#bigender kai real??? bigender kai real
razzle-zazzle · 21 days
betrothal au is so funny actually. jay & cole are still beefing because of the love triangle, except cole has been engaged to skylor the whole time. chen made sure that cole and skylor's rooms are next to each other so kai has to look to the balcony on the other side of cole's to make googoo eyes at skylor. skylor unintentionally cracks kai's egg. kai sees cole and skylor doing a lil waltz in the courtyard one night and immediately joins jay in giving cole the stinkeye over lunch. chen sees cole and skylor sneaking off and gets one of his underlings to play romantic music in whatever room they go to. clouse suggests just using a love potion to ensure cole turns against the ninja but chen wants that to happen organically because he thinks it's funny/more satisfying. cole and skylor make up stupid pet names that make no sense. soap opera level drama. chen going all bridezilla for what should be his daughter's special day, bc he's chen.
it's all so funny. to me <3
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lobpoints · 2 years
Insane theory but I got bored half way through but whatever anyway
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viovio · 11 months
reevaluating my entire thing again
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Legacy!Pride doodles!
Please note that these are specifically for Legacyverse itself and not necessarily 1:1 with my hcs for the show proper! But a good chunk of these are OCs anyway so it's whatever! OKAY LET'S GO—
Kai: Demigender Panromantic/Pansexual (He/Him, experimenting with They)
Jay: Bisexual/Biromantic Demiboy (He/They, experimenting with the Demiboy label. Is also responsible for Kai looking into being Demigender)
Cole: Demiromantic Gay (He/Him)
Zane: Nonbinary Panromantic (He/They, sometimes She under very specific circumstances)
Lloyd: Grayromantic/Graysexual (He/Him, but also doesn't actually care how you refer to him)
Skylor: Genderfluid Omnisexual (Pronouns fluctuate, but isn't bothered by people defaulting to She/Her)
Nya: Biromantic Asexual (She/Her)
Jesse: Biromantic/Bisexual (He/Him)
Pixal: Polyromantic Bigender (She/He, sometimes They; all situation dependent)
Miranda: Unlabeled (She/They)
Harumi: Demisexual (She/Her)
Bridget: Transfem Aroace (They/She)
Olivia: Pansexual/Panromantic Demigirl (She/Her, uses other pronouns sparingly)
Harleigh: Lesbian (She/Her) (Harleigh really be like "Dad I'm gay" and Ronin be like "Yeah and after dealing with your mother for 15 years I am too")
Anyyyyway, the only ones missing are Antonia (who I don't have hcs for since she's based on a real person) and Sunni (who is the Token Straight but very dearly supports all of her friends~)
But Happy Pride everybody, tried to get these out sooner but life has me by the throat this month <3
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dead6ite · 1 year
valorant agent sexuality and gender hcs, from a bigender pansexual who is always right
cis, doesn’t rlly do labels! she thinks ladies are so pretty but is EVERYONES hype woman
cis, gay gay homosexual gay… uncle who tells u stories about his hoe years
cishet supportive dad, however, “you should’ve seen me and my buddies back in my military days”
god. fucking europeans it’s literally the gay or european thing till i DIE…. anyways he’s bisexual and his gender identity is “i can be whatever u want bbg”
he has a wife and kids? ok… he also has crushes on men (cisbi)
i saw her and immediately thought she they. that is the most she they ever. also she becomes physically ill any time a man approaches her (reluctant bisexual)
MY BEAUTIFUL TRANSGENDER WEED SMOKING GF!!! anyway she is transfem, she/they/night pronouns + bi w a femme lean, and i won’t her… also i can absolutely see her on the ace spectrum, if not aroace
NO WAY ITS A HE/THEY OUT IN THE WILD !!! enby identifying, bi with a masc lean bc yea
cis gay. astra thought he was into her until he said something like “THATS MY GIRL !! (insert gay slang)
cis and bi. very masculine in any relationship, even if she’s with a guy. has been mistaken for a guy before and doesn’t mind it. she likes her expression and loves being masculine! she’s like those super androgynous cis people that make you oh so jealous
110010110101100010100… beep boop he doesn’t do allat. neon told him about neo pronouns though and he likes he/bot
cis bi… she loves her wifey but she’s dated men before, many of which assumed she was a lesbian
she/they HEAVY femme lean bisexual. thought she was a lesbian for a time
??? and gay. gender isn’t real and neither is this guy. they/he/it/void kinda fella… also very interested in neos, i’m thinking fade told him about it and they spent an afternoon picking some
cis bi. the most bisexual disaster that ever graced the face of this earth. he’s scared of talking to women, and all his romantic male relationships have been built from fucking with each other and then realizing he has a crunch.
cis, BUTCH LESBIANS RULE THE WORLD!!! she loves her pretty gf. end of story
she’s above trivial things like “romance”. she probably feels sexual attraction, but not much more than that. aro pansexual
cis lesbian, i definitely can get behind the trans femme agenda w her tho
cis pansexual femme preference!! she likes everyone, but a preference for ladies…
he/they gay!!! he’s just a guy who likes guys
cis, straight, bi-curious. she’s had some feelings in her young life that have been deeply repressed.
trans gay. you CANNOT tell me he’s cis. the transness radiates from him, and he has so much gay tension with phoenix it’s thick enough to cut.
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kai-ninjago · 2 years
Picrew by naylissah :)
Please refer to my age headcanon post for reference
(Warning for brief mentions of s/h, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, canon typical violence, and gender dysphoria)
A character named Day will be mentioned sometimes, that’s my s/i— he’ll be in the next post :]
Cole (he/him, gay)
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(The picrews depict him as a human and as a ghost— I would have made early seasons vs late seasons, but I headcanon that he used to straighten his hair instead of actually taking care of it, and there weren’t many straight hair options lol— anyway)
Has anxiety, OCD, depression, manageable aquaphobia (leftover from being a ghost), and PTSD
he has had a crush on Day since like early season one, but they didn’t start dating until after season five
Smoked cigarettes as a younger teen until Sensei made him quit when he started training— only Jay knows this
His best friends are Jay, Nya, and Day
Still feels kind of awkward with Zane, cause Zane and Day were dating for a few years
Has a tattoo of rocky on his back
Never really liked Sensei Garmadon, but still respects him
His hobbies include cooking, listening to music, dancing, drawing, and calligraphy
He actually becomes really good at cooking over time, he just sucked in like season one because he was still learning
Attended fancy private schools before running away
His favorite genres of music are classic rock and classical (like piano and shit)
Contrary to what some may think, he’s not actually naturally gifted at dancing. He still dances for fun, but was never exceptionally good at it
His OCD manifests through checking behaviors, like making sure all the doors and windows are locked
Used to s/h a lot but fell out of the habit when he became a ghost and has been clean for a while since then
Jay Walker (she/he/they, transfem sapphic bigender)
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(The picrews depict them in early seasons, like s1-3 and then later on, once she’s further along in her transition)
Mixed white/japanese
Has anxiety, bpd, autism, and severe PTSD from the abuse they suffered on misfortune’s keep
Bleaches her hair, it’s naturally brown
Stims by playing with her hair— during prolonged periods of stress (like during any of the show seasons where they’re fighting bad guys for a few months) they get bald patches from tearing out their hair
Also stims by chewing and humming
Was homeschooled
Her special interests are Starfarer, space, robots/technology, and dinosaurs
Gets around four hours of sleep on average, spends a lot of time reading or playing video games at night
It took a really, really long time for her to learn to cope with everything that happened in season six. For a few months she couldn’t even train with the others because seeing someone raise a hand against her, even to spar, would trigger a panic attack
Infodumps a lot and never really feels shy about this because they grew up with the most supportive parents ever <3
Realized she was not cis all the way in season one, but didn’t bother to figure it out until they had some time away from the team in between seasons three and four
Started casually dating Nya in season one, fell really deeply in love, was heartbroken when Nya broke up w them for being too attached, was still in love with her all the way until several years later, when Nya fell back in love with her and they rekindled their relationship several years after season six. Nya was willing to try dating again because over the years Jay had matured and become more emotionally independent
Gets lichtenberg scars from using her lightning powers
Eyes glow when powered up
Over time she becomes really self conscious about her body, and no longer feels comfortable wearing anything that reveals their scars out in public— doesn’t mind changing clothes along with the rest of the ninja, though
The scar over her right eye is from something completely unrelated to ninja business, however— it’s a burn from an explosion when Jay was building an invention prior to meeting Wu
Her best friends are Cole, Day, and Nya
Kai Jiang (he/him, bisexual trans male)
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(Picrew depicts him in like season one vs the end)
Mixed Latino/chinese
Has autism, depression, extreme aquaphobia, has recovered from an eating disorder, and PTSD
Nya is the only person who knows his deadname
Used to be extremely underweight because they had the type of body where, if thin enough for the fat to come off his breasts, his chests almost looked flat
He has since been able to go on testosterone and had top surgery, and is more comfortable gaining weight
The habit to always just say he’s not hungry was also influenced by him and Nya not having enough to eat as kids, so he’d always let her have as much of his food as he could get away with
After years of living with Wu (who is old and rich) he’s also grown slightly more used to having things and being able to eat as much as he needs
Doesn’t s/h on purpose, but subconsciously picks and tears at his skin, so he’s always covered in bandaids. He also acts recklessly in battle when he’s feeling suicidal
Always gets his hair cut by Nya— in fact, most of the ninja do
His joints are all weird from breaking them and not going to the doctor about it
Dropped out of school when his parents disappeared so he could focus on running the blacksmith shop— he wanted Nya to be able to stay in school, but that only lasted until around jr high, at which point they couldn’t afford tuition
He stims by hitting himself and doing repetitive motions (like clapping his hands or bouncing his leg)
He’s really insecure about his appearance because he thinks he doesn’t look as masculine as the rest of the team
Has a stuffed animal as his comfort item. He gave it to Lloyd as sort of an olive branch when they first started living with the team, but has since gotten it back
Had a crush on Skylor— they dated for a while, but broke up cause they realized they’d be better as friends lol
His best friends are Jay, Zane, and Day
Zane Julian (ai/him, queer, nonbinary)
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(Picrew shows Zane’s “human” appearance and after ai was rebuilt)
5’11”, 6’5” (rebuilt)
Dr. Julian modeled Zane after himself, so both of them are black and albino
(However, Zane has purple eyes because that was Dr. Julian’s favorite color)
Zane’s magical power source gives ai a more human consciousness, meaning ais capable of having depression and PTSD despite being a droid
Only uses “he/him” for convenience because ai presents masculinely— ai feels indifferent to the standard pronoun sets, but uses “ai/ai/ais” pronouns with close friends because it gives ai euphoria
(Ai/ai as in artificial intelligence)
Would definitely be dead if ai didn’t have Pixal to calm ai down during ais depressive episodes
Zane is the calmest and most levelheaded of the group; ai isn’t shaken by much— the one thing that truly scares ai is the fact that ais friends are mortal, and ai is not
Only ever talks to Pixal about being depressed. Pixal understands ais fears best because Pixal is also an immortal robot
Ai was dating Day from season one until the beginning of season three, when ai broke up with him because ai realized ai didn’t really love him that much.
Zane then pursued a queerplatonic relationship with Pixal, who ai felt a strong emotional connection to
Ai was rebuilt a lot bigger and stronger than before because the people on Chen’s island who repaired ai made ai to be the ideal fighting droid, and when ai had been built the first time ais only purpose was to enjoy life, not fight
The scar on ais face in the first image is from when the great devourer tried to stab(?) ai with it’s pointy tail, but just barely got a piece of ai’s face. Part of it fell off, but Jay welded it back on
Ais best friends are Pixal and Kai
Knows literally everything (is a robot) but ais weird power source can cause them to experience some human flaws, like forgetfulness
Nya Jiang (she/her, bisexual and demiromantic with a female preference)
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(Picrews show season 1 vs the end)
Mixed latina/Chinese
Has OCD, PTSD, anxiety, and bipolar disorder
Younger than Kai by one year (they’re siblings fyi)
Doesn’t remember her parents very well
Feels responsible for making everyone in the group feel happy and safe
She gets recurring nightmares and experiences insomnia during stressful times in her life
Picks at her skin when anxious and has some scars on her face— she used to feel self conscious about them, but doesn’t really care anymore
Her best friends are Day and Zane
Used to straighten her hair
Ends up having the most tattoos and piercings out of the whole team
Is very competitive
When she and Jay were first dating, she didn’t view it as anything more than really casual kinda stuff because she saw them as more of a friend back then
Has always put a lot of pressure on herself to not be a burden ever since her and Kai’s parents disappeared
She has a really hard time asking for help because of this
She is closer with Sensei than the rest of the team, and views him as kind of a father figure
Secretly liked being samurai x more than the water ninja
Has an undercut now
Is really good friends with Pixal and Skylor
Okay that’s all for these characters— in my next headcanon post I’ll talk about my s/i, Morro, Pixal, Skylor, Ronin, Lloyd, and maybe some others!
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pluralsword · 5 months
we know that tumblr is not bluesky so like. are we bonkers for saying this but we somehow dont think that the horny human bodied trans posts using the transformers tag (which is also not something sex workers and horny trans humans on bluesky do they're having a normal one) are coming from anyone but bot accounts. especially since some of them are using trans guy and trans gal (without like, a bigender or polygender tag, which is strange) and trans exclusionary radical feminist tags all in the same breath, and the kicker here is - a lot of these posts were within the last 24-48hrs with the trans day of visibility tag. TDOV is march 31st. nice try.
so like even before getting into how this effects trans transformers art and writing this takes up the trans tag too and its like. whatever fucking asshole is out there making a mockery of trans people of all kinds by and likely stealing photos of the likes of us for porn accounts let me personally, and respectfully say what I have to say about how people like you have been doing this for cis women too: This is an awful act, and I have the utmost disdain for you for commodifying our bodies without consent or agency. It makes navigating this website already bereaved with transphobia and transmisogyny (which effects everyone not just trans women but us in particular) more of a pain in the butt and it is deeply insulting to both the real variety of our expressions and our (a)sexual lives.
What we hate most about this is that the backlash by staff and mass reporting will likely result in actual trans people whether sex workers or not losing their accounts so scrap you honestly. YOU KNOW THERE'S A GENOCIDE GOING ON IN MULTIPLE COUNTRIES RIGHT? AND REGARDING THE USA AMID MASS ARRESTS FOR BEING ON HRT OR OUT AS TRANS IN STATES WHERE THAT IS NOW ILLEGAL, DO YOU KNOW WHAT V-CODING IS? DO YOU KNOW WHAT PRISONS DO TO TRANS WOMEN IN THE USA? AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO INSTEAD OF BOTHERING TO AT LEAST VOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT US OR DONATE MUTUAL AID TO ACTUAL TRANS PEOPLE INCLUDE PEOPLE IN THE SEX WORK INDUSTRY? You haven't read Gender as Accumulation Strategy by Kay Gabriel which goes over how trans people, trans women, left with nothing and sexually commodified and exiled by society made use of sex work to build up resources, support each other, and fight for liberation. Frag you. Sweet Solus, frag you.
For our part, posting trans transformers stuff is something that doesn't get as much attention tumblr interaction-wise (after releasing our essay and the whole thing with polls a while back it was very clear that are a number of people who do pay attention to this stuff but dont interact directly which is understandable there's no shame in that especially with all the shit going on right now and we just want to say to those who follow our stuff we appreciate you, salute you, and hope the best for you) and we don't bother with actually using the transformers tag here much to search for things but it does hurt.
Again, what we hate most about this is that the backlash by staff and mass reporting will likely result in actual trans people whether sex workers or not losing their accounts. Dear fellow trans and gender expansive people, we are in this together, be kind to each other, we will only survive with solidarity to one another and to all issues of oppression and not on trans liberation alone. We definitely agree with Kay Gabriel on that
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moss-and-marimos · 10 months
also. one more thing before i go to sleep. kai smith trans butch lesbian
entirely real and true can confirm. personally I tend to hc him as like trans bigender nonspecific thing but I am a big fan of your hc too and can absolutely see it
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chessdaze · 4 years
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T H R E E  W I S H E S
A school founded on the community and help of both friends and strangers alike, Three Wishes Institute was recently renovated and reopened to the public. Formally a magic only school, Three Wishes Institute is now a school open to anyone - magical or not - to apply to. The school has a heavy focus on community, volunteering, and building a better future.
The teachers of this school both come from magical and nonmagical backgrounds, looking to give the students opportunity to learn how to approach problems from more than one angle.
Character profiles are below, left to right!
Name: Kai Position: Flying teacher Birthday: June 15th Gender: Male (he/him pronouns) Age: 24 Height: 5’10” Dominant hand: Right Origin: Sea of Clouds Hobby: Telling Jokes Favorite food: Skewers Disliked food: Dairy Special skill: Juggling Unique Magic: Great Typhoon; Kai can summon strong gusts of wind to bend to his will. With this he can do a number of things; make himself and objects around him float, redirect a magic spell aimed at him, and when used to its full potential - create a large tornado. Summary: One of the few humans who lived among the dragons in the Sea of Clouds, Kai was always an outsider. This never seemed to bother him that much and at some point he stopped trying to fit in with them and simply live alongside them. At age 18 he left the mountain range to find his calling, meeting Meilin and Chao not long afterwards. The three of them soon became inseparable and applied to work at Three Wishes Institute together. While they are seen bickering and sometimes getting into physical fights, there’s no doubt from any of the students that the trio are extremely close.
Name: Chao Position: Yoga instructor, animal caregiver Birthday: February 15th Gender: Male (he/him) Age: 25 Height: 6’3” Dominant hand: Right Origin: Mirror Meadows Hobby: Eating Favorite food:  Dumplings Disliked food:  Nothing Special skill: Mending clothes Unique Magic: None; Chao has no magical abilities and therefore does not have a unique magic Summary: A gentle young man from Mirror Meadows, Chao worked odd jobs since he was young to help his family. He was either fired or laid off from most of the impactful businesses in the mirror meadows and started to seek work elsewhere. He met Meilin and Kai on his journey and was glad to finally have company, as he was always a bit of a loner. He applied to work at Three Wishes with his two new friends and was extremely thankful when they were all accepted. He’s normally breaking up fights between Kai and Meilin, but he isn’t above getting involved in them himself sometimes.
He helps take care of the animals on campus along with Asra.
Name: Meilin Position: self defense teacher Birthday: August 1st Gender: TransFemale (she/her) Age: 21 Height: 5’3” Dominant hand: Ambidextrous Origin: ??? Hobby: Watching Wrestling Favorite food: Meat Disliked food: Veggies Special skill: Dancing Unique Magic: None; Meilin hasn’t studied magic and doesn’t know if she has the ability to even get a unique magic. Summary: Meilin is someone who doesn’t want to talk about her past, but it’s clear she’s lived a rough life. Meeting Kai and Chao was a major turning point in her life and while she fights with them on occasion, she is honest when she says she wouldn’t be who she is today without them. Being the youngest of the trio, Kai and Chao tend to baby her but she’s quick to remind them that she’s the strongest of the three. She’s glad she’s able to work at Three Wishes Institute, but has had a hard time connecting with any of the other teachers. She tends to spend more time with the students, as she’s not much older than them a lot of them come to her for advice.
Name: Asra Position: Shopkeep and occasional substitute teacher Birthday: March 18th Gender: bigender (she/her and he/him, has no preference on which one is being used) Age:  ??? Height: 5’ Dominant hand: Left Origin: ??? Hobby: Jewelry making Favorite food: Grapes Disliked food: Sand Special skill: Sword Fighting Unique Magic: Night-time Story; Asra can use illusionary magic to wrap listeners into a story that unfolds around them. Scenes come to life as Asra narrates them into existence, surrounding the listeners and making it seem like it’s a real event happening in front of their eyes. However, Asra can only use this ability at night. Summary: A mysterious merchant who showed up just as the school was finishing its reconstruction. Asra supplied Amelia and Reed with the last of the items they would need for the construction and thus was invited to work at the school when it was complete. Asra was normally a wandering merchant but took a liking to the place and the headmasters. Though a bit shrewd with her business deals, she runs a shop called Mystic Night Market where she sells a number of items to the students at low cost, sometimes asking for favors instead of money from the students.
Asra appears to have a soft spot for animals and he helps take care of the animals in the Nightingale dorm’s barn or the strays found around the campus. He does this along side Chao from time to time.
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bigendering · 6 years
Do you think bigender people are allowed to call themselves trans? I'm afab but bigender (male and female) and a friend asked me if I identified as trans, but someone else said she didn't think I should label myself as such because it detracted from the struggle of 'Real Trans People', but the first friend said it was my decision. Both fair, & they're both transgender (I guess they qualified as 'real trans' because they were just one gender and the opposite of their assigned). What do you think?
You calling yourself trans detracting from the struggle of “Real Trans People” is ridiculous for three reasons:
1. You are a real trans person, so that would require some strange contortions of logic
2. Being trans, or any marginalized identity, isn’t about any specific struggles beyond the marginalization of the identity itself. Lots of trans people don’t face specific forms of oppression but that doesn’t matter, they’re still trans.
3. Being trans is about not identifying as the gender assigned to you at birth. Transphobes don’t care that you identify as a woman or a man, they care that you’re not cis.
The label “trans” is yours to claim, but some nonbinary people choose not to for a variety of reasons, which is perfectly fine. Your first friend was right, it’s your decision.
Side note, someone belonging to an oppressed group doesn’t grant them god-like knowledge and rights of decision about that group, though they’re more likely to be right about that stuff than someone outside it. I don’t think you were making that mistake, but it’s one I see a lot and was relevant so I wanted to say it.
Sorry this is so late, but I hope it helps!
Sapphire (Kai)
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roseyselfships · 3 years
Since it's Pride Month I've decided to do some Pride hcs for my f/os!!
Zane: Agender Asexual (no preference for anything but mostly uses he/him)
Pixal: Agender Pansexual (she/her, no preference)
Danny: cis Bisexual (he/him, no preference)
J'onn: Genderfluid Pansexual (any pronouns no preference)
Zevran (canon but still!): cis, Polyamorous Bisexual
Eridan: cis Pansexual
Mipha: cis Bisexual
Link: Agender Bisexual
Zelda: Bigender Bisexual
Ava: cis, questioning Bisexual/Lesbian
Luke: cis, Biromantic Asexual (no preference)
Sam: Nonbinary, Pansexual (he/they, leans towards girls)
Peter: cis Bisexual (leans towards girls)
Kai: Genderfluid Bisexual (he/she/they, no real preference but kinda likes girls more)
Nya: Genderfluid Lesbian (she/they)
Jay: Trans Bisexual (he/him, leans towards girls)
Cole: cis, questioning Bi/Panromantic Asexual (he/him, no preference)
BEN: Nonbinary Panromantic Asexual (he/they, doesn't care)
Daruk: Agender, has no idea of sexual preference (like most Gorons, has no concept of gender but uses he/him, no real preference)
Urbosa: cis lesbian
Revali: cis Bisexual
Lloyd: Nonbinary Gay (doesn't care but mostly uses he/him)
Sari: questioning everything (any pronouns, any preference)
Sally: Trans
Wu: cis Biromantic Asexual
Garmadon: cis Bisexual
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xcosmicficsx · 6 years
A B O U T  M E
Just a bit about me, if you wanted to know!
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Real Name: Caitlyn
Nicknames: Kai (preferred), X, Caiti, (but, you can call me anything, really)
Birthday: July 8th
Height: 5′4 and 3/4 or 162cm
Gender: Bigender
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Trash
Sexual Orientation: Bi/Pans/Polysexual
Living In: Pennsylvania, US
Zodiac Sign: (Sun) Cancer (Moon: Libra, Rising: Pisces)
Favorite Things:
Favorite Music Genre(s): Pretty much anything, I can even jam to country if I’m in the mood.
Favorite General Genre(s): Romance, comedy, horror.
Favorite Musical Artist(s): BTS, Big Bang, Hayley Kiyoko, Tove Lo, Rich Brian, Amber Liu, Ariana Grande, Coldplay, Jackson Wang, Bolbbalgan4, Stray Kids, Grace, Jay Park, Blackpink, The Rose, 24k, Drug Restaurant, Troye Sivian, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Nirvana, ABBA, Frank Sinatra, Tessa Violet, NIKI.
Favorite Color(s): Sky Blue, Silver, Gold, Peach Pink, Beige. 
Hobbies/Talents: Singing, writing, reading, dancing (even though I’m really bad at it). 
Biases: RM (BTS/Ultimate Bias), Lisa (Blackpink), Chan (Stray Kids), T.O.P (Big Bang), D.O (EXO), Amber (f(x)), Jackson (GOT7), Hyungwon (Monsta X), Jeongyeon (Twice), Cory (24k), Jaehyeong (The Rose), Hocheol (Boys24), E’Dawn (Pentagon).
I suffer from anxiety and depression.
I have a septum piercing, a daith piercing, and both of my ears are pierced.
I’m very, very ticklish.
I’m in love with vintage style.
I’m clingy and very touchy-feely.
I have an older biological sister, a younger step sister, and a younger step brother.
I love drag queens.
I have a strong love for tea.
I have six animals Cocoa Puff (bunny), Sheamus (cat), Karleigh (cat), Sugar (cat), Philippe (cat), and Rylee (dog).
I am cooler online than in person.
Aspiring coroner. 
I’m an ambivert (a balance of both introvert and extrovert).
I have been told quite a lot that I “look very gay”, so that’s a thing you should know.
I’m a big fucking geek.
I get attached very easy.
I’m the mom friend.
I’m weak for people calling me cute pet names (baby, honey, sweetie, etc.)
I’m single as fuck.
Parental Advisory™️
I’m a soft baby tbh.
I’m bubbly and emotional.
I’m basically a living meme.
I’m possibly an alien, who knows?
I’m a space nerd.
I’m totally up for you calling me mommy and/or daddy, like, please.
I get flustered really easily. 
I’m in love with lesbian Jesus aka Hayley Kiyoko
If you wanna contact me elsewhere:
Personal Tumblr: hxneybunz Instagram: hxney.bunz Wattpad: hxneybunz Twitter: hxneybunz Discord: jelly-queen
Feel free to message me anytime!! <3
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entwinedthreads · 7 years
name: kay birthday: oct 18th gender: bigender orientation: demisexual age: 27 face claim: oga tatsumi from beelzebub
favorite soda: do monster energy drinks count? idk i like pepsi and coke mostly favorite candy: nutrageous favorite pizza: sausage, bacon, mushrooms and onions with alfredo sauce favorite salad dressing: blue cheese favorite meal: pierogies with fried onions and mushrooms
best memory: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh best friend(s): c.c. ( @fuyuhxko ) and dusty ( @hazuukashi )
best relative: my dad best pet: chauncey (a schnauzer) and duchess (a german shepard) best celebrity: idek
one random fact about you: i was a band geek in middle school and high school playing the flute and piccolo one random fact about your day: i finished batman: arkham origins finally after raging hard af over the final boss fight with bane one random fact about your job/school: i have no real job other than taking care of my three year old niece one random fact about your favorite tv show: i have no idea one random fact you wish was a fact but it isn’t: i get a healthy amount of leep every night
tagged by: no one
tagging: whoever wants to
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hxneybunz · 6 years
a b o u t  m e
If you ever wanted to know some stuff about me
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Real Name: Caitlyn
Nicknames: Kai (preferred), X, Caiti, (but, you can call me anything, really)
Birthday: July 8th
Height: 5′4 and ¾ or 162cm
Gender: Bigender
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, Trash
Sexual Orientation: Bi/Pans/Polysexual
Living In: Pennsylvania, US
Zodiac Sign: (Sun) Cancer (Moon: Libra, Rising: Pisces)
Favorite Things:
Favorite Music Genre(s): Pretty much anything, I can even jam to country if I’m in the mood.
Favorite General Genre(s): Romance, comedy, horror.
Favorite Musical Artist(s): BTS, Big Bang, Hayley Kiyoko, Tove Lo, Rich Brian, Amber Liu, Ariana Grande, Coldplay, Jackson Wang, Bolbbalgan4, Stray Kids, Grace, Jay Park, Blackpink, The Rose, 24k, Drug Restaurant, Troye Sivian, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Nirvana, ABBA, Frank Sinatra, Tessa Violet, NIKI.
Favorite Color(s): Sky Blue, Silver, Gold, Peach Pink, Beige.
Hobbies/Talents: Singing, writing, reading, dancing (even though I’m really bad at it).
Biases: RM (BTS/Ultimate Bias), Lisa (Blackpink), Chan (Stray Kids), T.O.P (Big Bang), D.O (EXO), Amber (f(x)), Jackson (GOT7), Hyungwon (Monsta X), Jungyeon (Twice), Cory (24k), Jaehyeong (The Rose), Hocheol (Boys24), Wooseok (Pentagon), Yuqi ((G)I-DLE).
I suffer from anxiety and depression.
I have a septum piercing, a daith piercing, and both of my ears are pierced.
I’m very, very ticklish.
I’m in love with vintage style.
I’m clingy and very touchy-feely.
I have an older biological sister, a younger step sister, and a younger step brother.
I love drag queens.
I have a strong love for tea.
I have six animals Cocoa Puff (bunny), Sheamus (cat), Karleigh (cat), Sugar (cat), Philippe (cat), and Rylee (dog).
I am cooler online than in person.
Aspiring coroner.
I’m an ambivert (a balance of both introvert and extrovert).
I have been told quite a lot that I “look very gay”, so that’s a thing you should know.
I’m a big fucking geek.
I get attached very easy.
I’m the mom friend.
I’m weak for people calling me cute pet names (baby, honey, sweetie, etc.)
I’m single as fuck.
Parental Advisory™️
I’m a soft baby tbh.
I’m bubbly and emotional.
I’m basically a living meme.
I’m possibly an alien, who knows?
I’m a space nerd.
I’m totally up for you calling me mommy and/or daddy, like, please.
I get flustered really easily.
I’m in love with lesbian Jesus aka Hayley Kiyoko
I'm a Ravenclaw
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bigendering · 7 years
(1/4)hello, i uh. i guess im just looking for some supportive words... ive been IDing as genderless for a while. when i originally learned of non binary genders, i didnt quite understand it. if there are so many genders, and people get hurt and mistreated over what they identify, and gender is entirely a personal perception of yourself, and is a social construct, why do we even have it? i spent a lot of time trying to figure out what i was too, because i realized that if all these other options-
(2/4) exist, its silly not to explore them and see where i fit in this new gender system. thinking about gender confused, frustrated, and scared me. i tried to feel my gender but i just... couldnt. i felt maybe vaguely boy, but i kept telling myself that was just me being a “tomboy”. how would i know what it means to feel like a boy? gender isnt even real! i also remember telling my friend that i felt we shouldnt even have gender. its not even a tangible thing, and it just gets people hurt. she told me “maybe the reason you cant figure out your gender and the reason gender seems so pointless to you is because you dont have one?” and it felt like everything made sense. i had a new respect for all the other genders out there. they didnt make sense to me because i didnt have a gender! i cant percieve gender, but they can! to them, they can feel exactly what it is to be a man, a woman, both, etc. everything felt right for a while. but recently i feel as though im starting to feel gender....? mostly boy, but with a little bit of girl too? yet i also still want to reject gender entirely and remain genderless. i even toyed with being trigender (boy, girl, and agender) but that label sort of scared me because its such a complex gender and clearly, for whatever reason, gender is a scary and mysterious thing for me. everytime i find myself questioning my gender it gives me mad anxiety. i hate not knowing what i am. do you have any words of encouragement for me...?
First of all, gender is scary and confusing, and you’re not alone in having anxiety over gender and questioning. Secondly, you don’t have to understand gender in order to have it. Your fear of gender doesn’t disqualify you from being trigender, if that’s you.
Questioning is nerve-wracking for most people, and for some it does give severe anxiety. That’s okay. I would take some deep breaths and focus on what you do know. You know lots of other things about yourself that aren’t related to gender. You know that everyone has a different experience of gender. You know that you’re starting to feel boy and a little bit of girl.
If you think you are feeling just boy and girl, that’s it, you can use bigender or androgyne. If you think there’s something else too, you can use the label ambonec - male, female, and neither. Either way, there is at least one word you can use for yourself.
If neither of those is satisfactory, you might find one of these terms useful:
Genderanxious: A gender that is undefined because the act of finding a label, or of having a gender, is a trigger for anxiety.
Kynigender: A gender which is not able to be pinpointed due to the stress of the questioning process causing anxiety
Nesciogender or Nesciōgender: A gender one is not completely sure of due to one’s neurotype disallowing a clear understanding of the concept, but has a vague sense of what it could be; i.e. nescioboy, nescioagender, etc.Latin nesciō "I do not know"
Nōlōgender: A term for neurodivergent people who have difficulty grasping the concept of gender. Distinct from nesciōgender in that the individual has no particular desire to investigate their gender, as doing so is overly difficult due to their inability to understand the concept of gender.From latin nōlō, ((i) do not want).
Genderdisturbed: Having a gender that you cannot or do not want to define due to anxiety, repulsion, disturbance, etc..
Gendertrapped: A feeling that one has been forced to identify with a gender that one does not want or relate to.
Peroagender: Wanting to be agender, but not identifying as agender (derived from perogender).
Quoigender: Similar to quoi- as an orientation, this term describes someone who feels that the concept of having a gender does not apply or does not make sense for them, or who rejects the concept of gender entirely as it applies to them.
I may have gone slightly overboard on the terms, but the point is there are lots of words for how you feel, and people made those words, so you’re not alone in having these feelings.
Hope this helps!
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bigendering · 8 years
HI! I'm amab but identify as female/male bigender. I just started coming out to people a month ago and I am struggling recently with alternating between "maybe I'm fully mtf trans" when I'm presenting female and "maybe it's not real and I'm just cis" when i'm presenting male. I've read others have the same sentiment, but its really confusing :(
Yeah that’s really common and not fun. You tend to get used to it after having been aware of your gender for awhile. Something that can help is keeping a gender diary, where you record what you’re feeling regarding your gender at the moment. Then whenever you’re like “I’m just binary trans” or “I’m just cis” you can look back at previous entries and see that that’s not how you always feel.
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