#now THATS a delusion I could get behind
man the visit wouldve been so much more fun if they actually WERE the grandparents and its just that in the 15 years the mom hasnt seen them theyve gotten REALLY into this weird alien cult/created it.
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wileys-russo · 11 months
not so wise II a.russo x reader
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she looks so cuddly there ^ not so wise II a.russo x reader
"do you want us to come in with you?" lotte offered as she pulled into the dental clinic and found a parking spot. "no it should be fine. i know where to go and they said it shouldn't take much more than twenty minutes before i'm admitted." alessia declined, grabbing her bag and unbuckling herself.
the blonde was due to get her wisdom teeth removed today and yourself and lotte as her closest friends had volunteered to drive her there and look after her post surgery. tooney and mary had both volunteered given the wsl had a two week break but alessia assured them they should spend the time with family and loved ones in manchester instead.
"did they tell you roughly how long you'll be under for?" you questioned, rolling down your window as the taller girl hovered by the car, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. "an hour or two maybe? they've got lotte's number and they said they'll call you once i'm in recovery and thats when you come inside." alessia explained as you both nodded.
"once you're all loopy!" you grinned teasingly making the girl roll her eyes. "i still say its something people put on and over act for views, i'm sure i'll be a little out of it but i don't think it'll be half as dramatic as everyone says it is." alessia assured herself as you and lotte only hummed with amused smiles.
"well bye then!" the blonde rolled her eyes again at your obvious disbelief toward her words, though this time more playfully as you both called out good luck and she disappeared inside.
"so...full english?"
"got any fives?" you asked, tucking your knees to your chest and peering at lotte over the top of your cards. "how do you win every single time, you're cheating!" the older girl huffed handing over her cards as you grinned.
"you're just terrible at this lots you've always been shit at card games." you chuckled, not willing to reveal you could actually see the poor girls cards in the reflection of the window behind her.
the two of you had gone for breakfast and coffee and had returned to the clinic, now sat in lotte's car trying to pass the time as you waited for her phone to ring.
"harsh. but alright new game, blackjack!" lotte announced, holding out her hands for your cards, though right as she began to shuffle the deck her phone rang. a few words exchanged with the nurses and the two of you had locked the car and headed inside.
"she's in the fourth door on your left girls." the nurse pointed down the hallway after checking you both in, thanking her you headed down there. "is that?" you paused, hearing a familiar voice singing.
"oh my god it is." lotte grinned, the two of you hurrying to the source of the noise, opening the door to find a nurse begging alessia stop moving her mouth, the gauze continually falling out.
"oh look it's my best friends, you came!" alessia gasped with a slur as you and lotte looked on gleefully at her current state of drugged up delusion. "hi lessi, you feeling okay?" you smiled moving to her side and running a hand through her hair.
"i feel....so good." alessia chuckled, grabbing your top and yanking you down closer to her. "we gotta steal some of this stuff it is great." she whispered making you laugh and gently pry her hands off of you as lotte spoke with the nurse.
"okay less you need to stop yelling because the nurse needs to put the gauze back in your mouth to stop the bleeding." lotte explained gently to the taller girl who groaned.
"it feels like im eating marshmallows i don't want it!" she whined, pushing away the nurses hands. "you don't eat it! you just leave it in your mouth." you reminded with a chuckle, alessia finally allowing the nurse to re-insert the gauze.
"this is going to be a long afternoon." lotte mumbled to you with a knowing smile as alessia started to ramble about how she didn't believe they'd taken her teeth out because she could still feel them in her mouth, words hardly understandable with the cotton pads shoved in her cheeks.
"but a funny one." you grinned in response.
"-here we gooo! tooney and lessi russo." alessia finished singing for what felt like the one hundredth time as now yours and lottes patience was beginning to slowly thin. "can they put the gauze back in?" lotte sighed dragging her hands down her face.
"they said we can take her home soon." you patted the older girls knee with a smile as alessia commenced the infamous song yet again, taking full advantage of the happy gas she was coming down from.
"oi. get my bag!" alessia stopped and pointed at you. "get your bag?" you hinted with a smile. "please." alessia corrected as you chuckled and passed her the bag. "less i don't think you'll need that it's not very cold out." you laughed as she pulled out a beanie.
"oh god stop it hold on." you shook your head as she tried to yank it on over her hair which was up in a bun. moving to let it out you took the beanie from her and gently tucked it on, patting her head once you were done.
"you're so good to me." the blonde sighed, grabbing your hand and placing a few kisses to the back of your palm as you scrunched up your nose and pushed her head away. "your mouths all bloody." you chuckled, pulling your hand away and wiping it.
"you wiped off my kisses!" alessia gasped before flipping you off. "oh i like doing this." she giggled, turning her middle fingers toward lotte who grinned and took a picture. "oh my god lessi." you hurried to push her hands down as the doctor and nurse entered and the blonde flipped them off too.
"i can assure you i've taken worse." the man chuckled as alessia flipped him off again and you held her hands in yours to stop her. "if you wanted to hold hands you should have just asked babe." alessia grinned, head flopping to the side as you sighed and shook your head.
"the anesthesia should start to wear off in the new few hours so you're both welcome to take her home now. i assume one of you is staying with her overnight to monitor?" he asked as you confirmed that would be you, lotte having dinner plans with tao.
"if she has any abnormally heavy bleeding, or a reaction to anything or the pain worsens beyond a five or six out of ten just give us a call." he gave you a card with the clinic details on it which you stashed in your pocket, quickly grabbing alessia's hand again as her middle finger popped back up.
you thanked him as lotte disappeared with the nurse to sign off on alessia's discharge papers. "do you ever think about if you drop soap on the floor. is the soap dirty or is the floor clean?" alessia pondered as you looked down at her in amusement.
"can't say i have less." you grabbed her bag off her lap, slinging it over your shoulder. "come on, time to head home." you helped her up into a sitting position, encouraging she slowly try to stand. "okay easy!" you grunted as the taller girl stumbled into you.
"you're so tiny. i could just wrap you up and put you in my pocket." alessia sighed, one hand resting on your head as the other slung over your shoulders, your own wrapped around her torso as you helped her walk out of the room.
lotte grabbing her from the other side the walk to the car was much smoother, alessia still rambling away absolutely anything that popped up in her mind, no chance of any sort of filter being active at the moment.
"why am i in the back! i'm the oldest." alessia huffed as you both slid her in and buckled her up. "no you're not you idiot." lotte laughed, slipping into the drivers seat. "yeah i've decided i'm the oldest now. deal with it bruv!" alessia slurred with a shrug.
"oh god her chav era's returning." you teased, alessia scoffing in offence and winding down the window as lotte pulled out of the clinic. "can we get food please? i'm starving!" alessia groaned dramatically.
"you're not allowed to eat for another two hours sorry less." you turned around with an apologetic smile as she groaned louder and sunk down into her seat, frowning like a scolded child. "i'm wasting away here! i'll die of starvation!" alessia moaned kicking the back of your seat as lotte chuckled and you started to film the blonde kicking off.
"they're starving me here send help!" she stuck her head out the window with a yell and gasped as suddenly her beanie went flying off her head, sending you and lotte into hysterics.
"that was my favourite beanie! it's from college." alessia cried out as you wound up her window. "should have kept your head in the car then less, you're not a dog." lotte chuckled as she pulled into alessia's driveway.
the blonde whinging the entire time both you and lotte managed to get her inside and settled on the lounge. "has it been two hours yet?" alessia huffed impatiently as you covered her with a blanket and shook your head causing her to groan.
"here you big sook put this on your jaw where it's sore." lotte returned handing alessia an icepack. "you sure you don't want me to stay?" she checked as you walked with her to the door. "no! you've been looking forward to these plans with tao all week. we'll be fine." you assured, hugging the girl goodbye and closing the door after her.
"what are you doing lessi?" you sighed with a smile as alessia was wrestling with the blanket. "i'm hot. i'm trying to take my pants off!" the blonde huffed in annoyance, words still slightly slurred from the swelling and anesthesia.
"do you want me to get you some shorts and a t-shirt?" you offered, hurrying off to her room and rummaging through her drawers, grabbing what you needed. "here." you threw them to her, laughing as the bundle of clothes hit her in the face.
"who turned the lights out!" she yelled against the material as you rolled your eyes and peeled them off, pulling the blanket off of her and retreating to the kitchen to put your phone on charge as she changed.
"well, all things considered that went quite well." you grinned seeing she had managed to change but had put her shirt on inside out. "what do you want to watch?" you collapsed beside her on the lounge, kicking your feet up onto her coffee table and grabbing the remote.
"something not food related!" alessia moaned in annoyance. "and here i was about to put on the great british bake off!" you teased, encouraging her to put the ice pack back against her mouth. "my arms are tired, you hold it." alessia demanded with a huff tossing it onto your lap.
clicking into she's the man, more so for your own viewing pleasure than hers, you shuffled closer to her and gently pressed the icepack to her cheek.
"can't believe you wiped off my kisses before, those were with love!" alessia glared up at you as you shook your head. "your mouth was all bloody! it was gross." you laughed making her scoff.
"if i kissed you on the lips would you wipe it off?" she challeneged, eyes starting to become a little droopy as the doctor warned she would likely become quite tired the more it wore off.
"why would you kiss me on the lips?" you chuckled with smile. "cause i have a crush on you, sshh." alessia hushed, a finger pressing to your lips as your eyes widened.
"don't tell y/n though." alessia yawned, stretching out as her eyes started to close. you opened your mouth to speak but thought better of it, knowing this would need to be a conversation had tomorrow.
"morning." you looked up from your phone as alessia appeared with a yawn, making a beeline right for her coffee machine, holding a mug up as you nodded.
"how do you feel?" you asked, last nights confession still playing on your mind as you locked your phone and rested your chin on your hand. "like i got punched in the mouth? and a bit foggy about most of yesterday afternoon." alessia chuckled with a rasp, morning voice thick as she slumped against the bench.
"all i'll say is you definitely need to retract your statement about people putting it on for views." you smiled causing her to groan and turn back to the coffee machine. "i assume you and lotte have plenty of video evidence." she sighed, moving to lean on the counter across from you, sliding you your coffee and sipping on her own.
"we do. but most of it was harmless," you assured her with a soft smile as her eyebrows furrowed slightly. "most of it?"
"yeah um, there is something you said i sort of want to talk about." you started, putting down your coffee and messing with your fingers as alessia nodded. "you might have kind of...said you have a crush on me?" you winced as the blonde choked on her coffee, spitting it back out and coughing as you hurried to grab her some water.
she croaked out a thank you and took a swig as you sat back down.
"it was just me being drugged up!" she brushed off, clearly embarrassed as her face burnt bright red and she refused to look at you. "less i-" you started as she cut you off, mumbling how she wanted to shower and darting off to the bathroom.
you waited for her to return, settling in on the lounge and flicking on her tv.
around a half an hour later she emerged, silently sitting beside you as neither of you spoke for a few minutes.
"so maybe it wasn't the anesthesia." alessia started, looking down at her hands. "i do kind of have a crush on you, as juvenile as that sounds given the fact we're twenty four." she chuckled awkwardly.
"but i really value our friendship and i don't want to lose that or make you uncomfortable so i'm so sorry if i have."
"you haven't, i promise."
"that was not at all the way i wanted you to find out." alessia sighed burying her face in her hands. "drunk mind sober thoughts hm." you nudged her with a soft smile.
"so are you going to ask me on a date or just sit here feeling sorry for yourself?" you asked nudging her again, alessia's head shooting up, surprise etched into her features. "um. do you want to go and get dinner?" the blonde stumbled over her words as you nodded, finding how flustered she was incredibly cute.
"yeah i do."
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Okay so-- i was reading some sagau posts and came across this one where the reader was an army vet and my brain just Did Its Thing--
So now I'm here to inflict this on to you--
Would guns be considered as catalysts. And would they only do Phys Damage.
Me reading this ask:
😶 😐 🤨 🧐 🧐 😰 🥲 😭😭😭 💀
(Also srry took so long to respond, when i didnt realize how short this was/was just sitting over here 😓)
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^ For the sake of gun imagery being a lot/maybe staff might hate me for it,
we'll put this gay shit instead (i almost mispelled to "gay shot" lmao)
Sun: Army Veteran Reader, Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT Headcanons
Stars: everybody bc i think itd be funny
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: gun stuff, mild violence, mild cursing & Trigger Warnings: Gun fun everywhere
You're out here having a whole gun they let you take for off-base
And u ofc have a license so u can conceal carry
(idk how non-american gun laws work, but tbh ours are so fucked idk how they work here either, just that an army guy i knew once could have his gun when he got back home)
And ofc ur just paranoid enough (more like it just makes u feel safe)
That when u get yoinked into a portal to a silly little brightly colored gacha game fantasy world, the gun comes with 💀
Id like to add in my silly little "ur in a video game, so video game rules" AU version of genshin so:
The only other gun (ish) wielder (Mika) has unlimited bolts
Sooo I'd think your gun would be the same jfc lol
When u first stumble into abyss monsters/hostile creatures of the realm, u nearly scare off a Lawlachurl bc every shot's like thunder to these bitches😭
So not only the monsters but the vision holders think u fucking summoned lightning
STOPP- you're becoming a witchy god or smth to all of Teyvat bc it just looks like hella high level magic atp to them LMAOOO
Rumors of you get out of hand and say u just point or snap ur fingers and things get wounded/just die on the spot 💀
Oh another difference between Teyvatians seeing ur gun vs. crossbow (what they know)
Is that guns are wayyyy more destructive
Like an arrow would get shot but it'd bounce off of things like rock or wood or metal, maybe dent a little depending on how close
But a bullet goes thru that shit so easy, and leaves a whole little explosion behind, once again depending on range
(I once saw a Mythbusters episode? of them proving bullets would definitely go thru car doors, like movies lied to u, this is why drive-bys acc work like for gangs)
Lmao, the image of you in like full armor with a Teyvat made automatic gun after showing it to blacksmiths
Makes u just more convincing as a god, esp bc military training
(Ppl like Gorou and Kokomi begging for military tactics/training ur world has done)
I'll address it.
But only so u dont think im stupid later.
Yes, the Fatui have guns.
No, this not the same as having a glock LMAO
End of story.
(Also, urs runs on bullets, whereas the Fatui rely on magic/delusions to power theirs, plus they dont seem as fast or destructive as urs, more "explosions aimed at you" than real bullets)
Which,,, u leave the managing of ppl copying ur gun to ppl like the Qixing or smth, but make sure to give them advice on good gun laws if teyvat accidentally revolutionizes bc of ur advanced gun that anybody can wield (non-vision users)
Thats the best ive got abt that
Oh, also enjoy being praised as a War god now.
... dammit i had smth i was gonna tell u guys-
Uh what tf was it, it was important
Next post is the Eldritch God Oneshot! Look out for it :) !!
Safe Travels Kid,
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pinpurin · 1 year
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pavitr prabhakar
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ when ur studying with pav then 10 minutes later your lips are on his
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ this was requested by @fish-eat-fish
“My brain is liquifying send help” you texted your best friend. “LMFAO I’ll be over soon” pavitr responded almost immediately.
You squealed and kicked your feet knowing damn well you didn’t need help and you just wanted to see him without being weird about it.
You immedieatly stood up and observed your room, even though you guys have been friends for a while you still felt the need to impress him.
You walked around your room kicking dirty clothes underneath your bed and hiding wrappers in your drawers, After that you took out your textbooks and homework out on your desk. A couple of minutes later you heard the doorbell ring.
Flying down the stair and opening the door you were met with a shocked Pavitr. "How did you open the door so fast" he chuckled "You couldnt wait for me to get here huh" He smirked as he walked in kicking his shoes off.
“Pffft as if" you rolled your eyes biting back a smile. "Hey mama we're gonna study in my room" you said to your mom who was in the kitchen. "Thats fine, remeber door stays OPEN" she called out to you "Yeah yeah” you replied annoyed
you dragged Pav up to your room. He couldnt help but smile as his hand tingled at where you grabbed him. "Okay so what exactly did you need help with?" he asked taking his books out of his bag once you both reached your room.
What he had said went in one ear and out the other. All you could do is admire him, from his hair to his body everything was perfect, Even his personality.
You remember the first day you guys met and he was on your ass about naan bread, after his rambling you had asked him about his hair, and when he insisted he didnt put anything in there you argued with him about gatekeeping.
“Ummm are you okay?" Pav asked waving his hand in your face. "UHM ye-yeah what did you ask?" He chuckled lightly at you and you felt your heart thump faster inside your body as heat rose to your face.
“I asked what you needed help with" he smiled at you. "oh right its uh over here" you muttered pointing over to your desk while walking over to it.
You pulled put your seat and sat down, right when you were about to offer to find a seat for pav you felt his body press behind you back.
You stiffened up at the sudden contact. "Okay so heres how you do it.." Pav told you, his face leaning closer down your ear. You couldnt even focus with the small space you had between each other.
You look up lighly and see your pencil in his hand while he is explaining in great detail to a problem that you dont car aboout. There was no way he wasnt doing this on purpose.
Best friends arent usually this close, but this could be your sign that there was something more between you two. Or your brain could be against you and feeding into your delusions.
“Okay thats how you solve the problem, do you understand now?" he asked looking down at you. All you could do is stare into his brown eyes in admiration. After what feels like hours of staring you finally broke the silence with a question.
“Can i kiss you?" you asked him quietly. He looked shocked before slowly giving a small nod. you leaned in with him closing the gap in between you two.
As your lips connected you felt your heart pick up and your body geting hotter, not knowing that he felt the exact same way. As you both pulled away for air reality crept up on you as you had realized what you had just did.
You immediately covered your face with your hands in embarssment, slightly scooching your chair further from him. Once again your heard that adorable chuckle before his hands pulled yours away from your face.
"Did you invite me over so you could woo me?" he asked teasingly. “I've never felt so honored"
“oh shut up"
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ANDDDD SCENE, it’s 2 in the fucking morning and I have to work at 12:30 but oh well, we are SLOWLY but SURELY getting request done 💪🏽. Anyways I’m currently listening to sorrows by Bryson tiller incase anyone cares.
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cupiohearts · 2 years
DONT DISTURB THE DEAD ?! - gun, dg, goo with came back from the dead! s/o (gn)
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you were someone so memorable to GUN. he hadnt realized back then how much he loved but once you had left it was like a piece of him had just vanished. your reappearance felt like ascension.
gun admired you from the very beginning. in fact your fighting prowess was the entire reason you got scouted in the first place. it was unfortunate that you left them all behind. he grieved for months.
at first he was unsure what he felt in the first place. the reason why everytime he went out for a smoke, he recalled every moment when you would take it out of his mouth and stomp it. telling him he would die early and he would banter back and say that he already would.
he missed the small chuckles whenever you got drunk and would tell him an embarassing memory of when you were younger.
so when he saw you again all of his months in confusion had left him a final answer. he loved you.
you were different from back then (of course so it's been 5 years). you were more confident then back then, your face got more matured over the years and you wore a stoic look.
but he could still tell that it was you. the way that you had widened your eyes upon seeing him, he could find himself staring at every feature of you that he oh so dearly missed.
"i found you again..." the end of his words were let out breathlessly. the tension was heavy and you both stood there waiting for another word.
he found himself waiting for another word to hear what the sound of his future would be.
but for now he could deal with the talking stage. maybe he can once again earn all of your love and maybe he might become your man.
GOO was an eccentric person to day the least. you were once his right hand in command, following him everywhere like a baby duck. the most unfortunate part of that tale was that baby ducks get lost easily.
heavy breath filled the air, you heaved in everything you could. eyes were bloodshot as you went on the adrenaline all that was in your mind was keep running and dont stop.
you couldnt even hear anyone behind you, rushing past a group of people that opened up a path for you. in your mind it went into your old instinct where it said to find goo.
you missed him dearly, he probably did too. after being trapped inside a dungeon hell, you knew you needed to find him. your instinct had also told you that he would be there for you. it was never wrong.
a familar voice ringed in your ear. it made you stop running and look around. to search for the familar face before you caught him. he spotted you and hugged you so tight you couldnt breath, but you didnt want to let go even if it killed you.
you missed his loud laughs, you missed being able to make snarky comments at his frankly dumb ones. he was what you needed most.
the hug went on for so long. you released yourself from his grasps and took a look at his face.
"thank you for being here"
DG liked to say that he was a professional man and that he would never ever fall in love. or atleast thats what he would like to believe is the image of himself. falling in love with you was the best and worst thing to happen to him.
his mind was forever haunted by the memory of your face when you fell. your face looked haunted, the wind blew all the hair in front of your face and you fell. he didn't know what happened next, all that he could remember was screaming when he saw your body become tinier and tinier with a splash into the cold ocean.
for the next month he was traumatized by your face. lashing out at anyone who mentioned your name. overtime he gradually begun to accept that your were gone, the sleepless nights wondering if you were alive were all merely delusions.
but this- this couldnt be procured from his mind.
the image of you looked older than the one you originally had when you were younger. in all of his hallucinations of you, you looked the same as you were younger.
slowly he reached his hand to feel your skin. it was warm and lifelike. your eyes flickered up to his and with a smile you said "im back"
a tight hug on you had ended your sentence and you smiled in his arms. "its alright, i'm back" you patted his back. dg couldn't respond to you but he forever remembered your picture.
he didnt care how you survived, because youre here now. you were here now and it might be selfish of him to say but he wanted to keep you here forever.
"dont leave me again please" you laughed at this and nodded. tracing the words.
i will love you forever.
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dreamersville · 1 year
ik everybody says hi, or some variation of that hut idk what else to say .. so HIIII. 😂😂 anyways i was wondering if you had any headcannons for Haikyuu!! like the ones you did for fatgum and tamaki .. i dont have a specific character but you could write for anybody if you dont mind. um thank youu and i really like your writing style
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an? hiii love bugg🥰🥰. i wasnt really sure who to write for so this is more of like a general thingy? if thats so okay with you. and thank you so much for the compliment 🥹🫶🏽. the delusion was at an all time high for this 😭😭. request are open.
pairings? haikyuu x black reader
tw? none that i know of
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Lying on their chest while they are on their back on the couch. You and them watching movies from your childhood including: Drum Line. Juice, Love & Basketball, Friday, and many many more, you explaining all the lore to them while they have one arm rubbing up and down your back the other one in your humming and asking questions every now and then to show that they are listening and intrigued. [daichi, anoe,yamamoto,semi,matsukawa,]
— You're used to hearing them wandering around the room getting ready for work, and waking up usually waking up to the noise but today you didn't, matta fact .. you didn't even hear the alarm go off, you groan as you turn over to see that they are still asleep. You slide up behind them wiggling your “ice cold” toes between their calves and shake their shoulders to wake them up. They jump up with a quickness thanking you for waking them up, as they rush about trying to get ready, but ofc they cant forget to come back and give you your “see you later” kiss. [konoha,tendō, osamau, ukai, kenma] — ORRRR you're usually the one who gets up earlier than them but today is your day off so you're going to sleep in and get some extra sleep. They are tiptoeing around while getting ready trying not to wake or disturb you because you really need this sleep. They come back in the room and fix their side of the bed then coming to your side you read just you and your head scarf, kissing your forehead goodbye. They might have stood there watching you gravity towards their side of the bed and snuggle into their pillow.. But you can't prove it. [yakuu, saeko, asahi, koganwgawa] — Let's talk about how they hover around you when you're cooking not only because it smells good but you like to have them taste test the food. Coming around the corner, spoon in one hand while the other one is under the spoon catching anything that might fall, you hold their chin as you let them try the food. Even if they rain down praise on everything they taste and are truly no help, you still have fun as you dance around the kitchen with them. {they also try to sneak an extra taste while they think you're not pay attention but gets caught every single time} [hinata, hanamaki,atsumu, ninshinoya, daishō] — They’ve grown to love Sundays. The idea of cleaning and listening to music with you all day ??? sooo domestic. Yall typically split the cleaning, there are no specific “rolls” per say, yall just do what yall wanna do. You are always in charge of the playlist because you are having the bestest songs ever. Don't let Let's Groove by Earth, Wind & Fire play because clean????? When let's groove playing??? Ain't no way baby. [sakusa, yachi, kita, kai, takeda] — They've always come back to you with some new bruise or cut and insist that you are the one to take care of it because you're always gentle and kiss it to make them feel better quicker. And the products you use after you're done always smell really good!! When you're done they always say “I think i've got a cut on my lip too” [hinata, kageyama, kyōtani, lev, bokuto] — You always turn the air down when you want to cuddle with them because they always claim it's too hot and you just wanna cuddle and be comfortable. You're used to the air being at 70 but their not, so here they come with with sweatpants on 2 pairs of socks a hoodie with a shirt on and a blanket on their shoulders, demanding you give up some of your body heat [goshiki, tsukishima, futakuchi, tanaka, michimya]
— [ ] who likes to come find you, interrupting whatever you're doing to put you in his lap and make you touch your forehead with and stare into each other's eyes. Mostly to be annoying but they like to have your presence around them and don't know how to ask so they just .. yk. [kageyama, fukunaga, anoe, terushima] — They loveeee to come behind you while you're standing and wrap their arms around you holding you while swaying side to side. Most times they don't initiate a conversation, they either put that chin on your head or shoulder or bury their face into your neck. Smelling that scent of shea butter and whatever frit you decide you wanted to smell like. [daichi, kuroo, akaashi, ushijma, oikawa] — [ ] knows your orders for multiple fast food and restaurants. + all the lil specialties of is, such ass you liking a spicy chicken sandwich combo no sauce add mayo, chilled strawberry lemonade from popeyes. its second atp. you just tell them where you wanna eat and they take care or everything else. [aone,kenma, osamu, aran, suga] — Yall have dance battles at random ass times. R a n d o m ass times. Yall could be grocery shopping, you send him to go get something on the other isle, you'd hear a song yall both like over the intercom playing, and you immediately look towards the end of the isle to see them slide into just in time as yall start dancing towards each other, not caring who see you. [tanka, nishinoya, tendō,hanamaki,] — They see you do your skin care routine and decide that they wanna copy you because your skin is literally the softest skin he’s ever encountered. But he likes when you apply the product to his skin because their fingers are calluses from playing volleyball. Matching headband to pull you guys hair back. It's sooo cuteeeee ahh i'm in love. [oikawa, atsumu and osamu, sakusa,] — You said i love you first and freaked the absolute dogshit outta them. Frfr. baby was clutching them pearlsssss, didn't know what to say? What to do? Obviously he loves you too, more actually if you let him tell it but they are still in this state of pure shock. You would be panicking if they didn't already say it to you when you were “sleeping”. [ashai, yamamoto, yamaguchi, konoha, kita] — On the contrary they said it first … accidentally but they still said it first. Yall were probably doing so mundane shit and they was just thinking “damn i really fucking love them” except it wasnt in their head, it was definitely out loud. Out loud as in you could hear them out loud, you were shocked but said it back and continued on with what you were doing like you didn't just change their life for the better. [suga, semi, washio, iwazumi, yaku] — Now they had a whole plan set out. From the time you woke up until the time they decided it was best to say it. They act like the finna propose or sum. It's really nice you're not suspicious because it was date night. You cried or wtv, (it's not or wtv, it was that ugly cry. lip curled back, nose running, ya getting red inna face, hiccuping after every breath, they are concerned dd) anyways you eventually say it back because duh you love, like hello?? You were already planning your wedding. And so were they. [lev, asahi, fukunaga, aran, kageyama]
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hopefully you enjoyed!! thank you for the request💜!! i tried to include a wide variety of characters 😭, sorry if this wasnt what you wanted. request are open
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spacexseven · 2 years
hi tuna hi hi 👋 I gotta quick one for ya. I was staring at one of dazais mayoi cards, the one where elise gives him a little stuffed bunny (can't send pictures over anon unfortunately but its called lamplit winter if you wanna look it up), and then i reread ur softzai piece and it made me brainrot really really bad so imagine. giving yan dazai a little stuffed animal...
like, look, I feel like dazai, even the crueller versions of him like subordinate darling dazai, is something of a sentimentalist. everything and anything darling gives him is a present and he wants to take good care of it. like, even something as innocuous as a pencil you dropped is something hell keep in a little shoebox beneath his bed. its all part of his delusion, his secret hopeless romanticism. touching (or heaven forbid, breaking) something he got from darling is enough to get people sent to the hospital, or even killed. so imagine ACTUALLY giving him a gift of some kind. youre at the arcade, you win a little stuffed animal, you give it to dazai cuz you have no use for it. you dont really think much of it, really, but HE sure does. mafia/subordinate darling dazai would be a special case. hed probably pretend he doesnt care for the toy at first, both to you and to himself (especially since subordinate darling would probably give it to him sarcastically), but he doesnt have it in him to get rid of it. hes always had a bit of a soft spot for cute things.... and the cramped storage compartment he lives in is so dreary...... no, nevermind that, he'll just. throw it over in the corner. whatever. no need to even go through the effort of disposing of it, thats how little he cares!
of course, he finds his eyes drifting to it more often than not, thinks about what you giving him something like that might Mean, etc. he still refuses to admit he appreciates it, or you, but then maybe one night... he finds himself having another nightmare... and as he sits there, cold, lonely, distressed... his eyes catch the little stuffed toy you gave him. before he can really think about it, he grabs it and drags it into bed with him. he was never given things like this, as a child, so holding it feels... nice. comforting in a way he hasn't experienced. it even still smells just like you; and if he closes his eyes, he can PRETEND its you... he can imagine himself holding you tightly, burying his nose in your hair, laying on your chest and listening to your heart... his little fantasies get him back to sleep very quickly, and it becomes routine. sometimes, if hes particularly lonely or the delusion has completely overtaken him for the day, he'll even talk to the toy like its you. I could also imagine this leading to him stealing some clothes from you, once your scent starts to be replaced with his own on the toy, nothing you'll miss, just a shirt or two he can use to supplement your presence while he sleeps!
I'll cut myself off here cuz I am going NUTSO but yeah. thats where my head is at rn <33
- 🩹
im so sorry for how long it took me to get to this omg these weeks have been hectic :( i dont know if i uslaly write dazai this gloomy but i like it
dazai treasures anything you give him leave behind, but instead of dedicating a corner of his room to your items and presence, dazai likes to spread things out in his place like how you might leave it if the two of you were together. he leaves a used tube of chapstick in the drawer beside his bandages, he places a half-empty tube of toothpaste beside his own in the bathroom (making a note to buy the same one as you from now on so it feels more real, this fantasy), he keeps your shirts stacked up beside his, trying to make it feel natural. somehow, the possibility of you living with him seems so far-fetched so instead, he turns to building the future he'd like with your missing items, playing into his little fantasy. of course, the obvious lack of furniture in his room is inadequate for you, too miserable to be called a house, unlike your own apartment with the wallpaper and the trinkets you have placed everywhere.
if anyone messes with anything lying around (unlikely, since nobody really visits him anyway), dazai would fly into a rage. every item has been meticulously placed in its appropriate place, and slightly nudging it away or putting it elsewhere would cause the fragile facade to crumble and demolish the delicate atmosphere. when he gets back at night, he makes sure to check that everything is in its place—the chapstick he so desperately wants to use (a pathetic attempt at getting close to you) but doesn't want to taint with his touch, the shirts he cradles so delicately, pretending you were there, when the loneliness feels more crushing than usual and he can't bear to accept his reality.
if you happened to give him anything, regardless of the reason, dazai would be over the moon. sure, when you casually ask him if he wants the stuffed toy you won, he scoffs and pretends like he's not interested, but ultimately takes it anyway. its soft texture and blank eyes don't mean much to him as it is, but knowing you were just holding it in your arms, experimentally squeezing it a few times before telling dazai you couldn't keep it, makes the toy the most valuable thing in the world for dazai. no matter how out of place the cute, round thing looked in his bandaged arms, surrounded by his coat, dazai found himself holding it tighter. with this, he can fool himself into believing this was a date and not just a detour from your usual work. he can lie to himself and think that you wanted to impress him by winning the toy, no matter how far it was from the truth.
the toy is painfully out of place in his dark room, not really looking right on the dresser or inside the closet. so he throws it onto his bed instead, thinking about how desolate it looked still. he doesn't think much of it until he goes to rest, observing the round toy sitting beside him. outside, the sky rumbled, and he felt his hand squeeze the soft belly of the toy. despite himself, he found himself smiling a little. it was sort of cute, with the blank eyes and stuffing. he'd never had something like this, and now that he did, he didn't know what to do with it.
while he was thinking about it, he realized the toy might have your scent, seeing as it was held by you for a while first. awkwardly, his arms wrapped around it and he pulled it closer, feeling like a child who had just received his first toy. it was soft; lacking the warmth humans had, but he wasn't about to be picky when this was already something he never had.
for a minute, he thought back to that pleased expression you had when squeezing the round stuffed toy in your arms, and he thinks you'd like to have it when you moved in. with his eyes closed, it's easier to pretend the inanimate object is more human and more loving. it's easy to imagine it was you in his arms, asleep, except for the lack of warmth.
dazai sighs and his eyes open, still holding the toy. it was nice while it lasted.
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jekyll-doodles · 1 year
As far as I understand, the Doctor was once human? What did he look like? (all complaints about errors should be submitted to Google Translate)
049 being human certainly is one of his possible origins. I'm still mulling it over what i want to go with. Cause i could just go the route of him being an Alagaddan. But narratively i find thats too straightforward, if not slightly forced. And it leaves why he is obsessed with the pestilence unanswered in a rather unsatisfying way.
Readmore because i got an idea and started rambling
But. But maybeeee. Maybe he could have been an Alagaddan? In the Before i mean. And perhaps --not quite a soulmates thing-- he did know Nigredo? Perhaps they grew up knowing each other before going down their own separate paths. One onto being a lord, the other a trained physician and surgeon. Could you imagine coming home to find the boy who'd regularly get in trouble for dancing on fences was now one of the advising lords? At least he seems to be taking his role seriously. But anytime you discuss what you've been studying abroad, he still looks at you with the same awe as he did back then. Suppose some things never change.
Until. Until they suddenly do. Little things at first, but 049 has always been an observant fellow. And unlike everyone else, his suspicions of the ambassador were never quelled. That sort of charm never did work on 049. People started acting... off. His friends and family were not quite themselves anymore. Something was definitely wrong, but it was nearly impossible to describe. Was it not his duty to figure it out though? Try as he might however, his research was little more than speculation. And when presented to any of the lords, they were of no help. Mere comments that the doctor was working too hard. He should relax, enjoy himself. The prince's 10th birthday was days away. He should not be wasting time on his delusions. He should not be wasting their time with his delusions. Such uncharacteristic words, and from behind those procelain masks that eveyone had started wearing -- How could they not see that they were acting strangely?
Even Nigredo. Though Doc had hardly seen his friend in the last few days -- the man had practically locked himself away in his study -- he knew if anyone would listen to him, it would be him. Should have been him. But the man he found was a far cry from the man he'd known. He was distant and cold. Hardly acknowledging the doctor's presences besides slight irritation. And even with the mask on, he could see his eyes: empty and uncaring. His words were quiet and cold and stung worse than the doctor thought possible : " You're insane. Get out."
No one believed him. No one saw the danger coming. It all stemmed from the ambassador, he knew it did. Yet had no proof. And with no proof, no support, what could he do but leave? Perhaps they were right and he was delusional, or perhaps they had all been afflicted by some ailment -- either way, he was not wanted and could do nothing for them.
Everyone was celebrating the prince's 10th birthday. It was Strange-- The doctor pushed the thought down as he reached the kingdom's border. And there waiting at the edge, was the ambassador. It spoke shortly. It knew he wanted to help the people.
"They are very sick. You could cure them."
And 049, falling for its trap, asked "How?"
It was too quick to even register at first. And too unbelievable really, to be murdered in broad daylight. Surely someone would have seen. But no one did. Everyone was celebrating the prince's 10th birthday. The ambassador left him wheezing on the ground, striding away back into the kingdom. In his shocked state, he manged to crawl a few inches, desperately reaching for his medical bag. He had everything he needed, if he could just reach it--
The doctor collapsed, dead. It was a vain attempt anyway, there was little his training could do to mend a slit neck. And he was only the first sacrifice of the day. There would be no one left to find him.
And for some unknown reason, he wasn't whisked away with the rest of the kingdom and citizens into the horrible chaos dimension that was now Alagadda. Where the real kingdom was was left little more than a barren landscape. Perhaps it was as simple as him being past the kingdom's border that saved him from being taken. However, it did not save him from being Broken. He gave his blood for the king after all. And having died with his robes and doctor's mask, it had little to work with. But still, it changed him.
When 049 awoke, he knew nothing but his craft and that there was something deeply wrong. A strange illness had plagued the landscape before him, and he knew that it caused the life to die away. The people surely too, perished from it. And he did nothing to stop it. He would not make this mistake again. He would cure this ailment before it takes the whole world. It was all he knew.
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psywebcomic · 1 year
wait i might need to re-read a lil but can psy tell that jett ash blood shadow is/is part of a system? if psy met other systems could they maybe tell because of the difference in their “voice” ?
short answer: yes Psy can tell the difference in system member's voices and can tell that JABS is a system, and they have definitely come across other people with multiple voices in their head over the course of their life. but they don't comment on it at all in the narration, really.
long answer because i love talking:
in universe explanation: Psy simply doesn't care, and doesn't find it a necessary thing to comment on. thats just the way Jett is. it's interesting, but frankly it's something Jett keeps a secret from most of the people in its life so Psy would feel weird about going into it in the narration any more than absolutely necessary (like explaining its phantom limbs)
the real explanation: hearing multiple voices in your head doesn't definitively necessarily mean you're a system and we wanted to keep it kind of ambiguous to let the readers interpret that however they wanted. like, admittedly, yes. JABS is a system, heavily based on my (Cat's) system and that's technically the intention when writing him. but i wouldn't be offended (and would actually find it really cool and interesting) if other people interpreted it differently to, say, see it as him having THEIR mental illness which makes them hear multiple different voices in their head like that and/or experience delusions and whatnot.
some behind the scenes talk below the cut because you've activated my trap card of letting me talk about our comic
jett being a system was actually a pretty late decision in the writing process! as we draw the chapters i am also rewriting a lot of jett's thoughts to reflect being a system! changing some of the "i"s to "we"s and such, adding more distinct voices and conversations within its thoughts... stuff like that!
originally, it was more in line with kaido from saiki k where he sort of just writes fantasy stories and pretends theyre real? and like, kind of has delusions about them? but i have also seen interpretations of kaido being a system which i think rules. so basically, we're doing that but on purpose. a lot of Psy is us taking our fun headcanons from saiki k and doing them on purpose haha! like all the queerness for example, as well as Jett's physical disabilities
also, i at one point had the idea in my head of Psy having a habit of armchair diagnosing people all the time based on their thoughts, but quickly discarded that. it would have been in a 100% non judgemental way, sort of just "sounds like he has DID or something" and stuff. like. just cause they think it's interesting and kinda fun to psychoanalyze people since they can literally hear all their thoughts lol. i think that idea had the potential to be funny, but ultimately i was worried about it getting.... messy, and a bit iffy to write ethically, so now i'm kind of leaning the opposite way where they actively try not to psychoanalyze. tbh they probably still do this, they just dont say it in the narration. Psy knows they have people watching them. they wanna look good.
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one-strugling-bean · 1 year
A Good Omens S3 predictions list to cope
The obvious one: an apology from Aziraphale, duh
Role reversal~ Have Crowley get himself into trouble and Aziraphale come to the rescue.
(Bonus if Aziraphale has to fight to protect Crowley, or bodily carry him out of danger, because i like damses in distress and its fun.)
God makes an in-the-present appearance! Not physically with a vessel, but as a voice.
Aziraphale and Crowley going apeshit on heaven. Especially Aziraphale. I really wanna see Aziraphale go off. Particularly on heaven.
(Meanwhile Crowley is standing behind him, proudest and biggest in-love grin on his face.)
At least one more kiss. Of reconciliation if they get back together, or longing and sorrow if they're still upset at each other, or grief if one of them is on the verge of death- i could go on. I dont care how, i would just like one more kiss.
Reappearance of Muriel. They were such a sunshine this season, i wanna see them again. Have them make a friend. And i want at least one montage of them taking care of the bookshop. Chaotic good at its best.
Someone give Crowley a pet. A cat, or a lizard, or a goldfish. Idc what kind, i just think itd be neat to see him interact with animals. He'd be a very fun caretaker.
More bits about famous people. The "Jane Austen is a secret world class criminal" bit killed me. More of that please.
A serious threat. Season 2 was very lowkey in terms of threats, and it was a nice change of pace, but now I want the thrill of "oh we might die actually" back.
Flirty husbands. Extra points if Aziraphale flusters Crowley instead of the more obvious opposite.
A new season-defining song! Season 2 had "Everyday". I want a new one next season.
Hurt/comfort. Lots of it. Have the husbands fight. Have them scream at each other, cry, fill them with nightmares. Then give me comfort. A hug after the crying. A sorrowful kiss after the fight is done. A little self-deprecating joke to make the other laugh.
New outfiiiiiiits. Pick different colors, or a very different style. Force Aziraphale to wear black or pink, put Crowley in red tinted, star sunglasses, give them high-heel shoes, i dunno. But surprise the audience and become the main source of endless fanarts to come.
Another dance scene... This is one of my favorite tropes. Ships dancing together, whatever the dance may be, is my drug.
Scenes with wings! I just think they're neat with their wings out.
A. goddman. Happy. Ending! I want to see the cottage! The three cats! The learning-to-cook-breakfast-together-but-they're-actually-really-bad-at-it-and-almost-burn-the-cottage-down scene!
And uh, guess thats it for now. Feel free to add your own to the mix, all delusions are welcomed :')
Also, reblogs are very appreciated....... just sayin
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mashiee · 11 months
what's your rei au?
(tw, dark/angst, death, kidnapping, human labor trafficking, extreme mental instability, mental and moral decline, developed delusions, etc)
basically, i took rei and put him in the most horrible situations ever °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
the idea is basically a very dark 'what-if' of if rei had survived
im a whore for plots that have a character survive, but everyone still thinks theyre dead, so thats the route here. rei does survive, but at a great cost, and to the knowledge of no one.
and by great cost i mean, he would have been better off if he had just died. which is why the au had previously been named 'better off dead.' i have since changed the name bc i hated it.
the new au name is pontibus incensis (burned bridges in latin). this is both bc rei's bridges were forcibly burned by volcan and byron (both figuratively and literally in relation to the fire claws) and bc i think being able to say its my pi/π au is really funny.
the whole thought process behind the au stems from the thought that the government wouldnt use their money on ember. they would use something else as a source for its funds. so i basically combined that with wanting rei to be alive and go thru angst.
the story is give or take as goes:
the au starts as soon as rei "dies." ember finds a way to fake his body, etc. rei wakes up in a cell chained to the wall, he doesnt know where he is. eventually he pulled out to some kind of "arena" people are calling "the colosseum"
(i am aware colosseum is the term for the specific famous building, and coliseum is the proper term for any large stadium. the place rei's in being called colosseum as opposed to coliseum is important to later on in the story)
theres a little girl about 8-10 there too. hes given a brief set of rules basically saying he needs to fight to the death within a certain time period. obviously rei is not going to kill a little girl and shes scared shitless so neither of them do anything. theres a warning bell signaling the time is up and the little girl, who has long light pink hair and a blue ribbon in it, is shot and killed. rei attacks the person shooting out of rage and survival and accidentally kills them. rei's allowed to pass bc hes found interesting by the colosseum head(?) and its the first and last time any match in the colosseum ends in a draw. as reis leaving he turns around and sees the girls lifeless body and for a brief moment she looks like remi.
so reis dilemma there is that he just killed someone and the little girl who looks like remi dying. his thoughts spiral from here but theyre cut off. hes later brought out again and fights a guy who comes at him instantly. reis forced to kill him. when rei gets back to his cell he finds the barcode branded on the back of his neck reading 1010 (XX in roman numerals, allude to the X in X-Static). he has the horrifying realization this place has already had at least 1000 prisoners.
this pattern of killing to survive continues. due to the constant stress, reis ability steadily climbs as well as his survival instincts. he develops a literal skill to survive. meanwhile, his mental health and morals are rapidly dropping and becoming tangled and confusing--even incomprehensible. eventually he'll develop the delusion that the little girl actually was remi, and that hes the one who killed her. as its a delusion, the knowledge of remi being 4 yrs younger than him and what she looks like now doesnt matter.
im thinking of giving him psychotic depression in order to explain the delusion, but im unsure. i will need to do more research. i could possibly also give him more delusions, such as hallucinations of his body rotting and the delusion he deserves it, or maybe the hallucination of remis decaying corpse, etc. another symptom of psychotic depression is psychomotor impairment which causes issues with speech and muscle activity, which i may be able to use as well?
(all of that is very surface level research btw, if i got anything wrong or am using the disorder in an inappropriate or disrespectful way please tell me. im very open to criticism and correction)
anyway, rei figures out that hes being used as entertainment for higher ups in the authorities to have monetary gain for ember funding. hes also become the fav of the place bc he just wont die, hes seen as some kind of impossible to kill entity. he gives ember massive monetary gain. he manages to survive for a long time (i think i want the colosseum arc to be maybe 4 months long?) which is unheard of. at most people have only survived for a month.
at the end of the colosseum arc, rei obviously escapes. hes very briefly helped by an oc of mine, who ends up being important later on.
i wont go into detail abt the rest of it unless u want bc this arc is the main point of the au.
something i should mention though that rei only finds out in the next arc is that ember doesnt ever actually kill the vigilantes. theyre always taken to a coliseum. and they end up dying in there. reis the only one whos survived so far.
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kingcunny · 11 months
🔥 i need to know more about your alicent
absolutely! :)
women in westeros, specifically women and girls of high ranking houses do not own themselves, they are extensions of their house. their fathers political opportunities. otto is a very ambitious man and has groomed alicent into this exact role. she is an extension of house hightower, an extension of her father. she is his opportunity to rise through the ranks. and she envelops this role wholly. alicent is ambitious in her own right, but how much of that is herself and how much of that is otto? not even she could begin to separate those ideas.
so when otto suggests she marries the king. she jumps at the opportunity. maybe even sees it as a chance to finally gain some power for herself, to finally be out from under ottos control. to outrank him, in some way. even if she cant articulate that thought to even herself. or the desire behind it.
alicent was young when she came to court, viserys is 10 years older than her. she probably views him as another sort of father figure. projects her ideas of otto onto him. which helps, in a way. shes been her fathers pseudowife for so long, whats the difference in becoming this pseudofathers actual wife?
but she is still that culmination of all the grooming she was raised with. alicent wants power but does not believe she is capable of gaining that herself, she must find it through the men around her, her marriage, her children. thats how women gain power. so she marries the king, she gives him sons. her son will grow up to be king, and she will rule through him. THAT is how she will gain her power. and fulfill her duty to her father and house.
except then viserys fucks it all up. ruins her plans. even after giving him multiple sons, he refuses to fulfill his side of the unspoken pact and make them his heir. he does away with the rules and traditions that everyone has been following for hundreds of years, the traditions that got HIMSELF elected king. he keeps supporting rhaenyra as his heir. he refuses to even marry his daughter to her son. shes given him the one thing hes (supposedly) wanted all this time, the thing he killed his first wife trying to get. why wont he give her what she wants?
i think thats when all the projection and delusions of their marriage come crashing down. viserys isnt otto. he doesnt love her, he doesnt love their children. he has just been using her as a salve for his own fears of death. their marriage, their children, everything has been nothing but a plan B to him. a ‘just in case’ something happens to his preferred child, his chosen heir. all the years shes given him, all the pain shes put herself through for his benefit, is for nothing. she will gain nothing out of it. she will fail in her own goals and her duty to her family.
(to be fair, alicent also never loved viserys. not really. she was also using him for his position as king to try and get what she wants. but, from alicents pov, she does not owe him love. thats not part of her duty to her husband. her duty is to give him sons. in return for that however, he should at the very least love her and the children she gives him. see them as more than just spares.)
and, of course, alicent is ottos daughter. your children are extensions of yourself before they are their own people. they are your pawns to increase your standing. if they cant further your own goals then what good are they? if alicent fails its because her children have failed her. and now all they are are reminders of that failure, of time that couldve been better spent elsewhere. cause now shes stuck with them. and viserys.
but alicent cant take her anger out on viserys, hes still her husband and king, (and father in a way. just because you become aware of a delusion, doesnt mean it stops having control over you) so instead she takes it out on what she sees as the cause of all these problems - rhaenyra. viserys spoiled little daughter. his One True Love. the woman he would throw everyone else under a bus for.
this is why alicent suddenly turns on rhaenyra after they had been pretty close beforehand. theres not an actual date listed of when alicents mother dies, but i like thinking it happened before they all came to court. alicent knows how hard and lonely it is being a young girl without a mother, how dangerous it is being a young girl at court. and rhaenyras father is negligent and indulgent and distracted, in alicents eyes, wholly unfitted to be a father. so she reaches out to rhaenyra, to be that mother figure for her. to took after her and raise her. (and if she just happens to catch the kings attention at the same time. well two birds one stone.)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
The most annoying part to me about people ignoring not only what you're saying, but Jensen and the others... This fandom 'joked' for MONTHS about his silence because he was mad. Now that there is undeniable proof that was true, half of them are ignoring are pretending they didn't see it. Outside of when asked by others a question that man didn't talk about the series until The Winchesters was announced but again people ignore it.
You want the truth? The same reason people are unstable as fuck in what they do on things like that is the same reason I catch so much horse shit, all around.
Very few people in this fandom are genuine. In what they say, believe. Some think they're genuine, many don't care to bother. The same person that'll say Misha was Teh Debil for running back in the closet or whatever will turn around like 2 days later and wail BUT WHAT IF WE DON'T GET MISHA GREETS. Logic source: Some shit they made in their own head that makes ZERO sense.
A lot of it has to do with trying to moralize fandom for control, rather than moralize themselves for honesty. But if they can, they turn everything into a perceived spin of righteousness. This goes as deep as even the j2 tinhats, where they've built themselves worlds where they can disregard anything they don't like as "PR" under the imagination of Being True Fans That Know The Truth. It positions them morally above other fans (due to delusion) and warrants excessive, often attention seeking behaviors.
The average panic-- whatever the chicken little bullshit of the day is-- ratings, cancellations, plots, who will or won't show up, who is or isn't satan, the Horrific What If of the day--is about giving the person themselves attention, rather than if that person critically inspected that belief or has any meaningful, stable, or continuous morals guiding it.
Then you get the congoers that forget they're just consumers because they've earned recognition. They forget this and start taking up all the air in the M&G room, which annoys other people, who then ask HOW those people get THOSE experiences, They Must Be Special. Begrudgingly. Rather than them just being overconfident while others are shy, and sucking all the air out of the room.
Many of them KNOW they're twisting or warping takes, many of them KNOW they are overglorifying their placement in things. Many of them hide behind civility culture games. Very few have confidence in what they say, as much as twist things they hear to try to convince THEMSELVES of something.
So with all of that, I'm blunt as fuck, I'm efficient as fuck, I've always managed to run circles around this exact same group of numpties since day one, they've gotten saltier and banded together into groups of failed numpties. It isn't even about being right anymore to them, it's about Trying To Make Me Wrong. Or leave. Or whatever. HOW COULD AARON HAVE POSSIBLY KNOWN ALL THIS EVEN BETTER THAN JARED THE WHOLE TIME THATS IMPORRRRSIBLE!!!! No, it's fuckin not.
But they all lie and exaggerate and jump moral bars all the time. In fact look at how many failboats those big ITK people had in years past, WHY they're so angry. They've always exaggerated what they've known so they HAVE to project I'm doing the same, because they literally *do not understand* that *they can not pay pass to what I do.*
But it's that. So people that formerly saw SexySilence FUNNY, are suddenly like. Nono, protecting my viewpoints, both my victim mindset, my lack of culpability in being a dick to creatives, etc--protecting this ego and denying it is more important right now.
Flip, flop, flip, flop.
It's no one side. It's that this fandom is infested with people with attention seeking personalities and, frankly, other cluster B traits. And sure those can be managed, but they don't. They don't manage. They just get into a Cluster of Cluster B and lob their shit at everyone.
Doesn't matter to them how True something is, really. They think if they say it enough, it'll make it true. In their heads, seems to be what I'm doing--I talk, something comes true. But that's because, you know, I've actually spoken with these creatives outside of transactional relationships and have paid attention and listened for years. So yeah, I talk, something comes true. You can't just. Replicate that off of pure stubborn bullshit. You can't just Project your headcanon of the universe into reality.
Consumers found a property full of other entitled consumers building psychosocial bubbles of nonreality in the internet where everyone patted them on the head and told them it was as okay to get as hysterical and ridiculous and embarassing as they want Cuz Feelings. Then they just. Assume everyone else is being as fake.
So yeah. All you're seeing is the shit I've been telling the genuine people that WANT to listen and WANT the truth for years: the people that often made the biggest hysterical noises over the years, or even are right now, don't even care about the actual result of the hysterics, they just care about the attention they get in the time between.
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kianaliv · 2 years
La signora x gn!reader
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Hello!! First Post sorry if the grammar isn't good English isn't my first language♡
Warning:spoilers to inazumas archon quest,Death,angst, not proofread, if I put pronouns I apologise for that it's a mistake.
You were enjoying your time in Inazuma especially all of the tasty food, right now you were laying comfortably in your lovers arms, without her, you wouldn't be able to travel tevyat and just be stuck in snezhnaya overworking yourself away.
You closed your eyes listening to rosalynes voice and her plans while cuddling in the inzumian bed
"And then the electro gnosis is mine" she giggled after
"Thats quite a plan,love. With your knowledge your about to succeed without obstacles" you say burying yourself more into her arms, slowly drifting off to sleep with no worries
"Sleep well my butterfly" rosalyne whispers while planting a kiss on your forehead.
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It was morning and while half asleep you didn't feel your lover next to you.
'maybe she was somewhere in the house' you thought. Getting up, stretching and putting on your slippers.
Slowly walking out of the bedroom you don't see rosalyne in the living room nor the kitchen. You walk to the bathroom and knock on the door , after a few second you opened it and don't see her here either. 'She mightve went out' you thought not paying any mind to it and went over your morning routine.
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Right now your walking around the city and looking at the stalls, you've tried a treat called dango milk, never heard of it so it didn't hurt to try, after a small sample you couldn't stop yourself from buying a few for yourself and rosalyne.
Happily walking back home after a small shopping spree, putting the bags away. "I hope Rosa will wanna stay here for a day or two more" you mumbled hoping it would come true knowing there's a huge possibility it won't and u will have to flee from inazuma.
It's been an hour since you came back from the city and also from the time Rosalyne said she will be back, starting to worry you put on shoes and recalled the place the mission was taking in.
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Now standing infront of the place rosalyne and the raiden shogun should be at. You took a deep breath and sneaked around the guards sitting in the shadows close to the door waiting for the door to open.
After a minute or two nothing was happening, to not waste time you ran near the guarding soldiers and knocked them out, you heard yelling behind you, turning around a little u see guards running at you.
You quickly opened the door and slid through. Panting you look up to see the traveler, after fully standing up you notice behind traveler, the raiden shogun and then your eyes drift to your lover who's on the ground kneeling
You were horrified at the sight and your body started moving on its own. You couldn't bare to see her hurt, she hasn't noticed you and started getting up trying to use her delusion.
"And you! Filthy rats... All of you!" You heard your dear lover shout while charging at the raiden shogun, in shock you just started running towards rosalyne to save her from the electro archon wrath. Even if you were close..you failed to save her.
So close yet so far. You dropped to your knees and screamed out of agony and terror. You couldn't believe your love the one you promised to marry just in a blink of an eye gone. You covered your face with your hands sobbing.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, uncovering your face it was the traveler. Out of anger you pushed them away and stood up suddenly you became dizzy and could barely stand. The traveler catched you mid fall.
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It's been a year since rosalynes death. Right now you were standing in front of the tsaritsa claiming your title as a harbinger. You promised to be loyal to her majesty and also avenge your lover. There's no way your letting off the traveler or the electro archon after that. Just they wait, you'll claim a high rank in the harbingers and show them what true love can do.
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uravityxo · 3 months
closed starter for @deathonate ( rest of starter below cut , i wrote a lot ( for me at least ) ! )
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The future is uncertain. That's one thing that Ochako recently came to terms with. The muggy water that fogged her vision of a 'perfect future' left her mind with subtle doubt.. yet she remained strong- remained positive. Strength was what her classmates needed. Thus, she had to remain strong. She was the 'bubbly' one that always 'did her best'. Yet, with All-Mights retirement and Bakugou's return from being kidnapped... things were different. Everyone now lived together within dorms located on school site. They were around each other 24/7... the mask she had perfectly crafted after everything started to slowly slip. How much longer could she hold it up for?
However.. difference and change is needed for time to flow with ease, fate twisting expectations- as fate always has plans. Fate always finds a way.
Maybe fate is what lead to all of this, maybe thats why Ochako, who was laid on the sofa of the common room (with tears streaming down her face), overheard her friends Deku and Bakugou get scolded for some fight by her teacher. An internal battle started which caused conflict in her mind as she heard the broken voices from both of them. Her mind, the logical part of her, weeped for Deku- with a want to enter his room and sooth him. However.. her heart called for Bakugou, the one she... felt confused about- the one who was slowly stealing her heart piece by piece. Conflicted and confused, her mind battled between her head and her heart. Her friend or.. him.
The beating of her heart distracted her from her thoughts, the heavy thumping echoed throughout her body as her heartrate increased. Was this a sign? At this point- she wasn't sure whether it was a sign or delusion. Either way, she suddenly found herself snapped out of a trance as she stood outside someones door. Whose door? She didn't know. She hadn't even realised she had moved from her spot on the sofa during her minds internal debate... her body had just moved on its own.
It didn't take much to hear the sobs could from beyond the door.. were they sobs of sadness? Anger? Frustration? Or.. or maybe all of the above? Either way, she couldn't recognise these cries. Which felt unusual because she knew she could recognise her best friends cries from anywhere. Were the cries Bakugou's? What happened?
With a raised fist, Ochako quickly wiped her face dry and attempeted to surpress her tears before she knocked softly on the door. "Uhm... it's.. me? Uraraka. I... are you okay?" Her voice wavered, words caught in the back of her throat as the tears she had tried to surpress made their way back up. "I'm.. I'm coming in."
With an outreached hand she grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. Completely unprepared for whatever she'd see beyond the door. Yet she didn't care. All she cared for was being there for whoever was crying for help. She didn't care if it meant she had to lock away her own emotions behind her own door for just that bit longer.
However... that locked door that she used to hide away her emotions had holes in it. Holes that has been violently punched through by the events of the past. Holes that very clearly show exactly how she feels. The door of her emotions might as well have been unlocked, the layer of defense rendered useless by the ebb and flow of fate.
"Please don't lock me out." Ochako cried out as she hesitated to open the door, frozen in spot- where seconds felt like years. Before she pushed it open. "I want.. I need to help you!"
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candaru · 9 months
oh my god ok im gonna explode if I dont talk about final fantasy. nobody is gonna get this but thats ok its for me.
fuckcnkgin. ysayle riding into her final moments on the back of a dragon, fulfilling her lifelong dream only after realizing that it was a hallucination, channeling her primal of st shiva one final time with the full knowledge that its just herself, it was never anything but herself, it was a pipe dream but she's too far gone now to leave it behind. quite literally, there is nothing left for her besides the path she's on. she explodes into ice and aether and in her final moment of existence she leaves the rest of her dream in the hands of the others.
estinien, who she hates—but who was right in the end, wasn't he? wasn't he just following a delusion of redemption, same as her? some grander purpose to live for?
alphinaud, young and naive, suffering so much being stuck between them. he loved estinien so much but he shared her heart of hope and forgiveness.
aedrick, who likes to knit and cook. there was something about him she related to and she could never quite put her finger on it. if the story was different, maybe they could've been closer friends.
and then she's gone.
there is no afterlife, no light, no voice, no hydalin.
she's just gone.
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