#sky and warriors are not
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occasionallyprosie · 7 months ago
The Look of the Hero
Chapter 2: "Restraint"
Sky didn't expect Warriors to be the one who emerged after Time went to check on him and their still-injured veteran, he expected what the captain informed him and Twilight of next... Why, exactly, was he expected to not make an example of this man who hurt his little brother?
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“How is he?” Sky demanded as soon as Warriors came downstairs.
“He woke up,” the war hero reported, looking over them. “I got him to go back to sleep, and had the Old Man sit in with him.”
That was surprising. Normally, Warriors didn’t relinquish his place in vigil of their injured young heroes until forced, especially not during the night. It’d taken Sky and Twilight hours to convince Wind, Wild, Hyrule, and Four to go onto bed. Lady Purah had given them housing for the evening, she had a rather large house, Sky would wager she was from an old, known family.
“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, eyes narrowing. “You’d never give up watch like that.”
He wasn’t the only one who found Legend’s actions in that infirmary extremely out of character, and extremely dangerous. He had, first of all, knelt at the feet of a man while severely injured, and more than that, he left the infirmary without taking so much as a potion.
Sky had never seen Legend act… subordinate, but the way he treated the elder was more like a soldier than anything he’d ever seen from Warriors. It rubbed him the wrong way. He hoped Warriors had good news.
“Elder’s a piece of shit,” Warriors spat venomously. He grabbed his sword from the table. “He hit him.”
Sky froze, he heard Twilight snarl.
“S’cuse me?” Twilight growled.
Warriors met his eyes, both of them looked absolutely murderous. “That’s not even the worst of it, Rancher. He said he trusts us, so I’ll tell you what he told me.”
Sky stood from the seating mat and walked over, waiting expectantly.
“It’s been going on since the kid was on his first adventure, I don’t know how old he was exactly, but I know it’s the majority of his life. Did you know he’s Sheikah by blood?”
He frowned. No, he hadn’t. Other than his eyes, red as blood and flame, Sky would have never guessed.
Warriors nodded. “Yeah, and turns out the elder didn’t like that. He’s worn contacts most his life, apparently red isn’t the color of a hero.” Warriors was glaring at the door, a silver fire burning in his eyes.
“Kit’s not the type to take orders like that,” Twilight pointed out.
“No, he isn’t,” Sky agreed. “What’s the elder got? Power?”
“In a way. He has authority and control.”
They all jumped, their host stood in the doorway to the next room over, beside her was a slightly shorter woman who definitely seemed older too.
“Lady Purah, did we wake you?” Warriors asked, his fury tempered.
Sky glanced at the woman behind Purah.
“No, we’ve been up,” Purah said. “Sahasrahla is the elder, and therefore he has control of the entire tribe. Every Sheikah, from warrior to infant, fall under his leadership and would do almost anything at his command. My… Link is no exception, neither are the shadow warriors.”
“Link isn’t—it ain’t like him to just fall in line,” Twilight insisted.
Purah’s expression softened. “It isn’t, is it? Or is the Link you know just holding onto what control of his life he does have, because he knows that here, he loses it all? There’s a reason I was surprised to see Link arrive with all of you, and it wasn’t because of your conditions.”
“Almost ten years ago, Link was commanded by the elder to hide his heritage and his true self,” the other woman informed them. “Almost ten years ago, my sister lost her only child. One blessed to her by the goddess of life herself.”
“What?” Sky stared at them. “You’re—You’re his family?”
Purah looked away. “Some years ago, there was a little boy I could claim as my own, but in recent years, it was explicitly forbidden unto me to do such a thing.” Her gaze hardened as she looked back at them. “The only soul who can rescind such a thing is the elder, and it need not be the same elder who established such a thing… On a separate note, my older sister here is Impa,” she gestured to the woman at her side, “and is who is set to succeed Sahasrala as the elder, should he… retire."
Sky couldn't believe it. If he understood it correctly, this was Legend's mother. A mother who had been forced to disown her son, who Legend had been forced to no longer acknowledge as family--who even could he see as family? Did he have one? Or did he just become an orphan with nobody to look after him?
Sky looked over at Twilight and Warriors. He wondered if they caught the implications that Purah had set before them. Based on the burning in their eyes, the fire in Warriors and the ice in Twilight, they knew exactly what had been told to them, and what solution was set before them.
"Other than being forbidden from it, did the elder threaten you?" Warriors asked.
Impa answered that. "He threatened Link. Should we step out of line, he would send the warriors after him. Link has become strong, but when this began, he wouldn't have survived the entire force hunting him. He barely survived the hyrulean army hunting him."
"He threatened us with exile as well," Purah added. "But that was more to keep Link in line than us."
"He... He didn't respond very well when I said his name," Warriors added. Sky looked over in surprise. He what? "Is... Is that another thing forced onto him?"
Oh that elder was so dead.
Neither Sheikah answered.
"No," Purah said eventually, "But children are not usually called by their names by those older than them, a cultural thing, they're known as their parent's child until they become adults.”
"So him being called his name..."
"Would be a damnation," Impa confirmed. "I wouldn't be surprised if it is a point of pain for him, especially considering all he has been through."
Sky took a careful breath. "Captain," he turned to Warriors, "you came down here for a reason."
Warriors nodded. "It may be a bit late for a man of his age, but we need to... talk with the elder."
"Thank Ordona you's was plannin' on it," Twilight said, "ain't no one gonna get away with hurtin' my Kit."
On their way over, Warriors told them exactly what Legend said the Elder had done. Sky was left to try and keep a hold on his temper as they arrived.
Warriors knocked on the front door to the elder's home, the guards had let them through when they insisted on 'important hero business' and stuff.
Luckily--stupidly, Sky corrected--they were let inside and the elder was there to speak with them.
Sky eyed the old man. Sahasrahla, he was pretty sure. First of all, who named their child that? Normally he didn't judge people's names on principle, considering how often he'd had his own name insulted, but Sahasrahla? Really? Secondly... Sky wanted to know if something more physical was preventing Legend from just killing the guy for hurting him and his mother and aunt.
"How can I help you, heroes?" Sahasrahla asked.
"We had a few questions about Link, actually," Warriors said. Sky let him take the lead on talking, and it seemed Twilight was of the same mind. If he tried to control the conversation, the conversation wouldn't last long. "How long have you known him?"
"Ah, most his life, but he is a young man. Hard not to."
A vague answer.
"Do you know anything about his family?"
"I believe he has an uncle and grandparents on the farm east of here, why do you ask?"
A lie. Clearly a lie if the fact that Purah was Legend's mother was true.
Warriors frowned. "Sir, I am going to need you to be completely honest with me. I have three questions for you."
"Of course. Ask away, hero."
"Why did you make Link follow you out of the infirmary while he was clearly injured?"
"Ah, you see, I have been needing to speak with Link about matters of the utmost importance. It was prudent that we spoke immediately, before he took off again. You have been traveling with him, he is quite the fast-paced young man, always running off somewhere new. It was only a few minutes."
Sky tried to restrain his scowl. That gave no excuse to take an injured man from the infirmary prior to treatment, especially not considering, if Sky remembered right, Legend had multiple broken ribs and a sprained ankle, and a deep cut in his arm.
"Mhm, right," Warriors mused. "And why, pray tell, couldn't it wait until he was at least treated for his injuries? Those few minutes could've been the difference between life and death, Elder Sahasrahla."
"Clearly he is fine, and like I said, it was of the utmost importance--"
"You’re kidding," Sky snarled, his patience shattering. "He had two--"
"--three broken ribs, that alone requires bed rest for multiple days, even with potions, no conversation is worth risking someone's life to have it."
Twilight spoke up. "Las' question. What made ya think you had the right ta not only strip him of his identity and heritage, forbid his family from claimin' him, threaten them all with each other to force them ta never acknowledge each other... but also raise a hand to him?"
"You think we wouldn't notice the split lip?" Warriors asked lowly, blocking the elder's way of escape. "You think we didn't notice the brand new bruise on his face? How many times have you hurt him like that?"
"You have no right to interfere," the elder snapped, a harsh look in his eyes. "That boy is doing his duty as the hero. The goddess has set certain expectations and as her servants, we must ensure they are met."
"The goddess?" Warriors lunged and stopped Sky from attacking the old man. "You dare--"
Sahasrahla scoffed, as if Sky wasn't being physically restrained from killing him. "I am a servant of the golden goddess, and her will is mine to enforce. Link is a disgrace unto her legacy, and the legacy of heroes--"
"Rancher no!"
Warriors couldn't move from restraining Sky fast enough to stop Twilight from slugging the elder in the face, sending him to the ground.
"The kid said not to hurt him!" Warriors reminded them, pushing Twilight back, and that was the only reason Sky didn't immediately follow Twilight's punch with his own. "He said not to hurt them--Sky."
Sky stood above the elder, whose face was becoming covered in blood from his broken nose. He was beginning to push himself up, clearly stronger than his age would suggest.
"Sky, don’t--"
Sahasrahla froze as the Master Sword was embedded into the wood beside his face. Sky crouched down to look him in the eyes.
"You are so lucky that Link asked us not to hurt you," he said lowly. "But don’t take this act of mercy and respect for Link as grace and allowance to continue what you've done. Because this? This isn't the will of the goddess."
Sahasrahla laughed, strained and a bit panicked. "Really? You’re not even hylian. How can you claim to know the will of the goddess better than the Elder of the Sheikah?"
"I am the Chosen Hero of the Goddess, I forged the Master Sword, traveled through time, defeated the demon lord in combat--I killed the god of hatred. You want to talk about knowing Hylia and her will? If my wife was here right now, I would not be the one daring you to try my patience here, she would. And she would be far less merciful than I."
Sky saw the blood drain from Sahasrahla's face.
"I am human, yes. But you know? Hylia still chose me, she chose my spirit to be her hero. And," he nodded over at Warriors and Twilight, "she chose my spirit again, and again, and again. These men are my descendants, not in blood but in spirit, and so is Link."
Twilight, no longer held back by Warriors, came closer and crouched down. He snarled, teeth bared almost feral-like.
"And if ya can't tell, we happen ta be just a bit protective of the younger ones. Ya hurt him, Sahasrahla. We don’t take kindly to child abusers."
Sky felt his lips tug into a sort of vicious grin.
"No we don’t," Warriors agreed. "So consider yourself lucky that Link--"
The door slammed open.
"Stop! Don’t--"
"Link wait!"
Sky looked back, Legend--in just his black tunic, no shoes, arm wrapped in bandages, leg wrapped too--stood in the doorway, wide eyes flicking from Warriors, to Sahasrahla, to the Master Sword, to Sky, and then to Twilight, and back again. They stopped on Warriors.
"You said you wouldn't hurt him," he said.
Sky never heard Legend sound so... small, so young.
Purah ran up beside Legend, grabbing his hand. "Link, please. They wouldn't kill him--"
Time also came up the steps, stopping at the top a few feet behind Purah and Legend.
"Captain, you said--"
Warriors crossed the entryway and reached for Legend, Sahasrahla tried to move but Sky shot him a sharp glare and Twilight snarled, silencing the man.
"I know," Warriors soothed. "I did. We won't kill him, we won't hurt him badly either--The Rancher's temper got the best of him, and the Chosen's a bit... threatening. It's okay though. We won't kill him."
"There's worse fates than death," Legend said quietly, Sky barely heard him.
He felt a bit bad, and looking over at Twilight they shared that little guilt. But from what Warriors had said, what Purah and Impa said, and how Sahasrahla spoke...
"I know, I know, kid. You said you trust me, right?"
"I-I do, but--"
"Then trust me. It'll be alright. We have it handled... We won't kill him this time--No, listen to me."
Legend shut his mouth.
"Listen. You do understand that what he's done, what has happened, to you and your family, is wrong, right?" Warriors asked gently. "We can't just let it slide, kid. We won't kill him, not this time, but we'll make sure he understands that we can and will do so if he doesn't fix his act."
Warriors gestured behind Legend's shoulder, Sky saw it and saw Time quickly move forward, pulling Legend back.
"Just trust us, go back to your home, get some rest... it'll be handled by morning."
"You... You swear you won't kill him?"
"Not this time, only if he refuses to learn," Warriors promised.
Sky watched Time try to pull Legend back, but the younger hero didn't budge, still staring past Warriors at them.
Purah was the one who got him to move. She pulled him by the hand and he startled, looking at her. He didn't hear what she said, or understand what shapes her mouth made, but what he did know was that Legend looked close to tears as he gave them one last glance and let her pull him away.
Warriors had gone rigid though, he closed the door again with a nod to Time, and turned slowly.
Sky nodded, he pulled the Master Sword from the wooden floor, Sahasrahla looked terrified.
"Wait! Wait you can't--"
"We can." Sky corrected coldly. "We will. The only reason we haven't is because Link asked us not to."
"But even that ain't gonna protect you forever," Twilight added. "Ya hear him? This time. So listen up."
"You'll resign," Warriors said, walking back over to them, "you'll retire from being the elder. Them, you won't bother Link again, you won't bother him or Lady Purah. If they speak to you, you will respond kindly, otherwise you do not bother them."
"Understand us?" Sky demanded, sword still hovering over his face. "We have our ways of time travel, don't think we won't come back to make sure you're staying in line."
Legend had paced the entry hall, waiting for them to come back. He knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but he thought—He said they wouldn’t hurt him! They had no right, no reason to injure Sahasrahla like that. Especially looking like they did, the way Sky had been glaring at the elder, the way Twilight snarled at him, he knew first hand that Twilight’s ire was not fun to be on the other side of.
“Link—“ Purah tried to make him stop, make him rest, but how could he?
They were trying to fix his problems, in his era, and likely making things worse. They were heroes, revered and respected, especially by the Sheikah who were ecstatic to learn they were in the company of the Anointed, Chosen Hero of the Goddess. But would that prevent those same people from attacking them and defending their elder? Not to mention…
The door slid open, and the three older heroes returned. Legend forced his emotions down to level a glare at them.
"He gave his word," Warriors said. "If he doesn't adhere to it..."
"Then I'd be more than happy to force his hand," Sky offered, a dark look in his eyes.
"You're all idiots," Legend snapped. “Why would you--What even--Why?"
Twilight snorted, he moved over and squeezed his shoulder as he passed by him. “'Cause you're our kid brother, kit. It's s'our job to protect ya, t'do what we can to make your life better. 'Course we ain't able to do much, but what we can do, we will do."
“You—" He floundered. How did one respond to that?! “What does threatening him even help?!”
"Either he resigns or..." Twilight shrugged. "Like the Captain said, we'll handle it. Ya Ian’t gotta worry about it."
"I'll worry about what I want! You can't just-just—You can’t…”
“Why not?” Sky asked, unclipping his sailcloth.
“Because! Y-You’re—“ he was getting flustered.
Twilight was still behind him but he could see how Purah and Impa looked concerned, the former more obvious than the latter. Sky and Warriors were in front of him, Warriors taking off his armor—why had he gone wearing armor if he wasn’t going to fight—while Sky gave him a rather sad look.
“You’re not supposed to be…”
“You’re not supposed to need help?” Warriors said, far too much understanding in his eyes. That same look that had Legend agreeing to trust him. “Everyone needs help sometimes, kid. It’s harder for us heroes, everyone expects us to be perfect and fit into whatever they think the hero should be, so we think we can’t accept help, but that’s exactly why we should help each other while we can. Nobody is ever going to understand the struggles of being a hero like another hero can."
Legend clicked his jaw shut, clenching his hand into a fist. He heard footsteps retreat, but he honestly didn’t know who left the room.
“Like the Rancher said,” Sky hummed, “we’re brothers. Brothers of bloodshed, by arms raised, through hardships… no matter what, that means we got your back, and that anyone who hurts you will have to face the consequences of their actions.”
Warriors added, “Especially when you refuse to administer them yourself, and they show no remorse for what they did to you.”
He stared at them. Sky stepped toward him and to his surprise, wrapped his sailcloth around Legend.
“Zelda would have killed him.”
His jaw dropped, but a piercing, electric look stopped him from saying anything.
“He hit you, he threatened you and your family to control you, had my Zelda been here and seen how he didn’t even feel regret for his actions, not even a little bit… Idiotic men in power hurting the good-hearted kids just trying to do what was right…” 
There was a slight glaze in Sky’s eyes, something that was a little offsetting. He didn’t look all himself, his eyes—normally a soft blue—were far paler, nearly an icy frosted blue. In the same moment, they returned to normal… Those eyes though… that was the look of a hero, he realized. The soft kindness, the flickering, undenied righteous anger, the power and assurance…
Sky had the look of a hero.
“Zelda would have killed him on the spot, and the only reason I didn’t do the same is because you asked us not to kill him… I’ll only extend that mercy once.”
Legend bit his tongue, looking down briefly before dragging his eyes back up and just nodding. He didn’t trust his voice, he wasn’t sure he trusted that their actions would bring any positive results and not just horrible consequences, but he trusted them… and that would need to be good enough.
“Come on, you need to get some rest,” Warriors said softly, he couldn’t find it in him to fight against them.
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wickedcriminal · 9 months ago
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Oh that's where he went
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mirensiart · 2 months ago
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pain sharing curse au feat THE COLORS✨ + wild is actually the only one who’d believe you wind lol
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cheatsylu · 6 months ago
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@/linkeduniverse has gotta be my favourite webcomic at the moment, with its incredible writing, characters, and art, made by an even more incredible artist! Keep up the amazing work Jojo!
(Individual characters + duo's below)
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tsukinoshinjiu · 7 months ago
The chain arrived at Time's Hyrule, and decide to thank Ms. Malon with a surprise visit...
⚠ Suggestive connotation warning. Read left to right.
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Commission for @sasoop , credit to @1caru for the lovely idea <3 This was a blast to work on~ Read the extra chapter here!
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Tag Yourself: Linked Universe Edition ✨
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(Open for better quality)
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kiwianacat · 2 months ago
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//CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER - Warriors Animation Meme
These gif sets are so fun to make, really pleased with how this project turned out; it's sort of a sequel/same universe and concept to my TBC one. It's fun to compare them, I think I've improved a lot in terms of editing/tweeting since I made it.
Might do another post showing off the backgrounds, as they're largely covered in the final, rip.
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chiangyorange · 6 months ago
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the chain but on a scale of who says hooray yippee and wahoo
is this anything.
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snailtaco · 7 months ago
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The scronkles
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nell0-0 · 22 days ago
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Fishing minigame be like-
This took me a bit, but it's finally done! If you want more stuff like this, then check out the fic it's from! It's really funny, I loved it
Real fishing by wyvernlordminerva on AO3! ^^
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fattorimunin · 3 months ago
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devil-acid · 3 months ago
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redraw of one of my fav drawings
old ver and procces under the cut (2024 / 2023)
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chookoflan · 3 months ago
Please anything with Sky is all I ask
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I really need to draw him more, still find it really hard to find the right way to make him look ok ☹️ but here you go! TYSM FOR THE REQUEST
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mirensiart · 6 months ago
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kiznaiver x linked universe au :)
for context: kiznaiver is an anime about a team of 8 teens who’re part of an experiment/project that links (lol) them together so they can share each other’s physical AND emotional pain as a way to encourage the “one for all, all for one” dynamic in the team
anyway, more brainrot about this au below:
I love kiznaiver it’s such a good concept lol it works so well with the chain imo! anyway some stuff of note is that:
(spoilers for kiznaiver btw!)
1. in the anime emotional pain is more overwhelming (to the point of incapacitation) than physical pain, which I think it’s interesting for the chain considering all the emotional baggage they all carry and how that can be a hindrance for the group in the long run
2. in the anime, there was a failed attempt of this experiment that let to one of the kids to feel ALL the pain (x8) and the others to be painless, which I think would be a great source of whump for the chain if like, they try to cancel the spell but it goes wrong :)
3. great source of whump considering that dark link would only need to grab one of them to cause pain to all the others and get the upper hand :)
4. how team dynamics would change, especially if this happens to the chain at the beginning of the quest, like how wild would need to be less reckless while fighting, how all of their “self sacrificing” habits would be a huge weakness during battle too and how they’d really have to trust each other
anyway, that’s kinda it, i needed to like, express the brainrot this au has been causing me lol
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sable-skies · 4 months ago
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realized i never uploaded these- i wanted to make a set of personal headcanon designs for The Fellas but never finished all of them, so here are the ones I did do!
maybe in the future i'll try and do everyone else: hyrule, twilight, time, and wild. we'll have to see
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bigidiotenergytm · 3 months ago
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grhrhgh,,,,, yall know that one scene from finding nemo where the shark goes feral for blood-
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