power. like, an example we were kicking around was Ilsa accidentally picking up on Ethan's power and, not understanding how his telepathy grabs ahold of people, she accidentally ties her mind and Ethan's together the moment she gets his power, and they're Stuck for a while because Ethan can't untangle her knot and she is figuring out how tf it even works. it's a nightmare.
another idea was the Rogue Powerset, touch-based connection with its own pitfalls. Ilsa able to subtly touch a human and glean some information from them, but she has very little control over what info she gets. and once she touches them, they black out a bit, losing about a minute of time, which is just long enough for her to get out of there. but if she bumps into a mutant, she gets their power for a while instead, and it's messy and awkward and well, she wears long sleeves and gloves a lot is what I'm saying.
and Punct liked how Ilsa might self-select into spycraft because she needs to learn all these skills to protect herself, so she follows the career path and just keeps her power very very quiet, only using it when it's too useful to avoid. or on accident. for instance: when she meets Ethan and Ethan hurls himself into the fight and she touches his skin, Ilsa gets the telepathy juice. while Ethan is dazed from the contact, Ilsa uses the telepathy to sneak him out the back tunnel, then makes the other Syndicate members trust her so her cover isn't blown.
we also came up with a VERY FUN ONE for Grace, which is matter teleportation. Grace cannot teleport herself, but she can move things around when she focuses on them. There's huge limits on this:
smaller items are easier than larger, lighter is easier than heavier.
she doesn't have to see the object to move it but she does need to know about it pretty thoroughly and have a strong idea of its shape and the space its taking up.
example: if you set a closed, empty box in front of grace and told her there's a snowglobe inside, she could try to retrieve it, but it won't work (obvsly, it's empty) and she won't know why and might keep trying to 'grab' the object.
this would make her and Ethan extremely potent, as he can get eyes on something and transmit the information Grace needs to her, and she can grab the object.
because of how her power works, Grace has fun skills about guessing the weight of things. toss her an object and she can probably tell you pretty accurately how heavy it is. this isn't a mutation; she is just hyperfocused on that sort of info because it assists her power.
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oceansssblue · 20 days
NOTES: Here we have a fluffy and sweet/sensual one for our dear Tech. Oh, how I love that man... Let me know if you' ve liked it and reblog if you can. We've only got 3 more prompts for the 100celeb left (with our boys Rex, Cross, and Echo). See you on the next one! Xx, Blue.
Tech had a strict rule; he would not use his mind-reading ability on anyone if not for safety reasons exclusively. That meant, for example, that he was able –and would– use his telepathy to find out Cid's ulterior plans –plans the Trandoshan never mentioned to Hunter– ; but he would control himself and refrain from reading his brother's minds outside of missions and the like. If Tech didn't consider someone in danger, he would silence the thoughts that so often slipped uninvited into his mind.
However, even his own strict rule had to be broken on the rare occasion. Sometimes, the few people he cared about weren't in inminent physical danger; but experimenting some sort of emotional stress that they couldn't always resolve by themselves. Watching them suffer in silence when he might have been able to help if only he had been informed of the nature of their affliction... Well, in those cases, Tech felt morally obliged to intervene.
All this considered, there's no valid reason for him to use his telepathy on you today; but he can't help himself. He had tried to reach a logical conclusion for your behaviour around him lately; to no avail. What he knows is that you can't stand to be in the same space as him for more than a few minutes at a time. He had brushed it aside as mere coincidences at first -you had forgotten something, or had to help Omega with another-; but after a whole month of quiet observation, Tech can't deny the truth any longer. It hurts, the thought of you finding him so irritating or disliking him so much that you inmediately shied away from his presence; but he wants to know what exactly you can't stand about him. Perhaps he can find a solution to it... Tech isn't fond of many people; but he is of you, and he values the friendship that had slowly blossomed between the two of you. He thought you did too, he was sure of it. He needs to know what has changed.
And so the next time you rush out of the cockpit to the sonic, after putting an abrupt end to your conversation with him once again, Tech tunes your thoughts in. Your voice echoes inside his head in a series of stressed whispers. He has to concentrate to discern the jumbled words from one another; your mind is working light speed.
"Oh my god, will I ever stop messing up my words every time I talk to him? With how impossibly smart he is, he probably thinks I'm stupid by now!"
Then, a firm, clear sentence -Tech can imagine you pointing at yourself at the mirror, frustrated-.
"Get your shit together!"
He hears the door of the sonic opening and your footsteps moving in the direction of the bunks.
Alone with his own thoughts again, Tech ponders the new information around. He's relieved to know that at least you don't seem to be angry or irritated at him per se. You just seem to be intimidated by his intelligence; which is more of a compliment than anything else, really. Still, he can't help but feel guilty. Had he ever acted in a way that has made you feel undervalued? Had he off-handedly critiqued any aspect of your psyche? Made an unfortunate comment on how your mind processes things? He doesn't believe so; but it wouldn't surprise him either. For all the intelligence he posseses, he knows he often lacks of emotional tact; something that his brothers -Wrecker, in particular- seem to be well versed in.
Ah, there's always things to learn, mm?
He'll try to make you feel more at ease next time.
Tech is pleasantly surprised to have you tagging along in his exploration of Arkana's forest. The rest of The Batch had decided to stay in The Marauder, catching up on some sleep; but he had prefered to take the chance to observe the planet's rich ecosistem before they had to make their way back to Ord Mantell the following morning. You had inmediately jumped at the oportunity as well. Tech would have thought that an hour expedition would have been too much for you to be in his presence; but you had joined him with a bright smile, and half an hour later, your mood is just as friendly.
Arkana's forest is a surprising mix of bright colourful flora. There's not as much green as one would have expected; but instead, trees and flowers grow in vibrants blues, pinks and yellows. Your eyes widen in awe at a bright neon magenta flower that is as tall as yourself; steps slowing down to admire it.
"What's its name?" you ask him, curiously.
Tech doesn't need to consult his datapad; he knows exactly what it is.
"Fluoridium flowers. Their shine is not a property of the plant per se, but a result of different kinds of neon-like minerals in Arkana's soil. It is often used as..." Tech notices the way you're silently staring at him, an almost lost expression on your face.
He remembers your thoughts on him; and the rest of his explanation quickly dies on his throat. He doesn't want to overwhelm you with unnecessary information. He ends his info-dumping -as Crosshair used to call it- with a few brief words.
"Let's just say it has a lot of uses".
He nods to himself, and then re-starts their walk through the forest. You follow him inmediately, frowning in confusion at his interrumpted explanation.
"For example?" you ask him, and Tech shoots a carefull glance back at you.
"I didn't think you'd be interested in knowing that".
His words bring a honest, surprised expression on your face.
"Why not?" you sound highly confused.
You can't help but think you've done something wrong. It had looked like Tech had wanted to share the information with you; and then he had stoped himself from continuing after taking a look at your face. Had you done something you weren't aware of?
Tech's eyes flicker around the forest almost avoiding you.
"I wouldn't want to bore you" he answers, voice quiet and hesitant.
Tech is never hesitant. He might not know everything; but even then, his usual way of talking is always confident and self-assured. He has no problem in admiting a lack of knowledge in something; he'd admit it in the same firm tone he uses for everything. Why is he acting so strange now?
His words tug at your heart. Perhaps something has happened without you noticing it. Perhaps there had been some sort of discusion between the brothers; or some fleeting comment Tech had taken too personal.
You are enamoured by him; he could never bore you.
For the first time in perhaps forever, you reach your hand towards his wrist; tugging him into a stop and looking up into his eyes with your cheeks lighted up in a faint blush.
"I find all your explanations interesting" you sum up the courage to add "I like hearing you talk, Tech".
You shoot him a small, soft smile; fingers squeezing his wrist softly before letting him go.
Tech is momentarily stunned. He is first confused by the contradiction between your recent afirmation and the thoughts he had heard from you just a few days ago; he is also surprised by the tender affection he reads on your eyes. Your honest little admission sends a warm feeling to his heart.
You're still looking at him; perhaps waiting for an answer, a reaction from him. Tech's heart speeds up. He feels the need to listen to your mind tingling through his veins; and he allows himself that little exception again, just this time.
"How could you ever be boring? You're like a living encyclopedia. And you look so adorable when you're explaining something, specially when you raise your index. I like seing how excited you get, how you come to life. Ah, Tech, if only you knew... I could hear you talking all day".
Tech blushes instantly; slipping out of your mind and trying to hide the way hearing you "talk" about him is making him feel. He must have gotten something wrong. You evidently still enjoy spending time with him; you... Care. Those first thoughts he read from you last time must have been born of your own insecurities; insecurities he would try to help you leave behind.
You like when the cockpit is at it's maximum capacity. It means you're able to watch Tech with other posible distractions claiming his attention; masking your unwavering interest. Right now, for example, he's listening to Wrecker's and Omega's chattering; making a few brief interventions here and there. He's also piloting The Marauder back to Ord Mantell; and shooting some carefully concerned glances at Hunter, who was injured in The Batch's last mission in Targa. He has always been an expert at multitasking.
You, on the other hand, are focused on just one thing; Tech himself. How his hair is slightly ruffled after the mission, and the way his eyes seem to softly shine with the hyperspace lights. His pouty lips; and the way his long legs look when he spreads his knees apart, turning in the direction of his brothers once The Marauder is set on autopilot.
Fuck, how you wish you could be standing -or kneeling- between those legs...
Tech suddenly stutters in his speech, his cheeks blushing perhaps as a result of something one of his brother's had said. It pulls you out of your thoughts for a minute; your eyes focusing on how cute he looks with the soft tint of embarassment on his face. It's not an expression you often see on him.
You're really helpless when it comes to Tech. Your mind inmediately swings to dirty thoughts; pondering wether he'll get a similar expresion if he'd get flustered at sex. Would he be shy, cheeks set on fire and a timid, adorable wide-eyed expresion on his face? Or would he be as confident and firm as usual, making you melt at his feet with a few caresses and well aimed words? You'd be eager to please him either way, that's for sure.
Tech stands up abruptly; clearing his throat nervously, face impossibly flushed now. His eyes flicker everywhere around the room, and he inmediately makes a hasty exit muttering a rushed excuse. Your eyes trail after him in concern; asking the rest of The Batch about him in case you got lost on something important that would explain his sudden and unexpected retreat.
"What was that?" you whisper to his brothers, half confused and half concerned.
Hunter's eyes snap back at you. He looks uncomfortable; shifting in his place.
"You tell me" he answers, criptycally, inmediately turning his attention to Meg.
What does that even mean? He... He couldn't have known what you were thinking about, could he? Well, with how perceptive he is, perhaps he might have guessed the direction of your thoughts with those heightened senses of his... But certainly not Tech, right? He's smart, yes, but you hadn't been that obvious, had you? Or were your thoughts so clearly written in your face?
Wrecker bumps his shoulder into yours, trying to integrate you into the conversation and diffuse the sudden weird atmosphere that had set around you. You shoot him a soft smile; though your mind is still being pulled in Tech's direction, who had all but ran away to hide in the bunks.
Tech had been fighting your thoughts for one whole month now. And fighting was the apropiate word; because it had been madenning difficult to focus on anything else but the way you seem to lose your atention on the outside word when you focus on him. It had been a complete shock at first; his mind needing a few days to process this change of perspective. The realisation that your only problem with him was that you liked him a bit too much, that he made you impossibly nervous, had been hard to accept. Tech would have thought you'd go for someone like Hunter; but no, you were utterly interested in him. He didn't really understand why at first; but as weeks passed, he had listen to all kind of thoughts about him -from sincere admiration to soft tenderness to hungry lust-, and he guessed he could understand your reasons now.
Needless to say, he had been a mess. He was always so composed; but your thoughts about him had shattered his control to pieces. He spent most of his days either flustered, or lost in your own thoughts; to the point the rest of his brothers had noticed it. Hunter, who knew exactly what was going on, had encouraged him to bring the conversation to you; but even if he knew how you saw him, he was still a bit unsure. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable; and he still felt guilty of invading your privacy. What if you got furious at him? Never wanted to see him again? That would be heartbreaking.
The situation couldn't continue for much longer, though; he was distracted, and he needed to be focused on their missions -to keep all of them as safe as possible-. He had no other option than to confront you. Though perhaps... perhaps his way of going about it wasn't the most wise.
Hunter had gone to Cid's to deliver their part of the deal; while Wrecker and Omega had decided to celebrate with a few games of dejarik and Mantel Mix. Echo, though tired, had tagged along as well; if only for keeping a responsible eye on them. You had claimed to be tired as well; so you had stayed in The Marauder with him.
You were currently sitting next to Tech; watching him tinker about with an old datapad of his he was trying to fix so Omega could have her own one. He could feel the weight of your stare on his face; momentarily glancing down at his hands each handfull of minutes. The tension was palpable between the two of you; and Tech couldn't help but tune in into your thoughts once again. You were practically screaming them to him...
"Fuck, look at those fingers... So long and skilled... He really does have beautiful hands. If only I could feel them on me..."
Tech feels a small rush of excitement slowly igniting inside of him. He tries to focus on the task at hand; a futile attempt. Your thoughts keeps slipping onto his mind.
"Inside me. Fuck, wish I could feel them inside me. Clench on them while he licks my clit with his tongue and I could dig my fingers into his hair, push him against me, and he'd get me ready for his cock and... Oh, god, what would his cock feel like?"
Tech is so dizzy with the raw hunger and need laced in your words he blurts out an answer without wanting too.
"I wouldn't be opposed to trying that".
He realises, far too late, that his thought hand't stayed in the safe privacy of his mind; but exposed out loud for you to hear as well. His eyes widen in surprise.
"W-what?" you stutter, terrified of having spoken your own thoughts out loud.
Tech blushes and watches you nervously. The cat is out of the bag, now.
"I-I... Please forgive me, you were thinking very loudly and I could not help but listening in and..." he explains hurriedly, your expresion only switching from confused terror to terrified surprise.
"What do you mean? You... You can read people's mind?" You almost squeak, shocked at not having heard of any of this until now.
Tech nods, guiltily, and the realisation of your crush being aware of all you've fantasized about him makes your cheeks burn in pure embarassment.
"I'm sorry!" you inmediately apologise, wanting nothing more than to stand up and run away. "I-I..."
"It is not your fault" Tech inmediately cuts in, taking a deep, calming breath as if he is nervous himself. "There is nothing for you to apologise for. In fact, I am the one who should. Please forgive me, mesh'la. I did not intend to invade your privacy like this. I first thought you had a problem with me, and so I peaked into your mind twice to figure out why, and... And I should have stopped there, but the way you continued to stare at me made me curious and... I'm sorry, mesh'la".
You soften at the honesty of his words; and the affectionate way he calls you beautiful in Mando'a. You glance up at him cautiously; embarassment slowly melting away with his positive reaction.
"So you're not... You're not uncomfortable, then?"
Tech's cheeks are still slightly red; though he forces his eyes to stay on yours.
"No. It was a shock at first, I must admit; but your thoughts have never made me felt that way. Nervous, distracted, turned on... Yes, but not uncomfortable" he pauses and carefully adds "like I said, I wouldn't be opposed to try any of them".
You almost jump at the chance; but there's something else holding you back. You don't want this to be a one time thing. You don't want this to be merely sexual. He knows all your thoughts on this; it's just fair you get to find his.
"Did you... Did you hear all the non-sexual thoughts about you too? About us?" you ask him quietly.
Tech responds to your vulnerability with a warm smile. His hand slowly reaches down to yours; sending a shiver through your spine.
"I did. And I'd like to try those as well, cyare" he whispers, a confesion that stays just between the two of you.
Your heart soars; the explosive rush of happiness pushing a radiant smile on your face, happy tears on your eyes.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes" you chant in your head. And then, in case he's listening... "Kiss me, Tech".
You catch a brief glimpse of his answering smile before his lips join yours in a soft, passionate kiss. You sigh into him, melting against the carefull hands that slowly come up to craddle one side of your face and your left hip. Tech hums in contentment. His own swirl of excited, tender thoughts mix with the ones that slips from your mind into his. You kiss and kiss; and the passion and affection burning in both of you is so similar he does not longer differentiate in between.
You can read the other prompts for the 100celeb here:
And you have a lot of other clone wars and bad batch stories here:
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harleyxhoward · 1 month
Analyzing The Abilities of Characters From The Boys Pt. X
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💎Cate Dunlap💎
Cate’s one of my favorite onscreen villains, seeing as how she takes the whole Queen of Mean trope and gives an audience something to worry about.
Cate’s ability is a tactile form of mind control, along with a seemingly unstable form of telepathy. While she can read minds, she seems to have difficulty fully controlling the individual thoughts she wants to pay attention to. I’m assuming this is from her relying on power suppressants which made her rusty at mind reading, especially since she seems to be off the pills and completely fine now.
I would imagine that at the point of the V in her system giving her this ability, she would have just been coming into her own as a woman in a world that tells young girls to hyper-obsess about their social impact on the world around them. Imagine if you shot a young Regina George up with Compound V. Wouldn’t having the ability to read the minds of her teenage subjects and force them to think, believe, and do whatever she wants by placing a guiding hand on their shoulder be a perfect mutation for her body to produce?
Having the ability to command people to do her dirty work based solely on touch, Cate relies on the fact that her beauty and unassuming nature would allow her to get close enough to touch any potential opponent. This way of thinking reminds me of Glimmer from “The Hunger Games”, seeing as how in the books, she attempted to sneak in a diamond ring that, upon unscrewing the jewel, revealed a poisoned spike. A weapon like that wielded in a battle royale style death match is unimaginably arrogant and short sighted. While it may seem cunning, her entire battle strategy hinged on her beauty and ability to draw close enough to another tribute while their guard was down to prick them with a mini spike. Cate, regardless of her own agency in the matter, shares a similar viewpoint. It wasn’t until Marie blew up her arm that she was forced to confront the fact that, when her reach is snubbed by a legitimately strong influence, she’s ultimately powerless.
The ultimate tragedy of her character is a lack of true intimacy. After she unwittingly compelled her little brother to disappear in a forest and “get lost”, to which his body was never found, her parents were horrified to do so much as touch their own daughter. When she was with Luke she repeatedly mind controlled him, and she ended up doing the same to Andre. Anyone and everyone she gets close to will inevitably fear that the ungloved intimacy they share with her is inauthentic, which creates a cruel cycle of her feeling the need to compel the people around her to forget all of the horrible things she’s done.
This is the exact play that Dean Shetty makes on her. Understanding and even aiding to curate Cate fears of her powers and whether the only reason people would ever love her is because she’s making them do so, Shetty is one of the few characters to consistently touch Cate. This shifts the dynamic between the two of them, and while it initially seemed to be done out of kindness, you very quickly understand that Shetty’s touch was equally manipulative as Cate’s.
Cate’s seemingly a pathological liar and manipulator, appearing unable to discern her own lies from Vought’s narrative. She’s both a pawn and a player, but I believe this next season will prove her to come out as a hero and unlikely ally to Marie and the true Guardians of Godolkin.
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zonedallthewayout · 1 month
Charles & Erik somehow ending up at CHB imagines
(that Literally No One Asked For except me)
courtesy of my brain making crossover scenarios 24/7 of these fandoms
Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier would be horrified by the lives of the demigods at Camp Half-Blood. change my mind
Being half-god means demigods are immune/highly resistant to telepathy
A summer-only camper recognized 'the tall one' as Magneto from the news and Erik was fully prepared for the camp to turn against him. Except they just laughed and said "yeah lol Percy got on the FBI's terrorist list too its chill"
Erik's mutation doesn't work on Celestial Bronze/Imperial Gold/Stygian Iron or any other mythic material
Because Erik's mutation uses magnetism to move metal, and Hazel controls the element itself, her power overrides his. Meaning she can yoink things from him even if he is actively manipulating it
Charles, the genetics professor, learning that gods don't have physical DNA and short-circuiting
Both of them are utterly floored by the sheer amount of Trauma™ these actual teenagers have
"What do you mean Will is the head of the infirmary he isn't even a junior in high school" followed soon after by "What do you mean experienced battlefield medic-"
I do not think Erik would be pleased when he learned abt Camp Jupiter
Percy accidentally forgetting abt the visitors and changing shirts in a common room where Charles & Erik are. Then he has to explain 1) the dozens of scars and 2) the tattoo, especially because he's under 18 and shouldn't have one yet. Percy makes the situation worse by saying "well I didn't exactly have a choice now did I"
A monster got into camp while the mutants were there. Percy went from Seaweed Brain to Perseus Jackson in an instant, killed the monster, and was confused as to why the mutant visitors were looking at him with horror on their faces.
A more large-scale attack happening, forcing the great Magneto & Professor X to sit and watch children go into battle
I honestly don't think I could write down all of my imagines/scenarios if I tried. I suck at writing but if I didn't it would be over for y'all
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crossedsabers10s · 6 months
Do you have any hc about Damon's season 1 powers? I'm especially interested in shapeshifter!damon. The whole concept is quite fun to imagine. Also why do you think he has these extra powers? Personally after the whole lily thing I like to imagine that Damon is an untrained heretic. Also a scenario where hos powers would be revealed to scooby gang and/or the mikaelsons.
okay, okay so. Prepare for a short essay. (Sorry)
Intro!! So, in the Vampire Diaries books, vampires have Powers (capital letter and all) that feature things like weather manipulation, shapeshifting, flying, elemental control, telepathy, I think they can see auras or sense other vampire's Power. The books and the show are only like barely related. A lot was changed to make the show. (The Salvatores' ages, for one--they'd been Renaissance era men who'd killed each other in a duel over, you guessed it, Katherine. A ton of characters had personality changes (show Bonnie is better, imo), and book Caroline was an antagonist, plus Jeremy straight up didn't exist, Elena had a v young sister. So on, so forth, everything ended up super different.)
The show started off a (teeny) bit closer to the source material, but sharply diverged, including getting rid of the Powers thing. Something about it being too supernatural???? in the vampire show??? idk might have to fact check me on that one think I read it somewhere random.
But, as we know, it's heavily implied, and outright stated in some cases in early S1 that Show!Damon has access to some kind of power. Controlling the weather, controlling animals (perhaps shapeshifting, but maybe just a connection), and a long distance kind of hypnosis.
What we know about it:
In episode 1, a crow is seen following Elena around. It shows up multiple times. In the car with Bonnie, at the graveyard, when she goes to the Salvatore House for the first time. The crow heralds Damon's reappearance to his brother. Stefan says, "Crow's a bit much-" which implies this is a Thing that he knows about. Damon replies, "Wait until you see what I can do with fog."
The very first scene Damon is in, the opening with the couple on the way back from some concert (i think) it's foggy. They mention something about it that implies it shouldn't be foggy, or that it wasn't previously. Like, "What's with all the fog?" At the graveyard, Elena sees a crow, then it starts becoming much more foggy.
Bonnie, at some point, touches Elena and says she sees a crow, some fog, and a man.
It's foggy when Vicki is attacked.
So. We've established those two things. Moving on.
There's that one scene where Damon is locked up and long distance compels Caroline to free him--i think after calling the crow into his cell and eating it to gain that strength? maybe--it's heavily implied because he fed on her they have a connection he can use to influence her mind without direct compulsion.
I'm sure there's other examples, but I can only watch so much of S1 at a time.
OKAY!! now that that's been established, time for the fun headcanon stuff.
Firstly, I also love shapeshifting!Damon! Tis good fun and it lets me project gender envy i mean it's a great metaphor about vampires being inhuman!! Yes! That! Nothing else ahahahahaha. Something something, predator's perspective, something something instincts. In the book Damon could turn into a large crow and a wolf. Highkey wish they'd kept the crow thing as more than just the occasional motif. It could have been so much fun!! Crow minions!!! Crow friends!!!! Crows bothering the fuck out of people he wants to annoy!!!!! Damon trades shinies and food for things!! Somehow always has a snack on him. Crow drama??? Just casually mentions weird lil bird rivalries. Crows are Smart! They are super social!!! They hold grudges!! They absolutely have Drama on par with Mystic Falls. It could also be played for angst; Katherine announces her return with with a bunch of bird corpses in the Boarding House. Damon, who is unsympathetic to human deaths could be visibly upset by this!! Also nicely plays into the 'likes animals but pretends he doesn't bc it's a weakness' thing.
Comes home and there is feathers in his hair, nearly blending in. Except, on closer look, they're positioned oddly, like they'd been growing from him instead of just settling there. Then he brushes them off or shakes his head and they fall away. Maybe Stefan notices he's a bit more prone to tilting his head at things to get a better looks. Is a bit more easily distracted/more prone to notice shiny things.
A crow follows Elena around and maybe she makes friends with it. Or a crow comes across Stefan having some angst fest in the forest and bothers him into a better mood.
I like the heretic thing!!! I also just think the Salvatore bloodline is magic charged bc it's a doppelganger line!! They've got Silas germs!! Maybe Damon is a little bit more psychic than he should be. Maybe his compulsions require less effort and his dream-walking is better than vampires twice his age!!! Mild telekinesis would also fit in with early S1 nonsense! moving doors to creep Elena out!
As for his powers being revealed... I mean. Suddenly he's more valuable to the Originals? Not as much as Elena was, but there would prob be more recruitment efforts than in canon. Plus, Kol would be more interested in him as more than a batting target. Klaus and Elijah may press the 'saved ur life thing' more. Hm... I guess it would depend on when in the show? Early seasons and it just makes him more a threat. Stefan maybe assuming he did something to a witch??? Later in the seasons and if he develops those powers it's fun to imagine him having to learn to use/control them + having to deal with increased need for blood to fuel them. If it was a matter of him keeping them secret, I'm sure the Drama will manifest with 'how could you not tell me!!' and so on and so forth. Technically speaking, I imagine it'd be put in the same place as Jeremy's medium powers. Brought up when needed. not entirely sure, may think on it later
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
Telepathy/Mind-Reading Masterlist
À cœur ouvert (ao3) - croissantbleu
Summary: “I wonder if there’s a mind reader here,” Dan thought. “Must get boring, after a while. Always listening to random people’s thoughts and never having anyone to try and talk to you instead. Well, hello! My name’s Dan.”
He did feel quite stupid and ridiculous, just talking to nobody inside his own head, but the good part about this was that no-one could hear him and know what he was doing. Well, unless there really was a mind reader nearby, but he wasn’t sure it was that likely.
Alone Together (ao3) - DavineNaughter
Summary: Phil's life is awful. Bullied, under appreciated, and friendless, he takes on life. One day there is a thought in his head that isn't his. He didn't think it. He soon discovers that it was someone else, and that person is alone too. Despite not knowing who the other is, or even if one of them just went crazy and is imagining a voice in his head, they decide to be alone together.
Dirty Paws (ao3) - fin_flora
Summary: Dan and Phil are who they are. Youtubers, partners in life and business, and shapeshifters.
What's that you ask?
Well, let me tell you a story, let me give you a glimps, and we wont start at the beginning as you might think.
Why? Because that's a story for a different time.
flashlight in the dark (ao3) - cuddlydreamsonrainydays
Summary: Daily, Dan is bombarded with fleets of thoughts that aren't his. They show him the vilest side of humanity. No wonder he doesn't hold his species or himself in particularly high esteem. He has accepted that there are no truly good people in the world.
But then there's Phil, who just won't bow down to this rule. It's annoying, really. And Dan doesn't like it at all. Why would he?
Hope For Boring (ao3) - MicroscopicMurder
Summary: Dan has mind reading powers and he's usually able to control it really well, but what happens when an unexpected tragedy occurs that leaves Dan feeling overwhelmed and Phil feeling concerned?
AU where they still do Youtube but 'heart eyes howell' is for a different reason.
make me dream of you (ao3) - CapriciousCrab
Summary: He nudges at Phil's mind, creating the link that allows them to share thoughts and feelings with each other. Dan senses him opening up and gasps, the feeling just as erotic as when he slides himself inside Phil's willing body. They drift together now in this shared dream, breathless with excitement.
Mind Reader (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan's head was always filled with noise. He'd been blessed/cursed with the power to read minds, but not the power to control it. He heard the thoughts of everyone near him, and the constant voices in his head were close to driving him mad.
That is, of course, until he met Phil Lester, the only one who could make his mind go silent.
Mindreader Sex - zeldainhiding
Summary: Imagine Phil could suddenly read Dan’s mind whilst they’re in bed together...
my imagination's running wild (ao3) - manchestereye (orphan_account), philsmeatylegss
Summary: dan's gift is a blessing and a curse
read me like no one else (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: Dan is inexorable, inevitable. His voice in Phil's head feels like home.
Thinking Out Loud - jilliancares
Summary: Phil is telepathic and who is this boy who is always thinking about what other’s think of him?
Thinking Out Louder - jilliancares
Summary: (sequel to thinking out loud) Dan finds out about Phil’s ability.
Shut up. (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Sixteen year old Phil Lester has a unique gift. Since he was little, he can hear people’s thoughts. He learned to put up with it. Until Dan Howell came into his life and ruined everything.
You Have to Kiss Me - therewillbebeauty
Summary: Dan had a random thought. It’d be really cool if there were any telepaths in this room. Cough if anyone can hear this. Dan nearly had a heart attack as someone coughed. His head shot up. Who did that?
You Read My Mind (ao3) - HeartsAndSpades (sequel)
Summary: Phil moves to a new town. At school ,he notices a boy named Dan who seems a little too quiet. Dan may know more about Phil than Phil first thought. Dan knows a lot about a lot of people.
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cyb-by-lang · 7 months
i figure Bruce would be considerate enough to bring Kei to the mansion before setting off for the watchtower so she can shower and change into clothes that AREN'T soaked with the Joker and various other substances
BUT. imagining her stepping into the watchtower and like, Flash or someone, seeing her enter. he pauses, looks at Bruce, goes "I'm guessing not a slasher film extra? Homage to Carrie? Please tell me she's not dripping an entire person onto the carpet."
Diana: "No, I know blood when I smell it. Didn't know blood could smell evil."
J'onn from somewhere: "We do not have a carpet."
oh and SPEAKING of J'onn. what's the likelihood he's gonna try to read Kei's mind? idk how Martian powers interact with Jinchuriki minds but hopefully he's tactful enough not to have his brain fried to a crisp
Well, Kei did get her shower eventually and is a lot less likely to get yelled at for tracking blood everywhere now. Time to cool her heels in jail! :)
Isobu doesn't have a biological brain, seeing as he's basically entirely made of magic/chakra so powerful it can take a physical form. He's not immune to mind control or telepathy, but most people trying to get him to do anything or information from him are automatically at a disadvantage. And, unfortunately, poor J'onn is so durable that he's often the first one thwacked by exotic effects whenever something really strange is happening.
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theamityelf · 1 month
I know it's been a month, but could you think of any other headcanons for that one superhero AU idea I mentioned to you? Like one possibility that occurs to me now is Naekusaba with a super-soldier Mukuro and a Sayaka with sonic-based powers.
First of all, you can ask about any AU always, no matter how long it's been, lol! 😁
Ooh, I think my first thought would be to give Sayaka a sort of Emma Frost-style telepathy and/or light mind control (like the pushers in the movie Push), but sonic powers are also very good. She's got to be either an Emma Frost or a Dinah Lance, right? I'm imagining she used to sing for a supervillain or something, in her early days, but now she's a pop sensation and is able to act in accordance with her own conscience. Her hero stuff is secret, though; Makoto's the only one who knows about it.
Mukuro I can definitely see being a Winter Soldier type. She might be ordered to kidnap Makoto as leverage over Byakuya, and then she falls in love with Makoto while he's in her grasp and disobeys orders for the first time to abscond with him to the criminal underground instead of taking him to whoever gave her the orders. (I'm going to say Fenrir is the group commanding her. Junko will be the "reasonable" alternative.)
Mikan with healing powers, not really a hero or a villain. Just a normal person with powers, getting constantly kidnapped by heroes and villains alike because her powers are really useful in moments of desperation. There's hardly a day where she can make it from work to home without being kidnapped because some anti-hero's best friend got stabbed or something. (Mikan getting scooped up by a random biker underling of Mondo's because Taka is hurt.)
Akane has flexibility/stretchy powers. Anti-hero, sometimes dipping into anti-villain territory because villains sometimes lie to her to get her to help them with stuff. Or they just straight-up pay her money. She runs into Mikan a lot just by being so active in the hero/villain world, but she doesn't actually need healing because she's really resilient, so she stands out as the only one who is explicitly nice to Mikan without needing her. (Maybe one day something does injure Akane and Mikan rushes to her side, insert tearful healing scene.)
I'm thinking Fuyuhiko doesn't have powers but Peko does. Peko can curve projectiles through the air, in addition to her practiced skills with melee weapons. They're villains. Natsumi's still dead (or she's in the Mr.-Freeze's-wife zone of being constantly almost dead) but Sato is alive; she's kind of Mahiru's MJ, in that she's a normal person who doesn't know the hero secret and gets to be endangered by hero stuff so there are stakes. Mahiru and Nagito are saving Sato from stuff all the time.
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pullakori · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023
Day 21. Shackled
The situation made Charles more embarrassed than scared. The group that had surprised him and captured him had consisted of mere teenagers. At least they looked that young. Charles should not have been so easy to take down, but he blamed the long days of work that had him exhausted for that.
When he had woken up again, he had found himself in a cold room, with shackles on his wrists that connected him to the concrete floor with a short chain. His head was hurting and the pain flared when he tried to reach out with his telepathy. He sighed and stayed down with his eyes closed, hoping that the ache would lessen soon.
His attempt to rest was interrupted soon by a furious roar.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" He recognised the voice, even though it was muffled by the door and soon enough, the said door was slammed open and Charles could see the silhouette of Erik standing there.
The metalbender swiftly moved inside the room and knelt beside Charles, freeing his hands from the cuffs before pulling the smaller man on to his lap.
"I'm so sorry Charles." Erik murmured as he gently held Charles wrists, examining the damage. The shackles had scraped his skin there, but not so badly that there would have been blood.
"I'm alright, my ego is more bruised than my body." Charles comforted the other man, smiling tiredly up at him.
There was a shuffling sound at the door and an uncertain, young voice called out.
"But, Magneto, he is our enemy-" The words were cut short when Erik turned to look at the speaker with, what Charles could imagine, was very murderous look.
"If you know what's best for you, you'll stay out of my sight and stop assuming what I want for you to do." Erik spoke with cold, intimidating voice and Charles could hear running steps getting further away. Well, it was good to see that Erik still had everything under control with his group.
"Do they often get in trouble?" Charles asked and Erik sighed, shaking his head.
"Too often." He answered, but under the annoyance there was fondness, and turned to look at Charles. "Let's get you somewhere more comfortable." He suggested and Charles wrapped his arms around Erik's neck, letting himself be lifted up from the floor.
"Did they bring my wheelchair too? Because I would like to have it back." Charles inquired as Erik walked out of the room to the well lit corridor.
"I'll make Azazel ask about that." Erik assured him and made it clear to the telepath, that he was not going to leave his side any time soon.
And right now, Charles thought and rested his head against Erik's shoulder, he didn't mind that at all.
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rainbow-beanie · 1 year
Prediction for what’s gonna happen during episode 9:
Simon finally is reunited with Betty, in the form of globbetty, who is still conscious within glob.
She can’t possibly be separated from glob, cause she’s afraid that if/when she is, glob in just gonna try to end the world again. And she wouldn’t want to be responsible for the end of the world a second time.
Betty, possibly through telepathy, basically tells Simon that he shouldn’t worry about her, cause she’s alive and unharmed, and that he should focus on finding happiness himself, even if she’s not around. And possibly reminds him of all the people that care about him, like marcaline, Finn, princess bubblegum (possibly) and many others, he just needs to get himself out there and meet them. Not as ice king, but as Simon. The same Simon she had fallen in love with all that time ago. And that no matter where he is, she will always be with him.
Does that not feel like a tearjerker? I’m betting that the main reason the next episode is gonna be really emotional is cause Simon will finally have to come to terms with the fact that he cannot save Betty, at least for now. This is something prismo had told him, which is why he was mad at him. Cause to him it felt like the wish caster was another obstacle preventing him from saving her, even if we know that’s not the case. But it’s another thing entirely to hear the same thing come from the person he’s trying to save in the first place.
To make a long story short, I want the same thing I’ve wanted since the beginning of all this: for Simon to survive all this, make his way back to his version of ooo, and possibly find peace with the fact that he can’t save his princess like he had hoped. But instead of only feeling down about this, he reminds himself of what Betty had told him, about how there are so many people that still care about him and want him around, even if he’s not magical like everyone else.
Speaking of which, I’d love it if there was a plot twist that he still had control of ice and snow, even without wearing the crown, since he’s been ice king for so long, his body has already adapted to the feeling of the ice powers running through his veins. Now I can imagine you’d be wondering to yourself, “but beanie, if Simon still had control of the ice powers, then why have we not seen any hints of that yet?”
Well, I think we may have gotten a hint waaaaay back in episode 4, when prismo was scanning Simon’s brain, he gets a error message and then says this:
“Nope. Still locked.” Still locked? Now when I had first heard this, I thought he was talking about ice kings mind that he had been locked out of. But that wouldn’t make sense, since ice king no longer exists, so wouldn’t the error message instead say ERROR, DATA NOT FOUND. cause without ice kings mind, there would be no magic to keep the link open. But that still doesn’t answer the question as to what is locked. Well I’m thinking that something else might be locked, or in this case blocked, like something was jamming the signal.
His ice powers are blocked.
Why would it be blocked, you ask? Well we all know that Simon’s slow descent into madness prior to becoming ice king was extremely traumatic for him, to the point that he physically flinches at the sight of ice, and isn’t at all comfortable with wearing the blue gown/robe that had originally belonged to Ice king. Simon didn’t want anything to do with ice king, and that included anything related to ice and snow, even if it’s in the form of small ice cubes in a glass. Hs ice magic had been blocked off by Simon himself, albeit unconsciously, it’s like how sometimes someone will block out a memory related to a traumatic experience in order to heal, the same thing would apply to the ice powers. And Simons powers being blocked off is one of the main catalysts for Fionna and cake’s dimension being changed.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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darkfictionjude · 5 months
If your ROs had superhuman abilities what powers would you give them and why
(Also let me be the Lois lane to Nia’s superwoman)
I give you permission nonnie
Imre: telepathy. He kind of has it now in a way. A human telepathy but imagine having the power to actually control the mind? Persuade?
Nia: flight. To be like a bird. To be free of everything. Maybe she’d feel lighter up there. She could see the world.
Lorcan: invisibility. Sometimes he wants to be left alone. He tries to make himself smaller but they always notice him. He just needs rest
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