#notion ideas
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perfectlyoongi-main · 29 days ago
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⋮ cole's notion.˳˳.⋅˙ᐧ.˳˳.⋅ॱᐧ.˳˳.⋅ઇଓ ⠀⌇ tutorial, to be added. ♡
⋮ HOMEPAGE, a visual diary .ᐟ ⋮ my works, ORIGINAL .ᐟ ⋮ my works, FANFICTION .ᐟ ⋮ TRACKERS, literature, cinematography .ᐟ ⋮ my dreams, ORIGINAL CHARACTERS .ᐟ
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⋮ my works, ORIGINAL .ᐟ ⠀⌇ COLORBLIND, a dystopian novel ♡ ⠀⌇ HYROL'S SONG, a fantasy dream ♡ ⠀⌇ FOREVER & ONE DAY, a romantic whisper ♡ ⠀⌇ THE BLOOMING OF HOPE, to be added.
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⋮ my works, FANFICTION .ᐟ ⠀⌇ ANIME, a love letter to NARUTO ♡ ⠀⌇ K-POP, a love letter to BTS ♡
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prettieinpink · 2 years ago
Notion page ideas !!
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For my girlies that have no idea in what to put in their notion, this is 4 u !!!!
Weekly planner
This is so convenient for anyone who doesn’t like repetitive routines!! Basically what i do is that I assign a theme to each day of the week, then add tasks that play into that theme. E.g Mindfulness monday, healthy tuesday, educational wednesday, spiritual thursday, rejuvenating friday, productive saturday and resetting sunday are mine <3 
Weekly journal
Keeping track of the weeks in the year and how you feel about them is just so tiring on paper, so i decided to put them on notion instead. BEST IDEA EVER!!! Basically I just journal about my past week and what i except for next week. Heres the template I created that I use for my weekly journals !
Rate the week
Reflect (brain dump)
What didn’t go to plan?
How do you feel this week?
What good came out of this week?
What was I grateful for this week? 
Write down next week’s plan
How can I improve myself next week?
How do I want to feel next week?
A mini library!!
This is literally so cute I'm telling you, especially if you love reading or want to become a more active reader. Basically, you keep a record of the books you read, how long you took to read them, review them and keep track of the books you want to read !!
Music library  
Omfg this literally changed my life. Instead of just liking songs and following artists on spotify, I know keep tracks of my faves songs and artists. Now it’s literally so easy creating playlists that play into a specific mood + its just fun keeping track 
A wish&need list 
For my girlies that love to spend and shop !! Keep track of things that you need currently and things that you want to buy when you can. It’s so fun and convenient when you do actually go shopping.
Pt 2????
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sugar-plum-senpai · 11 months ago
Manga-Themed Notion Template
So I want to create another manga-themed Notion template using manga caps from this fabulous account: https://twitter.com/MangaContexts/status/1776295167495999727
But idk what sort of template to create?? A prompted journal maybe??
Feel free to comment below with some ideas :)
And be sure to check out my stuff on Ko-fi!
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dreambymay · 1 month ago
Love.No ❤️
Hello Dreamers! 🤓
The next item is a Notion template designed for couples. This template allows you to share it with your partner, making it super convenient for managing your relationship. You can use it to document precious memories, dates, journaling, and save special moments. It also allows you to plan important dates and manage your Couple's Finance, which is crucial for any relationship. I've also included some other useful pages in this template:
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Ready-to-check-in dashboard
Dates scheduling
Memories journaling
Goals tracking
Travel log
Finance tracking
Date ideas list
Couple's bucket list
Love notes
Daily messages
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These are just a few of the useful pages and sections included. I will upload a video on the DreamByMay YouTube channel with more details, so feel free to check it out.
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If you'd like to support, the Love.No Template is available for 20,000 Ks. 🧡
Notion is an incredibly useful productivity app, whether for personal use, office, or school work. You can learn more about Notion in the posts below that I've shared before, or check out YouTube for guides on how to use it. It’s an amazing app, and I highly recommend it!
What is Notion - Link
Digital Bullet Journaling - Link
Since this is a digital product, once you confirm your order, the link will be sent to you via chat or email. You can easily duplicate it to your Notion workspace and start using it right away.
Thank you so much, Dreamers! 🙏🏻 xoxo 😘 • M A Y •
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like you guys know warwick is supposed to be a metaphor, right?
and by 'you guys' I am talking to the writers of Arcane S2 (2024), who appear to have forgotten this.
like warwick, in a strictly plot sense, is something that is done to vander. but warwick, in a narrative sense, is supposed to be a metaphor. you understand that, right?
it's a metaphor for the monster within the man?
the hound of the underground?
the way suffering breeds cruelty breeds monsters - the uncaged wrath of zaun?
the sins of his past come back to haunt him?
the violence he tried to leave behind, but never could?
"i knew you still had it in you."?
Sometimes, as he fed in dark alleys on stray gangers, the flash of knives would remind him of an old blade covered in blood. Blood passing from the blade to his hands. From his hands, to everything he touched. Sometimes, he remembered the girl again. And still there was blood. It had always been there, he realized, his entire life, and nothing he did could wash it off. He'd left so many scars that even if he didn't remember his past, the city would. When he peered into the eyes of Zaun's criminals - the gang bosses, murderers, and thieves - he saw himself.
that's the warwick we should have gotten in S2. vander the grey, not vander the unproblematically whitewashed. vander the revolutionary who brought his gauntlets to that bridge to fight for a future; the base violence necessary for change. vander with blood on his hands, just as much as the partner he scapegoated for it; tried to bury in the pilt along with his own guilt; not just vander who felt aw shucks real sorry about the attempted murder that one time. vander the complex. vander who sold out zaun's resistance to ease his own shame. vander the reckoning with his own complicity; his own violence; his own original sin. vander whose murkiness helps vi unpack her black and white worldview, and let go of the rose-tinted past to which she clings; understand jinx, even understand silco; understand that it's not just about Individual Bad People doing Individual Bad Things to Individual Good People, and Individual Good People who have to defeat the Individual Bad People, but that this is something far bigger and far older than any of them, a whole rotten system of misery and oppression that turns people into monsters. that the thing that turned vander into a monster, METAPHORICALLY, happened long before he met singed.
vander the monster, as well as vander the man.
instead, we got whatever this shit is:
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months ago
if you devalue dressmaking and other clothing-related trades in your historical narrative, you have to reread The Female Economy by Wendy Gamber and leave flowers on Elizabeth Keckley's grave
I don't make the rules
(this post brought to you by: too many damn websites saying that Jeanne Villepreux-Power started as a Mere Dressmaker and rose to become a Great And Mighty Marine Biologist. when she designed and fitted and may have hand-sewn a princess' wedding dress at the age of 22. like. that sounds like she was already pretty successful, knowledgeable, and talented to me- but I guess because it wasn't in a field that usually-male arbiters of history have decided was valuable, it doesn't count or something?)
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premiumbitch · 1 month ago
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omg I finally finished one of my shifting script templates (thank the stars LMAO) hope you guys enjoy ! please let me know if there's something wrong with it or if it's not working ! more coming soon
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HERE IT ITS! ENJOY (pls let me know what you think of the theme!):
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palatinewolfsblog · 6 months ago
On Snowflakes... "Yes I've heard this word. I think sociopaths use it in an attempt to discredit the notion of empathy." John Cleese.
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wickedlyqueer · 8 days ago
i have to say that it's been very interesting and endearing seeing this new wave of gelphie/glinda fans that have come up from the movie. tho i'm not sure i necessarily agree with this new popular take i've seen going around that glinda is basically the wizard's prisoner after defying gravity. like i love glinda, but she's very morally gray in the musical (maybe in the book too, but it's been a while since i've read it). i'm curious what you're thoughts are on this interpretation.
Oh, it's clear I'm on the outskirts bc i don't remember seeing this take. :')
Regardless, if it's like an idea people like to explore in their fics or art or even just in their mind, that's totally valid. I'm not going to police people's takes they like to explore (and neither should anyone else tbh). That's what fandom is all about, after all!
If it's used to explain canon, then I honestly need more information than your distilled ask tbh? Like, in a very literal sense, Glinda is not the Wizard's prisoner. She could leave if she wants to, making her not a prisoner.
But that doesn't mean Glinda isn't very much trapped and stuck in this idea of being "Glinda the Good". In that sense she is - metaphorically speaking - very much a prisoner in her own prison, which happens to be located in the Wizard's prison.
From the musical's Thank Goodness we know that "all her dreams came true". She's popular, she has her fiancee. She fully believes in this Societal Ideal™ that has been projected onto people, and pursuits it without question.
until she finally gets it and slowly realizes... she's fucking miserable. Of course she is! It's Glinda's tragic flaw that she is so calculating in how to move on the board, that she misses the opportunity to follow her actual heart's desires.
In that sense, I think it's more (canon) accurate that Glinda will always willingly walk into a prison of her own making. Because at least then she knows what to expect. And in a way, that brings safety and control. Even if it comes at the cost of being miserable.
She only steps out of her prison when she realizes Morrible was behind Nessa's death, and tries to salvage what can be salvagable. But by that point, the pieces on the board have already moved too far out of her reach. Her window of opportunity to follow her own heart (and be with Elphie) is gone. And the only logical move, is to walk back into her own prison.
The Wizard doesn't need to keep Glinda as his prisoner. He knows she'll do it herself.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 10 months ago
Coach Beard has a secret Traitors Club. It consists of himself, Nate and Jamie, ie people who have (at least in the opinion of one Willis Beard) betrayed Ted Lasso – but who have also learned the error of their ways through the goodness of Ted’s gentle heart.
(Yes, yes, you might argue that Jamie’s insulting remarks about Ted in 1x10 is a reasonable reaction to what, from Jamie’s POV, looks like Ted unreasonably dumping him, but a, I’m not sure that Beard knows that, and b, I’m not sure that Beard cares about that. You might also argue that Nate and Jamie have both learned a lot of stuff from people other than Ted, but: see the a and b of the previous sentence. And anyway, this is Beard’s club and you don’t get a say in his absurd selection criteria.)
Beard doesn’t inform anyone of the club’s existence. That includes the other members, Nate and Jamie, who just suddenly finds themselves regularly invited out for drinks with the most mysterious man either of them have ever met.
There are a lot of weird but oddly good talks about feelings. There are silences neither Jamie nor Nate know what to do with. And then there’s the football strategy chatter, which unites them all in a wild and eager frenzy, and an unexpected but pleasant sense of shared understanding.
Nate think it’s nice that Beard wants to hang and he’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth anyway, so he doesn’t question the set-up. Jamie generally assumes that given the choice anyone would always choose to hang with him always, so. He’ll indulge his coach. They have a shared love of trivia.
Eventually Beard learns of Rebecca’s early transgressions, and (secretely) inducts her into the secret club. Club meetings get a whole lot more interesting from there on out.
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tiredspacedragon · 26 days ago
Y'know given the Great Beings' less than enlightened views on gender, it's very easy to imagine the female members of the group as more feminist in their thinking and simply being drowned out in a male-dominated group. But given what we know about the Great Beings, namely their core trait of being brilliant creative geniuses and monumentally stupid at the exact same time, I think it's more in line with the characterization of the group if the women are just as Weird about it as the men, if not more so. Much less underappreciated girlboss, much more...divine feminine. Y'know, thinking they're so far beyond misogyny and then turning around and doing gender essentialism, aka misogyny in a different hat, but framing it as a good thing so they can feel like they're so advanced about it. That's more the vibe I'd expect.
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wellnessgirlblog · 2 years ago
My Notion homepage
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I think it looks so cute <3
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cdroloisms · 6 months ago
Cdream be like: You can't put yourself in the Prison anymore bc of the woke >:(/lh
That man is a mess like it's facinating how messy his vision of reality is for others and himself
it is fascinating fr, and does remind me of how we'd talk a little bit about how his perspective may betray what kind of environment this guy might've been in pre-dsmp. the stick-up-his-ass about rules and rule-following, the neuroticism about conflict, and the ease with which he jumps to punishment as being the appropriate response to people who cause problems (a perspective that, quite evidently, to a certain extent, does apply to himself, doesn't it?) all seems quite indicative of someone who lived in an environment where punishment being the natural consequence of stepping outside the lines was generally something that went unquestioned. of course, this is speculative, and it's not that a #tragicbackstory is necessary to explain what the fuck is up with c!Dream, and it's hardly about justifying the choice to abuse a teenager into behaving, lmao. but while exile served his goals and exile was a lot of petty, spiteful cruelty for petty, spiteful reasons, i do think there's something to be said about how clearly c!Dream hadn't expected c!Tommy to respond quite so severely to exile and how he thought he would be "fine" with potatoes in the prison and the language he used both about exile and his own early prison stay about shit like "getting better" through punishment. of course, punitive justice as a norm is kind of ingrained in our own society (just look at the rhetoric around deserving in this fandom, lmao, which speaks more than well enough for itself) and of course that reflects onto the dream smp as well, considering how many of the characters talk quite freely about the idea of punishment/deserving/what have you, but few characters are quite as obviously a stickler for rule-following as c!dream and exile and then prison are uhhh definitely on the more extreme end of things. anyway. just some food for thought
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lostsyren · 16 days ago
࿇ Find me on TikTok: @syr3nedits
{warnings: slight nsfw? idk…i kinda got carried away}
Sofia sometimes dreams of the perfect white wedding– her veil tickling her skin, the smell of calla lilies from her bouquet, the sound of string music serenading her down the aisle.
It would be in the chapel her parents got married in, with the dark wood pews, coruscating stain glass, stretching rafters and white painted walls.
She dreams of him standing at the end of the aisle, obfuscated by the gauzy veil shielding her eyes, but despite the wispy, silver shroud, Sofia can still make out the undeniable smile gracing Rafe’s face.
In her dream they kiss, like they did after he slipped the ring on her finger: breathless, desperate, wild.
His hands hook onto her hip, grip tight and unrelenting. Her satiny dress feels like gossamer stuck to her skin that he clings to, dipping her body into another, sinking kiss.
Flower petals surround them in a euphoric flurry, as he carries her down the steps of the chapel. It’s all so hazy and soft, as if the image in her mind was bleached by the sun.
The dream shifts. They’re no longer at the chapel. They’re in his room at Tannyhill. It’s not strange they’re there, even though Sofia knows he’s sold it.
She sits at the edge of the king sized bed, noticing the red rose petals scattered across the brocade. She picks one up, rubbing her thumb across its waxy pelt.
Rafe is at the window, pulling his tie off, his back to her. Sofia feels for her veil, realising it’s no longer on her head. That’s when Rafe turns around, eyes on her instantly. He says something that’s indecipherable, but she somehow understands, so she gets up.
Rafe nears her with a softness in his gait. His hands once again slip around her waist, before he spins her around in a gentle dance. His chin comes down to rest on her forehead, as Sofia stretches her arm up to rest around his neck.
They dance and dance and dance, until she feels his hand slips lower and lower, unclasping the line of buttons that runs down the small of her back .
Sofia does the same, shucking off his button up shirt, the two of the undressing each other whilst they eddy across the room in a slow, heady idle.
He directs her to bed, and before she knows it, he’s on top of her, skin against skin, mouth against mouth. Everything’s hazy again. But the haze is no longer white like the cobwebbed veil, but dark swathes of red cloud her vision– the red of her eyelids pressed shut as he grinds into her with steady, delicious strokes; the red of his heartbeat thudding beside her own; the red of his tongue lapping against her flushed skin.
Her ivory dress and his starched shirt are long discarded, the white fabric pooled on the floor, replaced with florid pleats of pillowy skin pressed together and the smeared red of lipstick staining already wine tinted mouths.
Rafe devours her gasps and moans, swallowing them up with voracious kisses. His pace is resolute, his fingers are bruising.
Sofia looks up at him, confused at why he’s scowling down at her.
“Is it true?” He asks. She hears his words perfectly now. Sofia just tries to kiss him again, but he dodges her lips.
“God after everything I did for you?” He spits and it feels like Sofia’s heart falters. But still, he continues to pound into her, his forehead pressed against hers.
She opens her mouth to say something, say anything, but her throat is dry and her tongue is heavy.
Rafe picks up his momentum, pushing her further into the mattress. She’s crying as well as moaning, her body writhing in pleasure while her heart wallows in pain.
“We’re done…done.” He says, punctuating his words with one final kiss, all twisted lips and clashing teeth, harsh enough so that she could taste blood– his or hers she didn’t know.
And that’s when she cums. Hard and fast, the taste of metal in her mouth and blood rushing across her scrunched eyelids, feeling like her body is dissolving into the bed underneath her, the rose petals plastered against her naked skin.
The dream fades and Sofia wakes up with a shuddering gasp, jerking up from her sleep. It takes a while for her to regulate her uneven pants, but when she does, she takes in her empty room, the sky still dark outside, her bed empty and a sticky mess between her thighs.
She reaches for her phone, trying for Rafe’s number, but it goes straight to voicemail, the shrill, consecutive beep droning on like a crying child.
Sofia ends the call and lies back in bed, closing her eyes so she can be taken by dreams yet again, since it’s the only way she’ll get to see him.
It was like she was playing Russian roulette with her subconscious– would he kiss her and hold and tell her everything was going to be okay, or would her shun her, push her, spit horrible words at her until she cried.
Sofia preferred the former, but it didn’t matter; she got off to both.
Her hand slips down the line of her stomach and past the waistband of her underwear, fingers running through her warmth, as she flutters her eyes closed again, trying her best to remember her dream– remember his cold, blue eyes and soft embrace that she so desperately misses beside her in the vacant bed.
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computer-bouquet · 1 month ago
alright but not only is ian breaking out in hives bc he misses poppy so much it's physically causing him pain. not only is ian so anxious abt poppy maybe loving her boyfriend more than she loves him, so afraid of having to find out who he is when she's farther away than arm's length, so terrified of losing her forever, that he is literally tearing at his flesh with his fingernails.
but there's also the fact that That's Poppy's Symptom. they've spent so long under each other's skin that his skin is forgetting which one of them it belongs to.
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kindahoping4forever · 11 months ago
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📸: Emilia Staugaard for Behind The Blinds magazine
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