larusthu · 6 months
new art🤫🤫
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astarioffsimpmain · 7 months
AHH thank you SO SO much for 300 followers!! I feel so welcomed and appreciated in this fandom, and I love writing and chatting and fangirling over these wonderful characters with you all! ❤️
As a thank you, I'll be writing a Part 2 of my very first fic on this blog, Consternation, which has been requested by many of you who read and supported it! 🥰
Thank you again, and I can't wait to keep loving on these characters with you. 💛🍁
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noriyucko · 10 months
I'm going to ask you a short but important question, what's your favourite madness combat episode?
im very biased towards madness 7 madness combat 7 madness consternation madness combat consternation bc its tricky centric episode, but also cuz it has my top fav madness track of the same name and is the one that gets the most shoot em up fan games based off it
the episode also gave the most “personality” to hank i liked seeing him as a loser who gets beat up and doesnt like it
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smbhax · 2 years
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Supermassive Black Hole A* episode 44, page 90 (detail 2): https://smbhax.com/?e=0044&d=0090
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weird-things-to-think · 3 months
Une persona muestra Verwirrung cuando inesperadamente iets onverwachts يحدث.
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Violence is the ultimate manifestation of human folly, a brutish display of ignorance and corruption that betrays the very essence of reason and empathy. It is a primitive impulse that shatters the fragile fabric of society, breeding only pain, fear, and relentless consternation. In its wake, violence leaves behind broken lives and shattered communities, proving that those who resort to it have succumbed to the darkest corners of corruption, where wisdom and humanity are eclipsed by the blind pursuit of power and control. To embrace violence is to reject the higher path of dialogue and understanding, condemning all involved to a cycle of destruction and despair.
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churchofnix · 3 months
Behold the hallowed halls of inquiry, where consternation, that restless specter, dances in the shadows of our certainty. In this cathedral of reason, doubt is no sin but a sacred call to arms, summoning the curious to the altar of evidence. Here, the scientific method stands as our steadfast creed, its principles etched in the stone of empirical rigor. With each hypothesis, we kneel; with every experiment, we rise, daring to glimpse the divine order hidden within chaos. Fear not the tempest of uncertainty, for it is the crucible in which knowledge is forged, and through the disciplined pursuit of truth, we transcend the shackles of ignorance, ascending ever closer to enlightenment.
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Consternation can be a powerful tool for manipulation, as it creates a state of confusion and anxiety, making you more susceptible to influence. By inducing consternation, manipulators can disrupt your critical thinking, pushing you to make hasty decisions that you might not otherwise consider. Don't let consternation control your choices; stay calm and think critically.
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faith-in-democracy · 3 months
Consternation, though often perceived negatively, can be a powerful catalyst for promoting civility and faith in democracy. When individuals experience consternation, they are confronted with the profound realization that their perspectives are not the only valid ones. This discomfort can compel them to engage in deeper reflection, foster empathy, and encourage dialogue across differing viewpoints. By embracing this emotional response, society can cultivate a culture of respect and understanding, where diverse opinions are valued and considered. In turn, this enhances the democratic process, as informed and compassionate citizens are more likely to participate actively, listen to each other, and work collaboratively towards common goals. Thus, consternation, when navigated thoughtfully, can be a vital force in strengthening the foundations of civility and trust in democratic institutions.
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The psychopathy of capitalism, a term denoting the ruthless and morally detached characteristics of capitalist systems, can be critically examined through the lens of consternation—a profound, often paralyzing, anxiety experienced by individuals and communities subjected to its imperatives. Capitalism, by its very nature, prioritizes profit maximization and efficiency over human welfare, fostering environments where social and ethical considerations are frequently subordinated to economic gain. This dynamic engenders a state of consternation among those marginalized by the relentless pursuit of capital, as they grapple with the systemic inequities and existential uncertainties it perpetuates. The psychopathic tendencies of capitalism manifest in the erosion of communal bonds and the dehumanization of labor, where individuals are reduced to mere instruments of production, their worth measured solely by their economic utility. This reductionist view exacerbates social alienation, heightening the sense of consternation as individuals confront the stark realities of dispossession and disenfranchisement within an ostensibly rational, yet profoundly indifferent, economic order. Thus, the psychopathy of capitalism not only disrupts the social fabric but also instills a pervasive unease, reflecting the deep-seated anxieties provoked by an economic system that operates with a callous disregard for the intrinsic value of human life and well-being.
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extremely-moderate · 3 months
Political compromise and consternation are the lifeblood of a thriving democracy, ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard and balanced solutions are crafted. From the establishment of the United States Constitution to landmark civil rights legislation, history shows that meaningful progress often stems from spirited debate and the willingness to find common ground. Political compromise is not about abandoning principles but about recognizing the shared humanity and common goals that bind us together. When leaders engage in genuine dialogue and constructive negotiation, they honor the democratic process and pave the way for policies that reflect the collective wisdom and needs of society. This commitment to collaboration and respect for differing viewpoints is essential for fostering unity, promoting social justice, and driving sustainable progress in an increasingly complex world.
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so-true-overdue · 3 months
Oh, the joy of watching glaciers melt away as if they were merely ice cubes in a glass of warm water. Isn't it delightful how our relentless pursuit of fossil fuels has gifted us with sweltering summers and increasingly erratic weather patterns? Let's not forget the charming rise in sea levels, gently nudging coastal cities toward a future underwater. The consternation, of course, is just an overreaction. Surely, the scientific consensus and the observable evidence are just exaggerated tales to keep us entertained. After all, what could possibly go wrong with pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere?
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decoding-narcissism · 3 months
Narcissists often employ consternation as a weapon to unsettle and control their victims, creating an environment of confusion and self-doubt. They skillfully manipulate situations to provoke anxiety and uncertainty, making their targets question their perceptions and sanity. For example, a narcissist might contradict themselves or deny previous statements, leaving others perplexed and doubting their memory. They may also use erratic behavior, such as sudden mood swings or unexpected accusations, to keep their victims off balance. This tactic, commonly known as gaslighting, is designed to erode confidence and ensure dependency on the narcissist for validation and reality. Identifying a narcissist involves recognizing patterns of manipulative behavior, such as consistent lying, grandiosity, lack of empathy, and an insatiable need for admiration, coupled with their tendency to induce and exploit consternation in their relationships.
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Holding people accountable for consternation, particularly family, friends, and colleagues, is essential for maintaining societal harmony and trust. Accountability ensures that individuals recognize the impact of their actions on others and take responsibility for rectifying any harm caused. In family and friendships, it fosters a culture of respect and understanding, where everyone feels valued and heard. For instance, addressing a friend's hurtful comment can prevent resentment and promote a more supportive relationship. Similarly, within families, holding members accountable for their actions can resolve conflicts and build stronger bonds based on mutual respect and empathy. This personal accountability translates to a more cohesive and trustworthy community, where individuals are more likely to act considerately and responsibly.
In the professional realm, accountability is crucial for the integrity and reliability of various professions. For example, in healthcare, medical professionals must hold each other accountable to ensure patient safety and maintain public trust in the healthcare system. If a doctor notices a colleague making repeated errors, addressing these concerns through appropriate channels can prevent potential harm and reinforce a culture of diligence and responsibility. Similarly, in the legal profession, lawyers must hold their peers accountable to uphold ethical standards and ensure justice. Failing to do so can lead to corruption and a loss of public confidence in the legal system. By fostering accountability, professions can maintain high standards of practice, safeguard their reputations, and ensure that they serve the public effectively and ethically.
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30ahchaleh · 5 months
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ـ میخوام شما را با یک نوع " بُـهـت " اگر آشنا نیستین آشنا کنم اما اول طبق معمول مقدمه سازی 🤪 ـ
پست رضاموتوری و اون دیالوگش که گذاشتم یادتونه
ـ " تو نمیدونی وقتی آدم تنها میشه به چه چیزهایی دل میبنده " ـ
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و حالا فیلم
Cast Away
ـ " دور افتاده " و شخصیت
⚠️ Alert Spoil ⚠️
⚠️ خطر لو رفتن فیلم ⚠️
Cast Away (2000)
آدم های تنها خوب میدونن این چه حسی‌ست و این مدل وابستگی چیست ، حتی تعجب هم نخواهی کرد اگه غرق این حس بشی حاضر باشی جان خودت رو به خطر بندازی تا پدیده ویلسون "این منجی‌ت" در تنهایی ، گم یا ناپدید نشه
که اگر شد ، همچون ژپتوی پیر توی دل "نهنگ وحشت" گیر می‌افتی و فقط با بازگشت پینوکیوت هست که میتونی از آن حبسگاه رها بشی
The Terrible Dogfish
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این مقدمه رو حالا میخوام بّست بدم به اینکه آیا بشر واقعا موجودی اجتماعی‌ست ؟
میدونیم یک سری کارها و خلق ها از سوی بشر به این واسطه پدید آمده که او در انزوا بسر برده که در غیر این صورت وقوع آنها غیر ممکن بوده
و صدالبته که یک سری کارها و خلق ها هم به خاطر وجه اجتماعی بودن بشر رخ داده که در غیر این صورت وقوع آنها نیز غیر ممکن بوده
اما نادیده گرفتن بستر انزوا به گونه ای که بشر را موجودی صرفا اجتماعی بدانیم با آنچه تجربه کردیم و میبینم در تناقض است
از نگاه من بشر موجودی دو وجهی‌ست هم اجتماعی هم منزوی
شاید این برداشت اشتباه اجتماعی بودن بشر ازآنجا نشات گرفته که بشر در "انزوا محض" آنهم در مدت زمان طولانی احتمال به خطر افتادن حیاتش بیشتر از بشر در اجتماع محض بدون داشتن انزوا و خلوت است و این یعنی مبنا سنجش کمیت حیات در کوتاه مدت است نه کیفیت حیات در بلند مدت !!!
در صورتی که این معیار سنجش ، درخور و شایسته بشر پیچیده نیست
پس چه بگوییم
بشر موجودی منزویست که در کنار اجتماع بودن برایش امری حیاتی‌ست
یا که بگوییم
بشر موجودی اجتماعی‌ست که در انزوا و خلوت ریست "بازنشانی ، بازآرایی" میشود مثل خواب که اگر نشود قاط میزند
و چه و چه
فرقی ندارد بشر به هر دوی این بستر ها احتیاج "مبرم" دارد
هدف من از نوشتن این متن تعریف درست با جمله بندی صحیح برای این دو وجه بودن بشر نیست این مهم با دیگران ، هدف من تلنگر آن بـُهت است که در ابتدا به آن اشاره کردم
از درونگرا ترین افراد تا برونگرا ترین ها ، از اجتماعی ترین افراد تا منزوی ترین آنها همه و همه در این دنیا احساس تنهایی میکنن آنهم بدجوری !
حال آیا خدایان مذهب‌ها و انواع ایدئولوژی های معبود محور ( کاری به آن کل ندارم که در پایان به آن اشاره خواهم کرد ) بلکه دقیقا منظورم خدایی است که آن مرام‌ها برای ما شرح میدهند، آیا آن خدا ها ! یک ویلسون نیستن که در این برهوت تنهایی به نجات آمده تا جاییکه بعضی به اصطلاح نجات یافتگان حاضرن برایش جان بدهند و از آن بد تر جان بگیرند ؟
آیا در "این وادی که گفتم" صَنم و خدا ، یگانه نیست که شاید ، شاید روزی به لطف آن مو فیروزه ای جان بگیرد
بنام خداوند جان و خِرد
: پ . ن :
در سال 2022 جناب تام هنکس در فیلم پینوکیو ساخت کمپانی دیزنی ظاهر شد گویا ایشون هم مثل من بسیار علاقه‌مند به این مفهوم هستن 😄
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weird-things-to-think · 3 months
So, consternashun is lik wen yu get al surprized an konfused an mayb a bit scard to. Itz lik wen yu see a cat sudnly jmp outta bush an yu go "ahhh!" an yer hart goes bumbumbum. Itz not a hapy surprize, more like uh-oh, wat now kinda thing. Yu kno? Al the brain bits go mixy-mix an yu jus stand there wif a big "wut???" on yer face. Consternashun is wen evrythin feels lik a big muddle an yu dunno wat to do or wats happnin next.
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