#not you beloved aros
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the-chains-cafe · 24 days ago
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Hope every single Pringle (like me) survived Valentine’s Day
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what the fuck why am i actually crying real tears at the scene of riz and his dad oh my god
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ann-lol · 2 days ago
To all the aro and ace peeps out there, you guys are AWESOME!! So don’t let anyone tell you otherwise :)
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stiltonbasket · 18 days ago
we've had ace lxc...what about ace nmj?
This ask scratched my brain in all the right places because Nie Mingjue is asexual in most of my verses, but the reader doesn't know because he doesn't know. I imagine him falling in love with Lan Xichen at the tender age of 14, never wavering in his affections, and then being surprised but not even remotely disappointed when Lan Xichen explains that sex just isn't for him. If someone asked him why he wasn't disappointed, he'd say something like "a life spent with Xichen is everything I could wish for, no matter the terms" and then not pursue that train of thought for another nanosecond.
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wayfayrr · 8 months ago
ok so you didn't give a like request limit and i'm aro and kind of starved for platonic writing so i'll try to keep a lid on it! but "I showed you genuine kindness and it was maybe the first time you’d ever experienced it and accidentally ended up becoming more of a parent to you than your “real” blood family ever was. Uh. Do you want to play catch in the park or" with hyrule?
Don't worry about it, I get being starved for representation which is part of why I reblogged them as prompts <3 (also lol I imagine for this reader and rulie are similar ages but reader is just a couple years or so older think like 19/16 kinda gap almost)
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The rest of the chain were starting to pick up on how close you and rulie had gotten as of recent. From the minute you'd first ruffled his hair sitting at the campfire, the dynamic started to shift.
It was almost as if he was trying to please you, similar to a kid trying to prove himself to a parent with wind seeing some similarities between how he acted with linebeck.
It only really started to matter when they noticed that he'd prioritise your healing, not much, but enough to notice his favouritism. Just enough for you to have to tell him to rest, that you'd be fine, that he didn't need to stress over it.
But it all got confusing when the links started to refer to him with your last name, especially with how confused they were when they did it. Coincidentally it just had to happen when they were all in your world again, leading to your current line of questioning.
"So... I showed you genuine kindness and it was maybe the first time you’d ever experienced it and accidentally ended up becoming more of a parent to you than your “real” blood family ever was?"
"Is that why the others..."
"I am a fae, I thought it would be more fitting for me to share your name."
"Okay, okay that's fine. Well uh, do you want to play catch in the park or go talk about this?"
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aroace-wizard · 2 years ago
Why Alastor deserves more love
he’s canonically aroace, he has a great design
I rest my case
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sageourplanetmeow · 4 days ago
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Brett Hand My Beloved (Platonically)
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rolaplayor101 · 1 year ago
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not me saving every panel with Laius and Izutsumi being aro and or ace 🫣
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razzle-zazzle · 7 months ago
betrothal au is so funny actually. jay & cole are still beefing because of the love triangle, except cole has been engaged to skylor the whole time. chen made sure that cole and skylor's rooms are next to each other so kai has to look to the balcony on the other side of cole's to make googoo eyes at skylor. skylor unintentionally cracks kai's egg. kai sees cole and skylor doing a lil waltz in the courtyard one night and immediately joins jay in giving cole the stinkeye over lunch. chen sees cole and skylor sneaking off and gets one of his underlings to play romantic music in whatever room they go to. clouse suggests just using a love potion to ensure cole turns against the ninja but chen wants that to happen organically because he thinks it's funny/more satisfying. cole and skylor make up stupid pet names that make no sense. soap opera level drama. chen going all bridezilla for what should be his daughter's special day, bc he's chen.
it's all so funny. to me <3
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artemx746 · 1 month ago
the moment more people start putting allo characters into queerplatonic relationships is the day I can die happy
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year ago
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Get. Lost
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!]
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to-bot-or-not-to-bot · 5 months ago
Me during my first playthrough of stardew valley, trying to make perfection:
Me: Oh hey friendo here's a gift so we can be besties :)
The bachelors: Haha could you imagine me as a farmer
Me: Uh I guess
The bachelors: Hehe you must like me so much
Me: I- Yeah as a friend?
The bachelors: I WANT YOU
Me: Please I just want your family recipe and an achievement
Krobus: Oh can we be friends? :)
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everyone-with-a-para · 7 months ago
I hope everyone with a para that believes they don't feel love properly has a great day
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ignus-moth · 11 months ago
queer representation shouldn’t be limited to romances.
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stormbreaker-290 · 6 months ago
This wasn’t asked BUT I follow you becauseeeeee,,,
You’re an extremely cool, fantastic, amazing person with amazing art as a bonusssss. You’re a silly fella, a fun, kind, humorous, unhinged /vpos person :3
COOL art!!!!! And such a COOL, pretty person to go with it!!!!! You’re just fulllllll of fantastic ideas :3
You are an absolute joy to be around and interact with :]]]]]]]
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EXPLODES you with my MIND /aff/vpos
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variousqueerthings · 2 years ago
also interesting because I just watched a video doing a rundown on the history of queerness in doctor who, which naturally had a lot dedicated to aro and/or ace reads of the doctor, which at one point discussed that ofc reading the alien character specifically as such can be alienating (not... that as an aroace person my own reads would be attempting to alienate... myself... although also here insert other discussion about how the aliens often are just the blank slate upon which non-normative behaviours are placed, so it makes sense to see the neurodivergent/disabled/queer/otherwise othered body reflected from them, while also understanding that this means the world views you as inherently alien, while also being like "sure, yeah, I always have done," while also knowing that's dehumanisation, while also...)
but, when it's consciously done, when does this alien being (whatever narrative we're looking at) resonate through the lens of xyz because we're interested in how social structures built Not on today's earth human constructs could end up in wildly interesting different spaces in which what is non-normative to us is presented as normative to them (thus making an argument of stop being such freaks against trans kids, for example), and also when do we read those characters as incongruent with their own societies (I think also here of star trek's the outcast and rejoined, which blend queerness as we recognise it in our societies with characters who break alien normative structures as expressions of an alien queerness, and then there's ofc left hand of darkness in which gender-and-sexuality is at the centre of the political narrative and it's queer on multiple in-universe and out-of-universe levels)
for example, the doctor isn't really an outsider timelord if we look at them through the lens of genderbending regeneration -- that's normalised in that society in canon, and the interesting thing there is usually how that interacts with human social constructs and politics of gender and as a scifi way of deconstructing and dissembling real life consturcts... but they are clearly an outsider in terms of many other things they do, for example seeming neurodivergent if looked at through a human lens and a timelord lens
so where do aromantic and asexual reads fit in there?
well to start with aro!doctor -- I am into the science-fiction ability to create societies with completely different expressions of "connection" that eschew simple human monogamous ideas and histories, but if we were to take that second lens as well of "what if the doctor is aromantic as an identity and not simply as an alien," the doctor continuously (with the exception of romana and the master) creates deep connections with beings that don't have a particularly long lifespan/aren't timelords, especially considering they're near-immortal. and with romana and the master there seems to be a different set of rules happening there than anything one might describe as uncomplicatedly romantic, bitter exes vibe of the doctor/the master acknowledged
the doctor interests me from the lens of "aromantic as non-normative/queer from the pov from both our and timelord society" because they seem to continuously struggle with people not accepting the connections that they're offering them. the doctor's way of having a relationship is often not "enough", isn't easy to describe/vague, and people get jealous or angry or feel betrayed for reasons that isn't the doctor's fault, because there simply seems to be a lack of language to properly describe it in easy digestible terms
that is... a very aromantic experience
and then sometimes the doctor will just have little non-romantic connections that work, like donna -- and, despite not being my favourite seasons, the bits where the doctor simply lives with/drops in on the ponds is very sweet. and the tardis of course. am a "doctor-and-the-tardis are a matching pair and one without the other is wrong, but it's not romantic" person at heart, beyond anything else
(I am interested in how this will play once my rewatch gets me back to 13 and I can watch until the end, because I know yaz confesses that she's in love with the doctor near the end, and the doctor has an interesting reaction from what I understand)
(I guess at this point asexuality is another post)
but yeah. I think I'm not saying anything new with regards to the writing of aliens (and android and otherwise non-human characters), in that obviously one would like to imagine some interest in exploring these forms of non-normativity outside of "well that's an alien" (she's an alien and he's gay) but also there's reasons we're all so into aliens
genderbending genderfluid regenerating aliens is all well and good, but it only becomes really interesting in this case when we see trans/non-binary/genderfluid/genderbending humans (as is coming up soon! and I hope we see many more actors of the trans and gender non-conforming persuasion on this show!) similarly -- while I do think we have had more than a taste (donna my heart and soul honestly) of that non-alloromantic queerplatonic vibes doctor-companion dynamic -- I'd be fascinated in what a consciously aro (and maybe ace also) companion opposite the doctor would be like, how that would restructure their relationship with the doctor, compared to others who had expectations that the doctor couldn't ever hope to fulfill, like rose, martha (although they did let down martha in many ways that had nothing to do with romance), amy, possibly yaz, (here the confession that I never did get much of what was going on with clara but maybe this watch will clarify for me), possibly sarah-jane, possibly river song although she seems to have just kind of gone with it I guess, possibly romana... heck, possibly the master (I guess possibly that american woman from the movie, I forget her name... I cannot remember rn if other companions ever expressed an interest like that in them, but if so, then them too)
also I just want to rub moffat's face in it if I'm being honest. writing snide commentary about what was described as "asexual" doctor pre-nu!who, in a way that very much encompassed aroness (because romance-and-sex has so often been and still is put under one header), and totally misunderstanding why fans were into it or why it's interesting, and then being obsessed ever since with his weird little crusade of making doctor who "sexier" and alloromantic and imo utterly failing, despite it all
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