#cole: my darling wife—
razzle-zazzle · 21 days
betrothal au is so funny actually. jay & cole are still beefing because of the love triangle, except cole has been engaged to skylor the whole time. chen made sure that cole and skylor's rooms are next to each other so kai has to look to the balcony on the other side of cole's to make googoo eyes at skylor. skylor unintentionally cracks kai's egg. kai sees cole and skylor doing a lil waltz in the courtyard one night and immediately joins jay in giving cole the stinkeye over lunch. chen sees cole and skylor sneaking off and gets one of his underlings to play romantic music in whatever room they go to. clouse suggests just using a love potion to ensure cole turns against the ninja but chen wants that to happen organically because he thinks it's funny/more satisfying. cole and skylor make up stupid pet names that make no sense. soap opera level drama. chen going all bridezilla for what should be his daughter's special day, bc he's chen.
it's all so funny. to me <3
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djkerr · 3 months
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TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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fraugwinska · 6 months
Since your requests are open… can I request Alastor taking care of his sick wife? The crew noticed their mia and Alastor slinks away to their hotel room to find them dying (metaphorically) in their nest of blankets?
Thank you ;—; I love your writing sm! ฅ(•ㅅ•)ฅ
Whew - that was a first for me :D Switching it up for a little Alastor POV ;> I hope you like it, lovely Anon! (P.S. - The song mentioned is 'Unforgettable' by Nat King Cole)
In Sickness and in Health
Alastor's day couldn't get better – adding another, large territory to his nicely growing collection, visiting his dear friend Rosie along the way, and now returning to his diddy hotel, full of entertainment, and with his lovely wife waiting for his return: He was in a rightfully jolly mood.
He'd left so early in the morning, letting his love sleep in deep, heavy breaths, he was wondering what she had been up to this day? On the way back, he stopped by the florist, careful not to touch the delicate, burgundy blossoms of the chrysanthemums, her favourites.
He entered the hotel to find the residents deeply engaged in another of the princess's silly bonding activities – a game of charades, as it seemed. Alastor watched them with curiosity as Angel Dust gestured wildly, while the others screamed in chaos, throwing guesses his way.
„Fuck, man, come on! I'm making it OBVIOUS here!“, Angel moaned, throwing his hands frustrated into the air.
„The hell you are – you look like you're hurlin' yo' last drink like a garden sprinkler.“, Husk replies dryly, rubbing his temples, while the girls just look confused.
„It's fucking MOTORBOATING, jesus christ on a cracker!“
The group groans, exept for Vaggie, who runs over to him and grabs the card the flamboyant spider waves around.
„It's just 'Motorboat', you idiot.“ „Potayto, Potahto.“
Alastor, having heard enough of that nonsense, closed the entrance noisily. Charlies head whipped around to see him.
„Oh, hey Alastor, you're back early.“, she chirped, ignoring the still arguing group behind her. Alastor walked over and smiled down at her. „Business went better than I expected, dear. And you all are as... aspiring as ever, I see?“ He let his gaze fall back to the group, counting – five heads. Not six. „Would you happen to know where my darling doe is?“
Charlie blinked. „Umm.“, she turned to look at the group, as if she expected her to be there. Alastors eyes narrowed as the princess asked timidly if anyone had seen her.
„Nope, not me.“ „Didn't turn up on the bar, either.“ „She missed breakfast, too“ Alastor huffed, feeling anger bubbling up in his stomach at the blatant negligence of his companions. He left Charlie and the others standing without a word, looking rightfully guilty and shouting apologies at his back. He made a mental note to plan an appropriate response to this mishap, and fastened his steps to his suite.
He knocked on the door, softly. No response. He listened intensely. „My love, are you in there?“ A quiet groan, muffled through thick wood and creaking walls, barely audible.
He opened the door his eyes searching through the dimly lit room - the curtains of the windows were still closed, just like he left them this morning.
„Alastor?“, he heard your voice, weak and tired, from inside the pile of cushions, pillows and blankets piled up on the shared bed.
He quickly set the flowers down on the bureau before he peeled layers of fabric off the built fort to reveal his precious doe – face reddened, hair damp with sweat and deep, panting in straint breaths. Her eyes opened slowly, they were watery and dull.
„Hello...“, she said, a small smile on her dried lips. „Hello, my love.“, he answered, brushing her hair out her face with timid fingers – when they touched her forehead, it was burning hot. Alastor frowned.
„You are sick, my doe....“ She hummed in response. A shiver made her pull the blankets around her closer to her. „I think I'm dying again.“ Alastor chuckled softly, cupping her cheek - heat poured from her scorching skin into his cold palms.
„Always so dramatic. No love, you're certainly not dying. Boiling yourself, maybe. You have a raging fever, sweet thing.“
„Potayto, Potahto...“, she murmured. Alastor scrunched his nose – Angel Dust certainly had a bad influence on his wife.
„Now, now, no reason to call for the mortician, love. Let's get you out of these dampened clothes for a start, shall we?“
She whined from the coldness he exposed her to, grabbing his arms as he pulled her out of the many layers of fabric and peeled the sweat-drenched clothes from her burning body. Her usually smooth and tender skin was colored in angered flushes of read, mimicking the blazing temperature she radiated. While he worked on getting her in fresh, clean pajamas, he murmured soft reassurances and sweet words of comfort to her.
Alastor knew she hated the feeling of helplessness a sickness brought with it. Her demise had been sudden, painful and most importantly lonely, having no one by her side while the disease had eaten her alive.
He placed her back into bed, a snap of his fingers had disassembled the abhorrent nest she had built, linens clean, soft and dry. She whimpered when he opened the windows to let some fresh air into the room, but sighed in sweet relief when the cold cloth he conjured for her cooled her forehead.
“Can you play something for me?”, she whispered after he had convinced her to drink some water, her lids heavy and almost out of consciousness.
Alastor brushed her cheeks tenderly.
“Of course my treasured girl.”
He pulled the chair from his bureau next to the bed, settling down with her hand in his. He chose the song carefully – it was the one she and him first danced to, when he and her were two singulars still, instead of one plural.
The soft tunes of the celeste and piano drove the dreadful, deafening silence out of the room, and when Nat King Coles voice started to serenade, her face relaxed into a serene smile, breaths flattening into calm draws of air.
Alastor watched his wife drift into healing slumber, her skin color already fading into her more normal shade. Relieved, he stroked his thumb delicately over her fingers, still safely wound around his. Yes. Alastor knew she hated the helplessness a sickness brought with it. But at least, this time, he could be there to guide her through it.
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AN- Serving you these sweet preferences is my duty... even though it means failing mathematics test, cause I can't pass it anyway 🤣
Requests are always open and well appreciated!
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
HOTD Preferences
Defending Your Honor
Characters- Daemon Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Otto Hightower, Corlys Velaryon, Cregan Stark and Criston Cole.
Warnings- Slut-shaming, Curse, Murder (Daemon and Aemond), Fighting and Cutting off... something
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Daemon 'Rogue Prince' Targaryen
You were Daemon Targaryen's paramour, with nothing to your name but his love and devotion. A mere dressmaker who somehow charmed the prince.
While your relationship was purely based on emotional supports and the physical attributes followed way later, the nobles didn't share the same thoughts.
Behind your back, you could hear their derogatory comments over you, questioning your relationship with the infamous prince.
"She must have a tight cunt for the prince to keep her so close."
"I am sure she is a witch and has fucked her magic into prince Daemon."
"There is no doubt that she will be ready to fuck and undress herself in front of anyone for money."
While Daemon would hear anything about himself with amusement, hearing things as such for his beloved made his blood boil.
In a feast in the honor of his own nameday, he made sure you were seated next to him with the Royal Family.
The family was welcoming but the courtiers weren't.
And he hears them again.
And goes crazy.
At the abrupt end of the feast, the Noble degrading you and your honor was taken to the Silent Sisters with a separated head or probably something even harsher.
Aemond 'One-Eyed' Targaryen
Aemond loves you a lot.
Everyone loves you, honestly. Except for some who think you are some scheming bitch, which secretly includes Otto.
During a normal session of the court, Aemond hears a member of a vassal house of Lannisters speaking rubbish about you.
Your honor was put to question and he won’t have it that way.
Interrupting the session, he calls the man ahead and when the spotlight is upon that man.
Aemond starts announcing the young lord’s “accusations”. And the whispers start.
But they are abruptly put to stop, by Aemond’s sword cutting off the lord’s head; much in a way Daemon had drove Dark Sister through Vaemond Velaryon.
And followed a long monologue about you and defending your honor and a threat of what shall happen if he is disobeyed.
All while that dead lord’s blood painted his face.
Otto ‘Hand of the King’ Hightower
You are his wife, or maybe courting each other, or betrothed to marry.
Either way, he is protective. Very. Very. Protective.
You are younger. Beautiful. Almost goddess like.
At a feast, you talk to a lord.
And there goes numerous rumours.
While Otto doesn’t believes it, others do.
And then, one day, you admit it. That the rumours were troubling you a lot.
And next, you hear that the man responsible for the rumours could never have children again, had you overjoyed and smirking. Found with the sigil of House Hightower next to him.
That was the very clear message to all.
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Corlys ‘Sea Snake’ Velaryon
Corlys is possessive and protective of you, his darling wife.
You were from Dorne, and your Dornish practices aren’t quite far from your heart.
And that includes the flirtatious comments.
Corlys enjoyed that. But the other lords and ladies had a field trip, making rumours and what not.
When they hear them, he is angry and he throws a feast, intending to show what honour these people were talking of.
The feast was all normal except the wine was specifically strong and the servant ladies were all dressed provocatively.
And all of the lords were leering and everything.
Next morning, he organises a breakfast. And gives a loud and clear announcement.
All of it while the lady wives of those men were present and fuming with rage at the humiliation.
In directly, never talk bad about Corlys Velaryon’s wife.
Cregan ‘Wolf of the North’ Stark
You were of South and you arrived in Southern style.
And it made the lords of the North send you leering gazes.
And you were bold to admit it to Cregan who softly replied with:
“I apologise on their behalf, my lady. I shall see to it that it is taken care of.”
It was. But for only a few weeks.
And then came the feast before your wedding to him.
And the lords were drunk and again dishonouring sentences were exchanged.
The smile on your face was long gone and your jaw sat in a gesture of displeasure.
And it seemed to do something to Cregan. For one second, his direwolf was in front of the table; the other, that drunken lord was on the floor with the direwolf growling at his face.
“Since this day ahead, no one shall dare to dishonour my wife, your lady. Or, you shall not like what shall happen.”
And the smile on your face is sweet as you looked at your betrothed.
Criston ‘Kingmaker’ Cole
You were only a friend of his at that time.
And a Dornish lady.
A beautiful lady who was close to a member of King’s Guard.
And boom! There are rumours.
Penting up everything in his chest, Criston blasted when he heard a comment about you in the training grounds.
He challenged that knight or lord to a combat fight.
That fight ended with the lord being beaten to near death while Criston’s fists were bloodied.
You were told way later that something like that happened.
And while everyone were rather angry at his action, you were very very proud.
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
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✍🏻Destined Person's Words of Love ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘Let’s face it, no pretty girl in her right mind wants me. She wants Gregory Peck.’
‘Is that so?’
‘Well, isn’t it?’
‘How do you know what a pretty girl wants?’
‘Well, I don’t really know, but I imagine—'
‘You and your imagination. You think every girl’s a dope! You think a girl goes to a party and there’s some guy, a great big lunk in a fancy striped vest, strutting around like a tiger, giving you that I’m-so-handsome-you-can’t-resist-me look. And from this she’s supposed to fall flat on her face.
Well, she doesn’t fall on her face. But there’s another guy in the room, way over in the corner. Maybe he’s kinda nervous and shy, perspiring a little. First you look past him but then you sort of sense, he’s gentle and kind and worried. And he’ll be tender with you. Nice and sweet. That’s what’s really exciting.
If I were your wife, I’d be very jealous of you… I’d be very, very jealous.’
— The Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch (1955)
SONG: Baby Baby cover by TAEIL & Unforgettable by Nat King Cole
MOVIE: Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) & Whisper of the Heart (1995)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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People often can’t see for themselves just how lovely they are in someone else’s eye. Although it is important we don’t depend our entire sense of worth on another person’s acknowledgement or approval, I still think it’s such a sweet thing to be reminded by a wonderful someone that we are inherently wonderful ourselves.
Maybe because society is such a hurtful place to be… people, have a habit of viewing themselves quite harshly; full of judgements and malignant points of view. But if someone lovely views you so dearly, wouldn’t you be a darling and think lovelier thoughts of yourself, too?🥰
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Pile 1 – I’ve Kept My Love Only for You
VIBE: Alone by Jimin & Kako to Genjitsu (The Past and Reality) by BONNIE PINK
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you reflected in my Eye – 7 of Pentacles Rx
My Dearest, do you know how many secrets I hide deep within my heart? Secrets not even my close friends would ever figure. I’ve dealt with a lot in this lifetime. This Life, has not been exactly very kind to me. But I am managing, and I often think to myself, which I know must be true, that I’m still going on only because you have been protecting me from somewhere I can’t see. I can feel you, that’s why.
I don’t know what you look like, but I’ve often felt your embrace when life knocks me down—when shit hit like a storm and tried to kill me; I could feel your hands healing me with magic stardust. I always knew it. But I couldn’t put that into words for surely everybody would think me insane. But My Love, I am crazy. Sometimes I can’t breathe—my yearning for you suffocates me with so much pining.
Where are you? Dammit, I’m in pain. I think about you all the time. You’ve given me something precious to live by. I hope I’ve done the same for you, in any way, any small way, even if just a bit. I want to be of some use to you. I want to embrace and protect you like you’ve done for me. When are you coming? I am so sad but nobody will ever know of it because I’m in love with a Ghost.
manifesting you, my Dear – 5 of Cups Rx
There’s a lot about the past I must let go, heal from, and trust me, I’m doing it! I’m at my best healing my soul, my heart, my mind; all so I can be a good person for you. I don’t want to be a shitty person carrying, well, a lot of shit when we meet. I don’t want my toilet baggage of a past to ruin our connection when the time is right for us to meet! I know it’s a lot to say, but I’m crazy about you.
I think about you all the time, hoping you’d feel me constantly the way I’m feeling you. I wonder, am I feeling you so much because… you’re actually thinking of me, too? Dammit! I wish I could know for sure! Tell me, babe! Argh… I’m so curious I could die! Do you miss me? Do you like me? Do you want… to be with me? Do you… feel me?
I haven’t told anybody about you. I’ve never really spoken of you. I dunno… it just feels so preciously secret I feel I shouldn’t be precarious about it lest someone hurts you in the process. It doesn’t make sense, right? But you’re someone I have to protect in secrecy. It’s hard to put into words but your aenergy is so pure, so precious, only for me; I don’t want to spoil it by sharing my knowledge of you with anybody else. I guess I’m obsessed LMAO I’m possessed by you!
i love You – 3 of Swords
Tell me, has the world been unkind to you as well? Sometimes I see you crying in my dreams. And I worry. For a whole day. A whole week. Sometimes it’s impossible to shake off thoughts of you hurting even though I don’t even know where you are. I miss you. I love you, you know? I promise everything will be alright when you’re with me. Come to me already. I’m ready for you. I’m SO ready for you, babe! Jump into my embrace you cutie pie! I’ll hold you for days.
And I haven’t the slightest doubt you’re the most beautiful being to walk on Earth. Yeah, that’s why you’ve dealt with envious bitches, right? I know that. Dunno how I do, but I know that. Though it may sound stoopid, I’m jealous of those who can even meet you in real life. I’m wondering everyday what kind of a wonderful being you are in person. I know you’re a divine healer. Sweet and kind more than appearances could tell.
It’s only because you exist in this world that I’ve been able to live this long. Otherwise, I would’ve died a long, long, long time ago. I’ve kept on living just for you. I wish you’d know that. I’ve kept my Love only for you and no one else. Never anybody else. I’m so grateful for you but I’m so sad. I miss you so badly sometimes I could go crazy. I’m haunted by dreams of you and I can’t even recognise your face. I want to see you.
how Grateful i am – Green Magus (John Dee)
I will be with you! – Priestess of Fertility
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Pile 2 – Loving All of You in This Reality
VIBE: I Like Me Better cover by Jaehyun & Neko to Inu (Cat and Dog) by Sakamoto Maaya
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you reflected in my Eye – 7 of Wands Rx
Hey bro, you see, the world is full of distractions and my mind races a million lightyears per hour, but I’ve got things to say. So bear with me. Ahem!
You, are God. And I, am not a simp! Listen, hon. I have so much passion for you. Big, big passion; as wide as the seas and high as the skies, and I hope you can understand how much I feel for you. I’m not a poet; though I try to be, but I’m not a book smart kinda person, unfortunately *sigh*
You see, in the past, or should I say up until just recently, I’ve not been the nicest or greatest person you could possibly meet. I was lazy, I wasn’t responsible or realistic at all. I was simply, lost. In many ways, I admit I’ve been a loser of sort. I’ve hated myself quite a lot, if I cared to admit. But you’re like the complete opposite of me. NO wait…
The truth is, I see that you’re a reflection of myself. You are me. But just the good parts. When I look at you, I’m reminded of my own potentials and I really love how you make me feel when I’m with you. I can see myself in a better light when I see myself reflected in your eyes. The way you see and think of me… God, how can a person be so good and still be attracted to me…
manifesting you, my Dear – King of Wands
Therefore, baby, I want you to know that I’m working on myself. Up until now I’ve always thought of myself as someone who has not much else but passion! But that has made me a rather chaotic clown. The truth is, I didn’t really know what to do with my own passion, my own Life. What kinds of things were possible for me to manifest? What kinds of things would be good to even manifest? I was lost, lost, lost.
But goddamn, you appeared out of nowhere, like godsend, and bam! Wham! I was changed. Now I have bigger, nobler dreams because you’re in the picture! All that I want, I want you to be part of it. I want you. A Life with you. I’ll build a kingdom for the two of us. Nothing in this world would mean something if you’re not with me. Would you marry me? Ah… sorry, that jumped out on its own.
Heheh my mind jumps from one thing to another sometimes I surprise myself. I hope you don’t mind me being this chaotic—I’ve still got room to grow! I’m still growing up and I want to become closer to something as talented as you, sincerely. You are my role model, don’t you know that? You may think it sounds weird but I’m not embarrassed to say that!
i love You – 5 of Wands Rx
I’m afraid of competition. That’s all my Life has been. If I’m honest, I’m torn between my confidence in winning you and my occasional sense of worthlessness. I’m afraid you’re never going to view me as good enough for someone as good as you. I know you’re my Destined Person! So I know I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts… but I can’t help it somehow.
Maybe the problem is that I want so badly to become like you. To become someone who won’t be embarrassing to you. And that’s a lot of work, okay? Just… seriously, a lot of work on my part. I’m not saying it’s not worth it, I’m just afraid. I’ve been a loser too long. Ah, never mind. I know, I know. I think my mind just needs to grow up a bit more.
The problematic thing is, when I think about you, I go back to my younger self who had more dreams and ambitions and then I become scared again LMAO I’m a mess. I want to create an amazing world for you and me. How can I ever get there? I’m still figuring this out, alright? We’ve got an entire lifetime to see how this goes😊I LOVE YOU!!
how Grateful i am – Red Historian (John Dee)
I will be with you! – Priestess of Faith
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Pile 3 – All’s Written in the Stars for You and I
VIBE: Serendipity by Jimin & Paris in the Rain by Lauv
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you reflected in my Eye – Knight of Cups
Ever since I was only a kid, I’ve always known there was a special someone who was always close by. I’d look up to the heavens to look for you, My Dearest, the brightest of all the Stars. When I look at the Moon, I feel like drowning in your sweet essence. Your soothing voice, your warm embrace—to me, all of that was real. And I knew I was special, because someone special whom I couldn’t see whispered that to me every day.
Because of you, I was able to grow up believing I was meant for something greater in this lifetime. You were always my motivation. I knew that if I became something great, sooner than later I’d meet you; and I’d be proud of the creature I’d made of myself when I present this humble me before your grace. I want you to look at me with stars in your eyes. Because in my mind, with all of my heart I’ve worshipped you.
At least… I’d like to be someone worthy of you. My Queen, I promise you I will become King and bring Heaven on Earth for all that you love. You are surely the loveliest creature I’ll ever know. Sweet and kind, and brave and strong, you are everything all at once. And my heart longs only for you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I will make you the happiest person in the whole world.
manifesting you, my Dear – VII The Chariot Rx
The fact that we are alive, at the same time, in this world is miraculous as it is. If only you knew just how strongly the dark forces are trying to break us apart, keep us separate, you’d marvel at the wonder that you’re even reading this from me! From the moment the Universe was created, you and I have always been one and the same. We’re linked just like that. As long as you think of me, I will always be by your side.
I’m also thinking about you all the time. You exist somewhere in this Galaxy; your body is sleeping somewhere on this Earth. Right now, you are but a dream to me. But my dreams have been leading me to you. I… don’t think we need to even work that hard at manifesting each other. It’s all written in the stars for you and I, darling. Though I admit I fall into a slump sometimes…
Manifesting you is probably not the easiest thing because I’m impatient. I try to be. Seriously. But my longing for you kills me sometimes. I want you right by my side, right now. I keep dreaming about the day we rendezvous under the most magical circumstances. I wonder if you’ll recognise me… Because I know I will. I’ve been manifesting you for the longest time.
i love You – 4 of Swords
I love you. In the purest, gentlest manner possible. I want you to relax when you’re with me. I’d like you to let your guards down and be able to breathe in the sweet air. The wind caresses your hair and there I will be watching your beauty finally in form before me. I will be appreciating the fact we occupy the same space and time at all. I will take in this moment as if it were an eternity.
When you’re with me, there is not a worry. I won’t ever make you doubt my intentions. I’m loyal like that. I’m your only other and I’ll kiss you better. Everything that’s ever caused you pain, I’ll eliminate forever. Everything that’s ever caused you tears, I’ll replace with calm and peace. I’m strong, so you can depend on me. I’ll show you a whole new world, okay?
So, don’t be afraid to trust. Don’t hesitate. I know you waver sometimes but I’m here for you. I’m all yours. I’m not at all like those who’ve been stupid enough to disappoint you. I’ll never hurt you. How could I ever? I’d be killed by a cow if I ever did! My gosh, I love you. I love you. I love you so much I could swallow you whole! Please be with me. Trust in me and never look at anybody else. I beg of you?
how Grateful i am – Red Physician (Galen of Pergamon)
I will be with you! – Priestess of Love
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damndamsy · 1 month
renegade | aemond targaryen x oc (part i)
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When Aemma's deafening first cries pricked through the damp walls of a stormy morning in Dragonstone, nobody celebrated. Nobody was there to witness her birth but the wet nurses. Well, there was the young princess' seafaring father partially in his own revelry; striding across the floor with the babe in his arms, smiling so wide at his fordone wife, fresh out of her labours. You'd think the child was his own, the way he bounced the babe around and cooed at her in delight. Irregardless of the sallow shadow of silvery hair across the babe's head and her alarming brown eyes, Princess Rhaenyra of Dragonstone quelled her awaiting dread and stroked her first daughter's cheek. She brought the child close to her shivering lips and whispered in her ear: "My darling, Aemma."
Now you must understand why Princess Rhaenyra had rushed off to her birthplace with her newly betrothed in tow, and it is quite apt to assume that it was to douse the fire surrounding Aemma's birth. In no more than a month, King's Landing beckoned, and they answered. They answered with haste, bearing the 'evidence' of their alleged consummation. A testament of royal blood.
During Aemma's younger years in the Red Keep, she was constantly under the aegis of her doting mother. Aemma was to be the heir to the throne, but Her Grace never shared the certainty. That babe's eyes and olive skin shared the likeness to that of a certain Dornish Commander of the Queensguard. However it happened, Ser Criston Cole, Princess Rhaenyra's now turned most resentful of foes, was heard in a profound argument with the princess. It is claimed that they rowed over Aemma's paternal lineage; Ser Criston named her a 'vindictive whore' and her daughter a 'nameless nobody'.
That night, in the nursery of the Red Keep, the pregnant Princess of Dragonstone brushed her daughter's hair. Each stroke of the brush was careful and thoughtful, masking the shudder in her hands and the anxiety in her eyes.
"You're only mine," Rhaenyra vowed, kissing her hair. "No matter who you look like."
"I look like you, mummy," Aemma said.
"And that is enough."
Aemma was little, smaller than the other princes and princesses in the castle, and unlike the others, her dragon egg remained unhatched for the longest time until they deemed it futile to warm. The princess didn't stay disconsolate, she found herself another egg from Syrax's newest clutch, but the same fate followed. Perhaps that's why no one truly believed her to be Targaryen—what was countenance and complexion compared to the true blood of the dragon?
Instead, Aemma became proficient in wandering off, beyond the walls of the Red Keep, and toward the woods surrounding the Kingsroad. She often liked to collect pebbles by the beach, catch frogs near puddles, fashion a fishing rod out of stick and string, and sketch out oddities she would witness in her galavants. Vines, leaves, spiders, rabbit, hart; she seemed to make more friends outside the palace than within. She would steal maps from the Keep's archives and make off into her room, imprinting her own onto books using ink.
It was Ser Criston who caught the six-year-old princess red-handed as she attempted to slip away with her maps while her brothers trained in the courtyard. He shook her arm severely, nearly snapping Aemma's neck.
"Little cunt. I knew you would be the bane of me," he had hissed at her. Aemma let out a scared shriek, stumbling to keep up with the knight's fleet-footed steps back into the Keep.
"I beg of you, Ser Criston. I won't do it again," Aemma had wept to him. "Please, ser—"
"What is the meaning of this, Cole?" It was Ser Harwin Strong who had interfered with their hasty retreat. Using this as an upper hand, Aemma wrenched her arm out of Ser Criston's grip and bolted to Ser Harwin's side with tears in her eyes.
"It's alright, princess," Ser Harwin soothed her, lifting her up into his arms and cradling her close. "Let's get you to your mother."
"A perfect addition to your Strong brood," Cole remarked insidiously as Ser Harwin turned to leave.
Ser Harwin smirked. "Were it not for her Dornish charm."
This silenced the knight altogether. Since then, the young princess spoke of this incident to no one and kept clear of the menacing Ser Criston Cole. She did have a newfound admiration for Ser Harwin Strong.
Aemma settled in watching as her uncles and brothers grew up, nestling their eggs and nurturing their hatchlings, understanding High Valyrian to take to the skies, all the while making concessions with the direwolf pup Ser Laenor had gifted her on her sixth name day. A grey-backed runt, most comparable to her father's war-hardened dragon, Seasmoke. Hence, named Seasmoke. He had gone through many hardships to bring the pup within the castle walls.
"But this Seasmoke doesn't fly," Aemma murmured, scratching the wolf's ears.
Laenor ruffled her hair. "You and I both wish he did, my love."
She tilted her head at the animal that curled up on her father's lap. "Does he at least breathe fire?"
Laenor pushed out his lip in confusion. "Ser Qarl tells me that once he's fully grown, he can run faster than any horse you've ever seen. And he'll be almost as big as one, too."
She frowned. "How is that better than dragon-riding?"
"Until then, he has much love to offer instead," he pacified, laughing. "Won't that be nice? I hear this Seasmoke can fit beside your pillow. Guard you through the dusk like your own furry knight."
Aemma laughed with her father. "I suppose. I can share him with Aemond," she resolved, lifting her new companion into her arms. "He doesn't have a dragon either. He has it worse, you know. Aegon and Jace are so cruel to him in the dragonpits."
"That's a terrific idea." Laenor touched her nose. "Your prince would love the company, too."
Laenor wasn't surprised, those two had been joined at the hip for a few good years now. They were shields of the other, covering for each other's mischiefs around the Red Keep. While Rhaenyra kept a weather eye on Queen Alicent's second son, Laenor chalked up their relationship to innocent camaraderie. He couldn't stand seeing Aemma isolated—of course, Halaena was around her, but never really there—as Laenor himself had been subject to such hostility from his close kin occasionally.
As for Aemma, her nearest and dearest had become Aemond Targaryen. She was fiercely protective of him, walking about as his own living shadow. She didn't know if he felt that way about her, but Aemond secretly vowed he would take an arrow in his heart for her. It was these two lonesome, dragon-less riders against the world. And Aemma was satisfied with the state of things.
Together, they'd seek adventures of their own. Mischiefs, more like. The prince and princess were always up to no good. Aemma was always the silent instigator.
"Disgusting," Aemond would say when Aemma caught him a frog from a puddle in the forest. He had followed her out of pure curiosity, wondering where she was always disappearing off to.
"What if it's venomous?"
She pushed the wriggling frog under his nose and he fell back into some leaves in fright. "This one? This little thing?"
"Aemma!" he hissed.
She giggled, sitting by him to appease him. "She's harmless. I've seen a bunch of her family hopping about, around here."
He launched a fistful of crackling leaves into her face. "You did that on purpose!"
She gasped, laughing at him, before launching her own attack. He laughed with her, and this time, he caught her in his arms and hauled her to the ground, uncaring of the dirt.
She spat out a leaf that got in her mouth, shuddering and coughing. "If I take to my bed again, my mother will be furious."
"Don't worry, I'll defend you."
He panted out another laugh, then took notice of the muck that spoiled the cream of her skirts. He reached out to wipe them off whilst she burrowed the frog into her chest. It was always Aemond who kept his wits about the situation, making it his responsibility to keep her safe.
In turn to her companionship, Aemond would catch Aemma fireflies to keep by her pillow, press her flowers between his favourite books, and endeavour to teach her Valyrian, hoping it would become a secret language between them. Alas, she was quite hopeless.
She stuttered her words, quietly adding the words in syllables. "Aenar se Exile... gūrotan Zaldrīzesdōron... ēlī." (Aenar the Exile first staked his claim on Dragonstone.)
"Zaldrīzes," Aemond repeated for her. "Roll your tongue."
She stuck it out at him playfully. In turn, he chucked her chin, making her chomp her teeth into the muscle.
"Valyrīha iksis īlva ānogar," he told her gravely. "You are obliged to learn it." (Valyria is our blood.)
She slammed the book close, dropping her head over the cover. "And I will. It's simply too tedious."
On another night, the young princess showed up in Aemond's chambers, the entrance to the Maegor's tunnels wide open behind her insolent smile. The tunnels were easy to wrest in and out of, especially with the two of them sneaking away to train Seasmoke together and feasting over looted lemon cakes.
Aemma had a dirtied hat and shirt for him to change into, and a palm to clutch safely while they embarked into smallfolk's King's Landing. You would think these two had an ounce of fear in them, at least of their parents, but they had gotten so used to getting away with anything.
"Are you sure this is the way?" An uneasy Aemond asked for the third time as they crossed the intersection of an alleyway.
The streets were unlit and overcast, but her mischievous giggle gleamed the way. "Let's wander a bit. I heard they've brought in your favourite dragon peppers from far across Dorne tonight. I want us to try it before any of our kin."
Aemond gulped and grasped her arm tighter. But he would never back down, he cherished these little misdeeds with her. "I'll keep a lookout. One sight from the Kingsguard, and we're doomed."
And that's how they spent the hour of the owl; trading a few coppers for hot dragon peppers, a mug of ale and a bag of dry fruits. Tiptoeing out of sight and around the white cloaks, they snuck away to the walls that overlooked the Blackwater Bay in the Red Keep. Carefully climbing atop the shorter rocks, they balanced each other side by side and soaked up the saline breezy, seafoam washing up near their feet. Aemma stayed with her reflections, munching on dates while Aemond threw the pits of the dry fruits as far as he could.
"When we are older, do you think my father will wed us?" Aemond abruptly asked, wistful.
Aemma popped her lips around the pit of the fruit. "If we say no, they won't."
He looked at her, his heart dropping like a hard rock to his stomach. "Why would we say no?"
She simply snorted a giggle.
"Do you not think I will take care of you?" He pointed to the crescent moon far above the waves. "If you said it, I'd bring that moon into your palms. I'd buy all the fruits in the world for you. Dragon peppers, too."
She scrunched her nose and passed him the clean pit. He tossed it further into the sea. "It's not that. Then we'll have to stay here forever. I don't want that."
He frowned. "Why not? We could be married evermore and live on our own."
"Yes, but... I want to travel the world on dragonback, like Aegon the Conqueror," she told him, smiling. She nudged his shoulder with hers. "Can you imagine it? You, me, our dragon... we'll feast to our hearts' content, wear anything we'd like, sleep in tents, row boats in the seas, visit the wonders—it'll be exciting!"
He didn't like it one bit, but he entertained the thought for her. He wouldn't dare try and pilfer the excitement out of her. "It does sound incredible. But as a princess—as your mother's heir—your duties are here. To the realm and the throne."
She stuck her tongue out in dismissal. "Ugh. Mother and Jace can do it. It's all he talks about anyway. The Iron Throne and the power to who wields it."
Aemma didn't catch the glint in Aemond's eye at the mention of the throne. "Ah, but you don't have a dragon."
"We will find one," she corrected, tousling Aemond's hair. "Where's your sense of adventure, my friend?"
He fought off her arm with a playful smile. "You'll get me in heaps of trouble one day."
That day came sooner than expected. It was Aemma who was at the forefront, her thrill-seeking and intrepid attitude stemming from the roots of her mother's youth, and now taking form in the quiet but unafraid girl she was now.
"Did you hear? There's an unclaimed dragon in the pits. My father says that she's as old as the Conqueror," Aemma whispered to Aemond while their families broke fast together. Aemma was supposed to be seated next to Jace by her mother, but the moment she laid eyes on Aemond, she didn't budge from his side.
Aemond listened, nodding, and didn't spare her a look. His mother, Her Grace, had warned him about the gossip of his half-sister's illegitimacies.
Aemma tugged on his arm to get his attention. "I'll come with you later. You must try."
He eventually peeked at her, then at her hand—her bronze skin and his pale complexion didn't quite league together. Aemma was a bright soul at almost ten years old, frustratingly tenacious enough to remain that way heedless of the vindictive gossip of her true birth. She was unrelenting when it came to her cause, and Aemond was pleased to know he was one of them.
He managed a smile at her, passing it as polite in front of his mother. "Or rather you should try, princess."
She clucked her tongue, popping a blueberry in her mouth. "She's not for me. I'll know when I see mine... I'll stick to my Seasmoke for now."
"I can't believe you let that beast sleep next to you. He's gotten too large for your bed," Aemond whispered, laughing.
"Barely," she giggled.
Seasmoke the wolf had grown into a mighty animal in a mere three years, warmly domesticated by Aemma. For his humungous size, you'd expect a war-hardened hero, but he was a pup in Aemma's eyes.
Aemond and Aemma did attempt to sneak into the dragon pits to claim Dreamfyre later that night, only for them to be scared witless by the ferocity of dragon fire and her sheer size, and bolting to the exit in screams, covered in soot and dust. Caught by the guards, they were sent to the royal chambers where Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra waited for them, bearing fear for their children's lives.
"Seven hells, Em," the princess breathed in relief, taking her into an embrace. "You gave me a fright. Are you hurt?" She rubbed at the black soot on her cheeks and throat. Her mother's eyes swam in unshed tears. "What were you thinking? Going into the dragonpit alone! You could've died!"
"I wanted Aemond to claim a dragon," she quietly told her mother. "I'm sorry, mummy."
"Oh, Aemma," the princess whispered, kissing her head until she was sure that this wasn't a dream. "You're safe now."
"She has put the prince's life at risk with this lark of hers," Her Grace disputed, a restrictive arm around Aemond.
"I insisted, mother," the young prince tried to intervene. "It wasn't her fault."
"I am to blame," Aemma pleaded, shaking her head. "I apologize for my behaviour, your Grace. It is inexcusable."
"The princess is naive to a fault," Aemond hissed. "I talked her into coming with me."
"No, I did!"
"It was me!"
"Enough!" Queen Alicent exclaimed, her hands fists at her sides. "I've had enough of Princess Aemma escaping blame for long enough. Aemond, you are to stay away from—"
"Your Grace," the princess interrupted.
Alicent shot her a defiant look but said nothing.
"Both the prince and princess have faced the consequences of trying to claim a dragon without due consideration," Rhaenyra triumphed over the queen, making her peace. "However brave they were, it was foolish. Lessons learned. Their faces speak it plainly."
Both the younglings bowed their heads to hide their bruises and smoke-covered faces.
"As parents, let us see to it that the children are checked for wounds, treated, and well rested," she continued, stroking Aemma's head. "My daughter has a long trip ahead of her. We would like to set sail on good terms."
She looked up at her mother, confused. "Sail where?"
The princess only smiled and chucked her chin. "Come, my love. Bid your good night to the queen and prince."
One last look and Aemond knew what it was. They were going to take her away from him. The one thing that he wanted for himself, and they were going to separate them for good. He never did understand why, so he took it upon himself to seek Aemma out once more.
It was so decided that Princess Rhaenyra, her sons, her daughter and Ser Laenor would sail to Dragonstone in a week. No place like home, they said. But it wasn't a return, it was an escape. The piercing whispers around the castle were inescapable, no fire-breathing dragons of wars could stop it.
To confirm his apprehensions, Aemond managed to slip into Aemma's chambers after twilight, only to find the young princess hiding her unfathomable ire in her wolf's fur.
"Did you see your new brother?" Her new bastard brother, he wanted to say. He would never dare to say those words to his dearest friend.
"My mother would try to wed me to Aegon," she expressed miserably instead. "Aegon! That loon wouldn't know the difference between dreaming and waking with his eyes open."
"Is that why you're unhappy? Because you were almost wed to my brother?" Aemond snickered, laying his head on the panting wolf next to her.
She nodded wordlessly.
"I am unhappy because you'll leave me here alone."
Aemma turned and laid on her back to face him with reddened eyes. Aemond didn't have to reach out and wipe her tears, she never cried—she was only ever angry to the point of pulling out her eyebrows in frustration. It was humorous sometimes.
"Then you can have Seasmoke," she offered.
"What about you?"
She shrugged. "I will be alright."
"You can't sleep without him."
"I will adjust."
"I'm older than you. You need him more."
"You need a protector while I'm away."
Aemond smiled; really smiled. A genuine one for his true companion. It's funny how she thought she was safeguarding him when she had never touched a sword or spear in her life.
"How will you learn Valyrian without me?" he asked.
"Eman gūrēntan sȳrī, ñuha raqiros," she spoke, grinning. (I have learned well, my friend.)
He clutched her wrist over the grey furs. "Kirimvose, princess." (Thank you.)
She sniffled and rose off her wolf to crush him with a hug. Aemond forgot all the cautions of his mother and the fiction around him, let go, and returned her faithful embrace tenfold. He buried his face into her braided hair and held her close over the thick carpet until he wanted her soldered to him, eyes to feet. He shouldn't have to let her go, it seemed so wrong for her to be so far away from him.
"Promise me you'll write often," she said into his shoulder.
He squeezed his eyes tight. "You first. You always write so beautifully."
She giggled. "I promise."
"I promise," he returned.
It wasn't until Lady Laena Velaryon's funeral that the entire royal family reconvened. All the Velaryons and Targaryens joined together in mourning for the death of a great warrior from the blood of Old Valyria. As they bore witness to the tragic loss, one steadfast Velaryon seemed to be missing from the affair.
The feast dragged, and as for Aemond, his gaze probed the brown-haired princes born of the Princess of Dragonstone for the one he wanted. He couldn't help but despair about her absence. Had she forgotten him? What of her letters? What of her stories about the quests to find dragon eggs around Dragonmont?
"Aemma," was all he said when Jace stood by him, out of careful instruction from the princess. Prince Jacaerys told him that his sister had taken to her bed. Even if his mother won't speak of it to his brothers, he heard the handmaidens whispering of her 'flowering' into a woman. Aemond was horrified—but she was too young. Hardly ten years of age. It was too soon for her, he was sure of it. It couldn't be true.
So you could tell Aemond's surprise when he heard the soft susurration of his name from beyond the stairwell. He saw a flash of silver and the same dearly roguish grin he had come to miss. He didn't care for anything else in that desolate gathering, he dashed down the stairs and collapsed into her.
Aemma let out a vibrant laugh and caught his face in her palms. "I've missed you every day, my friend."
He gasped a breathy laugh, still in disbelief. The moment he had imagined for so long, and here she was, in front of him, a manifestation of his wishes. She hadn't changed that much, her cheeks had thinned and given way to the gentle slope of her jawline.
"Your brother said you were—have you really—"
"Unimportant. We don't have long," she cut in, unbridled excitement running wild in her doe eyes. "Come with me, quick."
In proper Aemma fashion, she hauled Aemond's hand into hers and rushed him down the steps, due for another adventure. He did not contend, he had missed her terribly and this, only followed as they sprinted down to the beach and eventually caught their breath by the faraway shores. He slowed, but Aemma sped ahead.
"Where are we going?" he panted once he matched her pace. He wasn't as athletic as her, but it was one of her unmissable dexterities.
"Almost there," and she shot off again.
"Dammit—Aemma, wait for me!"
When they reached the hill summit that Aemma had dragged him above, with the winds whipping at their hair and tunics, they watched the largest, most terrible dragon in the world slumber away. It was miles long even curled into itself, deluged in its own way of mourning its late rider.
Aemond yanked a willing Aemma to the ground, hiding them behind the precipice, and hissed at her, "What are we doing here?"
"You must try, Aemond," she insisted her expression inflexible and true. She squeezed his shoulder. "Lay your claim to Vhagar before anyone else. You are deserving of her, I know you know it."
Aemond took a look at the dragon that lingered beyond the cliff. Aemma believed and entrusted this cause to him because she understood he was valiant, and most powerful of his bloodline despite his shortcomings. He was worthy of the queen of dragons. Yes, he knew it.
Beside him, Aemma was breathless in expectation. If by some rotten luck, Aemond claimed Vhagar, that would mean leaving her alone to face the calumnies of the people. The only dragon-less one in the royal family. He reached out to touch her cheek, a little sullen for her.
"What about you?"
She smiled against his hand. "That dragon's big enough to fly the both of us around the world for the rest of our lives."
Amused, Aemond shook up with a faint laugh. "You haven't changed at all."
She crushed all her faith and confidence into a sideways embrace. Under normal circumstances, he would've returned it, but this time, he needed this from her. He needed her affirming warmth and words.
"I believe in you, my friend. You can do this. Stay focused and never yield."
Aemond took a deep breath and stared the dragon down. I am the blood of the dragon, he thought. They will fear me, they will see what I truly am. Fire and blood. He repeated it in his mind, he kept it firm and real. You can do this, Aemma's voice echoed in his head.
Before the ink was dry on the page you see, the fierce Prince Aemond had mounted Vhagar and taken to the midnight skies as the newest dragon rider of the Targaryen dynasty.
Aemma's laughter was boisterous enough for all of Westeros to hear. You should've seen her the way Aemond saw her: cheeks red, eyes bright, hair wild, skirts dirtied, bouncing in bliss. When he descended and leapt off of Vhagar, she waited for him, a symphony of exhilaration. Not everyone had gotten as lucky as him. Aemond lifted her into his arms, and spun her around while she squealed at him—"You did it, you did it, you did it!"
When he set her down, he tugged her eagerly toward Vhagar. "Come, princess. We'll fly wherever your heart desires. Where to first, hm? Dorne, perhaps? Or further, to Naath? I'll need to find a map—"
Aemma planted her feet on the ground to stop him. Her expression had darkened a fraction. "I'm afraid we can not right now, my friend."
His face fell. "Why not?"
"I..." She bit her lip, hesitant.
Aemond knew immediately. She didn't even have to speak of it. "Is what Jace said true then? About your ailment."
She stayed quiet. Vhagar's intense growls filled the silence.
"You're still so young," he whispered to her. He knew what would happen to her now. "They're going to sell you off to some highborn lord far away somewhere I can't reach you."
She pressed his hands with hers, her eyes patient. "I won't let that happen."
"Then run away with me. Right now," he implored, bringing her hands to his chest. "We have this dragon. We'll return when it's been decided that this is unsuitable for you. I'll take care of you until then. They'll have no choice but to concede."
"Your father sits on the Iron Throne," she reminded him cautiously. "I'd besmirch his name."
"And your mother rules Dragonstone and is Viserys' successor," he prevailed. "Names, games and politics. When did all of that ever matter to you?"
"It does not, and it will not. But I will fight hard for myself and my liberties," she promised him. Her expression was unrelenting, a warrior's conviction. "We, Targaryens, do not run away in the face of adversity. I will find a way to adjourn this madness."
"But, Aemma—"
"I will, my friend. Trust in me."
He nodded urgently. "Then so will I. I won't let this slide. If I have to go to combat with another, I swear to you, I will do it for you."
He still couldn't find comfort in her faith. How could she fight generations of tradition? She was so little for all her spirited talks, but anyone could make her succumb with a twist of her wrist. He would become the only indomitable shield between her and all the lords of Westeros.
"Now come along," she said suddenly, leading him back to Driftmark castle. Her laugh was like a tinkle of bells. "I'm sure people are searching for us already. We must share this happy news with grandsire!"
Aemma talked his ear off about her pursuits and where they would begin their travels. She had him dreaming of golden beaches, palm trees, hot springs, cold sleets, exotic flowers—and of course, Vhagar. How they would soar the ocean, cross mountains, plunge down cliffs. Aemond knew these were pipe dreams, but he did not have it in himself to extinguish her fantasies. Let her dream, she'll soon forget.
Upon reaching the mouth of the exit, Aemma halted to mend her braids and gather her skirts neatly. Aemond chuckled at her silly fluster.
"Don't laugh," she mumbled. "It is unbecoming of a lady to wander about looking like this."
"Outrageous to assume you are a lady," he joked. She rolled her eyes and wet her thumb to wipe out the trace of dirt and soot across his face. It was no way to present his victory before his father.
He caught her wrist with a smug grin. "Leave it be. As evidence to my claim."
She dropped her hand, surprised. "You ride a dragon and the gloves come off."
As the pair entered, there, by the glowing fire lamps, the Velaryon brothers and Laena's two daughters waited for them, seething with rage.
"You all won't believe what Prince Aemond has just accomplished," Aemma began to gush to her audience.
"It's you!" Baela growled.
"It's me," Aemond dismissed, griping Aemma's hand in his.
"Sister, get away from him," little Lucerys cried out, waving her away.
She laughed him off. "Luke, settle down. Everyone, please—"
As Aemma stepped forward to pacify her brothers and cousins amidst the tension and attempt to wage peace, the six of them clashed and fell in rage. There were punches traded, screams, yells, and groans and it was all that Aemma noticed before she felt a sharp jerk on her ankle. She lost her balance and crashed into a jagged rock, face first. Her world went dark.
When Aemma eventually sought consciousness, her ears pricked at the raised voices, clamour, and daylight's blurry brightness. She called for her mummy, her voice thick with a wail. The aching in her head came rushing in, the memories, Vhagar, the brawl among her kin. The pain pricked her head like a thousand needles focused on a single point.
"Oh, Aemma. I'm here, right here," Princess Rhaenyra shushed when Aemma reached to feel the gash on her forehead. The princess clutched her daughter's hand tight to press a kiss at her pulse, stroking her hair.
"My brothers? Are they hurt?" she rasped. A sharp grit of muslin scraped against her temple—her mother had acquired an injury of her own. "What happened, mother?"
"I'm alright, my love. Just a scratch." Her mother's fingers massaged the back of Aemma's head. "I am glad you're awake. And that you can recall."
"Jace and Luke," she asked.
She tried to think, tried to speak again, but the pain refused to subside. She winced again and her mother rushed to soothe her temples. She called for the maester and within moments, Maester Orwyle had started to prod his instruments at her. A cream numbed the pain momentarily and Aemma felt like she could breathe again.
"My daughter will recover, maester," Princess Rhaenyra asserted. "Tell me she will heal."
"It's quite a feat that the princess has regained consciousness. The gash will heal, but the scarring will be irreparable. As for her other symptoms, we'll have to wait and see."
The princess gasped a sigh of relief. "Thank the Gods."
Maester Orwyle was silent for a beat before he spoke, "It is only right to warn you, your Grace, that the princess might suffer from recurrent headaches. It is soon to tell, but the wound is deep."
"Then we will see to it that she is given consistent treatment," she commanded, her tone austere.
"Yes, princess," the maester acceded.
"Sister!" Aemma's brothers bobbed into her vision when the maester left them, stroking her shoulders and neck gently.
"You still look lovely as ever, Emmy," Jace tried alleviating the least of her worries. "It's only a little scar. We can hide it with hair."
"Or not at all," Luke suggested cheekily. "You could flaunt your battle scar to all the realm. Like a knight!"
Aemma managed a weak smile and reached out to touch her brothers' faces, scrutinizing their wounds. Luke sported a broken nose and Jace's face was marred with violet bruises.
"We're alright, sister," Luke vowed, holding her wrist.
"Aemond," was all Aemma rasped.
Jace and Luke shared a look of appraisal with their mother. Rhaenyra only blinked away her deep thoughts and glanced at all three of her children. What could she say to them? Who knew what they wanted to hear? Good will? Faith? Strength? It had all gone to the wind now.
Aemma suddenly grimaced with a whine when the pain worsened, feeling her eyes drift close. "Ow."
"Luke, Jace, give your sister some space to breathe," the princess was quick to usher off. "You have found enough trouble today. Go rest up in your chambers."
Her mother kissed her one last time and left her to her slumber. It could've been hours until she heard the groan of old door hinges and another softer pair of footfalls by her bedside. Then her bedding dipped by her legs.
"Aemma," the familiar voice whispered.
She blinked awake, her groan coming to her. Her head felt too heavy to move. Aemond's tense face entered her line of sight and what awaited her stole her very breath away. She didn't have the words to think up what she saw.
"Aemond," she spoke softly. "Oh, no."
It was no casual injury, a serpentine line of thick stitches closed an irremediable eye from the world forever. Blood had crusted over the wound and swollen up to the size of limes, it looked like it hurt worse than her wound, but it didn't seem to quell the prince's spirit. He still fumbled his way to visit her.
"It's nothing," he lulled her, preventing her from touching him. He folded his fingers between hers instead. "Don't move your neck, I know it hurts. I had to see my friend one last time before she's set for Dragonstone again."
She hesitated to ask, "Your eye... is it—"
"It's gone."
Her lip wobbled. "I'm truly sorry."
He smiled albeit weakly.
"It does not matter."
Aemma let her fingers be brushed by Aemond, resting it there and dwelling in silence. It felt pleasant, he was warm today. Eventually, he came to rest his head upon her pillow, careful to not upset her gash. He pushed a stray curl behind her ear. It was strange not to see her hair up in its usual braided glory.
"Can't you come with me back to King's Landing?"
She pulled on an animated smirk despite the stinging pain. "You have new adventures ahead of you, my friend. On your mighty dragon. You'll be a honed dragon rider the next time I see you."
He laughed faintly. "Our mighty dragon."
"I am proud to call you my friend," she promised hoarsely, her dark doe eyes wide with ease. She was tired, but she could spare him a little joy. "But this next road, you must go on by yourself. And you must tell me all about it."
"I still have your letters," he confessed. "Stories, more like. My favourite."
She giggled. "Then I will write more."
"You must call for me if you're ever forced into something you don't want," he forewarned her, holding her cheek. "You can only oppose so hard. I will come for you on Vhagar and we'll fly east together. We never ought to look back."
"My friend, do not fret for me," she breathed out.
"No, Aemma," he insisted severely. "Promise me, this time, that you'll heed my words."
"Nothing is going to—"
"Promise me."
"I promise," she said easily.
Aemond shook his head, insecurity plaguing his thoughts, before he rested his forehead against hers as gently as his touch allowed. This was different now, between them. He opened his eyes and watched Aemma, unbothered and real. Her warm breaths drifted around his unmarred cheek—oh, how he wished he could lay a kiss upon her head. A gift for their parting.
No, of course not. It would take an act of the Gods to take this away from him. His audacity was not lacking; it was what brought him his dragon.
"Promise," he repeated quietly.
you can continue to read part ii here! and here's my masterlist!
autocorrect, stop correcting 'aemond' to almond'. first fic, whoop whoop!
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themotherofhorses · 2 years
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masterlist | part one
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Aemond Targaryen, who needs to be held back by Ser Criston Cole, as well as two additional kingsguards, when he confronts his mother. The prince yells and screams and demands answers, all but brandishing his own blade. But Alicent Hightower just stares at him with the same face she wore when he was ten and still dragonless and stubborn and constantly around the beasts. Her lips twist in a frown as she lets out a heavy sigh.
“My dear son, you should have known that this was going to happen. Did you really believe that I allowed you to marry the wretched girl for love? The same girl whom you suffered such terrible abuse at the hands of?” She shakes her head, “In the animal world, pray tell me which beasts are the ones most feared by men. Mothers. The princess would have been wise to remember that the very moment she rooted herself within our family.”
Noticing her son’s face, she soon adds, “But the debt has been paid now, and it is my promise to you that she will be left alone.”
He cannot do anything, he realizes, when his eye meets Ser Cole’s. He cannot avenge his wife or their lost child, no matter how desperately he wishes to. His mother remains the Queen Dowager, and to inflict such harm on her very being is a death sentence, and the prince cannot risk such foolishness and idiocy when his wife still needs him during her recovery.
With a venomous glare thrown her way, he leaves the room, but not without his mother making one final remark.
“And Aemond, my love, I am sorry about the babe. Would you believe me if I said that it was not my intention for her to lose it? We tried to save it, truly.”
He chooses not to answer.
Aemond Targaryen, who finds himself a pathetic witness as his dear wife grows into a shell of the young woman she once was. No longer does her lips curl into that bright smile that could rival the sun above, nor does she fling herself into his arms and kisses his face and neck and knuckles while declaring how much she loves and adores him.
Instead, she flinches whenever he nears and casts her lone eye downward, refusing to meet his gaze as if a lowborn girl. She refers to him as his royal titles only, and never the ones he gained when he became her husband and lover. When he kneels before her to change the bandages each morning and evening, and daubing the wound with the ointment the maesters provided him with, she mumbles out apologies, and the quietest begs for his mercy and forgiveness.
He never thought it was possible, but this pains him more than when she slashed his eye out all those years ago.
When it is all done, he pulls her to his chest and rocks her back and forth as if she was a new babe in the world. “My darling wife,” he mutters into her silver hairline, “My sweet girl. Oh, my beautiful girl. I will never forgive myself for leaving you behind that day. Forgive your damned husband, my love. Forgive me, I beg of you.”
He is met with only silence.
Aemond Targaryen, who has not spoken to his mother in weeks. It is a refusal on his part, despite Alicent making her own attempts, having lost her favored child. The hours he does not spend by his wife’s side, he is with his older sister in the royal playroom, watching his niece and nephews play with their toys on the floor. It makes him think about his own child and what could’ve been. A pretty babe, perhaps, with silver hair and violet eyes, no doubt of the golden blood of Old Valyria. He wonders if there ever will be another chance.    
“She told her that there was never any love for her.”
He turns his head to his sister, who has paused her embroidery to look at him with sad eyes.
“Mother, she had told our niece that you never did love her. That her losing the eye was meant from the beginning, and that you knew about it, and kept up your part so it could eventually happen.”
“No,” he says, shaking his head. “No, it was never like that. Yes, I will admit, I wanted revenge, and yes, I did hate her for what she did to me when we were both children, but all that was before I learned how good she was. How sweet and gentle and loving. My sweet girl, my princess, she gave me all the love in the world. She-” he feels his chest tighten greatly, leaving him heaving out short gasps and wheezes, “I love her. I love her more than she could possibly know. I never…I never wanted this. I love her. I love her so much,” and he tries his best to blink away the tears.
Helaena scoots herself closer and wraps gentle arms around both his shoulders, drawing him close. And when he cries into her neck, she whispers in his ear, “An eye for an eye, a son for a son. When the war is won, all will be good and done.”
Aemond Targaryen, who enters his chamber to find the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen seated on the bed, cradling his young wife to her chest. Through the muffled weeps, he could hear her talking to her youngest granddaughter, trying to coax out a response from the girl. When she fails to do so, the woman flattens her forehead against hers and tells her, “You do not dare leave me, my child, do you hear me? I have lost both my children; I will not lose you either.”
“Let us take her to Dragonstone, then,” he says, making his presence known. “I agree that she should be with her family. Perhaps being there will help her spirit.”
Rhaenys shakes her head with a broken chuckle. “Ah, Aemond One Eye. You must be a proud man, having gotten your revenge, it seems, as my grandchild is now without her eye.” She is gentle when laying the princess back down on the bed before standing up to face him. “Tell me, does this make you feel good? Better about yourself? More of a man, now that your wife matches you?”
His mouth twists in rage, but he is quick to bite down his tongue. “She was pregnant,” he chooses to say instead, watching as her eyes widen at his words. “The maesters believed the babe to have been a boy, and I was so excited to finally be a father. Your granddaughter, my wife, she was the prettiest sight, such that made me fall in love with her more every single day that passed.”  
“You loved her so much, you claim, yet you still maimed her.”
“No. It was not I who did this. You must believe me, Princess Rhaenys.”
“Then pray tell who it was?”
“My mother.” He sees the look on her face, and the way her mouth flattens into a tight line. “She had sent me to the North, to the Starks for business, so that I would be unable to stop her. When I returned, it had been done, and our child long gone. I wish for nothing but vengeance now.”
Maybe she believes him; maybe she does not. But he knows that Rhaenys will take her away from him, back to her home at Dragonstone, and will very likely deny him the right to follow them, despite him being her husband. He just cannot accept the thought of being separated from her, the love of his life, no matter how selfish that might sound. He glances at his wife where she rests, with her good eye watching the two of them. Such little life left in her, he sees, and he knows that keeping her here would be considered cruelty on his part.
“Her mother misses her very much, and when she learns of the abuse her only daughter has faced while here at the Keep, there will be a war to be fought. You realize that, right, Prince Aemond? Will you be ready for it?”
He knows that, but it is not the war’s responsibility- nor anyone else’s- to avenge his wife and child but his own. It is why he decides to help the Princess Rhaenys sneak out of the Keep with his wife when nighttime arrives, asking her to hand his sweet girl over to his older sister, her mother, so that the maesters there will tend to her.
With a final kiss pressed against her lips, he bids her a goodbye, and promises a fond reunion when everything has been settled.
Before they leave, his wife brushes her hand against his. It is the ever most gentle touch possible, but enough to garner his attention towards her.
“I love you, husband,” she smiles. “And thank you. Come home to me, please, for I’ll be waiting for you.”
Aemond Targaryen, who later sits near his siblings when their grandsire and mother receive a raven from Dragonstone, carrying the Princess Rhaenyra’s response to her daughter’s mutilation:
“An eye for an eye, a son for a son. My daughter and her babe shall be avenged.”
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notes: show of hands for part three?
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madamealys · 3 months
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Imagine Aegon is your rival and you end up marrying him 😏 (+21)
Note: your plot is Rhaenyra’s… sort of.
You and Aegon are nearly twins. He was born a year after you, so the difference of twelve months bears no difference in how you and him were educated together.
At first, there were too many differences to provide a genuine fondness for one another. In fact, it could be said that, until when you bloomed into a handsome young woman, there was nothing but rivalry between you two.
Such is the scenario you and him grow into. Mutual teasings developing to rivalry as years grow by. To worse all, the king favouring you over Aegon means you might inherit his throne, probably breaking the long and old Westerosi tradition where male inheritance prevailed over female’s.
Nevertheless, in spite of your stepmother’s attempt to fuel this rivarly, as you and him grow, these sentiments are slowly leaving space to let another grow.
How’d you know, when Aegon loves to tease you? It’s this kind of teasing that irritates you. The acknowledged prince of Dragonstone seems to take a delight in sweeping off a smirk off your lips whenever he has the chance.
Not to mention he does so with the support of Queen Alicent, who envies the stepdaughter’s alluring beauty. Your long silver locks and brightening lilac gaze together with your now womanly curves makes you the object of praiseful poems, overshadowing this woman your father calls wife.
“Sister, long time no see”, greets Aegon when spotting you, coming by yourself after riding Sunfyre.
His eyes linger at your curves, noticing that even your riding clothes cannot conceal the woman you’ve become.
Though you too admit he’s grown to a fine man, you’d prefer to have a knight named Criston Cole as your husband instead of him.
“Aegon”, you despise him like always. “You just saw me earlier today with our… family.”
Not in the mood to be around him further, you try to get your steps faster in direction to your privy chambers. Unfortunately, Aegon is quick too.
“Running from me?!”
“Oh, you don’t say, Master Knoweth It All.”
“Leave that title to Daeron. He’s the one to become a maester anyway”, says Aegon, not missing your efforts in concealing a smirk.
And then of course he stops right before you. You are surprised by his bluntness, but more so for noticing how taller he is.
“Aegon…”, and your eyes scan his well build muscles in an effortless move to escape his intent stare at you. “What do you think you’re doing? Mistaking your royal sister to a whore?”
Aegon dramatically sighs, but you spot amusement behind his eyes when you dare to raise yours.
“Y/N Targaryen”, and here he boldly pins you against the wall, his hands gently holding your wrists, thus impending you of leaving. “Always proud.”
“You and I never saw eye to eye”, you hope not to sound too nervous, but for a strange reason you feel yourself dripping wet. “To come after me like that… one can only presume it is hardly for brotherly reasons.”
He tilts his head, eyeing you up and down.
“You underestimate me, Y/Nickname”, and you detect some irritation in his remark.
“Your deeds, my darling, have not left me with many choices, have they?”, you tilt your head, and Aegon finds some hope in how you hold back his gaze.
You both hear steps before you find chance to remove yourself off his dangerous presence. You best avoid him—in order to preserver whatever reputation you have, or maybe to shield your pride.
Aegon, distracted by the subtle arrival of Aemond, sighs annoyed when seeing he misses you again.
“You know… I’ll never understand how the fuck you poorly disguise the love you have for our dear sister behind a hate you lack.”
“Don’t get me started, Aemond. Rhaenyra has the affection of our father for a starter.”
“Does she? Not even Laena has this amount of attention father has towards you.”
A sensitive topic which Aegon hopes to avoid. Like usual, he prefers to resolve this by changing topics.
Aegon’s eyes are found staring at you again as you slide inside the great hall where a ball on behalf your father’s name day is given. You are wearing in red and black Targaryen colors, your locks perfectly braided and your skin is embellished with jewelry.
You like the attention, to be the center of every man and every woman’s eyes, but nothing warms your body than the way your father’s heir—for that’s what he is now—looks at you.
And when he notices you look back, he gives you a sensual smirk that makes you weak in your knees. Suddenly the gown is too tight. But you rather focus somewhere else. Someone else.
A knight named Criston Cole extends his hand out to you, which you pleasantly take—much to Aegon’s consternation. You notice the weight of his stare, the evident disapproval in his eyes.
As melody begins to be played and you and the shiny knight dance together, you cannot help yourself but taking a peak of Aegon’s jealousy. He cannot conceal it, he struggles against it and it’s when he decides to turn his attention to something else that you find yourself fearful for losing him to his wenches.
It’s when you realize that you have grown fonder to this brat you are related to. More than your pride cares to admit.
But who’d know your darkest secret might set alight when the king stands and asks for a minute, prompted to make an announcement that will shock all?
“I am found in this delicate position upon which a king is found contemplated the two heirs the Gods provide me. In order to make my conscience in accordance with the old traditions to our house, I hereby declare the betrothal of my eldest and most loved daughter, Y/N, with my dearest son and heir Aegon.”
You couldn’t see it coming, could you?
Aegon makes sure to prevent Sir Criston Cole to meet you. Having noticed what happened in the ball, the prince decides to deliver the message he’s no man to share.
“Always concerned about me”, you muse, when noticing he’s following you.
“Indeed. You are my soon to be wife”, and he once again has the control of you. “Y/N… Do not slip off me again.”
You turn at him, surprised to find yourself trapped in his needs.
“What do you think I am? A man who lives after his wenches?”, he scowls at you as you two stand right in front of the door of your privy quarters.
You tilt your head.
“Again, this speech? Aegon, we cannot evolve from rivalry. We’ve tried this before and thanks to your dear mother, friendship between us isn’t working.”
“Rivals we may be, but there’s more. Deeper, I know. Let me show you.”
With no waiting for your response he finally holds your face and dives to your lips. You gasp out of surprise, but the way his tongue pursuits yours in a domineering rhythm makes you moan rather than push him off.
You want him and your body shows it. He knows, he feels his body electrified by the mere contact with yours. As he kisses you passionately, Aegon makes clear he owns you. And you forget your pride by letting being owned.
No fear, nothing to apart one from the other remains when the dragon fire sparks. He opens the door, showing a sort of confidence never before familiar to you.
You want more of him, you let him dominate you, and when he lies you down in bed…
“We cannot…”, your reasonable self still lies awake, though breathless you are after this intense kiss and the way he looks at you makes you forget why you should give ears to reason when he’s going to be your husband anyway.
“Silence, darling. I won’t ruin you for our day”, he smirks at you.
Lying beside you, he lifts the skirts of your gown all the whilst he gazes at you. To your astonishment, you don’t find lust in his eyes, but a different feeling—one of the kind you fear to disclosure.
“Cannot I admire you?”, he asks you, no more with the prideful and arrogant mask he wears. “You look at me as if I am different than you’ve judged.”
His hands slowly caressing your thighs before resting over your pubic hair make difficult to you reason with his words, but you try to keep the reins of yourself.
“I never thought…”, you hesitate, unsure as to how to word your own insecurities.
“I never hated you, Y/Nickname”, and here Aegon leans to brush your lips all the whilst his slender fingers move to your womanhood. “I’ve always desired you.”
And as he kisses you, muffling the sounds that come out of you as you burn under his skillful fingers, you experiment a sort of delight never before tasted.
His fingers go deeper in you, wet in touch with the liquid you produce. Aegon is aroused at the way you react, like calling him to fuck you the way you deserve; his thoughts are messy, all he wants is you.
Then he parts the kiss only to gaze at you, the proud princess, humbled by his fingers. You spread your legs wider, your eyelashes are barely open at how he touches you, nice and slow at first before fingering you harder.
“Oh my…”, you turn your head at him. “Aegon!”
The prince smirks at how you call his name.
“Aegon, please!”, you cry out sensually, legs already heavy, beginning to levitate as your belly experiences butterflies.
“Give in, my sweet”, he brushes his lips against yours, hardened just by how you call his name.
But to your slight irritation, he doesn’t kiss you. Yet he moves his lips to your neck, there staying until…
So suddenly.
So intensely.
So… unexpectedly.
He replaces his fingers with his eager mouth. Aegon holds firmly your hips, diving his tongue right into the core of your womanhood. He does so with no decency, his tongue licking the walls of your cunt, spinning and sucking every bit of you.
“Aegon!”, you delight yourself in this new bliss, enjoying to ride his beautiful face, pumping into his mouth, arching your back desperately. “AEGON!”
You don’t mind being loud, but when you rise yourself, you ride him all right, and it feels good, it feels sinful, it feels like paradise.
You owe him now, and when he raises his eyes to meet tour lilac ones, a smirk crosses his lips and you feel so aroused… so bloody hot, that you cum not only once, but twice, thrice even.
And he drinks every bit of your juices, still digging his fingers against your bum, slapping it nicely before dropping to your side.
“My Gods”, you lean sensually against him. “Aegon…”
“Was it good, my darling?”, he holds your chin, reading in your eyes the defeat of your pride, the victory of his pursuits. “I will fuck you like that in many days ahead of our marriage.”
Aegon likes the view of your meek smile, and he caresses your face before kissing you gently.
“I best go. I shall not ruin my bride.”
“Aegon!”, you protest when seeing him stand and adjust himself.
“What? You are my princess”, he says, “my queen to be. Not any wench I can do as I please.”
You sigh heavily, very frustrated. That night, you secretly wish you were his dear, little whore. But you had to content yourself with using your hand.
The marriage proves to be a successful match. The feast surprises the guests by showing former rivals in harmony. Some of them think it’s a show you and Aegon play for the sake of your father, king Viserys, but it can be said, in the words of dear Helaena:
“A joyful occasion to prevent tempest; greater kings shall come from this nest; a war was avoided, but another is yet to come… prepare yourselves, easier is said than done.”
Like usual, none pays too much to her words, in spite of Aemond shooting Helaena a meaningful glance.
You are dressing red and your now husband is dressing green for his mother, but other than that.. you are positively surprised for enjoying how this is going.
“We are great together”, says Aegon, after you two shared a dance; now sitting on the table, he wants more of you.
You give him a smirk, locking gazes as you sip your wine.
“No one can beat us, darling.”
“Truer words have never been spoken.”
And here he stands, offering his hand.
“Let us show one more time how we came to surpass this rivalry instigated by all.”
“Another dance? Never took you for a dancer”, you smile at him.
Aegon smiles the brightest when saying:
“I am many things you are yet to disclosure, sweet Y/Nickname.”
And the dragons danced.
Finally by yourselves, you give him the charge. Aegon begins by undoing your elaborated braid before unlacing your gown.
“So beautiful. An angel.”
“Some say that we Targaryens are above from men and gods”, you give him a long glance, smiling almost seductively as you enjoy his gaze all over your body.
Once the gown falls off your body, showing your nude state, you feel his lascivious eyes devouring your curves as he stops before you and remove his own clothes.
“We are certainly more divine than many mortals. Hence why only a dragon can wed another”.
He arches his back and messes with his hair, straightening himself as he takes a seat at your marital bed. You drink of the view: his features more manly, his chest with some old scars acquired in training, and his manhood…
Oh it has your attention, indeed.
You step forward and before you know, you get to your knees. Aegon spreads his legs, groaning, already full erect before you.
“This shrew woman is going to be tamed”, he says firmly, yet there is a sweetness in his voice when he holds your face that makes you look at him, completely undone. “My prideful wife on her knees for me.”
“Aegon…”, you moan sensually, finding unbearable to taste this fire and not yet get burnt by it.
He looks at your round, full breasts, biting his lip as he stares at your nipples. The prince wants you in every indecent manner that is possible, but his mind is blank when you, impatient, take hold of his erect manhood.
“Y/N…!”, he groans loud.
You smirk at him.
“Tell me you want me.”
“Badly. No woman of the realm can match your alluring beauty. Many I’ve fucked thinking of you. Wishing I could kiss your lips and fuck your cunt.”
You shiver at his words.
“So indecent.”
“As if you are hardly innocent”, Aegon says in between gritted teeth. “I still recollect when you let me spot you bathing naked at the lake. And you touched yourself, seeing I was there.”
You blush at the memory.
“Rivals, uh?”, Aegon chuckles before moaning louder. “So much for the narrative of the shrew.”
His moanings are so sensual, so captivating. You like how he calls you that, acknowledging your pride, your flaws, but your virtues, you as a woman of your own.
It’s when you get too thirsty and…
“Y/N!”, Aegon is the one tamed by your skillful tongue. When looking at you, seeking for his approval, every doubt of your inexperience dies. “Oh let me teach you how it’s done.”
And you take his full length, all of it, licking it, swallowing his precum and going wild with the tip of his cock. It feels so good to be commanded, to subdue to him like this…
“Rise, my princess. I want to have my cum inside you, not in your mouth. Not today.”
And you obey, having his lips clashed against yours. In this night, you and I are together the way you’ve always secretly desired.
He possesses you perfectly, throbbing carefully within you, matching his hips with yours. Aegon pins your hands above your head, treating you kindly.
When he takes your breasts with his tongue, Aegon knows you get louder and he takes his time. Getting to know you carnally is fulfilling his naughtiest wishes.
One moves with the other in a slow, soaked pace, with bodies entangled as one.
However, towards the end of it, as each finds the climax, you turn at him and find him looking at you.
No more lust, but that same something you feared to name is what lies behind his eyes.
“This isn’t about copulating”, says Aegon, sounding more insecure than he likes. “I hope you know this.”
“You are my husband now, Aegon.”
“It is but a formality. I want you to know how I feel for you is beyond titles and traditions”, and he’s on his elbows now, searching for your face as he strokes your cheek. “I love you, Y/N.”
It is a beautiful sight when you assimilate his words. Aegon sees the confusion stamped behind your eyes, moving to a slight skepticism before reasoning to it.
And you smile because you feel the same.
“My rogue prince”, you hold his face too. “I love you, you bastard.”
In between chuckles, he kisses you. Like a needy boy, he buries his head in your neck. Likewise, you cuddle onto him.
One needs the other. Beyond saving a dynasty, Aegon and you saved each other.
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Hello new here! I was thinking if you could an aegon and rhaenyras daughter but instead of Harwin being her father its criston cole because he did get her pregnant that night. This takes place after Luke’s death and instead of just killing aegon’s and readers son they kill her too because daemon hated her for being ser Crispins daughter and like rhaenyra is heartbroken and aegon is crazy on revenge for his wife and child.
pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Niece!Reader
summary: aegon and rhaenyras daughter but instead of Harwin being her father its criston cole because he did get her pregnant that night. This takes place after Luke’s death and instead of just killing aegon’s and readers son they kill her too because daemon hated her for being ser Crispins daughter and like rhaenyra is heartbroken and aegon is crazy on revenge for his wife and child.
Word count: 3,0K
Warnings: Angst, Rape, Murder, Child murder, Blood and Cheese, Fire and Blood spoilers, Targaryen Madness
"Come on darling, don't give Muña such a hard time" You teased your son with a smile. He giggled as your fingers tickles his tummy. His chubby fingers reached out to you.
"Will sleep my love or will you be keeping me and kepa up all night again?" You asked, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Viseryn let out another giggle as your hair tickled his cheeks, chubby and full from feeding regularly from your breast.
"My sweet baby" You whispered, swaying from side to side. Your back was to the door and facing your child's cradle. When you heard the door you did not turn assuming it was Aegon coming to see Viseryn off before bed.
"You're back early, my love" You said. You frowned when you did not receive an answer back, Aegon usually made noise or at least answered you to not startle you. You turned around and froze at the sight of two men standing in front of the door with daggers in their hands.
"Who are you?" You questioned, tightening your grip on your son. Viseryn whined as you mushed his face against your bosom.
"Prince Daemon sent us, princess" One of the two answered taking a step closer to you.
"My stepfather?" You questioned, cocking your head to the side. The man grinned evilly showing his rotten teeth.
"What do you want?" You asked, backing up. The two of them approached you. You remembered the dagger Aegon hid in the nightstand beside the crib in case of something happening.
"A son for a son, princess" The other man was the one to speak. You shook your head in denial, Daemon would never hurt Viseryn, right? Although you never had a good relationship with him you did not believe he was capable of hurting an infant, barely seven moons old.
"Over my dead body" You sprang into action pulling open the drawer while balancing Viseryn on one arm and pulled the dagger out. The two of them snickered at the sight of you, in your night gown a weak woman with no experience in the matter of fighting but like any mother you were ready to defend your little one.
"That can be arranged" The first man said. He attempted to step closer to your but you swiped your dagger at him, a fire ignited inside of you, a need to protect your cub. A loud roar echoed in the distance, Vermithor feeling your distraught but unable to help from outside.
"Sweetheart, do not make this harder for yourself" He taunted trying to grab you again. You tried stabbing him again but this time the second man intervened and grabbed your arm. He pried your fingers off the dagger and threw it away. You whimpered at the painful grip he had around your arm.
"Much better" He whispered pulling you back into him and wrapped his free arm around your middle.
"No, get away" The other man pulled Viseryn out of your arms forcefully. The little boy burst out crying at the jerking and being in unfamiliar arms.
"No let him go, please" You begged. The man behind you held you tightly.
"Who are you?" You sobbed. You tried getting to Viseryn but the second man had a tight grip around you. You shuddered at the feeling of his breath against your neck.
"I am blood sweetheart" The man holding Viseryn responded. Viseryn was trying to push him away but Blood was too strong for the small boy, his screams grew even more urgent, his head turning in search of you.
"And I am cheese" The one holding you whispered in your ear. Your body shivered with disgust.
"Please let my baby go, I'll do anything" You begged. Blood looked at you in amusement. He raised his dagger to Viseryn's neck making you let out a scream.
"Please! Anything!" You yelled. Cheese had to grab both your arms and held them behind your back to restrain some of your movement.
"Anything?" He taunted grinding his lower half against your behind. You felt nauses at the thought of another man other than Aegon anywhere near you but for Viseryn you would do anything.
"Please let him go and take me instead, kill me instead a son for a wife" You bargained. The two looked at each other chuckling as they communicated with their eyes.
"We can arrange that" Blood said, walking over to the cradle he placed your son down in it. Viseryn's cries did not cease for a second, he still sensed the danger. He would not calm until he felt your touch, until he felt your skin and heard your voice.
"Come on then, little princess" Cheese pushed you closer to your bed. Tears were streaming down your cheeks at this moment. Being a princess you never imagined for a second that you would be harmed in such a way by anyone.
"Good princess" Cheese teased pushing you to lay on your stomach. He pulled up your night gown to show your behind groaning at the sight.
"Look what the lucky bastard has" Blood's hand came down to smack your behind. You closed your eyes hearing shuffling behind you. You jerked at the feeling of Cheese's cock easing inside of you.
"She's so fucking tight" Cheese pointed out. He was brutal with his movement. You were in emense pain but for your boy your would endure anything.
"The Hightower cunt probably does not fuck her enough" Blood laughed. He pulled his cock out in front of you and began palming himself, up and down slowly to not spill just yet. Viseryn's loud cries were the only thing heard in the room along with the groans of the two men and skin slapping, you refused to give them the satisfaction of hearing your despair.
"Fuck" Cheese threw his head back as he spilled himself inside of you. He pulled out with a shit eating grin making way for blood.
"I like watching them squirm in pleasure" Blood turned you around to face him. He pulled your legs up and over his shoulder before pushing his cock inside of you. You wanted to scream from the pain but held inside. Cheese's cum worked as lube to let him in but it did not make it anywhere near pleasurable.
Your head lulled to the side unable to look at him as he fucked himself into you, an honour only meant for noble men to fuck a princess but here low lives were getting their fill. You looked at the cradle beside the bed where Viseryn was still screaming his lungs out, voice growing hoarse.
"Fuck sweetheart" Blood palmed at your breasts like some hungry beast. He let his weight fall on you as he orgasmed. You have never seen any men finish so quickly before in your life but yo were more than grateful so this torture could end.
"Look at the Queen so full of our cum" Cheese teased. Blood pulled out of you and moved to the side fixing his trousers.
"If only she were to live and have our bastards but alas this was good enough" Blood teased back. Your eyes widened in shock. Cheese was quick to pull you off the bed and hold you against his chest with your back to him and your front facing the cradle.
"What are you doing?" You questioned. Blood pulled Viseryn out of the cradle and held him in his arms again.
"I gave you what you wanted, please let him go" You pleaded. Blood smirked evilly at you.
"Not a chance princess" A scream tore from your throat as blood's knife came down straight into you boys neck ending his screams. Blood let go of your boy letting him fall the ground with a loud thud and you swear you could hear several cracks as well.
"Viseryn!" Your knees gave up on you and Cheese let you go. You crawled over to your son's mangled body. You picked him up and held him against your chest, his smashed face against your breast, the breast he was suckling on less than an hour ago but never will ever again.
"My boy!" Your throat felt like it was tearing open. Your heart was in so much pain you felt like you were dying and in fact you were.
"Shut her up" Blood whined, hands going up to his ears. You were shocked no one heard your and Viseryn's screams by now. Cheese did not waste a second to move closer to you and hold his knife to your neck. With one swift swipe his slit your throat open.
You chocked on your blood, gurgling. Your bed fell to the side with Viseryn still in your arms. Your body withered and shivered before finally falling limp, your arms growing limp around your son's corpse and your eyes wide open along with your mouth.
"Let's go" Blood pulled cheese out of the room before they could get caught. They were lucky thus far but they did not know for how long.
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"Darling" Aegon whispered as he opened the door trying not to wake up his sleeping son, it was past his bed time after all. He froze at the sight of you laying on the floor, the blood still not visible.
"My love!" He yelled, sprinting over to your body. He fell to his knees beside you heart hammering in his chest. His eyes caught sight of your son's mangled body laying beside yours.
"Viseryn!" The scream that tore through his throat will forever haunt those who lived within these walls, a ghost of the memory many called it.
His hands shook as he pulled his son to his chest. His throat was torn open, his small eyes open staring into the void. His small hands no longer trying to grab at his hair. His chest no longer rising and falling with each breath.
"Wake up, please my boy wake up" Aegon begged, sobbing. His head fell on his son's chest in search of a heart beat but there was none. "Please" Aegon sobbed.
"Aegon?" His mother's voice called from the door. She had heard his scream from down the corridor and came running along with Criston.
"Mother, Viseryn won't wake up" Aegon turned to look at him mother. She gasped in horror at what she saw. Blood everywhere. Criston braced himself against the door frame by her side. The sight of his only child in such a state sent him into shock mode.
"Viseryn" Alicent whispered, stepping closer. Her first instinct was to take him from Aegon. Aegon let her in hopes that she will bring his son back to life. He turned to look at his wife and pulled her into his chest.
"My love, wake up, please" He hand moved to touch your cheek, smearing your blood there even more. Your eyes stared up at the ceiling with no movement. His eyes trailed down to the rest of your body pausing when he noticed even more blood on your lower region. Fury was all that could be described at when he felt in that moment, Targaryen madness was more than proven with this King.
"My beautiful wife" He sobbed, his head falling down against your chest, where he liked to lay and listen to your heartbeat whenever he was sad, whenever his mother shouted at him, whenever being king grew overwhelming but now he heard no comforting thuds and your fingers did thread through his hair, you did not scold him for forgetting to wash it. Usually you helped him with his baths and it became a routine at the end of the day for him to bath and you washing his hair and body before joining him for a round of love making.
Aegon looked up when he heard shuffling to find Criston kneeling down beside him, tears were streaming down his face. It was no secret who your father was, the uncanny resemblance, the black locks and brown eyes, the tan complexion all pointed to one answer. The soft spot Criston had for you as a child and the fury that seemed to burn him when your mother took you away to Dragonstone and away from him.
"My girl" Criston was over the moon when it was announced that you were to marry Aegon, you would be moving back to the Red Keep and he could be near you again. Aegon let Crsiton take you from him, let him touch you and hold you. Criston buried his face in your hair sobbing like any parent would.
"Where are you going?" Alicent asked, between her sobs. Aegon stood up from the floor and walked over to the door.
"To plan a war" Was all Aegon said without looking back at her and moved to leave in search of Aemond and Daeron.
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"You motherfucker" Aegon slammed his feats into Daemon's face earning back a laugh.
"Is that all you got, boy" Daemon taunted. Aegon rolled his neck, sword in hand, he was never really good in the art of sword fighting, it was more Aemond and Daeron's cup of tea but this was a new Aegon.
"You killed her" Aegon accused. He attempted to pounce at Daemon when a loud dragon roar echoed in the skies. Syrax landed not far away from the battlefield and his sister slid down from the saddle.
"A son for a son" Daemon answered shrugging. Aegon let out a loud cry running at Daemon sword long forgotten, flew from his hand to the ground. Daemon was pushed onto his back with Aegon's hand around his neck in a chokehold. Daemon's hands snapped up to wrap around Aegon's wrists.
"Why did you kill them? They were innocent" Aegon sobbed. Tears gathered in his eyes. He could footsteps nearing them but did not look up. He trusted Aemond and Daeron to stop any attacks from behind him.
"She is Criston Cunt's daughter and he is your Hightower spawn" Daemon chocked. His face was turning red and some shade of purple. Aegon flinched at the feeling of something sharp pierce his side. He looked down to find Daemon holding the handle of a dagger wedged into his side.
"Die you fucker!" Aegon ragged. Daemon's eyes grew in panic seeing his attack had no affect. Aegon was running on pure adrenaline.
"Fuck" Daemon chocked. Aegon tightened his grip even more, he could feel his blood flowing out but his strength did not betray him, he had to hold on for her, for Viseryn.
"You killed an infant, you killed an innocent woman" Aegon hissed. His tears turned to ones of happiness as Daemon's eyes began to turn in his head and his withering grew weaker by the second. His hands that were wrapped around Aegon's wrists fell down to rest on Aegon's thighs digging his nails down by to no use.
"Daemon!" Aegon's head snapped up at the sound of Rhaenyra's scream. Aemond and Daeron both were holding her back as the battle resumed to rage around them. Her golden crown swayed and fell with her fighting.
"Do you sweet sister know what our uncle did?" Aegon asked. He raised Daemon's head up and slammed it down on the ground harshly. Daemon's legs kicked and fought but the fight in him was slowly dying.
"He killed my wife in cold blood. He sent his men to rape and kill her. He made her watch as they killed her son in front of her" Aegon yelled. Rhaenyra's fighting ceased and she fell to her knees. Her eyes wide in shock and her head shook from side to side in denial.
"I came back to my room to find my wife holding the broken body of our infant son, his throat slit open and his head half smashed, his arms in all weird angles and his legs broke, he was but seven moons!" Aegon yelled. His eyes turned to Daemon, Daemon's eyes were turning red as the vessels burst in his eyes.
"Die you piece of shit" Aegon hissed as the life flittered out of Daemon's body. He fell limp but Aegon refused to let go of his neck until he was sure that he was dead.
"He killed your daughter sister" Aemond taunted in Rhaenyra's ear. Daeron moved to the side noticing the maddened glint in Aegon's eyes grow.
"He killed your grandson" Aemond whispered in her ear. Aegon satisfied with Daemon's dead body, he stood up and turned to face her. Daeron's eyes widened at the sight of the dagger sticking out of Aegon's side, he ran to fetch a maester.
"Sunfyre" Aemond let go of Rhaenyra hearing his brother's dragon screech in response from a distance before landing near them, crushing men around them under his feet.
"ipradagon" Eat. Aegon ordered. The golden dragon screeched again before coming down to bite through Rhaenyra's middle breaking her in half.
Aegon's wound finally affected him and the blood loss making him dizzy, he fell to his knees. Aemond sprinted over to Aegon supporting him before he could fully fall.
"Hang on, Daeron will bring help" Aemond tried assuring Aegon. Aegon smiled as he held on to Aemond's tunic tightly.
"No, let me die" Aegon wheezed. One of his hands moved to pull the dagger out to assist the blood in flowing our faster and in a bigger amount.
"I will go to them, let me go to them" Aegon whispered. Aemond never thought he would feel pity for his older brother. He never thought he could feel love for Aegon after the bullying but in that moment he felt his heart shatter as his brother died in his arms.
"I'm coming my love" Was the last thing Aegon whispered before he took his last breath. Daeron paused a couple of feet away from his brothers, leaning down on his knees panting in defeat as the maester declared Aegon dead in the middle of the field and Aemond was declared the king after him.
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snapghoul · 6 days
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Moon, tell me if I could send my heart up to you?
Bradley and Jake parted ways with Tyler and Bradley meets Mama and Pa Seresin.
Note: I love using titles that represent characters’ feelings towards each other as subtext.
Warnings: none
Song: My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
Texas seemed much like Oklahoma to Bradley—just as scorching and flat. He unloaded the duffel bags from their rental car while Jake dashed up the steps of the ranch house and was quickly enveloped in a warm embrace by his parents.
Watching the scene unfold tugged at Bradley’s heart, starkly reminding him of his own lack of family. He longed for moments like these and resented the void left by their absence.
As Bradley approached the porch, Jake’s mother greeted him with a warm smile. “You must be Bradley, come here, darlin’!” she said, pulling him into a gentle hug and cupping his face. Her affectionate term of endearment made him feel unexpectedly cherished.
“You’re quite the looker,” she continued. “I’m Rose, but you can call me Mama Seresin. Jake, what a fine boy you’ve brought home!” Rose beamed at Jake, who turned bright red as his mother showered Bradley with praise. Bradley, equally flushed, found himself overwhelmed by the genuine warmth.
“Ma.” Jake sighed and his father chuckled, reaching out to shake Bradley’s hand.
“Cole, welcome to the ranch, son,” Mr. Seresin greeted warmly. Bradley barely had time to process the introduction before he was swept into the house, his duffle bags being handed off to Jake.
“Lucky for you, I just finished some barbecue,” Rose said as she guided Bradley inside. “Soph and the kids won’t be here for a while, so I suggest you dig in now.”
“Ma, slow down—” Jake began, but his mother waved him off.
“Hush! You’ve never brought anyone home before; let me have my moment,” she retorted. Bradley chuckled softly as the mother and son playfully swatted at each other.
“You’re the first he’s ever brought home, so she’s just excited,” Mr. Seresin explained, gently prying his wife’s hands away from Bradley while she continued to bicker with Jake. “If she gets overwhelming, just let me know. Would you like a Coke or a beer?”
“Coke, please,” Bradley said with a smile.
Mr. Seresin’s calm demeanor was a stark contrast to the lively energy of his family. It was clear that Jake and Tyler inherited their boisterous attitude from their mother. The shorter blonde woman was animatedly chastising her son with a towel, loudly lamenting that Jake hadn’t shared much about Bradley. It was evident that his presence was a significant moment.
Bradley followed Mr. Seresin into the kitchen, where he was handed a freshly opened can of soda.
“Now, darling, let me get a better look at you,” Rose said, her excitement palpable as she made another advance toward Bradley.
Jake quickly stepped in, placing himself between Bradley and his mother, wrapping his arms around the taller man. He glanced back at Rose and said, “Ma, give him some space, or you’ll scare him off.”
“Jake,” Bradley said, taking a sip of his soda around Jake’s head, his hand resting comfortably on Jake’s lower back. “It’s fine. If I can handle you every day, I’m sure I can manage your mom. Sorry, Mrs. Seresin.”
Rose laughed heartily, joined by her husband. “Oh, darlin’ don’t be sorry, you’re probably right. And I told you just call me Mama Seresin.”
“I’d say so,” Mr. Seresin added with a grin. “And if he’s survived a week with Tyler, he’s ready for anything.”
Rose looked to her husband for confirmation, and he nodded in agreement. It was clear that Bradley had already been warmly accepted into the family.
They also noticed how utterly captivated Jake was, his green eyes twinkling as he looked up at Bradley with an unprecedented softness, as if Bradley were the full moon on a clear night. In turn, Bradley gazed at Jake with the same warmth one might reserve for the sun, his arm wrapped protectively around Jake’s waist, drawing him close.
Yeah, Bradley was staying, Mama would make sure of that.
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bueckersstrap · 3 months
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songs that remind me of my wife ⋆·˚ ༘ *
major creds to the og wives (cj & alora for the idea 😊😊😊) !!
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out of my league - fitz and tantrums
“i waited for a girl like you
to come and save my life”
bad idea! - girl in red
“darling your so pretty
it hurts”
congratulations - mac miller
“and you too divine to just be mine
you remind me of the color blue
girl I'm so in love with you”
fall in love with you - montell fish
“fall in love with you”
love is only a feeling - joey bada$$
“i mean she so perfect
in her own little world
we built the foundation everything i want in a girl "
japanese denim - daniel caesar
“you're my four leaf clover
i’m so in love
so in love”
sweet/i thought you wanted to dance - tyler, the creator, brent faiyaz, fana hues
“if i compared you, the sun is a stand in
you got a smile that could light up a planet”
girl with the tattoo enter.lewd - miguel
“those innocent eyes
that smile on your face
makes it easy to trust you”
ivy - frank ocean
“i thought that i was dreaming
when you said you love me”
dream girl - crisaunt
“living in a dream
when i’m with you”
sweet - cigarettes after sex
“you know that i’m obsessed with your body
but it’s way you smile that does it for me
it’s so sweet
knowing that you love me
sure thing - miguel
“cause this love is a sure thing
now rock with me babe
let me hold you in my arms
talk with me babe”
all i want is you - miguel, j. cole
“cause they don’t smile
or smell like you
and they don’t make me laugh
or even cook like you
and they don’t photograph
nah they don’t sex like you
let’s face it i can’t replace it”
stay ready (what a life) - jhené aiko, kendrick lamar
“we do not exist
in any other instant
here in this dimension you and i are
meant to be "
bound 2 - kanye west
“bound to failing in love”
always forever - cults
“you and me always forever
we could stay alone together"
hold on, we’re going home - drake, majid jordan
“i got my eyes on you
you're everything that i see
i want your hot love and emotion endlessly
i can’t get over you
you left your mark on me”
best part - daniel caesar, h.e.r.
“you’re the coffee that i need in the morning
you’re my sunshine in the rain when it’s pouring”
in a good way - faye webster
“i didn’t know i was capable of being happy right now
but you showed me how”
daylight - taylor swift (🙄🙄🙄)
“all of you all of me
i once believed love would be black and white
but it’s golden"
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strip4kaneshiro · 3 months
Cole Cassidy x Texan! reader domesticity headcanons
hiii it’s Kay again LOL. My first comeback piece and it’s Overwatch head canons LMAO. Felt some type of way about writing headcanons about real people so we’re moving on to fictional characters as the lord intended. As of rn, I’m fixated on Cassidy, Reaper, and Lifeweaver as my faves. So expect me to write about them TRUST
You and him defo live on a small ranch back in his home state of Texas together
this takes place in a universe where Overwatch is a lil more flexible with him than before, so don’t worry too much about the logistics ok???
Not close too his hometown though ( he’s still wanted there, rip), so you end up choosing a ranch set of land south enough to still be able to reach the coast if wanted. Cole was adamant about being able to take beach road trips
Let’s you do majority of the interior decorating, while he focuses on upkeeping the outdoors of your home
In the process of choosing yalls house and moving in, contrary to popular belief, Cassidy was the super picky one
I swear you had to change real estate agents twice because he wouldn’t stop nitpicking LMAO, but all for good reason, He just wants the best for his darling <3
He will NEVER wake you up earlier than 9 am for any reason unless it’s a doctors appointment or a road trip. Babes just wants to watch you sleep
“Cole! It’s 10:30! You weren’t gonna wake me up?!” You chastise, jumping out of bed and pulling stray hairs out your face
“Now why would I disturb your peace?” and he flashes that damn cowboy charming smile smh i hate him so bad
If your into skincare stuff, he simply watches you in amazement as you go through a multi step routine
Begins asking you to help him, not because he cares much about his skin, but he loves to see you yap about what you love
(Please free this man from the 14 in 1 in the shower)
Bro CANNOT keep his hands off of you for any reason and it makes everyone both envious and uncomfortable
If you’re in the kitchen, hands wrapped around your waist from the side. Doing laundry? He’s leaning on your shoulder and simply watching.
Depending on if Overwatch needs him, he will force them to give him a 14 hour notice so he can tell you. Cole never wants you to wake up confused and alone like how he did Ashe and Deadlock gang
Speaking of, expect to see the, very often in your house. They all just decided y’all’s house was the hangout spot like a bunch of high schoolers
He doesn’t appreciate how Ashe and you team up to tease him
Ended up getting two dogs and a cat with him.
The cat loves you but cannot stand being near Cole unless it’s bribed (male cat)
“Oh, did your wife give you those scratches Cass?” (Baptiste)
Cole begrudgingly acknowledges the scratches on his shoulders and back during a training session.
He forces you to trim his claws and get him a scratching post when he gets back home
If you drink coffee/tea/matcha, he leaves enough hot water in the coffee pot so you can make whatever you choose. Or if he knows, he just does it himself and leaves it for you warm cold (ik some of you r iced coffee fiends)
Cole takes you on shopping trips every couple of months because he loves to spoil you, he even carries all the bags without one single complaint! (He gets to flex his ranch muscles)
Don’t let it be a nice day over 70 degrees, this man will take any chance he gets to have as little clothing on as possible around you (Why he does this we don’t know)
Catch him in a tank top or no shirt at all doing yard work while you lay in a chaise , tanning or quietly reading.
He wouldn’t have it any other way though, he loves working hard for the ones he loves.
So as the day comes to the end, and you come outside with some iced tea for him, he wipes as much sweat as he can off of himself before leaning over and kidding the top of your head.
“I love you, darlin’.” He’ll mutter, before wrapping his toned arms around you and embracing you
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aemondsquill · 2 years
Never Admit Defeat
Aemond Targaryen × Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is feeling frisky and she's making it Aemond's problem
Warnings: mostly fluff, a little fingering and suggestive language, but not full on smut, and wrestling but lmk if I should add any
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Y/N could not pick a singular word to describe her mood on this night. Hyper? No, that wasn't it. How about excited? No, that wasn't quite the right word either. Whatever word it was made her feel antsy.
Sitting at the dinner table piled high was delectable meats, vegetables, and rich wines could not distract her from the droning conversations that never seemed to end. The banality of it all made her restless. Her husband, Aemond, the fearsome Dragon Prince himself, sat next to her with perfect practiced posture. He didn't seem to mind the humdrum of conversation that flowed endlessly amongst his family, contributing every so often when he was addressed.
Y/N felt his warm hand rest against hers, stilling her tapping fingers.
"Are you alright, wife?" He asked, concern etching onto his face. Y/N let out a breathy sigh and smiled politely, "Yes, I am quite alright, my Prince." Conversation between the couple still felt stilted and awkward, as they had only been wed for a couple of weeks. Y/N hated it. She wished she could just scrub away the awkwardness and at least speak like friends.
The Dowager Queen perked up at the voice of Aemond's wife. She also picked up on Y/N's odd mannerisms and frazzled eyes, much to the dismay of her good-daughter.
"Tell me about your day, dearest Y/N." The Queen spoke softly. Her eyes were warm and inviting and her smile was nothing less than motherly.
Y/N blinked, pondering the question for a minute. "My day was wonderful, your Majesty. The Princess Helaena made a wonderful companion in the gardens today. She found a lovely wisteria plant for me to hang in my chambers." The Queen seemed pleased at the praise for her darling daughter, Helaena. "I'm glad to hear it, my Lady."
Gods, how long is this blasted dinner going to last? It had been hours since the sun had fallen and Y/N wanted nothing more than to return to her chambers so she may think of a way to dissipate her nervous energy.
Her salvation came from the least likely source: Aegon. He was deep in his cups, so much so that his head was lolling back and forth and his eyes drooped with sleepiness.
"Motherrrrr....May I *hic* be esscused?" His words were heavily slurred and he looked to be on the verge of collapsing. Alicent huffed out a sigh before glaring at him. How dare he have the audacity to present himself in a manner that was utterly unbecoming in front of his new good-sister? She dismissed him quietly, glancing over at Ser Cole, who was already stalking over to the future king of the realm. With a heave, Aegon was slumped against the knight and the two stumbled out of the dining hall.
Aemond rolled his eyes at his brother's antics, yet he expected no less. Of course his brother would make a fool of himself in front of his new bride. He picked at the roasted vegetables on his plate for a moment before deciding that he had enough of this drab affair.
"Mother, Y/N and I should retire to our chambers. Thank you for hosting us at this dinner." Y/N shot up quickly from her seat and curtsied politely, excited at the prospect of finally leaving. Alicent sent them a small smile and allowed them to leave.
The heavy skirts of Y/N's dress swished around her legs as she walked through the endless corridors of the Red Keep, holding onto her husband's arm. Nerves fluttered in her chest at the realization that the two of them were completely alone. During the months of their betrothal a chaperone accompanied them everywhere to make sure neither engaged in unseemly behaviors before their marriage. Of course, Aemond and Y/N still managed to sneak a few chaste kisses every so often, but never anything more.
Y/N's mind wandered to the night of their wedding, only several days behind them. How cold the Prince had seemed at the ceremony and feast, as though it had been another one of his mother's tasks assigned to him. In a manner of thinking, one could say the whole marriage was exactly that: a duty and nothing more. But Y/N wanted more! Her own mother and father had a wonderful marriage! Laughter was no foreigner in the halls of her old home, and love was always abundant. She feared Aemond had only viewed her as an obligation and the thought prickled her spine. A shiver of frustration shot through her.
"Are you cold, my Lady? I can send for a chamber maid to bring you another blanket."
"No, thank you, my Prince, that will not be necessary." Y/N smiled gently. Beneath her practiced smile a storm was brewing. She didn't know how long she could keep herself together before she made a fool of herself.
Aemond eyed her warily. She had been acting so strange this night. Did she hate him that much? Perhaps. He knew that he hadn't been the most loving husband in the realm, but at least he wasn't cruel.
After several minutes in silence, the pair arrived at Y/N chambers. She halted for a moment, still feeling jittery, but now she had been trying to build up the courage to invite him in. Surely it was not improper for a woman to want to spend time with her husband! She took a breath and before Aemond released her arm she spoke quickly, "Would you care to join me, my Prince? Just for a moment?" His eye widened at her request. He had to be dreaming, right? To his embarrassment, he stuttered out his reply.
"Oh, um,y-yes of course, my Lady." Y/N grinned at him broadly, the nervous butterflies in her stomach coming to a stand still. She held his hand and led him inside.
Aemond surveyed the chambers carefully. It was tidy, mostly, and had a few touches of her personality: flowers hanging by the window, a portrait of her family above the fireplace, and an easel with an empty canvas.
"So, you enjoy painting, my Lady?"
"Oh yes, very much so, my Prince. My mother taught my brothers and I how to paint when we were very young. My father always wanted the boys to hunt or spar with him, but they favored the arts more so. Forgive my ramblings, my Prince, I miss them greatly." Aemond walked around the room, arms clasped behind his back as he took everything in before stopping in front of the roaring fire.
"Hmm. My sister seems to be taken with you. I appreciate that greatly, my Lady. Not many have the patience for her ramblings, certainly not my brother." He said briskly. Gods, how long will this wretched conversation continue? Y/N might as well be watching her paintings dry! At this thought she closed her eyes and let out a sigh more harshly than she intended. Aemond's head whipped around at the sound, slightly startled that she could be so rude.
"Have I done something to offend you, my Lady?" He asked incredulously. Y/N felt a flicker of fear, but it quickly turned into annoyance and the strange feral feeling she felt at dinner.
"Gods, my Prince, I cannot continue like this! Why must our conversations be such a bore?! Surely, there are more interesting things to talk about!" She all but shouted. She didn't feel angry, she just felt like her emotions were pent up. Y/N had spent months displaying a watered-down version of herself so as not to offend the royal family.
Y/N began to pace around the room, attempting to untie the lacings of her elaborate dress. "All we ever have are stilted conversations fit for old lords who don't give a shit about each other! I wish to speak freely with my husband, but no, my father said I had to be prim and proper to keep you happy. Well piss on that!" By this time, the outermost layer of the dress was gone, leaving Y/N in her cinched corset and chemise. Aemond could only watch her, feeling slightly scandalized at the vision before him. His words had failed him in his shock.
Y/N took a deep breath before removing the several pieces of jewelry that adorned her body and placing them on her dark wood vanity. She turned to look at her husband, a wild glaze in her eyes.
Aemond seemed to get his bearings. "Why are you looking at me like that, wife?" He snapped. In a million years, Aemond would have ever been able to guess what his wife would do next.
Y/N let out a roar as she charged at him with ferocity. The impact of her body against his sent them both clambering to the ground.
"What in the seven hells has possessed you, woman?!" Aemond shouted, baffled at the actions of his wife. He scrambled against her flailing limbs. How was she so strong for such a little thing? She pulled on his hair and he he groaned.
"I have been stifled for too long! I need you to see me for who I truly am, husband!" Y/N cackled like a woman crazed above him. She leaned down and bit as his neck and shoulder and he let out a series yelps at each sharp contact.
"You are nothing more than a wildling! I should have you shipped off to the North, vile woman!" Aemond, truly baffled, continued to grapple with his lady wife's arms before flipping them over so she was on her back. He took a second to breath, but that was a mistake. Y/N managed to slip out of his grasp and fling her arms around his neck and pull him down towards her.
Aemond huffed and puffed as Y/N slithered around to his back from underneath him, wrapping her legs around him and tightening her hold around his neck. His one hand gripped her forearm, while the other pushed against the floor. The whole time Y/N giggled madly, Aemond was left wondering what the hell his mother had gotten him into. This was not the same meek lady he had been betrothed to just weeks before. And he definitely enjoyed the newfound fire in his wife. Her giggles proved to be contagious as his own laughter filled the room.
The two still struggled against each other, Aemond now on top pinning Y/N down on her back. They slowed their movements as they gazed into each other's eyes, both alight with mirth. Aemond's soft lips inched closer and closer and Y/N's eyes started fluttering softly.
In a sudden movement, Aemond flipped Y/N onto her belly and held her hair so her head was gently lifted off the ground. She gasped in delight.
"Your insolence must come to an end, wife, I can tell your tiring out" he taunted at her. Y/N rolled her eyes and looked back at him.
"I will never bend to your will, husband, I am too fierce for you to handle!" She said indignantly. Aemond let out a chuckle before his palm struck her supple ass cheek. He watched it jiggle beneath her thin chemise, blood rushing to his crotch. Truthfully, he had been hard as a rock the entire time they had been wrestling, but this was the first time he really took in every curve of her body.
Slowly, his fingers trailed up the back of her thigh and under her chemise. Her breathing halted as his sped up. The thrill of touching his wife ignited his entire being.
She let out a gasp and she felt a slender finger prod at her slickness. She was embarrassingly wet after being so physical with her dear husband.
"Husband, please." She whimpered out while attempting to grind against his finger pathetically. Aemond, however, greatly enjoyed the sight of his wife so desperate and aching for him. The thought of it made his belly feel warm.
He clicked his tongue at her, "I thought you said you'd never been to my will, wife. I wouldn't want to make a liar out of you." Y/N let out a soft whimper as his finger traveled deeper into her causing her to arch her back slightly.
"I don't care, husband! Please, I just want more!" Hearing his wife begging beneath him nearly caused his own release. He was happy to oblige as he added a second finger, the additional stretch almost overwhelming his little wife below him. She moaned out as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, the wetness causing squelching noises.
"Get on the bed, little wife, I'm going to fill you with an heir tonight."
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butterflypeatea3456 · 2 years
Yandere!Alicent Hightower x Reader x Yandere!Criston Cole HC 
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You could have met the Queen and her shield in many ways. Maybe being a trusted caretaker of her children or an old friend that left Kings Landing before she became Queen. Or simply a playmate from her childhood. Either way, you were a relic from a simpler past. From when she was Lady Alicent, and not a wife, mother, or Queen. Ser Cole was always in the corner of your eye whether you were talking to the queen or even in the same area as her. His interest spiked from the way Alicent talked about you. Being a sweet lady not only to her but to her children as well. 
“My Queen, may I bandage your hands” You gently asked, noticing the red growing around her nails. “I-I suppose you may if it isn’t any trouble” Alicent said, letting you hold her hands. With more care than anyone had shown her in a long time. Rhaenrya still ignored her, Viserys using her to warm his bed, and her father setting off the motions that lead her here. Humming softly you worked gently to lessen the pain. “I wish to carry the feelings that led you here instead,” You said sympathetically, now just holding her hands in yours. Alicent felt a longing to keep you closer to her. And she could because she was now the Queen of the seven kingdoms. Fearing that one day you'd leave her somehow.
It was a relatively simple task for Criston to accomplish. Arranging a room near the Queen’s quarters. Under the guise of enemies targeting you for being around the Queen and heirs to the Iron throne. “Ser Cole, you truly do not need to escort me” You politely said. It was nice at first, the Queen assigning you her finest guard to make sure you were protected. But his eyes never seem to leave your figure. Anytime you seemed to turn towards him, you’d find his dark eyes already on you. 
It was hard to imagine what he was thinking. Because at some point you’d gathered the courage to stare straight back at him. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t a lovely man to look at. As he looked back at you, straight-faced as ever. Young Helaena fidgeted in your arms. Her wispy white locks static against the soft wrapping. “We’ll be in the garden, plenty of maids will be present” You tried to convince. “It’s part of my duty to protect you–the Queen and her children” He prayed you really wouldn’t catch the slip. 
 As time went on and your presence became a more common occurrence. Criston realized how much he liked to observe you. He never ventured close enough to ruin either of your reputations. Instead simply watching you like a bird in a cage. Running errands for the Queen, on walks, eating alone, entering and leaving the bath, while you sleep. Nothing too scandalous of course, he was a high knight, after all, a man of honor.
Alicent was much more subtly in her ways of keeping you close. Having you slowly replace maids who helped her throughout the day. Helping her button and lace up her gowns alone. While she insisted you dress in shades of emerald, sage, and mint. All with small references to the Hightower house, and the faith of the seven, of course. Anyone who tried to pull you away from Alicent or Criston, was swiftly dealt with. They had an understanding between them. To protect and keep their darling pure.
No matter how messy or bloody it got. There was little hesitation not to imprison, threaten, or outright kill anyone that threatens your place in their lives. Family would one by one stop pestering you about marriage. Those in court who aimed to snake closer to power and steal your place. Had all scandals and secrets (real or fake) exposed for all to see. And if anyone outright ordered you to be killed or kidnapped they’d face the full fury of the Queen and her high knight.
After all, if Alicent and Criston didn’t protect their sweet lady who would?
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darkestspring · 2 months
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Hi, hello, thank you for sticking with this blog for so long and indulging my silly little clown boy ramblings!!! It's an honor to have you all here! as per suggestions. i went with seven deadly sins theme for this followers event. this even will be running until the 7th of august! how this event will work is under the banners for the seven sins will be a series of numbered dialogue prompts you can send in for me to write! (for example; "can i get greed number 12 with aegon?") just as a reminder, i'm only writing for hotd characters (and a few select, such as baelon the brave, aegon the conquerer and his wife) i will only be writing for criston cole in a platonic sense. I will also not be writing for daeron due not knowing how to write for him. I am allowing people to request prompts for my ocs (see my naviagtion for clarifications. if you've stuck around long enough, you'll probably know who they are.) (also i will not be doing lust prompts with daemon! for personal reasons!)
so let's get into it! thank you again for supporting me!
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Greed | yandere prompts
You carved out my heart.
2. They tried to take you away from me! I had to do something!
3. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be.
4. You think I'm a monster? You're the one that made me like this!
5. Darling, why are you crying? I took care of the problem.
6. Only look at me with these pretty eyes of yours.
7. I'm all you have left now.
8. Did you really think you could escape?
9. Did they bother you again? Just let me deal with them!
10. I did it out of love!
11. This world doesn't deserve someone as lovely as you.
12. You agreed to be mine, so you must feel the same!
13. At least pretend to love me!
14. You don't have to pretend to love that fool anymore! I got rid of them for you!
15. Can't you see that we're meant to be together!
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Envy | obsessive prompts
What's so special about them?
What do they have that I don't?
Give me permission to love you, as if it's the only think you can say.
I know absolutely everything about you.
No matter where you go, I'll find you eventually.
No one else compares to you.
You're ignoring me. Why? Don't you love me?
You haven't even seen the worst I can do.
One day you'll realize you love me just as much as I love you!
I just want you to love me!
I'm in such pain every second we're apart.
After I'm done with you, your thoughts will be plagued by me.
I've completely devoted myself to you, why can't you do the same?
I don't want to hurt you, honey.
I am jealous. I'm so horribly jealous.
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Wrath | Angry/angst prompts
I don't love you anymore.
I wish I'd never met you.
Since when did you ever care about me?!
I'm not the one here who's heartless.
You do not deserve my forgiveness.
It's not like you ever understood me anyways.
I wish I loved you less.
That's the problem, you don't care at all.
We're done here.
How could you think that this wouldn't hurt me?
You never loved me, did you?
You made me miserable.
I hope you got what you wanted.
Please don't look at me with such hatred.
Just get out. I- I don't want you here, just leave
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Gluttony | yearning/pining prompts
I can't stop thinking about you, even when I try.
I wish I had the courage to tell you how I feel.
If only you knew how much you truly mean to me.
Sometimes I wonder if you ever think about me the way I think about you.
Somehow, you're always on my mind.
You deserve better than what I am right now, but I'm going to keep trying to become someone you deserve.
Do you think I'll ever be worthy of your love?
I'm still in love with you.... and I honestly never stopped.
There's so much I wish I was able to tell you.
If only you knew how I feel about you.
My heart belongs to you, always and forever.
My first instinct is to protect you, no matter the cost.
I'm yearning to hold your hand in mine.
Tell me that you still love me like you used to.
You're the reason I keep holding on.
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Sloth | sleepy prompts
I had a lot of dreams about you recently.
Promise me you'll still be here when I wake up.
Can't sleep?
How long has it been since you slept?
The bed is cold without you.
Leave me alone.
Stop moving, I'm trying to sleep.
No, don't get up.
Will you dream of me?
Come on, let's go to bed.
You need rest.
Yeah yeah, I'll sleep in a bit.
Was that a yawn?
Your lap is a comfortable pillow.
I'm too tired to care.
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Pride | assorted prompts
I could keep you safe, they're all afraid of me.
You're not as bad as everyone says you are.
I thought you'd like some company.
You look like you've got something to say.
I don't think I've ever seen you smile.
I've never cared for anyone the way I care about you.
I'm not wearing any underwear. Thought you'd like to knoe.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous.
Kiss me again.
I'm not drunk enough for this.
I'm not sick! I'm fine!
My darling, you will never be unloved by me.
Maybe you should tell me what's bothering you.
You had me worried.
I knew you'd be here.
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Lust | smut prompts
Do I look like I'm messing around? Do I look like I won't punish you.
We're really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?
Open your mouth for me, baby.
Is it good when I touch you here? Or maybe here?
You can take it, you've done it before.
Just a little more.
Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.
Kiss me properly.
Show me how much you missed me.
Oh, baby, you're drooling everywhere.
Where did this attitude come from?
You like it that much, hm?
Don't tease me.
You know I'm holding back from fucking you over this table, don't push your luck.
Does it make you nervous when I stare?
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childotkw · 2 years
Okay but, Lucemond time-travel could be tasty as hell. Lucerys going back in his younger self body and trying to change things. Lucerys going back but keeping his own body and no one knowing him. Lucerys going back and ending as like Daemon’s son (either with Rhea Royce or a bastard). Even Lucerys ending as Baelon and thus his mother’s little brother
Just, Lucerys having just died and then having to deal with saving his family and being confronted with Aemond who would probably still ends up obsessed with him
Oh, darling, you don’t want to kick this off. I’ve several time travel stories kicking around in my head already.
You don’t want this.
I’ve got one with Aemond and Lucerys as the only survivors of the war, deciding that no, they didn’t want things to end this way; and so they go back to a year or so before Viserys dies and try to alter the course. Will feature younger Aemond (15 or 16 yo) being obsessed with his grown up nephew, and older Aemond being like “oh I definitely don’t like this”.
I’ve got Aemond and Lucerys going back to before either of them are born, and trying to fix things without outing too much about themselves. Aemond is accepted as a future son of Viserys, but Lucerys claims the last name ‘Rivers’ because his mother hasn’t married Laenor yet. Aemond absolutely hates it, even if Lucerys gives him shit for it because “why are you so pissy now? Im finally admitting to being a bastard and everyone is saying it too” and that’s not the point but Aemond can’t articulate why he hates it.
I’ve got Lucerys going back by himself to when Rhaenyra is younger and he, rather than Cole (through some fuckery) becomes her sworn sword and works to stop the war from ever happening while having a constant existential crisis over the sheer chaos his mother gets up to. Daemon and him also hit it off and none of the Targaryens can understand why they (and their dragons) seem to vibe with this random dude so much. Lucerys is sweating because his mother and step father are both way too interested in figuring him out.
If you give me two more minutes I could probably come up with a hundred more.
(I do like the idea of him being Baelon though. Tragic but powerful plot. And him being Daemon’s son 😂 that’d be delightful because Daemon would 100% love his son while still absolutely hating his wife)
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