#tgw 6x16
djkerr · 3 months
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TGW 06x16 Red Meat
The McVeighs, being adorable.
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djkerr · 3 months
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You all right?
Oh, yes.
It's just meat. We eat it every day.
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Yes, and someone else kills it in some godforsaken slaughterhouse while...I killed it...in nature.
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You don't need to do it again. You don't need to hunt.
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You don't understand. I liked it.
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TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 3 months
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Diane and Kurt, plotting (mostly Diane) and PDA. 💗✨
TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 3 months
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TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 3 months
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I bought our lovely ladies a spa day.
Like hell I'm going.
I'll talk to you, hon.
Are you freaking serious?!
TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 4 months
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RD, good to see you again. This is my wife, Diane.
Pleasure. These are your permits. Do not lose them, please.
RD will be taking us out to the blinds.
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Have you hunted before?
No, first time.
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Marvelous. Go get some grub and we'll see you out there.
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So this is the top one percent, of the top one percent, of the top percent?
We're not going to talk like communists here, okay. We discussed this.
I don't know. I might start soliciting for the ACLU. Your wife is unpredictable that way.
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So how did you get to know all these billionaires anyway?
RD. They're nice guys. You'll like them.
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If I were to set off a bomb in this room, we'd have Democratic presidents for the next 30 years.
Okay, let's just keep that to ourselves.
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Oh my gosh. Is that Gil Berridge?
No idea.
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He's the king of Silicon Hills. The Mark Zuckerberg of Austin, Texas.
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What's he do?
At this point, count his $25 billion.
TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 3 months
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What's the matter? Don't you like our venison?
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Uh, no, I'm, uh... I'm just not hungry...Reese?
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I never really liked that name.
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Aren't you going to pitch me?
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Is there any reason to?
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I am looking for a new law firm.
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Mr. Dipple, we spent two hours arguing over abortion.
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Very enjoyable hours. I like working with people I don't necessarily agree with.
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We won't argue any anti-choice cases.
Pro-life cases?
Pro-life cases either. We won't.
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Give me a call on Friday. We'll talk.
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TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 4 months
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Look bottom line, I like people. I like you. You seem smart, I think. I don't know why that next fetus wouldn't turn into you. Or me. And what would be lost to the world if it were to be aborted?
What about the morning-after pill? It's proven, it's effective.
Shh. Right there, you see it?
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We got the line of sight. It's all yours. Take a shot it.
I-I can't. Not like this.
Come on. It's a pest. Deer are a hazard. They carry ticks. They're overpopulated. If you don't take the shot, I will.
It's just grazing. It's not doing anything.
Would you do it if it were charging you?
(breaks branch)
There you go. It's on the move. Take it down, take it down! If you don't, I will!
TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 4 months
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Did I say something wrong?
Uh, well, I can think of one thing. Georgette isn't his wife. She's his call girl.
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Kurt's talking to Gil in the eastern blind. Everything's fine. He might even come back.
I didn't know. She didn't seem like she was... working.
We've been letting Gil get away with that for a few years now. Said he could either bring a call girl or a Democrat. People voted and said they'd rather the call girl.
That was a joke, right?
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Well, was there a vote about me?
What about you?
Being a Democrat?
(chuckles) Well... I suppose your husband's conservative enough for the both of you.
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So, what should we talk about? Killing babies?
Sure, why the hell not. We both have rifles. Let's see what comes of this.
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djkerr · 4 months
So, how is hunting and gathering going?
Good. Listen, I need a favor. I forgot my rifle in the bedroom.
You... I thought I saw you leave with your rifle?
Yes, I did, but I brought the wrong one. I need the 26-inch barrel.
Is this you being nice to me?
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So then, I'll see you soon?
I'm on my way.
TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 4 months
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Uh, yoo-hoo. Can you get something stronger in these babies?
Uh, bourbon.
Yeah, small batch. Bring us the private reserve, the good stuff.
TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 3 months
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Gil Berridge? Creator of the Kracker web browser?
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He and his wife are in the buffet line as we speak.
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My god, there must be $400 million in legal fees in that dining room.
Wasn't there talk of Berridge leaving Sewell & Augustine?
TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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djkerr · 3 months
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We've got good news and better news. First off, Gil Berridge is definitely in play. He axed Sewell & Augustine because he thought they were taking on too many cases with conflicts.
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Yeah, thanks, but I think Gil Berridge may be a non-starter.
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What's the other news?
Well, it turns out the fourth richest man in America is at your little shindig.
Reese Dipple. He's right behind Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison.
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Reese Dipple?
Yeah, you don't hear about him because his conglomerates are all unsexy businesses, like industrial gases, pulp and paper. He mostly gives to anti-choice causes.
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Yeah, did you meet him?
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TGW 06x16 Red Meat
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