#not when it comes to his bby brothers tho
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The Look of the Hero
Chapter 2: "Restraint"
Sky didn't expect Warriors to be the one who emerged after Time went to check on him and their still-injured veteran, he expected what the captain informed him and Twilight of next... Why, exactly, was he expected to not make an example of this man who hurt his little brother?
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“How is he?” Sky demanded as soon as Warriors came downstairs.
“He woke up,” the war hero reported, looking over them. “I got him to go back to sleep, and had the Old Man sit in with him.”
That was surprising. Normally, Warriors didn’t relinquish his place in vigil of their injured young heroes until forced, especially not during the night. It’d taken Sky and Twilight hours to convince Wind, Wild, Hyrule, and Four to go onto bed. Lady Purah had given them housing for the evening, she had a rather large house, Sky would wager she was from an old, known family.
“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, eyes narrowing. “You’d never give up watch like that.”
He wasn’t the only one who found Legend’s actions in that infirmary extremely out of character, and extremely dangerous. He had, first of all, knelt at the feet of a man while severely injured, and more than that, he left the infirmary without taking so much as a potion.
Sky had never seen Legend act… subordinate, but the way he treated the elder was more like a soldier than anything he’d ever seen from Warriors. It rubbed him the wrong way. He hoped Warriors had good news.
“Elder’s a piece of shit,” Warriors spat venomously. He grabbed his sword from the table. “He hit him.”
Sky froze, he heard Twilight snarl.
“S’cuse me?” Twilight growled.
Warriors met his eyes, both of them looked absolutely murderous. “That’s not even the worst of it, Rancher. He said he trusts us, so I’ll tell you what he told me.”
Sky stood from the seating mat and walked over, waiting expectantly.
“It’s been going on since the kid was on his first adventure, I don’t know how old he was exactly, but I know it’s the majority of his life. Did you know he’s Sheikah by blood?”
He frowned. No, he hadn’t. Other than his eyes, red as blood and flame, Sky would have never guessed.
Warriors nodded. “Yeah, and turns out the elder didn’t like that. He’s worn contacts most his life, apparently red isn’t the color of a hero.” Warriors was glaring at the door, a silver fire burning in his eyes.
“Kit’s not the type to take orders like that,” Twilight pointed out.
“No, he isn’t,” Sky agreed. “What’s the elder got? Power?”
“In a way. He has authority and control.”
They all jumped, their host stood in the doorway to the next room over, beside her was a slightly shorter woman who definitely seemed older too.
“Lady Purah, did we wake you?” Warriors asked, his fury tempered.
Sky glanced at the woman behind Purah.
“No, we’ve been up,” Purah said. “Sahasrahla is the elder, and therefore he has control of the entire tribe. Every Sheikah, from warrior to infant, fall under his leadership and would do almost anything at his command. My… Link is no exception, neither are the shadow warriors.”
“Link isn’t—it ain’t like him to just fall in line,” Twilight insisted.
Purah’s expression softened. “It isn’t, is it? Or is the Link you know just holding onto what control of his life he does have, because he knows that here, he loses it all? There’s a reason I was surprised to see Link arrive with all of you, and it wasn’t because of your conditions.”
“Almost ten years ago, Link was commanded by the elder to hide his heritage and his true self,” the other woman informed them. “Almost ten years ago, my sister lost her only child. One blessed to her by the goddess of life herself.”
“What?” Sky stared at them. “You’re—You’re his family?”
Purah looked away. “Some years ago, there was a little boy I could claim as my own, but in recent years, it was explicitly forbidden unto me to do such a thing.” Her gaze hardened as she looked back at them. “The only soul who can rescind such a thing is the elder, and it need not be the same elder who established such a thing… On a separate note, my older sister here is Impa,” she gestured to the woman at her side, “and is who is set to succeed Sahasrala as the elder, should he… retire."
Sky couldn't believe it. If he understood it correctly, this was Legend's mother. A mother who had been forced to disown her son, who Legend had been forced to no longer acknowledge as family--who even could he see as family? Did he have one? Or did he just become an orphan with nobody to look after him?
Sky looked over at Twilight and Warriors. He wondered if they caught the implications that Purah had set before them. Based on the burning in their eyes, the fire in Warriors and the ice in Twilight, they knew exactly what had been told to them, and what solution was set before them.
"Other than being forbidden from it, did the elder threaten you?" Warriors asked.
Impa answered that. "He threatened Link. Should we step out of line, he would send the warriors after him. Link has become strong, but when this began, he wouldn't have survived the entire force hunting him. He barely survived the hyrulean army hunting him."
"He threatened us with exile as well," Purah added. "But that was more to keep Link in line than us."
"He... He didn't respond very well when I said his name," Warriors added. Sky looked over in surprise. He what? "Is... Is that another thing forced onto him?"
Oh that elder was so dead.
Neither Sheikah answered.
"No," Purah said eventually, "But children are not usually called by their names by those older than them, a cultural thing, they're known as their parent's child until they become adults.”
"So him being called his name..."
"Would be a damnation," Impa confirmed. "I wouldn't be surprised if it is a point of pain for him, especially considering all he has been through."
Sky took a careful breath. "Captain," he turned to Warriors, "you came down here for a reason."
Warriors nodded. "It may be a bit late for a man of his age, but we need to... talk with the elder."
"Thank Ordona you's was plannin' on it," Twilight said, "ain't no one gonna get away with hurtin' my Kit."
On their way over, Warriors told them exactly what Legend said the Elder had done. Sky was left to try and keep a hold on his temper as they arrived.
Warriors knocked on the front door to the elder's home, the guards had let them through when they insisted on 'important hero business' and stuff.
Luckily--stupidly, Sky corrected--they were let inside and the elder was there to speak with them.
Sky eyed the old man. Sahasrahla, he was pretty sure. First of all, who named their child that? Normally he didn't judge people's names on principle, considering how often he'd had his own name insulted, but Sahasrahla? Really? Secondly... Sky wanted to know if something more physical was preventing Legend from just killing the guy for hurting him and his mother and aunt.
"How can I help you, heroes?" Sahasrahla asked.
"We had a few questions about Link, actually," Warriors said. Sky let him take the lead on talking, and it seemed Twilight was of the same mind. If he tried to control the conversation, the conversation wouldn't last long. "How long have you known him?"
"Ah, most his life, but he is a young man. Hard not to."
A vague answer.
"Do you know anything about his family?"
"I believe he has an uncle and grandparents on the farm east of here, why do you ask?"
A lie. Clearly a lie if the fact that Purah was Legend's mother was true.
Warriors frowned. "Sir, I am going to need you to be completely honest with me. I have three questions for you."
"Of course. Ask away, hero."
"Why did you make Link follow you out of the infirmary while he was clearly injured?"
"Ah, you see, I have been needing to speak with Link about matters of the utmost importance. It was prudent that we spoke immediately, before he took off again. You have been traveling with him, he is quite the fast-paced young man, always running off somewhere new. It was only a few minutes."
Sky tried to restrain his scowl. That gave no excuse to take an injured man from the infirmary prior to treatment, especially not considering, if Sky remembered right, Legend had multiple broken ribs and a sprained ankle, and a deep cut in his arm.
"Mhm, right," Warriors mused. "And why, pray tell, couldn't it wait until he was at least treated for his injuries? Those few minutes could've been the difference between life and death, Elder Sahasrahla."
"Clearly he is fine, and like I said, it was of the utmost importance--"
"You’re kidding," Sky snarled, his patience shattering. "He had two--"
"--three broken ribs, that alone requires bed rest for multiple days, even with potions, no conversation is worth risking someone's life to have it."
Twilight spoke up. "Las' question. What made ya think you had the right ta not only strip him of his identity and heritage, forbid his family from claimin' him, threaten them all with each other to force them ta never acknowledge each other... but also raise a hand to him?"
"You think we wouldn't notice the split lip?" Warriors asked lowly, blocking the elder's way of escape. "You think we didn't notice the brand new bruise on his face? How many times have you hurt him like that?"
"You have no right to interfere," the elder snapped, a harsh look in his eyes. "That boy is doing his duty as the hero. The goddess has set certain expectations and as her servants, we must ensure they are met."
"The goddess?" Warriors lunged and stopped Sky from attacking the old man. "You dare--"
Sahasrahla scoffed, as if Sky wasn't being physically restrained from killing him. "I am a servant of the golden goddess, and her will is mine to enforce. Link is a disgrace unto her legacy, and the legacy of heroes--"
"Rancher no!"
Warriors couldn't move from restraining Sky fast enough to stop Twilight from slugging the elder in the face, sending him to the ground.
"The kid said not to hurt him!" Warriors reminded them, pushing Twilight back, and that was the only reason Sky didn't immediately follow Twilight's punch with his own. "He said not to hurt them--Sky."
Sky stood above the elder, whose face was becoming covered in blood from his broken nose. He was beginning to push himself up, clearly stronger than his age would suggest.
"Sky, don’t--"
Sahasrahla froze as the Master Sword was embedded into the wood beside his face. Sky crouched down to look him in the eyes.
"You are so lucky that Link asked us not to hurt you," he said lowly. "But don’t take this act of mercy and respect for Link as grace and allowance to continue what you've done. Because this? This isn't the will of the goddess."
Sahasrahla laughed, strained and a bit panicked. "Really? You’re not even hylian. How can you claim to know the will of the goddess better than the Elder of the Sheikah?"
"I am the Chosen Hero of the Goddess, I forged the Master Sword, traveled through time, defeated the demon lord in combat--I killed the god of hatred. You want to talk about knowing Hylia and her will? If my wife was here right now, I would not be the one daring you to try my patience here, she would. And she would be far less merciful than I."
Sky saw the blood drain from Sahasrahla's face.
"I am human, yes. But you know? Hylia still chose me, she chose my spirit to be her hero. And," he nodded over at Warriors and Twilight, "she chose my spirit again, and again, and again. These men are my descendants, not in blood but in spirit, and so is Link."
Twilight, no longer held back by Warriors, came closer and crouched down. He snarled, teeth bared almost feral-like.
"And if ya can't tell, we happen ta be just a bit protective of the younger ones. Ya hurt him, Sahasrahla. We don’t take kindly to child abusers."
Sky felt his lips tug into a sort of vicious grin.
"No we don’t," Warriors agreed. "So consider yourself lucky that Link--"
The door slammed open.
"Stop! Don’t--"
"Link wait!"
Sky looked back, Legend--in just his black tunic, no shoes, arm wrapped in bandages, leg wrapped too--stood in the doorway, wide eyes flicking from Warriors, to Sahasrahla, to the Master Sword, to Sky, and then to Twilight, and back again. They stopped on Warriors.
"You said you wouldn't hurt him," he said.
Sky never heard Legend sound so... small, so young.
Purah ran up beside Legend, grabbing his hand. "Link, please. They wouldn't kill him--"
Time also came up the steps, stopping at the top a few feet behind Purah and Legend.
"Captain, you said--"
Warriors crossed the entryway and reached for Legend, Sahasrahla tried to move but Sky shot him a sharp glare and Twilight snarled, silencing the man.
"I know," Warriors soothed. "I did. We won't kill him, we won't hurt him badly either--The Rancher's temper got the best of him, and the Chosen's a bit... threatening. It's okay though. We won't kill him."
"There's worse fates than death," Legend said quietly, Sky barely heard him.
He felt a bit bad, and looking over at Twilight they shared that little guilt. But from what Warriors had said, what Purah and Impa said, and how Sahasrahla spoke...
"I know, I know, kid. You said you trust me, right?"
"I-I do, but--"
"Then trust me. It'll be alright. We have it handled... We won't kill him this time--No, listen to me."
Legend shut his mouth.
"Listen. You do understand that what he's done, what has happened, to you and your family, is wrong, right?" Warriors asked gently. "We can't just let it slide, kid. We won't kill him, not this time, but we'll make sure he understands that we can and will do so if he doesn't fix his act."
Warriors gestured behind Legend's shoulder, Sky saw it and saw Time quickly move forward, pulling Legend back.
"Just trust us, go back to your home, get some rest... it'll be handled by morning."
"You... You swear you won't kill him?"
"Not this time, only if he refuses to learn," Warriors promised.
Sky watched Time try to pull Legend back, but the younger hero didn't budge, still staring past Warriors at them.
Purah was the one who got him to move. She pulled him by the hand and he startled, looking at her. He didn't hear what she said, or understand what shapes her mouth made, but what he did know was that Legend looked close to tears as he gave them one last glance and let her pull him away.
Warriors had gone rigid though, he closed the door again with a nod to Time, and turned slowly.
Sky nodded, he pulled the Master Sword from the wooden floor, Sahasrahla looked terrified.
"Wait! Wait you can't--"
"We can." Sky corrected coldly. "We will. The only reason we haven't is because Link asked us not to."
"But even that ain't gonna protect you forever," Twilight added. "Ya hear him? This time. So listen up."
"You'll resign," Warriors said, walking back over to them, "you'll retire from being the elder. Them, you won't bother Link again, you won't bother him or Lady Purah. If they speak to you, you will respond kindly, otherwise you do not bother them."
"Understand us?" Sky demanded, sword still hovering over his face. "We have our ways of time travel, don't think we won't come back to make sure you're staying in line."
Legend had paced the entry hall, waiting for them to come back. He knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but he thought—He said they wouldn’t hurt him! They had no right, no reason to injure Sahasrahla like that. Especially looking like they did, the way Sky had been glaring at the elder, the way Twilight snarled at him, he knew first hand that Twilight’s ire was not fun to be on the other side of.
“Link—“ Purah tried to make him stop, make him rest, but how could he?
They were trying to fix his problems, in his era, and likely making things worse. They were heroes, revered and respected, especially by the Sheikah who were ecstatic to learn they were in the company of the Anointed, Chosen Hero of the Goddess. But would that prevent those same people from attacking them and defending their elder? Not to mention…
The door slid open, and the three older heroes returned. Legend forced his emotions down to level a glare at them.
"He gave his word," Warriors said. "If he doesn't adhere to it..."
"Then I'd be more than happy to force his hand," Sky offered, a dark look in his eyes.
"You're all idiots," Legend snapped. “Why would you--What even--Why?"
Twilight snorted, he moved over and squeezed his shoulder as he passed by him. “'Cause you're our kid brother, kit. It's s'our job to protect ya, t'do what we can to make your life better. 'Course we ain't able to do much, but what we can do, we will do."
“You—" He floundered. How did one respond to that?! “What does threatening him even help?!”
"Either he resigns or..." Twilight shrugged. "Like the Captain said, we'll handle it. Ya Ian’t gotta worry about it."
"I'll worry about what I want! You can't just-just—You can’t…”
“Why not?” Sky asked, unclipping his sailcloth.
“Because! Y-You’re—“ he was getting flustered.
Twilight was still behind him but he could see how Purah and Impa looked concerned, the former more obvious than the latter. Sky and Warriors were in front of him, Warriors taking off his armor—why had he gone wearing armor if he wasn’t going to fight—while Sky gave him a rather sad look.
“You’re not supposed to be…”
“You’re not supposed to need help?” Warriors said, far too much understanding in his eyes. That same look that had Legend agreeing to trust him. “Everyone needs help sometimes, kid. It’s harder for us heroes, everyone expects us to be perfect and fit into whatever they think the hero should be, so we think we can’t accept help, but that’s exactly why we should help each other while we can. Nobody is ever going to understand the struggles of being a hero like another hero can."
Legend clicked his jaw shut, clenching his hand into a fist. He heard footsteps retreat, but he honestly didn’t know who left the room.
“Like the Rancher said,” Sky hummed, “we’re brothers. Brothers of bloodshed, by arms raised, through hardships… no matter what, that means we got your back, and that anyone who hurts you will have to face the consequences of their actions.”
Warriors added, “Especially when you refuse to administer them yourself, and they show no remorse for what they did to you.”
He stared at them. Sky stepped toward him and to his surprise, wrapped his sailcloth around Legend.
“Zelda would have killed him.”
His jaw dropped, but a piercing, electric look stopped him from saying anything.
“He hit you, he threatened you and your family to control you, had my Zelda been here and seen how he didn’t even feel regret for his actions, not even a little bit… Idiotic men in power hurting the good-hearted kids just trying to do what was right…”
There was a slight glaze in Sky’s eyes, something that was a little offsetting. He didn’t look all himself, his eyes—normally a soft blue—were far paler, nearly an icy frosted blue. In the same moment, they returned to normal… Those eyes though… that was the look of a hero, he realized. The soft kindness, the flickering, undenied righteous anger, the power and assurance…
Sky had the look of a hero.
“Zelda would have killed him on the spot, and the only reason I didn’t do the same is because you asked us not to kill him… I’ll only extend that mercy once.”
Legend bit his tongue, looking down briefly before dragging his eyes back up and just nodding. He didn’t trust his voice, he wasn’t sure he trusted that their actions would bring any positive results and not just horrible consequences, but he trusted them… and that would need to be good enough.
“Come on, you need to get some rest,” Warriors said softly, he couldn’t find it in him to fight against them.
#linked universe#lu legend#lu warriors#lu twilight#lu sky#lu time#he's kinda here#loz purah#loz impa#sheikah legend#prosie writes#linkeduniverse#fanfic#lu fanfiction#legend is a merciful person#sky and warriors are not#twilight is sometimes#not when it comes to his bby brothers tho#hurt/comfort#angst#big brother trio#:D#sheikah legend agenda
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So i have 2 questions
Why do iris and perry have godparents?
Does Dale still suck as a father in your human au?
(Will get to second question in a separate post 🧡)

The short answer for the first one is that , despite being best friends in preschool, when Perry and Iris reconnected in elementary school, it literally went SO BAD that they made each OTHER mutually miserable enough that they both got assigned godparents 😬😬

Perry IMMEDIATELY recognizes his childhood friend, but B-lining to HUG the school bully on his first day went just about as well as you’d expect ☠️☠️
This hug actually freaked Iris out SO much that is took him DAYS to finally get a good look at Perry, and when he did, well…. 😬

As much as I hate to torment my bby boys, Its still Peri and Irep- The two of them having ZERO communication skills is intrinsic to my characterization of them tbfh snsndndndndjdj ☠️☠️
I actually wrote some drabbles about these events! (mostly so that I wouldn’t forget them if I get questions that allow me to illustrate parts of them for the blog)
I’ll put the link below! 🥰💜💙
As for why they STILL have fairy god parents even after clearing up their hurt feelings and becoming friends again-
💜Perrys mom is often out traveling for movie shoots, and Perry’s Dad is very busy with his accounting job, especially at the end of every month- tho they used to spend every waking moment with thier little man, Perrys terrible habit of people-pleasing has led to him majorly downplaying how lonely he feels, especially now that his big brother and best friend Timmy has left for college, and took thier dog Sparky with them (something that Perry INSISTED he was fine with, despite being very much not fine with it at all)
💙On Iris’ side, if you directly ASKED him why he was deemed miserable enough to get a godparent (despite coming from money and having attentive, adoring parents) I’m not sure he’d actually be able to tell you himself! Between mod and readers tho, the reason Iris is miserable is that deep, deep down, he secretly RESENTS the role of “the scary kid” that his natural fangs and unorthodox upbringing have forced upon him, but because he’s always been SO SMALL for his age (my poor evil son was a preme, and spent much of his first few months in the hospital) he committed to the bit so hard he doesn’t even know HOW to be nice anymore, instead pushing ALL his peers away so none of them ever get close enough to see his flaws and weaknesses, because being “the scary kid that no one would dare mess with” is the only thing that makes him feel safe- despite how desperately he wants to be loved and praised by his peers 🥺😭
Here’s the Doc detailing Perry and Iris’ first meeting, godparent assignments, AND eventual reconciliation! 🥺💕(Hoping to get questions that I can finagle into excuses to eventually draw the vast majority of these events tbh 😂)
(Cw for UNINTENTIONAL misgendering and mild- mostly just implied- child violence ☠️)
Aaas for your second question: he’s even WORSE! 😃
Just a second, I’ll answer that one in a reblog so I can tw for Dale Dinmadome lmao (Only Half joking. Fairy Dev’s backstory is NOT going to be a pleasant read 🙃 you have been warned dbdbdjdjdjddjej ☠️)
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉

event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | threesome
pairing | stepbrothers!jake jensen and curtis everett x best friend!reader
warnings | stepcest? jake and curtis are stepbrothers, reader is their best friend. big innocence kink, almost little!reader vibes. mentions of other "sex lessons": masturbation, fingering, hand/blow jobs, eating out. sex toys (dildo used, bullet vibe mentioned.) nipple play. clit rubbing. fingering. hint of orgasm delay. she comes hard :D lots of aftercare!
word count | 1,353

an | @brandycranby and i were discussing the idea of brothers jakey and curtis a little while back and i thought it would be a fun pair to try out for this prompt- thanks for always slutting out in the dm's with me, brandy bby!! i treasure our naughty brainstorms so so much <33

what if stepbros jakey and curtis are childhood best friends with a suuuuper innocent reader (you!!), and when you all reach your early 20's they decide to help you out and teach you "how to play with boys" since you're so clueless/in need of guidance and (they wanna take all your firsts) hehe 🥺
they start out with stuff like how to make yourself feel good and how to make them feel good. little lessons on fingering yourself, giving a hand/blow job, etc. then they work up to being more directly involved: fingering you themselves, teaching you all about your adorable little clit ("this is your clit, baby. it's a very special part of your body that only us and you should touch" 🫠), eating you out, etc.
maybe they want to work up to some more substantial penetration next, but neither of them feel quite ready to put their dick in you (they'll get there eventually, ofc 😌) so jake suggests ordering a dildo to help you practice. they get you on board by telling you they have a fun new toy to show you how to use 🤠 you loooved the little bullet vibe they got you, so of course you're happy to learn about more toys!!!
you look so darn cute when curtis opens the door to let you in, he has to fight off the overwhelming urge to just pin you up against the wall and fuck you right there before jake can even set eyes on you 🥲
flouncing obliviously in your pink mini skirt, your perky tits bouncing in your flimsy white camisole. two little pigtails with bows in your hair, sticky lipgloss from the drugstore spread across your plump lips, you don't know how crazy you drive your poor friend. "c'mon bunny, jakey's upstairs waiting for us," you reach for his hand so trustingly, his heart melts 🥺
he brings you up to his and his stepbrother's shared bedroom. jakey's waiting on his bed with the toy's box sitting beside him. "there's our pretty girl," the blonde pulls you in for a hug, "are you excited, sweetie? it just came in the mail today!"
they help you into one of your usual positions: jake behind you with his legs on either side of you, your back pressed against his broad chest- and curtis in front of you, doing most of the instructing and work. there's a shared mutual understanding that you feel safest in jakey's arms when trying out scary new things, something that curtis can't help but feel a little hurt about. he's always been the more serious of the two, while jakey is more fun and carefree. in this particular instance tho, curtis doesn't mind, as he gets the most hands-on action
"remember how we said this new toy's gonna help stretch you out, sweetheart?" curtis is gently introducing the new tool to you as jake pulls down the waistband of your skirt, helping you out of it as well as your panties. by now, you've outgrown most of the initial embarrassment and shyness and don't show any resistance to being undressed by them
you nod, big eyes fixed on curtis to show him you're listening. you gasp softly when he removes the toy from its packaging. they started out at a reasonable size, but it still seems massive to you
"look cutie, we found a pink one!" jake's hooking your legs over his to open you up nice and wide before rubbing your inner thighs soothingly with his big hands to help settle your nerves
"we'll go nice and slow, bunny. you just tell us if it's too much," the man before you is saying seriously, wanting to assure you feel safe and comfortable before proceeding
naturally, you need to be warmed up before introducing the toy. by now the brothers know your body well enough to do this with relative ease. jake focuses on your tits, slipping his hand under your cami to tweak and tug at your sensitive nipples. curtis plays with your clit just how you like it, pulling back the hood and rubbing steady circles right on the head 🥺 doesn't take long to turn you into a dripping, writhing mess with their skilled hands on you
when you're appropriately aroused, they share a glance, both pulling away in unison. you were well on your way to building up to an orgasm, so their sudden abandonment earns plenty of protesting whimpers
"shhh bunny, easy," curtis is murmuring as he brings the toy up to gently start rubbing the smooth silicon head over your slippery slit
"c'mon sweet thing, you're okay," jake adds in, reaching down to rub your thighs again. they both watch with great concentration as the dildo is gently worked into you. curtis uses gradual pumping motions, forcing a bit more of the toy up into you each time
the stretch burns a little, causing you to whine softly. "easy baby," jake reaches down to smear some of your wetness over your throbbing clit to help lessen the pain. he and curtis work together at a steady rhythm, slowly but surely working you up to take the entire length of the object
once it's fully inserted, curtis takes a moment to push it up as far as he can and hold it there, groaning softly at the way your poor pussy flutters around the base. he can feel the tip hitting right up against something hard- what he guesses must be your cervix. "you're so tiny, sweetheart. can barely take the whole thing," he's marveling at how small your channel is, how much it's struggling to take even a smaller-sized toy "you want me to fuck you with it, bunny? want me to fuck this pretty little pussy with your brand new toy?"
you look up at him with the biggest eyes, nodding so sweetly. "use your words, cutie. tell him what you want," jake instructs you
your voice is trembling as you do as you're told, "p-please, please fuck me with it. please fuck me with my new toy" 🥺
"good girl," curtis is beaming, resuming the pumping motions of the dildo inside of you. jake quickens his finger over your clit, leaning down to kiss your forehead as you lay further back against him. grabbing at one of your tits with his free hand, pinching at your pebbled nipple
"please, p-please," you're starting to chant as curtis increases his speed and force
"you gonna come for us, bunny? gonna give us a nice big one? c'mon, sweetheart. let's see it," he's working you up further with his words
"come for us, baby. c'mon, that's it. almost there..." jake chimes in, squeezing and rolling your puffy clit between his fingers just as you tumble over the edge. they both gasp in unison, smiling widely as your orgasm washes over you. your little cunt spasms wildly around the toy, the glorious feeling of being so full and stretched out as you come only prolonging the period of burning pleasure
curtis lets you fully come down from your high, leaving you stuffed with the toy as jake gives you another kiss over your hair. "easy takin' it out," the blonde instructs his stepbrother, "poor baby must be so sensitive now"
they take good care of you, easing the toy out when you're ready and cleaning you up. they have a little basket just for you that they use for aftercare, has all the stuff they need: a washcloth, a new pair of panties for you, some chocolate, maybe a stuffed animal and blanket hehe 🥺
you spend plenty of time after snuggled up between them. they love cuddling you and doting on you after your lessons are over. they make sure to teach you how essential aftercare is; they always tell you "if a guy doesn't give you at least as much aftercare as we've been giving you, dump him and tell us where he lives" hehe 🫶they seriously love you so much, they're so proud of you for being so brave and taking your new toy 💕

#eun's writing#kinkmas 2023#jake jensen#jake jensen fanfiction#jake jensen smut#curtis everett#curtis everett fanfiction#curtis everett smut#chris evans#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans smut#jake jensen x reader#jake jensen x y/n#jake jensen x you#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x y/n#curtis everett x you#the losers#the losers fanfiction#snowpiercer#snowpiercer fanfiction#jake jensen imagine#jake jensen one shot#jake jensen drabble#jake jensen headcanon#jake jensen blurb#curtis everett imagine#curtis everett one shot#curtis everett headcanon#curtis everett drabble
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tll me evrything aplease
tws: cheating, vague mentions of drug use, suicide (1ce by pill 1ce by gun, its not grqphic but you can drfo tell whats happening), age gap (srs isnt tech a child but i dont think that makes anything b8r in terms of morality)(during prongsfoot: srs is 19 james is 27 and in remus x james remus is 27 iames is 45),everyone dies except for rjl (v rare occurence), outing (regulus outs james and sirius), i don't know what time frame this is, i have NAWT read or watched cmbyn bc it's too sad, ships that happen in order: wolfstar, prongsfoot, bitchkiller, jily, remus x james, james x gun (none r endgame except the last 1), ALOT of typos @mrstellmeafuckingsecret this is part one btw bc tumblr is 2 sec from crashing
SO sirius + co. Have a second family home in Italy theyv3 be3n goingb2 since they were babies and like orion is a professor and needs an intern and he usually gets a young woman but him and walburga fight abt this so walburga makes him get an older man (even tho on fridays wc are the days orion works tye latest, she gets the gardener to come 20 minutes early) anyways enter stage right: james
The home is in the Italian countryside bc regulus hates the noises of traffic and in the more rural areas there lives Remus and he's a sweet boy srssage and him and sirisu have an on off rlnship (its on off bc even tho its implicit bn them that they're in a rlnship even when sirius is away srs ALWAYS cheats w other girls and rjl is in the rural part of toen so he walks like 3 miles 2 get service 2 talk 2 sirisu only for sirisu to not respond.....he makes gifts for srs and srs barley responds and saves up his savings for like a month to buy sirius lipgloss after sirius said he wanted one )
Umm anyaways..jfp comes and sirius is v annoyed bc ??? Now he has to LIVE w this hobo??? But they warm up 2 each other and srs was always a Lil mean to regulus but when james was w him he'd acc Bully him and he'd run off wo regulus (he had his bugs hed be fine) and make fun of regulus 2 james bc even tho there's only a barely 2 yr age gap bn them sirius NEEDS james 2 see him as more mature and walburga doesn't like james bc he's taking her bby away from her but since she's a poised matriarch and needs to b a good hostess since her husband is lowkey tweaking 99% of thr time (the other 1% is when hes passed out drunk) she can't threaten him w one of their special occasion knives
And James has to remind himself of the decade of an age gap bn them but how would he do that when sirisu is in absurdly low hung swim shorts and is sprawled by the pool all gangly limbs and silky black hair and open pretty mouth and and his YOUTH bc he's a practically still a child and this is wrong wrong wrong wrong so james is v inconsistent w his behavior to sirius
One moment he's staring at Sirius w his mouth practically dropped open and he's making winky faces at sirius and he's just staring at Sirius from behind his sunglasses and the next he's blowing sirius off and snapping at him w words that cut cut cut and sirius wants to dig his fingers inside those cuts and show james his insides and he's intrigued bc how could he not be? No one has ever treated him like this
and all the while Remus is at his cottage w his sick grandma (who in siriuss opinion should just kick the bucket at this point) in his 2 bedroom house where he lives w 4 ppl and sleeps on a mattress on the floor, staying up late and making anniversary cards for him and sirius. and regulus is watching his older brother sneak off w a complete stranger rather than talk w him abt bugs like they would when they were 8 and all was ok back then but all is not ok rn bc what was so nice abt james anyways?? He doesn't kno 5 languages, he doesn't play 3 instruments, he doesn't kno siriuss breakfast order when Sirius was 9, he doesn't stay up hoping PRAYING that sirius would open his eyes and realize that regulus is-and has always been- RIGHT. THERE.
Anywho ..1 day james kisses sirius under the trees near the pool and sirius can feel his whole world upend but then james pushes him away and srs asks why and james says srs is so young and srs says that's not the rzn and james says that it's all a joke to sirius and sirius says that acc he's still in a 4yr rlnship w a boy so... and james starts yelling at him and sirius kisses him and they make out and have sex and all is good!!!
But guess who also spends his time under the trees near the pool? Collecting bugs and rocks to show his father now that his brother is practically gone?
Regulus tells his parents and he's happy bc finally sirisu would get his dues and maybe after that they might even make up w james out the house!!
Walburga who is ever so composed tweaks. Tf. Out. And James is shocked bc walburga smiled at him and made sure to tell the servants to serve him his eggs abit overcooked bc uncooked eggs make him nauseous and she always made sure the wine of the night would be jamess favourite and now she's screaming at him and ...is that A KNIFE???!!! so umm yeah he takes like half his stuff and skeddadles (coward)
and walburga then screams at sirius and sirius is shocked bc walburga is never mad at HIM and walburga is shocked bc she swore to herself that she'd never yell at sirius and the day he was born he was born STRONG and beautiful and perfect (and not like regulus who was born a stillborn(and he wasnt even orions and so he was contaminated and weak and far too soft and)) and now she was screaming at Sirius and she must have stopped at some point bc when she blinks she's in her bed and she can hear Sirius cry and she doesn't comfort him and infact feels childishly vindicated even tho he won't stop crying and (and the next morning he was gone and the only person left was) regulus.
It's all HIS fault bc why would he tell her that when he knew it'd make her upset at sirius and didn't he understand how pERFECT sirius was??? So she cries and yells and cries and yells and cries and yells and doesn't notice (even tho she does and there it is again that childish vindication) it when regulus takes her sleeping pills up to the bath 2 wks after sirius left and she doesn't care (she does. bc regulus still had her blood if not orion's) bc sirius is GONE
Sirius after running away goes 2 Remus first to beg 4 some cash so he could catch the bus to the hotel james would be sure to be at, and him and remus haven't talked in DAYS and so he doesn't kno that remuss grandma has (FINALLY) kicked the bucket and remus opens the door and app asking for cash first thing is not??? ok??? Bc remus starts yelling at him w red rimmed eyes and sirius is confused bc ?? Bro u got upgraded from having to live w 4 ppl in a 2 bedroom house to 3ppl in a 2 bedroom house ????
But Sirius leaves and stays at a shady pub w the little cash he has and has to share a room w a man w piercings and tattoos and green hair and drugs and he's lonely so they fuck and get high and fuck and get high and fuck get high and get high to fuck and fuck high and he forgets abt Remus and forgets abt regulus and his mother and his father and the stupid gardener who comes 20 min early and he forgets james and and
JAMES ! He tries catching the train and gets the money from the man under the pretense of getting more drugs and goes to the hotel but james left a day ago ashen sirius was busy getting high n fuckin and he breaks down right there in the lobby bc james was probably back at his family home in America and well ummm yeah...he dies(?) In the streets (its v much a lucy gray bird situation i dunno u dunno)
#Ty for sending me this ask#I hope the vibes are it#Chat did I take it too far#Did NAWT proof read this bc idc#This is a v bad no good post and I hat3 it#It feels v rushed idk#Gna go back 2 being illiterate now#This is our engagement gift#I hope u like it or I'll cry
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SJM Ask Game
Thank you for the tag @daydreaming-nerd !! 💙💙 (I do want to hear those redacted answers for where you put tharion lol) I feel like it's been so long since I've been on tumblr or even done one of these but I'm excited💙
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
Hmmmm I'm gonna say ACOMAF because that's when I was first introduced to Azzy and the obsession began 💙😈
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
If you don't know me, CC is one of the worst books I've ever read. It's hard to choose between ACOTAR and TOG tho because they were both really good....
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
Hehehehehehehehe. Az obviously 🥰
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
Hmmmm...tbh not really...the ones that stay stuck in my head are the cringey ones...BUT, let's go with "Cassian shot him a glare. 'I don't see you spouting poetry, brother.' Azriel crossed his arms, still smiling faintly, 'I don't need to resort to it.'" THAT'S GODDAMN RIGHT BBY YOU DONT 💙💙 legs spread for mah boi
5) Favourite ship?
Azris frfr
6) Elriel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
Azris frfr
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
Oooof there's so many. Fenrys. I've never gotten enough of him.
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
Azris frfr. I want both of their backstories rn
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Bryce Quinlan and Danika Fendyr
10) Favourite bat boy?
My king azriel 💙💙
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
Honestly I'd probably either live in Autumn or Night tbh.
12) Favourite SJM villain?
Does Tamlin count? lol.
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
That CC never happened
14) Favourite SJM theory?
Azris frfr
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
Prob Ness
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated:
over-rated: bryce quinlan
under-rated: chaol 💙
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
18) What’s your favourite character from each series?
Fenrys, Azriel, Ruhn
19) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
A Court of Smoke and Cinders? (azris frfr)
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
nah there's literally too many to choose from
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
The Serpent and the Wings of Night
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
Azzy because i built him brick by brick
23) Hardest character to write for?
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet?
lol who haven't i written for? hmmmm...maybe fenrys, aedion, or hunt?
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
hmmm...idk I'd like to say that I'd try anything once...
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
azzy. nobody compares to him
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
right now i think modern aus...in any sort. or anything that involves angst i love putting everyone thru some shit
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
hmmmm...i feel like this is impossible to choose
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
eris x anyone because this man needs a friend
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
LMAO ummm...I'll list at least one for. every character
Az: Cupid's Chokehold or Midnight Muse
Cass: In Storm or Dial Drunk or Better Men Have Hit Their Knees and Bigger Men Have Died
Eris: You Know I Always Liked Playing with Fire or Hide
Rhys: Clandestine Love or Dioxazine
Lucien: The Other Woman or My Happy Ending
or literally any poly can't go wrong with those tbh
No pressure tags: @writingsbychlo @acourtofwhatthefuck @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @azrielhours @a-frog-with-a-laptop or anyone else who wants to participate!
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*walks up to the ask box with a paper bag over my head (Like Mono from little nightmares) and places my ask before disappearing into the dark alleyway*
Once when MC was visiting the human world. The brothers decided to go with them to stalk 'keep an eye in them'
So they're all following behind MC, trying to be inconspicuous but failing miserably because they kept fighting. But thank Dia, MC though they were just delulu. (Mc internal monologue: "I'm so far gone, I can still hear them arguing" *shakes head and keeps walking*)
The plan backfires when MC stops in front of a bakery that Beel has already set his sights on. Beel just marches up to the bakery and goes inside and MC just watches him go in like (0////0)ayo what! why that boy here!?. So they follow after him and it results in the two leaving the bakery hand in hand on their way back to MCs place (Beel conveniently forgetting to mention that his brother's were with him) And all the bros are just standing there like (o_o)
❇ Levi and Belphie decide to give up and the go back to the Devildom sulking.
❀ Luci and Tannie decide to make the most of their visit by going to some stores to get some items they wanted.
❁ Mammon and Asmo refuse to give it up and end up getting arrested for their suspicious behavior and Luci has to come bail them out (after a night in jail oc)
Carful in the dark alley XD
Not MC assuming they’ve simply lost it helpshsk- Fair enough tho, they’ve spent too much time around demons-
Plot twist Beel planned it and walked in knowing MC would follow him and he could get you all to himself~ (smart bby)
Levi ‘n Belphie would go home to cry and spam text MC trying to get attention away from Beel- jealous boys XD
Lucifer also stays behind to make sure Beel doesn’t cause any trouble and to spy on what exactly Beel does with MC Satan found a book store he’s happy!
Mammon ‘n Asmo having to share a jail cell for a night, is an absolute nightmare for the guard 💀 they might just pay Lucifer to take the two away!!!
and the whole time all the other brothers are busy being, well themselves- Beel and you are having some quality time!! Could be a sweet date or spending time at your place, Beel’s just happy to have you all to himself for a change!
#🍒 anon!#obey me!#obey me poly mc#obey me poly reader#obey me poly#obey me beel x reader#obey me brothers x reader#obey me brothers#obey me shenanigans#om! suggestive#om! poly#obmswd poly reader#obmswd poly
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finally watched 'longlegs' tonight, and man is it a beautifully made, expertly constructed film. mood and atmosphere felt so appropriate and put you in the right frame of mind for what they were trying to do. It felt creepy and dirty, ominous and threatening. shot compositions were gorgeous and the use of the 4:3 vignette or rounded edges (whatever its called) felt appropriate… for a minute i thought the whole movie was gonna be like that, thankfully it was only in a few scenes, and felt like it was for a purpose.
unfortunately i just didnt care for the story it was telling or rather I mean I was fine with the story they were telling, I just didnt think the story was executed linearly with as much care and precision as the look and feel of everything else in the movie. Its doing a bunch of things at first, but you start off thinking the movies going to be a like police procedural, and then they introduce some supernatural elements which then really takes it right out of the kind of cat and mouse / mystery movie you spend the first 10-15 mins thinking its going to be. Things you think should take some time to build up to, just happen. And I get it the movie is not really a police procedural, its more light supernatural horror but idk, theres that police procedural I was kinda wanting because of how the movie started. the supernatural thing kinda gets us to plot points quickly, and to me that felt a little too quick, a little too forced or something. Idk I mean I get why they do that, and why it all comes together at the end, but a little slower with the build up and police work would have helped build more of the tension, I think.
Also you can pretty much guess where its all going, I mean there are definitely some weird right turns you will not guess, and those are good moments, but almost from the beginning, they are like ‘who is the accomplice? Who is the accomplice?’ And its like yea, duh, we know, like they made that pretty clear almost right off the bat, so when it is revealed, you’re like, uh yeah, we knew that lol
also, what really took me out of the movie each and every time was Nic cage. They should have absolutely not had him in this role. His voice was so ridiculous, the choices in like singing were like not scary or creepy at all, it was just silly and each and every time all I saw was Nic cage, maybe if his voice was lower and creepier or something, idk, its just Nic cages voice, and it just didnt work for me. They should have had some unknown actor or anyone else in his role. Someone whos intimidating and actually creepy. I got nothing creepy or ominous about his choices. and I think its clear they knew that, cause they shellacked him in that makeup… anyway to not see Nic cage, but his voice was a dead giveaway each time.
Maika Monroe was fantastic tho, and it was really great to see Blair underwood coming out of wherever hes been for 30 years ago, back from la law I guess lol. He looks great, and he has such a great voice. Also really great to see Alicia Witt! Almost unrecognizable, I really hope they caked her in old age makeup, cause at first I was like is that her? Cant be, there’s no way Alia Atrides is old enough to have a 30+ year old child lol also nice to see sally draper in this, and that Oz Perkins has a cast of actors he likes working with. She was great in his other movie the blackcoats daughter.
Overall it was the visuals that were the standout in the movie, the director, Oz Perkins, who is the son of my bby Anthony Perkins, is really good at building these atmospheric moody visuals, he also did a movie called Gretel and Hansel which also was more visually appealing than it was a good story. and I just read that his brother, Elvis Perkins did the score. Ive loved his album Ash Wednesday for almost a couple decades now, and the score really helped build the tension and really worked with movie.
It got so much hype at first so Im glad I saw some reasonable reactions too, cause it lowered my expectation. At first I’d heard it was the scariest movie ever!! And it’s not. I’m glad I went in not thinking that. So its not a bad movie whatsoever, I def wouldnt say I loved it, there are choices that I dont think work with the story, and that really dampens what couldve been something special, cause visually and atmospherically its gorgeous.
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i NEED queen barb x fem reader PLEASEEEE
Fallin’ For You||🎸Barb x Fem! Reader

Warnings: Mild Cussing, IT’S LONG😭😭
FYI: f/f= fav food, f/c=fav color, f/b=fav band, f/d=favorite drink
You were a f/c troll that was feisty and stubborn. You were into all tastes of music, but rock really fascinated you the most. So when your brother ran into your room to tell you he managed to get two tickets to see f/b, you were ecstatic as hell. Choosing an outfit was always your worst enemy. It usually ended with you bothering your brother about your outfit and asking if it’s too much or if it doesn’t have enough. But tonight you really put your all into it and got some pretty good results. (You can pick one here or choose one yourself idm☺️)

“B/N I’M DONE” you yelled from your room. You didn’t get a response but you heard muffled stomps headed towards your room. And there stood your brother in his best f/b attire. “Damn didn’t know the living mob could dress” he jokingly said while trying to hold his giggles in as he saw the almost visible irritation mark coming up on your forehead. “Alright jackass not to much” you said not wanting to have a whole sibling fight before the best concert of your life. “We better get going before we be late n/n” your brother said walking towards the door to leave. “Alright I’m coming” you said following the other still irritated by the teasing he did on your outfit.
You have been up and dancing for about a good 2 hours and you were getting dehydrated from sweating and your throat was dry from all the constant yelling you were doing. So you decided to go get a drink. You told your brother where you were going and he gave you a $50 bill. “Why so much? I’m just going to get a f/d” you questioned your brother. “Damn n/n I’m hungry, that’s why you lil nosy” he said out of breath from all of the dancing, but still in a snarky way. “OK, shit I was just asking” you shot back while walking away from y’all seats, after he told you what he wanted from the concession stand.
Since it was crowded in the area you were in, you were squeezing past people saying occasional excuse me’s and sorry’s, but when you were almost out the horde, someone bumped into you and made you knock someone and their nachos. “OH CRAP, I’m so sorry are you ok?” You asked the stranger who still was on the ground after the harsh push. “Shit I just bought those you bastard” the mystery person yelled back as you (tried) to help her off the ground. “HEY! I’m not a bastard” you yelled back, getting irritated at the arrogant person in front of you. Once she was fully up she looked at who knocked her over and all of her snarky comebacks she had instantly left her mind. Before she could respond, you beat her to it.
“Even tho you was an ass to me you could’ve at least let me explain what happened” you said a little calmer than before but you noticed she started to stare. She was staring at you for about 3 minutes before you tried to get her attention again. “Yoooo are you good? Do you have a concussion?” You asked a lil panicked as you rushed to check her clothes and head for any injuries or damage.
While you were checking her clothes and head she couldn’t help but get the smell of your self intoxicating scent. Whiskey and chocolate was all she smelled and for some reason it left her with a wave of neediness and the need to know you. She still didn’t notice she was staring until she felt a sharp sting on her hand. “OW what the hell” she shrieked rubbing her stinging hand. “FINALLY! You had me worried over here. Thought you blacked out on me”you said while sighing a sigh of relief. All she could muster up was a “yea I’m good.” Barb never felt this way towards anyone before so she was kinda weirded out from how she was acting. “Well I just wanted to say sorry again and if I could buy you another thing of nachos to make up for your last batch” you offered feeling a different sensation in your stomach.
Once she heard your offer she couldn’t help but accept and for some reason she tried to strike up a conversation while you guys were waiting in line. “Sooo you like f/b?” She asked assuming you were here because of the merch you were wearing. “Yea I LOVE f/b. They just have a way of making how I feel come to life through music you know” you said smiling a soft and barely unnoticeable smile. Barb caught on to the tiny smile and flushed a little and felt her face get hot. “Barb” she said earning a confused “huh” from you. “Barb” she said again “it’s my name” she said in a confirming voice to dissipate the confusion you had. “Oh, my name is y/n”you said in a confident tone as you saw how she blushed at the sound of your name. Before she could respond you were already ordering y’all’s order. “Hi can I get a f/d, f/f, and nachos.” “I like extra jalapeños on my nachos” Barb threw in so the cashier could know.
You were astonished at how many jalapeños Barb had on her nachos. “Your mouth is going to burn like hell” you said in an amazed voice. When she heard you in an astonished tone she wanted to prove you wrong instantly. So she betted that if she could finish her nachos without a drink and succeed, you would have to give her your number. You never backed down from a challenge so you agreed and you had to admit she was cute so it was a win-win either way.
After 15 minutes Barb managed to eat all of her nachos without a drink and successfully won the bet. “Told you short stuff. I told you I could do it.” She said pridefully with a little flirtiness in her voice. Once you heard the little nickname she gave you, a blush appeared on you f/c cheeks. She saw the blush and mentally gave herself and her ego a high five. “I guess a bet is a bet” you said while pulling out a napkin and a pen. Barb was confused about what you were doing, until she remembered what was her reward for winning the bet. Now she was the one blushing, taking the napkin with your name and number on it. “I’m glad I ran into you Barb” you said before kissing her cheek and walking away. Little did you know when you were finally out of sight, she was already texting you and gushing over the kiss you gave her on the cheek like a little kid.
#trolls#trolls 2#trolls barb x reader#trolls barb#trolls world tour x reader#trolls world tour#trolls x reader
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Baby gays be gayin 💚💫💖
When we first got introduced to Valentine in the Monster High universe he was just another villain. His whole spill was kinda cool tho.
Collecting the hearts of girls in love as trophies, thus making it impossible for them to ever love anyone again??? I was immediately hooked. And it was a Draculaura-centric movie too, so there was a bonus.
However it wasn't till many years later that I discovered Valentine's diary and boy did it deliver.

If that sounds kinda like the gay archetype, well, put on ur listening ears for a sec, 'cause we've got a story for you. Apparently, according to the creator of Monster High, his diary was supposed to have him come out as gay. It was a collector's item anyway. Kids wouldn't have had a chance to buy it as it was a convention-exclusive doll, but Mattel said and I quote "It is not the right time"

An extract from the original post of the creator which just goes to show how little influence they truly have over their own creations.
Well, the gay route was a no-go, so instead they had to be sneaky about it. If you read the diary, the core, the framework of the original idea is still there. Evident especially in the May 3rd entry:
"I now know that what I did - stealing love - was because I thought that's what emotional vampires were supposed to do. But it never felt quite right. I thought if I kept doing it, it would eventually feel right. Then when Draculaura called me - well, Toralei really - I thought that if I could get the heart that got away, it would change me, and everything would be fine. But I was just a real pain in the fang to everyone and made a fool of myself. So I've come to the conclusion being myself has to be easier than not being myself, right? Back then, I hated the thought of who I really was, and that conflict made me become someone who wasn't me. It's time to be true to myself, but it's scary."
Like come on!!!! How can it get queerer than that?!? He is one foot away from coming out of his coffin with glitter make up and rainbow hair!
But then the diary had to go the sneaky route. They knew they couldn't make him gay... At least directly. They had to be increeibly sneaky about that. Just then Spelldon Cauldronello steps onto the scene.
Written into the diary as a blink you'll miss it moment, Spelldon is Casta Fierce's younger brother. Up to that point there was no mention of the character in Monster High cannon. but his interaction with Valentine, well... It was short for one. But a lot was packed into that very short meeting. Keiran Valentine upon first meeting him spaces out, after which they spend some time together gettin to know each other better, ultimately ending with Valentine asking Spelldon for his number.
You'd think there'd be more, yet sadly that is where Spelldon's part in Valentines story arch stops. There was clear intent there to create a more inclusive Monster High, for which I am grateful. Despite not giving us a look at Spelldon's design, the fandom took it upon themselves to create designs and fanart, thus keeping his character alive.
The design I used in this piece actually belongs to my incredibly talented friend @i-have-serious-brainfreeze . He created this design of the nerdy Spelldon on a whim, and since then I have been utterly obsessed with it. So much so that I choose to create a fanart piece of the two bby gays.
As of now, Gen 3 made no current mention of either Valentine or Spelldon, so it's safe to say their story has been shelved for the time being. However, things are moving on the Monster High representation front. Twyla has been cannonicaly made autistic, Frankie nonbinary, and Clankie steered slowly towards a canonical romantic relationship.
If there ever is a better time to bring back Keiran Valentine, it certainly is now.
I'll be here waitin Mattel. I'll be here💖
#nostalgia#drawing practice#monster high#monster high drawing#monster high fanart#monster high icons#Fanart is better when gay#gay art#gay babies#monster high art#baby gay#digital art#monster high dolls#doll art#i can't believe i did this#Mini essay time#I apologise I only write mini essays but when I get over- excited about something this is what I end up with🤣#Keiran valentine#monster high valentine#valentine x spelldon#spelldon cauldronello#Man the gay force is strong with this one
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Once again sliding into your asks but this time it’s to beg for a Death Park Kyle info dump. I am LOVING the Pinterest board and there’s just I am an insane creature when it comes to my son in any au<3
DPau kyle is Incredibly Fucked Up tbh,,, without spoiling too much stuff, he and his group (basically the whole HLF) were raised in the worst place for humans to be raised in that whole ass world</3
he's the oldest of them (followed closely by wendy) so he took the role as the group's big sibling/leader, which got to him taking care of everyone and prioritizing their safety to his own
fast-forward to when they ran away, he founded HLF (human liberation front) as a hybrids-free place, where humans could be happy and live their life. it wasn't like other human groups (cough cough HRA cough cough) who wanted to end the hybrids' existence, but instead they just wanted to get rid of any dangerous ones, letting the nice ones live as long as they stayed away
kyle is basically the leader of HLF, and even though they're not at That Place anymore they still see him as their older brother, principally ike. everyone, mostly wendy, calls kyle "ike's brother", which he hates because between his own and ike's upbringing he has a complicated relationship with getting attached to people (again specifically ike) on a rather emotional/family level ;-; (survivor's guilt and trauma responses don't make a good convo yall</3)
about his relationship with everyone else, he's in awful terms with hyreix and specifically cartman. they're in exactly opposite sides, and they hate each other so much idek how they haven't killed each other yet (...)
he's probably best friends with wendy :) they're the two leaders of HLF so it makes sense, and as the oldest kids in the group they're two of the ones with most trauma (my bbys ;-;)
uhhhh idk what else to tell you lmao but DPau kyle is so dear to me even tho he's trauma-filled asf<3
#stan isnt mentioned for reasons :3#you'll see eventually#death park au#kyle broflovski#wendy testaburger#ike broflovski#eric cartman#my au#my hcs#thanks for the ask<3
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Stalker!Jace gaslighting tf out of Luke 👀 - you’ve ruined me (ily and hope you’re having a great day bby)
i hope you're having a fantastic day too, my love!
omfg i love this concept so much!
lucerys starts to notice that jace, who has never kept anything from him and has always let him use his phone, doesn't let him come anywhere close to it anymore. like, lucerys tries using it to watch tiktok and jace gets so mad.
also, lucerys suspects that the presents he gets from his stalker are things that jace would like. his stalker buys him this perfume that smells like vanilla and roses and lucerys notices that every single time he uses it, jace cannot stop smelling him and smiling.
when lucerys does confront him after he finally gets to use jace's phone and sees a sleeping picture of him in his brother's gallery, jace just tells him that he took that picture during their last sleepover. lucerys wants to believe him even tho he's pretty sure jace wasn't home when he wore his new pyjamas.
#asks: unusual raccoon#i will cry i love them and i truly do want to see jace gaslighting#jace girlboss gaslight gatekeep lucerys#ily Alex <3
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For the event, could I request Fluff with Lucifer using the song XS by Rina Sawayama?
I hope I did this right.
Don't worry, you did it right! And thank you so much for requesting, I actually had a lot of fun with this one! ^^ so I hope you enjoy this as well <3
Also my first time writing songfic so I really just hope it's not bad!!
Lucifer - XS

Gimme just a little bit (more), little bit of (excess)
Lucifer always was busy with his work, no wonder you were a little touch starved and needed some attention from him. Bby I can treat you better than this man When he finally had a bit of time, you immidietly asked him or gave him obvious signs that he was neglecting you. But of course he just had to say he can't...
"I'm afraid I have to say no... unfortunately for us both, I heard that Mammon is causing problems in th city again and of course I have to take care of it..."
I don't wanna hear "No, no" Only want a "Yes, yes"
And even tho he was so busy, he was about to ignore your needs for his affections again just because his brother probably stole something... can't any other or his brothers take care of it?! Surely Beel will agree to do it for a snack... or Levi for some special edition Ruri chan figure...
You were really determinated to get that attention you craved for so you didn't let him go so easily! You caught his arm and refused to let go, you knew he won't force you to let go since he doesn't want to hurt you so it was instant win for you. And on top of that, it worked!
"YN, don't look at me lik that... I get it, I've been too busy with work lately, I'll make it up to you, come over here."
He said that before sitting back on his chair, leaving his lap free just for you, and he didn't need to repeat it twice befor you immidietly ended on his lap.
Flex, when all that's left is immaterial And the price we paid is unbelievable
You really just enjoyed his attention that he finally gave you. On the other side, Lucifer knew how much you liked it, it was written all over your face which made his heart melt and his ego pride definitely raised.
And yet, even after he saw how happy you qr, he couldn't help but worry if he's brother won't cause even more trouble... but right now, his lover is more important. He doesn't want them to think he doesn't love or dare about their relationship anymore after all!
And I'm taking in as much as I can hold Well, here are things you'll never know
Despite his worries, he enjoyed it as much if not more than you. After all, he was pretty stressed over these days, here he had to take care of his brothers, here he had work and there was meeting at RAD or with Diavolo. It was nice to finally keep his lover in his arms and relax while forgetting about all the troubles.
Slowly, love started being in the air. You were simply tangled in each other's arms as soft kisses started to be placed on forehead, cheeks, lips, even at neck! They weren't harsh, they were lovely and gentle kisses that you two simply couldn't get enough of.
"I'm glad you convinced me to do it... I really needed break from all these troubles... Mammon can wait, if anything, he'll receive worse punishment. So don't worry, love, we can keep enjoying this moment~"
#obey me#x reader#obey me x reader#obey me lucifer#obey me lucifer x reader#lucifer#lucifer x reader#fluff#songfic#song fic#obey me fluff
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hi hello
you dont have to do anything with this unless you want to
just needed a place to rant about my lovely bby and decided to choose your inbox :3
seriously tho, chibi genya is spinning in my head and bumping off the sides of it
just wanna squeeze him till he pops
cause he so cute its just
not fair????
just been having ideas of comforting him when he gets ignored or belittled by sanemi, that piece of shit
holding him close and reassuring him till he's a tomato with how many praises and other positive words he's receiving
HIM >>>>>
p.s. your writing is absolutely amazing <3 keep up the good work love ^-^
Hiya !! ☺️ You're welcome to ramble in my inbox anytime, albeit I might not always turn your rambles into a full fanfic. 😅
"chibi genya is spinning in my head and bumping off the sides of it," visualizing this is cute. 😖😭😍 I'm sure chibi Genya's happy in your head heh. 🧠🤗 Altho- He might not be as happy to be squeezed till he pops. 😃
I must confess, I adore Sanemi, so I pouted at, "that piece of shit," buuut I get where you're coming from. 😂
"holding him close and reassuring him till he's a tomato with how many praises and other positive words he's receiving," would be sooo sweet. 🥺
"You don't mind?"
Genya, typically so brash and harsh, all limbs and temper, asks quietly, his head in your lap.
"Mind what?"
He leans into your touch, fingertips gentle as you stroke his hair.
"Saying nice things to me?"
You'd snort if it weren't for the heartaching fear in his gaze. You can tell he's resisting the urge to close his eyes — to conceal himself from your affection.
"I don't mind at all, you wonderful, brilliant man."
The redder he gets You're brave, the softer he feels Considerate, pliant and secure in the steadiness of your pulse And more perceptive and kind than you give yourself credit for, the caress of your praise lulling him ever closer to cherishing himself — to seeing and understand who exactly you hold in your heart.
Not to mention: braving Sanemi's wrath to get them to actually communicate w/ each other. 💀
"You piece of shit, go explain your sorry self to Genya. You deserve to care for your younger brother. You are more than capable of caring for him. I believe in you. And he deserves to know why you choose over and over again to hurt him. He deserves to be loved by his older brother — not from a maintained, cold distance."
Easier said than done, obvi, but dreams can be dreamt. 😆
I appreciate your kindness, and will def continue writing. 🤓💞
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Oooooh, I saw the Rollo brother idea of him not only being twisted from Esmerelda , first of all YES HIM BEING THE SAME AGE AS THR FIRST YEARS! Second of all I love to see the two following scenarios for if Rollo’s younger brother lived(I love for you to try and come up a name for him), first one where he attends Noble Bell College aka same school as his older brother, like I can see him having fun with topsy tuvry day(being twisted from Esmeralda, he’s definitely dancing with a a tambourine being a free spirit and all, plus still most likely still gets to see his favorite goat, imagine if the goat’s name “Jolly”), he also most likely learn what Rollo did during the evening before Rollo rang the bell but somehow was unable to stop it as easily(like being a hostage somehow like Esmeralda was in the movie) until the NRC boys stepped in(he’ll probably still love his older brother despite what he did like “Even though what you did was horrible, I still love you big brother”). The second would be the younger brother at NRC and while may not have been invited may have still been randomly selected to go as well, he definitely be way more friendly to Rollo happy to see him again(hugging him too much to Rollo’s dismay and embarrassment and in front of everyone else too) but definitely be destroyed seeing what his older brother did, sure he’ll be rescued but he definitely hold out in the end just to confront his older brother with the others with him(even better if he was a part of one of the three’s dorms despite being known as the more unique “free spirit” compared to the rest of his dorm mates). Also I bet Idia’s “you suck speech” will become a lot worse for he definitely tore into Rollo by bringing the younger brother into this and that would the younger brother even WANT this to ever happen. PS he probably still have his handkerchief but either give his original one and brought a new one himself or got Rollo a matching handkerchief as a gift to match his(it’ll even become as a way for Rollo to remember his younger brother if said brother went to NRC).
Imagine if the goat is dead tho-
Like let's say the goat that was actually named Jolly died as a result of the accident then. So while the lil brother still loved goats, for Rollo it was an irreplaceable pet(hence his love for a methodical order that doesn't change) so he starts to hate the other goats that weren't like the one they used to have and love.
But for the event itself >:3
First: the NRC route
I still do insist on not inviting the little brother since Rollo knew that his brother would oppose all of this and the big sibling instinct is all like 'leave it to me' (it's a parallel to the Shroud bros since Ortho did try to kinda reset the world in book 6 :'3)
But if he did get invited, he would be all over the moon, so excited to see again the familiar sights of his hometown (it would be fun if, let's say, he got homesick easily) and have his usual hype attitude be amplified by 1000%.
Just for all to crumble apart and see the brother he admired so much become a monster set on destroying all magic, magic which the little brother loved to see.
As for the NBC route:
The little brother would be very hyped up about everything, to the point Rollo had to give him the charge on decorating and managing the tour routes. Those were small tasks, but Rollo trusted his brother with showing great hospitality.
This also hits harder when the reveal is made, because these 2 WERE together almost all time. It was, if not, almost impossible to not catch on the real hidden motives, but everyone hot so hyped up by the event that they didn't spare a glance to Rollo's true plan all along.
As for the handkerchief: matching ones, bby! Just to have something to set them apart as bros. :D
Ps: I got another ask that is focused on more in depth about the NRC dorm repartition situation so if you want more on the dorm situation, I'll probably answer it a bit later this day. Hope it's alright with u. :3
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tldr: OH MY GOD
You could remember the exact moment you had fallen in love with Aegon Targaryen. Down to the very position of the sun in the sky, the feeling of the summer breeze on your skin.
oh bby we've all been ther, don't worry i'll get a jar, we can drink the tears later, the salt surprisingly adds a nice bitterness
King Viserys quickly announced your betrothal to Aegon when you were both still babes in the cradle.
sleeping beauty flashbacks, i'm glad tho that fanon aegon isn't as stale as ole philip dear
“She is not frightening, (Y/N), I promise,” Helaena told you, holding a rather large spider from her fingers.
me when helaena:

Aegon spotted you both from across the garden, noticing your pale face and coming to your aid. “(Y/N) doesn’t like spiders, Hel,” Aegon said, putting his hands on your shoulder, ... “Are you alright?” Aegon asked, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other. Your cheeks turned pink at his chivalry.
awww he cares
“I am sorry for your loss, Lady (Y/N),” Willas Follard said when you returned to the Red Keep following the funeral.
okay the name willis hits me for some reason which is bizarre but i love it
“Mayhaps someday we shall be wed,” he had told you once as you strolled through the training wed.
“I am betrothed, my lord,” you told him, causing him to frown. “We shall see, my lady,” he promised before taking his leave.

Years later you were still eager to please your betrothed, at his beck and call.
oh sweet bby know, you're too sweet for your own good ♡
but it seemed that Aegon was destined to see you as only a child. Only someone he was pleased with, nothing more.
oh so you just wanna break my heart then? okay cool. cool cool cool cool cool
When he became a man, Lord Willas decided it was time to ask Aegon for your hand. He saw how your uncle was with you, treating you not as a lover nor a wife. He believed Aegon would hear him out.
“Were you dropped on your head as a child?” Aegon questioned, face scrunched up in confusion.
yes, very clearly yes
Your ears perk up at the sound of your name. You had been lounging on the steps leading to the sunken courtyard, nose buried in a book. You hadn’t noticed when Willas had passed you, making a beeline toward Aegon. The two men are lost in their conversation, not paying you any mind.
Your breath catches in your throat. Aegon tilts his head to the side, an incredulous grin breaking out across his face.
“Prepared to meet the Stranger so soon, are you?” Aegon teases, a laugh rolling through him.
aegon 1 : willas 0.3 (i'm sorry the name is cool sksksks)
Your stomach churns. Surely Aegon cannot be serious. Surely he would not risk losing you?
Your mother Rhaenyra could sense something was wrong when you had your food delivered to your chambers for the second day in a row. She brought it upon herself to visit you when you could not be coaxed from your chambers by any of your brothers, or your stepfather.
zaddy daemon and jacaerys couldn't get me out? oh no no no, this is real bad
You cried the entire time your mother helped bathe you. It was as though you were a small child again, as she poured the warm water on you, and stroked your smooth hair with sweet-smelling oils. Your mother’s comfort released all the emotions you had desperately tried to hide.

As your mother helps you dress, another knock comes on the door and Queen Alicent makes an appearance. “I wondered if you might accompany me on a walk, the gardens are quite lovely this time of day,” Queen Alicent asks, much to your surprise.
being cooped up inside for days is not good for your head, no matter how sad you are.
my depression haze begs to disagree with you
“OW!” you heard Aegon’s voice from over the hedges. You frown, looking towards Alicent who has a small smile on her lips. “Did you hear that?” you ask, with a confused expression on your face. “I told you to keep your guard up,” Aemond’s voice called from the same direction Aegon’s was heard.
“This is barbaric,” Aegon said, grabbing his sword.
bestie i agree but not the time love
“This would be quite easier if you paid any mind to our lessons as children,” Aemond scolded, motioning for Aegon to hold up his sword.
“Aegon has been training for the duel that Lord Willas demanded,” she tells you, causing your heart to swell.
“Aegon does not love me,” you assure her, eyes flickering back toward him. Alicent smiles and follows your gaze. “Oh?” she questions and you give her a quick nod.
alicent rlly said "I BEG TO FUCKING DIFFER"
“Princess,” he says, scrambling to grab his sword.
aegon rn confirmed cause i said so:
“You fell with your sword,” you repeat as he returns the blade to its place with the other training swords.
like damn i knew you were hot but dumb too? wow okay, here we go
You nod, slowly walking closer to Aegon. He sticks his tongue against his cheek as you approach, nervously shifting from one foot to the other.

that's some good shit
“I am no knight, but,” he bites his lip, trying to find the right words, “I do not wish to lose you, (Y/N).”
Aegon brings a hand to your cheek, caressing the smooth skin, before bringing his lips to yours. The kiss is soft and sweet, sending butterflies from your stomach all the way down to your toes. You sigh as he pulls away. “I am pleased to hear that,” Aegon murmurs, mouth so close the words brush against your lips, “for I have loved you far longer than I care to admit.”
final thoughts: i'm in love with you
The Things We Do For Love
pairing: Aegon x Velaryon(Strong)! Reader request: hiiii I wanna drop this idea about a secretly in love Aegon Aegon is engaged to Rhaenyra's daughter, she is sweet and has always been in love with him, although Aegon doesn't seem to see her in the same way,he is always considerate of her since they're childrens. Until one day when an old suitor of reader asks to fight for her hand and Aegon doesn't answer anything, he just makes a joke and leaves,reader doesn't show it but she feels sad about it and thinks that Aegon will never be able to love her in the same way and When she is on her way to ask Rhaenyra to dissolve the engagement Alicent stops her and takes her to the secret place where Aegon was training with Aemond, she tells her that Aegon asked her brother to help him train so he can defend her hand since he is in love with her, only he doesn't fight that well and he didn't want to lose the fight because of her hand and she eventually talks to Aegon and he jokes about it and reader tells him that he doesn't need to fight for something he already has, confessing that she's in love with him, even when he's a bad fighter. note: love this request it felt very soft i love soft Aegon 💚 warnings: language word count: 2.2k masterlist
You could remember the exact moment you had fallen in love with Aegon Targaryen. Down to the very position of the sun in the sky, the feeling of the summer breeze on your skin.
When you were little, the majority of your childhood was spent in King’s Landing. Eager to ease the tensions between both sides of his family, King Viserys quickly announced your betrothal to Aegon when you were both still babes in the cradle.
It was not an arrangement of love, merely one of duty. Aegon and you grew up beside each other knowing you would be wed someday. It was a fact you felt fairly comfortable with until feelings of love began to blossom.
“She is not frightening, (Y/N), I promise,” Helaena told you, holding a rather large spider from her fingers. It dangled from her delicate fingers, long limbs stretching towards you. You could count every single one of its black beady eyes, looking up at you.
You adored your aunt Helaena, but her strange fascination with long-legged insects was not a passion you shared. Aegon spotted you both from across the garden, noticing your pale face and coming to your aid.
“(Y/N) doesn’t like spiders, Hel,” Aegon said, putting his hands on your shoulder, “she’s just too polite to say so.”
Helaena hummed to herself, smiling softly before turning away from you both. She crept deeper into the garden to release her friend.
“Are you alright?” Aegon asked, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other. Your cheeks turned pink at his chivalry. Aegon was not often outwardly kind. You forced a nod, which caused him to grin.
“Good,” he said, patting your head, “can’t have you dying on me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you told him, nearly breathless.
That was the end of it. You were suddenly thrown into adoration for the silver-haired prince.
“Fetch me another cup, Y/N,” Aegon called, at the funeral of Laena Velaryon. You nodded, eager to please your betrothed. Aemond scowled at this, distraught at the way Aegon treated you.
“She is not a servant,” he told his elder, “she is a princess, your future queen.”
“She’s a sweet girl, she does what I ask,” Aegon tells his brother, watching you depart, “and she will not be my queen for many years.”
Aemond rolled his eyes.
“I am sorry for your loss, Lady (Y/N),” Willas Follard said when you returned to the Red Keep following the funeral.
His cheeks turned red whenever he spoke to you. Willas was a kind boy and a ward of the crown.
“Mayhaps someday we shall be wed,” he had told you once as you strolled through the training wed.
You had looked at him with a confused expression on your pretty face, though his eyes were hopeful.
“I am betrothed, my lord,” you told him, causing him to frown.
“We shall see, my lady,” he promised before taking his leave.
Years later you were still eager to please your betrothed, at his beck and call. You had hoped love would grow in his heart as the years passed, but it seemed that Aegon was destined to see you as only a child. Only someone he was pleased with, nothing more.
When he became a man, Lord Willas decided it was time to ask Aegon for your hand. He saw how your uncle was with you, treating you not as a lover nor a wife. He believed Aegon would hear him out.
“Were you dropped on your head as a child?” Aegon questioned, face scrunched up in confusion.
“N-no my prince-”
“(Y/N) is a princess,” Aegon said, enunciating the words, “what on earth would she want with you?”
Your ears perk up at the sound of your name. You had been lounging on the steps leading to the sunken courtyard, nose buried in a book. You hadn’t noticed when Willas had passed you, making a beeline toward Aegon. The two men are lost in their conversation, not paying you any mind.
You close your book and stand as the conversation appears to take a turn for the worst. Lord Willas has turned rather red in the face as Aegon laughs in front of him.
“Then I wish to challenge you!” Lord Willas says, voice shaking.
Your breath catches in your throat. Aegon tilts his head to the side, an incredulous grin breaking out across his face.
“Prepared to meet the Stranger so soon, are you?” Aegon teases, a laugh rolling through him.
Willas’ face flushes a darker shade of red as Aegon tilts his head back, continuing his laughter. Your stomach churns. Surely Aegon cannot be serious. Surely he would not risk losing you?
“I wish to challenge you, to a duel for Lady (Y/N)’s hand,” Willas says, this time with more confidence.
Aegon’s laughter dies down, he suppresses the giggles that still flow.
“I’m shit with a sword,” Aegon confesses, the smile never leaving his lips. He is like a madman in that way, always smiling.
Lord Willas does not answer him, his glare speaks for itself.
“Very well,” Aegon says, opening his arms, “it shall be a quick duel then.”
He turns and continues his leave.
“When, then?” Lord Willas calls.
“Give me a week, lord,” Aegon says with a groan, not turning around.
Your cheeks are flushed, with embarrassment and hurt. The entire thing was a joke to him then. Your worst fears are coming true. Aegon will never love you the way you did him. He was willing to lose you so easily, you could already feel yourself slipping away from him. Tried and hurt, you retreated to your chambers for the rest of the evening.
Your mother Rhaenyra could sense something was wrong when you had your food delivered to your chambers for the second day in a row. She brought it upon herself to visit you when you could not be coaxed from your chambers by any of your brothers, or your stepfather.
Rhaenrya rapped her knuckles against the wood of your door, hearing a soft ‘enter.’
You lay curled up in your feather bed, where you had remained the past couple of days.
“Daughter,” Rhaenyra called, “my sweet love, let us fetch you a bath and get you dressed.”
You cried the entire time your mother helped bathe you. It was as though you were a small child again, as she poured the warm water on you, and stroked your smooth hair with sweet-smelling oils. Your mother’s comfort released all the emotions you had desperately tried to hide.
“He does not want me,” you sobbed, “he has never wanted me and I have been so blind, so naive all these years not to see it.”
“Shh, my sweet girl,” Rhaenyra said, helping dry your hair, “come, let us get you dressed.”
As your mother helps you dress, another knock comes on the door and Queen Alicent makes an appearance.
“Princess Rhaenrya,” she says, nodding to your mother, “Princess (Y/N).”
You only hope Queen Alicent does not notice the red that rims your eyes.
“I wondered if you might accompany me on a walk, the gardens are quite lovely this time of day,” Queen Alicent asks, much to your surprise.
You had hoped to continue the conversation of dissolving your engagement with your mother. Lips trembling, you nod. You need some fresh air, being cooped up inside for days is not good for your head, no matter how sad you are.
As you walk through the halls of the Red Keep you make up your mind.
“I wish to dissolve the engagement,” you tell Queen Alicent. She squeezes your arm, a concerned look on her face.
“Do not be rash with this decision, my love,” she tells you, smoothing some hair from your face.
“I have thought long and hard about it,” you insist, “Aegon shall never love me the way I love him. It would not be fair to either of us.”
Alicent purses her lips, leading you further towards the gardens, down a narrow path. The hedges were tall around you, roses sprouting from them hiding you from the rest of the palace.
“OW!” you heard Aegon’s voice from over the hedges. You frown, looking towards Alicent who has a small smile on her lips.
“Did you hear that?” you ask, with a confused expression on your face.
“I told you to keep your guard up,” Aemond’s voice called from the same direction Aegon’s was heard.
You peered around the corner watching what was going on. Aegon was shaking his wrist, his sword on the ground, and a pained expression on his face. Aemond was shaking his head, adjusting the grip on his sword.
“This is barbaric,” Aegon said, grabbing his sword.
“This would be quite easier if you paid any mind to our lessons as children,” Aemond scolded, motioning for Aegon to hold up his sword.
“I did not imagine finding myself in this situation,” Aegon grumbled, as Aemond launched towards him.
“Your right side Aegon,” Aemond said roughly, before slapping his sword over Aegon’s rib, knocking the wind from him. The sword clanged to the stones once more.
“The Mother, have mercy,” Aegon gasped, doubling over. Aemond smirked, clearly enjoying this, wiping some sweat from his brow.
“What are they doing?” you whisper to Alicent as the brothers continue to fight. Alicent smiles softly, bringing a hand to stroke your hair.
“Aegon has been training for the duel that Lord Willas demanded,” she tells you, causing your heart to swell.
“What?” you whisper.
“He has been practicing all week,” Alicent tells you, gazing fondly at her son. You give her a confused look.
“Why?” you ask.
“Men do strange things for the women they love,” she tells you, causing you to scoff.
“Aegon does not love me,” you assure her, eyes flickering back toward him. Alicent smiles and follows your gaze.
“Oh?” she questions and you give her a quick nod.
“Come on, quickly now!” Aemond says as Aegon rushes to pick up his fallen sword once more, “do you believe your opponent shall wait for you to pick up your sword?”
“I expect him to be less of a twat than you-OW!”
You stifle a giggle, and Alicent grabs your arm.
“Quickly, lest we be found,” she says, urging you towards the castle.
You wait for Aegon in the training yard, hoping to spot him when he goes to return his sword. He is bruised and bloody when he finally appears, silver hair wet with perspiration. Though you hate to see him groaning with pain, it sends a thrill through you to see him so roughed up.
“Aegon,” you softly call and he drops his sword once more. He truly is careless with the blade.
“Princess,” he says, scrambling to grab his sword.
“Whatever has happened to you, my prince?” you ask, feigning confusion.
Aegon smiles, then winces as it tugs on his split lip. He has a nasty bruise appearing on the top of his cheekbone as well.
“I fell,” he tells you, releasing a breathy laugh. Your eyes fall to the sword in his hands, and he follows your gaze.
“With my sword,” he continues, “I fell with my sword.”
“You fell with your sword,” you repeat as he returns the blade to its place with the other training swords.
“Mhmm,” he says facing you once more, lips tightly pursed together.
You nod, slowly walking closer to Aegon. He sticks his tongue against his cheek as you approach, nervously shifting from one foot to the other.
“I saw you,” you tell him, causing his violet eyes to widen. You smile at his surprise.
“Why do you train with Aemond?” you ask, “why the sudden interest in the sword?”
Aegon opens his mouth, then closes it again. He brings a hand up to his chin, as though trying to think of a witty response.
“Aegon,” you say before he can think of something clever.
He sighs.
“Lord Willas was serious about your hand,” he tells you, a blush beginning to form on his cheeks.
Your face softens as he continues.
“I am no knight, but,” he bites his lip, trying to find the right words, “I do not wish to lose you, (Y/N).”
You step closer, placing a hand on his chest. Aegon meets your eyes.
“You cannot lose what you have always had,” you tell him, heart beating erratically. You laugh softly, shaking your head.
“Aegon, I have always been yours.”
Aegon brings a hand to your cheek, caressing the smooth skin, before bringing his lips to yours. The kiss is soft and sweet, sending butterflies from your stomach all the way down to your toes. You sigh as he pulls away.
“I am pleased to hear that,” Aegon murmurs, mouth so close the words brush against your lips, “for I have loved you far longer than I care to admit.”
You giggle against his mouth, the sound swallowed by another kiss, his free hand snaking around your waist.
“And I you,” you tell him, breaking away for a breath. His lips move to your neck, as he chuckles.
note: hope you enjoyed it 💚
#*internal screaming*#aegon ii#aegon ii targaryen#aegon x reader#aegon x you#aegon x y/n#aegon ii x reader#aegon ii x you#aegon ii x y/n#aegon ii fanfic#aegon ii targaryen x you#aegon ii targaryen x y/n#aegon ii targaryen x reader#aegon targaryen x you#aegon targaryen x reader#aegon targaryen imagine#aegon targaryen#aegon imagine#fic recs#thea's fic recs
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Incarnate Ideas p5
RAU = Incarnate from birth
REAU = My heroes reborn
Genshin! Harris Twins AU
(Suke Harris / Adrik Harris)
Ryunosuke- Sword&Catalyst, Electro?, Student of a kitsune(Dazai)(Inazuma)
Suke-Sword, Despises Inazuma and Adepti, later awakens to Anemo when coming to terms with his past(Mondstat, Springville)
Fyodor- Noragami/ver, Previous Electro Archon, Manipulation/Childcare, The Father, Might have shared a distaste to visions (Snezhnien→ Inazuma)(was around pre-Seven)
Adrik- Awoke to an Electro Vision bc of his past-life, Catalyst, Mad about how closed off Inazuma had become (Mondstat, Springville)
RAU! Ichigo Momomiya
(Non memory, Fyodor Hinata)
Figures out how to edit her transformation appearance, salty about the pink, dress and cat genes
Still a cat tho
Color brown, kimono esc
Sassy little bby
Harris Twins AU + Older sibling Kuuske Harris
(RAU! Kuuske (Kusuke) Saiki → Kuuske Harris)
Tenichally a triplet, but graduates at a young age
Kuuske and Adrik are often at each other's throats
"You call yourself a God? You wouldn't stand a chance against Kusuo!" -KH (to Adrik)
"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" -KH (to Adrik&River)
"Who's that friend of yours again? Abagale or something?" -KH (about Abalynn)
...You don't wanna enter their Palace... Trust me on this... ...Oh wait, they awoke years ago.
RAU! Dazai Osamu
(RAU! Fyodor Hinata)
Bbby Boi
+Atsushi Akutagawa
Ability: No Longer The Punisher
Semblance No Longer Human (w/Punishment kill switch)
GI! RAU! Kaedehara Kazuha
(Lord Hesko)
BC of time power, he fled Inazuma with his best friend
Original! Oc! !∆€0b
Remake of my oc 3rRor
A Lost Soul turned Enigma
RAU! Poe → Abigail Harris
Fyodor Hinata → RAU! Oda Sakunosuke
Survived, Cafe/Infomant after mafia
New bbys, Akutagawas/Ango, Atsushi's self proclaimed grandpa, killed Gi 'mercy' for next life
REAU! Suke Harris→ Shoto Todoroki
Transfers to Gen Ed, because he wants to be his own hero, not a comercal one. Plotting his Father's murder, but Fuyumi's safety comes first. Has it out for Stain for killing his friend's brother, doesn't want Iida to sully his hands. Post-Sports Festival, Izuku protection squad. Sees his PL memories as Suke's but not his, simply his predisesor/Flawless Dispute's next host. Has to be careful because of Priestess having access to Ryūnosuke. Shinso friendship? Shinso friendship + training Hitoshi.
LS AU! Goro/Kairi adopting Goro Akechi bc of being a relative
LS! Fyodor Hinata →RAU! Sojiro
Or Noragami! Fyodor →RAU! Sojiro
Harris DID AU
Main - me, pigtails
Aiden(confidence) - helps make friends, writer, takes years to realize, high ponytail (wants it shorter)
Suke(obedience) - makes study guides after realizing, any hairstyle (wants it short)
Adrik(impulse) - most likely to show when tired, first to realize, low ponytail or down (wants it slightly shorter), aware the most even when back seated
They all use a notebook to help 'memory issues'
Adrik cuts the hair shorter, but long enough for pigtails
BSD!Suke → Yusuke Kitagawa
Noragami!Fyodor → BSD:LS!Ayato Satoshi
Noragami!Fyodor → Adrik Harris
Guìhóng → RAU! Kajii Motojirou
Tai Sui severed his contract with Lady, allowing him to incarnate
Lemon* Makes him immune to any damage from his experiments
Lady has been waiting years to find their perfect vessel again
RAU! Akutagawa (lordbug) → RAU! Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Avoids the mafia, keeps his orphan group safe, searches for Higuchi and adds her, eventually know as The Phantoms, hides and avoids Dazai during the shipment raid, know Dazai still tells someone was there, heavily against the group interacting with the mafia (you could die or be captured), Rashomon same as PL skill level
REAU! Guìhóng → Denki Kaminari
Close with Momo and later Hatsume, starts taking both Hero and Support Course, eventually can find Lady (she WILL have her perfect vessel)
W/ ↑
REAU! Braham → Katsuki Bakugo
Camp, gains minor shadow powers bc of death, Denki's guard dog
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