#danganronpa sato
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genoskissors · 9 months ago
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shangerez · 9 months ago
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my piece for the Into The Spotlight Zine starring Doomed Yuriâ„¢
check out the full zine HERE!!
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thebruno65 · 4 months ago
What If Reserve Course's Class 1-A was an actual full class instead of The reserve trio.
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Inspirations for the rest of the gang that isn't the main 3
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+ Monokuma Maid human design ;)
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dealerlover · 2 months ago
happy birthday sato!! i did plan on writing a fic but writers block.... eeueuggghhh!!!!! heres some art i have of her instead. some of it's older or i dont plan on finishing it but sato is sato
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bullshit and alts under cut
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dr-sapphic-tourney · 6 months ago
Round 1-15
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theamityelf · 11 months ago
We’ve got enough Kamukuras to fill up a bucket or something at this point, lol. Regarding that, what’s your thoughts on a Kamukurafied Komaeda? I’ve seen peoples takes on him before but I’m just curious on what yours would be
Oh, I love this. More Kamukuras than we know what to do with. I've definitely seen some sketches of a Nagizuru concept, and those were awesome, but let me think, lol.
I feel like his luck has to do something during the surgery itself. Like, I think we almost can't have a character with Nagito's luck and say his luck was being chill during something as pivotal and time-consuming as the Kamukura Project. So I'm thinking the scientists made a small but crucial mistake on him that is both good luck and bad luck depending on how you look at it.
I'm going to say, instead of just removing his emotions and autonomous motivation, the scientists manage to accidentally give him super overactive reward centers. The rest of the project was a success. His emotions are still gone in most ways, but now, unlike most Kamukuras, he gets powerful hits of dopamine for completing tasks. He considers himself lucky, since he's enjoying himself more than the other Kamukuras, but the result also means that he becomes severely pleasure-seeking.
The only thing he can feel is reward. This means he is addicted to practicing his talents, but it also means he will go out of his way to use as many of his talents as he can.
The scientists initially write this off as a positive; feeling highly rewarded for a job well done means he's more engaged in what they ask of him than any of his predecessors. Sure, they're a little worried when he starts disassembling and reassembling things over and over, worried that becoming addicted to small, meaningless busy work will start to take priority over the actual things they want him to do. But he's still a Kamukura, and he still eventually gets bored of repetition, so it's fine.
They should be more worried about the disassembling part. The fact that he feels just as rewarded by tasks he himself creates, just as rewarded by work he himself makes necessary, just as happy to fix what he himself breaks, should worry them more.
They should be really worried about how easily he gets bored.
But this trial of the Kamukura Project (and if we're including every other AU in this, then I guess he's Iteration 4, after Mahiru's Iteration 3, lol. Byakuya I still see as more of a joint endeavor between the Togami Corporation and Hope's Peak, not nominally a part of the Hope Cultivation Plan, but rather a "separate" project, maybe called the Heir Enhancement Plan. He's still called Byakuya Togami. Then again, it would make sense for Nagito to have been before Makoto, since I could see Hope's Peak using a luckster and a reserve course student one year, then the next year's luckster as well. Maybe Mahiru got thrown in because she caught them dragging off Sato, idk. So, Iteration 1 is Hajime's Izuru Kamukura. Iteration 2 is Nagito. Iteration 3 is Makoto. Iteration 4 is Sato, but for right now I'm saying there was some complication and she died while they were working on her. And Iteration 5 is Mahiru.)
But this trial of the Kamukura Project is really pleasant to be around. When the scientists question him, he's very eager to answer the questions. After all, positive social interactions are highly rewarding for him.
He's extremely physically affectionate with the other Kamukuras, though Makoto is the only one who always tolerates it, so Makoto is the one he goes the farthest with, especially when Izuru isn't around to stop him. (Byakuya will also intervene, but not as regularly. And Mahiru sees it as respecting Makoto's autonomy to let him decide who's allowed to touch him.) He'll just be cuddling Makoto and nuzzling into his hair, and Makoto is just blinking and stoic. Bonus points if Makoto says something like, "I like it," one time when they do this, and it's the first thing he's ever said he liked. His first opinion ever, as Iteration 3, is that cuddling is nice.
(Izuru will be jealous of this. And Nagito would feel extremely rewarded by the accomplishment.)
Nagito Kamukura does not have compassion or all that much regard for the consequences of his actions. Because of his new analyst talents, he's able to plan ahead which courses of action will be the most rewarding for him, which means his pleasure-seeking isn't short-sighted, but if a course of action contains 5 guaranteed instances of pleasure and 10 possible negative repercussions, it is probably full steam ahead on that plan unless he can think of one with more guaranteed instances of pleasure. The only consequences that matter are ones that limit his ability to keep doing things.
In the at-this-point-inevitable event that there's some mass breakout of the Kamukuras, I could see Nagito staying behind to tend to the few scientists who didn't immediately die by Byakuya's or Mahiru's hand. Once he finishes bandaging them up so they're on the mend, he'll break an arm here, a leg there, so he has more stuff to heal.
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ultimatejunkofan · 6 months ago
As i have gotten back into sprite edits just thought i would shout out some other way better accounts. Absolutely adore these sprites
Sato Sprites (plus a bunch of other dr3 sprites)
All of MidDinos Sprites (especially Natsumi and Mukaro):
Ryoko Sprites:
If there's any other cool Sprite edits around, please tell me and i will add them too
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danggirlronpa · 2 years ago
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Slightly unusual Merch Monday addition! I've been working on a project writing up available info on every Dangan girl, regardless of how minor, as a quick reference guide for people. I asked around to see if people would let me use their existing DR-style sprites for consistency representing the character, and fluffyspicetreasures on etsy not only very generously allowed me to use their Natsumi and Sato sprites from some of the buttons they've made, they also offered to make more sprites for me as commissions!
I only really need the girls, but I figured I'd do a minor public service for people who like me who also love their minor characters. They gave me permission to post for anyone to use, so go wild with 'em! (Please link to Fluffy if you can though!) They also talked about potentially turning these into buttons as well, so keep an eye out if you're a DICE lover! (:
I'll be continuing to commission them for this project when I can, so keep an eye out!
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would-you-punt-them · 1 year ago
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Sato (Danganronpa)
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sketchyface · 9 months ago
Actually Sato was 100% based and has done nothing wrong ever
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sinceyousawvienna · 2 years ago
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paperbooart · 2 months ago
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old dr sketches
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thebruno65 · 4 months ago
Yo! has anyone played the new Danganronpa 2 DLC? I've recently started it and its awesome!
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thebruno65 · 6 months ago
rarepair/unpopular ship headers i made (textless/lesser cropped versions under cut)
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theyre rotting my brain oughuh... i impulsively made playlists for 4 of these theyre so aaagouhhh
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ignore the fact theyre all different aspect ratios whoopsies
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dr-sapphic-tourney · 6 months ago
DR3 Qualifiers
The following characters introduced in End Of Hope's Peak High School qualified for the DR Killers' Tourney:
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theamityelf · 9 months ago
It's not weird that someone in Danganronpa canon got beaten to death by gravel in a swimsuit. It's weird that someone in Danganronpa canon got beaten to death by gravel in a swimsuit outside of the killing games. Hey, Sato? You're wild for that one.
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